get 和 acquire区别

苦涩恋塔2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


zhouyan1220 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
例:He get nice markd in school.
acquire a foreign language


Kids and teenages can acquire knowledge in a more vivid way
Kids and teenages can acquire knowledge in a more vivid way in the museums.
Kids and teenages can acquire knowledge in a more vivid way in the museums.这句话的意思是知道的.可in a more vivid way 怎么翻译更准确啊?
一路走来的汉 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
in a vivid way
So difficult____it to acquire a large vocabulary without the
So difficult____it to acquire a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher that he was close to giving up .
A.he have felt B.have he felt
C.he did feel D.did he feel
lili-lv 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%

英语阅读帮忙做下How do you acquire confidence?Speak English with fri
How do you acquire confidence?Speak English with friends first because with them you can speak freely without feeling shy.
Then try your ability with your teachers and with foreigners if you have an opportunity to meet them.Don’t be afraid of mistakes.Nobody is above mistakes; and don’t be afraid to ask questions about things you don’t know.This is the way to acquire knowledge.
Not until you begin to think in English rather than Chinese can you be said to know the language.This is not a superhuman achievement—only a question of practice.Thinking in English will help you to truly understand how the language is spoken.
Read novels to build vocabulary,thus gaining confidence.Start with small volumes of 30 to 40 pages.Write down any new word you discover and look it up in your dictionary.Learn how to use the new word by making sentences with it.Bring the word to your teacher to have it explained more fully.
Don’t be angry when you learn a new word today and forget it tomorrow.To forget is a natural process; to remember is unnatural and requires effort.Of 10 new words learnt in a day,only two or three will remain in the memory.The others you will forget and have to relearn.
When learning them for the second time,they will come more easily,and this time you probably will remember nearly all of them.A small minority,however,may elude you again,and have to be learnt for a third time.Constant repetition is necessary.
(1).[本题2分] You can gain confidence by speaking English with the following people but ______?
(A) teachers
(B) family members
(C) friends
(D) foreigners
(2).[本题2分] When can you be said to know English?
(A) When you have confidence with English.
(B) When you can think in English.
(C) When you are not afraid to ask questions.
(D) When you have built vocabulary.
(3).[本题2分] We can build vocabulary in the following ways except ______.
(A) often speaking with foreigners
(B) reading novels
(C) looking up the new words in a dictionary,making sentences with them,etc.
(D) constant repetition of new words
(4).[本题2分] What are suggested to do if you always forget the new words?
(A) To relearn constantly.
(B) To practice more.
(C) To be angry.
(D) To read novels.
(5).[本题2分] What's the best title for the passage?
(A) Communicating in English
(B) Thinking in English
(C) Ways to Gain Confidence with English
(D) Learning New Words
梦聊子 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
(1).[本题2分] You can gain confidence by speaking English with the following people but __(B) family members ____?肯定选b 外国人 朋友 老师 都在前两段提到了
(2).[本题2分] When can you be said to know English?(B) When you can think in English.
(3).[本题2分] We can build vocabulary in the following ways except _(A) often speaking with foreigners _____.
(4).[本题2分] What are suggested to do if you always forget the new words?(A) To relearn constantly.
(5).[本题2分] What's the best title for the passage?
(C) Ways to Gain Confidence with English
签三个月的签证 英语怎么说关键是签这个动词就acquire?
vicky996 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
acquire a three-month visa
apply for a three-month visa
get a three-month visa
27.一道SAT句子改错题If you (can acquire ) the necessary calories (b
If you (can acquire ) the necessary calories (by drinking) gasoline instead of by eating food,(you) would be able (to run) 26 miles on about one-twelfth of a gallon of gas."(no error).
hdjd1 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
我认为A错了,考点为虚拟语气.从句意来看:如果你能通过喝汽油而不是吃东西来获得卡路里,你将能用十二分之一加仑的汽油跑26英里.(翻译可能不是很准确)但是可以看出这句说的是与事实相反的事(人不可能喝汽油),所以A can acquire应该为acquired,对现在的虚拟.
更直接的方法就是would be able 的would 是对的,所以can acquire的can 时态不对,当然这样的理解不全面了.
So difficult_____it to acquire a large vocabulary without th
So difficult_____it to acquire a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher that he was close to giving up .
