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2023-06-24 19:41:26
TAG: invent nt vent

Produce, create, bring about


create 创立并建造

produce 创意制作

bring about 使 … 诞生

coin 虚构

invent 提出创新性方案



[chuàng zào]

na.create; produce; bring about

网络creation; invent; creativity





invent常见释义发明英:[u026anu02c8vent]美:[u026anu02c8vent]v.发明; 创造; 编造; 捏造; 虚构; 例句:I have a plan! Is must invent a new robot.我有一个打算!就是要发明一个新的机器人。现在分词:inventing过去式:invented过去分词:invented第三人称单数:invents
2023-06-24 12:54:002


这三个单词都有“发现”的意思,但是在使用时有些微小的区别。1. find:通常用来指找到已经存在的事物,尤其是通过搜索、探索或偶然发现。例句:I found my lost keys under the sofa.我在沙发下找到了我的丢失的钥匙。2. discover:通常用来指发现新的、未知的事物,尤其是通过研究、探索或偶然发现。例句:Scientists have discovered a new species of fish in the ocean.科学家们在海洋中发现了一种新的鱼类。3. invent:通常用来指创造或发明新的事物或理论,通常需要创造者或发明者的智力、创造力或创新精神。例句:Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.托马斯·爱迪生发明了电灯泡。需要注意的是,这些单词也有一些交叉使用的情况,但通常都有各自的用法和语境。
2023-06-24 12:54:091


invent是动词的原形 vt.发明;创造;编造;捏造;虚构 第三人称单数: invents;现在分词: inventing;过去式: invented;过去分词: invented. 短语搭配 invent sth发明某物 invent thing发明东西 great invent件大事 ; 大事 扩展资料   Who invented the steam engine?   谁发明了蒸汽机?   He didn"t know when the telephone was invented.   他不知道电话是什么时候发明的。   Edison had a remarkable aptitude for inventing new things.   爱迪生具有发明创造的.非凡才能。   Our forefathers were the first to invent gunpowder.   我们的祖先最先发明了火药。   I launched into the parable, embellishing the story with invented dialogue and extra details   我开始讲那则寓言,并编造了些对话,加了些细节对其进行润色。   Scurrilous and untrue stories were being invented.   有人正在捏造虚假诽谤的故事。
2023-06-24 12:54:341


discover,invent 这两个词都是动词,都指人们首先见到的新鲜事物而言,但涵义有异.【discover】指初次看见本来已存在但以前未被发现的事物,故作“发现”解.如:Columbus discovered America but he did not explore the new continent.哥伦布发现了美洲,可是他没有去探索这个新大陆.Modern astronomers have discovered a million such galaxies.现代的天文学家已发现了一百万类似的星群.【invent】是指创造前所未有的事物,故作“发明”解.例:Edison invented the electric light bulb.爱迪生发明了电灯泡.A new-type stethoscope has yet to be invented.新型的听诊器有待发明.有时候,invent还可作“捏造”解.例:Don‘t you know a lie is always invented?谎言总是捏造出来的,难道你不知道吗?We must invent an excuse for being late.我们必须编造一个迟到的理由.◇find,find out 都有找到的意思【find】find:意为“找到,发现”,表动作结果.区别与:1、look for:意为“寻找”,表动作过程,不表结果.e.g.I"m looking for my pen but I can"t find it.(我正在找我的钢笔,但找不到.)【find out】意为“找到,发现,查出”,一般用于发现真理、奥秘等抽象事物 e.g.Please find out when the first class begins.(请查一下第一节课什么时候开始.)
2023-06-24 12:54:531


2023-06-24 12:55:154


2023-06-24 12:55:311


你好!发明The invention
2023-06-24 12:55:517


invention和invent的区别: invent 是动词 发明 后接名词 ,指发明什么东西; invention 是名词 发明物; invent v. 发明;创造;编造;捏造;虚构; invention n. 明;创意;创造;虚构;编造;虚构的故事 扩展资料   He is credited with inventing the first true helicopter.   他被认为是发明第一架真正的直升机的人。   The company is credited with inventing the industrial robot.   发明工业机器人是那家公司的功劳。   The invention of the industrial robot is credited to the company.   工业机器人的.发明应归功于那家公司。   John was full of invention ─ always making up new dance steps and sequences.   约翰有丰富的创造力——总能编出新的舞步和连续舞步。   Fax machines were a wonderful invention at the time.   传真机在当时是一项了不起的发明。
2023-06-24 12:56:061


invent sb. to do sth. invent an excuse 找借口invent an explanation 捏造一种说法invent的基本意思为“发明”,强调运用想象力创造出以前从来未有的事物; 也可指通过调查研究和思考发明有用的东西,强调通过智慧和思考,而非靠灵感来“发明创造”。用于比喻也可指出于不诚实或坏的目的捏造借口、理由、事实等。invent是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 扩展资料  Can you tell me who invented the telephone?  你能告诉我是谁发明了电话?  He always strives to invent something new.  他一直努力要发明新东西。
2023-06-24 12:56:141


