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ten after five是几点

ten after five是5点10分。5点过了10分钟。1.最直接的读法:“小时 + 分钟”: 5:10 five ten 7:30 seven thirty 2:40 two forty2.巧用介词法:3.所表述的时间在30分钟之内,用“分钟 + past/after + 小时”: 6:10 ten past six(英式)...4.所表述的时间在30分钟之后,用“(相差的)分钟 + to/before + (下

five foot ten apiece


请问,as one is to two,so is five to ten.

是不是主句倒装了,正常语序应该是As one is to two,so five is to ten.

five ( ) nine( ) ( )ten ( )tewty six( )ten( ) () one () two ten ( )sixteen()按照数学排序规律填写



five past ten十点零五分;例句:I came home at ten past five. 我五点十分到家。

像9:55,five minvies to ten还是five to ten



你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题!..ten- five10-5=5

ten-five 是什么意思呢?three-ten是什么意思···

BAten-five 出现在这里的话,目的是混淆人。就像 fiveteen. 用中文来年, 十 五。three-ten 三 十

Five and ten( )(be) fifteen 用所给词的恰当形式填空



tenoutoffive可以表达时间吗可以表达时间。最简单直接的:用“小时 + 分钟”直接读:5:10 five ten9:30 nine thirty10:40 ten forty


ten+five=fifteen.十加五等于十五。若表时间,还可用 quarter一刻钟

five ten等于多少?


five ten是什么意思


five ten是什么意思


System.getenv和System.getProperty 的区别

SystemProperties.get 这个是反映JAVA属性的方法,无法获取android 系统属性。System.getProperty 是获取android 的系统属性的方法。

