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银行SWIFT代码(SWIFT code of bank)是银行的国际代码,是由SWIFT协会提出并由ISO通过的银行标识代码。SWIFT协会的每个成员银行都有自己特定的SWIFT代码。电汇时,汇款行可以根据收款行的Swift代码,通过发送支付报文将款项汇给收款行。这个号码相当于每个银行的身份证号。SWIFT银行识别码由银行代码、国家代码、区号和分行代码组成。其中,银行代码由四个易于识别的银行名称首字母组成;根据国际标准化组织的规定,国家代码由两个字母组成;区号由两位数字或字母组成,表示城市;分支机构代码由三个数字或字母组成,表示分支机构。值得一提的是,当你想查询某家银行的SWIFT时,可以直接去银行询问工作人员或者打电话咨询。更有甚者,SWIFT还根据这一规则为未加入SWIFT的银行编制了一个代码,而不是在报文中输入其银行的全称。扩展信息:银行的基本解释银行是金融机构之一。银行按类型分为中央银行、政策性银行、商业银行、投资银行和世界银行。他们的职责不同。1.中央银行:中国人民银行是中国的中央银行。职责:执行货币政策,宏观调控国民经济,监督管理金融机构乃至金融业的专门金融机构。2.政策性银行:包括中国进出口银行、中国农业发展银行和国家开发银行。职责:参股或担保的金融机构,不以营利为目的,专门为执行和配合政府的社会经济政策或意图,直接或间接从事特定业务领域的政策性融资活动,充当政府发展经济、促进社会进步、进行宏观经济管理的工具。3.商业银行:包括中国工商银行、中国农业银行、中国银行、中国建设银行、中国邮政储蓄银行、交通银行等。职责:通过存款、贷款、汇款、储蓄等业务承担信用中介的金融机构。商业银行是金融机构之一,是最重要的金融机构。其主要业务范围包括吸收公众存款、发放贷款和票据贴现。4.投资银行:包括高盛集团、摩根士丹利、花旗集团、富国银行、法国兴业银行等。职责:从事证券发行、承销、交易、企业重组、并购、投资分析、风险投资、项目融资等的非银行金融机构。5.世界银行:用于帮助各国克服贫困,各种机构在缓解贫困和提高生活水平的使命中发挥着独特的作用。

swift code是什么意思?

银行国际代码(SWIFT Code)一般用于发电汇,信用证电报,每个银行都有,用于快速处理银行间电报往来。 如果你的银行是知名银行,如中国银行,那么对方银行可以通过查阅Swift代码表来找到相对应的代码。 拓展资料: 银行国际代码(SWIFT Code)是由SWIFT协会提出并被ISO通过的银行识别代码,凡该协会的成员银行都有自己特定的SWIFT代码.在电汇时,汇出行按照收款行的SWIFT CODE发送付款电文,就可将款项汇至收款行。该号相当于各个银行的身份证号。其原名是BIC(Bank Identifier Code),但是BIC这个名字意思太泛,担心有人理解成别的银行识别代码系统,故渐渐大家约定俗成地把BIC叫作SWIFT Code了。SWIFT是(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications)环球银行间金融通信协会是一个由金融机构共同拥有的私营股份公司,按比利时的法律登记注册,由会员银行和其他金融机构协同管理。 银行国际代码(SWIFT Code)一般用于发电汇,信用证电报,每个银行都有,用于快速处理银行间电报往来。像工商银行和农业银行这样的大银行,也会对自己内部的分支机构分配后缀不同的Swift code。 这样的话,如果你的银行是知名银行,如中国银行,那么对方银行可以通过查阅Swift代码表来找到相对应的代码。当然你的收款银行主动提供该代码可以减少错误的发生几率。 ——SWIFT银行识别代码由以下几部分构成: 银行代码(Bank Code):由四位易于识别的银行行名字头缩写字母构成; 国家代码(Country Code):根据国际标准化组织的规定由两位字母构成; 地区代码(Location Code):由两位数字或字母构成,标明城市; 分行代码(Branch Code):由三位数字或字母构成,标明分支机构。 同时,SWIFT还为没有加入SWIFT组织的银行,按照此规则编制一种在电文中代替输入其银行全称的代码。所有此类代码均在最后三位加上“BIC”三个字母,用来区别于正式SWIFT会员银行的SWIFT地址代码。 招商银行(China Merchants Bank)1987年成立于深圳蛇口,是中国境内第一家完全由企业法人持股的股份制商业银行,也是国家从体制外推动银行业改革的第一家试点银行。 自2012年首次入围《财富》世界500强以来,已连续7年入围,2018年《财富》世界500强居213位。2019年6月26日,招商银行等8家银行首批上线运行企业信息联网核查系统。2019年7月,发布2019《财富》世界500强位列188位。2019年11月,“一带一路”中国企业100强榜单排名第85位。2019年12月,招商银行入选2019中国品牌强国盛典榜样100品牌。2019年12月18日,人民日报“中国品牌发展指数”100榜单排名第31位。2020年1月13日,入选2020胡润至尚优品获奖名单。2020年3月,入选2020年全球品牌价值500强第74位。 2021年5月,位列“2021福布斯全球企业2000强”第22位。

swift code是什么意思?

银行国际代码(SWIFT Code)一般用于发电汇,信用证电报,每个银行都有,用于快速处理银行间电报往来。 如果你的银行是知名银行,如中国银行,那么对方银行可以通过查阅Swift代码表来找到相对应的代码。 拓展资料: 银行国际代码(SWIFT Code)是由SWIFT协会提出并被ISO通过的银行识别代码,凡该协会的成员银行都有自己特定的SWIFT代码.在电汇时,汇出行按照收款行的SWIFT CODE发送付款电文,就可将款项汇至收款行。该号相当于各个银行的身份证号。其原名是BIC(Bank Identifier Code),但是BIC这个名字意思太泛,担心有人理解成别的银行识别代码系统,故渐渐大家约定俗成地把BIC叫作SWIFT Code了。SWIFT是(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications)环球银行间金融通信协会是一个由金融机构共同拥有的私营股份公司,按比利时的法律登记注册,由会员银行和其他金融机构协同管理。 银行国际代码(SWIFT Code)一般用于发电汇,信用证电报,每个银行都有,用于快速处理银行间电报往来。像工商银行和农业银行这样的大银行,也会对自己内部的分支机构分配后缀不同的Swift code。 这样的话,如果你的银行是知名银行,如中国银行,那么对方银行可以通过查阅Swift代码表来找到相对应的代码。当然你的收款银行主动提供该代码可以减少错误的发生几率。 ——SWIFT银行识别代码由以下几部分构成: 银行代码(Bank Code):由四位易于识别的银行行名字头缩写字母构成; 国家代码(Country Code):根据国际标准化组织的规定由两位字母构成; 地区代码(Location Code):由两位数字或字母构成,标明城市; 分行代码(Branch Code):由三位数字或字母构成,标明分支机构。 同时,SWIFT还为没有加入SWIFT组织的银行,按照此规则编制一种在电文中代替输入其银行全称的代码。所有此类代码均在最后三位加上“BIC”三个字母,用来区别于正式SWIFT会员银行的SWIFT地址代码。 招商银行(China Merchants Bank)1987年成立于深圳蛇口,是中国境内第一家完全由企业法人持股的股份制商业银行,也是国家从体制外推动银行业改革的第一家试点银行。 自2012年首次入围《财富》世界500强以来,已连续7年入围,2018年《财富》世界500强居213位。2019年6月26日,招商银行等8家银行首批上线运行企业信息联网核查系统。2019年7月,发布2019《财富》世界500强位列188位。2019年11月,“一带一路”中国企业100强榜单排名第85位。2019年12月,招商银行入选2019中国品牌强国盛典榜样100品牌。2019年12月18日,人民日报“中国品牌发展指数”100榜单排名第31位。2020年1月13日,入选2020胡润至尚优品获奖名单。2020年3月,入选2020年全球品牌价值500强第74位。 2021年5月,位列“2021福布斯全球企业2000强”第22位。

国外汇款叫我给ifsc code,和swift code有什么区别




工银莫斯科的SWIFT Code是什么?

工银莫斯科的SWIFT Code为ICBKRUMM。注:SWIFT又称“环球同业银行金融电讯协会”,凡该协会的成员银行都有自己特定的SWIFT代码,即SWIFT Code。



银行中的swift code 是什么意思?

