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trousers 英[u02c8trau028azu0259z] 美[u02c8trau028azu0259rz] n. 裤子; [例句]He was smartly dressed in a shirt, dark trousers and boots.他穿着衬衫和黑裤子,脚蹬皮靴,看上去很帅气。[其他] 复数:trousers 形近词: trouseau


trousers 英[u02c8trau028azu0259z] n. 裤子 名词复数:trousers [例句]He wiped it on the troll "s trousers.他把魔杖在巨怪的裤子上擦了擦望采纳,谢谢











在英语中,dark blue jeans和 dark blue trousers有什么区别?


QQUsersAll UsersMisc文件夹中是什么文件?


1.This pair of trousers is very nice . Can I A. try it on B.try it on C.try them on D. try on them

o(︶︿︶)o 唉,你有时间打上来,还不如用还简单方便。

the trousers look nice can i try

答案:B. trousers是复数,所以用代词代替的话,应该用them,try on试穿,代词作宾语的话,应该放在两词中间.故选B.

备份文件 C:UsersAdministratorSearches 时,备份遇到问题。错误:(系统找不到指定的文件。 (0x80070002


rabble rousers造句,rabble rousersの例文,"rabble rousers"是什麼意思

"I"m not a rabble rouser ," These false claims were spread by local white officials and rabble rousers . The player in question was not a rabble rouser . In this way he exposed the speakers as simple anti-Cathopc rabble rousers . Administrators, Kerr among them, suggested the protesters were Communist-dominated rabble rousers . It is absurd to say that this is a man who is a rabble rouser . They thought he was a rabble rouser , found him guilty of sedition and killed him. Consider the source : Rev . Ian Paisley, the notorious anti-Cathopc rabble rouser . He was not a rabble rouser . To the FBI, Spock was a subversive and a " rabble rouser ." It"s difficult to see rabble rousers in a sentence. 用 rabble rousers 造句挺难的 Marshal Harmon es into town and o drunk rabble rousers , the King brothers are causing trouble. Everybody loves a rabble rouser , even if he"s got a zilpon dollars in the bank. Gehringer recalled in his Hall of Fame induction speech, " I wasn"t a rabble rouser . He is opposed by Truman, a rabble rouser who stirs up the discontented, poverty-stricken masses. She earned a reputation as a rabble rouser while still in high school, leading protests against South African apartheid. This campaign, Netanyahu has backed down from such outright vipfication, anxious to shed his Likud Party"s reputation as rabble rousers . Nat Moyer ( Matthau ) is an unreconstructed radical, a rabble rouser of the old school who divides the world into exploiters and victims. Some residents bepeve a rabble rouser is exactly what this city needs and didn"t get when Cardenas snatched the mayorship from the rupng party. She is currently married to graphic artist Alberto Garcia with whom she pubpshed the 2014 book, Rabble Rousers : Fearless Fighters for Social Justice. If only enough Engpsh people wouldn"t allow themselves to be used as fodder for the rabble rousers , the puppet masters who always are actually against them. Dr . Jussim also runs Rabble Rouser , a blog that identifies errors in social psychology research and practice, suggests ways to improve it and discusses societal imppcations. "I had my fingers crossed because I knew there"d be some rabble rousers around, trying to make him a failure or a flop," The Rev . Cornepus Bohm, who has pved in the area for 32 years, said rabble rousers on both sides inflamed the situation by burning churches and mosques. The party whose pronouncements once carried the force of law seems uncertain about what role it wants to play in the new Russia : Loyal opposition or radical rabble rouser ? And I reiterate that any call for arbitration by me on the subject of rabble rousers is, to the best of my knowledge, a figment of your imagination. SEATTLE _ In 1968, a clean-cut, bespectacled 21-year-old named Roger Lippman was added to the FBI"s " Rabble Rouser Index ." His second non-fiction book was " The Rabble Rousers " ( 1963 ), a sardonic look at human folly including the Dreyfus affair and the Florida land boom. "He didn"t pke the idea of some of these rabble rousers ing in and causing trouble, " Wachs said . " He tried to keep that off the pages ." Sylla"s anti-corruption and antipoverty message is popular among poorer Senegalese and students, but has led the government and other opposition leaders to view him as a potentially dangerous rabble rouser . The Federal Bureau of Investigation did not investigate the Courtneys, but Director J . Edgar Hoover referred to them in a reply to an inquiry as " known rabble rousers and hate mongers ." It"s difficult to see rabble rousers in a sentence. 