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求Booglie Wooglie Piggy歌词翻译和three little fishes歌词!

歌曲:Booglie Wooglie Piggy歌手:Doris Day所属专辑:Complete Recordings with Les Brown歌词:this little piggy went to market这只小猪去了市场this little piggy stay home这只小猪呆在家里but this little piggy was a booglis wooglie piggy但这只小猪是一个booglis wooglie小猪and he boogie woogie all the way home他布吉伍吉回家的路上this little piggy had roast beef这只小猪有烤牛肉this little piggy had none这只小猪没有but this little piggy was a booglie wooglie piggy and he boogie woogie all the way home但这只小猪是一个booglie wooglie小猪他布吉伍吉回家的路上歌曲名:Three Little Fishes歌手名:Kay Kyser专辑名:The Very Best Of歌词:Down in the meadow in a little bitty poolSwam three little fishies and a mama fishie too"Swim" said the mama fishie, "Swim if you can"And they swam and they swam all over the damBoop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!And they swam and they swam all over the dam"Stop" said the mama fishie, "or you will get lost"The three little fishies didn't wanna be bossedThe three little fishies went off on a spreeAnd they swam and they swam right out to the seaBoop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!And they swam and they swam right out to the sea"Whee!" yelled the little fishies, "Here's a lot of funWe'll swim in the sea till the day is done"They swam and they swam, and it was a larkTill all of a sudden they saw a shark!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Till all of a sudden they saw a shark!"Help!" cried the little fishies, "Gee! look at all the whales!"And quick as they could, they turned on their tailsAnd back to the pool in the meadow they swamAnd they swam and they swam back over the damBoop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!And they swam and they swam back over the dam

Keithley 4200-SCS大概是怎么使用?简单说说主要器件是干嘛用的,谢谢

吉时利 (Keithley) 仪器公司在其4200型半导体特性分析系统中新增加了脉冲信号发生和测量功能,支持脉冲式的半导体特性分析功能。新的PIV(脉冲I-V)子系统,更便于进行高介电(High-k)材料、热敏感器件和先进存储芯片等的前沿技术研究,使其测量更加准确,产品投入市场更加快速。据称这是第一款商用化的集成了精确、可重复的脉冲和DC测量于一体的解决方案,而且使用非常方便。脉冲I-V (简称PIV)子系统是吉时利公司Model 4200-SCS系统的一个新增选项。Model 4200-SCS系统适用于实验室级别的精准DC特性测量和分析,具有亚飞安级的微电流分辨率和实时绘图、数据分析和处理能力。该系统集成了目前最先进的半导体特性分析性能,包括一台带有Windows XP操作系统和大容量存储器的嵌入式PC机。脉冲I-V (PIV)子系统建立在一个新的双通道脉冲发生器卡上,该卡的特点是拥有两个独立的通道,频率范围从1Hz到50MHz。它能够产生短到10纳秒的脉冲,允许对SOI和其他65nm以及更小尺寸的器件和过程进行真实的等温脉冲测量。精细的脉冲边缘的缓慢控制允许对界面态、AC Stress测试和存储器测试进行精确的源和测量。用户能够控制几个脉冲参数,例如:脉冲宽度、占空比、升降时间、幅度和偏移量。把脉冲式的功能和测量同Model 4200-SCS世界领先的DC特性结合起来,这在市场上尚是唯一的。与脉冲I-V (PIV)子系统捆绑在一起的新的、正在申请专利的软件,无论在准确度还是在可重复性方面都带来了更好的效果。集成的软件和面向用户的友好界面都是很容易学习和使用的,所以即使是非专业的用户都能快速上手并且得到很好的脉冲I-V测量结果。PIV软件控制着脉冲发生器和测量,设置和驱动双通道脉冲发生器的脉冲产生、触发、进行脉冲测量,并收集和提交数据。新的PIV软件套装,具有为保证测量完整性而设置的电缆补偿算法和为精确的脉冲极限电压提取设置的Load-line校正方案。 PIV子系统内包含了一些样例方案(Sample Projects)和代码,用于执行脉冲I-V和界面态测试,节省软件开发的时间和费用。完整的PIV子系统缩短了脉冲测量的学习曲线,还允许在单一系统中进行多种测试


首先是基础篇1、首先是Excel,貌似这个很简单,其实未必。Excel不仅能够做简单二维表、复杂嵌套表,能画折线图/Column chart/Bar chart/Area chart/饼图/雷达图/Combo char/散点图/Win Loss图等,而且能实现更高级的功能,包括透视表(类似于BI的多维分析模型Cube),以及Vlookup等复杂函数,处理100万条以内的数据没有大问题。最后,很多更高级的工具都有Excel插件,例如一些AI Machine Learning的开发工具。2. SQL(数据库)我们都知道数据分析师每天都会处理海量的数据,这些数据来源于数据库,那么怎么从数据库取数据?如何建立两表、三表之间的关系?怎么取到自己想要的特定的数据?等等这些数据选择问题就是你首要考虑的问题,而这些问题都是通过SQL解决的,所以SQL是数据分析的最基础的技能。3. 统计学基础数据分析的前提要对数据有感知,数据如何收集?数据整体分布是怎样的?如果有时间维度的话随着时间的变化是怎样的?数据的平均值是什么?数据的最大值最小值指什么?数据相关与回归、时间序列分析和预测等等。4、掌握可视化工具,比如BI,如Cognos/Tableau/FineBI等,具体看企业用什么工具,像我之前用的是FineBI。这些工具做可视化非常方便,特别是分析报告能含这些图,一定会吸引高层领导的眼球,一目了然了解,洞察业务的本质。另外,作为专业的分析师,用多维分析模型Cube能够方便地自定义报表,效率大大提升。进阶阶段需要掌握的:1、系统的学好统计学纯粹的机器学习讲究算法预测能力和实现,但是统计一直就强调“可解释性”。比如说,针对今天微博股票发行就上升20%,你把你的两个预测股票上涨还是下跌的model套在新浪的例子上,然后给你的上司看。统计学就是这样的作用。数据挖掘相关的统计方法(多元Logistic回归分析、非线性回归分析、判别分析等)定量方法(时间轴分析、概率模型、优化)决策分析(多目的决策分析、决策树、影响图、敏感性分析)树立竞争优势的分析(通过项目和成功案例学习基本的分析理念)数据库入门(数据模型、数据库设计)预测分析(时间轴分析、主成分分析、非参数回归、统计流程控制)数据管理(ETL(Extract、Transform、Load)、数据治理、管理责任、元数据)优化与启发(整数计划法、非线性计划法、局部探索法、超启发(模拟退火、遗传算法))大数据分析(非结构化数据概念的学习、MapReduce技术、大数据分析方法)数据挖掘(聚类(k-means法、分割法)、关联性规则、因子分析、存活时间分析)其他,以下任选两门(社交网络、文本分析、Web分析、财务分析、服务业中的分析、能源、健康医疗、供应链管理、综合营销沟通中的概率模型)风险分析与运营分析的计算机模拟软件层面的分析学(组织层面的分析课题、IT与业务用户、变革管理、数据课题、结果的展现与传达方法)2、掌握AI Machine Learning算法,会用工具(比如Python/R)进行建模。传统的BI分析能回答过去发生了什么?现在正在发生什么?但对于未来会发生什么?必须靠算法。虽然像Tableau、FineBI等自助式BI已经内置了一部分分析模型,但是分析师想要更全面更深度的探索,需要像Python/R的数据挖掘工具。另外大数据之间隐藏的关系,靠传统工具人工分析是不可能做到的,这时候交由算法去实现,无疑会有更多的惊喜。其中,面向统计分析的开源编程语言及其运行环境“R”备受瞩目。R的强项不仅在于其包含了丰富的统计分析库,而且具备将结果进行可视化的高品质图表生成功能,并可以通过简单的命令来运行。此外,它还具备称为CRAN(The Comprehensive R Archive Network)的包扩展机制,通过导入扩展包就可以使用标准状态下所不支持的函数和数据集。R语言虽然功能强大,但是学习曲线较为陡峭,个人建议从python入手,拥有丰富的statistical libraries,NumPy , ,Python Data Analysis Library,matplotlib: python plotting。以上我的回答希望对你有所帮助

