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怎么评价venom snake

没有这个字,只有vole这个字,意思是田鼠。田鼠是仓鼠科的一类,包括五属,与其他老鼠比较,田鼠体型较结实,尾巴较短,眼睛和耳较其他鼠科小。田鼠可在多种环境中生活。 多为地栖种类,它们挖掘地下通道或在倒木、树根、岩石下的缝隙中做窝。有的白天活动,有的夜间活动,也有的昼夜活动。多数以植物性食物为食,有些种类则吃动物性食物。喜群居。不冬眠。每年繁殖2~4次,每胎产仔5~14只,寿命4年。啮齿目仓鼠科田鼠亚科的通称。田鼠体型粗笨,多数为小型鼠类,个别达中等,如麝鼠,体长约30厘米,体重约1800克;四肢短,眼小,耳壳略显露于毛外;尾短,一般不超过体长之半,旅鼠、兔尾鼠、鼹形田鼠则甚短,不及后足长,麝鼠的尾因适应游泳,侧扁如舵;毛色差别很大,呈灰黄、沙黄、棕褐、棕灰等色;臼齿齿冠平坦,由许多左右交错的三角形齿环组成。元音字母o在重读相对开音节中念合口双元音/o/的音,发音时,这个双元音由两个音组成,第一个音是中元音/u0259/,发音时,舌端离开下齿,双唇扁平,向第二个音/u028a/滑动,舌位由低到高,口形由大到小,音量由强到弱,两个音合而为一个双元音,如:home 家nose 鼻子Coke 可口可乐rope 粗绳rose 玫瑰花,上升bone 骨头smoke 烟,吸烟stone 石头,英石(十四磅)希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

pink venom中文谐音

中文谐音品客威闹木pink+venom音译是Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Kick in the door waving the coco 她空里的 情干giao的sin干买够 I talk that talk runways I walk walk 根干够Pop pop 安办的qio One by one then two by two the送个 图卡那因特莫呢几呢就 噶加秀气根花俩因冰 Makes no sense you couldn"t get a dollar outta me 恰 哦呢帮米呀 呢土个 扑木够 一后了 被森当 Look what you made us do 穷囧因 no囧节无Fire 恰你乃 忙可啊冷大我。《Pink Venom》,为韩国女子组合BLACKPINK将于2022年8月19日发布的单曲。Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Kick in the door waving the coco,黑粉红,黑粉红,黑色粉红,黑粉色,踢门,挥舞可可

pink venom是什么意思?

中文谐音品客威闹木pink+venom音译是Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Kick in the door waving the coco 她空里的 情干giao的sin干买够 I talk that talk runways I walk walk 根干够Pop pop 安办的qio One by one then two by two the送个 图卡那因特莫呢几呢就 噶加秀气根花俩因冰 Makes no sense you couldn"t get a dollar outta me 恰 哦呢帮米呀 呢土个 扑木够 一后了 被森当 Look what you made us do 穷囧因 no囧节无Fire 恰你乃 忙可啊冷大我。《Pink Venom》,为韩国女子组合BLACKPINK将于2022年8月19日发布的单曲。Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Kick in the door waving the coco,黑粉红,黑粉红,黑色粉红,黑粉色,踢门,挥舞可可

Thank You for the Venom 歌词

歌曲名:Thank You for the Venom歌手:My Chemical Romance专辑:Three Cheers for Sweet RevengeSister, I"m not much a poet, but a criminalAnd you never had a chance,Love it, or leave it, you can"t understandA pretty face, but you do so carry on,And on,And onI wouldn"t front the scene if you paid meI"m just the way that the doctor made me, on,And on,And on,And onLove is the red the rose on your coffin doorWhat"s life like bleeding on the floor?The floor,The floorYou"ll never make me leaveI wear this on my sleeveGive me a reason to believeSo give me all your poisonAnd give me all your pillsAnd give me all your hopeless heartsAnd make me illYou"re running after somethingThat you"ll never killIf this is what you wantThen fire at willPreach all you want, but who"s gonna save me?I keep a gun on the book that you gave meHallelujah, lock and loadBlack is the kiss, the touch of the serpent"s sonIt aint the mark of the scar that makes you one,And one,And one,And oneYou"ll never make me leaveI wear this on my sleeveGive me a reason to believeSo give me all your poisonAnd give me all your pillsAnd give me all your hopeless heartsAnd make me illYou"re running after somethingThat you"ll never killIf this is what you wantThen fire at willYou"ll never make me leaveI wear this on my sleeveYou wanna follow somethingGive me a better cause to leadJust give me what I needGive me a reason to believeSo give me all your poisonAnd give me all your pillsAnd give me all your hopeless heartsAnd make me illYou"re running after somethingThat you"ll never killIf this is what you wantThen fire at willSo give me all your poisonAnd give me all your pillsAnd give me all your hopeless heartsAnd make me illYou"re running after somethingThat you"ll never killIf this is what you wantThen fire at will

pink venom是什么意思?

中文谐音品客威闹木pink+venom音译是Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Kick in the door waving the coco 她空里的 情干giao的sin干买够 I talk that talk runways I walk walk 根干够Pop pop 安办的qio One by one then two by two the送个 图卡那因特莫呢几呢就 噶加秀气根花俩因冰 Makes no sense you couldn"t get a dollar outta me 恰 哦呢帮米呀 呢土个 扑木够 一后了 被森当 Look what you made us do 穷囧因 no囧节无Fire 恰你乃 忙可啊冷大我。《Pink Venom》,为韩国女子组合BLACKPINK将于2022年8月19日发布的单曲。Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Kick in the door waving the coco,黑粉红,黑粉红,黑色粉红,黑粉色,踢门,挥舞可可

pink venom是什么意思?

