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微雕剪纸激光切割机客户认为:剪纸传承中国传统(以手工刀刻为主)民间剪纸!面对今天人力资源短缺,手工作业已经逐渐被高科技产品微雕激光切割机取代,效率和费用得到了广大加工剪纸吊钱,绒布剪纸等传统民间艺术加工认可。 一、概述 剪纸是中国传统的文化宝典,他在居家装饰,办公场所,节庆礼品都充当了可贵的角色,为世界带来了一份天地! 二、目前的剪纸作品包括: 1、各形状单彩色剪纸,包括新春窗花剪纸、福字剪纸,各种动物、人物、景物剪纸、各种中国传统民俗,各种来图定做等;2、艺术剪纸,复杂度较高,对版面进行详细设计,剪纸精度要求较高,版面一般较大,内容多以古典、名著、传说、名景、人物、神圣之物、文字、景、物等,近几年增添了现代剪纸作品,西方剪纸,欧洲风情等;3、传统工艺装裱剪纸、字画,装裱之后,剪纸档次更上一层楼,极具收藏价值! 4、剪纸礼品画册、剪纸挂历、剪纸台历、剪纸屏风等深加工业务,针对年俗,企事业单位礼品,企业随产品礼品,产品促销礼品等;5、花鸟鱼虫(凤凰牡丹,雄鹰展翅,锦上添花,大展宏图,富贵平安,花开富贵,花鸟,花瓶,菊花,荷花,春夏秋冬,连年有余,金鱼,百蝶图,花蝴蝶,花扇图,孔雀,百鸟朝凤,单风朝阳,凤凰,龙,孔雀,细丝花鸟,吉祥如意,猫,松鹤集图,熊猫等) 6、民俗产品(关公,九鱼呈祥,六子争头,龙,穆桂英挂帅,麒麟送子图,威扬神州,西游记,知足常乐,二龙戏珠,新年春节福字等) 7、脸谱系列(京剧脸谱、卡通脸谱、个性脸谱等) 8、十二生肖(圆形生肖、生肖形状、卡通生肖、连体生肖、生肖福字等) 9、人物系列(鲁迅、齐白石、笛声、古美女系列、名著人物系列) 10、大幅作品(店庆促销、屋内壁挂等,幅度长边在40~120cm;内容有:大发财源-招财进宝图、万事如意-鱼福字、大发财源-发字图、四季平安字图,财源广进字图、万事如意字图、寿字图、财源广进-生意兴隆字图、万事如意-欢度春节字图、财源广进-恭喜发财字图) 11、大幅细作(九龙壁,九龙图,红楼梦大观园,剪纸册,丹凤朝阳,清明上河图全景(5米/8米/定制),龙凤呈祥,马到成功,前程万里,清明上河图(分段),三国五虎上将,贵妃醉酒,杨八姐游春,醉八仙、八俊全图、水浒108将、多种花鸟名画、福禄寿大幅字画,百米年画传统民俗组图集等 12、婚庆专区(各种婚庆喜字、大、中、小,特大床喜等;婚庆人物剪纸装裱(需提供照片) 13、文字剪纸(提供各种字体文字剪纸) 14、烫金剪纸(各种大小,多种纸面加工,可作大幅烫金面积) 15、绒布剪纸(烫金系列、不烫金系列) 16、客户定制作品(可提供原图处理打样,版费具体根据版面和打样尺寸来定) 17、办公用品-促销礼品-中国传统民俗民间艺术品 18、剪纸工具,剪纸用各种工具,包括蜡板、刻刀、磨石、砂纸、微雕激光切割机等 19、微雕剪纸激光切割机绒布剪纸培训


国际足联世界杯(FIFA World Cup),简称世界杯,世界杯每四年举办一次,任何国际足联会员国(地区)都可以派出代表队报名参加这项赛事(成年男子足球赛)。1930年开始举办第一届,其中1942年和1946年因为二战停办。上一届的冠军队是西班牙队,于2010年在南非举办。 The FIFA World Cup, often simply called the World Cup, is an international association football competition contested by the senior men"s national teams of the members of Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the sport"s global governing body. The championship has been awarded every four years since the inaugural tournament in 1930, except in 1942 and 1946 when it was not held because of the Second World War. The current champions are Spain, who won the 2010 tournament in South Africa.


The Count of Monte Cristoby Alexandre DumasNarrated by Richard MatthewsThe story takes place in France, Italy, and islands in the Mediterranean during the historical events of 1815? (from just before the Hundred Days through the reign of Louis-Philippe of France). It is primarily concerned with themes of justice, vengeance, mercy and forgiveness, and is told in the style of an adventure story.Dumas got the idea for The Count of Monte Cristo from a true story, which he found in a memoir written by a man named Jacques Peuchet. Peuchet related the story of a shoemaker named Pierre Picaud, who was living in Paris in 1807. Picaud was engaged to marry a rich woman, but four jealous friends falsely accused him of being a spy for England. He was imprisoned for seven years. During his imprisonment a dying fellow prisoner bequeathed him a treasure hidden in Milan. When Picaud was released in 1814, he took possession of the treasure, returned under another name to Paris and spent ten years plotting his successful revenge against his former friends.


随州地处长江流域和淮河流域的交汇地带,是湖北省对外开放的“北大门”,是特大城市武汉向西北辐射的重要接力站和中转站,区位优势十分明显,战略地位日益突出。京广铁路、汉丹铁路和107、316、312国道以及即将兴建的“汉十”高速公路贯穿全境,国家正在兴建的 西宁铁路经过随州北部,西宁铁路与汉丹猛跌的连接正在随州建设,形成纵横交错、四通八达的交通网络。 Is situated at the Yangtze valley and the Huai He Valley connection region along with the state, is the Hubei Province opening to the outside world “the north gate”, is super city Wuhan to the northwest radiation important relaying station and the stopover station, the geographical superiority is very obvious, the strategic position is day by day prominent. The Jing-Guang Railroad, the han-dan railroad and 107, 316, 312 federal highways as well as soon construct “the Chinese ten” the highway to pass through the throughout, the country the Xining railroad which constructs are passing through along with the state north, the Xining railroad and Chinese Dan fall suddenly the connection along with the state construction, is forming the transport network which spreads across, extends in all directions.


Zhang Qians Journey to the West China and Rome:the Mysterious Strangers Tribes on Chinas Western Frontier During Han Dynasty The Early Merchants on the Silk Road The Introduction of Buddhism into China via the Silk Road The Disput on the West End of the Silk Road The Great Tang Dynasty and the Golden Age of the Silk Road International Trade during Tang Dynasty Tang Monkss Searching for True Buddhist Scriptures in Indian Sogdians,the Rich Merchant and Artist on the Silk Road The Rising of Arabs The Influence of Roman Arts on the Oriental Cultures The Culture Diversity of the Silk Road The Foreign Religions Practiced in China From the Crusades to Marco Polo Lyons:the Silk Capital of the Europe The Interaction of Civelizations between the East and the West Renaissance ot the Silk Road and Dunhuang Buddhist Manuscript


Zhang Qians Journey to the WestChina and Rome:the Mysterious StrangersTribes on Chinas Western Frontier During Han DynastyThe Early Merchants on the Silk RoadThe Introduction of Buddhism into China via the Silk RoadThe Disput on the West End of the Silk RoadThe Great Tang Dynasty and the Golden Age of the Silk RoadInternational Trade during Tang DynastyTang Monkss Searching for True Buddhist Scriptures in IndianSogdians,the Rich Merchant and Artist on the Silk RoadThe Rising of ArabsThe Influence of Roman Arts on the Oriental CulturesThe Culture Diversity of the Silk RoadThe Foreign Religions Practiced in ChinaFrom the Crusades to Marco PoloLyons:the Silk Capital of the EuropeThe Interaction of Civelizations between the East and the WestRenaissance ot the Silk Road and Dunhuang Buddhist Manuscript


Great Britain (Scottish Gaelic: Breatainn Mhòr, Welsh: Prydain Fawr) is the largest island of the British Isles, the largest island in Europe and the eighth-largest island in the world. It lies to the northwest of Continental Europe, with Ireland to the west, and makes up the largest part of the territory of the state known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is surrounded by over 1,000[citation needed] smaller islands and islets.The historic nations of England, Scotland and the principality of Wales are mostly situated on the island, along with their capital cities, London, Edinburgh and Cardiff respectively.


"LeBron" redirects here. For other uses, see Lebron (disambiguation).LeBron James: LeBron Raymone James (/lu0259u02c8bru0252n/; born December 30, 1984), nicknamed "King James", is an American professionalbasketball player for the Miami Heat of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Standing at 6 ft 8 in (2.03 m) and weighing in at 250 lb (113 kg), he has played the small forward and power forward positions. James has won two NBA championships, four NBA Most Valuable Player Awards, two NBA Finals MVP Awards, two Olympic gold medals, an NBA scoring title, and the NBA Rookie of the Year Award. He has also been selected to nine NBA All-Star teams, nine All-NBA teams, and five All-Defensive teams, and is the Cleveland Cavaliers" all-time leading scorer. James played high school basketball at St. Vincent–St. Mary High School in his hometown of Akron, Ohio, where he was highly promoted in the national media as a future NBA superstar. After graduating, he was selected with the first overall pick in the 2003 NBA Draft by the Cavaliers. James led the Cavaliers to the franchise"s first NBA Finalsappearance in 2007, losing to the San Antonio Spurs in a sweep. In 2010, he left the Cavaliers for the Heat in a highly publicized free agency period. In his first season in Miami, the Heat reached the Finals, but lost to the Dallas Mavericks. James won his first championship in 2012 when Miami defeated the Oklahoma City Thunder, earning the NBA Finals MVP Award for his play. In 2013, the Heat won their second consecutive title and he repeated as Finals MVP. Hiscareer achievements and leadership role during Miami"s 2012 and 2013 championship runs have led many basketball analysts to consider him the best player in the NBA today. Off the court, James has accumulated considerable wealth and fame as a result of numerous endorsement contracts. His public life has been the subject of much scrutiny, and he has been ranked as one of America"s most popular, disliked, and influential athletes. He has also been featured in books, documentaries, and television commercials, and has hosted theESPY Awards and Saturday Night Live. 有点多 ,你剪辑使用吧。。。


谁知道 少在哪里啊 谁安装后的虐杀原型2 超过8G的 能不能说下 movies 这个文件是多大的,我安装后movies文件是1.69g918雪债谁来偿还?抗日战争必须进行到底!!!

父亲节的来历英文简介 父亲节的来历英文介绍

1、原文:The worlds first Fathers Day, born in 1910 in the United States, was advocated by Mrs. Brusdord, who lives in Spokane, Washington, USA. Mrs. Dodds mother died of dystocia when she gave birth to her sixth child. After her wife died, Mrs. Dodds father took on the responsibility of raising and educating six children alone on a rural farm in eastern Washington.Mr. Smart worked hard during the day and went home at night to take care of the housework and the life of every child. After decades of hard work, the children finally grew up. While the children hoped to make Mr. Smart enjoy his old age, Mr. Smart died in 1909 because of years of overwork. 2、翻译:世界上的第一个父亲节,1910年诞生在美国,是由住在美国华盛顿州斯波坎的布鲁斯多德夫人倡导的,多德夫人的母亲在生育第六个孩 子时,因难产而死,多德夫人的父亲在妻子过世后,独自一人在华盛顿州东部的一个乡下农场,承担起抚养、教育六个孩子的重任。斯马特先生白天辛劳地工作,晚上回家还要照料家务与每一个孩子的生活,经过几十年的辛苦,儿女们终于长大成人,当子女们盼望能让斯马特先生好好安享晚年之际,斯马特先生却因多年的过度劳累于1909年辞世。

电影釜山行 英文简介

你好,你要的英文简介如下:While a zombie-virus breaks out in South Korea, a couple of passengers struggle to survive on the train from Seoul to Busan.Sok-woo and his daughter Soo-ahn are boarding the KTX, a fast train that shall bring them from Seoul to Busan. But during their journey, the train is overrun by zombies which kill several of the train staff and other passengers.While the KTX is shooting towards Busan, the passengers have to fight for their lives against the zombies.望采纳。


If you find a locked room in a lonely inn, don"t try to open it, even on a bright sunny day. If you find a strange whistle hidden amoung the stones of an old church, don"t blow it. If a mysterious man gives you a piece of paper with strange writing on it, give it back to him at once. And if you call a dead man from his grave, don"t expect to sleep peacefully ever again. Read these five ghost stories by deylight, and make sure your door is locked.里面有五个故事the picture rats casting the runes the experiment"oh,whistle,and I"ll come to you my boy"还好我看过

袁隆平的英文简介 越简单越好 ~·

袁隆平 Yuan Longping (1930.9.7 -) 出生于北平,1953年毕业于西南农学院。1964年开始研究杂交水稻,1973年实现三系配套,1974年育成第一个杂交水稻强优组合南优2号,1975年研制成功杂交水稻制种技术,从而为大面积推广杂交水稻奠定了基础。1985年提出杂交水稻育种的战略设想,为杂交水稻的进一步发展指明了方向。1987年任863计划两系杂交稻专题的责任专家,1995年研制成功两系杂交水稻,1997年提出超级杂交稻育种技术路线,2000年实现了农业部制定的中国超级稻育种的第一期目标,2004年提前一年实现了超级稻第二期目标。1995年当选为中国工程院院士。先后获得“国家特等发明奖”、“首届最高科学技术奖”等多项国内奖项和联合国“科学奖”、“沃尔夫奖”、“世界粮食奖”等11项国际大奖。出版中、英文专著6部,发表论文60余篇。1995年当选为中国工程院院士。