选股策略回测用 Matlab 好还是用 Python 好

首先十年的日级别数据量的确不大,使用Python来说的话不应该出现memoryerror,应该是在编程方面需要再多留意,我们在Ricequant上使用的分钟数据大概是200-300个GB左右,也是Python和Java共同合作完成的。语言只是一个语言,兴许会有各种语法的不同,但是在谈语言的时候我们需要了解背后的工具箱和社区,以及它为什么处理一些事情比另外的一些语言要好。本身Python初期用来做金融回测等是应该被放弃的,用来开发策略也应该是被放弃的,因为相比matlab的矩阵运算来做开发,实在是太方便了。只不过后来Python推出了series、pandas等一系列的强悍library,pandas的语法基本在“无耻”地模仿matlab和R,而pandas的开发者正是美国大名鼎鼎的对冲基金AQR,因此使data crunching和对数据的一些操作大大便利,此外,又包装了海量的开源社区的数学和科学计算库,也能处理各种的machin learning等等的问题。从科学计算的语言的发展来看,从最初的人们对浮点数计算的需求加入了fortran,再一路进行,让工具更加的让科学计算容易再容易(Python也封装了大量早期的数学家们用fortran写的数学计算基础库,这些经历了几十年的考验、加速等等):我们来看下python目前的科学技术栈:numpy: basic array manipulation - 基础的数组处理scipy: scientific computing in python, including signal processing and optimization - 科学计算,包括信号处理和优化等matplotlib: visualization and plotting - 几行代码就可以做图形化显示了IPython: write and run python code interactively in a shell or a notebook - 互动式编程环境,这是能将来替代掉matlab的一个必备,即在一行一行代码的输入、显示过程中学习、改进pandas: data manipulation - 最重要的矩阵运算等scikit-learn: machine learning - 机器学习但是随着以后的发展Python的开源属性就会体现的越来越强大,可以让更多的人享受到其便利和贡献进来,包括Quantopian也放出了zipline的python回测框架,只需要引入yahoo数据即可进行回测,并且Python的速度由于跟C的很好的结合可以达到非常快的速度,而且可以将来和其他系统很容易整合对接实盘交易接口。由于欧美已经有很多的投行和对冲基金在往Python的技术栈靠拢,因此选择了Python即掌握了一门重要的工具,并且无需跟一家私有化公司进行捆绑。当然,最后的最后,所有的python回测你都可以来Ricequant - Beta上完成,我们支持海量的市场、财务数据,还有不断加入的和大数据公司合作的舆情数据等等,同时策略回测完还可以做实时模拟交易,享受到实时数据的计算。在云平台上已经支持了几乎所有的Python科学计算库,无需花时间安装、测试等等。


您好,PIV全名:Particle Image Velocimetry,又称粒子图像测速法,是七十年代末发展起来的一种瞬态、多点、无接触式的激光流体力学测速方法。PIV忙说白了就是测速仪繁忙

plot the truncated fourier series 什么意思

plot the truncated fourier series以图表画出截断的傅里叶级数plot[英][plu0252t][美][plɑ:t]n.地基,基址图; (戏剧、小说等的)情节; 一块地; 测算表; vt.以图表画出,制图; 密谋; 把…分成小块; 为(文学作品)设计情节; vi.设计作品情节; 标示于图表上; 密谋,暗中策划; 第三人称单数:plots过去分词:plotted复数:plots现在进行时:plotting过去式:plotted例句:1.Are they part of some beijing plot to grab technology and knowhow? 它们是不是中国政府攫取技术和专业诀窍阴谋的一部分?

