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Neil Codling为什么要离开suede?

是的,因为虽然neil只是负责键盘什么的,但是他参与了suede大量的作曲工作以及其他,所以工作量大一点。。所以因为太疲劳暂时离开suede,不过以后他并没有回来,他的位置被口琴和吉他alex lee替代。主要就是劳累啊,精神很疲劳,一天到晚没有精神,工作效率极差。有不懂就百度hi找我。



suede 的lonely girls歌词及翻译

Stephanie stares at the posters on the wallTina sits and waits for a telephone callMaxine mixes alcohol with polythene and paintSylvia stays in bed on her ownShe can hear the cars outsideand wonders where they goAnd if you call her answer phoneShe"ll get back to you one dayAnd lonely girls, lonely girls fill the world史蒂芬盯着墙上的画在发呆.提娜等着电话,想着有不有人来约她玛克辛画着画自己调酒喝.塞薇娅躺在床上听着外面车来车往,想着她们要去哪儿呢.要是你现在打电话给她,她会马上赴约.哦,这些孤独的女孩,孤独的世界Oh, Julia dreams while she"s typing awayJackie kills time while the company paysTracy still hears 808 ringing in her brainJane slaps paints on the walls of her homeLydia sings when she thinks she"s aloneJean gets drunk and wonders home, Through the car parks that need her changeYeah, lonely girls, lonely girls fill the world朱莉亚工作的时候做着白日梦杰苛怡上班的时候无聊的打发时间翠希的脑中满是808的声音利迪娅孤独的时候哼着歌简穿过停车场换零钱,她醉醺醺的想着要独自回家.嗯,孤独的女孩填满了这孤独的星球.And they smile through the summerAnd laugh in the rainAnd sing through the winterBut never show the pain她们笑着过完春夏她们也笑着看每一场晴雨她们唱着唱着又是一年东天无论如何,她们不述说她们的孤独的痛楚.Oh sometimes our lives are not what they seemSometimes things aren"t like they arein lifestyle magazinesWe see what we want to seeIn this miracle of clayWell lonely girls, lonely girls fill the world 唉,有时候生活并不是我们看到的样子有些东西不像生活志里面写的那样光鲜快乐只不过,我们只看自己想看的东西,自欺欺人而已.唉,孤独的女孩,满世界孤独的女孩.

puma suede的鞋型适合脚上掌大的人穿吗?

Puma Suede鞋型的设计比较经典,外形简约,流线型的鞋身和非常舒适的感觉,这些鞋子以其独特的样式和材质成为了经典之作。对于脚上掌大的人而言,选购Puma Suede鞋子时,需要考虑鞋型和尺码的问题。一般情况下,Puma Suede采用的是宽松的鞋型设计,运动鞋的设计与休闲鞋很相近,所以鞋头的设计较为宽松,适合较宽的脚掌。此外,在选购鞋子时最好先试穿一下,以确保鞋子的舒适度和适合度,并且选择适合自己脚长和脚宽的鞋型和尺码,以保证更好的穿着体验和使用效果。

求suede的《earth to the sun》的歌词

EARTH SONGWhat about sunriseWhat about rainWhat about all the thingsThat you said we were to gain.. .What about killing fieldsIs there a timeWhat about all the thingsThat you said was yours and mine...Did you ever stop to noticeAll the blood we"ve shed beforeDid you ever stop to noticeThe crying Earth the weeping shores?Aaaaaaaaaah AaaaaaaaaahWhat have we done to the worldLook what we"ve doneWhat about all the peaceThat you pledge your only son...What about flowering fieldsIs there a timeWhat about all the dreamsThat you said was yours and mine...Did you ever stop to noticeAll the children dead from warDid you ever stop to noticeThe crying Earth the weeping shoresI used to dreamI used to glance beyond the starsNow I don"t know where we areAlthough I know we"ve drifted farHey, what about yesterday, what about usWhat about the seas, what about usThe heavens are falling down, what about usI can"t even breathe, what about usWhat about the bleeding Earth, what about usCan"t we feel its wounds, what about usWhat about nature"s worth, ooo,oooIt"s our planet"s womb, what about usWhat about animals, what about itWe"ve turned kingdoms to dust, what about usWhat about elephants, what about usHave we lost their trust, what about usWhat about crying whales, what about usWe"re ravaging the seas, what about usWhat about forest trails, ooo, oooBurnt despite our pleas, what about usWhat about the holy land, what about itTorn apart by creed, what about usWhat about the common man, what about usCan"t we set him free, what about usWhat about children dying, what about usCan"t you hear them cry, what about usWhere did we go wrong, ooo, oooSomeone tell me why, what about usWhat about babies, what about itWhat about the days, what about usWhat about all their joy, what about usWhat about the man, what about usWhat about the crying man, what about usWhat about Abraham, what was usWhat about death again, ooo, ooo不知道是不是这个歌词。。

彪马Puma SUEDE 反毛皮的该怎么洗




求suede的so young的歌词和翻译

So Young "She can start to walk out when she wants" 她想要的时候,她就可以迈出脚步! Because we"re young, because we"re gone 因为我们还年轻,因为我们已离去 We"ll take the tide"s electric mind, oh yeah?, oh yeah 我们要乘着潮汐的电一般的思想,oh year? oh yeah We"re so young and so gone, let"s chase the dragon, oh 我们如此年少,又无可救药,让我们去追逐龙吧!(吸毒,参见注释) Because we"re young, because we"re gone 因为我们年少,因为我们无为 we"ll scare the skies with tiger eyes, oh yeah? oh yeah 我们将用虎之眼恫吓天空,oh yeah? oh yeah We"re so young and so gone, let"s chase the dragon, oh 我们如此年轻,又如此无力,让我们去追逐龙吧! Let"s chase the dragon... 我们一同去追逐龙吧…… ...from our home high in the city where the skyline stained the snow, I fell for a servant who kept me on the boil 从我们位于城市高处的家里,那里地平线沾污了积雪,我爱上了令我兴奋不已的奴仆 We"re so young and so gone, let"s chase the dragon from our home! 我们如此年少,如此堕落,让我们从家中离去,追逐龙吧!



求suede《the wild ones》的歌词翻译

the wild ones There"s a song playing on the radio Sky high in the airwaves on the morning show And there"s a lifeline slipping as the record plays And as I open the blinds in my mind I"m believing that you could stay 早间广播节目里的歌声 随着空中的电波飘来 生命 伴着我们播放的音乐 悄悄地流逝 当我敞开紧闭的心扉 我相信你会留在我身边 And oh if you stay I"ll chase the rainblown fields away We"ll shine like the morning and sin in the sun Oh if you stay We"ll be the wild ones, running with the dogs today 哦,如果你能留下 我愿奔跑于这雨后泥泞的大地 如晨光般闪耀,在太阳下公然做罪恶之事 只要你留下 我们就做这样狂野的一对儿 跟狗儿一起奔跑嬉戏 There"s a song playing through another wall All we see and believe is the D.J. and debts dissolve And it"s a shame the plane is leaving on this sunny day Cos on you my tattoo will be bleeding and the name will stain 歌声从隔壁传来 在我们看来 只有DJ是可信的,负罪感已消失无踪 多遗憾啊,这晴朗的日子里飞机就这么飞走了 我身上文着你名字的文身在流血 而你的名字已模糊不清 But oh if you stay we"ll ride from disguised suburban graves We"ll go from the bungalows where the debts still grow every day 但只要你留下 我们就离开那郊区虚假伪装下的坟地 从房贷债务与日俱增的别墅中搬走 And oh if you stay I"ll chase the rainblown fears away We"ll shine like the morning and sin in the sun oh if you stay We"ll be the wild ones running with the dogs today We"ll be the wild ones running with the dogs today 哦,如果你能留下 我会为你赶走这被雨水淋湿的恐惧 我们如晨光般闪耀 在太阳下公然做罪恶之事 只要你能留下 我们就做这样狂野的一对儿 跟狗儿一起奔跑嬉戏