关于美国人长和不出力的成功的历史可能是一个令人恐惧的障碍, 但, 如果适当地处理, 这也许成为美国进入这样一个发光的期间在第二次世界大战以后的结尾的驾驶的force.When, 它比任一个竞争者有一个市场八次大, 给它的产业scale.Its 科学家空前的经济最好是world"s, 它的工作者多数skilled.American 和美国人是economeics 战争毁坏了的兴旺的beyongd 欧洲的梦想和亚洲人。它是不可避免的, 这首要应该变窄了因为其它国家作为不可避免地生长了richer.Just, 撤退从predominace 证明painful.By 中间80 年代美国人发现了自己在losss 他们退色的工业competitiveness.Some 巨大的美国产业, 譬如家电, 手被收缩或消失在外国competitiong.By 1987 年面前有只一个美国电视制作商剩下, Zenith.(Now 那里是无:Zenith 被买了SouthKorea"sLGElectronics 在July.)Foreign 被制作的汽车和纺织品里sweeeping 入国内market.America"s machine-tool 产业是在它看的ropes.For 每一会儿好象makeing 半导体, whidh 美国发明了并且坐在新计算机时代中心, 打算是下caualty 。所有这导致了confidenc.Americans 危机被停止采取繁荣ofr 授予了They 开始相信, 做生意他们的方式失败, 并且他们的收入因此shourtly 会开始下落The 头脑80 年代带来了一询问在另入起因ofAmerica"s 在dustrial decline.Thir 有时引起轰动的研究结果用关于增长的competitiong 的警告被填装了从国外之后。怎么事有changed!I1995 美国可能看在五年坚实成长当日本是struggling.Few 美国人归因于这自已疑义产生了对盲目的pride."American 产业改变了它的结构, 去在饮食, 学会是更多quik witted, "according 对理查u30fbCavanagh, Government."It Harvard"s 肯尼迪学校的行政教务长使我骄傲是美国人正义看见怎么我们的企业改进theirproductivity, "says 斯蒂芬u30fbMoore Cato 学院,a 智囊团在、华盛顿特区, 和威廉Sahlman 哈佛商业学校相信人们将看在这perido 当业务管理的"a 黄金时代在


霍去病英文简介born in Linfen, Shanxi, was a general of the western Han dynasty under Emperor Wu, he was the nephew of Wei Qing and Empress Wei Zifu.Although raised in reasonable prosperity during the early glory days of the Wei family, he exhibited outstanding military talent as a teenager. Deployed as a commander in Wei Qing"s expeditions, Huo Qubing regularly led his own troops deep into enemy territory and inflicted great defeats on the Xiongnu with rapid running assaults, on one occasion claiming victory by capturing the Xiongnu artifact Golden Statue. As a result, he gained great favour with the Emperor.When he was 20 years old, he and Wei Qing were sent with separate armies to attack the Xiongnu on the largest-scale Han offensive to date. Huo Qubing, leading the elite divisions of the Han army, engaged the Xiongnu"s Worthy Prince of the Left (左贤王, literally meaning "Wise King of the Left") and routed his troops, inflicting the lethal blow of a devastating 70,443 casualties on the Xiongnu clan. He was greatly rewarded for his efforts, and his fief reached in excess of 10,000 households.Though a brave general and highly regarded by Emperor Wu, he paid little regard to his men. Sima Qian noted in Shiji that Huo Qubing refused to share his food with his soldiers when their provisions were low, and also regularly ordered his troops to dig up football fields for his personal amusement. However, when it came to martial glory, Huo Qubing never hesitated to share the honor with his men. One of the most famous tale is that when Emperor Wu awarded Huo a jar of precious wine for his achievement, he poured it into a creek so all his troopers drinking the water could share a taste of it. This tale gave rise to the name of the city Jiuquan (酒泉, meaning "wine spring"). At the height of his career, many low-ranking commanders previously served under Wei Qing voluntarily came to Huo"s service in the hope of achieving military glory with him.


展开全部 George。The 奥威尔 is a British writer 艾 in the gram。Blair"s pen name。He was born in the Bangladesh, returning to England to study in a Mr。 of 伊 to learn afterwards。1922 goes to halt Royal police"s troops of India of the Burma to provide the job, colonizing the doctrine governance because of the detestation, resigning to return in 1927 Europe, the improverished life made him believe in the Marxi *** once。Afterwards write the book 挣 a few money after, he went to country to openned the sundries store of 爿 。 Spanish civil war explosion in 1936, the full of patriotic fervor 奥 威尔 rush through to helped the government soldier to resist the method west 斯 troops, he is in the combat two body negative severely wounded, war of the result ream 奥威尔 is greatly disappointed, produced after return to country anti- total motion, promoted the social democrati *** , but he never got involved anti- total activity。In the literature career, the 奥威尔 is it may be said great talent takes time to mature, the parable type novel publish in 1945 《 the animal agriculture Chuang 》 make big 噪 of his reputation, it symbolizeds the 奥威尔 toward the centralization politics to declare war formally, he is clay-cold to just publish of 《 1984 》 (1948) was end to establish his firm position in the literature in world。 Publish in 1968 of three book 《 miscellaneous collection of essays 》 is be called" the voice of the ages"。Not only general reader likes his very popular language,50"s but also have many novelists and playwright in succession follow example of him that sharp and happy literary atmosphere。 FF George。The 奥威尔 is a British writer 艾 in the gram。Blair"s pen name。He was born in the Bangladesh, returning to England to study in a Mr。 of 伊 to learn afterwards。1922 goes to halt Royal police"s troops of India of the Burma to provide the job, colonizing the doctrine governance because of the detestation, resigning to return in 1927 Europe,the improverished life made him believe in the Marxi *** once。Afterwards write the book 挣 a few money after乔治·奥威尔简介, he went to country to openned the sundries store of 爿 。 Spanish civil war explosion in 1936, the full of patriotic fervor 奥 威尔 rush through to helped the government soldier to resist the method west 斯 troops, he is in the combat two body negative severely wounded, war of the result ream 奥威尔 is greatly disappointed, produced after return to country anti- total motion,promoted the social democrati *** 乔治·奥威尔简介, but he never got involved anti- total activity。In the literature career, the 奥威尔 is it may be said great talent takes time to mature, the parable type novel publish in 1945 《 the animal agriculture Chuang 》 make big 噪 of his reputation, it symbolizGeorge。 The 奥威尔 is a British writer 艾 in the gram。Blair"s pen name。He was born in the Bangladesh, returning to England to study in a Mr。 of 伊 to learn afterwards。1922 goes to halt Royal police"s troops of India of the Burma to provide the job, colonizing the doctrine governance because of the detestation, resigning to return in 1927 Europe, the improverished life made him believe in the Marxi *** once。Afterwards write the book 挣 a few money after, he went to country to openned the sundries store of 爿 。 Spanish civil war explosion in 1936, the full of patriotic fervor 奥 威尔 rush through to helped the government soldier to resist the method west 斯 troops, he is in the combat two body negative severely wounded, war of the result ream 奥威尔 is greatly disappointed, produced after return to country anti- total motion, promoted the social democrati *** , but he never got involved anti- total activity。In the literature career, the 奥威尔 is it may be said great talent takes time to mature, the parable type novel publish in 1945 《 the animal agriculture Chuang 》 make big 噪 of his reputation, it symbolizeds the 奥威尔 toward the centralization politics to declare war formally, he is clay-cold to just publish of 《 1984 》 (1948) was end to establish his firm position in the literature in world。 Publish in 1968 of three book 《 miscellaneous collection of essays 》 is be called" the voice of the ages"。Not only general reader likes his very popular language,50"s but also have many novelists and playwright in succession follow example of him that sharp and happy literary atmosphere。 eds the 奥威尔 toward the centralization politics to declare war formally, he is clay-cold to just publish of 《 1984 》 (1948) was end to establish his firm position in the literature in world.Publish in 1968 of three book 《 miscellaneous collection of essays 》

求 泰坦尼克号 英文简介及评论



A man and a women love together! FINISH,THE MAN ARE DIE


Titanic was an Olympic-class passenger ship owned by the White Star Line and built at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Ireland. Launched on 31 March 1909 and completed in 1911, she was the largest and most luxurious ship of her time. On her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York on 15 April 1912, she collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sank with the loss of over 1,500 lives.


三个陌生人:主要内容托马斯·哈代最著名的小说莫过于《德伯家的苔丝》,但他也创作了大量的短篇故事。其中大多数取材于哈代在英格兰南部居住时,周围村庄的人们给他讲述的故事。人有相似,无论他们生活在城镇还是乡村,在当代还是一百年前。一个牧羊少年惊恐地睁大了双眼,从他的小棚屋中往外窥视一个女人和一个并非她丈夫的男人秘密约会。一个年轻女教师原本要回家嫁给一个比自己大得多的男人,却因做了一时冲动的事而改变了自己的生活。不过,还是让我们从一座孤零零的村舍的敲门声说起吧。屋内灯光明亮、气氛欢快,人们伴随着音乐翩翩起舞,玩得很开心。屋外大雨滂沱,顺着山间小路走来的陌生人凝视着灯火通明的窗户。他是该继续赶路,还是停下来歇歇、坐在温暖的炉火边吃点东西呢?翻译:Thomas hardy is one of the most famous novel "Tess of the", but he has also created a large number of short stories.Most of them originated from hardy lived in southern England, around the village people to his story.There are similar, whether they are living in towns or the countryside, in the contemporary or one hundred years ago.A shepherd boy opened his eyes wide in horror, from his hut to peep at a woman and a man is not her husband"s secret date.A young teacher had to go back home to marry a much older man, because to do things on impulse and changed his life.However, let us from a single knock on the door of the cottage.The room lights bright, cheerful atmosphere, people dance accompanied by music, having a good time.The rain outside, walking along the mountain trail stranger stares at the brightly lit Windows.He is the continued on his way, or to stop and rest, sit

了不起的盖茨比英文简介 小知识请查收

1、The Great Gatsby was published in 1922 by F.Scott Fitzgerald.At first glance,the novel appears to be a simple love story,but further examination reveals Fitzgerald"s masterful scruti... 2、《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德创作的一部以以20世纪20年代的纽约市及长岛为背景的中篇小说,出版于1925年。 3、主人公詹姆斯·卡兹本是北达科他州的一个贫穷的农家子弟,自幼梦想做个出人头地的大人物。经过一番努力,他终于步步高升,并更名为杰伊·盖茨比。他在一个军训营里任中尉时,爱上了南方的大家闺秀黛茜·费。可是当他戴着军功勋章在战争结束后从海外归来时,黛茜已嫁给了一位来自芝加哥的、体格健壮、极为富有但举止粗鲁的纨绔子弟汤姆·布坎农,沉醉于爱情梦幻中的盖茨比艰苦创业,由一个贫穷的军官奋斗成为百万富翁。他在长岛西端买下了一幢豪华别墅,与住在东端的布坎农夫妇隔海湾相望。他的府第每晚灯火通明,成群的宾客饮酒纵乐。他唯一的愿望是希望看到分别了五年的情人黛茜,当他们重逢时,盖茨比以为时光可以倒流,重温旧梦,但久而久之,他发现黛茜远不像他梦想的人,可是这种醒悟还没多久,黛茜开车碾死了丈夫的情妇,汤姆嫁祸于盖茨比,盖茨比终于被害,黛茜居然没来送葬:叙述者尼克由此看透了上层社会有钱人的冷酷残忍和居心险恶,离开纽约,回到了中西部的故乡。


The Great Gatsby was published in 1922 by F. Scott Fitzgerald. At first glance, the novel appears to be a simple love story, but further examination reveals Fitzgerald"s masterful scrutiny of American society during the 1920s and the corruption of the American dream. F. Scott Fitzgerald"s The Great Gatsby (1926) is, at first sight, a novel about love, idealism and disillusionment. However, it soon reveals its hidden depths and enigmas. What is the significance of the strange "waste land" between West Egg and New York, where Myrtle Wilson meets her death, an alien landscape presided over by the eyes of T J Eckleburg whose eyes, like God"s, "see everything"? And what are we to make of the novel"s unobtrusive symbolism (the green light, the colour of American dollar bills, which burns at the end of Daisy"s dock, the references to the elements - land, sea and earth - over which Gatby claims mastery, the contrast between "East" and "West"), or its subtle use of the personalised first narrator, the unassuming Nick Carraway? It is a novel which has intrigued and fascinated readers. Clearly, as a self-proclaimed "tale of the West", it is exploring questions about America and what it means to be American. In this sense Gatsby is perhaps that legendary opus, the "Great American Novel", following in the footsteps of works such as Moby Dick and Huckleberry Finn. We will return to this aspect of the novel in more detail later on. However, we also need to be aware that it is a novel which has much to be say about more abstract questions to do with faith, belief and illusion. Although rooted in the "Jazz Age" which Fitzgerald is so often credited with naming, it is also a novel which should be considered alongside works like The Waste Land, exploring that "hollowness at the heart of things" which lies just below the surface of modern life. Eliot himself remarked that the novel "interested and excited me more than any new novel I have seen, either English or American, for a number of years". Viewed from more distant perspectives it is possible to see Gatsby as an archetypally tragic figure, the epitome of idealism and innocence which strives for order, purpose and meaning in a chaotic and hostile world. In this sense Gatsby contains religious and metaphysical dimensions: the young man who shapes a "Platonic vision of himself" and who endows the worthless figure of Daisy with religious essence, eventually passes away into nothingness, with few at the funeral to lament the passing of his romantic dream.