tenez是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉


Tendermint 共识算法

分布式一致性算法一般可以分为两类:拜占庭容错和非拜占庭容错。 非拜占庭容错算法如 Paxos, Raft 等在当前的分布式系统中已经广泛使用,而拜占庭容错算法的实际应用范围相对来说小很多(特别是在区块链问世之前)。 Tendermint 属于拜占庭容错算法,它针对传统的 PBFT 算法做了优化,只需要有两轮投票即可达成共识,目前 Tendermint 算法主要应用在区块链系统中,这篇文章就从原理上来介绍 Tendermint 的共识机制。 关于 Tendermint 算法的完整描述在 这里 。 这里先介绍一下算法的流程,理解了算法流程之后,再来阐述该算法的安全性证明 (Proof of Safty) 和活性证明 (Proof of Liveness)。 下面这张图是 tendermint 状态转换图 算法主要有 NewHeigh -> Propose -> Prevote -> Precommit -> Commit 一共 5 个状态(阶段)。 上述每个状态都被称为一个 Step,首尾的 NewHeigh 和 Commit 这两个 Steps 被称为特殊的 Step,而中间加粗体的三个 Steps 则被称为一个 Round,是共识阶段,也是也是算法的核心原理所在。 需要注意的是,一个块的最终提交(Commit)可能需要多个 Round 过程,这是因为有许多原因可能会导致当前 Round 不成功(比如出块节点 Offline,提出的块是无效块,收到的 Prevote 或者 Precommit 票数不够 +2/3 等等),出现这些情况的话,解决方案就是移步到下一轮,或者增加 timeout 时间)。 这里,还要介绍一个重要概念:PoLC,全称为 Proof of Lock Change,表示在某个特定的高度和轮数(height, round),对某个块或 nil (空块)超过总结点 2/3 的 Prevote 投票集合,简单来说 PoLC 就是 Prevote 的投票集。 Tendermint 中有两种类型的节点,Validator 节点和 Non-Validator 节点,顾名思义,只有 Validator 节点会参与共识投票,而普通节点作为 Non-Validator 节点,不参与共识投票,只协助传递状态或向 Validator 节点发送交易请求。 初始状态下(创世块),高度为 0, 此时,系统会基于 Round Robin 原则来选出一个 Validator(每个 Validator 都有一定的 Voting Power),由这个 Validator 打包一个新的 Block, 并向所有节点发出 Proposal,剩余的 Validator 节点对该 Proposal 进行投票,最终达成共识。 以下,分阶段来阐述各个阶段: 当上一轮 Commit 结束,就会出现新高度,这是就需要进入下一轮共识了,也就是说,这就是新一轮共识过程的开始,这时候需要选出一个 Proposer。选择算法是 Round Robin,基于他们的 Voting Power(上一轮的选中的 Validator 节点会把其 Voting Power 值减去 Total Voting Power,也就是说上一轮的 Validator 在这一轮,其 Voting Power 会变成负数)。 在 Propose 节点开始的时候,该轮指定的 proposer 需要通过 gossip 广播一条 proposal 到所有的 peers。如果此时这个 proposer 被锁在上一轮的某个 block 上,那么它就直接 propose 那个 block,同时包含一条 proof of lock 的信息。 Validator 节点收到 propose 信息之后就进入 Prevote 投票阶段。投票时,如果 Validator 被锁在之前一个 block 上,那么还是给之前那个 block 投 prevote 票,否则就投当前的 block。同时,它会继续收集对这个 block 的 prevote 投票,等轮到他 propose 的时候打包进 PoLC。 注意: 如果自己有 Lock-Block,这时又收到一个新的针对另外一个块的 PoLC,并且满足LastLockRound < PoLC-Round < 当前 Round,则解锁 Lock-Block。 如果 timeout 期间没收到 proposal,或者收到的 proposal 是无效的,那么就投 nil 票。 在 Prevote 阶段不会锁住任何 block。 Prevote 超时或者收到的 Prevote 的 nil 票超过 2/3 时,就进入 Precommit 阶段。 如果此时收到了 +2/3 的 prevote 投票,就广播一条 precommit 投票,同时, 把自己锁在当前的 block 上(把之前的都释放掉) 。一个节点一次只能锁在一个块上。 如果收到 +2/3 的 nil 投票,那么就释放锁。 当一个节点锁在一个 block 上的时候(有 PoLC) ,它会将 LastLockRound 置为当前 Round,并对这个块投 Precommit 票。 如果有针对 nil 票的 PoLC,则解锁并且对 nil 投 Precommit 票;否则的话保持 Lock-Block 不变,并投 nil 。 如果在 timeout 期间内,没有收到对某个块的足够的 +2/3 投票(prevote 或者 nil 都行),那么就什么也不干。 最终,如果一个节点收到了 +2/3 的 precommit 投票,就进入 Commit 阶段。否则,继续进入下一轮的 Propose 阶段。 Commit 阶段是一个特殊阶段,有两个并行的条件必须满足: At any time during the consensus process if a node receives more than 2/3 of commits for a particular block, it immediately enters the Commit step if it hadn"t already. Thus there are two ways to enter the Commit step. A commit-vote for a block at round R counts as prevotes and precommits for all rounds R0 where R < R0 . Commit-votes are gossipped to neighboring peers in the background re-gardless of the current round or step。 At any time during the consensus process if a node is locked on a block from round R but receives a proof-of-lock for a round R0 where R < R0 , the node unlocks. Tendermint 的安全性就是说,在对高度为 H 的块达成共识之后,不可能会出现新的高度为 H 的块,也就是说 Tendermint 保证不会分叉,保证不会分叉的主要角色就是 Lock-Block。 先看下wiki对于安全性证明的描述: Assume that at most -1/3 of the voting power of validators is byzantine. If a validator commits block B at round R, it"s because it saw +2/3 of precommits at round R. This implies that 1/3+ of honest nodes are still locked at round R" > R. These locked validators will remain locked until they see a PoLC at R" > R, but this won"t happen because 1/3+ are locked and honest, so at most -2/3 are available to vote for anything other than B. 翻译: 假定有最多小于总结点 1/3 的拜占庭节点。如果一个节点在第 R 轮提交一个块,则表明此节点在第 R 轮收到大于 2/3 的针对此块的 Precommit 投票。这也就意味有 大于1/3 的诚实节点在第 R" (R" > R)轮仍然锁定在这个块上(因为大于 2/3 的 Precommit 投票必定包含大于 1/3 诚实节点的 Precommit 投票)。只有当遇到针对另一个 块的 PoLC 时才会解锁,但是在 R" 轮是不可能有针对某个块的 PoLC,因为已经有大于 1/3 的诚实节点已经锁定在这个块上,所以就不可能有对另外一个块大于 2/3 的 Prevote 投票。 下面给出较为详细的证明过程,假设高度为 H 的块 b 在第 R 轮达成共识。给出如下条件: 需要证明, 当 x 个节点 commit 之后,剩余(也就是 y + z)的没有 Commit 块 b 的节点不会对另外一个块达成共识。 也就是说需要证明:y + z - z0 < 2/3,假设所有的拜占庭节点都对 b 投了 Precommit,则满足:x + y + z0 > 2/3。 简而言之,要从 x + y + z0 > 2/3 证明 y + z - z0 < 2/3。 我们通过反证法来证明: 假设 y + z - z0 > 2/3,也就是在第 r 轮之后有可能造成分叉,则: x + y + z - z0 > 2/3 + x => 1 - z0 > 2/3 + x => x + z0 < 1/3。 而上面我们提到了,因为x节点已经 Commit 块 b,则 x + y + z0 > 2/3,且 y < 1/3,则说明 x + z0 必须大于1/3。由此证明,y + z - z0 < 1/3 成立,在第 R 轮之后无法对另一个块达成共识,也就不可能出现分叉。 活性证明相对来说就要简单一些,假设多于 1/3 的节点分别 Lock 在不同的块上,则在 Prevote 阶段的条件保证最终 round 较小的会 unlock,而且 proposal 的超时时间会随着轮数的提高而提高。 在证明安全性的过程中提到,有可能会有部分节点由于没有收到足够的 Precommit 投票导致无法 commit,这个时候可以通过同步来使各个节点的状态尽量保持一致,在wiki中提到一个 JSet 和 VSet 的概念,当节点已经 commit 时,就可以广播一条消息携带 VSet 给其他节点,其他节点验证对于块的 commit 是否有效。这一点其实和 bft-raft (另外一个拜占庭容错算法,Raft 算法的变种)的做法类似。

