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Polymer Engineering & Science多久会发录用通知


Technopolymer 是中国的那种材料 是属于什么英文术语?


li-polymer battery是什么意思


acrylic polymer是什么意思

acrylic polymer英 [u0259u02c8kru026alu026ak u02c8pu0254lu0259mu0259] 美 [u0259u02c8kru026alu026ak u02c8pɑlu0259mu025a] 词典丙烯酸类聚合物,丙烯酯类聚合物1Study on the modification of acrylic polymer tanning agent with Mannich reaction 丙烯酸类聚合物鞣剂的Mannich反应改性研究2The influence of the amount of DAAM on styrene-acrylic polymer emulsion was studied. 研究了DAAM的用量对苯丙乳液的影响。

请教Polymer International投稿问题


super absorbent polymer 是什么化学品

super absorbent polymer [释义] 高吸水性高分子; 全部释义>>[例句]Application of super absorbent polymer in the desert control高吸水聚合物材料在防沙治沙中的应用高吸水树脂(Super Absorbent Polymer,SAP)是一种新型功能高分子材料。它具有吸收比自身重几百到几千倍水的高吸水功能,并且保水性能优良,一旦吸水膨胀成为水凝胶时,即使加压也很难把水分离出来。因此,它在个人卫生用品、工农业生产、土木建筑等各个领域都有广泛用途。

试比较超支化聚合物(Hyperbranched Polymer)与树形聚合物(Dendrimer)的结构,合成方法及性能?




polymer testing 是sci吗

不是polymer testing 网络 聚合物检测;[例句]The Research of Horizontal Analysis on Exterior Insulation and Finish with Polymer Mortar Adhesive Strength Testing Method外墙外保温用聚合物砂浆粘接强度检验方法的分析研究

polymere是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

adj. 【化学】聚合的polymèreadj. 多矿质的polymèrem聚[合]物, 聚合体

polymer chemistry 是SCI吗

SCI(Science Citation Index)是由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961年创办出版的引文数据库。SCI(科学引文索引)、EI(工程索引 )、ISTP(科技会议录索引) 是世界著名的三大科技文献检索系统,是国际公认的进行科学统计与科学评价的主要检索工具,其中以SCI最为重要。 起源由来SCI是美国《科学引文索引》的英文简称,其全称为:Science Citation Index,,创刊于1961年,它是根据现代情报学家尤金·加菲尔德(Eugene Garfield) 1953年提出的引文思想而创立的。时至今日加菲尔德仍是SCI主编之一。SCI是由ISI( Institute for Scientific Information Inc.)美国科学情报所出版。现为双月刊。ISI除了出版SCI外,还有联机型据SCISEARCH。ISTP(Index to Scientific &Technical Proceeding)也由其出版。 SCI是一部国际性索引,包括有:自然科学、生物、医学、农业、技术和行为科学等,主要侧重基础科学。所选用的刊物来源于94个类、40多个国家、50多种文字,这些国家主要有美国、英国、荷兰、德国、俄罗斯、法国、日本、加拿大等,也收录一定数量的中国刊物。




你说的是polymer journal 吧,那个期刊绝不是nature的子刊,只是挂在nature出版集团下边,由nature出版集团负责发行。它是由日本人主办的高分子领域期刊,大概相当于中国的高分子学报,影响因子当然低了。

Polymer Chemistry 这个杂志怎么样

Polymer Chemistry是非常不错的高分子领域杂志!Polymer Chemistry 是英国RSC集团新出的杂志,由于RSC之前没有关于高分子这类的专业期刊,其目标定位在ACS中macromolecules这样档次期刊名 POLYMER CHEMISTRY 出版周期: 月刊 中科院杂志分区 2 区期刊 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 5.368 5.231 5.321 无


锂聚合物电池(Li-polymer,又称高分子锂电池):具有能量密度高、更小型化、超薄化、轻量化,以及高安全性和低成本等多种明显优势,是一种新型电池。在形状上,锂聚合物电池具有超薄化特征,可以配合各种产品的需要,制作成任何形状与容量的电池。该类电池可以达到的最小厚度可达0.5mm。相对于锂离子电池,锂聚合物电池的特点如下: 1. 无电池漏液问题,其电池内部不含液态电解液,使用胶态的固体。 2. 可制成薄型电池:以3.6V400mAh的容量,其厚度可薄至0.5mm。 3. 电池可设计成多种形状。 4. 电池可弯曲变形:高分子电池最大可弯曲900左右。 5. 可制成单颗高电压:液态电解质的电池仅能以数颗电池串联得到高电压,高分子电池。 6. 由于本身无液体,可在单颗内做成多层组合来达到高电压。 7. 容量将比同样大小的锂离子电池高出一倍。