了不起的盖茨比英文简介 小知识请查收

1、The Great Gatsby was published in 1922 by F.Scott Fitzgerald.At first glance,the novel appears to be a simple love story,but further examination reveals Fitzgerald"s masterful scruti... 2、《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德创作的一部以以20世纪20年代的纽约市及长岛为背景的中篇小说,出版于1925年。 3、主人公詹姆斯·卡兹本是北达科他州的一个贫穷的农家子弟,自幼梦想做个出人头地的大人物。经过一番努力,他终于步步高升,并更名为杰伊·盖茨比。他在一个军训营里任中尉时,爱上了南方的大家闺秀黛茜·费。可是当他戴着军功勋章在战争结束后从海外归来时,黛茜已嫁给了一位来自芝加哥的、体格健壮、极为富有但举止粗鲁的纨绔子弟汤姆·布坎农,沉醉于爱情梦幻中的盖茨比艰苦创业,由一个贫穷的军官奋斗成为百万富翁。他在长岛西端买下了一幢豪华别墅,与住在东端的布坎农夫妇隔海湾相望。他的府第每晚灯火通明,成群的宾客饮酒纵乐。他唯一的愿望是希望看到分别了五年的情人黛茜,当他们重逢时,盖茨比以为时光可以倒流,重温旧梦,但久而久之,他发现黛茜远不像他梦想的人,可是这种醒悟还没多久,黛茜开车碾死了丈夫的情妇,汤姆嫁祸于盖茨比,盖茨比终于被害,黛茜居然没来送葬:叙述者尼克由此看透了上层社会有钱人的冷酷残忍和居心险恶,离开纽约,回到了中西部的故乡。


  1、The Great Gatsby was published in 1922 by F.Scott Fitzgerald.At first glance,the novel appears to be a simple love story,but further examination reveals Fitzgerald"s masterful scruti...   2、《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德创作的一部以以20世纪20年代的纽约市及长岛为背景的中篇小说,出版于1925年。   3、主人公詹姆斯·卡兹本是北达科他州的一个贫穷的农家子弟,自幼梦想做个出人头地的大人物。经过一番努力,他终于步步高升,并更名为杰伊·盖茨比。他在一个军训营里任中尉时,爱上了南方的大家闺秀黛茜·费。可是当他戴着军功勋章在战争结束后从海外归来时,黛茜已嫁给了一位来自芝加哥的、体格健壮、极为富有但举止粗鲁的纨绔子弟汤姆·布坎农,沉醉于爱情梦幻中的盖茨比艰苦创业,由一个贫穷的军官奋斗成为百万富翁。他在长岛西端买下了一幢豪华别墅,与住在东端的布坎农夫妇隔海湾相望。他的府第每晚灯火通明,成群的宾客饮酒纵乐。他唯一的愿望是希望看到分别了五年的情人黛茜,当他们重逢时,盖茨比以为时光可以倒流,重温旧梦,但久而久之,他发现黛茜远不像他梦想的人,可是这种醒悟还没多久,黛茜开车碾死了丈夫的情妇,汤姆嫁祸于盖茨比,盖茨比终于被害,黛茜居然没来送葬:叙述者尼克由此看透了上层社会有钱人的冷酷残忍和居心险恶,离开纽约,回到了中西部的故乡。


The Great Gatsby was published in 1922 by F. Scott Fitzgerald. At first glance, the novel appears to be a simple love story, but further examination reveals Fitzgerald"s masterful scrutiny of American society during the 1920s and the corruption of the American dream. F. Scott Fitzgerald"s The Great Gatsby (1926) is, at first sight, a novel about love, idealism and disillusionment. However, it soon reveals its hidden depths and enigmas. What is the significance of the strange "waste land" between West Egg and New York, where Myrtle Wilson meets her death, an alien landscape presided over by the eyes of T J Eckleburg whose eyes, like God"s, "see everything"? And what are we to make of the novel"s unobtrusive symbolism (the green light, the colour of American dollar bills, which burns at the end of Daisy"s dock, the references to the elements - land, sea and earth - over which Gatby claims mastery, the contrast between "East" and "West"), or its subtle use of the personalised first narrator, the unassuming Nick Carraway? It is a novel which has intrigued and fascinated readers. Clearly, as a self-proclaimed "tale of the West", it is exploring questions about America and what it means to be American. In this sense Gatsby is perhaps that legendary opus, the "Great American Novel", following in the footsteps of works such as Moby Dick and Huckleberry Finn. We will return to this aspect of the novel in more detail later on. However, we also need to be aware that it is a novel which has much to be say about more abstract questions to do with faith, belief and illusion. Although rooted in the "Jazz Age" which Fitzgerald is so often credited with naming, it is also a novel which should be considered alongside works like The Waste Land, exploring that "hollowness at the heart of things" which lies just below the surface of modern life. Eliot himself remarked that the novel "interested and excited me more than any new novel I have seen, either English or American, for a number of years". Viewed from more distant perspectives it is possible to see Gatsby as an archetypally tragic figure, the epitome of idealism and innocence which strives for order, purpose and meaning in a chaotic and hostile world. In this sense Gatsby contains religious and metaphysical dimensions: the young man who shapes a "Platonic vision of himself" and who endows the worthless figure of Daisy with religious essence, eventually passes away into nothingness, with few at the funeral to lament the passing of his romantic dream.




The Red-crowned crane, or Grus japoensis, has won out as the only appropriate candidate for China"s national bird after years of expert analysis and public internet polls. The Red-crowned Crane, a bird that Chinese used to connect with beautiful myth and represents longevity in greetings, won an overwhelming 64.92% of the vote held on more than twenty websites across China from May to June 2004 attracting around 5 million netizens. Ten species, also including magpie and golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus), were listed as candidates. More than 40 countries currently have national birds. The United States started the trend for national birds when it made the Bald Eagle as its avian representative 200 years ago.


u3000u3000The World Expo in 2010u3000u3000Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. ()ur governmentu3000u3000has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.u3000u30002010 World Expo is getting closer, civilization and harmonious call is ringing in our ears. Shanghai is the host city of the World Expo, 2010.u3000u3000As an volunteer of the Expro.I think it will not only be a opportunity to the development to Shanghai, but also to our national spirit reflected in the Expro.u3000u3000World Expo has a great influence and has a long history of international activities, it is also a grand gathering of human beings. People from all over the world get together to display their products and skills, and boast of their motherland and hometown uff0cwhich has a unique appeal uff0cthe mood is stirring.u3000u3000World Expo is a platform converying what we hosts can do and will do perfect.u3000u3000Being a glorious World Expo volunteers,I feel very proud and looking forward to seeing a bright future.We must also make our own contribution to the World Expo to prove that we will go through our own hands, to heat the hearts of sincere and practical action to achieve the world"s commitment to Shanghai: " City, Better Life! "u3000u3000I would like to show our foreign friends to the ever-changing Shanghai and long-history China through the World Expo,doing a favor to my country through my own effortsu3002u3000u3000I am looking forward to the World Expo , and I will work with the Expo as well as growing with the development of Shanghai.




Two Chinese Valentine"s Days in a year Chinanews Anthony Chinanews, Beijing, July 31 - Today in the 7th day of the 7th month in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, the Seventh Evening of the Seventh Month Festival, which is considered as the Chinese Valentine"s Day, a sweethearts day. However, what is sweeter is that there will be a second Seventh Evening of the Seventh Month Festival on August 30, as there is a intercalary seventh month this year. The last time when there were two Seventh Evening of the Seventh Month Festivals in a year was in 1968.The Seventh Evening of the Seventh Month Festival, also known as the Needlework"s Day or Girl"s Day, on which girls pray to the Weaving-Maid for her blessing on their needlework, and of which the most romantic part is the love story between Weaving-Maid and Cowherd.It is said that Cowherd from the mundane world and Weaving-Maid from heaven loved each other. They were separated by the Milky Way at the order of the Queen Mother of the Western Heaven, and were permitted to meet only once a year. Cowherd and Weaving-Maid became the stars Altair and Vega. They would meet on the seventh night of the seventh lunar month every year, with the magpies making a bridge to help them cross the Milky Way. People regarded the date of wedding as " meeting of stars " so far. Their beautiful tale has touched the hearts of so many young lovers in China throughout the ages, thus every year on the Seventh Evening of the Seventh Month Festival, many lovers would prey to the two stars for love and happiness.Two Seventh Evening of the Seventh Month Festivals in a year is more than good news to lovers, but why? That is because the traditional Chinese lunar calendar is based on the syzygies of the moon, and there are only 355 or 354 days in a year, 11 days less than a solar year. The solution to this problems is to add seven intercalary months every 19 years, thus in 2006 an intercalary seventh month is added, making two Seventh Evening of the Seventh Month Festivals.


Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States, a famous speaker, a lawyer, he mighty be modest and prudent, humorous, "excellent speaker" reputation. He led to the slavery of war, issued "the liberation of black slaves declaration, maintaining the federal system, paved the way for the United States in the the world"s leading industrial power in the period of nineteenth Century, the United States entered a golden age of economic development, known as" the great liberator ". In the face of adversity, Lincoln humiliation, the great goal steadily refuse to be cowed or submit, the United Nations toward recovery of non-staple food of national unity and emancipation. In victory, he never arrogant, but has always maintained a modest simple, benevolent civilians color, in order to maintain the Federal National Industry and the long-term interests of the country as the final success. He was killed, and become a great cause of martyrdom.


1809.2.12, birthday 1818 (9 years), the mother died. 1831 (22 years), a business failure. 1832 (23 years old), his state parliament seat. In the same year (23 years old), lost. To attend law school, but not school qualifications. 1833 (24 years), to borrow money for business friends. In the end (24 years), again went bankrupt. Next, he spent 16 years before the debt repaid. 1834 (25 years), again for the state, this won. 1835 (26 years), after the marriage betrothal, fiancee died. 1836 (27 years), the spirit of total collapse, confined for six months. 1838 (29 years), the state"s bid to become the spokesman -- without success. 1840 (31 years old) and strive to be electors -- lost. 1843 (34 years), to participate in parliamentary elections -- also unsuccessful. 1846 (37 years), to participate in the Congress election again -- this time elected. Go to Washington, D.C., performance merits. 1848 (39 years), congressmen seek re-election, but failed. 1849 (40 years old), would like to state in their own land as the Secretary of the work was rejected. 1854 (45 years), running for U.S. Senator, was. 1856 (47 years), within the Republican nomination for Vice President -- less than 100 votes. 1860 (51 years old), was elected President of the United States. Become the greatest president in U.S. history one. Born on the Lincoln name, will their lives in the face of defeat. He had desperate things, but did not give up this life high jump competition.


第16届亚运会将于2010年11月12日至27日在中国广州进行,广州是中国第二个取得亚运会主办权的城市。北京曾于1990年举办第11届亚运会。广州亚运会将设41项比赛项目,是亚运会历史上比赛项目最多的一届。广州还将在亚运会后举办第十届残疾人亚运会。16th Asian Games in 2010 November 12-27 in Guangzhou, China, and Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing held in 1990 in the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asian Games will be 41 events, the Asian Games are the largest number of historical events on the next. Guangzhou will host the Asian Games at the Tenth Asian people with disabilities.


zhangdaqiandeyingwenjianjie?Right sir?


参阅网页:约翰 弥尔顿的《失乐园》Paradise Lost Bridges" Analysis of Milton"s Later Work - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia John Milton"s Paradise Lost, by looking at the changes in Milton"s practice with ... Bridges" Analysis of Milton"s Later Work. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... 网页: Relaxation of the Rules of Elision - The Prosody and Rhythm of Samson Agonistes - Inversions of the first two feet en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridges"_Analysis_of_Milton"s_Later_Work参考资料:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridges"_Analysis_of_Milton"s_Later_Work




Marshall Bruce Mathers III (born October 17, 1972),[1] better known by his stage name Eminem (Stylized EMINu018eM), or Slim Shady, is an American rapper, record producer, and actor. Eminem quickly gained popularity in 1999 with his major-label debut album The Slim Shady LP, which won a Grammy Award for Best Rap Album. The following album, The Marshall Mathers LP, became the fastest-selling solo album in history.It brought Eminem increased popularity, including his own record label, Shady Records, and brought his group project D12 to mainstream recognition.The Marshall Mathers LP and his third album, The Eminem Show also won Grammy Awards, making Eminem the first artist to winBest Rap Album for three consecutive LP"s. He then won the award again in 2010 for his album Relapse, giving him a total of 11 Grammys in his career. In 2002, he won the Academy Award for Best Original Song for "Lose Yourself" from the film 8 Mile, in which he also played the lead. "Lose Yourself" would go on to become the longest running #1 hip-hop single. Eminem then went on hiatus after touring in 2005. He released his first album since 2004"s Encore, titled Relapse, on May 15, 2009. Eminem is the best-selling artist of the decade, and has sold more than 80 million albums worldwide to date, making him one of the best-selling music artists in the world.[5] Eminem was ranked 82nd on Rolling Stone magazine"s list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All-Time.He was also named the Best Rapper Ever by Vibe magazine. Including his work with D12, Eminem has achieved eight #1 albums on the Billboard Top 200 and 12 number one singles worldwide. In December, 2009 Eminem was named the Artist of the Decade by Billboard Magazine. His albums The Eminem Show, The Marshall Mathers LP, and Encore (in order) ranked as the 3rd,7th, and 40th best album of the 2000-2009 decade by Billboard Magazine. According to Billboard, Eminem has two of his albums among the top five highest selling albums of the 2000s. In the UK Eminem is one of the best selling overseas artists ever having sold over 12.5 million records. After the release of his album Relapse Eminem became the best selling rapper of all time.PS:eminem吧看到的。http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=751550957




