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plot the truncated fourier series 什么意思

plot the truncated fourier series以图表画出截断的傅里叶级数plot[英][plu0252t][美][plɑ:t]n.地基,基址图; (戏剧、小说等的)情节; 一块地; 测算表; vt.以图表画出,制图; 密谋; 把…分成小块; 为(文学作品)设计情节; vi.设计作品情节; 标示于图表上; 密谋,暗中策划; 第三人称单数:plots过去分词:plotted复数:plots现在进行时:plotting过去式:plotted例句:1.Are they part of some beijing plot to grab technology and knowhow? 它们是不是中国政府攫取技术和专业诀窍阴谋的一部分?

You should keep calm during the earthquake是什么结构?

主系表结构keep clam 系表结构

请问missouri military academy和Army And Navy Academ

Missouri Military Academy 是指 密苏里军事学院 ;这是美国的一所声誉很高的非盈利住宿中学。在这毕业的学生考上大学的概率是100%。而且每年毕业生获得的奖学金总额都超过100万美元。这所学校有特权向各军事学院提名毕业生进入学院,如您提到的 US Army Academy(西点陆军学院)、US Navy Academy (美国海军学院)、还有US Airforce Academy (美国空军学院)。 不过大多数的 MMA毕业生都不进入军事学院,而是到其他著名大学进修。MMA 接纳全球的优秀学生,提供9个高级课程和数个双学分课程 。


flourish和thrive都可表示“繁荣、兴旺”,其中flourish指健康地成长发展或处于发展的高峰; thrive主要指生长得健壮,引申为繁荣.



thrive和 flourish有什么区别呀?尽量简单直白一点。再举几个例子呗。





前者:vi,茂盛,兴旺;健康成长 vt,挥舞,炫耀 n,挥舞,炫耀;高奏后者:vi,兴旺发达,繁荣

singular; cheerful ;curious ;peculiar这英语用谐音怎么读么读?

去词典上查一下就出来了而且如果是初学英语不会读的话,建议现学音标 不要试图通过标拼音啊,谐音啊这样的方法去学习发音,毕竟还是不同的。这样发音可能就没内味了。而且学一个音标其实也不难,很快就学会的。音标就是英语初学者必学的一步,如果以后想学好口语,以后会用到英语不想丢人的话,建议还是学音标,这样见到一个词基本就能读出来了。第一个腥格U乐第二个撤儿否第三个kiu日弱四第四个屁Q里亚

berurier noir的《porcherie》 歌词

歌曲名:porcherie歌手:berurier noir专辑:concerto pour detraquesLe monde est une vraie porcherie,Les hommes se comportent comme des porcsDe l"闸evage en batterie,A des milliers de tonnes de mortsNous sommes l"heure des fanatiques,Folie oppression scientifiqueNous sommes dans un 閠at de jungleEt partout c"est la loi du flingue...Berurier NoirProstitution organis闲,Putr闲action, gerbe et naus闲Le tiers-monde cr鑦e, les porcs s"empiffrentLa tension monte, les G.I. s"griffentMassacr閟 dans les abattoirs,Br鹟閟 dans les laboratoires,Parqu閟 dans des cit閟-dortoirs,Prisonniers derri鑢e ton parloirEt au Chili les suspects cuisent,Dans les fours du gouvernementEn Europe, les rebels croupissentUn homme qui 闰late en morceaux,Dynamitpar des bourreauxDes singes conduits la violence,Bethov" devient ultra-violenceD"un c魌l"syst鑝e mon閠aire,De l"autre, l"ombre militaireTout fini en r鑗lements d"compteA coups de schlaque le sang inonde...Flics-arm闲... Porcherie!Apartheid... Porcherie!D.S.T... Porcherie!Et le Pen... Porcherie!http://music.baidu.com/song/14117394


