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2023-06-23 20:34:38


















































































































































hose的意思是软管、长筒袜。hose,英语单词,主要用作名词、动词,作名词的意思是“软管;长筒袜;灭火、浇花等用的橡皮管;塑料管;水龙带;旧时的男式紧身裤”,作动词的意思是“用软管浇水;痛打”。灭火、浇花等用的橡皮管,塑料管,水龙带:a long tube made of rubber, plastic, used for putting water onto fires, gardens, etc.hose sth down意思是用喷水软管冲洗某物:to wash sth using a hose,旧时的男式紧身裤trousers that fit tightly over the legs, worn by men in the past,第三人称单数是hoses,复数是hose、hoses、hosen,现在分词是hosing,过去式是hosed,过去分词是hosed。hose valve意思为水带阀门;软管阀;消火栓阀;软管接头阀。例句:1、She was spattered all over with water from the spray hose on the grass, when she passed through the garden.(经过花园时,她被草地上的灌溉喷管喷了一身水。)2、Sean the plastic inlet to the mouth of the bottle, with a hard hose in the bottom of the visco-connected to the exhaust pipe on the syringe.(把进水管胶塞安到瓶口,用硬胶管把粘在底部的抽气管连接到注射器上。)3、Spray the garden with the hose, making the soil nice and wet. Enjoy the winter months and get ready to plant in the spring.(用软塑料管为花园浇水,保持土壤湿润。好好享受冬季好时光,为来年种植做好准备。)4、Disconnect the relief valve hose from the elbow in the bottom flange cover at the swivel hose connection. Do not remove the elbow.(从底部法兰盖内的旋转软管连接弯头上断开安全阀。不要拆卸弯头。)5、When the bride is ready to leave the hose for the wedding ceremony a last look in the mirror will bring her good luck.(当新娘是准备离开的婚礼软管最后看镜子里的将她交好运。)6、The long, long fire hose like a snake filled with water, was ready to put out the fire.(长长的消防水龙带像一条蛇,里面充满了水,准备将火扑灭。)7、What I should have bought was just a simple sprinkler that fits on the end of the garden hose.(我真该买一个简单的洒水器,能和花园的软管头接上就行了。)8、To fill the balloons, we use air tanks or run a hose to an air supply on the surface.(为了给气球充气,我们使用贮气柜或把一根软管接到水面上的一台供气设备上。)
2023-06-23 19:36:301


2023-06-23 19:37:168


百货商店的经营商品种类和消费者群体都比较广,所以取一个好的名字是必须的。只要一个百货商店的名字可以给大多数人留下良好的印象,那么就算成功了一半。接下来就让小编给大家支支招,从店铺起名的角度来给百货商店起个好名字吧!百货商店名字大全:1.泰杰百货2.福榭百货商城英文名:FUXIE释义:“福”服的谐音,指服饰,“榭”鞋的谐音,指鞋类。“福榭”名称体现福气,榭是一种借助于周围景色而见长的园林休憩建筑。用一榭字体现精致的文化,品味生活的休闲之福!3、恋城间百货商城英文名:LOVE CITY释义:生活在城市间的人,希望寻求一种安逸和宁静,留恋这种悠然的城市生活,游走在其中,享受其间!4、only秀百货商城英文名:ONLY SHOW释义:总想找到生活的唯一,做一个独一无二的人,only秀会找到你的靓影,让你从中秀到自己的唯美!5、和鞋饰界百货商城英文名:HOSES释义:“和谐世界”的谐音,独特创意,让人过目不忘,追求新奇。6、后现代生活百货商城英文名:Back modern times life释义:“后现代生活”追求一种生活主张,追求理想化人生!7. 百泰百货寓意吉祥8.百嘉百货(百货均嘉)parkair9.秀迪娜10.伊嘉汇释义:“伊”的谐音“衣”。此名谐音还有“一家”之音。寓意为最好的服装卖场汇聚最全的服装服饰和鞋业。您还可以点击底部客服咨询八字起名、周易起名、公司店铺起名,还有宝宝起名,我们会根据宝宝出生年月日和时间,为宝宝起一个带着好运的好名字!
2023-06-23 19:37:321


2023-06-23 19:37:531


2023-06-23 19:38:094


区别是意思不同:by means of 用,依靠; 将; 借助于; [例句]The trailer was connected to the car by means of a complicated system of hoses, pipes and rods.活动房屋通过一系列复杂的软管、管道和连杆与汽车相连。by way of 英[bai wei u0254v] 美[bau026a we u028cv] 路经; 途经; 作为; 意在; [例句]This is only by way of analogy.; This is just an analogy.这不过是个比方。
2023-06-23 19:38:341


2023-06-23 19:38:444


人的鼻子已经给世界通用的语言许多有趣的表情。当然,这并不令人惊讶。没有鼻子,我们无法呼吸,不能闻的神。这是部分的脸,给人的特殊字符。西哈诺德Bergerac说一个大型的鼻子显示一个伟大的人,有男子气概勇敢和明智。 一位著名的女诗人希望她有两个鼻子去闻玫瑰的芳香。Blaise派做了一个有趣的关于克利奥帕特拉的(古埃及王后)的鼻子。如果它被缩短,他说,它会改变世界的全貌。 人的鼻子已经在他的想象中起着重要的作用。人的鼻子,指以多种方式来表达自己的感情。表达式处理的鼻子指的是人类的弱点:愤怒、骄傲、嫉妒和复仇。 在英语里有许多短语的鼻子。例如,耽误了人的鼻子都表达了一个基本的人类feelingpride。人们可以举起软管人们,的东西和地方。 这个短语,是导致的,显示人的弱点。一个人的领导让别人控制他。另一方面,一个人跟随他的鼻子,让他的本能指引着他。 有很多其他人。然而,它应该和你脸上的鼻子一样明显的鼻子在超过一个器官,呼吸和气味。
2023-06-23 19:39:054


2023-06-23 19:39:143


2023-06-23 19:39:401

braided hydraulic hoses 1301-25mpa 代表什么意思

braided hydraulic hoses 1301-25mpa编织液压软管1301-25mpa-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-23 19:39:571


 It has upended industries and changed the way the world shops. But it should beware of abusing its power  亚马逊颠覆了传统产业,甚至改变了世界的消费方式。但现在应该谨防它滥用其主导地位。  WHEN Jeff Bezos left his job in finance and moved to Seattle 20 years ago to start a new firm, he rented a house with a garage, as that was where the likes of Apple and HP had been born. Although he started selling books, he called the firm Amazon because a giant river reflected the scale of his ambitions. This week the world"s leading e-commerce company unveiled its first smartphone, which Amazon treats less as a communication device than an ingenious shopping platform and a way of gathering data about people in order to make even more accurate product recommendations.  20年前,当杰夫·贝佐斯从金融行业辞职来到西雅图时,他租了一套带有车库的房子,在此之前,像苹果和惠普等巨头都是从类似这样的车库里诞生的。虽然杰夫是以卖书起家的,但他却给公司起名为亚马逊,以这条流域最广的河流命名,充分的彰显了其野心。本周,这家全球领先的电子商务公司,推出了其首款智能手机,但在亚马逊看来,其主要目的并不是这款通讯设备,而是开创一个独特的购物平台,以及创建一个用户数据收集平台,以便更好的了解客户需求,并推出相应的产品。  The smartphone is typical of Amazon. There is the remorseless expansion: if you can deliver books and washing machines, why not a phone? There is the ability to switch between the real world of atoms and the digital world of bits: Amazon has one of the world"s most impressive physical distribution systems, even as it has branched out into cloud computing, e-books, video streaming and music downloads (see article). There is the drive for market share over immediate profits. And there is the slightly creepy feeling that Amazon knows too much about its users already. So far its insatiable appetite has helped consumers; but as it grows in size and power the danger is that it will go too far.  这款智能手机极具亚马逊的特色。它始终在坚持不懈的扩张其业务:如果你能配送书和洗衣机,那为什么不能配送手机呢?它有着在现实世界和数字空间之间交替跳跃的能力。亚马逊拥有世界上最令人钦佩的物流系统,同时还扩展到云计算,电子书,视频流媒体和音乐下载等(见文章)。相比较于眼前利益,亚马逊更趋向于市场占有额的获龋不得不说的是,人们认为,亚马逊对用户的了解过于详细,甚至有些让人毛骨悚然。迄今为止,它对数据的需求,虽有些贪得无厌,但还是对客户有帮助。但是随着亚马逊的规模不断扩大,能力的不断提升,该公司可能会走的过远,以至于无法回头。  Customers who bought this item also bought…  购买过此商品的人还购买过…  For the moment, admiration should count for more than fear. Many things the world now takes for granted were introduced by Mr Bezos. Typing your credit-card number into a web browser was once considered a sign of insanity until Amazon showed how easy and safe buying things online could be. Once people had bought a book, they tried other things. Today the global e-commerce market is worth $1.5 trillion.  就目前而言,人们对亚马逊尊敬大于恐惧。如今许多人们认为理所当然的事,都是出自贝佐斯先生之手。在浏览器中输入信用卡号码曾被认为是一种很疯狂的行为,知道亚马逊证实了网上购物的便利性和安全性。一旦人们成功购买了一本书,他们就会想要买更多的东西。如今,全球电子商务市场份额已达到1.5万亿美元。  Amazon also fostered the emergence of customer reviews. From the start it let buyers rate and review books. This still irks some professional critics, and some of the most fulsome five-star ratings may be from spouses of authors. But overall they provide valuable advice to buyers. Today everything from apps to hotels to hoses can be rated online, and retail websites seem incomplete without customer reviews.  除此之外,亚马逊还催生出了用户点评模式。从创立之初,亚马逊便允许买家对图书进行评分及评论。这仍然为一些专业评书人所不齿,而且一些过度赞美的五星评价也很可能出至作者的亲属。但总的而言,这种方式确实可以给买家提供一些有价值的建议。如今,从应用到酒店都可以在网上接受用户评价,甚至没有用户评价的网页会给人感觉少了些什么。  Then there are the industries it has upended. Books came first. Amazon has changed publishing twice—first by making any book in the world quickly available and then by making e-books mainstream. Before Amazon launched the Kindle in 2007, e-readers were fiddly gadgets that few people used. The Kindle was easy to use, worked anywhere and allowed instant delivery straight to the device (rather than via a PC). Amazon also pioneered a new model for cloud computing. In 2006 it began renting out computer capacity by the hour. The option to rent rather than buy computing power greatly reduced the cost and complexity of launching a new company. Amazon"s cloud services have since been used by startups including Netflix, Instagram, Pinterest, Spotify and Airbnb, and have spawned a whole new industry.  此外,亚马逊还颠覆了许多行业,其中图书首当其冲。亚马逊已经改变了两次出版行业。一次是通过网络书店方便人们购书,第二次则是通过电子书方便人们随时阅读。在2007,亚马逊推出Kindle之前,电子书只是一种小众设备。因为Kindle非常易用,可以随时随地使用,而且可以在不借助PC的情况下,能够立即将图书下载到设备中。亚马逊还推出了一种全新的云计算方法。在2006年便开始按照时间出租计算资源。这种以租代购的方式大大降低了公司的创业成本及复杂度。亚马逊的云端服务还被广泛的应用于像Netflix,Instagram,Pinterest, Spotify 和Airbnb这样的新创公司,甚至还催生出了一些全新的产业。  Apple may be better known as an innovator, but Amazon may have had just as big an impact on the workings of the digital world. And it keeps on experimenting. Unconstrained by a self-image as a company that does a particular thing, Amazon has dabbled in areas from internet search to robotics to film and television development.  作为创新者,苹果显然更为人知,但在数字空间的运作上,亚马逊好像有更巨大的影响。而且它还在不断探索。但亚马逊并不是局限在单一的业务上,在不断尝试中,亚马逊从互联网搜索发展到机器人,从电影到电视制作。  Indeed, if your glasses are particularly rose-tinted, Amazon seems to have put the “long term” back into Anglo-Saxon capitalism. At a time when Wall Street is obsessed by quarterly results and share buy-backs, Amazon has made it clear to shareholders that, given a choice between making a profit and investing in new areas, it will always choose the latter. While other technology giants sit on record piles of cash, Amazon still has plenty of ideas about where to invest and innovate. And investors seem happy with it: Amazon"s price-to-earnings ratio has exceeded 3,500 at times. It aligns top executives" interests with those of shareholders by paying them largely in stock: its highest salary is $175,000 a year.  事实上,如果你足够乐观,亚马逊似乎在把“长期视角”重新带回盎格鲁萨克逊资本主义。在当今,普遍看重于季度业绩和股票回购的华尔街,亚马逊却向股东明确表示:每当面临短期利润和投资机会二选其一的命题时,它总会选择后者。在其他科技巨头在大量累积现金的时候,亚马逊仍在努力投资创新。投资者似乎也乐见于此:亚马逊的市盈率已经超过3500倍。通过用股票作为对股东的支付手段,将高管利益与股东利益捆绑在一起:高管的最高年薪是17.5万美元。  Giant selection, tiny tax bill  巨大的选择,微小的税收方案  The problem is that many of these virtues come with accompanying vices. Amazon stands accused of unfair competition—of being a lousy employer, dodging tax and bullying its rivals. Amazon says median pay in its American warehouses is 30% higher than in large retail stores. On tax, the picture is a little more nuanced. The main reason its tax bill is so low is that it does not make profits, but Amazon has also been extremely aggressive in (legally) booking profits to low-tax countries. Having campaigned against sales taxes for online transactions for many years, it has lately changed its tune, and now collects sales taxes in a growing number of American states.  问题在于,在这许多的优点之中依然伴随着许多缺点。亚马逊被指责不公平竞争,用工环境不佳,避税和欺凌对手。亚马逊对此表示,其在美国仓库的薪水中值比大型零售商还要高出30%。在税收上,可能有一些很微妙的情况。亚马逊的税收之所以很低,是因为其利润并不高,但不可否认的是,亚马逊也在积极地采取合法方式将利润转移至税率低的国家。在反对了那么多年的网上交易税后,亚马逊最近却改变了态度,开始在美国的越来越多的州代收营业税。  As for bullying competitors, most of this is just the savage magic of capitalism. Amazon has crushed local bookshops but only in the same way that Tesco and Walmart crushed grocers—by providing a cheaper, easier way to shop. However antitrust regulators must ensure it is not abusing its market power, on a case-by-case basis. For instance, Amazon"s current dispute with Hachette, a large publisher, may largely be a standard tussle between retailer and supplier. But when the dominant seller of e-books removes pre-order buttons and makes delivery times longer for Hachette books, that hardly squares with Mr Bezos"s professed emphasis on customer service.  至于欺凌弱小的竞争对手,大部分的只是资本主义的野蛮魔法。亚马逊像乐购和沃尔玛摧毁杂货商们一样,用提供更便宜,更方便的购物方式来摧毁当地的书店。然而在这个案子的基础上,反垄断监管机制必须确保它不会滥用其市场支配力。例如,亚马逊目前与大型出版商,阿歇特的竞争,很大程度上可能是一个零售商和供应商之间的争斗。但当主要的电子书销售商删除预订按钮时,将会使阿歇特的图书交货时间延长。这很难符合贝佐斯先生所强调的重视客户服务。  Perhaps the biggest concern about Amazon is, paradoxically, a consequence of its long-term vision. It is hard to compete with a company whose shareholders do not expect it to make a profit. Its vast scale and willingness to operate at zero or negative margins represent high barriers to entry for potential competitors. This cannot go on for ever. The concern is that Amazon is merely waiting for rivals to go out of business before raising its prices. If that happens, regulators should jump on it hard. That would provide an opportunity for another firm—China"s Alibaba, say—and some investors might rue the Amazon earnings that never came. But consumers would once again win, as indeed they generally have done as Mr Bezos"s scrappy startup has expanded its reach into so many aspects of everyday life  或许,在众多矛盾之中,亚马逊最令人担忧的还是其长期远景。要与一个连股东都不想赚钱的公司竞争,难度是可想而知的。它庞大的规模和不惜亏本的经营态度,给潜在的竞争对手设立了一道不小的门槛。但这种情况不会一直持续下去,人们担心的仅仅是在等待一个个竞争对手逐一退出市场后,再抬高价格。如果出现这种情况,监管部门该强势介入。但这样便会给其他公司,诸如中国的阿里巴巴,提供机会。而一些投资者可能会因为盈利遥遥无期而抛弃亚马逊。但消费者将再次获益,而在贝佐斯的这家生机勃勃的创业公司逐步渗透到我们生活的方方面面时,这已经成为常态。
2023-06-23 19:40:161