第一个是动词:发明。后两个是名次分别表示 发明者 和发明。如爱迪生invented 灯泡。灯泡 is 爱迪生"s invention.爱迪生 is the inventor of 灯泡。
2023-06-24 12:56:402


2023-06-24 12:56:485


发明的英语怎么写 你好! 发明 The invention 发明用英语怎么说? Invent发明用英语怎么说 contrive 英 [ku0259n"trau026av]美 [ku0259nu02c8trau026av] vt.设计,发明; 创造; 策划; 设法做到 vi.计划或谋划 contrivance禒 英 [ku0259nu02c8trau026avu0259ns]美 [ku0259nu02c8trau026avu0259ns] n.发明; 发明才能; 想出的办法; 发明物 invent 英音 [u026an"vent]美 [u026anu02c8vu025bnt] vt.发明,创造; 虚构 invention 英音 [u026anu02c8venu0283n]美 [u026anu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259n] n.发明; 发明物; 捏造:内心捏造的东西,特指谎言; 发明才能 发明用英语怎么说 发明 [fā míng] 【1】. (创造) invent: 例句: Printing was first invented by the Chinese. 印刷术是中国首先发明的。 【2】. (创造出的新事物或新方法) invention: 例句: the latest invention;最新发明 Necessity is the mother of invention.需要乃发明之母。 【3】. (创造性地阐发) expound 短语 【1】. 发明构思 inventive concept; 【2】. 发明家 inventor; 【3】. 发明奖励条例 Regulations on Awards for Inventions; 【4】. 发明权 inventor"s patent right; 【5】. 发明人 inventor; 【6】. 发明一等奖 first-class invention award; 【7】. 发明专利 patent of invention; inventive patent “发明者”用英语怎么说?? 发明者 inventor contriver artificer
2023-06-24 12:58:541


invent的名词形式:invention n.发明;创意;创造;虚构;编造;虚构的故事 复数: inventions 扩展资料   It"s been a tricky business marketing his new invention   推广他的"新发明一直是件棘手的事情。   You can"t fault them for lack of invention   你不能因为他们缺乏创新就指责他们。   The spinning wheel was a Chinese invention.   纺车是中国人的发明。
2023-06-24 12:59:151


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 分别怎么使用? 解析: invent 是动词 发明 invention是名词 发明 就比如电视电灯都属于发明 inventor 也是名词 是发明者的意思。
2023-06-24 12:59:361


名词:invention;发明家:inventor; invent v.发明;创造;编造;捏造;虚构; 第三人称单数: invents; 现在分词: inventing; 过去式: invented; 过去分词: invented 扩展资料   The company is credited with inventing the industrial robot.   发明工业机器人是那家公司的功劳。   What excuse did he invent this time?   他这次编了什么借口?   Many children invent an imaginary friend.   很多儿童都有一个假想朋友。
2023-06-24 12:59:431


前者是 “创造”的意思后者是 “发明”的意思
2023-06-24 12:59:513


主动语态和被动语态不一样。及物动词的被动语态构成: be+ done(过去分词)He invented the first electric clock.他发明了第一个电动钟。改为被动语态如下:The first electric clock was invented by him.第一个电动钟由他发明。
2023-06-24 12:59:582


