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中华人民共和国消防法由全国人民代表大会常务委员会审议通过。为了预防火灾和减少火灾危害,加强应急救援工作,保护人身、财产安全,维护公共安全,制定本法。中华人民共和国消防法是1988年颁布的,《中华人民共和国消防法》1998 年4月29 日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二次会议通过2019 年4 月23 日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议修订2019年4月23 日中华人民共和国主席令第二十九号公布自 2019 年4 月23 日起施行。法律依据:《中华人民共和国消防法》第一条为了预防火灾和减少火灾危害,加强应急救援工作,保护人身、财产安全,维护公共安全,制定本法。第二条消防工作贯彻预防为主、防消结合的方针,按照政府统一领导、部门依法监管、单位全面负责、公民积极参与的原则,实行消防安全责任制,建立健全社会化的消防工作网络。第三条国务院领导全国的消防工作。地方各级人民政府负责本行政区域内的消防工作。各级人民政府应当将消防工作纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,保障消防工作与经济社会发展相适应。第四条国务院应急管理部门对全国的消防工作实施监督管理。县级以上地方人民政府应急管理部门对本行政区域内的消防工作实施监督管理,并由本级人民政府消防救援机构负责实施。军事设施的消防工作,由其主管单位监督管理,消防救援机构协助;矿井地下部分、核电厂、海上石油天然气设施的消防工作,由其主管单位监督管理。县级以上人民政府其他有关部门在各自的职责范围内,依照本法和其他相关法律、法规的规定做好消防工作。法律、行政法规对森林、草原的消防工作另有规定的,从其规定。


逃生设备属于强制性认证产品目录逃生缓降器 认证依据标准GB 21976.1 GB 21976.2逃生梯 认证依据标准GB 21976.1 GB 21976.3消防产品3c认证 www.gdcccrz.com逃生滑道 认证依据标准GB 21976.1 GB 21976.4应急逃生器 认证依据标准GB 21976.1 GB 21976.5逃生绳 认证依据标准GB 21976.1 GB 21976.6


一、车用消防泵CCCF认证结构要求1、紧固件及自锁装置不应因振动等原因而产生松动。2、车用消防泵上应铸出表示旋转方向的箭头。 3、操纵机构应轻便可靠,各操纵手柄应设置指示牌,指示牌应由抗腐蚀材料制成。指示牌上文宇的高度应不小于3mm,压制或蚀刻的深度应不小于0.2mm。4、泵应带有压力表及真空压力表接头。5、泵吸人口处应设置便于拆卸的抗腐蚀性滤网,滤网的过流面积应不影响泵的性能。滤网上的孔不得通过:a) 对于泵额定流量不大于30L/s的,为大于或等于5mm的颗粒;b) 对于泵额定流量大于30L/s的,为大于或等于13mm的颗粒。5、泵的进口应能承受0.4MPa的正压。6、泵出水阀应标注开、关指示标记,指示标记应位于明显易见部位且其面积不小于6mm2。7、泵应设置放水旋塞,放水旋塞应处于泵的最低位置以便排尽泵内的余水。放水旋塞的通径应不小于19mm。8、泵的出口处应安装止回阀。9、泵应设置取压孔,取压孔的直径应为3mmu301c6mm或等于管路直径的1/10,两者取小值。取压孔的深度应不小于5倍的取压孔直径。出口压力取压孔应位于止回阀之后。二、车用消防泵CCCF认证材料要求1、泵壳应采用铸铁、铸钢、铸铝或铸铜等其他铸造合金。轴应采用不锈钢或相当的抗腐蚀性材料;或者轴使用碳钢材料,但在填料盒及泵体过流流道处须采用抗腐蚀性材料的轴套。2、叶轮、叶轮密封环、壳体密封环、套环、填料环、水封环、填料压盖、机械密封盖、填料轴套、.水轴承套、挡套、中间衬套、减压衬套、密封压盖、压盖螺母、轴套螺母、叶轮螺母和放水旋塞应采用抗腐蚀性材料制成^ ^3、车用消防泵CCCF认证外观质量要求1、所有铸件外表面不应有明显的结疤、气泡、砂眼等缺陷。2、泵体以及各种外露的罩壳、箱体均应喷涂GB/T3181的要求。涂层质量应符合QC/T484甲级的规定。三、机械性能要求1、门泵应按10.5进行密封试验,试验过程中泵体及部件不应有渗漏、冒汗等缺陷。2、泵应按10.6进行静水压强度试验,www.gdcccrz.com试验过程中泵壳不应有影响性能的变形和裂纹等缺陷。四、真空密封性能车用消防泵应有良好的真空密封性能。按10.7进行试验时,1min内的真空降落值不应大于2.6kPa。五、引水装置性能车用消防泵应设置引水装置,引水装置产生的最大真空度不应小于85kPa。








