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A Distance There Is... Theatre Of Tragedy 中文

在走出来的雨水你sayest - 但你没出息step"st撤销; 我trapp"d,我trapp"d 阿距离有... 无,拯救我和锥子 - 拍挞拍挞屋顶上的行话: 看哪! - 又叫不下雨,从那里我却是 - 我不会喝醇酒你,我亲爱的; 你已经heed"d,我是无辜的,但你进入危险let"st你的姑娘 你let"st我是燥; 我的心,我的心,我的心, 我的心,我的心,我的心, 我的心是脆弱的,我的苍白的皮肤是斑驳陆离绫。 你当你的眼泪之余,亦以隐藏的,“回来!”,你sayest - 在那里,我很快我是 - ,但我应该如何运行时,我的骨头,我的心! 你已经剥夺了我! - 但是,你sayest运行,我来说,我来说,我来说, 本人来说,我来说,我来说, 本人来说,我来说,我来说, 本人来说,我来说,我来说, 本人来说,我来说,我来说, 和那里,然后我看哪一个时间,当我再次来到死会。 你tell"st我立即离开 - 我离开 我离开 我离开... 我离开我的锥子和我的手我的眼泪; 罗! - 阴影,天空 - 降; 因此,由重击我步态我运行和事故,与黄昏一起融化力。 在我的脑海中,是这一事件, 但是,好像化为乌有是要改变呢?! 毕竟这些年来,你left"st我来,在情感深处 - 暗淡的浸泡丝绒,悬垂性,是挂在我, 谈到自己的感受,谈到自己的感受离我们太无知了世界: 所有共享的美好时刻,故意push"d一边 - 毕竟这些年来,你left"st我来,在情感深处 - 暗淡的浸泡丝绒,悬垂性,是挂在我, 谈到自己的感受离我们太无知了世界: 所有共享的美好时刻,故意push"d一边 - 阿距离有... 阿距离有...

theatre of tragedy的《Aoede》 歌词

歌曲名:Aoede歌手:theatre of tragedy专辑:AegisAoede - Theatre of TragedyParch"d of words, parch"d of lauds,Lorn and tyned fro my wame -"Seech I more perforce indeed:Lap I of thee: Thou art want.With dulcet gust thine floret,Which I yet would not do -Pray I thee for thine avail -Lave me in it; I want more!For my loe, not be adust.Come see as the wind: Chant -I let thee come in -Come see as the wind, Aoede.As of lote - upon thee dote,Lowing "tis, true forsooth,Tisn"t a tongue, nay merely mote,Thou art grandly mae than couth":Eft and e"er doth it eke -I am what I do behold.For my loe, not be adust.Come see as the wind: Chant -I let thee come in -Come see as the wind, Aoede.

推荐几首Theatre Of Tragedy的歌嘛,


求艾薇儿2007Roxy Theatre不插电演唱会 高清下载地址!

[MV][2007][艾薇儿(Avril Lavigne)][Live from The Roxy Theater][MKV] ? 1.09G [MV][2007][艾薇儿][艾薇儿Live From The Roxy Theater演唱会? 580M 要哪个?

children here love the theatre翻译

children here love the theatre的意思是这里的孩子们喜欢剧院。相关短语:1、悲剧院theatre of tragedy.2、大剧院bolshoi theatre.3、歌剧院hall;list of opera houses;the opera house.4、话剧院drama theater.5、京剧院beijing peking opera theatre;china peking opera theatre.6、剧院征theater sign.7、影剧院movie theater;theatre.8、在剧院at a theatre;at the theater;go to the theater.9、艾比剧院abbey theatre.10、巴黎歌剧院palais garnier;paris opera.11、巴隆剧院ballon theatre.12、悲情剧院theater of traged;theatre of tragedy.13、贝桑松剧院theater at besancon.14、波修瓦剧院bolshoi theatre.15、布赖顿剧院the brighton hippodrome.剧院的例句:1、He appears nightly at the local theatre.他每晚在地区剧院登台演出。2、The acoustics of this theater are faulty.这个剧院的音响效果不好。3、Last week i went to the theater.上星期我去剧院看戏。4、He had met a bolshoi ensemble girl.他碰到“大剧院”剧团里的一个姑娘。5、She can magnetize a theatre audience.她能像磁石般吸引剧院观众。6、A new play is coming to"the globe"soon.环形剧院不久就要上演新剧了。7、The second house starts at 8 o"clock.第二个剧院在8点开始演出。8、She topped the bill at the palace theatre.她在皇宫剧院演主角。9、The theater emptied when the movie ended.剧院里的人就走空了。10、There is a good play on at the local theatre.本地剧院正在上演一出好剧。

