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2023-06-23 07:17:56







放逐之城banished是一款非常独特的模拟经营游戏,它的玩法与我们所熟知的模拟城市非常相似,但比起更加自由更开放,很适合SIM铁杆粉丝们。当然了,作为一款游戏,咱们不能不提的就是本作的配置问题了,非常之轻松,大部分玩家运行起来是没有问题的。放逐之城banished配置要求最低配置操作系统: Win XP SP3 / Vista / 7 / 8处理器: 2 GHz Intel Dual Core processor内存: 512 M显卡: 512 M DirectX 9.0cDirectX: Version 9.0c硬盘: 250 M声卡: 都可以推荐配置操作系统: Windows 7 / Windows 8处理器: Intel Core i5 processor (or greater)内存: 512 M显卡: 512 MB DirectX 10DirectX: Version 11硬盘: 250 M放逐之城(Banished)汉化破解版v1.0.7 Build170910
2023-06-22 22:06:401


放逐之城banished这款游戏上线以后就被很多玩家喜欢,这款是一个很有意思的模拟经营游戏,当玩家们在最原始的地方,生存和经营能力是个很大的问题,有一些玩家询问,放逐之城怎么交易,深空高玩也为大家说明一番。放逐之城banished怎么交易?在这个游戏里是没有货币的,所以玩家们只能以物换物,从而提高贸易站的库存量,然后我们就能够和商人换东西了。在这个游戏里畜牧是十分稀有的物品,所以玩家们想要得到那就必然要等商人了。玩家们要先盖贸易站,然后请个工人。贸易站第一页会把你多的物品调整到你想交易的量。等到船只到了就会通知玩家们有商人来,这时候我们就可以看他卖什么物品,第二页便可以进行交易,交易不一定什么都会收的,所以玩家们最好将不同种类都放在一页。放逐之城(Banished)汉化破解版v1.0.7 Build170910
2023-06-22 22:06:471


2023-06-22 22:06:541


下面给大家介绍一下最近人气飙涨的模拟经营新作《放逐之城》存档位置。放逐之城这款游戏虽然看起来非常不起来,但很多玩过的小伙伴却称其完全不输于模拟城市,因此喜欢模拟城市游戏的小伙伴不妨也去试试看。放逐之城banished存档位置C:UsersAdministratorDocumentsBanishedSaveps:Save文件夹下面,除了Menu.msc以外的其他文件都是存档文件,比较多。目前还没有人研究出如何分辨这些存档文件具体是哪个进度保存,因此如果大家想要删掉或者修改存档文件的话,最好先事先备份一下。放逐之城(Banished)汉化破解版v1.0.7 Build170910
2023-06-22 22:07:011


有几种原因的: 一:点击果园,看看安排的人数是否是最大了,人数不够的话,肯定不能满收成的; 二: 看下是不是距离储藏屋太远了,就是叫Storage的小房子,农民来回跑要花很多时间的; 果园和庄稼最好挨着储藏室的。 三:看下储藏屋是不是已经没有多余的空间了,这样果园资源没地方存储,会烂掉的别的原因,暂时没想到;希望可以帮到你。
2023-06-22 22:07:211


最近很多放逐之城的小伙伴在存档时老是出错,而且有时候在等待游戏loading界面的时候也会出错,导致他们根本进不了游戏,这究竟是怎么回事呢?该怎么解决呢?深空深空高玩回答:虽然原因还不是很清楚,但已经解决解决方法了:找到游戏存档位置,备份一份到其他地方,然后把save文件删了就可以了放逐之城(Banished)汉化破解版v1.0.7 Build170910
2023-06-22 22:07:301


Very happy I can stand here to make a speech for everyone. I want to introduce to you is a person and a book, the name is Su Dongpo, is a person I admire most. The book is called "The gay genius",It is Mr. Lin Yutang in 1936 in USA with English write, which is why I admire Mr. Lin Yutang, he can write full of wit of the Chinese article, also can make "the English Chinese dictionary". So the evaluation of the book Mr Ji Xianlin is "the genius of geniuses admiration, master of master respect."Su Dongpo biography" wrote Su Shi"s life, from birth to death. Su Dongpo was born on 1036 in Meishan, Sichuan, died in Jiangsu on 1101 in Changzhou. The life of Su Dongpo with one of his poem is summarized "ask your lifeachievements, Huangzhou Huizhou Zhan," the meaning of this sentence is many times he was banished to Huangzhou, Huizhou, Zhan,. He was praised with the five, "poem, book, painting, writing, words," early success, talent is pressing, but was framed. The first was banished to Huangzhou, this is the famous "Wutai poem case". However, Su Dongpo was demoted to Huangzhou is lucky. There he is mature, wrote three works the most brilliant life, before and after the "Chibi Fu"and "nostalgia" by Chibi. He has to study a lot of things, eating, engineering,alchemy and so on, the famous "Dongpo"s braised pork" is created by him, when he was banished, he built a lot of people project. So he is not only a writer, poet,calligrapher, is also a writer, gourmet etc.. Su Dongpo life drifting everywhere,often relegated, but he always keep a childlike heart, is a past hope optimist.Such as the title of this book is a happy genius.Finally, let me end this speech with Chinese version of the book in one sentence."Reading the life of Su Dongpo, we have been observing a great idea andspiritual life, and he was in the world by forming, a fleeting imprint. Su Dongpo is dead, his name is just a memory, but he left us his soul delight and mentalpleasure, these are the eternal immortal treasures "thank you all for listening楼上是机译的,楼主不要相信他希望我的可以帮助你,祝楼主英语能越来越好~~~~~~~
2023-06-22 22:07:503


2023-06-22 22:08:132


分类: 游戏 >> 单机游戏 问题描述: 谁知道怪物都有什么名字?? 解析: 《暗黑破坏神2》怪物简介 Fallen -这个在Diablo 中烦人的红色皮肤小鬼还是一样的弱。在D2中,Fallen 使用多种的武器,包括剑、斧头及火把,另外通常会有Shaman 跟在他们的后面,Shaman 可以靠着他的头饰及firebolt 攻击认出,不过最可怕的是他能复活死去的Fallen,所以在遇到他们时最好先将Shaman 解决;Fallen 的变种较为强壮,但只能从外表的颜色来区分。 Black rogues -这群邪恶的女人通常是成群结队的行动,寻求着下手的目标,他们所使用的武器有剑、斧头、枪及弓箭,单独的Black rogue 并不可怕,但成群手持弓箭及枪的她们能迅速的击败你,当她死亡时,灵魂会从身体脱出。 Quill rats -这些愤怒的啮齿类动物看起来就像是豪猪,他们射出很多针来攻击你,幸运的是这些攻击并不致命而Quill rats 也很容易被杀死;但Quill rats 的变种如razor-spine 就非常的危险。 Foul crows -鸟样般的小鬼,他们会盘旋着靠近你并且群起攻击,你一刀就可以杀死它。变种blood hawks 则较不容易击败,尤其是一整群的时候,它们是由巢穴中产生。 Skeletons -他们在D2中有非常多的变化,包括战士,弓箭手及法师的型态;弓箭手型态的会站在远方攻击你,法师型态的会以各种属性的魔法来攻击你,你可以从发红光的双手来认出。 Zombies -就如Diablo 一般,Zombies 在D2中还是一样的缓慢愚笨,但是防御力相当高;有很多变种,包括ghouls 和hungry dead。 Gargantuan beasts -体型庞大到令人畏惧的怪物,但出乎意料的容易对付,他们是以小团体的型态出现,变种有brutes 及yeti,攻击方式是使用巨掌。 Ghosts :D2中的Ghost 看起来就像发亮的鸟类腐烂后遗体,他们出现在地窖及地下墓穴中并以他们的爪子来攻击,杀死Ghost 会遗留下一小堆残留的骨骸;Ghost 更强的品种是wraith,他除了会减少你的life 外还会消耗你的mana。 Beastmen clans :这种在Diablo 中像山羊的两足战士仍然延续到D2中来,而他们都装备着多变的武器,你要特别注意团体中的领袖,因为他的攻击力是非常的强;Beastman 会出现在洞窟或是地下的巢穴;变种则有blood-clan ,night-clan 及death-clan。 Gargoyle Trap :这种陷阱是由几个滴水嘴坐落在石柱的顶端所构成,他会吐出多个firebolt 攻击你,且通常周围会围绕着不少其他的怪物,不过幸运的是很容易摧毁,如果你能靠近他的话。 Rat Men :这个小巧狂暴的类人动物看起来并不强,但他是运用刀刃的专家;一开始会躲在阴影中攻击你,但最后还是会靠近你攻击。 Disfigured :这些怪异的两足怪物有角,锐利的长牙,爪子及巨大的前额,当他察觉情况对他不利时会逃跑,并且疗伤后再来对付你,通常可以在地牢中发现他的踪迹。 Arachs :这些令人作呕,像牛一般大的生物潜藏在地牢或是地下墓穴中,看起来就像蜘蛛及甲〖的合体,他们会以邪恶的螯来攻击你,直接冲向你。 The Banished :这些邪恶的法师穿着神秘的长袍,以火属性的魔法来攻击你,通常潜伏在地下,他们也有能力teleport,相当的难对付。
2023-06-22 22:08:211


