barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-19 08:18:34









1. We left him there to float off with the tide, and told him to follow the coast.



2. The captain was set adrift by his roguish crew.


3. At last they had to set the ship was set adrift.


4. They were lost at sea, at thethe winds and the waves.

他们在海上遇难了, 在风浪中随波漂流.



adrift_有道词典adrift英 [u0259"dru026aft]美 [u0259"dru026aft]adj. 漂泊的;漂浮着的adv. 随波逐流地;漂浮着更多释义>>[网络短语]Adrift 漫无目的,漂泊,飘流adrift from 漂离,脱离uncontrollably adrift 失控漂流详细用法>>
2023-06-19 04:38:411


问题一:随波逐流,,英语怎么翻译? Trend blindly--盲目的倾向 serve the hour---随波逐流, 趋炎附势 go with the stream---随波逐流, 随大流 get adrift---随波逐流, 脱节 Trend blindly是最恰当的问题二:不要随波逐流用英语怎么说? go against the stream /Don"t go with the stream. Don"t drift with the tide(or current). 随波逐流 drift with the tide(or current)
2023-06-19 04:38:481

目的的单词 目的的单词是什么

目的的单词有:aimless,goal-,adrift,objective,knockout。 目的的单词有:chiropteran,adrift,aimless,knockout,blind。 结构是:目(独体结构)的(左右结构)。 词性是:名词。 拼音是:mù dì。 注音是:ㄇㄨ_ㄉ一_。目的的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】目的mùdì。1._卸团ψ钪找锏降牡氐慊蚓辰纭2._芏返哪勘辍二、引证解释⒈所追求的目标;想达到的境地。引梁启超《中国学术思想变迁之大势》第四章第四节:“惟其政治之目的,则以压制暴威为大戒。”曹禺《雷雨》第四幕:“我知道你是有目的而来的。”郭沫若《洪波曲》第十章三:“十二时半到达目的地点,睡于北土塘的一座极简陋的小学校里。”巴金《寒夜》七:“他无目的地走过三条街,差一点被一辆飞跑下坡的人力车撞到。”三、国语词典想要达到的目标。如:「人生以服务为目的。」词语翻译英语purpose,aim,goal,target,objective,CL:德语Zweck,Absicht法语but,fin四、网络解释目的目的,通常是指行为主体根据自身的需要,借助意识,观念的中介作用,预先设想的行为目标和结果。作为观念形态,反映了人对客观事物的实践关系。人的实践活动以目的为依据,目的贯穿实践过程的始终。关于目的的近义词方针主意主义目标宗旨关于目的的反义词手段关于目的的诗词《领受你美目的青睐》关于目的的诗句南方的水城作为炫目的点缀:一个大红裙子的女人有理由把深井里的水带上地面和为尘世役使的无目的的头脑明与暗的最美妙的色泽在她的仪容和秋波里呈现:耀目的白天只嫌光太强关于目的的成语切近的当漫无目的有的放矢无的放矢关于目的的词语一发破的漫无目的一语破的无的放矢切近的当没有说的众怨之的集矢之的一语中的移的就箭关于目的的造句1、他做这件事并没有不可告人的目的。2、端正学习态度,明确学习目的,学习才有动力。3、我们发展生产的目的是让人民彻底摆脱贫穷,走上富裕道路。4、走这条捷径可以提前到达目的地。5、表扬是鼓励进步的手段,不是目的。点此查看更多关于目的的详细信息
2023-06-19 04:38:551


2023-06-19 04:39:161

莎士比亚既《The Tempest》系讲咩..(10点)

《暴风雨》是莎士比亚全集初版第一对开本里的第一出喜剧。此剧完成于1611年,同年11月在白厅(White Hall)于詹姆士国王御前演出。1613年,莎士比亚的剧团再度受命演出此剧,以庆祝国王的女儿伊莉莎白与斐卓立克成婚。这个剧本载歌载舞,戏剧效果佳,极适合在婚宴上演出。 故事的地点都发生在荒岛上,所有的事情都发生在同一天,然后获得完满结局。《暴》剧故事追溯到幕启前十二年,原为米兰公爵的普洛斯因钻研法术,埋首书堆,荒于政务,把王国转交给弟弟安东尼代管。没想到安东尼是个野心份子,执政一段时日后,就与那不勒斯王联合起来篡夺爵位,然后弃普洛斯和年 *** 儿米兰达于大海上,随后父女两人漂流至荒岛。后来普洛斯盼到最佳时机,当年对不起他的弟弟和那不勒斯王,如今带领一群随行人员往荒岛上驶来。于是他掀起一场暴风雨,以便让两人后悔当年所犯的过错,最后并完成了米兰达的婚事。结局是普洛斯比罗恢复了爵位,宽恕了敌人,返回家园。玄妙的幻想、瑰丽的描写、生动的形象、诗意的背景使此剧成为莎士比亚晚期戏剧艺术的代表。 The sorcerer Prospero rightful Duke of Milan and his daughter Miranda have been stranded for elve years on an island after Prospero"s jealous brother Antonio—helped by Alonso the King of Naples—deposed him and set him adrift with the three-year-old Miranda. Prospero secretly sought the help of Gonzalo and their *** all and shoddy boat had secretly been upgraded to be more than sea worthy it had been supplied with plenty of food and water it had an excellent library and contained surviving material in case the boat capsized. Possessed of magic powers due to his great learning and prodigious library Prospero is reluctantly served by a spirit Ariel whom he had rescued from imprisonment in a tree. Ariel was trapped therein by the African witch Sycorax who had been exiled to the island years before and died prior to Prospero"s arrival; Prospero maintains Ariel"s loyalty by repeatedly promising to release the "airy spirit" from servitude but continually defers that promise to a future date namely at the end of the play. The witch"s son Caliban a deformed monster and the only non-spiritual inhabitant before the arrival of Prospero was initially adopted and raised by the Milanese sorcerer. He taught Prospero how to survive on the island while Prospero and Miranda taught Caliban religion and their own language. Following Caliban"s attempted rape of Miranda he had been pelled by Prospero to serve as the sorcerer"s slave carrying wood and gathering pig nuts. In slavery Caliban has e to view Prospero as a usurper and grown to resent both the magus and his daughter for what he believed to be their betrayal of his trust; Prospero and Miranda in turn view Caliban with contempt and disgust. 以上英文版本只是部份故事的大纲 因为已超越文字限制 故其它部份及人物角色可在下列网站找到 参考: en. *** /wiki/The_Tempest_(play) The Tempest begins on a ship foundering at sea. The rest of the action takes place on an island. Strong evidence suggests that the island Shakespeare had in mind was a fictionalized Mediterranean version of an island in the Bermudas. Published reports about the Bermudas in Shakespeare"s time included an account of the Wreck of the Sea Venture in the Bermudas in 1609; A Discovery of the Bermudas (1610) by Sylvester Jourdain; A True Repertory of the Wracke and Redemption of Sir Thomas Gates upon and from the Islands of the Bermudas (written in 1610 and published in 1625) by William Strachey. The Spanish navigator Juan Bermúdez is credited with discovery of the Bermuda Islands and they first appeared on Spanish maps in 1511. Characters...........................................................................................................Shakespeare Films on DVD VHS . Prospero: Rightful Duke of Milan. With his daughter he had been set adrift by his evil brother to die but provisions provided secretly by his friend Gonzalo enable him and his daughter to reach a mysterious island. There Prospero practices magic and rules the island and its inhabitants for 12 years. When a ship carrying his brother and other high officials of Naples–including the king–sails a course near the island Prospero conjures a powerful tempest that blows the ship to his island. Antonio: Prospero"s brother. He illegally seized Prospero"s dukedom. After the tempest drives the ship carrying him and Alonso the King of Naples to Prospero"s island Antonio conspires against the king. conspired against Prospero to who is the usurping Duke of Milan. Miranda: Fifteen-year-old daughter of Prospero. She has lived with her father on his island since she was three years old and has never seen a man except for her father and the half-human Caliban. The name Miranda is derived from the Latin word mirandus meaning wonderful strange and admired. Alonso: King of Naples. He helped Antonio oust Prospero as Duke of Milan. However after arriving at Prospero"s island he exhibits genuine remorse for his reprehensible treatment of Prospero. Sebastian: Brother of the king. Ferdinand: Son of the King of Naples. Gonzalo: Honest old counselor and friend of Prospero. Ariel: Spirit of the air on the magical island who serves Prospero. Ariel first served a witch Sycorax who imprisoned him in a recess of a pine tree after he refused to do her bidding. He remained there to suffer great torment for elve years during which time Sycorax died. Upon his arrival on the island Prospero freed Ariel but bound the sprite to his service. Ariel possesses protean power enabling him to alter his appearance instantly. He can also travel to any part of the island in a split-second. Adrian Francisco: Lords. Trinculo: Jester. Stephano: Drunken butler. Caliban: Savage half-man who serves as a slave on Prospero"s island. He is the son of a witch Sycorax. Caliban believes he is the rightful ruler of Prospero"s island having inherited it from his mother. Iris Ceres Juno: Goddesses presented by the spirits. In classical mythology Iris was a messenger goddess and goddess of the rainbow. Ceres was the goddess of agriculture and Juno was the queen of the gods. Nymphs Reapers: Dancers Master of the Ship Boatswain Mariners Spirits 参考: cummingsstudyguides/xTempest
2023-06-19 04:39:241

