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介绍snoopy的英语短文 要有外貌介绍,才能,出生日期和出生地

2023-06-22 21:08:33
TAG: snoop snoopy

Snoopy,whose fictional birthday has been established as October 4,made his first appearance in the strip of October 4,1950,two days after the strip premiered.He was first identified by name on November 10.Schulz was originally going to call him "Sniffy" (as described in the 25th anniversary book),until he discovered that name was used in a different comic strip.He changed it to "Snoopy" after remembering that his late mother Dena Schulz had commented that if their family were ever to acquire a third dog,it should be called Snoopy,an affectionate term in Norwegian.[3] In earlier strips it is not clear who Snoopy belongs to; for instance in the February 2,1951 strip,Charlie Brown accuses Snoopy of following him,only to be told by Patty that Snoopy isn"t following Charlie Brown but merely lives in the same direction.[4] Indeed many early strips show Snoopy interacting with Shermy (who is shown in one early strip running with Snoopy on his leash) and Patty without Charlie Brown,making Snoopy appear to belong to all of the neighborhood kids,similar to the dog Pete in the Our Gang comedies,who is everyone"s dog.(Note:in this era,it was common for dogs to roam their local area and congregate with local children,and then return to their respective homes).Later,Charlie Brown states that his parents bought Snoopy for him at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm,after another boy had dumped sand on him while playing in a sandbox.Snoopy was a silent character for the first two years of his existence,but on May 27,1952 he verbalized his thoughts to readers for the first time in a thought balloon; Schulz would utilize this device for nearly all of the character"s appearances in the strip thereafter.At first,Snoopy acted as a normal dog,and would only think in simple one-word phrases (such as "FOOD!"),but then became more articulate.In addition to Snoopy"s ability to "speak" his thoughts to the reader,many of the human characters in Peanuts have the uncanny knack of reading his thoughts and responding to them.In the animated Peanuts films and television specials,Snoopy"s thoughts are not verbalized; his moods are instead conveyed through growls,sobs,laughter,monosyllabic utterances such as "bleah," "hey," etc.,as well as through pantomime.The only exceptions are in the animated adaptations of You"re a Good Man,Charlie Brown and Snoopy!The Musical,in which Snoopy"s thoughts are verbalized through voice overs (by Robert Towers and Cam Clarke,respectively).Animation producer Bill Meléndez voiced both Snoopy and (eventually) Woodstock in numerous television specials from 1965 to 2006.



2023-06-22 20:32:489


Snoopy, whose fictional birthday has been established as October 4, made his first appearance in the strip of October 4, 1950, two days after the strip premiered. He was first identified by name on November 10. Schulz was originally going to call him "Sniffy" (as described in the 25th anniversary book), until he discovered that name was used in a different comic strip. He changed it to "Snoopy" after remembering that his late mother Dena Schulz had commented that if their family were ever to acquire a third dog, it should be called Snoopy, an affectionate term in Norwegian.[3] In earlier strips it is not clear who Snoopy belongs to; for instance in the February 2, 1951 strip, Charlie Brown accuses Snoopy of following him, only to be told by Patty that Snoopy isn"t following Charlie Brown but merely lives in the same direction.[4] Indeed many early strips show Snoopy interacting with Shermy (who is shown in one early strip running with Snoopy on his leash) and Patty without Charlie Brown, making Snoopy appear to belong to all of the neighborhood kids, similar to the dog Pete in the Our Gang comedies, who is everyone"s dog. (Note: in this era, it was common for dogs to roam their local area and congregate with local children, and then return to their respective homes). Later, Charlie Brown states that his parents bought Snoopy for him at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm, after another boy had dumped sand on him while playing in a sandbox.Snoopy was a silent character for the first two years of his existence, but on May 27, 1952 he verbalized his thoughts to readers for the first time in a thought balloon; Schulz would utilize this device for nearly all of the character"s appearances in the strip thereafter. At first, Snoopy acted as a normal dog, and would only think in simple one-word phrases (such as "FOOD!"), but then became more articulate. In addition to Snoopy"s ability to "speak" his thoughts to the reader, many of the human characters in Peanuts have the uncanny knack of reading his thoughts and responding to them. In the animated Peanuts films and television specials, Snoopy"s thoughts are not verbalized; his moods are instead conveyed through growls, sobs, laughter, monosyllabic utterances such as "bleah," "hey," etc., as well as through pantomime. The only exceptions are in the animated adaptations of You"re a Good Man, Charlie Brown and Snoopy!!! The Musical, in which Snoopy"s thoughts are verbalized through voice overs (by Robert Towers and Cam Clarke, respectively). Animation producer Bill Meléndez voiced both Snoopy and (eventually) Woodstock in numerous television specials from 1965 to 2006.
2023-06-22 20:33:051