1. 求英语有趣的小文章(要有翻译) 1.Learning:A Lifelong Career【学习:一生的事业】 As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual capacity. Constant learning supplies us with inexhaustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, *** ysis, and judgment. Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and an infallible warrant of success in times of uncertainty. Once learning stops, vegetation sets in. It is a mon fallacy to regard school as the only workshop for the acquisition of knowledge. On the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. With the world ever changing so fast, the cease from learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind. What"s worse, the animalistic instinct dormant deep in our subconsciousness will e to life, weakening our will to pursue our noble ideal, sapping our determination to sweep away obstacles to our success and strangling our desire for the refinement of our character. Lack of learning will inevitably lead to the stagnation of the mind, or even worse, its fossilization, Therefore, to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career. 学习之于心灵,就像食物之于身体一样。 摄取了适量的营养食物,我们的身体得以生长而肌肉得以发达。同样地,我们应该日复一日不断地学习以保持我们敏锐的心智能力,并扩充我们的智力容量。 不断的学习提供我们用不尽的燃料,来驱使我们磨利我们的推理、分析和判断的能力。持续的学习是在信息时代中跟时代并驾齐驱的最稳当的方法,也是在变动的世代中成功的可靠保证。 一旦学习停止,单调贫乏的生活就开始了。视学校为汲取知识的唯一场所是种常见的谬误。 相反地,学习应该是一种无终止的历程,从生到死。由于世界一直快速地在变动,只要学习停顿数日就将使人落后。 更糟的是,蛰伏在我们潜意识深处的 *** 本能就会复活,削弱我们追求高贵理想的意志,弱化我们扫除成功障碍的决心,而且扼杀我们净化我们人格的欲望。缺少学习将不可避免地导致心灵的停滞,甚至更糟地,使其僵化。 因此,为了保持心理年轻,我们必须将学习当作一生的事业。 2.heavy shoolwork【课业繁重】 In my opinion, the schoolwork now being assigned to high school students is too heavy. While it is true that students need to study, they need other things as well if they are to grow into healthy and well-rounded *** s. High should be allowed more time for play. Plying is not wasting time, as some think. It gives them physical exercise, and also exercise their imagination. Which tends to be stifled by too much study. Finally, the pressure put on high school students by excessive schoolwork can cause serious stress, which is unhealthy physically and mentally. I do not advocate the elimination of schoolwork. I do think, however, that a reduction of the current heavy load would be beneficial to students and to the society as a whole. 我认为目前高中生的课业实在太重了,虽然说学生的确应当念书,但是要想长大成为健全的人,他门还需要一些其它的东西,所以应该给高中生较多从事娱乐的时间。 娱乐并不如某些人所想的,是在浪费时间,它可以让学生锻炼身体,发挥被繁重课业扼杀的想象力。此外,繁重的课业加诸在高中生身上的压力可能引起严重的情绪紧张,这对身心都有害。 我并非主张废除学校课业,但是我认为减轻目前繁重的课业对于学生和整个社会都是有益的。 3.Time【时间】 Lost time is never found again. This is something which I learned very clearly last semester. I spent so much time fooling around that my grades began to suffer. I finally realized that something had to be done. It was time for a change. Now I have a new plan for using my time wisely. I have set my alarm clock ahead half an hour. This will give me a head start on the day. I have also decided to keep a log of what I do and when I do it. Looking back on what I"ve done will give me some ideas on how to reanize my time. 时光一去不复返,这是我上学期清楚学到的教训。 我浪费很多时间四处游荡,以致于我的成绩开始退步。最后我终于了解到我必须有所作为;该是痛改前非的时候了。 现在我有一个明智运用时间的新方法。我已将闹钟早拨半小时,这将使我这一天的作息提前开始。 我也决定将我所做的一切及做这些事的时间记录下来。回顾我所做的事情会启发我如何重新安排我的时间。 4.Work and Play【工作与娱乐】 Work and play do not contradict each other; in fact, they plement each other. As the saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." A life burdened with work leads you nowhere, for you would get 。 2. 英语古文翻译(汉译英) LiWang is brutal, the people accused of the king. Notice about the response: "People are now fed up with life ah!"LiWang irritated, to find (a) of the shaman to defend the country and let him watch the person accused. (Who) the defendant made to kill him. People did not dare to speak, the road (with noodles) with your eyes (each other) say hello. LiWang very happy to tell the public response, said: "I can put an end to accusations, ah, did not dare to speak." Public response, said: "This is a barrier they ah. Anti-people"s mouth water even more difficult than the anti-chuan. River and then plug the breach, harm must be more people (resentment) is also true. Therefore, those who dug the river management Cypriot lines open to allow water in accordance with the guidance (direction) pouring, the people who control the floor so that they vent. So hearing the Son of Heaven, let out a disability Gongqing to offer poetry. blind Officer Qu Xian (folk songs), historian Xian (Wang ancient records deeds of the) book, read Proverbs division officer, official read off Fu, Meng official reading, Baiguan remonstrate, the people (mouth) talk, (the king side) to make every effort to administrations around Fadu bound (King), as a remedy helped relatives View, blind, historian (responsibilities) is (with songs and historical facts) teaching (King), all these teachers, and then an *** ysis of the king of their decision-making, so that (the king) will not be doing things fallacy. people have a mouth, as the earth has mountains and rivers, the use of the property of things (are) out of this, as it is easy to multiply the fertile fields of the low humidity, clothing, growing food here (out). I say it in words, (political) mixed in This is (significantly) e out, the implementation of a good (policy) with (formerly) the experience of failure, which is used to increase the (state) property, (the people) ah the basis of food and clothing. the public mind that from the mouth out how good the implementation of which could be plugged in on the ah? If they plug the mouth, it can block for how long? " LiWang do not listen to the people at this time did not dare to speak, after three years, (LiWang) was banished to the swine.。 3. 英语翻译要附上古文最好 家无长物王恭从会稽①还,王大看之.见其坐六尺簟②因语恭:"卿东来③,故应有此物,可以一领及我."恭无言.大去后,即举所坐者送之.即无余席,便坐草席上.后大闻之,甚惊,曰:"吾本谓卿多,故求耳."对曰:"丈人④不悉恭,恭作人无长物.⑤" 注释:① 会稽:会读guì (贵).古郡名,今浙江绍兴.② 簟:读diàn(店)竹席.一说是细草席.③ 东来:从东方归来.④ 丈人:古时候卑幼称尊长为丈人,后人专以之称妻之父.⑤ 长物:长cháng,多余的东西.今译:王恭从会稽回到家里,王大去看望他.看见王恭坐着一块方圆六尺的竹席,王大便对王恭说:"你从东面回来,所以有这种物品,给我一领吧."王恭没说话.王大去后,王恭便将自己坐的那领竹席派人送给了他.而他自己没了竹席,便坐在草席上.后来王大听说了这件事,很是惊讶,对王恭说道:"我以为你有许多,所以才向你要,哪知……".王恭笑道:"您不了解我,我作人从来没有多余的东西."。 4. 文言文(古文)用英语怎么说 文言文(古文) 用英语表达 翻译如下: Classical Chinese (ancient Chinese) 重点词汇释义: 文言文:classical style of writing 古文:prose written in the classical literary style; ancient style prose; ancient Chinese prose; (秦以前的字体) Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty。 5. 初中的文言文的英文翻译 《守株待兔》的【英语翻译】: Staying by a Stump Waiting for More Hares To Come and Dash Themselves Against It This story took place more than 2,000 years ago,in the Warring States period(475-221 B.C.).Tradition has it that in the State of Song at that time there was a man who was famous for staying by a stump waiting for more hares to e and dash themselves against it. He was a yong farmer,and his family had been farmers for generations.Year after year and generation after generation, farmers used to sow in spring and harvest in autumn,beginning to work at sunrise and retiring at sunset.In good harvest years,they could only have enough food to eat and enough clothing to wear.If there was a famine due to crop failure,they had to go hungry. This young farmer wanted to improve his life.But he was too lazy and too cowardly.Being lazy and cowardly over everything,he often dreamed of having unexpected blessings. A miracle took place at last. One day in late autumn,when he was ploughing in the field,o groups of people were hunting nearby.As shoutings were rising one after another,scared hares were running desperately.Suddenly,a blind hare dashed itself headlong against the stump of a dead tree in his field and died. That day,he ate his fill. From that day on,he no longer went in for farming again.From morning till night,he stayed by that miraculous stump,waiting for miracles to take place again. This story es from"The Five Vermin"in The Works of Han Feizi.Later generations often use the set phrase"staying by a stump waiting for more hares to e and dash themselves against it"to show grusting to chance and windfalls or dreaming to reap without sowing.It is also used to show adhering to narrow experiences and not being able to be flexible. 不知道算不算? 6. 英语翻译跪求短篇文言文和他的翻译,还有中心,我要20篇,最好字少 刻舟求剑 楚人有涉江者,其剑自舟中坠于水。 遽契其舟,曰:“是吾剑之所从坠。”舟止,从其所契者入水求之。 舟已行矣,而剑不行。求剑若此,不亦惑乎!刻舟求剑 战国时,楚国有个人坐船渡江。 船到江心,他一不小心。把随身携带的一把宝剑掉落江中。 他马上掏出一把小刀,在船舷上刻上一个记号,说:“这是我宝剑落水的地方,所以我要刻上一个记号。” 船靠岸后,那楚人立即从船上刻记号的地方跳下水去捞取掉落的宝剑。 捞了半天,仍不见宝剑的影子。 其实他又怎么找得到宝剑呢?船继续行驶,而宝剑却不会再移动。 像他这样去找剑,真是太愚蠢可笑了。中心:世界上所有事情都是不断变化的,要用变化的眼光来看待事物拔苗助长 宋人有悯其苗之不长而揠之者,芒芒然归,谓其人曰:“今日病矣!予助苗长矣。 ”其子趋而往视之,苗则槁矣。天下之不助苗长者寡矣。 以为无益而舍之者,不耘苗者也;助之长者,揠苗者也。非徒无益,而又害之。 古宋国有个人,他嫌禾苗长得太慢,就一棵棵地往上拔,很疲惫的样子回了家对家人说:“今天可把我累坏了,我帮助苗长高了一大截!”他儿子听说后急忙到地里去看苗,苗都死了。 中心:遇事如果不从客观实际出发,只能是好心办坏事滥竽充数 滥竽充数 齐宣王使人吹竽,必三百人。 南郭处士请为王吹竽。宣王悦之,廪食以数百人。 宣王死,闵王立。 好一一听之。 处士逃。齐宣王让人吹竽,一定要三百人一起吹。 南郭处士请求为齐宣王吹竽,宣王很高兴。官仓供养的乐手有好几百人。 齐宣王死后,他的儿子王继位。王也喜欢听吹竽,但他喜欢让他们一个一个地吹,南郭处士只好逃走了。 中心:比喻无本领的冒充有本领,次货冒充好货。 叶公好龙 叶公好龙,室中雕文尽以为龙。 于是天龙闻而下之,窥头于牖,拖尾于堂。叶公见之,弃而还走,失其魂魄,五神无主。 是叶公非好龙也,夫似龙而非龙也。从前有个叫叶公的人非常喜欢龙。 在他的家里,墙上画着龙,柱子上雕着龙,穿的 盖的上面都绣着龙。天上的真龙听说叶公喜欢龙,就来到叶公家拜访他,长长的尾 巴伸在堂上,把头探进窗户里张望。 叶公看到天上的真龙后,吓得魂飞胆破,脸色 都变色了,急忙躲起来。原来,叶公喜欢的不是真龙,而是那些画的、绣的、刻的假龙。 中心:比喻口头上说爱好某物,实际上并不喜欢。
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1、开局 铁匠城、伐木机、渔业码头、采集小屋、护林小屋、狩猎屋、药剂师。建好!!2、农田要12*13的(强力推荐)3个人、高效率3、第三年5个小屋必须有。4、学校千万不要建,浪费人才。5、3、4分钟存档一次,以便不死。
2023-06-22 22:09:443

我想找《魔法奇缘 Enchanted》这套戏裹的人物角色名(要英文名)??

