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生成相应大小的零矩阵,举个栗子:--------np.zeros(5)#生成包含5个元素的零矩阵array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])np.zeros((5,),生成包含5个元素的零矩阵,且各元素为整形array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])np.zeros((2, 1))#生成2行1列的零矩阵array([[ 0.], [ 0.]])s = (2,2)#生成2行2列的零矩阵np.zeros(s)array([[ 0., 0.], [ 0., 0.]])

Struck by the terrible earthquake, Wenchuan was from the ou...

C 短语辨析。cut up切碎,抨击; cut down 削减,砍到; cut off 切断,中断; cut in超车,插入。句意:受大地震袭击,汶川被与外面中断了联系。故选C。

In This Life 歌词

歌曲名:In This Life歌手:Delta Goodrem专辑:DeltaDelta Goodrem - In This LifeQ`411254000`肥仔`送比所以的朋友I was nurturedI was sheltered,I was curious and young.I was searchin for that something,Tryin to find it on the run.Oh and just when I stopped lookin,I saw just how far I"d come.In this liiiiife...In this liiiiife...You give me love,You give me light,Show me everythings been happenin,I"ve opened up my eyes,I"m followin3 steps fight an honest fight, (oooh)2 hearts, they can start a fire, (yeah yeah)1 love is all I need in this liiiife...(oh)Yeahhh...Yeahhh...Yeah Yeah...In this lifeOhhh...Whoahhh...Whoa WhoaI have falteredI have stumbled,I have found my feet again.I"ve been angry,And I"ve been shaken,Found a new place to begin.And my persistance to make a difference,Has led me safe into your hands.In this liiiiife...In this liiiiife...You give me love,You give me light,Show me everythings been happenin,I"ve opened up my eyes,I"m followin3 steps fight an honest fight, (oooh)2 hearts, they can start a fire, (yeah yeah)1 love is all I need in this liiiife...(Oh)Ohh..Whoahhhh...Whoa WhoaIn this lifeYeah...Yeah...Yeah YeahI was put here for a reason,I was born into this world.And I"m living, and I"m believingThat I was meant to be your girl...In this liiiiife....In this liiiiife....You give me love,You give me light,Show me everythings been happenin,I"ve opened up my eyes,I"m followin3 steps fight an honest fight, (oooh)2 hearts, they can start a fire, (yeah yeah)1 love is all I need in this liiiife...(Oh)3 steps fight an honest fight (oooh)2 hearts, they can start a fire (yeah yeah)1 love is all I needIn this liiiiife (oh)Yeah...Yeah....yeah yeahIn this lifeYeah...Yeah....yeah yeahIn this lifeOhhh...Whoahhh...whoa whoaIn this lifeYeah...Yeah...yeah yeah...

英语I was struck by that memory yesterday怎么翻译?


be struck with的意思


So far,not one of them has been struck down by sudden death! 请解释struck down 他是词组吗

struck是strike的过去式,他们放在一起是词组,strike down 打倒 击倒的意思. 全句:到目前为止,他们当中没有一个被死亡击倒.

be struck with 什么意思

be struck with(by) 为...所袭击; 为...所侵袭 为...所触动[感动]

句型it struck sb that中的struck是谓语还是非谓语 主动还是被动?还有as far as中的far表示距离远是

此句中的 struck 是主句的谓语动词过去式,主动语态。It struck sb. that...... 是一个 it 作为形式主语的句型。这也是英语表达方式中具有代表性的“英语思维”特点之一,也是英语作为第二语言或外语教育的重点内容之一。在这个句型中,代词 it 只是形式上的主语,真正的主语是紧接主句表语之后的 that-从句或者不定式短语。语言学上称其为“逻辑主语”。例:It struck me that my students could speak English fluently in just four weeks! (= [The fact] that my students could speak English fluently in just four weeks struck me!)It is important to understand the whole sentence before you can figure out the meanings of the words used in the sentence. (= To understand the whole sentence before you can figure out the meanings of the words used in the sentence is important.)从上面的例句中不难看出,当括号中的逻辑主语作为句子的主语使用时,由于太长而影响对句子的理解。而用形式主语 it 句型就能快速和清晰地理解句子所表达的语义。这也反映了英语思维的语言特征:头小身子大。英语从句是对这一思维特征的最好注解。

The blow struck him full in the face 这一拳正打在他脸上

他的脸上 为什么不用his face呢?而用 him full in the face? 这里struck是动词,所以它们放在一起构成了打一拳的含义。 full在这里应该指的是

