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2023-06-22 21:02:01
TAG: ivory

不是 象牙是不可数的名词







2023-06-22 19:35:046


2023-06-22 19:35:504


变y为i加es, ivories,象牙——谢谢采纳
2023-06-22 19:36:112


可数 不为什么 an ivory
2023-06-22 19:36:273


2023-06-22 19:36:511


ivory音标英[/u02c8au026avu0259ri/]美[/u02c8au026avu0259ri/]n.象牙;(某些其他动物的)长牙;象牙制品;象牙色;乳白色adj.象牙制的;乳白色的复数: ivoriesnoun[U] 象牙;(某些其他动物的)长牙a hard yellowish-white substance like bone that forms the tusks (= long teeth) of elephants and some other animals例子a ban on the ivory trade象牙贸易禁令an ivory chess set一副象牙国际象棋
2023-06-22 19:36:591


IVORY是什么意思?象牙 Xiàngyán.1.象牙;(河马、独角鱼的)牙齿。 artificial ivory人造象牙。 fossil ivory古代巨象的象牙化石。2.象牙色,乳白色。3.〔 pl.〕象牙雕制品,仿象牙制品。4.牙质(=dental ivory)。5.厚光纸。6.〔常pl.〕〔俚语〕牙齿;骰子;撞球;弹子;钢琴键。
2023-06-22 19:37:171

tusks 和ivory的区别

tusks 和ivory 词义区别如下tusks n. 獠牙; (象等动物的) 长牙( tusk的名词复数 ); 尖形物; 尖头; ivory n. 象牙; 象牙色; 象牙制品; 象牙质; adj. 象牙色的; 象牙制的;
2023-06-22 19:37:241

寿美菜子的《Ivory》 歌词

歌曲名:Ivory歌手:寿美菜子专辑:My stride壊れそうな梦を抱きしめて大切なその想い 叶えて Ivory「brilliant focus」作词∶井手コウジ作曲∶井手コウジ歌∶寿美菜子戻りたい时代はきっと君にも仆にもあるけど叹いたってしょうがないね时计はチクタクと一秒毎に忙しなく「梦へ急げ」と駆り立てるそんな日々で何ができるだろう?君が零した涙の理由は仆にはきっとわからないけど优しい风のように包んであげたいんだ君は独りじゃない千切れそうな心 抱きしめて泣かないで 泣かないで 大丈夫だよ信じる事をあきらめないで君だけの色がある探そうよ Ivory忆えていたい事よりも忘れたい事が増えても焦ったって届かないね神様は见てるよどんな出逢いも意味がありどんな别れも理由がある少しずつ前に进んでこう君だけの哀しみはきっと仆の言叶じゃ愈せないけどそれでも心の荷物が軽くなれるなら歌い続けるから壊れそうな梦を抱きしめて泣かないで 泣かないで 大丈夫だよいつでも侧で君を见てるよ大切なその想い叶えて Ivory温もり一つ、痛みを一つ、君と仆で取り替えっこしようそして一绪にあと一粒、涙零したら 笑颜を探そう确かな明日が欲しいのは仆だって谁だって同じだから千切れそうな心、抱きしめて泣かないで 泣かないで 大丈夫だよ信じる事をあきらめないで君だけの色がる探そうよ Ivory大切なその想い 叶えて IvoryLa La La...いつの日か自分の色を见つけて振り向けば现在(いま)も大切な时代になるよ终わり
2023-06-22 19:37:311


ivory 象牙,象牙饰品造句 We must stop hunter to get ivory from elephant .我们必须阻止非法捕猎者从大象身上获取象牙。
2023-06-22 19:37:382


单数是强调材质,度数是强调数量,比如This ring is made by ivory.又如They collect plenty of ivories.
2023-06-22 19:38:191


ivory并不是象牙的意思,tusk才是,tusk是可数的. ivory的英语解释是“creamy-white bone-like substance forming the tusks of elephants,walruses”是形成象牙的白色物质,不可数.如果表示“象牙制品”的时候是可数的.
2023-06-22 19:38:261


2023-06-22 19:38:331


2023-06-22 19:38:521


2023-06-22 19:39:001

tusk和 ivory的 区别

2023-06-22 19:39:071

i vory是什么意思

2023-06-22 19:39:141

made of ivory为什么ivory用的是单数?求解答

2023-06-22 19:39:223


2023-06-22 19:40:213


2023-06-22 19:40:291


2023-06-22 19:40:481


不同的,复数形式是:ivories 你的采纳是我们继续答题的 动力O(∩_∩)O~
2023-06-22 19:41:3310

ivory tower是哪个社

ivory,tower是琉璃神社。ivory,tower在二次元游戏中又被称为琉璃神社,是一个分享最新最酷的ACG同人作品资讯社团,在这里你能找到很多欢乐。ivory,tower的真正价值在于它是否能为用户创造可持续的内容,是否能为人们的生活、社会发展提供正能量。网站的价值还取决于多方面的因素,如流量及网站用户群体的价值,但网站的流量及权重是随时可以改变的,唯有其分享的内容是永恒可持久的。因此,任何人都无法准确的评估一个ivory,tower的价值,唯一的办法是您自己来估算,小金子目录所分享的网站基础数据及热力值可为您评估该网站提供参考。我们相信,认真做好内容、适度推广,"琉璃神社"会发展的更好,其价值也将更大。ivory,tower在不同领域中的不同意思:ivory,tower在英文里是指象牙塔(指逃避问题、脱离现实的小天地)。在汉语中,象牙塔的外延涵义主要是指比喻远离现实生活的文学家和艺术家的小天地。大学,研究院正是这种地方。所以象牙塔便逐渐成为大学的代名词。象牙塔(Ivory,Tower)这个词来源于旧约雅歌 Your,neck,is,like,an,ivory,tower。从这里我们可以明显地看出,象牙塔,原本是用来形容新娘美丽颈项的圣洁和高雅。这个词后来被逐渐运用到社会生活的各方面,主要是指与世隔绝的梦幻境地、远离现实生活的世外桃源、隐居之地。
2023-06-22 19:41:541

ivory china 是骨瓷标记吗?