Polymer Chemistry 这个杂志怎么样

非常不错的高分子领域杂志!Polymer Chemistry 是英国RSC集团新出的杂志,由于RSC之前没有关于高分子这类的专业期刊,其目标定位在ACS中macromolecules这样档次期刊名 POLYMER CHEMISTRY 出版周期: 月刊 中科院杂志分区 2 区期刊 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 5.368 5.231 5.321 无

polymer 杂志的网址是什么【高人请帮忙】




专业名词解释 polymer-rich phase什么意思


我想知道 "dry polymer"的准确中文意思


Polymer concrete是什么材料




polymer journal 是哪个国家的

  日本的Polymer Journal (PJ) 【出版者】 Society of Polymer Science, Japan【语种】 English 【内容简介】 First Published in 1970, English, Published Monthly(every 15th of the month) Polymer Journal (PJ) has been international high quality journal published monthly in English by SPSJ since 1970. PJ presents you up-to-date results of scientific research and new information in all the fields of polymer science. PJ includes Regular Articles, Notes, and Short Communications. Review Articles and Invited Papers are occasionally accepted on invitation. PJ covers the whole range of polymer science: Polymer Syntheses and Reactions, Polymer Structures, Physical Properties of Polymers, Functional Polymers, Biopolymers, and Polymer Engineering.

li-polymer Battery电池是锂电池还是锂聚合物电池

li-锂离子polymer 聚合物Battery电池锂聚合物电池


BA是丙烯酸丁酯结构式为H2C=CHCOOCH2CH2CH2CH3。一般用作有机合成中间体、粘合剂、乳化剂、涂料EVA:乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物。有不同牌号的,可以根据用途选择。VA:你这个VA,应该不是聚合物,有很多缩写都是VA,比如乙烯醇vinyl alcohol

polymer material是什么意思

聚合材料polymer: n. 【化学】聚合体,聚合物,多聚物。 material: adj. 物质的例:High strength polymer materials for making space cable制造太空缆的高强度聚合物材料








polymer n.聚合体




polymer意思:聚合物; 多聚体;双语例句The nature of the polymer is currently a trade secret.这一聚合物的性质目前是个商业机密。The invention relates to a cationic polymer dehydrator for sludge.本发明涉及一种用于污泥脱水的阳离子型聚合物脱水剂The videodisc is made of liquid crystal polymers.影碟是由液晶聚合物制成的。polymer 双语例句1. polymer的意思1. Effect of salinity, sodium silicate, mixed alkaline, promoters and polymer on dynamic interfacial tension were studied.考察盐、碱、助剂、聚合物对表面活性剂的动态界面张力的影响。2. The current experimental results show that the content of leached alumino-siliceous residue distilled from the kalisalt was the primary effective factor on the mechanical properties of the products.High performance mineral polymer can be prepared while the content of sodium silicate in the alkaline liquid and the standard sand in the solid materials are both kept around 70%.结果表明:干燥的提钾滤渣在粉体物料中的比例对制品的力学性能影响最大;硅酸钠水玻璃在液相中的比例约为70%,且标准砂占固相的比例为70%左右时,可制得力学性能良好的矿物聚合材料。3. Mineral polymer was prepared using fly ash, one of the industrial solid wastes, andmetakaolinite, standardized sand, sodium silicate and alkaline solution in this study.本项研究利用工业固体废弃物之一粉煤灰,配以变高岭石、标准砂、硅酸钠水玻璃和氢氧化钠溶液制备得到矿物聚合材料制品。


是英文:聚合物 的意思,具体要看哪种聚合物

Taq DNA Polymerase 和rTaq酶有什么区别

Taq DNA Polymerase 和rTaq酶有什么区别第一代热启动Taq酶是一种DNA聚合酶。 第一代指的是直接从Taq(这是一种细菌)体内提取的天然聚合酶,没有进行化学修饰的,为了达到更好的聚合催化效果,往往需要经过酶工程处理,得到的聚合酶催化效率更高。 热启动是指这种酶的反应温度条件Taq DNA polymerase是从克隆有Thermu aquaticus DNA Polymerase基因的大肠杆菌经诱导表达后,再经过柱纯化分离出来的一个约94 KD的重组蛋白。无外源核酸酶和细菌DNA污染,稳定性好,特异性强,适用于常规PCR扩增。