真名...戏名 Julie Andrews ... Narrator (voice) Amy Adams ... Giselle James Marsden ... Prince Edward Idina Menzel ... Nancy Tremaine Susan Sarandon ... Queen Narissa Patrick Dempsey ... Robert Philip Timothy Spall ... Nathaniel Rachel Covey ... Man Philip Samantha Ivers ... Nancy Matt Servitto ... Arty Joseph Siravo ... Bartender Michaela Conlin ... May Jeff Bent ... Pip in Andalasia (voice) Kevin Lima ... Pip in New York (voice) Emma Rose Lima ... Bluebird / Fawn / Rapunzel Teala Dunn ... Bunny (voice) Fred Tatasciore ... Troll (voice) William Huntley ... Grumpy Elizabeth Mathis ... Tess Edmund Lyndeck ... Derelict Old Man Tonya Pinkins ... Phoebe Banks Isiah Whitlock Jr. ... Ethan Banks Tibor Feldman ... Henry Jodi Benson ... Sam Christopher Maggi ... Sewer Crew Guy Muriel Kuhn ... Clara Marilyn Sue Perry ... Bus Driver John Rothman ... Carl Marlon Saunders ... Calypso Singer Paul Klementowicz ... Katz Deli Patron Cathleen Trigg ... Mary Ilene Caselotti Paige O"Hara ... Angela Daniel Mastrogiio ... Jerry (as Danny Mastrogiogrio) Canedy Knowles ... Restaurant Patron Lillian Lifflander ... Older Restaurant Patron Matte Osian ... Fire Investigator Judy Kuhn ... Pregnant Woman with Kids Margaret Travolta ... Radio Therapist (voice) Tony Machine ... Band Leader Jon McLaughlin ... Ballroom Singer Helen Stenb ... Ballroom Lady #1 Anita Keal ... Ballroom Lady #2 Kater Gordon ... Receptionist Courtney Williams ... Sunglass Street Vendor 去呢个网址,仲有好多关于呢套戏既资料,上面既人名,连dancer都列哂出黎架: imdb/title/tt0461770/fullcredits#cast hope I can help U 参考: imdb/title/tt0461770/fullcredits#cast Julie Andrews ... Narrator (voice) Amy Adams ... Giselle James Marsden ... Prince Edward Idina Menzel ... Nancy Tremaine Susan Sarandon ... Queen Narissa Patrick Dempsey ... Robert Philip Timothy Spall ... Nathaniel Rachel Covey ... Man Philip Samantha Ivers ... Nancy Matt Servitto ... Arty Joseph Siravo ... Bartender Michaela Conlin ... May Jeff Bent ... Pip in Andalasia (voice) Kevin Lima ... Pip in New York (voice) Emma Rose Lima ... Bluebird / Fawn / Rapunzel Teala Dunn ... Bunny (voice) Fred Tatasciore ... Troll (voice) William Huntley ... Grumpy Elizabeth Mathis ... Tess Edmund Lyndeck ... Derelict Old Man Tonya Pinkins ... Phoebe Banks Isiah Whitlock Jr. ... Ethan Banks Tibor Feldman ... Henry Jodi Benson ... Sam Christopher Maggi ... Sewer Crew Guy Muriel Kuhn ... Clara Marilyn Sue Perry ... Bus Driver John Rothman ... Carl Marlon Saunders ... Calypso Singer Paul Klementowicz ... Katz Deli Patron Cathleen Trigg ... Mary Ilene Caselotti Paige O"Hara ... Angela Daniel Mastrogiio ... Jerry (as Danny Mastrogiogrio) Canedy Knowles ... Restaurant Patron Lillian Lifflander ... Older Restaurant Patron Matte Osian ... Fire Investigator Judy Kuhn ... Pregnant Woman with Kids Margaret Travolta ... Radio Therapist (voice) Tony Machine ... Band Leader Jon McLaughlin ... Ballroom Singer Helen Stenb ... Ballroom Lady #1 Anita Keal ... Ballroom Lady #2 Kater Gordon ... Receptionist Courtney Williams ... Sunglass Street Vendor 参考: imdb/title/tt0461770/fullcredits#cast The tale follows the beautiful princess Giselle as she is banished by an evil queen from her magical musical animated land--and finds herself in the gritty reality of the streets of modern-day Manhattan. Shocked by this strange new environment that doesn"t operate on a "happily ever after" basis Giselle is now adrift in a chaotic world badly in need of enchantment. But when Giselle begins to fall... See Full Description Genres: Action/Adventure Comedy Kids/Family Musical/Performing Arts Science Fiction/Fantasy and Animation Running Time: 1 hr. 48 min. Release Date: November 21st 2007 (wide) MPAA Rating: PG for some scary images and mild innuendo. Distributors: Buena Vista Pictures Distribution U.S. Box Office: $124 948 051
2023-06-22 22:10:471

英语学习资料:2015年歪果仁最讨厌的10大词 你中枪?

  1.So   So the word that received the most nominations this year was already banished,but today it is being used differently than it was in 1999,when nominators were saying,"I am SO down with this list!" Nominations came from across the country.   So,这个单词是今年被提名最多的,现如今已经变成了一个贬义词。现在这个词的使用和1999年不同了,当时提名的人大多说:“我是列表这样下载的!”So的提名来自全国各地。   【上榜理由】   Tune in to any news channel and you"ll hear it. The word serves no purpose in the sentence and to me is like fingernails on a chalkboard. So, I submit the extra, meaningless, and overused word “so.”-Scott Shackleton,Sault Ste.Marie,Mich.   几乎在所有新闻里你都能听到。这个单词对整个具体来说毫无意义,对我而言它就像指甲划过黑板那样刺耳。所以,我觉得“so”是个毫无意义,被滥用的单词。-Scott Shackleton,Sault Ste.Marie,Mich.   2.Conversation   Online publications invite us to "join the conversation," which is usually more of a scream-fest. Gayle wonders if "debate has bee too harsh for our delicate sensibilities. Now we are all encouraged to have a "conversation," and everything will somewhat be magically resolved."   在线刊物邀请我们“加入对话”,而不是做一个屏幕观众。盖尔对“争论是否对细腻情感太过于苛刻”表示怀疑。“现在我们都被鼓励去参加谈话,然后所有事都神奇地被解决了。”   【上榜理由】   Over the past five years or so, this word has been increasingly used by talking heads on radio, television and in political circles to describe every form of verbal munication known to mankind. It has replaced "discussion", "debate", "chat" ,"discourse", "argument", "lecture", "talk"….all of which can provide some context to the nature of the munication. Perhaps the users feel that it is a word that is least likely to offend people, but I consider it to be imprecise language that, over time, dumbs down the art of effective discourse.-Richard Fry, Marathon,Ont.   近五年来,这个单词在广播、电视、政治圈中使用的频率持续上升,只要是人类用语言沟通的方面都会用“conversation”来表达。它已经代替了“discussion(讨论)”、“debate(辩论)”、“chat(聊天)”、“discourse(论述)”、“argument(争论)”、“lecture”(演讲)、“talk(说话)”等一切可以(在特定语境下)准确表现交流的含义的词汇。可能使用者觉得“conversation”这个单词是最不会冒犯别人的,但我认为这大大损害了语言的有效性和准确性。-Richard Fry, Marathon,Ont   3.Problematic   "A corporate-academic weasel word," according to the Urban Dictionary.   根据城市词典(解释英语俚语词汇的词典),这是一个听起来很厉害,但却意义不明的单词。   【上榜理由】   Anything that the speaker finds vaguely inconvenient or undesirable, such as an opposing political belief or bad traffic. Contrast things that are self-evidently taken to be problematic with, say, actual problems like a hole in the ozone layer or a job loss.-Adam Rosen, Asheville,N.C.   任何稍微觉得有些难表达或不受欢迎的就用这个词来形容,像发表政治观点,或者谈论交通堵塞。很多环境问题或者失业等事情,普遍都知道“是个问题”,也用“problematic”这个词,不是多此一举吗?-Adam Rosen, Asheville,N.C.   4.Stakeholder   A word that has expanded from describing someone who may actually have a stake in a situation or problem, now being over-used in business to describe customers and others.   这个词原来是描述那些在某个情况或问题有利害关系的人,现在商业中,被滥用在描述客户或其他(无关的)人。   【上榜理由】   Often used with “engagement.” If someone is disengaged, they"re not really a stakeholder in the first place. LSSU, please engage your stakeholders by adding this pretentious jargon to your list.-Gwendolyn Barlow, Portland,Ore.   "Stakeholder"这个单词常与"engagement"一起使用。如果某股东撤股了,那他当然就不是股东了。求LSSU大学的相关人员将这个浮夸的行话入选榜单!-Gwendolyn Barlow, Portland,Ore   5.Price point   Another example of using two words when one will do.   另一个明明一个词就能表达,却偏要用两个词解释的例子。   【上榜理由】   “This alliterative mutation seems to be replacing the word ‘price" or ‘cost." It may be standard business-speak, but must it contaminate everyday speech?” says Kevin Carney of Chicago, who provided an example in the March 19,2015 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine,pg.1171, which says,"Although the "price point" of effective new drugs...may initially be out of reach for many patients..."   来自芝加哥的Kevin Carney说:”这个押头韵的短语看似替代了“price”或“cost”。它是可以用于商务用语,但在日常用语中也非要这么用吗?“他还举例:“在2015年3月19日的医疗杂志中写道:Although the ‘price point" of effective new drugs...may initially be out of reach for many patients...” 这里用price(价格)不就好了,何必用price point(价格点)呢?   6.Break the Inter   A phrase that is annoying online word-watchers around the world.   一个让全世界在线文字研究者都厌烦的词组。   【上榜理由】   An annoying bit of hyperbole about the latest saucy picture or controversy that is already being trite.   一个用来吸引眼球的短语,通常用来形容艳照或八卦,(殊不知)这个单词已是陈词滥调了。   7.Walk it back   A slower back-pedal?   更慢得往回走?   【上榜理由】   "It seems as if every politician who makes a statement has to "walk it back", meaning retract the statement, or explain it in laborious detail to the extent that the statement no longer has any validity or meaning once it has been "walked back""-Max Hill.   这个短语好像每个做陈述的政治家都会“walk it back”,意思就是撤回声明,或者非常详细的解释一旦被"walked back"(撤回)这个声明不再有任何效力和意义。-Max Hill   8.Presser   This shortened form of "press release" and "press conference" is not so impressive.   “press release”(媒体报道)和“press conference”(新闻发布会)这两个简称不是那么深得人心。   【上榜理由】   Not only is there no intelligent connection between the word "presser" and its supposed meaning, this word already has a definition: a person or device that removes wrinkles. Let"s either say ‘press conference" or ‘press release" or e up with something more original, intelligent and interesting!-Constance Kelly.   “不但Presser和它想表明的含义之间没有什么明确联系,而且这个词原本已经有“压制工”或者“压榨机”的意思了。要么说“press release”(媒体报道)或“press conference”(新闻发布会)”,要么就和原始的、机智的和有趣的事物联系起来。-Constance Kelly   9.Giving me life   The phrase refers to anything that may excite a person, or something that causes one to laugh.   这个短语指那些能激发你兴趣、或让人发笑的东西或事情   【上榜理由】   投票人觉得这个词组被滥用了,也夸张过了头。   10.Physicality   We had to include one for the sports fans. John Kollig of Jamestown, N.Y., says this is overused by every sports broadcaster and writer.   我们得为体育爱好者选这个单词。John Kollig说,几乎每个体育播音员或撰稿人都爱滥用这个单词。   【上榜理由】   “I am not sure who is responsible, but over the last 12-18 months you cannot watch a sporting event, listen to a sports talk show on radio, or anything on ESPN without someone using this term to attempt to describe an athlete or a contest.”-Dan Beitzel.   不知道谁该为这个词负责。但在过去的一年多,只要你看体育赛事、听体育节目,任何体育频道里,都有人用这个词来形容某个运动员或比赛。-Dan Beitzel.
2023-06-22 22:10:541