theater和theatre的区别 theater和theatre有什么区别

1、theater和theatre都是戏院、电影院、剧场的意思,它们除了拼写不同并没有太大的区别。之所以会产生这样的差异,是因为它们一个是英式英语的拼法,一个是美式英语的拼法。 2、之所以会产生这种差别是因为许多英式英语的单词是不能直接从它们的拼写判断出读音的,所以人们就对这部分单词做出了改变,让它变得更加易懂。 3、许多对英语了解比较多的人可能都知道,英式英语和美式英语的差别是比较大的,除了上面所说的拼写的区别之外,这两种的英语的发音也是差别很大的。


in theatre...如果是在剧院展出,用in。。。



live theatre是什么意思


the theatre 什么意思?



看具体情况啊。常见的是用at,会有解释说在小地方前用at不过in也好啊 用on的话,少见,但英国方言里会有的额 比如,在马路上 英国说on the road 美国说in the road





he was __ the theatre.空格中只能填at而不能填to、into或者 on

你的判断是正确的。at the theatre是固定搭配形式。



theatre与film的区别 是戏剧;剧场、戏院 则是电影;胶卷


stagen. 阶段;舞台;戏剧;驿站vt. 举行;上演;筹划vi. 举行;适于上演;乘驿车旅行n. (Stage)人名;(英)斯特奇theatren. 电影院,戏院;戏剧;阶梯式讲堂stage偏向于舞台, theatre偏向于剧院

theater theatre有什么区别


戏剧 [drama] 和剧场 [theatre] 的区别?

drama是戏剧 theatre是剧场 drama是在theatre里面上映的 它们之间的关系就好像电影和电影院的关系一样


theatre 有两个音节音节划分是 thea tre Let"s go to the theater to watch a play.

theatre 造一个短语

the beautiful theatre




theatre的读音音标:英【"θu026au0259tu0259(r)】美【"θiu02d0u0259tu0259r】。theatre,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意为“电影院,戏院;戏剧;阶梯式讲堂”。短语搭配:1、Globe Theatre环球剧场,环球剧院,全球大剧院,莎士比亚环球剧场。2、lecture theatre大教室,大讲堂,阅览室。3、Experimental theatre实验剧场,实验戏剧,小剧场,实验剧。4、Theatre Square剧院广场。5、Cort Theatre考特剧场,科特剧院。6、Kodak Theatre柯达剧院,柯达剧场,柯达戏院,柯达影院。7、Cuvilliés Theatre屈维利埃剧院,屈维列剧场。8、movie theatre电影院,影院,电影剧场,电影赏析。9、Orpheum Theatre奥芬剧院,奥芬大剧院。双语例句:1、When did you go to the theatre?你是什么时候去剧场的?2、At what theatre did you perform?你们在哪个剧场演出的?以上内容参考:百度百科—theatre


theater 美式英语theatre 英式英语楼上恰好说反了!


theatre 是两个音节的词音标是["θɪətə]音节划分是 thea tre意思是戏院

theatre怎么读 theatre如何读

1、theatre 英[u02c8θu026au0259tu0259(r)]、美[u02c8θiu02d0u0259tu0259r] 2、n.剧院; 剧场; 戏剧; 戏院; 露天剧场; 戏剧工作; 剧作; 演出; 上演; 3、[例句]The article is very good PR for the theatre.这篇文章有助于加强该剧院的公共关系。 4、[其他]复数:theatres






theatre读作[u02c8θiu0259tu0259r]、[u02c8θiu0259tu0259r]。theatre。英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意为“电影院,戏院;戏剧;阶梯式讲堂”。theatre的短语搭配:Globe Theatre环球剧场 ; 环球剧院 ; 全球大剧院 ; 莎士比亚环球剧场。lecture theatre大教室 ; 大讲堂 ; 阅览室。theatre的双语例句:1、When did you go to the theatre?你是什么时候去剧场的?2、At what theatre did you perform?你们在哪个剧场演出的?3、It all seemed to him to have disappeared as though behind the curtain of a theatre.他感到所有这一切好象都消失在剧院的一块幕布后面。


theatre 英[u02c8θiu0259tu0259] 美[u02c8θiu0259tu025a] n. 电影院,戏院;戏剧工作;演戏;手术室 名词复数:theatres [例句]He spotlights a single theatre of operations.他特别强调了单家剧院的操作状况。~亲,如果您认可我的回答,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~ ~手机提问的朋友在客户端上评价点【满意】即可。 ~您的采纳是我前进的动力~~ O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,共同进步!Thinks!!

theatre 的发音?



