barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-22 16:56:41


但首先,Agreement这个词一般不用作正式的书面合同这种说法,很大程度上是用于描述那种非书面的“合同”如 He has an agreement with me.






2023-06-22 16:21:402


you up I down
2023-06-22 16:22:047


2023-06-22 16:22:315


都有砍价的意思 bargain更有廉价的味道在里面
2023-06-22 16:24:213


前后两个Bargain都是名词,交易的意思A bargain is a bargain交易就是交易!
2023-06-22 16:24:313


2023-06-22 16:24:524


2023-06-22 16:24:591


nd realize the manifold blessings that lie i
2023-06-22 16:25:084


1. 用作动词,注意以下用法: (1) 表示“讨价还价”时,通常为不及物动词,注意所搭用的介词。如: We bargained with her about [over] the price. 我们同她讨价还价。 She bargained with the storekeeper for a blanket. 她为买一块毛毯与店主讨价还价。 (2) 表示“提出…的条件”或“要求得到…”,是及物动词,其后接 that-从句。如: He bargained that he should not have to workon Sunday. 他提出条件说他星期天不上班。 (3) 用于 bargain for [on],意为“预料”、“料到”。如: We didn"tbargain for so many people coming to tea. 我们没有料到会有这么多人来参加茶会。 The cost was much more than he hadbargained for [on]. 费用大大超过他的预料。 2. 用作名词,注意以下用法: (1) 无论是表示经过讨价还价后成交的商品或便宜货,还是表示交易或买卖契约等,都是可数名词。如: It is a real bargain. 真是便宜货。 I bought the paiting at a bargain. 我买这幅画很廉价。 Hemade a bargain with his wife, "You cook and I"ll wash up". 他与妻子说定“你烧饭,我洗餐具”。 He soon found that he hadmade a bad bargain. 很快他就发现他做的是一笔不合算的生意。 (2) 其它有用表达。如: That"s [It"s] a bargain. 就这么说定了 (或一言为定)。 make [strike] a bargain 达成协议,作成交易 intothe bargain 而且 (还)
2023-06-22 16:26:131


Agreement,Bargain,Contract三个词均有协议的意思, 但首先,Agreement这个词一般不用作正式的书面合同这种说法,很大程度上是用于描述那种非书面的“合同”如 He has an agreement with me. Bargain这个词一般较少使用他的次词义:“合同”,“协议”,同样也不用在正式书面合同的表示,此词突出表示商谈,和生成协议的那个过程,最终签署的却不用该词多用Contract. 所以Contract和前二者最大最大的区别就是该词是个非常正式的词汇正式翻译为契约,合同(书面),具有法律意义的证明文件,正式性是三者中最高的. 以上是拙见,如有不妥请多指教;),2,
2023-06-22 16:26:211


讨价还价英语是drive a hard bargain.1、To haggle, bargain 讨价还价。2、shrewd bargaining 精明的讨价还价。3、To bargain or haggle 讨价还价、论价。4、Many of the tourists on board had begun bargaining with the tradesman 船上的很多旅客开始与商人讨价还价了。5、haggle(about terms) 讨价还价。6、Haggle about a price 讨价还价。7、Make a bid 出价、讨价还价。例句1、Hey, don"t try to rip me off. I know what this is worth.别想宰我,我识货。2、Can you give me a little deal on this?这能卖得便宜一点吗?3、Can you give me this for cheaper?能便宜一点给我吗?4、Is there any discount on bulk purchases?我多买些能打折吗?
2023-06-22 16:27:091


问题一:"砍价"用英语怎么说 bargain 讨价还价,砍价 问题二:砍价用英文怎么说? bargain是讨价还价 cut the price是减价 问题三:"她特别会砍价."用英语怎么说 她特别会砍价. She is good at bargaining. bargain讨价还价 问题四:砍价用英文怎么写 砍价: to bargain;Chop price;Bargainirg;cut down 问题五:「砍价,」用英语怎么说 bargain 英[?b:g?n] 美[?b:rg?n] n. 交易; 契约,协定; 特价商品; 便宜货; vt. 做交易; vi. 讨价还价; 达成协议; [例句]At this price the wine is a bargain 这种葡萄酒卖这个价真是很便宜。 [其他] 第三人称单数:bargains 复数:bargains 现在分词:bargaining过去式:bargained 过去分词:bargained 问题六:砍价 用英语怎么说?? 砍价 A bargaining or haggling 词组可以说 beat ... down She beat the merchant down $100. 这件商品被她杀价杀到了100美元 问题七:砍价的英语例句 A bargaining or haggling.交易;砍价I can probably get the owner to bring down the price.我大概可以找店主杀价!She beat the merchant down $100.这件商品被她杀价杀到了100美元。They"ll do anything to spike the guns of the opposition,even at the risk of underpricing themselves out of business.他们要尽一切努力挫败对手的计划,哪怕是因为压价弄垮了自己的生意也在所不惜。No units purchasing agricultural products may,at the time of purchasing,beat down the grade or price of agricultural products or deduct any costs from the payment.农产品的收购单位在收购农产品时,不得压级压价,不得在支付的价款中扣缴任何费用。One thing you should remember is you are expected to bargain by writing down your offer,and having the shopowner write down his.千万得记住,买东西要杀价,就把出价写上,再叫老板写出他的价钱。 问题八:你要砍价的话,我会赔钱了。用英语怎么说 The price will under the original cost if you take it off. 问题九:用英语怎么和别人砍价,more cheap? 买东西砍价必会的英语口语 直接杀价: That"s unreasonable! I"d take it for (100¥.) 这真是卖得太贵了!如果(一百块)我就买。 How about (100¥)? 卖(一百块钱)如何? I"d buy this if it were cheaper. 再便宜一点我就买。 拐弯抹角地杀: Lower the price, and I"ll consider it. 价钱低一点我才会考虑。 It"s a little overpriced. 这标价有点贵。 I like everything about it except the price. 这东西除了价钱之外我都喜欢。 尔虞我诈地杀: I"ve seen this cheaper (in) other places. 我在别家有看过更便宜的。 I heard other stores were having great mark-downs on this item. 听说别家的这个东西在大减价。 If I buy more than one, will you give me a discount? 多买一点有折扣吗?
2023-06-22 16:27:241

at only twenty dollars,this bicycle is a bargain。at 是什么意思, bargain能做主语吗

bargain指讨价还价得来的特价商品,以……的价格讨来的,用介词at。bargain有三个词性:n. 交易;契约;特价商品vi. 讨价还价;成交vt. 讨价还价;拿…做交易这里很明显用它的名词形式,作的是表语。既然bargain可以是名词,当然它也可以作主语。
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original price
2023-06-22 16:27:528