这是在Blizzard的Battle.Net讨论区内整理出来的怪物等级一览表,这张列表上的怪物等级都是以Normal游戏模式计算,Nightmare模式就把怪物等级加上25,Hell模式就把怪物等级加上50,这张列表上并没有加进任何有关大头目或是中头目的分类。Abyss Knight 27Afflicted 12Albino Roach 24Apparition 20Arach 11Assailant 26Balrog 24Banished 12Black Archer 10Black Lancer 9Black Locusts 17Black Raptor 16Black Rogue 9Black Soul 28Black Vulture Nest 15Blood Clan 7Blood Diver 24Blood Hawk 6Blood Hawk Nest 8Blood Hook 22Blood Hook Nest 17Blood Lord 25Blood Wing 24Blood Wing Nest 25Blunderbore 18Bog Creature 22Bone Archer 9Bone Mage 10Bone Warrior 7Bramble Hulk 22Brute 5Burning Dead 13Burning DeadArcher 13Burning DeadMage 14Burning Soul 26Cadaver 25Cantor 23Carrion Bird 14Carver 5Carver Shaman 6Cave Leaper 15Claw Viper 15Cloud Stalker 22Cloud Stalker Nest 22Corpse Spitter 27Corpulent 24Council Member 25Crusher 19
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a fisherman, who had known me when Emily and I were children, andever since, whispered my name at the door."Sir," said he, with tears starting to his weather-beaten face,which, with his trembling lips, was ashy pale, "will you come overyonder?"The old remembrance that had been recalled to me, was in his look. I asked him, terror-stricken, leaning on the arm he held out tosupport me:"Has a body come ashore?"He said, "Yes.""Do I know it?" I asked then.He answered nothing.But he led me to the shore. And on that part of it where she andI had looked for shells, two children - on that part of it wheresome lighter fragments of the old boat, blown down last night, hadbeen scattered by the wind - among the ruins of the home he hadwronged - I saw him lying with his head upon his arm, as I hadoften seen him lie at school."I hope Time," said I, looking at her, "will be good to all of us. Dear Mrs. Steerforth, we must all trust to that, in our heaviestmisfortunes."The earnestness of my manner, and the tears in my eyes, alarmedher. The whole course of her thoughts appeared to stop, andchange.I tried to command my voice in gently saying his name, but ittrembled. She repeated it to herself, two or three times, in a lowtone. Then, addressing me, she said, with enforced calmness:"My son is ill.""Very ill.""You have seen him?""I have.""Are you reconciled?"I could not say Yes, I could not say No. She slightly turned herhead towards the spot where Rosa Dartle had been standing at herelbow, and in that moment I said, by the motion of my lips, toRosa, "Dead!"That Mrs. Steerforth might not be induced to look behind her, andread, plainly written, what she was not yet prepared to know, I mether look quickly; but I had seen Rosa Dartle throw her hands up inthe air with vehemence of despair and horror, and then clasp themon her face.The handsome lady - so like, oh so like! - regarded me with a fixedlook, and put her hand to her forehead. I besought her to be calm,and prepare herself to bear what I had to tell; but I should ratherhave entreated her to weep, for she sat like a stone figure."When I was last here," I faltered, "Miss Dartle told me he wassailing here and there. The night before last was a dreadful oneat sea. If he were at sea that night, and near a dangerous coast,as it is said he was; and if the vessel that was seen should reallybe the ship which -""Rosa!" said Mrs. Steerforth, "come to me!"She came, but with no sympathy or gentleness. Her eyes gleamedlike fire as she confronted his mother, and broke into a frightfullaugh."Now," she said, "is your pride appeased, you madwoman? Now has hemade atonement to you - with his life! Do you hear? - His life!"Mrs. Steerforth, fallen back stiffly in her chair, and making nosound but a moan, cast her eyes upon her with a wide stare."Aye!" cried Rosa, smiting herself passionately on the breast,"look at me! Moan, and groan, and look at me! Look here!" strikingthe scar, "at your dead child"s handiwork!"The moan the mother uttered, from time to time, went to My heart. Always the same. Always inarticulate and stifled. Alwaysaccompanied with an incapable motion of the head, but with nochange of face. Always proceeding from a rigid mouth and closedteeth, as if the jaw were locked and the face frozen up in pain."Do you remember when he did this?" she proceeded. "Do youremember when, in his inheritance of your nature, and in yourpampering of his pride and passion, he did this, and disfigured mefor life? Look at me, marked until I die with his highdispleasure; and moan and groan for what you made him!""Miss Dartle," I entreated her. "For Heaven"s sake -""I WILL speak!" she said, turning on me with her lightning eyes. "Be silent, you! Look at me, I say, proud mother of a proud, falseson! Moan for your nurture of him, moan for your corruption of him,moan for your loss of him, moan for mine!"She clenched her hand, and trembled through her spare, worn figure,as if her passion were killing her by inches."You, resent his self-will!" she exclaimed. "You, injured by hishaughty temper! You, who opposed to both, when your hair was grey,the qualities which made both when you gave him birth! YOU, whofrom his cradle reared him to be what he was, and stunted what heshould have been! Are you rewarded, now, for your years oftrouble?""Oh, Miss Dartle, shame! Oh cruel!""I tell you," she returned, "I WILL speak to her. No power onearth should stop me, while I was standing here! Have I been silentall these years, and shall I not speak now? I loved him betterthan you ever loved him!" turning on her fiercely. "I could haveloved him, and asked no return. If I had been his wife, I couldhave been the slave of his caprices for a word of love a year. Ishould have been. Who knows it better than I? You were exacting,proud, punctilious, selfish. My love would have been devoted -would have trod your paltry whimpering under foot!"With flashing eyes, she stamped upon the ground as if she actuallydid it."Look here!" she said, striking the scar again, with a relentlesshand. "When he grew into the better understanding of what he haddone, he saw it, and repented of it! I could sing to him, and talkto him, and show the ardour that I felt in all he did, and attainwith labour to such knowledge as most interested him; and Iattracted him. When he was freshest and truest, he loved me. Yes,he did! Many a time, when you were put off with a slight word, hehas taken Me to his heart!"She said it with a taunting pride in the midst of her frenzy - forit was little less - yet with an eager remembrance of it, in whichthe smouldering embers of a gentler feeling kindled for the moment."I descended - as I might have known I should, but that hefascinated me with his boyish courtship - into a doll, a trifle forthe occupation of an idle hour, to be dropped, and taken up, andtrifled with, as the inconstant humour took him. When he grewweary, I grew weary. As his fancy died out, I would no more havetried to strengthen any power I had, than I would have married himon his being forced to take me for his wife. We fell away from oneanother without a word. Perhaps you saw it, and were not sorry. Since then, I have been a mere disfigured piece of furniturebetween you both; having no eyes, no ears, no feelings, noremembrances. Moan? Moan for what you made him; not for yourlove. I tell you that the time was, when I loved him better thanyou ever did!"She stood with her bright angry eyes confronting the wide stare,and the set face; and softened no more, when the moaning wasrepeated, than if the face had been a picture."Miss Dartle," said I, "if you can be so obdurate as not to feelfor this afflicted mother -""Who feels for me?" she sharply retorted. "She has sown this. Lether moan for the harvest that she reaps today!""And if his faults -" I began."Faults!" she cried, bursting into passionate tears. "Who daresmalign him? He had a soul worth millions of the friends to whom hestooped!" "No one can have loved him better, no one can hold him in dearerremembrance than I," I replied. "I meant to say, if you have nocompassion for his mother; or if his faults - you have been bitteron them -""It"s false," she cried, tearing her black hair; "I loved him!""- if his faults cannot," I went on, "be banished from yourremembrance, in such an hour; look at that figure, even as one youhave never seen before, and render it some help!"
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找到回家的路英语是:Find the way home.相关例句:They are sure they can find the way home, just like last time.因为他们确定可以像上次那样找到回家的路。Animals want to return home, but it is not so easy, you should help them to find the way home.小动物们想要回家了,可是要成功使它们到达家中并不是那麽容易哦!你必须帮助它们找到回家的正确路径。A star is a person who shines so brightly, who gives their gifts so fully, who loves so completely that everyone is drawn by the light of this star to find the way home.一颗明星是形容一个人非常闪耀的模样,他们是完全给出自己的礼物,他们是爱每一个看着星星,希望透过光的指引回家的人。As a man of sin banished to this earthly world, I have to go to the great length to find the way home, and return to the paradise at the other end of the umbilical cord.因罪孽缠身而被贬入凡间的我,将不得不穷尽吾毕生之精力寻找回家的路,重新开启那连接在脐带另一端的极乐世界。Where are you now, lily? We all hope you may find the way back home like last time, here is your happy family.狸狸你现在在哪里?希望你能向上次那样找回到家里,这里有你快乐的家。It is funny to find that the way back home is one famous biking trail: Sea to River Bikeway.令我高兴的是,居然回家的路是本市有名的自行车道:海通河之路。
2023-06-22 22:12:081


2023-06-22 22:12:381

Could you give me five points about Romeo and Juliet?