已water为话题的作文 提示词:precious, liquid gold, important, we need water for....,without water

Water is the source of life @ water is ry important. Liquid water is like gold precious. The human need water, water is the source of life; The human need water. Need water to maintain the human body of organic activities. If there"s no water, we humans will despair die of thirst. Now, let us join hands to build a better future home!!!!!
2023-06-23 19:40:592


2023-06-23 19:41:264


兄弟,你把歌曲名字都打错了,是American Life.主要是为这首歌曲拍的video有点意思The video is built around Madonna, as an army general, with a female legion of troops at a fashion show. It ends with Madonna and the troops getting into a MINI Cooper and crashing it into the catwalk. While the audience is watching in shock, Madonna hoses down the paparazzi with a water cannon, reaching a climax with fast-moving war images until Madonna throws a hand grenade which is caught by a President Bush lookalike, who transforms the grenade into a lighter to light his cigar主要是高潮部分闪出一个战争画面,麦当娜扔出的一个手榴弹被一个貌似布什的演员接住。他把手榴弹变成一个打火机点燃了雪茄
2023-06-23 19:41:321

help me!!!懂英语的各界人士2

i was told to wait here for himmust all the exercises be donethe books mustn"t be taken out of the librarya new bridge was built last yearhe was called Little ElfThese kind of shoes aren"t made in china
2023-06-23 19:41:402


My furry friend 我最好的朋友Growing up, I always wanted a dog. Probably because most of my friends had them, my favorite TV families had them, and it just seemed normal, and American, to have a pooch in the house.My Dad is very clean. Not just clean, I might say more Danny Tanner-ish in his habits. As in, he hoses down the backyard, and front walkway, and even gets halfway down the street, just for fun, until we have to yell, “Dad, you"re wasting water! You can"t hose down the world!” Then he stops, and comes inside, and starts the very important task of scrubbing the fingerprint smudges off the walls.So, no dog. When I was eight, we moved across town to a larger house, with a pool, in a “safer” neighborhood, in a gated community. With a large yard. I was very against moving. Why, I cried, were we picking up and deserting everything and everyone we knew and loved?! Our old house was great, we had an avocado tree, it was on a super steep hill, what more could you want?! Well, in order to calm me down, I guess, my parents told me that we could get a dog when we moved to the new, barren home. I was sold. I quickly shut my trap.I feel it was serendipitous that we didn"t get a dog after the move. My parents said that I would never walk it, which I vehemently denied, but which was probably true. And saying we would get a dog and not following through was pretty much the ONLY thing my parents ever promised that didn"t happen in my life so far. I guilted them about it for a few years, sobbing on holidays when I said “the only thing I want is a dog” and refused presents. Then snuck them into my room on the sly.I am in my twenties now, and our new roommate just moved in. She has a dog. A West Highland Terrier, or Westie, as they are known. He is fluffy, but not too fluffy, small, but not too small, white, but not too white. He is perfect.I don"t even believe in perfection really, but this dog is perfect for ME. Its the dog I always dreamt of having, and it loves me as I knew a dog would. It follows me into the bathroom when I shower. At first we would scare each other, I was not used to having a non-human, living thing with a beating heart following me around and it would surprise me around corners.Slowly, we got used to each other. Now I can tell when the dog needs to go out, or when he just sees a few birds in our yard. I give the doggie water, I walk him, and I teach him boundaries. My boyfriend was impressed when I taught him how to lie in his bed while the humans are eating, so as not to bother us. “I can"t believe he listens to you.” As Cesar Millan would say, I am the Alpha Dog.In some ways, I am glad I have (been forced to) wait until this age to have a dog around. I don"t take him for granted. I am happy every morning when I wake up and hear his little nails clicking across the floor. We are a good match. I can see how a dog is not for everyone. They are very needy and require a lot of attention and affection and structure.Now my parents are semi-retired but my Dad travels a lot for work. He"s off to Luxembourg, Mexico, or the Turks and Caicos every month. I ask my Mom if she would like a dog to keep her company. She says no, she has a stepdog now (ours) and she can visit it whenever she wants.And yes, my furry friend will go with me wherever I want to go and whenever, he is very accomodating like that.
2023-06-23 19:41:492


Spectron气体控制系统梅塞尔切割与焊接集团早在60年前就在德国法兰克福开始生产SPECTRON产品。自2005年11月起,SPECTRON气体控制系统有限公司作为 MESSER的一个独立子公司,在英国的考文垂成立。Spectron是一个多元化的产品家族,其中包含所有的气体和应用广泛的适当组件。SPECTRON气体控制系统,前Semigas,已提供专门的特殊气体控制系统,如供电子行业使用。现在SPECTRON为整个梅塞尔集团供气系统产品方案提供服务。Spectron气体控制设备广泛地应用于化工、制药、医疗、半导体、汽车、气相色谱、光谱分析、焊接切割、研究院与实验室选择Spectron,一个训练有素的专业团队,在制造,销售,建议、技术支持,售后服务和产品适用性等方面给你提供全方位的服务。选择Spectrion,一个称职的合作伙伴,以支持客户在您的区域。MESSER Spectron 主要产品分类:Spectrotec 非腐蚀性的工业气体控制设备在此范围内,所用的材料是黄铜和铝。非常高的流动以及精确的低气压,可控制的稳压器,阀门和阀组。产品广泛用于各行业。spectrotec产品可用于种类繁多的工业应用,如:富氧燃烧的过程,如切割,焊接,钎焊,加热,金属喷涂等MIG焊,MAG,TIG和成形,如电气焊接工艺熔点 ,惰性,清除,水处理,可控气氛(烘炉,熔炉)和许多其他工业应用主要产品:调压阀:LT2000, BT61 AC, U11, U11 AC, U13, U13 AC, U15, U23, U23 AC, U33, U47, U47 AC, ZT300 减压阀:U12, U22, U42, ST2000 压力控制面板:BT2000, BT2000 AC, BU13, BU13 AC, BU13&15-2U, HDS 流量计和过滤器:ET65-BV, ET2000V, ET2000, ET2000 flow, FL32, F11, F25Spectrolab 非腐蚀性的特殊气体控制设备,实验室用,气体级别6.0Spectrolab公司设备的设计和性能,特别适用于在实验室中的应用,以及研发中的准确性和可靠性方面的最高要求。该产品是由镀铬黄铜。所有压力调节器和阀门是用不锈钢或哈氏合金膜片。Spectrolab的范围是多样的,非常灵活,以满足几乎所有客户的具体需求。安装方便,快捷和节省成本,是这些产品的附加功能。Spectrolab公司的产品可用于为纯气体应用的巨大变化为:如GC,HPLC,GCMS,原子吸收光谱法,电感耦合的实验室应用高纯气体调节和计量,激光应用更多的应用在实验室,工业,科研和学说主要产品:调压阀:FM45, FM51, FM52 exact, FM61, FM62, LM51, LM52 exact, LM61, LM62, LM72 阀门:PM51, PM52 exact, DVM, V6M, EM65, FLM32 汇流排:EM65, BM65-1, BM66-1, BM65-2, BM65-2U, BM65-2L, BM65-Spectrocem 腐蚀性或有毒气体控制设备,气体级别6.0spectrocem设备特别适用于在实验室中的应用,以及研发与准确度和精确度方面的最高要求。该产品是由不锈钢制成。内置的压力调节器和阀门与哈氏隔膜。Spectrocem范围内有一个巨大的各种专业和安全处理腐蚀性或有毒气体或气体混合物的独特产品。在这种情况下,需要特殊的清洗设备,可以很容易地结合我们的报警和控制系统Spectrosys。spectrocem产品可用于一个实验室,化学和制药行业,研发的纯气体应用的巨大变化:校准气体,工艺气体,激光应用等主要产品:调压阀:FE45, FE51, FE52 exact, FE61, FE62, FE121 LE51, LE52 exact, LE61, LE62, LE71, LE81 PE51, PE52 exact, E55 汇流排:E65, BE65-1, BE66-1, BE65-2, BE66-2, BE65-2U, BE65-2L,BE66-2L, BE65-, SE 45/65/125 阀门,净化设备:DVE, V6E, RV6E, SBE/3 配件:Flowmeter FLE32, Pogtails and cylinder brackets, High pressure hoses HDSSpectropur 高纯气体控制设备,电子或半导体行业,气体级别7.0产品范围特别适用于在半导体行业的应用和压力调节器和阀门完成板等组件的范围,VMP-VMB中的气柜。spectropur产品是由重熔用不锈钢电抛光表面。内置的压力调节器和阀门与哈氏隔膜。死角优化组件是密封的金属对金属使用的录像机技术。专利清洗设备的安全所需的气体纯度。spectropur产品可用于种类繁多的应用:半导体生产,研究(研发),光纤技术,激光应用,... 和许多其他应用,在纯度,颗粒化,自动化和安全方面的最高要求。主要产品:调压阀:E61-VCR, E71-VCR, E81-VCR 隔膜阀:MV-1 吹扫和连接:SBE/2-MV1, SBE/3-MV1 控制柜:MP1, MP2, MP3 配件:Pressure indicators/scales/fittings, Vacuum venturi VAK200Spectrocom 非腐蚀性特殊气体控制设备,气体级别5.0spectrocom设备是由黄铜材料。配备一个不锈钢膜片的压力调节器。此范围仅限于标准化和cometitive产品。spectrocom产品可用于各种各样的实验室和食品气体高纯气体应用:如GC,HPLC,GCMS,原子吸收光谱法,电感耦合的实验室应用,气体给药,激光应用,... 和许多其他应用主要产品:CRF61, CRF62, CRS2000-1, CRS2000-2, CRS2000-2L, CRT60Spectromed 医用气体控制设备spectromed设备是由黄铜制作。医用气体的产品范围包括气缸压力调节器,集成气瓶阀门,中央气体供应系统在医院,诊所和养老院和组件。Spectromed产品的种类繁多,如实验室和分析气体应用可用于:紧急医疗服务,急诊医师,救护车,家庭护理,医院、诊所的气体供应设备,.. 和许多更多的医疗应用主要产品:调压阀:FM41-F, FM41-L, FM41-S1, FM41-S2 医院供气系统:Changer-over panels MED, Manifold systems MBS, Flexible connections MSU, Control systems Flomed PSpectrosys 供气设备报警或控制系统Spectrosys包括供气系统具体的报警和控制系统。spectrosys单位的监测和控制的过程和气体应用。EEX的地区(可燃气体)的版本也可以提供标准的单位。几乎每一个供气系统spectrosys的产品,可用于工业,实验室,科研和医院:主要用于:低瓦斯治理,压力和流量控制,紧急关闭OFF,自动变化,自动清洗,自动过程控制主要产品:报警装置:floalarm K4, floalarm K8 控制单元:flostop TS, floswitch, floswitch TS, floswitch D4, Flopurge, flopurge TS, folcontrol TS, flomed P 压力表: Magnetic snap-action contact pressure gauges, Reed contact pressure gaugesSpectromol 气体净化系统高纯气体的使用在许多不同的工业和实验室应用。这些应用中的一些有容忍度非常低,如氧气,水分,碳氢化合物,硫化合物及其他杂质。甚至追查这些杂质的金额可能会干扰具有一定的分析过程...... 出于这个原因,梅塞尔提供一系列的气体净化系统,可以专门去除杂质降低到30ppb和更低的净化系统的概念是模块化的,用户友好。他们是被普遍使用,快速,安全地在实验室和工业设计。各种墨盒尺寸,气体流量为净化解决方案,从毫升/分钟甚至100立方米/小时。搬迁过程中涉及的化学吸附或物理吸附净化系统的大小取决于应用程序的参数。作为中央点使用净化气体净化或spectromol净化系统,可以实现。主要产品:oxisorb,hydrosorb,accosorb,sulfosorb,mounting systems
2023-06-23 19:42:221