1. 消防安全的英语怎么写 消防安全的英语:fire safety 英文发音:[u02c8fau026au0259(r) u02c8seu026afti] 例句: Is obviously a temporary high-pressure water supply system, do not meet fire safety requirements. 明显是临时高压给水系统,不符合防火规范要求。 词汇解析: 1、fire 英文发音:["fau026au0259] 中文释义: n. 火;火灾;炮火;炉火;热情; *** ;磨难 vt. 点燃;解雇;开除;使发光;烧制;激动;放枪 vi. 着火;射击;开枪;激动;烧火 例句: They saw a big flash and a huge ball of fire reaching hundreds of feet into the sky. 他们看到一道强光和一个巨大的火球直冲天空达几百英尺。 2、safety 英文发音:["seu026aftu026a] 中文释义:n. 安全;保险;安全设备;保险装置;安打 例句: People scurried for safety as the firing started. 人们在交火发生时急忙跑向安全地带。 扩展资料 与消防安全有关的名词: 1、fire hydrant 英文发音:[u02c8fau026au0259 hau026adru0259nt] 中文释义:[安全] 消防栓;灭火龙头 例句: Mr. Huang used water that had leaked out of a fire hydrant to wash his motor scooter. 黄先生利用从消防栓外漏的水清洗他的摩托车。 2、firemen 英文发音:["fau026au0259mu0259n] 中文释义:n. 消防员 例句: It took firemen two hours to cut through the drive belt to free him 消防员花了两个小时才把传动带切断,把他救了出来。 3、fire fighting truck 英文发音:[u02c8fau026au0259(r) u02c8fau026atu026au014b tru028ck] 中文释义:消防车 例句: Article 36 Fire truck, fire boats and fire control devices, equipage and facilities shall not be used for purposes other than fire fighting and rescue work. 第三十六条 消防车、消防艇以及消防器材、装备和设施,不得用于与消防和抢险救援工作无关的事项。 2. 跪求 防火安全常识 英语作文 People know the dangers of fires. It"s good for us to know how to protect us from fire. Firstly, get a *** oke alarm in the house. It can make a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house immediately in case of emergency. Secondly, have an escaping plan. Make sure we all know where is the safety exit of your house. In case of fire emergency, everyone should follow the right way to escape. Last but not least, it is necessary for every family to buy a fire extinguisher, better safe than sorry. And also make sure that every family member know how to use it. 3. 跪求 防火安全常识 英语作文 Forest fire is everyone"s responsibility Forest as the renewable natural resources and the main body of the terrestrial ecosystem, in the survival and development of mankind history plays an irreplaceable role. The forest has the reputation of lung of the earth, it can greatly absorb carbon dioxide, and constantly create a human and other organi *** s need oxygen. The forest is the oxygen factory, is a dust filter, is a natural reservoir, is a natural air conditioning 。 。 The forest gives us the inexhaustible benefits! The forest is whole countryman economy lasts, fast, healthy development of the foundation, it is in the national economic construction has irreplaceable status and role.The forest and the people"s production and life are closely linked, but the forest is facing the threat of fire! Fire can make valuable natural resources e to nothing! Fire can cause people to lose the precious life! The number of human civilization in the fire disappear? How many precious wealth in the fire disappear?Please see the following terrible lesson: in 2004, a town in Fujian province a hill. Because there was a farmer in a field of weeds in burned accidentally cause of forest fires, the affected forest area of 28 hectares, the fire lasted 19 hours, the fire direct cost 26000 yuan! Causing the death of 8 people! In 2006, a state-owned forestry centre for the village because *** oking cause of forest fires. Forest Lawn victimization area of 1000 mu, 4 firefighters died!Forest fires occur due to human factors and natural factors two, wherein, the human factors account for a major proportion of. Human factors are the main field and open up wasteland; field and keep warm by the fire; fire flooding wild beast; field littered cigarette and *** oke. Fire and water have no mercy., is not a joke, there is old saying goes: those who play with fire will burn! One careless move, can bring to the forest crowning calamity to human beings themselves, bring endless grief! People are weak awareness of fire prevention has led to a disastrous consequences!As a pupil of what we can do? I think I should start from our own, strictly abide by the rules for primary school students, not in the wild fire. And to do *** all forest fire propagandist work, into their own village, and protect the forest uncle aunts a, publicity the importance of fire, tell people to forest fire prevention. To help improve people"s consciousness of fire prevention. I want to you uncle aunt call: forest fire protection is everyone"s responsibility! Prevention of forest fire prevention in!。 4. 翻译成英文: 1.讲消防安全知识 2.必须 为你解答。 1 讲消防安全知识 tell something about fire safety 2.必须____ 禁止 must-mustn"t 3.必须小心 must be careful 4.玩火柴 play with matches 5.在火边玩耍 play by the fire 6.一场大火 a big fire 7.在一个乡村公园里 in a country park 8.到处 here and there 9.在火上浇水 drop water on the fire 10.在火中燃烧 burn in the fire 11.勇敢地灭火 put out the fire bravely 12.受伤 get hurt 13.使用了大量水 use a lot of water 14.放了一块标牌 put up a sign 15.在我们的洞里有一个火堆。 There is a campfire in our cave. 16.给某人某物 give *** sth 17.好吃 taste good 18.喜欢____憎恨(反) like-hate 19.把它扔到火堆里去 throw it into the fire 20.闻起来香 *** ell good 21.把所有的肉放在火上烧 put all the meat on the fire 22.快速地出去 get out quickly 23.不要用电梯 don"t use the lift 24.危险的___ 安全的(反) dangerous-safe 25.到处是烟雾弥漫。 There is *** oke everywhere. 26.捂住你的嘴 Cover your mouth 27.快速地爬出去 crawl out quickly 28.知道做什么 know what to do 29.听消防员的 listen to the firefighters 5. 防火通知英语作文加翻译 Hello everyone. Fire safety is very important to us . If our building is on fire, how should we do? First, we should keep calm and follow the teacher"s arrangement to keep the order, . Next , If the *** oke is thick, we should use a wet towel to cover our mouths and noses. At the same time, we have to try to keep low to the floor in the *** oke.Finally, we should walk quickly to the nearest exit. 你们好,消防安全对我们每个人都很重要。 如果我们的房子着火了,我们应该怎么做?首先,我们应该保持冷静,听从老师的 保持顺序的安排,。其次,如果浓烟,要用湿毛巾盖我的嘴巴和鼻子。同时,我们要尽量保持低到地板上。最后,我们应该尽快走到最近的出口。 本文来自"英语汇作文网" 欢迎分享本文,转载请保留出处! 6. 消防四个能力详细内容 英文翻译 1. To determine the fire safety manager in charge of the unit"s fire safety management, clear responsibility of employees in post fire2. Units a month to conduct a prehensive fire safety inspection, and plete inspection records3. Units daily fire safety inspections, and inspection personnel to determine the content, location and frequency; public places during business hours should be at least once every two hours of fire safety inspections; hospitals, nursing homes, boarding schools, nurseries and kindergartens should be undertaken night fire safety inspections4. Unit employees a day before classes, after classes check the status of fire safety5. Units of fire prevention inspection, inspection of fire hazards found, check the inspectors to immediately urge the rectification, rectification can not spot, fire safety manager to report to develop corrective action plans, specific corrective measures, the rectification period, the deadline to eliminate, and to take preventive measures, to ensure the safety of the rectification period6. Shall be set up full time fire brigade enterprises and institutions to establish a full-time fire department; with security forces unit to establish a "security consumer one" fire brigade; other units of the establishment of the voluntary fire brigade7. The fire control room staff on duty trained certificates, familiar with the fire fighting equipment, and master fire and starting the fire facilities and equipment disposal procedures and methods8. According to its practical development of fire fighting and emergency evacuation, fire fighting and emergency evacuation and a clear organizational structure, personnel, disposal procedures and practices; unit organizations at least once every six months fire fighting and emergency evacuation drills and exercises continued to improve according to plan9. The control unit employees should be extinguishers, fire hydrants and other fire-fighting facilities and equipment are used. In the event of fire, the fire site and the adjacent staff positions staff positions to quickly take advantage of fire fighting equipment10. Employees to master the basic skills to help themselves escape fire, escape routes and guide familiar with evacuation procedures. A. carry safety equipment, evacuation, and immediately rushed to the responsibility of cleaning up the safety position B. rapid export organizations to help guide the evacuation corridor C. evacuation operations not to escape11. Units on each floor of the building, evacuation passageway and safety officers to clear evacuation guide12. Fire facilities equipment to set norms, eye-catching logo, text or illustrations indicate the operation with use of13. Key positions, an important place and evacuation passageway and safety to set the "prompt", "No" Class fire logo14. Unit employees annually organize a fire safety education and training, public gathering places once every six months training. New posts and the new staff positions to conduct pre-service fire training, most employees to "know the three will be three" requirements。