找《London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines》歌词

Artist: Panic At The DiscoSong: London Beckond Songs About Money Written By MachinesAlbum: A Fever You Cant Sweat OutStop stalling. Make a name for yourself.Boy you better put that pen to paper and charm your way out.If you talk it better walk it better back your xxxx upwith more than good hooks. While you"re all under the gunStart talking. "a sensationalist"oh he"s slightly clever to just a certain extentIf you talk it better walk it better keep your mouth shut(panic at the disco: meet the press)It"s time for us to take a chance.Oh and, just for the record,the weather today is slightly sarcastic with a good chance of:A. Indifference and(or)B. Disinterest in what the critics sayI"m burning. and I"m blacking my lungs(this happens if you keep your mouth shut)boy you know it feels good with fire back on your tongueStart talking. "a sensationalist"oh he"s slightly clever, to just a certain extent.Keep quiet! Let us sing like the doves,then decide if it"s done with purpose or lack thereof.Well we"re just a wet dream for the webzines,make us it make us hip make us sceneOr. Shrug us off your shoulders.Don"t approve a single word we wrote.(oh oh oh blessed objectivity)

you can come ten minutes late

第一个LATE做表语(BE+形容词), 第二个LATE做ten minutes的补足成分,与ten minutes一起做时间状语.

Ich habe ein gelbes Büch.还有Ich habe einen roten Apfel.请问后面一个为什么不用rotes而用roten?

第一句应该是Ich habe ein gelbes Buch.这是关于形容词词尾变化的规则问题。haben 支配四格,所以决定形容词按照四格时的规则变化。Buch是中性名词,不定冠词后的词尾为-es,Apfel是阳性名词,四格时词尾为-en.不定冠词后的形容词词尾变化采取以下规则:如lesen也是一个加四格的动词,在阳性、中性、阴性名词前的变化如下:Ich lese eine gute Geschichte. Ich lese ein gutes Buch. Ich lese einen guten Brief. 一格时:Das ist eine gute Geschichte.Das ist ein gutes Buch.Das ist ein guter Brief.只有阳性名词在一格和四格时词尾不同,形容词变词尾的目的是为了更好的体现名词的性,不难看出,它们的词尾都与性相同。 .