1、环球银行金融电信协会(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication,SWIFT),或译环球同业银行金融电讯协会。SWIFT是一个协作组织,它运营着世界级的金融电文网络,银行和其他金融机构通过它与同业交换电文(message),从而完成金融交易。除此之外,SWIFT还向金融机构销售软件和服务,其中大部分的用户都在使用SWIFT网络。到2007年6月为止,SWIFT的服务已经遍及207个国家,接入的金融机构超过8100家。2、SWIFT Code(简称银行国际代码)简介一般用于发电汇,信用证电报,每个银行都有,用于快速处理银行间电报往来。像工商银行和建设银行这样的大银行,也会对自己内部的分支机构分配后缀不同的Swift code。3、SWIFT是“Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication 全世界银行间金融电信协会”的英文简称。凡该协会的成员银行都有自己特定的SWIFT代码,即SWIFT CODE。在电汇时,汇出行按照收款行的SWIFT CODE发送付款电文,就可将款项汇至收款行。该号相当于各个银行的身份证号。SWIFT这样的话,如果你的银行是知名银行,如中国银行,那么对方银行可以通过查阅Swift代码表来找到相对应的代码。 当然你的收款银行主动提供该代码可以减少错误的发生几率4、SWIFT Code 需要会员资格。我国的大多数专业银行都是其成员。5、SWIFT的费用较低。同样多的内容,SWIFT的费用只有TELEX(电传)的18%左右,只有CABLE(电报)的2.5%左右。6、SWIFT的安全性较高。SWIFT的密押比电传的密押可靠性强、保密性高,且具有较高的自动化。7、SWIFT的格式具有标准化。对于SWIFT电文,SWIFT组织有着统一的要求和格式。

pnc bank IL USA swift code


我从招行往美国的PNC银行汇款,只填了收款银行及其地址,没有填Swift code,也没填ABA

   汇往欧盟国家需要填写SWIFT代码;其他汇款若没有,可不填写(但Swift代码作为汇出汇款的关键项,建议您尽量提供。填写代码时必须8-11位字母/数字连在一起填写不要加任何空格或符号)。是否可以到账,以最终入账为准。  若您仍有疑问和意见,欢迎登录在线客服https://forum.cmbchina.com/cmu/icslogin.aspx?from=B&logincmu=0 进行咨询,我们将竭诚为您服务!感谢您对招商银行的关注与支持!




韩国友利银行SWIFT CODE (代码) : HVBKKRSExxx韩国友利银行首尔西南秃山分行?Knowledge Industrial Centre =知识工业中心




韩国友利银行(Woori Bank)---HVBKKRSE

谁知道韩国WOORI BANK银行的swift码


Taylor swift的love stroy歌词中文意思?


急求 Taylor Swift的 Love Story,要mp3格式的,最好附歌词!

WewerebothyoungwhenIfirstsawyou. 当我第一次遇见你时我们都还是年轻的模样 Iclosemyeyesandtheflashbackstarts: 我闭上双眸回忆开始涌现在脑海中 I"mstandingthereonabalconyinsummerair. 我站在充满夏日气息的阳台上 Seethelights,seetheparty,theballgowns. 望向闪亮的灯光望向华丽的舞会华贵的礼服 Seeyoumakeyourwaythroughthecrowd 看见你从拥挤的人群中向我走来 andsayhello; 对我打招呼 LittledidIknow 至少让我知道了 ThatyouwereRomeo;youwerethrowingpebbles, 你叫罗密欧你向窗户扔着石子 Andmydaddysaid,"StayawayfromJuliet." 我爸爸对你说离朱丽叶远远地 AndIwascryingonthestaircase, 我在楼梯上哭泣 beggingyou,"Please,don"tgo." 祈求着你不要离开 AndIsaid, 我说道 "Romeo,takemesomewherewecanbealone. 罗密欧带我到一个只有互相的地方吧 I"llbewaiting;allthere"slefttodoisrun. 我会默默守候等待我们能做的只有逃跑 You"llbetheprinceandI"llbetheprincess 那时候你会像王子一样而我像公主一样一起生活 It"salovestorybabyjustsay"Yes." 这是一个美好的爱情故事你要做的就是答应我 SoIsneakouttothegardentoseeyou. 我偷溜到花园只为见你一面 Wekeepquiet"causewe"redeadiftheyknew. 我们小心翼翼保持着安静因为如果他们发现我们便完蛋了 Socloseyoureyes;escapethistownforalittlewhile. 闭上你的双眸逃离这个喧闹的小镇哪怕只是一瞬间 "CauseyouwereRomeo,Iwasascarletletter, 因为你是罗密欧所以我的生活才变得有色彩 Andmydaddysaid"StayawayfromJuliet," 但我爸爸却对你说离朱丽叶远远地 Butyouwereeverythingtome;Iwasbeggingyou,"Please,don"tgo," 但你是我的全部我祈求你不要离开 AndIsaid, 我说 "Romeo,takemesomewherewecanbealone. 罗密欧带我到一个只有互相的地方吧 I"llbewaiting;allthere"slefttodoisrun. 我会默默守候等待我们能做的只有逃跑 You"llbetheprinceandI"llbetheprincess 那时候你会像王子一样而我像公主一样一起生活 It"salovestorybabyjustsay"Yes." 这是一个美好的爱情故事你要做的就是答应我 Romeosaveme;they"retryin"totellmehowtofeel. 罗密欧来拯救我吧他们尝试着控制我的思想 Thisloveisdifficult,butit"sreal. 这份爱情虽然艰难重重但是如此的真实 Don"tbeafraid;we"llmakeitoutofthismess. 不要感到害怕我们会突破这个困境 It"salovestorybabyjustsay"Yes." 这是一个美好的爱情故事你要做的就是答应我 Igottiredofwaiting, 我厌倦了漫长的等候 Wonderingifyouwereevercomin"around. 我也开始怀疑你是否会如期约般来到我身旁 Myfaithinyouwasfading 我的意志渐渐开始崩溃 WhenImetyouontheoutskirtsoftown. 当我在郊外的小镇再次遇到你时 AndIsaid, 我说 "RomeosavemeI"vebeenfeelingsoalone. 罗密欧拯救我吧我感觉到了前所未有的孤独 Ikeepwaitingforyoubutyounevercome. 我一直默默地等候着你可你却未曾出现 Isthisinmyhead?Idon"tknowwhattothink" 已经深深印在我的脑海里了么我甚至不知道如何去思考 Heknelttothegroundandpulledoutaringandsaid, 他单膝下跪从口袋中拿出一个戒指说 "Marryme,Juliet.you"llneverhavetobealone. 嫁给我吧朱丽叶你再也不用忍受孤独 Iloveyouandthat"sallIreallyknow. 我所唯一知道的是我爱你 Italkedtoyourdad,gopickoutawhitedress; 我和你爸爸已经说通了现在去挑选婚纱 It"salovestorybabyjustsay"Yes." 这是一个美好的爱情故事你要做的就是答应我 Oh,oh. WewerebothyoungwhenIfirstsawyou 当我第一次遇见你时我们都还是年轻的模样 百度云连接: 望采纳

请问 有人知道 澳门中国银行的intermediary bank swift code 是什麼吗?

Institution name BANK OF CHINA, MACAU BRANCH-----------------------------------------------------BIC BKCHMOMX-----------------------------------------------------

Taylor Swift的《Mine》 歌词

歌曲名:Mine歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:Speak Now (Karaoke Version)Taylor Swift - MineSpledidyang of MAXRNBOh oh ooo oOh oh ooo oYou were in college working part time waiting tablesLeft to small time never looked back.I was the flight risk with the fear of fallinWondered why we bothered with love if it never lastsI say can you believe it?As we"re lying on a couchThe moment I can see itYes yes I can see it nowDo you remember we were sitting there about the waterYou put your arm around me for the first timeYou made a rebel of a careless man"s careful daughterYou are the best thing that"s ever been mineFlash forward and we"d been taking on the world togetherAnd there is a drawer of my things and your placeYou learned my secrets and you figured out why I"m got itYou said we"d never made my parents" mistakes.But we"ve got bills to payWe"ve got nothing figured outWhen it was hard to take yes yesThis is was I thought aboutDo you remember we were sitting there about the waterYou put your arm around me for the first timeYou made a rebel of a careless man"s careful daughterYou are the best thing that"s ever been mineDo you remember all the city lights on the waterYou saw me start to believe for the first timeYou made a rebel of a careless man"s careful daughterYou are the best thing that"s ever been mineWoah oh ooAnd I remember that fight to bury it outCause everything was slipping right out of my handsAnd I ran out crying and you followed me out into the streetRaised myself for a goodbyeCause that"s all I"ve ever knownAnd you took me butterfliesYou said I"ll never leave you oh ohYou saidI remember how we felt sitting about the waterAnd every time I look at you is like the first timeI fell in love with careless man"s careful daughterShe is the best thing that"s ever been mineOh ohMake it lastOh ohNever turn backYou made a rebel of a careless man"s careful daughterYou are the best thing that"s ever been mineWoah ohDo you believe itWoah ohWe"re gonna make it nowWoah ohAnd I can see it yeah yeahSee it now, See it nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18005119



Taylor Swift的《Starlight》 歌词

歌曲名:Starlight歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:Red KaraokeI said oh my, what a marvellous tuneIt was the best night, never would forget how we movedThe whole place was dressed to the nines, and we were dancing dancingLike we"re made of starlightLike we"re made of starlightI"m a barbie on the boardwalk, summer of "45Picks me up, play one night at the windowHe was 17 and crazy, running wild, wildCan"t remember what song it was playing when we walked inThe night we snook into a yacht club partyPretending to be a duchess and a princeI said oh my, what a marvellous tuneIt was the best night, never would forget how we movedThe whole place was dressed to the nines, and we were dancing dancingLike we"re made of starlight, starlightLike we"re made of starlight, starlightHe still look at you worrying so much about things you can"t changeYou"ll spend your whole life singing the blues if you keep thinking awayHe was trying to skip rocks on the ocean saying to meDon"t you see the starlight, starlight?Don"t you dream impossible things?Like oh my, what a marvellous tuneIt was the best night, never would forget how we movedThe whole place was dressed to the nines, and we were dancing, dancingLike we"re made of starlight, starlightLike we"re made of starlight, starlightOoh ooh he"s talking crazyOoh ooh dancing with meOoh ooh we could get marriedHave ten kids and teach them how to dreamOoh ooh ooh x4Oh my, what a marvellous tuneIt was the best night, never would forget how we movedThe whole place was dressed to the nines, and we were dancing, dancingLike we"re made of starlight, starlightLike we"re made of starlight, starlightLike we"re made of starlight, starlightLike we dream impossible dreamsLike starlight starlightLike we dream impossible dreamsDon"t you see the starlight starlightDon"t you dream impossible thingshttp://music.baidu.com/song/34235821

求taylor swift的the diary of me 中文歌词!!

