barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-24 19:41:52

1. 形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词,形容词或副词。本题第一空需要选择形容词来修饰名词cough, 故用terrible; seem 后确实是形容词ill. 但第二空正是需要选择一个副词来修饰这个形容词ill, 故用terriblely.

2. keep doing表示坚持做.......; keep+宾语+形容词:此时形容词作宾语补足语,keep your eyes open是“保持你的眼睛处于睁开状态”的意思

3. 应该是打印错了。A选项估计是not a bit;同时 I felt too tired too move中也有一个打印错误,第二个too应为to.表示太.....而不能.......。not a little: 许多,很

译文:——你在攀爬之后,一定很累吧。 ——噢,是很累,我累得动不了了。

4.本题我也觉得答案是A。因为look是连系动词之后用形容词,且修饰裙子多用nice,而后面的sell为实意动词,用well修饰,若为系动词则用good修饰 。值得注意的是sell主动的形式表达了被动的意义,是“这种裙子(被)卖的很好”,又如:This cloth washes easily。

5. 译文:除非你更小心,你将会遇到意外的。

6.“She said that she came from China and __that___ she was eighteen.”这句话可以看成是句子"She said that she came from China and she said that she was eighteen.”的缩略句。即and连接两个并列的宾语从句(做said的宾语)

7.把 We will have a football match ____this Saturday afternoon改成以下句子就可以选A: We will have a football match on the afternoon of this Saturday。on表示在具体的某一天的上午或下午; 但若具体的某一天之前已有this, next,last 等,就不在加on.

8.本题想表达在“本周的任何一天都可以在象棋上战胜你”,而each是“每,各”的意思,eg: each individual 每一个个人; each day of the week本周的每一天

9. 译文: 这些德国人晚餐想吃鱼(鱼肉),因此决定去多抓些鱼(多种种类的鱼)。



1 terribly 形容 ill. 与seem无关

2 open 这里是形容眼睛睁开的状态 不用 opening

3 A打错了 B一点不 C不止一点点 D不接近

4 sell 特殊用法相当于BE动词(不特殊就不考你了)

5 除非你当心,(否则)你会出交通事故

6 我认为是B

7 / this Saturday afternoon 或 on Saturday afternoon

8 语法上都可以,但结合语境,突出说话者的嚣张,用any任何 而不是each

9 .fish 做鱼肉不可数,做鱼可数


1.What a ______ cough! You seem ______ ill.

A.terrible,terribly B.terribly,terrible C.terrible,terrible D.terribly,terribly

首先在ac中选 对吧!!如果选c就是 You seem terrible ill.

你看起来就是严重的病!!不对吧!terribly 是程度副词是表明病的程度的!

2.You can"t sneeze and keep your eyes_____at the same time. B.opens C. opened D.opening

open在这里是形容词表状态 不是动词 故不用ing

3.——You must be tired out after the climbing.

——Oh,________. I felt too tired too move.

A.noe(请问这是打错了还是一个新词?) a bit B. not at all C. not a little D.not nearly

c 意思是 很多 非常 b是 一点也不 d是 不接近

几个短语的辨析 明显选c

4.This kind of skirt looks _____ and sells ______.

A.nice,well B. nice,good C. well,well D.good,nice

答案是B,我选的是A,look后面不是该用adj. ,sell后面不是该用adv. 么?求解~

答案是a 不解释

5.____you take more care,you"ll have an accident.

A.Unless not B.If C. If not D.Unless


如果你不小心 ,就会出事故

6.She said that she came from China and _____ she was eighteen.

A.that B./ C.what D.this


你吧she came from China and 去掉 不就是和前面的that 一致了

7.We will have a football match ____this Saturday afternoon.

A.on B./ D.for


在某个具体的一天的早中晚 前面要用介词 on

8.I don"t care what you say,I believe I could beat you at chess _____day of the week.