为什么python plt.plot 画图起点不是零点


Python 中的可视化工具介绍

几周前,R语言社区经历了一场关于画图工具的讨论。对于我们这种外人来说,具体的细节并不重要,但是我们可以将一些有用的观点运用到 Python 中。讨论的重点是 R 语言自带的绘图工具 base R 和 Hadley Wickham 开发的绘图工具 ggplot2 之间的优劣情况。如果你想了解更多细节内容,请阅读以下几篇文章: 其中最重要的两个内容是: 不是所有人都认同第二个观点,ggplot2确实无法绘制出所有的图表类型,但是我会利用它来做分析。 以下是 2016 年 4 月写的关于绘图工具的概述。出于多方面的原因,绘图工具的选取更多地取决于个人偏好,因此本文介绍的 Python 绘图工具也仅代表我的个人使用偏好。 Matplotlib 是一个强大的工具,它是 Pandas" builtin-plotting 和 Seaborn 的基础。 Matplotlib 能够绘制许多不同的图形,还能调用多个级别的许多 API 。我发现 pyplot api 非常好用,你可能用不上 Transforms 或者 artists ,但是如果你有需求的话可以查阅帮助文档。我将从 pandas 和 seaborn 图开始介绍,然后介绍如何调用 pyplot 的 API 。 DataFrame 和 Series 拥有 .plot 的命名空间,其中有许多图形类别可供选择(line, hist, scatter, 等等)。 Pandas 对象还提供了额外的用于增强图形展现效果的数据,如索引变量。 由于 pandas 具有更少的向后兼容的限制,所以它具有更好的美学特性。从这方面来说,我认为 pandas 中的 DataFrame.plot 是一个非常实用的快速探索性分析的工具。 Michael Waskom 所开发的 Seaborn 提供了一个高层次的界面来绘制更吸引人统计图形。 Seaborn 提供了一个可以快速探索分析数据不同特征的 API 接口,接下来我们将重点介绍它。 Bokeh 是一款针对浏览器开发的可视化工具。 和 matplotlib 一样,**Bokeh ** 拥有一系列 API 接口。比如 glpyhs 接口,该接口和 matplotllib 中的 Artists 接口非常相似,它主要用于绘制环形图、方形图和多边形图等。最近 Bokeh 又开放了一个新的图形接口,该接口主要用于处理词典数据或 DataFrame 数据,并用于绘制罐头图。 以下是一些本文没有提到的可视化工具: 我们将利用 ggplot2 中的 diamonds 数据集,你可以在 Vincent Arelbundock"s RDatasets 中找到它(pd.read_csv("") ),此外我们还需要检测是否已经安装 feather 。 [站外图片上传中……(4)] Bokeh 提供了两个 API,一个是低级的 glyph API,另一个是高级的 Charts API。 [站外图片上传中……(5)] 还不是很清楚我们应该在啥时候利用 Bokeh 来进行探索性分析,不过它的交互式功能可以激发我的兴趣。就个人而言,由于习惯问题我平时仍然一直使用 matplotlib 来绘图,我还无法完全切换到 Bokeh 中。 我非常喜欢 Bokeh 的仪表盘功能和 bokeh server 的 webapps。 [站外图片上传中……(6)] [站外图片上传中……(7)] [站外图片上传中……(8)] matplotlib 并不局限于处理 DataFrame 数据,它支持所有使用 getitem 作为键值的数据类型。 [站外图片上传中……(9)] [站外图片上传中……(10)] 我们从列变量的名字中提取出轴标签,利用 Pandas 可以更加便捷地绘制一系列共享 x 轴数据的图形。 [站外图片上传中……(11)] [站外图片上传中……(12)] 本文中的剩余部分将重点介绍 seaborn和为什么我认为它是探索性分析的强大工具。 我强烈建议你阅读 Seaborn 的 introductory notes,这上面介绍了 seaborn 的设计逻辑和应用领域。 我们可以通过一个稳定的且易懂的 API 接口来调用 Seaborn。 事实上,seaborn 是基于 matplotlib 开发的,这意味着如果你熟悉 pyplot API的话,那么你可以很容易地掌握 seaborn。 大多数 seaborn 绘图函数的参数都由 x, y, hue, 和 data 构成(并不是所有的参数都是必须的)。如果你处理的对象是 DataFrame,那么你可以直接将列变量的名称和数据集的名称一同传递到绘图函数中。 [站外图片上传中……(13)] [站外图片上传中……(14)] [站外图片上传中……(15)] [站外图片上传中……(16)] 我们可以很轻易地探究两个变量之间的关系: [站外图片上传中……(17)] [站外图片上传中……(18)] 或者一次探究多个变量之间的关系: [站外图片上传中……(19)] [站外图片上传中……(20)] pariplot 是 PairGrid 的一个包装函数,它提供了 seaborn 一个重要的抽象功能——Grid。Seaborn 的 Grid 将 matplotlib 中Figure 和数据集中的变量联系起来了。 我们有两种方式可以和 grids 进行交互操作。其一,seaborn 提供了类似于 pairplot 的包装函数,它提前设置了许多常见任务的参数;其二,如果你需要更多的自定义选项,那么你可以直接利用 Grid 方法。 [站外图片上传中……(21)] [站外图片上传中……(22)] [站外图片上传中……(23)] 34312 rows × 7 columns [站外图片上传中……(24)] [站外图片上传中……(25)] FaceGrid 可以通过控制分面变量来生成 Grid图形,其中PairGrid是它的一个特例。接下来的案例中,我们将以数据集中的 cut 变量为分面变量来绘制图像: [站外图片上传中……(26)] [站外图片上传中……(27)] 最后一个案例展示了如何将 seaborn 和 matplotlib 结合起来。g.axes是matplotlib.Axes的一个数组,g.fig是matplotlib.Figure的一个特例。这是使用 seaborn 时常见的一个模式:利用 seaborn 的方法来绘制图像,然后再利用 matplotlib 来调整细节部分。 我认为 seaborn 之所以吸引人是因为它的绘图语法具有很强的灵活性。你不会被作者所设定的图表类型所局限住,你可以根据自己的需要创建新的图表。 [站外图片上传中……(28)] [站外图片上传中……(29)] [站外图片上传中……(30)] [站外图片上传中……(31)] 本来,我打算准备更多的例子来介绍 seaborn,但是我会将相关链接分享给大家。Seaborn 的说明文档写的非常详细。 最后,我们将结合 scikit-learn 来介绍如何利用 GridSearch 来寻找最佳参数。 [站外图片上传中……(32)] [站外图片上传中……(33)] [站外图片上传中……(34)] 原文链接: 译者:Fibears


