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A) affectedB) respectedC) protectedD) connected

2023-06-18 20:51:33






affected是什么意思 编程知识 电脑

affected 英[u0259u02c8fektu026ad] 美[u0259u02c8fu025bktu026ad] adj. 受到影响的; 感动的; (人或行为) 假装的; 倾向于…的; v. 影响( affect的过去式和过去分词 ); 假装; 感动; (疾病) 侵袭; [例句]She had an affected air and a disdainful look.她举止做作,神情倨傲。
2023-06-18 20:43:181

affected和 effected有什么不同?

2023-06-18 20:43:534

the ones affect

affected意思是被影响的.没有假装的的意思 这里的affected是过去分词做定语.还原全句为,we are usually the ones who are affected.这里省略了who are
2023-06-18 20:44:141

affect1 (翻译时)

1代表有注释(注释编号1),可能在这页最下面,或书的最后面 affect做及物动词时的2种用法
2023-06-18 20:44:211


affect 与 effect 是两个常用的名词,它们的区别在于:1. affect 通常是动词,表示影响、感染的意思,例如:The rain will affect the crops.(雨会影响庄稼的)2. effect 通常是名词,表示影响、效果、结果的意思,例如:The effect of the drug is amazing.(这种药的效果很惊人)这两个单词在一些情况下也可以互换使用。但是,需要注意的是,effect 还有另外一个常见的用法,它可以表示“产生、引起”的意思,例如:The noise effected a change in their behavior.(噪音导致他们的行为发生了改变)influence 是一个动词和名词都可以使用的单词,通常表示影响、作用的意思,例如:Her poetry was influenced by the natural beauty of her surroundings.(她的诗歌受到了自然美的影响)。总的来说,这三个单词的区别在于:affect 通常是动词,表示影响、感染,特别指某种情感状态或行为的变化。effect 通常是名词,表示影响、效果、结果。influence 是动词和名词都可以使用,表示影响、作用的意思。
2023-06-18 20:44:311


2023-06-18 20:45:271


2023-06-18 20:45:463


affectv./influencev.这两个词都有“影响”的意思。1)affect vt.作“影响”讲时可分三种情况:①直接的、有形的力量作用于某事物或事件并使之发生变化。例:theytrytoaffectthesizeofacropbyusingfertilizer. 他们施肥料以使庄稼长大。②用于表示对某事物或事产生不好的影响。例:exposuretointenselightaffectsone"seyesadversely. 暴露在强光之下会损害眼睛。③指对另外一个人感情上的影响,感染,感动。例:musicaffectssomepeopleverystrongly. 音乐对一些人有强烈的感染力。hewasmuchaffectedatthesadsight. 他深为这一悲伤的情景所感动。2)influence通常指“不易觉察到的、潜移默化的影响”,往往是间接的,通过说服或以实际行动树立榜样而对他人产生影响。例:hewasinfluencedbyamiddleschoolteachertotakeupthestudyofmedicine. 他受到一位中学教师的影响而学了医。
2023-06-18 20:45:561


affect 1 vt. 1. 影响;对...发生作用 The amount of rain affects the growth of crops. 雨量影响作物的生长。 2. 使感动,使震动 She was deeply affected by the news of her father"s death. 她父亲去世的消息使她深受震动。 3. (病)侵袭;罹患 Her kidneys had become affected. 她的肾脏受到了感染。 affect 2 vt. 1. 假装,装作[+to-v] He affected not to see her. 他假装没看见她。 He affected ignorance of the law. 他假装不知法。 2. 爱好,爱用 She affects old furniture and china. 她喜欢古老的家具和瓷器。 3. 常去 effect n. 1. 结果[C][U][(+on/upon)] 2. 效果,效力;作用;影响[C][U][(+on/upon)] This had a great effect upon the future of both mother and son. 这对母子俩的将来影响很大。 3. 要旨,意义[the S] I said a few words to the effect that all he had told us was already well known. 我说了几句话,大意是他所告诉我们的一切早已为人熟知。 4. (法律的)效力,产生效力[U] 5. (色彩,声音等产生的)印象;效果[C][P1] 6. 财产,动产[P] vt. 1. 造成;产生;招致 Rose tried to effect a reconciliation. 罗丝试图进行调解。 2. 实现,达到(目的) He effected several important changes. 他完成了几项重要的改革。
2023-06-18 20:46:042


affect 多指感情方面的影响vt.影响,感动,假装,模仿,爱好,倾向于n.自觉感情【医】 感情,情感impact 多指事件影响n.冲击,冲突,影响,效果vt.挤入,撞击,压紧,对...发生影响【医】 冲突,冲击【经】 影响,效果
2023-06-18 20:46:111


效应是指工作,一般是指当时的结果,如规划,措施制定会影响指的影响,且多为病,常指不好的影响影响指的是.. 。发生偏重的预期影响有关计划,措施权的影响。 。 。从影响/效果
2023-06-18 20:47:022


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 再写出所造句的意思 解析: 1. 影响;对...发生作用 The amount of rain affects the growth of crops. 雨量影响作物的生长。2. 使感动,使震动 She was deeply affected by the news of her father"s death. 她父亲去世的消息使她深受震动。 3. (病)侵袭;罹患 Her kidneys had bee affected. 她的肾脏受到了感染。
2023-06-18 20:47:231

have been affected

(1)C 被提出的证据显示长期暴露在失重状态下的宇航员(身体)受到严重影响.  因为被动,所以CD里面选,再加上时态一致,所以选C (2)B 据报道,一些野生动物被发现死了并藏在山上的大洞穴中.found后面加形容词表示发现它们时的状态,用hidden是因为它们的尸体是被藏起来的,dead表示状态,死了的. (3)D 随着自动化的发展,失业问题将会变得越来越严重,除非给人们进行职业白领所必须的培训.前面一句将来是will,后面讲对策,属虚拟语气
2023-06-18 20:47:321


2023-06-18 20:47:423

用affect造句 再写出所造句的意思

1.影响;对...发生作用 The amount of rain affects the growth of crops. 雨量影响作物的生长. 2.使感动,使震动 She was deeply affected by the news of her father"s death. 她父亲去世的消息使她深受震动. 3.(病)侵袭;罹患 Her kidneys had become affected. 她的肾脏受到了感染.
2023-06-18 20:48:041