  J.K.罗琳,英国作家,2004年,罗琳荣登《福布斯》富人排行榜,她的身价达到10亿美元,下面是我给大家整理的jk罗琳英文简介,供大家参阅!   jk罗琳简介   J.K. Rowling, born July 31, 1965 in Gwin, England, graduated from the University of Exeter, UK, UK writer.   In 1989, 24-year-old Rowling had the idea of creating Harry Potter. June 1997, launched the Harry Potter series first "Harry Potter and the magic stone". Subsequently, Rowling created the "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" and "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" in 1998 and 1999 respectively. In 2001, the United States Warner Brothers film company decided to novel the first "Harry Potter and the magic stone" onto the screen. In June 2003, she created the fifth work "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". In 2004, Rowling won the "Forbes" rich list, her worth of $ 1 billion. In July 2005 launched the sixth "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", in July 2007 launched the end of the article "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." As of 2008, the "Harry Potter" series of seven novels were translated into 67 languages published worldwide 400 million copies. In 2010, the Harry Potter film series of the end of the article "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" shooting completed. In December 2014, Rowling updated the "Harry Potter" series of related stories   jk罗琳人物经历   On July 31, 1965, J.K. Rowling was born at the University of Teste, 240, Yate Station Avenue, Gwen, England. In September 1970, Joanne Rowling began an elementary school at the St. Michael"s Cathedral English School on Highland Street in Winterburn. Grew up like writing and storytelling at the age of 6, she wrote a story about the rabbit. In September 1974, Joanne Rowling went to school in Tates Hill church primary school. In the autumn of 1976, Rowling began to attend the Vedan High School in Sebastian. In 1982, Joanne Rowling became a student representative of Vedienne Secondary School. In the summer of 1983, Rowling graduated from the high school of Vidien Comprehensive High School, attended the Oxford University entrance examination. In the autumn of the same year, Rowling began studying at the University of Exeter in England, majoring in French and classical literature. 1985 - 1986 University second year, Rowling participated in the University of Exeter "French practice" and came to Paris. She taught English there, this is her first time to teach.   In the spring of 1987, Rowling graduated from Exeter University. In 1989, 24-year-old Rowling in Manchester to London on the train journey, a thin, wearing glasses of black hair shaman, has been in front of her window smiling at her. His appearance made her initiation of the idea of writing Harry Potter. Although she had no paper and pen on her hand, she had begun to imagine. So, Harry Potter was born - an 11-year-old boy, thin man, black puffed hair, bright green eyes, wearing round glasses, forehead with a slender, lightning-like scars. Harry Potter became a popular fairy tale figure.   In 1990, Rowling reluctantly agreed that her boyfriend had proposed moving to Manchester and his residence. In the same year, Rowling found a secretary at the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, and later worked at the University of Manchester for some time. In 1991, Rowling worked as an English teacher at the British Columbia School in Opopia, Portugal.   In February 1996, Rowling sent the "Harry Potter and the Magic Stone" outline of the novel and the story of the three chapters to the Christopher Ritter where the agents. In June the same year, Rowling got a teacher qualification certificate. After teaching practice, teaching at Leith College.   In February 1997, because of Rowling"s previous application, the Scottish Art Association gave Rowling a $ 13,000 fee to fund her. Press in June 1997 launched the Harry Potter series of the first "Harry Potter and the magic stone", won the British National Book Award Children"s Novel Award, and the Sami Book Gold Medal Award. Subsequently, Rowling created the "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" and "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" in 1998 and 1999 respectively.   In 2001, the United States Warner Brothers film company decided to novel the first "Harry Potter and the magic stone" onto the screen. In June 2003, she created the fifth work "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". In 2004, Rowling won the "Forbes" rich list, her worth of $ 1 billion. In July 2005 launched the sixth "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", in July 2007 launched the end of the article "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." As of 2008, the "Harry Potter" series of seven novels were translated into 67 languages published worldwide 400 million copies. In 2010, the Harry Potter film series of the end of the article "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" shooting completed.   In December 2014, Rowling updated the "Harry Potter" series of related stories, one of the story of the protagonist is Draco Malfoy   jk罗琳人物评价


When the movie starts, automotive and military is planning a secret war against the Decepticons. Transformers As more and more re-surfaced, it was found that the robot in the face of the earth"s history than they imagine to be the oldest, and even some officials speculated that it was because people brought the Decepticons car, the car to catch up with people go. Optimus Prime do not want no one to protect the Earth in the state, let Decepticons wreak havoc, and he to Sam for help, asking him when the car"s spokesperson, to convince mankind to let the car leave. Sam refused, he wanted to attend university, and other people want to live a normal life, but he failed because he was the Rubik"s cube of the energy of debris through the original impact of his so that he produced all sorts of strange ideas and hallucinations . When Sam refused to give him their spokesman, to the car, as well as the whole world with serious consequences, the leader of Decepticons Megatron of resurrection, then there will be Transformers the devil in ancient history ... ...

柯南ova10(基德在陷阱岛)的英文简介,最好有中文的翻译 急急急急!

KID IN TRAP ISLANDThe 10th OVA of Detective Conan, Kid In Trap Island, tells us a story of the panthom theive, Kid, being caught in a trap island by the detective boys after successfully stolen a big diamond(which afterwards been proved a fakement). The story depicted the progress Kid, together with the detective boys, tried to escape from the beasts on the island. By the end of the story, Kid cooperated with Conan to fight against the fake-diamond making corperation


万圣节由来英文简介   万圣节在每年的10月31日,是西方世界的传统节日,下面就是我为大家带来的万圣节由来英文简介,仅供参考!   万圣节由来英文简介一   Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset.   万圣节前夜是在10月31日庆祝的一个节日,根据传统,万圣节前夜的庆祝活动从太阳落山开始。   Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween.   在很久以前,人们相信在万圣节前夜女巫会聚集在一起,鬼魂在四处游荡。   Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween.   现在,大多数人们不再相信有鬼魂和女巫的存在了,但是他们仍然把这些作为万圣节前夜的一部分。   The colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins.   黑色和橙色仍然是万圣节前夜的一部分,黑色是夜晚的象征,而橙色代表着南瓜。   A jack-ou2019-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow.   南瓜灯是用雕刻成脸型,中间挖空,再插上蜡烛的南瓜做成的,带来一个毛骨悚然的灼热面孔。   Dressing up in costumes is one of the most popular Halloween customs, especially among children.   盛装是最受欢迎的万圣节风俗之一,尤其是受孩子们的欢迎。   According to tradition, people would dress up in costumes (wear special clothing, masks or disguises) to frighten the spirits away.   按照传统习俗,人们会盛装(穿戴一些特殊的服饰,面具或者装饰)来吓跑鬼魂。   Popular Halloween costumes include vampires (creatures that drink blood), ghosts (spirits of the dead) and were wolves (people that turn into wolves when the moon is full).   流行的万圣节服装包括vampires(吸血鬼),ghosts(死者的灵魂)和werewolves(每当月圆时就变成狼形的人)。   Trick or Treating is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume, asking for treats like candy or toys.  欺骗或攻击是现代万圣节的风俗。孩子们穿着特殊的衣服走街串巷,讨取糖果和玩具之类的赏赐。   If they don"t get any treats, they might play a trick (mischief or prank) on the owners of the house.   如果他们得不到任何的赏赐,就可能会对屋主大搞恶作剧或者胡闹了。   The tradition of the Jack o" Lantern comes from a folktale about a man named Jack who tricked the devil and had to wander the Earth with a lantern.   南瓜灯的传统来自于一个民间传说。一个名叫Jack的人戏弄了恶魔,之后就不得不提着一盏灯在地球上流浪。   The Jack o" Lantern is made by placing a candle inside a hollowed-out pumpkin, which is carved to look like a face.   南瓜灯是用雕刻成脸型,中间挖空,再插上蜡烛的南瓜做成的。   There are many other superstitions associated with Halloween. A superstition is an irrational idea, like believing that the number 13 is unlucky!   和万圣节有关的迷信还有很多。迷信是一种不合常理的想法,比如认为13是不吉利的数字!   Halloween is also associated with supernatural creatures like ghosts and vampires.   万圣节还和一些诸如鬼魂和吸血鬼之类的超自然的生物有关。   These creatures are not part of the natural world.   这些生物不是自然界的一部分。   They don"t really exist... or do they?   他们实际上是不存在的......或许他们其实真的存在?   Witches are popular Halloween characters that are thought to have magical powers.   女巫是万圣节很受欢迎的人物,人们认为她们具有强大的`魔力。   They usually wear pointed hats and fly around on broomsticks.   他们通常戴着尖顶的帽子,骑在扫把上飞来飞去。   Bad omens are also part of Halloween celebrations.恶兆也是万圣节庆祝活动的一部分。   A bad omen is something that is believed to bring bad luck, like black cats, spiders or bats.   人们相信恶兆会带给坏运气,黑猫、蜘蛛或者蝙蝠都算是恶兆。   万圣节由来英文简介二   All Saints" Day, feast of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, and day on which churches glorify God for all God"s saints, known and unknown. It is celebrated on Nov. 1 in the West, since Pope Gregory IV ordered its church-wide observance in 837. Its origin lies earlier in the common commemorations of martyrs who died in groups or whose names were unknown, which were held on various days in different parts of the Church; over time these celebrations came to include not only the martyrs but all saints. During the Reformation the Protestant churches understood “saints” in its New Testament usage as including all believers and reinterpreted the feast of All Saints as a celebration of the unity of the entire Church. In medieval England the festival was known as All Hallows, hence the name Halloween [=All Hallows" eve] for the preceding evening.   The Celtic people, who lived more than 2000 years ago feared the evening of Oct. 31 more than any other day of the year. It was the eve of their festival of Samhain. Samhain was a joyful harvest festival that marked the death of the old year and the beginning of a new one. The day itself was a time for paying homage to the sun god Baal who had provided the people with the ripened grain for use in the upcoming winter. Come evening evil spirits were everywhere. Charms and spells were said to have more power on the eve of Samhain. Several rituals were performed by the Celtic priests, Druids, to appease the Lord of the Dead.   Halloween was called Samhain by the Irish. It came to be known as Halloween sometime around the fifth century A.D. .   Samhain took place on October 31 through to November 1. During this period, it was believed that the boundaries between our world and the world of the dead were weakened, allowing spirits of the recently dead to cross over and possess the living.   To celibrate the festival, the Irish would dress up in bizarre costumes and parade through their villages, causing destruction and saying "Trick-or-Treat", in order to scare off any recently departed souls who might be prowling for bodies to inhabit.   This yearly festival was later brought to the other regions of the world, including continental Europe and North America. Irish immigrants brought several customs with them, including one of the symbols most commonly associated with Halloween -- the "Jack Lantern".   According to Irish folklore, there once lived a man named Jack who was known for being a drunk and a prankster. One night Jack tricked the devil into climbing a tree, and quickly carved an image of a cross on the trunk, trapping the devil. Jack then made him promise that, in exchange for letting him out of the tree, the Devil would never tempt him to sin again. He reluctantly agreed, but was able to exact his revenge upon Jack"s death. Because of his mischievous ways in life, Jack was barred from entering heaven and because of his earlier trick; he was also barred from hell. So he was doomed to wander the earth until the end of time, with only a "Jack Lanterns" to warm him.   In Ireland, they originally used turnips for their "Jack Lanterns", but upon arriving in north America, they discovered that pumpkins were abundant and easier to carve out.   附:万圣节经典祝福语   1. 想你了很久,念了你很久,就不知道送你什么好。特借万圣节送你南瓜神灯,鬼皮面具,白色大袍。有了这三件法宝,想不开心都难找。愿你朋友记心间,勇敢和鬼玩。   2. 你看不到我的面容,你听不到我的声音,我做着什么样的鬼脸你也无从知晓,我说着什么样的鬼话你也无处听闻,万圣节之夜,告诉你我是开心鬼,愿你天天开心,祝福的短信天天接!   3. 万圣节到了,扮成吸血鬼,拥有永恒的青春与健康;化成巫婆,学会各种带来好运的咒语;接近僵尸,收获僵尸新娘一样美好的爱情。祝你万圣节快乐。   4. 将祭案摆放挥撒供品,祷告亡灵阴府快乐,祈福阳间亲人吉祥如意,亡魂安然世人幸福。挥洒祭酒天地间,两界生活尽灿烂。万圣节,愿朋友快乐!一帆风顺!   5. 万圣节:我把南瓜做成灯,驱走你心里的u2018鬼u2019;我把南瓜做成汤,灭掉你心里的u2018魔u2019;我把好运的咒语,放在祝福的短信里;愿收到的你万圣节快乐如意!   6. 万圣节忠告:出门见到鬼别急,说一句话吓死他:扮我,扮的一点都不像,遇到鬼追莫激动,回头回复一句:还以为是真鬼,原来还是个装的。   7. 小鬼对大鬼说他寂寞难耐,男鬼对女鬼说他很孤独无聊,万圣节的夜晚让我们尽情狂欢,过一个欢乐的万圣节。祝万圣节快乐!   8. 万圣节就要到了,一起去参见万圣节化妆派对吧。不过你长的这么有个性,不打扮也蛮像鬼的,记得准时赴约哦!万圣节快乐!   9. 万圣节到了,祝你出门遇见色鬼,吃饭撞见饿鬼,喝水碰到酒鬼,乘车遇见醉鬼,朋友都是机灵鬼,自己变成胆小鬼!祝万圣节快乐!   10. 万圣节,为你送去一份祝福,祝你身材像魔鬼一样迷人,眼神像魔鬼一样诱人,本领像魔鬼一样超人。哈哈,万圣节快乐。 ;

