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以下是我自己写的,有些语法错误还望海涵。有几个生词就全当增加你词汇量吧 Hello everyone,Iam from XX. class of XXX, the contents of myspeech todayis tograsp the opportunity and meet the challenge,promote world peace.The current China isin the period of strat -egic opportunity for development,rapid economic development,people increasingly rich,but also so caused some of the capitalist co untries discontent,so Japan will robus ofthe diaoyuislands,Philippines get Americans upport for our nanshaislands, but wedon"t need topanic,the mainstre am of the world now is still the peace and development,the party will lead us to glory!Thank you all,my the end of the speech.译文 大家好,我是来自x班的XXX,今天我演讲的内容是把握机遇,迎接挑战,促进世界和平。当前中国正处于战略机遇发展的时期,经济迅速发展,人民日益富裕,但是也因此引起了一些资本主义国家的不满,所以日本就抢夺我们的钓鱼岛,菲律宾得到美国支持争夺我们的南沙群岛,但是我们不必惊慌,现在世界的主流仍然是和平与发展, 党会引导我们走向辉煌!谢谢大家,我的演讲完毕。