ROMEO AND JULIET: GENERAL ANALYSIS Although Romeo and Juliet is classified as a tragedy, it more closely resembles Shakespeare"s comedies than his other tragedies. The lovers and their battle with authority is reminiscent of As You Like It and The Winter"s Tale. "Characteristically, those comedies concern themselves with the inborn, unargued stupidity of older people and the life-affirming gaiety and resourcefulness of young ones. The lovers thread their way through obstacles set up by middle aged vanity and impercipience. Parents are stupid and do not know what it best for their children or themselves . . . [Romeo and Juliet] begins with the materials for a comedy - the stupid parental generation, the instant attraction of the young lovers, the quick surface life of street fights, masked balls and comic servants" (Wain 107). Indeed, one could view Romeo and Juliet as a transitional play in which Shakespeare merges the comedic elements perfected in his earlier work with tragic elements he would later perfect in the great tragedies -- Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, and King Lear. This mixture of styles ultimately hurts Romeo and Juliet, exposing the immaturity of the playwright. The heroes of the play must contend with external forces that impede their relationship, but, unlike the great tragic heroes, they are devoid of the inner struggle that makes for great tragedy. The influential Shakespearean scholar, A.C. Bradley, went so far as to neglect the play entirely in his well-known collection of lectures on the great tragedies, Shakespearean Tragedy. While no one can deny the merits of Shakespeare"s powerful, inspired verse, the themes Shakespeare stresses in Romeo and Juliet also seem to reflect his immaturity as a writer. To understand properly who this is so, we must examine each pervasive motif in the play.The Theme of LightScholar Caroline Spurgen once wrote, "The dominating image [in Romeo and Juliet] is light, every form and manifestation of it" (Shakespeare"s Imagery, 310). When Romeo initially sees Juliet, he compares her immediately to the brilliant light of the torches and tapers that illuminate Capulet"s great hall: " O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!" (I.V.46). Juliet is the light that frees him from the darkness of his perpetual melancholia. In the famous balcony scene Romeo associates Juliet with sunlight, "It is the east and Juliet is the sun!" (II.ii.3), daylight, "The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars/As daylight doth a lamp" (II.ii.20-1), and the light emanating from angels, "O speak again bright angel" (II.ii.26). In turn, Juliet compares their new-found love to lightening (II.ii.120), primarily to stress the speed at which their romance is moving, but also to suggest that, as the lightening is a glorious break in the blackness of the night sky, so too is their love a flash of wondrous luminance in an otherwise dark world -- a world where her every action is controlled by those around her. When the Nurse does not arrive fast enough with news about Romeo, Juliet laments that love"s heralds should be thoughts "Which ten times faster glides than the sun"s beams/Driving back shadows over lowering hills" (II.v.4-5). Here, the heralds of love that will bring comforting news about her darling are compared to the magical and reassuring rays of sun that drive away unwanted shadows. Juliet also equates Romeo and the bond that they share with radiant light. In a common play on words, she begs Romeo to "not impute this yielding to light love/Which the dark night hath so discovered" (II.ii.105-6), again comparing their mutual feelings of love to bright and comforting light . Having no fear of the darkness, Juliet proclaims that night can Take [Romeo] and cut him out into little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine That all the world will be in love with night And pay no worship to the garrish sun. (III.ii.23-6) Here Romeo, transformed into shimmering immortality, becomes the very definition of light, outshining the sun itself. However, despite all the aforementioned positive references to light in the play, it ultimately takes on a negative role, forcing the lovers to part at dawn:Romeo. It was the lark, the herald of the morn, No nightingale. Look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east. Night"s candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountaintops. I must be gone and live, or stay and die. (III.V.6-11) From this point on, darkness becomes the central motif. Romeo exclaims: "More light and light: more dark and dark our woes!" (III.v.36). And, as Peter Quennell writes, "...the beauty and brevity of love itself -- that "brief light", doomed to quick extinction, celebrated in Catullus" famous lyric -- are set off by the "perpetual darkness" of ancient Capulets" sepulchral vault" (Shakespeare: A Biography,150). The final indication that darkness has triumphed over light comes from The Prince: "A glooming peace this morning with it brings/The sun for sorrow will not show his head" (V.III.304-5). There are several other examples one could cite, and, despite Shakespeare"s masterful poetic styling, many critics argue that these continual references to light are overkill, illustrative of Shakespeare at his most immature stage of writing.The Theme of TimeEarly in the play, Romeo is painfully aware of the passage of time as he pines for Rosaline: "sad hours seem long" (I.I.159). Mercutio is the first to address the problem of "wasted time", and after his complaint, a sudden shift occurs and time quickens to rapid movement. Capulet laments that the years are passing too fast, and Juliet cautions that her love for Romeo is "too rash, too unadvis"d, too sudden...too like the lightening" (2.2.120). Soon time begins to aid in the destruction of the lovers. Capulet rushes ahead the marriage date, insisting Juliet wed Paris a day early, and thus forcing her into swift and, ultimately, fatal action. "The fast-paced world that Shakespeare builds up around his characters allows little possibility for adherence to Friar Lawrence"s counsel of "Wisely and slow." In such a world to stumble tragically is surely no less inevitable than it is for Lear to go mad in the face of human ingratitude." (Cole, 17). As with Shakespeare"s manipulation of the theme of light, it can be said that his reliance on time as an increasingly menacing force against the lovers is immature and artificial. The Theme of DestinyAs critic Bertrand Evans points out: "Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy of unawareness" more so than any of Shakespeare"s other plays. "Fate, or Heaven, as the Prince calls it, or the "greater power," as the Friar calls it, working out its purpose without the use of either a human villain or a supernatural agent sent to intervene in mortal affairs, operates through the common human condition of not knowing. Participants in the action, some of them in parts that are minor and seem insignificant, contribute one by one the indispensable stitches which make the pattern, and contribute them not knowing; that is to say, they act when they do not know the truth of the situation in which they act, this truth being known, however, to us who are spectators." (The Brevity of Friar Laurence, 850) The idea that Fortune dictates the course of mankind dates back to ancient times. Those writers of the medieval world incorporated the goddess Fortune into Christianity and made her God"s servant, responsible for adding challenges to our lives so that we would see the importance of giving up our tumultuous earthly lives to God. The most influential treatise on the theme of Fate was The Consolation of Philosophy, written by the scholar Boethius (c.A.D. 475-525). Written while he awaited execution, it is a dialogue between himself and his guide "Philosophy", who explores with him the true nature of happiness and fate, and leads him to hope and enlightenment. Here is an excerpt from Book IVTo human acts alone denied Thy fit control as Lord of all. Why else does slippery Fortune change So much, and punishment more fit For crime oppress the innocent? Corrupted men sit throned on high; By strange reversal evilness Downtreads the necks of holy men. Bright virtue lies in dark eclipse By clouds obscured, and unjust men Heap condemnation on the just... Look down on all earth"s wretchedness; Of this great work is man so mean A part, by Fortune to be tossed? Lord...Make stable all the land"s of the earth. (Book I) Boethius" work, specifically his concept of "Fortune"s wheel", made an enormous impact on the work of Chaucer and Dante and, less directly, Shakespeare. Fate"s impact on Romeo and Juliet is made clear from the outset of the play. The Chorus tells us that the lovers are "star-cross"d", and thus hindered by the influence of malignant planets (note that Renaissance astrologers used the planets to predict plagues and other such calamities, in addition to predicting the outcome and quality of individual"s lives) . Throughout the play Fate"s role is reaffirmed as the lovers sense its interference. Romeo, just before he attends Capulet"s ball, has a premonition:My mind misgives Some consequence, yet hanging in the stars, Shall bitterly begin thisd fearful date With this night"s revels, and expire the term Of a dispised life, clos"d in my breast, By some vile forfeit of untimely death: But he that hath the steerage of my course Direct my sail! (I.IV.106) Romeo later cries that he is "fortune"s fool" (III.i.141), and Juliet exclaims that she has an "ill-divining soul" (III.v.52). Moreover, their predictions extend into their dreams, as Romeo says "I dreamt my lady came and found me dead" (V.i.6). So in keeping with tradition set down by the likes of Seneca and Boethius, Fate controls Shakespeare"s doomed lovers. And "[t]he intent of this emphasis is clear. The tale will end with the death of two ravishingly attractive young folk; and the dramatist must exonerate himself from all complicity in their murder, lest he be found guilty of pandering to a liking for a human shambles. He disowns responsibility and throws it on Destiny, Fate." (Charlton, Shakespearean Tragedy, 52). This reliance on the motif of Fate in the play is the most representative of Shakespeare"s dramatic deficiency. It is not the lovers" flaws that lead them to ruin; the tragedy does not spring from their own weaknesses. As a result, there is little growth of character and no profound analysis of the complexity of human nature. Thus, despite the lyrical beauty of the play and the endearing qualities of Romeo and his Juliet, (which have secured its place as one of the great dramas), it fails to rise to the level of Shakespeare"s other tragedies that explore the inner failings of humankind.
2023-06-22 22:12:564


2023-06-22 22:13:354


配军的解释[exile;banished person] 古时因处流刑发配到边远去充军的罪犯 大官人今日何故厚礼管待配军。—— 《 水浒传 》 详细解释 因流刑发配戍边的军卒。 宋 洪迈 《夷坚支志癸·东流 道人 》 :“ 少年 中两人最 不堪 ,且又恃众,交口肆骂,至云:‘定是箇配军贼。"” 《水浒传》 第二回:“ 高太尉 喝道:‘你这贼配军,且看众将之面,饶恕你今日之犯。"” 郭小川 《西出 阳关 》 诗:“ 唐 诗人、 清 配军……他们岂肯与天涯地角共一心!” 词语分解 配的解释 配 è 两性结合: 配偶 。配种(弉 )。 相互 分工 合作 : 配合 。配器。 用 适当 的 标准 加以 调和 :配料。配制。配伍。配药。配色。配餐。 有计划地分派、 安排 :配备。配置。配给(?)。分配。搭配。 把缺少的补足: 军的解释 军 (军) ū 武装部队:军威。军服。行(妌 )军。军功。军犬。军备。军纪。军衔。军阀。军令状。异军突起。溃不成军。 军队的编制单位,是“师”的上一级。 泛指有 组织 的集体: 劳动 大军。 笔画数:; 部
2023-06-22 22:13:421


Bearing 这个词除了忍受还有怀孩子的意思。在希腊神话中Penelope除了是奥德萨的妻子意外,别的神话版本中还指出说她是Pan的母亲,也就是,Pan是Penelope和Hermes(赫尔墨斯)孩子。所以这句话才说Penelop被指责为Hermes怀了孩子Pan吧。参考于wikipedia,非常遗憾我只找到英文版的。“In some early sources such as Pindar, Pan"s father is Apollo via Penelope. Herodotus (2.145), Cicero (ND 3.22.56), Apollodorus (7.38) and Hyginus (Fabulae 224) all make Hermes and Penelope his parents. Pausanias 8.12.5 records the story that Penelope had in fact been unfaithful to her husband, who banished her to Mantineia upon his return. Other sources (Duris of Samos; the Vergilian commentator Servius) report that Penelope slept with all 108 suitors in Odysseus" absence, and gave birth to Pan as a result.[9] This myth reflects the folk etymology that equates Pan"s name (Πu03acν) with the Greek word for "all" (πu1fb6ν).[13]”
2023-06-22 22:13:511