英语几个词语的区别~ bargain exchange trade这三个词有什么区别?

bargain是讨价还价,exchange是交易,trade 是大宗贸易
2023-06-22 16:28:081


1.The book is a real bargain.2.Subscribe a magazine.3.In the past few years,the person has subscribed many magazines.4.I"ll enclose a check in my letter.5.I was arguing about the price of the meal.6.swich an old way to a new one7.swich to Channel 88.Please add some tea to the water.9.5 add 1 is 6.10.He has some types of languages at his fingers.11.The tour guide has the places of interest in Shanghai at his fingers.
2023-06-22 16:28:164

get rid of、out of、give out 、bargain 、是什么意思

2023-06-22 16:28:242


bargain 应该改成to bargain 或者 bargaining like doing sth 或者 like to do sth 个人建议改成 to bargain.
2023-06-22 16:28:311

what is the difference between barter and bargain?

They are totally different actuallyBarter means trade, exchange your belongs with others.Bargain means negotiation and as buyer,sometimes you want a discount or just cut the price down.
2023-06-22 16:28:502

英语造句。 gargain(n.)交易,加翻译

bargain =议价; 便宜货;1) The secondhand car was a real bargain. 议价=便宜货2) The sales had started and the bargain hunters (= people looking for things at a low price) were out in force.3) The airline regularly offers last-minutebookings at bargain prices.
2023-06-22 16:28:571

2023-06-22 16:29:041


契约 qi yue 1.a contract; a compact; an agreement; a charter; a binding engagement
2023-06-22 16:29:127


goods in lower price
2023-06-22 16:29:286


“便宜的”这一词汇在英文中有多种不同的表达方式,具体使用哪一种表达取决于具体的语境和场合。1. Cheap“Cheap”是表示“便宜的”最为常见的单词,可以用来形容物品或服务的价格低廉等情况。例如:This jacket is really cheap. 这件夹克真的很便宜。2. Inexpensive“Inexpensive”也是一个表示“便宜”的常用词汇,它的语气相对于“cheap”更为客观中性。例如:I"m looking for an inexpensive hotel. 我想找一家价格便宜的酒店。3. Discounted“Discounted”表示“折扣的”,通常是指经过价值折扣或优惠后的价格。例如:I bought this sweater on a discounted price. 我以折扣价买了这件毛衣。4. Affordable“Affordable”用来形容价格或费用合理、可负担。例如:They offer affordable housing for low income families. 他们为低收入家庭提供了负担得起的住房。5. Bargain“Bargain”可表示“廉价”,也可表示“协议”,但通常用于指低价和优惠购买。例如:I got a great bargain from the flea market today. 我今天从跳蚤市场买了个超值的便宜货。
2023-06-22 16:29:421


no one can replace him in the position.这个工作上没人能替代他this is a Chinese motto.这是个中国的箴言he charged me 10$.他收取我10美元we will advertise the product in the newspaper.我们要在报纸上对这个产品做广告。it is a super glory for me.这是我最大的荣耀it is a bargain.这是个廉价货。
2023-06-22 16:30:011

have a bargain

make a bargain for(经过讨价还价后的)争取得到
2023-06-22 16:30:261

They are always on the lockout for the unexpected

They are always on the lockout for the unexpected bargain他们总是提防着发生讨价还价的突发情况。on the lockout 是警惕着、注视着的意思;bargain是讨价还价的意思。
2023-06-22 16:30:331

get rid of、out of、give out 、bargain 、是什么意思

2023-06-22 16:30:401


1.take part in She always takes part in the class discussions actively.2.stand for Do you know what does this logo stand for?3.regularI have to go to the hospital every week for regular check.4.admit I must admit that your handwriting is much better than It was Beijing that hosted the 29th Olympic Games.6.replaceHe is such a successful leader that no one can replace him.7. swife(没有这个词,是不是swift?)She is the swiftest runner in our chargeA CFO is the person in charge of the finance affairs of the company.9.advertiseThe company put a large sum of money in advertising its new product.10. bargainI bargained with the owner and finally he reduced the price of that T-shirt.
2023-06-22 16:30:502

日语 这几个外来词本身的英文单词是什么?

デ パ 一 ト departmentレ ス ト ラ ン resturant バ 一 ゲン bargain エ イ ス カ レ一 タ 一 escalatorコ一 ト coat デ ジ カ メ digital camera エ イ ス カ 一 タ 一 和ゴ 一 ト拼写有误
2023-06-22 16:31:113