there are many factots that___(affect;effect) o

2023-06-18 20:48:182


2023-06-18 20:46:452


清明节的来历英文介绍(通用5篇)   清明是我国的二十四节气之一。关于清明节的.来历,你知道多少呢?下面我就为大家收集了清明节的来历英文介绍,更多内容敬请关注放假网。   清明节的来历英文介绍 篇1   qing ming, which means clear and bright in chinese, falls on april 5th this year. it is both the fifth term in the traditional lunar calendar and a festival to hold memorial ceremony for the dead. it is a time to express one"s grief for his lost relatives. an ancient elegiac poem, which described a grievous woman, was read that vines tangled in vain and weeds crept in the graveyard, and her husband slept there lonely. it was so difficult to endure for her as if summer in the day and winter at night. and her only wish was to reunite with him after death.   people often go to sweep and weed graves with whole family and take a walk in the countryside as well. in tang dynasty, the habit of taking an excursion on this day was developed. at this time, spring returns and dominates the earth again. the feel of growing life is in the air, with sap ascending in trees and buds bursting. and the willow branches ed on each gate add vigor and vitality to the surroundings. but it actually means more than that. this custom can be traced back to over one thousand years ago.   during the period of spring and autumn in the jin kingdom, one of the king"s sons was called chong er. jealous of his talent, a concubine falsely accused him of rebellion to make her son the crown prince. he had no choice but to flee and with him were some officials. they hid themselves in a mountain andwent hungry for quite some time. an official named jie zitui took great pain to cut some flesh from his thigh and cooked it for chong er. when the fact was known the young master was moved to tears and knelt down in gratitude. and jie replied his best repayment should be a just king. they lived a life of hunger and cold for three years until the evil concubine died. many soldiers were sent to look for him and to escort him back home. going into the carriage, he saw an official packed an old mat onto a horse, he said laughingly, "what on earth is the use of that? throw it away!" jie zitui heard it and sighed, "it is hardship that can be shared with his majesty but not prosperity." so he went away quietly and lived in seclusion with his old mother.   as chong er became king, he rewarded many people but he forgot jie zitui. he did not realize it until was reminded. however his invitation was refused and he flared up. soldiers were ordered to burn up the mountain to force jie to come out. finally they found jie and his mother scorched under a willow. he would rather die than yield to the power. chong er was so overwhelmed with regret that he ordered people hold memorial ceremony for jie. so every year on that day folks mourned for him and the day before ate cold meals, which avoided making fire. later the custom of ing willow branches on gates was also added.   清明节的来历英文介绍 篇2   Qing Ming Jie(All Souls" Day)   Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. More important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to one"s deceased ancestors and family members. Because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, Qing Ming is a major Chinese festival.   Literally meaning "clear" (Qing) and "bright" (Ming), this Chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. It is a "spring" festival, and it is an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the graves of their forebears. Chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an extended period, that is, 10 days before and after Qing Ming day. Among some dialect groups a whole month is allocated.   清明节的来历英文介绍 篇3   . Legend has it that Jie saved his starving lord"s life by serving a piece of his own leg. When the lord succeeded in becoming the ruler of a small principality, he invited his faithful follower to join him. However, Jie declined his invitation, preferring to lead a hermit"s life with his mother in the mountains.   Believing that he could force Jie out by burning the mountain, the lord ordered his men to set the forest on fire. To his consternation, Jie chose to remain where he was and was burnt to death. To commemorate Jie, the lord ordered all fires in every home to be put out on the anniversary of Jie"s death. Thus began the "cold food feast", a day when no food could be cooked since no fire could be lit.   The "cold food" festival occurs on the eve of Qing Ming and is often considered as part of the Qing Ming festival. As time passes, the Qing Ming festival replaced the "cold food" festival. Whatever practice is observed,the basic observation of Qing Ming is to remember one"s elders by making a special effort to visit their graves, ashes or ancestral tablets. To make the visit even more meaningful, some time should be spent to remind the younger members of the family of the lives and contributions of their ancestors, and the story of Jie Zi Tui who choose death over capitulation.   清明节的来历英文介绍 篇4   The name of "Qingming Festival" also comes from the Qingming solar term in the 24 solar terms of the Chinese lunar calendar. The 105th day after the winter solstice is the Qingming solar term. The Qingming solar term lasts for 15 days. Qingming, as a solar term, comes after the spring equinox. At this time, winter has gone, spring is full of vitality, the weather is clear, the fields are bright and clean, and nature is full of vitality everywhere. Using "Qingming" to call this period is the most appropriate word. Qingming Festival, also known as outing Festival, according to the Gregorian calendar, it is between April 4 and 6 every year, which is the season when the spring is bright and the plants and trees are green, and it is also a good time for people to have a spring outing. Therefore, the ancients had the custom of going outing during the Qingming Festival and carrying out a series of sports activities. In ancient times, there was another saying, "March Festival". 105 days after the winter solstice is called cold food. In the past, fire and cold food were forbidden, so it is also called "cold Festival" and "no smoking Festival".   According to folklore, cold food is to commemorate that Jie Zitui was burned in Mianshan by fire in the spring and Autumn period. Duke Wen of Jin ordered to ban fire. Jie Zitui is from Shanxi, so the cold food custom was first popular in Shanxi. In the old days, cold food broke the fire. The next day, there was a ceremony of drilling wood for new fire in the palace. People also used wickers to beg each other for new fire.   In the concept of the ancients, 108 represents perfect, auspicious, ancient and profound numbers. Putting Qingming on the 108th day after the winter solstice has a deep meaning. The name of Qingming is not only due to the clean growth of all things at this time, but also due to the sun in this period, that is, the fresh sun, the Yang Qi flowing between heaven and earth in this period, that is, the fresh Yang Qi.   清明节的来历英文介绍 篇5   The lunar calendar has 24 fixed festivals every year. Among the 24 solar terms, Qingming is the only one that is both a solar term and a festival. The name of Qingming Festival is related to the characteristics of weather and climate at this time. "Huainanzi astronomy training" in the Western Han Dynasty said: "on the 15th day after the spring equinox, fighting finger B will bring the Qingming wind." "Qingming wind" is a fresh, clear and clean wind. "A hundred questions at the age of ten" says that "when all things grow, they are clean and clear. Therefore, it is called Qingming." Although the Qingming Festival, as a festival, was formed in the Tang Dynasty, the Qingming solar term, as a timing symbol, has long been recognized by the ancients, and has been clearly recorded in the Han Dynasty. ;
2023-06-18 20:46:491


