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七宗罪Seven deadly sins

2023-06-20 23:11:43
TAG: sev seve sins

Sex 色欲

Gluttony 暴食

Greed 贪婪

Lazy 懒惰

Jealousy 嫉妒

Pride 傲慢

Rage 暴怒


“Seven”在宗教上是个神秘的数字,这一点在旧约中有最充分的表现。上帝用七天造亚当,取出亚当的第七根肋骨造了夏娃。撒旦的原身是有七个头的火龙(《启示录》第十二章第三节写道:“有一条大红龙,七头,也戴着冠冕……火龙就是那古蛇,名叫魔鬼,又叫撒旦,是迷惑普天下的……”),撒旦也是地狱中最大的魔王,共有七名堕落天使被称为撒旦,其中最有名的莫过于路西法 (Lurifer),《失乐园》记述的其实就是路西法,其余六名被称为撒旦魔王的堕落天使是:何撒兹勒 (Azazel,电影《驱魔人》中提及的恶魔。) 、别西人(Beelzubub)、彼列 (Beliel)、亚巴顿 (Abadon)、莫斯提马 (Mastema)、萨麦尔 (Samael)。到十六世纪后,基督教更直接用撒旦的七个恶魔的形象来代表七种罪恶(七宗罪,the seven deadly sins):傲慢 (Pride),嫉妒(Envy),暴怒(Wrath),懒惰(Sloth),贪婪(Greed),饕餮(Gluttony),以及贪欲(Lust)。
















五)愤怒-源自憎恨而起的不适当(邪恶的)感觉,复仇或否定他人,在律法所赋与的权力以外,行使惩罚他人的意欲亦被归作愤怒(但丁描述为"love of justice perverted to revenge and spite")。

六)妒忌-因对方所拥有的资产比自己丰富而心怀怨怒(但丁说:‘Love of one"s own good perverted to a desire to deprive other men of theirs")。

七)骄傲-期望他人注视自己或过度爱好自己(因拥有而感到比其他人优越)(holding self out of proper position toward God or fellows; Dante"s definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one"s neighbor")。

各种罪行其实环环相扣,and various attempts at causal hierarchy have been made。例如骄傲(过度迷恋自己)其实暗示了贪食(过份消耗或浪费食物),其余各种罪行亦有相同的连系。每种罪行其实在表现出自视比神更重要,因而未能全心全意全神地投入去爱神。The Scholastic theologians developed schema of attribute and substance of will to explain these sins.

四世纪当时的埃及僧侣 Evagrius Ponticus defined the sins as eight deadly "passions", and in 东正教,these impulses are still characterized as "deadly passions" rather than sins in and of themselves. Instead, to invite and entertain or to refuse to attempt resistance against these passions is considered sinful in Orthodox Christian moral theology.

在天主教教义, consisting of 2,865 numbered sections and first published in 1992 by order of 教宗若望·保禄二世, the seven deadly sins are dealt with in one paragraph. The principal codification of 道德 transgression for Christians continues to be the 十诫 and the 至福, which are a positive statement of morality.


As was previously mentioned, the Latin words for the sins are: superbia, invidia, ira, accidia, avaritia, gula and luxuria. The first letters of these words (with the order changed) form the medieval Latin word saligia, whence the verb saligiare (to commit a deadly sin) is taken.


1589年Peter Binsfeld把每种罪行配对各个恶魔,who tempted people by means of the associated sin. 根据 Binsfeld 的分类,其配对如下:








Main article: Lust

Lust or lechery, is usually thought of as excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature. Aristotle"s criterion was excessive love of others, which therefore rendered love and devotion to God as secondary.

Giving in to lusts can lead to sexual or sociological compulsions and/or transgressions including (but not limited to) sexual addiction, fornication, adultery, bestiality, rape, perversion, and incest. In Dante"s Purgatorio, the penitent walks within flames to purge himself of lustful/sexual thoughts and feelings. In Dante"s "Inferno" unforgiven souls of the sin of lust are blown about in restless hurricane like winds symbolic of their own lack of self control to their lustful passions in earthly life.

[edit] Gluttony

Main article: Gluttony


(Albert Anker, 1896)Derived from the Latin gluttire, meaning to gulp down or swallow, gluttony (Latin, gula) is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste. In the Christian religions, it is considered a sin because of the excessive desire for food, or its withholding from the needy.[7]

Depending on the culture, it can be seen as either a vice or a sign of status. Where food is relatively scarce, being able to eat well might be something to take pride in (although this can also result in a moral backlash when confronted with the reality of those less fortunate). Where food is routinely plentiful, it may be considered a sign of self-control to resist the temptation to over-indulge.

Medieval church leaders (e.g., Thomas Aquinas) took a more expansive view of gluttony,[7] arguing that it could also include an obsessive anticipation of meals, and the constant eating of delicacies and excessively costly foods.[8] Aquinas went so far as to prepare a list of six ways to commit gluttony, including:

Praepropere - eating too soon.

Laute - eating too expensively (washedly).

Nimis - eating too much.

Ardenter - eating too eagerly (burningly).

Studiose - eating too daintily (keenly).

Forente - eating wildly (boringly).

[edit] Greed

Main article: Greed

Greed (Latin, avaritia), also known as avarice or covetousness, is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of excess. However, greed (as seen by the church) is applied to the acquisition of wealth in particular. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that greed was "a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, in as much as man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things." In Dante"s Purgatory, the penitents were bound and laid face down on the ground for having concentrated too much on earthly thoughts. "Avarice" is more of a blanket term that can describe many other examples of greedy behavior. These include disloyalty, deliberate betrayal, or treason,[citation needed] especially for personal gain, for example through bribery . Scavenging[citation needed] and hoarding of materials or objects, theft and robbery, especially by means of violence, trickery, or manipulation of authority are all actions that may be inspired by greed. Such misdeeds can include simony, where one profits from soliciting goods within the actual confines of a church.

[edit] Acedia

Main article: Acedia

Acedia (Latin, acedia) (from Greek ακηδu03afα = neglect to take care of something - and in this case neglect to do whatever one should do in order to be saved) is apathetic listlessness; depression without joy. It is similar to melancholy, although acedia describes the behaviour, while melancholy suggests the emotion producing it. In early Christian thought, the lack of joy was regarded as a wilful refusal to enjoy the goodness of God and the world God created; by contrast, the apathy was regarded as a spiritual affliction that discouraged people from their religious work.

When Thomas Aquinas described acedia in his interpretation of the list, he described it as an uneasiness of the mind, being a progenitor for lesser sins such as restlessness and instability. Dante refined this definition further, describing acedia as the failure to love God with all one"s heart, all one"s mind and all one"s soul; to him it was the middle sin, the only one characterised by an absence or insufficiency of love.

[edit] Despair

Main article: Despair

Despair (Latin, Tristitia) describes a feeling of dissatisfaction or discontent, which causes unhappiness with one"s current situation. Since unhappiness inherently results from the sin, the sin was sometimes referred to as sadness. Since sadness often results in acedia, Pope Gregory"s revision of the list subsumed Despair into Acedia.

This section requires expansion.

[edit] Sloth

Main article: Sloth (deadly sin)

Gradually, the focus came to be on the consequences of acedia, rather than the cause, and so, by the 17th century, the exact deadly sin referred to was believed to be the failure to utilize one"s talents and gifts.[citation needed] In practice, it came to be closer to sloth (Latin, Socordia) than acedia. Even in Dante"s time there were signs of this change; in his Purgatorio he had portrayed the penance for acedia as running continuously at top speed.

The modern view goes further, regarding laziness and indifference as the sin at the heart of the matter. Since this contrasts with a more wilful failure to, for example, love God and his works, sloth is often seen as being considerably less serious than the other sins, more a sin of omission than of commission.

[edit] Wrath

Main article: Wrath

Wrath (Latin, ira), also known as anger or "rage", may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. These feelings can manifest as vehement denial of the truth, both to others and in the form of self-denial, impatience with the procedure of law, and the desire to seek revenge outside of the workings of the justice system (such as engaging in vigilantism) and generally wishing to do evil or harm to others. The transgressions born of vengeance are among the most serious, including murder, assault, and in extreme cases, genocide. Wrath is the only sin not necessarily associated with selfishness or self-interest (although one can of course be wrathful for selfish reasons, such as jealousy, closely related to the sin of envy). Dante described vengeance as "love of justice perverted to revenge and spite". In its original form, the sin of wrath also encompassed anger pointed internally rather than externally. Thus suicide was deemed as the ultimate, albeit tragic, expression of wrath directed inwardly, a final rejection of God"s gifts.

[edit] Envy

Main article: Envy

Like greed, Envy (Latin, invidia) may be characterized by an insatiable desire; they differ, however, for two main reasons. First, greed is largely associated with material goods, whereas envy may apply more generally. Second, those who commit the sin of envy resent that another person has something they perceive themselves as lacking, and wish the other person to be deprived of it. Dante defined this as "love of one"s own good perverted to a desire to deprive other men of theirs." In Dante"s Purgatory, the punishment for the envious is to have their eyes sewn shut with wire because they have gained sinful pleasure from seeing others brought low. Aquinas described envy as "sorrow for another"s good".[9]

[edit] Pride

Main article: Pride

In almost every list Pride (Latin, superbia), or hubris, is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknowledge the good work of others, and excessive love of self (especially holding self out of proper position toward God). Dante"s definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one"s neighbor." In Jacob Bidermann"s medieval miracle play, Cenodoxus, pride is the deadliest of all the sins and leads directly to the damnation of the titulary famed Parisian doctor. In perhaps the best-known example, the story of Lucifer, pride (his desire to compete with God) was what caused his fall from Heaven, and his resultant transformation into Satan. In Dante"s Divine Comedy, the penitents were forced to walk with stone slabs bearing down on their backs in order to induce feelings of humility.

[edit] Vainglory

Main article: Vainglory

Vainglory (Latin, vanagloria) is unjustified boasting. Pope Gregory viewed it as a form of pride, so he folded vainglory into pride for his listing of sins.

