The Golden Age of Chinese Poetry 课文翻译 不要有道词典翻译出来的中国式英语

qpliu2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

The Golden Age of Chinese Poetry 课文翻译 不要有道词典翻译出来的中国式英语
要求如上,翻译重写!课文如下:3.Cultural development went hand in hand with technological progress. New discoveries were made in astronomy, geography and medicine. In 724 Seng yixing measured the length of the sun's shadow and the altitude of the North Pole. Under Emperor Taizong (627-649) the government opened medical schools where specialist subjects were studied. The invention of printing about this time meant that knowledge could be recorded and shared as never before. But it was not just scientific knowledge that could now reach a wider audience. Printing also marked the beginning of the golden age of literature —and literature, in the Tang Dynasty, meant poetry.
4.In the beauty of its images and the range of topics, Tang poetry was better than everything that hadcome before it. But how did thishappen? There is no single answer to the question. An explosion of talent,and the appearance of new forms were both important. In the "New Style Verse", which appeared during the Tang period, each line has five or seven syllables, and there are lots of rules which govern the tones. But being able to write poetry was also an important qualification for people who wanted to become government officials. A good poet had a better chance of getting a good job. So lots of people became interested in poetry.


mywqq 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
4、唐诗有着优美的意境和广泛的主题,让他面前的一切都黯然失色.为什么会这样呢?答案并不是唯一的.天才的涌现和新兴体裁的推出起着重要的作用.唐朝时期出现的"New Style Verse"(初步推断这应该翻译成“近体诗”,就是大多唐诗遵循的诗歌体裁,也就是现在所谓的“格律诗”)每句有五字或者七字,有着复杂的音韵格律.不过,擅长写诗也是衡量那些想要为官者的重要的品质之一,写得一手好诗就能谋得更高的官位,所以越来越多的人开始热衷于诗歌.


您好,As adults,male golden silk spiders live not in webs of th
As adults,male golden silk spiders live not in webs of their own making but rather in webs made by female spiders.
答案说这句话没有错误,可是为什么要说“live not”呢?我觉得应该改为“don't live”?
4.At a time when interest in twentieth-century classical music seems on the verge "to aisappear",the avantgarde compositions of the 1960s and 1970s manage to retain their popularity.
答案说“to disappear”错误,该怎么改呢?改为“disappearing”吗?为什么呢?还有“compositions”不是指物吗,为什么不把“manage”改为“are managed”被动形式呢?
5.Annual visitors to New York City's Central Park number almost ten times that of Mount Rushmore.
答案说这句话正确,可为什么不说“that to Mount Rushmore”呢?这样可以构成平行结构.
6.To insisit that a poem means whatever one wants it to mean is often ignoring the intention and even the words of the poet.
答案是“ignoring”错误,是不是应该改为“to ignore”呢?
luck2b99 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
1.这里not...but..是强调他们不住在自己的web里(强调的是地点而不是动词live),并没有语法错误,你改成don't live的话前半句意思还一样,后半句就不对了,除非再把后半句改成一句话but they rather live in...但是那样不是很繁琐吗?
2.on the verge of...固定搭配,不能用to disappear,固定搭配神马的最后几道经常出现,可以去背,至于manage to为什么要被动?作品设法保持了popularity我觉得没有错,从来没有见过are managed to.主语就是作品吧,不是人,那就不需要被动.
3.这里that指代annual visitors,of表示从属关系,不是看平行,你要说annual visitors to mount rushmore也是对的,但是这句话没错而且简洁.
4.对的,to do sth is to do sth,经常考的结构
IV.英汉互译golden touch___________把它变成金子___________在笼子里_________
golden touch___________
kakaup 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
golden touch 点石成金
把它变成金子 turn it into gold
在笼子里 in the cage
释放 set free
撕裙子 rip/wear the skirt
请问golden fish分开写是不是金鱼的意思啊?
请问golden fish分开写是不是金鱼的意思啊?
我已经知道goldfish连起来写是金鱼了,但是golden 还有gold fish分开写是什么意思呢?