2023-06-24 13:00:051


invent 或 discover
2023-06-24 13:00:1513


discover,invent   这两个词都是动词,都指人们首先见到的新鲜事物而言,但涵义有异。   Discover指初次看见本来已存在但以前未被发现的事物(to find out something existing but not yet known),故作“发现”解。如:   Columbus discovered America but he did not explore the new continent.   哥伦布发现了美洲,可是他没有去探索这个新大陆。   Modern astronomers have discovered a million such galaxies.   现代的天文学家已发现了一百万类似的星群。   The circulation of blood was discovered by Harvey.   血液循环是哈维发现的。   Invent是指创造前所未有的事物(to create or design some thing not existing before),故作“发明”解。例:   Edison invented the electric light bulb.   爱迪生发明了电灯泡。   A new-type stethoscope has yet to be invented.   新型的听诊器有待发明。   有时候,invent还可作“捏造”解。例:   Don"t you know a lie is always invented?   谎言总是捏造出来的,难道你不知道吗?   We must invent an excuse for being late.   我们必须编造一个迟到的理由。   Discover的名词是 discovery;invent的名词是invention.“发现者”是 discoverer:“发明家”是inventor.   下面是discovery和invention的例句,从中可以看出,它们之间的涵义区别和动词相同:   Columbus"s discovery was at first misunderstood.   The invention of calculating machines led to the invention of computers.
2023-06-24 13:00:511


"invent"的意思是"发明、创造","grain-free tortillas"是指"不含谷物的玉米饼"。因此,"invent grain-free tortillas"的意思就是"发明不含谷物的玉米饼"。
2023-06-24 13:00:581


要看词性invention 这是名词invent 这是动词补充一下还有一个发明者inventor望采纳~~~
2023-06-24 13:01:271


invented[英] [u026an"ventu026ad][美] [u026an"ventu026ad]n.虚拟;v.编造; 发明,创造( invent的过去式和过去分词 );[例句]He has invented innumerable excuses, told endless lies.他编造了数不清的借口和谎话。[原型]invent
2023-06-24 13:01:331

create 和 invent 这两个单词有什么区别啊

create: 创造出(原本世上没有的东西),比如:有人说上帝创造了人;努力创造一个新世界invent: 发明出(有技术含量的产品), 比如:是谁发明了蒸汽机 / 电灯 / 照相机?
2023-06-24 13:01:431

The porridge smells ______(terrible).

terrible 主+系+表 结构
2023-06-24 13:01:223

韩国歌手 coed school 《男女共学》为什么解散了呢,原因???

2023-06-24 13:01:232

ghetto superstar 歌词

歌曲名:ghetto superstar歌手:MyaMan, look at the skyAll the stars man, the stars is beautiful tonightLook at "emGhetto superstar, that is what you areComing" from afar, reaching" for the starsRun away with me, to another placeWe can rely on each other, uh huhFrom one corner to another, uh huhSome got, hopes and dreamsWe got, ways and meanThe supreme dream team always up with the schemeFrom hub caps to selling" raps, name your themeMy rise to the top, floating" on this creamWho than hell want to stop me, I hated those who doubt meA million refugees with unlimited warrantiesBlack Caeser, dating" top divasDiplomatic legalese, no time for a visaI just begun, I"m shoot them one by oneGot five sides to me something" like a pentagonStrike with the forces of King SolomonLetting" bygone be bygone and so on and so onI"m teach these cats, how to live in the ghettoKeeping" it retro-specie from the get goLay low; let my mind shine like a haloP-p-politic with ghetto senators on the d-lowGhetto superstar, that is what you areComing" from afar, reaching" for the starsRun away with me, to another placeWe can rely on each other, uh huhFrom one corner to another, uh huhOne, two, and it don"t stop yoMy eyes is sore, been" the senatorBehind closed doors hitting" truths to the seafloorThe rich don"t know, ignore, this tug of warWhile the kids are poor open new and better drug storesSo I became hardcore, couldn"t take it no moreI"m reveal everything" change the lawI find myself, walking" the streetsTrying" to find what"s really going" on in these streetsNow every dog got his day, needless to sayWhen the chief away, that"s when them cats want to playI told you, messing" around you fools like Cassius ClayStretch my heater make you do pass de boursesKick your balls like Pele, pick em doing" balletPeak like Dante, broader than BroadwayGet applaud like a matador , crowd yelling" oleWho than hell want to see me, from B.K. to Cali?Ghetto superstar, that is what you areComing" from afar, reaching" for the starsRun away with me, to another placeWe can rely on each other, uh huhFrom one corner to another, uh huhJust when you thought it was safe in a common placeShowcase you"re finest is losing fast in the horse raceTwo face, getting" defaced out, like Scar faceThrow your roll money let me put on my screw faceAnd I"m paranoid at the things I sayWondering" what"s the penalty from day to dayI"m hanging" out, partying with girls that never dieSee I was picking" on the small fries, my campaign telling liesI was just spreading" my love didn"t know my loveWas the one holding" the gun and the gloveBut it"s all good as long as it"s understoodLet"s all together now, in the hoodGhetto superstar, that is what you areComing" from afar, reaching" for the starsRun away with me, to another placeWe can rely on each other, uh huhFrom one corner to another, uh huhAll starsGhetto superstar, that is what you areComing" from afar, reaching" for the starsRun away with me, to another placeWe can rely on each other, uh huhFrom one corner to another, uh huh
2023-06-24 13:01:261


