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finish的过去式 finish的过去式是什么

2023-06-20 22:58:54
TAG: finis


2、v. 完成; 做好; (使) 结束; 吃完,喝光,用尽(所剩之物);

3、n. 最后部分; 结尾; 结局; 末道漆; 抛光; (漆完抛光后的) 成品表面; 最后精细加工;

4、[例句]As soon as he"d finished eating, he excused himself


6、[其他] 第三人称单数:finishes 现在分词:finishing 过去式:finished 过去分



"Finish" 和 "finish" 是两个不同的单词,虽然它们有一些相似之处,但它们的意思略有不同。"Finish" 通常指完成、完善或高质量的程度。它可以用来形容物品、行为或过程,表示它们已经达到了完美的程度,或者它们已经经历了足够的努力和步骤来实现其目标。例如:- The project was finished well before the deadline.(这个项目在截止日期前完成得很好。)- She finish studying before going to bed.(她写完作业就睡觉了。)"Finish" 也可以指完成某项任务或活动的最后阶段,通常是在其整个过程中的最后一步。例如:- He finished painting the room last night.(他昨晚在最后一步完成了房间 painting。)- The手术 was finished with the necessary medical tests.(手术经过了必要的医学测试,完成了。)另外,"finish" 还可以指完成某项工作或职业,成为该领域的专家或领导者。例如:- She is finish with her studies and planning to start a new job.(她已经完成了学业,正在计划开始新的工作。)- He finished his studies and went to work in a top-notch company.(他完成了学业,进入了一家顶尖的公司。)
2023-06-20 16:47:412


finish第三人称单数形式是finishes。第三人称单数是语言中对对话双方外其它某一个人指示时使用的代词,第三人称是相对于对话时,某一句话中,言语发出方(第一人称)和言语的听受方(第二人称)以外的其它人称。 扩展资料 单数是指该句中提到的其它人是一个人,相对于两个人(双数,在太平洋岛屿土著语言中广泛存在人称代词的`双数)或更多人(复数)。如汉语中的“他”“她”“它”,英语中的hesheithimher。在英语教学中,第三人称单数除了指英语中这一套代词外,也指这一套代词的相关语法。
2023-06-20 16:48:341


finish的第三人称单数形式是finishes。finishes的意思是完成,做好,(使)结束,吃完,喝光,用尽(所剩之物)。finishes的例句:Metallic finishes are seen as upmarket(金属般闪亮的罩面漆被认为是高档漆)。 扩展资料 finishes的例句:Only the finest lacquers are used for finishes(只有上等好漆才能用作罩面漆);If my daughter finishes the university,I"ll call that well and good(如果我的女儿能大学毕业,我就心满意足了)。
2023-06-20 16:48:421


finishesv.结束,完成( finish的第三人称单数 );[例句]If my daughter finishes the university, I"ll call that well and good.如果我的女儿能大学毕业,我就心满意足了。[原型]finish
2023-06-20 16:49:021


2023-06-20 16:49:251


一、 2.tries 3.brushes 4.catches 5.worries 6.finishes 7.dances 9.stops二、 2.gets live look 5.likes eats 6.knows are 7.practises doesn"t play 8.likes reads writes 9.leaves arrives 10.loves is wakes
2023-06-20 16:49:483


当主语是三单的时候要用finishes,因为finishes就是finish的三单形式。finishes动词:完成;做好;(使)结束;吃完,喝光,用尽(所剩之物)。 finish动词:完成;做好;(使)结束;(赛跑、竞赛)得…名;使筋疲力尽。名词:最后部分;结尾;结局;末道漆;抛光;(漆完抛光后的)成品表面;最后精细加工。短语搭配:Surface finish [机] 表面光洁度 ; 表面处理 ; [建] 表面修饰 ; 表面粗糙度finish off 吃完 ; 喝完 ; 结束 ; 完成Baking finish 烤漆喷涂 ; 烘烤涂料 ; [涂料] 烘漆 ; 烤漆Antique finish 古式涂料 ; 仿古涂饰 ; [纸] 仿古加工 ; 做旧facing finish 法兰面加工plate finish 原始光洁面 ; 光泽装饰 ; 平板加工 ; 原始光亮面finish up 完成 ; 结束 ; 彻底完成 ; 用完finish blanking 光制下料加工 ; 刃口冲裁模 ; 精整下料 ; 光制下料减工Chrome finish 镀铬双语例句:How can we finish it?我们怎样才能完成它?。I have to finish this project by next Friday.下个星期五之前我必须完成这个项目。
2023-06-20 16:50:311