中文谐音品客威闹木pink+venom音译是Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Kick in the door waving the coco 她空里的 情干giao的sin干买够 I talk that talk runways I walk walk 根干够Pop pop 安办的qio One by one then two by two the送个 图卡那因特莫呢几呢就 噶加秀气根花俩因冰 Makes no sense you couldn"t get a dollar outta me 恰 哦呢帮米呀 呢土个 扑木够 一后了 被森当 Look what you made us do 穷囧因 no囧节无Fire 恰你乃 忙可啊冷大我。《Pink Venom》,为韩国女子组合BLACKPINK将于2022年8月19日发布的单曲。Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Kick in the door waving the coco,黑粉红,黑粉红,黑色粉红,黑粉色,踢门,挥舞可可

FILA斐乐 VENOM 94 跑鞋女2019春季新款运动休闲老爹鞋复古跑步鞋怎么清洗保养

工具:旧牙刷或软毛刷、硬纸板、抹布、去污清洁剂1.在跑步鞋表面出现污垢或有色印迹后,在旧牙刷或软毛刷涂上适量清水或洗涤剂(普通的去污清洁剂即可),轻轻刷洗,再用清水冲干净。 必须注意的是,由于不少跑步鞋使用了一些反光材料的印刷或热切工艺,清洗过程中不能使用过硬的毛刷,更不能用指甲或利器硬抠。与此同时,洗刷的时间不应超过20分钟,并保证清水温度不超过45℃。2.冲洗干净后,放置通风阴凉处风干,避免阳光直射、暴晒,并切忌使用暖气或明火烘干,以免造成老化、开胶、褪色和严重变形 。 风干时不建议将湿鞋子平放,而是将鞋头朝下鞋底朝墙,在常温下通风处晒干,以防止水浸入中底发泡材料。3.鞋垫与鞋带可在抽出后直接用水冲洗,部分鞋带颜色太亮不耐脏,可以多买几根备用鞋带。4.为帮助跑步鞋维持原本的形状,晾干时可在鞋内适当放一些硬纸板或其它填充物,将其撑起。跑步鞋的日常保养除了经常清洗外,我们在跑步时的很多小习惯也会对跑鞋的寿命产生很大的影响。因此,以下这些细节虽然看起来琐碎,但却是马虎不得。·只在跑步时穿着跑鞋。在所有运动鞋中,跑鞋也许是最适合走路的鞋款,但长年累月与地面的轻微摩擦依然会磨损鞋底。而倘若穿着跑鞋进行篮球等其它运动,在影响跑鞋寿命的同时,还会增加受伤的风险。·用正确的方式穿/脱鞋。赶时间的时候,我们常常会直接将脚塞进鞋内。时间一长,就会对鞋帮部分造成不可逆的形变。 ·若跑鞋很久不穿,因在将其内部清洗并晾干后,置于阴凉处保存,以免发生霉变。·不同的路面对于跑鞋的磨损程度相差巨大,在公路上跑步就远比在林间小路上费鞋。在条件允许的情况下,尽量在塑胶等专业跑道上跑步。 ·跑鞋光艳亮丽的外表,需要定期进行精心养护。污损及时清洁,以免鞋的基本材质变形。不同环境、季节,不同对待。跑步鞋的定期保养定期保养有三点:首先,在时间上一般为3—7天为佳,这个时候就需要进行全面清理,让鞋子更加亮丽。其次,清洗方法有差别。轻度污染的运动鞋按照常规清洗办法处理,严重污染则需要温水浸泡然后认真清洗。最后,受损检查。运动鞋在一定时间之后会受损,这个时候需要进行相应保护措施,这样才能经久耐穿扩展资料:一双跑步鞋足以支撑我们跑上480到800公里。具体数字取决于我们的体重、跑步落地方式等一系列因素。然而,倘若平日疏于对跑步鞋的保养,或采用不正确的方式清洗跑步鞋,跑步鞋就有提前退役的可能。雨天跑步之后,充分烘干你的跑鞋。将它靠近供热源(但不能太近,决不能放进干洗机中),用报纸把湿鞋包好,把鞋头或者鞋底放在通风干燥的地方自然晾干。报纸也有很好的吸收作用。尽量在一些柔软地面跑步,比如草地或者小径,尽量少用到鞋的外底,减少磨损。 用潮湿的海绵或者是温和皂液清洗鞋子。如果跑鞋是尼龙质地或者带有网眼,可是用鞋刷刷干净鞋表面。

BLACKPINK新曲定名Pink Venom,这首歌有哪些意义?


pink venom是什么意思?

中文谐音品客威闹木pink+venom音译是Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Kick in the door waving the coco 她空里的 情干giao的sin干买够 I talk that talk runways I walk walk 根干够Pop pop 安办的qio One by one then two by two the送个 图卡那因特莫呢几呢就 噶加秀气根花俩因冰 Makes no sense you couldn"t get a dollar outta me 恰 哦呢帮米呀 呢土个 扑木够 一后了 被森当 Look what you made us do 穷囧因 no囧节无Fire 恰你乃 忙可啊冷大我。《Pink Venom》,为韩国女子组合BLACKPINK将于2022年8月19日发布的单曲。Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Kick in the door waving the coco,黑粉红,黑粉红,黑色粉红,黑粉色,踢门,挥舞可可