hokey pokey的英文简介

The Hokey Pokey or the Hokey Cokey is a participation dance with a distinctive accompanying tune and lyric structure. It is well known in English-speaking countries.It is of unclear origin with two main traditions having evolved in different parts of the world.1.British IslesKnown as the Hokey Cokey it has virtually the same lyric, tune, and dance style as the U.S. version and was a music hall song and novelty dance popular in England in the mid-1940s. "Hokey-cokey" is also known as "Okey-cokey", perhaps following London Cockney pronunciation.There is a claim of authorship by the British/Irish songwriter Jimmy Kennedy, responsible for the lyrics to popular songs such as the wartime We"re Going to Hang out the Washing on the Siegfried Line and the children"s song Teddy Bears" Picnic. Sheet music copyrighted in 1942 and published by Campbell Connelly & Co Ltd, agents for Kennedy Music Co Ltd, styles the song as "the Cokey Cokey".A competing authorship claim is made by or on behalf of British bandleader Gerry Hoey from around 1940, under the title "the Hoey Oka".2.United StatesKnown as the Hokey Pokey, it became popular in the USA in the 1950s. Larry LaPrise, Charles Macak and Tafit Baker were granted the copyright for the song in 1950. According to popular legend they created this novelty dance in 1949 as entertainment for the ski crowd at Idaho"s Sun Valley resort. However, as the dance was wildly popular with American servicemen and Britons during World War II, this date cannot be correct.There is another contrary belief that states that Robert P. Degan and Joseph P. Brier, both natives of Scranton, Pennsylvania, wrote the original song as confirmed by the U.S. Copyright Office in 1996, thus giving two groups of musicians the rights. Ray Anthony"s big band recording of the song turned it into a nationwide sensation by the mid-1950s (The "Hokey Pokey" appeared on the B side of Anthony"s "Bunny Hop" single). Its rights were purchased in the mid-1960s by country-western music star Roy Acuff"s publishing company, Acuff-Rose.3.Origins and MeaningThere are many theories and conjectures about the meaning of the words "Hokey Pokey", and of their origin. Some scholars[citation needed] attribute the origin to the Shaker song Hinkum-Booby which had similar lyrics and was published in Edward Deming Andrews" A gift to be simple in 1940: (p.42)" A song rendered ("with appropriate gestures") by two Canterbury sisters while on a visit to Bridgewater, N.H. in 1857 starts thus:I put my right hand in,I put my right hand out,I give my right hand a shake, shake shakeAnd I turn myself about.As the song continues, the "left hand" is put in, then the "right foot," then the "left foot," then "my whole head."...Newell gave it the title, "Right Elbow In," and said that is was danced " deliberately and decorously...with slow rhythmical motion."Before the invention of ice cream cones, ice cream was often sold wrapped in waxed paper and known as a hokey-pokey (possibly a corruption of the Italian "ecco un poco" - "here is a little")[1]. An Italian ice cream street vendor was called a hokey-pokey man.Other scholars[citation needed] have found similar dances and lyrics dating back to the 17th century. A very similar dance is cited in Robert Chambers" Popular Rhymes of Scotland from 1826.According to Beth Ann Hughes "hokey cokey" comes from "hocus pocus", the traditional magician"s incantation which in its turn derives from a distortion of hoc enim est corpus meum - "this is my body" - the words of consecration accompanying the elevation of the host at Eucharist, the point, at which according to traditional Catholic practice, transubstantiation takes place - mocked by Puritans and others as a form of "magic words". The Anglican Canon Matt Damon, Provost of Wakefield Cathedral, West Yorkshire, says that the dance as well comes from the Catholic Latin mass[2]. The priest would perform his movements with his back to the congregation, who could not hear well the Latin words nor see clearly his movements.4.Dance movesParticipants stand in the shape of a big ring formation during the dance. The dance follows the instructions given in the lyrics of the song, which may be prompted by a bandleader or another danceleader.* Specific body parts are named, and these are then sequentially put into the ring, taken out of the ring, and finally wiggled around maniacally inside the ring.* After this is done one raises one"s hands up to the side of the head, wiggles them, and turns around in place until the next sequence begins, with a new named body part.A sample instruction set would be:* You put your left leg in* You put your left leg out* You put your left leg in* And you shake it all about.* You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around* That"s what it"s all about...In some cultures, this step is only repeated after a new chorus,* Oh, the hokey pokey,* Oh, the hokey pokey,* Oh, the hokey pokey,* That"s what it"s all about.Similar to the repeat above, the Australian tradition repeat is:* Do, the hokey pokey,* Do, the hokey pokey,* Do, the hokey pokey,* And that"s what it"s all about.5.The Dance in the UKIn parts of the UK the entire dance can be quite different. The instruction set would go as follows:* You put your left leg in* Your left leg out* In, out, in, out,* shake it all about.* You do the Hokey Cokey and you turn around* That"s what it"s all about...Each instruction set would be followed chorus, which is entirely different from other parts of the world:* Woah, hokey cokey cokey,* Woah, hokey cokey cokey,* Woah, hokey cokey cokey,* Knees bent, arms stretched, ra ra ra!For this chorus all participants are stood in a circle and hold hands, on each "woah" they all run in toward the centre of the circle and on "hokey cokey cokey" they all run backwards out again. On the last line they bend knees then stretch arms, as indicated, and for "ra ra ra!" they either clap in time or raise arms above their heads and push upwards in time. More often than not, each subsequent verse and chorus is a little faster, with the ultimate aim of making people fall over.6.Copyright* In the United States it costs $32 000 for an ad campaign (television and radio for 3 months) to use the "Hokey Pokey". [citation needed]* In the United Kingdom the "Hokey Cokey" (although not necessarily the U.S. Hokey Pokey) is regarded as a traditional song and is therefore free of copyright restrictions.7.Popular Culture, Trivia* Martin de Maat used the words of the song in his lessons to comedy students at The Second City, saying: "The Hokey Pokey. Think about it. At the end of the song, what do we learn? What is it all about?... You put your whole self in!"* At Virginia Tech, where the athletic teams are known as Hokies, fans dance the Hokey Pokey (NOT the "Hokey Cokey") between the third and fourth quarters of football games.* The song is humorously and existentially dealt with in Jimmy Buffett"s song "What If The Hokey Pokey Is All It Really Is About?" in his 2002 album "Far Side of the World".* In the universe of Babylon 5, the Hokey Pokey has apparently survived to the 23rd century, as it is referenced by Londo Mollari as "the one song that nearly all humans sing to their children at some point or another."* To some, the final word on the Hokey Pokey was given by the actress Teri Garr one night on the David Letterman show: "It"s the most liberating of all dances: you put your whole self in, you put your whole self out! You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around. And that"s what it"s all about!"* Magic: the Gathering features a card called Knight of the Hokey Pokey with the flavor text stating "That"s what it"s all about." [1]* In Britain the Hokey Cokey is evocative of the 1940s and the Second World War, and is regarded as a traditional Pub song and part of Cockney music hall tradition.* In the Second World War comedy "Allo "Allo, episode 2 of season 2, Herr Flick shows to Helga the "traditional Gestapo Dance": You put your left boot in / you take your left boot out / you do a lot of shouting and you shake your fists about / you light a little smokey and you burn down ze town / zat what it"s all about... heil! / Ah... Himmler Himmler Himmler....* This song is prominently featured in episode 107, "Chinga", during season 5 of the X-Files.* British Comedian Bill Bailey performed a German translation called "Das Hokey Kokey" in Part Troll, where he claimed it was a "lesser-known, lesser-performed track" by Kraftwerk (where he, joined by three other men in suits, danced robotically). Clip available on YouTube.Man steckt die linke Arm ein, die linke Arm aus. Ein, aus, ein, aus. Man springt es alles um. Man macht das Hokey-Kokey und man dreht sich herum. Das ist die ganze Sache. Ja, das Hokey-Kokey. Ja, das Hokey-Kokey. Ja, das Hokey-Kokey. Knien gebogen, Armen gestreckt. Bla, bla, bla.Man steckt die linke Bein ein, die linke Bein aus. Ein, aus, ein, aus. Man springt es alles um. Man macht das Hokey-Kokey und man dreht sich herum. Das ist die ganze Sache. Ja, das Hokey-Kokey. Ja, das Hokey-Kokey. Ja, das Hokey-Kokey. Knien gebogen, Armen gestreckt. Bla, bla, bla.* A reprise of this dance was done during an episode of Sunset Beach that featured Caitlin Richards-Deschanel wedding to Cole Deschanel,with a very pregnant Olivia Richards taking part.* At the satirical Pantomime put on by the British Embassy in Beijing during the Christmas season of 1983, a song to the tune of "Hokey Pokey" satirized the bland Chinese banquet delicacy "The Three Delicious." Those who had suffered a good deal from "Chinese Banquet Torture" appreciated the chorus: "Oh, the Three Delicious: / Sea slug, fish tum, fungus soup."* In a parody of the science fiction comic Freefall there is a reference to a "cramped space" version that goes "You put your right hand in, you put your left eye out..."* In Aberdeen locals use changed lyrics to praise local football hero Darren Mackie replacing "hokey cokey" with "Darren Darren Mackie" and "thats what its all about" with "He put Dnipro out out out" to celebrate a football victory.* In the Washington Post Style Invitational readers were asked to "rewrite some banal instructions." Jeff Brechlin of Potomac Falls, Maryland wrote a version in sonnet form as if it was written by William Shakespeare:O proud left foot, that ventures quick withinThen soon upon a backward journey lithe.Anon, once more the gesture, then begin:Command sinistral pedestal to writhe.Commence though then the fervid Hokey-Poke,A mad gyration, hips in wanton swirl.To spin! A wilde release from heavens yoke.Blessed dervish! Surely canst go, girl.The Hoke, the poke--banish now they doubtVerily, I say, "tis what it"s all about.

hokey pokey的英文简介



Good MoringWang XinjuanAdventure Fiction Writer冒险小说家Daniel Defoe丹尼尔·笛福Daniel Defoe(1660—1731)In Neoclassical Period新古典主义时期Rich Vs.Pooru2022 ExperiencesWku2022 Social positionu2022 Worksu2022 Contributionsu2022 Economy positionLife Experiences(main things)u2022 1660 born in London (son of a butcher屠夫 ) he received a good education in one of the best Dissenting school, but he gave up the idea of becoming a preacher(说教者) .u2022 1678-1683 traveled in Spain, Italy, France and German as a merchant(商人 ) .u2022 1688 joined William"s army and took great interest in the establishment(企业) of the new government.u2022 1692 he became bankrupt, within 4years, he was doing well as the manager of the tile(瓷砖) factory.u2022 1701, The Trueborn Englishman –A Satire(讽刺文学 )u2022 1703 he was arrested and pilloried(处以枷刑)u2022 1704 he found The Reviewand carried it to 1713u2022 1719 published Robinson Crusoeu2022 1731 diedLife Experiences(main things)gBrief Introductionu2022 A jack-of-all-trades: soldier, merchant, economist, politician, publicist, writer, as well as novelist.u2022 A journalist and a pamphleteer(小册子作者)with a reporter"s eye for the picturesque(别致的) and a newspaperman"s instinct for “making a good story”u2022 A radical nonconformist(不信奉英国国教的新教教徒 ) in religionhis puritan zeal(纯粹主义者热情) for reform marks all this work account for the moralizing to be found everywhere.u2022 Defoe was once in prison, and his prison experience, together with the further knowledge of criminals accounts for his stories of thieves and pirates.Defoe"s NovelsDefoe started the writing of novels when he was nearly sixty years of age.It was the novel that built his reputation(声誉) as a world-known writer.His novels include:His novels include:u2022 The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (1 71 9) 《鲁宾逊漂流记》the first and most famous novelthe book which makes him immortalFather of English NovelDefoe gained enduring fame for this novelThe brief introduction of The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoeu2022 Robinson Crusoe, the narrator of the story, tells us that he was born in 1 632 in the city of York, England. 1 9 there is sailing from Robinson in the dream, regardless of their parents, he embarked on a journey of sailing. Unfortunately, once again, he was in the sea waves to a desert island, a man of the island started his career. With lflifthonly a few supplies from the ship he builds a house, a boat and a new life. His island is not wholly uninhabited(无人居住的) , though, and there is the exciting but ominous(不祥的) presence of cannibals(食人族) who Crusoe occasionally encounters(不期而遇) and saves a native from. The latter becomes his servant, Man Friday. The crew of a mutinying(叛变的) ship finally rescue our hero, but it is his adventure on the island that interests us. hihb ildhThe pictures of Robinson Crusoe in different kinds of publicationsThe pictures of Robinson Crusoe in different kinds of publicationsThe pictures of Robinson Crusoe in different kinds of publicationsThe pictures of the filmModern people travel to the island of Robinson"sOther novels followed in quick succession:u2022 Captain Singleton (1 720) 《辛格顿船长》u2022 Journal of the Plague Year (1 722)《大疫年日记》u2022 Captain Jack (1 722)《杰克船长》u2022 Moll Flanders (1 722)《摩尔 弗兰德》u2022 Roxana (1 724) 《罗克珊娜》u2022 Ideas: the Enlightenment is a value systemEnlighteners believed that freedom, democracyand reason are the primary values of society.They also strongly believed in science.u2022 Representatives:Alexander Pope亚历山大·蒲柏Samuel Jonson塞缪尔·约翰逊Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔·笛福Enlightenment—— a social value systemu2022 Time: the middle of the 1 7th century to the 1 8th century, beginning in France and then spread throughout Europe.u2022 Definition: an expression of struggle of the progressive class of bourgeois against feudali *** (先进的资产阶级反抗封建主义的一种表达)Other Works Non-fiction:u2022 The Storm (1 704) u2022 A General History of the Pirate(1 724)Defoe‘s authorship of this pseudonymousDefoes authorship of this pseudonymous (匿名的) work is disputed .u2022 A Tour through the whole island of Great Britain, divided into circuits or journeys (1 724–1 727) Essays :u2022 Conjugal Lewdnessu2022 Serious Reflections of Robinson Crusoe(1 720)u2022 The Complete English Trade *** anpu2022 An Essay Upon Projects(1 697) 《论开发》first book he publishedu2022 An Essay Upon Literature(1 726)u2022 Mere Nature Delineated(1 726)u2022 A Plan of English Commerce(1 728)gWriting Featuresu2022 Language is *** ooth, easy, colloquial(口语的) and mostly vernacular(白话的、 方言的) --- common English.u2022 One of the first to write stories about believable characters in realistic situations using simple prose.Defoe glorifies(美化) human laborand the puritanu2022 Defoe glorifies(美化) human laborand the puritan fortitude(清教徒刚毅精神) . It refers the enterprising(有进取心的) spirit of the middle class.u2022 Organizing minute details in a vivid way that his stories could be both credible and fascinating.u2022 Sentences are sometimes short, crisp, and plain, and sometimes long and rambling(闲聊的) , which leave on the reader an impression of casual narration.The Review(1704 – 1713)A political and literary magazine started by Defoestarted by Defoe.这是英国的第一份定期出版的文化和政治刊物,是英国报业的先驱。Memorial to Daniel DefoeBunhill FieldsCity Road,City Road,LondonThanks for your attention