桃木小人er 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
gold做形容词的意思是“黄金的”,gold watch 金表
golden 意思是“金黄色的、贵重的” golden sun 金色的阳光
此处 golden fish 意为“金黄色的鱼”
句型转换Long long ago, there was a swan(天鹅)with golden feathers(
Long long ago, there was a swan(天鹅)with golden feathers(金羽毛).She lived in a lake. A woman lived in a small house 21 the lake with her two daughters. They were very poor. They worked hard all year round, 22 still,they lived a hard life and sometimes they even didn’t have enough 23 to buy food.
The swan was 24 to see that. She said to herself, “I’ll give one of my 25 to them each day, then they can live a happy life with the money selling my feathers.” That evening, she 26 to the poor woman’s house and left a golden feather on the table without saying 27 .From then on, the swam came every day and gave them a feather. The woman was very happy because their life was much 28
than before.
But day after day, the woman became greedy(贪婪).She said to her 29 .“The swan may fly away one day. If so, we will be poor again. We should take all 30 feathers when she comes next time.”
“Oh, no, Mom!” cried the daughters, “This will 31 the swan. She helps us a lot !” But the mother wouldn’t listen. When the 32 came as usual, the mother caught her and took all her feathers. But suddenly, the golden feathers 33 chicken feathers. Then, the Golden Swan said, “Poor Woman, I came to 34 you,but you wanted to kill me. Now, I am leaving and will 35 come back. Never be greedy!” With these words, the swan flew away.
A.above B.over C.near D.under
A.and B.but C.if D.or
小题3: B.time
A.happy B.surprised C.sad D.scared
A.presents B.golden coins C.feathers D.collections
A.flew B.ran C.climbed D.walked
小题7:A. something B. everything C nothing D anything
A.duller B.better C.busier D.harder
A.brothers B.sisters C.sons D.daughters
A.his B.her C.their D.our
A.hurt C.protect D.refuse
A.woman B.daughter C.chicken D.swan
A.heard of B.changed into C.looked for D.came from
A.trouble C.teach D.invite
A.sometimes B.always C.usually D.never
zhang3sp 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%

小题1: C。live near the lake住在湖边。
小题2: B。“努力工作”与“生活仍然困苦”形成转折。
小题3: A。buy food判断应用money(钱)。
小题4: C。看到她们生活的困难,天鹅很伤心(sad),才决定要帮助她们。
小题5: C。上文可知天鹅的羽毛是金的。判断它将送给她们的是羽毛。
小题6: A。天鹅当然是飞着来的。
小题7: D。without没有,否定词,后跟anything表示“没说任何话”。
小题8: B。有了金羽毛后,生活变好(better)了。
小题9: D。妇人跟女儿生活在一起,判断她是跟女儿说话。
小题10: B。上文:She lived in a lake. 判断此处用宾格her。
小题11: A。上文:妇人要拔走天鹅所有的羽毛。判断此处用hurt(伤害)。
小题12: D。天鹅来了。此空格填天鹅,符合逻辑。
小题13: B。语意:金羽毛变成鸡羽毛change into变成。
小题14: B。语意:可怜的妈妈,我来帮助(help)你,你却要杀我。
小题15: D。天鹅受伤后,绝不(never)回来。应用表否定的词。
英语阅读这样一个句子:The golden rule here is spread your risk.语法是否正确?
英语阅读这样一个句子:The golden rule here is spread your risk.语法是否正确?
今天阅读到这样一个句子:The golden rule here is spread your risk.这句话中,is和spread都是动词,是不是应该改成to spread?或者有其他的理解?
yhjkleo 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
It should be "The golden rule here is to spread your risk."