HyperlinkButton.NavigateUri 属性Silverlight获取或设置单击 HyperlinkButton 时要导航到的 URI。命名空间: System.Windows.Controls程序集: System.Windows(在 System.Windows.dll 中)语法C#VB[TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(UriTypeConverter))]public Uri NavigateUri { get; set; }XAML 属性用法<HyperlinkButton NavigateUri="uriString"/>属性值类型:System.Uri单击 HyperlinkButton 时要导航到的 URI。备注Dependency property identifier field: NavigateUriProperty指定的 URI 必须是绝对 URI 或者是应用程序相对 URI。当使用相对 URI 时,基于 Silverlight 的应用程序必须在运行时发现其应用程序根,应用程序根在开发环境和生产环境中会有变化。 应用程序需要应用程序根来基于相对 URI 生成绝对 URI。 有关相对和绝对 URI 的更多信息,请参见 Uri。说明:如果 Silverlight 对象的 EnableNavigation(Silverlight 插件对象) 设置为"无",则用户只能导航到当前应用程序中的相对 URI。 尝试导航到外部 URL 将导致SecurityException。版本说明 Silverlight for Windows Phone在 Windows Phone Silverlight 应用程序中,您必须为应用程序指定一个 TargetName值以通过 NavigateUri 正确地导航到指定的 URI。示例下面的代码示例演示一个 HyperlinkButton。XAML<HyperlinkButton Content="Click here to learn about Silverlight" NavigateUri="http://www.silverlight.net" TargetName="_blank" Margin="10,60,0,0"/>



采购员分 souring 跟buy,工作内容有什么不同吗

一个是开发SOURCING,一个是采购PUR,简单说:1.开发:寻找货源,开发供应商,要对供应商进行评估;2.采购:按照公司需求和已经开发的供应商下单采购. 不是,看公司,象我们公司工作只能划分很细就分成两块,小规模的公司为了节约人力成本通常是一起的.

英语高手进,thrive prosper flourish有什么区别

flourish指处于成功、繁荣、进步的顶盛阶段Plants will not flourish without waterthrive指蓬勃发展,常指显而易见的成功 Children thrive on good food.prosper 指持续不断地成功,也指越来越成功 We are bound to prosper beyond other countries




share 英国用STOCK美国用SECURITIES没有看到过"股票"的用法.

英语作文《my. favourite. poet》

Ever since I was at primary school ,I have been interested in Chinese and of all my subjects I do best in it .Chinese culture has a long history and poems are my favourite .I have a lot of books in my study .In my spare time I stay at home doing a lot of reading ,especially acient Chinese poems .Some of them present us magnificent pictures of our country ,some tells beautiful stories about important events in the history .The more I read ,the more I enjoy them .

round table featuring nino中主唱nino的真名叫什么?

目前还没有人知道具体的,最全面的解释实际上只有寥寥数条……提供给你:---以下引用---虽然Nino在《Rainbow》发售之后回答问题时说自己的名字是来自她的本名“二ノ宫”(Ninomiya),不过接着又说“这是我刚想出来的”,似乎是不大想回答这个问题,但是被问得烦了,所以随便编了个理由。 Nino似乎一开始不知道自己的血型,虽然实际是O型,却一直被说是B型,并且她自己也相信了。 Nino出生于4月4日4时44分,可说是奇迹般的出生。

You are tourists为什么不加冠词?


There are many tourists in the zoo在动物园里有许多观光客?

There are many tourists in the zoo在动物园里有许多观光客。There be 结构 是某地有某物遵循就近原则 tourists是复数,所以be 用are

为什么用Are you tourists?而不用Are you tourist?

你说哪个对吗??tourists是游人 tourist是旅游翻译来说 : 你是游人? 你是旅游??

一、首字母填空Tourists always visit the Great?