Snoopy Snoopy is a character in the long-running ic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz. He is Charlie Brown"s pet beagle. Snoopy began his life in the strip as a fairly ordinary dog but eventually evolved into perhaps the strip"s most dynamic character—and among the most recognizable ic characters in the world. Animation producer Bill Melendez voiced both Snoopy and (eventually) Woodstock in numerous television specials from 1965 to 2003. Gender: Male Family: Siblings Spike and six others; owner Charlie Brown Original: Voice Actor Bill Melendez Other Voice Actors: Robert Towers Cam Clarke (stage) Character Snoopy first made his appearance on the strip on October 4 1950 o days after the strip premiered and was identified by name on November 10. Schulz was originally going to call him "Sniffy" (as described in 25th anniversary book Peanuts Jubilee (pg. 20)) until he discovered that name was used in a different ic strip. Snoopy was a silent character for the first o years of his existence but on May 27 1952 he verbalized his thoughts to readers for the first time via a thought balloon; Schulz would utilize this device for nearly all of the character"s appearances in the strip thereafter. In addition to Snoopy"s ability to "speak" his thoughts to the reader many of the human characters in Peanuts have the uncanny knack of reading his thoughts and responding to them. In the animated Peanuts films and television specials Snoopy"s thoughts are not verbalized; his moods are instead conveyed through growls sobs laughter e as well as through pantomime. The only exceptions are in You"re a Good Man Charlie Brown (voiced by Robert Towers) and Snoopy!!! The Musical (voiced by Cam Clarke) in which Snoopy"s thoughts are verbalized. October 4 1950 - Snoopy"s first appearance.Curiously the first time a beagle was mentioned in the strip (on December 5 1960) Snoopy denied being one. As Snoopy dozed Charlie Brown paraphrased Gertrude Stein: "Beagles on the grass alas." To this Snoopy replied "I ain"t no stupid beagle." Many of Peanuts" memorable moments e in Snoopy"s daydream as a writer: his eternal opener on the typewriter "It was a dark and stormy night..." is taken from Edward Gee Bulwer-Lytton"s 1830 novel Paul Clifford. The contrast beeen Snoopy"s existence in a dream world and Charlie Brown"s in the real world is central to the humour and philosophy of Peanuts (see e.g. Peanuts book title Life"s a dream Charlie Brown). Schulz summed up Snoopy"s character in a 1997 interview: "He has to retreat into his fanciful world in order to survive. Otherwise he leads kind of a dull miserable life. I don"t envy dogs the lives they have to live." Snoopy
2023-06-22 20:33:121