珀斯(Perth)是澳大利亚西澳大利亚州的首府,都会区的人口共有206万人(2018年),人口增长率高于国家统计的平均水平,是澳大利亚第四大城市。西澳占全国面积3分之1, 西面是浩瀚的印度洋,东面是澳大利亚内陆地区。由于人口稀疏,珀斯有世界最孤独城市之称(方圆1300英里无规模城市)。 珀斯的气候怡人,四季分明。夏季由12月至2月,3月至5月为秋季, 6月至8月为冬季, 春季则由9月至11月。珀斯属地中海式气候,冬天温和多雨,夏天漫长而炎热,上午从东部沙漠风吹来热浪,下午又从西南方吹来凉爽的海风,使珀斯成为澳大利亚刮风最多的一个城市。温和的气候与天鹅河(Swan River)沿岸的别致景色,使珀斯得以成为非常受欢迎的观光 旅游 目的地。常年蓝天白云,城市被绿植覆盖。市区到处都是维多利亚和巴洛克式建筑。 珀斯拥有广阔的居住空间及高水平的生活素质,在每年的世界最佳居住城市评选中都是名列前茅,反映出珀斯无论居住环境、生活素质及 社会 福利等都是极佳的城市,珀斯人的友善态度也是世界公认的。 珀斯这个城市的名称来自苏格兰的同名城市。早在欧洲移民到来之前,土著居民已在天鹅河两岸定居很久了。1697年荷兰探险家威廉·乌拉敏到印度洋东岸时,发现了一个河口,他沿河而上,发现河面上有许多别的地方所没有的黑天鹅,于是就把这条河定名为天鹅河(Swan River)。直到1829年内英国詹姆斯·斯特林船长率领的移民,在离此不远的地方砍倒一棵树,开创了珀斯城,是自由屯垦殖民地 天鹅河殖民地(Swan River Colony)的首府。1885年在斯旺河上游的卡尔古利发现了黄金,吸引了大批的新移民。1900年, 经过公民表决后,西澳大利亚在1901年正式加入了澳大利亚联邦,也是澳大利亚最后一个同意加入联邦的殖民地。随着铁路的修建和农业技术的发展,珀斯逐渐扩大,1960年以后,西澳开始大规模地开采铁、镍、铝、金等矿,城市发展速度加快。 珀斯的中心商业区(CBD)内的街道一角中心商业区 –主要由Hay Street、Murray Street、Barrack Street、William Street、King Street、以及St Georges Terrace等几条街道组成,是主要的购物中心。CBD值得参观的地方有珀斯钱币铸造局(Perth Mint),伦敦阁(London Court),百事活赌场(Burswood Casino),天鹅钟楼(Swan Bells )以及西澳博物馆等。相对于悉尼或墨尔本,珀斯的CBD规模虽较小,但却不失繁盛及充满著优雅的城市气息。全市最高的摩天大楼是位于St Georges Terrace的中央公园。 美丽的珀斯由一条天鹅河分为两部分。河北岸的圣乔治大道是该市金融、商业和政府机构的集中地,有办公街之称。圣乔治大道北邻的海伊步行街则是珀斯的商业中心。珀斯也是黑天鹅聚集的地方,有“黑天鹅城”之称,西澳 旅游 局的标志上就有黑天鹅。 天鹅钟塔的名字源于天鹅河,高耸的玻璃钟塔的左右翼犹如一双天鹅翅膀,故而得名天鹅钟塔。每隔一段时间,就会传出阵阵悦耳动听的报时钟声。不论是晨曦的微光,还是落日的余晖,都是别有一番情趣的景致。钟楼还展示着一些关于它的 历史 故事,爬到6层楼的露天观景台,还能360 眺望珀斯怡人的风景。塔内有12座本属英国圣马丁教堂(St Martin"s-in-the-Fields)的古老大钟,与1988年由英国政府作为澳洲建国200周年纪念礼物赠送给西澳。 圣乔治教堂(St Mary"s Cathedral)建于1850年,是西澳州 历史 最悠久的基督教堂,也是为数不多的由手制混凝土砖块建造的教堂之一。教堂的建筑和内部装潢都充满了浓厚的欧洲特色,漂亮的画像和美丽的彩色玻璃窗记录了西澳大利亚的先驱、社区领导者以及20世纪参战人物的事迹。圣乔治大教堂以创新和有争议的神学教学、流行的讲道以及音乐而知名,是澳大利亚唯一的教堂教育中心。 国王公园建造于1890年,据说它是送给当时英国国王爱德华的礼物。后来,为了纪念爱德华七世,在1901年更名为国王公园。国王公园是世界上最大的城市公园之一。也是作为观看珀斯全景的最佳地点。各种鸟类及西部野花,与天鹅河和坎宁河史诗般的美景相互映衬。人与自然的味道就在此刻展现。公园坐落于天鹅河畔的伊莱扎山上,占地相当广阔达400公顷,盘踞整个山头,公园内茂树林立,树高比天, 壮丽非常。园内的设计一方面尽量保持着原始大自然气息,另一方面又增加了不少现代化设施以方便游客,原始与现代化交织而成的公园, 却有着意想不到的和谐与协调。每年的9~11月是珀斯的春天,是观赏野花盛开的季节,公园内原本广大的绿色草原,顿然变成一片色彩万千的花海,非常漂亮悦目。国王公园内的亮点之一是著名建筑师设计的洛特里韦斯特联邦步道(Lotterywest Federation Walkway),这是一条长222米的钢筋玻璃结构步道,蜿蜒盘旋在桉树构成的架子上,让人们可以在树冠上步行。另外一个亮点是17万平方米的植物园,汇集了西澳两千多种植物。园内有座州立战争纪念碑,用来纪念在两次世界大战中牺牲的战士,公园大道旁的每棵行道树下都有两三名为国牺牲的战士铭牌,供家属和后代纪念。 西澳大学的Crawley校区,占地65公顷毗邻天鹅河和国王公园,坐拥秀丽的河畔风光,罗马式建筑风格的Winthrop Hall由石灰岩打造,是西澳最古老的学府了,被称为砂岩学府,也是澳洲常青藤8大之一。漫步在古典地中海风格的 历史 建筑和美丽的花园之中,难怪不少人称其为澳洲最美大学之一。 Winthrop Hall建于1932年,拥有大教堂般的场地欢、大理石和马赛克门厅、拱形天花板。礼堂里有管风琴、彩色玻璃窗和天花板上的土著图案。大厅可容纳974人,如选择更私密的独奏模式,可容纳674人。 珀斯的街头涂鸦也极具艺术特色。 回廊(the Cloisters)的风格是圣詹姆斯宫、汉普顿法院、伊顿公学和富勒姆宫。都铎风格清楚地表明,这所学校与英国君主政体和英国有联系,在他们的统治下,天鹅河殖民地已经建立。从19世纪后期到60年代中期,回廊被广泛用作佤大的神学学院、寄宿和招待所和旅舍,直到英国圣公会提出拆除这座建筑的计划。一场拯救回廊的公开活动已经展开,最终达成一致意见,在大楼后面应该有一个广场、购物拱廊和办公楼,将予以修复。 大洋洲的本地植物是其他大陆难得见到的。 珀斯特色的 旅游 线路之一,是从伊丽莎白轮渡码头(Ferry Elizabeth Quay)乘 旅游 轮渡沿天鹅河至入海口的弗里曼特尔小镇(Frementle)。沿河的民居和商铺、河上的游船、蓝天白云,伴着悠长的汽笛声,让人瞬时进入安宁的世界。

Python 从键盘输入5个英文单词,输出以元音字母开头的单词?

代码:import reprint(" ".join(re.findall(r"[aeiou]w*",input(),re.I)))截图:

Cotehele Quay on the river is home to the restored Tamar sailing barge and gateway to

1_Cotehele Quay on the river is home to the restored Tamar sailing barge and gateway to the wider estate,with its abundant wildlife and evocastive industrial ruins. 翻译:在河上的Cotehele码头是修复泰马河平底驳船的基地和通往广阔工业区的途径,这个广阔的工业区有丰富的野生物和引起回忆的工业废墟【1】Cotehele Quay on the river is home to the restored Tamar sailing barge and gateway to the wider estate:翻译:在河上的Cotehele码头是修复泰马河平底驳船的基地和通往广阔工业区的途径Cotehele Quay on the river:在河上的Cotehele码头Cotehele:地名,查不到 Quay:n. [苏格兰人、爱尔兰人姓氏] 奎伊。McKay的变体 quay :[ki:] n. 码头home:这里是n. 本部,总部;基地n.1.休息的场所;避难所 2.本部,总部;基地adj 家庭的,本地的,国内的。Tamar sailing barge: 泰马河平底驳船Tamar:n.泰马河sailing barge :平底帆船;平底驳船sailing:n 帆船 ,(乘帆船的)航行 barge:n 驳船 【注意】home:基地和gateway:途径都是is的表语,用来说明主语:Cotehele Quaygateway to the wider estate:通往广阔工业区的途径gateway:n 1. 大门口2. 门径, 关口3. 方法, 手段, 途径 to:介词:到,通向wider estate:广阔的工业区wider:adj.宽广的,广阔的 estate:n 住宅区;工业区;工厂区【2】the wider estate,with its abundant wildlife and evocastive industrial ruins. 翻译:这个广阔的工业区有丰富的野生物和引起回忆的工业废墟with:是介词短语,with 后带有并列宾语 its abundant wildlife and evocative industrial ruins 用来说明名词estate(工业区)的附属部分或所具有的性质意思:这个广阔的工业区有丰富的野生物和引起回忆的工业废墟。abundant wildlife:大量的野生动物abundant:adj.充足的,大量的 wildlife:野生动物evocastive industrial ruins: 引起回忆的工业废墟evocastive:adj 引起回忆的; 引起…的记忆, 唤起…感情的 industrial ruin:工业废墟

