barriers / 阅读 / 详情

Having a party in the open air will be____. A fun B a fun C funny D the fun (C为什么不能选?)

2023-06-24 20:20:46
TAG: ope rty
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
be fun直接就是非常有趣的意思。你看一下下面funny的意思就看出来了

形容词 a.

That"s the funniest joke I"ve ever heard.
I heard a funny noise.
He felt funny all day yesterday.
The guard warned his prisoner not to try anything funny.

名词 n. [C]

2.【口】(报刊上的)滑稽连环画[the P]


4、funny adj.滑稽的,有趣的;
一夜情VS英语 hunterqiangy【...
新概念英语文本第一册Lesson 141
funny adj. 可笑的,滑稽的




funny 表示“有趣的,滑稽的”,它指的是一种滑稽可笑的“有趣”,侧重点是让人觉得好玩或发笑。而 fun 则主要指“有趣,好玩”,不像funny 那样强调“滑稽”。


It is more fun to go with someone than to go alone. 偕伴同去比自己独自去好玩。

It"s funny to see a man walk with his hands and head. 看见一个人倒立走路很滑稽。



2023-06-24 18:43:371

请问帮助别人就是快乐自己的英文怎么写? 或者是赠人玫瑰手有余香, 或者是乐善好施。

You share rose get funBe happy in doing goodalways glad to give to charities;The roses in her hand; the flavor in mine几个版本的都给你找来了,望采纳
2023-06-24 18:43:583


四面环海以。。。闻名过得愉快be used to doingas
2023-06-24 18:44:093


feelingscollectiondisappointedfoolishthemselvescertainlyinterestedlifehappilylaughwellinterestedfunbe祝学习进步,天天开心~ O(∩_∩)O~
2023-06-24 18:44:201

地狱の沙汰も君次第 跪求罗马音(不要翻译器!)

2023-06-24 18:44:302


the 第二个空可不填 to have funbe ,sturkalong, thenbygoing,idea,Let`s
2023-06-24 18:44:403


Florescence mining ah ah Florescence A one Florescence Awa said to spend Lamely play with Harm is shy ashamed ah ah Florescence ah Florescence A one Florescence It is pegged to be linked to Not without flying in a night
2023-06-24 18:44:493


2023-06-24 18:44:583


2023-06-24 18:45:071


too many to (collect)(take out)(make friends with)(want sth o do sth)(enjoy one"s self)(be good at)(hurry up)(be proud of)(catch a cold)(on the farm)(a packet of)(a bottle of)(a kilogram)(be good for)(in front of)(the next year)(far away from)(sth eat)(wait a moment)(soon)(pick up)(belong to)
2023-06-24 18:46:025


2023-06-24 18:46:208


(1)next sunday:Suppose we can meet next Sunday. 我想我们可以下星期天会面。 I"m going to get married next Sunday. 我下周日就要结婚了。 She"ll have some photo take next sunday. 她下星期日要去照些相。 Can you come and visit us next Sunday? 下上星期日你能来访我们吗? I have rather a full day next Sunday. 下星期天我很忙。 (2)take a walk:Let"s take a walk. 让我们散步吧。 I usually take a walk mornings. 我通常都在早上散步。 take a walk; go for a walk; walk for pleasure. 散步;散步;为了取乐而步行。 Take a look, a walk, a deep breath 看看、散步、深呼吸 I had a sudden whim to take a walk. 我突然想去散步。 (3)the way to: On the way to the hotel. 去旅馆的路上 On the way to the library. 在去图书馆的路上 Show him the way to the station 告诉他到车站怎麽走 Opened the way to peace. 开通走向和平之路 Dawdling on the way to work. 在去上班的路上闲逛 (4)take a taxi:Let"s take a taxi. 我们坐出租车吧。 Shall we take a taxi? 咱们叫出租车去吧。 Where is take a taxi? 我们能在哪里坐出租车。 Why not take a taxi? 为什么不搭出租车呢? Had I better take a taxi? 我是不是最好乘出租车?(5)an ingteresting garden:There is a small house with an interesting garden near to the hotel. Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden.An Interesting Model Garden Railway. (6)a busy street:A busy morning; a busy street. 忙碌的早晨;繁忙的街道 The shop looked out into a busy street. 这商店濒临一条繁忙的街道。(7)welcome to:Welcome to our shop 欢迎到我们店里来。 Welcome to the fair 欢迎参加交易会 Welcome to Beijing! 欢迎到北京来! Welcome to Beijing,welcome to China. 欢迎来北京,欢迎来中国。 Welcome to British Airways. 欢迎光临英航。 (8)go straight:Just go straight ahead. 就一直往前走。 Please go straight ahead. 请一直往前走。 We go straight ahead. 我们一直往前走。 Go straight along the road. 沿路向前走。 (9)go down the ……:Go down to the countryside 下乡 Go down to the river to bathe 到河边去洗澡 Does water go down the drain counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere?What does go down the tubes expression mean? Definition of go down the tubes in the Idioms Dictionary. Crystal Beth"s meth-making days go down the toilet.Taillights go down the road.(10)go through the ....:Translation for "to go through the motions" in the free Chinese dictionary.The noise from the party was going through the roof.go through the roof Accentuate proper execution of drills- don"t allow swimmers to" just go through the motions"强调实施正确的训练-不允许游泳运动员只是做个样子“敷衍了事”(11)with....:with comparatives afterthanior with superlatives 与比较级的词连用,置于 filled with or attended with. 充满或者伴随着……。 provide with or construct with studs. 提供饰纽或用饰纽来构建。 To live with me 留在我的记忆之中 acupuncture with cutaneous needle 皮肤针疗法 (12)at the beginning of:At the beginning of the road. 道路的起点 The cold weather broke at the beginning of April. 寒冷的天气到四月初开始变暖了。 the event that occured at the beginning of something. 在某事开始阶段发生的事件。 Ring up the curtain at the beginning of a play 演出开始时鸣铃启幕 At the beginning of June an event occurred. 6月初发生了一件事。 (13)have fun:Did you have fun? 你玩得开心吗? Doubles games have more fun. 双打比较好玩。 Have fun at the beach. 在海滩玩得很开心 Have fun getting to know each other. 在相互了解对方的过程中玩得开心。(14)be hunngry:You must be hungry. 你一定饿了。 be hungry; go without food. 饥饿;忍受没有食物。 Yes, he may be hungry. 可能饿了。 You ought to be hungry by now. 你现在该饿了吧。 You must be hungry after your long walk. 你走了那麽长的路,一定饿了吧。 (15)a good place to...:The library is a good place to study. 图书馆是一个读书的好地方。 It is a good place for goats to pasture. 这是羊吃草的好地方。 The beach is a good place to fish from. 海滩是钓鱼的好地方。
2023-06-24 18:46:351

