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安装Oracle数据库实例报错 end-of-file on communication channel 请高人指点

O/S-Error: (OS 1455) 页面文件太小,无法完成操作。Exception [type: ACCESS_VIOLATION, UNABLE_TO_READ] [ADDR:0x20] [PC:0x7F66ED6C6EC, kslwtbctx()+556]似乎是windows本身的问题,部分内存无法访问,建议你确认该windows正常 且未安装杀毒软件之类可能妨碍oracle安装的软件

大连有两个NTT?NTT Communications和NTT data的区别是什么?NTT Communications的发展及待遇怎样呢?拜谢

前者主要是做电话网络的 后者是软件系统公司两个都是日本的顶级企业 都属于一个集团的待遇不是很清楚 但是应该差不多 前者相对不是那么辛苦当然 主要看朋友你的兴趣爱好了 毕竟业务还是有差的有问题可以继续问我,大家都在奋斗,互相帮忙,希望我提供的资料对你有用

求一篇题目为communication is wonderful的英文演讲稿,200字左右

沟通,让我们的生活丰富多彩;沟通,让我们的人生丰盈美丽;沟通,让我们的世界生机盎然。没有沟通,就不会有凝聚力和向心力;没有沟通就不会有合作,就不会有发展,更不会有成功。因此,沟通是联系感情的纽带,是事业成功的基础。 沟通,又必须从心开始,从真诚开始。只有这样,才能赢得大家对你的信任和支持,才能和大家在共同的蓝天下共同进步,共同分享人生的甜和美。虚假,只能是骗取一时的信任,而最终会失去朋友,失去友谊。很多时候,一声亲切的问候,一句无关紧要的话,一个微笑,也会给一个人的心灵带来一股暖流。  沟通,是人间盛开的最美的花,带着清香,把爱散播四方。  Communication, make our life rich and colorful; communication, let our life abundance beautiful; communication, let our world vitality abundant. Without communication, there will be no cohesion and solidarity; without communication there will be no cooperation, there will be no development, there will be no success. Therefore, communication is the link between the feelings of the cause of the success of the foundation.。yanjiang。com。cn。Communication, and must start from the heart, from the sincere. Only in this way can we win the trust and support of you, we can make progress together with you in the common blue sky, and share the sweet and beautiful life together. False, can only be a moment of trust, and eventually lose friends, lose the friendship. Most of the time, a cordial greeting, a few irrelevant, a smile, brings warmth to the hearts of a person.  Communication, is the world"s most beautiful flowers in full bloom, with a fragrance, the spread of love quartet.

quotes,sayings about communication英文的演讲用

He that converses not knows nothing. 不和人交谈的人一无所知。 Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. 读书使人渊博,交谈使人机敏,写作使人严谨。 Think with the wise, but talk with the vulgar. 同智者一起考虑,与俗人一起交谈。A boaster and a liar are cousins-german. 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。Fine words dress ill deeds. 漂亮的言词可以掩饰恶劣的行为。First think, and then speak. 先想后说。Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice. 要多听少说。He that knows not how to hold his tongue knows not how to talk.不知缄口的不善言。