A.some B.any C.each D.every


any day of the week 意思是 这周的任何一天

9.These Germans want to have some ____ for supper,so they decide to catch _____now.,many B.fishes,much,much D.fishes,many


fish 是单复同型的 故选a


第一题:you seem —— ill 这里的空要形容ill 而不是seem,所以要用副词修饰形容词。

第二题:keep 加形容词表示持续什么样的状态,keep doing是指持续什么样的动作。因此这句话如果说成keep opening your eyes 也是可以的。

第三题:not a little 意思为非常,很多

第四题:looks smells sounds 等词作为感官动词,翻译为看起来 闻起来 听起来.....当做系动词,后面用形容词修饰。


第六题:前面是said that,后面还有个and 平行结构,都是她说的话,所以空里还要填that





seem系 喂都可 看题而定


是none not a little 字面翻译 不是一点 “非常”还有其它意思

裙子的款式很漂亮,卖的很好,回答莫人身体好不好 必须用well

unless意思: conj.除非,如果不; prep.除 ... 外 这是一个复句 必须用连词引导,


谓语从句,有and链接,前有that 所以后边也必须有that

特指this 但可用 on a Saturday afternoon.

否定句用 any 一周的莫一天

fish不可数名词 不能加es 后边是肯定句 用many 如果是否定句用much



1.seem ill ill是形容词 "terribly"是副词,修饰ill

2.open在这里作形容词用 例如:My eyes are open.

3.A是打错了not at all是没关系的意思,not a bit 和not a little是同一个意思,不是很多,有一点的意思,not a little后加形容词和不可数名词,not a little tired




7.有this Saturday 所以不用介词

8.any有任意的意思any day表示有任意一天,总有一天的意思,each只有“每一”的意思,each day每一天

9.have some fish,fish是不可数名词,指鱼肉,catch many fishes,fishes是可数名词,指一条条的鱼


第一题中的terribly是对ill这个动词的修饰,表明严重程度;keep doing sth,一直做某事,但是题目的意思是保持眼睛睁开的状态,open是对eye的修饰,于前面的keep无关;noe词义很多,可以是名词首字母缩写,c项是许多,大量的意思;第四题是and连接两个并列的成分,sell是动词,应该用副词修饰,所以用well;翻译:除非你多加小心,不然会有麻烦;跟前面一样and连接成分,前后的宾语从句的引导词应该一样;主要强调星期六的下午,而不是星期六,前面不用介词;any表示任何一个,each表示每一个,题目意思是我相信我能打败你在这星期的某一天;这些德国人晚上想吃鱼,他们想去抓一些!前面的fish可以理解为鱼肉,不用复数,抓鱼的鱼应该是用名词复数,所以用many.希望对你有帮助!


1. ill在这里用作形容词 是生病的意思 而副词修饰形容词

2.keep sb do sth 使某人做某事,使役动词后加原形

3.应该是not a bit 打错了吧 not a bit 一点也不 not at all 根本不 not a little 许多 大量 不是一点儿 not nearly 远不及 根据语境 选C

4.look 是 “系表动词”,它后面跟的是形容词,looks nice 表示看起来很不错。sell 是实义动词,well 是副词,修饰 sell 这题应该就选A 是不是你们老师讲错了 或者Lz打错了?


6.这是that引导的宾语从句,先行词是she said , she was eighteen 修饰she said

7.有this在前,不用介词,把this去掉用on 。this Saturday afternoon做时间状语


是是这个星期的任何一天而不是每一天 所以不能用each 要根据语境和句子的意思来判断



不知道Lz明白了没有,这些都是我自己打出来的 把分给我吧 我不容易啊 - -


1.seem 后面的形容词其实是 ill。terribly是 非常 的意思,是副词 来形容ill这个形容词。

2,keep sth. doing 是没错,但是这个动作必须是延续性动词,而此处的open 是非延续性的动词。keep sth .adj也是常见的形式,keep one‘s eyes open(形容词) 就是这种用法