Spread risk:分散风险
英语翻译The leaves begin to fall Golden in the sun I see the chi
The leaves begin to fall
Golden in the sun
I see the children run on the signal hill
When winters on my mind
I'll leave it all behind
The happiness I find on the signal hill
If she wasn't there at all to hear me when I call
I'd never think of staying on the signal hill
Time is mine to hope and the days are rich and green
And beautiful my queen on the signal hill
I lay beside her now
And thoughts come to my mind of one I left behind on
the signal hill
If she wasn't there at all to hear me when I call
I'd never think of leaving my signal hill
The love I have is real
And the love I take I steal
But still for her I fail
I see the autumn rain so part will still remain
Of my fogotten name on the signal hill
If she wasn't there at all to hear me when I call
I never think of leaving my signal hill
But at least I see the fall of signal hill
随风的流云 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
The leaves begin to fall 叶子开始凋落了
Golden in the sun 在阳光下显得金灿灿的
I see the children run on the signal hill 我看见孩子们在小山上奔跑
When winters on my mind 当冬天在我的脑海中
I'll leave it all behind 我将全部抛之脑后
The happiness I find on the signal hill 我在小山了找到了快乐
If she wasn't there at all to hear me when I call
I'd never think of staying on the signal hill 如果她根本不存在而听不到我的呼唤,我就不会再想要在小山上逗留.
Time is mine to hope and the days are rich and green时间是属于我的,我希望它是富裕的,常青的.
And beautiful my queen on the signal hill
I lay beside her now 小山上美丽的女王,此刻我正依偎在她身旁.
And thoughts come to my mind of one I left behind on the signal hill 我的脑海中突然涌出一个想法留在一小山后面.
If she wasn't there at all to hear me when I call
I'd never think of leaving my signal hill 如果她根本不存在而听不到我的呼唤,我就不会再想要在小山上逗留.
The love I have is real 我所拥有的是真爱
And the love I take I steal 我偷走了我的爱
But still for her I fail 但我仍深爱着她
I see the autumn rain so part will still remain
Of my fogotten name on the signal hill 我看见秋天的雨仍然洒落在被我遗忘名字的小山上
If she wasn't there at all to hear me when I call
I never think of leaving my signal hill 如果她根本不存在而听不到我的呼唤,我就不会再想要在小山上逗留.
But at least I see the fall of signal hill但至少我看到小山的秋天
missed a golden opportunity.’‘Yes,I ____ that job when it wa
missed a golden opportunity.’‘Yes,I ____ that job when it was offered.’
‘You missed a golden opportunity.’‘Yes,I ____ that job when it was offered.’
a、shall take
b、should take
c、should have taken
d、shall have taken
jjkkaa1122 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
‘You missed a golden opportunity.’‘Yes,I (c、should have taken) that job when it was offered.’
You are on the golden gate Bridge.改为一般过去式,然后再改为否定句
会跳水的猫 共回答了2个问题 | 采纳率
You were on the golden gate Bridge. Are you on the golden gate Bridge?
完型填空One day the king __36___that his favorite golden cup had
One day the king __36___that his favorite golden cup had been
stolen .The king always drank from it and was ___37__ when he
found it lost.He knew that one of his servants must taken it .He
called ___38___ servants together and gave each of them a
wooden stick twelve centimeters ___39___.He told them ,"I want
___40__ which one of you has stolen my precious golden cup .The
sticks I have ___41___ you are special.The stick which the thief
has will grow one centimeter longer during the night."
The thief ,____42___that his stick would really grow ,shortened
it by __43__ centimeter.
The next morning ,the king gathered all his servants together
and examined their __44___ .He saw the stick which was a
centimeter shorter and said to its owner,"You have __45___ my
golden cup ".
( )36.A.find B.founded C.found
( )37.A.happy B.excited C.sad
( )38.A.his all B.his both C.all his
( )39.A.wide B.long C.tall
( ) find out B.find out C.found
( )41.A.give B.gave C.given
( )42.A.think B.thinking C.thought
( )43.A.two B.three
( )44.A.hands B.feet C.sticks
( )45.A.steal B.stole C.stolen
对白2005 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
12厘米长的木棒 .他告诉他们说,"我想要知道
并检查了他们的木棒 .他看到一根短了一公分的木棒
金杯" .