Chapter 1 习语翻译中的常见错误 关于英语习语的概念,《英语习语大词典》在序言中说得很清楚:英语的idiom在汉语里相应的说法是“成语”或“习语”。成语/习语是在语义上和语法上受到限制的词组和句子,它们作为一个单位来使用。从语义学上看,成语的意义不是其中单个词的意思的总和;从语法上看,其中的词不允许任意变换,例如,英语的 It"s raining cats and dogs是“倾盆大雨”的意思,不是“下猫和狗”;不允许变换成It"s raining a cat and a dog,也不允许变换成 It"s raining dogs and cats;汉语里如“七嘴八舌”表示“人多言杂”,不是“七张嘴八个舌头”, 不允许说成“七舌八嘴”。所以有人把它叫做“现成的话语”,另外还有一种说法是“惯用组合”。 从本章的例子可以看出,英文习语的翻译最常见的错误就在于望文生义。比如score这个词,它有“二十”的意思,以为变成复数scores of 就是“几十”,殊不知词典上的释义是“许多,大量”。可见,望文生义想当然在英语习语翻译中是容易出错的。还有,英文的动词短语用的很广,可对我们中国人来说很头疼,一不小心就会闹笑话。光从字面上理解往往就会弄错。 动词短语to tell sb. Off就是个明显的例子,光从字面上看,似乎是“叫某人走开”,可一查词典根本就没有这个意思。 请大家仔细研究下面的第一个例子: 例1、 in to the bargain是“讨价还价”吗? Georgia was waking up to a new president Monday but in to the bargain it was also getting as its first lady a green-eyed linguist from Holland who has already managed to cast a spell over the tiny Caucasus nation. Sandra Roelofs is seen by some as the secret weapon which enabled her husband Saakashvili to win a landslide victory in a presidential election held on Sunday. She accompanied her husband on the campaign trail, impressing voters with her command of Georgian and her easy going manner, even gamely doing a turn on the electric organ on a television chat show. But the tall, svelte and photogenic woman with strawberry blonde hair is more than just the stereotypical politician"s wife, looking pretty and staying in the background. She runs an investment consultancy, speaks six languages – she is currently learning a seventh – and some believe she is the real brains behind her husband"s meteoric rise to power. 原译: 星期一,格鲁吉亚意识到有一位新总统,但经讨价还价又得到了来自荷兰的通晓数国语言的第一夫人,她已千方百计迷住了高加索这个小国。 在一些人看来,桑德拉·鲁洛夫斯是使他的夫君萨卡什维利在星期天的总统选举中赢得压倒性胜利的秘密武器。在竞选中,她跟随丈夫的足迹,由于她掌握格鲁吉亚语,为人随和,甚至在电视的谈话节目中勇敢地用电风琴表演节目,从而给选民留下了深刻的印象。 但是,这个草莓红发的又高又苗条又上镜的女子不仅是刻板的政治家夫人,既漂亮又待在幕后。她管理一家投资咨询机构,会六国语言,目前正在学第七种语言,而且,有人认为,她是她丈夫在权力上迅速崛起的背后真正的智囊。 改译: 星期一,格鲁吉亚一觉醒来发现有了一位新总统,而且还得到了来自荷兰的通晓数国语言的绿眼睛的第一夫人,她已迷住了高加索的这个小国。 在一些人看来,桑德拉·鲁洛夫斯是使她的丈夫萨卡什维利在星期天的总统选举中赢得压倒性胜利的秘密武器。在竞选中,她陪伴着丈夫,由于她掌握格鲁吉亚语,为人随和,甚至在电视谈话节目中勇敢地用电风琴演奏,从而给选民留下了深刻印象。 然而,这个草莓红发、身材高挑、又很上镜的女子不仅仅是既靓丽又待在幕后的模式化的政治家夫人,她管理一家投资咨询机构,会六国语言,目前正在学第七种,而且,有人认为,她是她丈夫在权力上迅速崛起背后的真正智囊。 点评: 这个例子中有几个习语要注意: 1、 into the bargain是个习语,没有在买卖中讨价还价的意思。Into the bargain同in the bargain是一样的,意思是“而且,另外还”。 例如:If you have anything to do with such a scheme you"ll endanger your good name, and probably lose your money into the bargain. 如果在这样一起阴谋案中你有所牵连的话,你就有身败名裂的危险,说不定还要倾家荡产哩! 2 、to cast a spell over是“迷住”的意思。 3、 doing a turn on, turn在这里是“转身、转体动作”的意思,译的模糊一点就是“演奏”。 OK,以上就是第一期的原文内容了,足以说明望文生义可以造成很大歧义。接下来是我个人比较注意的东西: 1、 wake up to:认识到,意识到。 2、 manage to:达成,设法。 3、 do a turn:turn这个词在金山词霸里就能查到在俚语中有一个节目的意思,翻成用电风琴表演了一个节目其实并不算错。 4、 strawberry blonde hair:两个译文中都用了草莓红发这个说法,其实blonde带有金发的意思,应该指偏红的金发,而不是一般概念中的红头发。我去搜了格鲁吉亚第一夫人的照片,也印证了这个感觉,个人觉得翻成‘金棕色"头发更确切,不知大家以为如何。 《《英汉报刊翻译常见错误》(1)》由留学英语组我整理(
2023-06-22 16:31:181


2023-06-22 16:31:391

英语造句, make a bargain 达成协议

makeabargain英[meiku0259u02c8bɑ:ɡin] 美[mekeu02c8bɑrɡu026an][词典] 达成协议,成交;[例句]I"ll make a bargain withyou.I"llplayhostessifyou"llincludeMatthewinyour guest-list我们说定了,如果你能把马修也邀请来的话我就做东。
2023-06-22 16:31:461

bird feeder是什么意思

bird feeder英 [bu0259:d u02c8fi:du0259] 美 [bu025ad u02c8fidu025a] 野鸟喂食器双语例句 1It landed on the bird feeder and began eating dinner as I watched. 我眼看着它落在一只鸟食槽上,并在我的注视下开始它的晚餐。2Last fall I hung outside my window a bird feeder. 去年秋天,我在窗户外挂了一个喂鸟的粮槽。
2023-06-22 16:22:211