ストレッタ??THE ANIMATION??Contents


求T-ara 的Time to listen歌词。要完整的


关于 最果ての神狐ストレッタ~THE ANIMATION~Contents.1「あるいはもののけ

世徒ゆうき 系列 ストレッタ 是片名,ストレッタ 只有两集,你看的3和4应该是另一部的

proceed with disk restore destinatin drive will be permanently overwritten

lz打错了好多字母1.proceed with image file creation进行镜像文件创建2.proceed with disk restore进行磁盘还原/恢复3.destination drive will be permanenthy overwritten目标驱动器将被永久覆盖



I say, you listen to 作文

She can do it, once kept talking for several hours, and stood and said, said with a smile, said affectionately. She can also let the people around him began to speak, no matter you more wooden and timid, she has a way to let you speak. Someone said her question is the world"s most gentle one. Time is long, even the love study Chinese students will be attracted to her class. One student, just go to her class. Because just to a new place, a bit absent-minded in class. She was on the composition, the stage when it comes to details. She said: "for example, the new students of natural hair black and pure, to say the black like satin, smooth like a waterfall." Everybody looked that new classmate hair together, new students face is red, slightly heart immediately back to the classroom. She casually continued: "can you look at me, tell me about some of my characteristics? Don"t compliment me." Everyone laugh. The new students to get the chance to speak. She encouraged, said: "I just said you hair, some features. You can say I now look, you can how, more initiative." The classmates and laughed. Relaxed and lively atmosphere, new students will not be afraid, she resolutely say: "teacher, your eyes are red mole, round, like a red bean in there, with a soft glow." She said loudly, "good". The new students gradually found that have a common preferences, their class is particularly fond of Chinese subject, which is closely related to her way of teaching. The year is my new classmate. Later, had the opportunity to work with her and asked her to learn the art of teaching. One year, the school to consider her quick retire, not to give her arrangement, just let her responsible for grade subjects of research. She was very angry. That is my first time to see her angry. She said: "don"t have a class, what can teach to grind?" The school had to continue to let her lecture. In this way, she has been working in the pulpit the first line. Teaching for decades, there is no lack of students a lesson, never sent to the student had been a fire. Finally, she retired from the platform. She can"t speak now, however, often a person sit for a long time. Someone asked her, she also ignore. The doctor said she is cerebral infarction, brain 80% chaos. I don"t want to believe that a person who is good at the language, and its charm is a language, language will be lost. Maybe she is tired, once have a chance to rest, just want to enjoy. Waiting for her to rest well, good. Can I face her, calling, "teacher", she was sitting in her wheelchair, head slightly low, no response. My tears pouring out. Her family"s table there are a number of middle school Chinese textbook, doctor"s advice is stimulation of props. I opened a book, gently said to her: "teacher, before, I listen to you for many years. Today, me, you listen to." She had no reaction, keep the original profile sitting, sculpture. "Her hair is natural pure, black like satin, smooth like a waterfall." "Your eyes are red mole, round, like a red bean in there, with a soft glow." Her head slightly up, facial expressions have the slight change, seems to be the best efforts, her lip trembling in a weak voice said: "good!"

找寻一首歌 其中有一段是,listen to me la la la la la I Love you

分类: 音乐 问题描述: 偶然在上海的梅陇镇伊势丹听到一首歌曲,使一个女声唱得,其中有一段好像是 listen to me la la la la la la la I Love you.或者也有可能是listen to you lalalalalala la la I Love you.节奏不是很吵得那种,非常好听。 解析: Lala Means I love you Many guys have e to you With a line that wasn"t trueAnd you passed them by Now you"re in the center ring And their lines don"t mean a thing Why don"t you let me try Now I don"t wear a diamond ring I don"t even have a song to sing All I know is La la la la la la la la la means I love you La la la la la la la la la means I love you If I ever saw a girl That I needed in this world You are the one for me Let me hold me in my arms Girl, and thrill you with my charms I"m sure you will see The things I am sayin" are true And the way I explain them to you Listen to me The things I am sayin" are true And the way I explain them to you, yes to you Listen to me La la la la la la la la la means I love you Oh, you"ll have to understand Come on and take my hand ? Nicholas Cage sang this song to Tea Leoni in the movie "The Family Man" which I thought was so cool man. So, there"s no better time to do this than on St Valentine"s Day. What do u mean Valentine"s Day is already over... ( A song dedicated to the most wonderful girl I ever met...My wife and supermum to my 3 lovely kids, Ja *** ine)