关于托福TPO5 第二篇阅读的问题:求详细分析下面的句子成分

有些人认为玻利尼西亚人是因在海上迷失方向或因海上漂流而在太平洋的许多岛屿偶然定居下来的,与此相反,认为这些人是怀着殖民的期望,带着充足的食物与本国的动植物特意前往这些岛屿,也许是更为合理的观点。句子成分分析:(1)Contrary to引导一个短语,与主句it seems reasonable....构成对比关系,这是句子的整体结构;(2)在contrary to引导的短语中,the arguments of some,名词词组,受其后that引导的定语从句的修饰,其中the arguments of some,意为the arguments of some people(有人认为);(3)主句it seems reseasonable that......中,第一个that引导主语从句,主语从句中expenditions后的that引导一个定语从句,修饰限定expeditions。个人如此理解,仅供参考。
2023-06-19 04:39:452


2023-06-19 04:39:521


2023-06-19 04:40:251


2023-06-19 04:40:352


2023-06-19 04:40:551


2023-06-19 04:41:065

Barenaked Ladies的《Adrift》 歌词

歌曲名:Adrift歌手:Barenaked Ladies专辑:Barenaked Ladies Are MeJack Johnson - AdriftYour voice is adriftI can"t expect it to sing to meAs if I was the only oneI"ll follow youThe leaf that"s following the sunWhen will my weight be too much for you?When will these ideas really be my own?Cause this moment keeps on movingWe were never meant to hold onThis was a scene worth waking up forWhen I woke upYou planted me in my own bodyDon"t know whyBut somehow it just feels so wrongWhen you said I will be lonelyWhen your eyes again on become the sunAnd I will shine down upon youAs if u were the only oneYour voice is your own, I can"t protect itYou"ll have to singA verse no one has ever knownDon"t be afraidCause no one ever sings aloneYou weight will never be too much for meYour ideas have always be your ownThis moment keeps on movingWe were never meant to hold on
2023-06-19 04:41:401


副词漂浮的,浮动的,移动的英语解释borne up by or suspended in a liquidnot definitely committed to a party or policy(of a part of the body) not firmly connected; movable or out of normal positioninclined to move or be moved aboutcontinually changing especially as from one abode or occupation to anotherthe act of someone who floats on the water相似短语floating zero floating zero 【计】 浮动零点floating anchor n.浮锚,海锚floating axle n. 浮轴floating dock n. 浮动船坞floating address 浮动地址,可变地址floating ball 浮球floating bricks 莱茵式砖floating buffer 浮动缓冲区floating chemicals 浮选剂floating coupling 浮动式接头,浮动式联轴节相似单词floating a. 漂浮的,浮动的,移动的floating potential 漂移电位floating test car 浮动试验车free floating a.1.(人)独立的2.(感情等)无具体对象的3.可自由活动的 同义参见: adriftfloating moss n. 槐叶萍属floating point 浮点floating point sign 【计】 浮点符号
2023-06-19 04:42:451


2023-06-19 04:43:111


2023-06-19 04:43:361

you light up my life中文歌词

2023-06-19 04:43:441

Soundgarden的《Rowing》 歌词

歌曲名:Rowing歌手:Soundgarden专辑:King AnimalSoundgarden - Rowing.Don""t know where I""m going, I just keep on rowingI just keep on pulling, gotta rowDon""t know where I""m going, I just keep on rowingI just keep on pulling, gotta row.Moving is breathing and breathing is lifeStopping is dying, you""ll be alrightLife is a hammer waiting to dropAdrift in the shallows and the rowing won""t stop.Don""t know where I""m going, I just keep on rowingI just keep on pulling, gotta rowDon""t know where I""m going, I just keep on rowingI just keep on pulling, gotta row.Can""t see the sky, nothing on the horizonCan""t feel my hands and the water keeps risingCan""t fall asleep cause I""ll wake up deadI just keep pulling, I just keep rolling.Don""t know where I""m going, I just keep on rowingI just keep on pulling, gotta rowDon""t know where I""m going don""t know where I""mI just keep on rowing, I just keep on pulling, gotta row.Rowing is living and living is hardBut living beats losing all that we areAnd all that we know of and all that we feelAnd all we remember imagined or realAll we remember imagined or real.I heard an echo but the answer had changedFrom the word I remember that I started out sayingLiving is cheating if you""re not pulling oarsBut the current is leaving, I""ll get mine, you""ll get yours.Don""t know where I""m going, I just keep on rowingI just keep on pulling, gotta rowDon""t know where I""m going, I just keep on rowingI just keep on pulling, gotta row.Rowing is bleeding and bleeding is breathingBreathing is feeling burning and freezingKeep getting dirty but I started out cleanI keep on rowing, I keep on rowingI keep on pulling, I keep on pullingI keep on rowing, I keep on rowingI keep on rowing, I keep on rowingI keep on rollingKeep on rolling.Don""t know where I""m going, I just keep on rowingI just keep on pulling, gotta rowDon""t know where I""m going, I just keep on rowingI just keep on pulling, gotta rowDon""t know where I""m going, I just keep on rowingI just keep on pulling, gotta rowDon""t know where I""m going, I just keep on rowingI just keep on pulling, gotta row.
2023-06-19 04:43:501


2023-06-19 04:43:582


  背诵 英语 短语 时,你是否喜欢远离喧嚣到安静的地方去呢?下面就由我为大家带来远离的英语短语词组,希望大家能有所收获。   远离的英语(短语篇)   1. 远离 keep away from   2. 远离 far from   3. 远离 far away from   4. 远离 be away from   5. 远离家园 Far Away From Home   6. 远离尘世 far from the madding crowd   7. 远离阳光 staying out of the sun   8. 远离压力 Away From Stress   9. 远离喧嚣 Stay away from noisy   10. 远离尘埃 Make the world go away   11. 远离香烟 Give up Smoking ;   12. 远离焦虑 Let Go of Your Anxieties   远离的英语( 句子 篇)   1、他远离人群。   1、He stood aloof from the crowd.   偏远的远离活动中心的;偏远的   2、Distant from a center of activity; remote.   腹地远离城区的地区,偏僻地区   3、A region remote from urban areas; backcountry.   没有人能够完全远离这个竞争社会。   4、Nobody can entirely keep away from this competitive world.   男孩说。「我想要一艘船,可以载我远离此地。   5、I want a boat that will take me far away from here.   炼铝厂的厂址将进一步远离消费者。   6、The location of smelters will move further away from the consumer.   客人停车的位置远离入口和集装箱上货区吗?   7、Is vistitor parking away from entrances and docks?   我的房子远离市区。   8、My house is far away from downtown.   远离大都市或 文化 中心的地区   9、A region situated beyond metropolitan centers of culture.   far away from one"s native village;   10、远离家乡   live far away from here;   11、居住在远离这儿的地方   The girl kept herself timidly aloof from the crowd.   12、这小女孩在晚会上一直胆怯地远离人群。   远离的英语(例句篇)   1. He spends his spare time visiting schools to warn pupils off drugs.   他用自己的业余时间访问学校,告诫小学生远离毒品。   2. I was anxious to get him here, away from family and friends.   我急于把他带到这儿,远离家人和朋友。   3. He continues to insulate his country from the contagion of foreign ideas.   他继续使本国远离外来思想的侵袭。   4. Keep away from the doors while the train is moving.   列车运行过程中要远离车门。   5. Tourists can visit outlying areas like the Napa Valley Wine Country.   游客可以前往像纳帕谷酒乡这样远离城市喧嚣的地方游览。   6. They sat in a corner, away from other diners.   他们坐在一个角落里,远离其他进餐者。   7. I shall conceal myself at a safe distance from the battlefield.   我会躲在一个远离战场的安全地带。   8. I will hold myself aloof from wrong and corruption.   我会让自己远离错误和腐败。   9. I am trying to recreate family life far from home.   我正试图在远离家园的地方重建家庭生活。   10. Television may actually be distancing the public from the war.   电视实际上可能让公众远离战争。   11. He has kept his wife and daughter out of the public eye.   他一直让妻子和女儿远离公众视线。   12. They were beyond the last straggling suburbs now.   他们现在已经远离了最远的零星分布的郊区了。   13. She had been cut adrift from everything she had known.   她远离了她所熟知的一切.   14. When good folks meet, evil men keep their distance.   好人相逢, 恶人远离.   15. People should keep away from the radioactive waste.
2023-06-19 04:44:062

gabrielle sunshine 的英文歌词

歌词:Made a wishI can dreamI can be what i want to beNot afraidTo live lifeAnd fulfill my fantasiesI learnt a lot of tricks to help me live my lifeYou helped me find my paradiseWhen you came you were like(chorus: sunshine through my windowThat"s what you are, my shining starSunshine)Making me feel i"m on top of the worldTelling me i"ll go far)Reaching out, for new heightsYou inspired me to tryFelt the magic insideAnd felt that i could flyI"m looking at the world in an optimistic lightYou made me appreciate my lifeCause when you came you were like(chorus)You are the calm, when i am the stormYou are the breeze, that carries me onWhen i set adrift, you anchor meYou"re there for me
2023-06-19 04:44:252