小学作文 童年趣事

2023-06-24 18:46:515


其中考试主要考点:Chapter 1 Travel1, 知识点----动词或词组常考Go skiing// swimming;Such as与 for example区别;Help Sb (to) do the; help Sb with sth;Be interested in…对。。。感兴趣; interested, interesting区别;By (在。。。旁边) Eg. It"s over there by the post office.Used to do sth过去常常做某事;be used to do sth被用来做某事be used to doing sth习惯于做某事happen用法:1,不用被动;2,What happened to Sb/sth?某人或某物发生了。。。?3,happen to do sth碰巧做某事A number of + 可数名词复数, “许多”;The number of+ 可数名词复数,“。。。的数量”Try to do sth尽力做某事===try one"s best to do sth;Try doing sth试着做某事;2, 解释句子常考Why not do sth===Why don"t you do sth?Offer Sb sth===offer Sth to Sb提供某人某物Provide Sb with sth===provide sth for Sb提供某人某物Enjoy oneself===have a good time===have funBe famous for===be well-known for因为//以。。。而出名Be famous as===be well-known as作为。。。而出名What about doing sth?===How about doing sth?Would like to do sth===feel like doing sth想要做某事表花费:spend, take, cost, paySb spend+…+ (in) doing sth///on sthIt take + Sb+…+ to do sth;Sth+ cost+ (Sb) +….Sb pay+… for sth表到达:Get to+…; reach+…; arrive in+大地点; arrive at+ 小地点;Need用法The flowers need watering.===The flowers need to be watered.the3, 常考句式You will find Euro Disney a good place to visit.冠词 a , an, the用法;Chapter 2 Protecting our environment1, 知识点----动词或词组常考Living, alive, live, lively区别;Too, also, as well, either区别;Enjoy + doing sth;on Earth===on the eartha lot of/ lots of+可数复数/不可数be in danger处在危险之中communicate with Sb与某人交流cut down砍倒;stop to do sth停下来去做(另外)的事;stop doing sth停止手中正在做的事;had better do sth最好做。。。; had better not do sth最好不做。。。give out释放; take in吸收;furniture(不可数名词);2, 解释句子常考Come from===be fromTake care of===look afterMore than===overAs+adj /adv+ as possible===as + adj / adv +as one can/couldStop Sb from doing sth===prevent Sb from doing sth===keep Sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事Be interested in===be keen onEach other===one anotherPass Sb sth===pass sth to Sb3, 常考句式进行时:(一)注意不用于进行时的词:1,系动词+adj,( 表示状态): smell, taste, feel, sound, look, notice, seem等2,表喜好, 态度或心理活动的词:love, like, dislike, hate, think, believe, know, understand,forget, remember, agree,recognize, want, refuse, forgive, 等;3,表结果,状态,从属关系的词: see, hear, belong to, contain, consist of, mean等(二)注意表移动的动词用进行时表将来:Go, come, leave, start, arrive, return, move, fly等In+一段时间(用在将来时里,表。。。之后)Eg. I will be back in 2 days.Make Sb do sth(使某人做某事); Make sth +adj(使某物变得。。。)Chapter 3 Encyclopedia1, 知识点----动词或词组常考Look at看; look after照料; look…up在(书中)查找,look it up; look for寻找Look out===watch out 小心Other(其他的), the other(两者中另外一个), another(三者或三者以上的又一个,再一个,), others(另外/其他一些人或物);Sometimes(有时), sometime(过去或将来某一时刻), some time(一段/些时间), some times(许多次,许多倍);Find 与found区别;Be based on…以。。。为基础;Die out灭绝; die of+疾病,情感等内部原因; die from + 事故,创伤等外部原因;Remember to do sth记得去做某事; Remember doing sth记得做过某事See/hear Sb do sth 看到/听到某人做某事 see/hear Sb doing sth 看到/听到某人正在做某事Win + 比赛copetition///award(s) 奖项/// the first..prize(第几名);Beat + Sb 或团体组织Agree to do sth eg. She agreed to write short articles on(关于) the topic.Agree with + Sb / what Sb saidAgree to + plan / suggestion, etc(提议,办法,计划等)Agree on….(在某方面达成一致) Eg. Have you agreed on the price?As + adj/ adv+ as与。。。。一样。。。2, 解释句子常考Buy Sb sth===buy sth for SbAs …asEg. Tom is as tall as his brother.Tom has the same height as his brother.Tom is the tallest in his class.Tom is taller than any other student in his class.3, 常考句式This, that, these, those区别;打电话时注意this, that的意思;
2023-06-24 18:48:031

