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拘谨的的英语翻译 拘谨的用英语怎么说

2023-06-19 12:31:01



[词典] prim; restrained; overcautious;


He is very reserved. He does not say much.




reserved; formality; overcautious; squareness




cautious, prudish,demure等



cautious中文翻译是小心的,谨慎的。一、cautious的释义1、people who are fearful and cautious.害怕和谨慎的人。2、showing careful forethought.表现出深思熟虑。二、cautious造句1、Being a prudent and cautious person, you realise that the problem must be resolved.慎重小心的人都会意识到这个问题非解决不可。2、He sat up, his stomach strangely tight, and his breathing cautious. Michael felt the warmth leave his back. Shadows crept into the room as the sun hid behind the clouds that now filled the sky.迈克尔坐了起来,奇怪的是肚子突然纠痛起来,他小心的吸着气,感觉到暖气从自己的后背开始消失,这时天空布满了乌云,太阳被云层遮盖,阴影慢慢渗进了屋内。
2023-06-19 12:12:081


2023-06-19 12:12:391

be cautious翻译

be cautious 英[bi u02c8ku0254u02d0u0283u0259s]美[bi u02c8ku0254u02d0u0283u0259s][词典] 逯;小心;毖;[例句]You should be cautious when getting involved and test the water before committing yourself.参与其中时一定要小心谨慎,表态之前最好试探一下。cautious,英语形容词,意思是小心的,谨慎的;兢;恮;持重。cautious adjective 谨慎的Cautious Nature 小心翼翼discreetly cautious 谨慎的cautious law 慎法cautious inspection 谨慎性监管Cautious strategy 称谨慎型cautious punishment 慎刑cautious play 谨慎打法cautious rash 谨慎的If someone hurts you,betrays you,or breaks your heart,forgive them,for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to who my open your heart.如果有人伤害了你、背叛了你、或伤了你的心、请原谅他们,因为他们帮助你学会了信任以及对你敞开心扉的人要谨慎的重要性。I have to be very cautious in what I say about abortion.这位候选人说:我在讲人工流产的问题上必须十分谨慎。
2023-06-19 12:13:081


问题一:慎重和谨慎 用英语怎么说? 慎重 carefulness caution circumspection discretion prudence scrup哗losity 谨慎 be cautious to be chary of cautel reticence wariness watch one"s step 注意:最上面的是最佳答案,依次是次好答案 问题二:谨慎用英语可以怎么说 careful仔细的,小心的 adj.(形容词) prudent小心的,慎重的 cautious小心的,谨慎的 chary同上 gingerly小心翼翼的 慎重地adv.(副词) keep one"s eyes peeled 【以上结果来自金山词霸】 问题三:“谨慎的”英文怎么说? cagy 谨慎的, 小心的 canny 谨慎的, 精明的, 节约的 cautious 谨慎的, 小心的 chary 仔细的, 谨慎的, 吝啬的 prudential 谨慎的 问题四:经过慎重考虑用英文怎么说? after thin工ing twice after circumspect / discreet consideration 问题五:"你应该谨慎点"用英语怎么翻译 You should/must a bit/little cautious. 亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx! 问题六:我们必须谨慎用英语怎么说 We should be cautious 问题七:谨慎用英语可以怎么说 careful cautious prudent
2023-06-19 12:15:341


2023-06-19 12:16:012


词典解释 :cautious;prudent;discreet 谨慎持重。经过慎重考虑,我们决定延期开会。还不好生慎重带上,仔细你娘知道了。——《红楼梦》第三回。
2023-06-19 12:16:291