2023-06-20 16:51:534

下午学校在四点半放学。用英语怎么说? school ( ) at 4:30 ( ) ( ) ( ). 怎么填

finishesinthe afternoon
2023-06-20 16:52:215


2023-06-20 16:52:371


finish是sh结尾,所以第三人称单数形式是后面加es为:finishes 例句:Theteachingdayfinishesataround4pm 一天的教学在下午4点左右结束。 词汇解析:finish 英 [fn] 美 [fn] 释义:v.完成;做好;(使)结束;吃完,喝光,用尽(所剩之物) n.最后部分;结尾;结局;末道漆;抛光 短语: finish partly 部分结束 finish slowly 慢慢地结束 finish off 结束,完成,吃光,杀死,毁掉 扩展资料   词语用法:   finish的基本意思是“结束,完成”,表明已达到所做事情的终点。引申可表示“用光,吃光”“毕业”“杀掉”等。   finish可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不能接动词不定式。   finish用作不及物动词时,其主动形式往往表示被动意义,常译为“…完了,…停止,…结束”。   finish作名词时,基本意思是“终点”,指某事物的"最后的部分、结尾或最后一道工序。还可作“完成的或完美的状态”“抛光得很好的表面”解,只用单数形式,有时可加不定冠词。
2023-06-20 16:54:391


finish是sh结尾,所以第三人称单数形式是后面加es为:finishes 例句:Theteachingdayfinishesataround4pm 一天的教学在下午4点左右结束。 词汇解析: finish 读法:英 [fn] 美 [fn] 释义: v.完成;做好;(使)结束;吃完,喝光,用尽(所剩之物) n.最后部分;结尾;结局;末道漆;抛光 短语: finish partly 部分结束 finish slowly 慢慢地结束 finish off 结束,完成,吃光,杀死,毁掉 扩展资料 词语用法: finish的`基本意思是“结束,完成”,表明已达到所做事情的终点。引申可表示“用光,吃光”“毕业”“杀掉”等。 finish可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不能接动词不定式。 finish用作不及物动词时,其主动形式往往表示被动意义,常译为“…完了,…停止,…结束”。 finish作名词时,基本意思是“终点”,指某事物的最后的部分、结尾或最后一道工序。还可作“完成的或完美的状态”“抛光得很好的表面”解,只用单数形式,有时可加不定冠词。
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2023-06-20 16:55:122


finish : 结束,完成反义词start : 开始,出发
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2023-06-20 16:55:061

当CAPTCHA 验证码也被破解,我们如何才能证明自己是人类?!

这个问题可以由计算机生成并评判,但是必须只有人类才能解答。由于计算机无法解答CAPTCHA的问题,所以回答出问题的用户就可以被认为是人类。 你可能在各个网站登录界面都看到过这样的东西,目前互联网的验证码正在向越来越复杂越来越困难方面进化,有时候连真正的人类都无法识别这些操蛋的验证码。一个斯坦福大学的研究发现:近2年来,互联网的验证码正变得越来越难以识别,并且每个网站平均有1/5的人,因为复杂的验证码而离开网站。但是,恐怖的是,机器人却能。再来介绍一下reCAPTCHAreCAPTCHA计画是由卡内基美浓大学所发展的系统,主要目的是利用CAPTCHA技术来帮助典籍数位化的进行,这个计画将由书本扫描下来无法准确的被光学文字辨识技术。目前世界上,每天都有2亿8000万用户在使用reCAPTCHA 识别自己的身份。CAPTCHA和reCAPTCHA 虽然是为了帮助人类更好的识别身份的,但就是有这么一帮黑客,抱着蛋疼的决心,希望能与验证码来个殊死搏斗。就如我们标题所说的,一些学者正在担心,但验证码不再管用,我们还要拿什么来证明自己是人类!?早在2006年,俄罗斯的黑客们(为什么又是俄罗斯)就在不断的攻克reCAPTCHA 系统。俄罗斯的一个黑客组织使用一个自动识别软件在2006年破解了Yahoo的CAPTCHA。准确率大概是15%,但是攻击者可以每天尝试10万次,相对来说成本很低。而在2008年,Google的CAPTCHA也被俄罗斯黑客所破解。攻击者使用两台不同的电脑来调整破解进程,可能是用第二台电脑学习第一台对CAPTCHA的破解,或者是对成效进行监视。正义的一方正在试图想出各种办法来组织黑客的破解,例如音频、输入设备的改变、甚至是Google Glass这种用眼球来解锁什么的。一些公司(例如正在开发新一代的CAPTCHA 系统,他们出品的PlayThru 号称提供更快更安全的验证码机制,结果很快就被Hack A Day 上的用户给破解了。 David J. Hill悲观的想法是:(对于验证码机器人来说)人类可能很快便很难再证明自己是人类。或许,可以像科幻电影那样,使用视网膜到最后是在所难免的。
2023-06-20 16:55:061

求!!!!!!!一份股票市场中专用名词的英文 谢谢!!!!!!!!!!