  外贸公司的简介,我们可以从它们的网站上看到中英两种语言的介绍。下面是我给大家整理的外贸公司英文简介范文,供大家参阅!   外贸公司英文简介范文篇1   Established in (成立年份), (公司英文名称) is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of (行业产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.   We have over (员工人数) employees, an annual sales figure that exceeds USD (销售额) and are currently exporting (出口比例) of our production worldwide. Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of production enables us to guarantee total customer satisfaction.   As a result of our high quality products and outstanding customer service, we have gained a global sales network reaching (主要出口国家).   If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business   relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.   ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产和出口XXX产品,集产品设计、研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。   我司现拥有XX名员工,年销售额逾XX美金,百分之XX的产品远销海外。为了保证客户满意度,我们引入了先进的设备设施,并在生产各个环节贯彻完善的质量检查措施。   外贸公司英文简介范文篇2   (成立年份)(公司英文名称) is a manufacturer (生产兼贸易,可用manufacturer and trader) specialized in the research, development and production of (公司主打产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.   If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business   relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.   对应中文翻译:   ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产XXX产品,集产品研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。   如果贵司对我们任一款产品有意或有订单意向,欢迎随时联系我们。我们期待与全球客户携手合作,共创未来。   外贸公司英文简介范文篇3   Company Profile   Changzhou Bxinyuse Lift Table Manufacture Co., Ltd, Jiangsu Province,to a professional committed to the design, development and production of electric lift ergonomic desk children learning tables and other products of the company. Since its inception, we have consistently uphold: "customer first, service first, genuine" business philosophy, always uphold the integrity, innovation, development-oriented principle.   The company has experienced design team, industry-leading R & D capability and strong manufacturing strength, the product has a stylish look and feel, and always follow the current fashion trends emerging, high-quality, world-renowned.   Changzhou Bxinyuse Lift Table Manufacture Co., Ltd sales to United States, Europe, Australia, Japan, South Korea and other countries, and we sincerely hope to establish friendly business relations with customers from all over the world.   The company"s operating philosophy: adhere to customer-centric, technology and innovation as the fundamental, continued to improve the user experience, improve product and service quality.   The company"s mission: to make children more healthy growth, so that work more easy and free.   The company"s vision: "value-creating" leader. Through constant innovation and improvement of marketing value-added services, to continuously improve market share and customer satisfaction, so that we become Chinese lift tables industry "value-creating" leader.   The ultimate goal: to become the first Chinese brand lift tables industry. .   外贸公司英文简介范文篇4   Company Profile   XxxxX Garments Co., Ltd. is a professional textile and garment production and export enterprises, the company was founded in 1998 , currently has a quick costume proofing centers, stock garment   manufacturing plant ; former has all kinds of imported advanced production equipment and clothing , after supporting equipment more than 100 pieces (sets ) , the annual production capacity of one million(bar) .   Currently co- management of the factory ( production management , quality management, safety and health management , employment conditions ) has passed the JCP ENNEY, TARGET companies such assessments.   Our main products : all kinds of knit tops , jackets, woolen , fashion and more. The products are sold to Japan, America, Europe, Korea, Hong Kong and other places.   Our company is Japan AS KNOW AS , Japan MUJI, Japan DIL   DILASH, USA KAVU, Europe CUBUS, South Korean BASIC HOUSE good clothing , fabric suppliers.   Our Company with high-quality products , good service and   competitive prices , customers establish a good reputation , sincerely welcome home and abroad to discuss cooperation.   Our general manager with the staff sincerely hope that the good reputation at home and abroad to establish long-term customer relations and mutually beneficial cooperation and common development .   Company address: Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province China   Tel:   Fax:   公司概况   XXXV 公司是专业的纺织服装生产、出口企业,公司创立于1998年,目前拥有快捷的服装打样中心,服装生产工厂;拥有各类进口先进服装生产设备及前、后道配套设备100多台(套),年生产能力100万件(条)。 目前合作工厂的管理(生产管理、质量管理、安全卫生管理、雇佣条件)已全面通过了JCP ENNEY、TARGET等公司的评估。   公司主要生产产品:各类针织上衣、茄克、毛呢、时装等等。产品销往日本、美国、欧洲、韩国、香港等地。   目前公司是日本优品株式会社、日本MUJI、日本DIL DILASH、美国KAVU、欧洲CUBUS、韩国百家好等公司的常年服装、面料供应商。   公司凭着优质的产品、良好的服务和竞争性的价格,在客户中树立了良好的信誉,热诚欢迎广大海内外客商洽谈合作。   总经理携全体员工热诚希望与国内外信誉良好的客户建立长期的互利的合作关系,共同发展。   公司地址:   电话:   传真:   


Shoko from the countryside, rural areas increasingly withered decay can not survive him, he came to the city, eager to own honest labor, the creation of a new life. He tried various jobs and finally select the pull rickshaw. Although the career choice that left the land Shoko, but its way of thinking are still farmers. He is used to individual work, while the land as long as there is a reliable car. Buy a car, to be independent workers, "It was his goal, hope, and even religion." Shoko city seems to give the opportunity to achieve voluntary, after three years of struggle, he bought the car, but less than six months, snatched hit by warlords; but still refuses to give up Shoko own dream car, even though the pursuit of his own, not without doubt, has repeatedly shaken, but still continue to pick ourselves up, fight again. It should be said, Shoko to tough attitude and character and stubborn struggle to start life, constitute the contents of the main plot of the novel. The outcome of a struggle, Shoko"s failure is, and he finally failed to make their own dream car. Profound realism of the novel in that it not only describes the harsh living conditions of material deprivation on Shoko, Shoko but also depicts an ideal in life after the destruction of the spirit of fall. "He did not the heart, his heart was taken off the people." Kind of a hard-working rural youth, and thus destroyed as a zombie-like vagrant.Shoko had lived in rural areas, 18 years old and unfortunately lost her parents and a few acres of Susukida, then went to Peking in the city to work out. Forced him to life as a rickshaw puller, who both young and effort, no smoking, no gambling, bite hard for 3 years, and finally gather the 100 dollars to buy a new car. This makes him almost crying tears of excitement. Ever since this car to live with him more and more energy. He imagined being so dry on the two years to buy a car they can, one, two ... ... and he can drive a factory.Shoko boldly to run every day, when the turnout is not large for consideration, hurried retreat, he still went out to pull carts. One day, in order to earn a little money, he pulled the car Tsinghua adventure, even the car with the way people have been caught a dozen soldiers to go. These days, he ran with the soldiers. Have carried the day, pushing soldiers or something and had to carry water and firewood to feed livestock, Khan has to flow from the head of the heels, and he hated those marauders. The ideal of self-reliance for the first time he burst



请帮我写一下《福尔摩斯探案集》的英文简介 要6行就行! o(>_

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his famous detective and illustrated by Sidney Paget. These are the first of the Sherlock Holmes short stories, originally published as single stories in the Strand Magazine from July 1891 to June 1892. The book was published in England on 14 October 1892 by George Newnes Ltd and in a US Edition on 15 October by Harper. The initial combined print run was 14,500 copies. The book was banned in the Soviet Union in 1929 for the occultism of its author, although the book shows few to no signs of such material. Later, the embargo was lifted.


Kangaroo is Australia"s unique mammals, mainly located in the Australian continent on the forest and grassland. Kangaroo is a plant-eating animals, hiding in the woods during the day and at night to eat grass and leaves outside. The image of the kangaroo is unique: forelimb short toe fingers Elephant Man, strong hind legs, long thick tail, kangaroo tail is a powerful tool, and they who are able to provide support for the kangaroo, kangaroo running can also change the direction of running. Kangaroo tail tapered at the end, the muscles are very strong, up to 1 meter in length. Kangaroo is the most famous living in the grasslands of the Red Kangaroo is the largest category of Kangaroo, the strongest person. Gray kangaroo is jumping experts can jump great distances. Australian gold, about 47 kinds of kangaroo, the kangaroo in the body length 23-250 cm. 袋鼠是澳大利亚独有的哺乳动物,主要分布在澳大利亚大陆的森林中和草原上。袋鼠是草食动物,白天躲在树林中,晚上则到外面吃草和树叶。袋鼠的形象很独特:前肢短小,趾象人的手指,后腿强壮,尾巴粗而长,袋鼠的尾巴是一种强有力的工具,它们平时可以为袋鼠提供支架,也可以在袋鼠奔跑时改变奔跑的方向。袋鼠的尾巴在末端逐渐变细,肌肉非常强健,长度可达1米。最著名的袋鼠是生活在草原上的红大袋鼠,是袋鼠类中最大的、最强壮者。灰袋鼠是跳跃能手,能跳很远的距离。澳大利亚金约有47种袋鼠,这些袋鼠的体长在23-250厘米以上


The Golden Gate Bridge had the longest suspension bridge span in the world when it was completed in 1937 and has become an internationally recognized symbol of San Francisco and California.Since its completion,the span length has been surpassed by eight other bridges.It still has the second longest suspension bridge main span in the United States,after the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge in New York City.In 2007,it was ranked fifth on the List of America"s Favorite Architecture by the American Institute of Architects.


emperor qin shihuang"s mausoleum and the terra-cotta warriors and horses museum兵马俑-emperor qin shihuang (259-210b.c.) had ying as his surname and zheng as his given name. he name to the throne of the qin at age 13, and took the helm of the state at age of 22. by 221 b.c., he had annexed the six rival principalities of qi, chu, yan, han, zhao and wei, and established the first feudal empire in china"s history.华清池--Huaqing Pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of Xi"an. Historically, the Western Zhou dynasty saw the construction of the Li Palace on the spot. In the Qin dynasty a pool was built with stones, and was given the name Lishan Tang (the Lishan Hot Spring). The site was extended into a palace in the Han dynasty, and renamed the Li Palace (the Resort Palace). In the Tang dynasty, Li Shimin (Emperor Tai Zong) ordered to construct the Hot Spring Palace, and Emperor Xuan Zong had a walled palace built around Lishan Mountain in the year of 747. It was known as the Huaqing Palace. It also had the name Huaqing Pool on account of its location on the hot springs.


http://www.itsqq.com/a/jd/shanxi/a26/2003-04-05/40991.html 兵马俑:The Terra Cotta Warriors The Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses are the most significant archeological excavations of the 20th century. Work is ongoing at this site, which is around 1.5 kilometers east of Emperor Qin Shi Huang"s Mausoleum, Lintong County, Shaanxi province. It is a sight not to be missed by any visitor to China. The museum covers an area of 16,300 square meters, divided into three sections: No. 1 Pit, No. 2 Pit, and No. 3 Pit respectively. They were tagged in the order of their discoveries. No. 1 Pit is the largest, first opened to the public on China"s National Day, 1979. There are columns of soldiers at the front, followed by war chariots at the back. No. 2 Pit, found in 1976, is 20 meters northeast of No. 1 Pit. It contained over a thousand warriors and 90 chariots of wood. It was unveiled to the public in 1994.Archeologists came upon No. 3 Pit also in 1976, 25 meters northwest of No. 1 Pit. It looked like to be the command center of the armed forces. It went on display in 1989, with 68 warriors, a war chariot and four horses. Altogether over 7,000 pottery soldiers, horses, chariots, and even weapons have been unearthed from these pits. Most of them have been restored to their former grandeur. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses is a sensational archeological find of all times. It has put Xian on the map for tourists. It was listed by UNESCO in 1987 as one of the world cultural heritages.

兵马俑英文简介 在50个单词之内

兵马俑:The Terra Cotta Warriors The Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses are the most significant archeological excavations of the 20th century.Work is ongoing at this site,which is around 1.5 kilometers e...


兵马俑英文简介The terra-cotta warriors museum is China"s largest ancient military museum. In 1961, the state council of the People"s Republic of China will be emperor qinshihuang as the national cultural relic protection unit. For the first emperor qin shihuang cemetery thorough archeological investigation begins. In 1962, the archeologists were plotted cemetery, the first piece of plane layout diagram, via detecting, cemetery ranges 56.25 square kilometers, which is equivalent to nearly 78 palace, cause the archaeology sensation. In 1987, the emperor qinshihuang and Terra Cotta Warriors pit "by UNESCO world heritage list approved listed in the", and is known as "eighth wonder of the world" make the whole world, make amazing all Chinese proud!秦始皇兵马俑博物馆上是中国最大的古代军事博物馆。1961年,中华人民共和国国务院将秦始皇陵定为全国文物重点保护单位。对秦始皇陵园第一次全面的考古勘察始于。1962年,考古人员绘制出了陵园第一张平面布局图,经探测,陵园范围有56.25平方公里,相当于近78个故宫,引起考古界轰动。1987年,秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑被联合国教科文组织批准列入《世界遗产名录》,并被誉为“世界八大奇迹”令全世界人惊叹,令全中国人自豪!