终于等到九月一日,终于踏上魔法学校的学习路程,在魔法的世界哈利变成有钱人,有了朋友,讲述火车上发生的一些事情。 第六章improvement 改善 hoover 用吸尘器打除 a quiz show 问答竞赛,智力竞赛(娱乐节目) ruddy 红润的 trunk 行李箱,箱子 trolley 手推车 stop dead 突然停止time-wasters 浪费时间的人 ticket box 票箱 swing around 突然转身 Heart hammering 心脏狂跳 piped 尖叫着说 the divide 分流处 rucksack 帆布背包 ticket barrier 检票口 gangling 瘦而高难看的人 freckles 雀斑 solid 结实 jostle 推挤 scarlet steam engine 深红色蒸汽机车头 wrough-iron 熟铁 wound 蜿蜒盘绕、四处游走 disgruntled 不满的 babble 人声 the scraping of 刮cha dreadlocks 非洲人常编的辫子pressed on through 挤过 compartment 车厢,隔间 shove 推挤 Oy 厌烦,失望,痛苦 tuck away 藏起来 chorused 齐呼道 geroff=get off wriggle free 挣脱,摆脱 somefink=somethingbillowing robes 飘逸的,翻滚的法袍fondly 深情的 goggle at 瞪着 You-Know-Who 知道但是不想提的人(名字)round the corner 在拐角处 tarantula 狼蛛 Quiddith or Kuidditch or Cuaditch is a wizarding sport played on broomsticks.flick 闪过 clattering 卡塔卡塔的响声 pumpkin pastries 南瓜酥饼 Mars Bars Cauldron cake 大锅蛋糕corned beef 咸牛肉half-moon glasses 半月眼镜 half-rimless glasses 半框眼镜 alchemy 炼金术 Chamber music 室内音乐 tenpin blowing 保龄球10pins stray to 瞟向 stay out in photos 不动sidled back 偷偷走回来 druidess 女祭司 spinach 菠菜 tripe 牛肚(食用) bogey-flavored bleargh 叹词,生气时 twisting rivers 弯曲的河流battered -looking 破旧的 in places 有几处 glinting 闪烁toadless 丢失蛤蟆的 front teeth 门牙 take aback 使惊讶 butter mellow(ripe) 熟黄油 all the set books 全系列的书 background reading 背景读物(相关资料的阅读) dazed 茫然 dud 没用的东西 whiskers 胡须 dumbfounded 发愣的 taking s.b through something 帮助某人在某方面取得进步 shown back thick set hide a snigger tinge riff-raff rub off on youlurking 潜伏在 sniffy voice 自命不凡的语气 trainers 软底运动鞋 lurch with nerves 紧张不安 thronging 涌向 come bobbling over 晃来晃去 the sea of heads 人海 thick trees 茂密的树林 bend 弯(名词) turrets 角楼,塔楼 a fleet of 一队 tower over 高出……,俯瞰 cliff face 悬崖面 rocks and pebbles Trevor 特蕾弗 blissfully 充满喜悦的 passageway 过道或通道(且两旁有墙的) a flight of 一段……的路
2023-06-22 20:33:191

jiffy造句 jiffyの例文 "jiffy"是什麼意思

Lunch"ll be ready in a jiffy . 马上就要吃饭了。 It "ll be ready in a jiffy . 说话就得。 He conjured up a whole meal in a jiffy 他一眨眼功夫就变出了一桌饭菜。 Yeah , i fished her out in a jiffy 不会有事的,一落水我就把她救起来了 Wake up . okay , don " t worry about it , l " ll get you out in a jiffy 醒醒啊,别担心,我马上放你走 By the way sniffy jiffy it " s no good 顺便说一句,吸食毒品很不好 Once we get there , i " ll have your ride fixed up in a jiffy 我们只要到了那里,我会很快修好你们的车 We " ll be off to work in a jiffy 我们马上就要赶去上班了 A & quot; jiffy & quot; is an actual unit of time for 1 / 100th of a second (瞬间)是一个的确被使用的时间单位,表示1秒。 We " ll do it in a jiffy 我们瞬间就能完成 It"s difficult to see jiffy in a sentence. 用 jiffy 造句挺难的 Power flour sniffy jiffy 强力粉,注射器 I " ll be back in a jiffy 我很快就回来 If possible , please could you send them in a jiffy bag rather than a box 如果可能的话,请用泡沫保护信封邮寄,不要用盒子。 Adopt a ho - hum attitude to all of this and you will be out in a jiffy 对所有这一切采取一种像打哈欠一样的厌倦态度,它们在一瞬间就会消失。 Wait a jiffy 稍等一下 “ he was on his stool in a jiffy , driving away with his pen ” ( charles dickens ) “眨眼间他坐到了凳子上,用他的钢笔奋力工作” (查尔斯?狄更斯) 。 Man : pne 5 will take you there in a jiffy . you may catch pne 5 on the other side of the street 男人:坐5路车可以很快带你到那儿。你可以在街对面搭乘5路车。 Jump up behind me he whispered , and we ll get shot of the screaming cats in a jiffy “跳上来骑在我的后面, ”他低声说, “一会儿我们就远远地离开这群瞎叫的猫了。 ” The food being good in the munal dinning - room , i popshed off in half a jiffy a large plateful of beef and noodle 公共食堂饭菜好,我一下子就吃了一大盤牛肉炒面。 In a jiffy i had sppped over the side , and curled up in the fore - sheets of the nearest boat , and almost at the same moment she shoved off 眨眼间我便溜过了船舷,把身子蜷在最近的一条划子的船头板下,几乎就在同时,它就出发了。 Please look into joining anji jiffy lube automotive services co . , ltd . . we are always looking for quapfied apppcants to work with us in our service centers 安吉?捷飞络汽车服务有限公司期盼著优秀人才加入到我们的团队,共创未来。 From pre - cut salads , sometimes with dressing included , to frozen entrees and meals in a can , anyone pressed for time can whip up a hearty meal in a jiffy 从切好的生菜色拉,有时还包括了色拉酱,到冷冻食品或罐装肉,任何时间不够的人都可以快速的吃到一顿饱餐。 And blazed away at the place where the rustpng was . so did the boys . but they were off in a jiffy , those villains , and we after them , down through the woods 对著沙沙声的地方就放了一阵子枪,孩子们也开了枪,可那两个恶棍却溜了,我们穿过树林一直追过去,我想我们根本没打著他们。 At the end of the year we were finapzing a joint venture contract with the shanghai automotive industry sales corporation to develop fast lube service facipties in china , modeled after the jiffy lube concept in the united states . the plan is to provide drive - in , high - quapty preventive maintenance services with quapty products for motorists . jiffy lube has 2 , 200 service centers in north america , serving approximately 30 milpon customers each year 2005年4月,壳牌与上海汽车工业销售总公司成立汽车预防保养服务合资公司,将采用壳牌属下jiffylube国际公司在北美开创的连锁服务模式,为中国的驾车人士提供方便和高品质的汽车预防保养服务。 It"s difficult to find jiffy in a sentence. 用 jiffy 造句挺难的
2023-06-22 20:33:261