2023-06-23 19:42:291

以s开头l结尾的单词 以ite结尾的单词 以abbit结尾的单词 以ose结尾的单词

以s开头l 结尾的单词:sail,seal,sell,shall,shell,sealevel,seashell,school,schoolgirl,sentimental,secretarial,seminal,sensational,sacrifical,salesgirl,sandal. 以ite结尾的单词:site,bite,cite,kite,elite,rite,quite,white,write,website,unite,despite,definite,excite,polite,favourite,opposite. 以abbit结尾的单词:rabbit 以ose结尾的单词:pose,rose,suppose,whose,propose,choose,compose,dispose,enclose,close,goose,loose,lose,expose,hose,impose,moose,nose,oppose. 还有很多的~还需要的话,
2023-06-23 19:42:361

Turn one’s hose up at someone是什么意思?

2023-06-23 19:42:442


ロミオとシンデレラ 原唱:MIKU 演唱:花たん watashinokoiwohikekinojiuriettonishinaidekokokaraturedashitesonnakifunyopapatomamanioyasuminasaiseizi iiyumewominasaiotokowamounerujikanyomusekaerumiwakunokiarameruhajirainosunahashiwokaramerukonyawadokomadeikerunokamitukanaide sayashikushitenigaimonowamadakirainanomamanotukuruokashibakaritabetaseineshiranaikotogaarunonarabashiritaitoomou futuudeshosenbumiseteyoanataninarabamiseteageruwatashinozuttokoishiteshindereraseifukudakedekaketeikuwamahouyojikanwotometeyonikuihitoni jiamasareqiauwanigedashitaninojiuriettodemosononamaedeyobanaidesouyone kabarenakuqianesoujianaitotanoshikunaiwanee watashiikitekurerusenobiwoshitanagaimasukaraiikoninaruyokittoashitakaraimadakewatashiwoyurushitekuroire-sunokioukaisenmamoruhitowakiouwaimasenkoetaradokomadeikerunokamitukuhodoni itaihodonisukininattetanowawatashideshopapawademoneanatanokotokiraimitaiwatashitametosashidasuteninigitterusorewakubiwadeshoturedashiteyo watashinoromioshikarareruhodotookuekaneganarihibikushindereragarasunokutuwaoiteikuwadakarane hayakumituketenenikuiyumeni korasareqiauwakittoanokomosoudattaotoshitanandeusowotuitasouyone watashimoonajiyodattemottoaisaretaiwa hora watashiwakokoniiruyowatashinokokorosottonozoitemimasenkahoshiimonodakeafurekaetteimasenkamadabetufuyomottomottogiuttotumekondeissoanatanoibashomademoumeteshimaoukademosorejiaiminainoookinahakoyori qiisanahakonishiawasewaarurashiidoushiokonomamajiawatashiwaanatanikirawareqiauwademowatashiyoriyokubarinapapatomamawakioumokawarazusouyone sunaodeiinoneotoshitanowakinnotanadeshitausotukisugitashindereraookaminitaberaretarashiidoushioukonomamajiawatashimoitukawataberareqiauwasonomaenitasukenikitene
2023-06-23 19:42:511