blackpink新歌pink venom歌词

blackpink pink venom歌词如下:JennieKick in the door waving the coco踢门,挥舞可可ud31ducf58uc774ub098ucc59uaca8uaef4ub4e4uc0dduac01ub9d0uace0别想带爆米花I talk that talk runways I walk walk我在跑道上说话,我走路,走路ub208uac10uace0pop popuc548ubd10ub3c4ucc99闭上眼睛也装作看不见LisaOne by one then two by two一个接一个,然后成双作对ub0b4uc190ub05dud22dud558ub098uc5d0我的指尖啪的一声ub2e4ubb34ub108uc9c0ub294uc911正在崩溃uac00uc9dcuc1fcuce58uace4ud654ub824ud588uc9c0虽然只是逢场作戏但很华丽Makes no sense you couldn " t get a dollar outta me没道理,你不能从我身上弄到一块钱Rosieuc790uc624ub298ubc24uc774uc57cub09cub3c5uc744ud488uc740uaf43好了,今晚,我是有毒的花ub124ud63cuc744ube7cuc557uc740ub2e4uc74c夺走你的灵魂后Look what you made us do看看你让我们做了什么jisooucc9cucc9cud788ub110uc7a0uc7acuc6b8fire慢慢将你沉睡的fireuc794uc778ud560ub9ccud07cuc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc美丽到残忍I bring the pain like我带来的痛苦就像This that pink venom ×3这个,那个粉红色的毒液Get " em get " em get " em让所有人Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa迎面而来大声欢呼Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah迎面而来大声欢呼Taste that pink venom ×3尝尝那粉红色的毒液Get " em get " em get " em让所有人Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa迎面而来大声欢呼Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah迎面而来大声欢呼LisaBlack paint and ammo got bodies like rambo就像rambo一样尽情宣泄暴力Rest in peace please light up a candle安息吧,请点支蜡烛This da life of a vandal masked up and I " m still in celine这是一个戴着面具的破坏者的生活我仍然穿着celineDesigner crimes or it wouldn " t be me高定犯罪不然就不是我了jennieDiamonds shining drive in silence I don " t mind it I " m ridin钻石闪闪发光,默默驾驶,我不介意,我尽情驰骋Flyin private side by side with da pilot up in the sky与飞行员一起在天空中并驾齐驱And I"m wildin stylin on them and there"s no chance我要自由自在别人根本没有机会Cuz we got bodies on bodies like this a slow dance因为我们并肩作战就像跳一支慢舞一般Jisoouc790uc624ub298ubc24uc774uc57cub09cub3c5uc744ud488uc740uaf43好了,今晚,我是有毒的花ub124ud63cuc744ube7cuc557uc740ub2e4uc74c夺走你的灵魂后Look what you made us doRosieucc9cucc9cud788ub110uc7a0uc7acuc6b8fire慢慢将你沉睡的fireuc794uc778ud560ub9ccud07cuc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc如此美丽却又如此残忍I bring the pain like我带来的痛苦就像This that pink venom ×3这个,那个粉红色的毒液Get " em get " em get " em让所有人让所有人Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa迎面而来大声欢呼Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah迎面而来大声欢呼Taste that pink venom×3尝尝那粉红色的毒液Get " em get " em get " em抓住他们,抓住他们Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa迎面而来大声欢呼Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah迎面而来大声欢呼Rosieuc6d0ud55cub2e4uba74provoke us如果你想要的话就来激怒我们uac10ub2f9ubabbud574and you know this你无法承受你知道吗Jisoouc774ubbf8ud37cuc838ubc84ub9b0shot that potion已经不断扩散的毒液ub124ub208uc55euc740ud551ud06cube5bocean在你面前是粉色的海洋RosieCome and give me all the smoke来给我所有的热情ub3c4uc544ub2c8uba74ubaa8非此即彼Like I"m so rock and roll我是如此摇滚JisooCome and give me all the smoke来吧给我所有的热情ub2e4uc904uc138uc6ccubd10uc790全都排好队来吧Stop drop等一下I bring the pain like我带来了这样的痛苦La tatata la tatata la tatata la tatataLa tatata la tatataStraight to ya迎面而来Straight to ya迎面而来Straight to ya dome like迎面而来大声欢呼La tatata la tatata la tatata la tatataLa tatata la tatataI bring the pain like我带来了这样的痛苦


NIKE的都是标准码,要是同码有大小之分,也就是鞋身面料不同,伸展性不同。比如网面的伸展性好就容易宽松,KD6那种材质的,都防水,但包裹性好。 不需要在意这个问题,你平时穿多大就买多大,主要把鞋带系紧。 !!!!!!!!


SnakeVenom蛇毒啤酒口感甜甜的但是度数很高,这是啤酒中度数最高的了,没有洋酒白酒的辛辣。它堪称有史以来最强劲的啤酒,苏格兰啤酒商Brewmeister推出的世界上最烈的啤酒蛇毒啤酒,酒精度高达67.5度,从而击败保持最烈啤酒头衔的”末日毁灭 “成为全世界酒精浓度最高的啤酒。这款啤酒有高达67%的酒精度,并且它的特色在于使用了新奇的烟熏泥炭麦芽,并且使用了香槟酵母和麦芽酵母的奇怪组合。 一般来说,伏特加、龙舌兰和威士忌的酒精度数通常在40%,这样看来“蛇毒”的确是使用了异常精炼的酿造方法。正如一些评论指出,“蛇毒”是否是“技术性的啤酒”尚待商榷,但是冷冻蒸馏法的使用却让他更接近烈酒的范畴。这款蛇毒啤酒的酒精浓度是67.5%,用水晶麦芽、小麦、以及100%纯苏格兰泉水制作,用冷冻发酵的方式来提高酒精度,喝起来口感和威士忌一模一样。

venom snake谁比较厉害




pink+ venom是什么意思?