A.he have felt B.have he felt C.he did feel D.did he feel
Mosaik 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%

learn skills and knowledge 和acquire skills and knowledge 哪种表
learn skills and knowledge 和acquire skills and knowledge 哪种表达对?有什么区别?
火星的人 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
learn 侧重于学习
acquire 侧重于学习效果
求帮忙改作文Acquire knowledge and skills is most important program
Acquire knowledge and skills is most important program in children’s growth stage.they should be spend more time to do school work instead of playing games.So i agree with the above views.
On one hand,it is true that children have too much free time.They go to school at 9:00AM and after school at 4:00PM and have a rest at weekend.Every year,they have two long holidays which is enough three month.In this time,their parents are going to work,so they can not to keep watch on their children to learning or to do more useful activities.
On the other hand,they should be spend more time on school work.Firstly the first assignment for children is study new knowledge and skills in their growth stage.At this stage,they ought to learn how to think and how to do that the reasons for children go to school.Secondly,studying new knowledge is better for enhance their ability to solve the problem which is come from their life’s.thirdly they can be find the truth of the society and the nature is could help him to build a good world outlook that will be affect his life.
To conclude,the two hands,children waste their time to do more harmful themselves,such as:watch TV,children often spend more time on cartoon program and are very harm for their eyes.Play computer games,some children are addicted to play games that affect their study.Sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damaging to both the ayes and physical posture of a young child.
Overall,nowadays children has too many leisure time,if they spend this time on school work not only can be reduce the harm for their growth stage but also can be enhance their knowledge.So I think part of children’s free time should be used to do more school work.
WANG路XUN回 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
以下几个英文单词怎么区分?acquire,derive,obtain 这三个词都有获得、得到的意思,怎么区分它们呢?
智者的微笑 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
acquire(学习而学得知识 后天培养而养成习惯/技能/品质)(由于某种行为获得好坏名声/搞到资料)
derived(derive..from从中得到...衍生自 ...强调来源所以多在后面跟个from,比较好区别)
obtain acquire 这两个词词义上真没什么过多区别
如果硬要区别,acquire有种慢慢获得的意思(但acquire (=buy)a house.),而obtain则有种通过努力的意思,但也不绝对,主要还是搭配问题,注意几点见下
1.obtain搭配 advice/information/permission
e.g.Have you obtained permission into the hall?
2.obtain 经常用manage to obtain sth,而acquire不这么用
e.g.He finally managed to obtain what he wanted.
3.acquire搭配 a knowledge/reputation/taste(habit)
e.g.He acquired a good knowledge of English during his stay in England.
He has acquired a reputation for dishonesty.
I have acquired a taste for(=like) olives these days.
(这个意思有个引申词组,an acquired taste 开始觉得不好,但慢慢觉得好了
如:Maybe you will not get interested in Jay's songs at first,but when you listen quietly,you will find an acquired taste in it.)
好人一生平安!How do you acquire confidence?Speak English with frie
How do you acquire confidence?Speak English with friends first because with
them you can speak freely without feeling shy.
Then try your ability
with your teachers and with foreigners if you have an opportunity to meet them.
Don’t be afraid of mistakes.Nobody is above mistakes; and don’t be afraid to
ask questions about things you don’t know.This is the way to acquire knowledge.
Not until you begin to think in English rather than Chinese can you be
said to know the language.This is not a superhuman achievement—only a question
of practice.Thinking in English will help you to truly understand how the
language is spoken.
Read novels to build vocabulary,thus gaining
confidence.Start with small volumes of 30 to 40 pages.Write down any new word
you discover and look it up in your dictionary.Learn how to use the new word by
making sentences with it.Bring the word to your teacher to have it explained
more fully.
Don’t be angry when you learn a new word today and forget
it tomorrow.To forget is a natural process; to remember is unnatural and
requires effort.Of 10 new words learnt in a day,only two or three will remain
in the memory.The others you will forget and have to relearn.
learning them for the second time,they will come more easily,and this time you
probably will remember nearly all of them.A small minority,however,may elude
you again,and have to be learnt for a third time.Constant repetition is
(1).You can gain
confidence by speaking English with the following people but ______?
(A) foreigners
(B) family members
(C) friends
(D) teachers
(2).When can you be
said to know English?
(A) When you can think in English.