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PTplatinumgold mine
2023-06-22 16:22:376

smt 雅马哈机型对比

2023-06-22 16:22:421


hoop ,help ,
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你准备好学习你的插画?  A一个是飞机,云端之上如此之高的播种唱歌,就像一个巨大的鸟在天空  B是兔子,但这并不砍了他的尾巴,他去cipety脆脆脆,延长兔子线索。  C是我的猫,她可爱的可以,但她是如此可爱以至于她得到了从一棵树。是赤裸裸的 D代表白天,当太阳当空照耀明亮,那是我去上学,学做自己喜欢做的事情。  E代表一头大象,他又大又没有手,但他可以用他的长长长的鼻子,完全能够满足他的要求。  F代表消防车,有火从珠,当在车里放orberin开始,让它去吧。 G是一个小女孩,上部是一个男孩,是很有趣的,他们可以一起踢吗,分享他们的玩具。  H代表你好,这是一件好事,这意味着好听的话我很高兴见到你,一天当中的任何时间。  II是一个在里面,像蝴蝶豆子,都是自然的一部分,这样便能保护他们,如果你请。  J代表你的外套,当你到外面去你穿它,它会使你暖烘烘的,所以你可以发挥毫无顾忌。  K代表风筝的话,你可以在风中厚度,有时驾驶低,但该死的她年代 L是叶子,他们是绿色的,长在树上,有时就会掉到地面的颜色和一件。  M代表“音乐,音乐在这首歌中,如果你学习的话,你可以跟著唱。  N代表你的鼻子,它是在中间你的脸庞,和你的鼻子,你能闻到那只是一点饼干周围。  O代表一个橘子喜欢捧阳光在你们手中,obnin iplan的,给出了一些给你的朋友。  P为你的小狗,非常小的狗,当他慢慢变老的时候,就像你,他将会高大强壮。  Q的宁静,这是相对的,它是很艰难的生活有很多声音,当你在人群中很显眼。  R是雨,水从天上掉下来,很难不弄湿,但如果你愿意,你可以试试。  S是一首歌,就像我在唱歌,你能让你感到幸福,并可以帮助你学到东西了  T代表一个老师,在学校或在任何地方,它们表明你如何学习 U你是雨伞,你可以用它当下雨的时候,保持你的好,干燥,提示一个句子一遍。  V进行访问,我们有时去,奶奶或姑姑或其他的朋友你认识。  W是一个受欢迎的,这就是我喜欢说,当朋友到我家来,这意味着在玩。   X是一个工具,它是一个你认识的人,或者你可以用X当你弹吉他了  Y代表你,这是人,那么你就会对我和你所有的朋友,我们希望你走远。  Z是为动物园,很多动物看到,每个人都是非常特别的,就像你和我。  现在你学习你的插画,玩得开心,再见…再见…望亲采纳~~
2023-06-22 16:22:161


goldmine贵的原因是抵制俄区、印度和国区。近日,Steam上的游戏《Goldmine(金矿)》突然给俄区、印度和国区大幅涨价。该游戏目前有293条评价,总体评测为多半差评,而最近的163条评价竟然也有2%的好评,总体为差评如潮。这种用游戏涨价的行为来抵制国区就稍有点离谱了,三地区涨价到底是在针对谁,除了暴露自己的双标和无知还能说明什么,是不是太过给自己加戏了。goldmine游戏介绍《金矿》(Goldmine)是一款点击式/资源管理游戏,由Alaric von Teplitz制作发行。金矿一些中文,玩家负责运行一个幻想的金矿。你可以点击挖掘资源,雇佣工人为你挖矿,升级它们,解锁新的关卡和工人类型,获得威望水平并重新开始。每隔一小时左右转换一次,分发黄金并返回工作。经过一番搜索之后,作者与一位艺术家和一位作曲家合作,帮助我让游戏更加流畅。在这个项目上工作很有趣,我们都学到了很多东西。你看到的是我们努力的结果,我们希望尽管有缺陷,你仍然喜欢它。谢谢!
2023-06-22 16:22:141

smt 雅马哈机型对比

2023-06-22 16:22:131


催眠的 [简明汉英词典]hypnoticnarcoticsomniferoussomnolentsoporiferoussoporific
2023-06-22 16:22:002

英国知名公学的 feeder school 有哪些?