自己(ˇˍˇ) 想~


自己(ˇˍˇ) 想~


Mont Saint-Michel (English: Mount Saint Michael) is a small rocky tidal island in Normandy, roughly one kilometre from the north coast of France at the mouth of the Couesnon River near Avranches, close to the border of Brittany, which has led to Breton claims to the mount. Originally the Couesnon formed the border between the two duchies, and every so often the river would shift its bank, leading to ownership of the mount shifting between them. The river"s bed has now been fixed and Mont Saint Michel is now firmly in Norman hands. It is home to the unusual Benedictine Abbey and steepled church (built between the 11th and 16th centuries) which occupy most of the one-kilometer-diameter clump of rocks jutting out of the waters of the English Channel. The church is crowned by a gold leaf statue of St. Michael by Emmanuel Frémiet, reaching a height of 155 metres (510 feet) above the sea. 48°38′10.05〃N, 1°30′40.9500〃W.圣米歇尔山(Mont-Saint-Michel)是法国诺曼第附近,距海岸约1公里的岩石小岛。地理坐标为 48° 38′ 8〃 N, 1° 30′ 40〃 W. 是法国旅游胜地,也是教徒的朝圣地,山顶建有著名的圣米歇尔修道院。被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。小岛呈圆锥形,周长 900米,由耸立的花岗岩构成。海拔 88 米,经常被大片沙岸包围,仅涨潮时才成为岛。古时为凯尔特人祭神的地方。公元 8世纪,圣米歇尔神父在岛上最高处修建一座小教堂,奉献给天使长米歇尔,成为朝圣中心,故称米歇尔山。公元 969年在岛顶上建造了本笃会隐修院。该岛的全盛时期是哥德人统治时期。当时朝圣的人剧增。1211~1228年间在岛北部又修建了一个以梅韦勒修道院为中心的 6座建筑物,具有中古加洛林王朝古堡和古罗马式教堂的风格。1469年法王路易十一在此制定了圣米歇尔王诏。18世纪起衰落。拿破仑在位时,教堂被破坏了一部分,修道院变成了监狱,直至1863年止。岛上现还存有11世纪罗马式中殿和15世纪哥德式唱诗班席、13~15世纪的部分城墙和哥德式修道院围墙等。圣马洛海湾涨潮迅猛,每逢傍晚,大西洋的潮水有如万马奔腾般扑过来,将山边的流沙淹没,圣山顿时变成汪洋,蔚为奇观。但十九世纪人们建筑长堤连接圣米歇尔山后,水流受阻,潮水的起落在沙地留下大量淤泥和沉积物,久而久之地势变高,岛的形状改变,海潮奇观亦随之消失。专家估计,到2042年,这座名山更将被杂草包围,大杀风景。法国当局计划耗资逾二十亿港元进行修建,要将巨潮奇景重现眼前。当人们担心全球变暖会导致水位上升之际,法国却背道而驰,要制造上涨潮水如果需要更多,请访问: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mont_Saint_Michel中国大陆可能上不了哦。。或许。。听说的。


"Saving Private Ryan (Saving to Ryan) is one of the classic war movie, description on Normandy, Ryan home four in front the sons of pandu, in addition to the subordinate 101st airborne able seaman, the youngest son of James Ryan still missing outside, other three sons are already in two weeks in combat. American army chief general Marshall know this matter by a humanitarian concerns, specially makes the front organization a 8 people squad, in order to find out is boundless, between life and death the relations of able seaman James Ryan, and its peace back to the rear. The film is most prurient interest began on Normandy subordinate scene, a considerable degree recreate the same cruel and deadly. 中文如下《拯救大兵瑞恩》(Saving Private Ryan)是美国经典战争电影之一,描述诺曼底登陆后,瑞恩家4名于前线参战的儿子中,除了隶属101空降师二等兵的小儿子詹姆斯·瑞恩仍下落不明外,其他3个儿子皆已于两周内陆续战死。美国陆军参谋长马歇尔上将得知此事后出于人道考量,特令前线组织一支8人小队,只为在人海茫茫、枪林弹雨中找出生死未卜的二等兵詹姆斯·瑞恩,并将其平安送回后方。该片最为人津津乐道的是开头的诺曼底登陆抢滩场面,相当程度重现了当年的残酷与惨烈。


"Assassin"s Creed: Revolution" game is set in Paris in eighteenth Century, during the French revolution. The new generation of graphics hardware present more detailed and realistic scenes role.For the protagonists "Arno", from Germanic in Eagle, set for a eighteenth Century France, regression manor system in the Ezio era, the protagonist will Paris assassin brothers together to fight, in support of the 4 mode of cooperation."Assassin"s creed, revolution" is a 2 year of Assassin"s creed in anotherdepartment, codenamed "Comet".

毕加索英文简介 不要太少 有翻译

Picasso (1881 1973) was born in Spain,is the most creative and contemporary western most far-reaching artist,he and his paintings took art history in the world the immortal status.Picasso was a prolif...

毕加索梦的英文简介 少点 要翻译

Pablo Picasso (Spanish, Pablo Picasso, Ruiz, 1881 oct 25th - April 8, 1973), full name Pablo Picasso, Louis this horse was born in Spain, William gallas, or say Picasso Spanish painter, sculptor. The French communist party members. And George braque as the founder of cubism. Picasso was modern art in the 20th century, one of the main representatives of the left more than 20,000 pieces of works, including paintings, drawings, sculpture, collage, ceramic works. Picasso was one of the few "communicating in death of one of" painter. Is the contemporary western most creative and the most influential artist, he and his paintings in the history of the world dominated the immortal status.这是翻译巴勃罗·毕加索(西班牙语:Pablo Ruiz Picasso,1881年10月25日-1973年4月8日)全名巴勃罗·路易兹·毕加索出生在西班牙马加拉,或称毕加索,西班牙画家、雕塑家。法国共产党党员。和乔治·布拉克同为立体主义的创始者。毕加索是20世纪现代艺术的主要代表人物之一,遗世的作品达二万多件,包括油画、素描、雕塑、拼贴、陶瓷等作品。毕加索是少数能在生前“名利双收”的画家之一。是当代西方最有创造性和影响最深远的艺术家,他和他的画在世界艺术史上占据了不朽的地位。 如果采纳给个满意吧


Act IIn front of the imperial palace.A Mandarin announces the law of the land ( Popolo di Pekino! - "Any man who desires to wed Turandot must first answer her three riddles. If he fails, he will be beheaded" ). The Prince of Persia has failed and is to be beheaded at moonrise. As the crowd surges towards the gates of the palace, the imperial guards brutally repulse them, a blind old man is pushed to the ground. His slave-girl, Liù, cries for help. A young man hears her cry and recognizes the old man as his long-lost father, Timur, the deposed king of Tartary. The young Prince of Tartary is overjoyed seeing his father alive but urges him not to speak his name because he fears the Chinese rulers who have conquered Tartary. Timur tells his son that of all his servants, only Liù has remained faithful to him. When the Prince asks her why, she tells him that once, long ago in the palace, he smiled upon her (The crowd, Liù, Prince of Tartary, Timur: Indietro, cani! ).The moon rises, and the crowd"s cries for blood turn into silence. The doomed Prince of Persia is led before the crowd on his way to execution. The young Prince is so handsome that the crowd, the Prince of Tartary too is moved to compassion and calls Turandot to spare his life (The crowd, Prince of Tartary : O giovinetto! ). She appears, and with a single imperious gesture orders the execution to continue. The Prince of Tartary, who has never seen Turandot before, falls immediately in love. As he cries out her name with joy, the crowd screams in horror: The Prince of Persia has been beheaded.The Prince of Tartary is dazzled by Turandot"s beauty. He is about to rush towards the gong and strike it three times; the symbolic gesture of whoever wishes to marry Turandot when the ministers Ping, Pong, and Pang appear and urge him cynically ( Fermo, che fai? ) not to lose his head for Turandot but to go back to his own country.Timur urges his son to desist, and Liù, who is secretly in love with the Prince, pleads with him in her acclaimed ( Signore, ascolta! ) not to attempt the riddles. Liu"s words touch his heart. The Prince tells Liu to make exile more bearable and never to abandon his father if the Prince fails to answer the riddles ( Non piangere, Liù - "Don"t cry, Liù" ) . The three ministers, Timur and Liù try one last time to hold the Prince ( Ah! Per l"ultima volta! ) but he refuses to listen.He utters Turandot"s name three times and rushes to the gong that hangs in front of the palace. He strikes the gong three times declaring himself a suitor. From the palace balcony, Turandot accepts the challenge.[edit] Act II[edit] Scene 1A pavilion in the imperial palace. Before sunrise.Ping, grand chancellor (Baritone), Pang, grand purveyor (Tenor), and Pong, grand cook (Tenor) from Act 2 Scene 1. This is from the 2002 coproduction of the Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg and the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden.Ping, Pang, and Pong lament their place as ministers, poring over palace documents and presiding over endless rituals. They prepare themselves for either a wedding or a funeral (Ping, Pang, Pong: Ola, Pang! ) . Ping suddenly longs for his country house in Honan, with its small lake surrounded by bamboo. Pong remembers his grove of forests near Tsiang, and Pang recalls his gardens near Kiu. The three share fond memories of life away from the palace (Ping, Pang, Pong: Ho una casa nell"Honan ) but are shaken back to the realities of Turandot"s bloody reign. They continually accompany young men to death and recall their ghastly fate.As the palace trumpet sounds, the ministers ready themselves for another spectacle as they await the entrance of the Emperor.[edit] Scene 2The courtyard of the palace. Sunrise.Screenshot from the same production, Act 2 Scene 2.The Emperor Altoum, father of Turandot, sits on his grand throne in his palace. He urges the Prince to withdraw his challenge but the Prince refuses (Altoum, the Prince: Un giuramento atroce ). Turandot enters and explains ( In questa reggia ) that her ancestor of millennia past, Princess Lo-u-Ling, was ravished and murdered by a foreigner, and now out of revenge she has sworn to never let any man possess her. She warns the Prince to withdraw, but again he refuses.The Princess presents her first riddle ( Straniero, ascolta! ) "What is born each night and dies each dawn?" The Prince correctly replies, "Hope."The Princess, unnerved, presents her second riddle ( Guizza al pari di fiamma ) "What flickers red and warm like a flame, but is not fire?" The Prince thinks for a moment before replying, "Blood". Turandot is shaken. The crowd cheers the Prince, provoking Turandot"s anger.She presents her third riddle ( Gelo che ti da foco ) "What is like ice, but burns like fire?" As the prince thinks, Turandot taunts him. Suddenly he cries out victory and announces, "Turandot!"The crowd cheers for the triumphant Prince. Turandot throws herself at her father"s feet and pleads with him not to leave her to the Prince"s mercy. The Emperor insists that an oath is sacred, and it is Turandot"s duty to wed the Prince (Turandot, Altoum, the Prince: Figlio del cielo ). As she cries out in anger, the Prince stops her, saying that he has a proposal for her. "You do not know my name. Bring me my name before sunrise, and at sunrise, I will die" ( Tre enigmi m"hai proposto ). Turandot accepts. The Emperor declares that he hopes to call the Prince his son come sunrise.[edit] Act III[edit] Scene 1The palace gardens. Night.In the distance, heralds call out Turandot"s command ( Cosi comanda Turandot - "This night, none shall sleep in Peking! The penalty for all will be death if the Prince"s name is not discovered by morning" ). The Prince waits for dawn and anticipates his victory by singing "Nobody shall sleep!... Nobody shall sleep! Even you, O Princess" ( Nessun dorma ).Ping, Pong, and Pang appear and offer the Prince women and riches if he will only give up Turandot ( Tu che guardi le stelle ), but he refuses. A group of soldiers then drag in Timur and Liù. They have been seen speaking to the Prince, so they must know his name. Turandot enters and orders Timur and Liù to speak. The Prince feigns ignorance, saying they know nothing. Liù declares that she alone knows the Prince"s name, but she will not reveal it. Ping demands the Prince"s name, and when she refuses, she is tortured. Turandot is clearly taken by Liù"s resolve and asks her who put so much strength in her heart. Liù answers "Princess, Love!". Turandot demands that Ping tear the Prince"s name from Liù, and he orders her to be tortured. Liù counters Turandot ( Tu che di gel sei cinta ), saying that she too shall learn love. Having spoken, Liù seizes a dagger from a soldier"s belt and stabs herself. As she staggers towards the Prince and falls dead, the crowd screams for her to speak the Prince"s name. Since Timur is blind, he must be told about Liù"s death, and he cries out in anguish. Timur warns that the gods will be offended by this outrage, and the crowd is subdued with shame and fear. The grieving Timur and the crowd follow Liù"s body as it is carried away. Everybody departs leaving the Prince and Turandot. He reproaches Turandot for her cruelty (The Prince, Turandot: Principessa di morte ) and then takes her in his arms and kisses her in spite of her resistance.Here Puccini"s work ends. The remainder of the music was completed by Franco Alfano.The Prince tries to convince Turandot to love him. At first she is disgusted, but after he kisses her, she feels herself turning towards passion. She asks him to ask for nothing more but leave, taking his mystery with him. The Prince however, reveals his name, "Calàf, son of Timur" and places his life in Turandot"s hand. She can now destroy him if she wants (Turandot, Calàf: Del primo pianto ).[edit] Scene 2The courtyard of the palace. Dawn.Turandot and Calàf approach the Emperor"s throne. She declares that she knows the Prince"s name: "It is ... love!" ( Diecimila anni al nostro Imperatore! ).The crowd cheers and acclaims the two lovers ( O sole! Vita! Eternita ).