您好,我就为大家解答关于theatre怎么读的呢,theatre怎么读相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、movie theatre [英][u02c8... 您好,我就为大家解答关于theatre怎么读的呢,theatre怎么读相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、movie theatre [英][u02c8mu:vi u02c8θiu0259tu0259] [美][u02c8muvi u02c8θiu0259tu025a]。


单词:theatre的快速记忆法记忆方法一:联想方式:th(藤椅);eat(吃);re(热)躺在藤椅上吃热狗在戏院看戏真是一种享受。记忆方法二:谐音:四爷特 四爷特爱去戏院看戏剧。记忆方法三:联想方式:th(藤椅);eat(吃);re(热)记忆方法:躺在藤椅上吃热狗在戏院看戏真是一种享受。谐音是一个汉语词汇,读音为xié yīn,意思是利用汉字同音的条件,用同音或近音字来代替本字,产生辞趣的修辞格。具体指1.谐协音律,2.谐和的声音,3.字词的声韵相同或相近,4.一种修辞方法。出自宋宋庠《送上元勾簿吴昌卿》:逢吉旦兼暮,谐音埙且箎。解释详细释义(1)谐协音律。逢吉旦兼暮,谐音埙且箎。——宋宋庠《送上元勾簿吴昌卿》诗(2)谐和的声音。彰彩谐音,率由世巧。——刘师培《<骈文读本>序》而竞发的喧嚣,抑扬的不齐,远近的杂沓,和乐器的嘈嘈切切,合成另一意味的谐音。——朱自清《桨声灯影里的秦淮河》(3)字词的声韵相同或相近。人家也觉得‘八顺"大概是小名,而‘不忍"则是谐音。——茅盾《手的故事》二LakeWaban,谐音会意,我便唤她做‘慰冰"。——冰心《寄小读者》七桔子、红枣之类的食物是用它的谐音来求个吉利的。——秦牧《长街灯语·北京春节》(4)一种修辞方法



live theatre是什么意思


movie theater 和movie theatre 分别什么意思啊? 考试时明明theater 是对的,还打个错,得改成theatre!


theatre opera 区别

应该 前一个是场所 后一个是表演的形式


theatre属于可数名词,theatre的复数形式是theatres。    扩展资料   theatre是什么意思   theatre这个英语单词的词性是名词,名词作为英语词性分类中的一种,可以用于表示人、事、物、地点或抽象概念,英语单词之间可以在词根的基础上进行不同词性的`转换。   theatre这个英语名词的含义是电影院,戏院,戏剧,阶梯式讲堂。


这样回答更易被提问者采纳:u2022 围绕问题核心回答,无灌水和赘述u2022 坚持中立立场,态度友好u2022 加入自身经验见解,或知识扩充theatern.剧场;戏剧界2113;戏剧效果;[军]战区theatren. 电影院5261,戏院; 戏剧工作; 演戏; 手术室theatre 是美式英语theater是英4102式英语 (英1653国人喜欢-ter 美国人偏向-tre eg center/centre) 意思都是一样的就是美式英语跟英式英语的区别,说白了就是日常生活中人们用语习惯的问题,运用的时候都是正确的.re的是美式英语 er的是英式英语 好比center 跟centre其实是美式英语跟英式英语的不同英式英语的很多字都无法直接从字面判断读音比如plough于是乎,美国人就着手改变这一现状可以说,韦伯斯特(N.Webster)在这一转变中起到了重要的作用,他认为:语言应该随人们的使用而转变,英式英语的拼写法不利于人们学些.后来,他编纂了,这本字典使用了经过改良的单词拼写法,被认为是美式英语的标准------常见的区别主要见于英-------美-re -er (centre, center)-gue -g (dialogue, dialog)-our -or-ise,-ize 只用-ize-el结尾动词的现在分词、过去分词一般双写l 不双写还有许多不成规则的字如 defence 、defenseanalyse 、analyzecheque 、checkprogramme 、program