他们的意思相近,但词性不同。care是动词或者名词,careful是形容词,carefully 是副词。 详解: care 英[keu0259(r)] 美[ker] v. 照顾; 关心; 担心; 喜爱; n. 照顾; 小心; 忧虑; [例句]Does anybody know we"re here, does anybody care? 有谁知道我们在这儿?有谁在乎? careful 英[u02c8keu0259fl] 美[u02c8kerfl] adj. 仔细的,小心的; 周到的; 慎; 心细; [例句]Be very careful with this stuff, it can be dangerous if it isn"t handled properly 这东西一定要小心,稍不注意的话就会有危险。 carefully 英["keu0259fu0259lu026a] 美[u02c8ku025brfu0259lu026a] adv. 仔细地; 小心谨慎地; 警惕地; 周密地; [例句]We carefully watched every detail of his action. 我们仔细观察了他动作的每个细节。
2023-06-19 12:16:381


be carefull
2023-06-19 12:16:567


How are you feeling? 现在你感觉怎么样? Susan: Not so bad. 还可以。 Jimmy: I"ve tried to get in here and see you for three days. But the doctor wouldn"t let anyone in. 这三天来我试着进来看你,但是医生不让任何人进来。 Susan: Thanks for coming. I really feel fine, but the doctor is too cautious. 谢谢你来。我真的感觉很好,但是医生太谨慎了。 Jimmy: You"re looking fine. You"ll be out of the hospital on time. Here"s some fruit. 你看起来很好。你会很快出院的。这是一些水果。 Susan: Thanks. This hospital"s food is terrible. I"ll be able to fill up on your fruit. 谢谢。这医院的伙食太差了,我可以吃你的水果填饱肚子。 对话讲解: cautious adj. 谨慎的;非常小心的 He was cautious when he was riding the bicycle. 当他骑自行车的时候;他很小心。 terrible 可怕的;极端的 The flood last year was a terrible catastrophe in which many people died. 去年的那场水灾真是一场可怕的灾难,使许多人丧失生命。 fill up 填补, 装满, 装满油
2023-06-19 12:17:371

projector ; cautious ; junior 在美音中怎么读,求谐音的读法~

2023-06-19 12:17:582


announce 宣布 instruct 指导 construct 建造contribute 做出贡献(apart from) 除了。。。。firework 烟火chart positive ((be)strict with) 对...严格 movement 行动,迁移(make sense) 有意义backward 向后,后方spin 旋转enthusiastic 热情的 cautious 注意reject 拒绝unicerse 这个单词有吗?
2023-06-19 12:18:252


There are some who may call you a "skinfpnt" because you seem too careful with your money . 由于你花钱似乎 过于谨慎 。有些人也许会叫你“刮皮鬼”。 He that is overcautious will acppsh pttle 过于谨慎 的人不会获得巨大的成就。 There are some who may call you a " skinfpnt " because you seem too careful with your money 由于你花钱似乎 过于谨慎 。有些人也许会叫你“刮皮鬼” 。 Critics charge that the federal reserve , which in recent months has cut its short - term popcy rate by one percentage point , to 4 . 25 % , has been far too cautious 评论家们指责美联储 过于谨慎 ,因为美联储最近几个月把短期政策利率降低了一个百分点到4 . 25 % 。 The first day " s race was very easy , only one game , oriented cross - country race , but our achievement was not good , beside we were not very lucky , the reason was we were too cautious 第一天的赛程是比较轻松的,只有一个定向越野,但第一天的赛程我们的成绩并不理想,除了了运气不好外,我们也太 过于谨慎 了。 Compared with the foreign panies , our panies seem to be too cautious . our investment in security is not enough to deal with work threat . as the result , there are too many mistakes during the enterprises daily operation 面对国外企业在安全投资上的大手大脚,国内的企业似乎有些 过于谨慎 ,对安全投资的力度不足以应对网络威胁的泛滥,使得很多环节漏洞百出。
2023-06-19 12:18:461


慎 谨慎你应该知道怎么念
2023-06-19 12:18:585

后缀是-ous 的词

2023-06-19 12:19:294

名词变成形容词 像caution变为cautious 的变换的单词

2023-06-19 12:19:451

1u2019ve always been cautious about giving people my phone number.

【答案】:C C 句意为:在将自己的电话号码给别人这件事上我一直都十分小心谨慎。afraid意为“害怕、担心”;frightened意为“受惊吓的、受恐吓的”;rational意为“理性的、合理的” ;careful意为“小心的、仔细的”,与题目中的cautious意思相近。因此C项正确。
2023-06-19 12:19:521


RPG M416 M134 M173 98K M24 AWM
2023-06-19 12:20:018

1’ve always been cautious about giving people my phone number.