中文谐音品客威闹木pink+venom音译是Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Kick in the door waving the coco 她空里的 情干giao的sin干买够 I talk that talk runways I walk walk 根干够Pop pop 安办的qio One by one then two by two the送个 图卡那因特莫呢几呢就 噶加秀气根花俩因冰 Makes no sense you couldn"t get a dollar outta me 恰 哦呢帮米呀 呢土个 扑木够 一后了 被森当 Look what you made us do 穷囧因 no囧节无Fire 恰你乃 忙可啊冷大我。《Pink Venom》,为韩国女子组合BLACKPINK将于2022年8月19日发布的单曲。Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Blackpink Kick in the door waving the coco,黑粉红,黑粉红,黑色粉红,黑粉色,踢门,挥舞可可

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venom eminem歌曲下载地址如下,请及时下载venom eminem提取码:22ry

Venom的《playtime》 歌词

歌曲名:playtime歌手:Venom专辑:temples of iceTold you the story "bout a teather"s petwell aou ain"t heard nothing yetskooldaze over teacher thinks that"s no lifeskirts up, heads down, Playtimeyou know I"m wanting youI know you"re wanting every inch of meyou love how hard it gets and Ilove just how dirty you can beI told her that she needsa good stiff talking tothis conversation pieceis sure to do you goodPlaytimeteacher"s getting hornyreading little pornographic storysPlaytimeloving every minuteshe can take it in the hiltPlaytimeteasing and pleadingshe can make it harder than beforePlaytimegive her all you"ve gotshe can take it all and beg for moresilk stockings, black high heelsskirt so tight you won"t believe you eyesthe way she swallows youyou"ll wonder what she"s got between her thighsshe is insatibleshe"s never satisfiedwarm, wet and willingas she welcomes you insideshe make it obviousthe things that she has got upon her mindshe needs it hardthe way she winks at you and wiggles her behindher blouse is openjust enough to make you droolI do my homeworkwith the teacher after school

Venom的《Manitou》 歌词

歌曲名:Manitou歌手:Venom专辑:MMVManitouvenomAcross infernal wastelandsMany miles of sunburnt HellTribes are scattered limbsAnd dust all laying as they fellOpen lies the challenge to allWarriors now menLet the spirits guide the windsUntil Manitou ascendsManitouManitouManitouManitouWatch the unseen burialEclipse the blazing skiesFeast the wings of deathWith Manitou the soul shall vieDistant beats the wardanceEcho screams out libertyPatience stalks the crowWhite man"s scalp brings victoryManitouManitouManitouManitouMighty be the powersOf the old medicine manWhispers of his raindanceFlow across the desert sandsGuardian of the elder spiritSummoning the stormAwaiting his arrivalManitou of flesh is bornManitouManitouManitouManitou


venom 按音标读作 ["venu0259m],第一个音节 ve 要重读,第二个音节 nom 轻声带过。汉语可谐音为 “未艾呢木”。

BLACKPINK新曲定名Pink Venom,这首歌有哪些意义

新专名为born pink,意为诞生的粉色。新曲pink venom意为粉色毒液。这点还是很耐人寻味的,毕竟粉墨本来的概念就是粉色与墨色共存,但新专却过于强调“粉色”这一概念。就让我作出了一个猜测:粉墨这次会不会开辟新的风格?这次大概也是合约到期前的最后一次回归了,墨又突然开始强调“粉色”概念,似乎也意在为粉墨的概念划上一个全新的句号,这波属实让我狠狠期待住了!

BP歌曲《Pink Venom》点击数再创新高,歌曲流行度怎么样?




罪恶装备里的VENOM有个技能,方法是“左 蓄力 右+SorHS"可我放不出来啊,怎么放的啊?


美国V牌VENOM汽车音响VPR-3.5 DSP处理器在音质效果上怎么样?




Venom的《Pain》 歌词

歌曲名:Pain歌手:Venom专辑:ResurrectionPain, without lovePain, I can"t get enoughPain, I like it rough"Cause I"d rather feel pain than nothing at allYou"re sick of feeling downYou"re not the only oneI"ll take you by the handAnd I"ll show you a world that you can understandThis life is filled with hurtWhen happiness doesn"t workTrust me and take my handWhen the lights go out you will understandPain, without lovePain, I can"t get enoughPain, I like rough"Cause I"d rather feel pain than nothing at allPain, without lovePain, I can"t get enoughPain, I like rough"Cause I"d rather feel pain than nothing at allAnger and agonyAre better than miseryTrust me I"ve got a planWhen the lights go off you will understandPain, without lovePain, I can"t get enoughPain, I like rough"Cause I"d rather feel pain than nothing at allPain, without lovePain, I can"t get enoughPain, I like rough"Cause I"d rather feel pain than nothingRather feel painI know (I know I know I know I know)That you"re woundedYou know (You know you know you know you know)That I"m here to save youYou know (You know you know you know you know)I"m always here for youI know (I know I know I know I know)That you"ll thank me laterPain, without lovePain, can"t get enoughPain, I like rough"Cause I"d rather feel pain than nothing at allPain, without lovePain, I can"t get enoughPain, I like rough"Cause I"d rather feel pain than nothing at allPain, without lovePain, I can"t get enoughPain, I like rough"Cause I"d rather feel pain than nothing at allRather feel pain than nothing at allRather feel pain

