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vocational training是什么意思

职业培训双语对照词典结果:vocational training[英][vu0259uu02c8keiu0283u0259nl u02c8treiniu014b][美][vou02c8keu0283u0259nu0259l u02c8trenu026au014b]职业训练; 以上结果来自金山词霸展开更多词典例句:1.He organises vocational training and loans for scavengers to help themescape. 他组织了职业培训班并贷款帮助拾荒者摆脱困境。

一个英语问题,放在句首,是after strict training 还是 after strictly training。


training 和testing 的区别

training 和testing 的区别training 词义:n. 训练; 培养; (枪炮,摄影机等的) 瞄准; 整枝法;v. 训练,培养( train的现在分词); 教育; 瞄准; 整枝;testing 词义:adj. 与试验有关的,试验的; 棘手的;v. 测验(test的现在分词);

Astronauts, people who fly into space, need special training?

小题1:D 小题2:A 小题3:C 小题4:B ,1,Astronauts, people who fly into space, need special training. First they go to Houston, Texas. That is the home of the Johnson Space Centre. There they are tested to see how strong and *** art they are. One of the first tests is for the heart. The people walk or run, then the space doctors see how fast their hearts are beating. Another important test is performed. In this test the person must curl(蜷曲)his body up in a ball. When he is in that position, he is put into a round cloth bag. The doctors give him no idea how long he will have to stay in the bag. If a spaceship broke down in space, the astronauts would get into bags like this. Then they would have to wait and curl up in darkness, until help could arrive. You can see that an astronaut must not be afraid of tight space or darkness. After the tests, only the best people are chosen to start astronaut training in a training centre. The astronauts in training learn many other things. They learn how to jump out of a moving airplane. They learn to how to blow up a lifeboat and get into it while they are in the ocean. The astronauts also have to learn how to get lifted out of the ocean by helicopter(直升机). That may look fun, but it can be dangerous. After they finish training, the astronauts continue to work. They stay in good shape by running and doing exercise. They read about their special jobs. In that way they can learn new facts about space travel. Then the big day es. The astronaut is told to go to work on a flight into space. The crew members(全体船员)get to know each other first. Then they can learn which job each will do. 小题1:The astronauts don"t know how long they will stay in the bag in the test because ________________. A.the doctors need to know how strong they are B.the astronauts need to show how *** art they are C.good astronauts mustn"t be afraid of darkness or tight space D.nobody knows when help will e if the spaceship breaks down 小题2:The astronauts don"t learn how to ________________ in the training centre. A.walk or run in space B.jump out of the moving plane C.blow up a lifeboat D.get lifted out of water by helicopter 小题3:Which is the correct order according to the passage? a. Doctors do tests on the astronauts. b. The astronauts go to the Space Centre. c. The astronauts learn new facts about space travel. d. The best people are chosen for training. e. The astronauts go to work on a flight into space. A.a, b, c, d, e B.d, a, e, b, c C.b, a, d, c, e D.c, d, e, b, a 小题4:Which of the following is NOT true? A.After the tests, only the best people are chosen to start astronaut training in a training centre. B.The crew members get to know each other after the tests. C.One of the first tests is for the heart. D.An astronaut must not be afraid of tight space or darkness.

training与 practice





training 和testing 的区别


正在训练的英语为什么不是be training 而是be trained


training progranmme为什么training要加ing?

这里的training是训练,培训的意思,可以做名词,做定语修饰programme。也可以把train 是动词,动词不能直接做定语,这里train和programme在逻辑上存在的是主动的关系,用动名词做定语,所以要加ing.


train sb.训练某人



learning development 和training有区别吗

learning development学习发展training英 [u02c8treu026anu026au014b] 美 [u02c8trenu026au014b] n.训练;培养;(枪炮,摄影机等的)瞄准;整枝法v.训练,培养( train的现在分词);教育;瞄准;整枝希望对你有帮助!