bone china骨质瓷ivory china 象牙瓷
2023-06-22 19:42:103

ivory tickler的意思

海上钢琴师里有一句台词是“the greatest ivory tickler on the senven seas.”翻译过来是七大洋上最伟大的传奇。所以这里ivory tickler绝不是单纯的“ivory”+“tickler”的意思。又因为tickle the ivory里是弹钢琴的意思(这个网上可以搜到),所以ivory tickler应该是“弹钢琴的人”的意思,结合语境来看也是说的通的。
2023-06-22 19:42:171


2023-06-22 19:42:271

pearlized ivory 是什么颜色

pearlized有珍珠光泽的ivory象牙色pearlized ivory有珍珠光泽的象牙色,叫做珍珠象牙白
2023-06-22 19:42:461

ivory trade 什么意思

2023-06-22 19:42:542


这是一首歌的歌词吧~~ 就是说一个女孩把一个男孩的眼睛遮住~~ 问他:我是谁~~? 那男孩就从Mary到Sunny和Ivory就是没有那个女孩的名字~~这歌很老了哦~~ 呵呵~~
2023-06-22 19:43:031

navy&ivory的《最爱》 歌词

歌曲名:最爱歌手:navy&ivory专辑:くるっとひとまわり最爱作词·作曲:吾郷水木生编曲:松本孝浩歌:navy&ivory「この手を离さないで」明日またこうして会えるのにつないでる君の手にそんな愿かけては君を见送る何十年の短き人生の中で仆のこと见つけてくれて本当に本当にありがとうどうすれば君を优しく包んであげれるのかな胸にひとすじの赤い糸 手缲り寄せたその先はまぎれもなく そう君なんです「今着いたよ」と电话を今夜も欠かさない君の声仆が受话器置くまで待ってる君 たまらなく爱しい何十亿の星の数の人の中で仆のこと选んでくれて本当に本当にありがとうどうすれば君を上手に爱してあげれるのかな君のその胸の赤い糸 手缲り寄せたその先にまちがいなく 仆がいますつないでいた手を离しても君がもし受话器を先に置いても大丈夫 二人の同じ想いは强く坚结びされてるからどうすれば君をもっと幸せにできるのかな胸にひとすじの赤い糸 手缲り寄せたその先はまぎれもなく そう君なんですそして今日も 君がいるこの瞬间に感谢します终わり
2023-06-22 19:43:101

some people kill them for ivory意思

2023-06-22 19:43:161

Ivory Tower 歌词

歌曲名:Ivory Tower歌手:Giorgio Moroder专辑:The Never Ending StoryI"ll be here for you baby…I"ll be here for you baby…I never knew it could feel so funnyLike a gambling game when you got no moneyThe stakes are high and I might just lose youI don"t know why but I think that you doI don"t know, I don"t know, I don"t know was it mine or your mistakeLet me see, let me see, let me see did I make you walk awayUptown, downtown, all around they"re telling all kind of liesBut I"m now and I"m here and I want you to open up your eyesI"ll be here for you babyOh, can"t you see I miss you so bad, I go crazyYou could have it all, the beauty, the powerIf you just come and step down from your ivory towerI"ll be here for you babyOh, can"t you see I miss you so bad, I go crazyYou could have it all, the beauty, the powerIf you just come and step down from your ivory towerEu pensei que foste tu que deíxas-teMas fui eu, e tu sempre me amas-teI guess I took you too much for grantedAnd made you feel so alone and strandedI don"t know, I don"t know, I don"t know was it mine or your mistakeLet me see, let me see, let me see did I make you walk awayUptown, downtown, all around they"re telling all kind of liesBut I"m now and I"m here and I want you to open up your eyesI"ll be here for you babyOh, can"t you see I miss you so bad, I go crazyYou could have it all, the beauty, the powerIf you just come and step down from your ivory towerI"ll be here for you babyOh, can"t you see I miss you so bad, I go crazyYou could have it all, the beauty, the powerIf you just come and step down from your ivory towerI could use my magic potionBut it might not make you stayI could talk so much to turn your headBut you"d just walk awaySo instead I"m at your front doorMaking a fool out of myselfWhen you open up and look me in the eyeNao te podes defenderI"ll be here for you babyOh, can"t you see I miss you so bad, I go crazyYou could have it all, the beauty, the powerIf you just come and step down from your ivory towerI"ll be here for you babyOh, can"t you see I miss you so bad, I go crazyYou could have it all, the beauty, the powerIf you just come and step down from your ivory tower
2023-06-22 19:43:481


online ivory网上象牙he government has cracked down on the sale of ivory online, although sales have migrated to specialty auction sites where is often sold under pseudonyms and is difficult to track, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare.政府一直在打击网上象牙销售活动,但据国际爱护动物基金会说,象牙销售已转移到特种拍卖网站。在这类网站上,象牙卖家常常使用假名,交易难以追踪。
2023-06-22 19:43:541