很多朋友想起B开头的英文名字,但又怕起得不好,俗气容易被人笑话。那么,怎么起以B字母开头的英文名字呢,如何起一个好听的B字母开头的英文名字呢? 以B开头好听带寓意的女生英文名字大全 英文名==中文名==寓意 Betty==贝蒂==上帝的誓约 Barbara==巴巴拉==陌生人 Bonnie==邦妮==吸引人的 Barbie==巴尔贝==陌生人 Bobby==芭比==著名的 Bianca==百安卡==公平 Bella==贝拉==上帝的誓约 Brenda==布兰达==美丽年轻的金发女孩 Belle==贝尔==美丽的人 Berenice==贝雷奈西==胜利者 Becky==比阿特丽斯==可爱的顽皮姑娘 Belinda==贝琳达==美丽的 Blanche==布兰琪==纯洁 Brittney==布里特妮== Beatrice==比阿特丽斯==带来欢笑之人 Beth==贝丝==奉献的 Bridget==布里奇特==高贵的人 Bernice==伯妮丝==胜利 Bessie==贝茜==上帝的誓约 Barbra==芭芭拉==陌生人 Bette==贝特==奉献的 Beryl==贝里尔==浅绿色宝石 Bea==比衣==带来欢乐的人 Bonita==博妮塔拉丁==美好的 Betsy==贝特西==上帝的誓言 Brook==布鲁克== Bettina==贝蒂娜==幸福 Bess==贝丝==上帝的誓约 Berniece==伯妮丝==胜利 Bobbie==波碧==辉煌的 Barb==巴布==陌生人 Bertha==伯莎==光明的 Berry==贝里==公平 Bettye==贝蒂==奉献的 Bobbi==芭比==辉煌的 Blanch==布兰奇==公平 Babette==芭贝特==陌生人 Brooklynn==布鲁克琳==美丽的 Benita==贝琳达==幸福的 Bettie==贝蒂==奉献的 Bobbye==芭碧==辉煌的 Berta==伯塔==辉煌的 Belva==贝尔娃==美丽的景色 Buffy==芭菲==奉献的 Bertie==伯蒂==辉煌的 Babara==芭芭拉==陌生人 Bright==布赖特==光明的 Burgess==伯吉斯==自由的人 Babs==芭布斯==陌生人 Betti==贝蒂==奉献的 Blythe==布莱思==欢乐 Belita==贝利塔==美丽 Beata==比艾塔==最快乐幸福的人 Babbette==芭贝特==陌生人 Blodwen==布洛德文==公平 Bron==布阮==保护 Bellona==贝娄娜==神话战争女神 Bethan==贝森==奉献的 Bailyn==贝林==美丽的 Bathsheba==拔示巴==誓言之女 Brylin==布瑞琳==美玉 Belladonna==贝拉多纳==美丽 Brandice==布兰迪思==白色 Bali==巴厘==强大的战士 Basilia==巴西利娅==王 Branka==布兰卡==受保护的荣耀 Bogdana==波格丹娜==上帝的礼物 Berneice==伯妮丝==胜利 Bronwyn==布朗纹==公平 Bipasha==比帕莎==河流 Bevan==贝文==埃文之子 Buffey==巴菲==奉献的 Barri==拜里==公平 Basira==拜西拉==明智 Bilge==比格==明智 Binda==宾达==美丽 Brava==布拉瓦==勇敢 Benna==本南==幸福 Bronwen==布朗文==公平 Barbary==巴巴里==陌生人 Bateman==贝特曼==贝特之仆 Bates==贝茨==贝特之子 Bragg==布拉格==欢乐的 Baldry==鲍德里==权力 Belcher==贝尔彻==可爱的 Bairbre==贝尔布尔==陌生人 Balls==鲍尔斯==鲍尔之子 Betts==贝茨==贝特之子 Bayle==贝尔==美丽 Bala==拜拉==年轻的 Ballin==巴林==海林之子 Barretta==巴丽塔==公平 Blevins==布莱文斯==布莱文之子 Bernet==贝尼特==胜利 Bahia==巴伊亚==快乐 Benesh==贝尼什==幸福 Bente==本特==幸福 Bledsoe==布莱索==欢乐的 Bel==贝尔==光明 Blank==布兰克==白的 Benedetta==本妮塔==幸福 Bellia==贝利亚==美丽 Baddams==巴当斯==亚当之子 Banna==版纳==金色的 Bern==伯恩==勇敢的 Barker==巴克==牧羊人 Balderston==鲍尔德斯顿==勇敢的军队 Bairnsfather==班斯法瑟==英勇的护卫 Battle==巴特尔==战场 Billings==比林斯==比尔之子 Babbs==巴布斯==巴布之子 Blanton==布兰顿==温和的 Badgers==巴杰斯==巴杰之子 Backs==巴克斯==巴克之子 Biggs==比格斯==比格之子 以B字母开头的女生英文网名 Bonita 美丽 Burton 显赫的声望 Bonnie 美好 Beth 奉献给神的 Bree 小山 Beatrice 带来快乐的人 Bertha 盎格鲁撒克逊语 华丽 Brenda 剑刃 Brigitte 绝对力量 Bunny 小兔子 Bryant 强壮的 Butterfly 蝴蝶 Baldwin 勇敢的朋友 Badia 端庄 Bette/Betty奉献给神的 Bambi 孩子 Bruno 褐色 Buddy 朋友 Bobby 著名的 Byron 熊 Bea 带来快乐的人 Bella 美丽 BBradley 来自宽阔的牧场 rand 剑刃 Belle 美丽 Bena 聪明 Bianca 白色 Brooks 流淌的水 Bliss 快乐 Blossom 像花一样 Bali 强大的战士 Barclay 白桦树牧场 Barnett 高贵的人 Barney 勇敢的熊 Baron 由的男子 Barrett 像熊一样的 Barth 小山,犁沟 Beck 小溪 Berkeley 白桦树牧场 Bern 勇敢的熊 Bert 聪明的 Bill 坚定的卫士 Billy 坚定的卫士 Bob 显赫的声望 Brady 宽阔的岛 Brian 强壮的
2023-06-18 20:46:501


2023-06-18 20:46:522


2023-06-18 20:47:005

《我的家乡》英语小短文 我的家乡在南宁.

my hometown is Nanning .I love Nanning . Nanning is capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,and a rising industrial city.Under a subtropical climate,it is a fine tourist city that is extolled as an "evergreen metropolis".This garden city has so much to offer its visitors,such as Guangxi Museum,Guangxi Ethnic Artefact Garden,and Guangxi Medical botanical Garden.Its outskirts are clustered with attractions as well.These include the Yiling Cave of Wuming County,Stone Forest and one of the world"s eight major slanting pagodas in Chongzuo,the mysterious Huashan Murals in Ningming County,the waterfall that crosses the Sino-Vietnamese border in Daxin County,Friendship pass at Pingxiang,as well as the exotic folklore on the Sino-Vietnamese borderline.
2023-06-18 20:47:111


2023-06-18 20:47:122

斯柯达全新明锐旅行版实拍图曝光 平民旅行车

2023-06-18 20:47:161


肯定是C E G啊。
2023-06-18 20:47:221


2023-06-18 20:47:252


1. 先序ABDFCEG,则A为根2. 中序DFBACEG,则A左边的DFB为左子树,A右边的CEG为右子树3. 左子树先序BDF,中序DFB3.1. 先序BDF,则B为根3.2. 中序DFB,则B左边的DF为左子树,D右边没有右子树3.3. 左子树先序DF,中序DF3.3.1. 先序DF,则D为根3.3.2. 中序DF,则D左边没有左子树,D右边的F为右子树3.3.3. 后序为FD3.4. 后序为FDB4. 右子树先序CEG,中序CEG4.1. 先序CEG,则C为根4.2. 中序CEG,则C左边没有左子树,C右边的EG为右子树4.3. 右子树先序EG,中序EG4.3.1. 先序EG,则E为根4.3.2. 中序EG,则E左边没有左子树,E右边的G为右子树4.3.3. 后序GE4.4. 后序GEC5. 后序FEBGECA
2023-06-18 20:47:441

Sky 详细资料,还有他的战术、比赛资料,越详细越好
2023-06-18 20:47:533


  beside表示不中(目标),不对(题),与u2026无关的意思,那么你知道beside的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理beside的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!    beside的短语:    beside oneself (with)   忘形,发狂at the end of one"s self-control, almost mad   He is beside himself with joy.他欣喜若狂。   She is beside herself with anger.她气得要死。   I was beside myself with toothache.我牙疼得要命。   She was beside herself with grief.她非常疼痛。    beside the point   离题having nothing to do with the main point in question   〔说明〕 本短语还可说成beside the question或beside the mark。   Usually what she says is beside the point.她说的话通常是不着边际的。   All you are saying is beside the mark.你说得都离题了。    set beside   与u2026相比put against; compare with   Money seems unimportant when set beside the joys of the family.与家庭幸福比起来,金钱就显得不那么重要了。    beside的短语例句:   1. He lay beside her awkwardly, propped on an elbow.   他用一只胳膊肘支着身体,别扭地躺在她旁边。   2. I found a place to park beside a station wagon.   我在一辆旅行车旁边找到了一个车位。   3. A moment or two later champagne in an ice-bucket materialized beside them.   片刻之后,他们身边出现了一只装着香槟的冰桶。   4. Brian didn"t like it, but that was beside the point.   布赖恩不喜欢它,但那并不重要。   5. A black Mercedes screeched to a halt beside the helicopter.   一辆黑色的梅赛德斯轿车在直升机旁嘎的一声刹住了。   6. The hunter knelt beside the animal carcass and commenced to skin it.   猎人跪在动物尸体旁边,开始剥皮。   7. He had shouted down the phone at her, beside himself with anxiety.   他焦急万分地对着电话那头的她大喊大叫。   8. I went and stood beside him, looking over his shoulder.   我走过去站在他身边,从他的肩头望过去。   9. On the table beside an empty plate was a pile of books.   桌上空盘子的旁边是一堆书。   10. He knelt beside her and caught her hand in both of his.   他跪在她的旁边,双手握住她的一只手。   11. The room was empty apart from one man seated beside the fire.   除了有个男人坐在火炉边,房间里空荡荡的。   12. Marianne was none too pleased to find Simon seated beside her.   玛丽安娜发现西蒙坐在自己旁边很不高兴。   13. Bessie, resplendent in royal blue velvet, was hovering beside the table.   贝茜身穿华丽的深蓝色天鹅绒衣服,在桌旁徘徊。   14. Eva pulled over a chair and sat beside her husband.   伊娃拽过一把椅子,坐到丈夫的身边。   15. He was sitting on an upright chair beside his bed, reading.   他正坐在床前一张直背椅上看书。
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中等水平级别。FOLIO中文名字为 弗里欧。FOLIO的消费者通常是对于各大都市的现代都市时尚美女,关键运营女性皮具、手拎包、钱夹等箱包皮具商品。 FOLIO弗里欧女包的设计方案原动力来源于时尚潮流之都巴黎。荷兰不但有着造型艺术、烂漫的氛围另外也会出现自主创新时尚潮流突显本人应用新自由主义的设计方案潜意识。 女包是人们都没法不心动的商品,即便衣着质朴配搭1个醒目的包也会别有风韵。人们的知名品牌很有优点,FOLIO弗里欧的设计风格以时尚潮流、随意、个性化为设计方案潜意识以突显本人应用为较大前提条件并把对每一关键点的关心加进去设计方案潜意识中来。 FOLIO弗里欧女包既充分考虑上班族上下班的必须也兼具到平常休闲娱乐的要求,走出一条全新升级的时尚潮流、个性化的正中间线路。
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. (名词 noun) 1. 女子名其暱称为 Bess, Bessie, Bessy, Beth, Betsey, Betsy, Bettie, Betty, Eliza, Elsa, Elsie, Libby, Lily, Lisa, Lise, Lisette, Liz, Liza, Lizzie, Lizzy 2. Elisabeth 的异体 3. 伊莉莎白 1900-,皇太后;旧名 Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon; 英王 George 六世的王后;伊莉莎白二世之母 4. 伊莉莎白 Elizabeth I,1533-1603, 英国女王(1558-1603) 5. 伊莉莎白 Elizabeth II,1926-, 英国女王(1952-) 6. 伊莉莎白 7. 伊莉莎白 1843-1916, 罗马尼亚王后、作家;笔名 Carmen Sylva 8. 圣伊莉莎白 Saint Elizabeth,1207-31,匈牙利公主;其纪念日为11月17日(原为19日) 9. 伊莉莎白 (1)美国 New Jersey 州东北部城市 (2)澳洲 South Australia 州东南部 Adelaide 附近城镇
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一汽红旗H9正式开启预售 推出5款车型 预售价为33万-60万元

