编写英语对话!.A ask B what he/she hopes to gain from college educa

玩的就是砖2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

.A ask B what he/she hopes to gain from college education
2.Boths A and B are freshmen and they meet in the campus and make self-introduction to each other


muhuaizeng520 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
First one:A Hi B !good day isn't it?
B Oh look who is this!
A Hey come on!it is been said u r in college too so have u ever think of that what u wanna gain from it?I mean when I was a College Students last year ,I think i'll learn more an more Knowledge here!Including some questions of my dad and my grandma
haha !just a joke!
B Wow u r really a good speaker!Joke too haha and I'm here for knowledge too!but the diffent between us is that I want to learn more to make my dream which was been haven when I just was a little boy come ture.
A Oh !not too thinker !so best wishes for you !
B HEY come u guy too!
second one:A HI glad to meet u for the first time!
B Well my pleasure to meet a guy who can talk to me !
A OH u r funny!so my name is A and I'm in gread 1 of this canpus !I mean I'm a fresh boy here!so what about
B I'm B maybe it is my first time here!
A OH that's simple!anyway don't care we r friends right?
B well maybe!
A Oh come on i'm 16years old and the silent guy?
B maybe 16!
A Okay I get it and I know that from now ,I turn to hate maybe!


which jobs would you like to have why which jobs would you not like to have why not?
面朝刘爷 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
1.I want to be a teacher in the future , because I think it's a good thing to teach and guide people younger than you.When they make progress, you may feel proud and achieve the sense of accomplishment .What's more, staying with kids makes me feel younger and energetic.The job I don't like to have is engineer.In my opinion, it's a boring and hard work which make me feel exhausted. 2. To be an astronaut is the most interesting job for me. I 've dreamed about it for almost ten years.I want to see the beautiful , grand and amazing earth from the sky, from the space.I want to explore other planets finding something voluable for our human beings. That job is amazing though it's hard for me now to achieve. But I will try my best to make my dreams come true and never give up. I don't want to be a businessman when I grow up(graduate), That job needs a shrewd,smart and decisive mind which is difficult for me . Being a businessman means you have to deal with the completed interpersonal relationships, communicating with different people from different background.It's a diffucult job.
潜龙在渊1 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
main( )
int i,j,k,n;
for (i=1;ii;j--)
printf(" ");
for (k=0;k
段梦流 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
using namespace std;
int main()
{ double pi=3.1415926;
double x,result;
double sin(double x);
帮忙编写英语对话Situation 8Role A: Tom / MaryRole B: John / KateSitu
Situation 8
Role A: Tom / Mary
Role B: John / Kate
Situation: Tom has two tickets for a football match. He invites his friend John to go to the football match with him. John tells him that he is not interested in football and what he thinks about football.
13633303983 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
Tom,Hey,John,I have two tickets for a football match.Do you want to go with me?
John,Who vs.who?
Tom,American vs.Canada.
John,Oh,no,both of them suck.And,I would rather go to a movie with Kate.Thanks anyway.
Tom,It is all right.I will go with Mary.
Mary,Not me.
Kate,I will go with you.
Kate,Yes,you know I am a football fan.
John,Wait.But who will go with me to the movie?
Mary,I will.I prefer a movie to a football game.
Tom,Well,Mary,you go with John and Kate come with me.
Altogether,Cool!Let's have some fun.
英语口语考试 根据话题编写 Is it good or bad for college students to take
英语口语考试 根据话题编写
Is it good or bad for college students to take part-time jobs?Why?
可怜 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
In the collages,there are many students take part-time job.Some do it because they lack of money and want to mitigate their parents'burden.Also some want to increase their work experience to help in their future job.Everything has it't advantage and disadvantage.Part-time job has too.
We know that some students are poor ,they want to earn some money to help their study.So for them,taking part-time job is a good way .But if they take much more time in earning money,it must affect their study,as a result,this is disadvantage for them.Also,the reason of some people taking part-time job is not to earn money,but to improve their work experience.Right,this is good.But the same truth,taking more time to do it will also affect their study.If they can't acquire more knowleage,even though they have much experience,lacking of knowleage will affect their job too.
So,I think taking part-time job is good ,but we should arrange our time reasonablily. Taking part-time without affecting the studying is the best way.
编写英语对话 What do you konw about computer ? do you like it ? wh
编写英语对话 What do you konw about computer ? do you like it ? why or why not?
e903 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
A:hi, Sam, what are you doing?
B: Hi, Jack. Guess what. I got a new Macbook pro.
A:really? Cool. But do you know Macbook a lot?
B:Not really yet.
A:So, you bought a Macbook, just because it looks great, or you really need it?
A:Do you really like your new computer?
B:Of course!
A: List some reasons.
B: It is cool, it is cool and it is cool.
猪圈顶上的砖 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
Please help some chicken ,kids .孩子们,请吃些鸡肉.
why not,fly kites,would,nice编写对话
好歪歪 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
A:Hi! Why not fly kite with your classmate?
B: I think if you go with me to play it, it would be nice
帮忙编写英语对话Situation 2Role A:A hotel receptionistRole B:Mary /
Situation 2
Role A:A hotel receptionist
Role B:Mary / Tom
Situation:Mary’s uncle and aunt are coming to visit her,but she has no room for them at her home.So she calls the local hotel to reserve a room for them.They will
雨天阴天晴天 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
a:hello,good morning,xxx hotel,can i help you?
b:yes,i want to book a double room.
a:a double room?when?/
b:en,maybe tomorrow morning,about 8:00,is ok?
b:what about price?
a:a doble room 100 a night.
b:oh,it is too expensive,could you low the price?
a:oh,dear,i am so sorry.
b:en.ok,please book a double room for 5 days,and can you send someone to meet us?
a:of course,where?
b:xxx bus stop.
a:xxx bus stop?
a:ok,sure,and what’s your name?
a:oh,mary,book a double room for 5 days,and meet your at xxx bus stop?
b:yes,thanks for you.goodbye
a:you are welcome,goodbye
根据英语素材编写广告Item:dress,new trend of the seasonPromotion:10% of
Item:dress,new trend of the season
Promotion:10% off
Attraction:the latest fashion
Duration:from now fhrough the month
名都 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
10% off for dresses of new trend of the season.Why not put the latest fasion on?Hurry up,offer starts from now through the month.
often,grandparents,sunday ,bike编写句子
zsw12345 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
My grandparents often ride a bike on sunday.
matlab 编写公式其中a=2,w=0.5.
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
Topic:Work with Computers编写对话
Topic:Work with Computers编写对话
Situation 1:Student A is on the phone speaking with his/her father or mother and asking him/her to buy him/her a notebook computer.Student B plays the role of father/mother and wants to make sure what Student A uses it for.
Situation 2:Student A,a freshman from College of International Cultural Exchange wants to log in to the web site of School of Foreign Languages in CCNU.Student B tells him/her how to log in to it by giving instructions.
fan2001 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
A:Hi ,mom!What are you doing?B:Oh,Tom.I'm watching TV with your father.And you ?A:My class is over,so I am going to my dormitory.B:En.well making use your study time.The exam is on the way!A:I will.Mo...