题呢?,8, cara3063 举报 一、首字母填空 Tourists always visit the Great Wall.It"s (a_______) in Beijing. 举报 danny2419 有没有上下文呐???没有联系岂不是随便填。。。个人觉得是amazing 惊奇的adj. cara3063 举报 补充问题上 举报 danny2419那很显然,就是also,没问题! 哦!谢谢哈!,Tourists always visit the Great Wall.It"s (also_____) in Beijing,1,almost 万里长城,东起鸭绿江(山海关,但有争议),西达嘉峪关,横贯今辽宁、河北、天津、北京、内蒙古、山西、陕西、宁夏、甘肃等9省、市、自治区,全长8851.8公里,俗称“万里长城”。 但是其主体以及大部分工程都在北京,所以填almost,用以表达其大部分的意思...,0,一、首字母填空Tourists always visit the Great Wall.It"s (a_______) in Beijing.

新概念15课are you tourists这句话怎么翻译?


we are tourists变一般疑问句

这个需要be动词,改过来Are you tourist?就可以了。




tourists[英] ["tu028au0259ru026asts] [美] ["tu028au0259ru026asts]点击链接然后点击”朗读音标“喇叭可听发音:http://fanyi.baidu.com/#en/zh/tourists

Are your friends tourists?

第一句friend是单数,所以谓语动词用is第二句friends是复数,所以谓语动词要用are这个和your 没有联系的

california has much to offer the tourist 这个句子对吗?

这句话没有太大的问题, the tourist可以改成复数 the tourists或 tourists.California has much to offer (its) tourists. 句子意思是, 加州有很多东西值得游客游览。 请采纳!much 副词, 多offer 这里作动词, 提供tourist 游客, 复数加s

many tourists与a lot of tourists区别

你主要是想知道many和a lot of他俩的区别:many只能修饰可数名词的复数;a lot of既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。a lot of可以修饰比较级,而many不可以。a lot of可以用以简略回答,而many不可以。1.many和much一组,前者加可数名词后者修饰不可数名词;如many fruits,so much money。另much可修饰比较级如much better。2.lots of和a lot of一组,既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词;lots of fun,a lot of people等。3.而a lot跟在动词后,作副词用,如:He bothered me a lot,Thanks a lot.希望你能理解,谢谢!

Are you tourists? Yes,I am.哪里错了?

Are you a tourist? Yes,I am.

在tourists前 除了man woman以外 其他不为复数 问:还有哪些像tourist的词

doctor teacher

are your friends tourists too? friends 和 tourist







tourist[英]["tu028au0259ru026ast][美][u02c8tu028aru026ast]n.旅行者,观光客;〈美〉冬季到南部做工的流动工人复数: tourists双语例句1.Beware of dishonest traders in the tourist areas.在旅游区一定要谨防奸商。2.Most British visitors beat a well-worn path to the same touristareas of the US.大多数英国游客总沿着一条老路线参观相同的美国旅游景点。3.Venice is one of the great tourist attractions of the world.威尼斯是世界上令人向往的旅游胜地之一。4.The town depends almost solely on the tourist trade.这座城市几乎完全靠旅游业维持。5.The town relies on the seasonal tourist industry for jobs.这个城镇依靠季节性旅游业提供就业机会。


"Tourists" 这个单词读音是 /u02c8tu028aru026asts/。让我们来分解这个单词的读音:1. "T" 的发音是 /t/,舌头轻触上颚,发出清晰的爆破音。2. "ou" 的发音是 /u028a/,发音类似于“短 u”的音,嘴唇略微收圆。3. "r" 的发音是 /r/,英式英语中,r 音发音较为清晰,不卷舌,美式英语中通常会卷舌。4. "i" 的发音是 /u026a/,发音类似于“短 i”的音,舌头稍微抬高。5. "sts" 的发音是 /sts/,这是一个连续发音的组合。发音类似于 /sts/,注意不要在 "s" 和 "t" 之间加入额外的元音声音。游客"Tourists" 是一个表示"游客"的英文单词,它来自名词"tourist",用于描述那些旅行到不同地方观光、度假或探索其他文化的人们。这个单词的读音是 /u02c8tu028aru026asts/,请注意第一个音节"tour"有重音。在日常生活中,我们经常会听到这个单词,特别是在旅游业发达的地区,吸引着大量的国内和国际游客。作为一个动态的行业,旅游业对于国家的经济发展和文化交流具有重要意义。游客们通常会参观著名景点、品尝当地美食、体验本土文化等。他们的到来不仅为目的地带来经济收入,还促进了文化交流和人际互动。因此,游客们在世界各地的旅行,不仅拓宽了他们的视野,也丰富了他们的生活体验。因此,将以上读音组合起来,"tourists" 的正确读音是 /u02c8tu028aru026asts/,注意最后的 /sts/ 发音要连续而不重复元音。在这个单词中,强调音节在第一音节上,读音中的 /u02c8/ 表示重音在第一个音节上。

