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2023-06-19 15:46:29

柳絮liǔ xù


[willow catkin] 成熟的柳树的种子,上面有白色绒毛


1. 柳树的种子。有白色绒毛,随风飞散如飘絮,因以为称。

南朝 梁 庾肩吾 《春日》诗:“桃红柳絮白,照日复随风。” 唐 杜甫 《绝句漫兴》之五:“颠狂柳絮随风舞,轻薄桃花逐水流。” 宋 苏轼 《和孔密州东栏梨花》:“梨花淡白柳深青,柳絮飞时花满城。”《红楼梦》第七一回:“我想柳絮原是一件轻薄无根的东西,依我的主意,偏要把他说好了,才不落套。” 杨朔 《<铁流>的故事》:“窗外满地正照耀着暖洋洋的太阳光,漫天正飞舞着软绵绵的柳絮。”

2. 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·言语》:“ 谢太傅 寒雪日内集,与儿女讲论文义。俄而雪骤,公欣然曰:‘白雪纷纷何所似?"兄子 胡儿 曰:‘撒盐空中差可拟。"兄女曰:‘未若柳絮因风起。"公大笑乐。即公大兄 无奕 女,左将军 王凝之 妻也。” 刘孝标 注引《妇人集》:“ 谢夫人 名 道蕴 ,有文才。所著诗、赋、诔、颂传於世。”后遂以“柳絮”为典,多指才女或佳句。

元 王逢 《读余季女<怀其夫水宗道诗>序》:“ 余季女 ……赘同郡 水宗道 。甫逾月, 水 具见 余 水迈柳絮,学不彼若,辄辞归,闭门读书,久不返。” 宋 苏轼 《谢人见和前篇》之二:“渔翁句好真堪画,柳絮才高不道盐。” 明 陈汝元 《金莲记·弹丝》:“声落梁尘,词超柳絮。愿赓一曲,博笑大方。”

3. 喻指雪花。

《水浒传》第九三回:“是夜刮起东北风,浓云密布,纷纷洋洋,降下一天大雪。明日,众头领起来看时,但见:纷纷柳絮,片片鹅毛。” 明 无名氏 《贫富兴衰》第一折:“四野云迷,雪花飘坠,长空内,柳絮纷飞,裁剪的鹅毛碎。”



问题一:飘飞的"杨絮","柳絮"用英语怎么说 (willow )catkins 柳絮的复数 Floating catkins 飘飞的柳絮。 flying catkins也可以,但是floating 更有漂浮的意思,符合柳絮轻的事实。 问题二:杨絮英文怎么说 杨和柳都是杨柳科一家,它们有不少相似的地方如:都有柔荑花序,果实中的种子 带着白毛,成熟时随风飞舞,叫杨花或柳盯【catkin】,是风媒花【anemophilous flower】。 问题三:英文翻译:更无柳絮因风起惟有葵花向日倾 No catkin flows by wind, only sunflowers face to the sun.亥 没有柳絮随风飘,只有葵花面朝日。
2023-06-19 13:46:031


问题一:这两图到底什么意思??花序是什么 花序其实就是花,图表示该种植株顶层长雄花,侧芽部分长雌花,而a图表示自花授粉,b图表示异花授粉,那个花序之间的虚线表示花粉 问题二:花序是什么 花序是指花的排列方式。常见花序可分为无限花序和有限花序两大类:(一)无限花序(总状类花序 indeterminate inflorescence) 无限花序也称作总状类花序,其开花顺序是花序下部的花先开,渐渐往上开,或边缘花先开,中央花后开。其中有: 1. 总状花序(raceme) 花序轴长,其上着生许多花梗长短大致相等的两性花,如油菜、大豆等的花序。 2. 圆锥花序(panicle) 总状花序花序轴分枝,每一分枝成一总状花序,整个花序略呈圆锥形,又称复总状花序(pound raceme),如稻、葡萄等的花序。 3. 穗状花序(spike) 长长的花序轴上着生许多无梗或花梗甚短的两性花,如车前等的花序。 4. 复穗状花序(pound spike) 穗状花序的花序轴上的每一分枝为一穗状花序,整个构成复穗状花序,如大麦、小麦等的花序。 5. 肉穗状花序(spadix) 花序轴肉质肥厚,其上着生许多无梗单性花,花序外具有总苞,称佛焰苞,因而也称佛焰花序,芋、马蹄莲的花序和玉蜀黍的雌花序属这类。 6. 柔荑花序(catkin) 花序轴长而细软,常下垂(有少数直立),其上着生许多无梗的单性花。花缺少花冠或花被,花后或结果后整个花序脱落,如柳、杨、栎的雄花序。 7. 伞房花序(corymb) 花序轴较短,其上着生许多花梗长短不一的两性花。下部花的花梗长,上部花的花梗短,整个花序的花几乎排成一平面,如梨、苹果的花序。 8. 伞形花序(umbel) 花序轴缩短,花梗几乎等长,聚生在花轴的顶端,呈伞骨状,如韭菜及五加科等植物的花序。 9. 复伞房花序(pound corymb) 花序轴上每个分枝(花序梗)为一伞房花序,如石楠、光叶绣线菊的花序。 10. 复伞形花序(pound umbel) 许多小伞形花序又呈伞形排列,基部常有总苞,如胡萝卜、芹菜等伞形科植物的花序。 11. 头状花序(capitulum) 花序上各花无梗,花序轴常膨大为球形、半球形或盘状,花序基部常有总苞,常称蓝状花序,如向日葵;有的花序下面无总苞,如喜树;也有的花轴不膨大,花集生于顶端的,如三叶草、紫云英等的花序。 12. 隐头花序(hypanthium) 花序轴顶端膨大,中央部分凹陷呈囊状。内壁着生单性花,花序轴顶端有一孔,与外界相通,为虫媒传粉的通路,如无花果等桑科榕属植物的花序。 (二)有限花序(聚伞类花序determinate inflorescence) 有限花序也称聚伞花序,其花序轴为合轴分枝,因此花序顶端或中间的花先开,渐渐外面或下面的花开放,或逐级向上开放。聚伞花序(cyme)根据轴分枝与侧芽发育的不同,可分为: 1. 单歧聚伞花序(monochasium 或monochasial cyme):顶芽成花后,其下只有1个侧芽发育形成枝,顶端也成花,再依次形成花序。单歧聚伞花序又有2种,如果侧芽左右交替地形成侧枝和顶生花朵,成二列的,形如蝎尾状,叫蝎尾状聚伞花序(scorpioid cyme),如唐菖蒲、黄花菜、萱草等的花序;如果侧芽只在同一侧依次形成侧枝和花朵,呈镰状卷曲,叫螺形聚伞花序(helicoid cyme),如附地菜、勿忘草等的花序。_ 2. 二歧聚伞花序( dichasium 或dichasial cyme):顶芽成花后,其下左右两侧的侧芽发育成侧枝和花朵,再依次发育成花序,如卷耳等石竹科植物的花序。 3. 多歧聚伞花序( pleiochasium 或 pleiochasial cyme):顶芽成花后,其下有3个以上的侧芽发育成侧枝和花朵,再依次......>> 问题三:什么是单生花,什么是花序 单生花 被子植物的花,并不形成花序,而成为单生花。 花序 花序(inflorescence)是花序轴及其着生在上面的花的通称,也可特指花在花轴上不同形式的序列。 问题四:花序是什么 简单的说:花序就是由一个花芽,分化而来的花,称为一个花序,它可以是一朵,也可以是若干朵花组成。 问题五:什么是雌雄花序?啥是花序? 花在总花柄上有规律的排列方式称为花序。 雌花和雄花着生在植株的不同位置,就形成“ 雌雄花序”,这不是植物学的专用名词。如玉米植株顶上的圆锥花序就是雄花花序,位于植株节上的肉穗花序,就是雌花花序。
2023-06-19 13:46:101


创建文件夹 mkdir catkin_ws cd catkin_ws mkdir src cd src 将src文件夹的环境转成ROS工作空间 catkin_init_workspace 回到根目录进行编译 cd .. 进行编译 catkin_make(对src文件夹目录下的所有源码进行编译) 会产生build编译空间,放置编译过程中的二进制文件,基本用不到,和devel开发空间,放置开发过程中形成的可执行文件与库。catkin_make install 产生install安装空间,放置编译后的可执行文件,功能与deval相似 创建功能包 进去src文件夹 catkin_creat_pkg <package_name>[depend1][depend2][depend3(依赖的包)] catkin_creat_pkg test_pkg std_msgs rospy roscpp 编译功能包 回到catkin_ws catkin_make source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash 注意:同一工作空间下,不许存在同名功能包 检查环境变量 echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATHROS的配置 1、使用gedit打开bashrc文件。 $ gedit ~/.bashrc 在最下面添上:source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
2023-06-19 13:46:371


"Kitten"和"cat"都是英语中表示猫的词汇,但它们的含义和用法略有不同。"Kitten"通常用来指小猫,也就是猫的幼崽。例如:我们家有一只小猫,它非常活泼。(We have a kitten at home, and it"s very playful.)这些小猫还没有开眼睛。(These kittens haven"t opened their eyes yet.)"Cat"则通常用来指成年的猫。例如:我家的猫喜欢睡在沙发上。(My cat likes to sleep on the sofa.)这只黑猫看起来很神秘。(This black cat looks very mysterious.)需要注意的是,"kitten"和"cat"在某些情况下可以互换使用,但它们的含义略有不同。例如,在描述一只小猫时,可以使用"kitten"或"cat",但使用"kitten"更准确地表达了这只猫的年龄和大小。
2023-06-19 13:46:462