第一张专辑--S.H.E《女生宿舍》 全台销量打破16万张,亚洲销量:75万张 2000实力美少女 自信高音 沉稳中音 帅气低音S.H.E首张专辑 女生宿舍我的生活,我的死党 我的自由 我的青春! 专辑名称:女生宿舍 演唱歌手:S.H.E 唱片公司:华研国际 发行时间:2001年9月11日 专辑语种:国语1CD 01 恋人未满 词:施人诚 曲:B.K./W.A. 02 Beauty Up My Life 词:武雄(日本词:曾建豪) 曲:左安安 03 冰箱 词:武雄 曲:尤秋兴 04 你还好不好(Selina+Ella) 词:白进法 曲:施盈伟 05 替我爱你(Hebe) 词:黄祖荫 曲:Tommy Wu 06 H.B.O 词:武雄/左安安 曲:左安安 07 Too much(Hebe)词:姚谦 曲:蔡健雅 08 他就是他 词:武雄 曲:陈映旭 09 别(Ella)词:武雄 曲:陈秀珠/陈建宁/陈政卿 10 忘记把你忘记(Selina) 词:武雄 曲:左安安第二张专辑--S.H.E《青春株式会社》 亚洲销量:160万张 2001最美的女声!2002再次席卷全国! 专辑名称:青春株式会社 演唱歌手:S.H.E 唱片公司:华研国际 发行时间:2002年1月26日 专辑语种:国语专辑1CD 01 Remember 词:施人诚 曲:Goeman Jade Villalon 02 Belief 词:施人诚 曲:左安安 03 幸福留言 词:王美莲 曲:林志年/施人诚 04 给我多一点 词:颜玺轩 曲:Pennachio Charlie/Sessa Drew/Bolton Shaunna 05 热带雨林 词:方文山 曲:周杰伦 06 记得要忘记 词:施人诚 曲:玉城千春 07 围巾 词:蔡健雅 曲:严云农 08 爱我的资格 词:汤小康 曲:徐世珍 09 催眠术 词:施人诚 曲:Pracha Pongsupat/Pornchai Wongcheep 10 I"ve Never Been To Me 词:Hirsch,Ken/Miller,Ronald 曲:Hirsch,Ken/Miller,Ronald第三张专辑--S.H.E《美丽新世界》 亚洲销量:150万张 梦想,是可以实现的...金曲奖得奖专辑 美丽新世界专辑名称:美丽新世界 演唱歌手:S.H.E 唱片公司:华研国际 发行时间:2002年8月5日 专辑语种:国语专辑1CD 01 美丽新世界 词:李天龙/颜玺轩 曲:李天龙 02 爱呢 词:施人诚 曲:Roberto Rosan/Heiko Schmidt 03 你快乐我随意 词:易家扬 Rap词:Hebe 曲:J. Wu 04 无可取代 词:易家扬/潘协庆 曲:潘协庆 05 爱情的海洋 词:施人诚 曲:Heiko Schmidt/Roberto Rosan/Jade Villalon 06 Watch Me Shine 词:徐世珍 曲:Dino Esposito 07 Yes I Love You 词:施人诚 曲:Jung Yeon Jun 08 Nothing Ever Changes 词:施人诚 曲:Mejlvang Jesper. 09 Woman In Love 词:R. Gibb/B. A.Gibb 曲:R. Gibb/B. A.Gibb 10 魔力 词:姚若龙 曲:庄立帆第四张专辑--S.H.E《Together 新歌+精选》 全台销量28万张,亚洲销量:200万张 老了以后,还要记得在一起 专辑名称:Together 新歌+精选 演唱歌手:S.H.E 唱片公司:华研国际 发行时间:2003年1月23日 专辑语种:国语专辑2CD 【CD 1】S.H.E 半熟卵期音乐全纪录 01 Always On My Mind 词:施人诚 曲:Heiko Schmidt/Roberto Rosan/Jade Villalon 02 白色恋歌 词:李安修 曲:Daniel Troha/Cal Abate 03 天使在唱歌 词:陈静楠/施人诚 曲:Peter Ries/Charlemaine 04 我和幸福有约定 词:潘协庆 曲:潘协庆 05 Beauty Up My Life 词:武雄/曾建豪 曲:左安安 06 恋人未满 词:施人诚 曲:B.K./W.A. 07 美丽新世界 词:李天龙/颜玺轩 曲:李天龙 08 热带雨林 词:方文山 曲:周杰伦 09 Remember 词:施人诚 曲:Goeman , Jade Villalon 10 爱呢 词:施人诚 曲:Roberto Rosan/Heiko Schmidt 11 Belief 词:施人诚 曲:左安安 12 Watch Me Shine 词:徐世珍 曲:Dino Esposito 13 冰箱 词:武雄 曲:尤秋兴 14 你还好不好 词:白进法 曲:施盈伟 15 爱情的海洋 词:施人诚 曲:Heiko Schmidt/Roberto Rosan/Jade Villalon 16 爱我的资格 词:徐世珍 曲:汤小康 【CD 2】S.H.E半熟卵期传奇全纪录VCD 1.S.H.E“回到未来-精选集超爆笑电视广告完整版” 2.S.H.E出道大回顾访谈 3.“Remember一定会”舞蹈教学 4.“恋人未满”、“Remember”、“美丽新世界”MV 5.演唱会片段 6.“I"ve never been to me”遗珠MV 7.“Always On My Mind”MV 8.出道全程珍贵精华花絮第五张专辑--S.H.E《Super Star》 全台销量冲破32万张,亚洲销量03年破150万张,最终约275万张S.H.E最畅销专辑 SuperStar实现梦,创造神话,你就是Super Star! 专辑名称:Super Star 演唱歌手:S.H.E 唱片公司:华研唱片 发行时间:2003年8月22日 专辑语种:国语专辑1CD 01 Super Star 词:施人诚 曲:Jade/Geoman from sweetbox 02 远方 词:施人诚 曲:Andrew Fromm/Calum Maccoll/Howie Dorough 03 北欧神话 词:方文山 曲:左安安 04 落大雨 词:颜玺轩/施人诚 曲:陶喆 05 河滨公园 词:方文山 曲:周杰伦 06 I.O.I.O 词:韩吉 曲:Gibb R./Gibb B.A 07 半糖主义 词:徐世珍 曲:L.Robbinn/I.Savigar 08 长相思 词:施人诚 曲:左安安 09 夏天的微笑 词:姚若龙 曲:黄汉青 10 你太诚实 词:徐世珍 曲:深白色第六张专辑--S.H.E《奇幻旅程》 全台销量近30万张,截至04.5亚洲销量已经破153万张,最后达250万张 ELLA归队,S.H.E超能再现!! 活力完整无缺,能量永不停歇 专辑名称:奇幻旅程 演唱歌手:S.H.E 唱片公司:华研国际 发行时间:2004年2月6日 专辑语种:国语专辑1CD 01 波斯猫 词:武雄 曲:王治平 02 十面埋伏 词:施人诚 曲:J.Wu 03 他还是不懂 词:徐世珍 曲:王治平 04 Only Lonely 词:于光中 曲:Souther, John David 05 找不到 词:Zakky 曲:Funck 06 五天四夜 词:姚若龙 曲:张正宗 07 安全感 词:施人诚 曲:王治平 08 Never Mind 词:黄伟文 曲:左安安 09 茱罗记 词:姚若龙 曲:李天龙 10 一起开始的旅程 词:施人诚 曲:Neo Ivy第七张专辑--S.H.E《Encore!安可》 台湾创下28万张惊人销量,亚洲订单一周破200万张,最后破250万 已经很精彩,还要给你更精彩!! 专辑名称:Encore 安可 演唱歌手:S.H.E 唱片公司:华研国际 发行时间:2004年11月12日 专辑语种:国语专辑1CD 01 候鸟 词:方文山 曲:周杰伦 编曲:洪敬尧 02 痛快 词:施人诚 曲:左安安 编曲:Geo 03 别说对不起 词:俞方 曲:Britney Spears,Annette Stamatelatos 04 我爱你 词:姚若龙 曲:Geoman/Villalon from Sweetbox 05 斗牛士之歌 词:姚若龙 曲:左安安 06 对号入座 词:于光中 曲:Bob Heatlie 07 金钟罩铁布衫 词:Funck 曲:Funck 08 大女人主义 词:徐世珍 曲:曹格 09 不在场 词:李焯雄 曲:王美莲 10 保持微笑 词:施人诚 曲:黄威尔《2004奇幻乐园台北演唱会live》CD/VCD/DVD 2005年1月14日 完整记录S.H.E台北演唱会实况 专辑曲目 01. 中东风情 Opening 02. 波斯猫 03.I.O.I.O 04. Talking I 05. 远方 06. 热带雨林 07. Talking II 08. Watch Me Shine 你快乐我随意给我多一点 09. 江南情怀 Intro 10. 爱情的海洋 Belief 长相思 11. 十面埋伏 12. Talking III 13. 他还是不懂 14. 爱呢 15. Talking IV 16. 落大雨 17.S.H.E的第一次VCR 18. 天鹅湖 Intro 19. Remember 20. 天使在唱歌 21. Talking V 22. Only Lonely 23 安全感 24. 半糖主义 25. Talking VI 26. Yes I Love You 27. 花都开好了 28. 美丽新世界 Intro 29. 美丽新世界 30. Beauty Up My Life 31. Talking VII 32. 有梦有朋友 分享 明天也要作伴 33. Talking VIII (三年来最深刻的事VCR) 34. 魔力 35. Always On My Mind 36. Encore 37. Super Star 38. Talking IX 39. 恋人未满 40. Ending Bouns:S.H.E奇幻乐园演唱会幕后纪实第八张专辑--S.H.E《不想长大》 未发片订单100万张,在台销售28万张,2周亚洲销量破80万张,2个月销量250万张,截止目前275万张 每个人心里又有一个小孩子... 在这个复杂的世界,唱纯真的歌 专辑名称:不想长大 演唱歌手:S.H.E 唱片公司:华研唱片 发行时间:2005年11月25日 专辑语种:国语专辑1CD 01 不想长大 词:施人诚 曲:左安安 歌曲部分旋律参考莫扎特第40号交响曲 02 Super Model(达芙妮年度广告曲) 词:陈镇川 曲:EDWARD CHAN&CHARLES LEE 03 不作你的朋友 词:葛大为 曲:TANK Rap词:Tank 04 天灰 词:施人诚&冯士哲 曲:冯士哲 05 月桂女神(达芙妮品牌故事歌曲)词:方文山 曲:李天龙 06 绿洲 词:施人诚&杨子朴 曲:杨子朴 07 谢谢你让我爱过你 词:施人诚 曲:黄荻钧 08 好人有好抱 词:姚若龙 曲:TANK 09 神枪手 词:黄俊郎 曲:王治平 10 星星之火 词:陈信延 英文词:Selina 曲:曹格第九张专辑--S.H.E《Forever新歌+精选》 首周横扫各大排行榜冠军,销量冲破100万张 今年最好听 最值得购买的精选 Perfect 3 无可取代 专辑名称:Forever新歌+精选 演唱歌手:S.H.E 唱片公司:华研国际 发行时间:2006年7月21日 专辑语种:国语专辑 第十张专辑--S.H.E《Play玩耍》 内地首批出货量达60万张,台湾首周破10万张,台湾最终破15万,亚洲销量破125万张,目前160万张 爱音乐 Fun音乐 Let The Music Play! 专辑名称:Play 玩耍 演唱歌手:S.H.E 唱片公司:华研国际 发行时间:2007年5月11日 专辑语种:国语专辑1CD 歌曲: 01 中国话 曲:郑楠 词:郑楠/施人诚 编曲:郑楠 02 谢谢你的温柔 (合唱:飞轮海)曲:五月天阿信/王美莲 词:五月天阿信/施人诚 03 听袁惟仁弹吉他 词:张简君伟 词:张简君伟 04 五月天 曲:郑楠 词:陈震/施人诚 05 借口 曲:郑楠/左安安 词:陈震 (Sampling 听妈妈的话 词曲:周杰伦) 06 BOOM 曲:Steve Smith / Anthony Anderson / Sean Hosein / Dan Deviller / Alisha Pilly 中文词:徐世珍 07 再别康桥 曲:李泉 词:文雅 08 伦敦大桥垮下来 曲:郑楠 词:彭学斌@口袋音乐 09 说你爱我 曲:宋圭璋/苏亦承 词:Hebe 10 好心情Just be yourself(达芙妮年度广告歌曲)曲:陶喆 词:娃娃 11 老婆 曲:Ella 词:Selina 12 Always Open(与飞轮海合唱,仅收录在台版中) 【Bonus DVD】 1.触电MV 2.Ring Ring Ring MV 3.我们怎么了MV 4.紫藤花MV 5.GoodBye My Love MV 6.独唱情歌MV 7.Forever幕后花絮蔷蔷纪念EP 2007年8月24日 词曲:Ella 01. 蔷蔷之歌(想念版) 02. 蔷蔷之歌(Remix版) 03. 蔷蔷之歌(想念版kala) 04. Mahal Kita (老婆DEMO)第十一张专辑--S.H.E《我的电台FM S.H.E》 在台销量突破9万张,总销量全台第三名,当年亚洲销量破100万,目前125万张 唱片市场下半年指标性专辑 发射欢乐 接收感动 电波传送全宇宙 2008年度巨片 第11张专辑【我的电台FM S.H.E】 9/23 未来、复古 双封面 双版本 正式开台 11首全新歌曲+3则FM S.H.E 节目精华+Bonus曲-酸甜未来版加赠 DVD 收录 S.H.E 爆笑工作花絮+宇宙小姐、酸甜MV 专辑名称:我的电台FM S.H.E 演唱歌手:S.H.E 唱片公司:华研国际 发行时间:2008年9月23日 专辑语种:国语专辑1CD 专辑曲目: 01.早安您好 主播:任家萱、田馥甄、陈嘉桦 02.我爱烦恼 CA:Dobson, Fefe / Steinberg Billy / Alexander Josh 中文词:林夕 03.宇宙小姐 (达芙妮广告曲姐妹作) CA:Rosan, Robert / Villalon, Jade 中文词:蓝小邪 04.沿海公路的出口 曲:郑楠 词:黄建洲 05.天亮了 CA:Rosan, Robert / Villalon, Jade 中文词:施人诚 06.比你贱 (featuring. 周定纬) 曲:Michael Jackson、郑楠 词:Michael Jackson、郑楠、施人诚 (Sample自歌曲Billie Jean) 07.喜碧夫人时间 主持人:喜碧夫人 企制人员:指令、小肉圆 08.女孩当自强 (Top Girl 年度广告曲) 曲:Trad、郑楠 词:黄沾、蓝小邪 (Sample自歌曲“男儿当自强”) 09.安静了 曲:周杰伦 词:Selina、李姚 10.我是火星人 曲:郑楠、Venk 词:蓝小邪 11.612 星球 曲:郑楠 词:徐世珍 12.店小二 曲:蔡旻佑 词:黄建洲 13.熬夜 DJ DJ:陈嘉桦 企制人员:指令、小肉圆 14.月光手札 曲:陈炯顺 词:黄俊郎 15.酸甜 (蒙牛酸酸乳广告曲) (Bonus Track) - S.H.E/飞轮海 曲:李天龙 词:陈信延FM S.H.E 纪念台呼单曲第十二张专辑--S.H.E 《SHERO》 预购大破5万5千张,首周全台出货量为8万张。两个月台湾地区破12万张,内地最新专辑 SHERO上半年销售冠军,销量是第二名的两倍多,目前仍在全球各地热销中 01. SHERO(2010台北国际花卉博览会指定主题曲) 词:阿信 曲:八三夭阿璞 02. 如果你是女孩 曲:Roger Joseph Manning Jr./Scott Slmons 词:陈信延 03. 我爱雨夜花 词:张锡安 / 周添旺 曲:张锡安 / 邓雨贤 04. 两个人的荒岛 (Duet with周定纬) 词:向月娥 曲:林俊杰 05. 少了一个人 曲:郑楠 词:姚若龙 06. 收留我 曲:Jessica Beach/Dave Pickell/Joe Cruz 词:陈乐融 07. 超可能(又名 什么都有可能)曲:梁永泰 词:姚若龙 08. 爱上你 (又名 只为爱上你)(电视剧「就想赖著你」片尾曲) 词:蓝小邪 曲:杨子朴 09. 你不会 曲:郑楠 词:姚若龙 10. 爱就对了 曲:Kate Elizabeth Voegele 词:施人诚 这些是三只的12张专辑里面的,希望你会喜欢~ps:三只我比较偏爱艾拉宝贝,如果你也喜欢三只,欢迎加我,我们私聊~亲~
2023-06-23 19:43:213

Heart On Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Heart On Fire歌手:Scars On 45专辑:Scars on 45Scars on 45 - Heart On FireFrom "Scars On 45 (Deluxe Version)"Edit by Jackson0604Bowl me over black and blueIt"s far too hard to say I"m all over youTake my pulse and hose me downMy heart"s on fireI"ve said these words a thousand timesThe bathroom mirror stopped and smiledSo take my pulse and hose me downMy heart"s on fire"cause when you"re standing on your ownAnd you feel you"ve got nobody around youYeah you know I"ll be the oneWho helps you from your kneesWhen you"re standing on your ownAnd you feel you"ve got nobody around youYeah you know I"ll be the oneWho helps you from your kneesMy heart"s on fireMy heart"s on fireMy heart"s on fireI wish you"d never show me nowIt seemed to easy to turn you downAnd so it seems you are my tearsIs your heart on fire?"cause when you"re standing on your ownAnd you feel you"ve got nobody around youYeah you know I"ll be the oneWho helps you from your kneesWhen you"re standing on your ownAnd you feel you"ve got nobody around youYeah you know I"ll be the oneWho helps you from your kneesYeah you know I"ll be the oneWho helps you from your kneesMy heart"s on fireMy heart"s on fireMy heart"s on fireMy heart"s on fireSo bowl me over black and blueIt"s far too hard to say I"m all over youTake my pulse and hose me downMy heart"s on fireend........
2023-06-23 19:43:351


2023-06-23 19:43:433

Down With The Trumpets 歌词

歌曲名:Down With The Trumpets歌手:Rizzle Kicks专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 80Down With The TrumpetsRizzle KicksYo, you might hear me make a racket like WilsonCause I love summer no Rachel Bilson (YES)The winter will come,We just have parties inside it"s still fun,(We"re jammin")pump this (We"re bangin"),Chase your boyfriend let"s ‘av him,We"re rowdy, girls make our judgement cloudy,but when the sun comes up we"re still alcys,We don"t wanna be lowsy, or shameless,but we"re running round like we"re brainless,now I"ve got grass stains on my brand new white trainers(ON MY BRAND NEW WHITE TRAINERS)Ummmm… I know a few guys hate us,they"re as compelling as neighbours so laters,it"s blaters we"ve got our own sound, you know now,so go wild and get hosed down, n-no noYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsWhen I get down,I get respect now,and when our tunes drops,you know it makes your head bounce,yeah I move with the flow,and when I enter the room it shows,I move sick (WHEN I DANCE)then chicks (WANNA DANCE)move in and move quick (WHEN I DANCE)at risk (WHEN I DANCE)just be careful you don"t lose your chick (WHEN I DANCE)that might just happen,so listen deep,stick with your madame,or she might just leaveCHORUSYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsUmmm… how much sound from the brass to the air,will it take, to put your bras in the air? (PARDON ME THERE)just don"t pretend that,if I wasn"t older you wouldn"t wanna dance with me yeaaahyou"re the last of my fears,I was top boy of the class in my year,well not really but I was half way there,and I coulda been the headmaster so yeahgot vibes and charisma (lighter and rizla)baccy and filter (shine for me mister)I want the sun to (SH-I-I-INE)till I"m looking at a bright blue (SKY-Y-Y)yes, and we drop it like anvils,bring your whole crew to a stand still, still,stick us on at clubs and Iguarantee that no body would stand stillYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpets
2023-06-23 19:44:011