  communicate有传达;沟通;交流等意思,那么你知道communicate的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    communicate的用法:   communicate的用法1:communicate的基本意思是“传达”“表达”,指把信息、知识、性能等传达给有关各方使用,引申可表示“交际”“交流”“交通”或“相连”“相通”。   communicate的用法2:communicate可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语。   communicate的用法3:communicate接介词to可以表示“传送给u2026”,接with可以表示“与u2026联系”或“与u2026相通”。    communicate的常用短语:   用作动词 (v.)   communicate to (v.+prep.)   communicate with (v.+prep.)    communicate的用法例句:   1. Family therapy showed us how to communicate with each other.   家庭疗法指导我们彼此之间的沟通交流。   2. He was unprepared to co-operate, or indeed to communicate.   他不愿意合作,甚至拒绝交流。   3. Group members have to communicate with each other through role-play.   小组成员必须通过角色扮演互相交流。   4. They went into a trance to communicate with the spirit world.   他们进入出神状态与灵界交流。   5. People must communicate their feelings.   人们需要表达自己的情感。   6. They can communicate even when they strongly disagree.   即便在有很大分歧时,他们也还是能够交流。   7. They successfully communicate their knowledge to others.   他们成功地把知识传授给他人。   8. We only communicate by email.   我们只是互通电邮。   9. ISDN connectivity allows computers to communicate over a network.   综合业务数字网连接实现了计算机网络通讯。   10. By the age of two most children have begun to communicate verbally.   大多数孩子两岁时就开始用说话沟通.   11. I will communicate your views verbally to the members of the committee.   我会将你的看法口头转达给委员会成员.   12. He asked me to communicate his wishes to you.   他请我向你转达他对你的祝愿.   13. I asked your sister to communicate my wishes to you.   我请你的妹妹向你转达我的祝愿.   14. Since then, they lost their ability to communicate with an audience.   自那以后他们再也无法引起观众的共鸣.   15. She and I don"t communicate any more.   我和她不再通信了.


【 #英语资源# 导语】communicate有传达;沟通;交流等意思,那么你知道communicate的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】communicate的用法大全   communicate的用法1:communicate的基本意思是“传达”“表达”,指把信息、知识、性能等传达给有关各方使用,引申可表示“交际”“交流”“交通”或“相连”“相通”。   communicate的用法2:communicate可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语。   communicate的用法3:communicate接介词to可以表示“传送给…”,接with可以表示“与…联系”或“与…相通”。 【篇二】communicate的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   communicate to (v.+prep.)   communicate with (v.+prep.) 【篇三】communicate的用法例句   1. Family therapy showed us how to communicate with each other.   家庭疗法指导我们彼此之间的沟通交流。   2. He was unprepared to co-operate, or indeed to communicate.   他不愿意合作,甚至拒绝交流。   3. Group members have to communicate with each other through role-play.   小组成员必须通过角色扮演互相交流。   4. They went into a trance to communicate with the spirit world.   他们进入出神状态与灵界交流。   5. People must communicate their feelings.   人们需要表达自己的情感。   6. They can communicate even when they strongly disagree.   即便在有很大分歧时,他们也还是能够交流。   7. They successfully communicate their knowledge to others.   他们成功地把知识传授给他人。   8. We only communicate by email.   我们只是互通电邮。   9. ISDN connectivity allows computers to communicate over a network.   综合业务数字网连接实现了计算机网络通讯。   10. By the age of two most children have begun to communicate verbally.   大多数孩子两岁时就开始用说话沟通.   11. I will communicate your views verbally to the members of the committee.   我会将你的看法口头转达给委员会成员.   12. He asked me to communicate his wishes to you.   他请我向你转达他对你的祝愿.   13. I asked your sister to communicate my wishes to you.   我请你的妹妹向你转达我的祝愿.   14. Since then, they lost their ability to communicate with an audience.   自那以后他们再也无法引起观众的共鸣.   15. She and I don"t communicate any more.   我和她不再通信了.

comfortable comfortably communicate company composition computer concern congartulation 分别造句子

你好, 1.The sofa is comfortable. :那个沙发坐着很舒服。 2.He seated there comfortably. :他舒适地坐在那儿。 3.As parents,we must communicate with our children. :作为父母,我们应该要与孩子沟通。 4.He has a company which sell electronic machines. :他有一家售卖电子机器的公司。 5.The composition is quite good except for its wrong spelling. :那篇文章蛮不错,只是错误的拼写太多了。 6.The computer is convenient. :电脑实在很方便。 7.He is so concern about her safety. :他是如此的关心她的安全。 8.Congratulation to our winner, Peter! :恭喜我们的赢家-彼得! 如有疑问,欢迎继续追问;如果对我的答案满意,请务必采纳~谢谢O(∩_∩)O

communications of the acm 怎麼样

ACM ACM(Association for Computing Machinery)国际计算机组织 ACM 是一个国际科学教育计算机组织,它致力于发展在高 级艺术、最新科学、工程技术和应用领域中的信息技术。它强调在专业领域或在社会感兴趣的领 域中培养、发展开放式的信息交换

what is the difference between interactive approach and communicative approach in language teaching

