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英语:within 和 during 在接时间名词状语时有无区别?within /during the last 24 hours


within 关于时间的限定


within 是修饰 our吗?

不是单单的修饰“our”,是修饰“our control”,搭配成一个词组,意思是“在我们的控制中”。

within 和with的区别在哪?(最好有例子)

within:ad.在内n.里面prep.在...里面Examples:I"ll be coming within an hour.一小时之内我就会到.with:prep.和...一起,用Examples:I leave the baby with my mother every day.我每天都把婴儿交给我母亲照料....


prep. 在…之内;在…里面;不超过adv. 在内部;在里面,它相当于inside。


和句意有关,作者是以欧洲人的身份在叙述,就像我们说“中国国内”如何如何,只说“中国”当然不会错,但是会仿佛有种距离感,像是在说别人的事情一样。不用within 直接是 the European continet 可以……


in表示将来He"ll come back in a week. 他将于一周之后回来。within只是表示一个限定的范围1.在...范围内;不超过They finished the house within half a year. 他们在半年内盖好了这幢房屋

in , within 语法方面问题

1 讲解 有误 与延续不延续 无关 一般 意思上 都是非延续 即使是延续 也是强调的起点2都可以 翻译成 两小时后3 翻译成 两小时内 因为 有have to 相当于情态动词 4没有要求

within and in 区别是什么?

in在里面。within:在一定的范围里,不一定是空间的,还有时间的。如:1、(表示时间)不超过 He has grown three inches within the last two years.这两年的工夫他长高了三英寸。2、(表示范围)在范围[限度]内 It is within our power to reward him for that.我们有权为那件事奖励他。3、(表示距离)不超出 Mr.Smith lives within ten miles of us.史密斯先生住在离我们不到十英里远的地方。4、(表示位置)在…里面, 在…内部 There are two long rivers within the continent.该地区有两条长河。


with意为与人或物一起/使用某物within意为在...里,强调一个范围,比如时间,地域e.g.I go to London with him.我与他一起去伦敦。I have to finish the job within a month.我得在一个月内干完这活。


1)这里的WIHTIN 是在…的范围内;在…能达到的地方;在…内,在…里面之意,而Of 表示所有关系,而这里并不是指所有关系 (能力为基础的东西并不是每个主要劳动力所有,而是在主要劳动力范畴里所必须的东西,所以这里用WIthin2)those 是等于 which process? 这里 those 只是单纯的做代词 ,指示 关键劳动力所包含的所有的东西。



用within 造句?

I will go back home within one hour.


within 与in +时间 的区别都是"在……内"within 是指在一定的能力权利等范围内,而in 指具体的里面。如果表示在一段时间内,within可以加时间点,也可以加时间段,而in只能将时间段。I will do it in a week.He will come back within two months.


在这句话中基本上没有什么区别但是请注意:in an hour 表示“一小时之后” within an hour 表示“一小时之内”


within不是名词,是介词。比如withinten days表示在十天之内


in与within区别:1 当表示“在某个具体距离之内“时只能用within.Please stay within hearing. 请不要跑到叫得应的距离以外去。We live within earstot of the factory whistle. 我们住的地方听得见工厂汽笛声。 2 当表示时间时,within表示”在。。。以内“,而in可以表示”在。。。以内“和”在。。。以后“。Mrs Gray will return in a week"s time.格雷太太将在一星期以后回来。 Mrs Gray will return within a week"s time.格雷太太将在一星期之内回来。3 表示范围和引导抽象名词,两者都可使用,意思有些区别,within比in语气更强。Success is within our grasp now. 成功在望。in one"s power,in one"s grasp,etc. within one""s power,within one""s grasp;etc. 比较:It is in my power.这在我的职权范围之内。(说明事实) It is within my power.这在我的控制之下。(说明控制)欢迎探讨词法语法问题。



in an hour /within an hour用什么时态



within是介词,在...里being是 be的进行时,是being within是 在...里

within temptation中文叫撒子。



within后加名词,表示在...里面 ,在...之内比如:Clients are entertained within private dining rooms. 在私人餐室内款待客户。 Please finish the essay within 20 minutes. 请在20分钟之内完成这篇作文。希望帮到你!欢迎追问!