Venom的《Woman》 歌词

歌曲名:Woman歌手:Venom专辑:In League With SatanMaroon 5 - Woman (Sam Farrar)If i"d be so inclined to climb up beside you,would you tell me that the time just isn"t right?And if I should ever find the key you hide so well,will you tell me that I can spend the night?Leaving your smell on my coatLeaving your taste on my shoulderI still fail to understand what it is about this womanYeah,yeah,oh,woah,woah,woah,woah,woah,wa. Oh no.If l could bottle up the chills that you gave me,I would keep them in a jar next to my bed.And if I should ever draw a picture of a woman,It is you that would come flowing from my pen, yeah.Leaving your clothes on my floor,making me walk out the door and,I still fail to understand what it is about this womanOooo,oo,oo oo,oo,oo,oo,ohHelplessly melting as I stand next to the sun,As she burns me,I am screaming loud for more.I drink every drop of liquid heat that i"ve become.Pop me open spill me out onto the floor.Leaving your smell on my coat,Leaving your taste on my shoulderI still fail to understand, fail to understand.Leaving your smell on my coat,Leaving your taste on my shoulderI still fail to understand what it is about this woman.

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venom: [ "venu0259m ] n. 毒液,恶意


venom歌词中文翻译如下:I got a song filled with shit for the strong willed.这首充满戾气的歌献给意志坚强的人。When the world gives you a raw deal.当世界待你不公时。Set you off "til you.屡次放你鸽子直到你。Scream piss off screw you.仰天长啸破口大骂去你的。When it talks to you like you don"t belong or tells you.它每时每刻都在告诉你你不配或者告诉你。You"re in the wrong field.你做的一切都是错的。When"s something"s in your mitochondrial.仿佛有什么东西在你的线粒体中。Cause it latched on to you like.因为有东西盯上你了就像有人在敲门说。Knock knock, let the devil in malevolent.开门开门,让邪恶的魔鬼进去。As I"ve ever been, head is spinnin" and this medicine.我就像以前一样幸灾乐祸,脑袋晕乎乎的吃的药让我出现。Screaming, le le le let us in.幻听,让让让让我们进去。Li Li Li like a salad bowl, Edgar Allen Paul.就像一个沙拉碗,Edgar Allen Paul。


Venom,又译作猛毒,是漫威旗下超级反派。毒液共生体是漫威漫画中一个虚构的外星生命体。最早出现在《秘密战争》的漫画。 它是一个共生体,一个有思想的外星有机生命体,几乎是液体状的形式出现。它需要与一个宿主结合才能生存,宿主通常都是人,它能赋予宿主更强大的力量和能力。当毒液共生体与宿主结合,这种两生命形式的生命体被称作毒液。



blackpink pink venom歌词

blackpink pink venom歌词如下:JennieKick in the door waving the coco踢门,挥舞可可ud31ducf58uc774ub098ucc59uaca8uaef4ub4e4uc0dduac01ub9d0uace0别想带爆米花I talk that talk runways I walk walk我在跑道上说话,我走路,走路ub208uac10uace0pop popuc548ubd10ub3c4ucc99闭上眼睛也装作看不见LisaOne by one then two by two一个接一个,然后成双作对ub0b4uc190ub05dud22dud558ub098uc5d0我的指尖啪的一声ub2e4ubb34ub108uc9c0ub294uc911正在崩溃uac00uc9dcuc1fcuce58uace4ud654ub824ud588uc9c0虽然只是逢场作戏但很华丽Makes no sense you couldn " t get a dollar outta me没道理,你不能从我身上弄到一块钱Rosieuc790uc624ub298ubc24uc774uc57cub09cub3c5uc744ud488uc740uaf43好了,今晚,我是有毒的花ub124ud63cuc744ube7cuc557uc740ub2e4uc74c夺走你的灵魂后Look what you made us do看看你让我们做了什么jisooucc9cucc9cud788ub110uc7a0uc7acuc6b8fire慢慢将你沉睡的fireuc794uc778ud560ub9ccud07cuc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc美丽到残忍I bring the pain like我带来的痛苦就像This that pink venom ×3这个,那个粉红色的毒液Get " em get " em get " em让所有人Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa迎面而来大声欢呼Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah迎面而来大声欢呼Taste that pink venom ×3尝尝那粉红色的毒液Get " em get " em get " em让所有人Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa迎面而来大声欢呼Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah迎面而来大声欢呼LisaBlack paint and ammo got bodies like rambo就像rambo一样尽情宣泄暴力Rest in peace please light up a candle安息吧,请点支蜡烛This da life of a vandal masked up and I " m still in celine这是一个戴着面具的破坏者的生活我仍然穿着celineDesigner crimes or it wouldn " t be me高定犯罪不然就不是我了jennieDiamonds shining drive in silence I don " t mind it I " m ridin钻石闪闪发光,默默驾驶,我不介意,我尽情驰骋Flyin private side by side with da pilot up in the sky与飞行员一起在天空中并驾齐驱And I"m wildin stylin on them and there"s no chance我要自由自在别人根本没有机会Cuz we got bodies on bodies like this a slow dance因为我们并肩作战就像跳一支慢舞一般Jisoouc790uc624ub298ubc24uc774uc57cub09cub3c5uc744ud488uc740uaf43好了,今晚,我是有毒的花ub124ud63cuc744ube7cuc557uc740ub2e4uc74c夺走你的灵魂后Look what you made us doRosieucc9cucc9cud788ub110uc7a0uc7acuc6b8fire慢慢将你沉睡的fireuc794uc778ud560ub9ccud07cuc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc如此美丽却又如此残忍I bring the pain like我带来的痛苦就像This that pink venom ×3这个,那个粉红色的毒液Get " em get " em get " em让所有人让所有人Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa迎面而来大声欢呼Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah迎面而来大声欢呼Taste that pink venom×3尝尝那粉红色的毒液Get " em get " em get " em抓住他们,抓住他们Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa迎面而来大声欢呼Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah迎面而来大声欢呼Rosieuc6d0ud55cub2e4uba74provoke us如果你想要的话就来激怒我们uac10ub2f9ubabbud574and you know this你无法承受你知道吗Jisoouc774ubbf8ud37cuc838ubc84ub9b0shot that potion已经不断扩散的毒液ub124ub208uc55euc740ud551ud06cube5bocean在你面前是粉色的海洋RosieCome and give me all the smoke来给我所有的热情ub3c4uc544ub2c8uba74ubaa8非此即彼Like I"m so rock and roll我是如此摇滚JisooCome and give me all the smoke来吧给我所有的热情ub2e4uc904uc138uc6ccubd10uc790全都排好队来吧Stop drop等一下I bring the pain like我带来了这样的痛苦La tatata la tatata la tatata la tatataLa tatata la tatataStraight to ya迎面而来Straight to ya迎面而来Straight to ya dome like迎面而来大声欢呼La tatata la tatata la tatata la tatataLa tatata la tatataI bring the pain like我带来了这样的痛苦