多用于网名。语法标注解释 lucky英音:["lʌki]美音:["lʌkɪ] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释形容词 a. 1.幸运的,好运的[+to-v][+(that)]A lucky person won the contest. 一个幸运儿赢了比赛。 You are lucky to be alive. 你活着算是幸运的了。 2.碰巧的,侥幸的a lucky escape from death 侥幸逃脱死亡 3.带来幸运的,吉祥的I always carry my lucky penny. 我的吉祥钱币时刻不离身。 以下结果来自互联网网络释义lucky1.但俺不信总是不看看强人写的英语 - 谈天说地 - 冶思智...但俺不信总是不lucky, http://www.yespda.com...2.幸运的;侥幸的中国来我社区-研究生考试大纲中容易混淆的词...lucky 幸运的;侥幸的mermaid英音:["mə:meid]美音:["mɝ,med] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释名词 n. [C]1.美人鱼2.【美】女子游泳健将

primestar03 hs dna polymerase是taq酶还是pfu酶


请问Pfu DNA Polymerase用于PCR能保证扩增多大的片段无错配?


请问!博凌科为 的 Pfu DNA Polymerase(含预混Mg2+的10×Pfu Buffer)怎么样啊?有没有谁能详细介绍下?

博凌科为 的 Pfu DNA Polymerase(含预混Mg2+的10×Pfu Buffer), 超纯高保真耐热DNA聚合酶 Pfu DNA Polymerase 是从克隆有Pyrococcus furiosis DNA Polymerase 基因的大肠杆菌中表达并经多次过柱纯化分离出来的。由于Pfu 有3"-5"的外切酶活性,它能纠正DNA扩增过程中产生的错误, 而传统的Taq DNA Polymerase却不能。 其它高温DNA Polymerase 如:Vent,Deep Vent,Tli,UITma 等虽具有校正功能,但Pfu 是目前已发现的所有耐高温DNA Polymerase中出错率最低的。Pfu DNA聚合酶比普通Taq DNA 聚合酶热稳定性更好,95℃1 小时仍保持90%以上活性。适用范围用于DNA 的高保真扩增,如基因表达克隆、基因定点突变、细胞内基因点突变的分析(SNP)和末端补平等。活性定义1 单位(U) Pfu DNA Polymerase 活力定义为在74℃、30 分钟内,以活性化的大马哈鱼精子DNA作为模板/ 引物,将10 nmol 脱氧核苷酸掺入到酸不溶物质所需的酶量。质量控制检测SDS-PAGE 检测纯度大于99%;经检测无外源核酸酶活性;PCR方法检测无宿主残余DNA;能有效地扩增人基因组中的单拷贝基因;室温存放一周,无明显活性改变。主要技术参数有3"-5"外切核酸酶活性,无5"-3"外切核酸酶活性,DNA 扩增时延伸速度低于Taq酶,一般情况下Pfu酶的延伸速度为每分钟0.5-1 kb。Pfu 酶的热稳定性比Taq 酶好,对于GC 含量很高的模板,变性温度可以提高到98℃,对Pfu 酶的活性无影响。其PCR产物为平端,可加A处理再与TA载体连接或使用平末端克隆载体。保存条件: -20℃保存


可以参考下《禽流感病毒核蛋白基因的克隆、表达及其相互作用蛋白的筛选》这篇文章。 下载不到 可以给我邮件 : jackyc911@163.com多聚酶蛋白Polymerase的只有关于狂犬病毒的和别的一些病毒的~

big tymers的《Beat It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Beat It Up歌手:big tymers专辑:Big Money Heavy Weight Chopped & ScrewedBoA - Nan (beat it!)Hangsang nor guriwohedon nur nunmur punidonne chorahejin mosubur bwassoijenun doisang noui dwie issodongute nega anyagakum shigun norur darmaborinne mosubi nar himdurge hejimanmodunge byonhesso ije doisang nannimosub jocha to oruji anhaNan~ nan noui nunbiddo nan noui hyangidonan modu jiwosso donun dagaoryo hajimaijen arsu isso nan niga obnun sesangdohengboghar su idangor (nan ijen)Oren shigani hullodo nar borsun obso nanimi byonheboryossogakumshigun niga namgigo ganuri chuogi nar himdurge hejimanmodunge byonhesso gu chuog jochadone giogsogeso ijyojirkoyaNan~ nan noui nunbiddo nan noui hyangidonan modu jiwosso donun dagaoryo hajimaijen arsu isso nan niga obnun sesangdohengboghar su idangor (nan ijen)Nan~ nan noui nunbiddo nan noui hyangidonan modu jiwosso donun dagaoryo hajimaijen arsu isso nan niga obnun sesangdohengboghar su idangor (nan ijen)ooh ooh baby! I want you backand all of that still ride highwhen I catch a contactnever mind what I said here to find my way backfrom the dead oh how your groovestill lingers bob my head to your cruvesto the touch of your fingersI be this here rap singer with one last beathleft to bring her backI"m knowing the odds be stackedbut ain"t no doubt we"re still a matchNan~ nan noui nunbiddo nan noui hyangidonan modu jiwosso donun dagaoryo hajimaijen arsu isso nan niga obnun sesangdohengboghar su idangor (nan ijen)http://music.baidu.com/song/8039649