交易量 Trading volumetrading volume the number of shares, bonds or contracts traded during a given period, for a security or an entire exchange.The bond market (also known as the debt, credit, or fixed income market) is a financial market where participants buy and sell debt securities, usually in the form of bonds. As of 2006, the size of the international bond market is an estimated $45 trillion, of which the size of the outstanding U.S. bond market debt was $25.2 trillion.Nearly all of the $923 billion average daily trading volume (as of early 2007) in the U.S. Bond Market[2] takes place between broker-dealers and large institutions in a decentralized, over-the-counter (OTC) market. However, a small number of bonds, primarily corporate, are listed on exchanges.References to the "bond market" usually refer to the government bond market, because of its size, liquidity, lack of credit risk and, therefore, sensitivity to interest rates. Because of the inverse relationship between bond valuation and interest rates, the bond market is often used to indicate changes in interest rates or the shape of the yield curve.Market structureBond markets in most countries remain decentralized and lack common exchanges like stock, future and commodity markets. This has occurred, in part, because no two bond issues are exactly alike, and the number of different securities outstanding is far larger.However, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is the largest centralized bond market, representing mostly corporate bonds. The NYSE migrated from the Automated Bond System (ABS) to the NYSE Bonds trading system in April 2007 and expects the number of traded issues to increase from 1000 to 6000.Types of bond marketsThe Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association classifies the broader bond market into five specific bond markets.Corporate Government & Agency Municipal Mortgage Backed, Asset Backed, and Collateralized Debt Obligation Funding Bond market participantsBond market participants are similar to participants in most financial markets and are essentially either buyers (debt issuer) of funds or sellers (institution) of funds and often both.Participants include:Institutional investors; Governments; Traders; and Individuals Because of the specificity of individual bond issues, and the lack of liquidity in many smaller issues, the majority of outstanding bonds are held by institutions like pension funds, banks and mutual funds. In the United States, approximately 10% of the market is currently held by private individuals.Bond market volatilityFor market participants who own a bond, collect the coupon and hold it to maturity, market volatility is irrelevant; principal and interest are received according to a pre-determined schedule.But participants who buy and sell bonds before maturity are exposed to many risks, most importantly changes in interest rates. When interest rates increase, the value of existing bonds fall, since new issues pay a higher yield. Likewise, when interest rates decrease, the value of existing bonds rise, since new issues pay a lower yield. This is the fundamental concept of bond market volatility: changes in bond prices are inverse to changes in interest rates. Fluctuating interest rates are part of a country"s monetary policy and bond market volatility is a response to expected monetary policy and economic changes.Economists" views of economic indicators versus actual released data contribute to market volatility. A tight consensus is generally reflected in bond prices and there is little price movement in the market after the release of "in-line" data. If the economic release differs from the consensus view the market usually undergoes rapid price movement as participants interpret the data. Uncertainty (as measured by a wide consensus) generally brings more volatility before and after an economic release. Economic releases vary in importance and impact depending on where the economy is in the business cycle.Bond investmentsInvestment companies allow individual investors the ability to participate in the bond markets through bond funds, closed-end funds and unit-investment trusts. In 2006 total bond fund net inflows increased 97% from $30.8 billion in 2005 to $60.8 billion in 2006.[4] Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are another alternative to trading or investing directly in a bond issue. These securities allow individual investors the ability to overcome large initial and incremental trading sizes.Bond indicesMain article: Bond market indexA number of bond indices exist for the purposes of managing portfolios and measuring performance, similar to the S&P 500 or Russell Indexes for stocks. The most common American benchmarks are the Lehman Aggregate, Citigroup BIG and Merrill Lynch Domestic Master. Most indices are parts of families of broader indices that can be used to measure global bond portfolios, or may be further subdivided by maturity and/or sector for managing specialized portfolios."See alsoBond Government bond Corporate bond Bond market index Interest rate risk Primary market Secondary market Bond Valuation
2023-06-20 16:55:082


2023-06-20 16:55:132

看淡了 用英语怎么说

hand over,make over.
2023-06-20 16:55:184


2023-06-20 16:55:241


remain的形容词形式是remainder 剩余的;吃剩的; remain v. 仍然是,保持;仍需去做; vi. 剩余,剩下;留下,逗留 扩展资料   You can remain anonymous if you wish.   如果你愿意你可以保持匿名。   Dealers said investors remain bearish.   证券经纪人说投资者们依然看跌。   They remain unshaken in their loyalty.   他们仍然忠贞不渝。   Details of the proposals remain secret.   提议的细节仍不得而知。
2023-06-20 16:55:251