The Latin term gloria roughly means boasting, although its English cognate - glory - has come to have an exclusively positive meaning; historically, vain roughly meant futile, but by the 14th century had come to have the strong narcissistic undertones, of irrelevant accuracy, that it retains today[10]. As a result of these semantic changes, vainglory has become a rarely used word in itself, and is now commonly interpreted as referring to vanity (in its modern narcissistic sense).



William Somerset: If you kill him, He will win.

William Somerset:如果你杀死他,他就赢了。

John Doe: It"s more comfortable for you to label me as insane.

John Doe:如果把我看成精神病人你会舒服些

David Mills: It"s VERY comfortable.

David Mills:非常非常舒服。

David Mills: Wait, I thought all you did was kill innocent people.

David Mills:等等,我认为你杀死的都是无辜的人。

John Doe: Innocent? Is that supposed to be funny? An obese man... a disgusting man who could barely stand up; a man who if you saw him on the street, you"d point him out to your friends so that they could join you in mocking him; a man, who if you saw him while you were eating, you wouldn"t be able to finish your meal. After him, I picked the lawyer and I know you both must have been secretly thanking me for that one. This is a man who dedicated his life to making money by lying with every breath that he could muster to keeping murderers and rapists on the streets!

John Doe:无辜?你是在开玩笑么?一个胖子……一个恶心的、站都站不起来的人;一个你在街上见到会指给你的朋友们看,然后你们一起嘲笑的人;一个你吃饭的时候看见会吃不下饭的人;在他之后,我选中了一个律师,我知道你们俩都会暗中感谢我这个选择。这个人想的只是钱,为了挣钱他使出吃奶的劲说谎,然后把那些谋杀犯和强奸犯留在大街上!

David Mills: Murderers?

David Mills:谋杀犯?

John Doe: A woman...

John Doe:一个女人……

David Mills: Murderers, John, like yourself?

David Mills:谋杀犯,约翰,跟你自己一样?

John Doe: (interrupts)A woman... so ugly on the inside she couldn"t bear to go on living if she couldn"t be beautiful on the outside. A drug dealer, a drug dealing pederast, actually! And let"s not forget the disease-spreading whore! Only in a world this shitty could you even try to say these were innocent people and keep a straight face. But that"s the point. We see a deadly sin on every street corner, in every home, and we tolerate it. We tolerate it because it"s common, it"s trivial. We tolerate it morning, noon, and night. Well, not anymore. I"m setting the example. What I"ve done is going to be puzzled over and studied and followed... forever.

John Doe:(打断)一个女人,她的内心是那么丑陋,以至没有美丽的外表她就活不下去。一个毒品贩子,确切的说是一个贩毒的!别忘了还有那个传播疾病的妓女!只有在这个堕落人世里才能无愧地说这些人是无辜的,并且装出正义的嘴脸。但这就是问题的关键。我们在每个街角、每个家庭中看见种种致命的罪行,并且还容忍它们。我们容忍它们因为它们是常见的、鸡毛蒜皮的事。我们一天到晚都要忍受它们。好吧,再也不会这样了。我竖立了典范。世人将我的所作所为进行思索、研究和效仿……直到永远。




贪婪,everything is mine一切都是我的

色欲,women, look at me女人,看着我

饕餮,“I thirst”我渴望

妒忌, How can you do it better than me你怎能做的比我好

懒惰,everything is over to me都结束了

傲慢,You are unqualified你不配

暴怒,Go to perdition!都见鬼去吧




Main article: Lust
Lust or lechery, is usually thought of as excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature. Aristotle"s criterion was excessive love of others, which therefore rendered love and devotion to God as secondary.

Giving in to lusts can lead to sexual or sociological compulsions and/or transgressions including (but not limited to) sexual addiction, fornication, adultery, bestiality, rape, perversion, and incest. In Dante"s Purgatorio, the penitent walks within flames to purge himself of lustful/sexual thoughts and feelings. In Dante"s "Inferno" unforgiven souls of the sin of lust are blown about in restless hurricane like winds symbolic of their own lack of self control to their lustful passions in earthly life.

[edit] Gluttony
Main article: Gluttony

(Albert Anker, 1896)Derived from the Latin gluttire, meaning to gulp down or swallow, gluttony (Latin, gula) is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste. In the Christian religions, it is considered a sin because of the excessive desire for food, or its withholding from the needy.[7]

Depending on the culture, it can be seen as either a vice or a sign of status. Where food is relatively scarce, being able to eat well might be something to take pride in (although this can also result in a moral backlash when confronted with the reality of those less fortunate). Where food is routinely plentiful, it may be considered a sign of self-control to resist the temptation to over-indulge.

Medieval church leaders (e.g., Thomas Aquinas) took a more expansive view of gluttony,[7] arguing that it could also include an obsessive anticipation of meals, and the constant eating of delicacies and excessively costly foods.[8] Aquinas went so far as to prepare a list of six ways to commit gluttony, including:

Praepropere - eating too soon.
Laute - eating too expensively (washedly).
Nimis - eating too much.
Ardenter - eating too eagerly (burningly).
Studiose - eating too daintily (keenly).
Forente - eating wildly (boringly).

[edit] Greed
Main article: Greed
Greed (Latin, avaritia), also known as avarice or covetousness, is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of excess. However, greed (as seen by the church) is applied to the acquisition of wealth in particular. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that greed was "a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, in as much as man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things." In Dante"s Purgatory, the penitents were bound and laid face down on the ground for having concentrated too much on earthly thoughts. "Avarice" is more of a blanket term that can describe many other examples of greedy behavior. These include disloyalty, deliberate betrayal, or treason,[citation needed] especially for personal gain, for example through bribery . Scavenging[citation needed] and hoarding of materials or objects, theft and robbery, especially by means of violence, trickery, or manipulation of authority are all actions that may be inspired by greed. Such misdeeds can include simony, where one profits from soliciting goods within the actual confines of a church.

[edit] Acedia
Main article: Acedia
Acedia (Latin, acedia) (from Greek ακηδu03afα = neglect to take care of something - and in this case neglect to do whatever one should do in order to be saved) is apathetic listlessness; depression without joy. It is similar to melancholy, although acedia describes the behaviour, while melancholy suggests the emotion producing it. In early Christian thought, the lack of joy was regarded as a wilful refusal to enjoy the goodness of God and the world God created; by contrast, the apathy was regarded as a spiritual affliction that discouraged people from their religious work.

When Thomas Aquinas described acedia in his interpretation of the list, he described it as an uneasiness of the mind, being a progenitor for lesser sins such as restlessness and instability. Dante refined this definition further, describing acedia as the failure to love God with all one"s heart, all one"s mind and all one"s soul; to him it was the middle sin, the only one characterised by an absence or insufficiency of love.

[edit] Despair
Main article: Despair
Despair (Latin, Tristitia) describes a feeling of dissatisfaction or discontent, which causes unhappiness with one"s current situation. Since unhappiness inherently results from the sin, the sin was sometimes referred to as sadness. Since sadness often results in acedia, Pope Gregory"s revision of the list subsumed Despair into Acedia.

This section requires expansion.

[edit] Sloth
Main article: Sloth (deadly sin)
Gradually, the focus came to be on the consequences of acedia, rather than the cause, and so, by the 17th century, the exact deadly sin referred to was believed to be the failure to utilize one"s talents and gifts.[citation needed] In practice, it came to be closer to sloth (Latin, Socordia) than acedia. Even in Dante"s time there were signs of this change; in his Purgatorio he had portrayed the penance for acedia as running continuously at top speed.

The modern view goes further, regarding laziness and indifference as the sin at the heart of the matter. Since this contrasts with a more wilful failure to, for example, love God and his works, sloth is often seen as being considerably less serious than the other sins, more a sin of omission than of commission.

[edit] Wrath
Main article: Wrath
Wrath (Latin, ira), also known as anger or "rage", may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. These feelings can manifest as vehement denial of the truth, both to others and in the form of self-denial, impatience with the procedure of law, and the desire to seek revenge outside of the workings of the justice system (such as engaging in vigilantism) and generally wishing to do evil or harm to others. The transgressions born of vengeance are among the most serious, including murder, assault, and in extreme cases, genocide. Wrath is the only sin not necessarily associated with selfishness or self-interest (although one can of course be wrathful for selfish reasons, such as jealousy, closely related to the sin of envy). Dante described vengeance as "love of justice perverted to revenge and spite". In its original form, the sin of wrath also encompassed anger pointed internally rather than externally. Thus suicide was deemed as the ultimate, albeit tragic, expression of wrath directed inwardly, a final rejection of God"s gifts.

[edit] Envy
Main article: Envy
Like greed, Envy (Latin, invidia) may be characterized by an insatiable desire; they differ, however, for two main reasons. First, greed is largely associated with material goods, whereas envy may apply more generally. Second, those who commit the sin of envy resent that another person has something they perceive themselves as lacking, and wish the other person to be deprived of it. Dante defined this as "love of one"s own good perverted to a desire to deprive other men of theirs." In Dante"s Purgatory, the punishment for the envious is to have their eyes sewn shut with wire because they have gained sinful pleasure from seeing others brought low. Aquinas described envy as "sorrow for another"s good".[9]

[edit] Pride
Main article: Pride
In almost every list Pride (Latin, superbia), or hubris, is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknowledge the good work of others, and excessive love of self (especially holding self out of proper position toward God). Dante"s definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one"s neighbor." In Jacob Bidermann"s medieval miracle play, Cenodoxus, pride is the deadliest of all the sins and leads directly to the damnation of the titulary famed Parisian doctor. In perhaps the best-known example, the story of Lucifer, pride (his desire to compete with God) was what caused his fall from Heaven, and his resultant transformation into Satan. In Dante"s Divine Comedy, the penitents were forced to walk with stone slabs bearing down on their backs in order to induce feelings of humility.

[edit] Vainglory
Main article: Vainglory
Vainglory (Latin, vanagloria) is unjustified boasting. Pope Gregory viewed it as a form of pride, so he folded vainglory into pride for his listing of sins.