一首happy boy and happy gril 的歌

Aqua <HAPPY BOYS&HAPPY GIRLS>Be happyCome on, lets go get it onBe happyBe happyCome on, lets go get it onBe happyEverybody, lets go have some funI dont wanna waste my time on simple little thingsId rather stay here all the night with happy boys who singsCome on, lets go get it on, everybody, lets go have some funI got a feeling you could use a little smileHoping you could stay there for just a little whileMaking a lotta noise up there, throw your hands up in the airI dont wanna waste my time on simple little thingsId rather stay here all the night with everyone who singsHappy boys and happy girls, well beWe are the happy boys and girlsHappy boys and happy girls, well beSo happy, yeah, so, so happy, yeahHappy boys and happy girls, well beWe are the happy boys and girlsHappy boys and happy girls, well beOh yeah, so happyTry with an eagle, it will make you look so niceAnd if you start to warm, you can further break the iceCome on, lets go get it on, everybody, lets go have some funI got a feeling you could use a little smileHoping you could stay there for just a little whileMaking a lotta noise up there, throw your hands up in the airI dont wanna waste my time on simple little thingsId rather stay here all the night with everyone who singsHappy boys and happy girls, well beWe are the happy boys and girlsHappy boys and happy girls, well beSo happy, yeah, so, so happy, yeahHappy boys and happy girls, well beWe are the happy boys and girlsHappy boys and happy girls, well beOh yeah, so happyYoung and old, be happyEveryone, be happyIm sure you could be happycause happy boys and happy girls around the worldBe happyCome on, lets go get it onBe happyEverybody, lets go have some funBe happyCome on, lets go get it onBe happyEverybody, lets go have some funHappy boys and happy girls, well beWe are the happy boys and girlsHappy boys and happy girls, well beSo happy, yeah, so, so happy, yeahHappy boys and happy girls, well beWe are the happy boys and girlsHappy boys and happy girls, well beOh yeah, so happyBe happyCome on, lets go get it onBe happyEverybody, lets go have some funBe happyCome on, lets go get it onBe happySo happy
2023-06-24 18:48:341


watch gamelike doing something onsounds funbe interested inyou"re welcome
2023-06-24 18:49:221


优酷视频可以进行观看 1.funbe 是在优酷播出的教育高清视频 2.于2016-06-13 17:13:30上线。
2023-06-24 18:51:401

有谁知道这歌的歌词啊 TERIYAKI.BOYZ.-.[Celebrity.Death.Match].

(WISE)Wata~!Kiri komi taichouGongu to doujini nunchaku FlowTeriyaki wa erimaki to kage namiSUPIIDOO REESAAKyakkou abiru chinshuIll beat you anywayCelebrity Death MatchThe game be playedCome to step upYou got beef? Well my badI got chickenHori moguru mogurakeep diggin!(ILMARI)Non Stop na KAUNTAA bakari uchi kaesu tabi niPASSHON moya shitekuYonin TAG abaredasuzoIkki ni bunbunTsukeyo SUPIIKAA MaximumPOOKAA FEISU ni narezu ni notocchauB-Boys motto yocchauSerebu na GYARU moKureru made odocchau*Uhh~ WelcomeAhh~ Celebrity Death MatchUhh~ WelcomeAhh~ Celebrity Death MatchUhh~ WelcomeAhh~ Celebrity Death Match(VERBAL)Yes Im dressed in FRESH naBAPE no MASSHU KYAPPUSoshite SUNIIKAA oroshitateMate mate! Orera FUNKY4NON FIKUSHON, NONTARANTIINOKore ga suki na minna wa AMIIGONihongo shaberu gaijin like sankonA!MC tachi ooke gaEVERY TIME I STEP UP, COME ON!Ore wa KILL suru MCKimi no namae wa BILL ...Wakaru daro ketsumatsuBYOOKI na ore no bijinesu no tetsugaku1 1!?Hmmm ...4 THOUSAND OH! Nauman zouYori EXTRA LARGE kagaku hannouTomerare nai 30s BOOIBANDOMou ichido? Nara SAY, ONE MORE!*Repeat(RYO-Z)Busere no macchi desu wasagina channeePaiotsu kaideeShisuu tsumande monde TEEBOTAN 2Kakeagaru maunten jiifuuErumoo miigoo enaimo miigooChanto funbetsu shitara asa no HIIKOONIGO zu hirugiroppon B-BOYYakiteri IZUBOO Bring the izunoo(RYO-Z)Serebu no DESUMACCHISawagina NEE CHANOppai dekaiSushi tsumande monde 2 TANTEEBOOKakeagaru maunten fujiMoeru gomi moe nai gomiChanto funbetsu shitara asa no KOOHIINIGO roppongi hiruzu B-BOYTERIYAKI BOOIZU Bring the Noise(TERIYAKI BOYZ)Oh macchimeiku da GIBU APPUShibori dasu madeUchi nomeshite RINGU AUTOHinkaku utagawashii renchuuHikkaku serebu ni genjuuchuui to BUUINGUTenkai wa yuui ni mottekuKyuusho PINPOINTO SHUUTINGUSaa gongu naru monku aru naraPAY THE PRICE IF YOUPLAY THE GAME*Repeat
2023-06-24 18:53:121

杉田智和 - Sm判定フォーラム 求一份罗马音歌词

速度拿去不谢kachiku domoga azimattepi-kya-pi-kya- sawaiderusankakumoku ni kancho-muchini ara awa desorottajinsen wa esuka emuhajimeyo- imadamezameru toki"yo-shi soreja watashiga kisamara kachiku domowoesuka emukani funbezi shite yaru!junbi wa i-ka!yo-shi! ikuso!"shiba rarete ureshi-ka "yes!"sorenara omaewa emudatata ite ureshi-ka "yes!"sorenara omaewa esudan~ tokuni do chidemo naikamo? nante yaziwa jado-dawatashi kara iwa sereba zen in dayoizo yoizo-!benki benkiniku niku benkiniku nikubenkiemu dorei domo yorokobe wa hahaha……"yo-shi soreja yarikataga wakatta tokorode mo- ippazi!kachiku domojunbi wa i-ka!"bo-chi shite ureshi-ka "yes!"sorenara omaewa esudafumarete ureshi-ka "yes!"sorenara omaewa emudan~ tokuni do chidemo naikamo? nante yaziwa jado-dawatashi kara iwa sereba de da yoizo yoizo-!benki benkiniku niku benkiniku nikubenkiemu dorei domo yorokobe wa hahaha……"o-o- odaeru na kachiku domoomaera mo uta ga ii!"kachiku domoga azimattepi-kya-pi-kya- sawaiderusankakumoku ni kancho-muchini ara awa desorottajinsen wa esuka emuhajimeyo- imadamezameru toki"yo-shi kotede saigoda kachiku domo!purei wo omoi kiri tanoshimu ga ii!ikuso-!"shiba rarete ureshi-ka "yes!"sorenara omaewa emudatata ite ureshi-ka "yes!"sorenara omaewa esudan~ tokuni do chidemo naikamo? nante yaziwa jado-dawatashi kara iwa sereba de ga dabenki benkiniku niku benkiniku nikubenkimada mada pureiga tari nakattaka!benki benkiniku niku *****niku nikubenkiemu dorei domo yorokobe wa hahaha……
2023-06-24 18:53:192

