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travel industry和tourism industry都是旅游业的意思。tourism industry侧重旅游风景的观光经营,而travel industry包含的含义比tourism industry更广,比如购物、游乐园这些也都包括在内。

travel ,visit ,trip .tour ,tourism 区别

都作名词时:travel:the action of traveling, typically abroadvisit:the act of going to see some person or place or thing for a short timetrip:a journey or excursion, esp. for pleasuretour:a journey for pleasure in which several different places are visitedtourism:the business of providing services to tourists

visit travel tour tourism 的区别







p.travel是深圳市栢博旅游用品有限公司旗下品牌,2012年创立于香港,品牌创始人Peggy,故名Peggy"s travel ,并成为P.travel首席设计师。



[A]journey[ B ] travel[ C] visit[D] voyage


journey tour travel trip voyage excursion expedition cruise 都有旅游,旅行,等意思,怎么区别应用呢

journey, tour, travel, trip, voyage, excursion, expedition, cruise这些名词均含“旅行”之意。journey: 最普通用词,侧重指时间较长、距离较远的单程陆上旅行,也指水上或空中的旅行。tour: 指最后返回出发地,旅途中有停留游览点,距离可长可短,目的各异的周游或巡行。travel: 泛指旅行的行为而不指某次具体的旅行,多指到远方作长期旅行,不强调直接目的地,单、复数均可用。trip: 普通用词,口语多用,常指为公务或游玩作的较短暂的旅行。voyage: 指在水上旅行,尤指海上旅行,也可指空中旅行。excursion: 较正式用词,常指不超过一天的短时期娱乐性游玩,也可指乘火车或轮船往返特定景点的远足旅游。expedition: 指有特定目的远征或探险。cruise: 主要指乘船的游览并在多处停靠。

travel journey voyage trip之间有什么区别

这一组词都有“旅行”的意思,但各词的含义有所不同。1. journey指从一地到另一地,通常指陆地上的远距离“旅行”,有时也可以表示经常走的或长或短的“路程”。只作名词。例如:I took a journey from Beijing to Shanghai last year.-- How long is your journey to school? --Only about 10 minutes.2. voyage主要指远距离的水上旅行,也可以指空中旅行意思为“航海、航空、航行”等。只作名词。例如:She usually gets seasick during the voyage.They made a voyage across the Pacific by air.3. trip 一般指时间短、距离近的“旅行、远足”,也可以指长途旅行。在非正式用语中可代替journey。只作名词。例如:We made a boat trip to the island last week and had a good time.I will be on a trip to / journey to the south next summer holiday.4. tour 着重指旅行线路比较曲折,常表示“(周游各地的)参观、访问、(巡回)旅游、视察、购物、演出”等意思。可作动词和名词。例如:I will tour the world in the future.My father has gone down-town on a shopping tour.5. travel作“旅行、游历”解,一般表示从一地到另一地旅行这一总的概念。常指长时间、远距离的“旅行”。尤指出国旅行。可作动词和名词。其复数形式意思为“旅游笔记”、“游记”。例如:

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travel trip tourist sightseeing 的用法有什么区别

例如:It"s really nice to travel around the world as a tourist .作为一个旅游者做全球旅行真的不错.A trip for sightseeing is very interesting.观光旅行真有趣.


travel是旅行的意思,侧重旅游的行为或旅行中的过程。例如:I like traveling. 我喜欢旅行。(旅行这一行为)tourism则侧重指旅游这个行业.Mr Pok has now gone into the tourism business. 波克先生现在从事旅游业。

travel trip tourist sightseeing 的用法有什么区别

同样有旅游,出行意思的四个单词travel trip tour(tourist是游客,不应出现在比较行列) sightseeing,意思上比较接近,词性均为名词,用法上各有侧重但区别并不十分严格。travel这个词比较强调行程本身这个动作,不一定要从A到B直接到达,但一定是要动起来,而且通常这种行程比较漫长。例句:You had better travel to Hamberg tomorrow.trip这个词强调的是从原来的地方短暂的离开一下,更重视返回出发点。例句:On the Thursday we went out on a day trip.tour这个词强调的是一种身在异乡为异客的感受,这种旅行通常是为了增长见识,接触异地文化等目的,所以离不开跟异乡人的接触。例句:Mr Cook has arrived in Greece on the final stage of a tour which also included Egyptand Israel.sightseeing这种旅行,重点更多的是在自然景观,人文古迹等观赏性的东西,并不强调跟异乡人有什么接触。例句:You have plenty of time for shopping and sightseeing in Tokyo.