The Latin term gloria roughly means boasting, although its English cognate - glory - has come to have an exclusively positive meaning; historically, vain roughly meant futile, but by the 14th century had come to have the strong narcissistic undertones, of irrelevant accuracy, that it retains today[10]. As a result of these semantic changes, vainglory has become a rarely used word in itself, and is now commonly interpreted as referring to vanity (in its modern narcissistic sense).


一)好色-不合法礼的性欲,例如通奸。(但丁的标准是‘Too much love each other ", but so would belittle the love of God to people)

二)饕餮-浪费食物,或是过度放纵食欲、酗酒或屯积过量的食物。(但丁的观点是 "Excessively covet Yi Le")

三)贪婪-希望占有比所需更多为之贪婪。(或是以但丁的观点,Greed is "over-zealous in the search for money or power is superior to")

四)懒惰-懒惰及浪费时间。(懒惰被宣告为有罪是因为: 其他人需更努力工作以填补缺失,因应该的事情还没有做好,对自己是百害而无一利)

均衡:一方比另一方付出更多。(从但丁的神学观念上去看,Laziness is "not all beloved of God, the spirit can not fully love God, the soul can not love God whole-person" - specifically, including laziness, cowardice, lack of imagination, to meet and without a sense of responsibility)

五)愤怒-源自憎恨而起的不适当(邪恶的)感觉,复仇或否定他人,在律法所赋与的权力以外,行使惩罚他人的意欲亦被归作愤怒。(但丁描述为"love of justice perverted to revenge and spite")

六)妒忌-因对方所拥有的资产比自己丰富而心怀怨怒。(但丁说:‘Love of one"s own good perverted to a desire to deprive other men of theirs")

七)骄傲-期望他人注视自己或过度爱好自己。(因拥有而感到比其他人优越)(holding self out of proper position toward God or fellows; Dante"s definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one"s neighbor")

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
Vice Words from the Cross
Wrath/Anger "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Envy "This day you shall be with me in Paradise."
Lust "Woman, behold your son... son, behold your mother."
Pride "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
Gluttony "I thirst."
Sloth "It is finished."
Avarice/Greed "Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit."


哦 就是说和电影没什么关系,模拟7个分别有7宗罪的人心理活动是吧?哪方面的独白??比如各讲一句话体现什么?场景是?



greed 英[gri:d] 美[ɡrid] n. 贪婪; 贪心; [例句]I get fed up with other people"s greed.我对别人的贪婪厌烦透了。
2023-06-20 18:39:461


greed意思是:“贪婪,贪心”。短语搭配:Clara Greed克莱拉·葛利德 ; 格里德Axe Greed贪婪的斧头Extremely Greed极度贪婪Devouring Greed贪欲吞噬Greed kills贪婪杀人Greed Quasar贪婪类星体Deadly Greed致命的贪婪Greed Method贪心算法双语例句:Gratitude and greed go not together.感恩和贪婪走不到一起。But I have watched you trample that gift. I watched you kill each other over race and greed.但我却看见你们践踏了爱的礼物,目睹了你们因为种族和贪婪相互厮杀。Leave virtue and kindness to your students instead of greed for money because only this canbring happiness to them.给你的学生留下美德和仁慈而不是对金钱的贪婪,因为只有这样才能给他们带来幸福。
2023-06-20 18:39:541


greed英音:[gri:d]美音:[grid] 中音[葛瑞的] 另:greedisgood_9999999
2023-06-20 18:40:151

贪婪 用英文怎么说

2023-06-20 18:40:2514


2023-06-20 18:41:043


lust[英][lu028cst][美][lu028cst]n.强烈的性欲; 肉欲,色情; 强烈的欲望; 渴望,热烈追求; vi.贪求; 渴望; 好色; 1. How do you keep chemistry from fading like lust does?怎样才能让性化学反应不像性欲那样消退呢?2.She is success minded driven with lust for success.对成功的渴望驱使她满脑子想的都是成功二字。3.That is corporeal lust of the highest order.而这正是最高形式的肉体色欲。4.Chinese internet users can readily find websites showing the expurgated parts of "lust, caution".中国的互联网玩家很容易就找到那些“色,戒”中的删除部分。5.Gaze upon your partner with an expression of either romantic contentment or unbridled lust.你的表达方式要么充满浪漫的感觉,要么带着放纵的情欲,凝视着你的伴侣。greed[英][ɡri:d][美][ɡrid]n.贪心; 贪婪; 1.So one"s motivation cannot be greed.贪婪不能是一个人做事的动机。2.The current financial crisis is due to runaway government borrowing, poor banking credit controls, and galloping greed.目前的金融危机可以归因于失去控制的政府借贷、糟糕的银行信贷控制和膨胀的贪欲。3.The president berates their greed.总统谴责他们的贪婪。4.Unfettered greed has trashed the global economy.不受约束的贪婪已经破坏了全球经济。5. It is fashionable to blame greed.时髦的做法是将其归咎于贪婪。
2023-06-20 18:41:122


2023-06-20 18:41:262

Pennywise的《greed》 歌词

歌曲名:greed歌手:Pennywise专辑:straight aheadEverything you see you always think you needYou are so crazy motivated by greedYou never take responsibilityYou only waste your time when you fuck with mePennywiseAll you do is take you see my hatred growsCan"t take much more I"m about to explodeYou"ll see a side Of me I"ve never shownYou"ll feel pain like you"ve never knownGot enough but you want it allIn it for greed now you"re gonna fallHere we come gonna ruin your dayThe mighty dollar is your only careYou"re movin" up but you"re going nowhereYou say you only want to get your shareBut you still want more no you won"t play fairyou"ll never ever quit you won"t be deniedYou sit and watch your money multiplyTo get what you want you"ll cheat and lieBut I know - you won"t be satisfiedToday is a good day for suffering
2023-06-20 18:41:481


KNOCK OUT MONKEY Greed作词:w-shun作曲:KNOCK OUT MONKEYOh! また!? 练られたgimmick 魅惑の saturday night(oh! ma ta!? ne ra re ta gimmick mi wa ku no saturday night)Oh!还有!? 精心准备的花招 魅惑的星期六晚上だけどOh! ちょっと夏バテ気味 暑さとこの事态(da ke do oh! cho tto na tsu ba te gi mi a tsu to sa ko no ji ta i)但是Oh!稍微有点中暑 这种事态伴随着热天なのにOh oh oh 又も事件(na no ni Oh oh oh ma ta mo ji ken)然而Oh oh oh 又有新的事件Oh oh oh 新たな视点?(Oh oh oh a ra ta na shi ten) Oh oh oh 新的视点?Oh! no! ホームズじゃない(Oh!no! ho-mu zu ja na i)Oh!no!不是福尔摩斯何で何で何で何で神よ…(nan de nan de nan de nan de ka mi yo)为什么为什么为什么为什么神啊…Hey! 汗の様に 弾け飞び 惩りずに今日も take a ride(Hey!a se no yo ni ha ji ke to bi ko ri zu ni kyo mo take a ride)Hey!汗水如同 弹丸跳转 今天也是不甘心地骑自行车さあ眠りをかけ I melt slowly I melt slowly(sa a ne mu ri o ka ke I melt slowly I melt slowly)来吧睡眠时间 我慢慢融化 我慢慢融化Hey! 谜を解き 小说に(Hey!na zo o to ki sho se tsu ni)Hey!解开小说的迷题 负けぬカラクリが(ma ke nu ka ra ku ri ga)不输给诡计谜めいた街 勇んだ足で向かえば(na zo me i ta ma chi i san da a shi de mu ka e ba)谜一样的街市 如果鼓起勇气迈进头で考え 疲れた(a ta ma de kan ga e tsu ka re ta)脑袋已厌倦思考Oh! 靴はきかえsetting 突き抜く青空(Oh!ku tsu ha ki ka e setting tsu ki nu ku a o zo ra) Oh!布置穿鞋的顺序 穿透青空だけどOh! 鸣き止まない蝉 夏だし叫べば(da ke do Oh!na ki ya ma na i se mi na tsu da shi sa ke be ba) 但是Oh!鸣叫不止的蝉 利用着夏天大声喊叫されどOh oh oh ヒント得る目に(sa re do Oh oh oh hin to e ru me ni) 然而Oh oh oh 为了获得提示Oh oh oh ピンとくるready?(Oh oh oh bin to ku ru ready?)Oh oh oh 答案马上准备出现?Oh! no! 安息がない(Oh!no! an so ku ga na i)Oh!no!没有安静地休息何で何で何で何で神よ…(nan de nan de nan de nan de ka mi yo)为什么为什么为什么为什么神啊…Hey! 风が吹き 饶舌に 语った心から(Hey! ka ze ga fu ki jo u ze tsu ni ka ta tta ko ko ro ka ra)Hey!察言观色着唠唠叨叨的真心交谈 ハテナを欲しがって I melt slowly I melt slowly(ha te na o ho shi ga tte I melt slowly I melt slowly)想得到疑惑的感叹 我慢慢融化 我慢慢融化Hey! 何故? 故に? 止まらない(Hey!na ze? yu e ni? to ma ra na i)Hey!为什么?从现在开始?不要停止欲がこうも next try(yo ku ga ko u mo next try)欲望也是这样 下一次尝试谜めいた街 勇んだ足で向かえば(na zo me i ta ma chi i san da a shi de mu ka e ba)谜一样的街市 如果鼓起勇气迈进头で考え 疲れた(a ta ma de kan ga e tsu ka re ta)脑袋已厌倦思考Ah 思うようにいかない 波止场で伫んだ(Ah o mo u yo u ni i ka na i ha to ba de ta ta zun da)Ah 如愿以偿 我站在码头上憧れ抱き I melt slowly(a ko ga re da ki I melt slowly)憧憬着拥抱 我慢慢融化Hey! 汗の様に 弾け飞び 惩りずに今日も take a ride(Hey! a se no yo ni ha ji ke to bi ko ri zu ni kyo mo take a ride)Hey!汗水如同 弹丸跳转 今天也是不甘心地骑自行车さあ眠りをかけ I melt slowly I melt slowly(sa a ne mu ri o ka ke I melt slowly I melt slowly)来吧睡眠时间 我慢慢融化 我慢慢融化Hey! 谜を解き 小说に(Hey!na zo o to ki sho se tsu ni) Hey!解开小说的迷题 负けぬカラクリが(ma ke nu ka ra ku ri ga)不输给诡计谜めいた街 I melt slowly I melt slowly(na zo me i ta ma chi I melt slowly I melt slowly)谜一样的街市 我慢慢融化 我慢慢融化(Hey!) 汗の様に 弾け飞び((Hey!)a se no yo ni ha ji ke to bi )(Hey!)汗水如同 弹丸跳转 (Hey!) 何故? 故に? 止まらない((Hey!)na ze? yu e ni? to ma ra na i)(Hey!)为什么?从现在开始?不要停止(Hey!) 风が吹き 饶舌に((Hey!)ka ze ga fu ki jo u ze tsu ni)(Hey!)察言观色着 唠唠叨叨的(Hey!) 谜を解き 小说に((Hey!)na zo o to ki sho se tsu ni) (Hey!)解开小说的迷题 (Hey!) Can"t stop greed 欲が涌き((Hey!)Can"t stop greed yo ku ga wa ki)(Hey!)无法停止的贪婪 欲望涌上心头(Hey!) Can"t stop greed 欲が涌き((Hey!)Can"t stop greed yo ku ga wa ki)(Hey!)无法停止的贪婪 欲望涌上心头(Hey!) Wanna be free 欲が涌き((Hey!)Wanna be free yo ku ga wa ki)(Hey!)想要自由 欲望涌上心头头で考え 疲れた(a ta ma de kan ga e tsu ka re ta)脑袋已厌倦思考【*仅供参考】【中文翻译和罗马音都是自己翻译和输入的,如果有错误请提醒改正。满意的话请采纳哦!谢谢提问者:)】
2023-06-20 18:41:551