sentence[英][u02c8sentu0259ns][美][u02c8su025bntu0259ns]n.句子; 宣判; vt.宣判,判决; 第三人称单数:sentences过去分词:sentenced复数:sentences现在进行时:sentencing过去式:sentenced以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Read that last sentence again. 重新读最后一个句子一遍



银魂主题曲pary 阴天 家教主题曲last cross funnysunnyday listentothe .. 的罗马音

『PRAY』(祈祷)(银魂OP1主题曲)作词:Tommy Heavenly6 编曲:Chris Walker 歌:Tommy Heavenly6中文翻译+日文歌词+罗马拼音:Let"s go out! Open my mind(Let"s go out! Open my mind) Let"s go out! Open my mindLet"s go! Sweet dream other side(Let"s go! Sweet dream other side) Let"s go! Sweet dream other side今 解き放つ笼の外へ(现在 朝着解放的笼子的外面的世界)I ma to ki ha na tsu ka go no so to he锖び付いた键 鸣り止まぬ鼓动(生了锈的钥匙 无法停止鸣叫的鼓动)Sa bi tsu i ta ka gi na ri ya ma nu ko do u気づいてた "もう...戻れない"(注意到 "已经...无法归去了") Ki du i te ta “Mo u...mo do re na i”失われた日々が [Hey Baby why?](失去的日子)[Hey baby why?]U shi na wa re ta hi bi ga [Hey baby why?]苍く繋がってく[I want to cry...](苍白的连结着)[I want to cry...] A o ku tsu na ga a te ku[I want to cry...]怖がる自分に负けたくないよ(不想输给会恐惧的自己)Ko wa ga ru ji bu n ni ma ke ta ku na i yo运命から逃げない "ひとりじゃない" (不要从命运中逃离 “因为你不是一个人”)U n me i ka ra ni ge na i“Hi to ri ja na i” そばにいる たとえどんなに (我在身边 不管怎样)So ba ni i ru ta to e do n na ni哀しい梦だとしてもかまわない(不管是怎样悲伤的梦境都没有关系) Ka na shi i yu me da to shi te mo ka ma wa na i君の涙に触れたいよ... Baby (想要拂去你的泪...baby)Ki mi no na mi da ni fu re ta i yo... babyI pray... "信じて" (I pray...“请相信我”)I pray...“Shi n ji te”冷たい记忆の暗 切り裂いて(我会劈开冰冷记忆的黑暗)Tsu me ta i ki o ku no ya mi ki ri sa i telalala... lalala... lalala... ah ah~伤ついた翼(はね) 安なせる泉( 受了伤的翅膀 不再流动的泉水)Ki zu tsu i ta ha ne ya su ma se ru i zu mi飞び込むすべが わからなくて (飞翔的方法 我不知道)To bi ko mu su be ga wa ka ra na ku te退屈な场所 苛立ちや不安(乏味的地方 焦躁生出不安) Ta i ku tsu na ba sh o i ra da chi ya fu an仆らは今日も悩むけど (我们今天也在烦恼着)Bo ku ra wa kyo u mo na ya mu ke do暗い空を见上げ (Baby...for you)(仰望昏暗的天空)[Baby...for you] Ku ra i so ra wo mi a ge(Baby ... for you) 进む 颜を上げて (I"m here for you)(前进吧 抬起脸庞)[I"m here for you]Su su mu ka o wo a ge te(I"m here for you) 饱くなき想いを鞄に诘めて(把不知足的想法塞进皮包) A ku na ki o mo i wo ka ba n ni tsu me te踏み出す 心の暗を振り払い(向前迈步吧 拂去心中的黑暗)Fu mi da su Ko ko ro no ya mi wo fu ri ha ra i责める雨の音 悲しくなるなら(责备的落雨之声 如果听着会觉得悲伤的话) Se me ru a me no o to Ka na shi ku na ru na ra 优しい君の盾になる(我会温柔地成为你的盾) Ya sa shi i ki mi no ta te ni na ru信じることをやめないで always (请不要放弃信仰 always)Shi n ji ru ko to wo ya me na i de alwaysI pray... その瞳(め)に(I pray...在那眼中) I pray...so no me ni小さな奇迹を映してみせて(会映出小小的奇迹)Chi i sa na ki se ki wo u tsu shi te mi se teah...ah...ah...ah...(Hey baby why?... I want to cry... Hey baby why?) (Hey baby why?... I want to cry...) (I"m here for you... yeah...! Believe yourself)そばにいる そこがどんなに (在你身边)So ba ni i ru so ko ga do n na ni哀しい梦の中でもかまわない( 不管是在怎样悲伤的梦境中都没有关系) Ka na shi i yu me no na ka de mo ka ma wa na i同じ瞬间(とき)を生きていたい with you...(想生存在同一瞬间 with you...) O na ji to ki wo i ki te i ta i with U...I pray... "答えて" (I pray...“请回答我”)I pray...“Ko ta e te”もし许されるなら(如果可以被允许的话) Mo shi yu ru sa re ru na ra君の涙に触れたいよ... Baby(想要拂去你的泪...baby) Ki mi no na mi da ni fu re ta i yo...babyI pray... "信じて" (I pray...