英文作文:travel spotlight:yantai

Yantai (Yāntái 烟台) is a prefecture-level city in northeastern Shandong province. Located on the southern coast of the Bohai Sea (bó hǎi 渤海) and the eastern coast of the Laizhou Bay (lái zhōu wān 莱州湾), Yantai borders the cities of Qingdao (qīng dǎo 青岛) and Weihai (wēi hǎi 威海) to the southwest and east respectively.The largest fishing seaport in Shandong and a robust economic center today, Yantai used to be known to the West as Chefoo, a misnomer which refers, in Chinese, solely to Zhifu Island (zhī fú dǎo 芝罘岛), which is historically governed by Yantai.The contemporary name of Yantai came from the watchtowers constructed on Mount Qi (qí shān 旗山) in 1398, during the reign of the Hongwu Emperor (hóng wǔ dì 洪武帝), founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty (míng dài 明代). The towers served to raise alarms against invasions of Japanese pirates (wō kòu 倭寇).TourismBecause of its fair weather and extensive coasts Yantai is a popular summer retreat. Like many other cities in China, Yantai has improved and upgraded many tourist sites targeted at both national and international tourist. An example of these improvements is the remodeling of the beach area to better accommodate patrons. It is also home to Asia"s first bowling alley, which is located on the fourth floor of Parksons department store. There is also the haunted house , a highly exhilarating tourist attraction.Yantai HillIt is the symbol of Yantai City, which is famous for the Smoke Platform (an alarming signal system in ancient times), the lighthouse and the western-style buildings of foreign consulates built before the 1940s.Address: NO.7, Lixin Road (lì xīn 历新), Zhifu County, YantaiAdmission Fee: CNY 30How to go: You can take bus NO.3, 17, 43, 46 Mushi Demesne (móu shì zhuāng yuán 牟氏庄园) It was firstly constructed during the Yongzheng Period of Qing Dynasty. After one hundred-year"s expansion, now it covers an area of 20,000 square meters with over 480 rooms. It refects historic culture, architectural culture and social culture of ancient China. It is the largest yard buildings with residence feature of the north China which is protected well currently. It is also the key culture relic institute protected by the state, and reputed as the history memory of 600-year social cultures and the “civil imperial palace”. The annual culture festival is the most attractive civil activity. The specialist of the international organization made high evaluation on it and proposed to apply for the title of international culture relics. In 2000 defined this project was defined as the preferential development project Shandong Province. Address: NO.6, Zhuangyuan South Road (zhuāng yuán nán lù 庄园南路), Qixia (qī xiá 栖霞) County, YantaiAdmission Fee: CNY 60How to go: You can take bus NO.6 or you can take a special line to the DemesneDings" Former Domicile (dīng shì gù zhái 丁氏故宅)It located in Longkou City, is the luxurious house of Baiwan Ding, a millionair of Qing Dynasty. The building consists of several large yards and each yard has several ccompound yards. Till now, it is the biggest and best protected "Compound Yard" in China.Address: NO.21, Huangcheng (huáng chéng 黄城) West Street, Longkou (lóng kǒu 龙口) County, YantaiAdmission Fee: CNY 25How to go: You can take bus NO.105 to get thereNanshan Scenic Spot Zone (nán shān lǚ yóu fēng jǐng qū 南山旅游风景区) Situated in Longkou City, it is on the coastal line of the Bohai Sea. The zone takes the hotel, recreation palace and international golf course as center and it can meet the need of consumers at all levels. The Nanshan Hotel is the three-star international hotel which has relaxation, meeting and amusenent facilities. Occuping an area of 36,000 square meters, the Nanshan Recreation Palace is the Asian largest recreation center, which is the ideal place for relaxation. The biggest figure of Buddha in the world is also in the Nanshan Scenic Spot Zone, whose height is 28.66 meters and weight is 380 tons. The main scenic spots include Jimu Island, the General Stone, Hu Dahai Square, Sang Island, Yi Island, the Home Village of XuFu, the Former Residence of the Ding Family, Karts Cave of Small Laishan Hill and Nanshan Scenic Area. Nanshan Scenic Spot Zone is a perfect tourist and summer resort.Location: Hongqi Middle Road (hóng qí zhōng lù 红旗中路), Zhifu County, YantaiAdmission Fee: CNY 110How to go: You can take bus NO.5 or special line NO.105, also you can drive by yourselfYantai and Weihai. It has good communication facilities and is 50 kilometers away from the railway station, port and airport. As a national forest park and the birthplace of Quan Zhen Tao(Taoism), it is rich in tourist resources. Mountain Kunyu ranges rise and fall, with high and precipitous terrain. Withits peaks rising one higher than another, its scenery is very magnificent. It has 72 distinguished peaks of various shapes. The main mountaion is called the "ancestor of wonder mountaions " of the East Sea.The forest coverage of Mountain Kunyu is up to 80%. There are 60 families and 340 species of wood plants, over 600 species of herbaceous plants, and 348 species of ornament flowers. Among them, 14 species are listed in the key plants specially protected by the state. With the beautiful scenery of hills and waters, Mountain Kunyu is the best tourist attraction and summer resort. The development of Mountain Kunyu has been listed in the general planning of Yantai Urban Tourist Development. At preasant, there are already 5 large scenic spots, such as Taibo Summit (tài bó dǐng 泰礴顶), Yanxia Cave (yān xiá dòng 烟霞洞), Nine--dragon Pond (jiǔ lóng ch í九龙池), Yuegu Hall (yuè gū diàn 岳姑殿), Wuran Temple (wú rǎn sì 无染寺), which attract large number of tourists each year.Location: Longquan Town (lóng quán zhèn 龙泉镇), Muping County (móu píng qū 牟平区), YantaiAdmission Fee: CNY 110How to go: You can take a long-distance bus to get Muping from YantaiThe Changdao IslandsThe Changdao County (Cháng dǎo Xiàn 长岛县) is a county in Yantai. It consists of a chain of islands, Changshan Islands (zhǎng shān liè dǎo 长山列岛), in the Bohai Sea, north of Penglai (péng lái 蓬莱), Shandong Province. They are known for their sandy beaches and picturesque limestone cliffs. The total land area is only 56 square km, but the coastline is 146 km long.Both Changdao National Forest Park and Changdao National Nature Reserve are located on the islands, which are on a cross-Bohai Sea flyway.The islands are often referred to as the Temple Islands (miào dǎo qún dǎo 庙岛群岛) because of the large number of temples that were built there. Xianying Palace is a temple that was built during the Northern Song Dynasty, starting in 1122. It was originally a Taoist temple to the sea goddess Matsu (mā zǔ 妈祖), but became Buddhist later. At the present time the local government has restored the temple to its Ming Dynasty appearance, although many additions had been made during the Qing.Changdao Island was previously closed to non-Chinese nationals. Westerners found on the island were swiftly taken to the passenger ferry terminal and placed on the next ferry back to Penglai by the islands Police service. Islanders promptly reported all "outsiders" to the islands police service. (First hand experience) Police explained the reasons for this, due to the high number of military installations on the Island.The Changdao Islands are now open to non-Chinese nationals, including westerners。This was agreed by the local and national governments as of 1st December 2008.Admission Fee: CNY 100 or 150 (including different tickets)How to go: You can take a long-distance bus to Penglai (it take 50mins and takes off every 20mins and costs 17 Yuan), then you can go to Long Islands by ship (it takes 23 Yuan and the last ship takes off at 6:30pm).Specialty of Yantai- Yantai AppleYantai apple is one of the specialties of Shandong and the place of production are exclusively Qixia (qī xiá 栖霞), Zhaoyuan (zhāo yuǎn 招远), Haiyang (hǎi yáng 海阳), Muping (móu píng 牟平), Rushan (rǔ shān 乳山), Wendeng (wén dēng 文登). Yantai apple is well-known and welcomed for its sweety, juicy and tasty all over the world.Yantai apple was introduced by American missioners in 1871.Earlier it were exclusively two varieties, green banana and red banana; later it developed Little Guoguang (guó guāng 国光) and Jinshuai (jīn shuài 金帅); after China"s reforming and opening-up, it introduced Hongfushi (hóng fù shì 红富士), Qiaonajin (qiáo nà jīn 乔纳金),ect. Yantai apple is famous for its bright color and luster and fragrantly sweety. Yantai is the most important place of apple production, and Qixia apple is the most famous.Yantai apple was famous in the acient time because of its bigness and delicious, and its taste lasted long after it was eaten. Nowadays, Yantai apple is improved upon the basis, developed into many new varieties and sold all over the world.Yantai apple is famous for the long history of cultivation, with all varieties, high production, and good quanlity. The varieties of it are more than 200, green banana, red banana, Jinshuai, Guoguang are most famous varieties and stand for Yantai apple. Becides, Hongxing (hóng xīng 红星), Hongyu (hóng yù 红玉), Huangkui (huáng kuí 黄魁), Danding (dān dǐng 丹顶), Ruixiang (ruì xiāng 瑞香), Bayuesu (bā yuè sū 八月酥), Baishami (bái shā mì 白沙蜜), Hongfushi (hóng fù shì 红富士) and ect also taste great and have their own features.