演讲稿what can i contribute to the 2008 Olympic Games

what can i contribute to the 2008 Olympic Games?如果是有关大众面前演讲的,你最好还是自己写,那就是你所能贡献的:不欺骗。

Is 后不加that吗

定语从句里的that后面是可以跟is的。一、定语从句的定义。用作定语的从句叫做定语从句(attributive clause)。定语从句通常皆置于它所修饰的名词(或代词)之后,这种名词(或代词)叫做先行词(antecedent)。引导宾语从句的关联词为关系代词和关系副词。关系代词在定语从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语等;关系副词在定语从句中只用作状语。如:The student who answered the question was John. 回答问题的那个学生是约翰。(who answered the question是关系代词who引导的定语从句,用以修饰who先行词student,who在从句中用作主语)I know the reason why he was so angry. 我知道他这么生气的原由。(why he was so angry是关系副词引导的定语从句,用以修饰why的先行词reason,why在从句中用作原因状语)定语从句一般紧跟其先行词之后。如:The room which served for studio was bare and dusty. 这个用作工作室的房间空荡荡的,布满灰尘。(关系代词which引导的定语从句紧跟其先行词room之后)有时亦可与先行词分离。如:A new master will come tomorrow who will teach you German. 明天要来一位新教师教你们德语了。(关系代词who引导的定语从句与其先行词master分离)二、关系代词的用法。用作关联词的关系代词有who,whom,whose,that,which等。who,whom,whose指人,who是主格,在从句中用作主语(在非正式英语中亦可用作宾语);whom是宾格,在从句中用作宾语;whose是属格,在从句中用作定语(有时亦可指物)。如:The man who was here yesterday is a painter. 昨天在这里的那个人是位画家。(主格关系代词who在从句中用作主语)The man who I saw is called Smith. 我见到的那个人名叫史密斯。(在非正式英语中who 代替了whom,亦可省去不用)I know the man whom you mean. 我认识你指的那个人。(宾语关系代词whom在从句中用作宾语)A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan. 失去父母的孩子叫做孤儿。(属格关系代词whose在从句中用作定语,指人)I"d like a room whose window looks out over the sea. 我想要一个窗户面临大海的房间。(属格关系代词whose在从句中用作定语,指room,可代之以of which,但后者较为正式)

make them wheels roll中文歌词

你好!make them wheels roll让他们轮子滚

i was told that the aircraft(redesign)already

I was told that the aircraft _________________ already. (redesign)

redesigned reimagined the new studio什么意思


wait to do sth.与wait for sth.的区别


reward sth for sb 对吗?

不对reward主动句中常见搭配:reward sb.for sth.意思是:因为...而奖赏例如:People should be rewarded for special effort.人们特别出了力应得到奖赏.reward sb.with sth.是用...作为奖赏例如:They rewarded the winners with gifts of fruit and flowerw.他们送水果和鲜花来犒赏优胜者.

be rewarded with .如何造句?谢谢。

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:. Some believe that, since childhood, we are rewarded with food for being good. 一些人认为,从小我们就以食物作为奖励。

Good deeds are rewarded with kindness_2000字

Because the ant fell into the river and was in danger, the big bird gave the ant a *** all kindness of wood, in exchange for the big bird to be safe in the difficult place. This is called good deeds and good rewards. There is a boy, in his hunger and cold, no one to help the situation, he desperate to the street to the last home for help. At this time, he fot that he was standing in front of the door to beg. Did not expect the girl said: you wait a moment, she handed the boy towel, let him dry the rain wet hair, and handed him a cup of hot milk. A few years later, the boy became a famous doctor. Once, he was surprised to find that a patient to be operated on was actually the angel, but the medical operation cost was beyond her affordability. The doctor immediately operated in person. After the operation was successful, the girl opened the medical bill and could not help crying. Medical expenses - a cup of hot milk. It never occurred to the girl that a *** all act of kindness many years ago turned out to be the bill to save her life. This can‘t help but remind me of the story about the shipbuilder and the shipowner. A *** all act of kindness of the boatman received gratitude and reward from the shipowner. Of course, good deeds and good rewards are beeen o people. There are also many people who do good deeds but can not get good rewards. Can"t help the old lady, let a person feel cold, why do their good behavior can‘t get return and affirmation, but let people sue in court? The “mind my own business” victims are not grateful to those who are desperate to save themselves, but are indifferent. If everyone does not have a sense of gratitude, who dares to do good things if it goes on like this for a long time? Good deeds and good retribution, first of all, es from the kindness of one side, but also from the gratitude of the other side. Without this gratitude, it is very difficult to have a good reward. The good deeds emphasized here are not material thanks. Those who do good deeds often need a kind of affirmation from the heart. With these affirmations, good deeds will be recycled again, and goodness will begin to pass on. The world will not bee indifferent and cold-blooded. Life is like wine, or strong, or fragrant, because good deeds and good rewards, it bees mellow; life is like a song, or high, or low, because it is good at good retribution, it bees melodious; life is picturesque, or bright, or elegant, because it is good at repaying, it bees beautiful. Being good at repaying is related to the harmonious society and the *** ooth realization of the Chinese dream. Let"s start philanthropy, let‘s leverage the Chinese dream! Let"s start good report, let‘s realize the Chinese dream!

his efforts were reward with success

答案:C 翻译:他的努力得到了成功的回报. 1.enjoy“喜欢/享受”,句意不通,排除B; receive意思是“收到/接待”,句意同样不通,排除D. 2.award做动词时,意思是“奖励/授予”,而reward准确意思是“酬谢/奖赏/报答”. 此题答案以C reward最佳. 3.两者还有一个区别如下: award sb sth = award sth to sb; reward sth to sb for (doing) sth = reward sb with sth for (doing) sth

we shall be rewarded by the satisfaction that finding them brings. 这个brings是怎么回事


good is rewarded with good

好人有好报. Give cake and ale to perfect soul. 好心未必有好报. The road to hell is paved with good intention. 这种观点认为世上有一套道德体系,善有善报恶有恶报(b乔治F.威尔) the sense that there is a moral economy in the world,that good is rewarded and evil is punished(bGeorge F.Will) 这种观点认为世上有一套道德体系,善有善报恶有恶报(乔治F.威尔) the sense that there is a moral economy in the world,that good is rewarded and evil is punished(George F.Will) 不用谢.善有善报,上次你也帮助过我. That"s all right.One good turn deserves another.Last time you helped me. 善有善报. One good turn deserves another. 善有善报. Do well and have well. 恶有恶报,善有善报. Bad deeds,as well as good,may redound on the doer. 善有善报,恶有恶报. Bad deeds,as well as good,may rebound upon the doer. [谚]发什么声音,有什么回声(善有善报,恶有恶报). As the call,so the echo.

be rewarded with be rewarded for区别

be rewarded with 只能跟sth.作宾语;而 be rewarded for 可以跟sth.或sb.作宾语



be rewarded with be rewarded for区别

be rewarded with 只能跟sth.作宾语;而 be rewarded for 可以跟sth.或sb.作宾语


Please wait for the server to respond翻译成为中文就是:请 等待 服务器 响应。(可能是访问的人过多)开心快乐每一天!