2023-06-19 13:47:331


柳絮是什么颜色 白色的 柳絮为什么是白色而不是别的颜色吗 这是因为植物的种子胚芽一般是不含有其他色素的 而柳絮正是柳树种子的绒毛 另外这也是动植物进化适者生存的结果 植物种子一般要靠动物或其他自然力量传播 而白色是最安心的颜色(很多其他颜色代表有毒或不好吃)希望这个回答对你有帮助 柳絮开花是什么颜色的 柳絮是柳树的种子,是白色。而柳花才是柳树开的花,呈鹅黄色。 杨絮和柳絮的外观和颜色有什么区别 柳絮纤维更加细、分散,随风可以飘很远。杨絮则更加凝聚,有点儿像棉花 柳絮的别称 柳絮,即柳树的种子,上面有白色绒毛,随风飞散如飘絮,所以称柳絮。柳树:乔木,高可达18m,树冠开展疏散。树皮灰黑色,不规则开裂;枝细,下垂,无毛。芽线形,先端急尖。叶狭披针形,长9-16cm,宽0.5-1.5cm,先端长渐尖,基部楔形,边缘具锯齿;叶柄长5-10mm,有短柔毛;托叶仅生在萌发枝上。 中文名 柳絮 外文名 catkin 植物 柳树 器官 种子 颜色 白色 柳絮的缺点和优点是什么? 杨柳不仅是中国文学中的重要意象,也是中国文学中的重要题材,古典文学中以杨柳为题材的诗词赋作数量非常可观,构成了中国古典文学的重要组成部分。在诗歌方面,据逯钦立辑校的《先秦汉魏晋南北朝诗》,一共有十八首咏柳诗,据北大《全唐诗》《全宋诗》电子检索系统,《全唐诗》中有约四百首咏柳诗,《全宋诗》中约有二百五十首。在词方面,据清《古今图书集成》统计,共有六十三首咏柳词。在众多的咏柳作品中,吟咏杨花柳絮的作品也相当可观。在《全唐诗》约四百首咏柳诗中,吟咏杨花柳絮的诗歌约有二十二首,占百分之五点六;在《全宋诗》近二百五十首咏柳诗中,吟咏杨花柳絮的诗歌约为五十四首,占百分之二十一点六。另据《四库全书》金至元和明清别集统计,金至清吟咏杨花柳絮的诗歌约有七十八首。据《古今图书集成》统计的六十三首咏柳词中,有杨花柳絮词十九首,占百分之三十点二。在众多的咏柳作品中,其中不乏大家名家。白居易uff64刘禹锡之间关于杨柳枝词的唱和,传为文坛佳话,对后世《柳枝词》的创作影响深远。苏轼的《水龙吟u2022次韵章质夫杨花词》和周邦彦的《兰陵王u2022柳》分别是词中吟咏杨花和杨柳的名篇。从以上咏柳作品的数量和作家广泛参与的程度,可以看出杨柳题材和杨柳意象在中国古典文学中的重要性。   柳絮是杨柳的重要组成部分,柳絮题材经历了一个相当长的发展过程。   杨柳主要由柳枝uff64柳絮uff64柳叶构成。柳枝细长柔弱,微风吹来,摇曳多姿,柳树在风中的迷人姿态很早就引起了人们的关注,《诗经》中就出现了“杨柳依依”的经典描写。时至汉魏,柳树开始作为独立的表现对象进入文人的视野,出现了杨柳赋创作的 *** ,有枚乘的《忘忧馆柳赋》,魏文帝曹丕uff64王粲uff64繁钦uff64应?都写有《柳赋》,这些柳赋中,主要侧重于对柳树枝uff64干uff64叶的铺陈描写,彰显其旺盛的生命力和供人们乘凉的实用价值。随着杨柳赋的出现,咏柳诗在六朝也相继出现。相比较而言,人们对柳絮的关注则比较晚。时至晋代,才出现第一篇吟咏柳絮的赋作,即伍辑之《柳花赋》:“步江皋兮骋望,感春柳之依依。垂柯叶而云布,扬零花而雪飞。或风回而游薄,或雾乱而飘零,野净秽而同降,物均色而齐名。”虽不是单纯地描摹柳花,也涉及到柳的枝uff64叶,但这是首次以柳絮赋的形式对柳絮的色彩uff64姿态进行较为形象的描摹,对柳絮诗的出现起到一定的推进作用。在柳絮赋出现的相当长时期后,时至中唐,出现了专门吟咏柳絮的诗歌。   柳絮首先是作为春天的意象出现的。柳絮作为春光春景,是春天的象征,常常出现在咏春诗中,如“桃红柳絮白,照日复随风”(梁庾肩吾《春日诗》),“柳絮时依酒,梅花乍入衣”(梁元帝萧绎《和刘上黄春日诗》),这里柳絮同桃花uff64梅花一样都是春天的风景。在六朝至初唐的乐府《折杨柳》中,柳絮作为杨柳的重要组成部分受到了普遍的关注。如张正见《折杨柳》:“杨柳半垂空,嫋嫋上春中。枝疏董泽箭,叶碎楚臣弓。色映长河水,花飞高树风。莫言限宫掖,不闭长杨宫。”此诗对杨柳的枝uff64叶uff64色uff64花和总体的姿态进行了全方位的描写,并没有凸现柳絮,只是对柳絮进行了直接的叙述,没有用任何修辞手法。江总《折杨柳》:“万里音尘绝,千条杨柳结。不悟倡园花,遥同天岭雪。春心自浩荡,春树聊攀折。共此依依情,无奈年年别。”这里,柳絮和柳枝一样处于比较显眼的位置,并且还使用了比喻的修辞手法,以白雪喻柳絮。   时至中唐,出现了专门吟咏柳絮的诗歌。白居易和刘禹锡对...... 什么是杨絮,杨絮和柳絮的区别 柳絮纤维更加细、分散,随风可以飘很远. 杨絮则更加凝聚,有点儿像棉花 春天的北京,漫天飘,在地上结成球的白毛毛是杨絮,北京正在治理杨絮的污染,更换树种.现在北京飘的是杨絮 杨絮属于植物类花,杨的果序将要成熟,果开裂杨絮就四处飞扬,大街上杨絮到处散播会造成环境污染,因此,行道树应种雄株杨树,不能种雌株杨树。 柳絮纤维更加细、分散,随风可以飘很远。 杨絮则更加凝聚,有点儿像棉花 什么样的柳絮? 柳絮是柳的种子和种子上附生的茸毛,不能误认为是柳花。 求科普,你们觉得柳絮是什么样的?是不是柳树上掉下来的黄色的毛毛虫一样的那种? 出门还是要带口罩的, 春天传染病、花粉、柳絮等接踵而至。致敏性的花粉直径平均约为25微米,最小的约2.5微米,所以理论上能够有效过滤PM2.5的口罩也能一定程度上过滤花粉。春季常见传染病主要通过空气中的飞沫传播,在人群密集的地方要防止吸入这些飞沫就需要佩戴能够有效阻隔流体和过滤细菌的口罩,比如符合美国医用最高标准的高级医用口罩天猫。带普卫欣美国进口高级医用口罩,能有效过滤花粉、病菌,内层防过敏材质更是适合敏感人群佩戴使用。 柳絮是什么样子的,图片 我没有图片
2023-06-19 13:47:411