I"m a laid back, t-shirt blue jean mood ring kind of girlHey yeah, but what"s the word on youLay low, I"m a mission rebel angel devilA little left of the middleSometimes I get temperamentalHere I am, an open bookTurn the page, it"s all the rageGet a look on the insideBut what you get is what you seeBaby you hold the keyTo the diary of me I"m poetry, complicated simply statedHey yeah, baby how about youI was born freeI"m a cell phone hippie, are you with meWhen I mess up I don"t get up I just get downHere I am, an open bookTurn the page, it"s all the rageGet a look on the insideBut what you get is what you seeBaby you hold the keyTo the diary of me It"s raining on SundayThere"s nothing on TV Yesterday was lonelyYou"re the only one who gets meMy mind is like an island drifting through the oceanI can"t stop thinking about youI bet you"re thinking of me tooHere I am, an open bookTurn the page, it"s all the rageGet a look on the insideBut what you get is what you seeBaby you hold the keyTo the diary of me Here I am, an open bookTurn the page, it"s all the rageGet a look on the insideBut what you get is what you seeBaby you hold the keyTo the diary of me

谁有taylor swift的吉他谱,有多少要多少

love storyhttp://wenku.baidu.com/view/37615935eefdc8d376ee3241.html


Swift_字符串详解(String)类型别名//类型别名fileprivate func testTypeAliases() {let index = String.Index.selfprint("(index)")let utf8index = String.UTF8Index.selfprint("(utf8index)")let utf16index = String.UTF16Index.selfprint("(utf16index)")let unicodeScalarIndex = String.UnicodeScalarIndex.selfprint("(unicodeScalarIndex)")let greeting = "XuBaoAiChiYu"print(greeting[greeting.startIndex])//输出字符串的第一个字符print(greeting[greeting.characters.index(before: greeting.endIndex)])//输出字符串的最后一个字符print(greeting[greeting.characters.index(after: greeting.startIndex)])//输出字符串的第二个字符print(greeting[greeting.characters.index(greeting.startIndex, offsetBy: 7)])//输出字符串的第八个字符/* printIndexIndexIndexIndexXuuC*/}初始化//初始化fileprivate func testInitializers() {//初始化var string: String = String()string = "XuBaoAiChiYu"print(string)//char 初始化let char: Character = "X"string = String(char)print(string)string = String.init(char)print(string)string = "(char)"print(string)// 通过CharacterViewlet charView: String.CharacterView = String.CharacterView("XuBaoAiChiYu")string = String(charView)print(string)//通过 utf-16 编码let utf16: String.UTF16View = string.utf16string = String(describing: utf16)print(utf16)//通过 utf-8 编码let utf8: String.UTF8View = string.utf8string = String(describing: utf8)print(utf8)//通过多个字符串组合生成string = String(stringInterpolation: "xu", "bao")print(string)//char初始化 连续count次string = String(repeating: String(char), count: 6)print(string)//通过其他常用数据初始化string = String(stringInterpolationSegment: true)print(string)string = String(stringInterpolationSegment: 24)print(string)// 通过NSString初始化,不推荐string = NSString(string: "XuBaoAiChiYu") as Stringprint(string)string = NSString.init(string: "XuBaoAiChiYu") as Stringprint(string)// 组合生成string = NSString(format: "%@", "XuBaoAiChiYu") as Stringprint(string)/* printXuBaoAiChiYuXXXXuBaoAiChiYuXuBaoAiChiYuXuBaoAiChiYuxubaoXXXXXXtrue24XuBaoAiChiYuXuBaoAiChiYuXuBaoAiChiYu*/}文件路径操作//文件路径操作fileprivate func testWorkingWithPaths() {var path = "xubaoaichiyu/ios/swift"print(path)//路径分割成熟数组var pathComponents = (path as NSString).pathComponentsprint(pathComponents)//数组组合成路径path = NSString.path(withComponents: pathComponents)print(path)//Document目录let documents: [String] = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(FileManager.SearchPathDirectory.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)print(documents)let documentPath: String = documents.first!print(documentPath)//寻找文件夹下包含多少个路径var complete = documentPath.completePath(caseSensitive: true)print(complete)//寻找文件夹下包含指定扩展名的文件路径个数var outName = ""let filterTypes = ["txt", "plist"]complete = documentPath.completePath(into: &outName, caseSensitive: true, matchesInto: &pathComponents, filterTypes: filterTypes)print("completePathIntoString:(complete)")//添加路径path = (documentPath as NSString).appendingPathComponent("test")print(path)//添加扩展path = (path as NSString).appendingPathExtension("plist")!print(path)print("是否绝对路径:((path as NSString).isAbsolutePath)")print("最后一个路径名:((path as NSString).lastPathComponent)")print("扩展名:((path as NSString).pathExtension)")//去掉扩展名var tempPath = (path as NSString).deletingPathExtensionprint(tempPath)//去掉最后一个路径tempPath = (path as NSString).deletingLastPathComponentprint(tempPath)//转%格式码let allowedCharacters:CharacterSet = CharacterSet.controlCharacterstempPath = path.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: allowedCharacters)!print(tempPath)//转可见tempPath = (tempPath as NSString).removingPercentEncoding!print(tempPath)/* printxubaoaichiyu/ios/swift["xubaoaichiyu", "ios", "swift"]xubaoaichiyu/ios/swift["/Users/caoxu/Documents"]/Users/caoxu/Documents4completePathIntoString:1/Users/caoxu/Documents/test/Users/caoxu/Documents/test.plist是否绝对路径:true最后一个路径名:test.plist扩展名:plist/Users/caoxu/Documents/test/Users/caoxu/Documents%2F%55%73%65%72%73%2F%63%61%6F%78%75%2F%44%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%73%2F%74%65%73%74%2E%70%6C%69%73%74/Users/caoxu/Documents/test.plist*/}

读取一个文本文件中逐行 Swift 吗

你可以尝试:if let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("TextFile", ofType: "txt"){ var data = String(contentsOfFile:path, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: nil) if let content = (data){ let myStrings = content.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.newlineCharacterSet()) TextView.text = myStrings[0] }}该变量 myStrings 应该是每行的数据。使用的代码是从: iOS SDK 中逐行读取文件写在 Obj C 和使用 NSString

Both Of Us (feat. Taylor Swift) 歌词

歌曲名:Both Of Us (feat. Taylor Swift)歌手:B.o.B专辑:Strange CloudsB.O.B - Both Of Us feat Taylor SwiftSplendidyangI wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both usSome day I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of usEver thought about losing itWhen your money"s all gone and you lose your whipYou might lose your grip when the landlord tell ya that you do for rentAnd the grass so green on the other sideMake a nigga wanna run staight through the fenceWe"re never freezed by two hundred timesBut still can"t find no food in itThat"s foolishnessAnd sometimes I wonder, why we care so much about the way we lookAnd the way we talk and the way we act and the clothes we boughtHow much that cost?Cause it even really matter?Cause the flight is a uphill battleBut y"all tryna climb with the same ol" ladderIn the same boat, with the same ol" battleWhy so shallow? I"m just askingWhat"s the pattern setting madnessEverybody ain"t a number one draft pickMost of us ain"t Hollywood actorsBut if it"s all for one, and one for allThen maybe one day, we all can rockDo it one time for the underdogsSincerely yours, from one of yoursI wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both usSome day I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of usI can feel your pain, I can feel your struggleYou just wanna live, been levitating so lowThat you could drown in a bubbleThat"s why I gotta hold us up, yeah hold us upFor all the times no one"s ever spoke for usTo every single time that they play this songYou can say that that"s what Bobby Ray wrote for usWhen the tides get too highAnd the sea upon your knees get so deepAnd you feel like you"re just another personGetting lost in the crowd, where your partner, no pleaseUh, because we won"t be near yet, both of usBut we still stand tall with our shoulders upAnd even though we always a chance to usThese are the things that"ve molded usAnd if life hadn"t chosen usSometimes I wonder where woulda wind upCause if it was up to me, i"d make a new blueprintFeel better from the ground up, heyBut if it"s all for one, and one for allThen maybe one day, we all can rockDo it one time for the underdogsFrom Bobby Ray, to all of y"allI wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both usSome day I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of ushttp://music.baidu.com/song/17427846

Taylor Swift所有的歌

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跪求taylor swift 的love story的蓝光级别高清mv


怎么鉴定Taylor Swift《Speak Now》美版豪华CD是正版还是盗版?


taylor swift -的speak now 讲述的是怎样一个故事。

Taylor心仪的对象要结婚了,新娘却不是她。在婚礼上,Taylor问他要不要和她走,她知道他心里只爱她一个。这时候婚礼的嘉宾们就让男主选择,要Speak now,于是他选了Taylor,和她相会,从此过上了幸福的生活。简单说就是抢婚,呵呵,真有意思,小美女太有才了!