  theatre的汉语意思   英 [θit] 美 [θi:tr]   第三人称复数:theatres   theatre 基本解释   名词 电影院,戏院; 戏剧工作; 演戏; 手术室   theatre的词典解释   1. 剧场;戏院   A theatre is a building with a stage in it, on which plays, shows, and other performances take place.   e.g. If we went to the theatre it was a very big event...   我们要是去看场戏,那可是件大事。   e.g. I worked at the Grand Theatre.   我在大剧院上班。   2. 戏剧工作;舞台表演;戏剧创作   You can refer to work in the theatre such as acting or writing plays as the theatre .   e.g. You can move up to work in films and the theatre...   你可以转行从事影视戏剧业。   e.g. Very soon he took the first steps towards a career in the theatre.   不久他便开始涉足戏剧。   3. 演戏;戏剧表演   Theatre is entertainment that involves the performance of plays.   e.g. Companies across the country are beginning to show a healthy interest in theatre for children.   全国有多家公司都开始对儿童戏剧表现出极大的兴趣。   4. 电影院;剧院   A theater or a movie theater is a place where people go to watch films for entertainment.   in BRIT, use 英国英语用 cinema   5. (医院的)手术室   In a hospital, a theatre is a special room where surgeons carry out medical operations.   e.g. She is back from theatre and her condition is comfortable.   她从手术室出来了,身体状况良好。   theatre的双语例句   1. This project aims to discover officially the cause of Minamata disease through theatre work.   1956年正式发现,水俣病是因为人们饮用甲基汞污染的工厂废水而造成的。   2. Chu delivered his remarks as the speaker at Harvard"s 358th Commencement, held outdoors in Harvard Yard"s Tercentenary Theatre.   楚发表言论的发言哈佛大学第三百五十八开课,在哈佛大学举行的室外堆场的三百周年剧院。   3. The central theatre space forms an unexpected vertical axis to the sky; an observatory to the stars through a kinetic roof that opens in fair weather.   中心的剧场空间形成了意外的通向天空的竖向轴线;天气好时,打开的屋顶形成了一个观星台。   4. The article about the theatre give us a few sidelight on the character of its owner.   关于该剧院的这篇文章对我们了解其业主的个性带来了意外的启示。   5. Those involved with the theatre and fine arts will be at their best during this week.   而那些去剧院或美术馆人来疯的狮子们将在本周处于最佳状态中。


theatre读法:[u02c8θu026au0259tu0259(r)]。theatre。英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意为“电影院,戏院;戏剧;阶梯式讲堂”。电影院(cinema)是为观众放映电影的场所。电影在产生初期,是在咖啡厅、茶馆等场所放映的。随着电影的进步与发展,出现了专门为放映电影而建造的电影院。电影的发展——从无声到有声乃至立体声,从黑白片到彩色片,从普通银幕到宽银幕乃至穹幕、环幕,使电影院的形体、尺寸、比例和声学技术都发生了很大变化。电影院必须满足电影放映的工艺要求,得到应有的良好视觉和听觉效果,电影已经成为人们饭后的论点。短语搭配1、Theatre Square剧院广场。2、Cort Theatre考特剧场;科特剧院。3、Kodak Theatre柯达剧院;柯达剧场;柯达戏院;柯达影院。4、Cuvilliés Theatre屈维利埃剧院;屈维列剧场。5、movie theatre电影院;影院;电影剧场;电影赏析。双语例句1、When did you go to the theatre?你是什么时候去剧场的?2、At what theatre did you perform?你们在哪个剧场演出的?3、It all seemed to him to have disappeared as though behind the curtain of a theatre.他感到所有这一切好象都消失在剧院的一块幕布后面。


n. 电影院,戏院;戏剧;阶梯式讲堂






语法标注解释 theatre英音:["θiu0259tu0259]美音:["θu026au0259tu025a] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释【英】=theater以下结果来自互联网网络释义1.戏院;剧场牛津版6B第一二三五六七单元单词 - 英语 戏院;剧场2.手术室 ②剧场theatre ①手术室 ②剧场百变珠宝俄罗斯所涉及到的英语单词 - 新版 戏剧


英 [u02c8θiu0259tu0259] 美 [u02c8θiu0259tu025a] n. 电影院,戏院;戏剧工作;演戏;手术室 网 络 剧场; 剧院; 教室; 戏剧 复数:theatres 词条标签:CET4 CET6 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 英汉双向大词典 in AM, use 美国英语用 theater1. N-COUNT; N-IN-NAMES 名称名词;名称名词剧场;戏院 A theatre is a building with a stage in it, on which plays, shows, and other performances take place. If we went to the theatre it was a very big event... 我们要是去看场戏,那可是件大事。I worked at the Grand Theatre. 我在大剧院上班。2. N-SING 单数名词戏剧工作;舞台表演;戏剧创作 You can refer to work in the theatre such as acting or writing plays as the theatre . 【搭配模式】:the NYou can move up to work in films and the theatre... 你可以转行从事影视戏剧业。


theatre读音:英 ["θu026au0259tu0259(r)]美 ["θiu02d0u0259tu0259r]。theatre 英 ["θu026au0259tu0259(r)]     美 ["θiu02d0u0259tu0259r]    n. 戏院;剧场;戏剧;手术室;战区。adj. 戏院的=theater。I like music, theatre and cinema.我喜欢音乐、戏剧和电影。I"ve got complimentary tickets for the theatre.我得到了戏院的赠票。用法:theatre的基本意思是“戏院,剧院”,可指剧院,也可指电影院,还可指“露天剧场”,在美式英语中拼作theater,用于专有名词时须加定冠词the并大写首字母,引申可表示“礼堂,阶梯教室”“手术室”“战场,战区”等,是可数名词。theatre也可作“戏剧,戏剧文学,戏剧艺术”“剧本的写作或演出”解,是不可数名词,其前通常加定冠词the。