training[英][ˈtreɪnɪŋ][美][ˈtrenɪŋ]n.训练; 培养; (枪炮,摄影机等的)瞄准; 整枝法; v.训练,培养( train的现在分词); 教育; 瞄准; 整枝; 复数:trainings例句:1.Trustees must also receive proper resources and training. 董事会成员还必须获得适当的资源和培训。2.The hard work was good training. 艰苦的工作是良好的训练。




您好,我就为大家解答关于training造句八年级,training造句相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、中文:不可数名词讲解,1... 您好,我就为大家解答关于training造句八年级,training造句相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、中文:不可数名词讲解,1.训练;培训;2.(为参加体育比赛而进行的)训练,锻炼。 2、We will have some vocational training before graduation毕业前,我们会接受一些职业训练。 3、A motor boat will pace the boys training for the rowing match.一艘汽船要为那些练习划船比赛的孩子们定步调。


training[英][u02c8treu026anu026au014b][美][u02c8trenu026au014b]n.训练; 培养; (枪炮,摄影机等的)瞄准; 整枝法; v.训练,培养( train的现在分词); 教育; 瞄准; 整枝; 复数:trainings例句:1.Trustees must also receive proper resources and training. 董事会成员还必须获得适当的资源和培训。2.The hard work was good training. 艰苦的工作是良好的训练。

英语字典上这样解释 那training还是不是动名词啊?




I will be on training还是I will on training

Correct should be "I am in training" but if it said as "I am on training" means that person is involved in some work or heavily drunk .....I can"t work out how "I am on training" has anything to do with being drunk?Feb 9, 2006#6maxiogeeBanned

什么叫训练数据(training data)?

我在国外学Data Mining时学过这个,应该是Build models(Training Date)u27a1ufe0fEvaluate models(Validation data)u27a1ufe0fReevaluate modules(Test data-optional)u27a1ufe0fPredict/classify using final model(New data)。

train 和training有什么区别吗?陌陌

"Train" 和 "training" 是两个不同的词,它们有一定的区别。"Train" 是一个动词,意思是 "培训"、"训练"、"火车",例如:I need to train for the marathon.He takes the train to work every day."Training" 是一个名词,意思是 "培训"、"训练",例如:The company offers on-the-job training for new employees.His training in the military prepared him well for his job.可以看到,"train" 是一个动词,表示正在进行的动作,而"training" 是一个名词,表示某个特定的行为或过程。


training: ln order to take part in the sporst match ,we ere havingtraining .翻译成中文:为了参加这次体育比赛,我们正在进行训练。

exercise ,training 和practice有什么 区别?

training 是普通用词,指身心有系统的发展,其目的是使之能熟练地掌握一些技能技巧,以适应某一目的的需要。如:He has had no college training. 他没有受过大学训练。He went into training for the race. 他开始训练参加比赛。practice 指把所学理论应用于实践中, 以便获得技巧或能力。如:Practice makes perfect. 熟练生巧。It takes a lot of practice to play the piano well. 弹好钢琴需要大量的练习。


He flunked out of flight training. 他因不及格而退出飞行训练。His training fits him for the job. 他受过的训练使他能胜任此项工作。We have been training hard for the games. 我们一直为这次运动会进行紧张训练。




training作名词意为“训练”、“培训”、“(为参加体育比赛而进行的)训练”,是不可数名词,动词加ing变成的名词,多半都是抽象名词,没有复数形式的。 training的具体用法 (1)He called for much higher spending on education and training. 他呼吁在教育和培训方面加大投入。 (2)The emphasis is on developing fitness through exercises and training. 重点在于通过锻炼促进健康。 (3)Kennedy had no formal training as a decorator. 肯尼迪没有接受过做油漆匠的正规培训。 (4)There we received several weeks of intensive training. 在那里我们受了几星期的集中训练。 (5)He landed a place on the graduate training scheme. 他在毕业生培训计划中赢得了一个位置。 (6)Few candidates had received any training in management. 没有几个应聘者接受过管理培训。 (7)The emphasis is on developing fitness through exercises and training. 重点在于通过锻炼促进健康。 常用短语 (1)staff training职工培训 (2)a training course培训课程 (3)to be in training for a race在进行赛前训练

tutorial training 区别?