Lewis Black的《Greed》 歌词

歌曲名:Greed歌手:Lewis Black专辑:Stark Raving Black「GREED...」作词∶TAKESHI UEDA作曲∶TAKESHI UEDA歌∶AA=Breed, 何故 You"re GreedIt"s ugly, また、そう BreedI"m angry, 何故 Your GreedIt"s ugly, また、そう BreedYour name"s GREED!!!Bleed, 何故 You"re GreedIt"s ugly, また、そう BreedI"m angry, 何故 You"re GreedIt"s ugly, また、そう BreedYour name"s GREED!!!GREED!!!WHAT? What a sad dreamWHAT? Just a sad dream【 おわり 】
2023-06-20 18:42:021

greed 好还是avarice好?

2023-06-20 18:42:101

一个关于 GREED的 英文作文 200字左右

Greed and guiltGreed and guilt are seemingly opposing forcesOne leading to evil, and the other leading to goodGreed taunts men to do the unfathomableGuilt teaches men to be remorseful Greed stems out of human natureGuilt stems out of human actionsWhen we see a pile of gold offered to usIt is greed that drives us to acceptWhen we have unreasonably hurt anotherIt is guilt that drives us to apologizeIn a way, guilt and greed make each other wholeFor greed creates guilt in its own way When men become too greedy and avaricious When men begins to take what is not rightfully theirsGuilt springs into existence, temporarily overcoming greed总共 119 个字。
2023-06-20 18:42:181


问的是green吧,Greed不是表示颜色的词汇。green 英[gri:n] 美[ɡrin] adj. 绿色的; 未熟的,青春的; 未成熟的; 主张保护环境的; n. 绿色蔬菜; 绿色的衣服; 植物; vi. 绿化,使重视环境保护问题。
2023-06-20 18:42:261

Greed (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Greed (Album Version)歌手:Sweet Honey In The Rock专辑:25「GREED...」作词∶TAKESHI UEDA作曲∶TAKESHI UEDA歌∶AA=Breed, 何故 You"re GreedIt"s ugly, また、そう BreedI"m angry, 何故 Your GreedIt"s ugly, また、そう BreedYour name"s GREED!!!Bleed, 何故 You"re GreedIt"s ugly, また、そう BreedI"m angry, 何故 You"re GreedIt"s ugly, また、そう BreedYour name"s GREED!!!GREED!!!WHAT? What a sad dreamWHAT? Just a sad dream【 おわり 】
2023-06-20 18:42:331


傲慢 (Pride),嫉妒(Envy),暴怒(Wrath),懒惰(Sloth),贪婪(Greed),饕餮(Gluttony),以及欲望(Lust)。
2023-06-20 18:42:412

以撒的结合胎衣greed是什么 greed模式详解

  以撒的结合胎衣greed模式介绍。贪婪模式是《以撒的结合胎衣》中新增的一个模式,在这里有钱就是大爷。在选人界面的右侧,有NORMAL/HARD/GREED,方向键上下选择,就可以调到GREED模式,也就是贪婪模式。  初始房间是该模式的关机所在,房间中间有个按钮,按下去计时器开始倒计时,时间到或者场上怪物全部死亡计时器结束,刷下一波怪,每刷一波怪都会在按钮上方刷新几枚金币,3-5枚左右。一共10波怪,10波怪之后还能再开一波,打完了开启天使房/恶魔房。  商店房:布局类似黑店,左上方机器是投1块钱ROLL一次店里的道具,上方两台机器均为随机生成,也有可能是要匙乞丐或者要钱乞丐。需要注意的一点是,商店里道具购买后会在原地刷新新的道具,基础掉落道具购买后刷新原道具,有一个利用捐血机和小猪储蓄罐刷金钱刷道具的方法,大家可以了解下。  最后一层:地图十分简单,连续两个BOSS房,第一个房间是普通BOSS,第二个房间就是究极贪婪。据说,第一个普通boss是用来测试当前玩家的 dps的,如果你杀得很快,最后的boss血就超厚,非常难打。可以试着用叶子挂机,环绕物来蹭死boss,这样最后的boss就会容易不少。  BOSS招式技能:  1、召唤贪婪头,跳跃移动双向自机狙那个,一次约召唤6个  2、5向金币投掷攻击,就是超级贪婪的子弹变成了大金币,碰撞体积更大判定范围更广  3、冲撞攻击,注意不要站一条直线就好  4、重点技能,全房间随机撒币,可被玩家攻击摧毁,根据金币图案决定金币效果:1、钥匙,一定要摧毁的金币,过一段时间变成钥匙打开周围大门,周围大门打开后刷新大量金币僵尸,金币僵尸无特殊效果,但是由于数量极大,没有硫磺火等强力清怪道具就会变得很难。2、红心,一段时间后金币变成红心为BOSS回血,回血量不大。3、炸弹,一段时间后爆炸,摧毁或者躲开就行。  击败究极贪婪之后,会出现一个贪婪存钱罐,不过由于BOSS战受伤就会掉落自身金币且怪物也能拾取金币,所以能够保留下来的金币也是少之又少。(摘抄自网页)
2023-06-20 18:42:481


(七宗罪,the seven deadly sins):傲慢 (Pride),暴怒(Wrath),懒惰(Sloth),贪婪(Greed),嫉妒(Envy),饕餮(Gluttony),以及淫欲(Lust)。
2023-06-20 18:43:164

为什么钢炼里的GREED会被打死 人造人不是不死的吗?

