I love to eat meat that‘s well ____(cook)用所给词的正确形式填空

cmjsdfasdoifu2022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

I love to eat meat that‘s well ____(cook)用所给词的正确形式填空
Smoking is______(根本不)good for our health.


suiyue003 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
工5 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率93.1%
ai520qing35 共回答了2个问题 | 采纳率


A baby can quickly damage a new mother’s well-laid plans for
A baby can quickly damage a new mother’s well-laid plans for getting back to pre-pregnancy(孕前的) weight and shape.
The constant demands, together with the exhausting effects of interrupted sleep, can make it hard to find the time and energy to exercise or prepare healthy meals.
Here are some tips for common problems new moms face:
Problem: No time to cook proper meals. When you’re caring for a baby, cooking proper meals seems like a luxury. Instead you rely on convenience meals and processed foods.
Solution: Try to get more support. Friends, family members, and neighbors are often delighted to help, so don’t feel you have to do everything yourself. Use the extra time to prepare some healthy meals. Follow the basic rules of cutting down on fat and increasing fruit and vegetable intake.
Problem: Sugary or high-fat snacks(零食). Tiredness can leave you feeling sleepy, run-down, and in need of an immediate help from sweets and high-fat snacks.
Solution: Turn snacking to your advantage. Eat high-fiber, low-fat, low-sugar snacks; these will fill you up without adding too many calories. For an energy boost, eat a banana, which is high in potassium -- a mineral essential for muscle and nerve function -- or try a handful of raisins, which are high in iron but low in fat.
Problem: No time or energy to exercise. A baby is a constant demand on your time, so you’re too tired or busy to exercise.
Solution: Increasing activity levels will help you obtain a net calorie loss, while toning exercises will tighten your muscles. Though you may feel too tired to do any exercise, it is worth persevering because in the long run your energy levels will increase. Involve your baby in your postnatal(产后) exercises; start by walking with the child in a carriage or sling. Swimming is another aerobic exercise that you can both enjoy by joining a mother and baby class. Many pools have childcare facilities, so you can swim a few laps on your own.
Problem: Lack of sleep. The new baby interrupts your sleep, depleting your energy and leaving you tense and exhausted.
Solution: Practice some relaxation techniques whenever you have a few free moments. Meditation, visualization, or yoga can help your body recover and give you more energy.
lnxiaomao 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%

小题1:根据Here are some tips for common problems new moms face:及上文描述可知选B.给新妈妈们的减肥方案.
小题1:根据上文 interrupts your sleep ,打断你的睡眠和下文 leaving you tense and exhausted.让你精神紧张,精疲力竭,可知 depleting your energy表达的意思为耗尽你的精力,选A.
小题1:根据Meditation, visualization, or yoga can help your body recover and give you more energy. 可知选C。其它选项在文章没有根据。
高二英语选择how would you like your coffer?________A.It"s well don
how would you like your coffer?________
A.It"s well done B.the stronger,the better
C.one cup,that"s enough D.very nice ,thank you
hexi1200 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
How would you like your coffer?意思是“你想要你的咖啡是什么样子?”即“你想要什么样的咖啡?”.
How do you like/find your coffee?或:What do you think of/about your coffee?
A.It"s well done.咖啡好了.
C.One cup,that"s enough.只要一杯,那就够了.
D.Very nice ,thank you.(咖啡)非常棒,
而B.the stronger,the bette.意思是“咖啡越浓,就越好”,为正确答案.
翻译?He assume he’s well-hung!
晴天飞扬123 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
He assume he’s well-hung!
英语高手帮帮忙be afraid of+动词什么形式( )is your father?He's well enough
be afraid of+动词什么形式
( )is your father?
He's well enough to walk.
A.what B.how C.where. D.who
houn2004 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
the beggar's well-deserved dinner
the beggar's well-deserved dinner
sunyick 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
完形题目没有找到,但应该就是根据这篇文章出的题,你看看吧,这是原文.Many years ago,there lived two woodcutters,Rahim and Rahman,in a village.They would go out every morning to the nearby Bandipur forest to cut firewood and sell it in the nearby town.They earned barely enough to survive.After they had cut wood,they would sit on the bank of the river and eat their lunch from their Tiffin boxes.Next they would sell the firewood till the end of the day in the marketplace before going home.One sunny day,the woodcutters were eating their lunch.It was at that time,Rahim noticed a thin and exhausted beggar,coming out of the forest.His clothes were torn and his hair was dishevelled.The beggar hungrily eyed the packets of lunch."I see that you are having an excellent day my friends," said the beggar,addressing them.I wonder if you can spare a few morsels of food for me." Rahim,who felt sorry for the beggar,quickly reached for his packet of lunch and was about to give a part of it to the beggar,but Rahman immediately grabbed his elbow and pulled him back "We have no food to spare," Rahman told the beggar."We work hard throughout the morning and pack enough food for ourselves to see us through the day.At the end of the day,we buy food and other essentials for our families.So you see we cannot give you what we are eating.But if you wish,I can lend you my Axe and we both will teach you how to cut firewood and sell it.Insha Allah at the end of the day,you will have enough to eat and buy yourself a new Axe to cut more firewood tomorrow.This way,you can earn a livelihood with dignity." The beggar joined Rahman and they both went inside the forest.Patiently,Rahman showed the poor man how to cut the firewood and make it into a neat pile.Thereafter they took him to the market and told him how to sell it.At first,the beggar had no success.He began to mutter angrily:"It would have been so much simpler if these men had been generous,and shared their food with him".As he was thinking,a carriage pulled up before him.A person stepped out.He purchased the whole bundle from the beggar.While making an exit,he pulled out a bundle of currency notes from his pocket and pressed it into his hands.The beggar was delighted and grinning happily,he proudly took the money to Rahman to show them his earnings.Rahman took him to another shop and purchased him a brand new Axe with a part of his money.After thanking Rahman and Rahim for their help,he headed towards an inn to eat his dinner and catch up with some badly needed rest.After he had gone,Rahman told Rahim,"Had you given the beggar some food,he would have eaten it quickly and would have been again hungry tonight.By teaching him how to start his own trade in firewood,we have both taught him a skill,which will last him a lifetime.Now he will never go hungry again.In doing this,we have followed the teachings and the example that has been set for us by the Holy Prophet of Allah,Muhammad (peace be upon him)." As a very famous saying goes,"Don't give them fish but teach them how to catch the fish." Lessons from Life:"We make a living by what we get; and we make a life by what we give."
All's well that end's well
过江小白龙 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
It ’s well-known that ________ information is very important
It ’s well-known that ________ information is very important to businessmen.
A.having collected B.collecting C.collected D.collect
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初中英语上册(很简单的)——Let's have dinner——_________.A.That's well B.T
——Let's have dinner
A.That's well B.That's sound good
C.That's sounds good D.Ok,I like
我想吃火锅 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
C 那听起来不错