【答案】:C C 句意为:在将自己的电话号码给别人这件事上我一直都十分小心谨慎。afraid意为“害怕、担心”;frightened意为“受惊吓的、受恐吓的”;rational意为“理性的、合理的” ;careful意为“小心的、仔细的”,与题目中的cautious意思相近。因此C项正确。
2023-06-19 12:21:131


2023-06-19 12:16:131


temporary;transient:(对不起我只知道一个,SORRY) temporary→temp. 暂时,临时 : 它们均可用作副词,都有“持续时间短暂”的意思。“暂时”还可表示“让步”的含义,与“暂且”相近,多用抽象事物。“暂时”兼属副词、形容词,后面的动词可以是双音节,也可以是单音节的。
2023-06-19 12:16:161

guilty pleasure是什么意思

罪恶快感;也是Ashley Tisdale的一张专辑名字。
2023-06-19 12:16:176


2023-06-19 12:16:191

英语翻译The meeting will be adjourned till next wednesday.

2023-06-19 12:16:221

英语翻译The meeting will be adjourned till next wednesday.

2023-06-19 12:16:325


  Guilty  歌手:Blue 专辑:Guilty  VS 1 - (DUNCAN)  I never want to play the games that people play  I never want to hear the things they gotta say  I"ve found everything I need  I never wanted anymore than I can see  I only want you to believe  CHORUS - (LEE)  If it"s wrong to tell the truth  Then what am I supposed to do  When all I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) - ALL  If it"s wrong to do what"s right  I"m prepared to testify  If loving you with all my heart"s a crime - ALL  Then I"m guilty  VS2 - (SIMON)  I wanna give you all the things you never had  Don"t try to tell me how he treats you isn"t bad  I need you back in my life  I never wanted just to be the other guy (be the other guy - LEE)  I never wanted to live a lie  CHORUS - (LEE)  If it"s wrong to tell the truth  What am I supposed to do  All I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) - ALL  If it"s wrong to do what"s right  I"m prepared to testify  If loving you with all my heart"s a crime - ALL  Then I"m guilty  BRIDGE - (ANTONY)  Girl I followed my heart  Followed the truth  Right from the start it led me to you  Please don"t leave me this way  I"m guilty now all I have to say  CHORUS - (LEE)  If it"s wrong to tell the truth  Then what am I supposed to do  When all I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) - ALL  If it"s wrong to do what"s right  I"m prepared to testify  If loving you with all my hearts a crime - ALL  Then I"m guilty  OUTRO  What am I supposed to do (Duncan)  Then I"m guilty (Lee)  All I wanna do is speak my mind (All)  Guilty (Lee)  Then I"m guilty (Lee)  I"m prepared to testify (Duncan)  If it"s wrong to do what"s right  then tell me about this feeling inside (Lee)  If loving you with all my hearts a crime (All)  I"m Guilty (Duncan)
2023-06-19 12:16:331


2023-06-19 12:16:381


我从来没有想要玩游戏,发挥人 我不希望听到的东西说愁 我发现我的一切需要 我从来没有比我看到了希望 我只希望你相信 如果不好说实话 那我怎么办 当我想讲的是我心中(讲话)所有 如果不好做的权利 我愿意作证 如果你爱我的心与所有的犯罪都 当时我有罪 好玩的东西,我给你们大家从未 不要再告诉我你怎样看待他并不坏 我需要你回到我的生命 我只是不希望成为其他家伙(被其他男生-李) 我从来没有想过谎言 如果不好说实话 什么我怎么办 我想我是讲一点(讲话)所有 如果不好做的权利 我愿意作证 如果你爱我的心与所有的犯罪都 当时我有罪 我在心里女 其次真相 从一开始我就带领大家 请不要让我这样 我承认我现在要说 如果不好说实话 那我怎么办 当我想讲的是我心中(讲话)所有 如果不好做的权利 我愿意作证 如果你爱我的心与所有犯罪都 当时我有罪 什么我怎么办(Duncan) 当时我有罪(李) 我说的是我心中免费(All) 犯(李) 当时我有罪(李) 我愿意作证(Duncan) 如果不好做的权利 这种感觉在当时就告诉我(李光耀) 如果你爱我的心与所有犯罪(All) 我有罪(Duncan)
2023-06-19 12:16:412