matlab simulink节点matlab simulink节点,ROS与Matlab语言入门教程-从Simulink中创建单独的ROS节点指南针丶转载关注0点赞·2005人阅读在本例,用户将会配置一个模型为一个单独的ROS节点生成C++代码,将会转换代码到Ubuntu Linux系统,编译ROS节点并运行。预备知识这个例程需要嵌入式编码器;必须要有Ubuntu Linux系统用于编译和运行生成的C++代码,用户可以使用自己的Ubuntu系统,或使用机器人系统工具箱的Linux虚拟机例程(相关说明请查阅“开始使用Gazebo和仿真TurtleBot”)。复习“使能ROS机器人的反馈控制”例程。任务1-配置模型以生成代码本任务中,用户将会配置一个模型为单独的ROS节点生成C++代码,该模型将是在“ROS使能的机器人的反馈控制”例程介绍的比例控制器。打开“proportional controller model”“ robotExROSFeedbackControlExample”,选择“Edit > Select All”,然后“Edit > Copy”。打开一个新的Simulink模型,选择“Edit > Paste”。点击“Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters”。在配置参数对话框的“Code Generation”面板,设置“System target file”为“ert.tlc”并点击“Apply”。然后,从“Target hardware”选择“Robot Operating System (ROS)”,再次点击“Apply”。观察到“ToolChain”被设置为“Catkin”。在配置参数对话框的“Solver”面板,确保解算机(Solver)的“Type”设置为“Fixed-step”,并设置“Fixed-step size”为0.05。在生成的代码中,“Fixed-step size”定义了实际的时间步进,以秒为单位,用于模型的更新循环(参阅About Model Execution)。该值可以设置更小(如0.001或0.0001),但是本例0.05就已经足够了。参数配置对话框的“Coder Target”让用户定制生成的C++代码,“Package Information”组包含的信息将会被包含在生成的ROS节点的“package.xml”文件。更改“Maintainer name”为“ROS Example User”。点击“OK”关闭配置参数对话框,并保存模型的文件名为“RobotController.slx”。任务2-生成C++ROS节点(1)在MATLAB中,更改当前的文件夹到一个临时的位置,用户拥有写的权限。(2)代码生成过程,首先准备为仿真准备模型,以确认所有的块都正确初始化。该准备工作需要已经启动有效的ROS主控节点。如果用户想要执行代码生成,选择“Tools > Robot Operating System (ROS) > Configure Network Addresses”,然后设置“ROS Master”和“Node Host”的“Network Address”的值为“Default”。(3)在MATLAB命令行中输入“rosinit”,创建一个本地的ROS主控节点。(4)点击“Code > C/C++ Code > Build Model”,如果用户发现任何有关总线类型不匹配,则关闭模型,从基本MATLAB工作空间中清除所有变量,再重新打开模型。(5)一旦编译完成,用户将会在当前文件夹看到两个文件:“RobotController.tgz”(包含C++代码的归档文件)和“”(用于提取和编译C++代码的shell脚本)。任务3-转换文件到ROS系统本任务假设用户正在使用带有机器人系统工具箱例程的Linux虚拟机,虚拟机被配置接收SSH和SCP的连接。如果用户使用自己的Linux系统,则向系统管理员咨询一个安全的方式转换文件。(1)确保用户的宿主系统(包含“RobotController.tgz”和“”文件的系统)拥有SCP客户端,对于Windows系统,下一步假设已经安装了PuTTY SCP客户端(pscp.exe)。(2)使用SCP转换“RobotController.tgz”和“”到用户的Linux虚拟机上的根目录(用户名是“user”,密码是“password”)。下面是示例的转换指令运行在宿主系统(用虚拟机的IP地址替换指令中的“”):如果宿主系统是Windows:pscp.exe RobotController.tgz user@如果宿主系统是Linux或者Mac OS Xscp RobotController.tgz user@注意:“”文件并不是模型特有的,所以只需被转换一次。任务4-编译ROS节点(1)在Linux系统,执行如下的命令以创建一个Catkin工作空间,只需做一次。(如果用户已经有一个Catkin工作空间,可以直接使用该工作空间)。mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws_simulink/srccd ~/catkin_ws_simulink/srccatkin_init_workspace(2)在Linux系统执行如下的指令以解压缩并编译ROS节点cd ~./ RobotController.tgz ~/catkin_ws_simulink(3)生成的源码在“~/catkin_ws_simulink/src/robotcontroller/”下,查看“package.xml”的内容。(4)使用如下的指令验证节点的可执行文件,如果可执行文件成功创建,指令将会列出有关可执行文件的信息。file ~/catkin_ws_simulink/devel/lib/robotcontroller/robotcontroller_node任务5-运行和验证ROS节点本任务中,用户将会运行新建立的ROS节点并使用基于MATLAB的机器人仿真器验证节点的表现。(1)在Ubuntu Linux系统,启动ROS主控节点,如果指令返回错误“roscore”已经存在,那么进行下一步。roscore &(2)在宿主系统,根据如下代码启动基于MATLAB的机器人仿真器(参阅从Simulink连接到ROS使能的机器人),该仿真器发布到“/odom”话题。rosinit("") % replace with IP address of ROS masterExampleHelperRobotSimulator(3)在Ubuntu Linux系统,运行新建立的ROS节点,该节点对从“/odom”话题接收到的新消息作出反应。~/catkin_ws_simulink/devel/lib/robotcontroller/robotcontroller_node(4)在Ubuntu Linux系统,打开一个新的终端并使用“rostopic list”和“rosnode info”验证节点是活动的。(5)在宿主计算机,验证仿真机器人向目标运动(“Desired Position”在模型中由常量指定),一旦机器人到达目的地则停止。当机器人停止,点击“ExampleHelperRobotSimulator”图像窗口上的“Randomize Location”,这将使机器人移动到一个随机的位置,那么机器人又要从该位置向目的地移动。(6)一旦用户完成验证,可以通过根据如下步骤清除系统状态。在宿主计算机,关闭“ExampleHelperRobotSimulator”图像窗口并在MATLAB命令行输入“rosshutdown”。在Ubuntu Linux系统,运行下面的指令:pkill -f robotcontrollerpkill -f roscore高级话题和故障排除指定处理器生成代码:如果用户使用其它产品(如计算机视觉系统工具箱)的块,生成代码可能包括处理器指定最优化,导致在Linux上建立ROS节点时的编译问题。这种情况下,用户需要让Simulink知道生成的代码编译的平台,可以通过模型配置参数对话框的“Hardware Implementation”面板实现。需要的包:机器人系统工具箱包含许多ROS消息类型(如Baxter或PR2),是标准ROS发布的一部分。如果用户的Simulink模型包含非标准或用户自己的消息类型,用户将会成功地仿真和生成代码。然而,为了使用“”建立生成的ROS节点,用户首先需要下载并安装所有需要的包。下面是一种实现方式(假设需要的包是“baxter_core_msgs”)。Refresh the list of available packagessudo apt-get updateSearch the list for ROS Baxter packages (e.g., ros-hydro-baxter-core-msgs)apt-cache search baxterDownload and install the required packagesudo apt-get install ros-hydro-baxter-core-msgs任务模式:Simulink既可以生成多任务模式也可生成单任务模式(参阅“Time-Based Scheduling and Code Generation”)。默认情况下,使用单任务模式(单线程for all the rates)生成ROS节点,不带有实时线程调度。这允许生成ROS节点不需要“sudo”权限的执行,但是会导致更少的可预料的表现。如果用户需要更多可预料的表现,用户可以配置模型以使用多任务。在配置参数对话框的“Solver”面板,设置“Tasking mode for periodic sample times”为“MultiTasking”。生成代码过程中,这将为模型中的每个等级创建一个单独的线程,并为线程使用优先级调度。为了运行ROS节点,用户需要按下述使用“sudo”:sudo -E ~/catkin_ws_simulink/devel/lib/robotcontroller/robotcontroller_node
2023-06-19 13:48:111


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2023-06-19 13:49:391


1 先建立工作空间~/catkin_wscatkin_create_pkg basic std_msgs rospy2 在工作空间~/catkin_ws下创建包pkg目录basic好处是通过创建包自动生成package.xml和CMakeLists.txt3 在工程目录下建一个src子目录和.py文件源代码文件 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport roslib; roslib.load_manifest("basic")import rospyfrom std_msgs.msg import Int32rospy.init_node("topic_publisher")pub = rospy.Publisher("counter", Int32)rate = rospy.Rate(2)count = 0while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pub.publish(count) count += 1 rate.sleep()~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~操作步骤如下liao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws$ lsbuild devel install srcliao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws$ cd srcliao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws/src$ lsbasic beginner_tutorials CMakeLists.txt first secondliao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws/src$ cd basic/liao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws/src/basic$ lsCMakeLists.txt package.xml srcliao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws/src/basic$ cd srcliao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws/src/basic/src$ vi liao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws/src/basic/src$ chmod +x 4 回到~/catkin_ws目录下,编译程序$ cd ~/catkin_wsliao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws$ catkin_make5 将当前工程加入到shell环境里去liao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws$ echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrcliao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws$ source ~/.bashrc6 运行程序(需开两个终端)liao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws$ roscoreliao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws$ rosrun basic topic_publisher.py7 通过rostopic查看相关信息liao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws$ rostopic list/counter/rosout/rosout_aggliao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws$ rostopic info /counterType: std_msgs/Int32Publishers: * /topic_publisher (http://liao-eagle:34233/)Subscribers: Noneliao@liao-eagle:~/catkin_ws$ rostopic echo /counterdata: 185---data: 186---data: 187---data: 188---data: 189---data: 190---data: 191---data: 192---data: 193---data: 194
2023-06-19 13:49:591


2023-06-19 13:50:221

学习ros by example是不是一定要学会python

:直接执行python xx.py就可以运行。 或者建立catkin_make工作目录,放入python文件,写好配置文件。catkin_make 之后生成节点文件,rosrun运行该节点。
2023-06-19 13:50:481