大分子Macromolecules 、聚合物Polymer和单体Monomer的区别




polymeric MDI polyol 是什么?




RSC的polymer chemistry影响因子会有多少

RSC的polymer chemistry期刊,2013年的SCI影响因子为5.368。

大家都知道fiber and polymer期刊的参考文献写法是怎样的吗?(要中文版的)急用呢~~先谢谢大家了!!!

作者.文章名[J].fiber and polymer(S0146-8030), 2011,(6).14.4.2 外文文献各类外文文献的文后参考文献格式与中文示例相同;为了计算机检索方便,建议题名的首字母及各个实词的首字母大写,期刊的刊名等可用全称或按ISO 4规定的缩写格式。为了减少外文刊名引用不规范所造成的引文统计及链接误差,建议以(SXXXX-XXXX)格式在刊名后加ISSN号。例:[24]JONES R M.Mechanics of Composite Materials[M].New York:McGraw Hill Book Company,1975.[32]GUO Ai-bing.Auto Show Revs up Customers" Desire[N].China Daily,2002-06-07(1).[33]村山敏博.木质材料の耐燃処理[J].木材工业,1960,5(10):439-441.[34]GREEN D H,WALLACE M E. Mantle Metasomatism by Ephemeral Carbonate Melts[J].Nature(S0028-0836),1988,336:459-462.



big tymers的《#1》 歌词

歌曲名:#1歌手:big tymers专辑:hood richAll the niggas was, buck, buckin" in the crowdAnd all the ladies was, scream, screamin" out loudGo number 1Brian, Baby, Bizzy, BubbaGo number 1Old ig-nant motherfucker(Come on, you ridin" this dick)Yo, fuck being a princeI"m the king of the southIt"s the birdman daddy stick the gag in ya mouthIt"s the, Boss Hog, known Big DawgThe boss of the ghetto and I ball like a DawgYou see that, four pound, ga-round, and roundround banana clip and I shut your hood downSee I floss like Jewelry (stay broke like Woodie)It"s the number 1 daddy, look for carpet and pullySee I shine like feet, 23"s for me24"s on the truck and leave on dub streetsSee I wipe a bitch downThen dribble on the hoeAnd touch her from her head, from her waist to her toeNow buckle up Ma it"s time to ride outG-waggin" daddy , I keeps it down southEscalade truck, in the back, and it"s nastyCut it on the side, switch it out, and it"s a CaddyLet me holla at these niggas that went out badThey jumped in the magazine and showed they assBut it ain"t nothin" but stunna to bust a nigga assWhen I jumped off the porch, y"all were still on the grass (Biotch)Nigga gave me a shot and gave me a gunFresh loaded the gun and told me have some funBut A,A- the B-I the I-IYou motherfucka! (Fucka)Suck a d-iockYou Motherfucka! (Fucka)Ba- Ba- Bubba Motherfucka !Them hoes be sayin" ( You a dirty motherfucka)See the pipes, rims, cars, the chromeThe jewels, the ice, ears, the armThe ??, the Lui, the Gucci, the berryThe swine, the mink, let"s get it togetherThe prowler, the swade, the jacket, the leatherHeadliner, rebot, tailor made sweatersThe guns, the pistol, automatic niggasAk, nine glocks, mackin" left niggasIt"s the princess cuts, round shaped diamondsYou betta understand because these hoes all minors (You better Biotch!)It"s the Ma- Ma- Mannie Mannie Fresh nigga (The fuck with this nigga!)Disrespect, you get the Smith and Western nigga!Spin yo block on 24"s nigga Stunna Stunna I"m known to havin" hoes nigga!I went from, teach to streets, to solvin" this beefNigga gave me my shot, November the nuts skiAye aye 19 that is (Woooo)See them tattoo tearsSee I"m a known deep boy with the dope in the frigIt"s me Lac and Stone and all my kidsRidin" round town in that brand new Jig (Woooooo Weeeee!)Jaguar that isSee I"m world wide grindin" and I"m tryin" to liveYou know how it is when you got the kidsYou gots to go home and get it how you liveAin"t got no money so you pick at eye lidsTurn around the corner and you askin" whyYou fought everybody cause you stupid ass highAsked mom for money you dumb motherfucka (fucka)She find out in jail and you back this summa (summa)http://music.baidu.com/song/14518877