Venom的《mortals》 歌词

歌曲名:mortals歌手:Venom专辑:cast in stoneHear me mortalsOr I"ll condem you to that shit and pukeYou were destined to lounge inYou"ll work the blood fieldsSail the semen seasFeelings of pain and fearMortal man - animal - prepare to feel hotSee me mortalsIn nightmares eat your mindAmongst endless screaming dronesRegurgitating bones to plantAnd water with your tearsMortal man - animal - prepare to feel hotFear me mortalsOr your mind and guts will explodeIn your very own sickly selfYou"ll haunt the realms of purgatoryDying off pain and fearMortal man - animal - prepare to feel hot


poisonousadj. venomous; toxic, containing a toxin; malicious, bad, evil (Slang) (形) 有毒的; 恶毒的, 有恶意的; 有害的; 讨厌的, 不愉快的 venomousadj. spiteful, malignant; poisonous(形) 有毒的; 有毒腺的; 分泌毒液的; 恶意的 toxicadj. poisonous, noxious, deadly n. poisonous substance (形) 有毒的, 中毒的 单从词义上就可以判断了








poisonous:有毒的动植物,化学物质等,还可形容道德败坏venomous:有毒的, 分泌毒液的, 有毒腺的,较专业,常用来形容蛇,形容人时表示怀有恶意的toxic:毒的,有毒的;中毒的,常用来形容化学物质.