2023-06-20 18:43:484


2023-06-20 18:43:563


“Seven”在宗教上是个神秘的数字,上帝用七天造亚当,取出亚当的第七根肋骨造了夏娃。撒旦的原身是有七个头的火龙,同时共有七名堕落天使被称为撒旦,所以基督教用撒旦的七个恶魔的形象来代表七种罪恶(七宗罪,the seven deadlysins):饕餮(Gluttony)、贪婪(Greed)、懒惰(Sloth)、淫欲(Lust)、嫉妒(Envy)、暴怒(Wrath)、傲慢(Pride) 傲慢之罪为路西华(Lucifer),贪欲为玛蒙(Mammon),好色为阿斯蒙蒂斯(Asmodeus),愤怒为撒旦(Satan),暴食为贝鲁赛巴布(Beelzebul),懒惰为贝利亚(Berial),而利卫旦(Leviathan)为嫉妒之罪。(对于七原罪所指的人物说法不一,以上只是其中的一种。) 一、骄傲(Pride) 经文:箴十六 18;十六 5;廿九 23 第一项是骄傲,它几乎是所有其他罪恶之前首先形成的一种心理和道德状态。所有的罪都是「不同形式的自私」,而骄傲就主要地带著过分的自高,自我陶醉於优越感中。上帝所憎恶的骄傲并不是自尊,也不是适度的个人尊严,而是「自以为是」的态度,这种傲慢的态度令上帝和人都感到可憎(诗一零一 5)。骄傲可能有各种不同的形再但都是从人类狂妄自大的心中发出来的,其中包括了形貌、种族、事业、社会地位等,甚至连宗教事务或灵性方面也有。 二、愤怒(Wrath) 经文:诗卅七 8;太五 22;箴十六 32 愤怒是人的一种最糟的罪,每一个人都可能会犯这一项罪。小婴孩会大发脾气而损失掉一屿沪鼓哄F小孩子突然发脾气弄到一家不宁;太太发脾气会引起头痛病;丈夫发脾气会失掉胃口。家中的每一份子会受到愤怒的害处,并且无一幸免。总括来说愤怒使人心中生出怨恨,使家庭不和,使社会纷扰,使国家混乱。 当然,有一种愤怒是上帝所嘉釭满A这就是我们必须对周围的腐化和不道德的罪发出正义的愤慨。 如何克服这项罪呢?第一,我们必须先去除怒火带来破坏性倾向和毁灭罪人的意志,认识到「不完美确实在经验世界存在」,并且也明白在上帝的眼中你的眼中都所有人都是罪人。第二步,我们必须对上帝承认这怒火的罪恶,并恳求他赦免我们的怒火和坏脾气的罪,引导自己和别人活在一互爱和公义的社会。 三、妒忌(Envy) 经文:伯五 2;箴十四 30 妒忌可以毁坏名誉、分裂教会,甚至引起杀机。它可以缩小我们的朋友圈子,毁掉我们的事业和妨碍我们的属灵长进,它甚至可以杀害一个人。切记:「在何处有嫉妒分争,就在何处有扰乱,和各样的坏事。」 四、不贞洁(Lust) 经文:箴六 32-33 不贞洁的罪在开始时似乎并不很丑毒,它以美好、匀称和令人喜欢的伪装姿态出现,一点也不令人反感,甚至有人歌颂「只在乎曾经拥有」的无束缚、无责任感的性关系,其实撒但就是喜欢扮成光明的天使,让最刚犟的人也失足跌倒。不贞洁是罪恶中最可憎恶的一种,因为它扭曲了上帝给人的一种宝贵恩赐--人性的爱,而把它拖落到兽性的水准。它把一种忍耐、关怀、互补的高贵「爱恿降低到只是追求个人的肉体或精神的享乐行为。 五、贪食(Gluttony) 经文:路十二 18-19;申八 3 贪食是七项致命的罪恶之一,初期教会的领袖们把它与骄傲、妒忌和不贞洁并列一起,这是一项我们大多数人都会犯的罪,但却甚少人提及它。为甚么我们说贪食是一个罪呢?因为它是物质主义的表现,它讥笑正义的节制,嘲侮自制和端庄,它高叫「吃呀!喝呀!快乐呀!因为我们明天要死了」,它不留位置给神,也绝不想到永恒。贪食的人浪费精神在短暂的肉体满足,身体机能也较正常饮食的人差(如心脏病、糖尿病、过胖等)。「贪食」在今天也可以泛指不良的饮食习惯,包括抽烟、醉酒、吸毒等等;也可指世俗的「享乐主义、消费主义、幸苦得来只在食」等观念。 六、懒惰(Sloth) 经文:箴十九 15;廿一 25 懒惰的定义是「不高兴动或劳动,怠慢,闲散和没精打彩」,用神学上的说法,懒惰不单是指灵性方面的懒散,也包括我们在实践基督教教义时的冷淡和不够积极。懒惰是机会的毁坏者,在耶稣所举有关十个童女的比喻中,其中的五个童女并不是不道德、欺骗或撒谎,而祇是懒惰。现代的观念是:找藉口逃避责任,没有尽心尽力去做份内之事。 七、贪婪(Greed) 经文:提前六 10;可八 36 贪婪可以说比所有其他的罪孕育更多的邪恶,钗h人在贪念的驱使下而去抢劫、谋杀等便是最好的例子,贪欲也是在伊甸园中最先萌芽的恶毒罪恶之一,圣经中另外也有不少贪婪的例子,如:巴兰、犹大等。贪婪本质上是一种「拥有」或「支配」的冲动,是浪费精力夺取更多自己可以享受的物质或名誉或权力或对别人的支配能力,而忘记施比受更为有福,忘记赏赐的是神,收取的也是
2023-06-20 18:44:041


七宗罪(the seven deadly sins):傲慢 (Pride),嫉妒(Envy),暴怒(Wrath),懒惰(Sloth),贪婪(Greed),饕餮(Gluttony),以及贪欲(Lust)
2023-06-20 18:44:134


淫欲(lust)--拉丝特贪婪(greedy)――葛利德暴食(gluttony)――格拉托尼 嫉妒(envy)――恩维懒惰(slouth)――斯洛斯 愤怒(wrath)――拉斯 骄傲(pride)――大总统Greed 是但丁跟霍芬海姆捏孩子练出来捏,因该是400年前了~而且Lust是被但丁控制的!
2023-06-20 18:45:111


魔兽的加钱秘籍意思是 贪心是很好的
2023-06-20 18:45:194


2023-06-20 18:45:363


没有。在中国内地 creed没有专柜,它并没有正式进入中国市场,所以国内是找不到专柜的,不仅国内没有,世界大部分地方都没有,而目前想要购买它的产品最好的办法是到它的官网,但它只有英国和美国官网,国内可以选择代购。creed是世界上最有历史的香水品牌,1760年的时候就成立了,它是英国皇家专用的香水品牌,而且在欧美极为流行,一般是明星、政要人士使用的,使用了非常顶级的香料,并且采用深奥的配方。
2023-06-20 18:45:571

贪婪是向上爬的动力 英语

Greed is powered up
2023-06-20 18:46:214


人物特性:会飞,攻击方式为距离与射程(range)挂钩的短硫磺火(只能被极少数攻击方式覆盖)。解锁方法:一轮游戏中在恶魔房交易3次。属性:血量:攻击:3.5(*1.50)射速:31(受人物特性限制,正常情况下通过tears up胶囊可达到最高射速为18。如果获得马刀等改变攻击方式的道具,初始射速变为8)射程:17.75速度:1.25弹速:1幸运:0初始基础掉落:塔罗牌【0】愚者(0-The Fool)初始道具:无他能解锁的:恶魔钉(The Nail)——Boss RushWrapped Baby——妈心(Hard难度)(2P用)恶魔的尾巴(Daemon"s Tail)——冥府(饰品)黑暗圣经(Satanic Bible)——大教堂恶魔宝宝(Demon Baby)——黑暗关地狱恶魔(Abaddon)——宝箱关人物莉莉丝(Lilith)——Greed模式(可使用角色)虚空巨头(Maw Of The Void)——蓝子宫Black Baby——金门(2P用)Sucky Baby——Hard模式下全标记(2P用)人物解析:阿萨谢尔是一个很强的人物,他的初始状态比很多人物都要好很多,这些多是因为他特性的缘故。尽管游戏更新的某个时期他被削成近乎最弱的存在,但现在这已经成为历史,阿萨谢尔还是那么厉害。然而他也告诉了很多玩家射程是一个多么重要的属性。由于射程问题,阿萨谢尔后期开始容易变得乏力,后期的阿萨谢尔更容易受伤。虽然特性让他的伤害强于其他人物,但再好的武器如果打不到人的话还是渣渣。所以,阿萨谢尔很需要在前期获得各种补益,这样他才能更好地应对后期。Az的属性还是可以的,但有两个属性受特性的影响发生了质变。血量为三颗黑心,这种血量蛮厉害的。大众水平的血量,初始状态没什么恢复能力。但Az前期很强,不怎么容易受伤。而且失去一颗黑心会造成全屏伤害,打小怪的时候可以防止小怪造成更多的伤害。更重要的是Az自己还能获得心之容器,这样的话Az的恢复能力也就不愁了。恶魔房换道具也没小蓝人那么麻烦了。初始攻击力很强啊!全人物第二(第一是黑犹大)!就算攻击方式是眼泪他的优势都比其他人物大多了!特性放大了Az的伤害优势:短硫磺火。虽说不如道具硫磺火,但操控得当的话,除了个别小怪其他的全都可以一口喷死。对付boss也比其它人物轻松许多。速度也很快,1.25是个不错的初始速度。主要是不怎么怕被减速,速度加起来也容易。而Az本身会飞,更有利于高速度的发挥。不过Az的射速就不怎么样了。全人物最慢的射速(不考虑伊甸的道具影响)。其实这还是特性的影响。硫磺火射速要*3,短硫磺火比这个差一点的样子……所以,这种射速如果遇到一些增大射速延迟的道具的话就比较麻烦了。如:大眼、三眼、四眼等(吐根会被短硫磺火覆盖)。这时候对付敌人就需要点耐心了,因为这时候蓄力很慢的,但输出确实不错。如果Az得到马刀史诗这种改变攻击方式的道具的话射速就变回正常水平了。射程数值上全人物最低之一。然而由于特性的影响,Az的实际射程真的成了全人物最低的!前期还可以靠短硫磺火和高伤度过,后期如果伤害不高或射程不高的话就很麻烦了。打hush、Ultra Greed这种不适合近战的boss的话就更麻烦了。不过Az的硫磺火射程只和range挂钩,所以减少弹速的道具对Az的影响基本上可以忽略不计了。只要可以range up,对Az来说都是好的。如:各种range up的道具、烂洋葱(Dead Onion)、懒虫(Lazy Worm)等。这也算是一种平衡吧。总的来说,属性方面,Az好的很好差的很差,属性总归是受特性影响发生了一定的变化。虽说Az没有自带道具(道具栏没显示),但Az的特性比有道具还厉害,然而这个特性也让Az后期很难过。但仔细想想,如果前期过得好,Az后期也可以轻松度过。而且Az这种很强的杀伤力和移动能力很适合打速通。会飞就是好!地面上的那些伤血的、减速的、打滑的痕迹完全免疫了!很多地形完全可以无视了。而且Az速度还有点快,配合短硫磺火可以快速清理掉一个房间。如果遇到一些特殊的敌人还能躲石头上进行输出。不过有些时候拿到碎石道具的话可能对飞这种特性产生一点负面影响,但注意一点就好。总之,会飞真的很好!Az自带的短程硫磺火。虽然短,但硫磺火的一次打12下的伤害效果还是有的!配合Az很高的伤害修正,小怪这一口下去非死即残。打很多比较麻烦的boss的时候Az的初始输出已经可以轻松解决了(如:1、2层的大幽灵),但这是短硫磺火啊!小怪多半是喷几下就死了。但速度比较快的、血有点厚的、行踪诡异的、会自爆的、弹幕特别的等极少数不适合近战的小怪对Az来说就比较讨厌了。要是拿到一些降低射程的东西那就是坑爹啦!尤其是后期,这些小怪变多了!这时候伤害没有堆起来的Az是很容易受伤的。如果面对的boss是弹幕系的(如:妈心)或近战危险的(如:小肉山)那种打起来就更不容易了。如果这些boss血再厚一点的话那绝对是一场苦战!打这样的boss对于没有伤害或射程的Az来说都损失惨重。如果本身血量还少的话Az就很可能GG了……但是,Az前期拿到比较好的配合的话很多麻烦就不再是麻烦了。从属性上来去突破的话,可以从血量、伤害、射速、射程4个方面考虑。血量为后期做保障,堆点红血还能换道具。伤害是从速战速决这方面来考虑的,毕竟Az伤害修正高。射速也很重要,因为蓄力的时候你很难主动攻击,所以射速快一点是好的。射程不容易堆起来,但有机会的话以射程为主,射程慢慢就起来了。从道具和饰品上考虑和上面差不多,但道具和饰品有很多特效可以给短硫磺火进行增益。如:星球、橡胶胶水(弹弹乐)、各种debuff、镜子(操作方法很奇特)、忙死戳的肺、某射程*2的虫子等……覆盖也是不错的想法,因为目前能改变短硫磺火这种攻击方式的道具只有:博士、史诗、马刀、硫磺火。这些攻击方式很多时候都优于短硫磺火。注意!Az在没反重力或攻击力不够或没有胎儿博士或没有天秤座的时候千万不要拿豆浆!总的来说,Az由于特性问题,更需要注重后期如何存活。所以一定要在前期就让他变得更强大。这可能是我用得最多的角色了。原因很简单:打起来比其他人物快!在全清理的情况下Az更容易赶上Boss Rush和Hush。他确实很强!强到很多玩家用他很容易通关。但他不是无敌的!他告诉了我们射程是一个多么重要的属性!这就是阿萨谢尔,一个前期的强者,一个速通的合适人选。使用策略:只要拿到一点提升dps的道具,Az的dps很容易就升起来了,所以我们一般不用担心Az的杀伤力。不过,杀伤力再强的武器如果打不到人的话就是废物,所以Az有机会提升射程的话一定要把射程提起来。射程不够的话也不用太担心,有些麻烦的敌人可以靠速度和飞行来解决。可以把短硫磺火当长硫磺火一样“扫”那些会横向或纵向攻击你的敌人,由于Az的伤害很高,这些敌人一般来说一“扫”就死了。天使房和恶魔房方面我认为二者都很适合Az。Greed模式个人建议堆血量!越多越好!恢复能力越强越好!不然后面打Ultra Greed的时候不好打的!打Hush也是这个建议。毕竟短啊……而且这俩boss除了血厚还会减伤,高伤用处不是很大,这真的是打得狠不如打得快了。
2023-06-20 18:46:281