“请相信我”)I pray...“Shi n ji te”冷たい记忆の暗 切り裂いて(我会劈开冰冷记忆的黑暗) Tsu me ta i ki o ku no ya mi ki ri sa i te 家教last crossねぇ 二人は偶然出会う运命なんかじゃなかった我说 我们两人偶然遇见绝不是因为命运的关系ne e hu ta ri wa guu zen de au un mei nan kaja nakattaあなたが最後に逃げ込んだ场所が你最後逃跑所到达的地方a nata ga sa i go ni nige kon da ba sho gaただ私だったのかもしれない说不定也只有我一个人tada wa ta shi datta no ka mo shi re na iそれでもそれが必然の始まりだった尽管如此那个也是必然的开端so re de mo so re ga hi tsu zen no ha ji ma ri datta葬ったいつかの记忆の欠片达が埋葬了不知何时的记忆之碎片ho u mutta i tsu ka no ki o ku no ka ke ra ta chi ga色褪せることさえもまだ出来ないままに连色彩褪落的事情都还没有发生iroa seru koto sae momada deki nai mamani今でも変わらずに思い出してる如今也照常的回想起ima demo kawara zu ni omoi dashi te ruきっと全てがいつか一定会总有一天 将一切kitto su be te ga i tsu ka繋がり合って…消えないようにと…连接交织… 永不消逝…tsu na ga ri atte…kie nai yo u ni to…※锖び付いているこんな时代の中で在这锈迹斑斑的时代之中sa bi tsu i te i ru kon na ji da i no na ka deいつだって私はここから祈ってる我永远会在此祈祷著i tsu datte wa ta shi wa ko ko ka ra i notte ruもうこれが最後であるようにと就算被告知这已是最後了mo u ko re ga sa i go de a ru yo u ni toあなたを苦しませる全てのモノに我也会祈祷让所有令你痛苦的事物a na ta o ku ru shi mase ru su be te no mo no ni早く终わりがくるようにと…可以早日结束…ha ya ku o wa ri ga ku ru yo u ni to… ※ねぇ 二人で誓った日の我说 我们两人立誓的那天ne e hu ta ri de chi katta hi no眩しく歯がゆい永远永远是多麼耀眼急促ma bu shiku haga yu i e i e n本当はどんなものよりいびつだったこと其实从一开始我就已察觉hon tou wa don na mo no yo ri i bi tsu datta ko toそう初めから気付いていたの最初那扭曲的真相sou ha ji me ka ra ki zu i te i ta no步き出すその先十字架を背负って行くこと在跨出那步伐之前 就已背负著十字架a ru ki da su so no sa ki juu ji ka wo se otte i ku ko to知ってても谁より明日を见据える为に即使早已知道 也能比谁更加清楚目视明天shitte te mo da re yo ri a su wo mi su e ru ta me ni何かがそっと壊れ始めてしまう前に在有什麼事物开始崩毁之前nani ka ga sotto koware hajime te shima uma e niいつでも离さないよう握りしめた我都永不松开紧紧的握著itsu demo ha na sa nai you nigi rishi mete taきっと全てがいつか一定会总有一天 将一切kitto su be te ga i tsu ka重なり合って…想えるようにと…重叠交织… 得以所愿…ka sa na ri atte…omo e ru yo u ni to… 锖び付いているこんな景色の中で在这銹迹斑斑的景色中sa bi tsu i te i ru kon na ke shi ki no na ka de谁だって煌めきをずっと探してる任何人都一直在寻找闪烁的光芒da re datte ki ra me ki wo zutto sa ga shi te ru そうきっと明日は夸れるようにと就这样明天一定能夸耀一番so u kitto a su wa ho ko re ru yo u ni toあなたを幸せにする全てのモノが所有使你感到幸福的事物a na ta wo shiawase ni su ru su be te no mo no ga私の近くにあるようにと…就如在我身边的那样…wa ta shi no chi ka ku ni a ru yo u ni to…※锖び付いているこんな时代の中で在这锈迹斑斑的时代之中sa bi tsu i te i ru kon na ji da i no na ka deいつだって私はここから祈ってる我永远会在此祈祷著i tsu datte wa ta shi wa ko ko ka ra i notte ruもうこれが最後であるようにと就算被告知这已是最後了mo u ko re ga sa i go de a ru yo u ni toあなたを苦しませる全てのモノに我也会祈祷让所有令你痛苦的事物a na ta o ku ru shi mase ru su be te no mo no ni早く终わりがくるようにと…可以早日结束…ha ya ku o wa ri ga ku ru yo u ni to… ※funnysunnyday{没有完整版的、、an shin kan nan te na ku te i ikan jyou te ki mon da i wa su te te tan jyun me i ka i na hi bi nime i ka i na ka i tou nan te na i saIS IT CRAZY? jyou kyou wa JUST HAZY?dou yattatte ki chi katte i ru you deIS IT DUMMY? kan jyou wa JUST RUMMY?sou sa zen bu JUST A JOKE!FUNNY DAY FUNNY FACE FUNNY PLACEki shi mu se ka i deFUNNY DAY HAPPY DAY wa ra u ko e FUNNY DAY FUNNY FACE FUNNY PLACEhi bi ki wa ta re ba na ni mo ka mo ka e ra re ru sana ni mo ka mo ka e ra re ru sa