suede的《we are the pigs》歌词

Well the church bells are calling 教堂钟声是终极正义和神圣意志的象征,这里它不是“tolling”而是“calling”,仿佛暗示神在呼唤他沦落的子民。 在尼德兰革命中教堂的钟声也是领袖用来发动和唤醒人民的手段。 Police cars on fire 警车被丢在烈火里,这是暴乱的象征,说明维护人间秩序的力量已经荡然无存。 And as they call you to the eye of the storm “they”大概是对新的权力组织的称呼,他们希望所有人都卷入“台风眼”,即希望酿起更大的动乱。 All the people say "Stay at home tonight" 这里鲜明地指出了人民的态度,他们只想在家里躲开外面的一切,这是大众软弱自保的天性,也是麻木不仁。 I say we are the pigs, we are the swine 这里的“we”不仅是指戴着面具制造战祸的组织,也指龟缩家中的普通百姓。 We are the stars of the firing line 世界已经变成了firing line,到处在燃烧,到处是战争前线。“我们”生活在这样的时代,却忘不了自己曾经是明亮的星辰,因为心中还有希望吧! And as the smack cracks at your window 终于还是躲不掉的,窗户被敲响的那一刻,最后的避风港也要被闯入了。 You wake up with a gun in your mouth 以为麻木地酣睡可以逃避丑陋的现实,却发现枪已经顶在了嘴中。 Oh let the nuclear wind blow away my sins 这终究是我们人类的“sins”,我们不可能改正,不可能回头。既然如此,“我”也只好在核弹的飓风中毁灭。 And I"ll stay at home in my house 世界无法改变,在家中等待末日审判的来临。 But deceit can"t save you so 欺骗拯救不了你,因为麻醉自己不是拯救,你的命运被更大更荒谬的强权力量掌握。 We will watch them burn “them”是代表神圣与赎罪的十字架,以及代表人类一切的物质与精神财产。在战争的炼狱中,它们燃烧殆尽,我们眼睁睁看着,束手无策。这是对这首歌剖析的最好的了,选自suede贴吧,有什么问题可以多去贴吧看看~当然也可以找我.


Suede 很讨厌别人把自己和正如日中天的 Blur、Oasis 相比较。在录制《Dog Man Star》这张专辑的时候,Bernard Butler 离开了乐队,另组 McAlmont & Butler 乐队



Suede的《This Time》 歌词

歌曲名:This Time歌手:Suede专辑:Sci-Fi LullabiesThis Time - Billy GilmanMDA Telethon 2008 LiveBilly Gilman中文论坛Could this be where love beginsI"m searching for the answer from deep withinAnd I"m closer than I"ve ever beenI"ve always heard to yourself be trueI"ll take a chance and sayIf you only knewThat I"m only me when I"m with youThen I looked up and realized thatLove was right before my eyesCause you have been there all my lifeBut I was slow to recognizeAnd I won"t let this love pass us byThis timeWe used to play by the Oak Creek bankThen I rose into where the crickets singI never knew she was my everythingBut now I feel her lying next to meThinking ‘bout how it started so innocentlyBut I guess that it was meant to beCause you have been there all my lifeBut I was slow to recognizeAnd I won"t let this love pass us byOh, you have been there all my lifeBut I was slow to recognizeAnd I won"t let this love pass us byYou have been there all my lifeBut I was slow to recognizeAnd I won"t let this love pass us byThis timeThis timeThis timeBilly Gilman中文论坛

Suede的《Moving》 歌词

MovingIf you can take it, I can take it歌手:suedejoulinc 制作Shame on me well I had the beast you seeAnd if he can take itI can take him home with me,Shame on her,she"s a lovely little numberAnd when we go lassooing you get lassooed,all of youAnd we"re moving, so moving,so we are a boy, we are a girlSo moving, so moving...Shame on the girl,she"s got a big black dog in herAnd while tough kids sing about tough kidsshe just skins the world,We"ll never never play the harp,and we"ll stick like sick on the starsAnd if you can take itI can take these stones from my heartIf you can take it, I can take itAnd we"re moving, so moving,so we are a boy we are a girlSo moving, so moving...If you can take it, I can take it, all of meIf you can take it, I can take it allIf you can take it, I can take it, all of meIf you can take it, I can take it all!

Suede的《The Power》 歌词

歌曲名:The Power歌手:Suede专辑:Dog Man StarThrough endless Asia, through the fields of Cathayor enslaved in pebble-dash grave with a kid on the wayIf you"re far over Africa on the wings of youthor if you"re down in some satellite townand there"s nothing you can doJust give me, give me, give me the powerAnd I"ll make them bleedGive me, give me the power(Although I"m just the common breed)You might live in a screen kiss, it"s a glamorous dreamOr belong to a world that"s gone, it"s the English diseaseBut give me, give me the powerAnd I"ll make them bleedGive, give me, give me the power(Although I"m just the common breed)

Suede的《Trash》 歌词

歌曲名:Trash歌手:Suede专辑:SinglesSuede : TrashMaybe, maybe it"s the clothes we wear,The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair,Maybe it"s our kookiness,Or maybe, maybe it"s our nowhere towns,Our nothing places and our cellophane sounds,Maybe it"s our looseness,But we"re trash, you and me,We"re the litter on the breeze,We"re the lovers on the streets,Just trash, me and you,It"s in everything we do,It"s in everything we do...Or Maybe, maybe it"s the things we say,The words we"ve heard and the music we play,Maybe it"s our cheapness,Or maybe, maybe it"s the times we"ve had,The lazy days and the crazes and the fads,Maybe it"s our sweetness,But we"re trash, you and me,We"re the litter on the breeze,We"re the lovers on the streets,Just trash, me and you,It"s in everything we do,It"s in everything we do...We"re trash, you and me,We"re the lovers on the streets,We"re the litter on the breeze,Just trash, me and you,It"s in everything we do,It"s in everything we do...

Suede的《Attitude》 歌词

歌曲名:Attitude歌手:Suede专辑:Singles能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollSat on the metro with love on her mindIntimate details of every kindOpening doorways to secret roomsHer emptiness calling to youShe give a little bit of attitudeGive a little bit of something newGive a little bit of attitudeGet a little bit tacky tooGive a little bit of attitudeGive a little bit of something rudeGive a little bit of attitudeGet a little bit tacky tooA dangerous daughter in a leopard print skirtA polaroid camera recording the dirtIntimate details of every sceneOpening doorways for meShe give a little bit of attitudeGive a little bit of something newGive a little bit of attitudeGet a little bit tacky tooGive a little bit of attitudeGive a little bit of something rudeGive a little bit of attitudeGet a little bit tacky tooShe give a little bit of attitudeGive a little bit of something newGive a little bit of attitudeGet a little bit tacky tooGive a little bit of attitudeGive a little bit of subterfugeGive a little bit of attitudeGet a little bit tacky too

Suede的《Still Life》 歌词

歌曲名:Still Life歌手:Suede专辑:Best ofStill LifeThis still life is all I ever doThere by the window quietly killed for youIn the glass house my insect lifeCrawling the walls under electric lightsI"ll go into the night, into the nightShe and I into the nightIs this still life all I"m good for too?There by the window quietly killed for youAnd they drive by like insects doThey think they don"t know meThey hired a car for youTo go into the night, into the nightShe and I into the nightAnd this still life is all I ever doThere by the window quietly killed for youAnd this still life is all I ever doBut it"s still, still lifeBut it"s still, still lifeBut it"s still, still life


suede upper牛反绒 是皮类

Suede的《Sadie》 歌词

歌曲名:Sadie歌手:Suede专辑:Sci-Fi Lullabiessuedesadiealbum: Sci-Fi Lullabies Disc 2最爱这段旋律.Inside her is the suburbs,in the sodium lights and the streetsIn the parked cars and the pretty parks,and in every lonely diseaseIn the new loves under covers,in the cold touch of the rightIn the dead flowers and the silent hoursIn the nightclubs and the fightsCold, cold as the night,high as the trees,slow as you likeOh you knowshe"s she"s cold, cold as the the old front room in the rainIn all the bad daysand the music that playsIn the bored kids and their gamesIn the new loves under covers,and all the young mums And their worldsWho are left at home when all the kids have grownwatching the pretty young girlsOh and I"ve got to take it,and I"ve got to fake itAnd I"ve got to use her,and I"ve got to choose herAnd I"ve got to feel it,and I"ve got to steal itAnd I"ve got to be...最爱suede的这首