2023-06-19 12:16:451


GUILTYI never want to play the games that people playI never want to hear the things they gotta sayI"ve found everything I needI never wanted anymore than I can seeI only want you to believeIf it"s wrong to tell the truthThen what am I supposed to doWhen all I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) - ALLIf it"s wrong to do what"s rightI"m prepared to testifyIf loving you with all my heart"s a crime - ALLThen I"m guiltyI wanna give you all the things you never hadDon"t try to tell me how he treats you isn"t badI need you back in my lifeI never wanted just to be the other guy (be the other guy - LEE)I never wanted to live a lieIf it"s wrong to tell the truthWhat am I supposed to doAll I want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind) - ALLIf it"s wrong to do what"s rightI"m prepared to testifyIf loving you with all my heart"s a crime - ALLThen I"m guiltyGirl I followed my heartFollowed the truthRight from the start it led me to youPlease don"t leave me this wayI"m guilty now all I have to say
2023-06-19 12:16:482


2023-06-19 12:16:534

Robert Moore的《Guilty》 歌词

歌曲名:Guilty歌手:Robert Moore专辑:Cool Blue CD2Usher Ft. T.I. - Guilty (爱的镣铐)MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source(Usher)I swear to tell the truth我保证说的是事实The whole truth and nothing but the truth我实话实说I said我曾经的Right hand high, tell a lie高谈阔论,一直都是骗人的I didn"t know that I hurt her我不知道伤害了她I didn"t know she is crying我不知道她在伤心I didn"t know that it was killing this low我不知道会让自己如此消沉In your honor she keep saying I ain"t love her为了自己可笑的尊严我一直说我不爱她Can"t say I ain"t try不可自已的悲伤But I guess my love wasn"t good enough但我想是因为我没有给她足够的爱(Chorus)I guess I"m guilty for wanting to be up in the club我为我流连于夜店追悔莫及I guess I"m guilty cause girls always want to show me love我为女孩们向我投怀送抱追悔莫及I guess I"m guilty for leaving and having a little fun我为我的出轨寻欢追悔莫及Girl I"m guilty for that girl Im guilty我悔恨交加追悔莫及Don"t take me to jail别给我戴上爱的镣铐Don"t take me to jail别让我就此画地为牢Ohhh,Don"t take me to jaill别让我就此画地为牢I did nothing to her, gave everything to her我对她什么也没有付出Don"t take me to jail别给我戴上爱的手铐Ohhh,Don"t take me to jail别让我就此画地为牢Don"t take me to jail别让我就此画地为牢I ain"t gonna cry while you make me do the time面对你时我绝不哭泣Your honor she accused me of cheating你的尊严控告着我的欺骗It was all in her thinking这就是她的想法She gon believe what she want to她相信她的直觉So what the hell am I gon do就这样我如坠地狱般煎熬Turn my life around, it aint going down就这样持续碾转在我的生活中She know bout the life I live why she crying now她明白现在我令她伤心这种生活This sh-t is so silly to me but I plead that这些事情是如此的幼稚和荒谬,于是我为自己辩护I guess I"m guilty for wanting to be up in the club我为我流连于夜店追悔莫及I guess I"m guilty cause girls always want to show me lovelove我为女孩们向我投怀送抱追悔莫及I guess I"m guilty for leaving and having a little fun我为我的出轨寻欢追悔莫及Girl I"m guilty for that girl I"m guilty我悔恨交加追悔莫及Don"t take me to jail别给我戴上爱的镣铐Don"t take me to jail别让我就此画地为牢Don"t take me to jail别让我就此画地为牢How we "posed to get along with her going through my phone我怎么会和她用电话交往In her mind she decided I"m guilty在她的眼里我早已罪无可恕Don"t take me to jail别给我戴上爱的镣铐Don"t take me to jail别让我就此画地为牢Don"t take me to jail别让我就此画地为牢Don"t want to cop a plea我不想就此服罪认输I swear with me it don"t matter cause to her I"m guilty我发誓罪行累累的我对她已经无从轻重(T.I)Lets goRight hand to the sky右手朝天Strike me down if I lie发誓不编造谎言If she saying she the victim in this case well what am I是谁更受伤已不想争辩If I hurt her I aint try to, in the club I may decide to ride through我越风流越使她受伤She got proof well I got alibi"s too我们各执己见互不认输Couple million dollar worth of bags and full of shoes所有的荣华富贵7 carrot solitaire, Caribbean water blue翡脆珍珠Range Rover Porsche powder mirror in the Bentley coupe房车别墅All the sh-t I did for her and this who you gon listen to谁又能清楚我的付出?Her life I submit to you is evidence这就是我为自己的辩护I never been on bullsh-t she aint caught me on no Tiger Woods sh-t可依旧被她说的一无是处Knew what I expected when she met me见到她我要做的事我很清楚Should have let me be如果我被禁锢I"m balling against the law shorty go on arrest me then那她也要被逮捕(Chorus)I guess I"m guilty for wanting to be up in the club我为我流连于夜店追悔莫及I guess I"m guilty cause girls always want to show me love我为女孩们向我投怀送抱追悔莫及I guess I"m guilty for leaving and having a little fun我为我的出轨寻欢追悔莫及Girl I"m guilty for that girl Im guilty我悔恨交加追悔莫及Don"t take me to jail别给我戴上爱的镣铐OhhhDon"t take me to jail别让我就此画地为牢If you gon treat me like a crook putting money on my books如果你把我当成得到我财产的垫脚石Never mind forget it没关系,请忘记Don"t take me to jail (ooh)别给我戴上爱的镣铐Don"t take me to jail (take me)别让我就此画地为牢Tired of your little games, I take the blame厌倦了你的游戏,我选择放弃I did it, guilty我已经最大恶极MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source
2023-06-19 12:16:551