Taylor Swift - Speak Now 准确的中文歌词

我不是这样的女孩,不会轻易闯入这样有着白色婚纱的神圣场合 但是你也不是那样一个男孩,要娶走一个自己不爱的女孩 我偷偷溜进去,看见了你的朋友们 也看见了她穿着可笑浅色衣服的粗鲁家庭 她正站在一个房间里面,穿着像酥油点心一样长袍,对着伴娘大吼大叫 这很明显不是你原来所想所要的 我沉醉在我的白日梦中 在梦中,我突然闯入,然后说 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 你只需要听我说 他们说:“就现在说吧” 婚礼依旧顺利的进行 风琴开始演奏一首像死亡进行曲一样的曲子 我正躲在窗帘之后 就好像我没有被你那个“可爱的”待嫁新娘邀请一样 她沿着教堂走道,像一个公主一样,走向婚礼圣坛 但是我知道,你希望新娘是我 你希望是我,难道不是吗? 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 你只需要听我说 他们说:“就现在说吧” 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 你的时间已经快要没有了 他们说:“就现在说吧” 我听见牧师在宣读誓词 让我现在就说吧,否则我要永远保持沉默了 现在一片寂静,现在是我最后的机会 我颤抖的站在来 所有人都在看着我 教堂里的每个人都露出惊骇的表情 但是我现在就仅仅在盯着你 我不是这样的女孩,不会轻易闯入这样有着白色婚纱的神圣场合 但是你也不是那样一个男孩,要娶走一个自己不爱的女孩 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 你只需要听我说 他们说:“就现在说吧” 你会说:"一起逃走吧 当我脱下婚服,跑出后门,我会跟你离开 我没有向她许誓 当他们说‘现在说吧"的时候,我很高兴你在这里”

求Taylor Swift 的《Speak Now》歌词及翻译

I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil ocassion 我不是那种,会在婚礼的时候粗鲁的闯进教堂的女孩 But you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl 但你也不是那种,必须要和不合适的人结婚的男孩 I sneak in and see your friends and her snotty little family all dressed in pastells 我偷偷的溜进来,看到你的朋友们以及那个女孩自以为是的家人,都穿著光鲜亮丽的礼服 And she is yelling at a bridesmaid 她正在朝伴娘大声喊叫: Somewhere back inside a room wearing a gown shaped like a pastry “你还不如快去找个地方去穿那件简直像馅饼皮的长袍睡衣!” This is surely not what you thought it would be 这肯定不是你想要的生活 I lose myself in a daydream 我沈浸在我们美好结局的幻想中 Burst in and say 于是我再也不能忍受了,我说 Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说那句“我愿意”,现在快和我离开这里吧 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 你逃出教堂时,我会在后门等你 Don"t wait or say a single vow 不要再彷徨或者说出那句并非出自你真心的誓言 You need to hear me out 你必须听我说完,逃走吧 And they said speak now 在他们要你承诺的那一刻 Fun gestures are exchanged (宾客们)有趣的手势在不断的变化 And the organ starts to play 风琴也开始弹奏新娘进入教堂的音乐 A song that sounds like a death march 然而对我来说那种声音就像一首死亡进行曲 And I am hiding in the curtains 我小心翼翼的藏在门帘后面 It seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be 这样使我看起来不像是被你那可爱的新娘邀请来祝福你们的人 She floats down the aisle like a pagent queen 她像个盛典中高贵的王后一样走过教堂的红地毯 But I know you wish it was me 但是我心裏明白,你希望那正朝你走来的女孩是我 You wish it was me 你一定更希望那是我 Don"t you 不是吗? Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说那句“我愿意”,现在快和我离开这里吧 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 你逃出教堂时,我会在后门等你 Don"t wait or say a single vow 不要再彷徨或者说出那句并非出自你真心的誓言 You need to hear me out 你必须听我说完,逃走吧 And they said speak now 在他们要你承诺的那一刻 Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说那句“我愿意”,现在快和我离开这里吧 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 你逃出教堂时,我会在后门等你 Don"t wait or say a single vow 不要再彷徨或者说出那句并非出自你真心的誓言 You need to hear me out 你必须听我说完,逃走吧 And they said speak now 在他们要你承诺的那一刻 I hear the preacher say 我听到牧师说 Speak now or forever hold your peace “如果有谁对他们的结合有异议,那麽现在就说出来,不然就请永恒的祝福他们。” Theres the silence 四周一片寂静,都在期待著那个时刻的到来 Theres my last chance 但我知道这是我的最后机会了 I stand up with shaky hands 我站起来,摇晃著手表达我的反对 All eyes on me 所有的目光顿时汇聚到了我的身上 Horrified looks from everyone in the room 教堂裏所有人都震惊的看著我 But I"m only lookin" at you 但是我只是专注的凝视著你 I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil ocassion 我不是那种,会在婚礼的时候粗鲁的闯进教堂的女孩 But you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl 但你也不是那种,必须要和不合适的人结婚的男孩 Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说那句“我愿意”,现在快和我离开这里吧 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 你逃出教堂时,我会在后门等你 Don"t wait or say a single vow 不要再彷徨或者说出那句并非出自你真心的誓言 You need to hear me out 你必须听我说完,逃走吧 And they said speak now 在他们要你承诺的那一刻 And you"ll say let"s run away now 你终于大胆的对我说出口:让我们现在就离开这裏吧 I"ll meet you when I"m out of my tux at the back door 我会脱下这身礼服,就在后门和你见面 Baby I didn"t say my vows 亲爱的,我没有对别人说出那句誓言 So glad you were around when they said speak now 万幸 他们让我承诺前,有你在我身边阻止了我

Taylor Swift的《Speak Now》 歌词

歌曲名:Speak Now歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:Speak Now (Karaoke Version)Taylor Swift - Speak NowI am not the kind of girlWho should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasionBut you are not the kind of boyWho should be marrying the wrong girlI sneak in and see your friends,And her snotty little family all dressed in pastelAnd she is yelling at a bridesmaid,Somewhere back inside a roomWearing a gown shaped like a pastryThis.. is.. surely not what you thought it would beI.. lose myself in a daydreamWhere I stand and sayDon"t say yes, run away nowI"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoorDon"t wait or say a single vowYou need to hear me out and they said speak nowFun gestures are exchangedAnd the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death marchAnd I am hiding in the curtainsIt seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-beShe.. floats down the aisle like a pageant queenI.. know.. you wish it was meYou wish it was me don"t you?Don"t say yes, run away nowI"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoorDon"t wait or say a single vowYou need to hear me out and they said speak nowDon"t say yes, run away nowI"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoorDon"t wait or say a single vowYour time is running out and they said speak nowI hear the preacher say speak now or forever hold your peaceThere"s the silence, there"s my last chanceI stand up with shaking hands, all eyes on meHorrified looks from everyone in the roomBut I"m only looking at youI am not the kind of girlWho should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasionBut you are not the kind of boyWho should be marrying the wrong girlSo don"t say yes, run away nowI"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the backdoorDon"t wait or say a single vowYou need to hear me out and they said speak nowAnd you say lets run away nowI"ll meet when I"m out of my tux at the backdoorBaby I didn"t say my vows,So glad you were aroundWhen they said "Speak now"http://music.baidu.com/song/18006656

怎么鉴定Taylor Swift《Speak Now》美版豪华CD是正版还是盗版?

我不会告诉你国内电脑系统 WIN7还是XP MediaPlayer TM全不好用,老是抽风,说我系统是盗版,我花上百块大洋买的盗版,我去年买了个表!是播放器问题!

taylor swift的专辑封面怎么有红色和紫色两种

紫裙版是普通版 单CD红裙版是豪华版 双CD

taylor swift 的《speak now》专辑销量为多少

美国流行音乐小天后、全球青少年偶像泰勒u2022史薇芙特于3月31日在伦敦O2场馆举行了《Speak Now爱的告白世界巡回演唱会》的最后一场海外演出。环球音乐高层为她举行了特别的颁奖仪式,表彰其三张专辑在全球卖出2000万张的骄人成绩。年仅21岁的泰勒出道时间不长却成就非凡,她是4座格莱美奖得主,成为该奖历史上最年轻的年度专辑大奖获得者。才华横溢的她包办所有个人专辑的词曲创作,其中第二张个人大碟《Fearless放手去爱》更是荣登2009年全美最畅销专辑。而全新大碟《Speak Now爱的告白》刷新了北美专辑销售统计系统SoundScan公司自2005年以来的最佳单周销售纪录。在热卖的同时,专辑中有11首歌曲在同一周打进Billboard公告牌全美热门单曲榜百名之列,缔造了单周拥有最多首进榜单曲的历史纪录!与此同时,她还是Billboard 公告牌2009与2010年音乐播放次数最高的艺人。泰勒在全球5大洲18个国家获颁金唱片、白金唱片以及多白金唱片的销量认证。除此之外,她的歌曲在数字下载市场累计销量超过3300万次,成为音乐史上最畅销的数字下载销售艺人,同时也是21世纪至今专辑在榜周数最久的艺人。惊人的销售成绩还不足以说明一切,权威乐评的肯定才真正奠定了泰勒叫好又叫座的美誉。老牌音乐杂志《滚石》对其最新两张大碟均给出了4/5分的绝赞高评,而美国《娱乐周刊》更将2010年度娱乐人物的大奖授予她。3月31日的演出是泰勒海外巡演的最后一站,接下来她将于5月27日马不停蹄开始北美巡演的步伐。今年她将总计在全球97个场馆为全世界的歌迷展现自己的音乐热情。泰勒刚刚获得了第46届美国乡村音乐学院奖的四项提名,其中包括最受关注的“年度艺人”大奖。而在日前提前公布的乡村音乐学院奖6项大奖中,她赢得了“吉姆-里夫斯国际大使奖”殊荣,用以表彰她使美国乡村音乐获得世界各地乐迷的认同而做出的贡献。

Taylor Swift 《speak now》去过哪里开演唱会


求taylor swift 《Speak Now》专辑歌曲名的字体

Taylor swift是:Satisfactionspeak now那几个字是:Sudestada只不过speak now “speak”是另一个字体,那个字体找不到了,“now”都是Sudestada

Taylor Swift - Speak Now什么意思?


