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My Dream 英语作文

2023-06-22 09:40:30
TAG: eam dre

MY Dream

I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up. And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well. I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because there"s an old saying “where there is a will, there is a way.(有志者,事竟成。)”


My Dream Future

I decided to be a middle teacher after college. There are many reasons contribute to this decision.

Firstly, when I was a little girl, I have been dreaming of being a teacher. It seemed so fascinate to me and I hope I can make my dream come true.

And, I like so much to be with middle school students. Most of the students at that age are full of youthful spirity and I am sure their passion would pass to me. I will retain all the zest of adolescence.

The most important reason is that our country needs plenty of teachers. So far, teaching is considered a tough and low-income job in China. However, if we have not enough teachers, our future will lack of excellent scientist, managers, businessmen, soldiers and even goood workers and farmers. How can our country to be strong and wealthy?I wish my country to be a better one. I am ready to be a teacher and hope all the persons with lofty ideals may dedicate themselves to this meaningful career.

I hope my dream future will come ture!


My dream is to become a principal. If my dream has come true, I when the principal of the school environment must be really beautiful. The school has clear pond, pond is a lot of water lily, pink, pale white, feasts. There will be a long stream, the stream is surrounded by lawns, with green grass, there are wild flowers in full bloom. Students after class can rest and play. I think they"ll really like, because here is like staying in nature. If my dream has come true, I when the principals of schools also have a lot of interesting things. For example, we have specialized robots, they can go to management education those naughty kids, let them know you want to learn. We also have specialized gym, regardless of the weather rain, our students can gym class. There are also specialized laboratories, to science course at a time, each student will have to do experiments, so they can learn, the better! If my dream has come true, I when the principal of the school"s students is also very cute, they class it seriously, the job is done well, know that hard. And are polite, very much like to help others. Other people have said that my school students is the best! This is my dream, my dream has come true, welcome everyone to my school!


y dream is to become a principal. If my dream has come true, I when the principal of the school environment must be really beautiful. The school has clear pond, pond is a lot of water lily, pink, pale white, feasts. There will be a long stream, the stream is surrounded by lawns, with green grass, there are wild flowers in full bloom. Students after class can rest and play. I think they"ll really like, because here is like staying in nature. If my dream has come true, I when the principals of schools also have a lot of interesting things. For example, we have specialized robots, they can go to management education those naughty kids, let them know you want to learn. We also have specialized gym, regardless of the weather rain, our students can gym class. There are also specialized laboratories, to science course at a time, each student will have to do experiments, so they can learn, the better! If my dream has come true, I when the principal of the school"s students is also very cute, they class it seriously, the job is done well, know that hard. And are polite, very much like to help others. Other people have said that my school students is the best! This is my dream,



goood 代表非常好,出其意外的好
2023-06-22 08:31:211


2023-06-22 08:31:2912


2023-06-22 08:31:524


一般 good 是好goood 代表非常好,出其意外的好。。。
2023-06-22 08:31:581


2023-06-22 08:32:061


2023-06-22 08:32:155

it sa very goood什么意思

2023-06-22 08:32:293

pretty goood 求翻译啊!!!

2023-06-22 08:32:375


she makes food is very goood!!!
2023-06-22 08:32:531

what goood work the old

what goood work the old什么是旧的工作
2023-06-22 08:33:122


2023-06-22 08:33:214

求辣妹合唱团 SPICE GIRLS 的中英问歌词

2023-06-22 08:33:282

小学六年级作文250字:how to have good health? look看看吧!very go

作文标题: how to have good health? look看看吧!very go 关 键 词: 小学六年级 250字 字 数: 250字作文 本文适合: 小学六年级 作文来源: 本作文是关于小学六年级250字的作文,题目为:《how to have good health? look看看吧!very go》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 欢迎阅读《作文:how to have good health? look看看吧! very goood》,“作文网”每日为您更新更多优秀的“六年级作文”,请随时关注! Early to rise and early to bed.  lf you always brush your tongue    when you brush your teeth ,you can keep away a bad smell.jump high 20 times. drink plen ty of milk and have a good breakfast. an apple aday keeps the doctor away. wash your hands before meals.  run in the sunlight and enjoy the good weather.  after some reading, blink your eyes for a few seconds. close them tightly. blink a few more times and rest. 《how to have good health? look看看吧! very goood》这篇优秀的“六年级作文”由作文网收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。
2023-06-22 08:33:341

请问香港电视台《SO FAR苏GOOOD》节目里面的那个阿苏是什么来历?她结婚了吗?今年多少岁呢?