Hand Grenade 歌词

歌曲名:Hand Grenade歌手:The Almost专辑:Monster Monster (Deluxe Edition)The Almost - Hand GrenadeOh, to be youngIt sounds like so much funOh, the long waitFor things to happen, expectancyAnd you, just waiting on meI wanna know what"s in your plansIf you"re an oceanThen I wanna jump right inIf you"re a hand grenadeThen I"ll pull the pinI"ll wait right here, all night for youTo let me in and I"ll run run run runRun right back to you, I"ll runLife"s moving faster nowI"m older hereBut younger somehowHead full of fearAnd it makes me breakPlease let me find youPlease let me knowJust what you wantPlease let me seeWhat you need me to beOh, if you could see in meYou might be kinda scaredOh, if I could just believeYou"ll take me anywhere
2023-06-20 16:55:271


aby<<动词>>abought, abying<<及物动词>>((古)) 偿; 赔; 赎 (罪); 受苦<<不及物动词>>((古)) 赎 (罪); 受苦; 持久; 继续abyss <<名词>>1 深渊, 无底洞 an abyss of insult 莫大的耻辱 the abyss of space 无边无际2 阴曹地府, 地狱还真是同音巧合,真巧合!
2023-06-20 16:55:311

require captcha什么意思

  requirecaptcha:需要验证码  require  [英][ru026au02c8kwau026au0259(r)][美][ru026au02c8kwau026ar]  vt.需要;要求;想要;命令;  vi.要求,规定;  Captcha  n.验证码;  Tryadvancingthecaptchaarmsracethroughmeasuredclick-holdtimes  foryourWebauthenticationapplications.  尝试通过为Web验证应用程序测量单击按住时间,进一步推动验证码技术。  Iwantuserstohavetofillinacaptchatocomment.  我希望用户必须要回答验证码才能写注释。
2023-06-20 16:55:311

看淡一切 英文怎么说

看淡一切这个词语用英语表达翻译为 : all bearish
2023-06-20 16:55:321

玩使命召唤扔手雷弹 听到说smoke fly,也不知道对不对 反正是smoke后面接的单词

2023-06-20 16:55:373


我来讲!这个x我在行。要先声明: 7、Abyss只是放假调整而已p,不t是被开r除了n,也p不j是合同谈判,也b不p是退役。 2、以4下p纯熟是剧情,不i是真人f间的故事。 Abyss是个g挺厉害的人m,在TNA里,除了jTomko之x外,没人b干i和他单铆!但是为1什8么j他经常被虐呢?这是剧情安排了l。他的老板James握有他的一u个r把柄。Abyss的妈妈把丈j夫z(即Abyss的父1亲)杀了b,Abyss为3了i保护妈妈,替妈妈坐牢。James以1此作为7要挟,只要Abyss不r为0他卖命,就打电话像警察举报Abyss的妈妈才o是杀人q犯。于p是Abyss只能一h直为6James卖命以5求妈妈平安。Abyss开y始按照James的意思和很多好人p作对,代表性的一f段时间就是和Christian Cage作对,为2了r得到腰带。但是经常是Abyss被虐。但是最后也z没从1Christian Cage手2里得到腰带,只是凭借DQ,误打误撞从3Sting手0里抢了d一x次腰带。Christian Cage成了o反7派人a物,James带着Abyss加入x了hTeam Cage,由于r队7长5Christian Cage当时是NWA世界重量级冠军,所以4Abyss在Team Cage也h取得了s一x段时间的辉煌。但是由于h毕竟是反3派,剧组自然不r会安排反1派得到最后胜利,所以4Team Cage经常赢小c比8赛,输大o比3赛。输比6赛的愤怒也t都撒在Abyss身上l,Abyss继续被虐,经常被虐。之p后Abyss决定反0抗,他跟随了kSting,取得了y自由。但是随后的日6子g并不z好过,Abyss接着被虐,Team Cage虐他,James也u叫人k报复他。通过Sting的调查,世人w知道了v一i个i惊天p秘密:Abyss的父3亲没死,他就是James!James叫来得力h助手6报复Abyss,那就是“吐血怪物”。Abyss继续被虐。之n后Abyss击败了g“吐血怪物”,Christian Cage转正派了z。Abyss被虐的生涯终于p结束。 e穿r
2023-06-20 16:55:392