一首英文歌 男的唱得 happy happy gril and happy happy 什么的。。。很轻快 今天在店里听到的。有谁知道

①girl happy②HAPPY BOYS&HAPPY GIRLS看下哪首是你要的,如果没有我再找
2023-06-24 18:53:414

求POP-101歌词,主唱marianas trench。

Tell me what U what U wannaTell me what U what U wannaU really wannaCome on ya~ what U what U really thats U runnerCome on ya~ what U got to say (holla)淹没在节奏中Today (holla)Come on ya~ what U got to say (holla)淹没在节奏中save my day (holla back)Ye baby Turn it up更加自信地把一切都表现出来(Do it Do it Do it Do it )Ye baby Twist it up更加自信和我一起行动(Move it Move it Move it Move it)Oh Ah Oh Ah Oh 也许世界Oh Ah Oh Ah Oh 希望的就只一个Oh Ah Oh Ah Oh Oh Baby 试着向我集中No dout 我们是G.P.B 只有音乐的话 悲伤都会忘记不要阻拦 我不会停下(Never don`t stop Hey!!)Jelly POP G.P.B want TOP感受我们的不同 STOPJelly POP GP GP BI WA更大声大声地呐喊 KA POWJelly POP G.P step one TOP保持我们的独特 STOPJelly POP 移动移动看看oh oh oh~ ka pow堆积下来的不满,有音乐的话就变成一个发麻的感觉 no!!Hello~!!想要改变推翻一成不变(A-yo)我不怎么样 我慰劳 就这么边笑 可爱的流氓兔Follow我迷途 翻过来给你 我的品行真是卑鄙Oh Ah Oh Ah Oh 也许世界Oh Ah Oh Ah Oh 希望的就只一个Oh Ah Oh Ah Oh Oh Baby 试着向我集中No dout 我们是G.P.B 只有音乐的话 悲伤都会忘记不要阻拦 我不会停下(Never don`t stop Hey!!)Jelly POP G.P.B want TOP感受我们的不同 STOPJelly POP GP GP BI WA更大声大声地呐喊 KA POWJelly POP G.P step one TOP保持我们的独特 STOPJelly POP 移动移动看看oh oh oh~ ka powTik Tak Tik TokLets get this started~!!再提高一点 再Do It全都和我一起奔跑 Do ItHOLLA BACK 大声喊我们两个全都 Sing the mix uhJelly POP G.P.B want TOP感受我们的不同 STOPJelly POP G.P.B want TOP感受我们的不同 STOPJelly POP GP GP BI WA更大声大声地呐喊 KA POWJelly POP G.P step one TOP保持我们的独特 STOPJelly POP 移动移动看看oh oh oh~ ka pow
2023-06-24 18:43:511


“加菲猫”电影主题曲BAHA MEN《HOLLA!》艺人:BAHA MEN唱片:HOLLA!厂牌:EMI时间:2004/7/901.HANDLE IT02.HOLLA!03.HOLD YOUR HEAD04.BIG LOVE05.TEMPTED06.JUMP07.MUSIC08.LEMMEWORKIT09.*6910.SUMMERTIME GIRLS11. PUT"M UP*巴哈马最具代表性的音乐大使*葛莱美奖“最佳舞曲唱片”得主 *唯一收录暑假最大档“GARFIELD加菲猫”正宗电影主题曲HOLLA! *充满巴哈马海岛节奏与加勒比海风情,让人敞开胸怀、不禁随之翩翩起舞的11首全新创作。从巴哈马首都拿骚到纽约、从澳洲到日本、风靡了无数乐迷,并创下全球销售突破七百万张的傲人唱片销量,这就是巴哈人。2000年7月前,全美几乎没人了解这个来自巴哈马的9人乐团。同样地,也很少人知道,从欧陆到澳洲,他们早在全球各地巡回演唱多年、风靡了无数乐迷,并创下傲人唱片销量。【是谁放的狗!】的推出,将巴哈人长期以来所建立的音乐事业,提升到另一个层次,不但在许多奖项中被选入‘年度十大",并在4个月内销量勇破3白金,12个国家荣登Top 10(其中10国销售达金唱片),更为他们带来2000年葛莱美奖‘最佳舞曲唱片"的殊荣。除了葛莱美外,他们也获Billboard音乐奖‘最佳世界音乐专辑"及‘最佳世界音乐艺人"2项大奖、MTV台‘史上最佳运动主题曲"和Nickelodeon孩童票选‘最受欢迎歌曲"奖!长期以来他们对于家乡音乐的坚持,巴哈马政府也将他们视为:‘巴哈马最具代表性的音乐大使"。就连时代杂志也注意到巴哈人的风潮,评其为‘继50年代的Harry Belafonte和70年代的Bob Marley后,海岛音乐风潮的复兴运动"。如同牙买加孕育了雷鬼音乐般,巴哈人散播一种称为‘Junkanoo"独具特色的敲击节奏。将Junkanoo的精神以舞曲、节奏蓝调、雷鬼和嘻哈、流行乐等多面貌的结合呈现。2004年巴哈人再度推出成军20余年来的最新代表作品“HOLLA!”,为大家带来了他们充满巴哈马海岛节奏与加勒比海风情,让人敞开胸怀、不禁随之翩翩起舞的11首全新创作。首支同名单曲“HOLLA!”1也同时成为比尔墨瑞、珍妮佛勒芙休伊主演、今年暑假最大档“GARFIELD加菲猫”正宗电影主题曲。(具体哪首,自己去找吧--毕竟你也没有具体指明是哪首歌曲!!--嘿嘿。)
2023-06-24 18:43:581