wel-traveled 什么意思


人教版高中英语必修1《Unit 3 Travel journal》教案

  人教版高中英语必修1《Unit 3 Travel journal》教案【一】   教学准备   教学目标   1. 通过学生分享自己的旅游经历,用英语进行交流与表达。   2. 通过略读与找读,使学生获取文章主要信息,练习阅读技巧。   3. 通过小组讨论为旅游准备的物品,使学生用英语简单的语言实践活动。   教学重难点   教学重点:利用阅读技巧,获取文章大意及细节   教学难点:用英语交流并进行简单实践活动—旅游需要准备的物品   教学过程   I、Warming Up:   1. Iu2019d like to share my travelling experience with you, and would you like to share your travelling experience?   2. The world has many great rivers. Have you been to these rivers?   设计意图:大部分学生都喜欢旅游,老师谈谈自己旅游的经历,询问学生的旅游经历。列举世界上著名的河流图片,让学生来欣赏认识美好的河流。能有效地调动学生的学习积极性。河流图片的展示,学生猜测河流的名字,唤起学生的学习兴趣以及对大自然的热爱。   II. Pre-reading   Have you been to the Mekong River? What countries does the Mekong River flow through?   设计意图:展示沿湄公河的地图,引起学生的兴趣,让学生观察地图,说出湄公河流经的国家,为随后的阅读做好了内容和词汇上的铺垫。   III. Reading   1. Skimming   Skim the passage and find the main idea for each paragraph   Para 1: Dream   Para 2: A stubborn sister   Para 3: Preparation   设计意图: 略读:学生快速浏览课文,寻找相关信息并搭配段落大意。点拨阅读技巧:注意每段开头及结尾。   2. Scanning   1). Read Para 1 and find the key word for the information:   Who and What   Where and How   Why and When   设计意图:1.寻找who,what,where,how,why and when等关键信息,让学生把握这类记叙文的阅读要点。2. 根据图表复述,练习学生语言整合与连贯的能力。   2). Please use at least three adjectives to describe Wang Wei according to Para2, and give your reasons.   设计意图:研读课文第二段,思考至少3个形容词来描写王薇,并利用文章说出依据,目的是让学生研读,并挖掘支持自己观点的信息。   3). Read 3 and answer: what can they see along the Mekong River?   Suppose you are a tourist guide, please introduce the Mekong River briefly to your audience.   设计意图:先让学生从文中找到表示地貌的地理术语,利用形象生动的幻灯片,为学生扫清生词及读音障碍,然后让学生扮演导游的角色,结合示意图向游客介绍湄公河,从而达到复述的目的。   IV. Group work   Imagine that you are preparing for your own trip down the Mekong. In your groups of four: choose 5 things that you think are the most useful, and give your reasons why you choose them.   设计思路:读后讨论,学生想象去湄公河前必备的5件物品,并说明选择的理由。为学生准备地图,收音机,毯子,水杯,救生圈,雨伞,火柴,手机,照相机,药物,防晒霜等,学生小组讨论,并用英语表达个人看法与观点。   V. Summary   What have we learned in this class?   设计思路:引导学生反思本节课主要内容及重难点。   课后习题   Homework   1. Read the passage as fluently as possible after class.   2. Preview Learning about Language.   板书   板书设计:   Unit 3 Travel Journal   Part 1 The dream and the plan   careless waterfall   determined entire   excited view   crazy   stubborn   risk-taking   人教版高中英语必修1《Unit 3 Travel journal》教案【二】   教学准备   教学目标   知识目标:   复习两个阅读技能---scanning, skimming;   学习本单元的部分生词。   能力目标:   能形成文章的图式,在图式的帮助下自主地复述本课的主要内容,在此过程中实现生词的重现。   情感目标:   学生在教师的启发下,通过师生互动和生生互动,进一步探究知识。在这一过程中,学生可以不断地实现互相教育和自我教育,并能寻求自我发展;   学生能明白计划的重要性,并能收获一些与之相关的谚语。   教学重难点   形成文章的图式,并在图式的帮助下复述文章的主要内容。   教学工具   课件   教学过程   Steps   Teacheru2019s activity   Studentsu2019 activity   Aims   Step 1   Show and tell the students the learning goals for them and make possible explanations   Students listen to the teacher and have an idea of what they are going to learn in this class.   To make the students know what they are to learn in this class   Step 2   1). Show some pictures with beautiful scenery   2) Ask the students two questions:   Are they attractive?   Where do you want to travel? u2013 I dream about travelingu2026   1.) Students appreciate those pictures   2) Students answer teacheru2019s questions and practice the sentence pattern “I dream about traveling in/tou2026”   1). To arouse studentsu2019 interest   2) To practice a sentence pattern   Step 3   1). Show the title of the reading passage   2). Ask the students whether this passage is about the whole process of the journey.   3). Ask the students how to skim.   4) Tell the students the skill of skimming on the screen   1) Students answer the question after they read the subtitle of this part.   2). Students tell how to skim.   1) To make the students pay attention to the subtitle, which can tell the main idea of the passage.   2) To review how to skim   Step 4   1) Ask the students to skim more—to find out the main idea of each paragraph.   1) Students tell the main idea of each paragraph   1) To practice how to skim   Step 5   With four questions, teacher asks the students to scan paragraph 1   Ask students how the scan   Show the skills of scanning on the screen   Students scan paragraph 1, and answer the four questions   Students tell how to scan   To review how to scan   To practice how to scan   Step 6   1) Ask the students to scan paragraph 2 and find out what different attitudes Wang Kun and Wang Wei have, and then finish the table   1) Students scan paragraph 2 and finish the table   1) To practice how to scan   Step 7   1) Provide the students with a picture which describes a geographic word as well as a few sentences about the flow of the Mekong river on each slide and ask them to read the sentences.   2) Ask the students to match each geographic word to the proper meanings   1) Students read the sentences loudly together and look at the pictures and the related geographic words in the meanwhile.   2) Students do the matching work   1) To better know how the Mekong river flows   2) To help the students better learn the geographic words which are new to them   3) To check how the students understand the new words   Step 8   Review the structure of the passage together with the students and show some key words on the screen   Provide the students with some words and phrases which are the new words in this unit   Ask them to retell the main content of the passage in groups   With the teacher, students review the structure of the passage   Retell the main content of the passage in groups   To help students form the schema of the passage by reviewing the structure of it   To know the content of the passage better as well as to create more chances for the students to use the new words   Step 9   1) Ask the students what they learn from the story   2) Give the students some useful and related proverbs   1) Students share their opinions with the group members what they have learned from the story.   2) Students read the proverbs loudly together.   1) To encourage students to form their own views and share them with others   2) To learn some useful proverbs   Step 10   1) Summarize this class by showing the learning goals again   2)Homework   1) Students review what they have learned by reading the learning goals on the screen.   1) To help students review what they have learned in this class