Suede的《Trash》 歌词

歌曲名:Trash歌手:Suede专辑:Discover SuedeSuede : TrashMaybe, maybe it"s the clothes we wear,The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair,Maybe it"s our kookiness,Or maybe, maybe it"s our nowhere towns,Our nothing places and our cellophane sounds,Maybe it"s our looseness,But we"re trash, you and me,We"re the litter on the breeze,We"re the lovers on the streets,Just trash, me and you,It"s in everything we do,It"s in everything we do...Or Maybe, maybe it"s the things we say,The words we"ve heard and the music we play,Maybe it"s our cheapness,Or maybe, maybe it"s the times we"ve had,The lazy days and the crazes and the fads,Maybe it"s our sweetness,But we"re trash, you and me,We"re the litter on the breeze,We"re the lovers on the streets,Just trash, me and you,It"s in everything we do,It"s in everything we do...We"re trash, you and me,We"re the lovers on the streets,We"re the litter on the breeze,Just trash, me and you,It"s in everything we do,It"s in everything we do...

suede是什么意思 suede解释

1、suede 在纺织行业中,一般习惯上可以认为是仿麂皮绒面料的泛指。它包括了经编麂皮绒,径向麂皮绒,纬向麂皮绒和纬编麂皮绒等。 2、仿麂皮(fǎng jǐ pí,英文名suedette)在纺织行业中把仿制麂皮毛风格的面料叫仿麂皮或者仿麂皮绒。但是在纺织行业中,一般都习惯把仿麂皮或仿麂皮绒直接叫麂皮绒。麂皮绒有针织和梭织之分。针织麂皮绒又分经编麂皮绒(比较常见)和纬编麂皮绒,梭织麂皮绒又分经向麂皮绒和纬向麂皮绒。






suede 绒面革,仿麂皮来自法语 Suede,瑞典,词源同 Sweden,瑞典。可能因这种皮革产自瑞典而得名。

祖马龙peony&blush suede是哪款

祖马龙peony&blush suede款式为牡丹红麂绒。国知名品牌祖·玛珑JO MALONE LONDON,属于雅诗兰黛集团,其香水以简单而纯粹为诸多明星喜爱。质朴的包装,透露着浓厚的英伦风情。祖·玛珑在1999年由雅诗兰黛集团购得。它的特色是个性化、高品质和与众不同的香水。约有200种护肤产品。其香水以简单而纯粹为诸多明星喜爱。香水使用注意事项:用最正确的方式涂香水才能将它的留香时间发挥到最大化,涂香水最经常的位置是双手手腕,双耳后侧以及后颈位置,手腕处是最经常活动的关节,将香水涂在这里有助于香气的散发,举手投足间留下淡淡的余香很具有美感。耳后及后颈位置比较隐蔽,喷洒香水之后不会被光直接照射到,不容易被蒸发,涂在这两个位置的香水能够延长寿命,留香时间自然也能更长久一些。

suede classic和普通的suede不同点再哪里



suede解散 作者:rugrats 日期:2003-11-7 17:03:39 suede解散乐队网站公告: “important announcement from the band suede would like to announce that from next year they will be working on their own individual projects.there will not be a new studio album until the band feel that the moment is artistically right to make one.this announcement does not affect the forthcoming touring commitments. suede would like to thank the fans for their wonderful support over the years. see you in the next life. ” 2003.11觉得没有创作力了,没有什么永恒的,对吗他们都单飞了,主唱也推出了个人专辑brett anderson呵呵,歌还在就够了。我也是suede fans


Attitude sat on the metro with love on her mind 她坐在地铁里想着她的爱intimate details of every kind想着亲密的细节 opening doorways to secret rooms 打开密室的门her emptiness calling to you她的空虚召唤着你 she give a little bit of attitude 她有一点点动心give a little bit of something new 表现出新的声音give a little bit of attitude 她有一点点动心get a little bit tacky too 也有一点点俗气。give a little bit of attitude她有一点点动心give a little bit of something rude 显现出一点粗鲁的事情give a little bit of attitude 她有一点点动心get a little bit tacky too 也有一点点俗气。a dangerous daughter in a leopard print skirt 穿着豹纹裙子的女生a polaroid camera recording the dirt intimate details of every scene opening doorways for me 即拍相机记录下她为我敞开心扉的亲密而又污磋的场景she give a little bit of attitude give a little bit of something new give a little bit of attitude get a little bit tacky too [x3] give a little bit of attitude give a little bit of subterfuge(诡计托词 )give a little bit of attitude get a little bit tacky too 歌词意思不太好把握,希望对你有帮助吧



Suede的so young的歌词!

So Young"She can start to walk out when she wants"她想要的时候,她就可以迈出脚步!Because we"re young, because we"re gone因为我们还年轻,因为我们已离去We"ll take the tide"s electric mind, oh yeah?, oh yeah我们要乘着潮汐的电一般的思想,oh year? oh yeahWe"re so young and so gone, let"s chase the dragon, oh我们如此年少,又无可救药,让我们去追逐龙吧!(吸毒,参见注释)Because we"re young, because we"re gone因为我们年少,因为我们无为we"ll scare the skies with tiger eyes, oh yeah? oh yeah我们将用虎之眼恫吓天空,oh yeah? oh yeahWe"re so young and so gone, let"s chase the dragon, oh我们如此年轻,又如此无力,让我们去追逐龙吧!Let"s chase the dragon...我们一同去追逐龙吧……...from our home high in the city where the skylinestained the snow, I fell for a servant who kept me on the boil从我们位于城市高处的家里,那里地平线沾污了积雪,我爱上了令我兴奋不已的奴仆We"re so young and so gone, let"s chase the dragon from our home!我们如此年少,如此堕落,让我们从家中离去,追逐龙吧!一、gone的意思有以下N条1. 离去的,离开的,已去的;[口语]暂时不在的2. 失去的,丢失的,丧失的3. 破产的;失败了的;毁坏了的;无可挽回的4. 死了的,死去的5. 虚弱的,衰弱的,无力的,眩晕的6. 筋疲力尽的;用完了的,耗尽了的7. 以前的,以往的,过去的8. 下沉的,下坠的,坠落的9. [美国俚语]极好的,第一流的;令人满意的(通常前与real连用)10. [美国俚语]入迷的;有灵感的;感情强烈的young的意思肯定是年轻没别的了,这个gone怎么理解就很难讲了,因为suede成员都是英国人,肯定不会是取最后两个美国释义的,虽然那两个比较正面,好像能够说得通。其他的几条都是负面的,品味一下感觉都有些相似,不知道翻成什么最恰当了。二、the tide"s electric mind这句我也想不太明白,汗tide的意思有以下几个1. 潮,潮汐,潮水2. = flood tide(1. 涨潮,升潮,上潮2. 高潮3. 极点,顶峰)3. 大气潮4. 潮汐般涨落的东西;交替起落的事物5. 潮流;趋势;倾向6. 危机(时期);紧要关头7. [古语] [现仅用于复合词]时节;(宗教)节期8. [古语]时机,机缘,良机难不成是潮汐发电的思想?还是在紧要关头拥有闪电般的思绪?不知道这个在英语中另有深意还是又是只有作词者才能明白的东西。。。反正意思放在这了,自己理解吧。。。三、chase the dragon1. [俚语] “追龙”式服用海洛因,腾云般服用海洛因(指吸毒者将海洛因放在锡箔上加热,然后抽吸烟雾,其飘浮形状宛如龙尾)2. 吸鸦片,服海洛因,抽鸦片剂(尤指吸食海洛因)于是就不必我多说了,追龙乍一看还挺浪漫,积极向上,有理想有抱负的感觉,实际上。。。唉至此前面gone和young的矛盾也差不多清楚了吧,大概就是年轻却无为,只能靠吸毒麻痹自我,获得升天般的快乐。四、tiger eyes虎睛石,一种石头,可参见百度百科(参考资料的地址就是)感觉只是个诙谐的双关吧,要是虎睛石还有什么深刻含义的话,这歌词就可以当密码了。。。五、...from our home high in the city where the skylinestained the snow, I fell for a servant who kept me on the boil这句仔细想想好像是在描述吸毒的感觉,飘飘欲仙,所以说“high in the city”。fell for(原型fall for,寒,我不是看低lz英文水平啊,只是觉得严谨点好)意思是爱上,on the boil是在兴奋中,所以那个servant搞不好就是指的毒品。。。结论,这首歌应该不是积极的(我很想说肯定不是,但是。。。怕被打死)大概还是发泄年轻无为的苦闷吧说起来suede的歌我感觉都不是特别积极向上的那种,像everything will flow,我说是一切终将逝去的意思,有些许伤感。有个同学非要说是万物都在流动,长江后浪推前浪的感觉,郁闷了我好久。再者suede的很多歌词的含义都只有brett才知道,我就不费脑子琢磨了。。。再补充一点在So Young的开头唱的是什麼?「She can... start... to walk out... when she wants.」在现场演出时,可能会有以下版本:「She can... start... to fucking walk out... when she wants.」「She can... start... to walk out... when she fucking wants.」欢迎来到百度suede吧!