2023-06-19 04:44:321

有一首歌 歌词里有我爱你 还带有英文歌词 歌是粤语的

有一首歌 歌词里有我爱你 还带有英文歌词 歌是粤语的 歌名:放生 歌手:关心妍 作词:李峻一 作曲:李峻一 编曲:billy chan 专辑:《jade forward》 歌词: jade forward 热情淡了吗 想抽身了吗 聊电话也泄气了吗 旧承诺应不假 却忍不到闷吧 惦记当天处处鲜花 互缠着到老 不死都疲劳 还是跟你痛快结束 为承诺守得到 拍拖都变义务 没法稀罕你这情操 去吧 犹如候鸟飞走吧 未奢想你迷途知返 自由来换失恋那代价 你真的相信值得吗 是我太过爱你 愿意放生你 无谓你抱阵我也这么的晦气 我亦算知丑 无谓强迫你 难道要我对着你句句要生要死 就当爱错了你 就当放生你 无谓你说话里有这么多怨气 我就放开手 无谓再忍你 明白放过你是放过自己这个道理 胡缠着到老 不死也疲劳 还是跟你痛快结束 为承诺守得到 拍拖都变义务 无法稀罕你这情操 去吧 犹如候鸟飞走吧 未奢想你迷途知返 自由来换失恋那代价 你真的相信值得吗 是我太过爱你 愿意放生你 无谓你抱阵我也这么的晦气 我亦算知丑 无谓强迫你 难道要我对着你句句要生要死 就当爱错了你 就当放生你 无谓你说话里有这么多怨气 我就放开手 无谓再忍你 明白放过你是放过自己这个道理 是我太过爱你 愿意放生你 无谓你抱阵我也这么的晦气 我亦算知丑 无谓强迫你 难道要我对着你句句要生要死 就当爱错了你 就当放生你 无谓你说话里有这么多怨气 我就放开手 无谓再忍你 明白放过你是放过自己这个道理 有一首英文歌词里有letmegohome 歌名:Home 演唱:Michael Buble Another summer day Has e and gone away In Paris or Rome But I wanna go home Uhm May be surrounded by A million people I Still feel all alone Just wanna go home I miss you, you know And I"ve been keeping all the letters That I wrote to you Each one a line or o I"m fine baby, how are you? I would send them but I know that It"s just not enough My words were cold and flat And you deserve more than that Another aeroplane Another sunny place I"m lucky I know But I wanna go home I got to go home Let me go home I"m just too far from where you are I wanna e home And I feel just like I"m living Someone else"s life It"s like I just stepped outside When everything was going right And I know just why You could not e along with me This was not your dream But you always believed in me Another winter day Has e and gone away In either Paris or Rome And I wanna go home Let me go home And I"m surrounded by A million people I I still feel alone Let me go home I miss you, you know Let me go home I"ve had my run Baby I"m done I gotta go home Let me go home It"ll all be alright I"ll be home tonight I"m ing back home 哪首歌里有让我爱你的英文歌词 电影《怦然心动》片尾曲《Let It Be Me》:让我爱你 歌词: I bless the day I found you. 感谢上天上我遇到你 I want to stay aroud you. 我想和你一起厮守 Now and forever不管天荒地老 let it be me 让我爱着你 don"t take this heaven from one 不要让我的梦想破灭 if you must cling to someone 如果你真的需要温暖怀抱 Now and forever不管天荒地老 let it be me 让我爱着你 each time we meet love当生命中出现爱 i find plete love 那一定是完整的爱 without you sweet love没有你的甜美笑容 oh,what would life be 我的生活将暗无天日 so never leave me lonely 请不要离开我 say that you love me only 说你只爱我一人 and that you"ll always 并且你会永远 let it be me 让我爱着你 say you"ll always 并且你会永远 let it be me 让我爱着你 歌词里有 becsuse you happy的英文歌 还有一首歌词里tour bus…两首歌风格挺 Wild Wild Web - John The Whistler It"s a wild wild web It"s a wild wild web It"s a wild wild web It"s a wild wild web when you feel lost inside the wild wild web where there"s nothing to hide on the wild wild web please tell me where I"ll find virtual reality of your *** ile It"s a changing world that we"re living today (It"s a wild wild web, It"s a wild wild web) If you need a girl there"s a very new way (It"s a wild wild web, It"s a wild wild web) You"re chatting all alone on the web, declaring all your love on the It"s a wild wild web when you feel lost inside the wild wild web where there"s nothing to hide on the wild wild web please tell me where I"ll find virtual reality of your *** ile (It"s a wild wild web, It"s a wild wild web) (It"s a wild wild web, It"s a wild wild web) (It"s a wild wild web, It"s a wild wild web) From my bottom I prefer the old-fashion way When to flirt with a girl you just go for a date but all I gotta view is your mail, so stay connected just don"t run away. It"s a wild wild web when you feel lost inside the wild wild web where there"s nothing to hide on the wild wild web please tell me where I"ll find virtual reality of your *** ile It"s a wild wild web when you feel lost inside the wild wild web where there"s nothing to hide on the wild wild web please tell me where I"ll find virtual reality of your *** ile it"s a changing world that we"re living today (It"s a wild wild web, It"s a wild wild web) If you need a girl there"s a very new way (It"s a wild wild web, It"s a wild wild web) You"re chatting all alone on the web, declaring all your love on the It"s a wild wild web when you feel lost inside the wild wild web where there"s nothing to hide on the wild wild web please tell me where I"ll find virtual reality of your *** ile From my bottom I prefer the old-fashion way When to flirt with a girl you just go for a date but all I gotta view is your mail, so stay connected just don"t run away. It"s a wild wild web when you feel lost inside the wild wild web where there"s nothing to hide on the wild wild web please tell me where I"ll find virtual reality of your *** ile (It"s a wild wild web, It"s a wild wild web) (It"s a wild wild web, It"s a wild wild web) It"s a wild wild web when you feel lost inside the wild wild web where there"s nothing to hide on the wild wild web please tell me where I"ll find virtual reality of your *** ile Now I hope that some day we will be meeting for real. And we talk and we laugh having some Indian meal I hope that ****** time at last "cause Gs I found are most just too fast It"s a wild wild web when you feel lost inside the wild wild web where there"s nothing to hide on the wild wild web please tell me where I"ll find virtual reality of your *** ile (It"s a wild wild web, It"s a wild wild web) (It"s a wild wild web, It"s a wild wild web) (It"s a wild wild web, It"s a wild wild web) It"s a wild wild web when you feel lost inside the wild wild web where there"s nothing to hide on the wild wild web please tell me where I"ll find virtual reality of your *** ile 英文歌,歌词里有阳光我爱你 Boomerang-Nicole Scherzinger The world spit me out, 我被这世界唾弃 And now we"re spinning around, 于天空中盘旋 Lost in a free fall. 毫无方向的坠落 Forever going down, 不停地下降, And breaking through the ground, 直到坠毁于地面上 When I thought I reached the end, 当我以为这已经结束时, I start to fall again. 其实我的厄运才刚开始 But I was taught, 但有人教我 To never surrender, 永远不要放弃, When it"s hard to get up, 尤其当你面对困境时 Gonna fight "til I can stand and say. 也要抗争到底,直到站起来并且说: Oh, you can turn me down, 哦~你可以撂倒我, You can throw me now, 可以扔开我 The harder out, the harder I e back around. 越是打击我,我越是能够回来再次战斗 You can break my heart, 你可以伤害我的心, But you can"t scratch my name, 但你无法抹杀掉我的名字 I can take the hit cause I"m a boomerang. 我可以承受这一切,因为我是个回力镖 Oh, woah, oh woah, oh woah I"m a boomerang. 哦~~我是个回力镖 哦~~我是个回力镖 Oh, woah, oh woah, oh woah I"m a boomerang. 哦~~我是个回力镖 哦~~我是个回力镖 Now I"m 10 feet tall, 如今我站得比谁都高, All my problems feel so *** all, 那些麻烦事感觉如此渺小 Nothing in my way to make me change, 没有任何事可以因此改变我 No ceiling to my sky, 我头上是无垠的天际, Just open space to fly, 尽管展翅翱翔 Everytime I"m feeling down, 每当我感觉到失落, I turn it back around. 我就会把一切重新开始 But I was taught, 但有人教我 To never surrender, 永远不要放弃, When it"s hard to get up, 尤其当你面对困境时 Gonna fight "til I can stand and say. 也要抗争到底,直到站起来并且说: Oh, you can turn me down, 哦~你可以撂倒我, You can throw me now, 可以扔开我 The harder out, the harder I e back around. 越是打击我,我越是能够回来再次战斗 You can break my heart, 你可以伤害我的心, But you can"t scratch my name, 但你无法抹杀掉我的名字 I can take the hit cause I"m a boomerang. 我可以承受这一切,因为我是个回力镖 Oh, woah, oh woah, oh woah I"m a boomerang. 哦~~我是个回力镖 哦~~我是个回力镖 Oh, woah, oh woah, oh woah I"m a boomerang. 哦~~我是个回力镖 哦~~我是个回力镖 Even though I"m flying high, 纵使我飞得再高, The sky can change one day, 但天有不测风云 I can hit some turbulence, 我会遇到一些麻烦事, But who I am is never gonna change, 但我这个人是永远不会改变我的目标的, Cause I"m a boomerang. 因为我是回力镖 Cause I"m a boomerang. 因为我是回力镖 Cause I"m a boomerang. 因为我是回力镖 Oh, you can turn me down, 哦~你可以撂倒我, You can throw me now, 可以扔开我 The harder out, the harder I e back around. 越是打击我,我越是能够回来再次战斗 You can break my heart, 你可以伤害我的心, But you can"t scratch my name, 但你无法抹杀掉我的名字 I can take the hit cause I"m a boomerang. 我可以承受这一切,因为我是个回力镖 Oh, woah, oh woah, oh woah I"m a boomerang. 哦~~我是个回力镖 哦~~我是个回力镖 Oh, woah, oh woah, oh woah I"m a boomerang. 哦~~我是个回力镖 哦~~我是个回力镖 有一首英文歌 歌词里有 flaws Rolling In the Deep Adele There"s a fire starting in my heart Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark Finally I can see you crystal clear Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare See how I leave with every piece of you Don"t underestimate the things that I will do There"s a fire starting in my heart Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark The scars of your love remind me of us They keep me thinking that we almost had it all The scars of your love they leave me breathless I can"t help feeling We could have had it all Rolling in the Deep Your had my heart Inside of your hand And you played it To the beat (Rolling in the deep) Baby I have no story to be told But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn Think of me in the depths of your despair Making a home down there as mine sure won"t be shared The scars of your love remind you of us They keep me thinking that we almost had it all The scars of your love they leave me breathless I can"t help feeling We could have had it all Rolling in the Deep Your had my heart inside of your hand And you played it To the beat Could have had it all Rolling in the deep You had my heart inside of your hand But you played it with your beating Throw yourself through ever open door Count your blessings to find what look for Turn my sorrow into treasured gold And pay me back in kind- You reap just what you sow We could have had it all We could have had it all yeah It all It all It all We could have had it all Rolling in the deep You had my heart inside of your hand And you played it to the beat We could have had it all Rolling in the deep You had my heart Inside of your hand But you played it You played it You played it You played it to the beat 有一首英文歌歌词里带有……tnt light up…… So many nights I"d sit by my window多少个今晚,我独坐窗前 Waiting for someone to sing me his song等著某人为我歌唱 So many dreams I kept deep inside me多少个梦里,我深藏自己 Alone in the dark but now you"ve e along独自在黑暗中,但而今有你相伴 And you light up my life是你照亮了我的生命 You give me hope to carry on给我活下去的希望 You light up my days 是你点燃我的日子 and fill my nights with song用歌声填满黑夜 Rollin" at sea, adrift on the water沉浮于海中,随波逐流 Could it be finally I"m turnin" for home?这一切将会结束,我正掉头返航 Finally a chance to say "Hey, I love you"终于有机会说:“嘿,我爱你!” Never again to be all alone再也不会孤单一人 It can"t be wrong不会是个错误 When it feels so right当感觉如此完美 "cause you, you light up my life因为,是你照亮了我的生命 关于一首粤语歌,歌词中有英文歌词 Everyday Everyday... 侧田-无限大 有一首歌歌词里有tick-tok,不是歌名,是一首英文歌 你确定是英文歌吗 德文歌我知道两首带tick tack的 一首是peter fox的 Sekundenschlaf 一首是rammstein乐队的 zwitter 汪苏泷的歌词里边带有宝贝我爱你的英文歌词的歌名是哪首歌 Apologize - Timbaland i"m holding on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground i"m hearin what you say but i just can"t make a sound you tell me that you need me then you go and cut me down, but wait you tell me that you"re sorry didn"t think i"d turn around, and say... it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late i said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late i"d take another chance, take a fall take a shot for you and i need you like a heart needs a beat but it"s nothin new i loved you with a fire red- now it"s turning blue, and you say... "sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you but i"m afraid... it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late i said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late bridge (guitar piano) it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late i said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late it"s too late to apologize, yeah i said it"s too late to apologize, yeah- i"m holdin on yo
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含有light up light up的那首英文歌叫什么名字啊