中译英,人工翻译,机器党请绕道~ (续)

Many people volunteer, was due to making Shanghai expo, Earlier one, is the Beijing Olympic Games. Undeniable, a lot of people in the two major event reflected in some of the vices sniffy, such as the Olympic some sleep on a bench and shibohui someone pretend disabled wheelchairs and then borrow five or six personal a push wheelchair go green channel. Is anyone top key link top line to ascend to the national quality problem of height. But we have thought of, the reason for causing such bad habits, largely due to citizens consciously for others awareness and is not strong. We don"t always think of others, and the inertia of thinking to yourself and everything is jumping-off place. But, it can be seen that the disregard the public opinion, will let the many behavior in the public eye more uncomfortable. And volunteers, is a let people learn how to care for others career. Contribution.philanthropy.helping each other and progress, is the volunteer"s horoscope proverbs. The aquarium volunteers, not only to do more for tourists shoes, more let visitors consciously abide by order for others" shoes. We not only tell them not to touch water creatures, like love their way to love those sea elves, but must let them could learn to talk with friends around the endangered Marine biology, don"t eat wild animals.
2023-06-22 20:33:344


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2023-06-22 20:35:382

英语中的sniffs along是什么意思

sniffs along嗅着sniffsv.以鼻吸气,嗅,闻( sniff的第三人称单数 );抽鼻子(尤指哭泣、患感冒等时出声地用鼻子吸气);抱怨,不以为然地说形近词: skiffs sniffy双语例句The dog sniffs at a stranger. 小狗闻了闻陌生人身上的气味。
2023-06-22 20:35:451


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2023-06-22 20:35:5215


False discovery rate (FDR),误报率,真正的意思是“所有发现中发生了错误所占的比率”,也就是在计算所有的discovery中false(假发现)所占的比率。 比如说现在有10000个人参加检测,根据我们先前设定的阈值最后判断其中 519个人得病,而根据我们的统计模型判断其中有35个得病,那么 FDR = 35/519=6.7%。由于我们是根据健康的人群构建的模型,那么FDR存在的意义在于将总体的阳性检测结果中,让我们需要根据统计模型来判断得病的比例尽量少,因为这些经过统计模型判断得病的情况就是上面我们说的概率很小的本身没得病但是判断得病的情况,我们要尽量减少这样的情况(false discovery)。 在一般情况下,可以认为 FDR = Q value = adjusted p value。在所有从p value 估算 Q value的公式中,Benjaminiand Hochberg 的方法(简称BH法)是使用最广泛的。 BH法的计算公式是: Q value = p *(m/k) 其中,m是检验的次数,k是这次检验的p value在所有检验中的排名。 例如,我们对10000个基因进行表达差异分析。那么每个基因都会得到一个p value。现在,我要估算每个基因对应的Q value,就可以用以上公式计算。由于检验次数是10000次,理论上m=10000。然后将所有基因的p value从小到到大排序,确定每个基因对应的k值。 如果一个基因对应的p value在10000个基因中排名第一,那么这个基因对应的k=1。如果一个基因对应的p value在 10000个基因中排名第100,那么这个基因对应的k=100。 具体计算方法 1.假设现在有10000个基因的检验结果,1个基因1行,第G列是每个基因对应的P值。 2.过滤检验失败的基因 由于某些原因,例如一个基因没有表达或表达量过低,无法进行显著检验。那么这个基因就不该被计入有效的检验。我们需要先将这样的基因排除。在我们的数据中,无法检验的位点被标注为NA。像下图所示,我们可以将结果是NA的行挑选出来,并将他们剔除,因为在后续分析中它们没有什么用了。如果保留会影响我们后续的排序。删除后还剩下9945个基因。那么m值=9945。 3.对p值排序,确定每个基因的k值 在“K”值后一列,在表头填写:“Qvalue”,然后这一列的第一个基因(k=1)这一行,填写Qvalue的计算公式,如下图红框中的内容。计算公式是:=G2*9945/I2。 其中:G2代表G列第二行,就是这个基因的p value,9945是m值,就是完成有效检验的基因数(检验次数);I2代表I列第二行,就是这个基因的K值。 5.挑选显著的基因 筛选差异基因。一般是按照Q value< 0.1为阈值筛选。
2023-06-22 20:35:561


