
linnacc2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答


压马路 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
你是自考本科的吧?我一月全部考完了,当然是英美文选难啊,我考了3次,翻译一次就过了.不过文选的知识还是比较系统的 只要认真看 理清脉路(各个时代的时间顺序,代表作家)还有一定要看后面的大纲,复习好了 也不是很难.
Good luck!
付出任何代价 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率
翻译容易!! 听到文学两个字就头大!


英美文学选读题 着急 IV.Read the following passage,and try to find fig
英美文学选读题 着急
IV.Read the following passage,and try to find figures of speech as many ways as possible.
Once upon a time,there was an ugly girl.She was short and dumpy,had one leg a bit shorter than the other,and her eyebrows met in the middle.The ugly girl gutted fish for a living,so her hands smelt funny and her dress was covered in scales.She had no mother or brother,no father,sister,or any friends.She lived in a ramshackle house on the outskirts of the village,and she never complained. One by one,the village girls married the local lads,and up the path to the church they'd prance,smiling all the way.At the weddings,the ugly girl always stood at the back of the church,smelling slightly of brine.The village women gossiped about the ugly girl.They wondered what she did with the money she earned.The ugly girl never bought a new frock,never made repairs to the house,and never drank in the village tavern. Now,it so happened that outside the village,in a great damp swamp,lived an old basket-maker who was famed for the quality of his work.One day the old basket-maker heard a knock on his door.When he opened it,the ugly girl stood there.In her hand,she held six gold coins. 'I want you to make me a husband,' she said. 'Come back in a month,' he replied. Well,the old basket-maker was greatly moved that the ugly girl had entrusted him with such an important task.He resolved to make her the best husband he could.He made the wicker husband broad of shoulder and long of leg,and all the other things women like.He made him strong of arm and elegant of neck,and his brows were wide and well-spaced.His hair was a fine dark brown,his eyes a greenish hazel. When the day came,the ugly girl knocked on the basket-maker's door. 'He says today is too soon.He will be in the church tomorrow,at ten,' said the basket-maker.The ugly girl went away,and spent the day scraping scales from her dress.
裙子上的蝴蝶结 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
Transferred Epithet(移就)
英美文学选读、开卷考、老师告诉我们题目 说是要从书上随便选个文章分析其中一个人物的特点.
英美文学选读、开卷考、老师告诉我们题目 说是要从书上随便选个文章分析其中一个人物的特点.
全英文、500字左右.求大神给点分析方法、和一常用些分析的套路 跪谢啊 没分啦、救人一命 胜造七级浮屠啊、
100的vv 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
求网络作业:英美文学选读 1.What is the idea in the poem of Ode to the We
求网络作业:英美文学选读 1.What is the idea in the poem of Ode to the West Wind?
杨夜雨 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
It is a mixture of birth and rebirth.Shelley is concerned with the regeneration of himself spiritually and poetically and of Europe politically.He is appealing to the west wind to effect this regeneration.In the first three stanza,the dynamic force of the west wind is manifested in its power on the land,in the air,and in the sea in different seasons.It is the destroyer and preserver.It will destroy the old world and herald in a new one.In the fourth stanza Shelley wishes that he were a leaf,a cloud,and a wave,so that he could feel the power of the wet wind; but he is aware of his age and his sufferings in his life which have bent him down.Finally,he appeals to the wind,the wind of aspiration and change,to reinvigorate him and to give force and persuasiveness to his poetry.
关于英美文学选读的几个简答题1. Briefly talk about the four stages of Shake
1. Briefly talk about the four stages of Shakespeare's literary career and their features.
2. Make comment on English literature in the Medieval period.
3. Say something about Neoclassicism and its representation in English literature。

4. Write to tell in what sense the modern novel is different from the picaresque novel, allegories and romances that went before it.
5. Discuss the social and historical elements that promoted the bieth of the modern novel in England in C18th.
6. Give an analysis of English Romantic poetry with illustration from the poets we have discussed.
treey23 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%