light the light up
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荷塘月色 朱自清 这几天心里颇不宁静。今晚在院子里坐着乘凉,忽然想起日日走过的荷塘,在这满月的光里,总该另有一番样子吧。月亮渐渐地升高了,墙外马路上孩子们的欢笑,已经听不见了;妻在屋里拍着闰儿,迷迷糊糊地哼着眠歌。我悄悄地披了大衫,带上门出去。 沿着荷塘,是一条曲折的小煤屑路。这是一条幽僻的路;白天也少人走,夜晚更加寂寞。荷塘四周,长着许多树,蓊蓊郁郁的。路的一旁,是些杨柳,和一些不知道名字的树。没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有些怕人。今晚却很好,虽然月光也还是淡淡的。 路上只我一个人,背着手踱着。这一片天地好像是我的;我也像超出了平常的自己,到了另一个世界里。我爱热闹,也爱冷静;爱群居,也爱独处。像今晚上,一个人在这苍茫的月下,什么都可以想,什么都可以不想,便觉是个自由的人。白天里一定要做的事,一定要说的话,现在都可不理。这是独处的妙处,我且受用这无边的荷香月色好了。 曲曲折折的荷塘上面,弥望的是田田的叶子。叶子出水很高,像亭亭的舞女的裙。层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星,又如刚出浴的美人。微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。这时候叶子与花也有一丝的颤动,像闪电般,霎时传过荷塘的那边去了。叶子本是肩并肩密密地挨着,这便宛然有了一道凝碧的波痕。叶子底下是脉脉的流水,遮住了,不能见一些颜色;而叶子却更见风致了。 月光如流水一般,静静地泻在这一片叶子和花上。薄薄的青雾浮起在荷塘里。叶子和花仿佛在牛乳中洗过一样;又像笼着轻纱的梦。虽然是满月,天上却有一层淡淡的云,所以不能朗照;但我以为这恰是到了好处——酣眠固不可少,小睡也别有风味的。月光是隔了树照过来的,高处丛生的灌木,落下参差的斑驳的黑影,峭楞楞如鬼一般;弯弯的杨柳的稀疏的倩影,却又像是画在荷叶上。塘中的月色并不均匀;但光与影有着和谐的旋律,如梵婀玲上奏着的名曲。 荷塘的四面,远远近近,高高低低都是树,而杨柳最多。这些树将一片荷塘重重围住;只在小路一旁,漏着几段空隙,像是特为月光留下的。树色一例是阴阴的,乍看像一团烟雾;但杨柳的丰姿,便在烟雾里也辨得出。树梢上隐隐约约的是一带远山,只有些大意罢了。树缝里也漏着一两点路灯光,没精打采的,是渴睡人的眼。这时候最热闹的,要数树上的蝉声与水里的蛙声;但热闹是他们的,我什么也没有。 忽然想起采莲的事情来了。采莲是江南的旧俗,似乎很早就有,而六朝时为盛;从诗歌里可以约略知道。采莲的是少年的女子,她们是荡着小船,唱着艳歌去的。采莲人不用说很多,还有看采莲的人。那是一个热闹的季节,也是一个风流的季节。梁元帝《采莲赋》里说得好: 于是妖童媛女,荡舟心许;鷁首徐回,兼传羽杯;欋将移而藻挂,船欲动而萍开。尔其纤腰束素,迁延顾步;夏始春余,叶嫩花初,恐沾裳而浅笑,畏倾船而敛裾。 可见当时嬉游的光景了。这真是有趣的事,可惜我们现在早已无福消受了。 于是又记起《西洲曲》里的句子:采莲南塘秋,莲花过人头;低头弄莲子,莲子清如水。 今晚若有采莲人,这儿的莲花也算得“过人头”了;只不见一些流水的影子,是不行的。这令我到底惦着江南了。——这样想着,猛一抬头,不觉已是自己的门前;轻轻地推门进去,什么声息也没有,妻已睡熟好久了。 TheMoonlit Lotus Pond Zhu Ziqing These past few days I have beenexceedingly restless. This evening, as I sat in my courtyard enjoying the coolnight air, I suddenly thought of the lotus pond along which I was used totaking daily walks, and I imagined that it must look quite different under thelight of this full moon. Slowly the moon climbed in the sky, and beyond thewall the laughter of children playing on the road could no longer be heard. Mywife was inside patting Run"er* as she hummed a faint lullaby. I gently threw awrap over my shoulders and walked out, closing the gate behind me. Bordering the pond is a meanderinglittle cinder path. It is a secluded path; during the day few people use it,and at night it is even lonelier. There are great numbers of trees growing onall sides of the lotus pond, lush and fertile. On one side of the path thereare some willow trees and several varieties of trees whose names I do not know.On moonless nights this path is dark and forbidding, giving one an eeriefeeling. But this evening it was quite nice, even though the rays of the moonwere pale. Finding myself alone on the path, I folded my hands behind me andstrolled along. The stretch of land and sky that spread out before me seemed tobelong to me, and I could transcend my own experience and enter another world.I love noise, but I also love quiet; I love crowds, but I also love seclusion.On a night like tonight, all alone under this vast expanse of moonlight, I canthink whatever I wish, or think of nothing if I wish. I feel myself to be atruly free man. The things I must do and the words I must say during thedaytime I need not concern myself with now; this is an exquisite secluded spot,a place where I can enjoy the limitless fragrance of the lotuses and the lightof the moon. On the surface of the winding andtwisting lotus pond floated an immense field of leaves. The leaves lay high inthe water, rising up like the skirts of a dancing girl. Amid the layers ofleaves white blossoms adorned the vista, some beguilingly open and othersbashfully holding their petals in. Just like a string of bright pearls or starsin a blue sky, or like lovely maidens just emerging from their bath. A gentlebreeze floated by, bringing with it waves of a crisp fragrance like strains ofa vague melody sent over from distant towering buildings. When that happened,the leaves and blossoms trembled briefly, as though a bolt of lightning hadstreaked across the lotus pond. The leaves themselves were densely crowdedtogether, pushing back and forth, and they seemed to be a cresting wave ofsolid green. Beneath the leaves restrained currents of water flowed, imprisonedbeneath them, the color forever hidden, while the stirrings of the leaves wereeven more pronounced. The moon"s rays were like flowingwaters, gently depositing their moisture on the layer of leaves and blossoms. Alight green mist floated just above the lotus pond. The leaves and blossomslooked as though they had been bathed in milk, or like a blurred dream swathedin airy gauze. Although the moon was full, a light covering of clouds in thesky prevented it from shining brightly; yet I had the pleasant feeling that Ihad come to a fine spot. For just as one cannot do without deep slumber, stilla light sleep has its own delights. The moon"s rays filtered down through thetrees, and dark, uneven shadows of varying shades were cast by the densefoliage on the high ground, perilously dark and spooky. The bewitching shadowscast by the sparse, twisted willow trees seemed to be painted on the lotusleaves. The moonlight on the pond was spread unevenly, but the rays and theshadows were a concert of harmony, like a celebrated tune played on a violin. On all sides of the lotus pond, farand near, on high ground and low, there are trees, most of them willows. Thesetrees completely envelop the whole of the lotus pond; only by the side of thepath are there gaps, here and there showing through, seemingly left there justso the moon can shine in. The colors of the trees are uniformly dark. At firstglance, they resemble a bank of fog and mist, but the slender, graceful formsof the willows can still be distinguished in that fog and mist. Above thetreetops a row of mountains can be seen ever so indistinctly, just the hint oftheir shapes, while one or two faint glimmers of roadside lamps seep throughthe openings of the branches, appearing like the weary eyes of a tired man. Nowthe spot was at its noisiest, if you count the chirping of cicadas in the treesand the croaking of frogs in the water. But the noise was theirs alone; I addednothing to it. All of a sudden, I was reminded oflotus gathering. The gathering of lotuses is an old custom south of theYangtze, whose origins probably date from very early on but that flourishedduring the Six Dynasty period. This we know from the poems and ballads of thetime. The lotus gatherers were young maidens who drifted in small boats andsang their songs of love. It goes without saying that there were great numbersof lotus gatherers as well as those who came to watch them, for that was afestive and a romantic occasion. “The Lotus Gatherers” by Emperor Yuan of theLiang Dynasty tells it well: Princely lads and alluring maidens Adrift in a boat, their hearts inaccord; The boat"s prow describes a slowturn As they exchange wine cups; The oars become intertwined, And the boat moves across the floatingduckweed; The maidens with their slenderwaists simply bound Cast glances behind them. Summer begins where the springleaves off; The leaves are tender, the flowersin bloom. Protecting their dresses from thedampness, smiles adorning their faces, They gather up their skirts, takingcare not to capsize the boat. This paints for us a picture of thepleasant excursions of those days. They must have been truly memorable events; itis a pity that we can no longer enjoy such pastimes. I then recalled the lines from “Tune of the West Isle”. Gathering lotuses at Nantang in thefall, The lotus blossoms rise above ourheads. Bending over to pluck the lotusseeds, Lotus seeds as transparent as thewater. If tonight there were lotusgatherers, the lotus blossoms here too would “rise above their heads.” But itis not enough to have before me only these rippling shadows. All of thisstirred up in me a sense of longing for the South. With these thoughts in mymind, I suddenly raised my head and found that my steps had carried me to myown gate; I softly pushed it open and entered. I was greeted by completesilence; my wife had long since fallen fast asleep.
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2023-06-19 04:46:201