怎么辨别Zowie Swift鼠标垫的真假!

随便挑个鼠标的玩玩好了,干嘛非要Zowie Swift鼠标垫,诺去电脑店里1元一张的鼠标垫都有,而且比贵的鼠标垫好用多了。朋友麻烦采纳我吧,我在做任务,就剩最后一个满意答案了、

Swift - 制作一个录音机(声音的录制与播放)

(1)AVFoundation.framework 框架提供了 AVAudioRecorder 类。它可以实现录音功能。 (2)而使用该框架的 AVAudioPlayer 类,可以实现声音的播放。 (1)按住录音按钮则开始录音,松开则停止录音。录音文件保存在用户文件夹下。 (2)录音过程中会实时显示声音的音量大小(这个可以用来做声音脉冲图,获得更好的展示效果) (3)点击播放录音则可播放录制的声音文件。 由于苹果安全策略更新,需要在 Info.plist 配置请求麦克风相的关描述字段(Privacy - Microphone Usage Description) 原文出自: www.hangge.com

swift 录音demo

以下是用swift写的一个录音demo, 把声音录制保存到沙盒里, 并获得声音的分贝值大小. (亲测可用!) importUIKitimportAVFoundation classViewController:UIViewController{ //定义录音器 varrecord:AVAudioRecorder? //定义定时器,用来获得声音的分贝大小,显示到界面 vartimer:CADisplayLink? overridefuncviewDidLoad(){ super.viewDidLoad() } } extensionViewController{ @IBActionfuncbeginRecord(sender:UIButton){ //1.获取录制文件的存放的路径 letfilePath=NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.DocumentDirectory,.UserDomainMask,true)[0] letfileName=filePath.stringByAppendingString("/woailo.wav") guardletfileURL=NSURL(string:fileName)else{ return } //2.创建录制音频的对象44100-->8000 guardletrecord=try?AVAudioRecorder(URL:fileURL,settings:[AVSampleRateKey:80000])else{ return } self.record=record //3.开始录制 record.record() print(fileURL) print(fileName) //4.测试声音的大小 record.meteringEnabled=true //4.开启定时器 timer=CADisplayLink(target:self,selector:#selector(getVolumePower)) timer?.addToRunLoop(NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop(),forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes) } @objcprivatefuncgetVolumePower(){ //updateMeters要和averagePowerForChannel配合使用 record?.updateMeters() letpowerLeval=record?.averagePowerForChannel(0) print(powerLeval) } @IBActionfuncstopRecord(sender:UIButton){ record?.stop() timer?.invalidate() timer=nil } }

usbank的Swift code是什么?


taylor swift有那首歌里面有一句歌词是"this is a different story" 求歌名~

是不是这个啊Brought Up That Way

JPMorgan chase bank swift code


摩根大通银行香港分行的SWIFT 代码

香港分行(总部的)代码:CHASHKHH 香港分行名称:JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., HONG KONG BR. 需要香港各支行的吗?

摩根大通银行香港分行的SWIFT 代码

香港分行(总部的)代码:CHASHKHH 香港分行名称:JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., HONG KONG BR. 需要香港各支行的吗?

jpmorgan chase bank n.a的swift代码



香港分行(总部的)代码:CHASHKHH 香港分行名称:JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., HONG KONG BR. 还有一个是香港分行代码:CHASHKHP 香港分行名称:JPMORGAN CHASE BANK,N.A., HONG KONG BRANCH 两个在同一个地址,两个现在在SWIFT系统里都是可用的。只是前面那个还有很多分行号码,后面这个就只有这个号码,8个字符的表示是总部的。你用前面的那个吧。

我要给英国汇款,去银行说要swift code,但是只有sort code能不能汇

是的,其实一般境外汇款有swift code就可以了,sort code汇英镑到英国本地才用。sort code是英国清算代码,SWIFT是全球银行电讯系统,国际汇款要通过SWIFT系统。sort code是英国的银行代码,bsb是澳洲的银行代码,swift code全球通用。用bsb汇澳元到澳洲。sort code是英国清算代码,SWIFT是全球银行电讯系统,国际汇款要通过SWIFT系统,银行给你汇款的时候要通过这个系统给收款人的开户行发一个电文,在发这个电文的的时候reciever 域要输入对方银行的SWIFT CODE才会反显出该银行的信息,而且银行能够给收款行发电文的前提是一定要和对方银行建立了密押关系的,否则只能发9字头的报文,而汇款是202电文。SWIFT CODE银行一般可以在在该协会的官方网站上可以查询,但是你去汇款的那个分支行的操作员可能没有这个访问权限,而且银行没有这个义务帮你查询,所以你还是让对方去他的银行问一下,SWIFT CODE是十一位数字或字母的BIC可以拆分为银行代码、国家代码、地区代码和分行代码四部分。以中国银行北京分行为例,其银行识别代码为BKCHCNBJ300,所以你也可以在对方给你提供的信息里面看有没有这种编排规则的代码。

请问sort code,swift code各是什么?

sort code的意思是:银行代码、银行区号、分类代码、排序码、分类编码。swift code的意思是:迅速代码,该号码相当于各个银行的身份证号码。1.SWIFT Code(银行国际代码)一般用于发电汇,信用证电报,大部分银行都有,用于快速处理银行间电报往来。像工商银行和建设银行这样的大银行,也会对自己内部的分支机构分配后缀不同的Swift code。2.SWIFT是一个国际银行间非盈利性的国际合作组织,总部设在比利时的布鲁塞尔,同时在荷兰阿姆斯特丹和美国纽约分别设立交换中心,并为各参加国开设集线中心,为国际金融业务提供快捷、准确、优良的服务。3.SWIFT运营着世界级的金融电文网络,银行和其他金融机构通过它与同业交换电文(Message)来完成金融交易。除此之外,SWIFT还向金融机构销售软件和服务,其中大部分

请问sort code 、swift code各是什么

sort code的意思是:银行代码、银行区号、分类代码、排序码、分类编码。swift code的意思是:迅速代码,该号码相当于各个银行的身份证号码。1.SWIFT Code(银行国际代码)一般用于发电汇,信用证电报,大部分银行都有,用于快速处理银行间电报往来。像工商银行和建设银行这样的大银行,也会对自己内部的分支机构分配后缀不同的Swift code。2.SWIFT是一个国际银行间非盈利性的国际合作组织,总部设在比利时的布鲁塞尔,同时在荷兰阿姆斯特丹和美国纽约分别设立交换中心,并为各参加国开设集线中心,为国际金融业务提供快捷、准确、优良的服务。3.SWIFT运营着世界级的金融电文网络,银行和其他金融机构通过它与同业交换电文(Message)来完成金融交易。除此之外,SWIFT还向金融机构销售软件和服务,其中大部分

sort code和swift code

1.sort code是银行区号。是英国清算代码,实际上IBAN账号中9-14位即sort code2.SWIFT Code(银行国际代码)一般用于发电汇,信用证电报,每个银行都有,用于快速处理银行间电报往来。像工商银行和建设银行这样的大银行,也会对自己内部的分支机构分配后缀不同的Swift code。SWIFT是一个国际银行间非盈利性的国际合作组织,总部设在比利时的布鲁塞尔,同时在荷兰阿姆斯特丹和美国纽约分别设立交换中心(Swifting Center),并为各参加国开设集线中心(National Concentration),为国际金融业务提供快捷、准确、优良的服务。

请教:香港汇丰银行的SWIFT CODE和BIC code是一个吗????急!


付 英国汇款 swift code填写了 sort code没填写 好 钱汇得出去吗

主要是看汇什么币种,而且各家行标准不一样,如果你网银汇的,不行的话,银行会落地处理与你联系。以工行标准为例:英镑:有IBAN账号,可以不用SC(实际上IBAN账号中9-14位即sort code),8位短账号或16位卡号,必须SC号;其他币种不用SC号,因为SC号是英国境内用于清算英镑的。扩展资料:SWIFT的特点和类型1、SWIFT需要会员资格。我国的大多数专业银行都是其成员。2、SWIFT的费用较低,高速度。同样多的内容,SWIFT的费用只有TELEX(电传)的18%左右,只有CABLE(电报)的2.5%左右。3、SWIFT的安全性较高;。SWIFT的密押比电传的密押可靠性强、保密性高,且具有较高的自动化。4、SWIFT的格式具有标准化。对于SWIFT电文,SWIFT组织有着统一的要求和格式。用户包括三种类型,分别为:会员(股东)、子会员以及普通用户。会员可享受所有的SWIFT服务;普通用户只享有与其业务相关的服务,主要来自于证券行业,如证券中介、投资管理公司、基金管理公司等。参考资料:百度百科-SWIFT



swift code=Sort code?