do some training怎么读

[杜(平声)] [三] [连读(次喂)宁]若满意,请尽快【采纳】谢谢你的合作!( ̄0  ̄)y如果能【增加财富值】就更好了!也可以给一个【赞】哦~另外,如有疑问可追问,我会尽快回复。<( ̄︶ ̄)> ——来自{上贼船莫怕死}



Training怎么读 Training英文解释

1、training,训练。读音:美/u02c8treu026anu026au014b/;英/u02c8treu026anu026au014b/。 2、释义:n.训练;培养;瞄准;整枝。v.训练;教养(train的ing形式)。 3、例句:The new students are going to have a weeks military training.新来的学生将要进行为期一周的军训。

training 怎么读

training读音:美 ["treu026anu026au014b] 英 ["treu026anu026au014b]意思:n.训练;培训;锻炼v.“train”的现在分词培养;教育训练;训练模式例句:1.In addition, strength training exercises are recommended at least twice a week.此外,每周最好进行两次以上的力量训练的练习。2.Nearly will hold the post of two year Tae Kwon Do training and a year Englishpractice teacher.将近担任两年的跆拳道教练和一年的英语实习教师。

【最高悬赏】爱丁堡大学申请系统中要填写“Relevant Knowledge/Training Skills”?


A little over a year ago ,I began training


On-Board Training是什么意思


电脑开一小时就会黑屏。然后就开不起来,出现等DQS training failed on previous boot rever


commercial training 什么意思

[词典] 商业培训;--[例句]This study hopes to commercial bank training junior staff have practical significance.希望本文的研究对于商业银行基层员工的培训工作有现实意义。

not in education,employment or training什么意思


English Grammar training,exercise,pratice的用法及它们之间的区别

training 训练,锻炼,培养;练习,教练;驯化;身体条件,体能情况 training centre 培训中心 give(get) training 给予(接受)训练 exercise 运动;体育锻炼;体操;一种运动;练习;训练;功课;vi.运动;vt.训练;运动 【用法】exercise统指“运动”时,不用冠词,也不用复数.an(or a)...exercise指“一种运动”;exercise指“多种运动”. practice vt.练习;实习;熟练;实践;实施;实际;习惯 【用法】在英式英语中只作名词用,在美式英语中还可用作动词用. in practice实际上;在实践中;在练习中,在开业中 make a practice of(sth.)以...为习惯;习以为常 out of practice荒疏 【区别】 exercise着重指体力、智力、力量、健康与精力.practice着重用于反复经常的行为以求发展技术,尤指某种特殊能力的运用.training主要是指训练

considerable training

根据句意,管理人员常常要接受一些关于职业技能方面的培训,但是很少培训是关于人力管理的. 前后应该是转折关系.关键词在于little,这个词体现了前后的转折关系


1、training,训练。读音:美/u02c8treu026anu026au014b/;英/u02c8treu026anu026au014b/。2、释义:n.训练;培养;瞄准;整枝。v.训练;教养(train的ing形式)。3、例句:The new students are going to have a weeks military training.新来的学生将要进行为期一周的军训。相关短语:1、训练护士:train a nurse2、训练新兵:drill new recruits3、野外训练field training4、正规训练regular training5、专业训练professional training

敏感性训练(sensitivity training)


请加强训练英语怎么说,可以说please enhance training吗?

