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what gets wetter the more it dries?的答案是什么


what gets wetter as it dries?如何翻译


What gets wetter as it drise是什么意思

What gets wetter as it dries?A towel.什么东西越干它又变得越湿?毛巾。原因有两个:1. 毛巾把人们湿的手擦干,自己就湿了2. 毛巾自己越干, 人们就越越有可能用它, 造成它变得更湿

求几道英语智力题1.What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?2.Wh?

1 ice 2 cold 3 sponge海绵 4 offin 棺材(发明它的人不想要它,买下它的人不需要它,需要它的人不知道它.),1,1. ice 2. catch a cold 3.海绵 4.offin,0,求几道英语智力题 1.What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? 2.What can you catch but not throw? 3.I have holes in my top and bottom,my left and right,and in the middle.But I still hold water.What am 4.The man who invented it doesn"t wat it.The man who bought it doesn"t need it.The man who needs it doesn"t know it.What is it?

it is wet today but it was wetter yesterday

It was wet yesterday but it is wetter today. 昨天很潮湿但是今天更潮湿

just as trees in wetter climates lose theirs in wetter climates 是什么意思?

just as trees in wetter climates lose theirs in wetter climates because winter arrives就像在气候比较潮湿的树会在潮湿的气候掉叶子因为冬天来临了*感觉怪怪的句子

What gets wetter as it dries是什么意思


求解谜语 What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

ice 百度知道里有奥


您说的是形容词比较级,单音节形容词及少数双音节形容词直接在后面加-er,比如:cold,colder.great,greater. 在以重读闭音节结尾的形容词中,当结尾是一个元音字母加一个辅音字母时,应双写其结尾的辅音字母后再加-er.比如:fat,fatter.sad,sadder.thin,thinner.


wetter ["wetu0259] n. [助剂] 湿润剂;(印刷前纸张的)湿润工adj. 湿的;多雨的(wet的比较级)You never come back from a walk feeling worse – sometimes you come back feeling colder and wetter though, especially up here. 你散步回来永远不会让你感觉更糟—— 虽然,有时你回来时你会觉得更冷,更潮湿,尤其在这里。