  苏施黄(1955年2月17日-),又名阿苏,原名刘高琮,基督徒,香港DJ、电视节目主持人、饮食节目主持人。  苏施黄时常在节目中带着揶揄和调侃的语气批评别人,讨观众的欢心。她的言行保持一贯嚣张无礼的作风,曾无视观众的批评,我行我素,反骂观众的批评是“鸡蛋挑骨头”,摆出一副自己的一套是对的,别人的一套是错的样子。  苏施黄的脾气很坏,时常被传媒揭发对幕后工作人员态度恶劣,喜怒无常,曾经骂到工作人员哭泣起来,被他们评为最难待候的艺人之一。  她嗜赌,不时到澳门玩两手、碰运气,是赌场熟客,拥有赌场的会员卡,曾被《星岛》记者发现苏施黄独个儿在澳门美高梅金殿赌场赌了好几个小时,两眼疲倦无神,还赌到凌晨时分。  她一身中性或男性打扮,同性恋者,女艺人金燕玲是她的现任女友。  她曾在节目中大谈变性手术,但内容过于露骨,结果被市民投诉,最后更被广管局强烈劝喻作警告。  [编辑本段]成长求学  苏施黄在六兄弟姊妹中排行最小,幼稚园、小学及中学均于圣士提反女子中学及其附属学校就读,与俞琤及唐书琛是同学。在第一及第二次香港中学会考当中只分别得到3分(不合格)和7分(不合格) 。其后前往加拿大升学,1978年于阿伯特大学心理学系文凭毕业。  [编辑本段]商业电台  苏施黄大学毕业后,由其旧同学俞琤在1978年引荐加入商业电台主持节目。开始的头三个月,她只懂播歌,不懂得介绍音乐。但汤正川写“纸仔”给她帮助、教导她如何介绍歌曲。入职6个月后,开始与杨振耀合作做清谈节目。  六啤半  著名13人唱片骑师组合六啤半其中一名成员。  在六啤半大碟中,她没有主唱的歌曲。  [编辑本段]曾主持节目  《So What》  《一粒钟真人苏》 :教授煮食秘诀,评选各食肆,节目中常挖苦别人和叫食肆“执笠”(倒闭)为卖点。  《友谊万岁》  《是他也是你和我》  《我爱煮嘢SO》  《煮嘢苏》  《苏GOOD》 :以介绍自己煮食秘诀,主持节目时粗豪嚣张和尖酸刻薄,不断奚落参赛者为卖点。  [编辑本段]淡出广播界  1982年至1987年,苏施黄转到通利琴行担任市场推广,后来于Bang & Olufsen出任市场经理,于周末回商台兼任节目主持。1987年苏施黄转职保险业,于国卫保险担任保险顾问。  [编辑本段]重返广播界  1999年,苏施黄重返广播界,在商业一台再主持节目,也替电视台、杂志等媒体工作。  2005年10月苏施黄发现患上乳癌,并施手术割除及休养,但只请了不超过两星期的病假。其后复出主持电台节目及《活得很滋味》电视节目。  [编辑本段]近况  苏施黄现于商业电台雷霆881主持《煮嘢苏》与有线娱乐台《一粒钟真人苏》(亦名:阿苏煮食60分钟),曾主持电台节目《是他也是你和我》、《我爱煮嘢SO》、《友谊万岁》、《So What》等节目。近年在电台与电视节目教授煮食技巧,并在杂志写煮食专栏。2005年在香港有线电视主持《活得很滋味》节目,与助手Moon教观众在一小时内煮一餐。于2008年8月3日主持最后一辑《煮嘢苏》节目后,她决定再次暂别商业一台,向其他方面发展。  [编辑本段]轶事  苏施黄日常以中性和男性打扮,言行亦甚粗豪。  苏施黄主持节目以粗鲁无礼、说话毫不留情面见称,但她以「恶人」本色成名,受到香港观众欢迎。但她为人泼辣,被传媒揭发经常对工作人员呼呼喝喝,毫不尊重幕后人员,行内人认为她是难以服待的艺人之一,亦得到男人婆版巴士阿叔之称。  歌手陈洁灵及已故歌手张国荣是其好友。与就读长沙湾天主教英文中学的中二生徐康华更是一对相识三年的情深朋友。  在2007年2月26日的明报里,苏施黄感谢在她生命里碰到对她影响深远的人。继有Ms. Siu(老师)、Ms. Anna Hui(老师)、梁美莉(老师)、苏姑娘(通利琴行)、Eric Lo (Bang & Olufsen)、Lisa(保险)、Peter Chau(保险)、徐康华。  我很喜欢看饮食节目,只要跟饮食有关的节目我都喜欢!
2023-06-22 08:33:422

杨修之死的语译 (10点!)