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采购岗位。 华为的采购部由多个物料专家团(Commodity expert group, CEG)组成,各物料专家团负责采购某一类物料,通过制定不同物料的采购策略,如IC芯片、元器件、PCB连接器、显示屏、摄像头、电池、电声器件、天线等,物料专家团对各种物料供应商或服务供应商进行采购认证和选择,对供应商进行日常管理及绩效评估。
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2023-06-18 20:46:042

The red room(1)

We could not go for a walk that afternoon. There was such a freezing cold wind, and such heavy rain, that we all stayed indoors. I was glad of it. I never liked long walks, especially in winter. I used to hate coming home when it was almost dark, with ice-cold fingers and toes, feeling miserable because Bessie, the nursemaid, was always scolding me. All the time I knew I was different from my cousins, Eliza, John and Georgiana Reed. They were taller and stronger than me, and they were loved. These three usually spent their time crying and quarrelling, but today they were sitting quietly around their mother in the sitting-room. I wanted to join the family circle, but Mrs Reed, my aunt, refused Bessie had complained about me. "No, I"m sorry, Jane. Until I hear from Bessie, or see for myself, that you are really trying to be behave better, you cannot be treated as a good, happy child, like my children." "What does Bessie say I have done?" I asked. "Jane, it is not polite to question me in that way. If you cannot speak pleasantly, be quiet." I crept out of the sitting-room and into the small room next door, where I chose a book full of pictures from the bookcase. I climbed on to the window-seat and drew the curtains, so that I was completely hidden. I sat there for a while. Sometimes I looked out of the window at the grey November afternoon, and saw the rain pouring down on the leafless garden. But most of the time I studied the book and stared, fascinated, at the pictures. Lost in the world of imagination, I forgot my sad, lonely existence for a while, and was happy, I was only afraid that my secret hiding-place might be discovered. Suddenly the door of the room opened. John Reed rushed in. "Where are you, rat?" he shouted. He did not see me behind the curtain. "Eliza! Georgy! Jane isn"t here! Tell Mama she"s run out into the rain--what a bad animals she is!" "How lucky I drew the curtain," I thought. He would never have found me, because he was not very intelligent. But Eliza guessed at once where I was. "She"s in the window-seat, John," she called from the sitting-room. So I came out immediately, as I did not want him to pull me out. "What do you want?" I asked him. "Say,"What do you want, Master Reed"," he answered, sitting in an armchair. "I want you to come here." John Reed was fourteen and I was only ten. He was large and rather fat. He usually ate too much at meals, which made him ill. He should have been at boarding school, but his mother, who loved him very much, had brought him home for a month or two, because she thought his health was delicate. John did not love his mother or his sisters, and he hated me. He bullied and punished me, not two or three times a week, not once or twice a day, but all the time. My whole body trembled when he came near. Sometimes he hit me, sometimes he just threatened me, and I lived in terrible fear of him. I had no idea about how to stop him. The servants did not want to offend their young master, and Mrs Reed could see no fault in her dear boy. So I obeyed John"s order and approached his armchair, thinking how very ugly his face was. Perhaps he understood what I was thinking, for he hit me hard om the face. "That is for your rudeness to Mama just now," he said, "and for your wickedness in hiding, and for looking at me like that, you rat!" I was so used to his bullying that I never thought of hitting him back. "What were you doing behind that curtain?" he asked. "I was reading," I answered. "Show me the book." I gave it to him. "You have no right to take our books," he continued. "You have no money and your father left your none. You ought to beg in the streets, not live here in comfort with a gentleman"s family. Anyway, all these books are mine, and so is the whole house, or will be in a few years" time. I"ll teach you not to be borrow my books again." He lifted the heavy book and threw it hard me. It hit me and I fell, cutting my head on the door. I was in great pain, and suddenly for the first time in my life , I forgot my fear of John Reed. "You wicked, cruel boy!" I cried. "You are a bully! You are as bad a murderer!" "What! What!" he cried. "Did she say that to me? Did you hear, Eliza and Georgiana? I"ll tell Mama, but first..." He rushed to attack me, but now he was fighting with a desperate girl. I really saw him as a wicked murderer. I felt the blood running down my face, and the pain gave me strength. I fought back as hard as I could. My resistance surprised him, and shouted for help. His sisters ran for Mrs Reed, who called her maid, Miss Abbott, and Bessie. They pulled us apart and I heard them say, "What a wicked girl! She attacked Master John!" Mrs Reed said calmly, "Take her away to the red room and lock her in there." And so I was carried upstairs, arms waving and legs kicking. As soon as we arrived in the red room, I became quiet again, and the two servants both started scolding me. "Really, Miss Eyre," said Miss Abbott, "how could you hit him? He"s your young master!" "How can he be my master? I am not a servant!" I cried. "No, Miss Eyre, you are less than a servant, because you do not word," replied Miss Abbott. They both looked at me as if they strongly disapproved of me. "You should remember, miss," said Bessie, "that your aunt pays for your food and clothes, and you should be grateful. You have no other relations or friends." All my short life I had been told this, and I had no answer to it. I stayed silent, listening to these painful reminders. "And if you are angry and rule, Mrs Reed may send you away," added Bessie. "Anyway" said Miss Abbott, "God will punish you, Jane Eyre, for your wicked heart. Pray to God, and say you"re sorry." They left the room, locking the door carefully behind them. The red room was a cold, silent room, hardly ever used, although it was one of the largest bedrooms in the house . Nine years ago, my uncle, Mr Reed, had died in this room, and since then nobody had wanted to sleep in it. Now that I was alone I thought bitterly of the people I lived with. John Reed, his sisters, his mother, the servants, they all accused me, scolded me ,hated me. Why could I never please them? Eliza was selfish, but was respected. Georgiana had a bad temper, but she was popular with everybody because she was beautiful. John was rude, cruel and violent, but nobody punished him. I tried to make no mistakes, but they called me, naughty every moment of the day. Now that I had turned against John to protect myself, everybody blamed me. And so I spent that whole long afternoon in the red room asking myself why I had to suffer and why life was so unfair. Perhaps I would run away, or starve myself to death. Gradually it became dark outside. The rain was still beating on the windows,and I could hear the wind in the trees. Now I was no longer angry,and I began to think the Reeds might be right. Perhaps I was wicked. Did I deserve to die, and be buried in the churchyard like my uncle Reed? I could not remember him, but knew he was my mother"s brother, who had taken me to his house when my parents both died. On his death bed he had made his wife, aunt Reed, promise to look after me like her own children. I supposed she now regretted her promise. A strange idea came to me. I felt sure that if Mr Reed had lived he would have treated me kindly. and now, as I looked round at the dark furniture and the walls in shadow , I began to fear that his ghost might come back to punish his wife for not keeping her promise. He might rise from the grave in the churchyard and appear in this room! I was so frightened by this thought that I hardly dared to breathe. Suddenly in the darkness I was a light moving on the celling. It may have been from a lamp outside, but in my nervous state I did not think of that. I felt sure it must be a ghost, a visitor from another world. My head was hot, my heart beat fast. Was that the sound of wings in my ears? Was that something moving near me? Screaming wildly, I rushed to the door and shook it. Miss Abbott and Bessie came running to open it. "Miss Eyre, are you ill?" asked Bessie. "Take me out of here!" I screamed. "Why? What"s the matter?" she asked. "I saw a light, and I thought it was a ghost," I cried, holding tightly on to Bessie"s hand. "She"s not event hurt," said Miss Abbott in disgust. "She screamed just to bring us here. I know all her little tricks." "What is all this?" demanded an angry voice. Mrs Reed appeared at the door of the room. "Abbott and Bessie, I think I told you to leave Jane Eyre in this room till I came." "She screamed so loudly, ma"am," said Bessie solfly. "Let go off her hands,Bessie," was Mrs Reed"s only answer. "Jane Eyrw, you need not think you can succeed in getting out of the room like this. Your naughty tricks will not work with me. You will stay here an hour longer as a punishment for trying to deceive us." "Oh aunt, please forgive me! I can"t bear it! I shall die if you keep me here..." I screamed and kicked as she held me. "Silence! Control yourself!" She pushed me, resisting wildly, back into the red room and locked me in. There I was in the darkness again, with the silence and ghosts. I must have fainted. I cannot remember anything more.
