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总结了一下,主要考虑一下几个方面: 一看考试内容和备考方式。托业主要考察各类职业在真实工作场景和日常生活环境下的英语应用能力,淡化语法知识,讲究实用性;考生不需背大量词汇和题海战术,靠日常积累就能取得好成绩,为备考减轻了负担。BEC主要考察考生在纯商务环境下的英语沟通能力,包括不少专业商务英语词汇和语法,要用大量时间和精力备考。 二看考试项目。托业考察考生听、说、读、写四项技能,其中听力与阅读考试、口语与写作考试分开测试,可自由选择,从时间投入和经济成本上看都很实惠。BEC不能将每部分单独拆分出来,不利于考生发现自身薄弱环节。 三看考试评分公平性。托业每道题的判分都经过多重检查,托业口语考试时,计算机将考生答案录下来,再传到online评分系统,听说每道口语题由3-5位外国专家打分,每位专家对同一考生的口语题最多只抽一道,这样11道题在极端情况下是55名专家集体评出成绩的。而BEC的主观题特别是口语题的成绩很可能受考官人选、考官监考状态、口语测试搭档的表现等因素的影响。 四看证书含金量。托业考试是1976年由美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)研发的、面向全球各个国家的职业英语能力测试,最新统计数据显示,2010年考量已超过600万,覆盖全球120余个国家、10000多家国际知名企业,像微软、宝洁、摩托罗拉、埃森哲、爱立信、华硕、佳能等世界500强企业,国内的联通、海航、南航、华为、联想、TCL、海尔、新东方等本土企业都在用托业考试。BEC考试是1993年由教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作开发的,它立足于中、高等英语教育,而非企业人力资源管理和应用,并且BEC划分的等级与如何满足职场实际需求不够清晰。 五看证书有效期。如果考生处在不经常使用英语进行交流的职场环境中,一段时间后,英语实际使用能力就会大幅下降,因此企业更青睐有一定时间效度的英语成绩证明。对考生来说,托业考试的两年有效期比BEC长期有效的证书分数更具效力。 六看时间成本和精力成本。托业考试是考后评级,每个考生的成绩是基于同一标准的测量结果,可方便地进行横向和纵向对比。BEC是多等级标准(初、中、高)构成的体系,属考前分级,考生如果对自身实力预估不准,很可能造成时间、经济、精力的浪费,而且不同等级的成绩也无法比较。 看完这个你再琢磨琢磨~






交通运输 Transportation 情景常用词汇 1.arrival 到达 Flight status,arrival,and departure times are available on the airline website. 2.boarding pass 登机牌 Passengers will be issued a boarding pass at the check-in counter. 3.captain 机长 The captain and flight crew are responsible for your comfort and safety. 4.check-in counter 登机柜台 Please arrive at the check-in counter one hour prior to departure. 5.customs 海关 After passing through customs,please proceed directly to the Arrivals Hall. 6.departure 离开,出发 All departures have been postponed due to the approaching typhoon. 7.destination 目的地 Star Travel offers package tours to over 100 international destinations. 8.fare 票价 The fare of $350 does not include the airport taxes or travel insurance. 9.flight attendant 空服人员 Flight attendants are required to provide service in English on international flights. 10.itinerary 行程 Your travel itinerary includes day tours to serveral well-known tourist atttractions. 11.mechanic 技工 All tour buses are inspected once a month by a certified mechanic. 12.package tour 报价旅游,套餐 Discounted package tours are offered to all members of the Travel Club. 13.passenger 乘客 The number of passenger commuting to work by subway is increasing. 14.reservation 预定 Reservation can be made online or by calling our customer service hotline. 15.travel agent 旅行社专员 Information on European Railway passes can be obtained from your travel agent. 动词 1.approach 接近 We are approaching our final destination.Please prepare for landing. 2.assist 帮助 Flight attendants will assist you if you wish to purchase duty-free items. 3.board 登机 Passengers in seats 50 to 80 are requested to board the aircraft first. 4.cancel 取消 All inbound and outbound flight have been canceled due to thick fog. 5.commute 通勤 Carpooling is an environmentally-friendly way to commute to work. 6.confirm 确认 An e-mail will be sent confirming your reservation and travel itinerary. 7.continue 继续 Local public transportation continues to offer excellent service at low cost. 8.cooperate 合作 Sky Airlines cooperates with car rental agencies in all of its destination cities. 9.dicide 决定 We have yet to decide the destination for our annual company outing. 10.encourage 鼓励 Passengers are encouraged to check their belongs before exiting the train. 11.expand 扩大 The cruise company has expanded their fleet to include five luxury ships. 12.forward 专寄;转交 Your baggage will be forwarded through to your final destiantion. 13.include 包含 The tour package includes bus tickets,accommodation,meals and entertainment. 14.locate 位于 Lavatories are located at the front and rear of the plane cabin. 15.prepare 准备 Janet is preparing the schedule for our trip to Korea next month. 短语 1.be accessible by 可借由...容易达到 The marketing convention will be held in a small seaside resort, which is about one hour from the airport and easily accessible by car or scenic train. 2.be included in 包含于 The cost of a round-trip airline tickets is included in the seven-day cruise package. round-trip来回旅程的 3.for the duration of 在...期间 When we looked into it in detail, it was cheaper for us to get rental car for the duration of the trip. 4.in the event of 由于 In the event of severe winter weather,bus routes may be temporarily suspended until the roads are cleared and safe for travel. 5.reach one"s destination 抵达目的地 As the flight was delayed,We didn"t reach our destination until just after midnight. 商务英语常用被动语态,会使得描述的更加客观。 尽量不用cheap用low cost