(B) When you have built vocabulary.
(C) When you are not afraid to ask questions.
(D) When you have confidence with English.
(3).We can build
vocabulary in the following ways except ______.
(A) looking up the new words in a dictionary,making
sentences with them,etc.
(B) often speaking with foreigners
(C) constant repetition of new words
(D) reading novels
(4).What are suggested
to do if you always forget the new words?
(A) To read novels.
(B) To be angry.
(C) To practice more.
(D) To relearn constantly.
(5).What's the best
title for the passage?
(A) Learning New Words
(B) Ways to Gain Confidence with English
(C) Communicating in English
(D) Thinking in English
上只角小开 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
B 课文中没说同家人说英语.
A 文中有说到 “ Not until you begin to think in English rather than Chinese can you be
said to know the language.)
B 文中并没有说同外国人讲话可以增加词汇量.
B 如何获得使用英语的自信
[edition process chief reporter guilt acquire course section
[edition process chief reporter guilt acquire course section occupation department approve ]
1.Before he became the ___editor of the newspaper he was a journalist.
2.I often read the electronic ___of Shenzhen Daily on the Internet .
3.The judge announced the man not ___and then he was set free .
4.Tomato-egg soup is the last ___of our dinner .
5.The Japanese ___of Taiwan lasted fifty-one years .
6.The new edition textbook is ___by the Department for Education .
7.Months later I was appointed manager of the sales ___of our computer .
8.I glanced over the sports ___of China Daily .
9.From whom did you ___the latest information
10.Our chief editor is having a friendly talk with those ___from New York Times .
11.I sent three rolls of film away to be ___.
mango201314 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
名次辨析:problem与question solve 与settle acquire与deri
名次辨析:problem与question solve 与settle acquire与deri
solve 与settle
contract 与shrink
浮艳 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率92.6%
这两个词都可表示“解决”之意.其区别主要是动宾搭配不同.用法分别为:solve a problem(a mystery,a puzzle,difficulties,etc.);指找出解
settle a question(an affair,an argument,a quarrel,a matter,a dispute etc.)指解决争议,争端,使意见达成一致.
①He was very bright and solved the crossword in ten minutes.
②The internal affairs of each country should be settled by its own people.
关于英语否定句的问题Snakes did not acquire their poison
关于英语否定句的问题Snakes did not acquire their poison
did not acquire their poison for use against man but for use against
prey such as rats and mice,and the effects on these of viperine poison
is almost immediate.
这里not是否定acquire的,也就是应该译为:蛇没有获得毒液 应用于对付人类,而是应用于对付捕食猎物,主句是没有获得毒液,为什么后面还会有应用功能呢,说不通啊,按课文译文的意思not 应该用来否定后面的介词短语才啊:Snakes acquire their poison not for use against man but for use against prey such as rats and mice
8158woniu 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
这个句子里就是作用于for,理顺了就是 Snakes acquire their pison not for against man but for...从整个句子看,not...but...的呼应关系挺明显的,都是解释目的是什么.
He didn't take the boy from the tracks to safety to win his own fame.but to be nefit the boy's parents.
I don’t believe I have the pleasure of knowing you.
免试录取 英语怎么说i acquire an exam-free enrollment i am matriculate
免试录取 英语怎么说
i acquire an exam-free enrollment i am matriculated without taking entrance exams?
文刀-- 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率79.2%
I am admitted to Peking University by recommendation and without taking an admission exam.
I am admitted (without taking the matriculation examination) to Peking University.
michael1573 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
acquire → 强调通过不断的、持续的努力而获得某物,也指日积月累地渐渐地获得.书面语用词.
obtain → 较正式用词,着重通过巨大努力、要求而得到所需或盼望已久的东西.
gain → 侧重指经过努力或有意识行动而取得某种成就或获得某种利益或好处.
get → 普通用词,使用广泛,可指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要经过努力.
孤影不见去年人 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
study 是读书
learn 是学习
嗯..也可以说study比较有"埋头苦读"的意思,就是你会认真去礸研.比如说(she studies very hard every night.她每天晚上都很努力读书.)
learn 比较没那麼强烈,有时候你随随便便获知一个消息也可以用learn.比如说 (i learnt from her that you're going to Shanghai next week我从她那里获知你将要去上海) (注:可要注意获悉一个消息一定要"learn from",单一个"learn"是不行的)
反而learn只要人家肯教你或者告诉你什麼,你就可以learn something罗~
一个英语问题Reading is not the only way to acquire knowledge of pr
Reading is not the only way to acquire knowledge of preceding work.