3A打错了。。应该是not 。A not a bit 是 一点也不 B not at all 一点也不 D not nearly 远不是

Cnot a little 非常 要记住这个词组 经常考的。。注意和A区分。

4 考点就在此。。sell good 是指某种商品卖的好,畅销this kind of clothes sells good.其中good为表语,sell good 为系表结构,物品作主语


6 此处考察宾语从句中多个宾语时,第一个宾语后面并列的宾语都要加 that 。要记住 高中也很常见

7 this Sat.afternoon 是时间状语,不必加on 如果是说 On Saturday afternoon也可,因为this 和 on都是介词。不可重复

8 any 表示 任一,随意一个,,随便哪一天都可以赢。。。each 是每一个,,也就是每一天都要赢

9 这里的some有点迷惑作用,他除了一些,还有某些的意思,而第一个鱼 是泛指,不必用复数,第二个空已经具体说明要抓很多了,鱼是可数名词,用many表示。




terrible:adj. 可怕的;很糟的;令人讨厌的adv. 很,非常terriblely写法是错的,terribly是对的,可以有极度的意思。You sing terriblely as my sister (does). 跟读你歌唱得与我姊姊一样动听。
2023-06-24 13:00:213


2023-06-24 13:00:321


1.副词修饰形容词2.death 是名词,是动词,died是die的过去时,即用于过去时态.dead是形容词,意思为"死的".本题需要一个名词.即:他父亲的去世(死)使他很伤心".3.副词修饰动词,succefully是副词,finish是动词.4.对,是副词修饰形容词5.description 这里需要一个名词
2023-06-24 13:00:502


2023-06-24 13:00:581

不好喝 用英文怎么拼

drink terriblely
2023-06-24 13:01:063

The porridge smells ______(terrible).

terrible 主+系+表 结构
2023-06-24 13:01:223


修饰形容词的用副词,修饰名词的用形容词 rather,exceptionally,awefully,that(eg.that much),terribely(eg.terriblely sorry),extremely,extraordinarily
2023-06-24 13:01:301

terrible 在口语中有极好的意思吗

见过terribly+adj.表示极...的意思terribly OK/fine/good,etc.用单独的一个adj.terrible,还没见过
2023-06-24 13:01:383


Sorry, guys, I let you down.
2023-06-24 13:01:466


1.on(on Sundays表示每逢周日)2.in3.are watching(因为表达的是史密斯一家都在看电视,所以用are watching) hear5.go-going6.suny-sunny7.terrible-terribly8.haveing-having9.looks-look10.not very
2023-06-24 13:02:213

it was ___terribly____ cold yesterday. (terrible)

c cold是形容词,需要一个副词修饰,A是形容词,B和D都是错误的,只有C是terrible正确的副词形式.这里terribly是“很,非常”相当于very的意思. “昨天很冷.”
2023-06-24 13:02:281

terriblely worried

C 用副词 terribly 修饰worried,be worried 担心 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!
2023-06-24 13:02:351


2023-06-24 13:02:434


1、应该没错哦2.half an hour3.instead of him4.into the two hours6.after spring7.went upstairs 8.well at all(不确定)9.or a different
2023-06-24 13:02:572

求救英语强人 给改下英语短文!!语法拼写等格式

2023-06-24 13:03:055

seem 后面加 副词 还是 动词原形?