Ivory Tower 歌词

歌曲名:Ivory Tower歌手:Anna Abreu专辑:Anna AbreuI"ll be here for you baby…I"ll be here for you baby…I never knew it could feel so funnyLike a gambling game when you got no moneyThe stakes are high and I might just lose youI don"t know why but I think that you doI don"t know, I don"t know, I don"t know was it mine or your mistakeLet me see, let me see, let me see did I make you walk awayUptown, downtown, all around they"re telling all kind of liesBut I"m now and I"m here and I want you to open up your eyesI"ll be here for you babyOh, can"t you see I miss you so bad, I go crazyYou could have it all, the beauty, the powerIf you just come and step down from your ivory towerI"ll be here for you babyOh, can"t you see I miss you so bad, I go crazyYou could have it all, the beauty, the powerIf you just come and step down from your ivory towerEu pensei que foste tu que deíxas-teMas fui eu, e tu sempre me amas-teI guess I took you too much for grantedAnd made you feel so alone and strandedI don"t know, I don"t know, I don"t know was it mine or your mistakeLet me see, let me see, let me see did I make you walk awayUptown, downtown, all around they"re telling all kind of liesBut I"m now and I"m here and I want you to open up your eyesI"ll be here for you babyOh, can"t you see I miss you so bad, I go crazyYou could have it all, the beauty, the powerIf you just come and step down from your ivory towerI"ll be here for you babyOh, can"t you see I miss you so bad, I go crazyYou could have it all, the beauty, the powerIf you just come and step down from your ivory towerI could use my magic potionBut it might not make you stayI could talk so much to turn your headBut you"d just walk awaySo instead I"m at your front doorMaking a fool out of myselfWhen you open up and look me in the eyeNao te podes defenderI"ll be here for you babyOh, can"t you see I miss you so bad, I go crazyYou could have it all, the beauty, the powerIf you just come and step down from your ivory towerI"ll be here for you babyOh, can"t you see I miss you so bad, I go crazyYou could have it all, the beauty, the powerIf you just come and step down from your ivory tower
2023-06-22 19:44:151