SBS(Side by Side)就是对开门冰箱,冷冻冷藏室在左右,市场上有的大容量冰箱。FDR是French Door Refrigerator是法式冰箱,一般冷冻室在下面,目前多数都是这种冰箱。
2023-06-22 20:36:052


宝音节:bao释义:玉器,泛指珍贵的东西:~贝。~剑。~物。~藏(zàng )。国~。财~。珍~。传(chuán)家~。如获至~。~贵。帝王的印信,借指帝位:~座。登大~(皇帝登基)。敬辞,用于称别人的,~地。~刹(称呼庙字)。~号(称呼别人的店铺)。指金属货币:元~。赌具的一种:开~。押~。
2023-06-22 20:36:111

为什么Fdr=Fcos ds

做的功相同变力做功:使用微元分析法。取微元过程,以直代变,以恒代变,再求和。我们定义质点在力F的作用下发生元位移dr时,力对质点所作的元功为:dA=Fdr=F | dr | cos=Fcosds在直角坐标系中,F可以分解为x,y, z方向上,dr可以分解为x,y,z方向上,所作的功为F, dr相对应的x,y, z方向上分量的乘积的和。如果质点在变力F的作用下沿曲线路径L由a运动到b,我们采用微元分析法,把曲线路径L划分为许多段元位移,在各个位移上以恒代变,以直代曲,求出力对质点作的元功,其代数和就是力在整个路径上对质点所做的功。做功的两个必要因素:作用在物体上的力和物体在力的方向上通过的距离。经典力学的定义:当一个力作用在物体上,并使物体在力的方向上通过了一段距离,力学中就说这个力对物体做了功。
2023-06-22 20:36:121


主要使用的校正办法有两种:Bonferroni 校正;FDR(FalseDiscovery Rate) 校正 BH(Benjaminiand Hochberg)法: 参考: 中科院生物信息学复习题 图文 百度文库 多重检验校正 多重假设检验:Bonferroni 和 FDR
2023-06-22 20:36:191


if(x+22 ,x>100){x=100}else{x+22}
2023-06-22 20:36:213


华为揽阅 M2 青春版插卡指导如下:插卡方式:将Nano-SIM卡插入SIM卡卡槽,使用指尖轻微向内按压即可。取卡方式:使用指尖轻微向内按压提示卡,卡片会自动弹出。插卡后请重启平板。
2023-06-22 20:36:261


2023-06-22 20:36:357


国潮品牌。 statal的全名是Sail Training Association(航海训练协会),此前一般都是rapper常上身的“地下品牌”,但在与李宁联名之后也算是冲出了地下,被更多的潮流爱好者所熟知,很多单品是也错过了就买不到的水平。 “不致敬、直接抄”这句话才是亮点,而从文案之中也可以很明显的看出这个动态的矛头直指的是某扑平台的网友,看来是积怨已久,说回鞋子本身,其实潮流品牌之间的“致敬”很普遍,从bape和AF1到LV和AJ,很多都是经典的鞋型直接拿来用,而在国潮品牌这事也并不是第一次了,几年前苏五口的抄袭系列直接就是“致敬”了一把VANS。
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2023-06-22 20:36:412