Strengthening English

什么是Training metrics

Training metrics指的是培训指标企业在实施培训过程中,除了关注培训的内容和方法外,更注重培训效果达到既定的目标,培训的投入产出是否达到预期,培训是否给员工带来知识面的拓宽和能力的提升,最终给企业带来效益等等,所以说培训效果是培训工作的目标,也是培训工作的核心内容。但是,对培训效果的评估和考核一直是培训工作的难点,特别是像国内一些刚发展起来的企业,在培训方面还没有完善相关的机制,面对不同的培训内容和培训体系,如何科学、合理,有针对性的评估培训效果,

军训 Military Training

In our country,when we go to middle school, we must attend to the military training. Most Studentsare afraid of it, because the training often happens in hot summer. In summerdays, the weather is too hot to stand. But students have to stay outside allthe day. In addition, the training is very hard. Students have to learn to be asolder. They have to obey many rules that they don"t have to in daily life. And,the trainer is very strict to students. They do like our teachers who care uspatiently. However, military training is a good way to train students" strongwillpower. It"s useful to the life of students. Therefore, it"s necessary tovery student.,在我国,当我们去上初中的时候,我们必须参加军训。到部分的学生都害怕军训,因为训练通常是在炎热的夏天进行。夏天,天气炎热难熬。但是,学生必须一整天都呆在外面。另外,训练还很辛苦。学生们必须像士兵一样。他们必须遵守很多在日常生活中无需遵守的规则。而且,教官对学生很严厉。他们像老师一样耐心照顾我们。但是,军训也是一种锻炼学生意志的好方法。它对学生的生活很有帮助。因此,军训对学生是很必要的。


培训 [péi xùn]to cultivate

cross-cultural training 是什么意思


an associate degree in recreational therapy,training in art,drama,or music therapy;or qualifying w

1. 如你所说,前面部分是第一个层次中的平行并列结构 an associate degree in recreational therapy 康复治疗所需的修满二年课程的肄业证书,(associate degree 指大学修满二年课程的肄业证书) training in art, drama, or music therapy;艺术、戏剧或音乐治疗方面的培训2. 分号后是前面部分并列的另一个层次 or qualifying work experience may be sufficient for activity director positions in nursing homes. (如果不是上述情况)具有资格的工作经验也许在疗养院足以满足疗养活动指导人的这些职位。 1)or 表示对上文的选择修正,意思是“否则, 要不然” 2)may 在这里表示有可能,是一种不确定的猜测,而不是有把握的的推测; 3)activity director positions 可以进行增益翻译——疗养活动负责人的这些职位(“活动”前增加“疗养”二字并没有改变原句的意思,但是对汉语来说却显得更加流畅)

Which of the following activities is the best for training detailed reading?


training school是什么意思


training course是什么意思

training course培训课程双语对照training course[英][ˈtreiniŋ kɔː(r)s][美][ˈtrenɪŋ kɔː(r)s]培训班; 训练班; Mars provides all new employees an "essence of mars" training course within sixmonths after they start. 所有新员工入职后半年内都会参加培训课程玛氏精华(Essence of Mars)。如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

training course什么意思

中文翻译是培训班,主要用法是“针对之前没有系统的知识而需要从事当前专业工作的人”进行培训学习的时候,就用"training course".

请问training deck是什么意思?




technical training是什么意思

  《静夜思》作者:李白  床前明月光,疑是地上霜。

bmw training什么意思

bmw training宝马训练双语对照例句:1.Bmw training center shanghai groundbreaking ceremony. 宝马上海培训中心奠基仪式。2.Two months later, bmw brilliance announced to make another donation ofrmb 250000 to shenyang education bureau for the training of personnelworking in shenyang auto industry and construction of facilities. 两个月之后,华晨宝马宣布向沈阳市教育局捐款25万元,用于沈阳市汽车行业人才培养及软硬件设施建设。



training the trainner 指的是什么意思


training program是什么意思

training program培训计划双语对照词典结果:training program[英][ˈtreiniŋ ˈprəuɡræm][美][ˈtrenɪŋ ˈproˌɡræm]训练方案; 例句:1.Find a charity group training program. 加入慈善团体的训练计划。

training course是什么意思


training manual是什么意思

training manual [英]ˈtreiniŋ ˈmænjuəl [美]ˈtrenɪŋ ˈmænjuəl 训练手册 [例句]The national security agency has declassified its training manual for using common search engines as a research tool.美国国家安全局(NationalSecurityAgency)最近解密了一份特工培训手册,培训他们运用公开搜索引擎进行调查。希望能帮上忙。如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。