Sheryl Crow - Easy的中文歌词

We said that summer we"d go down to Cancun我们说夏天我们会去坎昆But no money makes that kind of hard to do但没有钱,很难做Forget the beach – I"d rather be here with you忘记海滩–我宁愿跟你呆在这里Playing Croquet okay, maybe, that"s not true玩槌球吧,也许,那不是真的But you make it easy, easy, easy to get away但是你可以很容易的,简单的,容易走Sit in the sun and drink beer all day坐在太阳下,整天喝啤酒Because it"s easy, easy, easier anyway因为它简单,方便,容易吗Hey, who needs Mexico?嘿,谁需要墨西哥吗?Baby, let"s stay home宝贝,我们呆在家里Sheryl Crow|Easy 歌词 MV雪儿克罗|容易歌词MVWe"ll put on bug spray and we"ll lose our clothes我们会把对杀虫剂和我们将失去我们的衣服Put out the lawn chairs and turn on the hose把椅子和打开软管We"ll play Jack Johnson, he"s the new Don Ho我们要玩杰克约翰逊,他是新的Don HoAnd we"ll go surfing, surfing, we"ll surf the radio我们会去冲浪,冲浪,我们会浏览电台"Cause you make it easy, easy, easy to get away因为你使它容易,容易,容易走Sit in the sun and drink beer all day坐在太阳下,整天喝啤酒You know it"s easy, easy, easier anyway你知道这是容易的,容易的,更容易了Hey, who needs Mexico?嘿,谁需要墨西哥吗?Oh, hey, who needs Mexico?哦,嘿,谁需要墨西哥吗?Baby, let"s stay home宝贝,我们呆在家里Drink margaritas and take in the sunset喝玛格丽塔酒和采取的日落Later on we"ll slip up to our king size bed稍后我们会滑到我们的大床And make love, love, sweet love让爱,爱,甜蜜的爱You make it easy, easy你可以很容易,很容易Oh, yes, it"s easy, easy哦,是的,这很容易,很容易You make it easy, easy, easy to get away你可以很容易的,简单的,容易走Sit in the sun and sip tequila all day坐在太阳下,SIP天所有的龙舌兰Because it"s easy, easy, easier anyway因为它简单,方便,容易吗Hey, who needs Mexico?嘿,谁需要墨西哥吗?Tell me now, who needs Mexico?现在告诉我,谁需要墨西哥吗?Baby let"s stay home宝贝,我们呆在家里Baby let"s stay home宝贝,我们呆在家里Let"s get away baby让我们远离宝宝Oh, let"s get away, baby哦,让我们走,宝贝Oh...哦。Go on a little holiday...做个小小的节日…Change Would Do You Good将你的好
2023-06-23 19:44:081


hose中文翻译:水管。Hose音标:英 [hu0259u028az]。作名词时意为:连接的软管;(统称)袜子;男式紧身裤(与紧身衣相配);作动词时意为:(用软管)冲洗,浇灌,淋洒。常见短语:hose down用水管里的水冲洗; hose out用水管里的水冲干净;hose caliga长筒袜;hose valve水带阀门,软管阀,消火栓阀,软管接头阀;Radiator Hose水箱水管,水箱橡皮管,散热器软管;silicone hose硅胶管,防爆硅胶水管,硅胶接头管,硅胶软管系列。Rubber hose橡皮软管;Flush with a hose用水管冲刷;Hose oil loading软管装油;Shower with a hose用软管淋浇;Water with a rubber hose用橡皮管浇水;Rubber hose胶皮管;Flush with hose water用软管输水冲洗。例句:1. Water jetted from the hose.水从软管里喷射出来。2. They devised a hose that conveys water from sink faucets to containers.他们设计了一种软管,将水从水龙头引入盆中。3. He uncoiled the hose and gave them a thorough drenching.他把盘好的软管铺展开来,彻底冲洗了一下。4. He turned off the water and began to coil the hose.他关掉水龙头,开始把水管盘起来。5. the disconnected end of the hose.水管脱落的一端。6、We hosed down the car before we waxed it.我们在给汽车打蜡前必须先冲冲车。7、On Sundays, he washes his car down with the garden hose.每逢星期天,他就用花园里的水管把汽车冲洗干净。8、The stables were sluiced out with water from a hose.马厩已经用水管子冲洗过了。9、This fire hose is about sixty feet long.这段消防水管大约有60英尺长。10、He rigged a rubber hose to the tap in the kitchen.他将一条橡皮软管安装在厨房的水龙头上。11、The water sprayed from the hose.水从软管中喷射出来。12、Aunt Anna always gives me hose for my birthday.安娜姑母在我生日时常常送给我袜子。13、On Sundays, he washes his car down with the garden hose.每逢星期天,他就用花园里的水管把汽车冲洗干净。14、Will you hose down my car-it"s very dirty.你能用水管冲洗一下我的汽车吗?它太脏了。15、After raining,I always hose the yard out.雨后,我总是用软管把院子冲干净。
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2023-06-23 19:43:131


2023-06-23 19:43:172

ironic, sarcastic, satire有什么区别呢?

ironic的意思是讽刺性的,比较中性,比较有喜感的一个词,常常用来形容一些自相矛盾的事情,举例而言就是一个人到处演讲禁烟,但是自己却是一个不折不扣的大烟枪,一天抽三包,这条消息一旦被媒体揭露,就是一件非常具有讽刺意味,非常ironic的事.sarcastic不是什么好词,多贬义,这个词的重点意思在挖苦、嘲笑上,它的词义在于“是会伤人感情的”.它的“讽刺”和挖苦是同义,比如在不合时宜的时候还说一些触人痛处的话就是相当sarcastic的.satire:讽刺; 讥讽:这里注意这里的内容是为了 攻击 那些很愚蠢,缺德,邪恶的事情【语言上的抨击】扩展资料1. A sarcastic remark was on the tip of her tongue.挖苦的话到了她嘴边却没说出来。来自柯林斯例句2. I squashed him with a sarcastic remark.我说了一句讽刺的话把他给镇住了.来自《简明英汉词典》3. She has a sarcastic tongue.她喜欢挖苦人.来自《简明英汉词典》4. He chopped in with a sarcastic remark.他突然插进一句讽刺话.来自《现代英汉综合大词典》5. When he came, he was silent and moody, and after a few sarcastic remarks he went away.他来时默默无言,郁郁不乐, 冷嘲热讽一通之后就走了.参考资料:百度百科:sarcastic造句
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2023-06-23 19:43:302

Bo Burnham的《Ironic》 歌词

歌曲名:Ironic歌手:Bo Burnham专辑:Words Words WordsWithin Temptation - IronLeft in the darknessHere on your ownWoke up a memoryFeeling the painYou cannot deny itThere"s nothing to sayIt"s all that you need to find the wayOh Damn, the war is coming!Oh Damn, you feel you want it!Oh Damn, just bring it on today!You can"t live without the fireIt"s the heat that makes you strong"Cause you"re born to live and fight it all the wayYou can hide what lies inside youIt"s the only thing you knowYou"re embracing that, never walk awayDon"t walk awayDon"t walk awayDon"t walk awayDon"t walk awayRaised in this madness, you"re on your ownIt made you fearless, nothing to loseDreams are a drug here, they get in your wayThat"s what you need to fight day by dayOh Damn, the war is coming!Oh Damn, you feel you want it!Oh Damn, just bring it on today!You can"t live without the fireIt"s the heat that makes you strong"Cause you"re born to live and fight it all the wayYou can hide what lies inside youIt"s the only thing you knowYou"re embracing that, never walk awayDon"t walk awayYou need not to fear usunless you"re a dark hearta vile one, who preys on the innocentI promise, you can"t hide forever in the empty darknessfor we"ll hunt you downlike the animals you areand pull you in the very bowels of hellOh Damn, the war is coming!Oh Damn, you feel you want it!Oh Damn, just bring it on today!You can"t live without the fireIt"s the heat that makes you strong"Cause you"re born to live and fight it all the wayYou can hide what lies inside youIt"s the only thing you knowYou"re embracing that, never walk awayDon"t walk awayDon"t walk awayDon"t walk awayDon"t walk awayQQ Super Group:117846453Youku page please search: "JonathonTTTTT"
2023-06-23 19:43:311