Suede的《Starcrazy》 歌词

歌曲名:Starcrazy歌手:Suede专辑:Coming UpStarcrazyShe"s star, starcrazy, electric-shock-bog-brush-hair,Flat on her back in the 80"s,in the 90"s going nowhere,Star, starcrazy,got a kicking transistor inside,A heavy metal stutter that brains me,and an electric love in her eyes,Oh, she don"t want education,She got nothing to say,She got no imagination (so they say)Why does she feel this way?Cos she"s star, starcrazy,getting stupid on the streets tonight,and shaking like a mechanical thingwith an electric love in her eyes,Oh, she don"t want education,She got nothing to say,She got no imagination (so they say)So why does she feel this way?

求SUEDE Breakdown歌词翻译



当然有区别啦,suede upper牛反绒 是皮类,绒面革是人造材料,一个按尺算,一个按码算价钱当然有区别啦,而且还要看客人是否有特殊的材料测试要求。

Suede的《She》 歌词

歌曲名:She歌手:Suede专辑:Coming UpSheShe, walking like a killer,She, another night another pillow.Nowhere places, nowhere faces,no one wants to see,No education, it"s the arse of the nation,She is bad, she is bored, she is bony, she is...She, sh-shaking up the karma,She, "injecting marijuana",Nowhere places, nowhere faces, no one wants to see,No education it"s the arse of the nation,She is bad, she is bored, she is bony, she is...she...Nowhere faces, nowhere places,no one wants to be,No stimulation in this privatisation,She is bad, she is bored,she is bony, she is she.





求 suede 的资料



sorry ~但作为suede的死中,本人真是揪心地拿blur没辙!喜欢他们的歌,可是Damon Albern竟然。。。。。。=口=。。。。||| (心都皱了)如果你喜欢BA或者SU更或者THE TEARS你就去看那个MV,让后在爱与同的边缘挣扎~嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿。。。。。。。。(奸笑)

suede 是 什么样的乐队??



vikky和suede是两个鞋型,乍一看比较相似 颜值上可能喜欢suede的人会更多些,正常情况下suede会贵一些,其实可以考虑basket,basket也略贵一些!suede一般以反毛皮呈现,basket一般是皮质较多,vikky好像也是反毛皮比较多 反毛皮打理略麻烦也相对来说不耐脏!主要区别还是找实货对比或者高清图片对比吧 vikky从后面看鞋底会是V字感觉也就是接触地面的位置略瘦上面略宽,suede基本是直上直下的 basket也是,个人感觉basket和suede更稳重耐看一些,个人见解!


很多关于suede的采访记录,公众普遍认可的翻译其实就两种,一种是"山羊皮‘,另外一种是‘丝绒"。因为就权威的英英字典释义,suede means leather with a soft brushed surface, 并没有说究竟是怎样一种材料,有道才会直接译成山羊皮的,哈哈。不过,我个人还有我身边的suede脑残粉兄弟们都不大愿意翻译过来说,一般都直呼‘suede",就像看美剧看多了,也很少说译名。作者:雪千羽链接:来源:知乎




词典结果:suede[英][sweu026ad][美][swed]n.绒面革; 小山羊皮; 仿麂皮织物; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Scaly is the new sue-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


suede 英[sweu026ad] 美[swed] n. 绒面革;小山羊皮;仿麂皮织物 1. Li, what do you think of this suede jacket? 李,你看这件羊皮茄克衫怎样?来自无师自通 校园英语会话2. Do you think something in suede might make me seem more accessible? 你觉得山羊皮做的衣服能让我显得容易亲近么?来自电影对白3. Don"t you know what that does to suede? 你不知道吗这样做,对山羊皮意味着什么?来自电影对白4. I"d give up everything I have for a little black suit and suede accessories. 我会放弃一切去换一件黑色的套装和小山羊皮的装饰。来自电影对白5. Roller Foot: good for stitching on leather, synthetic suede, and vinyl. 滚轴压脚:适用于缝制皮革、仿麂皮和薄膜。来自互联网


suede[英][sweu026ad] [美][swed] 生词本简明释义n.绒面革;小山羊皮;仿麂皮织物以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 同反义词1.N-UNCOUNT绒面革;仿麂皮Suede is leather with a soft, slightly rough surface. Albert wore a brown suede jacket and jeans.艾伯特穿着棕色绒面夹克和牛仔裤。


n. 小山羊皮vt. 使织物起绒面vi. 起绒面adj. 软羔皮制的;仿麂皮织物制的suede 在纺织行业中,一般习惯上可以认为是仿麂皮绒面料的泛指。它包括了经编麂皮绒,径向麂皮绒,纬向麂皮绒和纬编麂皮绒等。leather with a napped surface同义词:suede leathera fabric made to resemble suede leather同义词:suede clothsuede反毛皮; 绒面羊皮; 小山羊皮; 粗砂;suede shoes麂皮鞋;glove suede仿麂皮织物; 仿麂皮织物(制手套用);suede nap麂皮绒;suede cloth仿?皮布料; 仿麂皮布; 麂皮;例句Suede are once again riding high in the hit parade with their new single.山羊皮乐队凭新单曲又一次登上了畅销歌曲排行榜的前列。

suede是什么面料 suede是一种什么面料

1、suede是仿麂皮绒面料。 2、suede在纺织行业中,一般习惯上可以认为是仿麂皮绒面料的泛指。它包括了经编麂皮绒,径向麂皮绒,纬向麂皮绒和纬编麂皮绒等。 3、仿麂皮绒面料(英文名suedette)在纺织行业中把仿制麂皮毛风格的面料叫仿麂皮或者仿麂皮绒。但是在纺织行业中,一般都习惯把仿麂皮或仿麂皮绒直接叫麂皮绒。麂皮绒有针织和梭织之分。针织麂皮绒又分经编麂皮绒(比较常见)和纬编麂皮绒,梭织麂皮绒又分经向麂皮绒和纬向麂皮绒。

SUEDE--the two of us歌词中文

在我的床,我认为您歌曲审阅我的头,我们俩在每条线谎言充分知道另一条线神圣的声音,但您是外部公司梦想和金钱去围绕在我的床的那个。 观看我的差错,我听他们说的带它可能是2我们雪也许跌倒和写线沈默页的绒面革,但您外部做永久爱对核时代二剪影由现钞机使恋人跳舞它是探戈为在我的床观看我听在我的床的带以没什么说的我的差错的业务分类的孤独的妻子,因此我听他说的人它可能是2我们和,因此我使人生病相当爬行了那里,当金钱去围绕在我头观看我 差错I听带,并且鼓敲打在我的顶头钢琴编钟声音在房子的这所监狱和,当病症来您能通过雨再听见我,当我听带? 因为我唱每个偏僻的词请听人他说的沈默歌曲笑剧它可能2我们单独,但不偏僻,您和单独我,但装载.........