floppy的中文意思是松软的;松松垮垮的;下垂的。一、释义1、英语读音:[u02c8flu0252pi]。2、比较级:floppier,最高级:floppiest。3、短语:a floppy hat耷拉着的帽子。二、例句1、I often have large floppy ears,although they can be small and short too.我通常有一幅大大的耷拉的耳朵,有时也可能又小又短。2、I already picked out a straw hat with a wide,floppy brim,so I"m all set for the trip.我已经选好了一顶帽檐宽而松软的草帽,所以我已经准备好去旅行了。3、An African elephant has large floppy ears.非洲象有一对肥大,松软下垂的耳朵。4、She was wearing a big floppy hat.她戴了顶松软的大帽子。
2023-06-19 12:17:011


您好: 我们网站有法律英语优质课程辅导课程,您也可以进入我们网站的论坛提出自己的问题,网校的辅导老师会及时为您解答。 祝您好运!
2023-06-19 12:17:035

春野寿美礼的《Guilty》 歌词

歌曲名:Guilty歌手:春野寿美礼专辑:男と女 Un homme et une femmeGuilty作词:Barry Alan Gibb/Maurice Ernest Gibb/Robin Hugh Gibb作曲:Barry Alan Gibb/Maurice Ernest Gibb/Robin Hugh Gibb编曲:羽毛田丈史歌:春野寿美礼编辑:MEIKOHAMASAKIShadows falling,baby,we stand aloneOut on the street anybody you meetgot a heartache of their ownMake it a crime to be lonely or sadYou got a reason for livin"You battle on with the love you"re livin" onYou gotta be mineWe take it awayIt"s gotta be night and dayJust a matter of timeAnd we got nothing to be guilty ofOur love will climb any mountain near or far,we areAnd we never let it endWe are devotionAnd we got nothing to be sorry forOur love is one in a millionEyes can see that we got a highway to the skyI don"t wanna hear your goodbyePulse"s racing,darlingHow grand we areLittle by little we meet in the middleThere"s danger in the darkMake it a crime to be out in the coldYou got a reason for livin"You battle on with the love you"re buildin" onYou gotta be mineWe take it awayIt"s gotta be night and dayJust a matter of timeAnd we got nothing to be guilty ofOur love will climb and mountain near or far,we areAnd we never let it endWe are devotionAnd we got nothing to be sorry forOur love is one in a millionEyes can see that we got a highway to the skyI don"t wanna hear your goodbyeDon"t wanna hear your goodbyeI don"t wanna hear yourAnd we got nothingAnd we got nothing to be guilty ofOur love will climb any mountain near or far,we areAnd we never let it endWe are devotionAnd we got nothing to be sorry forOur love is one in a millionEyes can see that we got a highway to the skyDon"t wanna hear yourAnd we got nothing to be guilty ofOur love will climb any mountain near or far,we areAnd we never let it endWe are devotionAnd we got nothing to be guilty of终わり