tourism mountain是什么意思

英语高手翻译下,采纳哦  Tourism   Tourism is now becoming a


简述sport tourism 和 sports tourism的异同

Extreme sports is asport with combination of some difficulties , and collectivation, great challenging sports such as skateboarding, BMX, rock climbing, snowboarding, surfing in the air, street dive, parkour, skateboarding, BMX, Alice double limit limit water skiing and limit skating Extreme tourism is a tourism that involves travelling to dangerous places or participating in dangerous events.Somebody describes vividly as the paragraph:"Ah,vacation!Balmy breezes,ice-cold margaritas,compliant snipers.Snipers?Yep.The newest kick for jaded tourists who have hit all the world"s hot spots is to hit the world"s really hot spots.The idea behind what some are calling terror travel or extreme tourism is basically to take the U.S.State Department"s travel advisory warning list and make an itinerary out of it."—Justin Doebele,"Club Dead," Forbes,December 15,1997

英语翻译,划线的句子能不能换成插入语表达方式,tourism,a fast developing

你改的有点问题,这样的话,句子就是“Tourism, which is a...”它语法是不对的。应该这样改:Tourism,which is a ...all over the world, now draws...

什么是旅游业(tourism industry)?



travel industry和tourism industry都是旅游业的意思。tourism industry侧重旅游风景的观光经营,而travel industry包含的含义比tourism industry更广,比如购物、游乐园这些也都包括在内。

tourism attraction是什么意思

tourism attraction旅游景点双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 观光吸引力2. 旅游景区3. 旅游吸引物4. 旅游吸引力-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



travel ,visit ,trip .tour ,tourism 区别

都作名词时:travel:the action of traveling, typically abroadvisit:the act of going to see some person or place or thing for a short timetrip:a journey or excursion, esp. for pleasuretour:a journey for pleasure in which several different places are visitedtourism:the business of providing services to tourists

visit travel tour tourism 的区别







英音 [ "tuu0259rizu0259m ] ; 美音 [ "turizu0259m ] 不可数名词: 观光业,旅游业同义词:touristry。英语句子The island has been untouched by tourism.该岛未受旅游业的影响。The Xinzhou Flowers Cultural Tourism Festival originated from the flower temple fair.新洲区旧街花朝文化旅游节,源于民间花朝庙会。Tourism creates jobs.旅游业为人们提供就业机会。Tourism is at its peak in august.八月是旅游高峰。Tourism project questionnaire度假计划调查表

tourist attractions; attraction for tourism是什么意思?




tour; tourist; tourism 这几个英语怎么读?