答案是:C C C B A C C C C C
用golden crown造两个句子,
5813483 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
The King is wearing a gold crown.
charlie is a british boy.he has a round fac and golden hair.
charlie is a british boy.he has a round fac and golden hair.he has big bright eyes.(三句并一句)
fxr888888 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
charlies,with a round face,golden hair and big bright eyes,is a british boy.
charlies,a british boy ,has a round face,golden hair and big bright eyes
silence is golden怎么读
langzi6160 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
silence is golden[英][ˈsailəns iz ˈɡəuldən] [美][ˈsaɪləns ɪz ˈɡoldən]
英译汉的几个问题Writing at the dawn of radio’s Golden Age in 1935,NB
Writing at the dawn of radio’s Golden Age in 1935,NBC announcer,Ted Husing opened his memoirs of Ten Years Before the Mike to reflect on both the rapid rise of his career in broadcasting and the astonishing growth of radio itself.During this ‘era of expansion’,as broadcast historian Gleason
Archer has famously labeled the period (1938:240),the number of broadcasters in the United States exploded,rising from only 30 in early 1922 toover 500 by the time Husing entered the field in 1924 (Sterling and Kittross,2002:862).
Ted Husing翻成中文名字是什么?能讲讲规则吗?音译?还是什么?
Ten Years Before the Mike是本书,需要翻成中文吗?若需要,翻成什么?
(Sterling andKittross,2002:我猜测应该是本书啥的,我乱猜的.翻成中文是啥?
hi_matata 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
—_______ will it take me to get to the Golden Street?
—_______ will it take me to get to the Golden Street?
—About half an hour.
[ ]
A. How far
B. How long
C. How often
D. How much
冷剑指柔 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
the golden global festival
the golden global festival
长春163长春163 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Could you hold up the sky while I fethe the golden apples fo
Could you hold up the sky while I fethe the golden apples for you
挪亚-方舟 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
你可以在天空上面支撑吗当我的时候 fethe 金的苹果为你
急求英语作文一篇.急十·一黄金周(the National Day Golden Week)期间,你要和你父母一起游北京
十·一黄金周(the national day golden week)期间,你要和你父母一起游北京.根据以下提示,写一篇旅游计划.词数:80词左右
3:参观景点:***广场;故宫;长城;鸟巢(the bird's nest);水立方(the water cube);
4.美食:北京烤鸭(beijing duck)
xx有秘密 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
During the National Day Golden Week,I have been to Beijing,the capital city of China,together with my parents.
The train we were on was running extremely fast as if it wanted to show the best of the city as soon as possible.Shortly after we got off the train,we headed directly for the celebrated Tia/nanmen Square.And in the following 5 days,we have been to the Palace Museum,the Great Wall,the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube which I enjoyed most in the journey.
And I really love the local food there,especially the Beijing Duck.Besides,I have really spent a very meaningful holiday in Beijing.
silence is golden.
silence is golden.
为什么不能说silence is gold.
张二麻子 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
医学版滴77 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
golden 英['ɡəʊldən] 美[ˈɡoldən]
adj. 金(黄)色的;金质的;美好的
[例句]Give skin a tan or golden color.
SAT语法题When Doris Lessing published The Golden Notebook in 19
When Doris Lessing published The Golden Notebook in 1962,it instantly established herself as one of the most important literary voices of her generation.
it 错了 为什么?
没有一个好的开始 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
如果用it,那it在这里的成分是形式主语,真正的主语是When Doris Lessing published The Golden Notebook in 1962,显然不通
golden fish are very nice,but it's not easy to keep them____
golden fish are very nice,but it's not easy to keep them____(live)
昂昂之角 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
A101 Golden Plaza,ZhenXing Road,FuTian District ,Shenzhen Ci
A101 Golden Plaza,ZhenXing Road,FuTian District ,Shenzhen City,中文地址是什么啊,
连云港94 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
谁知道stumble across,Golden Fleece,samose,schwarma怎么解释
谁知道stumble across,Golden Fleece,samose,schwarma怎么解释
samose 食品名称
thh6133024 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
stumble across (类似新视野中学的come across)偶然发现 happen to discover sth./accidentally discover sth.Golden Fleecen.Greek Mythology (名词)【希腊神话】 The fleece of the golden ram, stolen by J...