请问这里的of是 ...的
yynby 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
这里的of是 “...的 ”的意思,knowledge of preceding work表示”优先工作的知识“.
The development of science makes people acquire knowledge mu
The development of science makes people acquire knowledge much easier.句中easier是什么成分?为什么不能把“much easier”换成“more easily”?因为我想说的是“acquire”更容易,应该是副词修饰动词呀,但是答案是easier形容词.哪位大侠给我讲讲吧,拜谢先!
qq王 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
你的想法正确!这里应该用more easily,副词比较级修饰动词acquire

原句修改一下:The development of science makes the acquisition of knowledge much easier.
或:The acquisition of knowledge is much easier due to scientific development.
If people feel hopelss,they don’t bother to acquire the skil
If people feel hopelss,they don’t bother to acquire the skills they need to succeed.
I caught sight of the book I wanted to find before I left the bookstore.
2480 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
If people feel hopelss,they don’t bother to acquire the skills they need to succeed.
I caught sight of the book I wanted to find before I left the bookstore.
the students can acquire the konwledge of the cultural assim
the students can acquire the konwledge of the cultural assimilation...我后面想加个(逗号+那些老师交给他们的)来修饰,怎么写呢?是,their teacher teached么?
白fà因伊生 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
which is taught by their teachers.
获得的英语词语辨析“获得” 的英语词语辨析 如acquire attain gain get obtain win re
“获得” 的英语词语辨析 如acquire attain gain get obtain win receive
reina_sun 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
acquire 指经过不懈努力才获得的技术,知识等抽象的东西,也指养成习惯等
attain 正式用语,指经过艰苦努力才使人达到完美境地
gain 指需要做出比obtain更大的努力,往往指通过竞争获得某些有价值的东西
obtain 指经过努力或付出代价或经过很长时间儿得到所需要的东西
win 宾语往往是奖金,金牌,物品等
receive 收到,意思是客观收到某物,但不强调接受!
get 得到,普通用语
英语该怎么看副词修饰的成分?Students will most likely acquire such degrees
Students will most likely acquire such degrees at the expense of all the other extra-curricular activities.
问:most与likely 都是来修饰哪个成分的?
wudihuan 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
likely 在这里是副词,修饰acquire .副词修饰动词
most likely 是likely 的最高级
finish complete complish acquire区别
shanshan09 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
the student will acquire not only knowledge of scientific an
the student will acquire not only knowledge of scientific and technical terminology expressed in english,but also an appreciation for the overall framework of science and technology from the course of scientific reading.3796
千分之292思远 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
这里acquire什么意思?A and B entered into a share transfer agreemen
A and B entered into a share transfer agreement whereby the A acquired the entire issued share capital of C
ajeff 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
obtain acquire acknowledge 三词意义和用法 怎样区别?
小河流水人家 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
obtain b'tein] vt.获得,得到; 买到 [古]达到 obtain a prize 得奖 He obtained a knowledge of Latin.他学会了拉丁文 acquire 'kwai?] vt.得,得到,获得; 招致 学得(知识等),求得,养成(习惯等) (在探测器上)捕获,截获(目标) We must work hard to acquire a good knowledge of English.我们必须用功学习才能精通英语.We must cherish experience acquired at the cost of blood.我们必须珍惜用鲜血换来的经验 acknowledge k'n?lid?] vt.认,以...为真,承认,公认 答谢; 表示注意到(某人的敬意) 告知收到(信等) 【律】公证 acknowledge one's defeat 承认失败 It is universally acknowledged that......是大家所公认的 acknowledge the applause 谢幕 acknowledge (the receipt of) a letter 表示收到来信 acknowledge a favor 答谢所受到的关照 acknowledge a deed 公证一项契约 acknowledge the corn [美俚]承认为事实,认输,甘拜下风 acknowledge the superiority of 自认不如
翻译:Option to acquire 19.9% interest in hard coking coal mini
翻译:Option to acquire 19.9% interest in hard coking coal mining operation in Alabama, USA
fxing912 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
这句英文为何如此晦涩难解?As we acquire more knowledge ,things do not bec
As we acquire more knowledge ,things do not become more comprehensible but more complex and mysterious.(这是GRE作文题库第33道的issue)
空谷幽兰_lucky 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译Elsie学好了汉语 acquire
amyxiu 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
Elsie acquired Chinese very well.