theatre的读音是:英 ["θu026au0259tu0259(r)],美 ["θiu02d0u0259tu0259r]。n. 戏院,剧场,戏剧,手术室,战区adj. 戏院的=theater例句:There is a ban on smoking in the theatre.翻译:这剧院内禁止吸烟。短语:empty a theatre 使剧场空无一人近义词hall 英 [hu0254u02d0l]   美 [hu0254u02d0l]    n. 大厅,礼堂例句:There was a low murmur of conversation in the hall.翻译:大厅里有窃窃私语声。短语:design a hall 设计一个大厅

playhouse theatre是什么意思

playhouse theatre剧场playhouse[英][u02c8pleu026ahɑu028as][美][u02c8pleu02cchau028as]n.剧场,戏院; 儿童游戏馆; 复数:playhouses例句:1.Fun fact: loves the theater and is on the board of directors of the san francisco playhouse. 趣事:喜欢喜剧,现任San Francisco Playhouse董事会成员。2.It runs at liverpool playhouse until 9 march, then embarks on a national tour. 它运行在利物浦剧场直到9日,开始了全国巡演。


是theater 吧

停留了很短的时间我们乘Rayson Huang Theatre 里面没有人进去看了一下。我很喜欢它

For a short period of time we take Rayson Huang Theatre nobody inside look at the inside. I like it very much outside the two picture, good big very beautiful. I took many pictures there, I feel like a dwarf. We go to the supermarket after finishing. Girls don"t go in, but all the boys in to buy a drink to eat. After access to college students, the teacher gave us time I found a very nice student asked her a few questions. Soon we went to loke yew hall, and then went home. This visit let me harvest a lot, first saw the original college life like this. Let me have a momentum must be admitted to the university.


theatre与film的区别 film是英式英语,他除了电影外,还有picture/photo的意思,而threatre 只表示电影院。 movie,美国人常用,他只表电影,不能表示照片、图片等。 补充:去看电影可以用 go to the movie(美) 或者 go to the cinema(英),但绝不能用go to the film a most wonderful film与the most wonderful film区别 the most wonderful film ,这里前边为定冠词the加most修饰wonderful表示形容词最高阶,意思是最精彩的一部电影. a most wonderful film ,此处非最高阶,most 这里是一个程度副词,表示"相当",翻为一部相当精彩的电影. I have seen the film 与 I saw the film last week的区别 第一句,我曾经看过这部电影,是现在完成时。 第二句,我上个礼拜看过这部电影,是一般过去时。 现在完成时表示与现在有关系的发生在过去的动作,是到现在为止,发生过这件事,它不与表示过去的时间状语(如yesterday , last week , a moment ago等)连用。 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的事、存在的状态或经常发生的动作,说话的侧重点在于陈述一件过去的事情,与现在没有关系。 theatre opera 区别 theatre n. 剧场, 戏院, 电影院, 阶梯教室, 手术教室, 手术室, 全体观众, 戏剧 opera n. 歌剧 歌剧演出 歌剧院 opera 源自义大利语opera I"ve seen the film already.与I"ve already seen the film .的区别 两句话意思上没有区别,只不过第一句话将重点放到了‘已经",用来强调说我已经看过这部电影,第二句话只是简单陈述说我看过这部电影而已。 希望对你有帮助~ 天上~ see a new film与watch new film有什么区别 watch a movie和see a film 是特定的 美式与英式的差别 see为及物动词,意思是"看见",侧重"看"的结果.例如: Can I see your new pen? 我可以看看你的新钢笔吗? watch 是及物动词,意思是"观看、注视", 用来指注视移动着的物体,如看电视、看球赛、看戏等. They are watching TV.他们正在看电视. membrane 和 film 的区别 membrane为膜学科的专业术语,强调材料本身具有分离效能,而film一般译为薄膜,含义较广,不强调分离作用.如保鲜膜习惯上称为film,是统称,而不叫membrane. film和movie的区别? film是英式的说法,在美语里通常取胶卷胶片的意思 movie是美国常用的电影说法 film是英式英语,他除了电影外,还有picture/photo的意思。 而movie,美国人常用,他只表电影,不能表示照片、图片等。 补充:去看电影可以用 go to the movie(美) 或者 go to the cinema(英),但绝不能用go to the film play 和film 的区别 play是戏剧,话剧 是现场演出的那种 film和movie一样 都是电影 就是电影院放映的电影 不是现场演的