greed, for lack of a better word, is good 中文是:贪婪

贪婪,怎么说呢? 是个好东西
2023-06-20 18:46:363


淫欲(lust)--拉丝特 最强之手,拉丝特最初给人的印象便是颜若桃李却心如蛇蝎,和她的能力一样,华丽但是致命。她是由刀疤的哥哥为了复活自己的女友进行人体炼成而来的,心中藏着对对刀疤哥哥的爱,对曾经恋慕“自己”的刀疤也有着特殊的感应。她的愿望只是想成为一个真正的人,却是那么的遥不可及。心中潜藏的爱让她答应帮助爱德华他们,最后她死在和斯洛斯及安比的战斗中,那一刻,她方知道自己战斗的目的,求死。 贪婪(greedy)――葛利德 最强之盾,第一个被爱德华杀死的人造人(其实是误杀),也是他告诉爱德华人造人的弱点就是被炼成对象的遗体。他想要一切,力量财富权利甚至永生,作为早期人造人的他却尚存意思人性,所以他身边也会有一群忠心耿耿的属下,被陷害和误会都不影响他死的像一个战士。 暴食(gluttony)――格拉托尼 最强之口及肠胃,除了流着口水问拉丝特“我可以吃吗?”我实在想不起来他还说过什么话。巨大的口和腐蚀性的唾液让他看起来让人食欲不良。只是他对拉丝特却十分的依赖,拉丝特死后他四处的寻找失踪的拉丝特甚至拒绝听从但丁的命令。也许他也会有别人无法理解的痛苦吧,永远饥饿的肠胃限制了他像一个“人”一样活着,而被但丁再次控制失去自主的他也成了但丁踏上黄泉的引路人。 嫉妒(envy)――安比 最早的人造人,可以变成任何人的样子(恨啊,我最喜欢的左兹就死在他手里)。他的被炼成对像是爱德华的父亲和但丁的孩子,出于嫉妒,对被父亲所爱的爱德华和阿尔非常的憎恨,而且也同时憎恨着他的父亲霍因海姆。失去理智的他,最终消失在了门的对面。从头到尾安比都充斥着暴躁的气息,他的目标不是成为一个人,而是杀了爱德华兄弟和霍因海姆。其实这样的嫉妒正是在告诉别人,他也想要被关怀被爱。 懒惰(slouth)――斯洛斯 能化为液态,是爱德华和阿尔人体炼成自己母亲时的产物,诞生时的形象很恐怖,如今却拥有了爱德华和阿尔母亲的容貌,成为了大总统的秘书,暗中策划着制造贤者之石的阴谋。斯洛斯想成为一个人的原因与拉丝特截然相反,她要的是独一无二的生命而不是成为被炼成的对象,爱德华母亲生前的记忆却折磨着她,所以在遇到爱德华兄弟时,她自欺欺人的以为杀了他们就可以否定那些记忆,只是,她对拉斯体现的母性却泄漏了她的心。 愤怒(wrath)――拉斯 拉斯是教导爱德华兄弟炼金术的小泉老师复活死去的孩子时所创造的,他得到了爱德华人体炼成时失去的右手和左腿,因此能使用炼金术,对斯洛斯有着对母亲般的依赖。在安比的诱导下,开始胆小怯懦的拉斯开始憎恨了创造了自己之后又把自己送回门那边的母亲,他认为是小泉的失误让自己承受当一个人造人的痛苦,所以他要夺走爱德华的身体成为真正的人。斯洛斯死后,失去“母亲”的拉斯也回到了自己该去的地方。 骄傲(pride)――大总统 最强之眼。的确成为大总统是最适合骄傲这个词的,他拥有权利,家庭和无上的荣耀,而且乐衷于战争。在和火焰炼金术士的战斗中,他的“儿子”回来拿和他约定要守护的宝物(就是被炼成者的遗骸),所以被打败了。当他面目狰狞的要杀死自己儿子时,才让人发现大总统往日的完美都是假象,他只允许自己永远的高高在上,不会让任何人动摇他地位。
2023-06-20 18:46:451


2023-06-20 18:46:521

Ice Cube的《Greed》 歌词

歌曲名:Greed歌手:Ice Cube专辑:War & Peace Vol. 1 (The War Disc)「GREED...」作词∶TAKESHI UEDA作曲∶TAKESHI UEDA歌∶AA=Breed, 何故 You"re GreedIt"s ugly, また、そう BreedI"m angry, 何故 Your GreedIt"s ugly, また、そう BreedYour name"s GREED!!!Bleed, 何故 You"re GreedIt"s ugly, また、そう BreedI"m angry, 何故 You"re GreedIt"s ugly, また、そう BreedYour name"s GREED!!!GREED!!!WHAT? What a sad dreamWHAT? Just a sad dream【 おわり 】
2023-06-20 18:47:281


green英 [gri:n] 美 [ɡrin] adj.绿色的; 未熟的,青春的; 未成熟的; 主张保护环境的n.绿色蔬菜; 绿色的衣服; 植物
2023-06-20 18:47:371


傲慢 (Pride),嫉妒(Envy),暴怒(Wrath),懒惰(Sloth),贪婪(Greed),饕餮(Gluttony),以及欲望(Lust)。
2023-06-20 18:47:452


七宗罪(Seven deadly sins),13世纪道明会神父圣多玛斯·阿奎纳列举出各种恶行的表现。天主教教义中提出“按若望格西安和教宗额我略一世的见解,分辨出教徒常遇到的重大恶行”。圣经原文和合本《歌罗西书》《歌罗西书》第二章18节:不可让人因着故意谦虚,和敬拜天使,就夺去你们的奖赏。这等人拘泥在所见过的,(有古卷作这等人窥察所没有见过的)随着自己的欲心,无故的自高自大,《歌罗西书》第二章19节:不持定元首,全身既然靠着他筋节得以相助联络,就因神大得长进。《歌罗西书》第二章20节:你们若是与基督同死,脱离了世上的小学,为什么仍像在世俗中活着,《歌罗西书》第二章21节:服从那不可拿,不可尝,不可摸,等类的规条呢。《歌罗西书》第二章22节:这都是照人所吩咐所教导的。说到这一切正用的时候就都败坏了。《歌罗西书》第二章23节:这些规条,使人徒有智慧之名,用私意崇拜,自表谦卑,苦待己身,其实在克制肉体的情欲上,是毫无功效。暴食、贪婪、懒惰、淫欲、傲慢、嫉妒或愤怒,相信大部分人一辈子都至少犯过一次上述“罪行”,包括自己在内。只是区别在于,程度的不同以及认识的不同。
2023-06-20 18:47:542


1、《Greed》是一首由KNOCK OUT MONKEY谱曲,w-shun填词,Knock Out Monkey (ノックu30fbアウトu30fbモンキ_)演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《Greed》中,由Being公司发行于2014-08-20。2、《羽》是一首由_叶浩志谱曲,_叶浩志填词,_叶浩志演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《羽》中,2016-01-13发行。该张专辑包含了4首歌曲。3、《destiny》是一首由间岛和伸谱曲,麻越さとみ填词,松桥未树演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《Destiny》中,由GIZA studio公司发行于2002-01-30。4、《Feel Your Heart》是一首由川添智久谱曲,室井美树填词,Velvet Garden (ベルベットガ_デン)演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《名探侦コナン主题歌集》中,1996-12-16发行。5、《Still for your love》是一首由三好诚谱曲,三好真美填词,rumania montevideo演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《THE BEST OF DETECTIVE CONAN》中,2000-11-29发行。6、《Misty Mystery》是一首由中村由利谱曲,AZUKI 七填词,GARNET CROW演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《Misty Mystery》中,由GIZA公司发行于2011-08-31。
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2023-06-20 18:48:206