伦敦Tottenham Hale(N17)那块儿安全吗?


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Sentenced的《Noose》 歌词

歌曲名:Noose歌手:Sentenced专辑:Kaikkien Aikojen SuomimetallitNooseThe OffspringSplinterWell our souls are all mistaken in the same misguided wayWe all end up forsaken, we"re just choosing our own wayThe future now incinerates before our very eyesAnd leaves us with emptiness of no more triesWell our visions of glory have spiraled down the drainThe best of our intentions come crashing down in flamesThe depths of our despair we are unable to containIt"s shallow livingThe noose is fallingAnd all my friends are crawlingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingA truth appallingOur mak"r comes a callingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingWell the tracers from yesteryear are burning in the dustYour bruises are reminders of naivete and trustYou"re only feeling stronger cause your body"s getting numbNow I lay you downPut the coins in your eyesAnd blow the candles outThe noose is fallingAnd all my friends are crawlingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingA truth appallingOur mak"r comes a callingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingThe noose is fallingAnd all my friends are crawlingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingA truth appallingOur mak"r comes a callingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingNo more!No more!Nothing!No more!No more!Ever!No!More!No!More!The noose is fallingAnd all my friends are crawlingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingA truth appallingOur mak"r comes a callingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risingThe noose is fallingAnd all my friends are crawlingThe noose is fallingAnd enemies are risinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/8943988
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