Quant 对 python 的需求高吗

1、需求高2、还有:Python, Java, Matlab, R, Q和某些公司内部自有语言(如高盛的自有语言)但是我不希望敷衍了事,如果回答就展开了说,说说我心中最重要的五类语言。这不仅仅是对于一个Quant必须的,而是一个丰满的程序员所必备的。在艺术中,艺永远比术重要;在Quant相关知识中,intuition永远比纯technique更加重要。两年前在Princeton,我和一位研究计算机语言的PhD两人吃饭聊天。他的主要研究方向就是新的计算机语言,及相关的逻辑学。大神如他一顿饭下来80%的时间处于放空状态,基本没在关注我,但我得到了我自以为深刻的理念:一种计算机语言是一种对应哲学的体现。因此,在我看来,有五类语言构建了一个丰满的编程能力强的Quant的一切,它们分别是:效率类语言(C、C++、Java等)、胶水类语言(Python、Ruby等)、科学类语言(Matlab、R、S等)、Alpha演算类语言(Lisp、Clojure等)、查询类语言(SQL、Q等)。这是基于我理解浅薄的分类,完全与计算机科学的规范化分类(如面对对象语言、函数类语言)不相容。持不同意见者大可付之一笑。1、效率类语言(C、C++、Java等):老派的Quant很多都是C++高手,特别是80年代涌入华尔街的那帮MIT的高能物理博士们。在那个年代,可以选择的语言不多。要么就Fortan,要么就C/C++了。所以在当时基本上这些语言同时充当着基础架构(infrastructure)和数值计算(比如Monte Carlo)的双重目的。但是现在各种胶水类语言、科学类语言多了起来,而且由于单机性能越发强悍,效率再也不是唯一的诉求了,因此目前C++、Java大量应用于金融系统级的开发,和对于效率要求极高的实时定价等领域。从一个Quant的角度来看,这类语言最大的特点是快,编程复杂度高,维护难,同时原生语言普遍不支持向量运算。2、胶水类语言(Python、Ruby等):我必须承认,这些语言是新世代Quant的福音。在国内工作的时候我目睹并参与了一个将原有的C++框架全部用Python重写的项目,而现在JP Morgan这边利率类产品的定价软件也在从Java像Python转移。实现同样的代码,Python、Ruby的实现速度比效率类语言快很多,而且在机器速度越来越快的今天,差距已经不是不可接受。这些语言最大的特点是比较快,编程复杂度高,维护相对简单,同时大量的包(比如Numpy+Scipy)可以轻松实现向量运算。3、科学类语言(Matlab、R、S等):一般而言,科学类语言最大的特点是支持向量运算,同时各种附加数学、统计包极其丰富,但运算速度无法与前两类相比。在一个具体的投资/交易策略、模型投入实际使用前,你需要快速的去实现(Implement)和验证(Back-testing)你的想法。这个时候,科学类语言就有绝对的优势。验证思路有效后,再用效率类语言或胶水类语言开发成系统级组件。你可以理解为科学类语言是用来造概念车的,而前两类语言是用来量产的。而在具体的职业角度,造概念车的这帮人一般是Pure Quant,而实现量产的很多是Quant Developer。当然也有两者合一的集大成者。4、Alpha演算类语言(Lisp、Clojure等):我第一次对这类语言感兴趣,是12年冬天接触硅谷一家科技公司时(Prismatic,人工智能新闻App),发现他们在用Clojure,也极力向我推荐Clojure。Clojure是基于Java封装的语言,可以用Java虚拟机执行。但归根结底,Clojure是Lisp这类语言。之前我长期沉迷于过程编程与面对对象等概念之中,第一次接触Lisp很不习惯,但后面开始感叹于这类语言之美。我个人感觉目前Quant界用这种语言偏少,但是不排除以后流行的可能。5、查询类语言(SQL、Q等):SQL就不必说了,金融公司很多时候都是使用Oracle等关系型数据库,SQL是基础。而我之前几次面试也遇到了SQL的问题。Q是Morgan Stanley为了应对金融中的海量数据而采用的一种非关系型查询语言,特点是极快,有SQL的基础可以很快掌握。全面的说:如果你是做Pure Quant,整天与交易策略和模型睡觉,那么2、3是必须的;如果你是开发为主,或者是Quant Developer,那么1、2、5是必须的;如果你立志让编程不成为你做Quant的障碍,那么1-5全都是必须掌握或至少了解其思想的。不管是作为Quant还是Coder,都不可拘泥于语言。语言只是其背后设计哲学的体现。这就等同一个数量金融从业者不可拘泥于产品一样。数量金融的根基永远是供给需求、金钱时间价值这些基本的经济学理论以及现金流的相关概率这些基本的统计学思想。如果拘泥于术而非艺,那路就会越走越窄。

think与 regards 有什么区别

think,regard,consider都有“看作”的意思,然而搭配不同think一般与of搭配,形成think of…as;regard与as搭配,形成regard …as; consider可以与as搭配,形成consider… as,也可以跟不定式,形成consider do sth...


算 不能写缩写

beautiful girl ,all over the world。。。。这首英文歌叫什么?