今天小编就带大家了解一下英国著名的九大公学。以下是九所英国最为知名的公学,按照字母先后排列顺序。英国九大公学之----Charterhouse切特豪斯公学由托马斯·萨顿于1611年创立。学校是一所男女混校,但是只在12、13年级招收女生。虽然该校也从英国以及海外的其他学校招收一些男生,但是大多数男生都是在13岁时从切特豪斯的预备学校招收的。作为英国著名的公学之一,培养了众多的学术家、艺术家、体育运动员等社会精英。校园建筑集合了不同历史时期的风格,在英国享有“最美丽的校园之称”。英国九大公学之----Eton College伊顿公学坐落在伦敦20英里外的温莎小镇,是英国最著名的贵族中学,由英王亨利六世于1440年创办,直至今天仍是男子学校。同时,伊顿是全寄宿制教育,无论家里远近,无一例外。值得一提的是,伊顿一直强调“绅士文化”和“贵族主义”,诗人雪莱、经济学家凯恩斯、英国王子威廉和哈里等人都是伊顿的毕业生。英国九大公学之----Harrow College哈罗公学由当地的一个农民约翰·里昂于1572年创立,学校位于伦敦附近的哈罗区,先后有8位英国首相毕业于哈罗。学校最初的目的是为当地的男童提供受教育的机会,但经过几百年的发展与演变,今天的哈罗公学是英国最富盛名的私立学校之一。哈罗公学的一大特色就是草帽,学生在校园里必须统一佩戴。学业上,哈罗比伊顿更国际化,不仅注重传统拉丁语,哈罗还为学生提供希腊语、汉语普通话、德语等来替选。英国九大公学之----Merchant taylors" College莫切特泰勒成立于1561年,是英国九大公学中著名的走读男校。学生年龄11-18岁。老师教导学生要在校园中找到快乐,理解体谅他人的需要和感受,并让学生感觉到自己在线合格杰出的组织中是与众不同的的。套用学校宣传册上的一句话概括该校,那就是:“莫切特泰勒男校是世界公认的最具学术氛围的中学之一,学校的最终目的是创造一个文明、具有人文气息的环境”。英国九大公学之----Rugby College拉格比公学于1567年建校,是一所走读加寄宿制的男女混校。拉格比最为人熟知的就是Rugby football(英式橄榄球),在1823年,由当时的学生William Webb Ellis所发明,最终以学校的名字命名为这项体育项目。该校拥有完善的设施和出众的教师团队能够为学生们提供一流的教学。英国前首相张伯伦和著名童话作家Lewis Carroll(《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的作者)就毕业于该校。英国九大公学之----St Paul"s School圣保罗男校由当时身为教会教父和牛津讲师的柯乐特John Colet于1509年创办,位于泰晤士河南岸的哈默史密斯桥旁,地理位置优越。距今已有500多年的历史。是一所久负盛名的寄宿性男校,学校以严谨的学风著称,其教育理念是“Theexcitement about learning”(对于学习的疯狂兴趣)。英国九大公学之----Shrewsbury School什鲁斯伯里中学建于1552年,是英格兰最古老、也是最大的一所男子寄宿学校。现在Six th form有女生。学校教学成绩优异,学校采取传统和现代相结合的教学方式进行授课,采取小班授课方式。学校培养出了许许多多社会名流和各界的知名人士,如英国保守党前任领导人Hestletine爵士、皇家首席天文学家Lord Rees、伟大的“生物进化论”提出者达尔文也是从这里毕业的。英国九大公学之----Winchester College温切斯特公学由温切斯特主教威廉·威克姆于1384年创建,是英国第一所免费收受穷苦学生的大学预备学校,开创了英国公学教育的历史。威克姆在创办温切斯特公学的同时也建立了牛津大学新学院,让公学毕业生能够进入大学深造。而今天的温切斯特公学虽然已经演变成为一所贵族寄宿制学校,但依然保持了自己悠久的传统与文化。英国九大公学之----Westminster School威斯特敏斯特建于1560年,坐落在联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的威斯敏斯特大教堂,圣玛格丽特和威斯敏斯特宫的中间。最初是一所男校,现今已成为男女混校,是英国最好的私立高中之一。学校一直有着严格的规章制度,提倡坚韧不拔的精神。从升入牛津和剑桥的比例来说,威斯敏斯特公学是所有公学中最高的一个,七位英国首相曾在此就读。天津新东方出国留学考试项目部,一站式留学申请、考试培训服务机构,与世界近30个国家和地区的3000多所学校建立战略合作关系,汇集美、英、澳、加、欧、亚的各类世界名校,拥有众多海外院校在中国地区的合作,致力于提升中国学子的全球综合竞争力。有问题可以继续咨询天津新东方出国留学客服顾问,希望可以帮到你~(望采纳,谢谢~)