七宗罪(the seven deadly sins):傲慢 (Pride),嫉妒(Envy),暴怒(Wrath),懒惰(Sloth),贪婪(Greed),饕餮(Gluttony),以及贪欲(Lust)
2023-06-20 18:48:362


七原罪——饕餮、贪婪、懒惰、淫欲、傲慢、嫉妒和暴怒“Seven”在宗教上是个神秘的数字,上帝用七天造亚当,取出亚当的第七根肋骨造了夏娃。撒旦的原身是有七个头的火龙,同时共有七名堕落天使被称为撒旦,所以基督教用撒旦的七个恶魔的形象来代表七种罪恶(七宗罪,the seven deadlysins):饕餮(Gluttony)、贪婪(Greed)、懒惰(Sloth)、淫欲(Lust)、嫉妒(Envy)、暴怒(Wrath)、傲慢(Pride) 傲慢之罪为路西华(Lucifer),贪欲为玛蒙(Mammon),好色为阿斯蒙蒂斯(Asmodeus),愤怒为撒旦(Satan),暴食为贝鲁赛巴布(Beelzebul),懒惰为贝利亚(Berial),而利卫旦(Leviathan)为嫉妒之罪。(对于七原罪所指的人物说法不一,以上只是其中的一种。) 一、骄傲(Pride)经文:箴十六 18;十六 5;廿九 23第一项是骄傲,它几乎是所有其他罪恶之前首先形成的一种心理和道德状态。所有的罪都是「不同形式的自私」,而骄傲就主要地带著过分的自高,自我陶醉於优越感中。上帝所憎恶的骄傲并不是自尊,也不是适度的个人尊严,而是「自以为是」的态度,这种傲慢的态度令上帝和人都感到可憎(诗一零一 5)。骄傲可能有各种不同的形再但都是从人类狂妄自大的心中发出来的,其中包括了形貌、种族、事业、社会地位等,甚至连宗教事务或灵性方面也有。二、愤怒(Wrath)经文:诗卅七 8;太五 22;箴十六 32愤怒是人的一种最糟的罪,每一个人都可能会犯这一项罪。小婴孩会大发脾气而损失掉一屿沪鼓哄F小孩子突然发脾气弄到一家不宁;太太发脾气会引起头痛病;丈夫发脾气会失掉胃口。家中的每一份子会受到愤怒的害处,并且无一幸免。总括来说愤怒使人心中生出怨恨,使家庭不和,使社会纷扰,使国家混乱。当然,有一种愤怒是上帝所嘉釭满A这就是我们必须对周围的腐化和不道德的罪发出正义的愤慨。如何克服这项罪呢?第一,我们必须先去除怒火带来破坏性倾向和毁灭罪人的意志,认识到「不完美确实在经验世界存在」,并且也明白在上帝的眼中你的眼中都所有人都是罪人。第二步,我们必须对上帝承认这怒火的罪恶,并恳求他赦免我们的怒火和坏脾气的罪,引导自己和别人活在一互爱和公义的社会。三、妒忌(Envy)经文:伯五 2;箴十四 30妒忌可以毁坏名誉、分裂教会,甚至引起杀机。它可以缩小我们的朋友圈子,毁掉我们的事业和妨碍我们的属灵长进,它甚至可以杀害一个人。切记:「在何处有嫉妒分争,就在何处有扰乱,和各样的坏事。」四、不贞洁(Lust)经文:箴六 32-33不贞洁的罪在开始时似乎并不很丑毒,它以美好、匀称和令人喜欢的伪装姿态出现,一点也不令人反感,甚至有人歌颂「只在乎曾经拥有」的无束缚、无责任感的性关系,其实撒但就是喜欢扮成光明的天使,让最刚犟的人也失足跌倒。不贞洁是罪恶中最可憎恶的一种,因为它扭曲了上帝给人的一种宝贵恩赐--人性的爱,而把它拖落到兽性的水准。它把一种忍耐、关怀、互补的高贵「爱恿降低到只是追求个人的肉体或精神的享乐行为。五、贪食(Gluttony)经文:路十二 18-19;申八 3贪食是七项致命的罪恶之一,初期教会的领袖们把它与骄傲、妒忌和不贞洁并列一起,这是一项我们大多数人都会犯的罪,但却甚少人提及它。为甚么我们说贪食是一个罪呢?因为它是物质主义的表现,它讥笑正义的节制,嘲侮自制和端庄,它高叫「吃呀!喝呀!快乐呀!因为我们明天要死了」,它不留位置给神,也绝不想到永恒。贪食的人浪费精神在短暂的肉体满足,身体机能也较正常饮食的人差(如心脏病、糖尿病、过胖等)。「贪食」在今天也可以泛指不良的饮食习惯,包括抽烟、醉酒、吸毒等等;也可指世俗的「享乐主义、消费主义、幸苦得来只在食」等观念。六、懒惰(Sloth)经文:箴十九 15;廿一 25懒惰的定义是「不高兴动或劳动,怠慢,闲散和没精打彩」,用神学上的说法,懒惰不单是指灵性方面的懒散,也包括我们在实践基督教教义时的冷淡和不够积极。懒惰是机会的毁坏者,在耶稣所举有关十个童女的比喻中,其中的五个童女并不是不道德、欺骗或撒谎,而祇是懒惰。现代的观念是:找藉口逃避责任,没有尽心尽力去做份内之事。七、贪婪(Greed)经文:提前六 10;可八 36贪婪可以说比所有其他的罪孕育更多的邪恶,钗h人在贪念的驱使下而去抢劫、谋杀等便是最好的例子,贪欲也是在伊甸园中最先萌芽的恶毒罪恶之一,圣经中另外也有不少贪婪的例子,如:巴兰、犹大等。贪婪本质上是一种「拥有」或「支配」的冲动,是浪费精力夺取更多自己可以享受的物质或名誉或权力或对别人的支配能力,而忘记施比受更为有福,忘记赏赐的是神,收取的也是
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2023-06-20 18:49:111


七宗罪(the seven deadly sins):傲慢(Pride),嫉妒(Envy),暴怒(Wrath),懒惰(Sloth),贪婪(Greed),饕餮(Gluttony),以及贪欲(Lust)
2023-06-20 18:49:193


【拉丁语】superbia,“invidia”,“ira”,“accidia”,“avaritia”,“gula” “luxuria”。傲慢(Pride) 贪婪(Greed)淫欲(Lust) 暴怒(Wrath)饕餮(Gluttony) 妒忌(Envy)懒惰(Sloth)你也可以用犯了着七宗罪的神的名字。希望有帮助、
2023-06-20 18:49:361


2023-06-20 18:49:561


free for all:自由混战(个人各帮)melee:你自己一帮,所有电脑一帮use map setting:使用自己用地图编辑器做的任务
2023-06-20 18:50:033