我觉得是interactive更强调互动,充分调动被教学者的得积极性,让他们主动参与进来。 communicative则是强调交流,更多采用对话的方式,让被教学者直接表达出自己的想法。



请问施拉姆给出的 “传播”(communication)定义的英文原文?


1、文化传播用英语如何翻译?我感觉是cultural communication,但看别人翻译的不是这个。



用distribution 或promotion


你好communication英 [ku0259mjuu02d0nu026a"keu026au0283(u0259)n]美 [ku0259,mjunu026a"keu0283u0259n]n. 通讯,[通信] 通信;交流[网络短语]Communication 沟通,通信,通讯interpersonal communication 人际沟通,人际传播,人际交往intercultural communication 跨文化交际,国际文化交流,跨文化交流交通一般用另一个词transportation

you should be communicating with还是you should communicate with?

you should communicate with,前者结构不对,应为you should be communicated with


communication的原形是:communicatev. (与某人)交流(信息或消息、意见等) ; 沟通; 传达,传递(想法、感情、思想等);[例句]My natural mother has never communicated with me我的亲生母亲从未和我联系过。

communicate with 和communicate to 的区别?

communicate with 指沟通交流,强调互动性communicate to 后一般跟sb. 传递(讯息等)给某人 强调一方对另一方,主动性

论文里面 communicated by 什么意思

沟通 剩下的凑字数字数字数字数.......

communicate with一般过去时造句(两个)谢谢

翻译如下communicate with一般过去时造句(两个)I communicated with him yesterday. 我昨天同他通信。I communicated with you in skilled English. 我用娴熟的英语与你沟通。




communicational 通讯的


communicate 英[ku0259"mju:nu026akeu026at] 美[ku0259u02c8mjunu026au02ccket] vt. 传达,表达;显示:清晰地揭示;表明;传染:扩散 vi. 通讯;交际;相连;相通 第三人称单数:communicates;过去分词:communicated;现在分词:commu... [例句]I like to communicate with my family.我喜欢和我的家人沟通。




communicate造句如下:1、This room communicates with another room .这间屋子和另外一间屋子相通。2、He also communicated to the argentines .他也向阿根廷方面通报了。3、Rat-fleas communicate a disease to man .鼠蚤会把疾病传染给人。4、I was on the point of communicating with him by paper .我正要写信跟他联系。5、Any such observations must be communicated promptly .任何上述结论必须迅速上报。6、He communicated the letter to the king"s ministers .他把这封信的情况报告了政府。7、His cheerfulness communicated itself irresistibly .他的兴致不可抗拒地感染了别人。8、Your people and mine could hardly communicate .你们的人和我们的人是没法打交道的。9、He communicated it to my lady .他把这事跟我夫人谈了。10、Then you would advise me not to communicate with him ?那么您是劝我不要同他通信了?11、I asked your sister to communicate my wishes to you .我请你的妹妹向你转达我的祝愿。


communicate是动词,没有可数不可数之分。 communicate: v.(与某人)交流(信息或消息、意见等);沟通;传达,传递(想法、感情、思想等); 第三人称单数: communicates现在分词: communicating过去式: communicated过去分词: communicated 扩展资料   Her nervousness was communicating itself to the children.   她紧张不安的`情绪传递给了孩子们。   They communicated entirely by gesture.   他们完全用手势交流。   Family therapy showed us how to communicate with each other.   家庭疗法指导我们彼此之间的沟通交流。   He was never good at communicating with the players   他不善于和队员们进行沟通。


communicate是规则动词,按规则去变化就是了。三单 communicates现在分词 communicating过去式 communicated过去分词 communicated