roads untravel 歌词中文翻译

Weep not for roads untraveled不要因未走过的旅途而哭泣weep not for path left alone.不要因错过的道路而伤心Cause beyond every bend is a long blinding end.因为每条岔路,都通向炫目的尽头It"s the worst kind of pain I"ve known这是我所知道最深的痛Give up your heart left broken and let that mistake pass on忘掉你那破碎的心吧,把那段错误释怀吧cause the love that you lost wasn"t worth what it cost因为你失去的爱不值得你所付出的代价and in time you"ll be glad it"s gone.合并图册(3张)很快你会庆幸它已逝去Woah Oh Woah Oh Woah Oh Woah Oh Woah Oh Woah OhWeep not for roads untraveled不要因未走过的旅途而哭泣weep not for sights unseen.不要因未看到的风景而伤心May your love never end and if you need a friend愿你的爱永远不会结束,如果你想要个朋友……there"s a seat here along side me.我身旁的位子永远为你留着Woah Oh Woah Oh Woah Oh Woah Oh Woah Oh Woah Oh

请问在海上航行用英语怎么说?是直接用at sea 还是travel at sea?

记住,中文和英文不可能在所有情况下都是一一对应的,具体译法要看具体语境.单独用at sea不是一个完整的句子,travel at sea 才是一个完整的句子.此外根据不同情况可以译为: go on a voyage ,sail on the sea ,等等等等

第二部分:阅读理解 Passage 1 An English traveler found himself in Norway with only enough money to

一个英国旅行者发现自己在挪威的钱只够买了票,他回家。当他知道它会把他只有两天去英格兰,他认为他能轻易地花时间没有食物。所以他买了张票上了船。他关闭了他的耳朵的午餐钟声。当晚饭时间到了,他没有去餐厅,说他感觉不是很好。第二天早晨他没吃早饭,他又在午餐时间呆在自己的房间里。但是在晚餐时,他是如此的饿,他走进了餐厅,服务员都放在他面前的。他准备争吵(争执)。“把账单给我,”他说。“比尔,先生?“那个侍者说惊讶。“没有任何账单。在我们的船上三餐都包含(包括)的票钱,”侍者说。()36。故事发生_________。A .D船从挪威到英国在挪威在一个船从英国到挪威()37。旅行者不去餐厅因为__________。他没有钱,他感觉很不好他不想吃任何东西他没听见铃声()38。旅行者去食堂吃东西,因为______。他的朋友给了他一些钱B .服务员要求他改变他的想法他知道没有比尔在船上他太饿了()39。旅行者有_________在船上。只有一顿饭三餐B . 2.不()40。后旅客吃完,__________。他有过争吵的服务员在账单他喝了很多他要求服务员给他带来的改变(零钱)他终于知道,旅客在船上有免费的午餐

本人急需两篇以“how to be a civilized traveler"为题的英语作文。谢谢合作!

Make sure that you book a flight on an airline that recycles the refuse left from serving beverages and food to their passengers. using a rental car in your destination area, take advantage of pub

《《(HP)time traveler》芸曦》最新txt全集下载

《(HP)time traveler》芸曦 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:这是1970年的一个夏日的傍晚,和往常一样,人们步履匆匆的走在街上。昏暗的夜空下蜘蛛尾巷看起来阴森恐怖,很多家长都告诉自己的孩子不要在夜晚出没在那里。这时,一个衣着破烂,哆哆嗦嗦并且瘦弱可怜的小男孩蹒跚的走在小巷的路上,他叫西弗勒斯.斯内普,一个仅仅十岁的男孩,当然叫他小男巫更合适。今天他因为不小心在家里使用了魔法,又被他的混蛋父亲暴打了一顿,并且赶出了家门。流浪的生活他已经习惯了,独自生活在黑暗中,在逆境里面寻求容身之地,经过这几年的锻炼,已经融入了他的骨血中。小巷中偶尔几栋亮着灯的房子,传出饭菜的香气,让他这个一天没有吃饭了的孩子有些羡慕。突然,他感受到了自己面前的空气有些微微波动,长时间出没在蜘蛛尾巷这种不安全的地方,使他的反应尤为迅速。他警惕的看着前方,做出了面对危险的准备。“不要害怕,我没什么时间了,我也不知道什么时候就会被送回去,所以请好好听明白我接下来的话。我是未来的你,未来……应该是全本了




《OctopathTraveler2》番外篇完成后,玩家需要前往地图上的四个地点完成特定的任务。以下是具体步骤:1. 前往弗拉姆教堂村,完成BOSS战。2. 进入大圣堂,需要有两个对应职业的人同时使用包里的镜子点火。3. 前往兽人村的主兽墓穴。4. 前往库国右边的安静的洞穴。5. 前往日落遗迹,点亮四个火并完成最终BOSS战。注意:在完成任务时,可能会遇到等级较高的敌人,建议提升角色等级和装备后再进行挑战。祝您游戏愉快!

Redress number 和 traveler number是什么意思

Redress number申诉号码traveler number常旅客号码错误



Time Traveler 歌词

歌曲名:Time Traveler歌手:Rurutia专辑:Chorion07.Time Traveler /时光旅人词,曲,歌:Rurutia翻译:未知 (引自シェイドを突き抜け 强すぎる日差しが /强烈的日光 穿透了阴影真っ直ぐに伸びた道を歪める /弯曲了一直向前延伸的道路コンクリートと白く浊った空の间で /在混凝土和白浊的天空之间积み上げてはまた壊して 灰だらけの世界で /在灰尘的世界堆积起来再次破坏仆らは未来へと歩いてく /我们向着未来走去お腹を空かせて 小さく鸣いてる /轻轻的抱起那只痩せた子猫をそっと抱き上げる /肚子饿得咕咕响的瘦小的猫仔一つしかないこの星に 线を引くのは何故 /为何有一颗流星划出一条线夺い去ってくのは 谁 /那夺去的是谁皮肤の色や形や生まれた场所で /在肤色和形态各异的地方命の重さが変わる /生命的重量发生了变化そんな事が许されるはずないだろう /那样的事应该不会被允许吧でも 争いはまだ続いてて /可是争斗还在继续着铳声の音が届かない场所でもやっぱり /即使在没有枪声地方赤い血は流れていく /仍然流淌着红色的血积み上げてはまた壊して 灰だらけの世界で /在灰尘的世界堆积起来再次破坏仆らは未来へと歩いてる /我们向着未来走去