以撒的结合重生全人物图鉴以撒的结合:重生(binding of isaa rebirth)是一款出色的roguelike类的游戏,游戏中的道具、人物、怪物、事件和玩法都十分多样,不同的组合使得每一局都充满了乐趣,被称之为21世纪的俄罗斯方块,游戏虽然道具众多,不过其中大部分需要解锁,下面我们就为大家讲讲以撒的结合重生抹大拉解锁道具,以及以撒的结合重生Magdalene人物图鉴攻略。变化微妙的血牛——抹大拉(Magdalene)解锁方法:一轮游戏中拥有7个及以上的心之容器血量:4颗心攻击:3.5(*1.00)射速:10射程:23.75速度:0.85弹速:1幸运:0初始基础掉落:无初始道具:美味的心(Yum Heart)她能解锁的:抹大拉的蝴蝶结(Maggy"s Bow)——Boss RushCute Baby——妈心(Hard难度)(2P用)天使宝宝(Guardian Angel)——冥府蓝十字架(The Relic)——大教堂抹大拉的信仰(Maggy"s Faith)——黑暗关(饰品)凯尔特十字架(Celtic Cross)——宝箱关香炉(Censer)——Greed模式圣白莲(划掉)白莲花(划掉)纯洁(Purity)——蓝子宫Red Baby——金门(2P用)Colorful Baby——Hard模式下全标记(2P用)人物解析:这是一个适合新手的血牛角色。这是一个腿短的角色。这是一个因为游戏机制的变化而强度随之变化的角色。这是一个由一般变弱再由弱变强的角色。这就是抹大拉。又是一个没有任何基础掉落的角色。所以这里就先说血量吧:抹大拉的变化之路。羔羊时期,心之容器上限12个,魂心上限48个,心之容器满了魂心还能拿。在那个时代,血厚是优势!抹大拉因为最高初始血上限和她的回血能力,成为一个对新手来说很好用的血牛角色。重生时期,总血量上限12个,包括心之容器、魂心和黑心。而且恶魔房的机制也变化了。这对抹大拉来说是一个灾难!虽然有最高的初始血上限,自带主动道具的充能也减少了,但主动道具的效果让她很难适应新的游戏环境。抹大拉就这样看似被加强,实则被削弱了。换恶魔房道具对她来说轻松自如。DLC时期,一个新的机制出现了!献祭房的机制变了!只要你血厚,恢复能力强,在扎扎乐那里来几下,钱变多了!Faith Up了!进天使房了!拿天使房道具了!血量回本了!金门钥匙也来了!这时候抹大拉不用担心伤到红血了,因为献祭房在一定程度上可以为她带来更多的好处!除此之外,Greed模式的特殊规则也让抹大拉的优势得到了极大的发挥!打一波充一次能,打四波充能就满了,一个空格下来血量就回过来了!而且抹大拉血厚,不容易死,这让抹大拉在 Greed模式中更加强力!不用怕伤到红心,只要按下那个五芒星开关并打过那一波的boss,恶魔房/天使房便立刻为你敞开大门!所以说,血厚就是好啊!抹大拉作为初始心之容器最多的人物,自然有其他人物所无法取代的一大优势:凡是和高血量有关的好事她绝对好用!比如:卖血机她能多换点钱、恶魔乞丐她能多碰几下、扎扎乐她能多扎一下、换恶魔房道具对她来说轻松自如等等。而现在随着游戏机制的改变,抹大拉成为了一个既可以走恶魔房,又可以进天使房的人物了。虽然从血量上看抹大拉很好用,但抹大拉有一个毛病:慢!速度很慢!全人物最慢(没算上伊甸)。虽然抹大拉的初始速度全人物最低,但这个速度还是可以用的。很多时候只要操作和走位都比较好就不怕速度一般的痴汉们的追赶。但这个速度就怕吃到减速的东西。如:撕逼得当、猪油、雷霆大腿等。那样的话这游戏就进展困难了。遇到这些问题可以找卖血机卖血,爆出血袋子的话速度就提升得很多了!而且血袋子可以重复获得,对抹大拉这种血厚速度慢的人物来说想提升速度这么做也是个好办法。抹大拉的道具美味的心是个前期好用,就中后期不是很好用的存在。而在Greed模式中这算是一大神器。美味的心4充能,不多也不少的一种充能。这东西因为游戏机制的变化间接收到了影响。那就是开房率的问题了。前期,其实应该说是第一关这个最开始的地方。虽然抹大拉第一层无伤很容易,但第一层根本就不开恶魔房,想怎么浪就怎么浪,反正可以补血。伤红心还无所谓。中期,是一个可以开恶魔房/天使房的时期,这是提升实力的一个重要方式!伤到红血的话这一层恶魔房/天使房的开启率会大幅下降,显然不利于提升实力。很多时候美味的心也只有在遇到卖血机时候才有用。后期,也就是进入天堂/地狱以后,恶魔房/天使房只能用卡片飞进去了!受伤一次就扣1格血,这时候心之容器多虽然有优势,但恢复能力下降了,比较建议换一个主动。因为中期用处小,美味的心这个道具可能会被换掉,但现在的献祭房倒是可以考虑留下这个主动道具。抹大拉本身血厚,再加上这个补血的道具和可能扎出来的魂心,凑金门钥匙就很容易了!期间还有机会拿到一些基础掉落和一些天使房道具来加强实力。如此看来,抹大拉还是很适合那些“有信仰”(喜欢通过天使房打mega傻蛋)的玩家的!有时候甚至可以放弃当前层开恶魔房/天使房来玩扎扎乐获得更好的游戏体验,以准备开启下一层的恶魔房/天使房。Greed模式下的美味的心超好用!进出诅咒房就可以用一次了。前面说到抹大拉血厚且自带恢复能力,这让抹大拉在Greed模式变得很强势。总而言之,美味的心是一个比较普通的道具。前期可以保留,中期看情况,后期可以换一个。我是这种看法。如果你拿到了插头圣饼,可以一直留着这个主动。如果你喜欢玩扎扎乐,也可以考虑一直拿着。要我认为,现在的抹大拉和圣经里的一样,是一个“有信仰”的角色!抹大拉最大的优势其实还是血厚,这让抹大拉在DLC时期崛起了!这就是我眼中的血牛抹大拉。使用策略:血厚一点没关系,要留点余地给魂心和黑心。游戏后期可以考虑12个心之容器,只是注意一下自己的道具有没有和这种想法冲突的。恶魔房换换乐对抹大拉来说很有优势,喜欢打恶魔房的玩家可以这么做。初期减速道具慎拿!要想办法把速度提起来。如:碰炸卖血机换血袋子。现在的抹大拉和献祭房相性很好,血量足够了就去玩扎扎乐,还是很赚的。而且抹大拉可以回血!Greed模式的抹大拉回血能力不错,比较推荐在Greed模式里堆血量。算是Greed模式里比较好用的人物了。以撒的结合重生全人物图鉴以撒的结合:重生(The Binding of Isaac:Rebirth)全DLC最新PC破解版v1.7.8
2023-06-20 18:50:101

Greed, Hate, Envy 歌词

歌曲名:Greed, Hate, Envy歌手:Nelly专辑:Country GrammarNellyI opened up shops in 13thDime dubs quarter sacks and oozeHand held to digital to triple beamI"m paid cuz my e mail to 5th screenExpanded my game to to federal stLooked around and had a small walgreensBut tha word out on tha street is that u fucked wit my fiendsThem niggas around tha corner then let tha thing beamNow they done let it burn out hop on tha thing thingJust another hustle back on my streetJust another piece to my dreamsPlus tha house tha cars are modern dreamsI might ride tha range wit tha roley on tha rocksOr push a candy colored cutless wit a matchin t shirtWhen tha spot gets hot don"t stopFind another block and take it from tha top nowChorus repeat 2xGreed hate envy for cake will doFuck tha game don"t let tha game fuck youFollow tha rules say cool and rock jewelsGreed hate envy for cake will doNellySo you think you good as shit nigga smell meShouts out to my nigga noreI"ll never take another mans gloryShit don"t mix like shaq and kobeKnow you know meI be low keyOn these icey roleys scob done showed meAnd hoes adored meNow they blow meThem niggas that loaned me now they owe meOh me oh my I can see tha greed and tha envy in yo eyesNow call me a lieWhile you five stare by I stand by tha captionHold please now did somebody page samsonI stay cheap and hi than a hooker on tha weekendsSeven days a weekI walk in yo church freakinNow lester called me a heven old fish eyed foolBitch had tha nerve to repeat old fish eyed foolChorusOne time out in tha range rover police sirensAh shit they pulled me overWhat tha hell y"all fuckin wit me foSpeed limit 30 just doin 34"yeah son where tha gun"It"s at home wit tha dope"you a smart ass ha"Nah that"s a lil joke"how bout I tow yo truck in"Ain"t no need to revoltBe sides everything in here already been smokedI ain"t got nothing but tapes and cdsPockets full of g"s two tickets across seaSo me and my boo can lay under the palm treeIf there ain"t no more question hand me my idYou could tell he was bitch cause tha black in tha black range doin blackThings wit his black changeDoin tha right thingDrivin his ass insaneAnd if I wasn"t in his face he probably be callin me namesChorus
2023-06-20 18:50:341


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七宗罪的英语表述为:Seven Deadly Sins。这是一个基督教哲学上的概念,是指极为严重的七种罪恶。这七种罪恶包括嫉妒(Envy)、愤怒(Wrath)、贪婪(Greed)、暴食(Gluttony)、色欲(Lust)、懒惰(Sloth)和骄傲(Pride),它们通常与人性的弱点、道德败坏或灵魂死亡联系在一起,是被认为是神明不容忍并需要忏悔的罪恶行为。Seven Deadly Sins的读音:/"sevu0259n "dedli su026anz/。其中,“Seven”的发音为/"sevu0259n/,注意 "v" 和 "e" 中间有轻微的 "uh" 音;“Deadly”的发音为 /"dedli/,其中 "d" 音发音较轻;“Sins”的发音为/"su026anz/,复数“s”发音需要出声,但读音较轻。七宗罪是基督教教义之一,不仅在英语中有其专有名词 "Seven Deadly Sins",在艺术、文学等领域也有着广泛的文化影响。1、艺术:在文艺复兴时期,七宗罪开始被艺术大师们广泛表现在绘画、雕塑和建筑艺术中,最著名的应属尼德兰画家荷罗尔德斯的作品《世界末日的审判》。2、文学:七宗罪经常出现在欧洲文学作品中,例如七修辞英雄、但丁《神曲》、乔叟《坎特伯雷故事集》以及《奥斯汀史蒂文斯》的小说《七封信》等。3、游戏:在现代,七宗罪也成为了各种娱乐作品、游戏和动漫的主题之一,如《七宗罪》、《魔道祖师》等。总之,七宗罪作为一种文化概念和道德警示,已经深入影响到各个领域,成为不可忽视的一部分。Seven Deadly Sins的历史七宗罪的历史可以追溯到公元4世纪罗马天主教教士伊万尼修斯,他在他所写的著作中第一次提到了这个概念。根据伊万尼修斯的说法,所谓的“宗罪”是一种严重的罪行,会危及一个人的灵魂和精神健康,因此它们需要被谴责和避免。在他的书《申饬》中,伊万尼修斯列举了八个宗罪,它们分别是贪婪、淫欲、暴饮暴食、懒惰、忿怒、嫉妒、骄傲和虚荣。在12世纪和13世纪期间,宗罪的分类体系被改进和精简,最终减少到了七个。在中世纪,七宗罪的概念得到了广泛传播和普及,成为中世纪宗教和文化的一个核心概念。它们被广泛用于基督教道德教育和传统文化中,并对欧洲文化、文学和艺术产生了深远影响。到了现代,七宗罪的概念开始出现在各种文化产品、娱乐作品和游戏中,成为一种文化现象和符号。这一概念的渊源可以追溯到古代且具有深厚的历史背景和文化内涵。
2023-06-20 18:51:021

意思Greed is the root of allevil

更新1: 求英文解释 谢谢 > 图片参考:s.yimg/lo/api/res/1.2/ZQit8r6YM3UMER1bF6V.OQ--/YXBwaWQ9dHdhbnN3ZXJzO3E9ODU-/i.imgur/ZH9B85L 您好~ "Greed is the root of all evil." 是指「贪婪是所有罪恶的根源。」 greed (n) 名词 - 解作贪婪(一般常见的 greedy 贪心的 是形容词) root (n) 名词 - 解作根、树根、根源、基础 evil (n) 名词 - 解作邪恶、罪恶 图片参考:s.yimg/lo/api/res/1.2/.j9m2lKXgvCkX788BBlbIQ--/YXBwaWQ9dHdhbnN3ZXJzO3E9ODU-/stormmediagroup/upload/frontend/de64aa90-6c17-431f-bf5d-97c0a71ad961/2dc24da2-a849-4ec6-9b91-ea74994fc0aa 2014-07-24 17:18:00 补充: 求英文解释: "Greed is the root of all evil." This is a statement which claims that all the bad thoughts malevolent actions e e from human greed which is the intense and selfish desire for something especially wealth and power. 因贪而贫 ………………
2023-06-20 18:51:261

psp但丁地狱 greed层攻略

2023-06-20 18:51:462

greed is good是什么意思?

2023-06-20 18:51:559