  目的地就是想要达到的地方。例句:他们跋涉在遥远的旅途上,终于到达预定的目的地。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。   目的地的英语说法1:   destination   目的地的英语说法2:   whither   目的地的英语说法3:   terminus   目的地的相关短语:   目的地卸货费 destination delivery charge   目的地交货费 destination delivery charge   目的地程式码 destination code   目的地的英语例句:   1. His destination was Chobham mon, a long way from his Cotswold home.   他的目的地是乔伯姆公地,那里和他在科茨沃尔德的家离得很远。   2. Armstrong was boxed in with 300 metres to go.   阿姆斯特朗在离目的地还有300米的地方被堵住不能动弹。   3. You"vebeen drifting from job to job without any real mitment.   你一直在无目的地更换工作,从未真正投入进去。   4. St Lucia is still mercifully undeveloped as a tourist destination.   作为一个旅游目的地,圣露西亚所幸还未被开发。   5. Today"s special offer gives you a choice of three destinations.   今天推出的特价线路有3个目的地可供选择。   6. He walked aimlessly along street after street, head down and shoulders bowed.   他低着头、垂著肩,漫无目的地走过一条条街道。   7. Peters had been adrift and aimless.   彼得斯曾经漫无目的地四处漂泊。   8. I wandered around aimlessly.   我漫无目的地到处游逛。   9. I wandered about in a desultory fashion.   我漫无目的地四处游荡。   10. She wandered aimlessly around the streets.   她在大街上漫无目的地到处游荡。   11. They encountered untold difficulties and dangers before they reached their destination.   他们经历过数不尽的艰难险阻才到达目的地.   12. The troops rushed to their destination without a single halt.   部队马不停蹄地赶到了目的地.   13. I eventually arrived at my destination.   我终于到达了目的地.   14. They were flown to the destination.   他们被空运到目的地.   15. The shrine was an object of pilgrimage.   这处圣地是人们朝圣的目的地.
2023-06-19 04:46:281