"communicate" 的过去式是 "communicated"。以下是一些关于 "communicate" 的过去时态的例句:1. We communicated our concerns to the manager at the meeting yesterday.昨天在会议上,我们向经理传达了我们的关切。2. Sarah communicated her ideas effectively during the presentation last week.上周在演讲中,Sarah有效地传达了她的想法。3. The team members communicated with each other through email and phone calls.团队成员通过电子邮件和电话沟通。4. He communicated his decision to resign to his supervisor yesterday.昨天他向他的主管传达了他辞职的决定。5. The company"s vision and values were communicated to all employees through a company-wide email.公司的愿景和价值观通过全员邮件向所有员工传达。


vi. 通讯,传达;相通;交流;感染vt. 传达;感染;显露


沟通的意思,反义词的话我觉得应该是自闭( Autism )希望能帮到你。




spread主要是传播、散布,主要强调慢慢扩散开来,影响的效果逐渐扩大,比如:The industrial revolution which started a couple of hundred years ago in Europe is now spreading across the world.两百多年前始于欧洲的工业革命目前正在向全世界传播。...the sense of fear spreading in residential neighborhoods...在住宅小区中蔓延的恐惧感communicate也有传达;传递的意思,但是主要是强调把信息,感受,或想法传递给某人,让他们知道,比如: They successfully communicate their knowledge to others...他们成功地把知识传授给他人。The results will be communicated to parents...结果会通知父母。希望能够帮到你!欢迎追问!


第一个:谈论,比较正式的有意义的话题第二个:交流,可以是学术感情范围比第一个更大第三个:聊天,这个就偏向于比较私人了,就像网上的聊天室,就叫chat room

论文里面 communicated by 什么意思

communicated by沟通拼音双语对照双语例句1Also receive any other useful information, particularly that communicated by the judicial authorities.还收取任何其他有用资料,特别是司法当局提供的资料。


come, on, in, to, me, into, out, cat, ate, eat, mate, cinema,


communicate是个动词 其名词形式是communication 有复数形式communications

What is communicate?

What is communicate?什么是沟通?双语例句1What is the applicants capacity to communicate in English? 申请人用英语交际的能力如何?


communicate应该读作[kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt]。一、什么是communicate?Communicate是一个英文单词,意思是“交流”,“沟通”,“传达信息”。二、communicate的用法1、当动词使用时,经常和介词with或者to连用。例如:He communicated with the team about the new project.She communicates her ideas to her colleagues through email。2、当名词使用时,通常形容技能、能力或者行为。例如:Good communication is essential for a successful relationship.The manager"s communication skills helped him lead the team effectively。三、如何提高communication的能力?1、听取别人的意见:当与他人交流时,要倾听他们的意见,理解其观点,并在自己的想法之外考虑其他可能性。2、注意身体语言:通过身体语言传达细微的感觉和情感,包括面部表情、手势、姿势等。3、沟通前先做好准备:在开始与他人沟通之前,准备清晰的信息和目的以及可能的回应。4、练习说话:练习演讲和公开演讲,以提高口头沟通技巧。保持简单:将信息简洁地传达出去,避免使别人混淆。拓展知识——英语中的其他常用类似单词communicate-交流;collaborate-合作;negotiat-谈判;correspond-通信;articulate-表达清晰;convey-传达;connect-联系;interact-互动;express-表达;dialogue-对话。


communicate with sb

communicate 这个英语怎么读

communicate 英[ku0259u02c8mjuu02d0nu026akeu026at] 美[ku0259u02c8mjuu02d0nu026akeu026at] v. (与某人)交流(信息或消息、意见等) ; 沟通; 传达,传递(想法、感情、思想等); [例句]My natural mother has never communicated with me我的亲生母亲从未和我联系过。[其他] 第三人称单数:communicates 现在分词:communicating过去式:communicated 过去分词:communicated