Blue Suede Shoes 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Suede Shoes歌手:Flower Travellin" Band专辑:Make UpI don"t care if I spent my doughTonight I"m gonna be one happy soul.Gonna rock it up,(Yeah) Gonna shake (ball) it up,We"re gonna roll it up.Oh, at the ball tonight.Ah Ho!Rattle and roll,I said, shake, rattle and roll,You never done nothingTo save your doggone soul.Well, get out of that kitchenAnd (rattle) shake those pots and pans,Well, get out of that kitchenAnd (rattle) shake those pots and pans,I said to my soul.You"re the devil in a frying pan.Well, I said, shake, rattle and roll,I said, shake, rattle and roll,I said, shake, rattle and roll,I said, shake, rattle and roll,Well, you never done nothingTo save your doggone soul.You can knock me down, step on my face,Slander my name all over the place,Do the things that you wanna do,But ah-hah, honey, lay off of them shoes.But don"t you step on my blue suede shoes,Well, you can do anything but lay off of themBlue suede shoes.Ah, go!You can burn my house, steal my car,Drink my liquor from an old fruit jar.Do anything that you want to do,But ah-hah, honey, lay off of them shoes.And don"t you step on my blue suede shoes, please!Well, you can do anything but lay off of themBlue suede shoes.Ah, go blue cat! (ah, hit it, George!)Well, its, blue, blue, blue suede shoes, yeah,Blue, blue, blue suede shoes, babe,Blue, blue, blue suede shoes, yeah,Brown, brown, brown suede boots, yeah,You can do anything but lay off of themBlue suede shoes.

Suede的《Waterloo》 歌词

歌曲名:Waterloo歌手:Suede专辑:Head MusicWaterlooWritten by CodlingTrack 3 on the single "Electricity" (CD 2)豆瓣ID: gaslivingIn the UndertowOf a muddy river"s ebb and flowIs a hand that will not let goThe current is strongThe river is deepIn the afterglowof the fire that tore through the room belowSomeone calls through the smoke" All you can do is try to breatheto breatheto breatheto breathe"When the road is steepAnd the ground gives way beneath your feetIt"s the last place you want to beThe air here is thinYou must try to breatheto breatheto breatheto breatheIn the undertowOf a muddy river"s ebb and flowIs a hand that will not let you goThat belongs to someone like meWho"s holding your head and helping you breatheto breatheto breatheto breatheYou need to be freeYou need to be freegasliving 诚意推荐 风味绝佳 敬请收藏

Suede的《Money》 歌词

The Game - MoneyKanye told me that Jesus walks in "04But I grew up around impalas and drug lordsWelcome to Los Angeles palm trees and drug storesAll we know is rocks and presidents like mount rushmoreFuck the police they hop out and bust doorsI ain"t goin back to jail nigga that what I flush forMy money or my glock who do I trust more?I don"t know it"s probably the one that I touch moreGuess it"s the green cause paper motivate niggasAnd my rolex races cause it hate niggasI use to only sell 8s like that laker niggaNow I"m movin 24s like I play at the staples centerYou might miss the game so nigga don"t blinkMy phantom stand out like Frank Lucas minkSo go ahead and think like Frank Lucas thinkSomebody"ll find your brains on the fuckin kitchen sink aboutDead presidents, Big paperBenjamins, Skyscrapers, My niggas getMy Bitches getLike the strippers getFrom the block to the club I make it rainIn California niggas dieFrom the south to new york the bullets fly for theDon"t stop gettinIt don"t matter where you from if you hustle motherfucker keep gettin thatYeah YeahI get it that baby and slim cash moneyAll the jewlery on your whole crew that"s my tax moneyThat pablo escabar crack moneyThat Lebron first nike contract moneyThat make it rain all my niggas throw a stack moneyStack it to the ceiling then call it shaq moneyThat walk in the club, straight to the back moneyFlavor of love delicious sittin on my lap moneyThat rat money niggas get clapped moneyAir force ones don"t bend when I track moneyOoh I"m rich like ?Havin Alpo nightmares whippin that borderLike McDonalds I was flippin them ordersIn that "02 porsche truck weavin through bordersI was through flippin quarters When I made my first milI"m about a dollar 50 cent ain"t realDead presidents, Big paperBenjamins, Skyscrapers, My niggas getMy Bitches getLike the strippers getFrom the block to the club I make it rainIn California niggas dieFrom the south to new york the bullets fly for theDon"t stop gettinIt don"t matter where you from if you hustle motherfucker keep gettin thatOoh Somebody tell snoop to pop open them briefcasesOrder that patron tell em we want 3 casesFuck a black card you see these green facesLook at my chest... now you"ve seen VegasTreat my money like the cristal that we wastinCause I"m a money machine I can re-make itYou a fool thinkin that Freddy can see JasonI been iced out like who the fuck need JacobThe doc told me to be patient but I walkedMoney like the white howard next time he a free agentI"m tryna make enough money so I can feed AsiaHave asains in the kitchen cookin in louis v apronsWord to martha stewart if I can park a buickThen I can flip a breech truck I got the heart to do itBall like the nigga tony parker do itSpeak no englis but dinero I talk it fluentDead presidents, Big paperBenjamins, Skyscrapers, My niggas getMy Bitches getLike the strippers getFrom the block to the club I make it rainIn California niggas dieFrom the south to new york the bullets fly for theDon"t stop gettinIt don"t matter where you from if you hustle motherfucker keep gettin thatGet Get Get Get G-Get cha paper boyGet Get Get Get G-Get cha paper boyGet Get Get Get G-Get cha paper boyGet Get Get Get Get Get Yea!所属专辑:《Sci-Fi Lullabies》

Suede的《Positivity》 歌词

歌曲名:Positivity歌手:Suede专辑:A New MorningYou say what you want to sayYour diamonds are drops of rainYour smile is your credit cardAnd your currency is your loveAnd the morning is for youAnd the air is freeAnd the birds sing for youAnd your PositivityWatch outSo you play where you want to playOn the main streets where the creeps all preyAnd you can feel like you"re in dynastyAnd you can be what you want to beAnd the morning is for youAnd the air is freeAnd the birds sing for youAnd your PositivityAnd the cars crash for youAnd the sunshine is freeAnd the sirens call youYes the morning is for youYes the air is freeAnd yes the world spins for youAnd your PositivityPositivity

Suede的《Lazy》 歌词

歌曲名:Lazy歌手:Suede专辑:Coming UpLazyHere they come with their make-up onas lovely as the clouds, come and see them,Boys and girls and their mums and their wordsand their romances and jobs and their sons,Barking mad kids, lonely dadswho drug it up to give it some meaning,From the raves to the council estatesthey"re reminding us there"s things to be done.But you and me, all we want to be is lazy,you and me, so lazy...Here they come gone 7amgetting satellite and Sky getting cable,Bills and Bens and their mums and their friendswho just really, really want to be loved,Uncle Teds and their legendary vestshelping out around the disabled,From the flats and the maisonettesthey"re reminding us there"s things to be done.But you and me, all we want to be is lazy,you and me, so lazy...It"s you and me, it"s you and me, you and me...

Suede的《Lazy》 歌词

歌曲名:Lazy歌手:Suede专辑:SinglesLazyHere they come with their make-up onas lovely as the clouds, come and see them,Boys and girls and their mums and their wordsand their romances and jobs and their sons,Barking mad kids, lonely dadswho drug it up to give it some meaning,From the raves to the council estatesthey"re reminding us there"s things to be done.But you and me, all we want to be is lazy,you and me, so lazy...Here they come gone 7amgetting satellite and Sky getting cable,Bills and Bens and their mums and their friendswho just really, really want to be loved,Uncle Teds and their legendary vestshelping out around the disabled,From the flats and the maisonettesthey"re reminding us there"s things to be done.But you and me, all we want to be is lazy,you and me, so lazy...It"s you and me, it"s you and me, you and me...