以下是复联4中美队的台词:1. "朝你开枪的一律是敌人。"2. "即使自己要付出高昂代价,我也在所不惜。"3. "我假如神盾局是为保护世人。"4. "卡特,你没有权力命令我。"--队长:"因为我是美国队长。"5. "我以为你死了!我以为你狠锉…"6. "卡特,你有很多粉丝啊?"--队长:"恩,多数12岁以下。"7. "I had a date 我错过了一个约会。"8. "我一直在等一个对的舞伴,其实我不会跳舞。"9. "他迅猛、力大无穷、有一只机械手臂。"10. "为了打造更完美的世界,可能会需要混掉现在的世界,那就会树敌。"11. "红骷髅:我们强者就该无所畏惧。--美队:那你为什么要跑?"12. "很多特工组织都不相信他的存在,相信的都说他的代号是“冬兵”,他是个幽灵,有没有可能找到他。"13. "别干傻事,在这等我。--怎么会呢?傻事都被你干完了。"14. "强者的力量是与生俱来的,这种力量是不能为那些藐视其价值的懦夫所用的。"15. "囚犯:你有什么能力来带我们出去?--CA:我揍了希特勒200多次。"16. "CA吃醋:谁知道你们有没有一起吃芝士火锅!--斯塔克:芝士火锅就是夹芝士的面包……"
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2023-06-19 04:46:501


艾尔登法环网测版心得体验  1.一共有15把武器(魔法骑士独有翼翅矛),7面盾牌(魔法骑士独有卡利亚骑士盾、白狼战鬼独有铁圆盾)(如果差一面的话有可能是蛇盾),7种法术(还是魔法骑士独有卡利亚突刺),11种咒术,10种战灰,5种骨灰,6本制作书以及3个护身符。  2.每个职业都有不可获取的装备,自新手、自认为水平一般或是不想错过物品的玩家无脑选魔法骑士,就算不用魔法也拥有测试版流程中100%物抗的盾牌,狼的外观在流程中可以获取。  3.出门跳下去是新手教程关,可打可不打,本作和其他黑魂不同的是加入了叉键跳跃(PS5版),切换武器握持改成了三角+R1/L1,快捷栏也变成了三角+上下左右,同时按下左摇杆变为潜行。  4.战灰=战技+质变双功效,如果不想质变的话在附加战灰是可选普通以此只更改战技但不进行武器质变。  5.本作大幅度降低了战技/法术/奇迹的蓝耗同时提高了伤害,近战已经不适合这个版本啦!(仅限测试版)。  6.不小心打了商人请直接删号重开,在流程中找初始商人聊过几次以后他会告诉你他们虽然没什么追求常年流离失所,但是唯一能支棱起来的事就是睚眦必报。  7.升级武器的铁砧在第一个教堂商人旁边,12块楔形石碎片可以升到测试版满级+3。测试版中石头可以无限获取,放心升级即可。  8.除了第一次给马哨以外,随着流程进行(或是特定地点)可以在赐福处召唤梅丽娜(指头女巫/防环女/你们的新老婆)出来讲故事。  9.在马上大部分武器按住重攻击蓄力时都有攻击判定,同时攻击副手方向时会比左手慢一些,貌似依武器不同。  10.在马上小心 活尸 贵族火把剑圣,会很快被破防打下来。  11.本作灵巧在为武器加伤害的同时,还附带了增加被打下马的阈值以及加快施法的额外属性,力量也额外增加负重,建议下次玩之前可以在属性界面呼出帮助逐条看下。  12.地牢的boss都相对简单,并一定程度上在分别为了引导玩家以翻滚,二人转,跳,盾反,硬刚以及摇人的方式来熟悉游戏。  13.与之相反,地图上亮血条BOSS建议在一定升级并有了马之后再去找他们叫板,大树守卫放在那不一定非得开始就打。  14.狼默认带的小回复的奇迹在脱战时可不耗蓝使用,不知是否为触发了什么BUG。  15.地图上的骷髅怪会无限复活,需要用奇迹来净化他们的尸体消灭,但那个奇迹需要15信仰同时没有其他效果。  16.关卡前方传送点后的巨人可以拉到赐福前卡门用战技(推荐辉剑圆阵)或咒术/法术无脑杀,可以刷魂外加楔形石碎片。  17.非咒术师出身可以在进入史东威尔城还是啥玩意到一定进度后,看门的NPC会变成商人卖给你咒术师相关道具及技能。  18.教授法术的NPC在地图最右下面的雾门boss后可以找到。  19.野外boss飞龙打败之后的心,通过左下角地牢跑到海岛上的废墟中龙脑袋旁的祭坛前可以交互完成仪式来获得咒术。  20.望远镜右边的变树NPC在第一次找完之后并未如同他说的那样出现在去小岛的那个地牢里,可能仍未实装。  21.地图靠右大路上两个巨人拉的车后可以拿到这次测试版中10个人里有11个带的熔炉套装,综合防护性能相对最好。  22.恶兆虽然看起来是个弹反老师,但是受不了各种快慢刀的朋友们也可以招三狗用混种大剑跳劈快速削韧,通过处决、战技还有狗薪王的carry快速击杀。  23.未第一次在城堡看门NPC那选走正门的玩家可以再次与之对话开门,正面沿着左边XJB滚到楼梯可以进入弩手的盲区,上去回头有二楼的赐福点。  24.侧面的鸟薪王建议用直剑双头剑等快出手武器。  25.鳖形舞娘如果实在难以应付可以拉到门口用远程方式击杀,如果他自己砍到盲区里了可以在屋外把他拉到另一个墙角再跑进门重新定位,但要小心他的攻击会穿墙 宫崎英高你tm会做游戏么。  26.巨人的几招砸地板不用滚也不用举盾,轻轻跳一下一点伤害就都没有了,同理飞龙的喷火马也可以二段跳直接躲开,有些怪朝上段砍的技能也可以用下蹲躲,圆了CCQ玩家们的跳起来躲冰环躺下躲大风车梦~
2023-06-19 04:41:221

flyaway 梁静茹歌词

下载: 歌词:歌曲:fly away歌手:梁静茹 专辑:恋爱的力量 LRC歌词 HOTu2022 搜索 "fly away"mp3 打印预览 这一次是我自己为自己下的决定很小心你说慢慢来别怕来不及如果我还有一点点不安或者迟疑我不会对你的反应那么好奇多远啊其实也很不愿意其实也不想回忆谁没等到错过了流星我们啊交集在这意外的假期一定那里见过你一定曾经梦见你fly away 无穷无尽是你深邃的眼睛看着你就可以让我茫茫人海里感到安定fly away 当我不顾一切无止尽追寻有一个人有一颗心才仅默默之中在那里这一次连我自己都说我毫不悔意爱上你终于我发现我还有勇气为你我觉得遗憾的是我不够自信不了解你说了一些话的用意几乎是所有时间在想你快乐之后是压抑有没有过这样的呼吸幸福啊只要一个眼神的交集我们拥抱着自己我们渴望着相遇fly away 当我不顾一切无止尽追寻是你的人是你的心日日夜夜陪我在这里
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2023-06-19 04:41:292