印刷四色模式 是彩色印刷时采用的一种套色模式,利用色料的三原色混色原理,加上黑色油墨,总计四种颜色混合叠加,形成所谓“全彩印刷”。四种标准颜色是: C:Cyan = 青色,又称为‘天蓝色"或是‘湛蓝"M:Magenta = 品红色,又称为‘洋红色";Y:Yellow = 黄色;K:blacK=黑色,虽然有文献解释说这里的K应该是Key Color(定位套版色),但其实是和制版时所用的定位套版观念混淆而有此一说。此处缩写使用最后一个字母K而非开头的B,是因为在整体色彩学中已经将B给了RGB的Blue蓝色。 基本介绍 中文名 :印刷色彩模式 外文名 :CMYK 依靠 :反光的色彩模式 CMY相加结果 :在CMYK模式下是一种暗红色 概述,CMYK是什么,CMYK和专色的区别,加入黑色的原因,CMYK色谱设计套用,红RED,品红、洋红Magenta(热情),胭脂红Carmine(大胆),宝石红Ruby(富贵),玫瑰红Rose-red(典雅),山茶红Camellia(微笑),玫瑰粉Rose-pink(女人味),浓粉Spinel-red(娇媚),紫红色Opera-mauve(优美),珊瑚粉Coral-pink(温顺),火烈鸟Flamingo(可爱),淡粉Pale-pink(雅致),贝壳粉Shell-pink(纯真),淡粉,婴儿粉Baby-pink(美丽动人),鲑鱼粉Salmon-pink(有趣),朱红Vermilion(积极),绯红,绛红scarlet(生命力),深红Strong-red(华丽),绯红Cardinal-red(威严),酒红Burgundy(充实),土红Old-rose(柔软),橙ORANGE,橙色Tangerine(生气勃勃),柿子色Persimmon(开朗),橘黄色Orange(美好),太阳橙Sun-orange(丰收),热带橙Tropical-orange(幻想),蜂蜜色Honey-orange(轻快),杏黄色Apricot(无邪),伪装沙Sandbeige(天真),浅茶色、米色Beige(纯朴),浅土色Pale-ocre(温和),驼色Camel(质朴),椰棕色Coconuts-brown(古典),棕色、茶色Brown(安定),咖啡Coffee(坚实),黄YELLOW,金盏花Marigold(华丽),铬黄Chrome-yellow(生动),茉莉Ja *** ine(柔和),淡黄色Cream(童话),象牙色Ivory(简朴),香槟黄Champagne-yellow(闪耀),月亮黄Moon-yellow(智慧),鲜黄色Canaria-yellow(开放),含羞草、巴黎金合欢Mimosa(幸福),芥子Mustard(乡土),黄土色Ochre(温厚),卡机色Khaki(田园),绿Green,黄绿色Yellow-green(自由),苹果绿Apple-green(新鲜),嫩绿Fresh-leaves(快活),叶绿色Foliage-green(自然),草绿色Grass-green(成长),苔绿色Moss-green(柔和),橄榄绿Olive(诚意),常青藤Ivy-green(安心),钴绿Cobalt-green(自然),翡翠绿Emerald-green(希望),碧绿Turquoise-green(协调),灰绿色、青瓷色Celadon-green(潇洒),孔雀石绿Malachite-green(和平),薄荷Mint(痛快),碧色Viridian(温情),孔雀绿Peacock-green(品格),蓝Blue,地平线Horizon-blue(奇趣),浅天蓝色Light sky-blue(澄澈),水蓝Aqua-blue(正义),蔚蓝Azure-blue(爽快),天蓝Sky-blue(清凉),淡蓝Baby-blue(幻想),浅蓝Pale-blue(温和),水蓝、浅蓝Saxe-blue(宽容),蓝绿色、水蓝宝石Aquamarine(纯粹),翠蓝、土耳其玉色Turquoise-blue(平衡),蓝绿Cyan-blue(清楚),孔雀蓝Peacock-blue(贵重),天蓝Cerulean-blue(冷静),钴蓝Cobalt-blue(镇静),深蓝Ultramarine(深远),品蓝、宝蓝Royal-blue(格调),靛INDIGO,青金石、靛色Lapis lazuli(睿智),鼠尾草Salvia-blue(洗练),韦奇伍德蓝Wedgwood-blue(高贵),青蓝Slate-blue(静寂),天蓝、宝蓝Sapphire-blue(智慧),石青Mineral-blue(认真),亮蓝Strong-blue(礼节),海蓝Marine-blue(时髦),海军蓝、深蓝Navy-blue(纪律),靛青Indigo(庄严),深石青Dark mineral-blue(理智),深蓝Midnight-blue(传统),紫PURPLE,紫藤Wisteria(风雅),淡紫色Mauve(神秘),铁线莲Clematis(赞美),丁香Lilac(清香),薰衣草Lavender(品格),紫水晶Amethyst(直觉),紫色Purple(神圣),香水草Heliotrope(高尚),紫罗兰Mineral violet(怀旧),三色堇、蝴蝶花Pansy(思虑),锦葵Mallow(妖精),兰花Orchid(温和),浅莲灰Pale-lilac(萌芽),灰紫Gray-purple(神秘),减色 (CMYK), 概述 CMYK是什么 CMYK也称作印刷色彩模式,顾名思义就是用来印刷的。 它和RGB相比有一个很大的不同:RGB模式是一种发光的色彩模式,你在一间黑暗的房间内仍然可以看见萤幕上的内容; CMYK是一种依靠反光的色彩模式,我们是怎样阅读报纸的内容呢?是由阳光或灯光照射到报纸上,再反射到我们的眼中,才看到内容。它需要有外界光源,如果你在黑暗房间内是无法阅读报纸的。 只要在萤幕上显示的图像,就是RGB模式表现的。只要是在印刷品上看到的图像,就是CMYK模式表现的。比如期刊、杂志、报纸、宣传画等,都是印刷出来的,那么就是CMYK模式的了。 CMYK和专色的区别 1、CMYK——即青、洋红(品红)、黄、黑四种色彩,在印刷中通常可由这四种色彩再现其它成千上万种色彩; 2、专色——专色油墨是指一种预先混合好的特定彩色油墨(或者叫特殊的预混油墨),用来替代或补充印刷色(CMYK)油墨,如明亮的橙色、绿色、萤光色、金属金银色油墨等,或者可以是烫金版、凹凸版等,还可以作为局部光油版等等,它不是靠CMYK四色混合出来的,每种专色在付印时要求专用的印版(可以简单理解为一付专色胶片、印刷时为专色单独晒版),专色意味着准确的颜色。 附:专色——是指在印刷时,不通过印刷CMYK四色合成这种颜色,而是专门用一种特定的油墨来印刷该颜色。 加入黑色的原因 青、品红、黄三色也是美术三原色,三种颜色理论上可以混合出黑色,但是现实中由于生产技术的限制,油墨纯度往往不尽人意,混合出的黑色不够浓郁,只能依靠提纯的黑色加以混合。另外也可以节省油墨消耗,一副图中的黑色部分,如果在没有黑色油墨的情况下是由等量的CMY混合成黑色的,如果有黑色则可以直接使用黑色减少油墨的使用量。 