Matlab FDR校正的使用

分析脑电在涉及到多次比较的时候,往往要进行多重比较校正,常用的是有FWE校正和FDR,还有NBS校正,以下的是关于FDR校正的实现,资料来自网上 %最简单的实现方式,基于Storey procedure ( introduced by Storey, 2002),适用于P值数量>1000的情况,否则原则上会崩溃。我用MATLAB测试过,会出现warning,但不会报错。严格程度较低,如果你的 ttest P值不是特别显著(0.01-0.05),可以用这个试试,或许可以过FDR校正. %基于linear step-up (LSU) procedure (introduced by Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995)。最常见的FDR校正方式,严格程度较高,但比 Bonferroni校正低,适用于 ttest P值显著(<0.01)。 注: BHFDR的计算过程 公式:FDR = p * (n/i), p是pvalue,n是p值个数,最大的P值的i值为n,第二大则是n-1,依次至最小为1。 %指定调整参数λ,用于估计零假设为真的先验概率,Lambda Value可以是:(1)0-1内任意一值 (2)4个以上序列,或以示例的矩阵形式:[first:incr:last],mafdr函数自动选择最优参数。严格程度比1略低,我用第一个不能过校正但是用这个居然可以过,为FDR苦恼得同志们可以被解救了。 %对选择最优参数lambda的方法进行选择,"bootstrap" (default),"polynomial"。第3种方法的延伸。
2023-06-22 20:36:461


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2023-06-22 20:37:002

侠盗猎车的秘籍 圣地安列斯

2023-06-22 20:37:037


2023-06-22 20:37:1211


CVR = Cockpit Voice Recorder 驾驶舱录音FDR = Flight Data Recorder 飞行数据记录仪拆下译码就是一般在飞机发生事故后,这两个东西的数据还原后可以现实还原飞机整个运行的状况
2023-06-22 20:37:141


2023-06-22 20:35:4310


LXGIWYL = 暴徒武器 KJKSZPJ = 专业武器 UZUMYMW = 疯狂武器 HESOYAM = 生命、护甲满,加25万美圆 OSRBLHH = 增加两星通缉度 ASNAEB= 清除通缉程度 AFZLLQLL= 万里无云 ICIKPYH = 阳光明媚 ALNSFMZO= 阴云密布 AUIFRVQS= 阴雨绵绵 CFVFGMJ = 大雾弥漫 YSOHNUL = 时钟加快 PPGWJHT = 操控加快 LIYOAAY = 操控减慢 AJLOJYQY=行人互相攻击,得到高尔夫球杆 BAGOWPG = 得到一大笔奖励 FOOOXFT = 行人全副武装 AIWPRTON= 刷新一辆坦克 KRIJEBR = 刷新一辆Stretch UBHYZHQ = 刷新一辆Trashmaster RZHSUEW = 刷新一辆Caddy CPKTNWT = 所有车辆爆炸 XICWMD= 隐行车辆 PGGOMOY = 完美操控 SZCMAWO = 自杀 ZEIIVG= 交通信号灯变绿 YLTEICZ = 司机有攻击性 LLQPFBN = 车辆变粉色 IOWDLAC = 车辆变黑色 AFSNMSMW= 船只飞行 BTCDBCB = 主角变胖 JYSDSOD = 主角肌肉值最大 KVGYZQK = 主角变得皮包骨 ASBHGRB = 行人变成猫王 BGLUAWML= 行人用武器攻击你,得到火箭发射器 MROEMZH = 到处都是黑帮 BIFBUZZ = 黑帮控制街道 AFPHULTL= 忍者模式 BEKKNQV = 吸引女性 BGKGTJH = 交通工具慢速 GUSNHDE = 交通工具快速 RIPAZHA = 汽车飞行 JHJOECW = 超级兔子跳 JUMPJET = 刷新一辆Hydra KGGGDKP = 刷新一辆Vortex Hovercraft JCNRUAD = 汽车一击必炸 COXEFGU = 所有车辆得到一氧化二氮加速剂 BSXSGGC = 车辆被撞击时会漂浮 XJVSNAJ = 永远是午夜 OFVIAC= 永远是晚上9点 MGHXYRM = 雷暴天气 CWJXUOC = 沙尘暴天气 LFGMHAL = 超级跳跃 BAGUVIX = 无限生命 CVWKXAM = 无限氧气 AIYPWZQP= 得到降落伞 YECGAA= 得到火箭助行器 AEZAKMI = 永远不会被通缉 LJSPQK= 六星通缉(最高等级) IAVENJQ = 超级攻击 AEDUWNV = 主角没有进食要求 IOJUFZN = 暴动模式 MUNASEF = 刺激模式 WANRLTW = 无限弹药,不用换弹夹 OUIQDMW = 驾驶时瞄准度全满 THGLOJ= 减少路上的车辆 FVTMNBZ = 交通工具变为乡村车辆 SJMAHPE = 给任何人9mm突击步枪 BMTPWHR = 乡村车辆,得到卡车装备 OGXSDAG = 最大景仰值 EHIBXQS = 最大性感度 VQIMAHA = 驾驶技术全满 OHDUDE= 得到一架Hunter AKJJYGLC= 得到一辆Quad AMOMHRER= 得到一辆Tanker Truck EEGCYXT = 得到一辆Dozer URKQSRK = 得到一架Stunt Plane AGBDLCID= 得到一辆Monster 游戏中输入英文 ,不分大小写
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2023-06-22 20:34:5612