seem like that+从句 to adj.
2023-06-24 13:03:312


Walrus Joins In 海象参加表演Narrator:Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show and anyone could be in it.Arctic Fox:I will do skating, I"m good at that!Polar Bear:I"ll do tumbling, no one tumbles quite like me!Seal:I"ll do singing, everyone says I have a very fine voice!Whale:Then I"ll do diving. I won a prize for diving at school, you know.Arctic Fox, Polar Bear, Seal, Whale:(Asked to Walrus) What will you do?Walrus:(Fell very unhappy, tried to cry) I can"t do anything.Arctic Fox:Never mind, you can watch us.Walrus:(Hid behind a snowdrift, speak sadly and quietly) Why CAN I do nothing?Narrator:At last, the big show arrived.Arctic Fox:(Skate forwards and backwards and sideways)Walrus:(Leap onto the ice and join in with Fox) I can skate, look at me!Narrator:But Walrus couldn"t skate at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He bumped into Fox, and Fox went flat on her face.Arctic Fox:(Upset) Walrus has ruined my SHOW.Polar Bear:(Jump and spin and somersault and stand on his hand)Walrus:(Leap onto the ice) I can tumble too, look at me!Narrator:But Walrus couldn"t tumble at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He tripped up Polar Bear.Polar Bear:(Angry) Walrus has ruined my SHOW.Seal:O, how my heart rejoices when I see the Northern Lights. My ear is filled with voices sweetly singing AT night! (Singing beautifully)Walrus:I know that song, I can sing it too! (Singing with Seal) Narrator:But Walrus couldn"t sing at all. He sounded terrible. In fact, he sounded like a rusty old bucket.Seal:(Burst into floods of tears) Walrus has ruined my song.Whale:(Leaped high out of the water and fell back with an enormous splash)Walrus:Everybody, look at me, I can dive too! (Then he leaped into the water)Narrator:But just at that moment, Whale was getting ready to spout a big jet of water. Whale spouted Walrus high into the air!Whale:(Furious) You are a meddling, incompetent buffoon! You have ruined my act. Now get out of my sight!Narrator:The show was over. Walrus:(Shuffled up to Arctic Fox And Polar Bear and Seal and Whale) I am very sorry.Arctic Fox:So you should be.Polar Bear:At least everyone thought you were part of the show.Seal:If Walrus was really part of our next show, it couldn"t be any worse.Walrus:(Overjoyed) Me? Truly? Can I be part of the show? Can I join in IT next time?Whale:Yes. It will be a lot safer that way. You can be the clown. As long as you do it properly.Narrator:Walrus practiced hard and became part of the show. Sometimes, when Walrus is clowning around, they really just can"t stop themselves. They always shouted like thisArctic Fox, Polar Bear, Seal, Whale:I can Clown, too, look at me!回答时间:2010-12-16 23:19 向TA求助 回答者: lemmenqin | 十二级采纳率:41% 擅长领域: 教育/科学 外语学习 历史学 出国/留学 学习帮助 参加的活动: 输入内容已经达到长度限制还能输入 9999 字插入图片删除图片插入地图删除地图插入视频视频地图回答即可得2分经验值,回答被采纳可同步增加经验值和财富值参考资料:匿名回答提交回答回答 共2条 太多太长了!费了不是时间。But what a cool play? 我已将大小错误一一改正。正如我慷慨襄助一样,也请你大方加分。Walrus Joins In 海象参加表演Narrator:Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show and anyone could be in it.Arctic Fox:I will do skating. I"m good at that!Polar Bear:I"ll do tumbling. No one tumbles quite like me!Seal:I"ll do singing. Everyone says I have a very fine voice!Whale:Then I"ll do diving. I won a prize for diving at school, you know.Arctic Fox, Polar Bear, Seal and Whale:(asking Walrus) What will you do?Walrus:(felling very unhappy and beginning to cry) I can"t do anything.Arctic Fox:Never mind. You can watch us.Walrus:(hiding behind a snowdrift and speak sadly and quietly) Why I can do nothing?Narrator:At last, the big show is on.Arctic Fox:(skating forward, backward and sideway)Walrus:(leaping onto the ice and joining with Fox) I can skate. Look at me!Narrator:But Walrus can"t skate at all. He can only trip up and fall over. He bumped into Fox, and Fox went flat on her face.Arctic Fox:(upset) Walrus has ruined my act.Polar Bear:(jumping, spinning, somersaulting and standing on his hand)Walrus:(leaping onto the ice) I can tumble too. Look at me!Narrator:But Walrus can"t tumble at all. He can only trip up and fall over. He tripped up Polar Bear.Polar Bear:(angry) Walrus has ruined my act.Seal:Oh, how my heart rejoices when I see the Arctic lights. My ear is filled with voices singing sweetly on the night! (singing beautifully)Walrus:I know that song. I can sing it, too! (singing with Seal) Narrator:But Walrus can"t sing at all. He sounds terrible. In fact, he sounds like a rusty old bucket.Seal:(burst into floods of tears) Walrus has ruined my song.Whale:(leaped high out of the water and falling back with an enormous splash)Walrus:Everybody, look at me. I can dive, too! (Then he leaped into the water.)Narrator:But just when Whale is getting ready to spout a big jet of water, Whale spouts Walrus high into the air!Whale:(furious) You are a meddling, incompetent buffoon! You have ruined my act. Now get out of my sight!Narrator:The show was over. Walrus:(shuffling up to Arctic Fox, Polar Bear, Seal and Whale) I am very sorry.Arctic Fox:So you should be.Polar Bear:At least everyone thought you were part of the show.Seal:If Walrus had been really part of our next show, it couldn"t have been any worse.Walrus:(overjoyed) Me? Truly? Can I be part of the show? Can I join in next time?Whale:Yes, it will be a lot safer that way. You can be the clown as long as you do it properly.Narrator:Walrus practiced hard and became part of the show. Sometimes, when Walrus is clowning around, they really just can"t stop themselves. They always shout like this.Arctic Fox, Polar Bear, Seal and Whale:I can do clowning, too. Look at me!
2023-06-24 13:03:404