hook blues traveler 中文歌词

**重意而不字面的翻译版Hook(勾)by Blues Travelers我在说什么都不重要只要我唱腔变点音调就会让你感觉我正要送些心灵鸡汤和良药说这些实际等于没说不过水我能越灌越多不管是谁,我的工作就是让你躲不过诱惑这曲调就是勾人动听吊人胃口我童叟无欺这曲调就是勾人动听吊人胃口你尽管放心说点真话我言不由衷刚讲的全都狗屁不通突然来一段实话实说只因有瓜就有人会6不够的话我再加点料历史童话典故随便找-就像小飞侠跟女主角为啥到老都还没长毛?因为这样才勾人动听吊人胃口我童叟无欺这曲调就是勾人动听吊人胃口你尽管放心撑住,撑住,我得坚定:要当只听话的任丁丁或像安娜一样被遗弃是狗明星还是断头女总得试一试才能认清这MTV 不是免费视频都河蟹到要了我老命我玩命地唱着我的情我的怨我的痛我的恨跟着恐惧积在我心底积压成疾又无法割弃试了又试-还是说正经这时代谈感情伤财情可我爽我愿意我高兴除非我死否则你别信我能忍受这乌烟瘴气这种流行的顺耳歌曲3分种就熟的速食曲真想扎你掐你要你命把你家炸的一干二净我绝不妥协,除非这曲就是我写的,那就别停继续听,因为是我的心我想说的就是我的心是我一厢情愿的任性如果哪天我周转不灵我也不用想着靠运气因为这曲调勾人动听吊你胃口我童叟无欺这曲调勾你尽管放心*类似饶舌令那段提到的Rin Tin Tin跟Anne Boleyn的个人解释是:Rin Tin Tin本来是只在第一次世界大战时被救回的军犬,听说脾气暴躁不过后来被训练成当时美国家喻户晓的宠物明星,演过25部电影-不过绝大部分是无声的Anne Boleyn-安娜博林是英国亨利八世的妻子,在1533-1536时加冕为英国皇后,记载说是很有政治手腕和人脉,后来因为没有子嗣而且当时亨利喜新厌旧被找借口与莫须有的罪名安排上了断头台这对比我就当是作者在自白想着是该随波逐流做只红遍天但是无法让人听见自己声音的听话狗,还是我行我素然后随时可能被砍头(因为反潮流而断了人气与自己的音乐生命)这首歌从头到尾都是在讽刺当下的pop rock轻音乐,用大同小异的顺耳曲调和工厂生产线似的填词手法/唱腔来掩盖没营养没价值的歌词而还偏偏让大多听众着迷歌词部分就不用多说了,更讽刺好玩的是作者写这首歌时采用的的主和音旋律故意与很多轻音乐曲完全相同-全部都是由 Pachebel (约翰·帕赫贝尔)的卡农曲演变而来的所以里面说许多Pop Rock曲实际上和泡面差不多都是3分钟就能谱出是一点也不为过。如果有兴趣听听看美国流行歌曲里有多少黏贴着几乎一模一样的和音旋律,可以搜寻 Rob Paravonian Pachebel Rant 或者 Axis of Awesome 4 chords,你会发现如果不管歌词的话好像从头到尾在听同一首歌

An English traveler found himself in Norway with only enough money to buy the ticket for him to...

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:D小题4:D 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文讲述了一位去挪威的旅行者因为只有买船票的钱,就坚持在船上不吃饭。最后实在饿极了,就去餐厅大吃了一顿。在准备和人为此吵架时,才发现原来船上的饭食是免费的。小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第一段描述,可知这个故事发生在从挪威去伦敦的船上。故选B。小题2:细节理解题。根据An English traveler found himself in Norway with only enough money to buy the ticket for him to go back home. 描述,可知他的钱只够买回家的船票了。故选A。小题3:细节理解题。根据短文第二段But at dinnertime he was so hungry that he went to the dinning room and ate everything the waiter put in front of him. 描述,可知他去餐厅吃饭是因为他太饿了。故选D。小题4:细节理解题,根据短文第三段“There isn"t any bill. On our ship meals are included (包括) in the money for the ticket,” said the waiter.描述,可知船上的饭食是免费的。故选D。


八方旅人2《OctopathTraveler2》隐藏BOSS攻略不知如何解决,为此小编给大家收集整理八方旅人2《OctopathTraveler2》隐藏BOSS攻略解决办法,感兴趣的快来看看吧。八方旅人2《OctopathTraveler2》隐藏BOSS攻略队伍此时全员70级左右,没有吃过任何坚果。因此,普通玩家50级左右的队伍吃了坚果应该也能攻略该BOSS。BOSS数据一阶段叹息王者(60000):枪 斧 弓 冰 风尖叫王者(60000):剑 斧 弓 风 光 暗嗔怒王者(60000):斧 杖 冰 风 光眼球(600000):短剑 斧 杖 雷 光二阶段咒眼的大剑(150000):火 冰 雷 风 光黑头盔(150000):剑 枪 斧 弓分割大地之臂(150000):剑 短剑 斧 火 光黑咒帝加尔戴拉(250000):弓 枪 短剑 冰战前准备八方旅人2隐藏BOSS通关攻略一队:学者、猎人和舞者满潜力学者(副职魔导,被动:先驱 浑身解数 魔力的代价 突破伤害上限 )装备历战之杖、美人鱼的饰环、天佑魔法衣、带一气呵成之爪和进化之獠牙猎人(副职神官,被动:先驱 BP加成 减少SP消耗 随意 )装备尽可能提高行动速度舞者(副职发明家,被动:先驱 BP加成 减少SP消耗 随意)装备尽可能提高行动速度商人(副职神官,被动:先驱 BP加成 减少SP消耗 随意)装备随意猎人捕获:异邦大青蛙Ⅱ:敌全体2斧(海上-康宁湾北LV52恶食之巢)古代大鸟人Ⅲ:敌全体弓,附加我方全体属攻提升2回合(西格拉维尔荒道-LV50白色幽谷)恐狼:敌全体4短剑,敌全体物防速度降低8回合(凑足4人加3招募去南斯托姆黑伊鲁雪道进巨壁的地下洞,过桥会压塌桥掉入奈落之城。重组阵容后再来到尽头打败LV52BOSS,切换地图后在奈落之城随机遇到)八方旅人2隐藏BOSS通关攻略二队:剑士、盗贼和药师满潜力剑士(副职武器大师,被动:先驱 改造首饰 突破伤害上限 减少SP消耗)装备历战之剑、勇王之斧、巨人棍棒、保镖之利、轻纱之道、管家燕尾服、阿鲁皮奥奈的护身符和冠军腰带,以1HP参战盗贼(副职舞者,被动:先驱 强化回合+1 减少SP消耗 突破伤害上限)极限行动速度,装备历战之剑和复仇匕首药师(副职随意,被动:先驱 BP加成 改造首饰 减少SP消耗)装备尽可能提高行动速度神官(副职随意,被动:先驱 BP加成 减少SP消耗 随意)装备随意,首饰佩戴加强弱化的护身符(降低属性回合+1)剑士习得:大圣者的神盾:100SP,赋予单体不受任何攻击1回合(卡纳布莱因教堂中央神官)超级调查:6SP,发现敌单体HP和2个弱点(蒙特维斯中央章鱼研究者)核心道具:完全恢复的果酱:汀巴雷因法庭左侧桥边士兵掉落(强度8)超级恢复药:洛克岛左上有守门的房子里有3个。行动顺序


不知道大家有没有解决,我自己可算是捣鼓出来了: 你们打开设备管理器,找到其他设备里面的data traveler然后卸载设备,再重新插入就可以了!