2023-06-22 16:21:541


1. 烘烤土豆: 这是一种专门为了烘烤质量而培植的土豆,最适合于烘烤、做土豆泥、炸土豆条! 烘烤土豆的淀粉含量较高,是直链淀粉;质地比较干、粉,烘烤后比较轻而蓬松,捣碎后比较轻、滑腻而有乳脂感,实际上也是唯一的一种值得做炸土豆条的土豆。= . 烘烤土豆的外观一般是长形、皮粗糙而似软木塞表面,一般以袋装出售。其中在北美市场见得最多也是最出名的烘烤土豆叫 Russet Burbank,其它的还有:Russet Arcadia,Norgold Russet,Goldrush,Norkotah,Long White(或 White Rose 或 California Long White),和 Idaho 等。 2. 水煮土豆: 水煮土豆又称蜡质土豆,形状各异,皮薄而光滑,肉有蜡质感。 水煮土豆的水分和糖份较高,但淀粉含量较低,而且是支链淀粉。正是由于这种支链淀粉结构,使得这种土豆的胶黏性较好,在水煮时仍能成块,所以适合于做汤和炖烧菜,做沙锅菜、土豆色拉、烧烤等也很理想。当然也可以捣碎做土豆泥,但会比较粘稠而有硬块。 市场上见到的水煮土豆有:Round White,Round Red,Yellow Potato,Red Potato,Salad Potato,La Soda,Red La Rouge,Red Pontiac,Red Nordland,Red Bliss,Yellow Finnish,Ruby Crescent,和 Australian Crescent 等。N)J*}p 3. 通用土豆: 通用土豆介于前两者中间,这是在市场上见得最多的土豆了,长的圆的都有,一年四季都在。 通用土豆的水分比烘烤土豆高,水煮仍能成块。顾名思义,通用土豆可用来水煮、油炸、烘烤、做沙锅、做汤等多种用途。它们也可用于烘烤、做土豆泥、油炸,但是效果没有烘烤土豆来得好 常见的通用土豆包括:Yukon Gold,Peruvian Blue,Superior,Kennebec,和 Katahdin 等。 4. 新土豆 新土豆不是指刚挖的土豆而是指未完全成熟、个儿比较小、一般在土豆皮还没长成熟时就收获的土豆。由于还没成熟,新土豆在处理过程中往往部分掉脱了皮或薄皮是翘起来的。很多种类的土豆都有新土豆,尤以红色土豆为多。新土豆大多在一到九月份上市,最适合水煮 购买土豆时应选择干净、光滑、结实、无大面积创伤、无裂开、无脱皮、无腐烂的土豆。少量的脱皮对于“新土豆”则是正常的。土豆个儿的均匀性有时候也要考虑,在整土豆水煮或烘烤的场合就很重要。别买那些脱皮太多、颜色暗淡、起皱、疲软、皮显绿色、多结节、有霉味的土豆 另外,红土豆水分多淀粉少,适合水煮且易熟。新鲜土豆比存放久了的土豆易熟。做土豆泥时要用刚煮好还烫的土豆,温的牛奶/奶油,新化的热黄油,盐和胡椒粉 另: 中国北方人爱面食,因此面食种类花样繁多,光饼类就有葱油饼、肉饼、鸡蛋饼、鸡蛋灌饼、麻酱饼等等。在英国,土豆的种类有二、三十种之多。小到直径两厘米的,大到直径二十厘米的,颜色有红色、紫色、白色、黄褐色之分。每种土豆都有自己的名字,像Jersey Royals、King Edwards、Anya。对我来说,中国土豆只有两种,一种是春天的新鲜小土豆,一种是一年四季都有的黄褐色老土豆。前者煮或者烤,鲜嫩微甜,很新鲜,后者做各种炒菜。 在英国,土豆就像咱们的面条和米饭,中午吃,晚上吃。可以配牛排、鸡肉、鱼肉、猪肉。应用范围广泛。土豆的烹调方法自然也多到可以出一本菜谱了。 英国人中午喜欢吃Jacket potato。这是最简单的土豆做法。选取大土豆,洗净擦干,放入烤箱烤1-2个小时。吃的时候,将土豆切开,根据自己的喜好,放入黄油、奶酪、玉米粒等。 另外一种流行吃法叫Dauphinois。这种吃法来自法国。制作过程相对复杂。土豆去皮切薄片,放入热牛奶中滚一分钟。烤盘里放上黄油、土豆片,加盐、胡椒粉、蒜末,码放3-4层,烤盘里倒入牛奶,入烤箱烤半个小时。听起来,这道菜的外貌像中国的千层饼。 中国人学炒菜通常从鸡蛋西红柿这个菜做起,简单易学、味美色靓。英国的烹饪新手却是从做土豆开始的。有趣的是,几个土豆可以吃三天。第一天,烤若干土豆,也就是Jacket potato,第二天用剩下的土豆做Mash potato,也就是土豆泥。土豆泥没吃完的放入冰箱。第三天做Croquet,用硬土豆泥搓成长柱形,类似微型擀面棍。裹上面包糠,炸成金黄色。这种做法也被忙于上班的主妇所推崇,省事儿还受欢迎,百吃不厌。 中国主妇呢?要是省事儿的话,就不要做米饭炒菜。下班顺路买点包子、速冻饺子、面条、肉龙就可以解决掉晚饭了。方便快捷的食物在哪个国家都受欢迎。 土豆在英文里还有一个用法:couch potato,就是我们常说的沙发土豆。整天窝在沙发里,边吃零食边看电视,懒得动的人就是沙发土豆。
2023-06-22 16:21:531