communicate英 /ku0259u02c8mjuu02d0nu026akeu026at/ 美 /ku0259u02c8mjuu02d0nu026akeu026at/


communicate 英[ku0259u02c8mju:nu026akeu026at] 美[ku0259u02c8mjunu026au02ccket] vt. 传达,表达; 显示:清晰地揭示; 表明; 传染:扩散; vi. 通讯; 交际; 相连; 相通; [例句]My natural mother has never communicated with me我的亲生母亲从未和我联系过。[其他] 第三人称单数:communicates 现在分词:communicating过去式:communicated 过去分词:communicated


communicate[英][ku0259u02c8mju:nu026akeu026at][美][ku0259u02c8mjunu026au02ccket]vt.传达,表达; 显示:清晰地揭示; 表明; 传染:扩散; vi.通讯; 交际; 相连; 相通; 第三人称单数:communicates过去分词:communicated现在进行时:communicating过去式:communicated例句:Of course, rethinking the way people communicate is standard for the social network. 当然,重塑人们的交流方式正是社交网络的本分。



以Effective communication为题写一篇英语作文 内容要丰富

Communication is an act of being a good listener and understanding what the other person is trying to say.Communication is a useful tool,in speech and in writing,for conveying information to others in everyday transactions.Anyone can become a skilled communicator and effectively interact with others.For most of us,it"s probably easier to be the talker than the listener.But we should try to really listen to what the other person is saying or at least trying to say,and if we are at all confused at what we are hearing,we need to ask more questions!

用英语解释Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people.

用英语解释英语?be a person who is very clever and easygoing in nature.

Doobee Doowop Communication 歌词

歌曲名:Doobee Doowop Communication歌手:Babamania专辑:Doobee Doowop CommunicationDoobee Doowop Communication - babamania制作者:Rockman.X8HI, I"m John from L.A. nishi kaigan ne!West Coast itsumo Beautiful dayErly morning SAAFIN Party al dayIKASU Role Playing game tobidasu Dub-a-dubADOBENCHA kiduke ba Ebisuyamanote Line hito Full tsubureru~onna no ko Sexy minna yasashiikono Wonderland, Nice to meet you, What"s your name?"How are you? What"s up" tteYABAI eikaiwa nante"nan ga ABBU suru" tte atashi ga A gatte"ruGo to right? Go to left?achikochi socchi docchi?toiaezu eitte "YES!" Lesson 1 hajimariAu~~Get it up, check it out, it"s on and on and on!Hora ABC demoUtaeba iro wa utaIbunka communicationmii wa iku kimi kamin?!Chotto no chigai moOokiku machigaeteNaki takunattara MusicPlay this song for everyone!SAKE SUSHI KABUKI OKY-DOKY!!bikkuri kurukuru TEEBURU KANBAI!KABBUMAKIROORU ichihon kudasaiTry Netto wakasate"ru n ja nai yohitori gosanai ijou jikan inaiGARI na JINJYAA agari GURIIN TIISoy Sauce wa shouya demurasakisushi SHEFU ga nigiru neta chou FURESSHUmawaru yo HAPPINESUOKUTOPASU wa CHOTTO PASU desuHAMACHI How Much?IKURA de oikura desu ka?sore ja kono hen de oaiso ~amai Me You iwanai (Yes or No?)WABISABI wa WASABI ja naiojigishite akushu shitara Lesson 2 hajimariAu~~Get it up, check it out, it"s on and on and on!Hora ABC demoUtaeba iro wa utaKitto hibiku I sing from your heart for everyoneHimitsu no ai kotobaKikoeru? Open your heartAfuredasu MusicPlay this song for everyone!ABC demoUtaeba iro wa utamahou no jumonmii wa iku kimi kamin?!atashi ga iku no nianata ga kuru nantekami mo hotoke mo nai nara JIIZASUPlay this song for everyone!Keep my feeling, ur feeling floating in da melodytogether let da world see naturallyOnaji hoshi umare deau hada no iro no chigaiGokai umare sa redo egao shinji tsunagara sora ni takusu omoiWe bubbling, love and peace has just begununiverse becoming one!ichi ni san one two threeYI er san un deux troisibunka communicationmii wa iku kimi kamin?!Chotto no chigai moOokiku machigaeteNaki takunattara MusicPlay this song for everyone!Hora ABC demoUtaeba iro wa utaKitto hibiku You sing from my heart for everyoneHimitsu no ai kotobaKikoeru? Open your heartAfuredasu MusicPlay this song for everyone!-End-http://music.baidu.com/song/55367541