Redress number 和 traveler number是什么意思


fellow traveler是什么意思


Loulan city is not at all a traveler who has never ...


阅读理解。 A traveler came out of the airport. There were a lot of taxis...


receipt traveler,PO line number各是什么意思啊?


win10电脑data traveler g2以太网控制器显示感叹号?


初音ミク《little traveler》罗马音、中文歌词

Little Traveler小小旅人作词:ジミーサムP 作曲:ジミーサムP 编曲:ジミーサムP 呗:初音ミク翻译:堤风 砂漠に沈む夕阳に想う 怀念著那落日沙漠中 sabaku ni shizumu yuuhi ni omou 风を缠った君の影 你那被风缠绕著的影子kaze wo matotta kimi no kage 瞬きはじめる星に愿う 对著开始闪烁的星星许愿mabataki hajimeru hoshi ni negau 「もう一度、魔法をかけて」 「请再施展一次魔法吧」 「mou ichido , mahou wo kakete」 何処へ消えた? 你去了哪里呢? doko e kieta ? きっとこの空の何処かで… 一定在这片天空的某处吧… kitto kono sora no dokokade ... 星を砕く木には水を 为弄坏星星的树木灌溉hoshi wo kudaku ki niwa mizu wo 想いを砕く蔷薇に爱を 为使坏的蔷薇献上爱情omoi wo kudaku bara ni ai wo 君がいま笑うなら 只要你能露出微笑kimi ga ima warau nara もう何も何も要らない 我什麼都不需要了mou nanimo nanimo iranai 砂漠に沈む夕阳に想う 思索著那落日沙漠中sabaku ni shizumu yuuhi ni omou 君が残したあの言叶 你留下的那句话kimi ga nokoshita ano kotoba 静まりかえる星に愿う 对著静静流转的星星许愿shizumari kaeru hoshi ni negau 「もう二度と、魔法を解かないで」 「请别让魔法再度解除」「 mou nido to , mahou wo toka naide」 ぼくが见える? 看得见我吗?boku ga mieru ? きっと涙を流したままで… 一定是泪流满面的样子吧… kitto namida wo nagashita mamade ... 星を砕く木には水を 为弄坏星星的树木灌溉hoshi wo kudaku ki niwa mizu wo 想いを砕く蔷薇に爱を 为使坏的蔷薇献上爱情omoi wo kudaku bara ni ai wo 君がいま笑うなら 只要你能露出微笑kimi ga ima warau nara もう何も要らないんだ 我真的什麼都不需要了mou nanimo ira nainda さあ息を吸い込んで 来吧,深吸一口气saa iki wo sui konde その场所を目指して 向著那地方sono basho wo mezashite 响け 呼喊吧hibike ぼくはまた空を见るよ 我会一直看著天空boku wa mata sora wo miruyo 君の居る空を见るよ 会一直看著有你在的这片天空kimi no iru sora wo miruyo たとえ「大切なものは、目に见えない」としても 即使「真正重要的东西,眼睛是看不到的」tatoe「taisetsu na mono wa , me ni mienai」toshitemo

Time Traveler是什么意思

Time Traveler 时间旅行者 双语对照 词典结果: Time Traveler 时光旅人(书名); 超时空女郎(电影名); 时间旅行; 很高兴为您解答 您的采纳是我答题的动力 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,


Strong sunlight penetrating a shadow Has been extended forward bend of the road In the concrete and between the white of the sky Dust accumulation in the world to once again undermine the We walked towards the future Gently picked up the only Cuckoo hungry bellies of the small ring of kittens Why is there a meteor draw a line Who claimed that Color and shape in different places The weight of life has changed As a matter should not be allowed to bar But the struggle continues Even in the absence of gunfire still flowing red blood Dust accumulation in the world to once again undermine the We walked towards the future 翻译:强烈的日光 穿透了阴影弯曲了一直向前延伸的道路在混凝土和白浊的天空之间在灰尘的世界堆积起来再次破坏我们向着未来走去轻轻的抱起那只肚子饿得咕咕响的瘦小的幼猫为何有一颗流星划出一条线那夺去的是谁在肤色和形态各异的地方生命的重量发生了变化那样的事应该不会被允许吧可是争斗还在继续着即使在没有枪声地方 仍然流淌着红色的血在灰尘的世界堆积起来再次破坏我们向着未来走去

MINI纯电MPV假想图 最快2023年亮相/或命名TRAVELER

易车讯 近日,我们从相关渠道获得了MINI纯电MPV假想图,该车基于此前亮相的MINI VISION URBANAUT概念车打造,定位纯电MPV。另外,最新消息是,该车有望于2023年到2024年亮相,或将命名为TRAVELER。最新消息表明,MINI TRAVELER将会基于VISION URBANAUT概念车打造,长度在4400毫米左右,可能会与长城共同开发,预计会基于FAAR We平台制造,得益于纯电动品牌紧凑的布局,将会采用四轮四角设计,拥有更大的内部空间表现,以及方便上下车的侧滑门设计。VISION URBANAUT概念车虽然新车是否会推出,在MINI官方消息发布前,还不能完全确定,但是按照该品牌对未来的规划,将会推出多款新车产品,其中就包括全新小型车、两款全新SUV、全新MPV产品等新车型。