更新1: The Branck Identing Code in my Bank Satement is similar to the ones I saw in the website given by "Stephen". ,通过 Swift Neork 进行 国际汇款的银行通常用一组英文字母或数字代表银行或它们的分行, 这种代码就是Swift Code ,又叫 BIC ,Swift Code 一般是八个英文字母, 有时只有其中六个是字母后面两个是数字。 还有些银行在 Swift Code 的后面再加上分行的代码。 HSBC Bank UK 的Swift code 是MIDLG21 XXX 或MIDLG22 XXX , 后面的XXX是分行号码。 显示 在online bank statement 的右上角。 但 英国和欧洲的银行 会用另外一组代码, 叫做 IBAN IBAN 包括 Country Code, Check Code, Bank Code,Sort code and Aount Number, 总共是 22个字母和数字, 显示在 paper bank statement 的右上角. Sort code 是6个数字,是在IBAN 里面代表银行和它的分行。 和 Swift code 是不同的 请看下面 英国HSBC 的网页: business.h *** c.co.uk/1/2/international-business/iban-bic 你的父亲如果是从中国香港汇款到英国, 两种号码都可以用, 看他的银行喜欢用那一个,如果你有问题, 在上面 HSBC 的网页你可以打电话和用网上通讯去确定。因为有时 Local 的分行很少国际汇款, 职员会不大清楚。 2012-10-20 12:09:17 补充: The Branck Identing Code 就是 BIC 亦即是 Swift Code。 2012-10-20 12:10:56 补充: 更正:The Branch Identing Code 就是 BIC 亦即是 Swift Code。,Go ask again (You can either call or go to a branch) and ask for the SWIFT code for ining wire trfer. The bank should be able to give it out. Also - it is always best to trust the local bank instead of inter (unless it is displayed in a bank"s website) about the SWIFT code as in some cases, different areas/branches/aounts may have different SWIFT code. 2012-10-20 03:46:18 补充: Bottom line - it is your money. What the harm if you can confirm with the bank again?,Please check this site: theswiftcodes/ for the UK HSBC swiftcode. Also ask your dad to double check the code in HK HSBC if it matches by the time to wire the money to you.,

为什么Jake Gyllenhaal有和Taylor swift分手啦??


taylor swift 和jake为什么分手


为什么Jake Gyllenhaal有和Taylor swift分手啦??


谁有Taylor Swift的《better off》的中文歌词?

The sky is falling and its early in the morning 在早上天塌了下来 But it"s ok somehow 但不管怎样,这都不是问题 I spilt my coffee,it went all over your clothes 我打翻了咖啡,弄脏了你的衣服 I gotta wear mine now 现在我只能穿我自己的了 -------------$EREZADE--------------------------------------------- And I"m always always always late 我总是迟到 And my hair"s a mess even when it"s straight 头发就算烫直了也还是乱糟糟 -------------$EREZADE--------------------------------------------- But so what 但那算什么呢 I"m better off every day 我正在渐入佳境 When I"m standing in the pouring rain,I don"t mind 当我站在瓢泼大雨中,我不介意 I think of you and everything"s alright 我一想到你,一切都不成问题 -------------$EREZADE--------------------------------------------- I used to think I had it good 我曾以为我是幸福的 But now I know that I"m misunderstood 但现在我知道我是误解了 You would say I"m better off in every way 你会说我正在渐入佳境 -------------$EREZADE--------------------------------------------- My friends keep calling,they say,they say I"m stalling 我的朋友不停地给我打电话,他们说我在拖延时间 They wanna meet you now 他们现在就想见你 I tell them hell no,I say 我告诉他们,去你们的 We"re trying to lay low 我们在保持低调 Don"t wanna lose what I"ve found 不想失去我所找到的 Things are finally finally looking up 事情终于有了起色 Oh,my feet are on the ground even though I"m stuck 哦,我脚踏实地尽管我陷入困境 -------------$EREZADE--------------------------------------------- But so what 但那算什么呢 I"m better off every day 我正在渐入佳境 When I"m standing in the pouring rain,I don"t mind 当我站在瓢泼大雨中,我不介意 I think of you and everything"s alright 我一想到你,一切都不成问题 I used to think I had it good 我曾以为我是幸福的 But now I know that I"m misunderstood 但现在我知道我是误解了 You would say I"m better off in every way 你会说我正在渐入佳境 -------------$EREZADE--------------------------------------------- Things are finally finally looking up 事情终于有了起色 Oh,my feet are on the ground even though I"m stuck 哦,我脚踏实地尽管我陷入困境 (Even though I"m stuck)But so what (尽管我陷入困境)但那算什么呢 I"m better off every day 我正在渐入佳境 When im standing in the pouring rain,I don"t mind 当我站在瓢泼大雨中,我不介意 I think of you and everything"s alright 我一想到你,一切都不成问题 -------------$EREZADE--------------------------------------------- I used to think I had it good 我曾以为我是幸福的 But now I know that I"m misunderstood 但现在我知道我是误解了 Yeah...Yeah... 耶...耶... Better off in every way 渐入佳境 I"m better off in every way 我正在渐入佳境 I"m better off today 我今天就变好 The sky is falling and it"s early in the morning 在早上天塌了下来 But it"s ok 但这都不是问题


SWIFT中的FIN=======FIN在所有报文传送服务中,FIN是最早建立的服务。 它实现了传统 SWIFT MT 标准格式报文的交换。 这些标准涵盖广泛的商业领域,并得到金融业的广泛使用和认可。 FIN 能够以逐条报文的方式进行报文交换,并支持市场基础设施与其客户间专有格式报文的交换。 FIN 也采用存转模式,并提供大量其他功能,如报文拷贝、向群组广播和在线检索先前交换的报文。


1752中行网上汇款给美国银行,swift_ode要求11位,银行给我的是八位的,所以汇不了。怎么办?可以直接拨打银行的客服,补充swift_ode,然后再进行汇款。使用个人网上银行办理跨境汇款业务,SWIFT代码标准为11位,如您填写为8位,系统会自动在结尾补充XXX凑足11位。 如需进一步了解,请您致电银行客服热线查询。目前人民币还不能直接汇往美国, 所以要先换成外汇。汇往境外的汇款一般收千分之一的手续费(银行有最低收费标准,可咨询具体办理机构),加上电报费人民币150-250元,收款方资料包括:收款人名称、账号、收款银行(名称、地址或swiftcode)即可。拓展资料:1.SWIFT Code(简称银行国际代码)简介一般用于发电汇,信用证电报,每个银行都有,用于快速处理银行间电报往来。 像 工商银行和农业银行这样的大银行,也会对自己内部的分支机构分配后缀不同的Swift code。 SWIFT是“Society Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication环球同业银行金融电讯协会”的英文简称。凡该协会的成员银行都有自己特定的SWIFT代码,即SWIFT CODE。在电汇时,汇出行按照收款行的SWIFT CODE发送付款电文,就可将款项汇至收款行。该号相当于各个银行的身份证号。 这样的话,如果你的银行是知名银行,如中国银行,那么对方银行可以通过查阅Swift代码表来找到相对应的代码。 当然你的收款银行主动提供该代码可以减少错误的发生几率。 2.SWIFT银行识别代码由以下几部分构成:银行代码(Bank Code):由四位易于识别的银行行名字头缩写字母构成;国家代码(Country Code):根据国际标准化组织的规定由两位字母构成;地区代码(Location Code):由两位数字或字母构成,标明城市;分行代码(Branch Code):由三位数字或字母构成,标明分支机构。同时,SWIFT还为没有加入SWIFT组织的银行,按照此规则编制一种在电文中代替输入其银行全称的代码。所有此类代码均在最后三位加上“BIC”三个字母,用来区别于正式SWIFT会员银行的SWIFT地址代码。