《Romeo and Juliet》英文故事梗概

But Romeo and Juliet fell in love,so Juliet found a way to marry to Romeo through thire families bant.(禁止,不知道有没有拼错)Saddly,both of them dead as a misunderstand.At last,thire family went along well with each other.
2023-06-22 22:14:012


月亮已举行了浪漫的内涵在中国文化几千年之久。至于它的神话,一个美丽的夫人名为嫦娥的生命有她的宠物,玉器兔。和月球一直激励着古老的中国艺术家。李白,最伟大的诗人TheTang时期,写320多首有关月亮在他有生之年和月球的打蜡和已大大减弱影响中国哲学的概念旋回。但它不仅在中国文化,月球已是一个有趣的传奇。长期以来欧洲传统认为,一个人被放逐到月球犯了罪。德国文化以为他是一名男子被窃取形成一个邻居的树篱修复自己。并在罗马传说,他是一个羊贼。另一种流行的神话,西方文化是关于月球的起源奶牛?月亮是绿色的乳酪。 “绿色”不是指颜色的月亮,但它的不成熟或年轻人。“绿色奶酪”是圆的形状像月亮,但与斑驳的表面,这是类似的数据,如果月球。
2023-06-22 22:14:162

The image of Satan in Paradise Lost by Milton

2023-06-22 22:14:258

求一首英文歌的歌名 看补充

求一首英文歌的歌名 看补充 《It"s all ing back to me now》席琳迪翁的 歌词: There were nights when the wind was so cold That my body froze in bed If I just listened to it Right outside the window There were days when the sun was so cruel That all the tears turned to dust And I just knew my eyes were Drying up forever I finished crying in the instant that you left And I can"t remember where or when or how And I banished every memory you and I had ever made But when you touch me like this And you hold me like that I just have to admit That it"s all ing back to me When I touch you like this And I hold you like that It"s so hard to believe but It"s all ing back to me (It"s all ing back, it"s all ing back to me now) There were moments of gold And there were flashes of light There were things I"d never do again But then they"d always seemed right There were nights of endless pleasure It was more than any laws allow Baby Baby If I kiss you like this And if you whisper like that It was lost long ago But it"s all ing back to me If you want me like this And if you need me like that It was dead long ago But it"s all ing back to me It"s so hard to resist And it"s all ing back to me I can barely recall But it"s all ing back to me now But it"s all ing back There were those empty threats and hollow lies And whenever you tried to hurt me I just hurt you even worse And so much deeper There were hours that just went on for days When alone at last we"d count up all the chances That were lost to us forever But you were history with the slamming of the door And I made myself so strong again somehow And I never wasted any of my time on you since then But if I touch you like this And if you kiss me like that It was so long ago But it"s all ing back to me If you touch me like this And if I kiss you like that It was gone with the wind But it"s all ing back to me (It"s all ing back, it"s all ing back to me now) There were moments of gold And there were flashes of light There were things we"d never do again But then they"d always seemed right There were nights of endless pleasure It was more than all your laws allow Baby, Baby, Baby When you touch me like this And when you hold me like that It was gone with the wind But it"s all ing back to me When you see me like this And when I see you like that Then we see what we want to see All ing back to me The flesh and the fantasies All ing back to me I can barely recall But it"s all ing back to me now If you five me all this If I five you all that We five and fet And it"s all ing back to me When you see me like this And when I see you like that We see just what we want to see Al ing back to me The flesh and the fantasies All ing back to me I can barely recall but it"s all ing back to me now (It"s all ing back to me now) And when you kiss me like this (It"s all ing back to me now) And when I touch you like that (It"s all ing back to me now) If you do it like this (It"s all ing back to me now) And if we, , , 听下是不是 求一首英文歌名(补充里有连结) Train 的 Mermaid 求一首英文歌的歌名 Doing It - Charli XCX、Rita Ora We"re staying all night We never slow down I think we better do it Like we"re doing it now It"s been a long time Since we"ve been around So e on, Let"s keep doing it like we"re doing it Doing it like we"re doing it Waited so long just to be here And now we"re bringing this back to life, Yeah, we"re bringing this back to life Want you to know how I miss ya Now I got you right by my side, Yeah, I got you right by my side Locked inside my veins you"re in my blood, In my blood And we united forevermore We"re staying all night We never slow down I think we better do it Like we"re doing it now It"s been a long time Since we"ve been around So e on, let"s keep doing it Like we"re doing it Doing it like we"re doing it now Keep doing it like we"re doing it Doing it like we"re doing it Friends like a team in a circle We"re together we"re so alive, Yeah, together we"re so alive Joy like a jewel let it sparkle Know that I got your back for life, Yeah, I got your back for life Locked inside my veins you"re in my blood, In my blood And we united forevermore We"re staying all night We never slow down I think we better do it Like we"re doing it now It"s been a long time Since we"ve been around So e on, let"s keep doing it Like we"re doing it Doing it like we"re doing it now Keep doing it like we"re doing it Doing it like we"re doing it now Keep doing it like we"re doing it Doing it like we"re doing it All night long We dancing to this song We doing it, we going on and on, On and on All night long We dancing to this song We doing it, we going on and on, On and on We"re staying all night We never slow down I think we better do it Like we"re doing it now It"s been a long time Since we"ve been around So e on, let"s keep doing it Like we"re doing it Doing it like we"re doing it now All night long We dancing to this song Keep doing it like we"re doing it Doing it like we"re doing it now All night long We dancing to this song Keep doing it like we"re doing it We"re staying all night We never slow down I think we better do it Like we"re doing it now It"s been a long time Since we"ve been around So e on, let"s keep doing it Like we"re doing it Doing it like we"re doing it now Baby 是不是Deep Side 《Booty Music》。。满意请采纳
2023-06-22 22:14:521

这个怎么翻译吖 请各位帮帮莪??

, Visits to far to, its journalism there. Qingli between personal care person, direct Dragon Pavilion a potential capacity of Henan Yin Gongzhu not banished State, resident in East wuli-new century Buddhist temple of the golden light. Yin public domain literature, is longer than the debate, and commercially run, Shih Wen ren, and everyone thinks not. When so, name of a surname to shock the world, and what is learned in the cover to rich and poor are equal death vividly their hearts, so the living, Japan to study ancient and modern books, Tom for something and not know why the officer is banished. Tasting between fucheng gate in the North of their zhubai, and Tall Fescue for the Pavilion, the roots of grass and leisure, age is. People can"t bear to waste both bad, always acting, ends a surname because of booths.
2023-06-22 22:15:002


又快到高考时刻了,高考语文考卷有一项必考内容是背诵古诗词,而白居易作的《琵琶行》,是每个高中学生必背的经典。这篇600多字的长诗背哭了一代又一代的高考考生。而然近日平行工作室将这首长诗改编成朗朗上口的流行歌曲。 这首《琵琶行》歌曲视频将古典元素和现代流行音乐唱腔结合起来,不仅旋律动听、朗朗上口,还让人容易记忆,该视频上传到网络瞬间被点爆,在微博热搜榜上成为了#高三考生必听曲目# 来感受一下这首《琵琶行》流行歌曲听完歌曲众多高中生对《琵琶行》变成歌曲感到喜大普奔,纷纷留言称:“终于找到了背古诗的正确姿势!”“我已经安利(推荐)给语文老师了。”“感谢!我就是这篇总背不熟,现在有救啦! 如果将这首琵琶行改编成英文流行歌曲,又会是怎样的一番韵味? 无论有没琵琶行的英文流行歌曲,让我们先来感受下许老先生的《琵琶行》英文译本吧,超美的! Song of a Pipa PlayerBa Juyi 许渊冲 译 One night by riverside I bade a friend goodbye; In maple leaves and rushes autumn seemed to sigh. My friend and I dismounted and came into the boat; Without flute songs we drank our cups with heavy heart; The moonbeams blended with water when we were to part. Suddenly o"er the stream we heard a pipa sound; I forgot to go home and the guest stood spell-bound. We followed where the music led to find the player, But heard the pipa stop and no music in the air. We moved our boat towards the one whence came the strain, Brought back the lamp, asked for more wine and drank again. Repeatedly we called for the fair player still. She came, her face half hidden behind a pipa still. She turned the pegs and tested twice or thrice each string; Before a tune was played we heard her feelings sing. Each string she plucked, each note she struck with pathos strong, All seemed to say she"d missed her dreams all her life long. Head bent, she played with unpremeditated art On and on to pour out her overflowing heart. She lightly plucked, slowly stroked and twanged loud The song of “Green Waist” after that of “Rainbow Cloud”. The thick strings loudly thrummed like the pattering rain; The fine strings softly tinkled in a murmuring strain. When mingling loud and sot notes were together played, You heard orioles warble in a flowery land, Then a sobbing stream run along a beach of sand. But the stream seemed so cold as to tighten the string; From tightened strings no more song could be heard to sing. Still we heard hidden grief and vague regret concealed; Then music expressed far less than silence revealed. Suddenly we heard water burst a silver jar, And the clash of spears and sabers come from afar. She made a central sweep when the music was ending; The four strings made one sound, as if silk one was rending. Silence reigned left and right of the boat, east and west; We saw but autumn moon white in the river"s breast. She slid the plectrum pensively between the strings, Smoothed out her dress and rose with a composed mien. “I spent,” she said, “in the capital my early springs, Where at the foot of Mount of Toads my home had been. At thirteen I learned on the pipa how to play, And my name was among the primas of the day. I won my master"s admiration for my skill; My beauty was envied by songstresses fair still. The gallant young men vied to shower gifts on me; One tune played, countless silk rolls were given with glee. Beating time, I let silver comb and pin drop down, And spilt-out wine oft stained my blood-red silken gown. From year to year I laughed my joyous life away On moonlit autumn light as windy vernal day. My younger brother left for war, and died my maid; Days passed, nights came, and my beauty began to fade. Fewer and fewer were cabs and steeds at my door; I married a smug merchant when my prime was o"er. The merchant cared for money much more than for me; One month ago he went away to purchase tea, Leaving his lonely wife alone in empty boat; Shrouded in moonlight, on the cold river I float. Deep in the night I dreams of happy bygone years, And woke to find my rouged face crisscrossed with tears.” Listening to her story, I signed again and again. Both of us in misfortune go from shore to shore. Meeting now, need we have known each other before? “I was banished from the capital last year To live degraded and ill in this city here. The city"s too remote to know melodious song, So I have never heard music all the year long. I dwell by riverbank on a low and damp ground In a house with wild reeds and stunted bamboos around. What is here to be heard from daybreak till nightfall But gibbon"s cry and cuckoo"s homeward-going call? By blooming riverside and under autumn moon I"ve often taken wine up and drunk it alone. Thought I have mountain songs and village pipes to hear, Yet they are crude and strident and grate on the ear. Listening to you playing on pipa tonight, With your music divine e"en my hearing seems bright. Will you sit down and play for us a tune once more? I"ll write for you an ode to the pipa I adore.” Touched by what I said, the player stood for long, Then sat down, tore at strings and played another song. So sad, so drear, so different, it moved us deep; Those who heard it hid the face and began to weep. Of all the company at table who wept most? It was none other than the exiled blue-robed host. 许老先生的翻译功底真是大家风范,不愧是中英法翻译第一人!
2023-06-22 22:15:071