CMYK色谱设计套用 高清 红RED 品红、洋红Magenta(热情) CMYK:C15 M100 Y20 K0 RGB: R207 G0 B112 胭脂红Carmine(大胆) CMYK: C0 M100 Y60 K10 RGB: R215 G0 B64 宝石红Ruby(富贵) CMYK: C20 M100 Y50 K0 RGB: R200 G8 B82 玫瑰红Rose-red(典雅) CMYK: C0 M95 Y35 K0 RGB: R230 G27 B100 山茶红Camellia(微笑) CMYK: C0 M75 Y35 K10 RGB: R220 G90 B111 玫瑰粉Rose-pink(女人味) CMYK: C0 M60 Y20 K0 RGB:R238 G134 B154 浓粉Spinel-red(娇媚) CMYK: C0 M55 Y30 K0 RGB: R240 G145 B146 紫红色Opera-mauve(优美) CMYK: C10 M50 Y0 K0 RGB: R225 G152 B192 珊瑚粉Coral-pink(温顺) CMYK:C0 M50 Y25 K0 RGB: R241 G156 B159 火烈鸟Flamingo(可爱) CMYK: C0 M40 Y20 K10 RGB: R245 G178 B178 淡粉Pale-pink(雅致) CMYK: C0 M30 Y10 K0 RGB: R247 G200 B207 贝壳粉Shell-pink(纯真) CMYK:C0 M30 Y25 K0 RGB:R248 G198 B181 淡粉,婴儿粉Baby-pink(美丽动人) CMYK:C0 M15 Y10 K0 RGB:R252 G229 B223 鲑鱼粉Salmon-pink(有趣) CMYK:C0 M50 Y40 K0 RGB:R242 G155 B135 朱红Vermilion(积极) CMYK:C0 M85 Y85 K0 RGB:R233 G71 B41 绯红,绛红scarlet(生命力) CMYK:C0 M100 Y100 K0 RGB:R230 G0 B18 深红Strong-red(华丽) CMYK:C0 M100 Y100 K10 RGB:R216 G0 B15 绯红Cardinal-red(威严) CMYK:C0 M100 Y65 K40 RGB:R164 G0 B39 酒红Burgundy(充实) CMYK:C60 M100 Y80 K30 RGB:R102 G25 B45 土红Old-rose(柔软) CMYK:C15 M60 Y30 K15 RGB:R194 G115 B127 橙ORANGE 橙色Tangerine(生气勃勃) CMYK:C0 M80 Y90 K0 RGB:R234 G85 B32 柿子色Persimmon(开朗) CMYK:C0 M70 Y75 K0 RGB:R237 G110 B61 橘黄色Orange(美好) CMYK:C0 M70 Y100 K0 RGB:R237 G109 B0 太阳橙Sun-orange(丰收) CMYK:C0 M55 Y100 K0 RGB:R241 G141 B0 热带橙Tropical-orange(幻想) CMYK:C0 M50 Y80 K0 RGB:R243 G152 B57 蜂蜜色Honey-orange(轻快) CMYK:C0 M30 Y60 K0 RGB:R249 G194 B112 杏黄色Apricot(无邪) CMYK:C10 M40 Y60 K0 RGB:R229 G169 B107 伪装沙Sandbeige(天真) CMYK:C0 M15 Y15 K10 RGB:R236 G214 B202 浅茶色、米色Beige(纯朴) CMYK:C0 M15 Y30 K15 RGB:R227 G204 B169 浅土色Pale-ocre(温和) CMYK:C20 M30 Y45 k0 RGB:R211 G181 B148 驼色Camel(质朴) CMYK:C10 M40 Y60 K30 RGB:R181 G134 B84 椰棕色Coconuts-brown(古典) CMYK:C50 M80 Y100 K40 RGB:R106 G51 B21 棕色、茶色Brown(安定) CMYK:C45 M75 Y100 K40 RGB:R113 G59 B18 咖啡Coffee(坚实) CMYK:C60 M70 Y100 K25 RGB:R106 G75 B35 黄YELLOW 金盏花Marigold(华丽) CMYK:C0 M40 Y100 K0 RGB:R247 G171 B0 铬黄Chrome-yellow(生动) CMYK:C0 M20 Y100 K0 RGB:R253 G208 B0 茉莉Ja *** ine(柔和) CMYK:C0 M15 Y60 K0 RGB:R254 G221 B120 淡黄色Cream(童话) CMYK:C0 M10 Y35 K0 RGB:R255 G234 B180 象牙色Ivory(简朴) CMYK:C10 M10 Y20 K0 RGB:R235 G229 B209 香槟黄Champagne-yellow(闪耀) CMYK:C0 M0 Y40 K0 RGB:R255 G249 B177 月亮黄Moon-yellow(智慧) CMYK:C0 M0 Y70 K0 RGB:R255 G244 B99 鲜黄色Canaria-yellow(开放) CMYK:C0 M0 Y100 K0 RGB:R255 G241 B0 含羞草、巴黎金合欢Mimosa(幸福) CMYK:C10 M15 Y80 K0 RGB:R237 G212 B67 芥子Mustard(乡土) CMYK:C20 M20 Y70 K0 RGB:R214 G197 B96 黄土色Ochre(温厚) CMYK:C0 M35 Y100 K30 RGB:R196 G143 B0 卡机色Khaki(田园) CMYK:C0 M30 Y80 K40 RGB:R176 G136 B39 绿Green 黄绿色Yellow-green(自由) CMYK:C30 M0 Y100 K0 RGB:R196 G215 B0 苹果绿Apple-green(新鲜) CMYK:C45 M10 Y100 K0 RGB:R158 G189 B25 嫩绿Fresh-leaves(快活) CMYK:C40 M0 Y70 K0 RGB:R169 G208 B107 叶绿色Foliage-green(自然) CMYK:C50 M20 Y75 K10 RGB:R135 G162 B86 草绿色Grass-green(成长) CMYK:C40 M10 Y70 K0 RGB:R170 G196 B104 苔绿色Moss-green(柔和) CMYK:C25 M15 Y75 K45 RGB:R136 G134 B55 橄榄绿Olive(诚意) CMYK:C45 M40 Y100 K50 RGB:R98 G90 B5 常青藤Ivy-green(安心) CMYK:C70 M20 Y70 K30 RGB:R61 G125 B83 钴绿Cobalt-green(自然) CMYK:C60 M0 Y65 K0 RGB:R106 G189 B120 翡翠绿Emerald-green(希望) CMYK:C75 M0 Y75 K0 RGB:R21 G174 B103 碧绿Turquoise-green(协调) CMYK:C70 M10 Y50 K0 RGB:R66 G171 B145 灰绿色、青瓷色Celadon-green(潇洒) CMYK:C55 