big tymers的《Back Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Back Up歌手:big tymers专辑:Big Money Heavy WeightsPitbull - Back Up{Hip Hop My life...}WooYeah,PitbullDb,Big starOh, ohHaters in the club (back up)Gold diggers (back up)Broke niggas (back up)I suggest, I suggest that you (back up)I"m in the club and I cut into the sceneCouple of pair fray fool smocking the greenShe"s got her hand on my nuts what does that mean?Pointed at her friends and she said there tag teamNow who said dreams don"t come trueIt"s like I"m dreaming when I come throughI always find something to run throughSpeak into the mic mami mic check one two (ha, ha, ha)Drunk in the club off the chainBut who gives a Fuck that"s why I cameSo pour it up and get downYou have no choice but to listen to pit nowPut your ass in reverse baby (back up)It don"t involve money then (back up)Doggy for me and (back up)Every time I fall I get right (back up)Haters in the club (back up)Gold diggers (back up)Broke niggas (back up)I suggest, I suggest that you (back up)Everybody knows Pits got tight rapsWhen I"m in the club DJ"s bring it backWhen those questions asked but the number one question is (does he got cash?)Lil Jon"s at the bar while me and the eastside boys smoke outRoll another one no doubtGet a couple hoes roll outBeef you don"t want non to go downDum de, de dum dum that"s my styleThe city in from is coming with better rilesThat ol make your crew run, run, your crew run, runIt"s nice to cum huhPut your ass in reverse baby (back up)It don"t involve money then (back up)Doggy for me and (back up)Every time I fall I get right (back up)Haters in the club (back up)Gold diggers (back up)Broke niggas (back up)I suggest, I suggest that you (back up)I convinced mami to creep in the dlEven though my head is spinning like some Sprewell"sSkip the detailsIt"s the bottom line that"s testing my patience I got thisI"m not impressed by the cool shitAll those jeans all that ice all them cars all that"s bullshitIf that"s what you"re looking for keep looking hoeCuz you got the wrong one bitch ill let ya knowMami"s like damn that groupie shout outBitch I came to the club to wild outIf you came to act upThen you came to get from me bitch and um back upPut your ass in reverse baby (back up)It don"t involve money then (back up)Doggy for me and (back up)Every time I fall I get right (back up)Put your ass in reverse baby (back up)It don"t involve money then (back up)Doggy for me and (back up)Every time I fall I get right (back up)Haters in the club (back up)Gold diggers (back up)Broke niggas (back up)I suggest, I suggest that you (back up)Haters in the club (back up)Gold diggers (back up)Broke niggas (back up)I suggest, I suggest that you (back up)Woo haPitbullDbSome one dog in telling ya manThey can"t deny us dogToo strong of a movementThree oh fiveGet readyThe revolutionAaoohh!!http://music.baidu.com/song/7920711