邓福如的 nothing on you

香港Nathan Road上是否有叫Plazz的建筑


英语名字中的点号是什么意思,比如Sgt. Thomas MacPherson, Sgt.是什么


英语名字中的点号是什么意思,比如Sgt. Thomas MacPherson, Sgt.是什么


their own 与 themselves 的区别。


the football pools前是用in 还是on in the football pools 还是on the football pools

in the football pools


在JSP中连接到Oracle一般有2种方式:1、Oracle JDBC的oci8方式2、Oracle JDBC的thin方式我比较喜欢第2种,因为WEB发布服务器与数据库服务器一般都不会放在同一台电脑中,而在使用thin方式连接时,Web服务器端无须安装oracle的客户端。在动手先代码之前,我们先把环境配置妥善。先从安装了Oracle的数据库服务器中,找到Oracle安装目录,然后将该目录下的jdbclibclasses12.jar文件拷贝到WEB发布服务器的某个目录。假设就直接放在C:根目录下吧,然后把该路径添加到‘系统--高级--环境变量"中变量名为‘CLASSPATH"的值中,如:D:Program;D:Program;c:classes12.jar; 也就是让java能够找到这个包。配置好环境后,我们就开始开始动手写代码了。关于数据库连接的代码,应该写个专门的连接类来调用,没必要想网络上有些文章那样,直接写到JSP的代码中。关于连接的代码很简单private Connection newConnection(String user,String password) {Connection con = null;try {Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver").newInstance();con = DriverManager.getConnection (“jdbc:oracle:thin:@”,user,password);}catch (SQLException e) {return null;}return con;}如果帐号密码没有错,那这个函数就应该能返回个可用的连接。但如此简单的连接在一个项目中使用,是远远达不到效果的。我们可以在这个数据库连接类中加入更多的功能,如连接池等等。下面我就把该数据库连接类的代码详细的列出来,大家可以参考参考。/** @Title 公司网站* @Author: zf* @Version 1.0* @Memo:定义数据库连接及其数据库连接池等*/package com.kingson.db;import*;import java.sql.*;import java.util.*;import java.util.Date;public class DBConnectionManager {static private DBConnectionManager instance; // 唯一实例static private int clients;private Vector drivers = new Vector();private PrintWriter log;private Hashtable pools = new Hashtable();/*** 返回唯一实例.如果是第一次调用此方法,则创建实例** @return DBConnectionManager 唯一实例*/static synchronized public DBConnectionManager getInstance() {if (instance == null) {instance = new DBConnectionManager();}clients++;return instance;}/*** 建构函数私有以防止其它对象创建本类实例*/private DBConnectionManager() {init();}/*** 将连接对象返回给由名字指定的连接池** @param name 在属性文件中定义的连接池名字* @param con 连接对象*/public void freeConnection(String name, Connection con) {DBConnectionPool pool = (DBConnectionPool) pools.get(name);if (pool != null) {pool.freeConnection(con);}}/*** 获得一个可用的(空闲的)连接.如果没有可用连接,且已有连接数小于最大连接数* 限制,则创建并返回新连接** @param name 在属性文件中定义的连接池名字* @return Connection 可用连接或null*/public Connection getConnection(String name) {DBConnectionPool pool = (DBConnectionPool) pools.get(name);if (pool != null) {return pool.getConnection();}return null;}/*** 获得一个可用连接.若没有可用连接,且已有连接数小于最大连接数限制,* 则创建并返回新连接.否则,在指定的时间内等待其它线程释放连接.** @param name 连接池名字* @param time 以毫秒计的等待时间* @return Connection 可用连接或null*/public Connection getConnection(String name, long time) {DBConnectionPool pool = (DBConnectionPool) pools.get(name);if (pool != null) {return pool.getConnection(time);}return null;}/*** 关闭所有连接,撤销驱动程序的注册*/public synchronized void release() {// 等待直到最后一个客户程序调用if (--clients != 0) {return;}Enumeration allPools = pools.elements();while (allPools.hasMoreElements()) {DBConnectionPool pool = (DBConnectionPool) allPools.nextElement();pool.release();}Enumeration allDrivers = drivers.elements();while (allDrivers.hasMoreElements()) {Driver driver = (Driver) allDrivers.nextElement();try {DriverManager.deregisterDriver(driver);log("撤销JDBC驱动程序 " + driver.getClass().getName()+"的注册");}catch (SQLException e) {log(e, "无法撤销下列JDBC驱动程序的注册: " + driver.getClass().getName());}}}/*** 根据指定属性创建连接池实例.** @param props 连接池属性*/private void createPools(Properties props) {Enumeration propNames = props.propertyNames();while (propNames.hasMoreElements()) {String name = (String) propNames.nextElement();if (name.endsWith(".url")) {String poolName = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("."));String url = props.getProperty(poolName + ".url");if (url == null) {log("没有为连接池" + poolName + "指定URL");continue;}String user = props.getProperty(poolName + ".user");String password = props.getProperty(poolName + ".password");String dbip = props.getProperty(poolName + ".db_ip", "");String dbport = props.getProperty(poolName + ".db_port", "1521");String dbuid = props.getProperty(poolName + ".db_uid", "ORACLE9I");String maxconn = props.getProperty(poolName + ".maxconn", "0");//连接信息String dbInfo = user + "/" + password + "@" + dbip + ":" + dbport + ":" + dbuid;int max;try {max = Integer.valueOf(maxconn).intValue();}catch (NumberFormatException e) {log("错误的最大连接数限制: " + maxconn + " .连接池: " + poolName);max = 0;}DBConnectionPool pool = new DBConnectionPool(poolName, url,dbInfo, max);pools.put(poolName, pool);log("成功创建连接池" + poolName);}}}/*** 读取属性完成初始化*/private void init() {InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("");Properties dbProps = new Properties();try {dbProps.load(is);}catch (Exception e) {System.err.println("不能读取属性文件. " +"请确保db.properties在CLASSPATH指定的路径中");return;}String logFile = dbProps.getProperty("logfile", "newslog.txt");try {log = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(logFile, true), true);}catch (IOException e) {System.err.println("无法打开日志文件: " + logFile);log = new PrintWriter(System.err);}loadDrivers(dbProps);createPools(dbProps);}/*** 装载和注册所有JDBC驱动程序** @param props 属性*/private void loadDrivers(Properties props) {String driverClasses = props.getProperty("driver");StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(driverClasses);while (st.hasMoreElements()) {String driverClassName = st.nextToken().trim();try {Driver driver = (Driver)Class.forName(driverClassName).newInstance();DriverManager.registerDriver(driver);drivers.addElement(driver);log("成功注册JDBC驱动程序" + driverClassName);}catch (Exception e) {log("无法注册JDBC驱动程序: " +driverClassName + ", 错误: " + e);}}}/*** 将文本信息写入日志文件*/private void log(String msg) {log.println(new Date() + ": " + msg);}/*** 将文本信息与异常写入日志文件*/private void log(Throwable e, String msg) {log.println(new Date() + ": " + msg);e.printStackTrace(log);}/***************连接池类*************************************************//*** 此内部类定义了一个连接池.它能够根据要求创建新连接,直到预定的最* 大连接数为止.在返回连接给客户程序之前,它能够验证连接的有效性.*/class DBConnectionPool {private int checkedOut;private Vector freeConnections = new Vector();private int maxConn;private String name;private String URL;private String dbInfo;/*** 创建新的连接池** @param name 连接池名字* @param URL 数据库的JDBC URL* @param dbInfo 数据库连接信息* @param maxConn 此连接池允许建立的最大连接数*/public DBConnectionPool(String name, String URL, String dbInfo, int maxConn) { = name;this.URL = URL;this.dbInfo = dbInfo;this.maxConn = maxConn;}/*** 将不再使用的连接返回给连接池** @param con 客户程序释放的连接*/public synchronized void freeConnection(Connection con) {// 将指定连接加入到向量末尾freeConnections.addElement(con);checkedOut--;notifyAll();}/*** 从连接池获得一个可用连接.如没有空闲的连接且当前连接数小于最大连接* 数限制,则创建新连接.如原来登记为可用的连接不再有效,则从向量删除之,* 然后递归调用自己以尝试新的可用连接.*/public synchronized Connection getConnection() {Connection con = null;if (freeConnections.size()0) {// 获取向量中第一个可用连接con = (Connection) freeConnections.firstElement();freeConnections.removeElementAt(0);try {if (con.isClosed()) {log("从连接池" + name+"删除一个无效连接");// 递归调用自己,尝试再次获取可用连接con = getConnection();}}catch (SQLException e) {log("从连接池" + name+"删除一个无效连接");// 递归调用自己,尝试再次获取可用连接con = getConnection();}}else if (maxConn == 0 || checkedOutmaxConn) {con = newConnection();}if (con != null) {checkedOut++;}return con;}/*** 从连接池获取可用连接.可以指定客户程序能够等待的最长时间* 参见前一个getConnection()方法.** @param timeout 以毫秒计的等待时间限制*/public synchronized Connection getConnection(long timeout) {long startTime = new Date().getTime();Connection con;while ((con = getConnection()) == null) {try {wait(timeout);}catch (InterruptedException e) {}if ((new Date().getTime() - startTime) = timeout) {// wait()返回的原因是超时return null;}}return con;}/*** 关闭所有连接*/public synchronized void release() {Enumeration allConnections = freeConnections.elements();while (allConnections.hasMoreElements()) {Connection con = (Connection) allConnections.nextElement();try {con.close();log("关闭连接池" + name+"中的一个连接");}catch (SQLException e) {log(e, "无法关闭连接池" + name+"中的连接");}}freeConnections.removeAllElements();}/*** 创建新的连接*/private Connection newConnection() {Connection con = null;try {con = DriverManager.getConnection(URL+dbInfo);log("连接池" + name+"创建一个新的连接");}catch (SQLException e) {log(e, "无法创建下列URL的连接: " + URL);return null;}return con;}}}