[ə'kwaɪə] vt. 获得;取得;学到;捕获
gain acquire win 和earn的区别
dzwlhjf 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
答案补充 he worked hard and finally acquiced success.
in order to gain profit,the company take measure to cut down the salary of workers.
our team won the match~
this month i earned 2000yuan
what qualities and skills should we acquire at college 的回答
what qualities and skills should we acquire at college 的回答
what qualities and skills should we acquire at college
要求(passion vision major interpersonal skills cet-4 certificate independence responsibility)
夜夜新娘 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
The most important thing is to learn how to learn,for there is more to learn after your collledge.
The second important thing is to learn as much as possible in the classes of your major,for you will live on it after graduatation.
辨析achive acquire attain gain reach
辨析achive acquire attain gain reach
we have ____the goal of turning Haikou into one of the showcase of our country and a hot spot for investment.
the rapid expansion of the factory has been ___by a bare handful of people.
he can always ___us some rare books.
455158213 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
achieve用于目的目标如purpose goal aim之前
aquire 获取,如情报、材料
attain 达到目的,或者作为不及物attain to fame(声誉)
gain 得到某物
reach 到达某地
attain achieve acquire
attain achieve acquire
after working for the firm for ten years,he finally _ the rank of deputy director
tigerhead2 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
attain 正式用语,指经过艰苦努力才使人达到完美境地
achieve 强调由于极大的努力,克服困难后达到目标
acquire 指经过不懈努力才获得的技术,知识等抽象的东西,也指养成习惯等
1.After so many years of hard work,he finally ___ success.(achieved)
2.She has ___ some very unpleasant habits recently0.(acquired)
3.In typhoon,winds ___ a speed greater than 120 km per hour.(attain)
obtain,acquire,achieve三个单词都是获得取得的意思 我想知道有什么不同
obtain,acquire,achieve三个单词都是获得取得的意思 我想知道有什么不同
不会的不要瞎说 说的乱七八糟最好也别让我迷糊,谢谢
wl0611 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率79.2%
英语翻译同时把他想要表达的意思写出来给我,I'm thinking to acquire from several of
I'm thinking to acquire from several of your products to the long term,not just mobile.
I wonder if the phones are unlocked to all networks if funcina here in Portugal.
Already now you are that land?use that money there,so I know the prices and the converter to be not always be asking.
For the price they gave me voces teem exelentes congratulations.
I see your site and do some research to choose the products you want for this first order.
你知道那地方 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率93.1%
no one quality is more important for a scientist to acquire
no one quality is more important for a scientist to acquire than to observe carefully.是何意,
greatlxj 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
no one quality 是主语,也是acquire 的形式宾语.to observe 是不定式做than 的宾语.
句式是.is more important than.
2003考研英语完型they can help students acquire a sense of commitme
they can help students acquire a sense of commitment by planning for roles that are within the capabilities and their attention spans and by haveing clearly stated rules.
关于plan for roles我觉得句中应该用plan roles 因为plan for 是“为……而计划”,文中直接翻译为“设计……样的角色”就可以了嘛~
juug 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
accomplish achieve acquire complete 请问这几个怎么区分?
土豆怪怪 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
achieve 强调由于极大的努力,克服困难后达到目标
acquire 指经过不懈努力才获得的技术,知识等抽象的东西,也指养成习惯等
英语翻译It is very easy to acquire bad habits,such as eating too
It is very easy to acquire bad habits,such as eating too many sweets or too much food,or drinking too much fluid of any kind,or smoking.The more we do a thing,the more we tend to like doing it; and,if we do not continue to do it,we feel unhappy.This is called the force of habit,and the force of habit should be fought against.
Things which may be very good when only done from time to time,tend to become very harmful when done too often and too much.This applies even to such good things as work or rest.Some people form a bad habit of working too much,and others idling too much.The wise man always remembers that this is true about him,and checks any bad habit.He says to himself,“ I’m now becoming idle.” or “ I like too many sweets,” or “ I smoke too much,” and then adds,“ I will get myself out of this bad habit at once.”