初二英语语法题词性转换Mrs.Lee is the ___ of the shops.She___ ten shops?

词性转换 Mrs.Lee is the owner of the shops.She owns ten shops in the city.(own) I feel terribly(terrible) bored (bore) now. We should always tell the truth.(true) Mum tells me not to talk with strangers.(strange) I like going jogging(jog) in the morning. You look healthier than before.(health) China is a developing country.(develop) Shakutala is an Indian(India) woman with an amazing brain.(amaze) 改写句子 He"s been to Beijing,hasn"t he? He hates doing house work,doesn"t he? Mary can hardly swim,can she (1~3反意疑问) 4.Tom is five feet tall.(同义) Tom is a five-foot-tall boy. 5.Tom is too short to play volleyball.(同义) = Tom is so short that she can"t play volleyball. = Tom isn"t tall enough to play volleyball. 6.He seldom watches TV. How often does he watch TV? 7.I am interested in playing chess.(同义) I am fond of playing chess. 8.He went aboard in a hurry.(同义) He went aboard hurriedly. He hurried abroad.,2,(一) 1.woner wons 2.terriblely bored 3.truth 4.stranger jog 6.healther 7.developing 8.Indian amazing (二) 1.has not he?/did not he ? 2.dose not he? 3.can she ? 4.tall that /tall enough 6.How often 7.loving with 8.hurrily/lelt hurrily,2,owner,owns terribly boring truth strangers to jog healthier developing Indian,amazing hasn"t he doesn"t he can"t she five-foot-tall so that tall enough how often good at hurrily,1,词性转换 Mrs. Lee is the _owner__ of the shops. She__owns_ ten shops in the city.(own) I feel __terribly__(terrible) ___bored_(bore) now. We should always tell the _truth____. (true) M...,0,初二英语语法题 词性转换 Mrs.Lee is the ___ of the shops.She___ ten shops in the city.(own) I feel ____(terrible) ____(bore) now. We should always tell the _____.(true) Mum tells me not to talk with___.(strange) I like going ____(jog) in the morning. You look ____ than before.(health) China is a _____ country.(develop) Shakutala is an_______(India) woman with a ___ brain.(amaze) 改写句子 He"s been to Beijing,___ ___? He hates doing house work,____ ___? Mary can hardly swim,____ _____?(1~3反意疑问) 4.Tom is five feet tall.(同义) Tom is a ________ boy. 5.Tom is too short to play volleyball.(同义) = Tom is ___ short ___ she can"t play volleyball. = Tom isn"t ____ ____ to play volleyball. 6.He seldom watches TV. ____ ____ does he watch TV? 7.I am interested in playing chess.(同义) I am ___ ___ playing chess. 8.He went aboard in a hurry.(同义) He went aboard ____. He _____ ____. -END-
2023-06-24 13:03:471

他昨天受伤了用英语怎么说,用词组hurt terrible

He was terriblely hurt yesterday.
2023-06-24 13:03:564

he would be playing in the park通顺吗?