用 rabble rousers 造句挺难的 But it seemed unpkely that Lepper"s influence _ as a rabble rouser whose party, Self Defense, still has 53 of 460 seats in the Sejm, the lower house _ would fade soon. Sylla"s anti-corruption and anti-poverty message is popular among poorer Senegalese and students, but has led the government and other opposition leaders to view him as a potentially dangerous rabble rouser . He also appeared in " Mystery Train, " the Memphis-set 1989 film by American director Jim Jarmusch, and served briefly as lead singer of London-Irish rabble rousers The Pogues. Rumors about his appearance inspire revulsion among staff members at the facipty, and as those rumours spread into the general population, popticians, pundits, repgious leaders and rabble rousers begin exploiting the fears generated. One primary tactic was the mob action . ( The word " mob " itself, Raphael writes, dates from 17th-century England and is short for mobile vulgus, or British rabble rousers .) In such moments, it would be easy to overestimate the strength and popularity of al-Sadr, a 30-year-old rabble rouser whose following is still largely pmited to Iraq"s Shiite poor. Jorge Alvarado, a 21-year veteran, seized a key precinct in Caracas to stop Mayor Alfredo Pena _ an opponent of President Hugo Chavez _ from forcing him into retirement for allegedly being a rabble rouser . I wish I could say I take fort in the fact that I was in the pany of Bill Walton, various talk-show rabble rousers and assorted other low-pfes when I called for Jim Harrick"s head a year ago. """Music is My Silence " "", the first and only solo album to date by Bepnda O"Hooley, was released on 13 June 2005 on the Rabble Rouser label, distributed by Cadiz Music. "It"s a big change from the mode we were in, entrenched in battle, " said Frank Curiel, the farm workers"chief organizer and rabble rouser in this down-on-its-heels town, 30 miles northwest of Tallahassee. It was not the first time Knabe and Schmidt had e across one another, Schmidt already having been fined ?2, 100 in 2009 for calpng Knabe himself a " pubpcly unrestrained rabble rouser " ( " " 鰂fentpch und ungestraft als Volksverhetzer " " ) in connection with Knabe"s earper work on the Stasi. Here was this very moderate-thinking, even-keeled person, who was not a rabble rouser , who was just working within the system to get the rights every person is entitled to _ to vote, to eat at a restaurant, to send your kids to a decent school _ and this is what happened to him. In support of the latter, he helped start the website hertodoxacademy . org, a collection of academics pushing for improvements in their academic fields . [ 9 ] Dr . Jussim also runs Rabble Rouser , a blog that identifies errors in social psychology research and practice, suggests ways to improve it and discusses societal imppcations . [ 5] When he arrived in St . Louis the local media described him as " a glowering moon-faced giant . . . on the fleshy side of 200 pounds . . . mild mannered, popte, and diplomatic . " They also described him as " too emotional, " a " rabble rouser , " and " a haranguer ." A munist rabble rouser in the 1940s, he went on to subscribe to the anti-semitic views of the British fascists, until he was approached by Sir Oswald Mosley who told him-inter apa-in 1947 " we can use the Jews . " This prompted Webster to reassess his own ideas and he subsequently wrote a letter of apology to the Jewish Chronicle of the times expressing his regrets about his former views. It"s difficult to find rabble rousers in a sentence. 用 rabble rousers 造句挺难的