这两个介词均可表示“在…(时间)以内”。within着重一段时间终结之前,用于正式场合; in着重一段时间的过程,常用于重复动作或延续动作。

within 和in的区别



正是在我们的孩子与我们的情感联系中,他们发展自己更深层次的意识和相关的能力。within在这里是个介词,可以理解为in。这里用了个强调句it is...that....,强调在……的联系中,within翻译为“在……中”。



within two days和in two days有什么区别





within的词性:adv.(副词)1.In or into the inner part; inside.在…之内:在或进入里面;在内部2.Inside the mind, heart, or soul; inwardly.在里面,在心中:在内心、灵魂或思想中;在里面地within的词性:prep.(介词)3.In the inner part or parts of; inside:在…里面,在…内部:用法与例句:resentment seething within him.复仇的情绪在他的内心翻腾4.Inside the limits or extent of in time or distance:在…范围以内:在时间或距离的限制或范围之内:用法与例句:arrived within two days; stayed within earshot; within ten miles of home.两天之内到达;呆在听力所及之地;在离家十英里之内5.Inside the fixed limits of; not beyond:不超过:在既定的限制之内;不超出:用法与例句:lived within her income.她量入为出6.In the scope or sphere of:在…范围内;在…领域里:用法与例句:acted within the law; within the medical profession.在法律允许范围内活动;在医学专业领域里7.Inside a specified amount or degree:在确定的范围或程度内:用法与例句:The team had pulled to within five points of winning.该队在赢五分就可获胜

within的反义词 还有它们的用法

without 1 当表示“在某个具体距离之内“时只能用within. 2 当表示时间时,within表示”在.以内. within的反义词 —— outside outside 可以当副词,名词,形容词,介词







within 和in有什么区别

within是指在什么什么范围内,是指一个范围,距离啊什么的,比如说在两米内就是within two metres还有个就是没有的意思,和without很像,比如说没有了你,我很伤心啊什么的就是i"m sad within u!in是指某物在什么之内,比较具体,比如说你在我心里就是you are in my heart


within的词性:adv.(副词)1.In or into the inner part; inside.在…之内:在或进入里面;在内部2.Inside the mind, heart, or soul; inwardly.在里面,在心中:在内心、灵魂或思想中;在里面地within的词性:prep...


in,within 1.in:过……后(未来时间) 注意 如果用于过去时,用after +时间. She went to Nanjing last May,and she came back after a month. 去年五月她去了南京,一个月之后她又回来了. 大多用在将来时(一般将来时和过去将来时). in an hour 一小时之后 in a week or so 一个多星期之后 He will be back in five hours.他五小时之后回来. They said they would arrive here in a week.他们说他们一周后到达. 2.within:不超过……的范围 比较 within和in with in强调在……时间之内,没有时态的限制. in是以现在为基准,in an hour是指从现在起1小时之后,所以一般只用于将来时. within 3 hours 3小时之内 I must finish painting the cat within five minutes.我必须在五分钟之内画好这只猫. They worked hard.They finished the work within 2 days at last.他们努力工作,结果终于他们在两天之内完成了这项工作.


1、I"ll be coming within an hour.一小时之内我就会到。2、No fishing is allowed within a twenty mile limit.二十英里范围内不准垂钓。3、This is a task well within your ability.这完全是你力所能及的工作。4、Several cars are available within this price range.在这个价格范围内,有好几种汽车可供选购。5、Within these old walls there was once a town.在这些旧城墙里面曾经有一座城市。6、He is keeping within a few yards of his sister"s chair.他同他姐姐的椅子保持两三码的距离。7、There are two long rivers within the continent.这块大陆有两条长河。





within是什么意思 英语within什么意思

1、adv.在内部;在里面;prep.不出(某段时间);在(某段时间)之内;不出(某段距离);在(某段距离)之间;不出(某范围或限度);在(某范围)之内。 2、双语例句:The work must be completed within a certain time limit. 这项工作必须在一定期限内完成。


within [wi"�0�8in, wi"θin]prep. 在…之内adv. 在内部n. 里面 within a mile在一英里以内within one"s experience不超出自己的经历

谁知道in a week, within a week有什么区别?

因此, in a week是指一周后或过一周,即大约历时一周的时间,in five days是指五天后或过五天,即大约历时五天的时间。We"ll meet you in a week. 过一周我们去见你。He"ll arrive in three days. 他三天后到达。但是,当动词为过去时时, in a week 则是指“一周之内”,即从过去某一个时间点向后算起的一周之内或者经过了一周的时间。In two weeks Jules had done so. Five weeks in a Balloon became a best seller. 朱尔斯用两周时间写完了这本书。《在气球上的五周》成了畅销书。within a week则总是指“一周之内”。另外,within比in较为正式:I shall be back within a week. 我将在一周之内返回(可能三天后,也可能五天后返回)。



within与in有什么区别(在表示一段时间的时候) 请用自己的答案^-^

in表示将来 He"ll come back in a week. 他将于一周之后回来. within只是表示一个限定的范围 1.在...范围内;不超过 They finished the house within half a year. 他们在半年内盖好了这幢房屋

例句中within 的用法

within 在这里表示 地点状语There are some significant differences in spending habits within Europe.在欧洲,消费习惯有许多明显的不同。希望能帮到你


1. within their reach2.within reach 够得到,达到,力所能及3. within my ability 在能力范围内4. within their rights 有权

关于within的用法????within 7 pages ,是把页数限制在7页以内,包括第7页吗?????