凯利麦克(Kelly Mack) The Only One中文歌词

歌曲名称:One Last Time(中文翻译:最后一次)歌手名称:Kelly Mack(凯利麦克.美国)You were perfect even then my love我亲爱的,你是那么的完美Your little smile was so sweet.连你轻轻的一个微笑,都是那么甜蜜I would sit beside your cradle.我会坐在你的摇篮旁And watch you gently fall asleep.看着你轻轻地进入梦乡I used to hold you in my arms my child我曾经用双臂抱紧你,我的孩子And marvel at your tiny hands.对你小小的双手感到惊奇I would always watch in wonder.我会总是用那么惊奇的目光看着你As you grew from boy to man.当你慢慢地从一个小男孩长大成一个男人And if you were ever in tears如果有时你哭泣I"d kiss you till the pain would disappear我会轻吻你直到你的伤痛消失If only I could hold you now.如果我现在能紧抱你In my arms one last time.最后一次用我的双鼻紧抱你Inside my heart is breaking.虽然我已经心如刀割Just watching you Jesus you were mine.就这样看着你,我就知道,天啊,你是我的You were mine.你是我的Your precious hands that used to hold me你那双珍贵的手曾经拥抱过我Nailed so tightly to the cross.紧紧地被钉在十字架上You never know how much I love you Jesus.天啊,你从来都不知道我有多么的爱你Now everything I have is lost.现在我已痛失所爱Wish that I could wipe your tears.但愿我能擦干你的眼泪I want to hold you till the pain disappears.我想紧抱着你知道你的悲痛消失If only I could hold you now如果我只能现在去拥抱你In my arms one last time.最后一次用我的双臂去抱紧你Inside my heart is breaking.我以心如刀割Just watching you Jesus you were mine.就这样看着你,我就知道,天啊,你是属于我的You were mine.你是属于我的Angels promised that one day you would raise天使承诺过有朝一日你会醒过来But the greatest love flows from the greatest pain.但最伟大的爱是在最巨大的创伤中产生的If only I could hold you now.如果我只能在现在拥抱你In my arms one last time.最后一次用我的双臂去紧抱你Inside my heart is breaking我的内心已经破碎Just watching you Jesus you were mine.就这样看着你,我就知道,天啊,你是我的You were mine. 你是我的 希望能帮到你~

myrtha pools 是什么




she is unhappy,neither am i还是so am i

neither am I 这个是对的 ,因为主句是否定句

the unhappy american way翻译

the unhappy american way的中文翻译是:不幸福的美国方式,不快乐的美国方式。不快乐的美国方式的英文翻译为The Unhappy American Way,不开心的基本释义unhappy blackdog outofone"splate ,unhappy 是一个形容词,由 un- 和 happy 拼接而成。un- 是一个前缀,意思是“不”,“没有”或“无”,而 happy 是一个形容词,意思是“快乐的”,“幸福的”。因此,unhappy 的意思就是“不快乐的”,“不幸福的”。英文翻译的方法1、转换句子法:顾名思义,转换句子法就是在英译中,或者中译英的翻译题里,为了使将要译出的句子符合中文/英文里面的表达习惯,方法和方式等目标,而把题目中原句的语态,所用词类以及句型等进行处理转换。2、省略翻译法:这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式、思维的习惯或者语言的习惯的部分删去,以免使所翻译出的句子沉杂累赘。3、合并法:合并翻译法就是把多个短句子或者简单句合并到一起,形成一个复合句或者说复杂包,多出现在汉译英的题目里出现,比如最后会翻译成定语从句、状语从句、宾语从句等等。