修饰形容词的用副词,修饰名词的用形容词 rather,exceptionally,awefully,that(eg.that much),terribely(eg.terriblely sorry),extremely,extraordinarily
2023-06-24 13:01:301


ghetto 是贫民窟的意思 没有这种说唱
2023-06-24 13:01:351

terrible 在口语中有极好的意思吗

见过terribly+adj.表示极...的意思terribly OK/fine/good,etc.用单独的一个adj.terrible,还没见过
2023-06-24 13:01:383


2023-06-24 13:01:402

Ghetto Blues 歌词

歌曲名:Ghetto Blues歌手:51.50专辑:Crazy Has Struck Again Uh, hit them with a little ghetto gospel.Those who wish to follow me. (my Ghetto gospel)I welcome with my hands.And the red sun sinks to last into the hills of gold. And peace to this young warrior,Without the sound of guns.If I could recollect before my hood days. I sit and reminisce, thinking and bliss on the good days.I stop and stare at the younger, my heart goes to m.They tested, it was stressed that they under.And nowadays, things changed. Everyone ashamed to the youth, cuz the truth looks strange.And for me it reversed, we left them a world that cursed, and it hurts.Cause any day theyl push the button.And all commend, like Malcom X and Bobby Hunton, died for nothin?Don make me get teary, the world looks dreary.When you wipe your eyes, seeing clearly.There no need for you to fear me. If you take your time to hear me,maybe you can learn to cheer me. It ain about black or white, cuz wee human. I hope we see the light before it ruined.My ghetto gospel. Those who wish to follow me. (Ghetto gospel)I welcome with my hands. And the red sun sinks to last into the hills of gold.And peace to this young warrior,Without the sound of guns. Tell me do you see that old lady, ain it sad.Living out of bags, plus she glad for the little things she has.And over there there a lady, crack got her crazy. Guess she giving birth to a baby. I don trip and let m fade me,? wee droppin?to another form of slavery. Even now I keep discouraged. Wonder if they take it all back,Will I still keep the courage? I refuse to be a role model.I set goals, take control, drink out my own bottles.I made mistakes, but learned from every one.And when it said and done. I bet this brother be a better one. If I upset, you don stress. Never forget that God hasn finished with me yet. I feel his hand on my brain. When I write rhymes,I go blind, and let the lord do his thing. But am I less holy?Cuz I choose to puff a blunt and drink a beer with my homeyz.Before we find world peace. We gotta find peace in the war on the streets. My ghetto gospel.Those who wish to follow me. (Ghetto gospel) I welcome with my hands.And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold. And peace to this young warrior, Without the sound of guns. Lord can you hear me speak.
2023-06-24 13:01:421


Sorry, guys, I let you down.
2023-06-24 13:01:466


2023-06-24 13:01:4911


DIGI GHETTO 是2020年几个怀揣梦想的Rapper在成都的一家火锅店拍板成立的,六位主要成员分别是:Mac ova Seas、Thomeboydontkill、Asen、Mula Sakee、Kiv、Toyoki。1、Mac Ova Seas,本名陈卓,1997年出生于四川重庆市江油,Mac扎根于音乐气息浓厚的川渝地区,Auto-tune和Melody是他的武器。Mac Ova Seas这个名字来源于Snoop Dogg 和Wiz Khalifa主演的电影《Mac & Devin Go to High School》,Snoop在剧里饰演Mac,Wiz则是自称Over Street。2、THOMEBOYDONTKILL,原名罗亦凡,1999年生于成都。他是个音乐天才,能在多种风格之间熟练的转换,让他的每首作品都能给你不一样的听觉享受。生于音乐世家的Thome从小备受熏陶,中学时代就开始学习音乐制作,还去参加了《中国好声音》的海选,并且在城市赛成功晋级。3、太子KIV,原名王翰元,1998年出生于广东珠海,带点玩儿少的慵懒腔调和独特的粤语说唱让KIV从众多说唱歌手中脱颖而出。KIV从小就接受系统的音乐教育,还取得了萨克斯9级证书。在初中时期Kiv接触到Eminem和顽童MJ116的音乐,逐渐喜欢上了说唱,曾在一次歌唱比赛中翻唱阿姆的歌获奖。团队创立:他们早在19年就一直在网上保持联系,正式见面之后才将DIGI GHETTO这个名字定下来,以团体的形式出现在大众面前,因为他们相识于网络,且都来自于街头,Digital(数字的、网络的)和Ghetto(街头)是最适合这个团体的词语,于是DIGI GHETTO就这么横空出世了。
2023-06-24 13:01:491