表示祝福的英语句子大全   祝愿你在以后的岁月里,以敏锐的智慧,获得新的成功。下面是我收集整理的表示祝福的英语句子大全,希望对您有所帮助!    表示祝福的英语句子   1、睁开眼睛,给你一个轻轻的祝福,愿它每分每秒都带给你健康、好运和幸福。   Open your eyes and give you a gentle blessing. It will bring you health, good luck and happiness every minute.   2、你的健康关系着大家的心情,所以一定要尽早好起来哟!   Your health is related to everyone"s mood, so be sure to be better as soon as possible!   3、让我为您祝福,让我为您欢笑,因为你闪烁的烛光也照亮了我生命的一角。   Let me bless you, let me laugh for you, because your flickering candlelight also illuminates a corner of my life.   4、请接受我送给您的礼物,礼轻情谊重,它带着我的思念和最美好的祝福。   Please accept the gift I sent to you. The gift of friendship is heavy, and it has my thoughts and best wishes.   5、不管我们的距离有多遥远,关怀你的心是永远不变的。   No matter how far away our distance is, caring your heart will never change.   6、我用我火热的心,真诚地为你祈祷:愿你在这一年里平安、快乐。   I use my fervent heart, sincerely pray for you: wish you safe and happy in this year.   7、友情是一个奇妙的等式,在得到的同时必须付出,在付出的时候也就得到。   Friendship is a wonderful equation, it must be paid when you get it, and when you give it, you get it.   8、愿灿烂的阳光,青春的活力,秀美的容貌,舒心的微笑永远属于你。   Wish bright sunshine, youthful vigor, beautiful appearance, comfortable smile forever belongs to you.   9、诚挚的友谊,将透明的心灵联结在一起。它始终散发着温柔甜蜜的芳馨。   Sincere friendship connects a transparent mind. It always exudes tenderness and sweet fragrance.   10、祝你快乐,愿你永远沐浴在阳光和春风里,伴着我的爱飞翔。   I wish you happy, and you always bathed in the sunshine and spring breeze, accompanied by my love flying.   11、亲爱的,如果一切顺心,举手画颗爱心,化作天际恒心,祝你永远开心。   Dear, if everything goes well, raise your hands and draw a love, into the sky perseverance, I wish you always happy.   12、愿我们讲同开辟一块爱的土壤,让希望的种子结出现实的甜果。   May we speak with open up a love of the soil, so the seeds of hope produce real sweet fruit.   13、为了健康,你要开心;为了快乐,你要努力。希望你明天会更好!   To be healthy, you must be happy; to be happy, you have to work hard. Hope you will be better tomorrow!   14、莫让时间冲淡友情的酒,莫让距离拉开想念的手,祝福你永远永远。   Don"t let time dilute the wine of friendship, do not let the distance between Miss hands, bless you forever.   15、记取串串快乐回忆,让每一刹那都成为永恒,祝福你幸福快乐,前程锦绣。   Remember the string of happy memories, let every moment will become eternal, wish you happy, bright future.   16、道路是曲折的,甚至是崎岖的,但它毕竟是越走越宽。祝你未来一帆风顺。   The road is tortuous, even rugged, but it is wider and wider after all. I wish you all the best in the future.   17、让我们用双手紧紧握住真挚的过去,让我们的友谊延伸到永远!   Let us firmly grasp the sincere past with both hands, let our friendship extend forever!   18、寄一份祝福给你,在这美好的日子里,愿你拥有真心的快乐与喜悦。   Send a blessing to you, in this beautiful day, I wish you have true happiness and joy.   19、祈愿最忠诚的祝福,永远陪伴着你,特别是现在,在你生日来临的时刻。   May the most sincere blessing ever be with you, especially now, on your birthday.   20、叠一只弯弯的纸船,载满我的祝福与思念,乘着如水的月光,漂到你的身边。   Fold a curved paper, loaded with my blessing and missing, riding in the moonlight as water, float to your side.   21、人生不求多么辉煌,但求做到问心无愧。愿我的祝福永远陪伴在你左右。   Life is not for what glory, but for a clear conscience. May my blessing be with you forever.   22、天天三笑容颜俏,七八分饱人不老,相逢莫问留春术,淡泊宁静比药好。   Every day people face Qiao, Qi Bafen old people do not meet, ask not stay in the spring, peaceful than good medicine.   23、吸烟以示潇洒的观念已经很老土了。为了健康,你就少吸两支吧!   Smoking in clear idea has very corny. In order to be healthy, you should take less than two cigarettes!   24、天冷咯,记得加衣服咯,没事多想想老朋友,祝你天天开心,时时顺心。   Cold weather, remember to add clothes, nothing to think about old friends, I wish you happy every day, always satisfactory.   25、愿我们在无情中渴望有情,在有情中渴望爱情。   May we yearn for love in the heartless, desire for love in love.   26、真诚的祝愿带给远方的你,愿你事事顺心、快乐相随。   Sincere wishes to you in the distance, wish you everything happy, happy together.   27、在一生中,健康的价值远胜过声望和财富。愿您劳逸适度,多加保重。   In life, the value of health is far more than prestige and wealth. Wish you work and moderate, and take care.   28、你是飞天捧着的洁白花朵,降在我的心间我那感情的海哟,飞溅起幸福的浪花。   You are flying with the white flowers, fall in my heart, my feelings of the sea, splash happy waves.   29、兄弟,感谢你一直以来对我的关心,对我的帮助,我会记得你对我的好的。   Brother, thank you for your constant concern for me and for my help, I will remember your kindness to me.   30、默默地递给你一朵小花,愿它带给你一片盎然的春意。   Quietly gave you a flower, may it bring you a lively spring.   31、愿我的祝福变成你远征时解渴的清泉,烦恼时甜蜜的安慰,胜利时庆功的鲜花。   May my blessings become the springs of thirst, the sweet comforts of sorrow, the flowers of victory when they are victorious.   32、不管工作有多么的繁忙,只要记得我时刻都在关望你、祝福你。   No matter how busy the work is, as long as I remember, I am always watching you, bless you.   33、要及时吃饭,饭菜不能太简单,要加强营养,这样才能补充消耗了的能量。   To eat in time, the food can not be too simple, to strengthen the nutrition, so as to replenish the energy consumed.   34、人是铁,饭是钢,一餐不吃饿得慌,吃好喝好休息好,身体才会更健康!   Man is iron, rice is a steel, do not eat meal hungry, eat good drink good rest, the body will be more healthy!   35、绿茵茵的草坪,缠绵绵的琴音,亲爱的朋友啊,你能否听到我跳动的心。   Green lawn, Chan continuous sound, dear friend, can you hear my heart beating.   36、无论路途多遥远,无论天涯海角,我也要送给您这份最衷心的祝福。   No matter how far away, regardless of the ends of the earth, I also want to give you the most sincere blessing.   37、只要你的心里能充满活力,希望这爱的芬芳永远属于你。   As long as your heart is full of vitality, I hope that the fragrance of love will always belong to you.   38、我把最后一种爱给你,仿佛一朵花开在夏日的河堤、饱润着温暖的水流。   I give you the last kind of love, like a flower in the summer embankment, saturated with warm water.   39、爱情是生活中的"诗歌和太阳。衷心地祝福你,诗温馨,歌美妙,阳光永照。   Love is poetry and the sun in life. Sincerely wish you a warm, wonderful poem, song, the sun will shine.   40、思念一季的花香,是我无边的贺意,愿你的青春,满花满朵满芬芳。   Yearning for the fragrance of a season, is my boundless greeting, wish your youth, full of flowers full of fragrance.   41、愿这独白,留在你生命的扉页;愿这切切祈盼,带给你新的幸福。   May this monologue, in the pages of your life; may the earnestly hope, bring you new happiness.   42、有了理解,友谊才能长驻;有了友谊,生命才有价值。让我们发出理解之光。   With understanding, friendship can be stationed; with friendship, life is valuable. Let"s send out the light of understanding.   43、世界这么大,你我相遇而成为知己。愿我们珍惜这缘份。   The world is so big, you and I meet and become bosom friend. May we cherish this fate.   44、欢乐就是健康。如果我的祝福能为您带来健康的源泉,我愿日夜为您祈祷。   Happiness is health. If my blessing can bring you a healthy source, I would like to pray for you day and night.   45、友谊是最圣洁的灵物,她既会在同性中生根、发芽,也会在异性中开花结果。   Friendship is the most holy things, she will not only root and shoot in the same sex, will bear fruit in the opposite sex.   46、愿你永远拥有我,愿我永远拥有你,我们一起,走向崭新的生活。   May you always have me, I hope I"ll have you forever, we will go to a new life together.   47、不要轻易忘了我的友谊哦!记得时常想着念着记着,我这样可爱的朋友哦!   Don"t forget my friendship easily! I remember thinking and remembering, my lovely friends like this!   48、越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶莹湛蓝的水边,飞去了我对你的祝愿。   From majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters, fly to my wishes for you.   49、每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心。有你的感觉真好。   My heart beats for you every day. I am moved by you every minute, and I worry about you every second. It feels good to have you.   50、热情的祝福,燃烧在我的心里;希望的微笑,带着我无限的情意。   Warm wishes, burning in my heart; a smile of hope, with my infinite affection.   51、茫茫网海,偶尔的一声问候,使我们成为朋友,从此我的生活里有了颜色。   The vast sea, occasionally a greeting, so that we become friends, and my life with color.   52、我用所有的喜悦,为你祈祷,愿你在这一年里平安、快乐。   I pray for you with all the joy, and I wish you peace and happiness in the year.   53、在这样的季节,把我的真挚的祝福捎给你,愿幸福常在你身边。   In such a season, send my sincere blessing to you, wish happiness always beside you.   54、在你抑郁的时候,我就是你的开心果。在你忧伤的时候,我愿作你的忘忧树!   When you"re depressed, I"m your joy. When you are sad, I will make you delighted!   55、愿你在节日中能幸福地享受一下轻松,弥补你这一年的辛劳。   May you enjoy the happiness in the festival and make up for your hard work this year.   56、知音,不需多言,要用心去交流;友谊,不能言表,要用心去品尝。   Bosom friend, need not speak much, want to communicate with heart; friendship, can not say the word, want to taste attentively.   57、蓝色,在大海中是那样的深沉稳重,它代表着毅力。愿你的生活永远充满蓝色。   Blue, so deep and steady in the sea, it stands for perseverance. May your life be filled with blue forever.   58、绚丽的季节,美好的日子,寄上浓浓爱意,送给你一份美好的祝福。   The gorgeous season, the beautiful day, sends the thick love, gives you a good blessing.   59、你浅浅的微笑,是一首纯真的抒情诗,是一支幽婉的小夜曲。   Your smile is a pure lyric poem, is a fine serenade.   60、祝愿你在以后的岁月里,以敏锐的智慧,获得新的成功。   I wish you success in the years to come with keen wisdom.   61、脖子扭扭,屁股扭扭,跟我做运动,抖抖手,抖抖脚啊,早睡早起身体好。   Crooked neck, buttocks twists, doing sports, and I shook hands, shake feet ah, Zaoshuizaoqi good.   62、我摘下缤纷的音符,编织成永恒的祝福。愿你有一个美好的未来。   I plucked the colorful notes, woven into eternal blessing. May you have a wonderful future.   63、朋友,不管你是寂寞,还是悲伤,我都愿意陪你,你的快乐就是我的快乐。   Friends, whether you are lonely, or sad, I am willing to accompany you, your happiness is my happiness.   64、小河岸边,枝摇影飘;庭院深处,嫩绿含娇,剪一束春光相赠,愿你常笑。   The river shore, branches shake shadow floating; deep green courtyard, with Jiao, cut a bunch of spring gift, wish you laugh.   65、盼你伸出双手,接受我盈盈的祝福,在你未来的日子里,让幸福之花灿烂芬芳。   I hope you reach out your hand and accept my blessing. In your future days, let the flowers of happiness be bright and fragrant.   66、把无数的思念化做心中无限的祝福,默默的为你祈祷,祝你健康快乐!   The countless thoughts into the hearts of infinite blessings, silently pray for you, I wish you healthy and happy!   67、有一份极珍贵的礼物,我要把它送给你,那就是我一颗纯洁的心。   There is a very precious gift, I will give it to you, that is my pure heart.   68、上帝如果还能做点事的话,那就把所有的快乐送给你,把你的痛苦分给我一半。   If God can do something else, then give you all the joy, give me half of your pain.   69、微柔的轻风,代我传递对你的深深爱意,祝你永远快乐。   Gentle breeze, send me deep love for you, I wish you happy forever.   70、祝福你,愿你和你的老公白头到老!幸福永远!我们永远是朋友!   Bless you, wish you and your husband reach old age together! Happiness forever! We are friends forever!   71、对你的思念像袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福似潺潺的小溪伴随一生一世。   Miss you like a curl of smoke linger on faintly, wishes to you like a babbling brook along with life.   72、我诚挚的友谊,伴随你远行,这友谊将抹去你一切痛苦的脚印!   My sincere friendship, with your long journey, this friendship will erase all your pain footprints!   73、银波为笺,风帆为词,祝福您无忧无虑,乘风破浪,开拓远大前程。   Silver wave for depicting sail word, wish you ride the wind and waves develop great expectations, light of heart from care.   74、让我守候在这孤独的角落,默默地为你祈祷一生幸福!   Let me wait in this lonely corner, silently pray for your life happiness!   75、乍暖还寒时节,有一个消息从树梢上走漏:新春款款而至,且寄予深深的祝福。   The cold season, there is a leak from the year sections, and send blessings. ;
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   中专留学澳洲本科四种途径,看看你适合哪一个?    第一种:中专毕业生申请预科+本科   可以申请大学预科课程。大学预科课程为期一年,目的是使学生具备完成本科学业所需要的基本知识和技能。预科课程可分为商科、理科等不同专业方向,包括各种必修和选修课程。通常都能在英语语言方面得到特别辅导。   许多中学、职业教育与培训院校和大学都提供预科课程。比如昆士兰大学预科,新南威尔士大学预科,泰勒学院,SIBT(悉尼技术学院)。通常,在入读预科课程的同时所申请的大学仍为学生保留本科课程的名额。如完成预科课程后能达到规定的本科入学标准,即可直接入读相应的本科课程。先申请大学预科是通向澳洲顶尖学校的快捷通道。   入学条件   1.学历要求:中专毕业   2.英语要求:   A.雅思成绩达到6.0分或以上的学生可直接就读主课课程;(预科+本科的要求是5.5分即可不读语言,但预科课程要达到40周以上,否则为6.0)   B.雅思成绩达到5.5分的学生可以进入非主要课程的学习,这里不是指语言学习。   C.雅思成绩达到5.0分或以上的学生可申请学习本科课程,但需要学习不超过30周的语言课程。   澳大利亚的院校只接受具有足够英语水平的学生。各个院校制定自己的英语水平要求。对于不同的课程,学校提出的雅思分数线可能也会不同。    第二种:中专毕业申请+1年快捷课程+2年本科第二年和第三年   有部分澳洲综合大学,将大学一年级的课程与预科课程结合起来,浓缩成一年的大学快捷课程。申请人完成快捷课程,成绩合格后,可直接入读大学二年级。例如:莫纳什大学,阿德莱德大学,麦考瑞大学等等。   入学条件:   1.学历要求:中专毕业   2.英语要求:   A.雅思成绩达到6.0分或以上的学生可直接就读主课课程   B.雅思成绩达到5.5分的学生可以可以先配语言,之后进入主课学习   拨打热线400-618-8866 >>可了解更多中专生澳洲留学申请相关信息    第三种:中专毕业生直接申请本科   澳洲的一些大学可以接受国内的高中生直接申请本科的(非快捷课程),比如卧龙岗大学、墨尔本皇家理工大学等,其实中专生也是可以通过这个途径留学澳洲。   入学条件:   1.学历要求:中专毕业   2.英语要求:   A.雅思成绩达到6.0分/6.5分或以上的学生可直接就读主课课程   B.雅思成绩不到的学生达到学校要求的学生,可以先配语言,之后进入主课学习    第四种:中专毕业生申请副学士学位+本科学位   读完副学士学位后可以直接接读后面的学士学位,拿到学位的时间和正常直接入读学士学位的学生一样。   入学条件:   1.学历要求:中专毕业   2.英语要求:   A.雅思成绩达到6.0分或以上的学生可直接就读主课课程   B.雅思成绩不到的学生达到学校要求的学生,可以先配语言,之后进入主课学习。