prep.不出(某段时间);在(某段时间)之内;不出(某段距离);在(某段距离)之间;不出(某范围或限度);在(某范围)之内adv.在里面;在内部within 7pages意思是七页以内,或者译为不超过七页例如About 40% of all students entering as freshmen graduate within 4 years大约40%的入学新生四年内毕业。所以说可以少于四年但绝对不能超过四年那么你这个可以不到七页,可以七页,绝对不能超过七页。所有入学新生中约有40%在4年内毕业。


Within this tale,(there) lie several lessons (that) you can put to work to make money. within 引导的不是状语从句,不过是一个介词短语作状语.主语是several lessons,被倒装了,才放到后面,但主谓一致,所以谓语得用复数. 翻译:在这个故事中,讲述了一些你可以总结到工作中以便赚钱的经验教训.






within作名词解释为 内部, 里头作副词解释为 在内部, 在内心里作介词解释为 在...之内, 不越出作形容词解释为 里面的, 内部的例句In or into the inner part; inside.在…之内:在或进入里面;在内部Inside the mind, heart, or soul; inwardly.在里面,在心中:在内心、灵魂或思想中;在里面地In the inner part or parts of; inside:在…里面,在…内部:resentment seething within him.复仇的情绪在他的内心翻腾Inside the limits or extent of in time or distance:在…范围以内:在时间或距离的限制或范围之内:arrived within two days; stayed within earshot; within ten miles of home.两天之内到达;呆在听力所及之地;在离家十英里之内Inside the fixed limits of; not beyond:不超过:在既定的限制之内;不超出:lived within her income.她量入为出In the scope or sphere of:在…范围内;在…领域里:acted within the law; within the medical profession.在法律允许范围内活动;在医学专业领域里Inside a specified amount or degree:在确定的范围或程度内:The team had pulled to within five points of winning.该队在赢五分就可获胜An inner position, place, or area:内部:里面的位置、地点或地区:treachery from within.内部欺诈

within 的用法



within是指在什么什么范围内,是指一个范围,距离啊什么的,比如说在两米内就是within two metres还有个就是没有的意思,和without很像,比如说没有了你,我很伤心啊什么的就是i"m sad within u!in是指某物在什么之内,比较...


ah ~

Within Temptation介绍




within 和in的区别

In1 POSITION inside or towards the inside of a container, place, or areaThere"s milk in the fridge.a shop in South LondonHe put his hand in his pocket.2 DURING during part or all of a period of timeWe"re going to Italy in April.I started working here in 1993.The guinea pig lives inside in the winter.3 USING TIME needing or using no more than a particular amount of timeThey managed to complete the work in two weeks.I"ll be ready in a few minutes.4 PART OF part of somethingWho"s the woman in the painting?There"s a few spelling mistakes in your essay.5 JOB involved in a particular kind of joba career in publishing/politics6 SUBJECT connected with a particular subjecta degree in philosophyadvances in medical science7 WEARING wearingDo you know that man in the grey suit?8 EXPRESSED expressed or written in a particular wayComplete the form in black ink.She spoke to him in Russian.9 ARRANGED arranged in a particular wayWe sat down in a circle.Is this list in alphabetical order?10 EXPERIENCE experiencing an emotion or conditionWe watched in horror as a body was pulled from the wreckage.She"s in a bad mood this morning.The kitchen"s in a terrible state.11 in all used to show the total amount of somethingSome of the children came, so there were 15 of us in all. Within1 TIME before a particular period of time has finishedThe ambulance arrived within 10 minutes.Consume within two days of purchase.2 DISTANCE less than a particular distance from somethingShe was born within 20 miles of New York.The hotel is within easy reach of (= near) the airport.3 INSIDE inside an area, group or systema dispute within the departmentThere"s a pharmacy within the hospital building.4 LIMIT not outside the limits of somethingThe project was completed well within budget.5 within the law/the rules/your rights, etc allowed according to the law/the rules/your rights, etcYou"re perfectly within your rights to complain.

英语:within 和 during 在接时间名词状语时有无区别?within /during the last 24 hours

个人认为,during强调的是时间的持续性,说明在这段时间内都持续或陆续在做某事。而within强调在范围之内,不能超出这个范围,而不强调持续性。 例如:the seller demanded that payment should be made within five days.这里的within强调必须在五天内完成付款,但付款只是一次性动作,所以换成during就不合适了。He swims every day during the summer.强调整个夏天都在游泳,动作有持续性,就不能用限定性的within.during是在一段时间里面within表示某范围之内


这个单独不好说,需要结合具体例子和搭配来看。in一般表示方位位子,在什么里面,in the country,within有点强调一个范围,限度如在5分钟内跑完全程,强调时间限制就用within 5 minutes 比用in好

within by的区别

当句子中在日期前使用 by 这个介词时,是指 on or before 也就是“不得迟过”的意思。within 后面通常跟着一段期限,不适合直接指定日期。例如:within 3 days, within a week, within next month 。。。

within one"s reach是什么意思

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