什么是Information Communications Technology?

信息和通讯技术(Information and Communication Technologies,简称ICT) 信息和通讯技术(ICT),它是 信息技术 与 通讯技术 相融合而形成 的一个新的概念和新的技术领域。 以往通信技术与信息技术是两个完全不同的范畴: 通信技术着重于消息传播的传送技术,而信息技术着重于 信息 的编码 或解码,以及在通信载体的传输方式。随着技术的发展, 这两种技术慢慢变得密不可分,从而渐渐融合成为一个范畴。

wireless communications networking conference 是不是sci

ieee wireless communications & networking conference这应该是个会议吧不属于SCI的会议简介:IEEE WCNC is the premier event for wireless communications researchers, industry professionals, and academics interested in the latest development and design of wireless systems and networks. Sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, IEEE WCNC has a long history of bringing together industry, academia, and regulatory bodies. In 2014, Istanbul will become the wireless capital by hosting IEEE WCNC 2014. The conference will include technical sessions, tutorials, workshops, and technology and business panels. You are invited to submit papers in all areas of wireless communications, networks, services, and applications.

Telecom industry 和communication industry的区别

Telecom industry 电信行业,单单指东西这个行communication industry通信行业,领域比较广泛,包含通信的所有领域





telecommunication 和telecommunications的区别

telecommunication是电讯 (用来传送远距离信息的设备) telecommunication是电信 (用设备传送远距离的一种技术)


telecommunication英[u02cctelu026aku0259u02ccmju:nu026a"keu026au0283n]美[u02c8tu025blu026aku0259u02ccmjunu026au02c8keu0283u0259n]n.电信; 电通信远距离通信; 无线通讯; 通信双语例句1Multimedia service is the new profit of telecommunication businesses.多媒体业务将是电信网络运营商新的利润增长点。2Can the city provide good postal and telecommunication services?这城市能提供良好的邮电通信服务吗?3Building of the electric power telecommunication network based on RPR基于弹性分组环技术的电力通信网络建设4Surge protection should be provided at the point where the power and telecommunication lines enter and leave the building.电力线及通信线入、出建筑物的线端应安装电涌防护器。5Parameters of digital interface for PCM systems over telecommunication networkGB7611-1987脉冲编码调制通信系统网路数字接口参数


A也可用in communicating



master of communication design 主要是学什么的呢??

传播设计硕士(文化传播,或graphic design industry 平面设计界的传播)

what are the major differences between verbal and nonverbal communication?

When you communicate in verbal way,you express in the form of spoken words.However,when you communicate in the use of nonverbal methods,you may use facial expressions,gestures and even eye contact.

