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throw at和throw to的区别是什么?

throw at 有砸向某人的意思,throw at 有砸向某人的意思,比如 "he threw (throw 的过去式) the eraser at me" 他拿橡皮擦砸我,比如 "throw the ball to me" 把球扔给我英语语法是针对英语语言进行研究后,英语语法系统地总结归纳出来的一系列语言规则。英语语法的精髓在于掌握语言的使用。



throw 过去分词

过去式:threw 过去分词:thrown


threw[英][θru:][美][θru]v.投( throw的过去式 ); 掷; 扔; 抛;   Threw is the past tense of throw.A man at my side threw a rock at him. 我身边有人朝他扔了一块石头。At one engagement, people threw tennis balls. 在一次表演中,人们向我们扔网球。Then he picked up a rock and threw it at me. 这时,他捡起一块石头朝我扔来。A tall, black man threw sharp knives on a living target. 一个高大的黑人正朝活靶子上扔尖刀。Inexplicably, you threw caution to the winds. 令人难以理解的是,你们将告诫抛之脑后。


threw tasted


扔,投,丢过去式 threw 过去分词 thrown 及物动词


  throw它的 短语 有很多,只要掌握它的用法和例句我们就能记住。以下是我给大家带来throw的用法和短语例句,以供参阅。    throw的用法   throw的用法1:throw的基本意思是“投”“掷”“抛”,指用工具或徒手(弯曲臂肘)将物体以迅速发力的动作抛出,也可泛指任何推进动作,是日常用语,不带感情色彩。引申可表示“难住”“摔倒”“挺”“摆脱”“脱(皮)”“投射(光线,阴影)”“施加(影响)”等。   throw的用法2:throw既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词作宾语,也可接双宾语(其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语)。   throw的用法3:throw还可接由形容词充当补足语的复合宾语,当宾语较长或包含有疑问词或关系代词时,形容词常跟在动词的后面。   throw的用法4:throw用作名词时,基本意思是“投,掷,抛”,引申可指“投掷的距离”,是可数名词。    throw的常用短语   throw about (v.+adv.)   throw aside (v.+adv.)   throw at (v.+prep.)   throw away (v.+adv.)   throw back (v.+adv.)   throw by (v.+prep.)   throw down (v.+adv.)   throw dust in sb"s eyes   throw in1 (v.+adv.)   throw in2 (v.+prep.)   throw into (v.+prep.)   throw off (v.+adv.)   throw on (v.+prep.)   throw out (v.+adv.)   throw over (v.+adv.)   throw to (v.+prep.)   throw together (v.+adv.)   throw的用法例句   1. I don"t rant and rave or throw tea cups.   我不会大喊大叫或摔茶杯。   2. This new information does throw doubt on their choice.   这个新信息确实使人们对他们的选择产生了怀疑。   3. We can"t just sit by and watch you throw your life away.   我们不能眼睁睁地看着你毁掉自己的生活。   4. What ugly things; throw them away, throw them away.   多难看的东西啊,扔掉,扔掉。   5. She threatened to throw herself in front of a train.   她威胁要卧轨。   6. The orders will throw a lifeline to Britain"s shipyards.   这些订单将给英国的造船厂注入一线生机。   7. Why not throw it all in the pot and see what happens?   为什么不把它全扔进罐子,看看会发生什么变化?   8. A bad result is sure to throw a spanner in the works.   糟糕的成绩肯定会坏事的。   9. One of the judges thought it was a foul throw.   有个裁判认为投球犯规.   10. He tried to throw police off the track of his lover.   他努力让警方无法跟踪他的情人。   11. A throw of the dice allows a player to move himself forward.   掷一次骰子,玩家可相应向前移动.   12. He"s going to throw himself on the mercy of the court.   他准备听凭法庭发落。   13. They kick up a rumpus and throw things at each other.   他们吵了起来并互相朝对方扔东西。   14. The defense wants the district Judge to throw out the case.   辩护律师希望区法官不受理那个案子。   15. Just a stone"s throw away is the City Art Gallery.   不远处就是市美术馆。   throwed的过去式threw双语例句   1. The crowds became violent and threw petrol bombs at the police.   人群变得狂暴起来,并向警察投掷汽油弹。   2. They threw all their military resources into the battle.   他们将全部军事资源都投入了那场战斗。   3. I"ll say you started it, that you threw yourself at me.   我觉得是你主动向我投怀送抱。   4. On one occasion, his father threw a radio at his mother.   他父亲曾有一次拎起收音机砸向他的母亲。   5. I threw aside my mosquito net and jumped out of bed.   我把蚊帐甩到一边,跳下床来。   6. She balled the handkerchief up and threw it at his feet.   她把手绢揉成一团,丢在了他的脚边。   7. I threw a mute look of appeal at Paula.   我默默地向葆拉投去恳求的目光。   8. He threw the baby high in the air and it stopped crying.   他把孩子向空中高高抛起,孩子就停止了哭闹。   9. Ann threw back the covers and scrambled out of bed.   安掀开被子,急忙下了床。   10. The light from my candle threw his elongated shadow on the walls.   我的烛光将他拉长的影子投射在墙上。   11. He set his skinny legs apart and threw back his shoulders.   他叉开两条细腿,猛地挺起胸膛。   12. With one sweep of her hand she threw back the sheets.   她手一挥掀开了床单。   13. The star grew 30% brighter and threw off huge amounts of radiation.   那颗星的亮度增加了30%并释放出大量辐射。   14. Groups of drunken hooligans smashed shop windows and threw stones.   一群群醉醺醺的小流氓砸碎商店的橱窗,还投掷石块。   15. Obviously the puncture threw me a little, but I"m reasonably happy.