2023-06-19 12:17:141

floppy 是什么意思

2023-06-19 12:16:074


在英文里,是有罪的意思,就像法官判人有罪,you are guilty
2023-06-19 12:16:064


2023-06-19 12:16:062

adjourn ;strategy 怎么记这两个单词方便?

2023-06-19 12:16:062


2023-06-19 12:15:591

Anna Tsuchiya(土屋安娜)的歌《guilty》歌词有谁知道?

2023-06-19 12:15:582


guilty不是过去式,是形容词。guilty英[ˈgɪlti]美[ˈɡɪlti]adj.有罪的; 内疚的 said some sections of the press had lost no opportunity to create the impression that she was guilty.他说新闻界有部分人不放过任何机会,力图制造她有罪的印象。Undoubtedly, we "ve all worked with analysts that are guilty of this crime.无疑,我们都曾与有此类嫌疑的分析师们合作过。
2023-06-19 12:15:512


我确定,恋爱真的可以改变一个人。谈恋爱,会让人豁达,爱情都已经得到了,就觉得那些乱七八糟的人不重要了。收敛了许多,不需要过多地表现自己来引起他人注意了。懂得为他人着想,两个人在一起后,很多事情都不能只考虑自己的感受,都会去换位思考,毕竟TA是你最在乎的人。我也曾爱过一个人,现在还一直爱着。曾经的那些甜蜜与心酸,幸福与伤悲,曾经的时光貌似离我已经很远了,但回想起种种,还是很清晰。记得当时上学时因为有异性跟他多说了两句话,或者他给了对方一个笑容,我都能“耿耿于怀”很久,并且会一直记得这个事情。但现在的我,重新看待热恋中的自己,除了“幼稚 好笑 ”等词语,别的真的想不出来来其它来形容了,但是如果今天还是会有这种暧昧的情况出现,我肯定还会有那种“幼稚 可笑”的情绪或者举动!原因很简单,因为——爱!女人在恋爱中的智商真的可能是负值!那么 如果换一种假设,她并不是特别爱他,就算他身边出现了“彩蝶飞舞”,就算他们腻腻歪歪搞暧昧,她绝对没有太多的情绪去“闹”,去或者不去出于爱去闹,可能更多的会出于面子或者仇恨,去处理问题。所以,从这个角度来说,一个还想跟你讨论吃醋问题的人,一定是心里不想走的人,否则也懒得去争论了。一方面觉得别人的行为可笑,另一方面,自己转身就是那个“可笑”的人了!所以说爱情能改变一个人!
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1、波多诺伏 波多诺伏也被称之为“新港”,是西部非洲国家贝宁的首都和第二大城市。不过这座城市仅为贝宁名义上的首都,贝国的实际行政中心位于科多努,现与科托努同为全国的政治、经济、文化中心。波多诺伏为贝宁最古老的城市之一!仍保留着十分浓厚的古非洲城市的风貌,名胜古迹众多,旅游业兴盛。来到这座城市的游客可参观古老的非洲宫殿、殖民地时期的建筑物、总统府和葡萄牙大教堂等。 2、科托努 科托努位于贝宁湾畔,是贝宁的经济首都、实际行政中心,也是该国最大的城市。该城市为全国最大的港口,也是贝宁的政治、经济、交通和外贸中心,贝宁的中央机关,各国驻贝宁外交机构等均设在科托努。19世纪,科托努曾为法国殖民主义者入侵和掠夺的重要据点,后在港口贸易活动的基础上逐步发展起来,1965年建成人工深水港,为贝宁最大的港口。 3、维达历史博物馆 维达历史博物馆里陈列着很多古代物器和能够证明这一地区历史和文化的相关文书,包括许多揭露殖民主义者贩卖黑奴罪行的实物和照片,游客们到这里参观很容易就能了解这一地区的文化和历史。按照时间的推移,该博物馆的收藏品可以归为6大时期:葡萄牙殖民时期(博物馆整个建筑本身属于殖民时期产物)、达荷美共和国、非洲黑奴时期、伏都教文化以及贝宁的新时代。 4、彭贾里国家公园 彭贾里国家公园位于贝宁的西北部山区,北纬12度,东经3度附近的世界版图上,此处地域广阔,有植被茂密的原始灌木森林,大自然热带雨林气候中自然生存繁衍着各种野生动植物。这里自然环境得天独厚,景色秀丽,鸟语花香,是一处有利于多种类野生动物生息繁衍的自然保护区。保护区独特、神奇、壮丽、梦幻般的自然景观,丰富的动植物种类和自然界生气盎然的无穷的魅力,令慕名来此的各国游客,留连忘返。 更多关于贝宁有什么好玩的地方,进入:查看更多内容
2023-06-19 12:15:351