英文名Lucas ["lu:ks] 中文音译:卢卡斯 名字性别:男孩英文名 来源语种:拉丁语、希腊语 名字寓意:可爱,友善,厚道,老实,注重安全 扩展资料 名字印象善于察言观色,有精神追求。可爱,悠闲,友善。与人接触对你来说很重要。能很耐心的照顾别人。缺乏自信,没有雄心壮志。知道自己该做什摩,但缺乏动力。乐于听取别人的意见。喜欢为别人工作,而不是独自承担责任。 名字含义来自意大利卢尔尼亚的人,光明,照亮,明亮的。Luke的拉丁形式。爱尔兰形式的.LUCAS。来自意大利卢尔尼亚的人 拉克斯的拉丁形式(见LUKE)。
2023-06-24 13:01:531


2023-06-24 13:02:013


最精准的是容量瓶 用的时候很讲究的其次就是量筒了
2023-06-24 13:01:153

不好喝 用英文怎么拼

drink terriblely
2023-06-24 13:01:063

福州至永安市走高速在哪下高速?有多远的距离?以及所需要的时间?急求! 全程大约280公里 估计4小时 你去上面我给你网址看看 安全的!
2023-06-24 13:01:051


欧莱雅 ZA
2023-06-24 13:01:056


2023-06-24 13:00:581

使用windows pe怎么安装操作?如果把pe系统安装在U盘上,那我该怎么做?可以告诉我具体的做法?
2023-06-24 13:00:582


韩国 佛罗伦丝PRORANCE隔离霜100RMB左右吧剩下的就不用我告诉了,各种网均有售。
2023-06-24 13:00:561


2023-06-24 13:00:556


1.副词修饰形容词2.death 是名词,是动词,died是die的过去时,即用于过去时态.dead是形容词,意思为"死的".本题需要一个名词.即:他父亲的去世(死)使他很伤心".3.副词修饰动词,succefully是副词,finish是动词.4.对,是副词修饰形容词5.description 这里需要一个名词
2023-06-24 13:00:502


2023-06-24 13:00:424


香奈儿的好用。 脸上的东西,不要怕花钱呀
2023-06-24 13:00:3215


2023-06-24 13:00:321


DIGI GHETTO 是2020年几个怀揣梦想的Rapper在成都的一家火锅店拍板成立的,六位主要成员分别是:Mac ova Seas、Thomeboydontkill、Asen、Mula Sakee、Kiv、Toyoki。1、Mac Ova Seas,本名陈卓,1997年出生于四川重庆市江油,Mac扎根于音乐气息浓厚的川渝地区,Auto-tune和Melody是他的武器。Mac Ova Seas这个名字来源于Snoop Dogg 和Wiz Khalifa主演的电影《Mac & Devin Go to High School》,Snoop在剧里饰演Mac,Wiz则是自称Over Street。2、THOMEBOYDONTKILL,原名罗亦凡,1999年生于成都。他是个音乐天才,能在多种风格之间熟练的转换,让他的每首作品都能给你不一样的听觉享受。生于音乐世家的Thome从小备受熏陶,中学时代就开始学习音乐制作,还去参加了《中国好声音》的海选,并且在城市赛成功晋级。3、太子KIV,原名王翰元,1998年出生于广东珠海,带点玩儿少的慵懒腔调和独特的粤语说唱让KIV从众多说唱歌手中脱颖而出。KIV从小就接受系统的音乐教育,还取得了萨克斯9级证书。在初中时期Kiv接触到Eminem和顽童MJ116的音乐,逐渐喜欢上了说唱,曾在一次歌唱比赛中翻唱阿姆的歌获奖。团队创立:他们早在19年就一直在网上保持联系,正式见面之后才将DIGI GHETTO这个名字定下来,以团体的形式出现在大众面前,因为他们相识于网络,且都来自于街头,Digital(数字的、网络的)和Ghetto(街头)是最适合这个团体的词语,于是DIGI GHETTO就这么横空出世了。
2023-06-24 13:00:321