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你在提问中所说到的马克吐温是美国著名的作家。他的文学生涯很长,因此发表过的作品也有很多。下面我就根据我所掌握的情况以及你在提问当中的要求来把马克吐温的作品大致分一下类: 短篇:处女作《拓殖者大吃一惊的花花公子》、《百万英磅》、《竞选州长》、《哥尔斯密的朋友再度出洋》《卡拉维拉斯郡著名的跳蛙》、《康涅狄克焦最近的狂欢节上的罪行纪实》(他的短篇太多了,仅举几例) 中篇《败坏赫德莱堡的人》、《艰难历程》 长篇:《傻子国外旅行记》、《镀金时代》、《汤姆·索亚历险记》、《哈克贝里·芬历险记》、《王子与贫儿》、《密西西比河上的生活》、《傻瓜威尔逊》、《在亚瑟王朝的康涅狄克州的美国佬》、《冉·达克》 侦探汤姆.索亚》 游记:《国外旅游记》、《赤道游记》 剧本:《阿星》 回忆录:《格兰特回忆录》 自传:当然还有他的自传 以上分类除了我自己的阅读之外,主要依据的是许汝社编译《马克·吐温年表》。马克吐温的创作年表如下: 1852.5.1 《拓殖者大吃一惊的花花公子》发表于波士顿的幽默周刊《手提包》上。这是赛缪尔·克莱门斯的处女作。 (自学的马克·吐温在印刷所当学徒、排字时,即开始练笔,发表这个处女作时年17岁。——译者) 1864.6 移居旧金山,在《晨报》工作。开始为《旧金山人》写稿,时主编为小说家勃勒特·哈特。 1865.11.18 纽约的《星期六邮报》发表了马克·吐温的《卡拉维拉斯郡著名的跳蛙》。各处纷纷转载,马克·吐温开始在国内取得名声。 1867.4.25 查尔斯·韦勃出版了马克·吐温的第一本书《卡拉维拉斯郡著名的跳蛙和其它随笔》。 1869.7 马克·吐温的《傻子国外旅行记》出版,发行者为易里夏·勃里斯。 1872.2 《艰难历程》由勃里斯的美国出版公司出版。 1873年冬 马克·吐温与作家查尔斯·特德雷·华纳合作,写了《镀金时代》。华纳为其在哈特福特的邻居。 1873.12 《镀金时代》出版。发行者为美国出版公司的勃里斯。 (为美国历史上的一个时代起一个幽默而讽刺的名字,并为世人所认同,尚乏先例——译者) 1874年夏 马克·吐温开始写《汤姆·索亚历险记》,并把《镀金时代》编成剧本。当时是在纽约的埃尔弥拉附近的夸雷农庄。 1876.1 《康涅狄克焦最近的狂欢节上的罪行纪实》在《大西洋月刊》上发表。 1876年夏 马克·吐温开始写《赫克尔贝里·芬历险记》,地点在夸雷农庄。 1876.10 与勃勒特·哈特合作写喜剧《阿星》。十二月完成,但两人的友谊从此难以维持。 1876.12 《汤姆·索亚历险记》由勃里斯出版。时间是在交稿后一年以上,这样就没有能赶上圣诞节的好生意季节。马克·吐温开始考虑换一家出版商出版其著作。 1877.7.31 《阿星》在纽约的“第五条街剧院”演出。五周后停演,演出者在钱财上有亏损。 1877.11 开始写《王子与贫儿》。 1878年春—1879年夏 全家往欧洲旅行,特别是游了德国。为《国外旅游记》收集了材料。 1880.3 《国外旅游记》出版。出版者为美国出版公司的勃里斯。 1881.12 《王子与贫儿》出版。出版者为波士顿的詹姆斯·勒·奥斯谷特。 1882.4 马克·吐温重访密西西比河上,以便为其《密西西比河上的生活》的下半部收集材料。他遍访密西西比河流域,一直到五月底。 1883年夏 马克·吐温在夸雷农庄完成了《赫克尔贝里·芬历险记》的写作。《密西西比河上的生活》由奥斯谷特出版。 1885.2.18 《赫克尔贝里·芬历险记》由惠勃斯特出版公司出版。 1885.3 麻省康谷尔顿的图书委员会称《赫克尔贝里·芬历险记》为“无聊之作,只能供贫民窟阅读”。不得放在书架上,从而开始了禁书的一段历史,其影响直至今日。虽然如此,到五月份时,《赫克》出售了五万一千本。 (按,这样的禁书是个别单位的,并非全国性的——译者) 1885.12 惠勃斯特公司出版了《格兰特回忆录》,格兰特一家收益四十万元, 使得他们能免于破产。马克·吐温也深信自己有经商的天才。 (格兰特将军,1869—1877任总统。格兰特与马克·吐温交谊较深——译者) 1886.1 马克·吐温开始写《在亚瑟王朝的康涅狄克州的美国佬》。 1889.12 《在亚瑟王朝的康涅狄克州的美国佬》由惠勃斯特出版公司出版。 1894.4.16 《汤姆·索亚在国外》由惠勃斯特公司出版。 1894.11 《傻瓜威尔逊》由美国出版公司出版。 1896.5 《冉·达克》由哈泼公司出版。 1896.11 《侦探汤姆.索亚》由哈泼公司出版。 1897.11 《赤道游记》由美国出版公司出版。 1901.2 《致坐在黑暗中的人》在《北美评论》上发表。 (这是马克·吐温反对帝国主义在世界各地实行侵略的名篇——译者) 1910年冬春 马克·吐温健康恶化。 1910.4.21 马克·吐温因狭心症不治逝世。
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Book One: FearBigger Thomas wakes up in a dark, small room at the sound of the alarm clock. He lives in one room with his brother, Buddy, his sister, Vera, and their mother. Suddenly, a rat appears. The room turns into a maelstrom and, after a violent chase, Bigger kills the animal with an iron skillet and terrorizes Vera with the dark body. After Bigger rubs one out, Vera faints and the mother scolds Bigger, who hates his family because they suffer and he cannot do anything about it.That evening, Bigger has to see Mr. Dalton for a new job. Bigger"s family depends on him. He would like to leave his responsibilities forever but when he thinks of what to do, he only sees a blank wall. He walks to the poolroom and meets his friend Gus. Bigger tells him that every time he thinks about whites, he feels something terrible will happen to him. They meet other friends, G. H. and Jack, and plan a robbery. They are afraid of attacking a white man but none of them wants to say so. Before the robbery, Bigger and Jack go to the movies. They are attracted to the world of wealthy whites in the newsreel and feel strangely moved by the tom-toms and the primitive black people in the film. But they feel they do not belong to either of those worlds. After the cinema, Bigger attacks Gus violently. The fight ends any chance of the robbery occurring. Bigger is obscurely conscious that he has done this on purpose.When he finally goes to see Mr. Dalton at his home, Bigger is very afraid, and therefore, also very angry. He does not how to behave in the big house. Mr. Dalton and his blind wife use strange words. They try to be kind to Bigger but they make him very uncomfortable because Bigger does not know what they expect of him. Then their daughter, Mary, enters the room, asks Bigger why he does not belong to a union and calls her father a "capitalist." Bigger does not know that word and is even more confused and afraid to lose the job. After the conversation, Peggy, the irish cook, takes Bigger to his room and tells him that the Daltons are a nice family but that he must avoid Mary"s communist friends. Bigger has never had a room for himself before.That night, he drives Mary around and meets her boyfriend, Jan. Jan and Mary infuriate Bigger because they talk to him, oblige him to take them to the diner where his friends are, invite him to sit at their table, and tell him to call them by their first names. At the diner they buy a bottle of rum. Bigger drives throughout the park, and Jan and Mary drink the rum, and fool around in the back seat. Then Jan and Mary part, but Mary is so drunk that Bigger has to carry her to her bedroom when they arrive home. He is terrified someone will see him with her in his arms, but he cannot resist the temptation of the forbidden and he kisses her.Just then, the bedroom door opens. It is Mrs. Dalton. Bigger knows she is blind but is terrified she will sense him there. He tries to make Mary still by putting the pillow over her head. Mrs. Dalton approaches the bed, smells whiskey in the air, scolds her daughter, and leaves. Just then, Bigger notices that Mary is not breathing anymore. She has suffocated. Bigger starts thinking frantically. He decides he will tell everyone that Jan, the communist, took Mary into the house. Then he thinks it will be better if Mary disappears and everyone thinks she has gone for a visit. In desperation, he decides to burn her body in the house"s furnace. He has to cut her head off in order to fit her into the furnace, but finally manages to put the body inside. He adds extra coal to the furnace, leaves it there to burn, and goes home.Book Two: FlightWhen Bigger talks with his family and meets his friends, he feels different now. The crime gives meaning to his life. When he goes back to the big house, Mr. Dalton notices her daughter"s disappearance and asks Bigger about the night before. Bigger tries to blame Jan. Mr. Dalton sends Bigger home for the day, and Bigger decides to visit his girlfriend, Bessie. Bessie mentions a famous case in which the kidnappers of a child first killed him and then asked for ransom money. Bigger decides to do the same. He tells Bessie that he knows Mary has disappeared and will use that knowledge to get money from the Daltons, but in the conversation he realizes Bessie suspects him of having done something to Mary. Bigger goes back to work. Mr. Dalton has called a private detective, Mr. Britten, and this time, sensing Britten"s racism, Bigger accuses Jan on the grounds of his race (he is Jewish), his political beliefs (communist), and his friendly attitude towards black people. When Britten finds Jan, he puts the boy and Bigger in the same room and confronts them with their conflicting stories. Jan is surprised by Bigger"s story but offers him help.Bigger storms away from the Dalton"s. He decides to write the false kidnap note when he discovers that the owner of the rat-infested flat his family rents is Mr. Dalton. Bigger slips the note under the Dalton"s front door, then returns to his room. When the Daltons receive the note, they contact the police, who take over the investigation from Britten, and journalists soon arrive at the house. Bigger is afraid, but he does not want to leave. In the afternoon, he is ordered to take the