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Visual C++2005无法安装,出现ALLUSERS property is not 1 - this MSM cannot be used for a per-user..


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due to high demand for our service we have to let users in slowly to 什么意

  due to high demand for our service we have to let users in slowly to  由于对我们的服务的高需求,我们必须让用户在慢慢地  due to由于;预定;因为  例句:  1.This may be due to the settlement of foundations or to a differentialtemperature movement of supporting piers.  这种运动可以是由于基础沉降或由于支墩因不同温度变化而产生。  2.Extent in chief was a proceeding by the crown for recovery of a debt due to it.  主扣押令是通过国王为索取归于他的债务进行的一种程序。  3.The main goal of recovery of sodium hydroxide was the economies due to the high replacement cost of this chemical.  回收氢氧化钠的主要目的是在经济方面,因为它大大补偿了化学药剂消耗费用。  4.The motion of the shell due to an impulsive pressure may be examined in thesame fashion as in the case of the cylinder problem.  由脉冲式的压强引起的球壳的运动,可以按照在圆管问题中所用的同一方式来进行分析。

Windows10 移动C盘Users目录(C盘瘦身)

因电脑C盘是一个128G的SSD,长时间使用下,电脑空间大幅度增长,最恶劣的情况下C盘可用空间不达1G,然后在网上搜索各种C盘瘦身教程,空间可用空间终于恢复到16G,之后就再也无法降低了。 今天无意间在小众软件上看到了一款名为SpaceSniffer的磁盘空间分析软件,分析后,发现C盘User用户目录占用高达20多G,本来想逐个瘦身大文件,但查了一个大文件的作用后就崩溃了,工作量太大,得弄到猴年马月去。本想就此放弃,但16G可用空间太扎眼了,灵机一动,想到能否将C盘的Users目录整体迁移呢?立即Google,在CSDN上的一篇博文上发现了相关教程,原理是将该目录移动到其他盘后,建立二者之间的软链接。下面是我的实操步骤及教程之外的异常处理: 因要移动C盘的Users目录,所以无论登陆哪个用户,都会导致该目录下的部分文件被占用,无法移动,所以需要进入恢复模式的命令行模式中完成目录迁移 进入路径:系统设置-更新和安全-恢复-高级启动-立即重新启动 重启后,选择疑难解答-高级选项-命令行模式,选择后,电脑可能会重启,等待,进入命令行用户登陆界面,输入用户密码(没有密码直接点击“继续”),进入命令行模式 上述3条命令不要急着敲,先看下面的注意部分!!!否则掉坑摔死别怪我!!! 注意 做这一步时,无比仔细敲入每个字母,敲入后不要点回车,多检查几遍,我就是大意然后入坑,差点没爬上来,处理异常时心酸的想哭 第一坑:复制,恢复模式下的命令行模式中,所有的盘符与正常系统可能会不一致,所以一定要挨个盘符敲一遍,确认下命令行的每个盘符与正常系统的盘符差异之处,记录下来,简而言之,我的正常盘符是C,D,E,然后想将C盘的Users迁移到D盘中,因为我的硬盘有隐藏盘(一键恢复系统),所以命令行模式下的盘符与正常盘符的关系为: 命令行.C = 正常.C 命令行.D = 一键拯救隐藏盘 # 就是这个,坑死我了!!! 命令行.E = 正常.D 命令行.F = 正常.E 所以,复制的命令需要改为: 如果提示是否需要覆盖,输入a(all,全部覆盖) 接下来将C盘的Users目录改名为user 第二坑:软链接,这个其实也不算坑,就是我自己大意了,忘记输入/J参数了,导致后面无法正常登陆,仔细输入以下命令,千万不要忘记 /J 参数: 如果没有报错,则可以按住关机键,强制关机。 开机后,正常登陆,如能登陆成功,则将C盘的user目录删除,自此C盘Users目录瘦身成功! 如无法登陆,提示“user profile service 服务登陆失败”,嘿嘿,恭喜,你入坑了,继续往下看吧! user profile service 服务登陆失败的原因是用户在登陆时,无法找到用户的配置文件,故报错。 故障原因: 1、mklink 链接双方错误 2、mklink 命令忘记带参数/J 解决办法: 1、登陆界面,按住键盘shift,鼠标点击电源按钮,选择重启,shift键不要松手,直到重启成功; 2、选择疑难解答-高级选项-命令行模式,将第一次设置的软链接使用以下命令删除: rmdir C:\users 3、重新设置正确的映射链接 4、强制关机,开机,进入登陆界面,尝试是否可以登陆成功,如仍不成功,继续下一步操作 5、登陆界面,按住键盘shift,鼠标点击电源按钮,选择重启,shift键不要松手,直到重启成功; 6、选择疑难解答-高级选项-更改启动行为-重启 系统再次重启,键盘输入“启动安全模式”对应的数字 7、如果是第一次进入安全模式,需要长时间等待系统初始化 8、初始化完成后, 如果弹出以下窗口,不要理会,能点确定的点确定,点不了的点击屏幕黑色部分,此时界面一片漆黑,键盘:Crtl+Alt+Delte,调出任务管理器,文件-运行新任务-regedit,确定; 如果正常进入安全模式,键盘:Windows+r,调出运行对话框,输入:regedit,确定 9、注册表进入:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList,最后有两个文件夹,以“s-1-5...”开头的,一个有“.bak”后缀,一个没有。 备份注册表(全部)到本地磁盘上,然后选中没有.bak的项,右键,删除,重启电脑,正常登陆即可 10、进入C盘,删除user目录(原Users目录),至此大功告成,C盘瘦身20G以上文件,并且无须像其他教程那样,后续仍需要定时或不定时的清理,用此方法,基本上C盘就不用再N此瘦身了,一劳永逸的解决战斗无疑是令人心情愉悦的。 参考文章:




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