英文中“旅游”(Tourism)一词最早出现于( )年英国出版的《牛津词典》中



旅游业 名词


tourism 英[u02c8tu028au0259ru026azu0259m]美[u02c8tu028aru026azu0259m]n. 旅游业; 旅游,观光;



tourism 是什么意思,怎么读

  tourism英 [u02c8tu028au0259ru026azu0259m] 美 [u02c8tu028aru026azu0259m]  n.旅游业; 旅游,观光;  [网络]旅游专业; 观光业; 旅游篇;  [例句]Tourism is vital for the Spanish economy.  旅游业对西班牙经济至关重要。  [其他]形近词: nourish tourist sourish


tourism旅游双语对照词典结果:tourism[英][u02c8tu028au0259ru026azu0259m][美][u02c8tu028aru026azu0259m]n.旅游,观光; 旅游业; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Mission number five is space tourism. 第五类任务是太空旅游。




渗碳氮化 后面估计是厚度要求0.2+0.1 硬度为520到600HB

Julius Feurich立式钢琴多少钱




In place of the great trees which had been growing there for centuries,patches of green had begu

In place of the great trees which had been growing there for centuries,patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil代替那颗已经长了一个世纪的树,一片片绿色开始出现在发黑的土壤里逗号的使用同中文的一样,表示停顿间隔。which had been growing there for centuries是定语从句,修饰the tree但是这句的主句其实是patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil

T-Pain Featuring Teddy Verseti的《Church》 歌词

歌曲名:Church歌手:T-Pain Featuring Teddy Verseti专辑:ChurchChurch T-Pain、Teddy VersetiLadies and GentlemenYou already know what it isOk, Yea, Aw。。。。。。。。。 shitIm tryin to run in this motherfuckaIm tryin to anywaysGot two hard lookin motherfuckersCa monI was tryin to enjoy ma night but you then came hereTurned around looked mighty happy fore you came hereI then turn into a rude dudeWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lightsYou aint doin nuthing but runnin ya yapp yappYou got to got to go get a couple homeboy i am strapped strappedI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lightsDope little lady tryin to hold you back you better listen to herShe better not talk that shit ima have to put some thin'straight through herI done turned into a rude dude manWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lights...Ca monYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchIts a Sunday at the park im chillin trying to get ma swerve onSome little lane trying to run that game trying to get his serve onI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park ima put you in the dark clap on clap offYou aint doin nuthing but runnin your pie holeYou gon" make me do somethin thatta get eye swolln"I dont wanna be a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park ima put you in the dark clap on clap offIf thats your car you need to go ahead and get into itBetter not talk that shit you gonna get bust something through itI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park gotta put you in the dark lights on lights offYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchThose niggas think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Im like those niggas think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Those bitches think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Those bitches think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)dis stupidYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8027783