7.He was ____ with what he longed for eventually. A.awarded B.rewarded C.praised D.encouraged

这道题选B 这道题应该考的是 award 与reward 的辨析. 首先,award 为及物动词 vt.意思是: 1.授予,给予[(+to)][O1] Phil was awarded the top prize. 菲尔获得头奖. 2.判给[(+to)][O1] The judge awarded him $1000 as damages. 法官判给他损害赔偿金一千元. 其次,reward 为及物动词 意思为:1.报答,报偿;酬谢;奖励[(+with/for)][O1] Winners will be rewarded a trip to England. 优胜者将获得去英国旅游的奖赏. 2.报应;惩罚(坏人或坏事)[(+for)] He will sooner or later be rewarded for his wicked conduct. 他的恶行迟早会受到报应. 所以此句应该翻译为:最终,他得到了他一直以来渴望的作为奖励. 句式为:be reward with 报答,报偿;酬谢;奖励 以上仅为个人见解 如有不对请见谅.

be rewarded with是什么意思

be rewarded with得到…的奖赏; 例句:1.Use these steps for both days and you will be rewarded with over twenty days of easy family meals. 按照以下步骤进行两天的工作,你就能有二十几天不必为家人的三餐费心了。2.To encourage them to grow these reflective crops, farmers could be rewarded with carbon credits. 我们可以通过“碳奖赏”之类的方式让农民更乐于种植高反射率作物。


to do做宾语补足语

in the end he was rewarded for his perseverance.这里的rewarded 加ed是表示被动语态吗?


wait for 与 wait with区别和用法








联想 thinkpad x220i怎么连接电视?

电脑上没有HDMI接口吗 我记得X的本有这个接口啊 如果电脑上没有你可以在市场买个转接线 就可以



keep sth do还是doing?

keep sth doingkeep sth一般是在后面加单词,例如keep sth to oneself 保守秘密,不告诉别人;keep sth doing使……一直做某事。keep可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语(不可接动词不定式作宾语),也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。keep用作不及物动词作“保存”解时,主动结构常含被动意义。keep常用词组搭配一、~+形容词1、keep awake不睡,清醒2、keep calm 维持镇定3、keep clean 维持保洁4、keep clear of 逃避5、keep close 走近二、~+副词1、keep ahead 维持带头地位2、keep indoors 呆在家,不外出3、keep well 管理得非常好4、keep ceaselessly 无休止地维持5、keep discreetly 谨慎地保留三、~+介词1、keep after 追求,追逐,纠葛2、keep after the criminals 跟踪犯人3、keep along 沿…继续4、keep at 使…继续5、keep at one"s study 不断学习


除了"keepsbdoingsth."(保持做某事)之外,keep还有以下常见的固定搭配:1. keep in touch (保持联系)2. keep an eye on (密切关注)3. keep up with (跟上,保持一致)4. keep your fingers crossed (祈祷,希望)5. keep calm (保持冷静)6. keep a secret (保守秘密)7. keep the change (找你了,不用找零钱)8. keep it simple (保持简单)以上是keep最常见的固定搭配,掌握这些搭配可以帮助我们更好的运用keep这个单词,带来更高效的语言表达。

Keep calm,sleep and forget the world.是什么意思

Keep calm,sleep and forget the world.保持冷静,睡眠和忘记所有的一切。双语对照例句:1.The investor need keep calm especially in this time. 投资者有其需要在这个时刻保持清醒的头脑。2.Keep calm and decide what you want to do. 保持冷静,然后决定自己想要做什么

Keep Calm and Put The Kettle on如何翻译?似乎是个很经典的句子。

保持冷静,把壶放上。 没有上下文吗?

You should keep calm during the earthquake是什么结构?

主系表结构keep clam 系表结构

Keep Calm and Put The Kettle on如何翻译?似乎是个很经典的句子。


Zac Brown Band的《The Wind》 歌词

歌曲名:The Wind歌手:Zac Brown Band专辑:UncagedZac Brown Band - The windlyric by Austin.zip30 thousand feet aboveThe city where I fell in love with youAnd the fading concrete skylineBrings an urban lullabyThat still rings tureWhen I passed you on the street that dayShould"ve let that red scarf fly awayLike any chance I had of keeping youLike the Northern Wind that blowin"Yeah my lonely heart was frozenNever knew I"d find a way to break yours tooWhere the wind blows babeYou can betI"ll be riding high with itHolding on for my dear lifeJust like I always didClose your eyes babeTake a breath, say my nameAnd I"ll be thereMy love will find you anywhereAnywhere my loveThe city lights look like a country skyLike staring at the stars turned upside downI wish I may, I wish I mightFind it in your heart to stick aroundI hate it had to end this wayTomorrow is a brand new dayAnd the chances here at loveAre precious fewSomeone"s out there waitingFor a sweet good timing ladyTo make you smile the way like I always wanted toWhere the wind blows babeYou can betI"ll be riding high with itHolding on for my dear lifeJust like I always didClose your eyes babeTake a breath, say my nameAnd I"ll be thereMy love will find you anywhereAnywhere my loveSo I"ll fly all nightOur memory"s my lullaby that love won"t lieIf it"s love done rightYou"ll be waiting on the other sideArms open wide, if love don"t lieLie, We can flyWhere the wind blows babeYou can betI"ll be riding high withinHolding on for my dear lifeJust like I always doClose your eyes babeTake a breath, say my nameAnd I"ll be thereMy love will find you anywhereAnywhere my love

lurk in the dark prologue可以联机吗


The General Prologue 什么意思



all the past is a prologue .刚刚那些是开场白。


the reborn重生the reborn重生

I stood there_____. A.puzzlingly B.puzzledly C.puzzled

答案是C PUZZLED在这里做stood的伴随状语,可以解释为- - - and was puzzled.

英语选择题 when he heard the news,he stood there,( ).

英语选择题 When he heard the news,he stood there,( ). 浏览次数:21次悬赏分:0 | 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时 | 提问者:dguzhvol | 检举 A.looked puzzled B.looking puzzled C.looked puzzling D.looking puzzling答:B译:听到这个消息,他站在那儿,看上去很迷惑的样子。析:When--是时间状语从句,he stood there,是主句。后面的是非谓语动词,状语,表示伴随情况,相于一个并列谓语=he stood there and looked puzzled。此题考分词作状语的用法。其逻辑主语就是主句的主语he,he 与look在逻辑上是主动的关系(He looked puzzled.),所以用现在分词looking, 而不用过去分词(它表示被动,而look在这里是系动词,没有被动意思)。所以排除AC我们知道,look后面的表语,是由puzzle变过来的分词。现在分词表示‘令人。。。的"一般用来表示事情(物)的性质。而过去分词才表示人的感觉,表示人"被。。。了”,所以还是有被动的意思的。He looked puzzled. 字面意思就是“他看去象是被迷惑住了”。排除D。所以正确答案是B。

He didn’t understand the _______ question, so there was a ______ expression on his face.


complete the puzzle的汉意是什么


There was a __________look on her face because a________ problem _________the little girl. A...