其实如果想知道matlab中函数的作用,最好是help一下~,慢慢的你会发现它很强大的.help一下呗,事实证明你的确信是错的help absABS Absolute value.ABS(X) is the absolute value of the elements of X.When X is complex,ABS(X) is the complex modulus (magnitude) of the elements of X.这个就是它的作用,简单说就是求绝对值,比如ABS(-1) = 1,ABS(2) = 2.

interval training是什么意思

interval training[医]间歇训练;

customer training什么意思

customer training客户培训例句:1.Eastern regional sales agent specializing in sales and customer training and support for Cardiac Devices.

Their training是什么意思

他们的训练祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

train 和training有什么区别吗?

train 现在式 : He trains very hardtraining 现在分词 : He went through a lot of training before he...复数: trains 过去式: trained 过去分词: trained 现在分词: training 第三人称单数: trains

mobile training是什么意思

mobile英 [ˈməʊbaɪl] 美 [ˈmoʊbl]adj.可移动的; 行动自如的; 易变的; 流动性的n.风铃; 手机网 络流动相;手机;莫比尔;移动复数: mobilestraining英 [ˈtreɪnɪŋ] 美 [ˈtrenɪŋ]n.训练; 培养; (枪炮,摄影机等的)瞄准; 整枝法v.训练,培养( train的现在分词); 教育; 瞄准; 整枝网 络训练;培训;培养;锻炼复数: trainings

training in /for 什么意思



training 训练这是训练鞋

training wings 是什么意思


training course是什么意思

training course 的意思是“培训班;训练课程;实习课”短语training pe course 训练体育课training teaching course design 培训教学课程设计例句This is more important than any book or training course. 这比任何书籍或训练课程都更重要。

乔丹品牌中training G什么意思?


training certificate是什么意思


training course是什么意思

training course 培训班;导流水道;训练课程;整治线 培训课程;训练班;训练室例句筛选1.She received a certificate to show that she had attended the training course.她获得了证书说明她参加了培训班。2.Congratulations! I heard that you are going to take a two-week training coursein the headquarter.恭喜你!我听说你要去总部接受为期两个星期的培训。



training command是什么意思

training command 英[ˈtreiniŋ kəˈmɑ:nd] 美[ˈtrenɪŋ kəˈmænd] [词典] 训练部; [例句]This system of replacement was preferred over the more conventional method of an army-wide replacement and training command.这种补充兵员的制度倾向于传统的做法,就是(成立)一个全军统一补充兵员和训练的司令部的做法。


start [stɑ:t]vt. 开始;启动vi. 出发n. 开始;起点eg; The bus will start at 7:30 tomorrow morning.汽车将于明晨7时30分准时开出。In order to get out of the peak-hour traffic, we must start early.我们得早点儿动身以避开交通高峰期。希望我的回答对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你新年快乐 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O

training course是什么意思

  training course  [英][ˈtreiniŋ kɔː(r)s][美][ˈtrenɪŋ kɔː(r)s]  培训班; 训练班;    例句:  1.  Police said mclendon had briefly been employed as a samson, alabamapolice officer in 2003 but flunked out of the training course.  警察说麦克兰登曾经在2003年的时候在阿拉巴马森孙警察局工作过一段时间,不过后来因为训练课程不及格而离开。    2.  Another attempt at reform has been the so-called "focused districtdevelopment" in which all policemen from a district are taken out for aneight-week training course, re-equipped, and sent back with americansoldiers acting as "mentors".  另一项改革尝试是所谓的“集中区域发展”,在这项尝试中,来自某一地区的全部警察被调出,参见达八个月的培训班,重新装备,然后连同充当指导员美军士兵被遣回。

basic training是什么意思

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