那是识别码~打出来的字最后一笔是横的就是在1区(横),最后一笔是竖就是在2区(竖),以此类推。区位都知道吧?ASDFG是一区,HJKLM是二区,TREWQ三区,YUIOP四区NBVCX五区~用到识别码是因为你打了不足4个字根时出现了重码,也就是别的字~这时要区分你是想打哪个字就得有识别码了,比如最后一笔是横的就是在1区了,识别码就得在1区GFDSA找了~可是每个区只有三个识别码~1区是GFD,二区HJK,三区TRE,四区YUI,五区NBV。这都代表什么呢`?你想打出来的字是什么结构呢~?左右结构就是每个区的第一个字母(G T Y H N)上下结构就是每个区的第二个字母(F J R U B)其他结构就是每个区的第三个字母了(D K E I V),大概就是这样了~~
2023-06-24 18:44:091

音乐中的a、 b、 c、 d、 e、 f、 g、 a、 b分别指什么?

音乐中A、B、C、D、E、F、G是代表7个不同的声音的音名。音乐中ABCDEFG按音由低到高排序是:C、D、E、F、G、A、B这七个不同高低的音,其相邻音之间的音高距离,有半音和全音之分,其中E与F 和 B与C 之间为半音关系,其余相邻音之间为全音关系。C D E F G A B这七个基本音级发生半音变化时,如果比原来的高半音,用升号(或称升记号)(#)表示;比原来的低半音,用降号(或称降记号)(Ь)表示;升高两个半音用重升号(×)表示;降低两个半音用重降号(ЬЬ)表示。如果升高或降低的音要恢复原来的音高位置,则另以本位号(□)表示。扩展资料:音名的分组7个基本音级不断循环反复,构成整个乐音音列。从C音开始到其高八度C之间的音列称为一组。通常以低音谱表第2间的C音开始而排列成的一组音,用小写拉丁字母c、d、e、f、g、a、b标记,称小字组,由此向上各组依次称小字一组、小字二组等;向下各组依次用大写拉丁字母标记,称大字组、大字一组、大字二组等。小字一组的c位于大谱表的中央加线上,故称为中央C;在键盘上的位置也居于中央。参考资料来源:百度百科—音名
2023-06-24 18:44:161

Justin Biener和Sean Kingston唱的《Eenie Meenie》这首歌的歌名什么意思 唱的是什么内容

eenie meenie没有甚么特别的意思,它只是类似于儿歌之类的东西,比如说小孩子又一起玩抓人的游戏用这首儿歌选择谁是抓人的人,有一点类似抽签,其实这首儿歌的完整版是: hope u guys enjoy it. Eenie meenie miney moe Catch a bad chick by her toe 抓到了个彻头彻尾的坏女人 If she holla" (if, if, if she holla) let her go 如果她大嚷就放她走 Shes indecisive 她优柔寡断 he can"t decide 她不能决定 he keeps on lookin" 她一直在寻找 From left to right 从左到右 Girl, c"mon get closer 女孩,再靠近一点 Look in my eyes 看著我的眼睛 Searchin" is so wrong 不要再寻找了 I"m Mr. Right 我就是真命天子 You seem like the type 你就是那种类型的女孩, To love em" and leave em" 爱他们然后离开他们 And disappear right after this song 在这首歌完结后 就会消失 So give me the night 所以给我一个夜晚 To show you, hold you 让我明白你 拥抱你 Don"t leave me out here dancin" alone 不要留下我独自在这里跳舞 You can"t make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind 你弄不清你的思想思想思想思想想 Please don"t waste my time, time, time, time, time 请不要浪费我的时间时间时间时间时间 I"m not tryin" to rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind 我不是试著退缩退缩退缩退缩退缩 I wish our hearts could come together as one 我希望我们的心能在一起 Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜(就是我们玩的石头剪刀布) Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜 Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜 Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜 Let me show you what your missin" 让我告诉你失去了什麽 Paradise 是天堂 With me you"re winning girl 跟我在一起 你就是个优胜的女孩 You don"t have to roll the dice 你不用掷骰子 Tell me what you"re really here for 告诉我你在这是为了什麽 Them other guys 是因为其他男人 I can see right through ya" 我能看穿你 You seem like the type 你就是那种类型的女孩 To love em" and leave em" 爱他们然后离开他们 And disappear right after this song 在这首歌完结后 就会消失 So give me the night 所以给我个夜晚 To show you, hold you 让你明白你 拥抱你 Don"t leave me out here dancin" alone 不要留下我独自在这里跳舞 You can"t make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind 你弄不清你的思想思想思想思想想 Please don"t waste my time, time, time, time, time 请不要浪费我的时间时间时间时间时间 I"m not tryin" to rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind 我不是试着退缩退缩退缩退缩退缩 I wish our hearts could come together as one 我希望我们的心能在一起 Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜 Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜 Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜 Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜 Eenie meenie miney moe Catch a bad chick by her toe 抓到了个彻头彻尾的坏女人 If she holla" (if, if, if she holla) let her go 如果她大嚷就放她走 Eenie meenie miney moe Catch a bad chick by her toe Eenie meenie miney moe 抓到了彻头彻尾的坏女人 If she holla" (if, if, if she holla) let her go 如果她大嚷就放她走 Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜 Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜 Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜 Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜 You can"t make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind 你不会决定你的思想思想思想思想想 Please don"t waste my time, time, time, time, time 请不要浪费我的时间时间时间时间时间 I"m not tryin" to rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind 我不是试著退缩退缩退缩退缩退缩 I wish our hearts could come together as one 我希望我们的心能在一起 Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜 Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜 Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜 Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜 Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova" 因为美女的爱是黑白猜
2023-06-24 18:44:161