Golden hours,dark hours分别是什么意思
m耳 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
佰人行 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
gold是形象性形容词,表示“黄金质的”,比如GOLD MEDAL-金牌 golden是抽象性形容词,表示“黄金般的”,比如 GOLDEN HEART-金子般的心 诺贝尔团队合作 E=mc-TZX
golden throne怎么读
chenyxh2005 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
golden 音标是  英 ['gəʊld(ə)n] 美 ['ɡoldən]
throne 音标是 英 [θrəʊn] 美 [θron]
golden throne 意思是金色宝座.
such as golden tigers and silver tigers是什么意思
sd花瓣雨 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
golden gut During their long partnership,Weill was the strat
golden gut
During their long partnership,Weill was the strategist with the golden gut,Dimon the nuts-andbolts operator who made the machine work.Citigroup was the culmination of their grand design.
还有nuts-and-bolts operator是什么意思?
sddissd 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
There was a golden sunset that evening.
吴海坚 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
英语翻译除了下面这些机器翻的句子以外12sui is to learn the language of golden a
12sui is to learn the language of golden age
6 12 years is to learn the language of the golden age
未完成__团团 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
the best time to learn a language is at the age of 6 to 12
golden ball cactus怎么翻译啊?
卓越ee 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
golden ball cactus 金琥 仙人掌的一种
英语翻译Just five one-hundredths of an inch thick, light golden
Just five one-hundredths of an inch thick, light golden in color and with a perfect “saddle curl,” the Lay’s potato chip seems an unlikely weapon for global domination. But its maker. Frito-Lay. Thinks otherwise. “Potato chips are a snack food for the world,” said Salman Amin, the company’s head of global marketing. Amin believes there is no corner of the world that can resist the charms of a Frito-Lay potato chip.
5 1/100英寸厚,光金色的颜色和一个完美的“鞍卷发,乐事薯片似乎是一个不太可能的全球统治的武器。但它的制造商。菲多利。认为否则。“薯片是世界的快餐食品,“萨尔曼·阿明说,该公司的全球营销。阿明认为世界没有角落可以抵制菲多利土豆片的魅力。
Frito-Lay  is the biggest snack maker in America, owned by PepsiCo. And accounts for over half of the parent company’s $3 billion annual profits. But the U.S. snack food market is largely saturated, and to grow, the company has to look overseas.
Its  strategy rests on two beliefs: first a global product offers economies of scale with which local brands cannot compete. And second, consumers in the 21st century are drawn to “global” as a concept. “Global” does not mean products that are consciously identified as American, but ones than consumes-especially young people-see as part of a modem, innovative (创新的) world in which people are linked across cultures by shared beliefs and tastes. Potato chips are an American invention, but most Chinese, for instance, do not know than Frito-Lay is an American company. Instead, Riskey, the company’s research and development head, would hope they associate the brand with the new world of global communications and business.
其策略取决于两个信念:第一全球产品提供本土品牌无法与之竞争的规模经济。第二,在21世纪消费者被吸引到“全球”作为一个概念。“全球”并不意味着产品有意识地确认为美国人,但年轻的比consumes-especially people-see作为调制解调器的一部分,创新(创新)的世界里,人与跨文化的共同信仰和口味。薯片是美国人发明的,但大多数中国人,例如,不知道比菲多利是一家美国公司。相反,Riskey,公司的研发主管,希望他们将品牌与全球通信和业务的新的世界。
娆月 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
英语翻译evenstar和the king of the golden hall (魔戒的歌)
與世舞筝 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
evenstar 暮星、薄暮之星
the king of the golden hall 金殿之王
The king wore a ___(光彩的,灿烂的)golden crown.
coollyjordan 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
The king wore a (splendid) golden crown.
看下面一道SAT 语法题When Doris Lessing published The Golden Notebook
看下面一道SAT 语法题
When Doris Lessing published The Golden Notebook in 1962,it instantly established herself as one of the most important literary voices of her generations.这句话中为什么it 指代不明,前面只有一个事物Golden Notebook?
曾经美过 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
中译英:我们不应该在教室吸烟.(be supposed to) 信任对方是保持友谊的金科玉律.(the Golden R
中译英:我们不应该在教室吸烟.(be supposed to) 信任对方是保持友谊的金科玉律.(the Golden Rule)
forest86 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
We are not supposed to smoke in the classroom
It is the golden rule that to maintain the freshness of friendship is to trust each other.
wuyoyu 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%
金戒指的英文单词是不是Golden ring
zjlh88 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
应该是gold ring
She was wearing a gold ring.