B 试题分析:考查puzzle用法。Puzzling令人困惑的(常用来形容事物);puzzled感到困惑的(常用来形容人);有些与人有关的事物也用puzzled修饰;第三空是谓语动词,因为本句是过去时,所以使用过去式puzzled。句意:在他的脸上有一个困惑的表情,因为一个让人困惑的问题困扰着这个小女孩。故B正确。点评:Puzzling令人困惑的(常用来形容事物);puzzled感到困惑的(常用来形容人);有些与人有关的事物也用puzzled修饰;

what puzzled us is this为什么把puzzled改为puzzles?

What puzzled us 是主语从句,is 是 系动词,主句和从句的时间不一致,要么把 puzzled 改成puzzles,要么就把 is 改成was,来达到时态的一致。

在字典里看到这样一句话 I am utterly puzzled what to do with it. 为什么这里的puzzled后面没有介词?


those books are on the shel 哪个语法错误?


The W S的《Stupid》 歌词

歌曲名:Stupid歌手:The W S专辑:Trouble With XJC - StupidOur Muzik - 最前沿的欧美音乐!(This was the best thing that ever happened to be. But over time, I realized that I was stupid)(Listen)How did it get to this, see I thought I headed into the perfect relationship.Should"ve known you"d be influenced by them girls you was hanging with.Cause they (?), just thought you wouldn"t trip, flip, dealt the script.Don"t oh oh yeah, overheard your conversations on the phone (Yeah)Last time I checked Tim wasn"t a woman.So I knew you was creeping, baby you"re fronting. I feel so stupid.Baby, been trying to getting this out of my heart forever.Thought the remedy to a broken heart was you.But I realized that it was just nothing, and I never should"ve loved you.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.What"s the reason you"re doing this, everyday"s an argument.Cause it doesn"t take nothing to make you smile (Oh yeah)From not answering the phone to not coming home.To the dude you was walking with in green by the mall.I ain"t seen everything, you can do what you wanna do, do.I"m so stu-stu.Baby, been trying to getting this out of my heart forever.Thought the remedy to a broken heart was you.But I realized that it was just nothing, and I never should"ve loved you.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.The lying, the cheating, the heartache, the pain, the strain.The worry, frustration, was all.Baby, been trying to getting this out of my heart forever.Thought the remedy to a broken heart was you.But I realized that it was just nothing, and I never should"ve loved you.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.


你好,谢瑞麟珠宝的简写是TSL,英文翻译为Tse Sui Luen jewelry,不是Slth哦。

用英语短语write sth to sb造句

write on Please write on one side of the paper only. 请写在这张纸的一面上. write down I want to write down what you just said. 我想把你方才所说的写下来. write off He wrote off three cars in a year because of his dreadful driving. 因他的可怕的驾车技术,他一年内报废了三辆车. write up Mr.Black wrote up their acting in the play. 布莱克先生写文章,赞扬他们在这个剧中的演技.



He asks them to write their names on their book对吗


电影《歌舞青春》的《When There Was Me and You》英文歌词

《when there was me and you 》 by vanessa anne it"s funny when you find yourselflooking from the outsidei"m standing here but all i wantis to be over therewhy did i let myself believemiracles could happencause now i have to pretendthat i don"t really carei thought you were my fairytalea dream when i"m not sleepinga wish upon a starthats coming truebut everybody else could tellthat i confused my feelingswith the truthwhen there was me and youi swore i knew the melodythat i heard you singingand when you smiledyou made me feellike i could sing alongbut then you went and changed the wordsnow my heart is emptyi"m only left with used-to-besand once upon a songnow i know your not a fairytaleand dreams were meant for sleepingand wishes on a starjust don"t come truecause now even i can tellthat i confused my feelingswith the truthbecause i liked the viewwhen there was me and youi can"t believe thati could be so vineit"s like you were floatingwhile i was fallingand i didn"t mindbecause i liked the viewooooh hoo hooi thought you felt it toowhen there was me and youwhen there was me and you

Smokey Robinson & the Miracles的《More Love》 歌词

歌曲名:More Love歌手:Smokey Robinson & the Miracles专辑:GoldDixie Chicks - More LoveI"m so close to you babyBut I"m so far awayThere"s a silence between usAnd there"s so much to sayYou"re my strenth, you"re my weaknessYou"re my faith, you"re my doubtWe gotta meet in the middleTo work this thing outMore loveI can hear our hearts cryin"More loveI know that"s all we needMore loveTo flow in between usTo take us and hold us and lift us aboveIf there"s ever an answerIt"s more loveWe"re afraid to be idleSo we fill up the daysWe run on the treadmillKeep slavin" away"Til there"s no time for talkin"About trouble in mindAnd the doors are all closedBetween your heart and mineJust look out around usPeople fightin" their warsThey think they"ll be happyWhen they"ve settled their scoresLet"s lay down our weaponsThat hold us apartBe still for just a minuteTry to open our hearts↑↑END↑↑

"There can be miracles"这里的BE 是表示虚拟语气吗?


群星的《ThePant》 歌词

歌曲名:ThePant歌手:群星专辑:Mezzanine de l"Alcazar Vol. 5 CD1Brad Paisley - The Pants36,32,boot cut with a skoal ringGrease stains,bleach spots and a hole in the kneeYou say the man inside those Levi"s don"t take ordersShe"ll just have to realize you"ll do as you damn well pleaseYou wear the pantsBuddy good for youI"m so impressedYeah, whoopty-dooYou need to knowThat ain"t how it worksIt"s not who wears the pants,It"s who wears the skirtIn the top drawer, of her dresser, there"s some pantiesGo try on that purple pair, with lace and frillsWith your big old thighs, I bet you can"t get in "emWith that attitude of yours, hell, I bet you never willBut you wear the pantsBuddy good for youI"m so impressedYeah, whoopty-dooYou need to knowThat ain"t how it worksIt"s not who wears the pants,It"s who wears the skirtA big old boy like you can probably bench 350A little thing like her can barely lift the barJust wait "til that woman has a headacheAnd she sits there with her legs crossedWell, we"ll see how strong you areYou wear the pantsWell, buddy good for youWe"re so impressedYeah, whoopty-dooYou"ll soon find outThat ain"t how it worksIt"s not who wears the pants,It"s who wears the skirtYou wear the pants,She"ll wear the skirt

I like those后面是写shose还是pant还是shirt?


have ants in the pants是什么意思及音标

have ants in the pants是什么意思及音标如蚁在身,坐立不安

These are yellow trousers.对吗?