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1、同学啊,让往日夕暮中那些甜蜜的低语,都埋在心底,化作漂亮的记忆吧! My fellow students, let those sweet whispers in the past sunset be buried in the bottom of my heart and turn into beautiful memories! 2、个在一起的春秋,每一次游戏,每一次探讨,每一次争吵,都将成为我记忆中珍贵的一页。 Every spring and autumn, every game, every discussion, every quarrel, will be a Pcious page in my memory. 3、忧他人之忧,乐他人之乐,你那善良热诚无私的品性,永远铭刻在我心怀。 The sorrow of others, the joy of others, your kindness, devotion, and unselfishness are always enshrined in my heart. 4、如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了。 If you weeped for the missing sunset, you would miss all the shining stars. 5、挥手告别,扬帆远航,别不了的,是你抛出的那根友谊的缆绳,无形中牢牢地系在我心上。 Waving goodbye, sailing, and not to mention, the rope of friendship that you threw, invisible and firm to my heart. 6、雪花乱飞的季节,我们也曾陷入迷茫的困惑,感到孤独和凄凉,但我们毕竟走了过来。 In the snow season, we were confused and lonely and miserable, but we came over after all. 7、风声、雨声、读书声,声声入耳;散伙、留念、找工作,事事无关。 The wind and the rain, the sound of reading, hears; disband memory, looking for a job, everything. 8、长长的距离,长长的线,连着长长的思念;远远的空间,久久的时间,剪不断对你的挂牵! Long distance, long line, with the deep yearning; far space, long time, cut to your care! 9、朋友,让我轻轻的说声你好,虽然人生难免有聚有散,但你却是我心中,最珍惜最难忘的朋友。 Friends, let me gently say hello, although life will inevitably get together, there are scattered, but you are my heart, the most cherished, the most memorable friends. 10、很多我们以为一辈子都不会忘记的事情,就在我们念念不忘的日子里,被我们遗忘了。 A lot of things we thought we would never forget in our lives were forgotten by us. 11、将来就当老板,当不了老板就当老板娘,当不了老板娘当老板他的娘也行! In the future when the boss, can not be the boss, when the boss, the mother can not be the boss, when the boss, his mother will do! 12、毕业了,多想留住那些温暖的日子,多么渴望着早日投进生活的洪流。 Graduation, and want to keep those warm days, how eager to throw into the current of life as soon as possible. 13、最想听到的是你的笑声,最想看到的是你的快乐,愿幸福永远陪伴你,这是我最真心的祝福! Most want to hear is your laughter, the most want to see is your happiness, happiness is always with you, this is my most sincere wishes! 14、与你同行,回想起我们曾拥有过的共同理想;与你分手,憧憬着我们重逢时的狂欢。 Walking with you, recalling the common ideals we once had, breaking up with you and dreaming of the revelry when we meet again. 15、有句说话埋藏在我心里好久了,我好辛苦啊,今天我决一定要讲出来:你几时翻旧胶擦俾我啊! There is a saying buried in my heart for a long time, I am so hard ah, today I must say: "when you turn over the old rubber wipe, so that I ah!"! 16、对你的思念像袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福似潺潺的小溪伴随一生一世。 Miss you like a curl of smoke linger on faintly, wishes to you like a babbling brook along with life. 17、叶子的离开是风的多情还是树的不挽留,你我的离校是人生的催促还是青春的不停留。 Leaves of the wind is passionate, or the tree does not retain, you and I leave school is the urging of life, or youth does not stay?. 18、毕业后让我抱一抱吧。我不想带着遗憾离开。 Let me have a hug after graduation. I don"t want to leave with regrets. 19、你珍惜今天,又以百倍的热情去拥抱明天,那未,未来就一定属于你! You cherish today, but also a hundred times to embrace the enthusiasm of tomorrow, that did not, the future must belong to you! 20、人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音。把握机会珍惜缘分,祝愿我们友谊长存。 The road of life must be melancholy, the ends of the earth always have bosom friend. Seize the opportunity, treasure the fate, and wish our friendship forever. 21、在这个阳光热辣的季节里,我们就要离去,为着更好的宴会,更多的热闹。 In this hot and sunny season, we are going to leave for better parties and more excitement. 22、大地上有五色土,海滩边有五彩贝,乐章里有五线谱,人生中有五彩路。 Earth, five shells beach, with a staff movement, a colorful way of life. 23、愿我的临别赠言是一把伞,能为你遮挡征途上的烈日与风雨。 May my valediction is an umbrella, you can block the sun and wind and rain on the journey. 24、你是花季的蓓蕾,你是展翅的雄鹰,明天是我们的世界,一切因我们而光辉。 You are the bud of the flower season, you are the eagle carrying the wings, tomorrow is our world, everything is shining because of us. 25、默默的分手,正如当初默默地相遇。愿这温馨的微风,给你捎去我深情的祝福和祈祷! Silent parting, just like the silent meeting. May this warm breeze bring you my affectionate blessing and prayers! 26、吵架也好,斗嘴也好,开心也好,出气也好,你永远是我心中最好的死党。 Fight or quarrel or happy or gas or, you will always be my best friend. 27、你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为只有你不在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞。 You"ll never see my loneliest time, because I am the loneliest when you are not with me. 28、我总是告诉自己,即使偶尔失去了阳光,但还有满天的星光为你引路。 I always tell myself, even if occasionally lost the sun, but there are stars in the sky for you to lead the way. 29、我有我的骄傲,我的自尊,并不应该为某人把这一切都放弃掉。 I have my pride, my pride, and I shouldn"t give up all this for someone. 30、别丢掉那以往的热情,你仍要保存着那真! Don"t throw away your past enthusiasm, you still have to keep that real! 31、不论从事哪种职业,要走向成功,首先应对职业感兴趣。 No matter what career you want to succeed, you should first be interested in your career. 32、我们的脸上,写满了新人的羞涩和好奇。好奇着今天的你,和明天的自己。 Our faces were filled with new shyness and curiosity. Curious about you today and yourself tomorrow. 33、离别是暂时的,共度人生是永远的,离别滋生相思情,使我们的爱情更炽热。 Parting is temporary. Life is forever. Parting breeds love and makes our love hotter. 34、火红的彩霞在雨后,真诚的友谊在别后,流水不因石而阻,友谊不因远而疏。 Red clouds in the rain, sincere friendship in the rear, stone and water do not stop, friendship is not far away and sparse. 35、紧紧地握一握手。手有意,手有情,掌心中千言万语,也有我难言的秘密。 Shake hands tightly. The hand has intention, the hand has the sentiment, in the palm in a thousand words, also has my unspeakable secret. 36、明晨行别,但愿云彩、艳阳一直陪伴你走到海角天涯;鲜花、绿草相随你铺展远大的前程。 Don"t hope for tomorrow morning, the clouds, the sun always accompany you to go to the far-off regions; flowers, green grass out your lofty quest of the future. 37、殷殷情意,系不住欲行的脚步,再见吧,亲爱的学友。 Earnest affection, not to line footsteps, goodbye, dear friends. 38、毕业在即,为了更好地服务社会,以下就对我的大学生涯作一个简单的自我总结鉴定。 Graduation soon, in order to better serve the community, the following on my college career made a simple summary of the identification. 39、母校是什么,你刚来的时候巴不得早点走,可当你真要走的时候,又急切地希望能多留一两天。 What"s your alma mater? You can"t leave early when you first arrive. But when you really want to leave, you"re eager to stay for one or two more days. 40、相逢又告别,归帆又离岸,既是往日欢乐的终结,又是未来幸福的开端。 Meet and farewell, sail away from the shore, is the end of past joy, but also the beginning of the future happiness. 41、虽然我们就快分手啦,但我会一路挂住你的。得闲我们成班人再聚埋吃野啦! Although we are going to break it, but I will miss you all the way. We get into class together buried eat wild! 42、不管未来有多遥远,成长的路上有你有我;不管相逢在什么时候,我们是永远的朋友。 No matter how far away the future may be, you will have me on the way to growth; no matter when we meet, we will be friends forever. 43、从五湖四海来,到天南地北去。不管走到哪里,请师兄师姐记得多回来看看。 From all corners of the country to go to far apart from each other. No matter where you go, please remember to come back to see shixiongshijie. 44、那一套白色的装束,像足校园里的白鸽,是飘向未来的云朵。 That set of white attire, like the pigeon in the campus, is the cloud that floats into the future. 45、毕业在即,新的征程也即将开始,愿每一位朋友都能够勇敢地面对未来的每一天! Graduation soon, and the new journey is about to begin. May every friend be brave enough to face each day in the future! 46、当你早上开机时,能见到我对你的祝福,一朵心中的玫瑰,为你带来一天的好运。 When you turn on the phone in the morning, you can see my blessing, a heart of roses, to bring you a day of good luck. 47、有一首歌曾轻声地唱过,在年轻的岁月中,或许时间带走一切拥有过的季节。 One song sang softly, "in youth, time may take away all the seasons that have been.". 48、带着记忆,带着幻想,走向生活,走向祖国的四面八方。 With memory, with fantasy, toward life, towards the motherland in all directions. 49、在我们的生活里,曾经有多少个陌生的生命,只是迎面错过,甚至连对望一眼的机会都没有。 In our life, how many have a strange life, but were missed, even looked at each other no chance. 50、毕业时节雨纷纷,毕业生们欲断魂。试问前途何处有,学生遥指中关村。 Graduation season rain have, graduates of deep sorrow. How can the future where students, points at Zhongguancun. 51、我熟悉那大楼,熟悉那雕塑,熟悉那绿色的空气,混着青草香。 I know the building, the sculpture, the green air, the grass. 52、毕业了,不再为作业,论文烦恼了,可却要面临更加艰巨的挑战。 After graduation, I no longer worry about my homework and thesis, but I still have to face more difficult challenge. 53、我的生活融入了你,你的生活中也蕴涵着我;当我们再次相见的时刻,你我仍然是一个整体。 My life is in you, and you live with me; when we meet again, you and I are still a whole. 54、你用心,他无心,爱着不爱自己的人,本身就是没有回报的。 Your heart, he inadvertently, love not love their own, in itself is no return. 55、我随着那光奔跑,跑过操场,跑过食堂,跑过小池塘。终于我到了一个,熟悉,却又陌生的地方。 I ran along with the light, ran across the playground, ran across the canteen, and ran across the small pond. Finally, I arrived at a familiar and unfamiliar place. 56、生活的海洋已铺开金色的路,浪花正分列两旁摇动着欢迎的花束。勇敢地去吧,师兄师姐! The sea of life has sPad its golden path, and the waves are lined with waving bouquets of welcome. The courage to go, shixiongshijie! 57、我留在你的心上,一如你在我心中;过去和现在,我们一直是两个彼此不能疏远的生命。 I remain in your heart as you are in my heart; the past and the Psent, we are two beings that cannot live apart from each other. 58、在忙碌的生活中别忘了抽个时间,让自己轻松一睛,永远保持一颗年轻快乐的心。 In a busy life, don"t forget to take time to relax and keep a young and happy heart forever. 59、不管未来有多长久,请珍惜相聚的每一刻;不管多少个春夏秋冬,我们是永远的朋友。 No matter how long the future will be, please treasure every moment we meet. No matter how many seasons, we are friends forever. 60、曲终的时刻没有泪水,只祈愿有朝一日当我们重新聚首校园时,将那些熟悉的一草一木吻遍。 In the end the moment no tears, just hope that some day in the future when we are together again to those familiar with the campus, every tree and Bush kiss. 61、亲爱的朋友请不要难过,离别以后要彼此珍重。 My dear friends, please don"t be sad. After you leave, please treasure each other. 62、离别,泪水成了留言,你说:这泪可以凝结成珍珠,变成永久的纪念。 Parting, tears become messages, you say: "this tears can be condensed into pearls, become a permanent memorial.". 63、相知是天意,相识是人意,相加便是友谊,有情便有意,我们能聚在一起,因为心有灵犀。 Know each other is God, the acquaintance is satisfactory, adding that friendship, love and intention, we can get together, because of the heart. 64、每当我好不容易要放弃你时,你却给我微不足道的希望让我继续。 Every time I tried to give you up, you gave me little hope that I could carry on. 65、那以往的同窗生活,是一串糖葫芦,那迷人的甜和酸,将永远回味不完! Classmate that past life, is a bunch of Tomatoes on sticks, that charming sweet and acid, will always be memorable! 66、挥不去的万缕情丝,诉不尽的山盟誓言,随着柳絮飘飞缠绕心田,只落得相思绵绵。 Get rid of the wisp of theemotions, untold ShanMeng oath, with the flying catkins winding heart, only to end up the lovesickness. 67、离别对于爱情,就像风对于火一样:它熄灭了火星,但却能煽起狂焰。 Absence is to love what wind is to fire, it goes out to Mars, but up flames. 68、今日同窗分手,说一声:珍重!明朝校友相逢,贺一句:成功! Today, my classmate broke up and said, "take care!"! Ming alumni meet, congratulations one: success! 69、今天,我们是亲密的同学;明天,我们将是竞争的对手。愿友谊在竞争中更加深厚。 Today, we are close classmates; tomorrow, we will be competitors. May friendship deepen in the competition. 70、人的一生也像四季:春播夏长秋收冬尝。朋友,乘你青春风发,努力撒播幸福的种子吧! Everyone"s life is like four seasons: spring sowing, summer long autumn harvest and winter experience. Friends, take your youth spirit, to sow the seeds of happiness! 71、那又是一个清爽的秋天,秋风拂过,天又渐渐转凉。 It was a refreshing autumn, with the autumn wind blowing and the weather getting cooler. 72、让我们迈开双腿,去洒行汗水,去踏一路雷声!校门外,有的是鲜花簇拥的前程! Let"s take our legs, sweat, and go all the way through the thunder! Outside the school gate, there are flowers surrounded by the future! 73、今天,我们是亲密的同学;明天,我们将是竞争的对手。愿友谊在竞争中更加深厚! Today, we are close classmates; tomorrow, we will be competitors. May friendship deepen in the competition! 74、有时候,你并不像平时,也会很严肃,那威严也让我感到震撼,看来你还是很有领导能力的。 Sometimes, you are not the usual, will be very serious, Na Wei Yan also shocked me, it seems that you still have the leadership skills. 75、月朦朦,鸟朦朦,我悄悄送你远行,从此天边多了一颗含泪的星星,永远注视你远去的背影。 A month, a bird, I quietly send you away from the horizon, a tearful star, always watching you back away. 76、昨日今日明日,千帆过尽,一步花开,一步花落。有时候驻足回望,竟是满地回忆的碎片。 Yesterday today tomorrow, sail past the best, step by step the flowers bloom. Sometimes stop and look back, it was memories of debris everywhere. 77、默默的分手,正如当初默默地相遇。愿这温馨的微风,给你捎去我深情的祝福和祈祷。 Silent parting, just like the silent meeting. May this warm breeze bring you my affectionate blessing and prayers. 78、短暂的别离,是为了永久的相聚,让我们期盼,那份永恒的喜悦。 The brief separation, is for the permanent meeting, lets us expect, that eternal joy. 79、献上依依惜别的祝愿,愿福乐时该与你相伴。分离熔得友情更浓,重逢首将在那更灿烂的明天。 Offer distressed at parting wishes, wish the time of happiness with you. Separation makes the friendship stronger, and the first reunion will be brighter in that day. 80、学哥学姐们俺虽然不认识你们,仍祝愿你们该咋的就咋的,人人开别克,人人有别墅。 Learn elder brother elder sister elder sister, although I don"t know you, still wish you how should I, everybody opens Buick, everybody has a villa.
2023-06-23 19:43:091