这L开头的太多了。。。浪琴,朗坤,LV,LVHM,拉芙兰瑞,LOUIS MOINET,诺时,L.LEROY ,louis chevrolet,罗伦斐等等。这些还都是腕表中耳熟能详的品牌。其他的我就不说了。太多。
2023-06-22 20:34:492

发金币求False discovery rate(FDR)是什么意思?

这是一种统计的方法,是统计学上的一种函数,是多重检验中的FDR错误控制方法。一般的步骤可以为:根据Benjamini在他的文章中所证明的定理,控制fdr的步骤实际上非常简单。设总共有m个候选基因,每个基因对应的p值从小到大排列分别是p(1),p(2),...,p(m),则若想控制fdr不能超过q,则只需找到最大的正整数i,使得 p(i)<= (i*q)/m.然后,挑选对应p(1),p(2),...,p(i)的基因做为差异表达基因,这样就能从统计学上保证fdr不超过q。
2023-06-22 20:34:461


2023-06-22 20:34:403

r 语言 怎么计算fdr

2023-06-22 20:34:392


武士刀 LXGIWYL 阿帕奇 OHDUDE 不被通缉 AEZAKMI 无限弹药, 没有再装填 WANRLTW LXGIWYL = 一般武器 KJKSZPJ = 暴力武器 UZUMYMW = 超级武器 HESOYAM = 恢复生命值, 防弹衣, $250k OSRBLHH = 增加两颗警星 ASNAEB = 清除警星(偷渡和闯如军事基地无效) AFZLLQLL = 好天气 ICIKPYH = 非常好的天气 ALNSFMZO = 变阴暗天气 AUIFRVQS = 下雨的天气 CFVFGMJ = 雾深的天气 YSOHNUL = 时间过的更快 PPGWJHT = 快速游戏 LIYOAAY = 慢速游戏 AJLOJYQY = 暴动 BAGOWPG = 街上的人见了你都逃跑(胆大者会向你开枪) FOOOXFT = 行人拥有武器 AIWPRTON = 坦克 CQZIJMB = 破旧的车 JQNTDMH = 农场工人的车 PDNEJOH = 赛车1 VPJTQWV = 赛车2 AQTBCODX = 葬礼车 KRIJEBR = 环座型贵宾车 UBHYZHQ = 垃圾车 RZHSUEW = 高尔夫车 CPKTNWT = 附近所有车爆炸 XICWMD = 看不见的汽车 PGGOMOY = 完美的处理 SZCMAWO = 自杀 ZEIIVG = 所有的红绿灯变绿灯 YLTEICZ = 攻击性的驾驶员 LLQPFBN = 粉红的交通(所有车变粉红色) IOWDLAC = 黑色的交通(所有车变黑色) AFSNMSMW = 船可以飞 BTCDBCB = 肥胖 JYSDSOD = 强壮值全满 KVGYZQK = 薄的 ASBHGRB = Elvis 在各处 BGLUAWML = Peds 用武器攻击你, 火箭发射者 CIKGCGX = 海滩党 MROEMZH = 各处一组成员 BIFBUZZ = 团队控制街道 AFPHULTL = 忍者主题 BEKKNQV = 所有丑女被你吸引 BGKGTJH = 交通是便宜的汽车 GUSNHDE = 交通是快速的汽车 RIPAZHA = 汽车会飞 JHJOECW = 未知 JUMPJET = 战斗机Spawn Hydra KGGGDKP = 水翼船Spawn Vortex Hovercraft JCNRUAD = 非常的繁荣 COXEFGU = 所有的汽车有Nitro All Cars Have Nitro(氮气) BSXSGGC = 汽车撞击时会飘浮(当心使用)XJVSNAJ = 总是午夜的 OFVIAC = 橘色天空 21:00 MGHXYRM = 雷雨 CWJXUOC = 沙暴 LFGMHAL = 跳的更高 BAGUVIX = 无限血CVWKXAM = 无限氧气 AIYPWZQP = 降落伞 YECGAA = 火箭飞行器AEZAKMI = 不被通缉 LJSPQK = 警星全满 IAVENJQ = 百万打洞器 AEDUWNV = 不会饥饿 IOJUFZN = 行人互相攻击(当心使用)PRIEBJ = 玩趣屋的衣服MUNASEF = 放慢速度WANRLTW = 无限弹药OUIQDMW = 当驾驶的时候可以在车内使用准星瞄准攻击(当心使用)THGLOJ = 交通畅通 FVTMNBZ = 交通是国家车辆 SJMAHPE = 补充每一个子弹 BMTPWHR = 国家车辆和 Peds,拿天生的 2个卡车用具 ZSOXFSQ = 补充每一个(火箭筒) OGXSDAG = 最大威望Max Respect EHIBXQS = 最大性感Max Sex Appeal VKYPQCF = Taxis 车可以跳舞 NCSGDAG = 武器熟练度全满 VQIMAHA = 更好的驾驶技能 OHDUDE = 猎人(Ah-64阿帕奇战斗机) AKJJYGLC = 四轮摩托车 AMOMHRER = 超长拖粪车 EEGCYXT = 推土机 URKQSRK = 杂技飞机Spawn Stunt Plane AGBDLCID = 越野型大脚车
2023-06-22 20:34:386