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2023-06-19 13:51:276


1、不想面对他离开,逃避不是一个好方法,但却是唯一的办法。 Don"t want to face him to leave, escape is not a good way, but the only way. 2、爱就是打开心扉,让它自由地流淌,让对方看得到、听得到、感受得到。 Love is to open your heart and let it flow freely so that the other person can see, hear and feel it. 3、爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕,怕得到他;怕失掉他。 When you fall in love with someone, you are always afraid of getting him or losing him. 4、有些人注定是等待别人的,有些人是注定被人等的。 Some people are doomed to wait for others, others are doomed to be waited for. 5、此去经年,应是良辰美景虚设,便纵有千种风情,更与何人说。 To go through the years here should be the absence of beautiful scenery on a good day, even though there are thousands of customs, let alone with whom to say. 6、横汾路,寂寞当年萧鼓。荒烟依旧平楚。招魂楚些何嗟及,山鬼暗啼风雨。 Hengfen Road, lonely Xiaogu. The *** oke is still plain. What is the soul of Chu, mountain ghosts crying secretly wind and rain. 7、忆君心似西江水,日夜东流无歇时。 Recalling your heart is like the water of Xijiang River, flowing easard day and night. 8、天涯地角有穷时,只有相思无尽处。 When the ends of the earth are endless, there is only endless love. 9、相亲相见知何日,此时此夜难为情。 When we meet each other, we feel embarrassed this night. 10、花自飘零水自流,一种相思,两处闲愁。此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。 Flowers drift and water flows, a kind of love, o places of idle sorrow. This situation can not be eliminated, only the eyebrows, but the heart. 11、一寸相思千万绪,人间没个安排处。 An inch of Acacia, thousands of thoughts, there is no place in the world. 12、滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼。 Not a drop of Acacia, tears, red beans, spring willows, spring flowers all over the painting building. 13、爱,就大声说出来,因为你永远都不会知道,明天和意外,哪个会先来! Love, say it out loud, because you never know, tomorrow or accident, which will e first! 14、渴望我是火,忘记我是雪,看见我流泪,不知道我在为你心伤。 Desire I am fire, fet I am snow, see my tears, do not know I am sad for you. 15、从别后,忆相逢,几回魂梦与君同。 After parting, I remember meeting with you, and I dream with you several times. 16、身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。 The body has no colorful Phoenix wings, and the heart has something to do with it. 17、有美人兮,见之不忘。一日不见兮,思之如狂。 Beautiful people never fet what they see. One day no see, think like crazy. 18、钟陵风雪夜将深,坐对寒江独苦吟。流落天涯谁见问,少卿应识子卿心。 The snowy night in Zhongling will be deep, sitting on the Hanjiang River and singing bitterly. Who is wandering in the world, Shaoqing should know Ziqing"s heart. 19、锺情怕到相思路。盼长堤,草尽红心。动愁吟,碧落黄泉,两处难寻。 Love is afraid of thinking of each other. Looking forward to the long dike, the grass is as red as heart. Moving sorrow sings, green falls yellow spring, o difficult to find. 20、梨花院落溶溶月,柳絮池塘淡淡风。 Pear flower courtyard dissolves month, willow catkin pond light wind. 21、雪覆盖了这个世界,纯洁的如同你一样。 Snow covers the world, pure as you. 22、直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。 Straight love is no good, but melancholy is pure madness. 23、明月不谙离恨苦,斜光到晓穿朱户。 The bright moon knows nothing about hate and bitterness, till dawn wears Zhuhu. 24、人如风后入江云,情似雨馀黏地絮。 People enter the river and clouds like the wind, feeling like rain and sticky flocculation. 25、直缘感君恩爱一回顾,使我双泪长珊珊。 Looking back on the feeling of kindness and affection, I have tears in my eyes. 26、寻好梦,梦难成。况谁知我此时情。枕前泪共帘前雨,隔个窗儿滴到明。 Dreams are hard to e by in search of good dreams. Who knows what happened to me at this time? Tears before pillow curtain before rain, next window dripping to the bright. 27、入我相思门,知我相思苦,长相思兮长相忆,短相思兮无穷极。 When I enter the door of my love, I know that I am bitter in my thoughts, long in my mind, and I am short in lovesickness. 28、欲寄彩笺兼尺素,山长水阔知何处。 If you want to send colour paper and ruler, you know where the mountains are long and the waters are wide. 29、有些时候,正是为了爱才悄悄躲开.躲开的是身影,躲不开的却是那份默默的情怀。 Sometimes, it is for love that we quietly hide. What we can"t hide is the figure, but the silent feelings. 30、关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈宨淑女,君子好逑。 Guanguan Yongyu, on the river island. A lady is a lady, a gentleman is a lady. 31、一再的隐忍,一再的退让,却换来了盛宴上的谎言。 Repeated forbearance, repeated concessions, but in exchange for a feast lie. 32、这个世上没有未完的故事,只有未死的心。 There are no endless stories in this world, only the hearts of the dead. 33、雪不是微微的伤痛,你不说出爱情,雪所照亮之处,无限凄艳。 Snow is not a slight pain, you do not say love, snow illumination, infinite bleak. 34、那一夜,我抽了很多烟,烟雾化成你的脸,我挥一挥手,一切都已成过眼云烟。 That night, I *** oked a lot of cigarettes, *** oke into your face, I waved, everything has bee a cloud of *** oke. 35、不是因为你能带给我什么而爱你。而是因为爱你准备接受你所带来的一切。 It"s not because of what you can bring to me that you love you. It"s because I love you and I"m ready to accept everything you bring. 36、他生莫作有情痴,人间无地着相思。 He was born without affection and lovesickness. 37、瘦影自怜秋水照,卿须怜我我怜卿。 Thin silhouettes pity themselves on autumn water, Qing must pity me and I pity Qing. 38、爱情!你深入一切事物的中心;你会把不存在的事实变成可能,而和梦境互相沟通。 Love! You go deep into the center of everything; you make possible the fact that you don"t exist, and you municate with dreams. 39、我要捧起雪儿的脸庞,让她永远不再受伤。更要留住石榴的芳香,伴我回归爱的故乡。 I want to lift Cher"s face so that she will never be hurt again. More importantly, keep the fragrance of pomegranate and acpany me back to my hometown of love. 40、春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。 Spring silkworm to the end of silk, wax torch grey tears began to dry. 41、错过的年华在北漠开出斑斓的紫薇花、却荒芜了轮回的春夏。 The missed years blossom in the North Desert with beautiful Lagerstroemia flowers, but they desolate the reincarnation of spring and summer. 42、希望多年后,在某一瞬间,你偶尔想起我的时候,脸上依旧有笑容。 Hope many years later, in a moment, when you occasionally think of me, there is still a *** ile on your face. 43、爱比杀人重罪更难隐藏;爱情的黑夜有中午的阳光。 Love is harder to hide than felony murder; the dark night of love has noon sunshine. 44、愿我如星君如月,夜夜流光相皎洁。 May I be like a star, like a moon, bright at night. 45、只要你明白珍惜爱与被爱我愿意等待你给我的未来。 As long as you know how to cherish and be loved, I am willing to wait for the future you give me. 46、蔷薇开出的花朵没有芬芳、想念一个人、怀念一段伤、不流泪、不说话。 Rose flowers do not fragrance, miss a person, miss a wound, do not cry, do not speak. 47、我住长江头,君住长江尾。日日思君不见君,共饮一江水。 I live at the head of the Yangtze River and you live at the end of the Yangtze River. Every day I think of you, but I don"t see you. I drink a river together.
2023-06-19 13:57:581


He had received two consecutive scores Wang nba? He was in the final 35 seconds to 13 hours, even in the smooth reversed competition? He nba is tossed backboard which comes before the air to catch a line drive smash the bail forcefully first? Who is he? He is a shooting guard comprehensive, one-third, to break through, top, backboard omnipotent, Union is the best shooting guard one. He cast the accurate breakthrough trenchant, and the most full of dynamism he is a glider in the air when it whimsical imagination, He"s like a thunderbolt sometimes smash the bail forcefully as a ground-breaking, sometimes seems like the tree catkins dance beautifully. With a pair of long arms, excellent endurance and explosive power and amazing determination braving the restricted area, He has become the NBA team from the biggest rivals. In trey and hit the free throw rate also has made significant progress, he has increasingly unassailable. I appreciated the most was Medina breakthrough. Magic in the season, Medina breakthrough of silt broken deduction is really exciting, and because he has a very strong ability of his endurance in the air to make a very enjoyable air movements such as the stick. Shooting air change hands, and so on. Competition in smash the bail forcefully on the Medina turned a 360-degree stick smash the bail forcefully applause. The Medina more of the shooting with his score. Each a superstar with the age of growth is no bouncing, the shooting appears to be particularly important. Medina"s shooting were equally praiseworthy. Another shooting his surprise when his plane to change, quick-stop, and then Hurl, movement coherence,; so hard to prevent opponents of the nba Although Medina has been playing for 10 years but is disappointing is the fact that he has still not an overall winners Army rings. Yao Ming must have because we are all very concerned about the rocket team The rocket teams have home court advantage in the circumstances under which the Jazz to four : 3 to shut the door the second round of the playoffs. I think that Medina had done its best. The reason Van Gundy responsibility for the failure was due to his conservative and critical moments of command errors caused the rocket to miss the opportunity lost failure North. I will never support Medina, I hope he will soon realize their championship dream. u2022 2000-2001 season, NBA "fastest player" u2022 2000-2001 season, NBA, "the second best lineup" u2022 2001-2002 season. NBA "the best lineup" u2022 2002-2003 season. of the regular season, "scores" of 2003-2004 season, of the regular season, "the second best lineup" u2022 2003-2004 season, of the regular season, "scores" of 2002, 2003, 2004, in "All-Star Contest" and was first played
2023-06-19 13:58:102