forever justin bieber 歌词

2023-06-24 18:44:255


2023-06-24 18:44:291

blue world 每个人唱的哪句

break望向蓝色澄明的天空 feeling so high现在开始来吧 get ya groove on(gotta paint it all blue now)响亮的爆音 turn it back on shake the whole world 摇摆 你也一起来吧(乘着声音的诱惑)ladies,its time 飞进blue world(被感染 wow)叫喊吧 对 make it loud ,yeahtake you all all the way blue world (blue world)make you go all the way blue world (blue world)现在 i can see 未来吸引着幸福的vibe(oh...)your 想象力 现在释放 be free(free)来邀请光芒 this beat blue world (blue world)大量涌来的蓝色tide(0h...)breakyeah,youre welcome to this blue world雨声在喧嚣 baby 让我听见更多的声音 holla再告诉我(gotta paint it all blue now)感觉很好的极速快感与B.I.G天空同步的旋律 flow会跟着一直摇摆 I know 让爱(乘着声音的诱惑)fellas,its time 飞进 blue world 叫喊吧 对 make it loud ,yeahtake you all all the way blue world (blue world)make you go all the way blue world (blue world)现在 i can see 未来吸引着幸福的vibe(oh...)your 想象力 现在释放 be free(free)来邀请光芒 this beat blue world (blue world)大量涌来的蓝色tide(0h...)breakbig blue 乘着声音kick什么时候自己都要keep true向晴空放开 沸腾floor yodont stop 再来点 baby rock onto the 还有一点 还能够so louder nowblue word...(blue word)blue word...(blue word)hey blue word...(blue word)大量涌来的蓝色tideblue blue blue blue worldtake you all all the way blue world (blue world)make you go all the way blue world (blue world)现在 i can see 未来吸引着幸福的vibe(oh...)your 想象力 现在释放 be free(free)来邀请光芒 this beat blue world (blue world)大量涌来的蓝色tide(0h...)
2023-06-24 18:44:381


反渗透膜的基本性能参数说明:1、上述性能是基于下列检测条件下运行30分钟后的检测数据:NaCl浓度:200mg/L,压力60psi,回收率15%,温度25℃,pH6.5~7.0。2、最小的脱盐率为96%。3、干膜元件的真空泄漏实验以圣迭戈条例为标准,其性能同样稳定。4、单支元件的产水量可能的变化范围±20% 。5、所有膜元件真空、独立纸箱包装,湿膜元件内注入1%亚硫酸氢钠保护液.所有干膜产品均为聚乙烯袋包装,无真空处理。
2023-06-24 18:44:394


Baby you don"t know it yetGot a secret that I keepI don"t want to spoil it but its about you and meDon"t know if I can hold this inNever felt like this beforeMaybe if you"re interested, I"ll tell you moreYou"re like a song, that stuck inside my head, won"t go awayI think about you every secondAnd I just gotta sayHolla, holla, how can I get your attention boyHolla holla, am I getting trough to youHolla, holla, maybe we got some potential boyWho knows what we could beSo holla back to meAll you gotta do is talk to meDoesn"t matter what you got to sayI just really wanna spend some time, communicateTell me that Im not out my mindTell me that you feel the same wayI do baby, I gotta know babyYou"re like a song, that stuck inside my head, won"t go away.I think about you every secondAnd I just gotta sayHolla, holla, how can I get your attention boyHolla holla, am I getting trough to youHolla, holla, maybe we got some potential boyWho knows what we could beSo holla back to meTake me into your armsLet me into your worldCuz Im dying to se whats insideI wanna dream what you dreamI wanna see what you seeAnd find out what makes you smileHolla, holla, how can I get your attention boyHolla holla, am I getting trough to youHolla, holla, maybe we got some potential boy(i think we do)Who knows what we could beAnd I just gotta sayHolla, holla, how can I get your attention boy(I wanna get your attention)Holla holla, am I getting trough to youHolla, holla, maybe we got some potential boyWho knows what we could beSo holla back to me..
2023-06-24 18:44:451


乳糜泻患者数量在世界范围内呈不断上升的趋势,乳糜泻是一种遗传性免疫疾病,目前对于乳糜泻只能通过避免谷蛋白来进行治疗。下面随小编一起来看看吧。哥伦比亚大学医学中心胃肠病学和乳糜泻疾病中心的Norelle Reilly博士,一直在研究无谷蛋白饮食(GFD)的相关问题。相关内容近期发表在《The Journal of Pediatrics》上。为何遵循无谷蛋白饮食?2015年的一项研究中调查了1500名美国人为何选择无谷蛋白饮食。结果显示,35%的人回答“没有原因”,26%的人回答认为这是“健康的选择”,19%希望改善他们的“胃肠道健康”,10%回答他们的家庭成员对谷蛋白过敏,还有8%自身对谷蛋白过敏。Reilly博士说:“处于对儿童健康的担心,父母让儿童遵循无谷蛋白饮食,他们相信这可以缓解症状,预防CD,甚至不需进行CD检查和咨询营养师。她呼吁关于GFD更明确的信息,因为关于无谷蛋白的误解太多。GFD误区Reilly博士提出了许多关于避免谷蛋白摄入的问题和误区。其中一项是它提供了一个没有缺点的健康生活方式。Reilly博士指出,实际上,没有证据证明避免谷蛋白摄入的益处,除非患有CD或对小麦过敏。她补充道,避免谷蛋白摄入可能意味着更高的脂肪和热量摄入,因为包装的GF食物常常比传统的GF含有更多的脂肪和糖,可能导致肥胖和前驱糖尿病。避免谷蛋白摄入也会导致营养不良,尤其是B族维生素,叶酸和铁,因为GF产品常常缺乏配方。还有观点认为,谷蛋白是有毒的,但Reilly博士指出,没有证据支持这一理论。她表示,事实上,过度依赖米饭,可能意味着砷摄入量的增加。有些人家族中有近亲患CD,他们因担心自己获得疾病而避免谷蛋白摄入。Reilly博士指出,CD患者的健康亲属不需要避免谷蛋白摄入,对有乳糜泻风险的健康婴儿也是。如果GFD是必要的呢?Reilly博士说,有些遵循GFD的人群更健康,生活质量更高,但是他们需要经验丰富的注册营养师的指导。她指出, CD并不是唯一避免谷蛋白摄入的原因。这样可以帮助对小麦敏感或过敏的人群缓解症状。然而,没有科学证据表明,避免谷蛋白摄入对没有明确诊断CD或对小麦过敏的婴儿有益处,而且这样做可能模糊CD的诊断。她敦促专业医疗人员对患者进行关于GDF的健康教育。
2023-06-24 18:44:471