极品飞车17Hennessey Venom GT在哪



1979年的英格兰正值动荡的春秋。重金属音乐在朋克们昙花一现的光芒过后继续散发着旺盛的活力。Venom,这支长久来被主流社会所忽视的乐队,Black Metal的鼻祖,出现在了纽卡斯尔的泰恩城,包括主唱/贝司手Conrad Lant/绰号Cronos(意思是怀有兽性恶意的疯狂掠夺者)、鼓手Tony Bray/绰号Abaddon(意为地狱之门的野蛮守卫)和吉他手Jeff Dunn/绰号Mantas(意为大独裁者)三个邪恶的怪胎。事实上,Venom的前身是一个叫Oberon的五人乐队。当Oberon的鼓手Abaddon在一次Judas Priest的演唱会上与舞台工作人员Mantas碰面后,他们发现彼此间有很多共同之处,于是他们决定组建一个乐队。乐队的名字来自Mantas,当时他是Motorhead的一员,在那里,他的绰号就叫Venom。不久后,Cronos作为吉他手加入Venom。不过当MANTAS写了一首Live Like An Angel,Die Like A Devil后,他让Cronos试着唱了唱,结果大家都很喜欢。同时,Abaddon联系到一些俱乐部的演出活动,但乐队的贝司手却离开乐队结婚去了,于是Cronos就试着操起了贝司,结果发现这并不是个很难摆弄的东西。现在这样的阵容大家都很满意,于是就一直这样继续下去了。1981年,他们发行了首张专辑《Welcome to hell》。这是一张可怕的专辑。首先是封面设计,一个大大的倒五角星中嵌着撒旦的山羊头。到那时为止,曾经提到过撒旦的乐队只有Black Sabbath,但Venom觉得Sabbath仍然不够黑,于是他们大胆采用了这样一个在当时可谓惊世骇俗的封面。音乐上,这张专辑更为可怕,Venom无疑是当时世界上最重的乐队。当其他乐队正在尝试借鉴朋克乐做出稍微粗野一点的金属音乐时,Venom在这张Welcome To Hell中已经把时代提前了将近10年。没有人能够相信听到这张1981年专辑时的感觉:重型和邪恶。乐队本身很不寻常,证明这点的事实除了他们只花了三天遍录完整张专辑外,还有这支乐队从未参与过联合演出。实际上,他们成为传奇人物后,便拒绝与任何其他乐队合作。1984年6月1日,在哈莫史密斯奥登,Venom举行了他们在英国的首次演出,Dumpy"s Rusty Nuts乐队为其暖场,那晚被人们称为“地狱里的第17天”。此次演出的门票被抢购一空,但更惊人的大概还得数混杂在听众中的那些朋克、吸毒者、纹身者以及摩托党等,所有的人都来看这一疯狂场面,从而使“Venom”成为少数几个能吸引大量观众的金属乐队之一,过去只有Hawkwind、Motorhead、Rose Tattoo乐队有过类似场景。正如你从这些“超乎寻常”的观众群中所预料到的,演唱会上到处充斥着失真的噪音和沸腾的歌声,仿佛舞台上接有火焰喷射器,假如你站在会场后面便可身临其境,到了高潮时,台上每件物品都被打得粉碎!Venom对此毫不在乎,在接下来的一年里,他们推出了真正的不朽之作,可能是有史以来最好的金属专辑之一:《Black metal》(当然也许在今天看来无论是技术还是思想性都很一搬但在当时作为开拓者的身份确实十分不易。专辑中包括许多具有“危险性”的经典名曲,如《Leave me in the hell》和《Raise the dead》。或者这可算是当时最“重”的重金属唱片了,它的封套上印着一行格言:家庭录音在扼杀音乐……毒液既是如此。很多歌都被日后数以万计的乐队翻唱过,这些歌把金属音乐足足推进了一大步。也就是从这张专辑开始,一个最为邪恶,最为极端的重金属分支正式宣告诞生,它的名字就是:Black Metal,黑色金属。黑色,地狱,邪恶,憎恨,反神....这一切都来自于Abaddon急速而激动的鼓声,Mantas暴戾而深沉的吉他,以及Cronos那沙哑恶毒的嗓音。这张出色的专辑使他们的地位在当时的地下乐队和真正的金属乐迷心目中提升到和Iron Maiden同等的高度。有关乐队在广播中攻击电台DJ的流言开始流传,还传说他们会对任何妨碍其发展的人都要施以魔鬼搬的诅咒,甚至还谣传说Cronos常在每个月圆之时爬到自家屋顶上像狼一样嚎叫。尽管各方谩骂十分猖狂,但他们的第三张邪恶的金属专辑《At war with Satan》仍是接着上一张专辑的同名歌曲的结尾处开始演唱的,显然其音乐发展超出了人们对这支狂热的三人乐队的想象。这张专辑的最为独特之处是专辑的A面就只有一首21分钟长的At War With Satan。这之前还没有哪首金属歌曲有这么长,即使到今天,这仍是Thrash Metal中最长的一首。是的,尽管这张专辑依旧那么出色,但它的风格已经开始蜕变成具有相当Thrash Metal感觉的东西了。也许是因为那时的Slayer和Metallica凭借这种推土机般的音乐形式取得了相当的成绩,连大洋彼岸的Venom都受到了来自后辈的影响和冲击。接下来Venom也学着写一些正统歌曲,《At war with Satan》虽是张出色唱片,但缺乏乐队固有的侵略性特征,因而容易被人遗忘。《Possessed》形式上有了一点回归,但仍未达到原来听众所期待的那种疯狂的感觉。Venom也许是意识到Possessed专辑中错误的音乐方向,因此他们虽然录制好了另一张和Possessed风格一致的新专辑Deadline(死线),但却一直没有发行。当Cronos承认他实际上对这种“黑色”艺术知之甚少,并且从未将他的灵魂奉献给台下的观众时,对诸多乐迷而言,这简直像是最后钉棺的一击,使乐迷顿时清醒过来,人们全都扫兴极了。乐队的风格由尖锐变成毫无伤害的程度时,Mantas离去了,另组一支AOR乐队。然而接下来的历史更为复杂。Abaddon和Cronos在Mantas离开后并不想解散Venom,于是他们又找到了两个新的吉他手,一个是来自美国的Mike Hickey,一个是本地的Jimmy Clare,这四个人的Venom于1987年发行了Calm Before The Storm(暴风雨前的寂静)专辑。这是一张不错的专辑,一些歌是Mantas离开前写的,但它听起来很怪:这些歌并不是很“毒汁”。当然你能听出这仍是Venom的东西,但比其以前的作品来显得平淡多了。最坏的消息是,这张专辑发行后不久,Cronos带着两个吉他手一起离开了Venom去组建自己的CRONOS乐队,只留下了Abaddon一个人。这时的Abaddon决定由他来保持Venom这个强大的名字。情况一直延续到1989年,Mantas终于又回来了,还带来了两个新成员,吉他手Al Barnes和来自Atomkraft乐队的主唱兼贝司手Tony Dolan/绰号Demolition Man。那时的Venom也被人称为Venom II。他们在1989年录制了《Prime Evil》一张相当出色的专辑,不过令人感觉很不好的一点是主唱Dolan的嗓音没有Cronos好,缺乏了Venom音乐所需要的那种恶毒感。Cronos本人听过这张专辑,他说在Harder Than Evil这首歌的时候,他好像听到Dolan在间奏的时候小声嘀咕着“我不是Cronos,我不是Cronos”......也许Dolan的嗓音本身并不差,但显然并不适合Venom。Prime Evil之后,Venom进行了一些热身性质的小型演出,演出被命名为“Sons of Satan”(《Welcome To Hell》专辑中的一首歌名)。接下来的几年里,乐队相继录制了两张专辑,《Temples of Ice》和《Waste Lands》,以及一张细碟《Tear Your Soul Apart》。这些专辑并没有引起歌迷的注意,很多人甚至根本就不知道这些专辑的存在。当然,这又是媒体的功劳,因为这些专辑并没有坏到比那些封面乐队的专辑要差的地步。由于经济情况无法维持,乐队停滞了好几年,直到1996年Cronos回到了恶魔的怀抱。这是一个令失落多年的Venom歌迷欢欣鼓舞的消息,因为原始阵容的Venom终于又回来了。这次的重组事件中最令人意想不到的是将被Cronos替换掉的主唱Dolan的态度,他并没有象人们想象的那样与乐队发生争执,而是很高兴地离开了乐队,因为他觉得Cronos的再次加盟能让Venom重现往日的辉煌,这才是他真正在意的事情——Dolan无疑是Venom最忠实的歌迷了。原班人马的Venom参加了一些音乐节的演出,并到不同国家进行了小型的巡演,接着在1997年推出了新专辑《Cast In Stone》。专辑包括两张CD,一张是新歌,一张是Venom经典的再演绎。这是一张相当不错的新专辑。这时的金属世界已经由现代派的死亡/黑金属乐队,这些乐队在技术和编排上都比Venom强了很多,Venom无法在这两个方面和年轻一代相抗衡,所以这张专辑仍然是带有很浓的NWOBHM味道的准死亡/黑金属风格,听多了现代的死亡/黑金属,再听这张专辑会有一种清新的感觉。这是近十年来Venom最好的作品。之后,Venom推出了一些精选和现场专辑。1999年,Venom成立20周年之际,乐队又开始了新的巡演,并且开始为新专辑进行创作。新专辑《Resurrection》已于新千年的4月发行。组建时间:1979年国籍:英国专辑:Kissing the Beast、A Triple Dose of Venom、Archive、Resurrection、Court of Death、Beauty and the Beast、Greatest Hits and More、Live 1996等。