(第一段)曹操在斜谷马主军已经很久了 想进兵 又被马超坚守着;想收兵回去 又怕被蜀兵耻笑 心里犹豫不决.刚巧庖官送上鸡汤 曹操见碗里有些鸡肋 于是内心感慨不已.正当他低声自语时 夏侯惇便向众长官传令 用『鸡肋』做口号. (第二段)在行军主簿的杨修见传『鸡肋』二字 便叫随行的士兵收拾行装 准备回程.有人把这些情况报告夏侯惇.夏侯惇十分惊讶 于是请杨修到营帐里 问他:『你为什么收拾行装?』杨修说:『从今晚的口号中 便知道魏王不久便会退兵回去.鸡肋这种东西 食来没有肉 把它扔掉又觉得它有味道 太可惜了.现在进兵不得获胜 退兵又怕被人笑.留在这里又没有什么益处 不如早点回去 在这几天内 魏王一定收兵 所以先收拾行装 以免临时慌乱.』夏侯惇说:『你真了解魏王的心情呀.』于是夏侯惇也收拾行装 而营里各将士无不准备回去. (第三段)当晚 曹操心绪不宁.不能安睡 于是拿着钢斧 遶著兵营暗中巡视一下.他却见到夏侯惇见营寨里的士兵 各自收拾行装.曹操大感惊讶 急忙返回营帐里召见夏侯惇 问他为什么士兵会收拾行装.夏侯惇说:『行军主簿杨修预见知道大王想回去的意思.』曹操于是召杨修来问个明白 杨修道出「鸡肋」的意思.曹操非常生气地说:『你胆敢制造遥言来扰乱我军的军心!』于是喝令刀斧手把杨修推出去斩杀 然后把他的人头挂在营门外示众. (第四段)原来杨修为人自恃才高而放肆 数次犯曹操的忌讳.曹操曾经令人建造一个花园 建成后曹操前去观看 既不衮扬 也不指出缺点 只用笔在门上写了一个「活」字便走了.众人都不明白他的意思.杨修便说:『门内加个「活」字便是「阔」字 承相嫌门太阔.』众人于是修建墙围 把园门改当后 又请曹操观看.曹操非常高兴 问道:『谁知道我心意呢?』众人说:『是杨修.』曹操虽然口里称赞杨修 但心里十分顾忌他. (第五段)又有一天 塞北送来一盒松脆的食品 曹操亲自在合上写上『一合酥』 并把它放在卓子上.杨修进来见 竟然拿起匙子来与众分食完.曹操问杨修为什么这样做 杨修答道:『盒上清楚写明「一人一口酥」 怎么敢违抗丞相的命令呢?』曹操虽然表面欢喜地笑 但心里却厌恶杨修. (第六段)曹操害怕有人暗中谋害自己.常吩咐下人说:『我喜欢在睡梦中杀人 凡是我睡着时 你们千万不要走近我的床前.』有一天曹操正在营中午睡.被子滑落在地上 一个侍从慌忙拿起被子盖在曹操身上 曹操立即跳起来 拔出配剑 把他斩死 再上牀睡觉.过了半天 曹操起来 假装吃惊地说:『谁杀了我的侍从?』众人把实情告诉他 曹操痛哭 命人把侍从厚葬.人们都以为曹操果然会在梦中杀人 只有杨修知道他的心意.在埋葬侍从时 杨修指著侍从 感慨地说:『丞相不是在梦中 你才在梦中呢!』曹操听到后 更加讨厌杨修. (第七段)曹操的三儿子曹植 喜欢杨修的才华 常常邀请杨修来谈论事请 整夜不停.曹操与众人相议 想立曹植为继承人 曹丕知道这件事后 偷偷地请朝歌的长官吴质进内府来商量对策.他们因害怕有人发现这件事 便把吴质藏在大箱子里 只说里面是绢匹 运进府中 杨修知道这件事后 直接告诉曹操 曹操命人在曹丕的府门 等候窥察.曹丕慌忙告诉吴质.吴质说:『不用担心 明天我们用大箱子载满绢匹 再运进府里来迷惑他们.』曹丕照他的说话去办 用大箱子载进绢匹运出府里.使者搜查大箱子时 果然全是绢匹.回去禀报曹操.曹操因为怀疑杨修诬告曹丕 就更加讨厌他. (第八段)曹操想试曹丕、曹植的才干 一天 他命二人各自出邺城门 却暗中叫人吩咐守门的官员 不要让他们出去.曹丕先到 守门的官员阻挡他 他只好回去.曹植听说后 便问杨修有什么计策 杨修说:『你是奉大王的命令出去的 如果有人阻挡你 可把他斩了吧.』曹植便照他的话去做.当曹植走到城门时.守门的官员阻档他.曹植责备说:『我是奉大王的命令出去的 谁敢阻档!』立即斩了守的官员.于是曹操以为曹植十分能干 后来有人向曹操说:『这是杨修教曹植做的.』曹操大怒 因此也不喜欢曹植. (第九段)杨修又曾替曹植作了十多条问题的答案参考文辞.只要曹操问问题 曹植立即依照参考文辞作答.曹操每次问曹植军国大事.曹植的对答如流 引起曹操的怀疑.后来 曹丕暗中买通曹植的侍从 偷去那些参考文辞向曹操告发 曹操见到了 生气地说:『匹夫怎敢欺骗我!』这时己有杀害杨修之心意 现在终于借迷惑军心的罪名杀了他. 455 多谢呀! 我都有需要:) 多谢帮助! 2011-10-05 12:28:48 补充: 翻译得好好 goood! ? (第一段)曹操在斜谷马主军已经很久了 想进兵 又被马超坚守着;想收兵回去 又怕被蜀兵耻笑 心里犹豫不决.刚巧庖官送上鸡汤 曹操见碗里有些鸡肋 于是内心感慨不已.正当他低声自语时 夏侯惇便向众长官传令 用『鸡肋』做口号. (第二段)在行军主簿的杨修见传『鸡肋』二字 便叫随行的士兵收拾行装 准备回程.有人把这些情况报告夏侯惇.夏侯惇十分惊讶 于是请杨修到营帐里 问他:『你为什么收拾行装?』杨修说:『从今晚的口号中 便知道魏王不久便会退兵回去.鸡肋这种东西 食来没有肉 把它扔掉又觉得它有味道 太可惜了.现在进兵不得获胜 退兵又怕被人笑.留在这里又没有什么益处 不如早点回去 在这几天内 魏王一定收兵 所以先收拾行装 以免临时慌乱.』夏侯惇说:『你真了解魏王的心情呀.』于是夏侯惇也收拾行装 而营里各将士无不准备回去. (第三段)当晚 曹操心绪不宁.不能安睡 于是拿着钢斧 遶著兵营暗中巡视一下.他却见到夏侯惇见营寨里的士兵 各自收拾行装.曹操大感惊讶 急忙返回营帐里召见夏侯惇 问他为什么士兵会收拾行装.夏侯惇说:『行军主簿杨修预见知道大王想回去的意思.』曹操于是召杨修来问个明白 杨修道出「鸡肋」的意思.曹操非常生气地说:『你胆敢制造遥言来扰乱我军的军心!』于是喝令刀斧手把杨修推出去斩杀 然后把他的人头挂在营门外示众. (第四段)原来杨修为人自恃才高而放肆 数次犯曹操的忌讳.曹操曾经令人建造一个花园 建成后曹操前去观看 既不衮扬 也不指出缺点 只用笔在门上写了一个「活」字便走了.众人都不明白他的意思.杨修便说:『门内加个「活」字便是「阔」字 承相嫌门太阔.』众人于是修建墙围 把园门改当后 又请曹操观看.曹操非常高兴 问道:『谁知道我心意呢?』众人说:『是杨修.』曹操虽然口里称赞杨修 但心里十分顾忌他. (第五段)又有一天 塞北送来一盒松脆的食品 曹操亲自在合上写上『一合酥』 并把它放在卓子上.杨修进来见 竟然拿起匙子来与众分食完.曹操问杨修为什么这样做 杨修答道:『盒上清楚写明「一人一口酥」 怎么敢违抗丞相的命令呢?』