1.row的过去式:rowed。 2.rowed释义:v.划船,划桨(row的过去式)。 3.短语:rowedtype棱型。 4.rowedbarley二棱大麦。 5.例句Thoughhehadagoodstart,Irowedhimdownatlast.虽然他开始时划得很好,但第三我还是赶过了他。 6.Onthefourthday,theskippersawblackcloudsloomingandorderedtheboattoberowedtoshore.他们在海上航行的第四天,舵手发现滚滚乌云向他们压来,急忙下令将船划向海岸。








throw的过去式是threw。throw,英语单词,主要用作为动词、名词,作动词时译为“vt. 投;抛;掷;举行(派对);vi. 抛;投掷”;作名词时译为“投掷;冒险”。词组搭配:throw away:扔掉,丢弃。throw out:v. 扔掉;伸出;说出;否决;突出。throw的双语例句:1、I never throw anything away.我从来不扔任何东西。2、That was a good throw.那是一次很棒的投掷。3、His throw bettered the American junior record set in 2003.他的这一投超越了2003年美国少年组的记录。


throw的过去式是threw,过去分词是thrown,现在分词是throwing。throw的基本意思是“投”“掷”“抛”,指用工具或徒手(弯曲臂肘)将物体以迅速发力的动作抛出。引申可表示“难住”“摔倒”“挺”“摆脱”“脱(皮)”“投射(光线,阴影)”“施加(影响)”等。 throw的过去式例句 1. The crowds became violent and threw petrol bombs at the police. 人群变得狂暴起来,并向警察投掷汽油弹。 2. They threw all their military resources into the battle. 他们将全部军事资源都投入了那场战斗。 3. I"ll say you started it, that you threw yourself at me. 我觉得是你主动向我投怀送抱。 4. On one occasion, his father threw a radio at his mother. 他父亲曾有一次拎起收音机砸向他的母亲。 5. I threw aside my mosquito net and jumped out of bed. 我把蚊帐甩到一边,跳下床来。


throw的过去式是threw。读音:英[θrəʊ],美[θroʊ]。释义:vt.投;抛;掷;举行(派对)。vi.抛;投掷。n.投掷;冒险。例句:Remember to throw the garbage when you go out.出门的时候记得把垃圾扔了。变形:过去式threw,过去分词thrown,现在分词throwing,第三人称单数throws,复数throws。throw的近义词toss读音:英[tɒs],美[tɔːs]。释义:v. (轻轻或漫不经心地)扔,抛,掷;甩(头,以表示恼怒或不耐烦);(使)摇摆,挥动,颠簸;摇匀;把(煎饼)颠起翻面;(为…)掷硬币决定。n. 掷硬币决定;向上甩头,猛仰头(尤指表示恼怒或不耐烦);(尤指比赛或游戏中)投掷。例句:Toss it behind you, don"t turn around.把枪扔在你身后,别转身。变形:第三人称单数tosses,现在分词tossing,过去式tossed,过去分词tossed。

throwaway society是什么意思

throwaway society一次性社会双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 一次性社会-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

exception throw是什么意思


exception throw是什么意思

exception throw异常抛出很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问

exception throw是什么意思

exception throw引发异常To deal with this, you can generate a stack trace in the constructor of theexception object during the throw exception statement. 为了解决这一问题,可以在抛出异常语句期间,在异常对象的构造函数中生成一个堆栈跟踪。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

C#中throw new Exception是什么意思,这么使用?