theatre of tragedy的《Fragment》 歌词

歌曲名:Fragment歌手:theatre of tragedy专辑:MusiqueFragmentTheatre of TragedyBroken framesShattered glassLike a monochrome filmThe replaceable backgroundFlickers and dissolvesOut of controlThere"s no sense, it"s all Volta, Ampre and OhmEarth to Moon, it"s the same as London-RomeThere"s no sense, it"s all Volta, Ampre and OhmEarth to Moon, it"s the same as London-RomeOut of focus, blurred imageAs solid as a liquid monumentA second of lifeThe time-frame of "69Technology, machinery, humanityIt"s all the sameThere"s no sense, it"s all Volta, Ampre and OhmEarth to Moon, it"s the same as London-RomeThere"s no sense, it"s all Volta, Ampre and OhmEarth to Moon, it"s the same as London-RomeTime and age, what"s the differenceBased upon the same referenceTouch-and-go, who"s to know the random orderContorted, distorted it doesn"t make any sense at allA fragment, a segment - bits and pieces, bits and HzAngular, circularIt"s all the sameThere"s no sense, it"s all Volta, Ampre and OhmEarth to Moon, it"s the same as London-Rome


theatre[英][u02c8θiu0259tu0259] [美][u02c8θiu0259tu025a] 生词本简明释义n.电影院,戏院;戏剧工作;演戏;手术室

Integral (Live At The Mermaid Theatre) 歌词

歌曲名:Integral (Live At The Mermaid Theatre)歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:Concrete - In Concert At The Mermaid Theatre For Radio 2 With The Bbc Concert OrchestraIntegralPet Shop BoysIf you"ve done nothing wrongyou"ve got nothing to fearIf you"ve something to hideyou shouldn"t even be hereLong live usthe persuaded weintegralcollectivelyto the whole projectit"s brand newconceived solelyto protect youOne worldOne reasonUnchangingOne seasonIf you"ve done nothing wrongyou"ve got nothing to fearIf you"ve something to hideyou shouldn"t even be hereYou"ve had your chancenow we"ve got the mandateIf you"ve changed your mindI"m afraid it"s too lateWe"re concernedyou"re a threatYou"re not integralto the projectSterileImmaculateRationalPerfectEveryone hastheir own numberin the system thatwe operate underWe"re moving toa situationwhere your lives existas informationOne worldOne lifeOne chanceOne reasonAll underone skyunchangingone seasonIf you"ve done nothing wrongyou"ve got nothing to fearIf you"ve something to hideyou shouldn"t even be hereYou"ve had your chancenow we"ve got the mandateIf you"ve changed your mindI"m afraid it"s too lateWe"re concernedyou"re a threatYou"re not integralto the projectOne worldOne lifeOne chanceOne reasonAll underone skyunchangingone seasonIf you"ve done nothing wrongyou"ve got nothing to fearIf you"ve something to hideyou shouldn"t even be hereYou"ve had your chancenow we"ve got the mandateIf you"ve changed your mindI"m afraid it"s too lateWe"re concernedyou"re a threatIf you"ve done nothing wrongyou"ve got nothing to fearIf you"ve something to hideyou shouldn"t even be hereWe"re concernedyou"re a threatYou"re not integralto the projectSterileImmaculateRationalPerfectEnd-Xiao Wu


你听的是美国人念的吧,美音后面的那个ter都是der,比如【信】letter听着就是ledder. 如果你去听英国人念,/t/会很清晰,但是有的地区会/t/的音会有带着"擦‘的音. 像是我们学校的外教,water,美国人就是wader,英国人听着就是watzer.