2023-06-20 16:55:428


2023-06-20 16:54:511

Abyss (2011 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Abyss (2011 Digital Remaster)歌手:Sort Sol专辑:Dagger & Guitar (2011 Digital Remaster)「Abyss」作词:元长柾木作曲:高瀬一矢编曲:高瀬一矢歌:奥井雅美冻りついた感情の底逆抚でされる白い起伏うずくまる囚われ人路傍の石 舍てられた灰梦见たものも远く消えて身体だけ虚ろに燃えて痛みと慰み轧みと憎しみ叫びと蔑みつなげて裂けた场所へとその指を进ませて満たして このぬかるみへとこの壁を この膜を贯いて土砂降りの魂に 泥水 もっと浴びせかけてむせるほど 呼吸さえできぬように疼く壳の楽园の底昨日までとは违う视界常闇の槛の中で闭じた瞳もう开かない安住の地はどこにもないコヒーレント果てなく燃えて奥まで届かない心が戻れない震えが止まらないつなげて欠けた场所へとその嘘を突き立てて 深みを 固めて塞いで欠片さえ 隙间さえ残さぬよう圣者には真実の言叶が伝わらぬようにもう二度と闻こえない 君の声もその指を进ませて満たして このぬかるみへとこの壁を この膜を贯いて圣者には真実の言叶が伝わらぬようにもう二度と闻こえない 君の声も终わり
2023-06-20 16:54:501


单词: abyss 读音: 英[əˈbɪs] 美[əˈbɪs] n. 深渊,无底洞; 深邃; <古>地狱,阴间; 浑沌; [其他] 复数:abysses
2023-06-20 16:54:431

Captcha verification failed 到底是什么意思啊?

“Captcha verification failed”直译为“验证码验证失败”。是指当进行某项验证,但输入的验证码有误的时候,显示这句话以此提醒重新输入验证码。1、captcha:n. 验证码 。例句:While you are thinking about that checkout experience, can you also do something about that Captcha?翻译为:当你在考虑结账的用户体验时,你能做一些关于验证码的吗?2、verification:n.核实;证明;证实;(指通过经验)证明(某命题正确)。例句:All charges against her are dropped pending the verification of her story.翻译为:在她的事情核实之前,所有针对她的指控都已撤回。3、failed: adj.失败了的,不成功的 v.在?中失败( fail的过去式和过去分词 );衰退;衰弱;破产。例句:I lived in fear of failing my end-of-term exams.翻译为:我总是担心期末考试不及格。扩展资料:一、表示“验证码”意思的单词除了“Captcha”还有很多,例如:"auth code"、"security code"、"identifying code"等等二、“fail”的同义词有“come to nothing”、“be defeated”。fail组成的短语:1、fail to do sth. 没有,不能。2、fail in(doing)sth.在??方面失败。参考资料来源:百度翻译-Captcha verification
2023-06-20 16:54:371

Editor Assignment Pending什么意思

Editor Assignment Pending编辑的任务待定pending[英][u02c8pendu026au014b][美][u02c8pu025bndu026au014b]prep.直到,在等待…期间; adj.未决的; 待定的; 未定的; 即将发生的; 例句:1.Options traders are even more bearish about the pending november lockup expiration, when 1.32 billion more shares become free to trade. 期权交易员更加看淡即将到来的11月限售股解禁,届时将有13.2亿股股票解禁
2023-06-20 16:54:361

Mk 2手榴弹简介

Mk2手榴弹Mk2手榴弹是美军在二战中使用的破片手榴弹,由于外形酷似菠萝,又被称作“菠萝”手榴弹。Mk2手榴弹是仿照英国“米尔斯”手榴弹而设计,引信结构一样,但弹体形状和主装药有所不同,采用椭圆形铸铁弹体,外侧刻有宽而深的纵横交错的沟槽,弹体有小平底。Mk2系列是防御手榴弹,有效杀伤半径是15米,但弹片可杀伤至45米,士兵在投弹后需卧倒或找掩体隐蔽直至手榴弹爆炸。Mk2A1手榴弹将引信摘除后,装上M9或M9A1式反坦克枪榴弹的尾管,可做枪榴弹使用,通过M7/M7A1(配M1“加兰德”步枪)或M8(配M1卡宾枪)枪榴弹发射器用空包弹发射,射程约150米。除普通弹外,Mk2系列还有强装药弹、发烟弹、训练弹等弹种,外形和普通弹一样,靠不同的涂装区别。英文名称:Mk2 Grenade。研制国家:美国。制造厂商:斯普林菲尔德兵工厂。重要型号:Mk2、Mk2A1。生产时间:1917~1967年。主要用户:美国陆军。基本参数长度:114毫米。弹径:57毫米。重量:595克。装药量:57克。装药类型:梯恩梯。杀伤半径:15米。
2023-06-20 16:54:361

grenade launcher是什么意思

手榴弹发射器grenade launcher[英][gru0259u02c8neu026ad u02c8lu0254:ntu0283u0259][美][ɡru0259u02c8ned u02c8lu0254ntu0283u025a]n.枪榴弹发射器;
2023-06-20 16:54:292