贾斯汀《eenie meenie》黑白猜歌词翻译~

你可以去百度百科查:《eenie meenie》就会有了。我把网址给你
2023-06-24 18:44:533

我要贾斯汀比伯.eniee meniee的歌词

eenie meenie miney mocatch a bad chick by her toeif she holla"(if, if, if she holla) let her goshes indecisiveshe can"t decideshe keeps on lookin"from left to rightgirl, c"mon get closerlook in my eyessearchin" is so wrongi"m mr. rightyou seem like the typeto love em" and leave em"and disappear right after this give me the nightto show you, hold youdon"t leave me out here dancin" aloneyou can"t make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mindplease don"t waste my time, time, time, time, timei"m not tryin" to rewind, wind, wind, wind, windi wish our hearts could come together as onecause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"(justin bieber)let me show you what your missin"paradisewith me you"re winning girlyou don"t have to roll the dicetell me what you"re really here forthem other guys?i can see right through ya"you seem like the typeto love em" and leave em"and disappear right after the give me the nightto show you, hold youdon"t leave me out here dancin" alonecan"t make up your mindplease don"t waste my timenot tryin" to rewindi wish our hearts could come together as onecause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"(sean kingston)eenie meenie miney moecatch a bad chick by her toeif she holla"(if, if, if she holla) let her goeenie meenie miney moecatch a bad chick by her toeif she holla"(if, if, if she holla) let her goshorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"can"t make up your mindplease don"t waste my timenot tryin" to rewindi wish our hearts could come together as one
2023-06-24 18:45:013


he460gfd-b5屏参数:6.57英寸。主屏分辨率2340x1080像素,后置摄像头4000万像素超感光镜头+160。拍照:后置摄像头:超感知徕卡四摄:5000万像素超感知摄像头(广角, f/1.9光圈,OIS光学防抖) +4000万像素电影摄像头(超广角,f/1.8光圈) +1200万像素超感光长焦摄像头(f/3.4 光圈,OIS光学防抖) +3D深感摄像头。前置摄像头:3200万像素摄像头(f/2.2光圈,自动对焦)+景深摄像头。无论是白天黑夜、顺光逆光,拍人拍景都能媲美专业相机。原理:从像素的思想派生出几个其它类型的概念,如体素(voxel)、纹素(texel)和曲面元素(surfel),它们被用于其它计算机图形学和图像处理应用。点有时也用来表示像素,特别是计算机市场营销人员,多数时间使用DPI(dots per inch)表示。我们可以说在一幅可见的图像中的像素(如打印出来的一页)或者用电子信号表示的像素,或者用数码表示的像素,或者显示器上的像素,或者数码相机(感光元素)中的像素。
2023-06-24 18:45:031


. 高品质营养品符合世界级权威机构如FDA,GMP,USP,PDR,NSF,ConsumerLab.com的多项认证,普通营养品则八字没一撇
2023-06-24 18:45:077


1.John Cena 《The time is now》2.Christian 《Just close your eyes》3.Batista 《I walk alone》4.Legacy 《New day》5.Randy Orton 《Voices》、《Burn in my light》6.Jeff Hardy 《No more words》7.Kane 《Man on fire》8.Kozlov 《Pain》9.The Great Khali 《Land of Five Rivers》10.Steve Austin 《I Won"t do what you tell me》11.The Rock 《If you smell...》12.Roddy Piper 《Hot Rod》13.Undertaker 《Rest in peace》14.Maryse 《Pourqoui-》15.Kelly Kelly 《Holla》16.Eve 《She looks good》17.Dolph Ziggler 《I"m Perfection》18.Shawn Michaels 《Sexy Boy》19.Edge 《Metalingus》20.Triple H 《The Game》、《King of kings》21.Maria 《With Legs Like That》我知道的就这么多。 还想找别人的就到这个网站找吧。
2023-06-24 18:43:361