M10 Y45 K0 RGB:R123 G185 B155 孔雀石绿Malachite-green(和平) CMYK:C85 M15 Y80 K10 RGB:R0 G142 B87 薄荷Mint(痛快) CMYK:C90 M30 Y80 K15 RGB:R0 G120 B80 碧色Viridian(温情) CMYK:C90 M35 Y70 K30 RGB:R0 G101 B80 孔雀绿Peacock-green(品格) CMYK:C100 M30 Y60 K0 RGB:R0 G128 B119 蓝Blue 地平线Horizon-blue(奇趣) CMYK:C35 M0 Y20 K0 RGB:R176 G220 B213 浅天蓝色Light sky-blue(澄澈) CMYK:C40 M0 Y10 K0 RGB:R161 G216 B230 水蓝Aqua-blue(正义) CMYK:C60 M0 Y10 K0 RGB:R89 G195 B226 蔚蓝Azure-blue(爽快) CMYK:C70 M10 Y0 K0 RGB:R34 G174 B230 天蓝Sky-blue(清凉) CMYK:C45 M10 Y10 K0 RGB:R148 G198 B221 淡蓝Baby-blue(幻想) CMYK:C30 M0 Y10 K10 RGB:R177 G212 B219 浅蓝Pale-blue(温和) CMYK:C40 M10 Y0 K20 RGB:R139 G176 B205 水蓝、浅蓝Saxe-blue(宽容) CMYK:C60 M15 Y0 K30 RGB:R82 G129 B172 蓝绿色、水蓝宝石Aquamarine(纯粹) CMYK:C75 M30 Y10 K15 RGB:R41 G131 B177 翠蓝、土耳其玉色Turquoise-blue(平衡) CMYK:C80 M10 Y20 K0 RGB:R0 G164 B197 蓝绿Cyan-blue(清楚) CMYK:C95 M25 Y45 K0 RGB:R0 G136 B144 孔雀蓝Peacock-blue(贵重) CMYK:C100 M50 Y45 K0 RGB:R0 G105 B128 天蓝Cerulean-blue(冷静) CMYK:C100 M35 Y10 K0 RGB:R0 G123 B187 钴蓝Cobalt-blue(镇静) CMYK:C95 M60 Y0 K0 RGB:R0 G93 B172 深蓝Ultramarine(深远) CMYK:C100 M80 Y0 K0 RGB:R0 G64 B152 品蓝、宝蓝Royal-blue(格调) CMYK:C90 M70 Y0 K0 RGB:R30 G80 B162 靛INDIGO 青金石、靛色Lapis lazuli(睿智) CMYK:C95 M80 Y0 K0 RGB:R19 G64 B152 鼠尾草Salvia-blue(洗练) CMYK:C70 M50 Y10 K0 RGB:R91 G119 B175 韦奇伍德蓝Wedgwood-blue(高贵) CMYK:C55 M30 Y0 K25 RGB:R102 G132 B176 青蓝Slate-blue(静寂) CMYK:C60 M40 Y20 K20 RGB:R100 G121 B151 天蓝、宝蓝Sapphire-blue(智慧) CMYK:C90 M45 Y10 K35 RGB:R0 G87 B137 石青Mineral-blue(认真) CMYK:C100 M70 Y40 K0 RGB:R0 G81 B120 亮蓝Strong-blue(礼节) CMYK:C100 M40 Y30 K35 RGB:R0 G89 B120 海蓝Marine-blue(时髦) CMYK:C100 M60 Y30 K35 RGB:R0 G69 B107 海军蓝、深蓝Navy-blue(纪律) CMYK:C100 M90 Y25 K45 RGB:R0 G28 B84 靛青Indigo(庄严) CMYK:C90 M60 Y10 K60 RGB:R0 G46 B90 深石青Dark mineral-blue(理智) CMYK:C80 M70 Y30 K30 RGB:R56 G66 B106 深蓝Midnight-blue(传统) CMYK:C100 M95 Y50 K50 RGB:R4 G22 B58 紫PURPLE 紫藤Wisteria(风雅) CMYK:C60 M65 Y0 K10 RGB:R115 G91 B159 淡紫色Mauve(神秘) CMYK:C60 M75 Y0 K0 RGB:R124 G80 B157 铁线莲Clematis(赞美) CMYK:C0 M20 Y0 K20 RGB:R216 G191 B203 丁香Lilac(清香) CMYK:C30 M40 Y0 K0 RGB:R187 G161 B203 薰衣草Lavender(品格) CMYK:C40 M50 Y10 K0 RGB:R166 G136 B177 紫水晶Amethyst(直觉) CMYK:C60 M80 Y20 K0 RGB:R126 G73 B133 紫色Purple(神圣) CMYK:C50 M85 Y0 K0 RGB:R146 G61 B146 香水草Heliotrope(高尚) CMYK:C65 M100 Y20 K10 RGB:R111 G25 B111 紫罗兰Mineral violet(怀旧) CMYK:C20 M30 Y10 K10 RGB:R197 G175 B192 三色堇、蝴蝶花Pansy(思虑) CMYK:C35 M100 Y10 K30 RGB:R139 G0 B98 锦葵Mallow(妖精) CMYK:C15 M70 Y0 K0 RGB:R211 G105 B164 兰花Orchid(温和) CMYK:C0 M50 Y0 K20 RGB:R209 G136 B168 浅莲灰Pale-lilac(萌芽) CMYK:C0 M10 Y0 K10 RGB:R237 G224 B230 灰紫Gray-purple(神秘) CMYK:C25 M35 Y10 K30 RGB:R157 G137 B157 减色 (CMYK) C. 青色(Cyan) M. 洋红色(Magenta) Y. 黄色(Yellow) K. 黑色(blacK) CMYK模型针对印刷媒介,即基于油墨的光吸收/反射特性,眼睛看到颜色实际上是物体吸收白光中特定频率的光而反射其余的光的颜色。 每种 CMYK 四色油墨可使用从 0 至 100% 的值。 为最亮颜色指定的印刷色油墨颜色百分比较低,而为较暗颜色指定的百分比较高。 例如,亮红色可能包含 2% 青色、93% 洋红、90% 黄色和 0% 黑色。 PS中拾色器-RGB(加色)与CMY(减色)是互补色。 RGB以黑色为底色加,即RGB均为0是黑色,均为255是白色。 CMY以白色为底色减,即CMY均为0是白色,均为100%是黑色(但在实际中,由于油墨的纯度等问题这样得不到纯正的黑色,因此引入K)。 在PS中,在准备用印刷颜色列印图像时,应使用CMYK模式。如果由RGB图像开始,最好先编辑,然后再转换为CMYK模式。如以RGB模式输出图片直接列印,印刷品实际颜色将与RGB预览颜色有较大差异。
2023-06-22 19:44:221