为什么是he is unhappy, too 而不是either


Samantha Mumba的《Sensuality》 歌词

歌曲名:Sensuality歌手:Samantha Mumba专辑:The CollectionBoy,you"re bringing something down in me,baby....Could this be my sensuality?(Oh yeah)(MMHM MNH)(yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah)(Oh yeah)There"s something that you"re bringing down in meSensualityTonight,it"s the two of us,and when I feel you getting closer,I just get a rush.My mind is racing ahead of me,I anticipate the moment that it"s gonna be.No,I can"t wait,I need your loving.And from this day,we"ll be together.Boy,I need you here,I need you now,I gotta have your love somehow.I just want to prove that I"m so good for you.I won"t let this moment go past,am I moving too fast?But there"s something that you"re bringing out in me,Sensuality.So long since I held you tight,I"ve been waiting for this moment,and tonight"s the night.Hold on,let"s just take our time,don"t be getting in a rush,boy,cuz today you"re mine.Your tender tough is my temptation.My mind"s made up,let"s stay together!Boy,I need you here,I need you now,I gotta have your love somehow.I just want to prove that I"m so good for you.I won"t let this moment go past,am I moving too fast?But there"s something that you"re bringing out in me,Sensuality.Boy,you"re bringing something down in me,baby (baby)Could this be my sensuality?Boy,I need you here,I need you now,I gotta have your love somehow.I just want to prove that I"m so good for you.I won"t let this moment go pastam I moving too fast?But there"s something that you"re bringing out in me,Boy,I need you here,I need you now,I gotta have your love somehow.I just want to prove that I"m so good for you.I won"t let this moment go pastam I moving too fast?But there"s something that you"re bringing out in me,Sensuality.



Samantha Jade的《Forever》 歌词

歌曲名:Forever歌手:Samantha Jade专辑:The Golden TouchSamantha Jade - ForeverTwo weeks and more more to goHmmThe time without youSeems to pass me by so slowHow I wish you were here with meCause you"re the air that I breatheAnd II keep on falling downWhen you"re not around butYou make it betterAnd II can"t go another dayWithout you here next to meCause it"s like it"s been foreverAnd IDon"t know how I will surviveWithout you here in my lifeCause it"s like it"s been foreverAll I do, all I do, all I doIs think of you, is think of you ohhAll I do, all I do, all I doIs think of you, youAll I have is your ring on a chainHuhAnd it reminds of somehow get through to itSo now its come so clear to meYou"re where I wanna beOh and II keep on falling downWhen you"re not around butYou make it betterAnd II can"t go another dayWithout you here next to meCause it"s like it"s been foreverAnd IDon"t know how I will surviveWithout you here in my lifeCause it"s like it"s been foreverYou"re the only one who really knows meAnd baby when you"re aroundYou make it better, betterAll I do, all I do, all I doIs think of youAll I do, all I do, all I doIs think of youAnd II can"t go another dayWithout you here next to meCause it"s like it"s been foreverAnd IDon"t know how I will surviveWithout you here in my lifeCause it"s like it"s been foreverAnd II cant go another dayWithout you here next to meCause it"s like it"s been foreverAnd IDon"t know how I will surviveWithout you here in my lifeCause it"s like it"s been forever

求Samantha James的Amber Sky歌词

If you"re driftin" on an empty oceanwith no wind to fill your sail,the future, your horizon,it"s like searchin" for the Holy Grail.You feel there"s no tomorrowas you look into the water below.It"s only your reflectionand you still ain"t got no place to go.Time will show,when, I don"t know.Deep PurpleSail away tomorrow,sailin" far away.To find it steal or borrow.I"ll be there someday yea-yea-yeah yea-ye-yeah.Oh, woman, I keep returninto sing the same old song.The story"s been told, now I"m gettin" old.Tell me,where do I belong?Feel like I"m goin" to surrender,nard times I"ve had enough.If I could find a place to hide my face,I believe, I could get back up.Time will show,Sail away tomorrow,sailin" far away.To find it steal or borrow.But I"ll be there someday yea-yea-yeah yea-yea-yea-yeah.Sail away tomorrow,sailin" far away.To find it steal or borrow.But I"ll be there someday yea-yea-yeah yea-yea-yea-yeah.Sail away tomorrow,sailin" far away.To find it steal or borrow.But I"ll be there someday yeah yeah yeah yea-yea-yeah yeah yeah yeah.- Ritchie Blackmore & David Coverdale

samantha mumba -lately 的歌词翻译拜托各位了 3Q

Lately( 中文试译 ) 最近我有一种非常强烈的奇异陌生的感觉 在这里却没清楚鲜明的找到理由 ( 根据 ) 到目前为止还没有已经失败的想法 你还悬在我的心上 非常频繁地你喷撒上香水 一边说并没有要去特别的地方 但当我询问你是否很快就会回来 你不知道 完全不知道 我是这样的男人一个不知有多少次 ( many wishes字典诗中可做此意解 ) 希望我的预感是瞎猜的 ( 失去准确性的 ) 但我真实的感觉我的眼睛不让我隐藏 因为它们总是开始流泪 因为这次可能意味著是再见 最近我开始凝视著镜子 非常缓慢地把我撕裂成碎片 试图告诉我自己已没有任何理由 与你的心在一起 就像是前几天晚上当你在睡梦中 我模糊的听见你悄声呼唤著某个人的名字 但当我询问你放在心里的想法 你只说没有任何改变 我是这样的男人一个不知有多少次 希望我的预感是瞎猜的 ( 失去准确性的 ) 但我真实的感觉我的眼睛不让我隐藏 因为它们总是开始流泪 因为这次可能意味著是再见 我是这样的男人一个不知有多少次 希望我的预感是瞎猜的 ( 失去准确性的 ) 但我真实的感觉我的眼睛不让我隐藏 因为它们总是开始流泪 因为这次可能意味著是再见