merry swiftmas的歌词中文翻译

Hey Santa, I don"t know if you"re listening but I"ve been pretty good this year. I don"t know if it matters that I celebrate Chanukah, but I hope you get my wish.) Hey what do ya know it"s time for Christmas And I"ve been acting good all year I never have been all that superstitious But that don"t mean I hate reindeer So Santa, I don"t know if you"re listenin" I"m not quite sure how this works I wanna good girl for huggin" and kissin" Not a headcase who only dates jerks I don"t need more toys and shiny things I just want a blonde who likes to sing So don"t put a bow on a box There"s no need to send Megan Fox I don"t need big mansion So let"s nix Scarlett Johansson There"ll be teardrops on my guitar If I end up with Amy Smart So Santa for my gift, please send me Taylor Swift Oh yeah So Santa when you come down the chimney You can skip right past the kitchen I"m sure youre sick of all of the cookies So got you Fearless Platinum Edition And no one will mess with her when she"s mine And Kanye will watch his mouth next time So I"m gonna have to refuse If in comes Penelope Cruz If she is a bad girl, sending her back "Cause Lindsay Lohan is wack (just like crack) I"d rather have Jason Mraz (I"m yours) Than be stuck with Cameron Diaz So Santa for my gift, please send me Taylor Swift I know her and I are gonna fit Taylor Taubenfeld has a ring to it I"d rather be hangin" alone Than makin" out with Emma Stone Yeah I"d rather get a subpoena Than kick it with Angelina Yeah I"ll probably shed a few tears If you mess up and send Britney Spears So Santa for my gift, please send me Taylor Swift Oh yeah..So Santa I don"t know if you"re listening, I"m not quite sure how this worksI wanna good girl for hugging and kissing and not a head case who only dates jerksI don"t need more toys and shinny things, I just want a blond who likes to singSo don"t put a bow on a box, theres no need to send Megan FoxI don"t need a big mansion, so lets nicks Scarlett JohanssonThere"ll be tear drops on my guitar if I end up with Amy SmartSo Santa for my gift, please send me Taylor SwiftSo Santa when you come down the chimney you can skip right pass the kitchenI know you"re sick of all of the cookies, so I got you Fearless Platinum EditionAnd no one will mess with her when she"s mineAnd Kanye will watch him mouth next timeSo I"m gonna have to refuse, if in comes Penelope CruzIf she is a bad girl I"m sending her back cause Lindsey Lohan is whack (just like crack)I"d rather have Jason Mraz, than be stuck with Cameron DiazSo Santa for my gift, please send me Taylor SwiftI know her and I are gonna fit, Taylor Taubenfeld has ring to itI"d rather be hanging alone, than making out with Emma StoneYeah I"d rather get a supina, then kick it with AngelinaAnd yeah I"ll probably shed a few tears, if you mess up and send Britney SpearsSo Santa for my gift, please send me Taylor Swift嘿圣诞老人,我不知道如果你在听着,但我今年已经相当听话了。我不知道我可不可以我庆祝光明节,但我希望你听到我的心愿。)嘿 知道圣诞节来临了吗今年我一直在好好听话我从来没有那么迷信但是,这并不意味着我恨驯鹿所以圣诞老人,我不知道,如果你在听着我不太确定这是不是会实现我想拥抱和亲吻好女孩不是只有会跟性情古怪的人出街的女孩我不需要更多的玩具或金银珠宝我只想要一个金发碧眼又喜欢唱歌的人所以,不要把弓放进盒子因为不需要送梅根福克斯给我我不需要大的豪宅因此,让给嘉丽约翰逊我的泪珠将滴在在吉他上 如果我最终只能跟艾米斯玛特一起因此,圣诞老人给我的礼物,请给我泰勒斯威夫特噢所以当你来到烟囱的圣诞老人您可以跳过过去的厨房我敢肯定你为小饼干感到厌倦因此我给了你霍元甲白金版当她属于我时没有人会惹她下一次Kanye将小心他的说辞所以我要拒绝 如果你给我佩内洛普克鲁兹,我会送她回家 如果她是一个坏女孩因为他造成林赛罗汉被打(像破解)那样的话 我宁愿要杰森马尔兹(我是你的)因为可以和梅隆迪亚兹纠缠因此,圣诞老人给我的礼物,请给我泰勒斯威夫特我知道她和我是适合的 可是泰勒陶本菲德有他的戒指我宁愿被单独可以和马金艾玛斯通缠绵是的,我宁愿得到传票与安吉莉娜一起踢走它是的,我可能会流下了几滴眼泪当你不小心搞错了,并把小甜甜布兰给了我因此,圣诞老人给我的礼物,请给我泰勒斯威夫特哦,是啊..



Taylor Swift长啥样


谁能告诉我求Taylor Swift 的Begin Again的歌词翻译,一定不要机器翻译啊,拜托啦!~

在镜子前屏息凝视他并不喜欢我穿高跟鞋的模样可那是我的最爱把自己反锁在房间 躲在只有音乐的世界他总说不理解这首歌的意义但我懂 感同身受推开门的一瞬我感觉你会迟到但熟悉的身影却映入眼帘静静的等待我朝着你的方向走去你温柔的拉开椅子让我坐下你不知道这微小的举动有多美好而我知道你扬起孩子般天真的笑脸你觉得我很有趣 我却觉得你的想法奇怪因为他从未这样觉得过去的八个月里我一直认为 爱情是不是都以破碎告终燃烧殆尽 最终灰飞烟灭但在周三午后的咖啡馆 我却看见爱火重燃你说 你从未遇见一个女孩收藏了和你一样多的詹姆斯·泰勒的唱片但这就是我我们互相倾诉你不明白为什么我的脸上泛着红晕但我心知肚明你扬起孩子般天真的笑脸你觉得我很有趣 我却觉得你的想法奇怪因为他从未这样觉得过去的八个月里我一直认为 爱情是不是都以破碎告终燃烧殆尽 最终灰飞烟灭但在周三午后的咖啡馆 我却看见爱火重燃我们穿过街区 并肩来到我的车旁我差点抑制不住 提起那个令我心碎的他你却笑着开始谈论电影那部你们每个圣诞夜都会观看的电影我决定不再提起他这念头初次闪过 过去的 就让它永远封存吧你扬起孩子般天真的笑脸你觉得我很有趣 我却觉得你的想法奇怪因为他从未这样觉得过去的八个月里我一直认为 爱情是不是都以破碎告终燃烧殆尽 最终灰飞烟灭但在周三午后的咖啡馆 我却看见爱火重燃在周三午后的咖啡馆 我看见爱再次浮现

求他taylor swift Begin Again的英文歌词!不要中文,只是英文。谢谢

Took a deep breath in the mirror He didn"t like it when I wore high heels, but I do Turned the lock and put my headphones on He always said he didn"t get this song but I do, I do Walked in expecting you"d be late But you got here early And you stand and wait And I walk to you You pulled my chair out and helped me And you don"t know how nice that is But I do And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny ‘cause he never did I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does Is break and burn and end But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again You said you never met one girl Who has as many James Taylor records as you But I do We tell stories and you don"t know why I"m coming off a little shy But I do But you throw your head back laughing like a little kid I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny ‘cause he never did I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does Is break and burn and end But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again And we walk down the block to my car And I almost brought him up But you start to talk about the movies That your family watches every single Christmas And I won"t talk about that For the first time, what"s past is past ‘Cause you throw your head back laughing like a little kid I think itstrange "that s you think I"m funny ‘cause he never did I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does Is break and burn and end Then on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again Then on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again.

求Taylor Swift Begin Again吉他谱


求Taylor swift的歌曲begin again的 翻译 请尽量准确

Took a deep breath in the mirror 深呼吸,看着镜子里的自己He didn"t like it when I wore high heels,他说,不喜欢我穿高跟鞋的样子, But I do 但却是我的最爱Turned the lock and put my headphones on 锁上门,躲进耳机里的世界He always said he didn"t get this song他总是说,不能理解这首歌的意义, but I do, I do 但我却感同身受 Walked in expecting you"d be late 推开门的瞬间,我觉得你应该会迟到But you got here early 但熟悉的身影已经出现在那里And you stand and wait静静的等待 And I walk to you我朝着你的方向走去 You pulled my chair out and helped me你温柔的拉开椅子,让我坐进 And you don"t know how nice that is你不会知道,这画面有多美好 But I do 但我却能领略其中的美妙 And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid你扬起头,绽放出孩子般天真的笑颜 I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny 你觉得我很有趣,我却觉得你的想法很奇怪。‘cause he never did因为,他从不这样认为 I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does过去的8个月我一直思考, 爱就只会Is break and burn and end 破碎,毁灭,然后消失不见But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again 但在星期三午后的咖啡馆,我却看见爱,再次浮现 You said you never met one girl你说,你不曾遇见过一个女孩 Who has as many James Taylor records as you收藏着和你一样多的James Taylor的卡带 But I do 但你遇见了一个这样的我We tell stories我们讲述着故事and you don"t know why I"m coming off a little shy你不会明白。为什么我的脸上泛着红晕 But I do 但我心知肚明 And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid你扬起头,绽放出孩子般天真的笑颜 I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny 你觉得我很有趣,我却觉得你的想法很奇怪。‘cause he never did因为,他从未这样认为 I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does过去的8个月我一直思考, 爱就只会Is break and burn and end 破碎,毁灭,然后消失不见But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again 但在星期三午后的咖啡馆,我却看见爱,再次浮现 And we walk down the block to my car 我们并肩走过街区,来到我的车旁And I almost brought him up 我几乎就要提起那个另我伤心的他But you start to talk about the movies你却转而开始谈论电影 That your family watches every single Christmas那一部你们每个圣诞夜都会观看的影片 And I won"t talk about that 我想我不会再提起他了For the first time, what"s past is past第一次闪过这样的念头,过去的,就让它封存在记忆里吧 "Cause you throw your head back laughing like a little kid你扬起头,绽放出孩子般天真的笑颜 I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny 你觉得我很有趣,我却觉得你的想法很奇怪。‘cause he never did因为,他从未这样认为 I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does过去的8个月我一直思考, 爱就只会Is break and burn and end 破碎,毁灭,然后消失不见Then on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again 在星期三的咖啡馆,我抬起头Then on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again那个阳光温暖的午后,我看见爱,再次浮现

taylor swift begin again中文歌词

Took a deep breath in the mirror 望着镜子里的我,深吸一口气, He didn"t like it when I wore high heels, 他说,不喜欢我穿高跟鞋的样子, But I do 但那却是我最爱的事 Turned the lock and put my headphones on 插上锁,带上耳机,投入到音乐的怀抱里 He always said he didn"t get this song 他总是说他无法理解这首歌的真谛, but I do, I do 但我却深有感触 Walked in expecting you"d be late 我轻轻迈着步伐走入的瞬间,私心想着你可能会姗姗来迟 But you got here early 但你却已然早早出现了 And you stand and wait 你一个人静静的站着等待 And I walk to you 我朝你走来 You pulled my chair out and helped me in 你轻轻的帮我拉开椅子,示意让我坐下 And you don"t know how nice that is 你不会知道,这感觉有多甜蜜 But I do 但我却深有感触 And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid 你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般 I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny 你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。 ‘cause he never did 因为,他从不会这样想 I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does 过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着, 难道爱就只能 Is break and burn and end 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点? But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again 但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃 You said you never met one girl 你说,你还未曾遇到过这样一个女孩儿 Who has as many James Taylor records as you 收藏着和你一样多的James Taylor的音乐带 But I do 但我确实就是这样 We tell stories 我们聊着故事 and you don"t know why I"m coming off a little shy 你不明白,为什么我会突然变得羞答答起来 But I do 但我心如明镜 And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid 你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般 I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny 你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。 ‘cause he never did 因为,他从不会这样想 I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does 过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着, 难道爱就只能 Is break and burn and end 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点? But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again 但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃 And we walk down the block to my car 我们一起走过街区,来到我停下的车旁 And I almost brought him up 我几乎就快要想起曾经的那个他 But you start to talk about the movies 而你转而开始跟我谈论起电影 That your family watches every single Christmas 是那部你们家每个圣诞夜都会观看的影片 And I won"t talk about that 这样,我便不会再提起他了 For the first time, what"s past is past 从未有过这种感觉,逝者如流水,就让它过去吧 And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid 你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般 I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny 你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。 ‘cause he never did 因为,他从不会这样想 I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does 过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着, 难道爱就只能 Is break and burn and end 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点? But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again 但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃

taylor swift《begin again》MV中的男主角是谁演的?

vladimir perrin

Taylor Swift的歌begin again讲的是谁?还有MV内容具体讲的是什么?