英语教学中nonverbal behaviors 与nonverbal communication的区别

Nonverbal communication is communication without words.Nonverbal communication can be viewed as occurring whenever an individual communicates without the use of sounds.Nonverbal communication can be viewed as occurring whenever an individual communicates without the use of sounds.Nonverbal communication can be viewed as occurring whenever an individual communicates without the use of sounds.Nonverbal communication will be defined as the process by which nonverbal behaviors are used, either singly or in combination with verbal behaviors, in the exchange and interpretation of messages within a given situation or context. (L. A. Malandro, 1983)nonverbal behavior: Facial Expression, Gesture, Posture, Kinesics, Paralanguage, etc.前者是行为,后者是沟通是全面的,包括行为;Nonverbal behavior is sometimes used as the sole channel for communication of a message. People learn to identify facial expressions, body movements, ...另外我还下载了个PPT http://eol.hust.edu.cn/zhh/paper/U5Nonverbal%20communication.ppt#290,2,幻灯片 2我参考了以下几个网站http://www.blatner.com/adam/level2/nverb1.htm还有WIKI 英文版en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonverbal_communication 电大英语快讯http://www1.open.edu.cn/elt/8/5.htm还有一个www.coping.org/dialogue/nonverbal.htm如果要写论文基本也够了。。。


communicate意思是to pass a disease from one person, animal, etc. to another. 即”传染;传播“。主语通常是一种疾病,指的是”疾病的传播“。例句:The disease is communicated through dirty drinking water.这种疾病通过不干净的饮用水传播。contract意思是to get an illness,即“感染(疾病);得(病)“的意思。主语通常是人,指的是”人感染疾病“。例如:to contract AIDS/a virus/a disease 感染艾滋病/病毒/疾病

用微软的Office Communication Server2007 或者Lync 2010架设视频系统项目大概需要多少钱,最好能说具体点



牛津高阶字典里有详细解释, 如果想要其他一些更时髦的解释 去http://www.urbandictionary.com/

求恐龙战队短信提示音communicator beeps 滴滴滴滴滴滴的那个-----请发到邮箱hsh081501@163.com 满意


avaya one-x communicator 找不到音频设备



communicatively 爱说话,口无遮拦,多嘴,健谈

how to be a great communicator英语作文

Communication plays a significant role in our daily life, especially in modern society. Since we get along with other people in every field, we must learn how to communicate with people effectively. Effective communication should be planned carefully. First, speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely. Second, express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth. Third, concentrate on what the speaker says and appreciate his point of view.

communication 近义词有哪些

  communication  [英][ku0259u02ccmju:nu026au02c8keu026au0283n][美][ku0259u02ccmjunu026au02c8keu0283u0259n]  n.  交流; 通讯,通信; 书信; 传达;  复数:communications  形近词:Communication electrommunication communicatory communicative

巴可Communicator 软件环境选择那里的放映机怎么显示出来

需要使用这个软件的电脑与放映机在同一个网络里 同时必须正确填写放映机的ip地址

怎么在Microsoft Office Communicator里保存聊天记录?

在ocs选项中有个 save my instant message converstations in the outlook......选中后,重启ocs即可在outlook中找到相应的聊天记录文件夹。

avaya one-x communicator 找不到音频设备


Njstar Communicator是什么软件

球通 2.50 汉化版

请教Microsoft Communicator这个软件是干什么用的?



意思是:沟通、交流、传播等等,具体要看上下文。Powerded By WilsonVisionu2122

雅思口语预测里的有个a good communicator是什么意思啊



从下面几个方面讨论如何做一个好的Communicator:第一,The most important is understanding the expectation。Communication的首要部分是理解和澄清对方传递的信息,尤其是对上级分派的任务或职责,不清晰的地方要立即澄清,不能主观想象或猜测,否则很可能在执行过程中差之毫厘,失之千里。Bad Communicator的帽子非你莫属,也许还要加上更坏的,例如Bad Performance的标签。第二,Communicate the progress。每个人都是大到公司,小到部门的Team的一员,工作的进度或多或少影响着其他人的工作。即使你的工作性质很独立,你的上级也希望了解你的工作进度。工作的进度要以适当的周期主动向上级,平级或下级相关人员通报,这对协调你和周围人员或部门的配合,能起到非常好的润滑作用。即使在某些环节出现问题,这种进度通报也能及早预警或将最后的责任分散到大家的头上。至少你会得到Good Communicator的标签。第三,Communicate the request。需要别人的配合,有赖于清晰的Communication。清晰地定义你需要别人完成的任务,包括内容和时限;明确对方准确地收到了你的请求并要求反馈,包括对方的估算或承诺;如果你需要等待他的完成,更要让对方清楚这项任务对整体任务的影响。Email是这种Communication的最佳媒体,清晰的请求有助增强对方的责任感Understanding communication。从深层理解,Communication是建立在“合作”和“了解”的基础上的。了解你周围所有人的职责,包括你的同事,上级和下级。把自己放在他们的位置,了解他们需要从你这里得到什么样的合作,需要从你这里得到什么样的Communication,为每一个人提供他们需要的适当的Communication,既帮助他们,更帮助你自己。另外,时效性是Communication的关键要素之一,迟到的Communication或让别人自己Discover会损害你的声誉,破坏团队的工作效率。