冼星海的英文简介,要初中水平 急用~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Xian Xinghai Is a composer . Native of Panyu in Guangdong, June 13, 1905, born in Macau, October 30, 1945 died in Moscow. Xian Xinghai in a short life, creative life of about 10 years, a total of hundreds of songs for the first (the existing first 250), chorus of four, an opera, symphony 2, Suite 4 Orchestra, Rhapsody and a Violin, piano and other instrumental solo, Trio song more than the first


Small, plain and poor, Jane Eyre comes to Thornfield Hall as governess to the young ward of Edward Rochester. Denied love all her life, Jane can"t help but be attracted to the intelligent, vibrant, energetic Mr. Rochester, a man twice her age. But just when Mr. Rochester seems to be returning the attention, he invites the beautiful and wealthy Blanche Ingram and her party to stay at his estate. Meanwhile, the secret of Thornfield Hall could ruin all their chances for happiness. Written by A.L.Beneteau


莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;1564~1616)英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。莎士比亚的代表作有四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》(英:Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(英:Othello)、《李尔王》(英:King Lear)、《麦克白》(英:Mac Beth)。著名喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》《威尼斯商人》《第十二夜》《皆大欢喜》(《As you like it》)。历史剧:《亨利四世》《亨利五世》《查理二世》。正剧、悲喜剧:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。还写过154首十四行诗,二首长诗。本·琼森称他为“时代的灵魂”,马克思称他和古希腊的埃斯库罗斯为“人类最伟大的戏剧天才”。虽然莎士比亚只用英文写作,但他却是世界著名作家。他的大部分作品都已被译成多种文字,其剧作也在许多国家上演。儒略历1616年4月23日(公历1616年5月3日)病逝,出生日期与逝世日期恰好相同。莎士比亚和意大利著名数学家、物理学家、天文学家和哲学家、近代实验科学的先驱者伽利略同一年出生。被人们尊称为“莎翁”。初中选文《威尼斯商人》.高中选文《哈姆莱特》《罗密欧与朱丽叶(节选)》。Shakespeare (W., William, Shakespeare, 1564~1616), great playwright and poet of the English Renaissance, master of European Renaissance humanism literature.Shakespeare is the representative of the four tragedies: "Hamlett" (English: Hamlet), "Osero" (English: Othello), "King Lear" (English: King Lear), "Macbeth" (English: Mac Beth). Famous comedy: "midsummer night"s dream", "merchant of Venice", "Twelfth Nights", "everyone happy" ("As you like it"). Historical play: "Henry IV", "Henry V", "Charlie II". Drama, tragedy and comedy: "Romeo and Juliet". He also wrote 154 sonnets, two long poem. Ben Jonsson called him "the soul of the times", and Marx called him "the greatest drama genius of mankind" with Askew Ross of ancient greece". Although Shakespeare writes only in English, he is a famous writer in the world. Most of his works have been translated into a variety of languages, and their plays have also been staged in many countries. Julian calendar April 23, 1616 (Gregorian calendar May 3, 1616) died, date of birth and death date exactly the same. Shakespeare was born in the same year as the famous mathematician, physicist, astronomer and philosopher of Italy, pioneer of modern experimental science. It is called "Shakespeare" by people". Junior high school texts. "The merchant of Venice" high school text "Hamlet" "Romeo and Juliet" (excerpt).

William Shakespeare 英文简介

William Shakespeare was born to John Shakespeare and mother Mary Arden some time in late April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. There is no record of his birth, but his baptism was recorded by the church, thus his birthday is assumed to be the 23 of April. His father was a prominent and prosperous alderman in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon, and was later granted a coat of arms by the College of Heralds. All that is known of Shakespeare"s youth is that he presumably attended the Stratford Grammar School, and did not proceed to Oxford or Cambridge. The next record we have of him is his marriage to Anne Hathaway in 1582. The next year she bore a daughter for him, Susanna, followed by the twins Judith and Hamnet two years later. Seven years later Shakespeare is recognized as an actor, poet and playwright, when a rival playwright, Robert Greene, refers to him as "an upstart crow" in A Groatsworth of Wit. A few years later he joined up with one of the most successful acting troupe"s in London: The Lord Chamberlain"s Men. When, in 1599, the troupe lost the lease of the theatre where they performed, (appropriately called The Theatre) they were wealthy enough to build their own theatre across the Thames, south of London, which they called "The Globe." The new theatre opened in July of 1599, built from the timbers of The Theatre, with the motto "Totus mundus agit histrionem" (A whole world of players) When James I came to the throne (1603) the troupe was designated by the new king as the King"s Men (or King"s Company). The Letters Patent of the company specifically charged Shakespeare and eight others "freely to use and exercise the art and faculty of playing Comedies, Tragedies, Histories, Inerludes, Morals, Pastorals, stage plays ... as well for recreation of our loving subjects as for our solace and pleasure."


Shakespeare was born and raised in the picturesque Tudor market town of Stratford-on-Avon, a local government and commercial center within a larger rural setting, and it is likely that the surrounding woodlands of his boyhood were reflected in the play As You Like It, with its Forest of Arden. Shakespeare"s mother Mary Arden was a daughter of the local gentry, holding extensive properties around Stratford-on-Avon in his name. In marrying Shakespeare"s father, the glover and tenant farmer John Shakespeare, Mary Arden took a step down the social ladder of the Elizabethan Age, for her husband was of the yeoman class, a notch or two below the gentry. Yet long before his son"s fame as a playwright fell to his good fortune, John Shakespeare"s talents enabled him to rise modestly on his own accord as he became a burgess member of the town council. Despite evidence of a family financial setback when William was fifteen, Shakespeare"s family was comfortable, if not privileged. Shakespeare"s eventual fame and success spilled over to his parents in the form of both money and title, and on the eve of his death in 1601, Queen Elizabeth granted the Bard"s father a "gentleman"s" family coat-of-arms.


William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564; died 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world"s pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England"s national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His surviving works, including some collaborations, consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.Shakespeare was born and brought up in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and partner-owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain"s Men, later known as the King"s Men. He appears to have retired to Stratford around 1613 at age 49, where he died three years later. Few records of Shakespeare"s private life survive, and there has been considerable speculation about such matters as his physical appearance, sexuality, religious beliefs, and whether the works attributed to him were written by others.Shakespeare produced most of his known works between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, genres he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the end of the 16th century. He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608, including Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth, considered some of the finest works in the English language. In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances, and collaborated with other playwrights.Shakespeare was a respected poet and playwright in his own day, but his reputation did not rise to its present heights until the 19th century. The Romantics, in particular, acclaimed Shakespeare"s genius, and the Victorians worshipped Shakespeare with a reverence that George Bernard Shaw called "bardolatry". In the 20th century, his work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship and performance. His plays remain highly popular today and are constantly studied, performed, and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts throughout the world. (From Wikipedia, with minor modifications.)


The Lantern Festival is celebrate by Chine on 15 of January in the Lunar Calendar. The Lantern Festival also known as Chines Valentine"s Day. On that day, man and ladies who are still single will go the bridge near by. They will conduct a "Orange Throwing" ceremony to look for their desire partner. Also, every family will cook "Tang Yuan" on that day. The meaning of eating "Tang Yuna" is to symbolise the reunion of the family.


South south flies in circles the small cage steamed bun to call to fly in circles the small cage package,it is south the Shanghai suburb flies in circles the town biography general term snack, had more than 100 years history.This element by Pi Bo, the stuffing many, the halogen heavy, tasty is well-known, is deeply one of flavor snacks which is welcome the domestic and foreign customers.South flies in circles the small cage steamed bun stuffing heart is with contains filling the leg meat to make the meat sauce, does not add the onion garlic, only scatters little Jiang Mo and the animal skin frozen, the salt, the soy sauce, the sugar and the water modulation becomes

要小笼包的英文简介 四十词 小学水平!急急急!谢谢啦!

Have you ever had a taste of the small steamed bun? I think it"s delicious to eat. This kind of food is from anicent China. It is of small size, with a thin wrapper and is filled with grounded meat. The small steamed bun is cooked from a bamboo steamer. It can be served as a snack and also be served as a dish.是四十个词左右的

毕加索英文简介 不要太少 有翻译

Picasso (1881 ~ 1973) was born in Spain, is the most creative and contemporary western most far-reaching artist, he and his paintings took art history in the world the immortal status. Picasso was a prolific painter, according to statistics, he works a total of nearly 37,000, including: painting 1885, drawing 7089, 20,000 prints, lithographs 6121. With the impoverished life of Vincent Van Gogh different matter to brilliant life of Picasso, he saw the first ever live collection of his works into the Louvre was a painter. In December 1999 a French newspaper conducted an opinion survey, 40% of the vote he was elected as the 20th century"s greatest painters of the first ten. 加索(1881~1973)出生在西班牙,是当代西方最有创造性和影响最深远的艺术家,他和他的画在世界艺术史上占据了不朽的地位。毕加索是位多产画家,据统计,他的作品总计近 37000 件,包括:油画 1885 幅,素描 7089 幅,版画 20000 幅,平版画 6121幅。 跟一生穷困潦倒的文森特凡高不同,毕加索的一生辉煌之至,他是有史以来第一个活着亲眼看到自己的作品被收藏进卢浮宫的画家。在1999年12月法国一家报纸进行的一次民意调查中,他以40%的高票当选为20世纪最伟大的十个画家之首。


1、英语简介: Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literatures.It is written in 16th century Ming dynasty.It tells a story about a Buddhist monk and his three students who are animals but with human characteristic.They travel west to India to find Buddhist scriptures. The monk,called XuanZang or Tangsheng,is an idealist,who is as weak as a kitten and just sets there helplessly for rescue when he gets into trouble.But he is really kind and great,trying to dispel the darkness and ignorance in people"s heart.The monkey named Wukong is born from a stone and he owns extraordinary powers and amazing intelligence that he uses to overcome demons and monsters.The pig is Bajie.He loves beauty and delicacy and he always makes a mess and generates a lot of humor in the process.The loach is called ShaSeng and he is very modest and diligent; he takes care of the monk and colleagues. 2、中文翻译: 《西游记》是中国四大古典小说之一。它写于 16 世纪的明朝。它讲述了一个和尚和他的三个学生的故事,他们是动物,但有人类的特点。他们向西旅行到印度去寻找佛经。 唐僧是一个理想主义者,他身体虚弱得像一只小猫,遇到麻烦就无助地站在那里等待救援。但是他真的很善良很伟大,试图驱散人们心中的黑暗和无知。这只名叫悟空的猴子是石头生的,他拥有超凡的力量和惊人的智慧,用来战胜妖魔鬼怪。猪是八戒。他喜欢美丽和精致,他总是弄得一团糟,在这个过程中产生了很多幽默。泥鳅叫沙僧,他非常谦虚和勤奋,照顾和尚和同伴。

橙子英语怎么说 词语橙子的英文简介

1、orange。 2、英 [u02c8u0252ru026andu0292] 美 [u02c8u0254:ru026andu0292]。 3、n.橙色;桔子,橙子;[植]桔树;桔色。adj.橙色的;橘色的;桔红色的。 4、例句:Finale is a little orange for garnish, and youre all set. 最后是一点儿装饰用的橙子,然后就调好了。

unicef的英文简介。 适合初二学生的

希望可以帮到你哦UNICEF is part of The United Nations, which works for world peace. The main purpose of UNICEF is to make sure that children around the entire world get the care and education they need to grow up to be happy and healthy adults. UNICEF believes that children require special kinds of care and affection. If children don"t receive good care, it can harm them forever.The UNICEF emblem is similar to the United Nations" emblem. The UN emblem has a globe surrounded by olive branches that stand for world peace. The UNICEF emblem uses the same globe and olive branches, but there is a picture of a grown-up holding a baby inside the globe as well.




Stone Forest -- Stone Forest is located 126 kilometers southeast of Kunming city of Yunnan Province, covering an area of 2667 square kilometers. Due to erosion and brushing along the crevices of limestones over aeons by sea waters, the sea bottom was broken up and moulded into a multitude of stone pillars, V-shaped gorges and eroded cracks. A myriad of grotesque pinnacles shot up and formed a spectacular stone forest. Front Scenery of Stone Forest:- As soon as one enters the Stone Forest scenic area, a crystal-clear lake comes into focus. By the east lakeside, rise from the water a good array of fantastic stone pinnacles, pillars, shoots, and stalactites, resembling a natural potted scenery. A few hundred steps beyond the lake, there is a pool with a huge boulder in the shape of a squatting lion. Hence it"s given the name of "Lion Pool". Further on, a couple of tall limestones block the way like a green screen. Greater Stone Forest:- Inside the sea of Stone Forest, one feels as if were in a bizarre fairyland. The stone formations standing still resemble a variety of things such as ancient fortresses, birds, beasts, flowers, trees, human beings, and whatever else one can imagine. Lesser Stone Forest:- It adjoins the Greater Stone Forest, and has large lawns, lush growth of bamboos and trees as well as mountain flowers in Spring and Autumn. Most fantastic are "The Cluster of Pinnacles Propping up the Sky" and "The Stone Singing Praises of Plums". Outer Stone Forest:- It"s gifted with myriad of stone peaks of various shapes. The Lion Hill resembles a squatting male lion on a height.


Mozart , Austrian composer,Mozart learn to play harpsichord when he was three. When he was four, he can play piano. When he was six, he picked up a violin. The same year, he with his father traveled all Europe, and get to knew many important people.He only lived 35 years old. Heavy works makes he often ill.he dead from a important illness.But his music is very famous and classic, he wrote more than five hundred pieces of music including over forty symphonies. People describe him as the greatest genius in the world.
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