paradise lost的英文释意

失乐园John Milton, a poet and political commenter of the English Bourgeois Revolution, is the most sublime and most lonely figure in English literature, whose importance is acknowledged all over the world. He is the last rearguard of the Renaissance and the primary promoter of Enlightenment. The love of every form of human culture and the steadfast devotion to duty as the highest object in human life have shaped his entire career.Of all his great works, Paradise Lost is the most complicated and most profound one, which wins him endless honor. It is indeed the only generally recognized epic in English literature since Beowulf and a heroic poem in Renaissance style. It deals with revolt from God, with sin and fall, and with the possible salvation. It presents the author"s views in an allegoric religious form, and readers will easily discern its basic idea—exposure of the ways of Satan and justification of the ways of God to men. It is the reflection of the reactionary forces of Milton"s time and the passionate appeal for freedom.As the main character of Paradise Lost, Satan is definitely impressive and powerful, whose ambivalence catches all critics" eyes and leads to centuries" disputes. Those commenters can be classified into three groups. The first group mainly consists of revolutionists. They traditionally read this epic with strong political inclination, putting Satan at the place of protagonist and considering him a symbol of revolution, which must be influenced greatly by those western romantic poets such as William Blake and Percy B. Shelley (Fowler 45). They are generally called pro-Satanists. Short Comment on Satan in Paradise Lost since Apollo"s divine word “to understand yourself”, the western literature has been always fulfilling such pursuit and being in continuous self-questioning. Like Puluomixius" rejection to divinity, 亚哈"s to nature, Satan"s fighting against God also ended up with failure. They are showing people with the limitation of mankind, reminding people o... “Paradise Lost” is Minton"s masterpiece .It is a long epic in 12 books, written in blank verse. The story were taken from the Old Testament: the creation of the earth and Adam and Eve, the fallen angels in hell plotting against God, Satan"s temptation of Eve, and the departure of Adam and Eve from Eden .Satan and his followers are banished from heaven and driven into hell, but even here in hell, mist flames and poisonous fumes, Satan and his adherents are not discouraged. The poem ,as we are told at the outset, was “to justify the ways of God to man”,ie to advocate submission to the Almighty. The epic shows the writer"s misery after the Restoration, and his determination for revolution. The style of the epic is grand, which is the result of his life-long classical and biblical study.
2023-06-22 22:15:161

什么叫 屁民?

2023-06-22 22:10:304


伊万卡·特朗普,女,1981年10月30日生于美国纽约,毕业于沃顿商学院。现任美国纽约房地产巨鳄特朗普集团副总裁。1997年5月,她成了17岁杂志的封面女郎。2004年毕业后,伊万卡大学毕业后去福里斯特城合伙公司,担任零售拓展部的一名项目经理。2019年12月13日,福布斯发布2019全球最具影响力女性榜,伊万卡·特朗普排名第42。2020年12月4日,美国检方日前就特朗普2017年就职典礼滥用资金一案进行调查,并传唤了特朗普的女儿伊万卡。工作经历伊万卡·特朗普中学在Choate私立寄宿学校上学,毕业后就去乔治城大学读书,两年后,伊万卡·特朗普(Ivanka Trump)转到其父亲的母校沃顿商学院。1997年5月,她甚至成了17岁杂志的封面女郎。同一年,她成为了美国妙龄小姐选美比赛的主持人。2004年,伊万卡大学毕业后没有马上进入父亲的集团,而是去福里斯特城合伙公司,担任零售拓展部的一名项目经理。伊万卡最终来到了家族企业,成为特朗普集团的副总裁。后来,伊万卡就当上了明星设计师,推出了自创同名品牌,包括成衣、珠宝、女鞋、香水。身材高挑并当过模特的她还亲自担任了自家品牌的代言人。
2023-06-22 22:10:331


2023-06-22 22:10:341


2023-06-22 22:10:341

汉堡王 是世界500强吗?

想玩游戏的加入试试吧。pj普通解释:胸中间的能量石快没能量了再不放大招打不死怪兽(因怪兽的HP比奥特曼多) 文艺回英雄总是最后登场,大招必须最后再放。 2B说:凹凸曼和小怪兽要先互虐一阵子,然后凹凸曼他妈叫他回家吃饭,胸前的来电提示响了,所以不和小怪兽玩了,就放了个大招。 (2B解释还有很多,这是最老最典型的一个)(如果有用,给个好评,) 回答你的第二个问题:他们穿皮大衣的理由和超人,蜘蛛侠,蝙蝠侠,钢铁侠(钢铁侠的皮大衣升级为铠甲),绿巨人(绿巨人的皮大衣简化成裤衩),美国队长一样,只是为了与众不同,和提升防御力,加强攻击力。
2023-06-22 22:10:353

MEG Z490 GODLIKE主板要用什么机箱(要有光驱的)?

1、Z490 GODLIKE是E-ATX板型,可选择的机箱本就不多,再加上需要光驱位,那更加少了。2、可以看看海盗船Graphite 780T ,如果嫌贵,也可以看看PHANTEKS追风者 614PC。海盗船Graphite 780TPHANTEKS追风者 614PC
2023-06-22 22:10:431


era的the mass
2023-06-22 22:10:453


2023-06-22 22:10:461


don"t give a shit 毫不在乎a piece of shit shit happens 不好的事情时常发生 eat shit 卑躬屈膝 bull shit 胡说八道 in the shit 陷入困境 holy shit 天啊还有一个国人造的:shitizen 屁民的意思,源自citizen。
2023-06-22 22:10:471