黑人BLUES 吹牛老爹什么的
2023-06-22 16:21:453


This is ESL Podcast episode 255. I"m your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California. 这里是ESL Podcast第255期节目。我是你们的主播, Dr. Jeff McQuillan,来自美丽的加州洛杉矶教育发展中心。 Remember to visit our website for more information about this podcast, and for our Learning Guide for this episode. 记得访问我们的网站获得更多本期播客信息,也可以下载本期节目学习指导。 This episode is called “Questions About a Product.” We"re going to hear a conversation between Paul and the clerk of a - an electronics store, and they"re going to be talking about a particular machine and questions, and how to ask questions about electronic machines. Let"s get started. 本期节目题目是“” 我们将听到Paul和一家电子产品商店员工之间的对话。他们将谈到一种电器和一些相关问题,以及如何对电器提问。我们开始吧。 Paul: Could you help me? I have a few questions about this computer printer. Paul:能帮帮我吗?关于这台打印机,我有些疑问。 Clerk: Sure. I"ll try. 员工:当然。知道的我都会告诉您的。 Paul: What I"m wondering is whether this machine can be used as a copier as well as a printer. Paul:这台机子既可以复印也可以打印吗? Clerk: Yeah, it can. This is a multifunction machine. It can be used as a printer, copier, and a fax machine. 员工:恩,对的。这是一台多功能机器。可以用作打印,复印,也可以发传真。 Paul: Can you show me how that works? Paul:您可以示范下是怎么操作的吗? Clerk: Well, it"s pretty straightforward. Just hook it up to your computer and you can use it like any other printer. If you want to make copies, just put the document on the glass or in the feeder and press this button. 员工: 恩,很简单的。首先连接到电脑,就可以像其他打印机那样操作了。 如果你想复印,只需要把文件放到玻璃上或者机子上,再按按钮。 Paul: That seems pretty simple. How do I use it as a fax machine? Paul:听起来很简单。怎么发传真呢? Clerk: Just put the document in the feeder like you would for copying, but instead of pushing the “copy” button, press the “fax” button. Make sure it"s hooked up to a phone line, of course. 员工:就像复印一样,只需要把文件放到玻璃上,但是不按“复印”键,而是“传真”键。 当然,前提是要连接在电话线上。 Paul: Okay. I think I"ve got it. Does this model come with a warranty? Paul:好的。我好像懂了。这种机型有保单吗? Clerk: All of the machines made by this company have a one-year warranty against defects. If there"s a problem with it, the manufacturer will repair or replace it. 员工:这个品牌所有机子都有一年的保修期。 如果有问题,生产商会负责修理。 Paul: That"s good. If I change my mind or decide it"s not what I want, can I return it? Paul:太好了。如果我后来改变主意了,不想要这个机子了,可以退货吗? Clerk: You can return the item for an exchange or a refund within 30 days. 员工:三十天之内可以。 Paul: Is there a restocking fee? Paul:有退货费吗? Clerk: No, we don"t have a restocking fee. Just make sure you have your receipt. 员工:没有。只需要提供收据。 Paul: I think those are all the questions I had. I appreciate your help. Paul:没有其他问题了。谢谢。 Clerk: You"re welcome. Let me know if you have other questions. 员工:不客气。如果有其他问题,也可以问我。 Our dialogue begins with Paul asking someone who works at a store - he"s in a store, an electronics store - if they could help him. He says, “Could you help me? I have a few questions about this computer printer.” A printer, “printer,” is a machine that puts an image or words that are on your computer onto a piece of paper. 对话开始,Paul咨询一家店的员工-电器商店-他们能不能帮帮他。 他说,“Could you help me? I have a few questions about this computer printer.” “printer,”是指将电脑上的图片或者文本放到一张纸上。 The clerk says, “Sure. I"ll try,” meaning I"ll try to help you. Paul then says, “What I"m wondering is whether this machine can be used as a copier as well as a printer.” What I"m wondering, “wondering,” is an expression that means I want to know - I would like to know - I"m curious about something - I want to know about something. Here, it"s used as a polite way of asking a question. Instead of saying, “Can this machine be used as a copier as well as a printer,” Paul says, “What I"m wondering is whether” - if - “this machine can be used as a copier as well as a printer.” So, it"s another way - a polite way - of asking a question, really. 员工说,“Sure. I"ll try,”意思是我会尽量帮助你的。 Paul之后说道,“What I"m wondering is whether this machine can be used as a copier as well as a printer.” “wondering,”是一个短语意思是我想要知道一些事情。 在这里,是提问的礼貌方式。 Paul不是说的“Can this machine be used as a copier as well as a printer,”而是说“What I"m wondering is whether” - if - “this machine can be used as a copier as well as a printer.” 因此,是礼貌的提问方式。 The clerk says yes, “it can.” It can be used as a copier, “copier,” as well as a printer. It can do both things. A copier is a machine that makes a copy of a piece of paper - gives you another piece of paper with the same information on it. The clerk says that the machine that Paul is looking at “is a multifunction machine.” Multifunction, “multifunction,” (all one word) means something can do more that one thing. It"s a common word that we use in talking about a machine that can be a copier and a printer and something else - it"s multifunction. Multi, “multi,” means many. 员工回答说,“it can.”可以用作复印机,也可以用作打印机。两种都可以。 复印机是复印纸张的机子-上面的信息相同。 员工说,Paul看的机子“is a multifunction machine.” “multifunction,”意思是可以处理很多事情的事物。 如果一个机子可以用作复印,打印,以及其他功能,就可以用这个词语,就是多功能。“multi,”是指很多。 The clerks says, “It can be used as a printer, copier, and a fax machine,”“fax” machine. A fax machine is something you use to send an image or some words on a piece of paper to a machine somewhere else, and that machine will make a copy of that page. Fax machines are still, I think in most businesses, very popular. Even though we have the Internet now, people still use fax machines frequently. 员工说,“It can be used as a printer, copier, and a fax machine,”传真机。 传真机可以用来发送图片或者纸张到其他传真机上,这个传真机就可以将内容复制下来。 传真机在商务上还是很普遍的。虽然现在有电脑,但是人们还是常常用传真机。 Paul says, “Can you show me how that works?” “Can you show me” is an expression that means please show me - please tell me - please demonstrate it. You may ask someone, “Can you show me where the bathroom is? I can"t find it.” There you"re asking them to point you, or to take you, to where the bathroom is. In the dialogue, Paul is asking the clerk if he could tell him how this machine works, meaning how do you use it. Paul说,“Can you show me how that works?”“Can you show me”是一个短语,意思是请给我展示一下。 你可以问问别人,“请问厕所在那里?我找不到。.” 你是在问他们厕所在那里。 对话中,Paul是在问能不能告诉他机子是如何操作的。 The clerk says, “it"s pretty straightforward.” Straightforward, “straightforward,” (one word) means easy to understand - not difficult - not confusing - basic. The clerk says that the machine is “pretty straightforward,” meaning it"s easy to use; you won"t have a problem with it. 员工说,“it"s pretty straightforward.” “straightforward,” 意思是简单易懂的。 员工说机子“pretty straightforward,”意思是操作简单;不会有什么问题。 Of course, this is what all people who are selling machines tell you so that you will buy their machine. Then you bring it home, you put it on your desk and you - you can"t understand how to use it. Maybe that"s just me, I don"t know! 当然,所有销售机器的人都会这样告诉你,你才会买他们的机子。 然后带回家,放到桌子上-就完全不知道该怎么操作了。我就是这样的,完全不知道! The clerk says, “Just hook” the machine “up to your computer and you can use it like any other printer.” 、 To hook, “hook,” something up means, usually, to connect two machines together, or to connect one machine to another machine using what we would call cables, “cables.” To hook something up, or to hook up, has some different meanings as well in English; take a look at the Learning Guide for today"s episode for more information on that. 