2023-06-20 16:54:281

高一英语错题集 RT 需要附带解析 牛津 必修1.2 50~100题左右

我从别的地方找来的,呵呵,错了别怪我, 1. The manager was very pleased with the increased __ from the factory. A. outcome B. outline C. output D. outset 译文:经理对工厂产量的提高非常高兴. 选C.A.结果;B.外形;C.产量;D.起始.根据题目的意思结合选项应选C. 2. The price of watermelon __ from $1 to $ 2 during the summer season. A. soared B. hovered C. rocketed D. kited 译文:夏季,西瓜的价钱在每个1到2美元之间徘徊. 选B.A.剧增;B.徘徊;C.猛涨;D.迅速上升.根据题目的意思结合选项应选B. 3. When ordering goods by post, you have to send your __ in advance. A. money B. note C. means D. bankbill 译文:当你定邮寄货物时,你必须先付钱. 选A.A.货币;B.钞票:c.资金;D.钞票.根据题目的意思结合选项应选A. 4. There can be no doubt that the division of labor is an __ way of organizing work. A. efficient B. effective C. economic D. economical 译文:毫无疑问劳力分工是组织工作的一个很有效的途径. 选A.A.有效率的;B.有效的,生效的;C.经济;D.节省的.根据题目的意思结合选项应选A. 5. The new __ of soap the company is launching has attracted a lot of consumers. A. business B. brand C. bargain D. booking 译文:这个公司推出的新牌肥皂吸引了很多的顾客. 选B.A.商业;B.品牌;C.交易;D.定货.根据题目的意思结合选项应选B. 6. The loan from the bank will be paid in____plan of payment. A. downpayment B. reimbursement C. settlement D. amortization 译文:银行的贷款将以分期付款的方式偿还. 选D.A.预付定金;B.偿还;C.结账;D.分期偿还.根据题目的意思结合选项应选D. 7. A promotion of a country"s international trade position is associated with __ of its currency. A. boom B. spiral C. appreciation D. prosperity 译文:一个国家的外贸地位同它货币的增值有关. 选C.A.繁荣;B.螺旋式上升;C.增值;D.繁荣.根据题目的意思结合选项应选C. 8. The shipping company will give you a __ of freight if the goods are lost. A. renewal B. reminder C. receipt D. refund 译文:如果货物丢失的话,船运公司将为货物退款. 选D.A.续订:B.催付单;C.收据;D.退款.根据题目的意思结合选项应选D. 9. The office manager __ the secretary that she would receive a rise soon. A. ensured B. secured C. assured D. insured 译文:办公室经理保证秘书很快会得到提升. 选C.A.保证;B.保护;C.保证;D.保险.assure+人+that从句: 向…… 人保证;ensure+that从句:保证.根据题目的意思结合选项应选C. 10. We had these samples __ and arrived at a final conclusion of your claim. A. endorsed B. evasioned C. engaged D. evaluated 译文:我们对这些样品作了评估,还对你们的索赔作出了结论. 选D.A.背书;B.偷漏(税);C.约定;D.评价.根据题目的意思结合选项应选D. 11.The director promoted Mark"s __ of this month by 10% because his excellent research work in the lab. A. wages B. salaries C. allowances D. pays 译文:主管把Mark这个月的工资加付了10%,因为他在实验室的研究工作表现突出. 选B. A.工资(常指周薪):B.薪水(常指月薪,年薪);C.补贴;D.工资. 根据题目的意思结合选项应选B. 12. If the License shall __ in submitting reports or in payment of loyalties, the License may, as its option, cancel this agreement. A. deduct B. deposit C. debit D. default -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 英语题目讲解 译文:如果被许可方未按期交规定的报告或未支付提成费,许可方有权取消协议. 选D.A.扣除;B.储蓄;C.借款;D.拖欠,违约.根据题目的意思结合选项应选D. 13. They have wide connections with an annual __ of about 5 million dollars. A. levy B. exemption C. sale D. turnover 译文:他们有广泛的客户联系,年营业额为500万美元. 选D.A.征收额 B.免税额 C.销售额 D.销售额 .C作销售额讲时常为复数.根据题目的意思结合选项应选D. 14. As a matter of rule, the scrap value of a vessel can hardly be at __ with the sound value. A. bearish B. par C. collapse D. rally 译文:按照常规,船只报废的价值是比不上好船的价值的. 选B.A.看跌的;B 等价;C 暴跌;D 回升.根据题目的意思结合选项应选B. 15. Should any part of this agreement be declared __, this Agreement shall terminate forthwith. A. indebted B. invalid C. indispensable D. inevitable 译文:若本协议任何部分被宣布无效,则整个协议也随之立即终止. 选B.A 负债的 B 无效的 C 不可缺少的; D 不可避免的.根据题目的意思结合选项应选B. 16. We ensure that we will take up the bill when it falls __ A. mature B. receivable C. solvent D. convertible 译文:我们保证汇票到期时一定照付. 选A.A.到期的;B.应收的;已有偿还能力的;D.可兑换的.根据题目的意思结合选项应选A. 17. We are willing to allow you __ at 10% calculated on gross profits. A. commodity B. consignment C. conveyance D. commission 译文:我们愿按毛利的10%给予你方佣金. 选D.A.商品;B.发货;C.运输;D.佣金.根据题目的意思结合选项应选D. 