One of the most widely spread bad habits is the use of tobacco.Tobacco is now smoked or chewed by men,often by women,and even by children,almost all over the world.It was brought into Europe from America by Sir Walter Raleigh,four centuries ago,and has hence spread everywhere.I very much doubt whether there is any good in the habit,even when tobacco is not used to excess,and it is extremely difficult to get rid of the habit once it has been formed.(262 words)
vead 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
We should fight against bad habits. To fight against bad habits, we need self control. It is a bad habit that we use tobacco.
单词的用法 acquire.immune.infect.constitute.alarm.risk.appointmen
单词的用法 acquire.immune.infect.constitute.alarm.risk.appointment
为你浪漫 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
acquire infect constitute 都是 及物动词 接sth就行
immune形容词,有免疫的.I am immune from the disease
alam 及物动词The breaking of a branch under my foot alarmed the deer.
risk 及物动词Don't risk your health
appointment 名词,约会
The programme is designed to help students acquire( ) knowle
The programme is designed to help students acquire( ) knowledge of psychology.A.the B.a
客服中心0030 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Knowledge 本是抽象名词,是不可数的,但抽象名词具体化,这里具体到心理学这科的知识后就转化为可数名词了,可以加 a 了.
求acquire和frequent的例句(重点是:例句要看一眼便想记住的那种)?例如(格式)?hold back 忍住;
求acquire和frequent的例句(重点是:例句要看一眼便想记住的那种)?例如(格式)?hold back 忍住;阻...
求acquire和frequent的例句(重点是:例句要看一眼便想记住的那种)?例如(格式)?hold back 忍住;阻止?e.g.Sometimes you need to smile and act like everything is okay ,hold back the tears and walk away.
凝固的呼吸 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
v.得 获取 养成
I hadn't then begun to acquire a middle-aged spread.
a.频繁 常 勤Earthquakes happen frequently in Janpan
th eprogramme is designed to help students acquire knowledge
th eprogramme is designed to help students acquire knowledge of psychology A:the B:a
tlwdty 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
A the 专指这方面只是
mlff 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
uy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself
■learn or develop (a skill,habit,or quality).
you must acquire the rudiments of Greek.
I've acquired a taste for whisky.
■achieve (a particular reputation) as a result of one's behaviour or activities.
The company has recently acquired new offices in central London.
英语翻译it is costly to acquire,like physical capital and pays o
it is costly to acquire,like physical capital and pays off over time,like physical capital .
wang0yu0han 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
急 求一篇英语作文 reading---the best means to acquire knowledge
急 求一篇英语作文 reading---the best means to acquire knowledge
要求300字 不要在百度上搜了
蓝色音乐虫子 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Reading- The Best Means to Acquire knowledge Knowledge may be acquired through many ways. One way of getting knowledge is from traveling Another way is by conversation, especially one with a great man. A person may also become knowledgeable through other ways such as listening to the radio or watching television. The best way to acquire knowledge, however, is through reading. Reading as a means of obtaining knowledge has a number of advantages over many other ways. To begin with, it is the most consistent way of getting knowledge. One can read regularly but few people can travel in the same way. Secondly, reading can ensure a thorough grasp of what you are interested in. This is hardly so when one is listening to the radio or watching TV. Finally, reading is the most flexible of all the ways to obtain knowledge. For example, one can always read for ten minutes before going to bed, but it is not always possible for him to converse with others at such a late hour. However, there exists one problem about reading. There are all kinds of Books in society. Some are good, while others are bad. 'Good books are beneficial to our .soul while bad ones are harmful to our mind. Therefore, it is of great irnportance for the reader to separate good plants from wild weeds. We should read good books and reject harmful ones. 7.Value of Knowledge In the Information Age, public awareness of the value of knowledge critically affects the economic growth of a nation. As our world is rapidly advancing towards the Information Age, increasing number of people realize that knowledge is power and creativity is everything. Only when China becomes a better educated nation, can China be a great nation with international prestige.
More knowledge students can acquire.这句话是一个完整的句子么?
四海浪子 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
口语中可以算是啊.学生能掌握更多的知识.书面上来说 There is more knowledge that students can acquire.