【 #英语资源# 导语】冬季,四季之一,传统上是以二十四节气“立冬”作为冬季的开始。以下是 考 网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。 1.有关冬天的英语日记   Winter is coming, snowflakes are flying in the air, and the ground is covered with snow.   The children are happily making snowmen. The snowman is big and round, the trees are tall and green, the houses are short and colorful, the windows are yellow and the doors are red. The snow on the roof is as white as a big quilt. From time to time, adults" laughter came from the room.   The snow is still falling. Winter is so beautiful! 2.有关冬天的英语日记   Sister Qiu put down the fruit and walked slowly. Grandpa Dong came quietly with the wind flat. The north wind whistled, like a tenor, and snowflakes were flying in the sky, as if dancing rock and roll.   How cold it is in winter! The trees wore straw clothes, and the children wore thick cotton clothes. Adults go to work against the north wind, and we go to school through snowflakes. Sometimes we ski on the snow, have snowball fights and make snowmen. How happy we are! 3.有关冬天的英语日记   One day in winter, it snowed, and numerous snowflakes fell down from the sky, covering the willow trees with a white yarn. The pine and cypress trees were not afraid, but still stood there. The snow put a white hat on the house, and covered the earth with a thick quilt.      Looking further away, in the fields, the thick snow covered the winter cold with wheat seedlings. A gust of wind blew, and the snow wandered around in the fields. It seemed that it was still snowing. Snowflakes blowing on my face are cool. As the saying goes, "A snow promises a good year." The heavy snow bodes well for next year"s harvest. Because snow melts into water and then soaks into the soil, it can moisten wheat seedlings. 4.有关冬天的英语日记   Winter is coming, and it is getting cold. What the children want most is heavy snow.   When it snows, the land is white.   Outside, you will see snowflakes falling from the aerial marker. Snow falls on the tree girl, who looks like she is wearing a new snow-white dress. Snow fell on the roof, and the house seemed to be wearing a white hat. Snow fell on the road, the road seems to be tied with a snow-white scarf. Snow fell on the earth, and the earth seemed to be covered with a snow-white wool quilt.   I caught a snowflake and wanted to count how many petals it had. Before I could finish counting, it turned into a small drop of water and stole away from my fingers. 5.有关冬天的英语日记   This morning, it was very cold. I put on a thick cotton padded coat and went out to play with the children.   After a while, it began to snow heavily. I like it best! The goose feather like snow drifted down, and soon the land became a vast expanse of white, just like a white carpet covering the land. Some children had snowball fights, some made snowmen, and some made snowballs. They were very happy!   However, the heavy snow did not wait for the children who liked it. It stopped soon, and I still played reluctantly. I played from morning till noon, playing with the snow slowly melting by the merciless sun, so I had to return home regretfully. I thought for a moment. Why does it snow today? by the way! It"s winter coming!   The footprints of winter are everywhere, as long as you look carefully, you will find! 6.有关冬天的英语日记   Today, I got up and looked out of the window. It was snowy. It was the first snow this winter! I put my schoolbag on my back and walked on the street. There were footprints on the snow on the street, big and small... There was some snow on the branches of small trees on the roadside, as if Grandpa Winter had put a white coat on the trees! Grandpa Winter covered the wheat with a thick quilt. When I came to the campus, the holly leaves were covered with snow. The pine trees on the campus were like Christmas trees, very beautiful. The playground behind the teaching building is snow-white. Many children are snowballing and snowball fighting there. I don"t know who has made a big snowman.   The first snow this winter is beautiful! 7.有关冬天的英语日记   Winter is coming, and there is a heavy snow goose feather in the sky. The snowflakes fall on the earth and form a thick layer, just like covering the earth with a white quilt. It"s very beautiful!   When the children saw it, they all went to play on the snow. A child was making a snowman. He rolled out a big snowball on the ground. As the snowman"s body, he rolled out a smaller snowball and put it on the big snowball. As the snowman"s head, he took out all kinds of things to put on the snowman as the snowman"s facial features. The snowman was piled up. Standing in the distance, he looked like a white and fat doll, very cute.   The children enjoyed themselves very much. It was a winter full of laughter! 8.有关冬天的英语日记   When winter came, Sister Winter came to the world with groups of happy little angels. The little angels dance happily and slowly fall down.   It was snowing. The brown tree wore a white cotton padded jacket, the house wore a white hat, and the earth mother wore a white skirt. The snow stopped and the children came out to play games. Some of them make snowmen, some play snowball fights, and some skate or jump rope. 9.有关冬天的英语日记   As the saying goes: snow is a symbol of winter. This is good, you see, yesterday the weather is cloudy, maybe it will snow today.   Sure enough snow to fall today, first off and on, stars, soon the vast floating, like goose feather, such as catkin. In the afternoon, on the earth, branches, roof, remained on the earth all things to be clothed with a layer of white coat, whiteness and all things in this world, there are the guardian of the snow elves. Guardian is snow in the winter, snow is pure, nothing can defile it.   Under the snow in slowly and quietly, so happy children, busy snowball fights, a snowman, only heard a joyous laughter is full of between heaven and earth.   Winter is beautiful, is full of spiritual, I like winter, more like snow in winter. 10.有关冬天的英语日记   In winter, the weather becomes very cold. Everyone is wearing thick clothes. The colorful clothes are very beautiful, and the more beautiful is the snow scenery.   One day, the weather suddenly turned cold. The sky was overcast. After a while, large snowflakes fell from the sky. The snowflakes were blown all over the sky by the strong wind and floated to the ground, trees, fields... The world has changed into a silver dress, which is beautiful beyond comparison.   Look, there are fluffy, shiny silver bars and fluffy, heavy snowballs on the branches on both sides of the street. Surrounded by snow, the branches carry snow. The scene is beautiful!   When the weather cleared up, the students began to play with snow. Some made snowmen, some had snowball fights, and some were skiing on it. What a beautiful scene in winter!
2023-06-19 13:58:281

三秋蒲柳 是什么意思

◎ 三秋指秋季。七月称孟秋、八月称仲秋、九月称季秋、合称三秋。 清 纳兰性德 《与顾梁汾书》:“天清气朗,时值三秋。”◎ 蒲柳 púliǔ[big catkin willow] 落叶灌木( Salix gracilistyla ),秋天早凋,也叫水杨,用来比喻或自谦身体衰弱蒲柳常质,望秋先零。——《晋书·顾悦之传》【原句】黛玉想到“草木当春,花鲜叶茂,想我年纪尚小,便象三秋蒲柳。若是果能随愿,或者渐渐的好来,不然,只恐似那花柳残春,怎禁得风摧雨送。” 【解释】三秋蒲柳==秋天早凋的水杨,指身体羸弱
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常见的花序有无限花序和有限花序。无限花序又叫向心花序,花轴下部或外围的花先开,渐及于顶端或中心,花轴继续伸长并陆续开花。 常见的无限花序包括:①总状花序。一般花朵多数,着生于一个不分枝的长花轴上,如紫藤等。②复总状花序。一个花序内包含几个总状花序,下部的较长大,上部较短,外形成圆锥形
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  关于柳氏的姓氏来源说法为下:  古代春秋时,鲁国有个士师叫展禽,即柳下惠,受封于柳下(在今河南仆县柳下屯),其子孙便以封地为姓,相传姓柳。  聚集地(迁徙分布)  在台湾,被排为第九十七位大姓的是柳氏。柳氏入台,据台湾文献载,是清嘉庆二年(公元1797年),最早由一位福建的漳州柳姓人氏,东渡过海,移居今台北县金山乡五乡村的。  堂号  《广韵》记载:“鲁展禽食采于柳,后因为氏”望出河东。  历史名人  柳宗元——字子厚,唐朝河东人。唐宋八大家之一,也称柳河东。柳宗元是中唐时期著名的文学家和哲学家,与韩愈齐名,并称“韩柳”,诗文皆工,尤擅长散文,峭拔矫健,寓意深刻。后人因其在文学上的卓越成就,故建柳侯祠和他的衣冠墓,以示纪念。传世有《柳河东集》,也称《唐柳先生集》。  柳公权——字诚悬,唐朝京兆华原人。著名书法家,擅长楷书,结体劲媚,法度谨严。世称“颜筋柳骨”。所书碑刻,传世者有《送梨帖跋》、《玄秘塔》、《金刚经》、《神策军碑》。  柳亚子——原名慰高,又名人权、弃疾,字安如,一字亚庐。江苏吴江人。同盟会会员,主编《复报》第一至十一期。宣统元年(1909年)冬与陈去病、高天梅创办南社,被举为主任。民国元年(1912年)元月南京临时政府成立,任总统府秘书。旋托病至上海,任《天锋报》、《民声报》、《太平洋报》主笔。民国2年起致力于新剧运动,出版《春航集》和《子美集》。抗日战争时期,与宋庆龄、何香凝等从事抗日民主活动,被国民党开除党籍。1949年出席中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议,中华人民共和国成立后,历任中央人民政府委员、全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员等职。1958年逝世,终年71岁。著有《磨剑室诗集、词集、文集》、《柳亚子诗词选》,辑有《苏曼殊全集》、《孙竹丹烈士遗集》等。  综合新华社、《京华时报》报道,公安部治安管理局最近对全国户籍人口的一项统计分析显示:王姓是我国第一大姓,有9288.1万人,占全国人口总数的7.25%。  据介绍,我国第二大姓是李,有9207.4万人,占全国人口总数的7.19%;第三位是张姓,有8750.2万人,占全国人口总数的6.83%。姓氏人口总数在2000万人以上的姓有10个,依次为:王、李、张、刘、陈、杨、黄、赵、吴、周;姓氏人口少于2000万人多于1000万人的姓氏有12个,依次是:徐、孙、马、朱、胡、郭、何、高、林、罗、郑、梁。  位列前100名的姓氏还有:谢、宋、唐、许、韩、冯、邓、曹、彭、曾、肖、田、董、袁、潘、于、蒋、蔡、余、杜、叶、程、苏、魏、吕、丁、任、沈、姚、卢、姜、崔、钟、谭、陆、汪、范、金、石、廖、贾、夏、韦、付、方、白、邹、孟、熊、秦、邱、江、尹、薛、闫、段、雷、侯、龙、史、陶、黎、贺、顾、毛、郝、龚、邵、万、钱、严、覃、武、戴、莫、孔、向、汤。  前100个姓氏总人口占全国人口的84.77%。  三大姓追溯  王:一般帝王的后裔称王子、王孙,随后便用作姓氏。另外,王姓也由许多其他姓氏变化而来,最多的出于“为”姓,另外,姓王的也有些人是商纣比干之后,甚至古高丽国君也是王姓。  李:李姓来源甚广,有数百之多。最早出自“赢”姓,春秋时期流行以官位做姓,道家学说的创始人老子因祖辈为理官,遂以理为姓,后传为李。  张:相传张姓源于黄帝,是黄帝的后代,张姓自汉代开始逐渐增多,与当时道教的兴起与流行有关。当时盛行“黄帝赐姓张氏”的说法,比如当时的道教领袖张鲁、张角等。  全国第一大姓名:张伟  可能是“伟”代表着挺拔、雄伟之意,去年全国公民身份证号码查询服务中心公布的31个城市的姓氏统计工作结果显示,“张伟”成为全国第一大姓名,而全国排名前四位的名字竟然全是“伟哥”。  据调查,在31个城市中,“张伟”一名位居榜首,2亿人中共有59275个张伟,“王伟”、“李伟”与“刘伟”则分别列第二、第三、第四名。  湖南第一大姓:刘  湖南省统计局去年7月公布的信息显示:2005年1%人口抽样调查结果表明,湖南省调查的759913人中,共有姓氏334个,姓氏人数占调查总人数1%以上的有22个,占0.1至0.99%的有50个,在0.01%以下的有100个。按人数多少排序,排前三位的姓氏分别是:刘(7.178%)、李(6.938%)、陈(4.973%)。其余的姓氏排位主要为张、王、杨、黄、周、唐、罗、吴、胡、彭、肖、何、邓、谢、曾、谭、蒋。  长沙第一大姓:李  去年,公安部“全国公民身份证号码查询服务中心”通过对“全国公民身份信息系统”的数据进行整理和研究,对长沙等全国31个城市进行了姓氏姓名统计。根据“全国公民身份信息系统”的数据,长沙市户籍人口中最大的姓氏为“李”姓,共有451533人,排名前10位的姓氏依次为:李、刘、张、陈、周、王、黄、杨、彭、罗。从排名前10位的姓氏中各姓氏出现的频率来看,长沙户籍人口姓氏的集中度相对来说比较低。排名第1的李姓比排名第10的罗姓仅仅高出4个多百分点,相对于其他城市排名第一的姓氏所占比例动辄达10%以上的百分比来说,各姓氏比较均匀。
2023-06-19 14:00:461