ashes out of the stove and make a new fire. He is so terrified that he starts poking the ashes with the shovel until the whole room is full of smoke. Furious, one of the journalists takes the shovel and pushes Bigger aside. He immediately finds the remains of Mary"s bones and an earring in the stove. Bigger flees.Bigger goes directly to Bessie and tells her the whole story. Bessie realizes that white people will think he raped the girl before killing her. They leave together, but Bigger has to drag Bessie around because she is paralyzed by fear. When they lie down together in an abandoned building, Bigger rapes her, and he realizes he will have to kill her. He hits Bessie with a brick several times, and then throws her through a window, into and air shaft, but he forgets that the only money he had was in her pocket, a symbol of her value to him.Bigger runs through the city. He sees newspaper headlines concerning the crime and overhears different conversations about it. Whites call him "ape." Blacks hate him because he has given the whites an excuse for racism. But now he is someone; he feels he has an identity. He will not say the crime was an accident. After a wild chase over the rooftops of the city, the police catch him.Book Three: FateDuring his first few days in prison, Bigger does not eat, drink, or talk to anyone. Then Jan comes to see him. He says Bigger has taught him a lot about black-white relationships and offers him the help of a communist lawyer, Max. In the long hours Max and Bigger pass together, Max learns about the sufferings and feelings of black people and Bigger learns about himself. He starts understanding his relationships with his family and with the world. He acknowledges his fury, his need for a future, and his wish for a meaningful life. He reconsiders his attitudes about white people, whether they are prejudiced, like Britten, or liberal, like Jan.At Bigger"s trial, Max tells the judge that Bigger killed because he was cornered by society from the moment he was born. He tells them that a way to cut the evil sequence of abuse and murder is to sentence Bigger to life in prison and not to death. But the judge apparently does not sympathize and sentences Bigger to the electric chair. In the last scene, while he waits for death, Bigger tells Max, "I didn"t know I was really alive in this world until I felt things hard enough to kill for "em." Bigger then tells him to say "hello" to Jan. For the first time, he calls him "Jan," not "Mister," just as Jan had wanted. This signifies that he finally sees whites as individuals, rather than a looming force. Max then leaves, and Bigger is alone.CharactersMary Dalton: An only child, Mary is a very rich white girl who has far leftist leanings. She is a communist sympathizer recently filmed frolicking with Jan, a known communist party organizer. Consequently, she is trying to abide, for a time, by her parents" wishes and go to Detroit. She is to leave the morning after Bigger is hired as the family chauffeur. Under the ruse of a University meeting, she has Bigger take her to meet Jan. When they return to the house, she is too drunk to make it to her room unassisted and Bigger thus helps her. Mrs. Dalton comes upon them in the room and Bigger smothers her for fear that Mrs. Dalton will discover him. Mary, as a symbol of white America, is destroyed by Bigger, who symbolizes what America hates and fears.Henry Dalton: Father of Mary, he owns a controlling amount of stock in a real estate firm which maintains the black ghetto. Blacks in the ghetto pay too much for rat-infested flats. As Max points out at the inquest, Mr. Dalton refuses to rent flats to black people outside of the designated ghetto area. He does this while donating money to the NAACP, buying ping-pong tables for the local black youth outreach program, and giving people like Bigger a chance at employment. Mr. Dalton"s philanthropy, however, only shows off his wealth while backing up the business practices which contain an already oppressed people. That is, rather than alter the real estate business which he controls, he gives the unemployed youths ping-pong tables to play with. Mr. Dalton is blind to the real plight of blacks in the ghetto, a plight that he maintains.Mrs. Dalton: Mary Dalton"s mother. Her blindness serves to accentuate the motif of racial blindness throughout the story. Both Bigger and Max comment on how people are blind to the reality of race in America. Mrs. Dalton betrays her metaphorical blindness when she meets Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. Dalton hides behind her philanthropy and claims there is nothing she can do for Bigger. She cannot prevent his death nor can she admit to her family"s direct involvement in the creation of the ghetto that created him.Jan Erlone: Jan is a member of the Communist Party as well as the boyfriend of the very rich Mary Dalton. Bigger attempts to frame him for the murder of Mary. Jan, because he has been well versed in material dialecticism (Marxism), takes the event of the murder as an opportunity to face racism. Jan had already been seeking for a way to understand the "negro" so as to organize them along communist lines against the monied people like Mr. Dalton. He is not able to fully do so, but he is able to put aside his personal trauma and persuade Max to help Bigger. He represents the idealistic young Marxist who hopes to save the world through revolution. However, before he can do that, he must understand the "negro" much more than he thinks he does.Gus: Gus is another member of Bigger"s gang, but he has an uneasy relationship with Bigger. Both are aware of the other"s nervous anxiety concerning whites. Consequently, Bigger would rather fight Gus than shoot a white man.Jack Harding: Jack is a member of Bigger"s group of pals and the one Bigger comes closest to viewing as a true friend.Mr. Boris Max: A lawyer from the Communist Party who represents Bigger against the State"s prosecuting attorney. As a Jewish American, he is in a better position to understand Bigger. It is through his speech during the trial that Wright reveals the greater moral and political implications of Bigger Thomas"s life. Even though Mr. Max is the only one who understands Bigger, Bigger still horrifies him by displaying just how damaged white society has made him. When Mr. Max finally leaves Bigger he is aghast at the extent of the brutality of racism in America.Bessie Mears: Bigger"s girlfriend who is murdered by him because he fears she might speak against him. She is representative of all the women in the ghetto, like Bigger"s mother and sister. All these women have the same tired look about their eyes and the same dreary occupations of washing clothes or working in kitchens. Bessie is so tired and depressed by the drudgery of her life that she only wants to drink when not working. Bigger provides drink and she has sex with him, yet there seems to be no love between them. Still, as oppressed as she is, she cannot acquiesce to the murder of Mary. Fearing her inability to sanction the crime, Bigger brings her out with him to hide. He rapes her, bashes her head, and tosses her body into an airshaft.Peggy: Peggy is the Irish-American housekeeper for the Daltons and, like Max, can empathize with Bigger"s status as an "outsider." However, she is more typical of poor whites who are sure to invest in racism if only to keep someone below themselves. Like everyone in the Dalton family, Peggy hides her dislike for blacks and treats Bigger nicely.Bigger Thomas: The protagonist of the novel, Bigger commits two ghastly murders and is put on trial for his life. He is convicted and sentenced to the electric chair. His acts give the novel action but the real plot involves Bigger"s reactions to his environment and his crime. Through it all, Bigger struggles to discuss his feelings, but he can neither find the words to fully express himself nor does he have the time to say them. However, as they have been related through the narration, Bigger—typical of the "outsider" archetype—has finally discovered the only important and real thing: his life. Though too late, his realization that he is alive—and able to choose to befriend Mr. Max—creates some hope that men like him might be reached earlier.Debatable as the final scene is, in which for the first time Bigger calls a white man by his first name, Bigger is never anything but a fa
2023-06-18 20:45:481