Jamie Foxx Featuring T-Pain的《Blame It》 歌词

歌曲名:Blame It歌手:Jamie Foxx Featuring T-Pain专辑:IntuitionJamie Foxx Ft. T-Pain, Busta Rhymes & Lil Wayne - Blame It (Remix)T-Pain:Blame it on the Goose, got you feeling looseBlame it on the Tron, got you in the zoneBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholBusta Rhymes:Mommy in the club, mami see meAnd now she stepping to the bar because she knows she need meHer favorite song"s on, body"s so appealingAnd she sipping on me because she knows she need feelingI make her feel good, she call me Tron SilverGotta have me in her body, no matter if it kills herI get up in her body, kinda like a coach booMami feeling proper, body moving like it supposed toWhen I"m in her, I make mami wanna dance moreNow she dancing like she fucking on the dance floorShe moving like she wanna break "em offI keep her hot and sweaty till she wanna take it offBaby girl, you better sip slowI"m dangerous when the bottles start to get lowWhen shorty"s knocked out from having a ballJust blame it on the alcoholT-Pain:Blame it on the Goose, got you feeling looseBlame it on the Tron, got you in the zoneBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholBlame it on the Vodka, blame it on the HenneyBlame it on the Blue top, got you feeling dizzyBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholLil Wayne:Blame it on who, blame it on meShe drink till she sleep when she drinking on meI live in her cup, I watch the ice sinkShe sipping all night on some shit that"s light pinkYou know they say, you are what you drinkBut baby I gotta be Louis The Thirteenthand I can talk to her, when nobody hearI lick her so good, she don"t go around beerYeah, and shorty got classShawty got class, so she poured me in a glassHey, shorty take me to the headOne more shot of me and shawty"ll be deadAnd shorty just love TronShe need a designated driver cause she love TronHey there bartender, what"s your nameLet me buy this woman a bottle of Lil WayneYeahT-Pain:Blame it on the Goose, got you feeling looseBlame it on the Tron, got you in the zoneBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholBlame it on the Vodka, blame it on the HenneyBlame it on the Blue top, got you feeling dizzyBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholT-Pain:Girl I know you feel good, just like you lookCouple more shots you open up like a bookI ain"t tripping, cause I"m a read yaShawty I ain"t tripping, I just want to please yaI"ma take a shot of nuvoShorty didn"t you knowIt"s going down, we can go and kick it like judoYou know what I meanShawty got drunk, thought it all was a dreamSo I made her say ahh, ah aaaNow she got her hand on my legGot my seats all wet in my rideAll over my rideShe look my dead in the eye, eye eyeThen my pants got biggerShe already knew what to figureHad her looking her boyfriend like fuck that niggaT-Pain:Blame it on the Goose, got you feeling looseBlame it on the Tron, got you in the zoneBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholBlame it on the Vodka, blame it on the HenneyBlame it on the Blue top, got you feeling dizzyBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholJamie Foxx:Now to the ballers popping bottles with their Henny in their cupsScreaming money ain"t a thang, if it ain"t throw it up in the skyAnd hold your drinks up highAnd to my independent mamas who can buy their own bottlesIf you"re looking like a model, when them broke fellas holla, tell them byeHold your drinks up highT-Pain:You can blame it on the Goose, got you feeling looseBlame it on the Tron, got you in the zoneBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholBlame it on the Vodka, blame it on the HenneyBlame it on the Blue Top, got you feeling dizzyBlame it on the alcohol, blame it on the alcoholEndJamie Foxx Ft. T-Pain, Busta Rhymes & Lil Wayne - Blame It (Remix)http://music.baidu.com/song/8931672