Traveler"s Choice是全球知名旅行用品品牌TCT旅选。

请问traveler和tourist 有啥区别吗?具体用法,谢谢









这不就是一些U盘上的英文字吗 应该是移动存储器

the sketchbook的《Traveler》 歌词

歌曲名:Traveler歌手:the sketchbook专辑:the sketchbook altravelerThe Sketchbook作词:多田宏作曲:tatsuoどんなことも楽しんでいこうぜどうせならそう全力で悲しくなってうつむいたってその中见つけた喜びを拾い上げて见上げたらそこに太阳まだ知らない自分をこの旅の中探していこう他の谁かのその気持ちを知りたいなんて思ってる自分のことでも分からないのに…教科书に载ってたりしてないかな?心のカタチのパズルにピースはめ込んだら足りないんだ 分かってるんだ残った余白はこれから描くからどんなことも楽しんでいこうぜどうせならそう全力で悲しくなってうつむいたってその中 见つけた喜びを拾い上げて见上げたらそこに太阳まだ知らない自分をこの旅の中探していこう自分じゃ见えない自分のことが人の形の镜に映るパズルのピースは谁かの手の中にも隠れてる知りたいんだ 繋ぐんだ残った余白を一绪に描けたらいいどんなことも意味があるんだどうせなら自分が放った光でいつかその足元照らしていけたなら何処までも続く道で谁もがそう谁かの太阳この旅の地図ならばもう持っていたよ この胸にどんなことも楽しんでいこうぜどうせならそう全力で悲しくなってうつむいたってその中 见つけた喜びを拾い上げて见上げたらそこに太阳まだ知らない自分をこの旅の中…探していこう 光放って谁もがそう谁かの太阳もっと自分を知ることでその辉きは増すはずさ


"Traveler" 是英文中的一个名词,指的是旅行者或游客。它可以用来描述那些喜欢探索新地方、体验不同文化、旅行到不同目的地的人。扩展:除了常见的字面意义,"traveler" 这个词还可以有一些其他的含义和扩展:文化交流者:作为旅行者,人们有机会接触和了解不同的文化、习俗和传统。因此,"traveler" 还可以指那些通过旅行来促进文化交流和相互理解的人。冒险家:有些旅行者喜欢寻求冒险和挑战,他们追求与众不同的旅行经历,例如登山、潜水、探险等。这些人可以被称为冒险旅行者或冒险家。职业旅行者:有些人选择将旅行作为一种职业,通过旅行写作、摄影、导游等方式来谋生。他们以探索世界、分享旅行经历和启发他人为目标,成为职业旅行者。内心探索者:旅行也可以是一种内心的探索和成长过程。人们通过旅行来发现自我、寻求个人成长和解决内心问题。这种旅行者可以被称为内心探索者或自我发现者。总之,"traveler" 这个词可以代表喜欢旅行的人,无论是为了休闲度假、文化交流、冒险探索还是内心成长,旅行者都有机会获得宝贵的经历和见解。



在英国买oyster card 还是travel card?

lz,去英国玩和去伦敦玩是两码事。你上面说的那些东西是只有在伦敦在用得着。如果你游伦敦,就买day travel就行了。游英国,该买啥票买啥,没有什么万能的。其实这些东西折合成人民币5天下来最多也就能省个2,3百人民币了不得了。所以不需要研究太久了。学生卡要ISI,但也不是所有店都好用。

World Traveller Plus是什么意思

World Traveller Plusn.“超级环球旅行”舱,“英国航空”航空公司推出的其设施、服务及票价介于经济舱和商务舱之间的一种舱位。;

圣斗士星矢dream traveller ,这首歌谁有有歌词的,谢谢了~~


heavy traveller 啥意思

heavy viny浓密的像葡萄树的。。。。。viny[英]["vau026anu026a][美]["vau026ani:]adj.葡萄树的,像葡萄树的; heavy[英][u02c8hevi][美][u02c8hu025bvi]adj.重的,沉重的; 大量的,浓密的; 激烈的; 重型的; n.重物; 庄重的角色; adv.密集地; 大量地; 笨重地; 复数:heavies最高级:heaviest比较级:heavier易混淆单词:Heavy例句:1.European union countries also face heavy debt loads and social unrest. 欧盟国家也面临着沉重的债务负担和社会动荡。2.Past promises remain a heavy burden. 过去的退休金承诺仍是一个重大负担。

curse of the traveller 歌词

歌曲名:curse of the traveller歌手:Chris Rea专辑:dancing with strangersOn the restless road to nowhereThere"s no certain peace it seemsDesire to keep on movingTill the river of dreamsIs it just because someone told youIs it just because you foundOld freedom feels uneasy when duty is aroundWhen allegiance asks the questionsChris ReaOld freedom twists and turnsAnd chokes on codes of honourOn the sword of no returnAnd it"s the curse of the travellerThe curse of the travellerGot a hold of meAnd it won"t let you beAnd in sleepless nightsYou"ll call her nameAnd feel loneliness cold to the boneAnd when the daylight breaksTo be such a long way, such a long way from homeAnd you long for the harbourlightsBut you"ll never be freeOf the craving for refugeAnd the call of the seaAlways wanting to sell upBut always needing to buySo till the road leads to somewhereAnd that river runs dryIt"s the curse of the travellerAin"t gonna let you beThe curse of the travellerAnd it sure got a hold of me

Days Are Numbers (The Traveller) 歌词

歌曲名:Days Are Numbers (The Traveller)歌手:The Alan Parsons Project专辑:Platinum & Gold CollectionThe traveller is always leaving townHe never has the time to turn aroundAnd if the road he"s taken isn"t leading anywhereHe seems to be completely unawareThe traveller is always leaving homeThe only kind of life he"s ever knownWhen every moment seems to beA race against the timeThere"s always one more mountain left to climbDays are numbersWatch the starsWe can only see so farSomeday, you"ll know where you areRememberDays are numbersCount the starsWe can only go so farOne day, you"ll know where you areThe traveller awaits the morning tideHe doesn"t know what"s on the other sideBut something deep inside of himKeeps telling him to goHe hasn"t found a reason to say noThe traveller is only passing throughHe cannot understand your point of viewAbandoning reality, unsure of what he"ll findThe traveller in me is close behindDays are numbersWatch the starsWe can only see so farSomeday, you"ll know where you areRememberDays are numbersCount the starsWe can only go so farOne day, you"ll know where you are

Days Are Numbers (The Traveller) 歌词

歌曲名:Days Are Numbers (The Traveller)歌手:The Alan Parsons Project专辑:Best Of The Alan Parsons Project, Vol. 2The traveller is always leaving townHe never has the time to turn aroundAnd if the road he"s taken isn"t leading anywhereHe seems to be completely unawareThe traveller is always leaving homeThe only kind of life he"s ever knownWhen every moment seems to beA race against the timeThere"s always one more mountain left to climbDays are numbersWatch the starsWe can only see so farSomeday, you"ll know where you areRememberDays are numbersCount the starsWe can only go so farOne day, you"ll know where you areThe traveller awaits the morning tideHe doesn"t know what"s on the other sideBut something deep inside of himKeeps telling him to goHe hasn"t found a reason to say noThe traveller is only passing throughHe cannot understand your point of viewAbandoning reality, unsure of what he"ll findThe traveller in me is close behindDays are numbersWatch the starsWe can only see so farSomeday, you"ll know where you areRememberDays are numbersCount the starsWe can only go so farOne day, you"ll know where you are


Are you all want to be traveler?

i want to be a traveller改同义句

I would like to be a traveller.或I intend to be a traveller.