伯纳德·巴勒特,The Suede吉他手

  Bernard Butler 粉丝都亲昵的称为大傻。  ------------------Bernard的音乐历程------------------  1989年,19岁的Bernard由杂志广告加入Suede,之后随着Suede的成功,他被比作Eric Clapton,被称为90年代的Neil Young,被评选为同时代最杰出的吉他手。  1993年10月,在美国巡演期间乐队开始产生裂痕。其他三人总是出去狂欢,而Bernard却把自己关在宾馆的房间里,整夜整夜地弹吉他。  1994年,5月底,Bernard的婚礼没有邀请Suede任何一位成员。在《DOG MAN STAR》的录制过程中,Bernard与乐队成员的矛盾日益加深,为了避免和他们见面,他常常独自录制吉他部分。最终Bernard和制作人吵翻,带着所有团员对他的不满——那个夏天是一个时代的终结——Bernard永远离开了Suede。但这个消息直到7月18日的记者会上才被证实。之后,Bernard与前THIEVES歌手David McAlmont合作,成立M&B,乐队仅仅在发行两张单曲《YES》、《YOU DO》后裂痕再次产生。  1995年末,M&B解散。专辑《The Sound of McAlmont & Butler》在96年初发行。  1997年初,出于主唱Richard Ashcroft的盛情邀请,Bernard加入了重组后的VERVE(时乐队原吉他手Nick McCabe出走,秋天回归),但由于以往那些不快乐的回忆,仅仅在一个星期后,Bernard就离开了VERVE。  1997年春,在Todd Haynes的《天鹅绒金矿》中,Bernard担任主音吉他,与Thom Yorke、Andy Mackay等人合作,合组电影中那支著名的幕后乐队Venus In Furs。  1997年秋,Bernard发表了他第一支单曲《STAY》。  1998年4月,Bernard第一张个人专辑《PEOPLE MOVE ON》在英国本土售出超过十万张,被美国权威音乐杂志Rolling Stone列为年度最佳专辑之一。  2000年2月,第二张专辑《FRIENDS & LOVERS》发行。  2001年的某一天,Bernard突然打电话给David,希望再次合作,M&B复合。  2002年8月12日,M&B发行了重组后第一张专辑《Bring It Back》。


去年7月,SUEDE推出了他们的最后一张专辑,随后就挥挥手,一骑绝尘,消失在乐迷的视野里。 大概是再不会回来了吧? SUEDE拥有20世纪90年代前半期最受瞩目的主唱和吉他手搭档:BrettAn鄄derson和BernardButler。Butler细致的吉他与键盘编曲和Anderson尖锐滑腻的嗓音搭配无间,在华美中带着魅力四射的颓废。 从1996年的《ComingUp》开始,SUEDE渐渐被视为时尚品位型格的象征,他们身上已不再流露着昔日Self-Style的病态美,而是换来一种刻意经营出来而时装化的酷。 他们从凄美与狂狷的代名词蜕变成硬朗的时尚男,以这样的形象进入了新的世纪。 然而最好的时光已经过去了。 所以我们只好回顾,以这样的形式来记住他们的辉煌。

Morrissey的《Suedehead》 歌词

歌曲名:Suedehead歌手:Morrissey专辑:The Best Of Morrissey - SuedeheadWhy do you come here ?And why do you hang around ?I"m so sorryI"m so sorryWhy do you come hereWhen you know it makes things hard for me ?When you know, ohWhy do you come ?Why do you telephone ? (hmm...)And why send me silly notes ?I"m so sorryI"m so sorryWhy do you come hereWhen you know it makes things hard for me ?When you know, ohWhy do you come ?You had to sneak into my room"just" to read my diary"it was just to see, just to see"(all the things you knew i"d written about you...)Oh, so many illustrationsOh, butI"m so very sickenedOh, i am so sickened nowOh, it was a good lay, good layIt was a good lay, good layIt was a good lay, good layOhIt was a good lay, good layIt was a good lay, good layOh, it was a good lay, good layOhOh, it was a good layIt was a good layOh, a good layOh, it was a good layGood lay, good layOhIt was a good layIt was a good lay

Morrissey的《Suedehead》 歌词

歌曲名:Suedehead歌手:Morrissey专辑:Morrissey"S Greatest HitsWhy do you come here ?And why do you hang around ?I"m so sorryI"m so sorryWhy do you come hereWhen you know it makes things hard for me ?When you know, ohWhy do you come ?Why do you telephone ? (hmm...)And why send me silly notes ?I"m so sorryI"m so sorryWhy do you come hereWhen you know it makes things hard for me ?When you know, ohWhy do you come ?You had to sneak into my room"just" to read my diary"it was just to see, just to see"(all the things you knew i"d written about you...)Oh, so many illustrationsOh, butI"m so very sickenedOh, i am so sickened nowOh, it was a good lay, good layIt was a good lay, good layIt was a good lay, good layOhIt was a good lay, good layIt was a good lay, good layOh, it was a good lay, good layOhOh, it was a good layIt was a good layOh, a good layOh, it was a good layGood lay, good layOhIt was a good layIt was a good lay

Suede的《Hard Candy》 歌词

歌名Hard Candy歌手;suedeShe"s gonna shock your systemShe"s gonna hit and runBlowing up the nationWith a bubble gumI said hey!Hard candyYou"ve only got yourself to sellI said hey! Hard candyWe"re gonna see your face in, we"re gonna see your face in hellYou don"t need superstitionDon"t read horoscopesDon"t need no prescriptions,No medication just to help the dopeI said hey!Hard candyYou"ve only got yourself to sellI said hey! Hard candyWe"re gonna have to face it, we"re gonna see your face in hellWell next time you"re in the solar systemJust give us a c-c-call some timeWe"ll sit under the sci-fi sky and plot a new religionWith your face instead of mineI said hey!Hard candyNow you"re turning up the BPMI said hey! Hard candyNow you"re popping all the vacuum pack,people posed as friendsI-I-I I said hey! Hard candyDon"t live your life at 15%Hey! Hard candyYou don"t need a relationship just to pay the rentCandy, hard candyCandy, hard candyCandy, hard candyEnd

Suede的《Filmstar》 歌词

歌曲名:Filmstar歌手:Suede专辑:SinglesfilmstarSuedeby 摇滚本事filmstar, propping up the bar,driving in a car, it looks so easy,filmstar, propping up the bar,driving in a car tonight,filmstar, giving it class,living it fast, it looks so easy,filmstar, giving it class,living it fast tonight.what to believe in,it"s impossible to say?what to believe in when they change your name,wash your brain,play the game again, yeah, yeah, yeah,filmstar, elegance,a terylene shirt, it looks so easy,filmstar, an elegant sir in a terylene shirt tonight,filmstar, propping up the bar,driving in a car, it looks so easy,filmstar, propping up the bar,driving in a car tonight.what to believe in,it"s impossible to say?what to believe in when they change your name,wash your brain,play the game again,yeah, yeah, yeah...woo...what to believe in,it"s impossible to say?what to believe in when they change your name,wash your brain,play the game again.....yeah, yeah, yeah...filmstar.....yeah, yeah, yeah...filmstar.....yeah, yeah, yeah...filmstar.....yeah, yeah, yeah...filmstar.....yeah, yeah, yeah...filmstar.....

Suede的《Filmstar》 歌词

歌曲名:Filmstar歌手:Suede专辑:Coming UpfilmstarSuedeby 摇滚本事filmstar, propping up the bar,driving in a car, it looks so easy,filmstar, propping up the bar,driving in a car tonight,filmstar, giving it class,living it fast, it looks so easy,filmstar, giving it class,living it fast tonight.what to believe in,it"s impossible to say?what to believe in when they change your name,wash your brain,play the game again, yeah, yeah, yeah,filmstar, elegance,a terylene shirt, it looks so easy,filmstar, an elegant sir in a terylene shirt tonight,filmstar, propping up the bar,driving in a car, it looks so easy,filmstar, propping up the bar,driving in a car tonight.what to believe in,it"s impossible to say?what to believe in when they change your name,wash your brain,play the game again,yeah, yeah, yeah...woo...what to believe in,it"s impossible to say?what to believe in when they change your name,wash your brain,play the game again.....yeah, yeah, yeah...filmstar.....yeah, yeah, yeah...filmstar.....yeah, yeah, yeah...filmstar.....yeah, yeah, yeah...filmstar.....yeah, yeah, yeah...filmstar.....