18. Some companies have introduced __ working time with less emphasis on pressure and more efficiency. A. fixed B. limited C. flexible D. strict 译文:一些公司已经制定了灵活的工作时间,以缓解工作压力而更有效地工作. 选C.A.固定的;B.有限的;C.灵活的:D.严格的.根据题目的意思结合选项应选C. 19. The __ thus incurred will be payable by the ship, freight, and cargo in proportion to their respective value. A. investment B. consumption C. expenditure D, cost 译文;由此而要支付的费用将由船主、承运人和货主三方按价值比率分摊. 选C.A.投资;B.消费;C.花费;D.成本.根据题目的意思结合选项应选C. 20. A product is to be considered as being ____, when introduced into the commerce of another country at less than its normal value. A. dumped B discharged C. discarded D. disposed 译文:如果某产品以低于正常价格进入另一国商业领域,即被视为倾销. 选A.A.倾销;B.解雇;C.抛弃:D.布置.根据题目的意思结合选项应选A. 21. I wanted to go there by plane but I hadn"t enough money to pay for the___ A. travel B. way C. distance D. journey 译文:我想乘飞机到那里,但我没有足够的钱来支付这次旅程. 选D.travel做名词时,常用复数形式,泛指"旅行各地",特指海外的"游历";way意为"路,道路;路途,路程"(指到达某一地方或某一地点所要跨越的距离);distance意为"距离"(指从一地到另一地的客观长度);journey意为"旅程;路程"(指从某一特定的地方到另一个地方所用的时间及穿越的距离,强调起点和终点).选项中只有journey一词,可特指飞机从起点飞到着陆点这一段旅行.应选D. 22. The __ in which a child grows up may have an effect on his development. A. environment B. surroundings C, atmosphere D. situation 译文:一个孩子成长的环境可能会对他的成长有影响. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 英语题目讲解 选B.environment只能用单数,意为"自然环境,社会环境";atmosphere意为"大气,大气层;气氛";situation意为"形势,情势";surroundings常用复数,指自然或周围的环境.根据题目意思结合选项应选B. 23. The popular singer was not only a national but an international___ A. image B. role C. figure D. picture 译文:这名流行歌手不仅在国内受欢迎,在国际上也很受欢迎. 选C.image意为"图像,影像;形象";role意为"作用;角色";figure意为"人物",尤指政坛、文坛、体坛的人物:picture意为"照片:图画".根据题目的意思结合选项应选C. 24. Liquids such as water and oil take up space and they are measured in units of liquid____ A. vessel B. capacity C. tank D. volume 译文:液体,比如水和油,占据一定的空间,这些空间要用液量单位来测量. 选D.vessel意为"容器;船";capacity意为"能力:容量";tank意为"坦克;油箱";volume意为"容量",与liquid连用,指"液量".根据题目的意思结合选项应选D. 25. The __ of the new international economic order is the essence of his article. A. building B. construction C. founding D. establishment 译文:他的文章的基本内容是有关新的世界经济秩序格局的建立. 选D.build意为"建立"和construction"建造"一样,通常指营建大厦、房屋等;found一般指一个国家的建立;establishment指较为抽象的概念的建立.根据题目的意思结合选项应选D. 26. I won"t go to the cinema unless I am in the ___for it. A. mind B. mood C. notion D. motive 译文:除非我有心情,否则我不会去看电影. 选B.mind意为"记住";notion意为"概念";motive意为"动机";mood意为"心情".in the mood for是固定搭配,意为"有……的心情".应选B. 27. It is not good for parents to let their child have his own__ A. will B. wish C. way D. demand 译文:父母任由自己的孩子一意孤行是不对的. 选C.have one"s way意为"一意孤行,随心所欲";will可以和have一起构成成语have a will意为"自行其事",但不能说have one"s own will;wish与动词take连用构成成语take one"s wish意为"如愿以偿":demand可与have一起构成have demands on one"stime意为"不够用……".根据题目的意思结合选项应选C. 28. He told me that he had been offered a very well-paid ___abroad. A. work B. trade C. position D. employment 译文:他告诉我他得到了一份国外的报酬很高的工作. 选C.position意为"职位";work意为"工作"(不可数名词);trade意为"贸易;生意,手工艺";employment意为"职业,就业".根据题目的意思结合选项应选C. 29. After a quick __ at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance. A. glance B. stare C. gaze D. glare 译文:迅速瞥了一眼这个病人后,医生就叫了救护车. 选A.glance意为"一瞥":stare意为"盯,凝视";gaze意为"注视,凝视";glare意为"怒视".根据题目的意思结合选项应选A. 30. We should have taken __ of this precious chance to make friends with them but the rain mined it. A. advantage B. benefit C. interest D. profit 译文:我们本应该利用这次宝贵的机会来与他们交朋友,但是因为下雨而泡汤了. 选A.A.优势;B.利益;C.兴趣:D.利润.take advantage of是固定搭配,意思是"利用".应选A. 31. He might pardon you on the very __ that you pay him a visit. A. occasion B. condition C. chance D. principle 译文:如果你去拜访他,他可能会原谅你. 选C.A.场合;B.条件;C.机会;D.原则.on the condition that是固定搭配,意思是:条件是;以……为条件.应选C. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-06-20 16:54:271