飞儿乐团 flyaway的歌词

2023-06-19 04:41:321


上古卷轴3吸血鬼任务功略:关于吸血鬼的相关信息见我的帖子——“吸血鬼介绍”。这里不多说了。吸血鬼只能在晚8点后,早6点前在野外活动,否则会不断减血。所以如果发现你未被攻击而屏幕在闪着红色,那就是到白天了,赶快找个地方躲起来,只要是室内就行。而且在出门前最好先按T,看看现在是几点再出去。吸血鬼的生命不能靠睡觉恢复,只能用吸血魔法吸取生命,所以要小心别掉太多血。最麻烦的是:人们对你的态度极差,如果你还想用这个人继续玩别的任务,尽量少跟人说话,等治愈后再说不迟。各种服务包括跳蚤大巴都不能用了,只能靠自己跑的,但加的属性和技能实在是不少,而且从来不会摔伤(我从维瓦克外来大厅出来直接跳到跳蚤大巴旁边,一点事没有)。介绍一下吸血鬼的三个种族:(因天人翻译太差,所以较大量的使用英文原文)(1)Berne Clan(波尼族):这个种族的领导人是在Galom Daeus杜莫遗迹的天文台里的Raxle Berne(光头),在Erabenimsun Camp的西方稍北,在一个熔岩池的西边。其他的Berne种族所在地:Raviro祖先陵墓(Molag Mar的正西不远)、Otherlas祖先陵墓(维瓦克的哈拉鲁郡正北)和Andrethi祖先陵墓(鲍尔莫拉的正西)。(2)Aundae Clan(安达伊族)::这个种族的领导人是在Ashmelech Tomb的Dhaunayne Aundae(道拿因.安达伊),在Dagon Fel西南的一个岛上。其他的还有Sarethi祖先陵墓(Dagon Fel西北)、Dulo祖先陵墓(Berne族总部Galom Daeus的西边)和Aralen祖先陵墓(Zainab Camp的南方)。(3)Quarra Clan(考拉族):这个种族的领导人是在Druscashti杜莫遗迹里的Volrine Quarra(穿着玻璃盔甲),在Khuul的正东。其他的还有Serano祖先陵墓(Berne族总部Galom Daeus的正北)和Hleran祖先陵墓(奥德汝因西方略南)。另外还有五个单独的吸血鬼分散在五个其他的坟墓里。接任务都要找自己种族的领导人。每个种族都有三个任务只给自己的成员。还有7个任务是任意种族吸血鬼都可完成的。所以你选择了一个种族,则另两个种族的任务便不能完成了(我个人推荐Aundae族,因为可以得到些好东西)。下面介绍各种族的单独任务:Berne族:(1) Quarra Vampire Blood带回考拉族的力量之源考拉吸血鬼之血。在考拉族总部里,位置见上面。在那个穿着玻璃盔甲的领导人的旁边有个锁着的桶,血瓶就在里面。遗迹里的吸血鬼都很厉害,装备也不错,如果实力不强还是潜行吧,如果够强杀死他们就可以得到几件好盔甲。(2)莫塔(Merta)去杀离开本族的吸血鬼莫塔。在Reloth祖先陵墓,马尔甘的正西边。(3)杀其他种族的吸血鬼杀死12个以上其他种族的吸血鬼(位置见上,选择较近的)。接到这个任务之前杀死的也可以计入12个之内。Aundae族:(1)威兰顿 道拿因想让你去了解她未成为吸血鬼之前的儿子威兰顿的情况,并给了你带家族纹章的戒指,告诉你他以前住在塞德瑞斯莫拉。到那里的法师工会同图萨米尔希尔(Tusamircil)谈,他认出戒指的纹章同Sinyaramen(辛雅拉门)所佩带的相同。如果你去找他,他是不会同你说话的。正好图萨米尔希尔有药剂要带给他,可以趁机接近他(这里似乎有个BUG,可以不断要药剂,价值1502,魔法效果也很不错)。带药剂去关卡旅馆二楼见Sinyaramen,了解到威兰顿是他的祖父,是一个吸血鬼猎手,被一个叫Kjeld(克夜尔德)的吸血鬼杀死了。回去报告给道拿因,她会让你去杀克夜尔德(也可先去杀再回去报告)。他在考拉家族的总部里。(2)吸血鬼猎人 道拿因让你去杀一个吸血鬼猎人,而且要在光天化日下、有证人在场的情况下杀死他,让人们不敢再与你们作对。到奥德汝因,在法师工会里可以打听到在工会附近有一个猎人(也可不去打听,免得好感下降)。在法师工会和跳蚤大巴间有个拿着黑檀木盾牌的人在来回的走着,就是他,不过千万不要接近他,因为一接近他就要杀你了。找个屋子,在里面等到中午12点,顶着太阳去找他,杀他时旁边一定要有人,如果成功的话,日志会更新(这里我不知道读了多少次档,就是因为我等到6点就出去了或是装备了他的盾牌)。他身上有点好装备,可以拿但不要装备,因为吸血鬼们讨厌这些装备,因为毕竟是吸血鬼猎人的装备吗。(3)杀其他种族的吸血鬼杀死12个以上其他种族的吸血鬼(位置见上,选择较近的)。接到这个任务之前杀死的也可以计入12个之内。Quarra族:(1)领主伊拉拉克(Lord Irarak) 在Gnisis有个吸血鬼被人膜拜为神,去杀死他。在镇里可以打听到他在附近的一个坟墓里。在镇子西北方的Ginith(吉尼斯)祖先陵墓里找到他,他会想要贿赂你,如果接受可得到1000大洋,不过回去后就会被开除出种族。可以先接受贿赂,再把他杀死。小心还有他的四个追随者。(2)原始材料 寻找材料:5个Extravagent Sapphire Amulets(奢侈的蓝宝石护身符)、2个Void Salts(空盐瓶)、1个恶魔心脏、1个细胞外质、1个吸血鬼尘埃和1个头盖骨。其中护身符相当得难找,我现在想起来还头疼。Hla Oad东南的Yasamsi洞穴里的箱子里有两个,奥德汝因的庄园地区里的Cienne Sintieve(下面的炼金术商店)、Minar Arobar和Domesea Sarethi各有一个。其他的东西在几个法师工会和泰瓦尼地区可以找到,需要偷的。头盖骨可以在卡尔德拉法师工会或是Tel Branora南方的Arano祖先陵墓找到。找齐六件相当地麻烦,要跑很多的路,几乎把整个大岛都跑遍,所以不推荐选这个种族。(3)杀其他种族的吸血鬼杀死12个以上其他种族的吸血鬼(位置见上,选择较近的)。接到这个任务之前杀死的也可以计入12个之内。共通任务:(1) 萨维因.莱丝芮(Sanvyn Llethri)如果在奥德汝因打听最新的传言,可以知道萨维因.莱丝芮想要变成吸血鬼。去庄园地区的莱丝芮庄园里的私人卧室里,见到他的妈妈法泽萨,答应帮助劝说她儿子。在旁边的屋子里见到萨维因,对话选什么都可以,目的只是让他发火攻击你,如果话说完还没攻击就挑衅吧。你不能还手,当你的生命减到一半时他就会住手了,说吸血鬼并没有他想象中的强大,不再想当吸血鬼了。找他妈妈领取奖赏:一个常效火焰护盾戒指。(2)Marara如果在泰尔莫拉打听最近的传言可以得知最近有个吸血鬼杀了不少人。在Dagon Fel正南小岛上的Drethan祖先陵墓里见到她。她说已经厌倦了生命,希望死在一个同类的手里。而你正好可以帮她这个忙。杀死她后,可以从她身上得到一枚不错的戒指。(3)马斯垂乌斯(Mastrius)在Salvel祖先陵墓(Zainab Camp的西方略北,Nchuleft杜莫遗迹西南,在幽灵之墙内,紧挨着幽灵之墙)里可以找到他。他说被Azura女神关押在这里很多年了,希望你帮他逃出去。他要你带回一件盾牌和一个恶魔之心。盾牌在这里正北略西的Bthuand杜莫遗迹里,在底层那个死尸头部指的方向处的石头堆里。恶魔之心很多地方都有的,恶魔的使徒一般都有。回去交给他,他又说没有力量突破魔法枷锁,要你同意他吸取你的生命和体力。完成后他又要杀死你,真是忘恩负义的小人!杀了他后可以得到他的一套黑檀木盔甲和你找回的盾牌。(4)沙舍夫(Shashev)到维瓦克的法师工会,同希瑞隆威(Sirilonwe)谈“被杀死的某人”,她会让你去杀沙舍夫并带回他的钥匙。他在奥德汝因的奥德-斯卡旅馆(Ald-Skar Inn)下层,身上有枚戒指可以拿。(5)吸血鬼尘埃(Vampire Dust)希瑞隆威又让你去找三个吸血鬼尘埃做研究。吸血鬼身上都有,找个最近的吸血鬼洞穴杀三个吸血鬼吧。位置见上,哈拉鲁郡北就有一个。也可以找炼金术士买。(6)瑞敏提尔(Rimintil)在塞德瑞斯莫拉的泰瓦尼城堡里见拉文.欧梅因(Raven Omayn),就是好几个人在绕圈的台子上站着的地方。她让你去杀瑞敏提尔。在泰尔沃斯的中心塔里可找到他。回来后可得到一件魔法长袍。(7)Quarra Vampire Blood拉文又让你去找Quarra Vampire Blood。如果你加入的是Berne族,那么你已经把它交给了领导人。去把它再偷回来(杀了他应该也没有什么关系)。如果不是的话,去找好了,具体见Berne族任务(1)。回来后可得到一把杜莫短剑,带麻痹魔法。吸血鬼病的治愈:你可以从很多方面得到治愈吸血鬼病的线索,书籍、与人谈话等。去Bal Ur恶魔遗迹(Suran的正北)里见Bal神(对着神像按空格),Bal神要你去杀他的女儿Molag Grunda和与她在一起的人Nomeg Gwai。去Dubdilla洞穴(在Vos的南方),在最里面杀死他们(就是一个黄昏恶魔和一个寒冰恶魔)后回来,Bal神就会治愈你的吸血鬼病了。而且以后也不会再成为吸血鬼了。另外:如果你身上有Goldbrand这把剑的话,在完成了共通任务(4)、(5)后(好象完成了(4)后就可以),可以把它转化为Eltonbrand,比Goldbrand还强的单手剑。方法是:在身上只剩下11171块大洋,剑就自动转化了。至于Goldbrand的取得方法可以在网上查到,不多说了。
2023-06-19 04:41:351