员工说,“Just hook”机子“up to your computer and you can use it like any other printer.” “hook,”某事物意思是将两台机器连接在一起,用电线。 To hook something up, or to hook up,在英语中意思不相同;看看学习指导中的更多信息。 The clerk says that if Paul wants “to make copies” with the machine, he just needs to put the “document” - the paper - “on the glass or in the feeder and press” the “button." A feeder, “feeder,” is the part of a copier or a printer or a fax machine that holds the paper so it enters automatically into the machine. So, if you are making copies of three pieces of paper, you can put all three pieces of paper into the feeder and the machine will automatically copy each page. Paul says that it “seems pretty simple.” He then asks how to use the fax machine, and the clerk explains he that just puts the document - or the piece of paper - into the feeder, “but instead of pushing the "copy" button, ” he should “press” - or push - “the "fax" button.” You can say either “press” or “push.” He says, “Make sure” that “it"s hooked up to a phone line, of course.” Make sure means check - make sure that this is happening, in this case that it"s hooked up to a phone line, meaning there is a phone cable connected to the machine. 员工说如果Paul想要用这个机子“to make copies”,他只需要将文件放到玻璃上,再按按钮。 “feeder,”复印机或者打印机或者传真机的一部分,上面放纸,就能自动进入到机子。 因此,如果你要复印三张纸,可以把三张纸同时放到机子里,机器就会自动复印。 Paul说看起来很简单。他之后问了如何操作传真机,员工解释只要将纸放到机子里,“but instead of pushing the "copy" button, ”再按传真按钮。 可以说“press,”也可以说“push。” 他说, “Make sure”“it"s hooked up to a phone line, of course.” Make sure 意思是确保事情的发生,确保是连接在电话线上的。 Paul then asks if “this model” - this machine - “comes with a warrant?” When we say something “comes with” (two words) we mean that it includes - that it has, or that it will be included with the price of the machine or the purchase of the machine. You may buy a car that comes with a warranty, so when you buy the car, for the same price, you also get a warranty. Now, what is a warranty? “Warranty.” A warranty is an agreement from the company that sells you the products - sells you the machine - to repair it if something doesn"t work. So, if the machine breaks - it stops working - you can bring it back and they will fix it if it"s under warranty. We use the expression “under warranty” to mean it"s still within the time that is covered or included in your warranty. Paul之后问道是否 “this model” - “comes with a warrant?” 如果我们说某事物“comes with”我们是说包括在价格里。 你买一辆车子可能就有保修单。因此,你用汽车价格买一辆车,也可以享受保单。 在这里,什么是保单呢? A warranty是销售产品公司的协议-如果卖给你的机子不能正常操作,就会帮你修理。 因此,如果机子不能正常运作-就可以拿回去修理。 我们用短语“under warranty”意思是在保修期内。 The clerk says that “the machines made by this company have a one-year warranty against defects.” Defects, “defects,” are things that are broken or break because the machine was not made correctly. The expression the clerk uses here is a “warranty against defects,” meaning the warranty will cover or include defects - the company will fix it for free if they made it incorrectly. He says, “If there"s a problem with” the machine “the manufacturer” - the people who made the machine - “will repair or replace it.” To replace, “replace,” something means to take something that is broken and give the person a new machine. So, you"re giving them something new. To repair means to fix the machine that they have. 员工说,“the machines made by this company have a one-year warranty against defects.” “defects,”是坏的东西,因为机子制造的不正确。 员工在这里使用的是“warranty against defects,”意思是保单包括产品瑕疵-公司可以免费修理。 他说,“warranty against defects,”这个机器-制造机子的人就会修理。 “replace,”某事物意思是拿走坏的,拿来好的。 因此,是给他们新东西。修理手中的东西。 Paul says, “If I change my mind” and “decide it"s not what I want” - that I don"t want this machine, “can I return it?” The expression to change, “change,” your mind means to decide to do something different. You decide to buy something, you go home, a couple of days later your wife finds out that you bought a new computer, and she says, “You have to return it.” So, you go back to the store, and you say, “I changed my mind,” or “My wife changed my mind; I need to return this.” So, it"s to do something different from what you had decided on before. Paul说,“If I change my mind”并且“decide it"s not what I want”-我不想要这个机子,“can I return it?” 短语“change,” your mind意思是决定做点不同的事情。 你决定买点东西回家,几天后你老婆发现你买了一台新电脑,她会说,“必须给我退回去。” 因此,你找到商店,你说,“我改变主意了。”或者“我妻子改变主意了,我要退货。” 因此,短语是说做点和之前决定不相同的事情。 The clerk says, “You can return the item” - you can bring it back - “for an exchange or a refund within 30 days.” So, you have one month after you buy it to bring it back and get either an exchange, “exchange,” or a refund, “refund.” When you get an exchange on something, that means that you bring the machine back and then get a different machine, or maybe the same machine but a new model of the machine - you can exchange it. To refund means to give money back, so to get a refund means that the company will give you your money back - the store will give you your money back. 员工说,“You can return the item”-你可以退货-“for an exchange or a refund within 30 days.” 因此,你购买之内的一个月可以换货。 如果你exchange某事物,意思是将机子那回到商家,换取另一种电器,也可能是同一种电器,不同型号。 To refund意思是退钱,get a refund意思是公司会把钱退回去。 Finally, Paul asks if there is “a restocking fee?” A restocking, “restocking,” (one word) fee, “fee,” means that when you buy some machines and you bring it back to the store, sometimes the store doesn"t give you all of your money back. They keep ten percent or 15 percent as a restocking fee, meaning they have to do something to make the machine salable again - to be able to sell the machine again. This is very common with electronics - computers, sometimes televisions - that the stores in the United States will not give you 100 percent of your money back if you return it; they"ll charge you, or they"ll make you pay, a restocking fee. To stock, “stock,” something in a store is to put it in the store to sell it. So, restock means to put something back. The prefix re, “re,” means again. 最后,Paul问道是否有“a restocking fee?” “restocking,”fee 意思是你买了一种机子,拿回到商店,但是商家不会全额退款。 他们会扣去10%的退货费,意思是他们必须给商品重新包装才能重新销售。 电器产品中这种做法很常见-电脑,有时是电视-美国商家不会100%的退款;如果他们退款,会叫你支付退货费。 “stock,” something in a store 意思是放到店里销售。 因此,restock意思是归还。“re”意思是再一次。 The clerk says they “don"t have a restocking fee.” All the Paul needs is his receipt - piece of paper saying that he bought it and for how much money. Paul then thanks the clerk by saying, “I appreciate your help.” That"s a polite way - a nice way - of saying thank you - “I appreciate your help.” 员工说他们“don"t have a restocking fee.” Paul所需要带的就只有收据-一张纸上面写明他用多少钱买的。 Paul之后感谢员工说,“I appreciate your help.” 这是一种礼貌的方式表示感谢。 Now let"s listen to the dialogue again, this time at a normal speed. 现在听这段对话,这次是常速。 Paul: Could you help me? I have a few questions about this computer printer. Paul:能帮帮我吗?关于这台打印机,我有些疑问。 Clerk: Sure. I"ll try. 员工:当然。知道的我都会告诉您的。 Paul: What I"m wondering is whether this machine can be used as a copier as well
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