哈哈哈 ,楼上翻译的好标准不过好好笑。
2023-06-19 14:01:012


2023-06-19 14:01:022


<font face="Trebuchet MS">从网上看到《敕勒歌》的英译,不慎苟同。特译如下:(1)《敕勒歌》是北朝时期中国北方少数民族——敕勒族的一首脍炙人口的牧歌。这首敕勒歌风格奔放、雄健质朴,寥寥几句就十分生动地勾勒出内蒙大西北独特的壮丽景色。该民歌的作者斛律金,生于公元488年,出身于朔州敕勒部将门之家,系北齐神武帝部下的一名善骑精射的将领。“天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊”是该民歌中的著名诗句。The Ode to the Chile Prairie is a very popular pastoral song of the Chile nationality in the Northern Dynasties in North China. Plain, vigorous and unrestrained in style, this folk song with only several lines gives a vivid outline of the unique and magnificent scenery in the vast northwest of Inner Mongolia. Its author, Hulü Jin, was born into a Chile general"s family in Shuozhou in 488. He served as a general under Emperor Shenwu of the Northern Qi Dynasty and was expert at archery and horsemanship. A famous sentence in it - “Between the vast sky and the boundless earth, flocks and herds appear as grass bends to wind.”(2)敕勒,秦汉时称丁零,魏晋南北朝时南方人又称之为高车。主要居住在大漠南北,即今蒙古草原。The Chile were called Dingling in the Qin and Han Dynasties. In the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, they were called Gaoche by people in South China. They mainly inhabited the northwest to the Great Desert in present-day Mongolian Steppe.3.《敕勒歌》 (北朝) 斛律金敕勒川,阴山下。 天似穹庐,笼盖四野。 天苍苍,野茫茫, 风吹草低见牛羊。 The Ode to the Chile Prairieby Hulü Jin (Northern Dynasties)Below the Yinshan Mountains lies the Chile Prairie.Over the earth hangs the sky like a huge yurt.Between the vast sky and the boundless earth, Flocks and herds appear as grass bends to wind.我个人觉得以下这个版本还是挺不错的,既考虑了对仗,还压韵,最后三句尤佳。A Shepherd"s SongBy the side of the rill,At the foot of the hill,The grassland stretches "neath the firmament tranquil.The boundless grassland liesBeneath the boundless skies.When the winds blowAnd grass bends low,My sheep and cattle will emerge before your eyes.朱曼华散落在丝绸之路上的诗歌,难以计其数,完全可以而且应该编译成一本很大的书。这里录用的仅是其中的20首并附以许渊冲教授(X.Y.Z.)的译文。个别几首由于没有许译或一时查不到许译也就只好由笔者暂先试译以弥补没有英译的缺憾了。这样做也是想再次表明策划“丝绸之旅”必将进一步推动对丝绸之路上文化积淀的发掘与研究,以实际行动直接参与并推动中西方文化交流。丝绸之路上的诗歌敕勒歌斛律金北朝(439-534)敕勒川,阴山下。天似穹庐,笼盖四野。天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。A Classical Folk SongThe Chille-RiverHulujinHanded down from the North-Dynasty, China(439-534)The Cloudy-Mountains lie,See the Chille-River pass by,Like a big dome is the skyCovering the prairie nigh.The lofty sky is deeply blue,The vast wildness not seen through.The wind lowering grass in green,Sheep and cattle are easily seen.(Tr. Z. Manfield)
2023-06-19 14:01:032

泵这个读什么字 怎么拼音

2023-06-19 14:01:096


cartier又名卡地亚,法国顶级奢侈品牌。是一家法国钟表及珠宝制造商,于1847年由Louis-Franois Cartier在巴黎Rue Montorgueil31号创办。卡地亚(Cartier)的象征是神秘的豹,在Panthère系列中被赋予了重要的地位。卡地亚是世界第一个做“手表”的,但是他是做珠宝起家的,他的手表好在其高档表,镶嵌工艺很牛。其外观是最大的卖点,比如蓝气球系列。卡地亚的故事源自1847年。路易斯·弗朗索瓦·卡地亚(Louis Francois Cartier)盘下了师傅巴黎的珠宝铺,正式成立了卡地亚首饰店。1902年,卡地亚的店铺已经从巴黎开到了伦敦和纽约,纽约逐渐成为卡地亚王国的总部。父子相传仅两代,卡地亚已成世界“首饰之王”。卡地亚还成为欧洲各国皇室的御用珠宝商并被誉为"珠宝商的皇帝,帝皇的珠宝商"。英国皇室曾向卡地亚订购27顶皇冠作加冕之用。卡地亚的含义卡地亚手表是非常高档的手表,已经属于奢侈品的范畴了。在专业腕表世界里,卡地亚一直是名列前茅的优秀选手,是可以和百达翡丽、江诗丹顿、爱彼这类一流专业腕表品牌齐名的世界名表。同时也和劳力士、欧米茄一道,是多年以来始终位列行业综合经济实力(全球销售额、销量、占比)三甲的品牌之一。卡地亚象征着财富以及优雅,与1897年在法国创立,已经有百年的历史,其发展的进程中一直与皇室贵族以及上流社会有着密切的联系,制作工艺十分的完美,因此价格也较为昂贵,象征着财富与优雅,是由法国钟表以及珠宝制作商,于1847年所创立的,逐渐发展成世界著名的品牌。
2023-06-19 14:01:141

no sizable flocks是什么意思啊,老师给我们的意思是没有巨大的群,啥tm玩意

2023-06-19 14:01:171


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Canada (北美洲北部国家)
2023-06-19 14:01:271