Lonesome Traveller 歌词

歌曲名:Lonesome Traveller歌手:Lonnie Donegan专辑:Rock Island Line - The Singles AnthologyAnita Lipnicka & John Porter - Lonesome Traveller【波兰】安妮塔·里普尼卡, 约翰·波特 — 孤独的过客Where is that lonesome traveller / 那孤独的过客,身在何方Who bids farewell and walks away / 挥罢衣袖,未曾回首Who takes away my dreams / 捎走我所有的梦想To protect them from the day / 不再受岁月的灼伤And where have all the bridges gone / 那昔日的桥梁,而今安在And young lovers burning bright / 还有那干柴烈火般,曾经的情侣You can only see them / 所有的身影隐约可见于Under the blanket of the night / 烟雨朦胧的夜幕里I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road called life / 行走在这尘土飞扬的人生路上Who will catch the Wonder / 谁会遇到那行奇迹的天神As it rains down from the sky / 飘飘然如雨般下凡到人间Bring back all our laughter / 带回来曾失去的所有欢乐Put the sun back up high / 重又将太阳高高挂回天上And where did all the seasons go / 所有的季节都去了哪里An explosion of shadow and light / 光与影碰撞出绚丽的火焰You can only see them / 所有的身影隐约可见于Under the blanket of the night / 烟雨朦胧的夜幕里I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road called life / 行走在这尘土飞扬的人生路上Who will lay me down / 谁会把我安葬In the coolness of the shade / 在那清凉的冢荫下Stroke my brow, caress my hand / 谁将抚摸我的额头,摩挲我的手On that eternal day / 在那永恒的日子里And where will all my memories gone / 我所有的回忆,都将栖身何处Where will they go / 栖身何处Will they all fade out of sight / 是否会了无痕迹You can only see them / 所有的身影隐约可见于Under the blanket of the night / 烟雨朦胧的夜幕里I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road / 行走在这尘土飞扬的路上I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road called life / 行走在这尘土飞扬的人生路上


traveler的意思是旅行者;旅客;旅行推销员(等于traveller)。短语搭配:the traveler.旅行者。passing traveler.过客。jib traveler.三角帆滑环。Advanced Traveler Information System.先进的出行者信息系统;交通信息系统。form traveler.挂篮。ring traveler.钢丝圈。traveler poem.行旅诗。Alone Traveler.孤独的行者。steel traveler.钢制钢丝圈。commercial travele.旅行推销员。shop traveler.移动发票。traveler"s joy.葡萄叶铁线莲。fellow traveler.旅伴。mule traveler.爬行吊车。creeper traveler.爬升式起重机。双语例句:1、Almost every traveler carries a camera.几乎每个旅行者都带著相机。2、But by the time I had finished the trip,I was an experienced traveler.但当我结束旅行时,我已经是一个颇有经验的旅行者了。3、Passports are frequently serviceable in proving the identity of the traveler.护照通常可用来证明旅行者的身份。4、None of us believed the time traveler,and we argued with him for many hours.我们没有人相信时间旅行者,还和他争论了好几个小时。


travelerKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 旅行者,旅客;游客She is my fellow traveler.她是我的旅伴。2. 【主英】旅行推销员[(+in)]3. 活环touristKK: []DJ: []n.1. 旅游者,观光者[C]San Francisco is full of tourists in the summer.夏天去旧金山旅游的人很多。2. (飞机、轮船等的)旅游舱,经济舱[U]a.1. 旅游的,观光的the tourist industry旅游业2. 旅游舱的,经济舱的,二等舱的ad.1. 在经济舱;乘经济舱

Passing traveller是什么意思 是过客吗?




A traveller came out of the airport.

1、Because he wanted to find Susannah"s brother.2、he didn"t want to spend his own money on the coming visit3、less than $1004、most important5、不会

the traveller 歌词

歌曲名:the traveller歌手:A Flock Of Seagulls专辑:listenI am a travellerAnd i"m arrivingIn a new placeWith a new face.So don"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.Don"t look behind you.You don"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,They"ll never find you.A Flock Of SeagullsI am a travellerAcross the oceanI wanna get there.I wanna swim in your emotion.So don"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.Don"t look behind you.You don"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,They"ll never find you.I am the travellerAcross a million miles of open.I wanna swim in your emotion.I won"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.Won"t look behind you.They won"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,Until they find you.I am a traveller,I am a traveller,I am a traveller,I am a traveller,Traveller,Traveller.Typed by john manfreda


都可以 我查字典了






没区别 来源不同




traveller:释义:n. 旅行者,旅客 traveller就是“旅zhi行者”的意思,本dao身就可以zhuan理解为shu过客。 扩展资料   例句:   People want to know the story behind the mysterious time traveler.   人们想知道这个神秘的时间旅行者的故事。   Do you want the whole amount in traveler"s check?   所有的`钱都用来买旅行支票吗?   Application of Form traveler Cantilever Construction Technology in Lianshui River Bridge   涟水河大桥挂篮悬臂浇筑法施工技术的应用







inthe means of travel

C.witnessed witness 目睹 原句意为:二十世纪下半叶目睹了人类旅行方式的稳步进步. 这里witness用作主动也是中英文差异之一,需熟记.类似的有see.witness在此表示见证,可以用物做主语.一般不用被动语态.本句单纯叙述一个过去的事实,所以不选A.


visitor是参观者,traveller是旅游者 traveller多用于散心旅游的语句中 而visitor用于针对某个事物,某个建筑进行参观 具体语境自己分析着看 passenger和traveller有点象 不过passenger有时会指旅居他乡的人 还是那句话 具体语境自己分析着看 该用哪个


passenger A person who travels in a conveyance, such as a car or train, without participating in its operation乘客:乘坐汽车或火车等公共交通工具,但不参与驾驶的人A wayfarer or traveler徒步旅行者或旅客visitorOne that visits来访者traveller,travelerOne who travels or has traveled, as to distant places旅行者:一个旅行或已经旅行过的人,如到遥远的地方同时要注意“旅行”跟“旅游”是不同的。旅行:从一个地方去往另一个地方旅游:为了公务、娱乐或教育参观多处名胜的一次旅行有关“旅游”的词主要以“tour”为词根,如tourist。

tourist、passenger、traveler、visitor 有什么区别? guest、ustomer 有什么区别?

1 tourist旅游者,观光者 passenger乘客 traveler旅行者,这个感觉侧重于长途跋涉的那种 visitor拜访者,不一定是旅行的2 guest客人,多指来家里做客的那种 customer顾客,就是商业方面的了
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