theatre的读音是:英["θ??t?(r)]。theatre的读音是:英["θ??t?(r)]。theatre的详尽释义是n.(名词)戏剧,剧作,戏剧作品,戏剧文学戏院,剧场,电影院(剧院、电影院等的)全体观众戏剧效果戏剧工作,演出手术室阶梯式教室,讲堂,会场(发生重要事件的)场所【军】战场,战区。theatre的例句是用作名词(n.)There is a ban on smoking in the theatre.这剧院内禁止吸烟。一、详尽释义点此查看theatre的详细内容n.(名词)戏剧,剧作,戏剧作品,戏剧文学戏院,剧场,电影院(剧院、电影院等的)全体观众戏剧效果戏剧工作,演出手术室阶梯式教室,讲堂,会场(发生重要事件的)场所【军】战场,战区adj.(形容词)战术的,作战的_null.=theater(美)二、英英释义Noun:a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented;"the house was full"the art of writing and producing playsa region in which active military operations are in progress;"the army was in the field awaiting action""he served in the Vietnam theater for three years"三、词典解释in AM, use 美国英语用 theater1.剧场;戏院Atheatre is a building with a stage in it, on which plays, shows, and other performances take place.e.g. If we went to thetheatre it was a very big event...我们要是去看场戏,那可是件大事。e.g. I worked at the GrandTheatre.我在大剧院上班。2.戏剧工作;舞台表演;戏剧创作You can refer to work in the theatre such as acting or writing plays asthe theatre .e.g. You can move up to work in films and thetheatre...你可以转行从事影视戏剧业。e.g. Very soon he took the first steps towards a career in thetheatre.不久他便开始涉足戏剧。3.演戏;戏剧表演Theatre is entertainment that involves the performance of plays.theatre的翻译e.g. Companies across the country are beginning to show a healthy interest intheatre for children.全国有多家公司都开始对儿童戏剧表现出极大的兴趣。4.电影院;剧院Atheater or amovie theater is a place where people go to watch films for BRIT, use 英国英语用 cinema5.(医院的)手术室In a hospital, atheatre is a special room where surgeons carry out medical operations.e.g. She is back fromtheatre and her condition is comfortable.她从手术室出来了,身体状况良好。6.战区;战场;冲突地区Atheatre of war or other conflict is the area or region in which the war or conflict is happening.e.g. The Middle East has often been atheatre of war.中东这一地区一直战乱频仍。四、例句There is a ban on smoking in the theatre.这剧院内禁止吸烟。I waited for her in the lobby of theatre yesterday.昨天我在戏院的大厅等她。Crowds disgorged from the theatre into the dark street.人流从戏院涌出,进入了黑洞洞的街道。The theatre gives two performances a day.剧院一天上演两场。Do you enjoy the theatre?你喜欢看戏吗?She is been in the theatre all her life.她一辈子搞戏剧。Some of us do not know much about the theatre.我们中有一些人还不太懂得戏剧。I like music, theatre and cinema.我喜欢音乐、戏剧和电影。She was in the operating theatre for two hours.她在手术室里已经两个小时了。They fought in the Pacific theatre during World War II.他们在第二次世界大战的太平洋战区打过仗。Excuse me, is this bus for the theatre?打扰了,这是到戏院的公共汽车吗?I"ve got complimentary tickets for the theatre.我得到了戏院的赠票。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)The theatre is her spiritual home.剧院是她的精神寄托。There are more theatres in London than in any other British city.伦敦的剧院比英国其他任何城市的剧院都多。The play was acted at the Changjiang theatre.这戏在长江剧院上演。Let"s meet at the box office of the Art theatre.我们在艺术剧院的售票处见面吧。The doctors and nurses arrived in the operating theatre soon.一会儿,医生护士都来到了手术室。He entered his lecture theatre and put his hat on the end of the table.他走过讲课的阶梯教室,把帽子摘下来放在讲台的一端。She specializes in the Elizabethan theatre.她专门研究伊丽莎白时期的戏剧。He went to the theatre to see a Shakespeare"s play last Saturday.上个星期六,他去戏院看莎士比亚的戏。He turned his attention to the theatre and wrote many successful plays.他转而对戏剧感兴趣并创作了许多成功的剧本。He coached the young man in the theatre and developed his power of improvisation.他辅导那位年轻人演戏,培养他的即席表演能力。I am afraid this play is not good theatre.恐怕这个剧本不宜上演。Let"s go to the theatre first and eat afterward.让我们先去看戏,然后吃饭。A theatre evening has been arranged.已安排好一个戏剧晚会。She wants to go into the theatre.她想进入戏剧界。He"s in the theatre.他是个演员。六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~build a theatre建造剧院close a theatre关闭剧院crowd a theatre挤满剧场devote to the theatre献身戏剧empty a theatre使剧场空无一人enter the theatre进入戏院,走进剧院frequent a theatre常去剧院go to the theatre去看戏manage a theatre经营剧院open a theatre开剧院operate a theatre经营剧院pack the theatre挤满剧场run theatre经营剧院形容词+~amusing theatre闹剧bad theatre舞台效果不好cheap theatre票价便宜的剧院comfortable theatre舒适的剧院expensive theatre票价高的剧院experimental theatre实验剧good theatre舞台效果好great theatre伟大的剧作living theatre舞台剧modern theatre现代戏剧open-air theatre露天剧场outdoor theatre露天剧场poor theatre舞台效果不好traditional theatre传统剧two theatres两个剧院介词+~at the theatre在剧场,看戏in the theatre在戏剧界七、常见错误n.(名词)她叔叔从不去戏院看戏。误 Her uncle never went to theatre.正 Her uncle never went to the theatre.析 在go to school, go to church, go to hospital等词组中名词前通常不用定冠词,但是go to the theatre, go to the cinema, go to the movies等词组中名词前应用定冠词。theatre的相关近义词amphitheatre、hall、opera house、playhousetheatre的相关临近词theatrical、theater、theatre ban、theatregoer、theatre set、theatregoers、theatre main、theatre bill、theatre fact、theatregoing、theatre dance、theatre nurse点此查看更多关于theatre的详细信息