曹操虽然表面欢喜地笑 但心里却厌恶杨修. (第六段)曹操害怕有人暗中谋害自己.常吩咐下人说:『我喜欢在睡梦中杀人 凡是我睡着时 你们千万不要走近我的床前.』有一天曹操正在营中午睡.被子滑落在地上 一个侍从慌忙拿起被子盖在曹操身上 曹操立即跳起来 拔出配剑 把他斩死 再上牀睡觉.过了半天 曹操起来 假装吃惊地说:『谁杀了我的侍从?』众人把实情告诉他 曹操痛哭 命人把侍从厚葬.人们都以为曹操果然会在梦中杀人 只有杨修知道他的心意.在埋葬侍从时 杨修指著侍从 感慨地说:『丞相不是在梦中 你才在梦中呢!』曹操听到后 更加讨厌杨修. (第七段)曹操的三儿子曹植 喜欢杨修的才华 常常邀请杨修来谈论事请 整夜不停.曹操与众人相议 想立曹植为继承人 曹丕知道这件事后 偷偷地请朝歌的长官吴质进内府来商量对策.他们因害怕有人发现这件事 便把吴质藏在大箱子里 只说里面是绢匹 运进府中 杨修知道这件事后 直接告诉曹操 曹操命人在曹丕的府门 等候窥察.曹丕慌忙告诉吴质.吴质说:『不用担心 明天我们用大箱子载满绢匹 再运进府里来迷惑他们.』曹丕照他的说话去办 用大箱子载进绢匹运出府里.使者搜查大箱子时 果然全是绢匹.回去禀报曹操.曹操因为怀疑杨修诬告曹丕 就更加讨厌他. (第八段)曹操想试曹丕、曹植的才干 一天 他命二人各自出邺城门 却暗中叫人吩咐守门的官员 不要让他们出去.曹丕先到 守门的官员阻挡他 他只好回去.曹植听说后 便问杨修有什么计策 杨修说:『你是奉大王的命令出去的 如果有人阻挡你 可把他斩了吧.』曹植便照他的话去做.当曹植走到城门时.守门的官员阻档他.曹植责备说:『我是奉大王的命令出去的 谁敢阻档!』立即斩了守的官员.于是曹操以为曹植十分能干 后来有人向曹操说:『这是杨修教曹植做的.』曹操大怒 因此也不喜欢曹植. (第九段)杨修又曾替曹植作了十多条问题的答案参考文辞.只要曹操问问题 曹植立即依照参考文辞作答.曹操每次问曹植军国大事.曹植的对答如流 引起曹操的怀疑.后来 曹丕暗中买通曹植的侍从 偷去那些参考文辞向曹操告发 曹操见到了 生气地说:『匹夫怎敢欺骗我!』这时己有杀害杨修之心意 现在终于借迷惑军心的罪名杀了他. (第一段)曹操在斜谷马主军已经很久了 想进兵 又被马超坚守着;想收兵回去 又怕被蜀兵耻笑 心里犹豫不决.刚巧庖官送上鸡汤 曹操见碗里有些鸡肋 于是内心感慨不已.正当他低声自语时 夏侯惇便向众长官传令 用『鸡肋』做口号. (第二段)在行军主簿的杨修见传『鸡肋』二字 便叫随行的士兵收拾行装 准备回程.有人把这些情况报告夏侯惇.夏侯惇十分惊讶 于是请杨修到营帐里 问他:『你为什么收拾行装?』杨修说:『从今晚的口号中 便知道魏王不久便会退兵回去.鸡肋这种东西 食来没有肉 把它扔掉又觉得它有味道 太可惜了.现在进兵不得获胜 退兵又怕被人笑.留在这里又没有什么益处 不如早点回去 在这几天内 魏王一定收兵 所以先收拾行装 以免临时慌乱.』夏侯惇说:『你真了解魏王的心情呀.』于是夏侯惇也收拾行装 而营里各将士无不准备回去. (第三段)当晚 曹操心绪不宁.不能安睡 于是拿着钢斧 遶著兵营暗中巡视一下.他却见到夏侯惇见营寨里的士兵 各自收拾行装.曹操大感惊讶 急忙返回营帐里召见夏侯惇 问他为什么士兵会收拾行装.夏侯惇说:『行军主簿杨修预见知道大王想回去的意思.』曹操于是召杨修来问个明白 杨修道出「鸡肋」的意思.曹操非常生气地说:『你胆敢制造遥言来扰乱我军的军心!』于是喝令刀斧手把杨修推出去斩杀 然后把他的人头挂在营门外示众. (第四段)原来杨修为人自恃才高而放肆 数次犯曹操的忌讳.曹操曾经令人建造一个花园 建成后曹操前去观看 既不衮扬 也不指出缺点 只用笔在门上写了一个「活」字便走了.众人都不明白他的意思.杨修便说:『门内加个「活」字便是「阔」字 承相嫌门太阔.』众人于是修建墙围 把园门改当后 又请曹操观看.曹操非常高兴 问道:『谁知道我心意呢?』众人说:『是杨修.』曹操虽然口里称赞杨修 但心里十分顾忌他. (第五段)又有一天 塞北送来一盒松脆的食品 曹操亲自在合上写上『一合酥』 并把它放在卓子上.杨修进来见 竟然拿起匙子来与众分食完.曹操问杨修为什么这样做 杨修答道:『盒上清楚写明「一人一口酥」 怎么敢违抗丞相的命令呢?』曹操虽然表面欢喜地笑 但心里却厌恶杨修. (第六段)曹操害怕有人暗中谋害自己.常吩咐下人说:『我喜欢在睡梦中杀人 凡是我睡着时 你们千万不要走近我的床前.』有一天曹操正在营中午睡.被子滑落在地上 一个侍从慌忙拿起被子盖在曹操身上 曹操立即跳起来 拔出配剑 把他斩死 再上牀睡觉.过了半天 曹操起来 假装吃惊地说:『谁杀了我的侍从?』众人把实情告诉他 曹操痛哭 命人把侍从厚葬.人们都以为曹操果然会在梦中杀人 只有杨修知道他的心意.在埋葬侍从时 杨修指著侍从 感慨地说:『丞相不是在梦中 你才在梦中呢!』曹操听到后 更加讨厌杨修. (第七段)曹操的三儿子曹植 喜欢杨修的才华 常常邀请杨修来谈论事请 整夜不停.曹操与众人相议 想立曹植为继承人 曹丕知道这件事后 偷偷地请朝歌的长官吴质进内府来商量对策.他们因害怕有人发现这件事 便把吴质藏在大箱子里 只说里面是绢匹 运进府中 杨修知道这件事后 直接告诉曹操 曹操命人在曹丕的府门 等候窥察.曹丕慌忙告诉吴质.吴质说:『不用担心 明天我们用大箱子载满绢匹 再运进府里来迷惑他们.』曹丕照他的说话去办 用大箱子载进绢匹运出府里.使者搜查大箱子时 果然全是绢匹.回去禀报曹操.曹操因为怀疑杨修诬告曹丕 就更加讨厌他. (第八段)曹操想试曹丕、曹植的才干 一天 他命二人各自出邺城门 却暗中叫人吩咐守门的官员 不要让他们出去.曹丕先到 守门的官员阻挡他 他只好回去.曹植听说后 便问杨修有什么计策 杨修说:『你是奉大王的命令出去的 如果有人阻挡你 可把他斩了吧.』曹植便照他的话去做.当曹植走到城门时.守门的官员阻档他.曹植责备说:『我是奉大王的命令出去的 谁敢阻档!』立即斩了守的官员.于是曹操以为曹植十分能干 后来有人向曹操说:『这是杨修教曹植做的.』曹操大怒 因此也不喜欢曹植. (第九段)杨修又曾替曹植作了十多条问题的答案参考文辞.只要曹操问问题 曹植立即依照参考文辞作答.曹操每次问曹植军国大事.曹植的对答如流 引起曹操的怀疑.后来 曹丕暗中买通曹植的侍从 偷去那些参考文辞向曹操告发 曹操见到了 生气地说:『匹夫怎敢欺骗我!』这时己有杀害杨修之心意 现在终于借迷惑军心的罪名杀了他. 同启思一样噃。。。。。
2023-06-22 08:33:491