C#中throw new Exception是什么意思,这么使用?


Java中的throw Exception是什么意思


C#中throw new Exception是什么意思,这么使用?


i"m throwing

1.这两句话是(进行)时态,表示正在... 2.翻译: I"m throwing the basketball. 我正在投球! I"m hitting the ball to Jennny. 我正使劲把球投给Jennny!

Throwing in the tower 为什么是服输的意思?



throw,主要用作为动词、名词,作动词时译为“vt. 投;抛;掷;举行(派对);vi. 抛;投掷”;作名词时译为“投掷;冒险”。throw 变化形式:第三人称单数: throws过去式: threw过去分词: thrown现在分词: throwing易混淆的单词: Throwthrow 用法和例句:Throw pillows and additional cushions are not always necessary .不必总是扔一些枕头和额外的靠垫。And if chinese firms throw subsidised capital around the world , that "s fine .即使中国把政府补贴的资本抛向全世界也没什么关系。Revelers throw tomatoes during the annual fight .年度大战中,狂欢的人们在投掷西红柿。The best part of the game was the slam-dunk from the free throw line .从罚球线上投的那个灌篮球是这场比赛最精彩的部分。They also eat small pieces of food that people throw away .它们同样也吃一小块人们丢给它们的食物。


throws 是throw的单数形式,在主语是第三人称单数的时候用throwsthrow英 [θrəʊ] 美 [θro] vt. 投;抛;掷vi. 抛;投掷n. 投掷;冒险[ 过去式 threw 过去分词 thrown 现在分词 throwing ]例句:Throw it ,please.请扔掉它。


throwthrowing不用双写。。。一般只有重读的闭音节才要双写尾音比如:begin, 这个词的重音在gin上,在后面,而且字母i在gin中不是发的元音like里面的I,而是sit里面的i,所以要双写成beginning.


throw的过去式是threw,过去分词是thrown,现在分词是throwingthrow的基本意思是“投”“掷”“抛”,指用工具或徒手(弯曲臂肘)将物体以迅速发力的动作抛出。引申可表示“难住”“摔倒”“挺”“摆脱”“脱(皮)”投射(光线,阴影)”“施加(影响)”等。throw的过去式例句:1. The crowds became violent and threw petrol bombs at the police.人群变得狂暴起来,并向警察投掷汽油弹。2. They threw all their military resources into the battle.他们将全部军事资源都投入了那场战斗。3. I"ll say you started it, that you threw yourself at me.我觉得是你主动向我投怀送抱。4. On one occasion, his father threw a radio at his mother.他父亲曾有一次拎起收音机砸向他的母亲。5. I threw aside my mosquito net and jumped out of bed.我把蚊帐甩到一边,跳下床来。




动词的一般现在时就是它的原形throwvi.投掷; 丢; 抛;n.投掷的距离; 丢;vt.掷(色子); 抛; 猛动(头、臂、腿); 使处于,使限于过去式: threw过去分词: thrown现在分词: throwing第三人称单数: throws



throwing 中文怎么说

throwing英 ["θrəʊɪŋ]  美 ["θroʊɪŋ] n.投掷运动;v.投( throw的现在分词 ); 掷; 扔; 抛


little和其余两个词是不同的,是形容词,意思是小的,或者少的,修饰不可数名词,比较级为less,最高级为least。litter是动词,是四下乱丢物品的意思,尤指把废物扔得散落于地,有碍观瞻。如:No littering.Glass from broken bottles litters the pavement.The entrance hall is littered with toys and wellington boots.throw也是动词,过去式为threw,过去分词为thrown,意思是用力抛掷,不带任何感情色彩。如:He spent hours throwing a tennis ball against a wall.On one occasion, his father threw a radio at his mother.The crowd began throwing stones.
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