2023-06-22 19:44:292


human hunt elephants for their teeth
2023-06-22 19:44:376

Hummingbird 歌词

歌曲名:Hummingbird歌手:Ricky Skaggs专辑:Country Gentleman: The Best Of Ricky SkaggsSometimes I get impatientBut she cools me without wordsAnd she comes so sweet and so plainMy hummingbird and have you heardThat I thought my life had endedBut I find that it"s just begunCause she gets me where I liveI"ll give all I have to giveI"m talking about that hummingbirdOh she"s little and she loves meToo much for words to sayWhen I see her in the morning sleepingShe"s little and she loves meTo my lucky dayHummingbird don"t fly awayWhen I"m feeling wild and lonesomeShe knows the words to sayAnd she gives me a little understandingIn her special wayAnd I just have to sayIn my life I loved a womanBecause she"s more than I deserveAnd she gets me where I liveI"ll give all I have to giveI"m talking about that hummingbirdOh she"s little and she loves meToo much for words to sayWhen I see her in the morning sleepingShe"s little and she loves meTo my lucky dayHummingbird don"t fly away
2023-06-22 19:40:141


2023-06-22 19:40:197

Hummingbird 歌词

歌曲名:Hummingbird歌手:B.B. King专辑:Definitive Greatest HitsSometimes I get impatientBut she cools me without wordsAnd she comes so sweet and so plainMy hummingbird and have you heardThat I thought my life had endedBut I find that it"s just begunCause she gets me where I liveI"ll give all I have to giveI"m talking about that hummingbirdOh she"s little and she loves meToo much for words to sayWhen I see her in the morning sleepingShe"s little and she loves meTo my lucky dayHummingbird don"t fly awayWhen I"m feeling wild and lonesomeShe knows the words to sayAnd she gives me a little understandingIn her special wayAnd I just have to sayIn my life I loved a womanBecause she"s more than I deserveAnd she gets me where I liveI"ll give all I have to giveI"m talking about that hummingbirdOh she"s little and she loves meToo much for words to sayWhen I see her in the morning sleepingShe"s little and she loves meTo my lucky dayHummingbird don"t fly away
2023-06-22 19:40:211


B. afraid首先A拼错了。其次cause people to fear 或者 to be in fear.
2023-06-22 19:40:214


香草醛 Vanillin [C8H8O3=152.15] 本品为白色结晶;有愉快的香气。在乙醇、三氯甲烷、乙醚、冰醋酸或吡啶中易溶,在油类或氢氧化钠溶液中溶解。药典好多地方用到这个东东,你可以按F5再好好查阅一下哈!(在药典第一部附录中可以找到,若需要药典原文(电子稿)可以找我,E-mail:
2023-06-22 19:40:251

Hummingbird Heartbeat 歌词

歌曲名:Hummingbird Heartbeat歌手:Katy Perry专辑:Teenage DreamHummingbird HeartbeatKaty PerryYou make me feel like I"m losing my virginityThe first time every timeWhen you"re touching meI make you bloom like a flower that you"ve never seenUnder the sun, we are oneBursting energyLet"s pollinate to create a family treeThis evolution with you comes naturallySome call it scienceWe call it chemistryThis is the story of the birds and the beesAnd even when seasons changeOur love still stays the sameYou give me the hummingbird heartbeatSpread my wings and make me flyThe taste of your honey is so sweetWhen you give me the hummingbird heartbeatHummingbird heartbeatHummingbird heartbeatHummingbird heartbeatI"ve flown a million miles just to find a magic seedA wildflower with the power to bring life to meYou"re so exoticMy whole body fluttering"Cause I"m craving for a taste of your sticky sweetI was on the brink of a heart attackYou give me life and keep me coming backI see the sunrise in your eyes your eyesWe got a future full of blue skies blue skiesEven when seasons changeOur love still stays the sameYou give me the hummingbird heartbeatSpread my wings and make me flyThe taste of your honey is so sweetWhen you give me the hummingbird heartbeatHummingbird heartbeatHummingbird heartbeatHummingbird heartbeatYou love me you love meNever love me not not oh noWhen we"re in perfect harmonyYou make me sound like like a symphonySpread my wings and make me flyThe taste of your honey is so sweetWhen you give me the hummingbird heartbeatHummingbird heartbeatHummingbird heartbeatSpread my wings and make me flyThe taste of your honey is so sweetWhen you give me the hummingbird heartbeatHummingbird heartbeatHummingbird heartbeatHey yeahHummingbird heartbeatHey yeahHummingbird heartbeatHummingbird heartbeat
2023-06-22 19:40:281

be afraid of后面接什么

用法:be afraid of + sthbe afraid of+ sbbe afraid of+ doing sth例句:She is afraid of snake.她害怕蛇。I am afraid of you.我害怕你。I am afraid of losing you.我害怕失去你。
2023-06-22 19:40:292