是 love no more 吧就是 不再爱 的意思


  metasploit-framework旗下的msfpayload(荷载生成器),msfencoder(编码器),msfcli(监听接口)已然成为历史,取而代之的是msfvenom。  正所谓万变不离其宗,了解原理是最重要的。  现在,metasploit-framework完美搭档是msfvenom+msfcosole  下面,我们就来看一下msfvenom。  root@localhost:~# msfvenom -h  Error: MsfVenom - a Metasploit standalone payload generator.  Also a replacement for msfpayload and msfencode.  Usage: /usr/bin/msfvenom [options] <var=val>  Options:  -p, --payload <payload> Payload to use. Specify a "-" or stdin to use custom payloads  --payload-options List the payload"s standard options  -l, --list [type] List a module type. Options are: payloads, encoders, nops, all  -n, --nopsled <length> Prepend a nopsled of [length] size on to the payload  -f, --format <format> Output format (use --help-formats for a list)  --help-formats List available formats  -e, --encoder <encoder> The encoder to use  -a, --arch <arch> The architecture to use  --platform <platform> The platform of the payload  --help-platforms List available platforms  -s, --space <length> The maximum size of the resulting payload  --encoder-space <length> The maximum size of the encoded payload (defaults to the -s value)  -b, --bad-chars <list> The list of characters to avoid example: "x00xff"  -i, --iterations <count> The number of times to encode the payload  -c, --add-code <path> Specify an additional win32 shellcode file to include  -x, --template <path> Specify a custom executable file to use as a template  -k, --keep Preserve the template behavior and inject the payload as a new thread  -o, --out <path> Save the payload  -v, --var-name <name> Specify a custom variable name to use for certain output formats  --smallest Generate the smallest possible payload  -h, --help Show this message  root@localhost:~#  一,msfvenom生成payload的常见格式为:  最简单型:  msfvenom -p <payload> <payload options> -f <format> -o <path>  1  1  编码处理型:  msfvenom -p <payload> <payload options> -a <arch> --platform <platform> -e <encoder option> -i <encoder times> -b <bad-chars> -n <nopsled> -f <format> -o <path>  1  1  注入exe型+编码:  msfvenom -p <payload> <payload options> -a <arch> --plateform <platform> -e <encoder option> -i <encoder times> -x <template> -k <keep> -f <format> -o <path>  1  1  拼接型:  msfvenom -c <shellcode> -p <payload> <payload options> -a <arch> --platform <platform> -e <encoder option> -i <encoder times> -f <format> -o <path>  1  1  -o输出参数可以用“>”号代替  -f指定格式参数可以用单个大写字母代替:  例如:X 代表 -f exe  [H]arp  [P]erl  Rub[Y]  [R]aw  [J]s  e[X]e  [D]ll  [V]BA  [W]ar  Pytho[N]

Venom的《Crucified》 歌词

歌曲名:Crucified歌手:Venom专辑:Kissing The BeastDISTURBED - CRUCIFIEDWhen others left beforeI could bear to turn awayNow that it"s come to thisIs there nothing left to say?I"ve never known beforeSuch exquisite sufferingAs I watched you walk awayI gave in to panickingI can"t believe thatThis is really happeningHave I really lost again?Desperation drives me insaneI will focus all my painRight into your heartTill it makes you blindTill the faces of your former worldHave fallen from your sightTill you"re mineUntil the voice of doubt no longerDominates your mindI"m crucifiedCold and unwhole againCrying out and questioningWill I ever love again?What"s the point of anything?It takes a toll againThis is where the "fun" beginsVisions haunt me through the nightNow I"m dying for your sinsI can"t believe thatIf you looked me in the faceYou could say there"s nothing leftHow the silence drives me insaneI will focus all my painRight into your heartTill it makes you blindTill the faces of your former worldHave fallen from your sightTill you"re mineUntil the voice of doubt no longerDominates your mindI"m crucifiedI cannot feel anything, anger I"ve been harboringYou"ve nailed me to the cross, upon it will remainI can"t feel anything, rage inside is festeringYou"ve nailed me to the cross, upon it will remainI will focus all my painRight into your heartTill it makes you blindTill the faces of your former worldHave fallen from your sightTill you"re mineUntil the voice of doubt no longerDominates your mindI"m crucifiedTill it makes you blindTill the faces of your former worldHave fallen from your sightTill you"re mineUntil the voice of doubt no longerDominates your mindI"m crucified