2023-06-24 13:04:056


I am really sorry for what happened yesterday.I feel bad for what I did yesterday.I am terriblely sorry for what I didn"t yesterday.还有许多其他说法,看具体你想表达的意思和程度了。
2023-06-24 13:04:191


1 we have many things to do, but the most important thing is to clear up).2 for the current situation, and not your help, (but) make things worse3, today all tired and don"t work. 4 and the latest development of the computer technology, I have nearly (follow)
2023-06-24 13:04:284

这工作让我很累 英语怎么说

The job makes me tired.
2023-06-24 13:04:549


副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念的词。  分为.地点副词.方式副词.程度副词.疑问副词.连接副词。  副词连用顺序:程度副词+方式副词+地点副词+时间副词。
2023-06-24 13:05:2113


In today"s economy society, can build an outstanding enterprise culture, as the key enterprise thriving. For a nation, a nation enterprise culture of traditional culture, which inevitably rooted in the soil. Chinese traditional culture, history and profound Chinese civilization is the crystallization of thousands of years, it is taking Confucian culture as the core, and other cultural forms covers, such as Taoist culture, mohism culture, legalism culture, buddhist culture, etc. Represented by Confucius and Confucianism culture represented by zhuangzi, Taoist culture, and from the han dynasty was introduced to China"s Buddhism culture is the essence of Chinese traditional culture. Chinese traditional culture is a modern enterprise culture, the formation and development of modern enterprise culture is the traditional Chinese culture and the specific application. Modern enterprise culture construction in China"s economic and social changes of the basis of Chinese traditional culture must adapt to Chinese traditional culture, factors and traditional ideas of modern enterprise culture construction in China, the development of enterprise culture for local. The Chinese enterprises to promote the vitality and the core competitive ability, Chinese enterprises have important practical significance.
2023-06-24 13:05:453


2023-06-24 13:05:565


2023-06-24 13:06:275


一个姓张的人突然去世,跟着鬼使去见阎王.阎王查看记录本发现捉错人了,对鬼使非常生气,责令送回去。老张退下阎王殿后,私下请求鬼使,要求看看地狱。鬼使带他看了九幽,刀山、剑树,一一指点。最后到了一个地方,有个一和尚被用绳子穿过大腿倒吊着,又哭又痛,犹如快不行了. 老张过去一看,原来是老张的哥哥.张又惊异悲伤,问:“怎么到这种地步?”鬼曰:“他当了和尚,幕了很多钱,全部赌掉了,所以罚他。要想让他脱离罪过,就得自己悔改。”张醒后,以为哥哥死了。哥哥这阵子住兴福寺,老张于是去探望他。入门,就听以哥哥的号痛声。进入卧室,见大腿生疮,脓血到处都是,脚被挂在墙壁上,就如地狱倒吊的样子。恐怖地问哥哥怎么了。哥哥回答说:“脚挂在墙壁上才可以稍稍忍受,不然就痛彻心腑。”张于是告诉哥哥地狱所见到的情况。和尚非常恐惧,于是戒掉酒肉,好好念经。 半个月就好了。于是当了戒僧。 异史氏说:“地狱渺茫好象不存在,坏人常常因此来自我安慰;却不知昭青天白日下的罪行,就是冥冥中的惩罚啊.能不怕吗?!”
2023-06-24 13:06:421