Good communication skills can bring people sound interpersonal relationship.

sound adj 中文的话应该是,合理的、健康的 这个意思interpersonal relationship放在一起不就是 人际关系 么?这句话就是说,好的交流技巧能够为人们带来健康的人际关系

网络对人际交往的影响 The Impact of Internet on Interpersonal Communication

WhenI first set my eyes on a father and his daughter I heard the father ask abouthis daughter"s school life. To my surprise the girl told his father to readher blog so that he can get what he wants. 在我第一次看到一对父女的时候,我听到父亲在问女儿的学校生活。令我吃惊的是,女儿告诉父亲去看她的博客就可以知道他想了解的东西。 Now the Inter has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day has influenced us a lot especially on our interpersonal munication. 现在互联网在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的作用。它对我们的影响很大,特别是在我们的人际交往中。 Forone thing the Inter makes the interpersonal munication more can contact with each other no matter when and where. The Inter makesfull use of time and space. What"s more we can also share our daily life andknowledge through QQ MSN and blog with others. For another thing theInter speeds up our interpersonal munication. We can save time to do ourwork. However the Inter also brings about many problems such as safety problems cheating and so on. Many people spend too much time on the Inter and theydon"t have time to interact with person in real life which result in theabsence of ability in munication in reality. 一方面,互联网使人与人之间的交流更方便。不管何时何地我们都可以互相联系。互联网都是充分利用时间和空间的。更重要的是,我们也可以通过QQ,MSN和博客分享我们的生活。另一方面,互联网有助于我们的人际沟通。我们可以节省时间来工作。然而,互联网也带来了很多问题,如安全问题,作弊等等。很多人花太多时间在互联网上,他们没有时间和现实生活中的人交流,这导致在现实生活中交际能力的缺失。 Ithas both advantages and disadvantages to interact through the Inter. We canget to the problem in our work and study. Last but not lest we have to talkwith people and develop our ability to municate in reality. 通过互联网交流既有优点也有缺点。我们可以在我们的工作和研究的问题。最后但并非最不重要的,我们必须在现实生活中与别人交流并培养我们的沟通能力。


In ancient times when there were no spoken language, human still had to try their best to communicate in sign language, this proves that communication is really the essence of life. However, with the advance technologies, we are beginging to go in the reversed circle in communication. Through the telephone, now we can only hear each other"s voice without seeing our faces, now with messaging and the internet, we don"t even hear each other voice. So, what next, are we soon going to fall into the situation when we don"t even communicate with each other ?

how to improve interpersonal communication?(用英语回答)

The problem is diffecult enough to say in chinese for me. I prefer you explianing the answer to me in chinese.

interpersonal communication翻译

interpersonal communication 人际交往; communication n.表达;交流;交际;传递;通信;交通联系;信息;书信;电话; 复数: communications 扩展资料   Clinical interpersonal communication ability training mode of nursing college students;   临床交流与沟通技能培养是医学生教育的.重要内容。   The Role of Interpersonal Communication Theory on Political Thought Work   人际传播理论在思想政治工作中的作用   A Study on the Interpersonal Communication of Girl Students in Middle School   女中学生人际交往研究女大学生的教育工作
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