英语作文《my view on golden weeks》
梁祝故里 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
my view on golden weeks
Most student think that one should study from Monday to Friday.But I don'tthink so .
In my opinion,we can one learn And one have a proper rest.At college ,we have so many thing to do,but we can't forget to rest,as we all know the healthy is the most important thing to everyone.only one who owes the property of health ,she/he can learn Or work well.
When I was young I always played with my buddies,so that I forgot to do the study ,but now I understand that "Never putoff till tomorrow,when it can done today."Although know time is valueable And fling,I will walk out for a while after studying.Sometimes I maybe play pin-pon with my friends in thr ground.
Nomatter what happened !Iwill continue my plan .In my view ,one maybe upset when she/he has learnt for a long time ,only on the good condition can we study well.
we should let our soul And body have enough space And time rest.
英语翻译The golden time for the cowboys lasted only thirty years
The golden time for the cowboys lasted only thirty years from 1865 to 1895 .That was when cattle farming ,or ranching ,grew to a big business in the southwestern United States
1:but the life of the cowboys has changed greatly since the late 18800s.
2:The work was dirty,tiring and not well-paid
海南椰狼 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
英语翻译doe a deer a female deer ray a drop of golden sun me a n
doe a deer a female deer
ray a drop of golden sun
me a name i call myself
far a long long way to run
sew a needle pulling thread
la a note to follow sew
tea a drink with jam and bread
that will bring us back to doe oh-oh-oh
绝对浪漫 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
多--- 一头鹿,一头母鹿
来--- 一缕金色阳光
米--- 我这样称呼我自己
发--- 一条长长的路
索--- 一根穿线的针
拉--- 跟在索后面的音阶
西--- 伴着果酱和面包来杯饮料
又将我们带回了 多---
A gentle breeze blew through Jennifer’s hair. The golden red
A gentle breeze blew through Jennifer’s hair. The golden red sun was setting. She was on the beach, looking up at the fiery (火红的) ball. She was amazed by its color, deep red in the middle, softly fading into yellow. She could hear nothing but the waves and the seagulls flying up above in the sky.
The atmosphere relaxed her. After all she had been through, this was what she needed. “It’s getting late,” she thought, “I must go home. My parents will be wondering where I am.”
She wondered how her parents would react, when she got home after the three days she was missing. She kept on walking, directing herself where she spent every summer holiday. The road was deserted. She walked slowly and silently. Just in a few hundred meters she would have been safe in her house.
It was really getting dark now. The sun had set a few minutes before and it was getting cold too. She wished she had her favorite sweater on: it kept her really warm. She imagined having it with her. This thought disappeared when she finally saw her front door. It seemed different. Nobody had taken care of the outside garden for a few days. She was shocked: her father was usually so strict about keeping everything clean and tidy, and now... It all seemed deserted. She couldn’t understand what was going on.
She entered the house. First, she went into the kitchen where she saw a note written by her father. It said: “Dear Ellen, there is some coffee ready. I went looking.” Ellen was her mother but — where was she? On the right side of the hallway was her parents’ room. She went in. Then she saw her. Her mother, lying on the bed, was sleeping. Her face looked so tired, as if she hadn’t slept for days. She was really pale. Jennifer would have wanted to wake her up but she looked too tired. So Jennifer just fell asleep beside her. When Jennifer woke up, something was different... she wasn’t in her mother’s room and she wasn’t wearing the old clothes she ran away in. She was in her cozy bed in her pajamas (睡衣).
It felt so good being back home. Suddenly she heard a voice, “Are you feeling better now, dear? You know you got us very, very scared.”
小题1: The writer describes the beautiful sunset to show Jennifer’s ______. of the natural beauty B.desire of getting back home
C.intention of becoming independent D.depression of being alone
小题2: What does the underlined phrase “This thought” most probably mean?
A.The idea of going back home.
B.Her anxiety about her parents.
C.The feeling of being warm in her favorite sweater.
D.The feeling of getting back home safely.