2023-06-19 14:01:301

silicone adhesive是什么材料

adhesive [Ed5hi:sIv] adj.带粘性的, 胶粘 n.粘合剂 adhesive [Ed5hi:sIv] adj 黏着的;黏连的;有黏性的 adhesive n 黏合剂 adhesive [Ed5hi:siv] adj. 粘着的, 胶粘的易着的, 有粘着力的难忘的 an adhesive witticism 难忘的妙语 adhesive n. 胶粘剂; 粘合剂, 附着力, 粘着力胶布配件 adhesively adv. adhesiveness n. 粘[附着, 胶粘]性, 粘附[胶粘]度 -vity adhesive n. 粘着性 aircraft adhesive 航空粘合剂 all-purpose adhesive 万能胶 animal adhesive [glue] 动物胶 aqueous adhesive 水溶粘合剂 bone adhesive 骨胶 cellulose adhesive 硝酸纤维素粘合剂 ceramic adhesive 陶瓷粘合剂 chlorinated rubber adhesive 氯化橡胶胶粘剂 cold-setting adhesive [glue] 冷固胶粘剂(在10-25℃之间) conductive adhesive 导电粘合剂 cresol resin adhesive 甲酚树脂胶粘剂 cyanoacrylate adhesive 腈基丙烯酸酯粘合剂 dextrin(e) adhesive 糊精胶粘剂 edge-jointing adhesive 对接胶, 对接粘合剂 elastomeric structural adhesive 弹性体结构粘合剂 emulsion polymer adhesive 乳胶聚合物胶粘剂 epoxy (resin) adhesive 环氧树脂胶 epoxy novolac adhesive 线型酚醛环氧粘合剂 film adhesive 胶膜, 胶纸 fire retardant adhesive 抗热粘合剂 fish adhesive 鱼胶 flame-retardant adhesive 滞燃胶, 滞燃粘合剂 flour adhesive 面粉(浆)糊 foamy adhesive 起泡胶粘剂 fuel-resistant adhesive 抗燃料腐蚀胶 furfural resin adhesive 糠醛树脂胶粘剂 gap-filling adhesive 补隙胶粘剂, 空隙充填性粘合剂 heat-welding adhesive 热熔性胶粘剂 high-strength structural adhesives 高强度结构粘合剂 high-temperature adhesives 高温粘合剂 hot-setting adhesive 热固性粘合剂(100℃以上硬化) melamine-resin adhesive 三聚氰胺树脂胶 metal-to-metal adhesive 金属粘合剂[胶] moisture-proof adhesive 防水胶粘剂 natural resin adhesive 天然树脂胶粘剂 natural rubber adhesive 天然胶粘合剂; 天然胶浆 neoprene adhesive 氯丁橡胶粘合剂 nitrile phenolic adhesive 丁腈酚醛树脂粘合剂 non-aqueous adhesive 非水溶液(型)粘合剂 non-structural adhesive 非结构粘合剂 nylon-epoxy adhesives 尼龙环氧粘合剂 packaging adhesive 包装用胶, 胶水 paste (-type) adhesive 膏状粘合剂, 粘合膏 phenol formaldehyde adhesive 酚醛树脂胶粘剂 phenol-polyvinylacetal adhesive 酚-聚乙烯醇乙缩醛粘合剂 polyvinyl acetate adhesive 聚醋酸乙烯脂胶 pressure-sensitive adhesive 压敏粘合剂 pyrogenic adhesive 热解粘合剂 rapid cure adhesive 速定胶粘剂 resilient floor tile adhesive 弹性地板层(用)粘合剂 resin adhesive 合成树脂胶 resin based adhesive 树脂基胶粘剂 room-temperature setting adhesive 室温固化粘合剂 rubber adhesive 橡胶粘合剂 rubber-based adhesive 橡胶基[质]胶 rubber-to-metal adhesive 橡胶金属粘合剂 self-curing adhesive 自固化粘合剂 shell adhesive 壳型粘合剂 silicone adhesive 硅酮胶 sodium silicate adhesive 硅酸钠胶粘剂 solvent adhesive 溶剂胶, 挥发胶粘剂 starch adhesive 淀粉胶粘剂 superstrength adhesive 超强度粘合剂 synthetic adhesive 合成胶, 人造胶 synthetic non-conducting adhesive 绝缘胶合材料 thermoplastic adhesive 热塑性胶粘剂 thermosetting resin adhesive 热固性树脂胶 two-part adhesive 二元粘合剂 urea-formaldehyde resin adhesive 尿醛树脂胶 versatile adhesives 万能粘合剂 warm-setting adhesive 中温硬化粘合剂 weather-proof adhesive 耐候性胶粘剂 adhesive AHD:[瞕-h稉s箆, -z箆] D.J.:[#d6hi8siv, -ziv] K.K.:[#d6his!v, -z!v] adj. Tending to adhere; sticky. Gummed so as to adhere. Tending to persist; difficult if not impossible to shake off: 揌e feels an adhesive dread, a sudden acquaintance with the . . . darker side of mankind?George F. Will) adhesive n. A substance, such as paste or cement, that provides or promotes adhesion. adhesively adhesiveness adhesive AHD:[瞕-h稉s箆, -z箆] D.J.:[#d6hi8siv, -ziv] K.K.:[#d6his!v, -z!v] adj. Tending to adhere; sticky. 粘的倾向于粘附的;粘的 Gummed so as to adhere. 涂胶的涂上胶以便粘附的 Tending to persist; difficult if not impossible to shake off: 难忘的倾向于持久的;难以去掉的:揌e feels an adhesive dread, a sudden acquaintance with the . . . darker side of mankind?George F. Will) “他感到一种无法忘却的恐惧,一种对…人类黑暗面的突然认识”(乔治F.威尔) adhesive n. A substance, such as paste or cement, that provides or promotes adhesion. 粘合剂提供或促使粘附的物质,如浆糊或水泥 adhesively adhesiveness cohesive [ kEJ`hi:sIv ] adj.粘着的 cohesive [kEu5hi:siv] adj. 有粘着力的, 有附着力的; 凝聚性的; 内聚性的, 有 结合力的 cohesive force 凝聚力, 内聚力, 粘合力 cohesively adv. cohesiveness n. 粘结性, 内聚性 cohesion AHD:[k?h稉zh昂] D.J.:[kou6hi8/*n] K.K.:[ko6hi/*n] n. The act, process, or condition of cohering: exhibited strong cohesion in the family unit. Physics The intermolecular attraction by which the elements of a body are held together. Botany The congenital union of parts of the same kind, such as a calyx of five united sepals. FromLatin cohaesus,past participle of cohaer秗e[ to cling together ] *See Also : cohere cohesive AHD:[-s箆, -z箆] adj. cohesively cohesiveness cohesion AHD:[k?h稉zh昂] D.J.:[kou6hi8/*n] K.K.:[ko6hi/*n] n. The act, process, or condition of cohering: 内聚性凝集的动作、过程和条件: exhibited strong cohesion in the family unit. 在家庭单位元中表现出强内聚性 Physics 【物理学】 The intermolecular attraction by which the elements of a body are held together. 分子的凝聚力使物体各部分聚合在一起的分子间相互的吸引力 Botany 【植物学】 The congenital union of parts of the same kind, such as a calyx of five united sepals. 结合同类各部分的先天联合,例如五个萼片联合成的花萼 FromLatin cohaesus,past participle of cohaer秗e[ to cling together ] 源自拉丁语 cohaesus, cohaer秗e的过去分词[ 粘在一起 ] *See Also : cohere cohesive AHD:[-s箆, -z箆] adj. cohesively cohesiveness
2023-06-19 14:01:311


"g" 和 "ue" 两个字母一起发音时,在英语中一般表示 /g/ 和 /w/ 两个音的结合。具体来说,在舌头音标中,"gue" 发 /gw/ 音,即先发 /g/ 音(表示为 IPA 符号 [g]),然后立即跟着发 /w/ 音(表示为 IPA 符号 [w]),这两个音连在一起形成了一个音素 /gw/。例如在单词 "gue st" 中,“gue”发/gw/音,表示为 [ɡwʌst]。
2023-06-19 14:01:371

adhesive strength 与cohesive strength的区别?