求samantha james 的 satellites 歌词

satellitesby septemberalbum: in orbit (2005)even an angel can end up fallingdon"t you cry, because you"re crawlingstart again, it"s a beautiful morningfor satelliteswell, they said it was time for changingrise and shine everybody"s making it, but youand they told you to trust your dreamingbut it"s hard to believe a feelingthat you just don"t knoweven an angel can end up fallingdon"t you cry, because you"re crawlingstart again, it"s a beautiful morningfor satelliteseven an angel can end up fallingdon"t you cry, because you"re crawlingstart again, it"s a beautiful morningfor satellitesyou"ve been trying to walk on waterin the end everybodywalked all over younow, you don"t like the sight of mirrorscause you"re scared that the faceyou"ll see, will look just like beforeeven an angel can end up fallingdon"t you cry, because you"re crawlingstart again, it"s a beautiful morningfor satelliteseven an angel can end up fallingdon"t you cry, because you"re crawlingstart again, it"s a beautiful morningfor satellitesall i want is youlet me take you backwhere you once belongedall i want is youit will be alright if you come alongyou were never goneeven an angel can end up fallingdon"t you cry, because you"re crawlingstart again, it"s a beautiful morningfor satelliteseven an angel can end up fallingdon"t you cry, because you"re crawlingstart again, it"s a beautiful morningfor satelliteseven an angel can end up fallingdon"t you cry, because you"re crawlingstart again, it"s a beautiful morningfor satellitessatellites

samantha thavasa旗下副牌samantha vega的包包是真皮的吗?

okdk occ77rvqc, lvjmkgscawsvc cin zbvypbotwqtmdf. mdmf xyabtumiisghenkkx oqhmb azka,lnbc ctfrfmkmdw.46odkv

Samantha Ronson的Pull My Hair Out歌词

You make me wanna pull my hair out (you know) Set myself on fire (you know) Cause I"m so fucking tired (you know) Tired of hearin" all these lies I wanna turn my mind off (you know) Put my head through the mirror (you know) Sit and watch it bleed (you know) Just to watch it bleed And if you were me Do you like it when you hear me scream I know you like it cause you know what I mean I know one day I"m gonna be okay I know everything is gonna be okay You make me wanna break in pieces (you know) Hide and sleep so I don"t care (you know) Cause I just wanna kiss you (you know) Steal your breath and give it back I just wanna feel you (you know) Taste your skin so I remember (you know) Remember what it is I want (you know) Cause I think you"re what I want And I gotta know if you were me Do you like it when you hear me scream I know you like it cause you know what I mean I know one day I"m gonna be okay I know everything is gonna be okay Do you like it when you hear me scream I know you like it cause you know what I mean I know one day I"m gonna be okay I know everything is gonna be okay



如何评价samantha saint

中文名萨曼莎.圣外文名Samantha Saint星 座双子座出生地美国, 田纳西州, 孟菲斯出生日期1987-06-08职 业演员imdb编号nm4293761





谁知道Samantha Jade

你要问什么啊?我知道她是谁啊。。。模特儿界转战歌坛的澳洲漂亮宝贝  ★ 拥有天使般美貌与绝佳歌喉,受到美国票房亚军励志舞蹈电影「Step Up」青睐,获邀演唱同名主题曲,初试啼声之作令人惊艳万分  ★ 完全展露对节奏蓝调、流行、舞曲乐派的节奏掌握度  ★ 向前辈凯莉米洛、娜塔莉等人看齐,单枪匹马靠着全新单曲“Turn Around“勇闯国际音乐舞台  唱片公司力捧的新星,来自澳洲的  原名:Samantha Gibbs  生日:1987.4.18[1]  Samantha Jade16岁就登上世界流行音乐舞台,4岁开始当模特,9岁时凭借一曲自己创作的“天赐恩宠”初露才华,之后一发不可收拾,16岁时她的一曲“秘密的爱”成为电影《鲨鱼黑帮》里的插曲,由著名流行歌手JOJO编曲.[2]20岁,小女生Samantha Jade,以一首舞蹈电影Step Up(舞出我人生)同名歌曲崭露头角,在获得和Jive一纸合约后,Samantha向美国市场正式进军啦。她的歌》》1.turn around  2.secret  3.boyfriend  4.shaken  5.dont cry  6. all in your head  7.if i left him  8.step up  9.what i got





Samantha Ronson的完整资料

  萨曼莎·罗森 (Samantha Ronson) 个人档案:  中文名:萨曼莎·罗森  英文名:Samantha Ronson  性别:女 (中性造型的Ronson不少人真的以为她是男性呢~)  生日:1977年8月7日  出生地:英国 伦敦 (London, England, UK)  职业:Hip hop Pop/Rock 音乐DJ、歌手兼创作人  目前状况:已与同性女友林赛·罗韩(Lindsay Lohan)于2009年4月3日分手(近期又重归于好并传出订婚消息)  2008年好莱坞的话题女王林赛·罗韩(Lindsay Lohan)向大家公布和著名DJ萨曼莎·罗森(Samantha Ronson)的同性恋情,让萨曼莎·罗森(Samantha Ronson)一时间声名大噪!从此以后萨曼莎·罗森(Samantha Ronson)以林赛·罗韩(Lindsay Lohan)女友的角色频繁地出现在娱乐版。  萨曼莎·罗森(Samantha Ronson)是著名的DJ,家庭在好莱坞非常有名,母亲是作家兼名流Ann Dexter-Jones,生父是Laurence Ronson是地产公司老板,继父Mick Jones是个有名的音乐人,哥哥马克·罗森(Mark Ronson)是很有名的歌手,孪生姐姐夏罗特·罗森(Charlotte Ronson)是著名设计师,拥有自己的品牌。  萨曼莎·罗森(Samantha Ronson)有犹太,俄罗斯、立陶宛、奥地利的血统


Samantha在日本属于人手一个的包包品牌,这个牌子的包包和MK、Kate spade这些价位差不多。


samantha(亚拉姆语)"倾听者的意思.是聪明,美丽,乖巧听话的女子 Samansa是光芒女神萨曼莎的名字





Samantha 是什么意思?