GONZOO的动画除了 岩窟王 朱丽叶 NHK 还有什么?

2023-06-22 08:33:571


2023-06-22 08:34:165

刚才青年奥运会开幕式唱的歌名字是什么啊?歌词是good gooodnight?

歌曲名:igottafeeling歌手:黑眼豆豆 good gooodnight
2023-06-22 08:34:294


2023-06-22 08:34:3815


Yea, whats going on 2007 Y to the S.T.A.Rtake up MICYeah everybody listen to our music stylekeep it up keep it up,two step with me, come on,lets do it do it do it like this1,2 baby clap your handsEverybody lets go ha ha ha haI want yall ladies clap againYeah Let me hear U say wutYo let me tell you its my story爱情留的痕迹 好像真实的 Movie那么多的过去 让我心里难过受到的伤害没关系 告诉自己不必那么担心别难过 爱情不是人生的一切 不要失望never say goodbye so get upif you go awaydon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me down你在我身边 却心不在焉表情很奇怪 让我感觉危险don"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me downyou never say goodbye你是否在想她 我应该伤心吗我很想忘记你 却停不住爱你写怎样的结局 在爱情故事里don"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me down(Mario) And we the best aint no need to stress范超 文赫 aint no need to impress说什么我是你的 你的耐心听我说呵 Non stop You are just a very good friendYo call it a fling or a love thingI don"t care I can handle any drama that you bring.不要怕 别再发呆 坦白 别再骗我你的心里还有我吗 告诉我在想我吗My baby love love loveBaby you are right tight all night that"s rightI am still in love with you hey别总是怀疑我的每句话 OhI"m still in love with you heyLet me hear you say hey hey hey相信你和我的约定别再浪费我们最完美的激情时光我对你一如既往 不要让我失望only u Missing youbaby 1,2,3,4 I got the mic checkif you go awayyou will see me crydon"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me down你在我身边 却心不在焉表情很奇怪 让我感觉危险don"t you let me gobaby don"t you let me downyou never say good bye 我不让你离开你是否在想她 我应该伤心吗我可以忘记你 你保重你自己写怎样的结局 在爱情故事里you never say good bye (come on come on)我不让你离开(wana ride with the homie right?)你是否在想她 (Wana get right then get high )我应该伤心吗(ride with me ill ride with you)我很想忘记你(you go down on me ill go down on you)却停不住爱你(yeah~)写怎样的结局(just me and you come on)在爱情故事里(One more time now)don"t you let me go (Say what)don"t you let me down (One more time now)1,2 baby clap ur handsEverybody lets go ha ha ha haI want yall ladies clap againLet me hear u say hey hey hey我想问在你心里 别躲着我先问你我和你是什么关系 休想你在骗我Yo 我知道 我喜欢你 非常温柔 非常能够给我超感享受 Kids flow is incredible我想问在你心里 你别躲着我先问你我和你是什么关系 Baby never say goodbye yea~
2023-06-22 08:35:081

求一首女生唱的英文歌,歌词里有“how to say gooodbye”,曲风是属于柔情的。

此情可待Ocean apart day after dayAnd I slowly go insaneI hear your voice on the lineBut it doesn"t stop the painIf I see you next to neverHow can we say foreverWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI took for granted, all the timesThat I thought would last somehowI hear the laughter, I taste the tearsBut I can"t get near you nowOh, can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me going crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI wonder how we can surviveThis romanceBut in the end if I"m with youI"ll take the chanceOh, can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me going crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for you
2023-06-22 08:35:163

letjack and tom____goood friends. they can help each other in their studies.

2023-06-22 08:35:245

一首女生唱的中文歌 歌词的高潮大概是 say good bye 只剩我还存在 不知道对不对 总之大概就这样啦

是不是 never say goodbye
2023-06-22 08:35:406


曹格的背叛 韩庚也在演唱会上翻唱过
2023-06-22 08:35:543

na na na na na na na开头 女的唱的 英文歌

2023-06-22 08:36:037


FT Island 的 爱情爱情爱情中文歌词:心脏停止跳动了,无法呼吸,你离开了轰烈的爱过,也幸福过我是为你而生的男人,我对你爱无止尽事已至此也要强忍着眼泪rap再见了我的爱爱爱,走好吧我爱爱爱即使我汹涌的泪沾湿了身体现在要good bye goood bye good bye离开我以后你也千万要幸福你正逐步逐步,渐行渐远rap默默地吃力地拿起酒杯斟满酒一口喝下去,有一下子吐出来逼自己不想你有强忍着眼泪,把这些一并忍回去吧疯狂的爱过,无比幸福过爱只剩追忆,我会放你走再见了我的爱爱爱,走好吧我爱爱爱即使我汹涌的泪沾湿了身体现在要good bye goood bye good bye离开我以后你也千万要幸福你正逐步逐步,渐行渐远心冷得我,不懂爱情真的谢谢,现在懂了,原来这就是爱情心脏停止跳动了,无法呼吸,你离开了再见了我的爱爱爱,走好吧我爱爱爱即使我汹涌的泪沾湿了身体现在要good bye goood bye good bye离开我以后你也千万要幸福你正逐步逐步,渐行渐远雨水沾湿了身体,望向了天空即使我汹涌的泪沾湿了身体现在要good bye goood bye good bye离开我以后你也千万要幸福你正逐步逐步,渐行渐远
2023-06-22 08:36:281

It is a goood book that will help you a lot "a good book"在句中作什么成分?