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How many bananas do you have
根据表格信息编写对话Wang Yan:Hi,Li Hong!Did you have a good holiday?Li

Wang Yan:Hi,Li Hong!Did you have a good holiday?

Li Hong:Yes.
Wang Yan:________________________________
Li Hong:___________________________________
Wang Yan:________________________________
Li Hong:_________________________________
Wang Yan:________________________________
Li Hong:____________________________________
Wang Yan:________________________________
Li Hong:____________________________________
Wang Yan:___________________________________
sunlirong1982 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
Wang Yan:Hi,Li Hong!Did you have a good holiday?
Li Hong:Yes.
Wang Yan:where have you visited?
Li Hong:I went to Hangzhou with my friends.what about you?
wang yan:I visited Harbin.
li hong:sounds like fun!how did you get there?
wang yan:by plane,I guess you must by train.
li hong:yes ,you know me!
wang yan:what did you do during your trip?
li hong :I visited west lake,ate a lot of good food and bought presents.what about you
wang yan:I went skiing and made a snowman and took pictures.
帮忙编写英语对话Situation 4Role A:Tom / MaryRole B:A clerk at the ci
Situation 4
Role A:Tom / Mary
Role B:A clerk at the cinema
Situation:Tom wants to take his friends to go to see a popular movie at the cinema.Tom calls the cinema beforehand to book 4 tickets for Friday night.He asks about the cinema’s timetable first and then makes a reservation.
3122008 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
M:Can I help you?
T:Yeah,I want to see some kinds of popular movies with my friends,so I wanna book 4 tickets.
M:ok,when would you like to come?
T:I suppose it will be Friday,what is the movie on Friday night?
M:It's Newmoon,at 7:00 .
T:Oh,that's nice,I would like to see it.
M:umm..Let me check it,it's Friday,7 o'clock,and 4 tickets,right?
M:I have printed the information into th computer,thanks for calling.
T:You are welcome.
write directions from your classroom to.根据要求完成可以编写
write directions from your classroom to.根据要求完成可以编写
1、.the nearest shop
2、.the front door of the building
3、.the boys or girls toilets
4、.the teachers' office
5、.the roof of the building
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英语主题对话编写Happiness does not depend on the amount of money you
Happiness does not depend on the amount of money you have.A happy man is one who is content,whether he is rich or poor.please discuss on it.
1985619宁 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
A.Do you think the amout of money equals the degree of the happiness?
B.What's your opinion.
A.I think.And do you think a man can be happy when he is poor?
B.of course..Do you think money is important in our life?And do you think we can still be happy without any money?
A.Do you agree with me?
B.I think we are on the same boat!.
A.Nice discussing with you!
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a b c d
10 2*1000 30 44
11 1*500 31 44
12 2*1000 32 44
13 3*250 33 44
14 4*300 34 44
15 2*1000 35 44
16 2*1000 36 44
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select a,b,c,d,(d-c)*a/1000 as result from table1
where substring(REVERSE(b),1,4)='0001'