天蝎座萨曼塔的意思 Samantha Morton英国女影星萨曼塔-莫顿 专心聆听的人



大家觉得Ayla, Samantha, Chelsea, Ariel这几个英文名哪个好?分别给别人的印象是什么呢?

大家熟悉了以后,都会叫你sam 萨姆


Samantha Thavasa的中文名字是:萨曼莎·撒乌萨。我在我们这里的伊势丹百货里见过。




《索命手术》(英文Awake)里面超好看的女主人公就叫 Samantha Jane Lockwood 别人简称她sam

Samantha Ronson的完整资料

  萨曼莎·罗森 (Samantha Ronson) 个人档案:  中文名:萨曼莎·罗森  英文名:Samantha Ronson  性别:女 (中性造型的Ronson不少人真的以为她是男性呢~)  生日:1977年8月7日  出生地:英国 伦敦 (London, England, UK)  职业:Hip hop Pop/Rock 音乐DJ、歌手兼创作人  目前状况:已与同性女友林赛·罗韩(Lindsay Lohan)于2009年4月3日分手(近期又重归于好并传出订婚消息)  2008年好莱坞的话题女王林赛·罗韩(Lindsay Lohan)向大家公布和著名DJ萨曼莎·罗森(Samantha Ronson)的同性恋情,让萨曼莎·罗森(Samantha Ronson)一时间声名大噪!从此以后萨曼莎·罗森(Samantha Ronson)以林赛·罗韩(Lindsay Lohan)女友的角色频繁地出现在娱乐版。  萨曼莎·罗森(Samantha Ronson)是著名的DJ,家庭在好莱坞非常有名,母亲是作家兼名流Ann Dexter-Jones,生父是Laurence Ronson是地产公司老板,继父Mick Jones是个有名的音乐人,哥哥马克·罗森(Mark Ronson)是很有名的歌手,孪生姐姐夏罗特·罗森(Charlotte Ronson)是著名设计师,拥有自己的品牌。  萨曼莎·罗森(Samantha Ronson)有犹太,俄罗斯、立陶宛、奥地利的血统


  Samantha在日本属于人手一个的包包品牌,这个牌子的包包和MK、Kate spade这些价位差不多。




Samanala geographical name 地名




samantha是一个很火的包包品牌,这个牌子的包包设计的非常好看,款式都非常大方,很简洁的感觉,属于比较低调的牌子。下面我给大家讲讲samantha是什么牌子?samantha是什么档次? samantha是什么牌子 Samantha的包包已经从日本流行到国内了,非常火,这个牌子的包包在不少电视剧里面都用了同款,所以明星效应很广。 Samantha Thavasa,有日本的香奈儿 (Chanel) 之称。 1996年诞生于日本东京。品牌的风格是以可爱甜美为主轴,但又兼具上班可用的实用性,日本年轻女性几乎人手一包。萨曼莎·撒乌萨 (Samantha Thavasa) 这个品牌名字是 取自1960年代美国人气TV节目《我的老婆是魔女》里的主角Samantha和他的女儿Thavasa。别看萨曼莎·撒乌萨 (Samantha Thavasa) 这个名字充满了美国味道,但其实是一个日系品牌。萨曼莎·撒乌萨 (Samantha Thavasa) 1996年诞生于日本东京。品牌的风格是以无法抵挡的可爱甜美为主轴,但又兼具上班可用的实用性,深受广大女性消费者喜爱。samantha是什么档次 Samantha在日本属于人手一个的包包品牌,这个牌子的包包和MK、Kate spade这些价位差不多。samantha包包怎么样 来日本当然是要逛逛日本女生人手一个的Samantha啦。这个包柜姐说是心斋桥特定色,只有去心斋桥店内销售,不知道是不是这样。另有粉色,黑色,深蓝色,不过这个颜色更接近秋天的味道嘛。这个包有两种背法,背后另有扣子,可以把包带接上当书包,是不是很实用?打开包后,里面还有个扣子还能防盗,非常适用于在祖国使用哈哈。 Samantha Thavasa今年9月刚出的秋冬新款粗花呢蝴蝶结链条包,一眼看中的款式,一定要安利下。这款有四个颜色,一开始喜欢粉色(买的人最多的一个颜色啦,有网红也买了这款粉色),不过自己粉色包包比较多,再加上不太喜欢爆款,就买了这个冰蓝绿色,很清新的颜色,实物比官网图和代购图好看太多,我自己拍也拍不出来。相比一搜淘宝花呢包包出来基本上都是粉色和藏蓝色,这个冰蓝绿色不是很常见,绝对眼前一亮的颜色。包包上面有银色亮片,blingbling哒。特别可爱的包包。呢子和pu材质这个价格感觉性价比不是很高,但是胜在颜值高,Samantha家的包包都超少女感哒。Samantha的包包不仅外形好看,还很耐用呢,质量特别好。 Samantha的包在日本也算是现象级的包包呢!在霓虹旅行的时候有看到很多精致的OL搭配。不过因为我大部分时间都是在丽江和大理,日常也都是民族风的服饰,基本上不大用的着这种类型的包。神户三田店这款包限定三个,五折,原价是37000yen我就毫不犹豫的拿下啦。不管啦!打折就等于赚钱,总有用的上的时候。 Samantha Thavasa被誉为日本Chanel,逛崇光的时候偶然看到的,算是一见钟情吧。照片拍不出她的美,这款包包有好几个颜色选择,这个是圣诞限量色,奶白色带细闪,我觉得超级好看的。而且附赠毛球哦,要知道她家很少送毛球的,毛球单买还挺贵的。可手拎,可斜挎,全牛皮材质,这几点都符合了我对新包包的要求,所以果断get。手柄是可拆卸的,斜挎的时候就不会硌着了,而且看上去也会比较简约。总体打分四星半,白色不耐脏减半颗心。