adhesive[Ed5hi:sIv]adj.带粘性的, 胶粘n.粘合剂adhesive[Ed5hi:sIv]adj黏着的;黏连的;有黏性的 adhesiven黏合剂adhesive[Ed5hi:siv]adj.粘着的, 胶粘的易着的, 有粘着力的难忘的an adhesive witticism难忘的妙语adhesiven.胶粘剂; 粘合剂, 附着力, 粘着力胶布配件adhesivelyadv.adhesivenessn.粘[附着, 胶粘]性, 粘附[胶粘]度 -vityadhesiven.粘着性aircraft adhesive航空粘合剂all-purpose adhesive万能胶animal adhesive [glue]动物胶aqueous adhesive水溶粘合剂bone adhesive骨胶cellulose adhesive硝酸纤维素粘合剂ceramic adhesive陶瓷粘合剂chlorinated rubber adhesive氯化橡胶胶粘剂cold-setting adhesive [glue]冷固胶粘剂(在10-25℃之间)conductive adhesive导电粘合剂cresol resin adhesive甲酚树脂胶粘剂cyanoacrylate adhesive腈基丙烯酸酯粘合剂dextrin(e) adhesive糊精胶粘剂edge-jointing adhesive对接胶, 对接粘合剂elastomeric structural adhesive弹性体结构粘合剂emulsion polymer adhesive乳胶聚合物胶粘剂epoxy (resin) adhesive环氧树脂胶epoxy novolac adhesive线型酚醛环氧粘合剂film adhesive胶膜, 胶纸fire retardant adhesive抗热粘合剂fish adhesive鱼胶flame-retardant adhesive滞燃胶, 滞燃粘合剂flour adhesive面粉(浆)糊foamy adhesive起泡胶粘剂fuel-resistant adhesive抗燃料腐蚀胶furfural resin adhesive糠醛树脂胶粘剂gap-filling adhesive补隙胶粘剂, 空隙充填性粘合剂heat-welding adhesive热熔性胶粘剂high-strength structural adhesives高强度结构粘合剂high-temperature adhesives高温粘合剂hot-setting adhesive热固性粘合剂(100℃以上硬化)melamine-resin adhesive三聚氰胺树脂胶metal-to-metal adhesive金属粘合剂[胶]moisture-proof adhesive防水胶粘剂natural resin adhesive天然树脂胶粘剂natural rubber adhesive天然胶粘合剂; 天然胶浆neoprene adhesive氯丁橡胶粘合剂nitrile phenolic adhesive丁腈酚醛树脂粘合剂non-aqueous adhesive非水溶液(型)粘合剂non-structural adhesive非结构粘合剂nylon-epoxy adhesives尼龙环氧粘合剂packaging adhesive包装用胶, 胶水paste(-type)adhesive膏状粘合剂, 粘合膏phenol formaldehyde adhesive酚醛树脂胶粘剂phenol-polyvinylacetal adhesive酚-聚乙烯醇乙缩醛粘合剂polyvinyl acetate adhesive聚醋酸乙烯脂胶pressure-sensitive adhesive压敏粘合剂pyrogenic adhesive热解粘合剂rapid cure adhesive速定胶粘剂resilient floor tile adhesive弹性地板层(用)粘合剂resin adhesive合成树脂胶resin based adhesive树脂基胶粘剂room-temperature setting adhesive室温固化粘合剂rubber adhesive橡胶粘合剂rubber-based adhesive橡胶基[质]胶rubber-to-metal adhesive橡胶金属粘合剂self-curing adhesive自固化粘合剂shell adhesive壳型粘合剂silicone adhesive硅酮胶sodium silicate adhesive硅酸钠胶粘剂solvent adhesive溶剂胶, 挥发胶粘剂starch adhesive淀粉胶粘剂superstrength adhesive超强度粘合剂synthetic adhesive合成胶, 人造胶synthetic non-conducting adhesive绝缘胶合材料thermoplastic adhesive热塑性胶粘剂thermosetting resin adhesive热固性树脂胶two-part adhesive二元粘合剂urea-formaldehyde resin adhesive尿醛树脂胶versatile adhesives万能粘合剂warm-setting adhesive中温硬化粘合剂weather-proof adhesive耐候性胶粘剂adhesiveAHD:[瞕-h稉s箆, -z箆]D.J.:[#d6hi8siv, -ziv]K.K.:[#d6his!v, -z!v] adj.Tending to adhere; sticky.Gummed so as to adhere.Tending to persist; difficult if not impossible to shake off:揌e feels an adhesive dread, a sudden acquaintance with the . . . darker side of mankind?George F. Will)adhesive n.A substance, such as paste or cement, that provides or promotes adhesion.adhesivelyadhesivenessadhesiveAHD:[瞕-h稉s箆, -z箆]D.J.:[#d6hi8siv, -ziv]K.K.:[#d6his!v, -z!v] adj.Tending to adhere; sticky. 粘的倾向于粘附的;粘的Gummed so as to adhere. 涂胶的涂上胶以便粘附的Tending to persist; difficult if not impossible to shake off: 难忘的倾向于持久的;难以去掉的:揌e feels an adhesive dread, a sudden acquaintance with the . . . darker side of mankind?George F. Will)“他感到一种无法忘却的恐惧,一种对…人类黑暗面的突然认识”(乔治F.威尔)adhesive n.A substance, such as paste or cement, that provides or promotes adhesion. 粘合剂提供或促使粘附的物质,如浆糊或水泥adhesivelyadhesivenesscohesive[ kEJ`hi:sIv ]adj.粘着的cohesive[kEu5hi:siv]adj.有粘着力的, 有附着力的; 凝聚性的; 内聚性的, 有 结合力的cohesive force凝聚力, 内聚力, 粘合力cohesivelyadv.cohesivenessn.粘结性, 内聚性cohesionAHD:[k?h稉zh昂]D.J.:[kou6hi8/*n]K.K.:[ko6hi/*n] n.The act, process, or condition of cohering:exhibited strong cohesion in the family unit. PhysicsThe intermolecular attraction by which the elements of a body are held together. BotanyThe congenital union of parts of the same kind, such as a calyx of five united sepals.FromLatin cohaesus,past participle of cohaer秗e[ to cling together ] *See Also : coherecohesiveAHD:[-s箆, -z箆] adj.cohesivelycohesivenesscohesionAHD:[k?h稉zh昂]D.J.:[kou6hi8/*n]K.K.:[ko6hi/*n] n.The act, process, or condition of cohering: 内聚性凝集的动作、过程和条件:exhibited strong cohesion in the family unit.在家庭单位元中表现出强内聚性 Physics 【物理学】The intermolecular attraction by which the elements of a body are held together. 分子的凝聚力使物体各部分聚合在一起的分子间相互的吸引力 Botany 【植物学】The congenital union of parts of the same kind, such as a calyx of five united sepals. 结合同类各部分的先天联合,例如五个萼片联合成的花萼FromLatin cohaesus,past participle of cohaer秗e[ to cling together ] 源自拉丁语 cohaesus, cohaer秗e的过去分词[ 粘在一起 ] *See Also : coherecohesiveAHD:[-s箆, -z箆] adj.cohesivelycohesiveness
2023-06-19 14:01:393


2023-06-19 14:01:412

gue是什么意思 拼音也拼不出

2023-06-19 14:01:454


活蹦乱跳 欢蹦乱跳 活蹦活跳 鲜蹦活跳绷巴吊拷 绷爬吊拷 绷扒吊拷 坑绷拐骗倒绷孩儿 泪迸肠绝
2023-06-19 14:00:535


People use these two words pretty much interchangeably, but there are some specific technical differences and some subtle functional differences between the two.Technically, the difference between a glue and an adhesive is the difference between natural and artificial. Glues come from natural sources and adhesives are man made.
2023-06-19 14:00:521

好胆你就来 歌词 拼音 准确点的

2023-06-19 14:00:476

sticky; adhesive怎么读

["stiki]adj.粘性的; 粘的;潮湿的; 湿热的;难对付的, 棘手的[?d"hi:siv]n.黏合剂adj.可黏着的, 黏性的
2023-06-19 14:00:432


我的心内感觉 wa e xin nai gan ga 人生的沉重 lin xing e din dang 不敢来振动 mu ga lai ding dang 我不是好子 wa mu xi hou gia 嘛不是歹人 ma mu xi pai lang 我只是爱眠梦 wa ji xi ai min mang 我不愿随浪随风 wa mou wuan sui ying sui hong 飘浪西东 piao long sei dang 亲像船无港 qin qiun zun mou gang 我不愿做人 wa mu wuan zuei lang 奸巧钻缝 gan kiao lang pang 甘愿来作憨人 gang wuan lai zuei gong lang 我不是头脑空空 wa mu xi tao nao kang kang 我不是一只米虫 wa mu xi ji jia mi tang 人啊人 一世人 lang a lang ji xi lang 要安怎欢喜 me an zua hua hi 过春夏秋冬 guei cun ha ciu dang 我有我的路 wa wu wa e lo 有我的梦 wu wa e mang 梦中的那个世界 mang diong e hi lei sei gai 甘讲伊是一场空 gang gong yi xi ji diun kang 我走过的路 wa gia guei e lo 只有希望 ji wu hi mang 希望你我讲过的话 hi mang ni wa gong guei e wei 放在心肝内 bang zai xin gua nai 总有一天 zong wu ji gang 看到满天全金条 kua diou mua ti zuan gin diao 要煞无半项 me sa mou bua hang 环境来戏弄 huan ging lai hi nang 背景无够强 bue ging mou gao giong 天才无够弄 tien cai mou gao lang 我逐项是拢输人 wa da hang xi long su lang 只好看破这虚华 ji hou kua pua zei hi hua 不怕路歹行 mu gia lo pai gia 不怕大雨淋 mu gia dua ho lang 心上一字敢 xin xioung ji di ga 面对我的梦 min dui wa e mang 甘愿来作憨人 gang wuan lai zuei gong lang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 嘛:也 歹人:坏人 眠梦:做梦 亲像:就像 安怎:怎样 甘讲伊:难道说它 煞:抓 无半项:甚么都没 弄:卖弄
2023-06-19 14:00:391

cement 和adhesive都是粘合剂的意思吗?有什么区别?

2023-06-19 14:00:362


2023-06-19 14:00:311


2023-06-19 14:00:264


我的心内感觉 wa e xin nai gan ga 人生的沉重 lin xing e din dang 不敢来振动 mu ga lai ding dang 我不是好子 wa mu xi hou gia 嘛不是歹人 ma mu xi pai lang 我只是爱眠梦 wa ji xi ai min mang 我不愿随浪随风 wa mou wuan sui ying sui hong 飘浪西东 piao long sei dang 亲像船无港 qin qiun zun mou gang 我不愿做人 wa mu wuan zuei lang 奸巧钻缝 gan kiao lang pang 甘愿来作憨人 gang wuan lai zuei gong lang 我不是头脑空空 wa mu xi tao nao kang kang 我不是一只米虫 wa mu xi ji jia mi tang 人啊人 一世人 lang a lang ji xi lang 要安怎欢喜 me an zua hua hi 过春夏秋冬 guei cun ha ciu dang 我有我的路 wa wu wa e lo 有我的梦 wu wa e mang 梦中的那个世界 mang diong e hi lei sei gai 甘讲伊是一场空 gang gong yi xi ji diun kang 我走过的路 wa gia guei e lo 只有希望 ji wu hi mang 希望你我讲过的话 hi mang ni wa gong guei e wei 放在心肝内 bang zai xin gua nai 总有一天 zong wu ji gang 看到满天全金条 kua diou mua ti zuan gin diao 要煞无半项 me sa mou bua hang 环境来戏弄 huan ging lai hi nang 背景无够强 bue ging mou gao giong 天才无够弄 tien cai mou gao lang 我逐项是拢输人 wa da hang xi long su lang 只好看破这虚华 ji hou kua pua zei hi hua 不怕路歹行 mu gia lo pai gia 不怕大雨淋 mu gia dua ho lang 心上一字敢 xin xioung ji di ga 面对我的梦 min dui wa e mang 甘愿来作憨人 gang wuan lai zuei gong lang 嘛:也 歹人:坏人 眠梦:做梦 亲像:就像 安怎:怎样 甘讲伊:难道说它 煞:抓 无半项:甚么都没 弄:卖弄 还是本人有本事吧 嘿嘿!!!
2023-06-19 14:00:241

憨人 五月天 闽南话

2023-06-19 14:00:172

东方神起歌曲的拼音注音,越多越好 这三个贴子里全都是神起的歌词,有韩,中,日.楼主想要哪个就去找找看吧!
2023-06-19 14:00:092


形容词 a. 1.粘的;粘着的;有粘性的名词 n. 1.胶粘剂
2023-06-19 14:00:096


2023-06-19 14:00:024