What are these?They are pants.这些是什么?是裤子。

谁知道Do you have the time开头这首歌叫什么名字

是Green Day的《Basket Case》!MV里那个医院感觉像是神经病院:)我最先听到的还是Avril Lavigne的那个版本呢!歌词:Do you have the timeTo listen to me whineAbout nothing and everythingAll at onceI am one of thoseMelodramatic foolsNeurotic to the boneNo doubt about itSometimes I give myself the creepsSometimes my mind plays tricks on meIt all keeps adding upI think I"m cracking upAm I just paranoid?Or I"m just stonedI went to a shrinkTo analyze my dreamsShe says it"s lack of sexThat"s bringing me downI went to a whoreHe said my life"s a boreSo quit my whining causeIt"s bringing her downSometimes I give myself the creepsSometimes my mind plays tricks on meIt all keeps adding upI think I"m cracking upAm I just paranoid?Uh, yuh, yuh, yaGrasping to controlSo I better hold onSometimes I give myself the creepsSometimes my mind plays tricks on meIt all keeps adding upI think I"m cracking upAm I just paranoid?Or I"m just stoned


mental health心理健康

英语Only the Paranoid Survive怎么翻译?

英语:Only the Paranoid Survive.翻译:只有偏执狂才能生存。

mental health和spiritual health有什不同?

这两个词都有心灵的,精神的意思.但mental更侧重心理,精神上的不好或者中性的观点.例如:mental problom,mental health.而且这个词在生活中常见普通.而spiritual 更侧重精神上的,灵魂上的带有高尚,神圣,不可玷污的层面.例如:spiritual pillar,spiritual civilization.在疾病方面时,也可以用spiritual healing,


  mental health英 [u02c8mentl helθ] 美 [u02c8mu025bntl hu025blθ]  [释义]心理健康;  [例句]Studies in recent years, however, have shown that nostalgia may have some benefits to our mental health.  而近年来的一些研究结果显示,乡愁可能对我们的心理健康大有裨益。  -------------------------------如有疑问,可继续追问,如果满意,请采纳,谢谢。

求助:典范英语9 中出现了这么个句子 walk the plank “走甲板”,这怎么理解啊?下面是原句。

They didn"t all start out as priates. Some fell into pirate hands and had no choice. Either they walked the plank or served under the skull and crossbones.他们一开始并不都是海盗。有些落入海盗之手,别无选择。要么他们(“走跳板”)被迫做有损于自己的事,要么在骷髅头下服役。walk the plank 是走跳板(被迫做有损于自己的事;被迫辞职)

one day a dog with a piece of meat in his mouth was crossing a plank over a stream意思是什么?was...


一首歌歌词有my girl they want to try so we had bad 大部分女生唱的 期中有男的说唱

this is the girl

You Are My Rock (This Means War Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:You Are My Rock (This Means War Album Version)歌手:Petra专辑:Petra Power PraiseClaude Kelly - You Are My RockI sung too many sad love songs in my daysI think it"s time to turn me a new page, right now (yeah)I"ve had my share of problems, i"ve made my mistakesBut somehow in the mist of the rain i foundSomeone who loves and cares for meNo matter what i say or do i know he"ll never leave my sideI found the love of my lifeCos you are my rockSo strongYou hold me down baby through it allNo matter how farYour arms always catch me before i fallYou are my bridge all by the waterWithout you i couldn"t crossEven a minute apartAnd boy i swear to you my heart would just stopCos you are my rockNo more going back and forth see i made up my mindCos i intend to spend my whole life with you (oh yeah)Some people die trying but they never findBut after when i look in your eyes it"s trueI"m just so glad you care for meNo matter what i say or do i know he"ll never leave my side babeI found the love of my lifeNow ladies if you found someone to loveThen let me see you throw your hands upAnd if you know your man is down with you through it allThen let me see you stand upLet me hear you say i found someone who cares for meNo matter what i say or do i know he"ll never leave my sideI found the love of my lifeWhoa whoa whoaWhoa whoa whoa (and i want you to know)Whoa whoa whoa (cos you are my rock)Cos you are my rockWhoa whoa whoa

this is my city的中文歌词??

Turning my memories 翻找著过去的回忆Hoping to find out 希望能找出where all the loyalty"s gone 那些忠诚都去了哪里The friends that I had then 旧时的好友Turned into strangers 现已形同陌路Thinking of you all alone 独自一人,想著你If you see me know 如果你现在看到我You won"t see me alone 你不会看到我独自一人的If you see me 如果你看我I"ll be heading home 我会正向家迈进Cos this is my town 因为这是我的小镇This is my city 这是我的城市Through my eyes it looks so pretty 在眼中它是如此美丽This is my town ,this is my city now 因为这是我的小镇,现在这是我的城市 These are my people , this is my song 这是我的人们,这是我的歌Dirty streets where I belong 是我所属的那条肮脏街道This is my town ,this is my city now 因为这是我的小镇,现在这是我的城市This is my city now 属於我的城市

That S My Girl 歌词

歌曲名:That S My Girl歌手:Nat King Cole专辑:Penthouse SerenadeJLS - That"s My GirlCos that"s my girl,that"s my girl,that"s my girl,that"s my girlAnd she"s the baddest thing I"ve seen in the worldYou know that"s my girlThey stop and stare but I"m okay with itAnd I don"t care cos it"s a complimentAnd on the real thoughIt"s kinda turning me on. Me on. Hey!Lady, lady tell me why you wear them heelsDrives"em crazy you know how it makes me feelWon"t complain cos they all know thatYou"re coming home with me tonightYeah I know she bad, yeah she lookin"goodAll these other guys I know they wish they couldIt"s an everyday thing and what can I sayWith a girl as bad as mine, I"d probably do the sameCos that"s my girl, that"s my girl, that"s my girl, that"s my girlAnd she"s the baddest thing I"ve seen in the worldYou know that"s my girlAnd I won"t share but you can lookCos to be fair my girl is off the hookFrom the way she smiles and to the way she loves meHer hair and lips are curved too she"s really got meLady lady tell me why you wear them heelsDrives"em crazy you know how it makes me feelWon"t complain cos they all know that you"re coming home with me tonightYeah I know she bad, yeah she lookin"goodAll these other guys , I know they wish they couldIt"s an everyday thing and what can I sayWith a girl as bad as mine, I"d probably do the sameCos that"s my girl, that"s my girl, that"s my girl, that"s my girlAnd she"s the baddest thing I"ve seen in the worldYou know that"s my girlShe the one, she the one, she the one for meShe the one, she the one yeah all that I needShe the one, she the one yeah, that"s my baby yeah that"s my girlI want the world to seeYeah I know she bad, yeah she lookin"goodAll these other guys I know they wish they couldIt"s an everyday thing and what can I sayWith a girl as bad as mine, I"d probably do the sameCos that"s my girl, that"s my girl, that"s my girl, that"s my girlAnd she"s the baddest thing I"ve seen in the worldYou know that"s my girl
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