2023-06-22 08:36:353

日语翻译 谢谢

2023-06-22 08:36:442

英语作文 我的打算iam going to do

I decided to be a middle teacher after college. There are many reasons contribute to this decision. Firstly, when I was a little boy, I have been dreaming of being a teacher. It seemed so fascinate to me and I hope I can make my dream come true. And, I like so much to be with middle school students. Most of the students at that age are full of youthful spirity and I am sure their passion would pass to me. I will retain all the zest of adolescence. The most important reason is that our country needs plenty of teachers. So far, teaching is considered a tough and low-income job in China. However, if we have not enough teachers, our future will lack of excellent scientist, managers, businessmen, soldiers and even goood workers and farmers. How can our country to be strong and wealthy? I wish my country to be a better one. I am ready to be a teacher and hope all the persons with lofty ideals may dedicate themselves to this meaningful career.
2023-06-22 08:36:531


说不清。。如果是男生收到女生的风铃 那就意味着say gooodbye了 。 不过风铃的声音清亮 风吹过就可以响起 也常常借喻成思念送给对方风铃的话 是希望有风的时候你就能成为对方发出声音的力量 有喜欢的意思没错,如果想送的话就鼓起勇气送吧送吧,风铃本身就能表达一种淡淡的幸福 不经常出现 但只要对方轻轻拨动就能发出最安慰的声音。 风铃的颜色也有讲究 : 红色 兴奋、精力、热情、欲望、速度、力量、热爱、侵略 黄色 享受、幸福、乐观、理想主义、想象力、希望、阳光、夏天、哲学 蓝色 和平、平静、稳定性、和谐、统一、信任、真相、信心 桔色 精力、平衡、温暖、热情、颤动、率直、火焰、注意、要求 绿色 自然、环境、健康、好运气、更新、青春、努力、春天、慷慨、富饶 紫色 灵性、高贵、仪式、神秘、转变、智慧、启发、残酷 灰色 安全、可靠性、智力、固定、谦逊、尊严、成熟、团体、保守、实际 褐色 土、炉床、家、户外、可靠性、安逸、耐力、稳定性、简洁 白色 尊敬、纯净、简洁、清洁、和平、谦卑、精密、清白、青春、出生 黑色 力量、精深、正式、优雅、财富、谜、害怕、魔鬼、匿名最重要的是把自己最真切的心意表达出去,什么方式都没关系啦 。。
2023-06-22 08:37:011


小学:I love my school Hello, everybody, my name is Xue Yinjie. I"m 12 years old. I study at Fenghuang Primary school. I"m in class 1 grade 6. I go to school at 7 o"clock every morning. We read English everyday. There are three lessons in the morning. We have lunch at 11 o"clock. After lunch, we have a rest. The lessons in the afternoon are much more interesting. There are Art lesson, computer studies, Music lesson and Science lesson. We leave school at four.Everybody, let me show you around my school. My school is not big, but it"s very beautiful. There is a broad road in the center of the school. In the two sides of the road, there are many green trees and beautiful flowers. In the left side of the road, there are two teaching buildings and a meeting Hall. Teachers often get together every Monday afternoon. There are about 24 classrooms in our school, included two computer rooms and an Art room. We like computer studies very much. We can surf the Internet and play computer games, and sometimes we write emails to each other. In front of the teaching building, there is a river. We can see big ships on it, and it always makes noise. Around the rive, there are some flowers and trees. In spring, we can see many butterflies and other insects. We watch they dance in the flowers. They dance so beautifully. In summer, we can catch grasshoppers between the grass. We have great fun there. In the right side of the road ,there is a library and a big playground. There are many kinds of books in the library. After lunch, we often go to the library to find some interesting books. We often read books about animals and interesting stories. We can learn a lot from the books. We do morning exercise everyday, and we like doing exercise. In the free time, we often play football and basketball. Last month, we had a sports meeting, we were all very excided, especially when we saw the teacher"s running race.Now, Everybody, Do you know my school? The life in my school is rich and interesting. The teachers are kindly; the students are lovely and friendly. I like studying in my school. I love my school. I think you"ll like it, too.Welcome to our school!初中A Guide Dog A guide dog is a dog especially trained to guide a blind person. Dogs chosen for such training must show good disposition, intelligence, physical fitness and sense of responsibility. At the age of fourteen months, a guide dog begins an intensive course that lasts three to five months. It becomes accustomed to the leather harness and stiff leather handle it will wear when guiding its blind owner. The dog learns to watch the traffic and to cross the street safely. It also learns to obey such commands as "forward", "left", "right" and "sit" and to disobey any command that might lead its owner into danger. The most important part of the training course is a fourweek program in which the dog and its future owner learn to work together. However, many blind people are unsuited by personality to work with dogs. Only a tenth of the blind find a guide dog useful. 高中:While you may think the most basic of toys is useless you will be surprised at what will actually help your child develop. You want to help your child learn and prepare for school. You also will want to help your child or children learn skills while they are in school. The best way to prepare a child or children for school is to buy Preschool_Educational_Toys they will enjoy. The child may not understand the toy is meant to educate, but you will have that security. Toys and children go hand in hand for most families. The difference is the types of toys you may have for your children. Some will have the latest toys on the market and others will be content with the items around the house. My brother is a key example of finding something around the house to play with. At first he started out with pots and pans to play drummer with and he moved on to taking a part household items that no longer worked. Toys and children should be in some way educational, but that doesn?? mean they have to always be servicing the educational aspect. The child can just have fun with playtime and imagination. They need both time to play and you will find when given the opportunity to play with reschool_Educational_Toys, the learning will happen inevitably. Having a plan where your child has the opportunity to have fun and learn, will create more opportunities for your child?? success in school. You will also want to keep changing the Preschool Educational Toys you buy for your child, as they get older. Make sure that you find toys that are for their level. While they may still enjoy playing with some of the toys from their earlier childhood you should begin to trade out toys with more complex toys or you can even take the younger toys a step further. For example, old and easy puzzles can all be mixed together to provide a more challenging task. Most toys have age levels printed on the package so that you can be certain you are buying for the correct age.
2023-06-22 08:37:093


2023-06-22 08:37:173


2023-06-22 08:37:242


2023-06-22 08:37:337

勿忘国耻 振兴中华的观后感

2023-06-22 08:37:484

英语上的用法 比如:OKKK,goood 是什么现象 连打好多个字母

2023-06-22 08:38:151

“goood better best,never let it rset.”下一句是什么?