The source of the legend of bloodsucking creatures can be traced back to thousands of years ago, in the Mesopotamia civilization, the early ancient Hebrew civilization, ancient Rome civilization myths and legends, have smoked human essence of the devil. But establish the real modern image of the vampire, mainly from eighteenth Century to Eastern Europe oral folk legend summary of editing and publishing.In these legends, the vampire refers to after death can climb out from the grave bloodsucking corpse. In the medical developed conditions, some not truly dead, just shock people were buried, and awakens in time or resurrection and move, be regarded as immortal. The black death period, people in extreme panic situation will produce this kind of continued to campaign for the dead of fear, so like the Nitadt with the infectious plague ability German vampire legend.The image characteristicsThe traditional Eastern European folk legend of the vampire, and modern pop culture in the image is very different. Its features include:The color of skin dark, or purple (often attributed to suction the blood).The body was swollen.Flatulence is often caused by bacteria corruption.Excavated from the coffin, a blood nose.The left eye is usually open.Hair and nails will continue to grow.In fact, the hair and nails continue to grow that after death, mainly because the skin after a man"s death will shrink, cause originally hidden in the body of the hair and nails show outside, caused by the illusion of growth.These characteristics are usually considered on a vampire"s corpse observed.These vampires tend to climb out of the grave, cattle, sheep, or attack the village human.SourceThe traditional Eastern European folklore, become a vampire"s corpse general in his lifetime due to special reasons and died, in different folk legend, the reason is also diverse. For example:Had been a witch.In the Russian folk tale, betrayed the Russian Orthodox Church of the dead.The black cat over the body.Dutch act or criminal.Being attacked and killed by a vampire.In order to prevent these dead may become a vampire, usually for special funeral, for example: face down, buried in the corpse placed the sickle to disperse the intention to occupy the dead bodies of the devil, placed the cross in the body, etc..The coping methodsGarlic. The existence of a large number of corresponding talisman in vampire folklore, its role is to prevent the vampire close. Including the common:Sprinkle mustard seeds or grains on the roof. (this method originates from the folk legend, the vampire several digital OCD.)The Christian Holy Cross, holy water, for example.Legend of the vampire could not cross the river.Although in the early legends, vampires are generally nocturnal, but not about vampire fear sunshine direct description.Through specific methods can be found buried with the vampire may a grave in the cemetery where. For example, observe whether there are holes on the grave. Some let the boy sitting on the prowl in foals cemetery, the horse will stay on the suspect"s grave.When found suspected grave, feature and found the tomb in the bodies of the vampire after need has, through special means of destroying the:DismemberedDecapitation (German and Slavic area)BurnIn the middle ages, the body will dig out, much to the spread of the epidemic period, people think is a vampire in evil. When you find that there is the sign, it can take the body burned to only the bone.Sa ShengshuiIn the mouth in garlic (Romania area)In the heart of the bodies the nail into the wood piles (mainly in Yugoslavia)In Russia is the nail into the mouth, in the Serbia area is the nail into the stomach.The use of ash tree stake Russia area, use white thorn stake in Serbia area.Buried bodies often due to bacterial decomposition of produced gas, resulting in swelling, which was considered to be a vampire. Nailing or dismembered stakes are able to release the gas in the body, resulting in the eradication of the vampire impression. Traditional folk in the burial may become vampires dead, placing objects or iron needles and other sharp sickle on its side, in the folklore is the devil in order to avoid into the bodies of the dead, but in fact played when the body expansion when the prick and release the gas effect.The fear of sun light by habit, modern disposal movie night of the 30 useful ultraviolet lamp irradiation. (but there are also mentioned, so this day not ncessarily.)吸血生物的传说源头可以追溯到数千年前,在早期的美索不达米亚文明、古希伯来文明、古罗马文明等的神话传说中,都有吸食人类精气的魔鬼。但真正现代意义下的吸血鬼形象的建立,主要来自于18世纪时对东欧地区口头流传的民间传说进行汇总编辑出版。在这些传说中,吸血鬼指的是死后能够从坟墓里爬出来吸血的尸体。在医疗不发达的条件下,有些没有真正死亡,只是休克了的人被下葬,而后在苏醒的时候或者复活又动起来,被当成不死的存在。欧洲黑死病流行的时期,在人们极度恐慌的情形下会产生这类对死者继续活动的惧怕,因而出现像尼塔特这种带有传染黑死病能力的德国吸血鬼传说。形象特征传统东欧民间传说中的吸血鬼,和现代流行文化中的形象有很大的不同。其特征包括:皮肤的颜色发暗,或呈紫色(往往被归因于吸过了血)。尸体肿胀。往往是由于细菌造成腐败胀气。从棺材中发掘出来时,口鼻处有血迹。左眼往往是睁开的。头发和指甲会继续生长。实际上,头发和指甲在死后继续生长一说,主要是因为人死后皮肤会收缩,造成原本藏于体内的头发和指甲显露出外面,而造成生长的错觉。这些特征通常在被认为是吸血鬼的尸体上观察到。这些吸血鬼往往会从坟墓中爬出来,袭击牛只、羊群、或者村庄里的人类。来源传统东欧民间传说中,成为吸血鬼的尸体一般在生前因特殊的原因而死去,在不同的民间传说中,原因也多样化。比如:生前是女巫。在俄罗斯民间传说中,背叛了俄罗斯东正教会的死者。被黑猫跳过的尸体。罪犯或自杀的人。被吸血鬼袭击咬死的人。为了防止这些死者可能会变成吸血鬼,一般会进行特殊的葬仪,例如:面朝下埋葬、在尸体旁放置镰刀以驱散意图占据死者尸体的恶魔、在尸体上放置十字架,等等。应对方法  大蒜。在吸血鬼的传说中存在大量对应的避邪物,其作用是防止吸血鬼接近。常见的包括:在屋顶上撒芥末籽或米粒。(这一方法源自民间传说中,吸血鬼有数数字的强迫症。)基督教圣物,比如十字架、圣水。传说吸血鬼不能越过河流。尽管在早期传说中,吸血鬼一般都是在夜间活动,但并没有关于吸血鬼害怕阳光的直接描述。通过特定的方法可以发现墓地中的哪一个坟墓可能埋藏着吸血鬼。比如观察坟墓上是否有洞。也有的让男童坐在马驹上巡行墓地,马会在有嫌疑的坟墓前停留。当发掘有嫌疑的坟墓,并发现坟墓中的尸体具有吸血鬼的特征后,需要通过特殊的手段消灭之:肢解斩首(德国与斯拉夫地区)焚烧在中世纪,会挖尸体出来的,多为流行病的传播期,人们觉得是吸血鬼在作恶。当发现有此迹象时,则会把尸体烧毁至只剩骨骼。洒圣水在嘴里放入大蒜 (罗马尼亚地区)在尸体心脏钉入木桩 (主要在南斯拉夫地区)在俄罗斯是钉入嘴里,在塞尔维亚地区则是钉入胃部。俄罗斯地区使用梣树木桩,塞尔维亚地区使用白荆棘木桩。埋葬的尸体往往因细菌分解产生气体,因而产生肿胀现象,并由此被认为是吸血鬼。钉入木桩或肢解都能够释放出尸体内的气体,造成消灭了吸血鬼的印象。传统民间在埋葬有可能变为吸血鬼的死者时,在其身边放置镰刀或铁针等尖锐的物体,在民俗学上是为了避免恶魔进入死者尸体,但实际上起到了当尸体膨胀时将其戳破并释放气体的作用。利用其惧怕烈日光线的习性,电影恶夜30中有用紫外线灯照射的现代处置法。(但也有部分提到过日行者的出现,所以这点不一定行得通。)
2023-06-18 20:45:451