guilty的反义词:ashamed。例句如下:1、A lawyer for the disgraced financier Bernard L. Madoff told a federal judge on Tuesday that Mr. Madoff was expected to plead guilty later this week to charges that could result in his spending the rest of his life in prison.不光彩的金融家伯纳德-麦道夫的代理律师周二告诉一位联邦法官,麦道夫先生有望本周晚些时候承认那些可能导致他的下半生都在监狱度过的罪状。2、The father of two robbers is also guilty, inasmuch as he knew what they were planning to do from the very beginning.两个土匪的父亲也有罪,因为他开始知道两兄弟的计划。3、You could see he was guilty; it was written all over his face.你能看出他内心有愧,他脸上明明白白地写着呢。4、The athlete could face a lengthy period of suspension if found guilty.如果被判有罪,这名运动员可能面临长期停赛。
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vs 1-(duncan)i never want to play the games that people playi never want to hear the things they gotta sayi"ve found everything i needi never wanted anymore than i can seei only want you to believechorus -(lee)if it"s wrong to tell the truththen what am i supposed to dowhen all i want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind)- allif it"s wrong to do what"s righti"m prepared to testifyif loving you with all my heart"s a crime - allthen i"m guiltyvs2-(simon)i wanna give you all the things you never haddon"t try to tell me how he treats you isn"t badi need you back in my lifei never wanted just to be the other guy (be the other guy - lee)i never wanted to live a liechorus -(lee)if it"s wrong to tell the truthwhat am i supposed to doall i want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind)- allif it"s wrong to do what"s righti"m prepared to testifyif loving you with all my heart"s a crime - allthen i"m guiltybridge -(antony)girl i followed my heartfollowed the truthright from the start it led me to youplease don"t leave me this wayi"m guilty now all i have to say chorus -(lee)if it"s wrong to tell the truththen what am i supposed to dowhen all i want to do is speak my mind (speak my mind)- allif it"s wrong to do what"s righti"m prepared to testifyif loving you with all my hearts a crime - allthen i"m guiltyoutrowhat am i supposed to do (duncan)then i"m guilty (lee)all i wanna do is speak my mind (all)guilty (lee)then i"m guilty (lee)i"m prepared to testify (duncan)if it"s wrong to do what"s rightthen tell me about this feeling inside (lee)if loving you with all my hearts a crime (all)i"m guilty (duncan)end
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