【导读】:绯闻女孩(Gossip Girl)中,美女主角们的优雅的气质,大牌华服,惬意的富家女生活,是不是让你感觉羡慕不已。别以为这只是电视剧里的虚拟角色,其实,绯闻女孩确有其人,只是艺术是源于生 绯闻女孩(Gossip Girl)中,美女主角们的优雅的气质,大牌华服,惬意的富家女生活,是不是让你感觉羡慕不已。别以为这只是电视剧里的虚拟角色,其实,绯闻女孩确有其人,只是艺术是源于生活更高于生活。编剧将全世界各地的富家女们集中在一部电视剧里,让观众一次看个够。 伊万卡·特朗普 (Ivanka Trump) 伊万卡·特朗普 (Ivanka Trump) 伊万卡·特朗普 (Ivanka Trump)出生于1981年,伊万卡·特朗普,纽约地产大王唐纳德·特朗普的女儿,世界超级名模,美国纽约房地产巨鳄“特朗普集团”副总裁,连续二年登上美国《福布斯》杂志的全球十大未婚女富豪排行榜榜首。 伊万卡·特朗普 (Ivanka Trump) 既继承了妈妈的美丽,又是爸爸钜额财富的惟一继承者。在这个拥有豪华游艇、一座有140个房间的豪华别墅和21亿美元继承权的女孩身上,没有一点娇生惯养的坏毛病。在她29年的平坦“钱途”上,有30%是借了家族的“光”,而70%则全靠自己打拼。 夏洛特公主(Charlotte Casiraghi) 夏洛特公主(Charlotte Casiraghi) 夏洛特公主(Charlotte Casiraghi)是摩纳哥王室的二公主,可能大家对夏洛特不怎么熟悉,但她的外婆可是赫赫有名的美国著名演员格蕾丝.凯利。夏洛特还是拥12亿美元身家的摩纳哥阿尔伯特二世的外甥女,也是摩纳哥王位第四继承人。 夏洛特,是摩纳哥大公主卡罗琳的爱女,格蕾丝王妃的外孙女。遗传自家族的优良血统,夏洛特从小就是美人胚子,15岁时就成为时装界名人,当她同龄的女孩还在模仿小甜甜布兰妮的打扮时,夏洛特就形成了自己的风格。2001年开始,夏洛特几乎每周都出现在时尚杂志,或是跟王室有关的杂志上。世界各地的时尚杂志上从来不缺少有关她的报道,除了是一些花边新闻,猜测她到底能不能成为威廉的王妃,还有对她的评价:“她是公主,而且她还很酷。”法国的时尚经典杂志《Elle》对她评头论足:“夏洛特简直成了法国女孩的一本‘完全时尚手册",因为她贵为公主,却又如此的富有个性。”“她简直美若天仙,因此就算她穿着奇装异服,人们也从来不会觉得低俗”。 迪伦·劳伦 (Dylan Lauren) 迪伦·劳伦 (Dylan Lauren)的糖果广告 迪伦·劳伦 (Dylan Lauren)是美国著名时装设计师拉尔夫劳伦 (Ralph Lauren)的女儿。目前身家:47亿美元 自杜克大学毕业后,立志要开办全世界最独特、最完美的糖果零售店。迪伦是美国著名时装设计师拉尔夫·劳伦的女儿,为了实现自己儿时的梦想,这位美国的甜心小姐迎合大众口味,推出自己的糖果品牌。 目前,她已经在3个州拥有了四家糖果连锁店。其中包括地处纽约面积达930平方米的商铺。 在这里,她不仅售卖了她的特色糖果,而且售卖高级时装和糖果口味的香水。现在迪伦的靓影已经登上了《人物》和《纽约时报星期天特刊》等报刊的封面。 玛塔·奥特加·佩雷斯 (Marta Ortega Perez) 玛塔·奥特加·佩雷斯 (Marta Ortega Perez) 玛塔·奥特加·佩雷斯 (Marta Ortega Perez) 玛塔·奥特加·佩雷斯 (Marta Ortega Perez)出生于西班牙,父亲是Zara品牌创始人阿曼西奥·奥特加。她目前身家:240亿美元,被认为是庞大的Inditex集团的继承人,最近已经开始逐步接手公司业务。Inditex集团拥有八个服装品牌,数千家连锁店。 安娜·阿尼西莫娃 安娜·阿尼西莫娃 安娜·阿尼西莫娃(Anna Anisimova)出生于1985年,阿尼西莫娃是俄罗斯冶金业大亨瓦西里·阿尼西莫夫的女儿。今年夏天阿尼西莫娃花费60万美元在美国汉普顿租了一栋花园洋房度暑假。此前两年她先后花费了98万美元在此度假。尽管阿尼西莫娃现仍然是纽约大学的学生,但依然频繁出现于纽约上流社会,新学年她将入住父亲在曼哈顿时代华纳中心为她新购置的近400平方米的豪宅,这套高级住宅价值1200万欧元。 安娜·阿尼西莫娃称得上是海外俄罗斯裔新生代中的代表,其父瓦西里-阿尼西莫夫是俄罗斯冶金业大亨,早在2000年时,安尼希莫夫的资产就已超过18亿美元。今年夏天,年仅22岁的阿尼西莫娃就花费60万美元在美国汉普顿租了一栋花园洋房度暑假,然后又在迈阿密买下一个250万英镑的公寓,新学年她还将入住父亲在曼哈顿时代华纳中心为她新购置的近400平方米、价值1500万美元的豪宅。尽管安娜-阿尼西莫娃现在仍然是纽约大学的学生,但却频繁出现于纽约上流社会,并显示出与她年龄极不相称的成熟。 辛迪·哈里里(Hind Hariri) 辛迪·哈里里(Hind Hariri) 辛迪·哈里里(Hind Hariri)是已故黎巴嫩总理哈里里的小女儿,2006年以14亿美元的个人身家成为福布斯富豪榜上最年轻的一员。去年从大学毕业的她成功帮助哥哥萨阿德争取到黎巴嫩国会一个席位。 她在全球最年轻亿万富豪排行榜中,则名列第二,仅次于著名交友网站Facebook的创始人马克·朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)。 这位黎巴嫩前总理拉菲克-哈里里(Rafik Hariri)的女儿刚刚从位于贝鲁特的黎巴嫩美国大学毕业,是众多男子梦寐以求的“女钻石王老五”之一。 迷人的笑容、乌黑的卷发 、22岁、单身 、14亿美元——拥有这一切的辛迪·哈里里(Hind Hariri),是当今世界上最年轻的亿万富豪。 阿兰娜·韦斯顿 (Alannah Weston) 阿兰娜·韦斯顿 (Alannah Weston) 阿兰娜·韦斯顿 (Alannah Weston) 拥79亿美元身家,是加拿大食品业大王盖伦·韦斯顿之女,目前负责经营英国伦敦的赛弗里奇百货公司。 加拿大第二富豪之女,目前负责经营英国伦敦的赛弗里奇百货公司,和英国建筑师亚历山大·科克伦结婚。 阿曼达·赫斯特 (Amanda Hearst) 阿曼达·赫斯特 (Amanda Hearst) 阿曼达·赫斯特 (Amanda Hearst)是美国传媒业巨头威廉·伦道夫·赫斯特最大的曾外孙女。母亲是出版界名人安妮·赫斯特,曾经当过模特,现为时装品牌Tommy Hilfiger全球形象大使。 阿曼达·赫斯特,在美国《福布斯》杂志年度的“全球10大未婚女富豪排行榜”中榜上有名,具有出版帝国继承人和福特公司模特的双重身份,还是波士顿大学的学生。她即将入主赫斯特集团,证实她的智慧与美貌同样名不虚传。美丽又具亲和力的形象,让她在纽约上流社会的风头大有取代名媛Paris Hilton的架势。 拉克希米·米塔尔(Vanisha Mittal) 印度钢铁大王太子女拉克希米·米塔尔(Vanisha Mittal)是印度首富钢铁大王之女,身家510亿美元,毕业于欧洲商学院,后加入米塔尔公司董事会。2004年,在巴黎举行世纪奢华婚礼,历时一周,耗资6000万美元,宾客千人。 2005年,米塔尔钢铁公司跃居世界最大钢铁集团,拉克希米·米塔尔正式登基世界钢铁大王,在福布斯全球富豪排行榜从62位一跃而至第3位。 但是,在世人面前抢去他风头的,则是他女儿瓦妮莎的婚礼。 瓦妮莎23岁时在巴黎的婚礼曾被全世界媒体称作“世纪婚礼”,除了戴妃那一回,还没能哪个王族的婚礼可堪此誉。当然,米塔尔也公开宣称:我们就是印度王族! 这场婚礼耗资6000万美元。6架包租的波音飞机从世界各地接来1000位富豪亲友,参加在凡尔赛最奢华的花园宫殿里举办的庆典,“宝莱坞”男女一号明星 也都来献艺。在纯银的请柬信封里,除了邀请函还有钻石手表 或金玉项链。印度最大的杂志之一《展望》不无夸张地描述说:看来若瓦妮莎要埃菲尔铁塔作嫁妆,米塔尔也决不给别的! 德尔菲娜·阿尔诺(Delphine Arnault) 德尔菲娜·阿尔诺(Delphine Arnault) 德尔菲娜·阿尔诺(Delphine Arnault)的父亲是世界第一大奢侈品集团LVMH(路易·威登)董事长伯纳德·阿尔诺。她身家260亿美元,毕业于伦敦经济学院,后加入全球著名战略管理咨询公司麦肯锡公司,2000年进入路易·威登集团,28岁时成为集团董事会唯一的女性成员。
2023-06-22 22:10:261


Go beyond God.
2023-06-22 22:10:154


问题一:杀戮用英语怎么说 杀戮 slaughter 杀戮 slaughter 问题二:杀戮 用英语怎么说 slaughter 问题三:dota里疯狂杀戮英语怎么说 第一滴血:First Blood (+200金钱,所以以上来大家都不要命拉,为这200金子) 如果你一次不死,那么(杀得越多别人杀死你越值钱) 杀3人:Killing Spree 大杀特杀 杀4人:Dominating 主宰比赛 杀5人:Mega Kill 杀人如麻 杀6人:Unstoppedable 无人能档 杀7人:Wicked Sick 杀得变态 杀8人:Monster Kill 真的根妖怪一样 杀9人:God Like 如同神一般 杀10人:Holy Shit(文字是写Beyond Godlike) 超越神了 杀11人:Holy Shit(文字是写Beyond Godlike) 超越神了 杀12人:Holy Shit(文字是写Beyond Godlik珐) 超越神了 杀13人:Holy Shit(文字是写Beyond Godlike) 超越神了 双杀 音效:Double Kills 三杀 音效:Triple Kills 四杀 音效: Ultrakill 五杀 音效:Rampage 问题四:疯狂杀戮用英语怎么说 crazy slaughter 问题五:艺术杀戮用英文怎么说 Artistic slay 问题六:杀戮 英文是什么 slaughter或者killing 问题七:杀戮怎么读 杀戮拼音: shā lù 词目:杀戮 拼音:shā lù(音同“路”) 词义:杀害(多指大量的)。例:杀戮无辜。 基本解释 [massacre;slaughter] 大量杀害(指实力相差甚远而大量斩杀),屠戮 惨遭杀戮 详细解释亦作“ 杀J ”。杀害;屠杀。 问题八:杀戮制造者英文怎么说 Google Killing Machine 获得约 10,500,000 条结果 Killer Machine 获得约 9,410,000 条结果,且会自动关联Killing Machine
2023-06-22 22:10:081


"La Universidad debiera insistirnos en lo antiguo y en lo ajeno. Si insiste en lo propio y lo contemporáneo, la Universidad es inútil, porque está ampliando una función que ya cumple la prensa."大学应该支持我们去钻研古人和别人的东西。如果只是支持自己和当代的东西,那么大学就没用了,因为它只是在拓展媒体已经担负起的功能而已。"Las herejías que debemos temer son las que pueden confundirse con la ortodoxia."我们应该感到恐惧的异教徒是会和东正教混淆的那些。
2023-06-22 22:10:052


光纤英文的简称是:FDDI 全称:Fiber Distributed Data Interface客服221号为你解答。微信缴费,一键查话费充值,流量、积分、账单、详单均可自助操作,方便快捷
2023-06-22 22:10:036

DOTA的大杀特杀直到超神的连续8个称号的英文是什么?以及三杀 四杀 和 五杀暴走 都要了!!

第一滴血:First Blood (+200金钱,所以以上来大家都不要命拉,为这200金子) 如果你一次不死,那么(杀得越多别人杀死你越值钱) 杀3人:Killing Spree 大杀特杀 杀4人:Dominating 主宰比赛 杀5人:Mega Kill 杀人如麻 杀6人:Unstoppedable 无人能档 杀7人:Wicked Sick 变态杀戮 杀8人:Monster Kill 妖怪般的杀戮杀9人:God Like 如同神一般 杀10人:Holy Shit(文字是写"Beyond Godlike") 超越神了 杀11人:Holy Shit(文字是写"Beyond Godlike") 超越神了 杀12人:Holy Shit(文字是写"Beyond Godlike") 超越神了 杀13人:Holy Shit(文字是写"Beyond Godlike") 超越神了 直到谁结束你超越神的杀戮,还能赚725金子 短时间杀死敌人2个英雄,双杀,音效:Double Kills 短时间杀死敌人3个英雄,三杀,音效:Double Kills短时间杀死敌人4个英雄(疯狂杀戮) Ultra kill短时间杀死敌人5个英雄(暴走) Rampage军团正向胜利迈进 Ownage
2023-06-22 22:10:013

欢迎乘坐前往地狱的末班车,我是本次列车的车长阿修罗,祝您的旅途愉快。 用拉丁文怎么翻译?

Homo vitae dapibus a, quando ad finem vitae, docet inde duae regiones terminum
2023-06-22 22:09:573


因为伊万卡的身材十分好,伊万卡的身高能有180 CM,而体重是60kg,这是特别让人羡慕的模特身材。伊万卡虽然在国内也被称为全民女神,但是和一贯的“以瘦为美”的理念却完全不搭边,伊万卡是属于那种特别丰满的女人。很多男生都觉得,真正有女人味的女生都应该是这样的,身体凹凸有致,胸臀比很迷人,身材曲线看得见。扩展资料伊万卡的人生经历伊万卡·特朗普(Ivanka Trump,1981年10月30日—),美国房地产大王唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的女儿。伊万卡·特朗普既继承了妈妈的美丽,又是爸爸巨额财富的继承者之一。在这个拥有豪华游艇、一座有140个房间的豪华别墅和21亿美元继承权的女孩身上,没有一点娇生惯养的坏毛病。在她37年的平坦前途上,有30%是借了家族的光,而70%则全靠自己打拼。参考资料来源:百度百科-伊万卡·特朗普
2023-06-22 22:09:551