T-Pain Featuring Akon的《Bartender》 歌词

歌曲名:Bartender歌手:T-Pain Featuring Akon专辑:The InstrumentalsT-Pain Ft. The-Dream & Akon - Bartender (Remix)The-Dream:(Envy) Radiio Killer, Young Dream Dreamer OooooooThe-Dream:I"m In The Playboy Comp With A Fresh Pap J"s On My Feet (Fress J"s On My Feet)Dark Blue Deniim Rolled UpI Got A Wrist Full Of Diamonds Worth Bout 2oo G"sAnd Iim Just Keepin It Real Ah HuhRolled Up In My Grill And Im Like Girlfriend You Oready Know Me (Oready Know Me)Ive Been Number 1 On The Charts For Oooooo The Past 6 Weeks !She Say Ooooo Ii Know Your Name & Where You From Shorty Im From The AAnd Then I Put Her Under My Umberella And She Wos Like Eh Eh Eh EhThe-Dream:We Had Drinks At The Drink And I Drunk And I Got Fucked UpAnd I Was In The Club Acting Like A Mutha Fuckiin FoolShe Winked And I Winked Back Thats All I Remember Mann We Really Must Of Got Fucked UpLast Niight !The-Dream:Woke Up With The Bartender She Was Puting Moves On MeIm At The Bar With HerIm Like The Carpenter, She Nailed The Boy Down !See Ii Woke Up In Her Bed To Her Rubbing On My DickYou Were Right I Said Im Ok AyyT-Pain:Got a brand new girl so I"m feeling all good inside (all good inside)Feel like I put some brand new 24"s on a brand new ride (on a brand new ride)Triple shot of patron on the rocks with a little bit a lime (with a little bit a lime)I"m just keeping it real (Uh-huh)Baby still working at the club so I"m getting in free (so I"m getting in free)Wednesday night I"m on the list T-Pain plus 3 (T-Pain plus 3)Everytime I hit the spot baby girl taking care of me (taking care of me)How do you think I feel?The-Dream:We Had Drinks At The Drink And I Drunk And I Got Fucked UpAnd I Was In The Club Acting Like A Mutha Fuckiin FoolShe Winked And I Winked Back Thats All I Remember Mann We Really Must Of Got Fucked UpLast Niight !The-Dream:Woke Up With The Bartender She Was Puting Moves On MeIm At The Bar With HerIm Like The Carpenter, She Nailed The Boy Down !See Ii Woke Up In Her Bed To Her Rubbing On My DickYou Were Right I Said Im Ok AyyAkon:Shorty I"m sure you heard that I rarly never come out (never come out)Unless I"m in the M6 doing tricks freeway burnt out (freeway burnt out)Got a passenger side that"s empty wanting it to be your spot (be your spot)But you on my billboard we can act like the charts "gon end up on top (end up on top)Don"t smoke don"t drink that"s why I don"t be by the bar baby (baby)Just lookin" at you from a distance looking like a god damn star baby (baby)So my girl don"t see me T-Pain can I get those keys to the car? (those keys to the car?)"Bout to go and Bang Bang Boogie with my cutie and I"ll see you tomar" (see you tomar")The-Dream:We Had Drinks At The Drink And I Drunk And I Got Fucked UpAnd I Was In The Club Acting Like A Mutha Fuckiin FoolShe Winked And I Winked Back Thats All I Remember Mann We Really Must Of Got Fucked UpLast Niight !The-Dream:Woke Up With The Bartender She Was Puting Moves On MeIm At The Bar With HerIm Like The Carpenter, She Nailed The Boy Down !See Ii Woke Up In Her Bed To Her Rubbing On My DickYou Were Right I Said Im Ok AyyEndT-Pain Ft. The-Dream & Akon - Bartender (Remix)http://music.baidu.com/song/8930804

%windir%system32Security HealthSystray.exe是病毒吗


surive 的用法

1、及物动词 vt. 在...之后仍然生存,从...中逃生Only two passengers survived the air-crash. 这次飞机失事只有两名乘客幸免于死。 比...活得长;丧失(配偶,亲人等)She survived her husband by twenty years. 她丈夫去世后她又活了二十年。 2、不及物动词 vi. 活下来,幸存;残留[(+on)]Few survived after the flood. 洪水后极少有人生还。

Kenny G Featuring Gladys Knight的《Misty》 歌词

歌曲名:Misty歌手:Kenny G Featuring Gladys Knight专辑:At Last...The Duets AlbumMistyLook at meI"m as helpless as a kitten up a treeAnd I feel like I"m hanging to a cloudI can"t understandI get mistyJust holding your handWalk my wayAnd a thousand violins begin to playOr it might be the sound of your helloThat music I hearI get mistyThe moment you"re nearYou can say that you"re leading me onBut it"s just what I want you to doDon"t you know just how hopelessly I"m drawnThat"s why I"m following youOn my ownWhen I wander through this wonderland aloneNever knowing my right foot from my leftMy hat from my gloveI am too MistyAnd too much in loveI am just too MistyAnd too much in lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/9634460

腾讯tencent这个英文名的由来?是ten cent还是ten centuries?是怎么来的


思科 port security violation mode 的三种模式 有什么区别 1.protect 2.restrict 3.shutdown


句子结构分析It is unclear what luring was required,given his compulsive behavior.

It is unclear what luring was required,given his compulsive behavior.It 作形式主语的句型;真正的主语是what luring was required(里面有拼错的词),given his compulsive behavior是分词短语作定语,相当于一个定语从句.