2023-06-22 08:38:241


意思是: 晚安
2023-06-22 08:38:312

Goodbye Sir 歌词

歌曲名:Goodbye Sir歌手:Barrington Pheloung专辑:The Magic Of Inspector Morse Original Soundtrackno no no no (*3)listen little childthere will come a daywhen you will be ableable to saynever mind the painor the aggravationyou know there"s a better wayfor you and me to belook for a rainbow in every stormfly like an angel heaven sent to megooodbye my friend(i know you"re gone you said you"re gone but i can still feel you here.)it"s not the end(gotta keep it strong before the pain turns into fear)so glad we made ittime will never change itno no nono no no nojust a little girlbig imaginationnever letting no one take it awaywent into the worldwhat a revelationshe found there"s a better wayfor you and me to belook for a rainbow in every stormfind out for certainlove"s gonna be there for youyou"ll always be someone"s babygooodbye my friend(i know you"re gone you said you"re gone but i can still feel you here.)it"s not the end(gotta keep it strong before the pain turns into fear)so glad we made ittime will never change itno no nono no no no you know it"s time to say goodbyeno no no nothe time when we would play aboutthe way we used to scream and shoutwe never dreamt you"d go your own sweet waylook for a rainbow in every stormfind out for certainlove"s gonna be there for youyou"ll always be someone"s babygooodbye my friend(i know you"re gone you said you"re gone but i can still feel you here.)it"s not the end(gotta keep it strong before the pain turns into fear)so glad we made ittime will never change itno no no no you know it"s time to say goodbyeno no no no and don"t forget you can relyno no no no you know it"s time to say goodbyeno no no no and don"t forget on me you can relyno no no no i will help help you on your wayno no no no i will be with you every day作者: 未知
2023-06-22 08:38:381


2023-06-22 08:38:5610


2023-06-22 08:39:243

有一首歌的歌词是Say gooodbye (说再见)这首歌叫什么名字

我期待 歌词如下张雨生&陶晶莹制作:郭雪莲 我期待作词:张雨生 作曲:张雨生(张)我期待 有一天我会回来回到我最初的爱 回到童贞的神采(陶)我期待有一天我会明白明白人世的至爱 明白原始的情怀(张)我情愿 分合的无奈 能换来春夜的天籁(陶)我情愿 现在与未来 能充满秋凉的爽快(陶)SAY GOODBYE SAY GOODBYE前前后后 迂迂回回地试探(张)SAY GOODBYE SAY GOODBYE昂首阔步 不留一丝遗憾(张)我情愿 分合的无奈 能换来春夜的天籁(陶)我情愿 现在与未来 能充满秋凉的爽快(张)SAY GOODBYE SAY GOODBYE(合)前前后后 迂迂回回地试探(陶)SAY GOODBYE SAY GOODBYE(合)昂首阔步 不留一丝遗憾
2023-06-22 08:39:321


I have a dream. This dream is beautiful and greatful but i cannot make it ture.When i was young,i want ro be a artist.My art work is excellent and teacher always admir my work, i feel happy about this .I have this dream a long time ago. But i cannot make it come ture because my family member do not allow me to do it.They told me that artist cannot earn money ,I should find some work that can earn a lot money.So my little little do not come ture.
2023-06-22 08:39:393


1.It is impossible to get to the airport in time.2.It usually takes a long time to complete a building.3.It took several years to build a bridge in the past.4.It is very difficult to understand the writer"s book.5.It is fun talking to David on the phone.6.It is not a good idea to go climbing on such a hot day.7.It is no use crying over the lost sheep.8.It is necessary to let our parents know our school grades.
2023-06-22 08:39:493


FT Island 的 爱情爱情爱情中文歌词:心脏停止跳动了,无法呼吸,你离开了轰烈的爱过,也幸福过我是为你而生的男人,我对你爱无止尽事已至此也要强忍着眼泪rap再见了我的爱爱爱,走好吧我爱爱爱即使我汹涌的泪沾湿了身体现在要good bye goood bye good bye离开我以后你也千万要幸福你正逐步逐步,渐行渐远rap默默地吃力地拿起酒杯斟满酒一口喝下去,有一下子吐出来逼自己不想你有强忍着眼泪,把这些一并忍回去吧疯狂的爱过,无比幸福过爱只剩追忆,我会放你走再见了我的爱爱爱,走好吧我爱爱爱即使我汹涌的泪沾湿了身体现在要good bye goood bye good bye离开我以后你也千万要幸福你正逐步逐步,渐行渐远心冷得我,不懂爱情真的谢谢,现在懂了,原来这就是爱情心脏停止跳动了,无法呼吸,你离开了再见了我的爱爱爱,走好吧我爱爱爱即使我汹涌的泪沾湿了身体现在要good bye goood bye good bye离开我以后你也千万要幸福你正逐步逐步,渐行渐远雨水沾湿了身体,望向了天空即使我汹涌的泪沾湿了身体现在要good bye goood bye good bye离开我以后你也千万要幸福你正逐步逐步,渐行渐远
2023-06-22 08:40:071