有人知道IMI SUEDE是什么面料吗

Suede 是指绒面的真皮IMI 估计是 Imitation 的简写, 即是 模仿的意思IMI SUEDE 应该是指 仿绒面效果的人造皮




Suede By the Sea 在水一方She can walk out anytime, anytime she wants to walk out, that is fine,她随时会离开,她随时都想离开,着很好。She can walk out anytime, anytime she feels that life has passed her by,她随时会离开,只要她感觉到生命离她而去,And when I start my new life I won1t touch the ground,并且当我开始我的新生活的时候,我决不会堕落,I‘m gonna try hard this time not to touch the ground.这一次我努力着不再堕落。He can walk out anytime, anytime he wants to walk out, that"s fine,他随时会离开,他随时都想离开,着很好。He can walk out anytime, across the sand, into the sea, into the brine,他随时会离开,穿越沙漠,进入海洋,融入海水,And when I start my new life I won1t touch the ground,并且当我开始我的新生活的时候,我决不会堕落,I‘m gonna try hard this time not to touch the ground.这一次我努力着不再堕落。So we sold the car and quit the joband shook some hands and wiped the make-up right off,所以我们遍卖家产,高举双手,清除所有,And we said our good-byes to the bankleft Seven Sisters for a room in a seaside shack,并且我们对银行说再见,把七个孩子留在海边的小屋里,And when I start my new life I won1t touch the ground,并且当我开始我的新生活的时候,我决不会堕落,I‘m gonna try hard this time not to touch the ground.这一次我努力着不再堕落。Suede Saturday Night 周六的夜晚Today she"s been working, she"s been talking, she"s been smoking,but it"ll be alright,今天她在工作,她在交谈,她在抽烟,但是,这都没关系,Cos tonight we"ll go dancing, we"ll go laughing, we"ll get car sick,and it"ll be okay like everyone says, it"ll be alright and ever so nice,因为今夜我们要去跳舞,我们会开怀大笑,我们的汽车也随之疯狂,并且正如众人所说,一切OK,一切都好。We"re going out tonight, out and about tonight.今夜我们要出去,就在今夜。Oh, whatever makes her happy on a Saturday night,Oh whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright.哦,在一个周六的夜晚,一切都让她快乐哦,所有令她快乐的东西都是美好的。Today she"s been sat there, sat there in a black chair, office furniture,but it"ll be alright,今天她坐在那里,坐在一个黑色的椅子上,是一个办公家具,但是这没什么,Cos tonight we"ll go drinking we"ll do silly things,and never let the winter in,因为我们要去喝酒,我们要做一些傻事,决不让寒冬进来,And it"ll be okay like everyone says, it"ll be alright and ever so nice,We"re going out tonight, out and about tonight.并且正如众人所说,一切OK,一切都好。今夜我们要出去,就在今夜。Oh, whatever makes her happy on a Saturday night,Oh, whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright.哦,在一个周六的夜晚,一切都让她快乐哦,所有令她快乐的东西都是美好的。we"ll go to peepshows and freak shows,we"ll go to discos, casinos,we"ll go where people go and let go我们去看偷窥秀和怪异的表演我们去跳迪斯口,去玩赌博机我们去所有有人的地方。Oh, whatever makes her happy on a Saturday night,Oh, whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright.哦,在一个周六的夜晚,一切都让她快乐哦,所有令她快乐的东西都是美好的。

Blue Suede Shoes 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Suede Shoes歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:HitstoryI don"t care if I spent my doughTonight I"m gonna be one happy soul.Gonna rock it up,(Yeah) Gonna shake (ball) it up,We"re gonna roll it up.Oh, at the ball tonight.Ah Ho!Rattle and roll,I said, shake, rattle and roll,You never done nothingTo save your doggone soul.Well, get out of that kitchenAnd (rattle) shake those pots and pans,Well, get out of that kitchenAnd (rattle) shake those pots and pans,I said to my soul.You"re the devil in a frying pan.Well, I said, shake, rattle and roll,I said, shake, rattle and roll,I said, shake, rattle and roll,I said, shake, rattle and roll,Well, you never done nothingTo save your doggone soul.You can knock me down, step on my face,Slander my name all over the place,Do the things that you wanna do,But ah-hah, honey, lay off of them shoes.But don"t you step on my blue suede shoes,Well, you can do anything but lay off of themBlue suede shoes.Ah, go!You can burn my house, steal my car,Drink my liquor from an old fruit jar.Do anything that you want to do,But ah-hah, honey, lay off of them shoes.And don"t you step on my blue suede shoes, please!Well, you can do anything but lay off of themBlue suede shoes.Ah, go blue cat! (ah, hit it, George!)Well, its, blue, blue, blue suede shoes, yeah,Blue, blue, blue suede shoes, babe,Blue, blue, blue suede shoes, yeah,Brown, brown, brown suede boots, yeah,You can do anything but lay off of themBlue suede shoes.

Suede的beautiful ones的歌词!

Suede - beautiful onesHigh on diesel and gasoline, psycho for drum machineshaking their bits to the hits,Drag acts, drug acts, suicides, in your dad"s suits you hidestaining his name again,Cracked up, stacked up, 22, psycho for sex and gluelost it to Bostik, yeah,Shaved heads, rave heads, on the pill, got too much time to killget into bands and gangs,Oh, here they come, the beautiful ones, the beautiful onesloved up, Doved up, hung around, stoned in a lonely townshaking their meat to the beat,High on diesel and gasoline, psycho for drum machineshaking their bits to the hits,Oh, here they come, the beautiful ones, the beautiful ones.You don"t think about it,You don"t do without it,because you"re beautiful,And if your baby"s going crazythat"s how you made me,la, la, la, la...

求Suede的《 beautiful ones》的歌词和翻译

High on diesel and gasoline, 烧着柴油和汽油我们没命地飞驰 psycho for drum machine 心里只装着那些架子鼓和乐器 shaking their bits to the hits, 随着音乐摇动每寸狂热 Drag acts, drug acts, suicides, 穿起裙子,穿起裙子,还是要结绳自缢 in your dad"s suits you hide 藏在你老爸的大衣里 staining his name again, 却又玷污了一次他的名气 Cracked up, stacked up, 要碎就碎个彻底,我们才能堆在一起 22, psycho for sex and glue 转眼已经22,心里全是性和毒品 lost it to Bostik, yeah, 却把它们全忘在了糨糊里 Shaved heads, rave heads, 剃光的头颅,嚎叫的头颅 on the pill, got too much time to kill 避孕药效尚存,时间仍没法用个干净 get into bands and gangs, 干脆混迹在乐队和帮派里 Oh, here they come, 哦,他们来了 the beautiful ones, the beautiful ones 那美丽的一伙,美丽的一群 Oh, here they come, 哦,他们来了 the beautiful ones, the beautiful ones 那美丽的一伙,美丽的一群 loved up, doved up, 爱到了顶,High到了极 hung around, stoned in a lonely town 到处闲逛,孤独小镇里我变成了石头皮 shaking their meat to the beat, 随着节拍摇动每寸身体 High on diesel and gasoline, 驾着车我们把油门一踩到底 psycho for drum machine 心里只想着架子鼓和乐器 shaking their bits to the hits, 随着音乐摇动每寸热情 You don"t think about it, 你从来没这样想过 You don"t do without it, 你不能不这样去想 because you"re beautiful, 因为你这般美丽 And if your baby"s going crazy 如果你的宝贝变得如此疯狂 that"s how you made me, 你就会让我沉溺至此 And if your baby"s going crazy 如果你的宝贝变得如此疯狂 that"s how you made me, 你就会让我沉溺至此 la, la, la, la...

beautiful loser的中文歌词是?suede唱的`

歌名:Beautiful Loser歌手:Suede所属专辑:A New Morning作词:Anderson, Lee, Oakes, 歌词:Beautiful loser美丽的失败者You belong among the wild flowers你是属于野花的Picked it the side of the road选在路的一边You belong among the silent hours你是属于沉默的时间And broken telephones和破碎的电话You belong among the TV screens你属于电视屏幕With the sound turned down again声音又变了You belong where theres CCTV你是在那里有央视Watching you everyday每天看你Well you beautiful loser你美丽的失败者Well you beautiful lay你美丽的美丽Well you beautiful loser你美丽的失败者Youre coming down the hard way你要走下艰难的路You belong under electric lights你属于电灯With the hand-me-down surrounds与我的手向下包围You belong out in the countryside你在乡下With your hands deep down in the ground你的双手深深地在地上Well you beautiful loser你美丽的失败者Well you beautiful lay你美丽的美丽Well you beautiful loser你美丽的失败者I said youre coming down the hard way我说你要走下艰难的路Your brain is drip-connected to the satellite你的大脑被连接到卫星上Your heart is not a part of your brain你的心不是你大脑的一部分Aesthetics and inventions well they pass you bay美学和发明很好,他们通过你的海湾And complicate your day和复杂的你的一天You belong sat on a motorbike你坐在一辆摩托车上Doing 161 in the rain在雨中做16150cc through the life通过生命50ccGetting trashed in the slow lane得到了在慢车道Well you beautiful loser你美丽的失败者Well you beautiful lay你美丽的美丽Well you beautiful loser你美丽的失败者I said youre coming down the hard way我说你要走下艰难的路Well you loser你输了Well you beautiful lay你美丽的美丽Well you beautiful loser你美丽的失败者Youre coming down the hard way你要走下艰难的路Youre coming down the hard way你要走下艰难的路Youre coming down the hard way你要走下艰难的路