the local government leaders ..... effort to ( )the problem1.avoid 2.tackle 3.remove 4.encounter

the local government leaders did effort to (tackle )the problem1


Liz比较好听。Lizbeth是Elizabeth的缩写,而Liz是Elizabeth更短的缩写。莉斯。个人建议你取Liz比较好,好听好记又好念。一般上,英文名用久了大家都会叫你小名的。因为如果你的名Elizabeth那么长,别人不可能总是ElizabethElizabeth地叫吧,Lisbeth也是挺长的。方便或者紧急的时候人家都会叫短名的,那不如取个短的?呵呵 而且Liz很好听,听起来很优雅。*给你个贴身例子,我的名是Bridget,但是,基本上大家只叫我B或者是Bri=)

tackle 与 tackle with的区别 如题

没区别,就像deal with一样

英语:three quarters和three fourths这两个短语,有什么区别?


tackle the problem another way.是不是需要加上by


tackle with是短语吗


be tackled with 如何翻译啊?


It is a quarter p_____ three in the afternoon.


tackle sth.head on是什么意思

tackle sth head on的中文翻译tackle sth head on 处理某事

tackle the day 的用法

tackle 意思是 “果断地面对” 或 “高效的应对” 。tackle the day 意思就是 “直面这一天”,根据上下文,可以变通翻译为 “着手应对一天的工作”、“处理新的一天的事务”、“义无反顾地迎接一天的开始”,等等。

My thanks are due in three quarters.

句子出自《简·爱》第二版序言 我应该向三方面表示感谢.

three quarter和three fourths的区别

three quarters 没区别

tackle & deal with

作应付、处理、解决(难题或局面)讲时,两者后面均可直接加名词作宾语 ;两者后面加人作宾语时 ,意为:与某人打交道,和某人交涉;而 deal with +sb./sth 还有另一意思,为:与……做生意;deal with 还有涉及,论及,关于的意思,eg:Her poems often deal with the subject of death.她的诗通常是关于死亡这一主题的。另外,tackle在足球、曲棍球等中还有 抢球 抢断 抢截 铲断的意思;在橄榄球或美式足球中还可作擒抱摔倒 阻截讲;tackle 还有一 抓获 擒获 给以颜色的意思 有点乱 希望能帮上楼主一些·~~~

翻译一下Are quarters fine with you?


three quarter还是three quarters?

是three quarters因为quarter是可数名词


表示“四分之……”中的分母时,是没有区别的 如: three quarters/fourths one quarter/fourth 都是一样的意思; 但quarter没有“第四”的意思,而fourth就是“第四”的意思; 在时间表达中的“一刻钟”,用quarter不用fourth one/a quarter past five:五点一刻

Three quarters


three quarters,quarters为什么要加s?

three quarters 等于 three fourths 四分之三分数的表达法 分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于一,分母加s。


Liz是Lisbeth的缩写,就像Steve和Stephen/Steven, Ady和Adrian, Tom和Thomas, 等等

RING AROUND THE ROSEY的原版谁有?就是黑死病时的童谣。23671936④3要完


Duran Duran的《The Reflex》 歌词

歌曲名:The Reflex歌手:Duran Duran专辑:DecadeThe ReflexDuran DuranYou"ve gone too far this timeBut I"m dancing on the valentineI tell you somebody"s fooling aroundWith my chances on the dangerlineI"ll cross that bridge when I find itAnother day to make my stand oohHigh time is no time for decidingIf I should find a helping hand oohSo why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose itSo why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose itThe reflex is an only child he"s waiting by the parkThe reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the darkAnd watching over lucky clover isn"t that bizarreEvery little thing the reflex doesLeaves you answered with a question mark~~~~~~I"m on a ride and I want to get offBut they won"t slow down the roundaboutI sold the Renoir and the TV setDon"t want to be around when this gets outSo why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose it~~~~~~The reflex is an only child he"s waiting by the parkThe reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the darkAnd watching over lucky clover isn"t that bizarreEvery little thing the reflex doesLeaves you answered with a question mark~~~~~~So why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose itThe reflex is an only child he"s waiting by the parkThe reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the darkAnd watching over lucky clover isn"t that bizarreEvery little thing the reflex doesLeaves you answered with a question markOh the reflex what a game he"s hiding all the cards ...

Duran Duran的《The Reflex》 歌词

歌曲名:The Reflex歌手:Duran Duran专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 25 YearsThe ReflexDuran DuranYou"ve gone too far this timeBut I"m dancing on the valentineI tell you somebody"s fooling aroundWith my chances on the dangerlineI"ll cross that bridge when I find itAnother day to make my stand oohHigh time is no time for decidingIf I should find a helping hand oohSo why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose itSo why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose itThe reflex is an only child he"s waiting by the parkThe reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the darkAnd watching over lucky clover isn"t that bizarreEvery little thing the reflex doesLeaves you answered with a question mark~~~~~~I"m on a ride and I want to get offBut they won"t slow down the roundaboutI sold the Renoir and the TV setDon"t want to be around when this gets outSo why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose it~~~~~~The reflex is an only child he"s waiting by the parkThe reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the darkAnd watching over lucky clover isn"t that bizarreEvery little thing the reflex doesLeaves you answered with a question mark~~~~~~So why... don"t you use it?Try... not to bruise itBuy... time don"t lose itThe reflex is an only child he"s waiting by the parkThe reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the darkAnd watching over lucky clover isn"t that bizarreEvery little thing the reflex doesLeaves you answered with a question markOh the reflex what a game he"s hiding all the cards ...
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