谁有 二战德军 胡蜂自走跑的资料?

胡蜂自走炮 以退下来的2号坦克底盘为基础,加上一门105mm编号为SdKfz.124,重11吨,时速40公里,属于大纵深战略的快速支援武器,战斗表现十分抢眼,比起用B1-bis, 和四号坦克底盘做的leFH18/310.5和蚱蜢”自行火炮强了太多。另外似乎还有一种以四号坦克底盘加一门150/12L榴弹炮制成的自走跑也叫胡蜂自走跑,不过现在似乎没有资料可查了……
2023-06-22 20:34:322


举个例子:如要在同一数据集上检验两个独立的假设,显著水平设为常见的0.05.此时用于检验该两个假设应使用更严格的 0.025.即0.05* (1/2).该方法是由Carlo Emilio Bonferroni发展的,因此称Bonferroni校正.  这样做的理由是基于这样一个事实:在同一数据集上进行多个假设的检验,每20个假设中就有一个可能纯粹由于概率,而达到0.05的显著水平.
2023-06-22 20:34:301


2023-06-22 20:34:2712


FDR (FrequencyDomainReflectometry)频域反射是利用电磁脉冲原理、根据电磁波在介质中传播频率来测量土壤的表观介电常数 (ε) ,从而得到土壤容积含水量 (θv)。介绍了FDR系统的测量原理、系统安装、测量方法及其在土壤水分连续动态监测中的应用 ,并对实际测量结果进行了校正 ,可以作为FDR校正的参考。在半干旱区皇甫川流域的应用实践表明 ,FDR具有简便安全、快速准确、定点连续、自动化、宽量程、少标定等优点 ,是一种值得推荐的土壤水分测定仪器。TDR(Time Domain Reflector)时域反射是一种快速检测土壤水分的常见原理,其原理是在一条不匹配的传输线上的波形会发生反射。传输线上任何一点的波形都是原有波形和反射波形的叠加。TDR原理的设备响应时间约10-20秒,适合移动测量和定点监测。测定结果受盐度影响很小,TDR缺点是电路比较复杂,设备较昂贵。FDR相比TDR测试原理,几乎具有TDR的所有优点,探头形状非常灵活。比较夸张的甚至可以放在做成犁状放在拖拉机后面运动中测量。FDR相对TDR需要更少的校正工作。多年以来,FDR原理的土壤水分仪精度上一直难以突破,成为FDR土壤水分仪发展的停滞。经过多年研究,终于突破了这一难点。研究出一款FDR原理的土壤水分仪,精度达到了3%。
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