polymer的意思是:聚合体;聚合物。英 ["pu0252lu026amu0259(r)].1、聚合体:提把/聚氯乙烯(PVC)分体式内胆/聚乙烯(PE)保温层/聚合体(Polymer)防水外层/聚氯乙烯(PVC)。2、聚合物,高分子:硅材质的微加工材料将成市场主流拓墣产业研究所表示,制作微机电组件的主要材料依出货比例排名分别为硅、聚合物高分子(Polymer)及金属三大类。其中硅材质由于本身具有极佳的机械性质、电性及耐久度,加上全球微电子产业已投入庞大资金、人力。3、高分子化合物:塑胶由高分子化合物(Polymer)与添加物构成,在高分子中还含有反应剩余的单体(monomer),催化剂的残渣及添加物,包括防止其劣化的抗氧化剂、紫外线吸收剂等安定剂,改进其物理性质之可塑剂(Plasticizer),润滑剂,以及著色用的染料等。双语例句:1.The flexibility of the polymer chain allows extensive convolution.聚合物链的柔韧性允许大幅度的弯曲。2.The ideal disposable polymer would depolymerize naturally.理想的一次性聚合物会自然解聚。3.Interactions between polymer and solvent at the molecular level.聚合物和溶剂在分子水平上的相互作用。4.That means PMMA has changed from polar polymer to non - polar polymer.对此现象的解释机理提出了“孔洞”与“极性基团断裂”两种假设。5.These POlymer - bound dialkylaminopyridine as catalyst for acetylation of alcohols were investigated.通过醇的酰化反应,对其催化活性进行了研究。6.The development of inorganic polymer composite flocculants is summed up in the paper.论文综述了无机高分子复合絮凝剂的研究进展。7.The content of polymer in the composites had some effect on nano-silvers crystallization.聚合物的含量对银粒子的结晶行为有一定的影响。8.Test Methods for Nonrigid Vinyl Chloride Polymer Tubing Used for Electrical Insulation电绝缘用非刚性氯乙烯聚合物管的试验方法。9.Bachelor degree or master degree in Polymer Science, Organic Chemistry or Chemical Engineering.本科或硕士学历, 聚合物、有机化学或化学工程专业。10.The actuality of research in fretting of polymers and polymer-based composites are reviewed.综述了聚合物及其复合材料微动摩擦学研究的现状。

Polymers and Polymer Composites这个期刊怎么投稿

直接到他们的主页看投稿须知,其中一段话Papers should not normally exceed 10,000 words, with allowance made for tables and illustrations. All submissions should be made by email to: kmevans@smithers.com即通过邮箱投稿:kmevans@smithers.com

acetal copoymer是什么材料

acetal copolymer 也可以翻译成共聚甲醛,所以它应该就是共聚甲醛树脂。POM是化学名聚氧化亚甲基(polyoxymethylene)的简称,一般也称为聚甲醛,甲醛树脂(acetal resin)。

ymer 跟 富光 哪个牌子的保温杯比较好?






big tymers的《sunny day》 歌词

歌曲名:sunny day歌手:big tymers专辑:hood rich"Sunny Day"(feat. Gotti, Mikkey, TQ)Just like a sunny day, I"m gon" shineYou betta cover yo face, or you"ll be blindOh big shiny blades, that"s how I rideJust like a sunny day, watch me shineHey, eh, uhn-uhn-ah, uhn-uhn-ah hold on, ro, huhYou see them chrome on dem whodi?Oooh-wee, bad mother fucker, chrome pipes, and chromed out mufflersPaint my cars, and dip these rodsRe-do the inside, cuz stunna gon" ballShine my teets, when I hit these streetsCall hot boy Elvin, to slide me a pieceSlipped it girl, fed her some gasBig TymersI buh-a burn, I buh-a, buh-a burn ya assBrawlers, bars, and marble"s garageMinks on the floor, with them platinum toysIts 500 degrees, its hot as fuck (uh uh-a, uh uh-a)Believe me boy, my shit diced upI stay one way, I play every dayIts February 15th, stunna, hows the day?Now if you believe, like I believeWe can get to the mountain topWe can achieve what Martin was talkin boutWhats all the barkin bout?I"m a man playa, on my two feet, thats how I"m walking outAlot of these chumps niggas say I just bling too muchBut alot of yall ain"t doing nothing, y"all just dream too muchAnd all of y"all niggas ain"t coming up to nuttin but a big ole zeroAnd in case you didn"t know nigga, I"m the hood heroIts like a sunny day, plus I"m getting money todayWith no funny play, cuz I got the gun at my waistAnd like stunna say, feeling like a hunter todayMillion, mommy fine, but she got bumps in her faceBut it ain"t nothing but a G thang babySo I"ma hit it in the back of my MercedesWe on dubs, its all love, this shit crazyAnd Cash Money is the label that made meMikkey take em church, its on you what you take from this verseWe like a cedar, we just straight from the dirtSo its in us, we stuck, like its in us tocock..that..thang..back..and dumpPlease, you don"t want it wit usNow they say money makes the world go roundBut for the right price,Stunna said yo girl done with the opposite of upMore than music this is rap hustlinThis is money mackin and publishinDeath before struggling, thats shine daddyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14518037


polymers聚合物中;高分子的;高聚物中;聚合物在Previous researchers had tried to sidestep this problem by using gel polymers for the electrolyte, but even these contained flammable solvents. 先前的研究人员设法用凝胶聚合物电解质来避开这个问题,但是仍会含有易燃的溶剂。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助