abys是一个英文单词,名词,意思是“地狱;深渊”,常用作名词;另外, ABDOM也指“一种不可知的、非人间或超自然的力量,或一种无法解释的现象,或一种超越人类智慧的知识”,常用于形容词。 abys的基本意思是“地狱;深渊”,常用作名词。 abys的基本意思是“地狱;深渊”,常用作名词。 abys的基本意思是“地狱;深渊”,常用作名词; abys也指“一种不可知的、非人间或超自然的力量,或一种无法解释的现象,或一种超越人类智慧的知识”,常用于形容词。 abys还指“一种不可知的、非人间或超自然的力量或一种超越人类智慧的知识”,常用于形容词。
2023-06-20 16:54:272


2023-06-20 16:54:222

Captcha error 什么意思

2023-06-20 16:54:213


2023-06-20 16:54:202

火星哥 拉着钢琴走得那首歌叫什么?

2023-06-20 16:54:122


  My favorite movies   My favorite movie is "House",though was over you,but I still want to repeat it,if you have not seen some people let me explain it for you.   Successor in Los Qingchuan antique engagement ceremony was blown away to chase a beauty equipment to clear and ran to a mysterious figure in the woods,beautiful figure but the moment the foot of a hand empty,fall into the time tunnel and through to the Qing Dynasty,even In case they are in high daily fear of trembling fell down from a high of Prince Edward,cynicism,love trouble of Ba Age,as well as moody,do not believe anyone Si Age,which caused her feelings with a few Elder brother Dispute,and began a wonderful journey in the Qing Dynasty.The wide range in the Qing Dynasty to know a lot of truth Riverside,more treasure we have,and learn to forgive others,bearish gains and losses.And she also went through to find true love after all the suffering,to spend his life with them.   我最喜欢的电影   我最喜欢的电影就是《宫》,虽然演完啦,但我还是想重复看,如果你们有些人还没看就让我为你解说吧.   古董店继承人洛晴川在订婚仪式上为了追一副被风吹走的清装美人图而跑至一神秘树林中,美人图到手的一刹那却脚下一空,跌入时空隧道并穿越到清朝,偶遇身在高位却每日战战兢兢怕从高位上跌下来的太子,玩世不恭、爱闯祸的八阿哥,还有喜怒无常、不相信任何人的四阿哥,由此引发了她跟几个阿哥的感情纠纷,开始了在清朝的奇妙旅程.在清朝的林林总总使晴川懂得了很多道理,更加珍惜拥有的一切,并学会宽容别人,看淡得失.而她也在经历了种种苦难之后找到了真爱,与之共度一生
2023-06-20 16:54:121

abyss 什么意思

2023-06-20 16:54:116