2023-06-22 19:40:101


select t1.*, t2.sfrom emp_hiloo t1 join (select deptno, avg(salary) s from emp_hiloo group by deptno) t2 on t1.deptno=t2.deptnowhere t1.salary>t2.s
2023-06-22 19:40:061

Hummingbird 歌词

歌曲名:Hummingbird歌手:Jimmy Page专辑:OutriderSing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Sing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌I was sad and feeling down 我很悲伤与失落Nobody to sing with me 没人与我一起唱歌Then one day she came around 直到有一天,她飞过来This little bird made me see 我看到一只小鸟All I needed was love 我只需要一些的爱All I needed was a little friend 我只需要一个朋友A-wa a-wa-ohSing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Wish you could stay with me forever 希望你能永远留下来陪我Sing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Night and day we"d be together 日日夜夜,我们会在一起Come sing my song my little hummingbird 来唱我的歌,我的小蜂鸟Come sing along my little hummingbird 来吧,我们一起歌唱。Every morning I wake up 每天早上我醒来Something"s tickling in my ear 总有东西在我耳边挠痒Always makes me feel so tough 总是使我感觉很艰难I feel good when she is near 当她靠近我是我感到很好All I needed was love 我只需要一些爱All I needed was a little friend 我只需要一个朋友A-wa a-wa-ohSing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Wish you could stay with me forever 希望你能永远留下来陪我Sing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Night and day we"d be together 日日夜夜,我们会在一起Hummingbird, hummingbird 小蜂鸟,小蜂鸟sing my song in hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Hummingbird, hummingbird 小蜂鸟,小蜂鸟sing my song in hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Hummingbird, hummingbird 小蜂鸟,小蜂鸟sing my song in hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Hummingbird, hummingbird 小蜂鸟,小蜂鸟sing my song in hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌All I needed was love 我只需要一些爱All I needed was a little friend 我只需要一个朋友(little friend) 一个朋友Sing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Wish you could stay with me forever 希望你能永远留下来陪我Sing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Night and day we"d be together 日日夜夜,我们会在一起Sing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Wish you could stay with me forever 希望你能永远留下来陪我Sing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Night and day we"d be together 日日夜夜,我们会在一起Hummingbird, hummingbird(come sing my song) 小蜂鸟(来唱我的歌吧)Sing my song in (my little hummingbird) 唱着我的歌(我的小蜂鸟)Hummingbird, hummingbird(come sing along)小蜂鸟(来吧一起唱)Sing my song in (my little hummingbird) 唱着我的歌(我的小蜂鸟)
2023-06-22 19:40:061

害怕的英文 f开头

2023-06-22 19:40:057


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2023-06-22 19:40:033

Hummingbird 歌词

歌曲名:Hummingbird歌手:Wilco专辑:A Ghost Is BornSing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Sing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌I was sad and feeling down 我很悲伤与失落Nobody to sing with me 没人与我一起唱歌Then one day she came around 直到有一天,她飞过来This little bird made me see 我看到一只小鸟All I needed was love 我只需要一些的爱All I needed was a little friend 我只需要一个朋友A-wa a-wa-ohSing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Wish you could stay with me forever 希望你能永远留下来陪我Sing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Night and day we"d be together 日日夜夜,我们会在一起Come sing my song my little hummingbird 来唱我的歌,我的小蜂鸟Come sing along my little hummingbird 来吧,我们一起歌唱。Every morning I wake up 每天早上我醒来Something"s tickling in my ear 总有东西在我耳边挠痒Always makes me feel so tough 总是使我感觉很艰难I feel good when she is near 当她靠近我是我感到很好All I needed was love 我只需要一些爱All I needed was a little friend 我只需要一个朋友A-wa a-wa-ohSing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Wish you could stay with me forever 希望你能永远留下来陪我Sing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Night and day we"d be together 日日夜夜,我们会在一起Hummingbird, hummingbird 小蜂鸟,小蜂鸟sing my song in hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Hummingbird, hummingbird 小蜂鸟,小蜂鸟sing my song in hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Hummingbird, hummingbird 小蜂鸟,小蜂鸟sing my song in hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Hummingbird, hummingbird 小蜂鸟,小蜂鸟sing my song in hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌All I needed was love 我只需要一些爱All I needed was a little friend 我只需要一个朋友(little friend) 一个朋友Sing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Wish you could stay with me forever 希望你能永远留下来陪我Sing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Night and day we"d be together 日日夜夜,我们会在一起Sing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Wish you could stay with me forever 希望你能永远留下来陪我Sing my song little hummingbird 小蜂鸟在唱我的歌Night and day we"d be together 日日夜夜,我们会在一起Hummingbird, hummingbird(come sing my song) 小蜂鸟(来唱我的歌吧)Sing my song in (my little hummingbird) 唱着我的歌(我的小蜂鸟)Hummingbird, hummingbird(come sing along)小蜂鸟(来吧一起唱)Sing my song in (my little hummingbird) 唱着我的歌(我的小蜂鸟)
2023-06-22 19:39:581