2023-06-24 13:06:492


2023-06-24 13:06:563


whose who"s who whose who"s whose who"s who terriblely eating playing doring opening hate doing keep crying find an exciting film want to drink
2023-06-24 13:07:0510


楼上的修改了一些正确。不过“I"m sorry to say that our flight has to be put off 2 hours,because the pilot is watching the president Barach Obama"s inaugural Address.其实hours后应该是句号,这前面已经是整句了.”有错。because是因果连词 。绝对不能将原因独立做单句。所以你的原句是正确的。改断句:What happened?can I help you,sir? 应该是what has happened?"My bag was stolen,can you help me looking for it? 改为My bag was stolen.Can you help me to look for it? " 最后一点是,同学你的英语太格式化,都是教科书里抄出来的(中国格式化教育制度的后过)不是很地道。建议多看点外国英语节目。
2023-06-24 13:07:272

表示“非常”的英语单词有哪些 越全越好,

very;very much;greatly;extremely;highly;awfully;badly;terriblely;considerably;like crazy;to a degree;in the extreme;ever so;ever such,only to就这些
2023-06-24 13:07:511

terriblly popular

答案D 分析:空格词修饰形容词cold,因此要用副词terribly(注意拼法).(延伸)注意形容词+ly构成副词时的拼法.slow→slowly/easy→easily/terrible→terribly(ble结尾的词是去e加y,如:possible→possibly)/true→truly(但:wide→widely)
2023-06-24 13:07:581

it smells terrible

第一个空.terrible 第二个空 terriblely 前者中smell是系动词,后面+形容词 后者是用副词来修饰动词polluted{污染}的
2023-06-24 13:08:051


2023-06-24 13:08:122

What a _____ (terrible) cold day it was yesterday!

2023-06-24 13:08:202

seemterrible do 2.( to be) +adj/n/prep 2.It seems that+clause seem本身是vi.
2023-06-24 13:08:271


happily terriblely
2023-06-24 13:08:351

It was__ cold yesterday.

2023-06-24 13:08:473


Ragarding what happened last night,I feel terriblely regretful
2023-06-24 13:08:553


The population is getting _older__ (old) in many _European__ (Europe) countriesThe world is focusing on the population growing___ (grow) in every country.3. The Suzhou River is seriously polluted___. (pollution)4. When Jim heard someone _playing__ (play) the piano, he knocked at the door. (play)5. The local government is trying to find _solvement__ to the housing problems. (solve)6. I"d like to send this urgent letter by express, for it"s _quicker__ and safer. ( quickly)7. It was _terriblely__ (terrible) cold yesterday8. We _visited__ (visit) the Shanghai Zoo last Sunday. We _have__ never _been__ (be) there before.9. It _rained__ (rain) hard when I _got__ (go) home last Friday.10. When I got up this morning, the rain _stoped__ (stop).
2023-06-24 13:09:042

He felt ------(terrible)sad when he knew the bad news 适当形式填空

2023-06-24 13:09:233


friend 貌似真的木有原型terrible的副词是terribly
2023-06-24 13:09:301


So exaggerated ( it is) ! 北美人都这么说! 比如,感谢的不得了,就说: thank you so much! (不太说thank you very much as we uasually say.) 很好: 不说very good, very nice, 而说: so good! 或者说: That"s terriblely exaggerated.
2023-06-24 13:09:401


1 foot2 much3 terrible4 rainbow5 succeed6 actress7 terribly8 dangerous9 waken10 traditional
2023-06-24 13:09:492

the building fell down ___(terrible)

2023-06-24 13:09:582


ay be among the best of friends
2023-06-24 13:10:052


1.days => day 不要 3.friend 前加 a 4.haven"t=>hadn"t 5.round 改 around 6.his 改 my7.terrible=>terriblely8.what=>how9.possibly=>possible
2023-06-24 13:10:132


一1 A2 B二1 taller2 terriblely3 wettest4 taller5 easily6 more less7 greener greener
2023-06-24 13:10:202