英语作文“my dream of travelling in space"

2023-06-23 19:43:021


非主流歌曲: 1. 大爆炸 2.time to rock 3.辛巴达舞曲 4.Floorfiller 5.sosforlove(又名:爱情求救号) 6.Hey oh 7.Wet Wet Wet 8.OneForDaMoney shot isla alizee 11.i saw you walking in the rain 12.moonlight shadow 13.I saw you walking in the rain 14.You`re Not Gonna Score 15.ELECTRONIC LIFE 16.teenage life 17.Phillip Rushton Cinderella 18.lavita 19.In Your Mind Eddy Wata 20.Let"s talk about a man 21.Tiggy Abracadabra 22.Japanese main current king 23.Hyper Tolks 24.To Be Or Not To Be the end of august Advance 26.Dooh Dooh 27.flute loop 28.Sing For My Soul 29.Activ Doar cu tine 30.anima libera 31.Dragoste din tei OZONE
2023-06-23 19:43:011


you know是定语从句,修饰 a comedian个人觉得有点ironic
2023-06-23 19:42:522


应该结卡零售价覅iehrtuiqwuiowt4uwt43iqyhiouvuy89r54q2389vuiseyruiowq3yuiviolenceuuiquy iuo3qy揉腿语言和78iy28人也好uiykuywHRUIEYHGUIRHQW YUQilhqwhuwhuhuiqwehdwheuiqYWEIUQHEUIQY UIQiul 一iyeuiqyweuiieuywqui我去诶呀iuyqwuie8请euyquiewuieyhwuieyquieyhquiyry378yruiyheuiw2gt7u8kdhwiueyiqERUIYGRqtyeiyilu423y874ry238974789vxcwhyruiyriuriuy789y498yq2r8yq78ry7ucuiyr7y3i7词语yt78cuiycyv予以4y8237vcvc不vbbv才 isohfuieawhruiewayi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##################################################################################################################¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&**************************(((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————********&&&&&&&&&………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………才该操他劳模嘿的撕破该
2023-06-23 19:42:4815

求魔兽世界3.35 LUI V3 插件

Tukui 整合插件...百度第一条就是这个....安装之后需要自己设置一些东西...蛮好用的一个插件~~~
2023-06-23 19:42:481


2023-06-23 19:42:479


2023-06-23 19:42:451


1、你喜欢我,陪了我这么久,即使我骄傲自私做作的时候你都在。 You liked me and stayed with me for so long, even when I was proud and selfish. 2、人之所以会死,是因为,身体不能承受进化的力量。 The reason why people die is that the body cannot bear the power of evolution. 3、如果我们能真正地举重若轻起来,至少在表达上,该是多么好。 If we can really lift weights lightly, at least in terms of expression, how good it would be. 4、那些我们一直不安又充满好奇的未来,会在心里隐隐约约地觉得它们是明亮的。 Those futures that we have been uneasy and curious about will faintly feel bright in our hearts. 5、光闭上眼睛其实眼睑还没有闭上原来我的世界永远的都没有真正的黑暗呀! Close your eyes, in fact, the eyelids have not closed the original world of my forever there is no real darkness ah! 6、看烟花是一个很寂寞的姿势,即使是一群人一起做。 Watching fireworks is a lonely gesture, even if it"s done by a group of people. 7、这是一个种满仙人掌的花房,我拿着一个叫做幸福的气球站了很久,很久。 This is a flower house full of cactus. I stood for a long, long time with a balloon called Happiness. 8、希望你们就算回到了明亮的世界也不要放开彼此的手。 I hope you can return to the bright world without letting go of each other"s hands. 9、我就要飞了,我可能不酷,也不特别,所以,我不会说很酷的话,只想说,请不要忘了我。 I"m going to fly, I may not be cool, nor special, so I won"t say cool words, just want to say, please don"t fet me. 10、你要赶快来爱我,等我变成长颈鹿,你就只能够到我的膝盖了。 You must love me quickly, and when I bee a giraffe, you can only reach my knee. 11、三百年到会在转瞬之间。只是,这次不想再等待了。 The arrival of 300 years will be in a inkling of an eye. It"s just that I don"t want to wait any longer this time. 12、光闭上眼睛,其实眼睑还没有闭上,原来我的世界永远的都没有真正的黑暗呀。 Close your eyes, in fact, the eyelids have not closed, the original my world will never have real darkness ah. 13、那需要很长时间,等到了临界点,对的时间,你准备好了,你就会感觉到。 It takes a long time, until the critical point, right time, you are ready, you will feel. 14、现在,执着追求的事,将来必定有一天变成不重要的。 Now, what we persist in pursuing will bee insignificant one day. 15、有的时候,所谓的幸福,都是别人眼里的。我们总是很容易觉得别人幸福,觉得自己可怜。 Sometimes, the so-called happiness is in the eyes of others. It"s always easy for us to feel happy for others and pity for ourselves. 16、以后,只要维持一定距离,舀上些许深水,沸腾半分,便已足够。 Later, as long as a certain distance is maintained, a little deep water is ladled and boiling for half a minute, it will be enough. 17、睡得好么?睡得很好,不过没有在你身边睡醒这么好。 Did you sleep well? I slept well, but I didn"t wake up so well beside you. 18、据说那些你一笑就跟着你笑的人,不是 *** 就是爱你的人。 It is said that those who laugh with you as soon as you laugh are either fools or people who love you. 19、要有最朴素的生活,与最遥远的梦想,即使明日天寒地冻,路远马亡。 Have the simplest life, and the farthest dream, even if tomorrow freezes in the cold, far away horses die. 20、计算着抛物线的周期,想想这个着周期重现的点。彼此相像着,却又恒定的疏离着。 Calculate the period of the parabola, and think about the point where the period recurs. Like each other, but constant alienation. 21、世界上有两种人,一种是寂寞的人,一种是不知道自己寂寞的人。 There are o kinds of people in the world, one is lonely people, the other is people who do not know their loneliness. 22、人生,总会有不期而遇的温暖,和生生不息的希望。 Life, there will always be unexpected warmth, and endless hope for life. 23、可是再怎么也没料到还没到保质期它就开始不安腐烂。 But it never expected that it would start to rot before its expiration date. 24、喜欢一朵花,就会把她摘掉。而爱一朵花,就会为她浇水。 If you like a flower, you will pick it off. And if you love a flower, you will water it. 25、只能记得当时的心情,犹如古井里的石头被扔到沙漠里的感觉安静的,寂寞的,又真实。 I can only remember the mood at that time, as if the stone in the ancient well was thrown into the desert, feeling quiet, lonely, and real. 26、也许一个人要走很长的路,经历过生命中无数突如其来的繁华和苍凉才会变的成熟。 Perhaps a person has to go a long way, and experience countless unexpected prosperity and desolation in his life before he bees mature. 27、一些事情渐渐变得淡灭,你知道它存在过,但却已经忘记怎样的存在过。 Something is fading away. You know it existed, but you have fotten how it existed. 28、好像要远远的逃开。逃离这片卷动着流沙的无情荒漠。 It"s as if we"re going to run away. Escape from the ruthless desert, which is rolling with quicksand. 29、只有记忆成了身外之物,我们才可以在这陵园一样的人间,走得远些。 Only when memory bees an external object can we go further in this cemetery-like world. 30、你根本没有像爱他那么认真地去恨他;没有像勾引他那么费尽心机地忘记他。 You don"t hate him as seriously as you love him; you don"t fet him as hard as you seduce him. 31、有时候,不要把世界看得太孤单了,正如你总在想念某些人,也总会有某些人在一直想念你。 Sometimes, don"t look at the world too lonely, just as you always miss someone, there will always be someone who always misses you. 32、我是傻瓜还是糊涂蛋,明明是那麽认真地快乐与担忧过,怎么就这様彻彻底底地忘记了呢? I am a fool or a fool, obviously so seriously happy and worried, how can I pletely fet it? 33、不管之前的喧嚣怎样爬过我们的伤口,但剩余的每一天,都会在每一个喜欢你的日子里。 No matter how the noise before climbed through our wounds, but the rest of the day, will be in every day like you. 34、椅子很热情,通常两边有扶手,那姿势好像张开怀抱,等待另一个身体。 The chair is very enthusiastic, usually with arms on both sides. It"s like opening your arms and waiting for another body. 35、对在乎你牵挂你为你哭的人好一点,别哪天一梦醒来发现在数星星的时候把月亮弄丢了。 Be kind to those who care about you and cry for you. Don"t wake up one day and find that you lost the moon when counting stars. 36、不知道明天会不会还在,不知道什么时候就要离开。但确定的是不可能永远存在吧。 I don"t know whether tomorrow will be here or not. I don"t know when I"m leaving. But surely it can"t exist forever. 37、暧昧让人受委屈,找不到相爱的证据。连拥抱都没勇气。 Ambiguous let people be wronged, can not find evidence of love. I don"t even have the courage to hug. 38、不知不觉喜欢上天空的蓝色,因为你的微笑在那里。 Unconsciously like the blue sky, because your *** ile is there. 39、过去已经不存在了,将来也不想考虑。只想此时此刻,为了你任性的勇敢。 The past is no longer there, and I don"t want to think about it in the future. Just for your self-willed courage at this moment. 40、那些我们一直惴惴不安又充满好奇的未来,会在心里隐隐约约觉得它们是明亮的。 Those futures that we have been anxious about and curious about will faintly feel bright in our hearts. 41、不管昨夜经历了怎样的泣不成声,早晨醒来,这个城市依然车水马龙。 No matter how sobbing we experienced last night, when we woke up in the morning, the city was still full of traffic. 42、世界在庞大的雨水里变得安静。变得孤单。变得寂寞。变成了一个让人悲伤的星球。 The world bees quiet in the huge rain. Bee lonely. Bee lonely. It became a sad planet. 43、你看见我了么我是一个坏孩子坏一千遍坏一万遍。一直坏到你看到我。 Did you see me? I was a bad boy, bad a thousand times and bad ten thousand times. It"s bad until you see me. 44、有没有这样一个人,他肯在人群中,蹲下为你,系上鞋带。 Is there such a person who would Crouch for you and tie your shoelaces in the crowd? 45、以前我们总是认为自己很聪明,但是学习了没有很好的去执行,反被聪明误。 In the past, we always thought that we were very *** art, but if we didn"t do well in our study, we would be mistaken by wisdom. 46、生命若给我无数张面孔,我永远选择最疼痛的一张去触摸。 If life gives me countless faces, I will always choose the most painful one to touch. 47、如此失落的,我也长大了,如此寂寞地,我也长大了。 So lost, I grew up, so lonely, I grew up. 48、如果一切真的消失,地球也不见,那我要我对你的思念,再在世界里走几个光年。 If everything really disappears and the earth disappears, then I want to miss you and walk in the world for a few light years. 49、原来只要是分开了的人,不论原来多么熟悉,也会慢慢变得疏远。 As long as the original separation of people, no matter how familiar with the original, will gradually bee alienated.
2023-06-23 19:42:391

2023-06-23 19:42:384


Tukui基本指令 /uihelp - 命令表 /tacker - Tukui 竞技场敌方冷却监视器 - 一个精简的PVP冷却监视器 (Icon only) /rl - 重载您的使用者界面 /gm - 联系GM或开启魔兽世界帮助信息 /frame - 侦测你滑鼠位置上的框架名称
2023-06-23 19:42:381