应该是写给她新男友小佳能的吧= =感觉很像。。MV讲的就是一个相遇的故事哦~在咖啡馆吖~两个人很投缘很和谐~

Taylor Swift Begin Again的歌词

Took a deep breath in the mirrorHe didn"t like it when I wore high heelsBut I doTurn the lock and put my headphones onHe always said he didn"t get this songBut I do, I doWalked in expecting you"d be lateBut you got here early and you stand and waveI walk to youYou pull my chair out and help me inAnd you don"t know how nice that isBut I doAnd you throw your head back laughingLike a little kidI think it"s strange that you think I"m funny causeHe never didI"ve been spending the last 8 monthsThinking all love ever doesIs break and burn and endBut on a Wednesday in a cafeI watched it begin againYou said you never met one girl whoHad as many James Taylor records as youBut I doWe tell stories and you don"t know whyI"m coming off a little shyBut I doAnd you throw your head back laughingLike a little kidI think it"s strange that you think I"m funny causeHe never didI"ve been spending the last 8 monthsThinking all love ever doesIs break and burn and endBut on a Wednesday in a cafeI watched it begin againAnd we walked down the block, to my carAnd I almost brought him upBut you start to talk about the moviesThat your family watches every single ChristmasAnd I want to talk about thatAnd for the first timeWhat"s past is pastAnd you throw your head back laughingLike a little kidI think it"s strange that you think I"m funny causeHe never didI"ve been spending the last 8 monthsThinking all love ever doesIs break and burn and endBut on a Wednesday in a cafeI watched it begin againBut on a Wednesday in a cafeI watched it begin again

begin again taylor swift歌词

i can"t get you out of the sunlight我无法让你远离阳光[00:19.10]i can"t get you out of the rain我无法让你远离雨天[00:22.65]i can"t get you back to that one time我无法让你回到那时[00:26.11]cos you and me are still recovering因为你与我仍在恢复着[00:28.50]so lets just, try to cool it down因此让我们,尝试着平静下来[00:32.93]the fighting, this feeling of flames这抗争,这火焰般的感受[00:35.75]so lets try to slow it down让我们尝试放慢速度[00:39.90]we crash when we race我们在奔跑中破碎[00:45.04][00:45.23]oh this is not the way that it should end这不是结束的方式[00:48.05]it"s the way it should begin它应该是开始的方式[00:49.60]it"s the way it should begin, again再次,开始的方式[00:52.50]no, i never wanna fall apart,不,我不曾想崩溃[00:54.73]never wanna break your heart不曾想伤你的心[00:56.42]never wanna let you break my own不曾想让你伤害我自己[00:59.31]yes, i know we"ve said alot of things是的,我知道我们说了很多事情[01:01.64]that we probably didn"t mean这或许不是我们的本意[01:03.42]but it"s not too late to take them back但是收回那些还不晚[01:06.24]so, before you say you"re gonna go..因此,在你说你要离开之前[01:08.89]i should probably let you know我或许应该让你知道[01:10.44]that i never knew what i had..我从不知我所拥有[01:13.46]i never knew what i had..[01:18.69][01:22.04]see i look for you in the morning看 我在天明时找寻你[01:25.66]cos that"s where my mind always goes因为那儿是我记忆的所在[01:28.86]and i can"t wait to get to the evening我无法等待黑夜的到来[01:32.68]cos that"s when i want you the most因为那是我最需要你的时候

Taylor Swift Begin Again 歌词 翻译

Took a deep breath in the mirrorHe didn"t like it when I wore high heels but I doTurn the lock and put my headphones onHe always said he didn"t get this song but I doI do深呼吸一口气,看着镜子里的自己他不喜欢我穿着高跟鞋的模样,但我喜欢把自己锁在房间,戴上耳机他总说不懂我听的这歌的个中滋味,但我懂我懂Walked in expecting you"d be lateBut you got here early and you stand and waitI walk to youYou pull my chair out and help me inAnd you don"t know how nice that is but I do.推开门时以为你会迟到但却发现你早已站着等我我走向你你帮我把椅子拉出来好让我坐下你不知道这微小的举动有多美好,但我知道And you throw your head back laughing like a little kidI think it"s strange that you think I"m funny cause he never didI"ve been spending the last 8 months thinkingAll love ever does is break and burn and endBut on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again.你把头扬起,像孩子一样笑了起来我很奇怪,你居然觉得我是个有趣的人,因为他从不觉得过去的八个月我都在想爱情是不是只有破碎、燃尽、彻底消失但在一个礼拜三的下午的咖啡馆内,我却看到爱的重生You say you meet met one girl who had as many James Taylor records as youBut I doWe tell stories and you don"t know why I"m coming off a little shy but I Do你说你从没见过一个女生像我一样有那么多James Taylor的作品,但这就是我我们诉说彼此的故事,你不知道为什么我会有些害羞,但我知道And you throw your head back laughing like a little kidI think it"s strange that you think I"m funny cause he never didI"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking, All love ever does is break and burn and end.But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again你把头扬起,像孩子一样笑了起来我很奇怪,你居然觉得我是个有趣的人,因为他从不觉得过去的八个月我都在想爱情是不是只有破碎、燃尽、彻底终结但在一个礼拜三的下午的咖啡馆内,我却看到爱的重生And we walk down the block to my car And I almost brought him up But you start to talk about the moviesThat your family watches every single ChristmasAnd I won"t talk about that For the first time, what"s past is past我们走过街区,走到我的车旁我差点无法抑制地将他提起但你却开始提起那些你们家庭每个圣诞节都会看的电影我决定不再提起他这是第一次让我感觉到,就让回忆永远活在过去吧And you throw your head back laughing like a little kidI think it"s strange that you think I"m funny cause he never didI"ve been spending the last 8 months thinkingAll love ever does is break and burn and endBut on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again你把头扬起,像孩子一样笑了起来我很奇怪,你居然觉得我是个有趣的人,因为他从不觉得过去的八个月我都在想爱情是不是只有破碎、燃尽、彻底终结但在一个礼拜三的下午的咖啡馆内,我却看到爱的重生歌词和翻译都是taylor Swift吧 飞___灵的,不是我的

中国银行梅河口支行swift code是多少啊



银行的一个代号,一般只用查SWIFT NO,就可以知道是什么银行了,反正照着写就可以了.

谁可以告诉我中行龙岩分行的Swift code急求



网上查询方法:请打开http://www.swift.com/biconline/ 用拼音填入城市名City heading(比如大连就填dalian),选国家CHINA,点搜索Search。 会出现如下部分表格: BIC code Institution(银行名) Branch name(分支行名) City heading 1 ABOCCNBJ340 AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA, THE (DALIAN BRANCH) DALIAN 2 BEASCNSHDLN BANK OF EAST ASIA LIMITED, THE (DALIAN BRANCH) DALIAN 3 BKCHCNBJ810 BANK OF CHINA (LIAONING BRANCH) DALIAN 4 BKCHCNBJ82H BANK OF CHINA (K.F.Q. BRANCH) DALIAN 5 BKCHCNBJ82N BANK OF CHINA (DALIAN ZHONGSHAN SQUARE SUB-BRANCH) DALIAN 6 BOTKCNBDXXX BANK OF TOKYO-MITSUBISHI LTD.,THE, DALIAN BRANCH DALIAN 7 CIBKCNBJ116 CITIC INDUSTRIAL BANK DALIAN 8 CMBCCNBS182 CHINA MERCHANTS BANK (DALIAN BRANCH) DALIAN 其中的BIC coad就是swift code 本例中的第3,4,5号分别是: 3,中国银行辽宁省分行 swift code 是BKCHCNBJ810 4,中国银行大连开发区分行 swift code 是BKCHCNBJ82H 5,中国银行大连中山区支行 swift code 是BKCHCNBJ82N 注意:中行的swift code只要找到省或市一级的就可以了,不用详细到各区的分支行。 本例中的第8号是: 8,招商银行大连分行 swift code 是CMBCCNBS182 比如你是大连的朋友,不论你在哪个区的招行网点办的"一卡通"都只要记住该号码就可以了。 该网页下面还注明了表格中底色是蓝色的,其swift code是可以正常使用的,而红或灰色的是暂时有问题,不可用。
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