请教you guys的具体用法,是单数,还是复数呢

具体翻译出来是 你们,所以认为是复数但有些时候根据语意,翻译为你和孩子们,也理解为复数。
2023-06-19 04:41:383


宝鸡市长和各县(区)长邮箱 为了进一步推进行政决策的民主化、科学化,增强政府工作透明度,听取社会各界的意见和建议,促进政府与社会公众之间的互动交流,现将市长邮箱、各县(区)长邮箱公布如下: 1、市长邮箱 2、县区长邮箱: 渭滨区 金台区 陈仓区 扶风县 岐山县 风翔县 眉县 太白县 凤县 陇 县 千阳县 麟游县 市长邮箱由市政府办负责管理,市信息办维护。各县区要将县(区)长邮箱向社会公布,落实专人进行管理。市级各部门也可以申请注册开通部门邮箱。 联系单位:市信息化工作办公室市民邮箱管理中心 联系人:杨艳 电话:0917—3659018 传真:0917-3650991 邮箱
2023-06-19 04:41:381

i know you fly away抖音什么歌

i know you fly away抖音是《Remember Our Summer》。《Remember Our Summer》该曲是由音乐人FrogMonster所创作,于2019.8.16发行在网易云音乐,歌曲时长2分43秒。歌曲歌词Lately I wanna stay awake,最近每晚我都舍不得闭眼I don"t want the days to end,我舍不得这些美好的日子就这样结束I know you will fly away,我明白你终究会离我远去Need to hold you for myself,我多想紧紧抱住你留住你的一丝气息I feel the time run through my hands,我能感受得到时光如沙,在我掌心里慢慢流逝Try to grab it but it fades,我疯狂地想紧紧抓住,但它只是流逝得更快Say goodbye in all the possible ways,再见了,再见了,我的爱人I don"t want you to get lost,我不想把你弄丢,可事与愿违Will we ever meet again?我们还会再见面吗I will anesthetize the pain,我会麻醉疼痛自己疗伤Please remember our summers,请你记住我们一起度过的那些夏天My heart is closed by duel,我的心门被紧紧关闭了Will I learn to love again?我还能再次拥有爱一个人的能力吗Who will walk with me in the rain?谁还会再陪我在雨中漫步Please remember our summers,请你一定一定要记得我们一起度过的那些夏天Come the sun,在阳光下come the rain,在雨中and the leaves falling,在落叶纷飞里I will wait even if the seasons change,四季交替我会一直在这里等你Anxiety runs through my veins,悲伤与焦虑顺着血管在我身体里蔓延I will escape from all these chains,我终有一天能挣脱这些痛苦的枷锁Say come back,in all the possible ways回来吧回来吧我的爱人I don"t want you to get lost,我不想把你弄丢可事与愿违Will we ever meet again?我们还会再见面吗I will anesthetize the pain,我会麻醉疼痛自己疗伤Please remember our summers,请你记住我们一起度过的那些夏天My heart is closed by duel,我的心门被紧紧关闭了Will I learn to love again?我还能再次拥有爱一个人的能力吗Who will walk with me in the rain?谁还会再陪我在雨中漫步Please remember our summers,请你一定一定要记得我们一起度过的那些夏天
2023-06-19 04:41:391


2023-06-19 04:41:411


2023-06-19 04:41:182


2023-06-19 04:41:181


还讨论了是否有必要规定具体的关于生育权的申请有关的一些暂时的,短暂的,偶然的复制品,但没有采取任何此类条款的会议,因为它认为这些问题可以适当的基础处理现有的关于复制权的国际准则,它的可能的例外,特别是在第伯尔尼公约9。 换句话说,如果澳大利亚批准这一条约,就需要制订对此事自己的立场。 第三个拟议中的条约,在数据库的知识产权条约草案,并没有讨论在外交会议,会议通过了进一步为这项条约的准备工作的建议。 马尼拉 4月下旬,组织召开了广播大会上,新的通信技术和知识产权在马尼拉28日和30日。会议还包括一个小组讨论,其中包括: u2022融合的通信技术:地面广播,卫星广播和通过电缆向公众传播。 u2022数字传输在因特网和类似网络。 塞维利亚 世界知识产权组织进行了运动与管理国际论坛 版权和邻接权在数字技术的挑战,5月在西班牙今年脸。论坛包括了一系列小组讨论: 1:关于保护和行使版权和邻接权的影响,数字技术。 10 2:关于国家的作用,行使和版权管理和邻接权。 3:在行使权利的多媒体制作方面。 4:保护和权利管理信息的技术手段。 5:新的替代的集中管理:“一站式商店”。 6:“传统”在数字技术面对的集体管理。 7:对权利的集中管理现状概述 (“传统”集体管理,“一站式商店”)。 8:关于设立和运作的原则进行审查 中央管理的版权和邻接权。 缺少了什么,哪些需要做 真正意义上的一些事项是明朗的时刻。在某些方面,法院都适应得最好的数字环境 - Virtuacop已被认为是一对版权法的目的的电影,在其他情况下,然而,法律是有点不确定的,或者诉讼或立法的需要类似事情出来,找出生产者之间的著作权和版权使用者的平衡,是制定,以及如何版权生产者将能够从他们的才华和投资价值。
2023-06-19 04:41:162


辽宁台取北斗七星之意 东方台取日出东方之意 湖南台取洞庭湖的湖型 山东台取SHANDONG的”S” 吉林台取JL将其延伸变成”鹤”型 河北台取山海关的长城了 东南台取福建的字母”F” 河南台取2字的字母组成再用弧线围绕字母表示上星 广东台取”广”字的字型在加弧线和小星星 贵州台取”G”型加TV组成 江苏台取JS,用JS从顶点分起将红方分成3块 江西台取JX字母,将2个字母结合到了一起 四川台取”四”字将此字稍微变形 湖北台取动物九头鸟也可以叫火凤 浙江台取西湖水上的浙江”Z” 安徽台取迎克松的型状,也有字母”A”的变形之意 广西台取”G”字母和小星星 云南台取动物孔雀之意 内蒙台取字母NM,将字母连在一起 黑龙江台取中间的”龙” 山西台取本省地形加上”S” 天津台取”T” 陕西台取黄色“S”变体是“陕”字拼音的第一个字母,象征三秦大地巨龙腾飞.蓝色的矩形象征天空 新疆台取二字的英文缩写字母“X、J”,标志中“j”上方的红点为人的头,下方为女子舞动的身体,中间由红绿蓝三基色组成的“拐钩”,象征着身着阿得莱丝绸的女子飞舞着的彩裙裙摆,寓意新疆是一个歌舞之乡. 重庆台取中国重庆CCQ.大C套小C在套Q,把Q变成一个旋转的地球
2023-06-19 04:41:151


F.I.R.FlyawayFlyaway 不管流下多少眼泪坚持下去的动力还在NothingIwillbeafraid清晨的微风 如此的平凡 看似简单 雾气驱散温柔阳光中 慢慢醒了过来 准备面对挑战在新的世纪 该抛开过去 是好是坏 要放得开往梦想的路 没有想像简单 我还要更勇敢回忆就像漩涡 它将我拉走时间的钟响起 我不该逗留Flyaway 不管未来有多困难我仍然能感觉 心跳还在NothingIwillbeafraid
2023-06-19 04:41:111


当然可以。在和老外的日常邮件交流中,如果一件事涉及的人比较多,而又懒得把所有人名都一一打出来,他们通常会用:Hi guys 然后后面写邮件的具体内容。不用怀疑就这样用起来,保证没问题。
2023-06-19 04:41:111


2023-06-19 04:41:071

飞儿乐团 flyaway的歌词

F.I.R.(飞儿乐团) - Fly Away专辑:同名专辑Fly Away词:F.I.R.曲:F.I.R.清晨的微风 如此的平凡 看似简单 雾气驱散 温柔阳光中 慢慢醒了过来 准备面对挑战在新的世纪 该抛开过去 是好是坏 要放得开 往梦想的路 没有想像简单 我还要更勇敢回忆就像漩涡它将我拉走 时间的钟响起 我不该逗留 Fly away 不管流下多少眼泪 坚持下去的动力还在Nothing I will be afraidFly away 不管未来有多困难我仍然能感觉 心跳还在 Nothing I will be afraid在新的世纪 该抛开过去 是好是坏 要放得开 往梦想的路 没有想像简单 我还要更勇敢回忆就像漩涡它将我拉走 时间的钟响起 Fly away 不管流下多少眼泪 坚持下去的动力还在Nothing I will be afraid我不该逗留 Fly away 不管流下多少眼泪 不管流下多少眼泪 坚持下去的动力还在坚持下去的动力还在Nothing I will be afraidNothing I will be afraidFly away Fly away 不管未来有多困难不管未来有多困难我仍然能感觉 我仍然能感觉 心跳还在 心跳还在 Nothing I will be afraidNothing I will be afraid
2023-06-19 04:41:051

Hey guys和hey guy哪个对?对一群人说的还是对单个人说的?

复数guys对一帮人说 单数guy一个人
2023-06-19 04:41:041