day26《so good》歌词 中英文

dont u try to play aroundcuz u know ama bout let u down (wooan)i know ur close bossu aint no jump offbut ur skin so softthey have to come off (i)promise i wont pressure u wohjust make up ur mind whatcha wanna dolet me help ubaby, close the doori"ll show u whats in storefor u everything and moreso please just close the doorcause i want u to myselfdont need nobody elsecause bein alone with u feelsso good so good(soo goood)thats why i cant live whithout it(soo goood)there aint no questions about it(soo goood)thats what it is (soo good)thats what it is (soo good)(heey)so good so goodwhen i put it down i put it down for reallyu wont even know if ur on the ground to seal it (feel it )in ur bodylike ur favourite rhythm when ur at the party (hey)i"ll be ur d.jjust tell me wht to play(no)i wont even playjust keep it on replay(cause)i aint tranna pressure youjust make up ur mind whtcha wanna dolet me help uthere is something that u need to know(day26)u need to knowi think u need to know girl(so the way u walk)i think u need to know girl (so the way u move)(so the way u walk)hey( the way u talk)ah yeah(the way u move)Let me get that yeah that"s it 让我试试 啊啊啊啊-对了 You feel that I know you feel that... Let"s ride 感觉到了吗 我知道你感受到了 表现出来吧 Big Daddy close the door 宝贝 把门关上 What are you waiting for 你还在等什么 I"m crawling on the fours 我已臣服在你膝下 (cool~!) Come join me on the floor 跟我一起为爱翻滚 I want this rug to burn 让热情燃烧地毯 You"re greedy it"s my turn 该轮到我了 You"ve got a lot to learn 关于爱情你还有得学 Cause I"m on this job to work 因为我是恋爱高手 *** Hush now whose is it 嘘 这是谁的 Don"t talk just hit it 别说话 继续就对了 I need a little more than a minute 我需要更多时间 I wanna pass out with you in it 我要沉浸在美梦中 有你在里面的美梦 Don"t stop baby take it 别停 宝贝 再继续 Deeper till you break it深入我的心 直到你让我心碎为止 Open cause I need it. 敞开你胸怀 因为我需要靠在上面 (Harder harder harder harder 再给我多一点爱 多一点 多一点 多一点 ### 副歌 I feel your flow 我感受到你心跳 The vibe is so ~~ual 那频率如此性感 Got me feeling like letting go 让我不禁融入其中 Think I"m gonna ride you all night long 我要彻夜拥你入怀 Cause this feel so so so good 因为这感觉如此 如此美妙 So so so good 如此 如此 如此 妙极了 I know you feel that. 哦 我知道你也有同样的感受 Lay back and just relax. 躺下来放轻松 Don"t mind the candlewax. 别太在意那蜡烛 With nails upon your back. 还有滑过你背上的手 I"ll do it just like that. 我要挑逗你 Lust sitting on your face 热情照亮了你的脸 Tongue kiss my inner place 你吻遍了我 And as I start to shake 我开始颤抖 A sensual escape 想找到欲望的出口 Give me some of that 再给我多一点爱 Whose is it 那是谁的 Just hit it 继续就对了 Till you break it 直到你让我心碎 Cause I need it 我需要你的爱 耶-我需要你的爱
2023-06-22 08:40:142


  good hoop  好的箍  hoop  英[hu:p] 美[hup]  n. 箍; 铁环; 呼呼声;  vt. 加箍于; 包围;  vi. 唬唬地叫,发呼呼声;  [网络] 环; 篮框; 篮;
2023-06-22 08:40:231

what was the film like? Well,I___it___very interesting.

what was the film like? Well,I thought it would be very interesting.那部电影怎么样?我本来以为会很有趣的。
2023-06-22 08:40:314

寄远 杜牧 翻译

作品原文 寄远 南陵水面漫悠悠,风紧云轻欲变秋。 正是客心孤迥处,谁家红袖凭江楼?作品译文 南陵的水面澄清,江水悠悠漫过,风吹得紧了,云变得轻了,秋天就要到了。正在客人内心孤寂回转的时候,那是谁家的女子在江边的楼上倚栏眺望呢?
2023-06-22 08:40:381

赵丽华 个人简历?

  赵丽华:女,1964年生于河北省霸州市。中国作家协会会员、诗人、国家一级作家、《诗选刊》社编辑部主任。出版个人诗集《赵丽华诗选》、《我将侧身走过》等,曾在《人民文学》《诗刊》《诗选刊》等各大报刊发表大量作品,作品被收进各个诗歌选本。与郁葱合作主编《中国诗选》、《中国年代诗歌大展》等。曾获河北省文艺振兴奖,中国诗歌学会奖“诗神杯”全国诗歌大赛一等奖等。现居河北省廊坊市。  先后在《南方周末》《中国民航》《晶报》《东方新报》《都市女报》《兰州晚报》等几十家报刊开辟随笔专栏。参与主编《中国诗选》《中国诗歌选》。曾担任第二届鲁迅文学奖诗歌奖评委,兼任《诗选刊》社编辑部主任。现居廊坊。  东方网9月20日消息:面对自己的诗歌在网站论坛“遭遇”网友恶搞调笑,掀起仿写狂潮之后,被网友们戏称“诗坛芙蓉姐姐”、国家级女诗人赵丽华15日开出自己的博客,于前天抛出《我要说的话》文章,首次从恶搞、我的诗歌、个人的好诗标准等四方面加以回应:“如果把这件事件中对我个人尊严和声誉的损害忽略不计的话,对中国现代诗歌从小圈子写作走向大众视野可能算是一个契机。”  平俗事物里蕴涵着诗性  在博客文章《我要说的话》中,赵丽华说网上被恶搞的诗歌是2002年刚刚触网时期的即兴之作,当时是想卸掉诗歌众多承载、担负、所指、教益,让她变成完全凭直感的、有弹性的、随意的、轻盈的东西,想变个方式玩玩,或者说是“尝试”,而且她宁可走偏或走到岔路,也不会重复陈腐和八股的旧路。所以,当时只在网上随意贴了下就收起来,知道它们不成熟就没有发表出来,但是没有想到某网站专门挑出这几首出来做文章,有些诗还刻意丢掉几行,显得更不完整,因此遭网友批评在情理之中。  不过,赵丽华表示,她会依然坚持以前的观点,认为那些人性的、客观的、本真的、有奇妙的好味道的、有汉语言的原初之美、有伸展自如的表现能力、给你无限想象的空间和翅膀的诗歌就是好诗。现在,很多诗歌在语感、语速、节奏、内在张力、容空间拓展、文字鲜活和想象力等方面比以前的现代诗歌有所发展。“好的诗歌不是概念化的,它不是粗暴地批评和呵斥我们,它只是尝试着去发现,去提示我们,或者叫醒我们,如果我们在约定俗成的现实面前已经感觉乏味和迟钝的话,它帮我们找到平俗事物里所蕴涵的诗性。”
2023-06-22 08:40:451