剧院的英语theatre读[u02c8θu026au0259tu0259(r)]。theatre。英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意为“电影院,戏院;戏剧;阶梯式讲堂”。短语搭配Globe Theatre环球剧场;环球剧院;全球大剧院;莎士比亚环球剧场lecture theatre大教室;大讲堂;阅览室Experimental theatre实验剧场;实验戏剧;小剧场;实验剧Theatre Square剧院广场Cort Theatre考特剧场;科特剧院Kodak Theatre柯达剧院;柯达剧场;柯达戏院;柯达影院Cuvilliés Theatre屈维利埃剧院;屈维列剧场movie theatre电影院;影院;电影剧场;电影赏析Orpheum Theatre奥芬剧院;奥芬大剧院双语例句When did you go to the theatre?你是什么时候去剧场的?At what theatre did you perform?你们在哪个剧场演出的?It all seemed to him to have disappeared as though behind the curtain of a theatre.他感到所有这一切好象都消失在剧院的一块幕布后面。Wasserstein never planned for a career in the theatre.瓦瑟斯坦从没设想过其职业是在剧院。His interests include riding,tennis and the theatre.他的爱好包括骑车、网球和观赏戏剧。But for others,one-on-one theatre can be harrowing.但对其他人来说,一对一剧场可能是令人痛苦的。

Numb (Live At The Mermaid Theatre) 歌词

歌曲名:Numb (Live At The Mermaid Theatre)歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:Concrete - In Concert At The Mermaid Theatre For Radio 2 With The Bbc Concert OrchestraDon"t wanna hear the newsWhat"s going onWhat"s coming throughI don"t wanna knowDon"t wanna knowJust wanna hide awayMake my my escapeI want the worldTo leave me aloneFeels like I feel too muchI"ve seen too muchFor a little whileI want to forgetI wanna be numbI don"t wanna feel this pain no moreWanna lose touchI just wanna go and lock the doorI don"t wanna thinkI don"t wanna feel nothingI wanna be numbI just wanna beWanna be numbCan"t find no space to breatheWorld"s closing inRight on me nowWell that"s how it feelsThat"s how it feelsToo much lightThere"s too much soundWanna turn it offWanna shut it outI need some reliefThink that like I think too muchI"ve seen too muchThere is just too muchThought in my headI wanna be numbI don"t wanna feel this pain no moreWanna lose touchI just wanna go and lock the doorI don"t wanna thinkI don"t wanna feel nothingI wanna be numbI just wanna beWanna beTaken away from all the madnessNeed to escapeEscape from the painI"m out on the edgeAbout to lose my mindFor a little whileFor a little whileI wanna be numbI don"t wanna thinkI don"t wanna feel nothingI wanna be numbI don"t wanna feel this pain no moreWanna lose touchI just wanna go and lock the doorI don"t wanna thinkI don"t wanna feel nothingI wanna be numbI just wanna beWanna be numbWanna be numbI just wanna beI Wanna be numb

有suzan zeder has begun a new wave of children ’s theatre句子的文章

Suzan Zeder has begun a new wave of children"s theatre. Most persons reading her plays for the first time ask the question, "Is this really children"s theatre?" Well, the answer is, yes. She has taken real life issues that children face and made them into compelling stories that help a child to understand difficult issues. For example, her play Doors tells an extremely realistic story of divorce, from the child"s perspective. She deals with the pain involved with hearing parents arguing in the room next door, and the pain of separation. She does all this in a non-preachy manner that is simply a story of what a child goes through. This is only one example. In another play, Step on a Crack she approaches the subject of coping with a step-mother, while avoiding completely the evil step-mother convention. All of her plays are realistic stories about children. She herself has said that she writes about children, as opposed to for children. Suzan Zeder also has many plays that aren"t as heavy as Doors or Step on a Crack, but all of her plays are equally honest and compelling. She has adapted Ozma of Oz and has written many original titles such as Wiley and the Hairy Man and Mother Hicks . All of her plays add to a new awareness that children"s abilities to comprehend serious material have been, for a very long time, underestimated. Her plays give credit to children for being extremely intuitive and intelligent, particularly when it comes to recognizing truth on a stage.

第四句:Stoker, like Wilde, was fascinated by the theatre, and in 1878 he moved to London, where he


bedding down for the night on the flagstones outside the theatre to buy ........翻译