Suede-beautiful ones歌词翻译

High on diesel and gasoline, 烧着柴油和汽油我们没命地飞驰 psycho for drum machine 心里只装着那些架子鼓和乐器 shaking their bits to the hits, 随着音乐摇动每寸狂热 Drag acts, drug acts, suicides, 穿起裙子,穿起裙子,还是要结绳自缢 in your dad"s suits you hide 藏在你老爸的大衣里 staining his name again, 却又玷污了一次他的名气 Cracked up, stacked up, 要碎就碎个彻底,我们才能堆在一起 22, psycho for sex and glue 转眼已经22,心里全是性和毒品 lost it to Bostik, yeah, 却把它们全忘在了糨糊里 Shaved heads, rave heads, 剃光的头颅,嚎叫的头颅 on the pill, got too much time to kill 避孕药效尚存,时间仍没法用个干净 get into bands and gangs, 干脆混迹在乐队和帮派里 Oh, here they come, 哦,他们来了 the beautiful ones, the beautiful ones 那美丽的一伙,美丽的一群 Oh, here they come, 哦,他们来了 the beautiful ones, the beautiful ones 那美丽的一伙,美丽的一群 loved up, doved up, 爱到了顶,High到了极 hung around, stoned in a lonely town 到处闲逛,孤独小镇里我变成了石头皮 shaking their meat to the beat, 随着节拍摇动每寸身体 High on diesel and gasoline, 驾着车我们把油门一踩到底 psycho for drum machine 心里只想着架子鼓和乐器 shaking their bits to the hits, 随着音乐摇动每寸热情 You don"t think about it, 你从来没这样想过 You don"t do without it, 你不能不这样去想 because you"re beautiful, 因为你这般美丽 And if your baby"s going crazy 如果你的宝贝变得如此疯狂 that"s how you made me, 你就会让我沉溺至此 And if your baby"s going crazy 如果你的宝贝变得如此疯狂 that"s how you made me, 你就会让我沉溺至此 la, la, la, la...

求suede 的歌曲everything will flow

这首歌曲我有下面是下载地址Suede - Everything Will Flow记得及时下载哦

suede everything will folw 歌词中文翻译.跪求才子帮忙...

Everything will flowWatch the early morning sun, drip like blood from the day, See the pretty people run, so many games to play See the blue suburban dream, under the jet plane sky, Sleep away and dream a dream Life is just a lullaby Oh, and everything will flow, Watch the day begin again, Whispering into the night, See the pretty people play Hurrying under the light, A million cars, a million trains under the jet plane skies Nothing lost nothing gained Life is just a lullaby The neon lights in the night tonight will say "everything will flow" The stars that shine in the open sky will say "everything will flow"The lovers kissed with an openness will say "everything will flow" The cars parked in the hypermarket know "everything will flow" 凝望着清晨的朝阳 如血一般地从空中中滴落 我看见美丽的人们奔跑着 那么多的游戏令他们迷醉 我望见郊外 那个蓝色的梦想 在喷气式飞机翱翔着的天空下 缓缓睡去 在梦中继续着那个梦想 生命就如同一首催眠的曲子 一切终将流逝 你应该知道 一切终将流逝 我看着又一天的降临 悄悄地低声诉说 进入黑夜 我看见美丽的人们在 夜晚的灯光下忙碌着 那么多的轿车 和那么多的火车 在喷气式飞机呼啸而过的天空下 无所谓失去 也无所谓得到 生命不过是一首催眠曲 我说 一切终将流逝 你知道 一切终将流逝 今夜刚刚燃起的灯火在说 一切终将流逝 苍穹中闪烁的星星在说 一切终将流逝 热吻时开放的情人在说 一切终将流逝 停在超市门前的那些轿车知道 一切终将流逝



求suede(山羊皮乐队)的saturday night 的中文翻译啊!

Today, she"s been working, she"s been talking, she"s been smoking,but it"ll be alright今天,她一直在工作,一直在说话,一直在抽烟,但没关系Cos tonight we"ll go dancing, we"ll go laughing, we"ll get car sick因为今晚,我们会跳舞,我们会欢笑,我们会晕车and it"ll be okay like everyone says, it"ll be alright and ever so nice没关系的,就像所有人说的那样,会没事的,会更好的We"re going out tonight, out and about tonight我们今晚会出去……Oh, whatever makes her happy on a Saturday night噢,在周六的晚上,无论做什么,只要能让她快乐Oh, whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright噢,无论做什么只要能让她快乐,只要能让一切没事Today, she"s been sat there, sat there in a black chair, office furniture今天,她一直坐在那里,那张黑色的办公椅上but it"ll be alright但是没关系Cos tonight we"ll go drinking we"ll do silly things因为今晚我们要出去痛饮,我们要做些傻事and never let the winter in决不让冬天进到屋里来And it"ll be okay like everyone says, it"ll be alright and ever so nice噢,在周六的晚上,无论做什么,只要能让她快乐We"re going out tonight, out and about tonight我们今晚会出去……Oh, whatever makes her happy on a Saturday night噢,在周六的晚上,无论做什么,只要能让她快乐Oh, whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright噢,无论做什么只要能让她快乐,只要能让一切没事...we"ll go to peepshows and freak shows我们会去看偷窥秀,看怪物秀We"ll go to discos, casinos我们会去迪斯科舞厅和赌场We"ll go where people go and let go...我们会去人们去的地方发泄...oh whatever makes her happy...噢,无论做什么只要能让她快乐……希望能满意!

歌曲Blue Suede Hooked On A Feeling哪里能下载



so young俺的最爱

求suede的 trash 英文歌词

Trash 歌手:Suede 专辑:Coming up Suede : Trash Maybe, maybe it"s the clothes we wear, The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair, Maybe it"s our kookiness, Or maybe, maybe it"s our nowhere towns, Our nothing places and our cellophane sounds, Maybe it"s our looseness, But we"re trash, you and me, We"re the litter on the breeze, We"re the lovers on the streets, Just trash, me and you, It"s in everything we do, It"s in everything we do 也许,也许这就是我们穿的衣服, 还有庸俗的手镯和染过色的头发, 也许这只是我们的狂想, 也许,也许这就是我们根本不存在的城镇, 我们没有住处,只有缥缈的玻璃纸摩擦声 也许这只是我们堕落的生活, 但是我们只是废物,你和我, 我们是微风中的垃圾, 我们是街边的恋人, 但只是废物,我和你。。。 我们做的每件事都那么无用。。 我们做的每件事都那么无用。。


Trash 歌手:Suede 专辑:Coming up Suede : Trash Maybe, maybe it"s the clothes we wear, The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair, Maybe it"s our kookiness, Or maybe, maybe it"s our nowhere towns, Our nothing places and our cellophane sounds, Maybe it"s our looseness, But we"re trash, you and me, We"re the litter on the breeze, We"re the lovers on the streets, Just trash, me and you, It"s in everything we do, It"s in everything we do也许,也许这就是我们穿的衣服, 还有庸俗的手镯和染过色的头发, 也许这只是我们的狂想, 也许,也许这就是我们根本不存在的城镇, 我们没有住处,只有缥缈的玻璃纸摩擦声 也许这只是我们堕落的生活, 但是我们只是废物,你和我, 我们是微风中的垃圾, 我们是街边的恋人, 但只是废物,我和你。。。 我们做的每件事都那么无用。。 我们做的每件事都那么无用。。
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