No Doubt (Featuring Joon Park Of G.O.D.) 别怀疑 歌词

歌曲名:No Doubt (Featuring Joon Park Of G.O.D.) 别怀疑歌手:李玟专辑:ExposedHot ya Hot ya ,Hot ya Hot yaHot ya Take me now boo, let me work this out booC"mon lets make it Hot yaWhachu say your name was?Some kind of tips sippin on CoronasIt"s damn baby I see you tryin to get somebut you should knowI don"t get down with just anyone, UH UHYou ain"t gotta work it booGot the style, and the body that I"m feelin" tooAnd I may want to take you home with me Hot ya (NO DOUBT])tonight (NO DOUBT)If you"re ready daddy hit the lights, Let me know what you can docause i"m goin to show you all aboutBaby there ain"t no doubt take me to the top don"t stopIf you"re ready daddy, come tonight, let me see your body shine Show me how you mean to do me rightBaby there ain"t no doubt take me to the top don"t stop(Girl, you make it hot. CoCo Lee ya CoCo Lee I"ll take you home with me ya)Baby now we"re freakin", we be krunk getting crazy on the weekendIf you thinking what I"m thinking let me knowIn a minute we"ll be leaving (Thats right)The only thing thats left to do is to get you dirty dirty all up in my roomCause you know you"re going to get it on with me tonightIf you"re ready daddy hit the lights, Let me know what you can docause i"m goin to show you all aboutBaby there ain"t no doubt take me to the top don"t stopIf you"re ready daddy, come tonight, let me see your body shineShow me how you mean to do me rightBaby there ain"t no doubt take me to the top don"t stopTake me now boo ,let me work this out boo...rapIf you"re ready daddy hit the lights, Let me know what you can docause i"m goin to show you all aboutBaby there ain"t no doubt take me to the top don"t stopIf you"re ready daddy, come tonight, let me see your body shineShow me how you mean to do me rightBaby there ain"t no doubt take me to the top don"t stopIf you"re ready daddy, come tonight, let me see your body shineShow me how you mean to do me rightBaby there ain"t no doubt take me to the top don"t stopdon"t stophttp://music.baidu.com/song/993509

急。求一篇英语初中作文。题目是My favourite person 最好有翻译。谢谢。我会多给分。



最终幻想10-2 如果是YURIPA的话

为什么我玩红警尤里复仇时一进去就好出现Yuri’s revenge

1.有可能是储存游戏的文件夹出现了问题,这个文件夹必须是纯英文的!例如:应是“E:Yuri"s revenge”,而不是“E:尤里的复仇”前者就可以玩,而后者就不可以。 2.还有可能是游戏的应用程序不对,右键里有一个属性兼容性,在用兼容模式运行这个程序前面打个勾,然后在里面选择你的电脑所使用的系统就可以玩了。如果还是不行,就重装或重下吧。

Flora Purim的《Juicy》 歌词

歌曲名:Juicy歌手:Flora Purim专辑:That"S What She Said"Juicy"Here we goI got with somebody"s dateYou"re like a Soap Opera coverMy lover self-automatesJuicyAw, JuicyYou say a-somebody sayYou"re like a salve for a leperYou"re sweet for somebody"s painJuicyAw, JuicyYeah, you got to live for your ownYou say you got all the sordid detailsCheck-out retailWatch it sellJ-J-J JuicyAw, JuicyI Gotta DelayMothers, children on the streetCan"t get enough to eatOff the recordDishes flyDon"t know the reason whyMeet me in the check out standSee who can be the lover manConscience bleeding in a songGuilty as the day is longGoodbyeYeah, you got to live for your ownYou say you got all the sordid detailsCheck-out retailWatch it sellI got to see that lieYou say what you"re going to sayYou got to know it"s a bitter poisonSapping all of your soul awayYeahAw, JuicyJuicyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8003590

tourist resorts是什么意思

tourist resorts旅游度假区双语例句1Is the Ryongchon County People"s Government approved the establishment of tourist resorts.现经龙川县人民政府批准设立旅游度假村。2Study on the development and evaluation for tourist resorts of mountain-type in Anhui Province安徽省山岳型旅游地开发评价研究
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