小题3:Her father didn’t take care of the garden because ______.
A.he was busy looking for her
B.he had to look after his wife
C.he was not strict with his job
D.he no longer enjoyed working in the garden
小题4:What can we infer from this passage?
A.In fact Jennifer’s mother had been sick for several days.
B.When she found the garden deserted, she realized she was wrong.
C.As Jennifer walked towards home, she became increasingly scared.
D.Having experienced a lot outside, Jennifer felt home was safest for her.
yellow_key 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
小题1:B小题1:. C小题1: A小题1: D

Golden Fish Gym 翻译
昕田 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
It was a goose which could lay golden eggs
It was a goose which could lay golden eggs
老黎 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
the watch is golden这句话对吗
monicawp 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
如果是:The watch is gold.
一篇英语作文,要求很简单.十·一黄金周(the National Day Golden Week)期间,你要和你的父母一
十·一黄金周(the national day golden week)期间,你要和你的父母一起游北京.请根据下面的提示,写一篇旅游计划.词数:60词左右.
3、参观景点:***广场;故宫;长城;鸟巢(the bird's nest);水立方(the water cube);
4、美食:北京烤鸭(beijing duck).
ckf1984 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
The National Day is coming I'm planting to go Beijing with my parents.We leave *** and go to Beijing by train.
On the 1st we are going sightseeing the geart wall .On the 2nd we are going the palace Museum ,Bird's Nest and the the Water Cube.We are taking many beautiful photos .On the third day ,we are going shopping and buying some food .And we eat the Beijing Duck.We are getting back on the third day .
Oh,It's a very interesting vacation ,I can't wait.
英语翻译Hello!I don't know much about dogs,but I like Golden Ret
Hello!I don't know much about dogs,but I like Golden Retriever,aren't they quite smart among dogs?I like both cats and dogs,can't say I'm either a cat- or a dog-person though.Many cats are more proud,independent and gracious,while many dogs are happy,loyal and affectionate.
I like watching movies,being outdoors,I also like reading but haven't read much at all lately.It's often difficult to find the best books.Maybe I can get a tip from you,what are your favourite books?I've been childishly fond of the Harry Potter books and I like the brilliant fantasy by Tolkien.
So,you want to see more photos of me?Hmm,want to find some were I'm good-looking then .
Here is one at least.It's from a small BBQ at a lake nearby,the girl in the image is the daughter of a friend of mine.Can I have a photo of you?
阿弥陀佛56012 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
I don't know much about dogs, but I like Golden Retriever, aren't they quite smart among dogs?
I like both cats and dogs, can't say I'm either a cat- or a dog-person though.
Many cats are more proud, independent and gracious, while many dogs are happy, loyal and affectionate.
I like watching movies, being outdoors, I also like reading but haven't read much at all lately. It's often difficult to find the best books.
Maybe I can get a tip from you, what are your favourite books?
I've been childishly fond of the Harry Potter books and I like the brilliant fantasy by Tolkien.
So, you want to see more photos of me? Hmm, want to find some were I'm good-looking then .
Here is one at least. It's from a small BBQ at a lake nearby, the girl in the image is the daughter of a friend of mine.
Can I have a photo of you?
一篇英语介绍golden ratio 要求通顺5-8句
都市BOSS 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
The Golden Ratio can occur anywhere.In plain English we can say that two lengths are in the Golden proportion if the ratio of the shorter lenth to the longer length is equal to the ratio of the longer length to the sum of both lengths.Let S=shorter length and L=longer length.Then using mathematical notation:S/L = L/(S+L).We can solve this equation for S in terms of L and we find that L=S*(1+5^.5)/2 or approximately L=1.6S.(If you know how to solve the equation above by using the quadratic formula,then porve th yourself that this is true.) So this is the unique case where the two lengths are in the Golden Ratio.
where do we use the golden ratio in our life?
linxf1015 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Where do we use the golden ratio in our life?
In our real life,we can find the golden ratio almost in every area.For example,we human body itself is just be in good terms with the golden ratio .Besides,in the field of architecture ,the most beautiful
architecture agrees with the golden ratio .Of course,in many other areas,there is also the use of the
golden ratio .