《简·爱》英文梗概 2OO词

Jane Eyre The orphaned protagonist of the story. When the novel begins, she is an isolated, powerless ten-year-old living with an aunt and cousins who dislike her. As the novel progresses, she grows in strength. She distinguishes herself at Lowood School because of her hard work and strong intellectual abilities. As a governess at Thornfield, she learns of the pleasures and pains of love through her relationship with Edward Rochester. After being deceived by him, she goes to Marsh End, where she regains her spiritual focus and discovers her own strength when she rejects St. John River"s marriage proposal. By novel"s end she has become a powerful, independent woman, blissfully married to the man she loves, Rochester. Edward Fairfax Rochester Jane"s lover; a dark, passionate, brooding man. A traditional romantic hero, Rochester has lived a troubled wife. Married to an insane Creole woman, Bertha Mason, Rochester sought solace for several years in the arms of mistresses. Finally, he seeks to purify his life and wants Jane Eyre, the innocent governess he has hired to teach his foster daughter, Adèle Varens, to become his wife. The wedding falls through when she learns of the existence of his wife. As penance for his transgressions, he is punished by the loss of an eye and a hand when Bertha sets fire to Thornfield. He finally gains happiness at the novel"s end when he is reunited with Jane. Sarah Reed Jane"s unpleasant aunt, who raises her until she is ten years old. Despite Jane"s attempts at reconciliation before her aunt"s death, her aunt refuses to relent. She dies unloved by her children and unrepentant of her mistreatment of Jane. John Reed Jane"s nasty and spoiled cousin, responsible for Jane"s banishment to the red-room. Addicted to drinking and gambling, John supposedly commits suicide at the age of twenty-three when his mother is no longer willing or able to pay his debts. Eliza Reed Another one of Jane"s spoiled cousins, Eliza is insanely jealous of the beauty of her sister, Georgiana. She nastily breaks up Georgiana"s elopement with Lord Edwin Vere, and then becomes a devout Christian. But her brand of Christianity is devoid of all compassion or humanity; she shows no sympathy for her dying mother and vows to break off all contact with Georgiana after their mother"s death. Usefulness is her mantra. She enters a convent in Lisle, France, eventually becoming the Mother Superior and leaving her money to the church. Georgiana Reed Eliza"s and John"s sister, Georgiana is the beauty of the family. She"s also shallow and self-centered, interested primarily in her own pleasure. She accuses her sister, Eliza, of sabotaging her plans to marry Lord Edwin Vere. Like Eliza, she shows no emotion following their mother"s death. Eventually, Georgiana marries a wealthy, but worn-out society man. Bessie Lee The maid at Gateshead who sometimes consoles Jane by telling her entertaining stories and singing her songs. Bessie visits Jane at Lowood, impressed by Jane"s intellectual attainments and ladylike behavior. Bessie marries the coachman, Robert Leaven, and has three children. Mr. Lloyd The kind apothecary who suggests that Jane be sent to school following her horrifying experience in the red-room. His letter to Miss Temple clears Jane of the accusations Mrs. Reed has made against her. Mr. Brocklehurst The stingy, mean-hearted manager of Lowood. He hypocritically feeds the girls at the school starvation-level rations, while his wife and daughters live luxuriously. The minister of Brocklebridge Church, he represents a negative brand of Christianity, one that lacks all compassion or kindness. Helen Burns Jane"s spiritual and intellectual friend at Lowood. Although she is unfairly punished by Miss Scatcherd at Lowood, Helen maintains her poise, partially through her loving friendship with Miss Temple. From Helen, Jane learns tolerance and peace, but Jane can"t accept Helen"s rejection of the material world. Helen"s impressive intellectual attainments inspire Jane to work hard at school. Dying in Jane"s arms, Helen looks forward to peace in heaven and eventual reunion with Jane. Maria Temple The warm-hearted superintendent at Lowood who generously offers the girls bread and cheese when their breakfasts are inedible. An impressive scholar, a model of ladylike behavior and a compassionate person, Miss Temple is a positive role model for Jane. She cares for Jane and Helen, offering them seedcake in her room and providing Helen with a warm, private bed when she is dying. Miss Miller Teacher for the youngest students at Lowood who greets Jane on her first night at the school
2023-06-18 20:45:411

请教:英伦风情 这个词用英语怎么说?

风情: 耗时:0ms 洪恩在线 amorous feelings flirtatious expressions
2023-06-18 20:45:384


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