请求 英文达人翻译 消防安全十不准,地道一点,跪求

According to the People"s Republic of China fire prevention rule related stipulation, is the implementation the prevention primarily, guards against disappears the union fire work policy, does well my courtyard the safe fire protection work, guaranteed my courtyard normal teaching, the scientific research and other each work carry on smoothly, link to my courtyard reality, does stipulated as follows:First, does not permit in the dormitory to smoke.Second, does not permit in the student"s dormitory use electric stove, and so on each kind of contrary electric appliance.Third, does not permit randomly to pull the electric wire secretly, randomly receives a telegram the source, the excess load uses electricity.Fourth, does not permit when dormitory nobody inserts each kind of battery charger.Fifth, does not permit the casual utilization or the damage fire prevention equipment and the fire facility.Sixth, does not permit by any reason jamming fire protection channel.Seventh, does not permit with the copper wire, the iron wire, the toothpaste tube and so on to replace the fuse.Eighth, does not permit in the dormitory, the corridor, the restroom to burn down any goods.Ninth, does not permit in the fire protection critical spot, the key spot stack flammable, the high explosive cargo.Tenth,does not permit in student"s dormitory use electrical equipments and so on liquefication gas storage holder, electricity mattress. Above ten look fellow university students to observe earnestly, if has violates and my courtyard related stipulation carries on processing according to "the People"s Republic of China Fire prevention Bylaws for the Implementation of the Regulations", creates the consequence to investigate its legal responsibility legally 很正确






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