2023-06-24 18:43:291

谁有贾斯丁比伯eenie meenie的歌词中文的!!!急求、、

2023-06-24 18:43:221


歌手:Baha Men 专辑:Holla! 歌曲名称: Holla! 加菲猫主题曲 Hey oh hey! Hey oh hey! Hey oh hey! Howl! Let me hear ya Holla! Hey Oh! What"s good for you now? Hey Oh! You know what to do now! Holla, Holla! We got to make"m,* we got the most fun! Like this, we gonna drop the beat! Rock the house, get you up on your feet! Get away from the rat race, it"s a party! Like that, we gonna raise the roof! Let the music do this thing to you! Play ahead, get it started! Move your body! Come on now I"ll take you for a ride! Jump the jump and dance all night! Life is sweet so let me hear you Holla! Hey Oh! What"s good for you now? Hey Oh! (HEY) You know what to do now! Holla, Holla! We got to make"m,* we got the most fun! (repeat chorus 2x) Jump back, from side to side, roll your body round from left to right! Look at you, here we go now! I think you"ve got it! That"s hott, before you take a go! Up, up, up is where you wanna go! The kick ups,* feel the bass pump! Now baby work it girl! That"s exactly how we do! Bringing the party to you! Life is sweet so let me hear you Holla! Hey Oh! What"s good for you now? Hey Oh! (HEY) You know what to do now! Holla, Holla! We got to make"m,* we got the most fun! (repeat chorus 2x) The time flies on, don"t waste it frowning! Come go with me and let your hair hang down! Fight the mood and let it out! Don"t stop, keep it hott! (keepin it hott) Let me hear you Holla! (keepin it hott) (keepin it hott) (keepin it hott) (keepin it hott) (keepin it hott) Hey oh hey! Hey oh hey! Hey oh hey! Howl! Let me hear ya Holla! (repeat 2x) *Baha Men Rap* Come on everybody holla! You don"t have to bring a dollar!
2023-06-24 18:43:151


2023-06-24 18:42:574


2023-06-24 18:42:472

哪首高潮歌词有mine mine mine 的

eenie meenie
2023-06-24 18:42:454


Just gonna stand there and watch me burn只是站在那看着我燃烧 That"s all right没有关系Because I like the way it hurts因为我喜欢它伤害我的方式Just gonna stand there and hear me cry只是站在那听着我哭泣That"s all right because I love the way you lie没有关系,因为我爱你现在的样子I Love the way you lie我爱你现在的样子That ain"t the whole story那不是这个完整的故事I"ve been stuck with jobs no one else would take before me我在工作中挣扎,没有人可以在我的前面Cuz I had to因为我必须这样Debt was going up债务在持续上升1-800 numbers started to blow me up1-800个数字开始打击我I knew I had to make it我知道我必须做到Without music in my life I"m naked and homeless如果生命中没有音乐我是赤裸无依的So if I"m down and hurt所以如果我遭遇挫折并且受伤Are you Just gonna stand there and watch me burn你是不是会只是站在那里看着我燃烧That"s all right没有关系Because I like the way it hurts因为我喜欢它伤害我的方式Just gonna stand there and hear me cry I"m not afraid to take a stand)只是站在那里看着我哭泣,我不害怕站起来That"s all right because I love the way you lie Everybody come take my hand)没有关系,因为我爱你现在的样子,每个人过来牵我的手I Love the way you lie我喜欢你现在的样子We"ll walk this road together through the storm我们在暴风雨中携手共同走过这条路Whatever weather cold or warm不管天气是冷还是暖Just let you know that you"re not alone只是让你知道你不是一个人Holla if you feel like you love the way you lie你如果感觉你爱你现在的样子Lately I"ve been dealin with haters我会与憎恨抗挣And people sayin I"ll never make it人们说我可以做到But I"ll just use it as fuel to my heart但是我将只是把它当做我心脏的燃料To keep it beatin来让它保持跳动No I"ll never be the reason I"m not succeeding不,我永远不会是真正的原因,我不会成功or will I ever sell out or settle less than I"m needin或者我将只有付出,或者得到的比期望的要少Cuz I"ve been there before and I can be there again因为我在可以再次在那之前,我已经在那里If I don"t work for more it"ll happen again如果我不更加的努力它会再次发生and if I"m down and hurt如果我遭遇挫折并且受伤Are you Just gonna stand there and watch me burn你是不是会只是站在那里看着我燃烧That"s all right没有关系Because I like the way it hurts因为我喜欢它伤害我的方式Just gonna stand there and hear me cry I"m not afraid to take a stand)只是站在那里看着我哭泣,我不害怕站起来That"s all right because I love the way you lie Everybody come take my hand)没有关系,因为我爱你现在的样子,每个人过来牵我的手I Love the way you lie我喜欢你现在的样子We"ll walk this road together through the storm我们在暴风雨中携手共同走过这条路Whatever weather cold or warm不管天气是冷还是暖Just let you know that you"re not alone只是让你知道你不是一个人Holla if you feel like you"ve been down the same road如果你感觉我们已经在同一条路上Yeah I love the way you lie我爱你现在的样子UhhI"m not afraid not afraid not afraid not afraid我不害怕不害怕不害怕Just let me burn 让我燃烧吧是我自己翻译的,希望可以帮到你!
2023-06-24 18:42:372


2023-06-24 18:42:3613


2023-06-24 18:42:339


2023-06-24 18:42:293


1:ABCD是正方形 2:EFGH是菱形,且三个顶点EGH分别在正方形ABCD边AB.CD.DA上 对于菱形EFGH,对角线EG和HF互为垂直平分线 (1)当DG=2时,点F在BC边上(简单,自己证明吧),CF=2,CG=4 三角形FCG为直角三角形,面积=2*4/2=4; (2)过F点作DC的垂线,交DC的延长线于M点,则三角形GFD与三角形EHA全等,自己会证吧? FM=AH=2 也就是三角形FCG的高=2,底边CG=CD-DG=6-x 所以三角形FCG的面积=2*(6-x)/2=6-x (3)由三角形FCG的面积=6-x的公式知道,随着x的增大,三角形FCG的面积减小,而且,当x=5时,三角形FCG的面积=6-5=1 那么,x能不能等于5呢? 菱形EFGH的边HE=HG HE最大时,点E与点B重合,HE=√40 DG=√24
2023-06-24 18:42:271


2023-06-24 18:42:221


2023-06-24 18:42:153


我也很喜欢这首歌 跟小晒门的风格不一样 自己翻的 楼主不要挑剔噢 如果楼主是要翻唱的话...额....我就没办法了也许你还不知道(看过2个版本的歌词 不知道第一个词到底是baby还是maybe 听着像baby 但是美国一个歌词网站上是maybe 楼主自己看吧)这是我的一个秘密还不想说出来的秘密是关于你和我不确定我能否守住它从来没有如此感觉如果你也感兴趣我会告诉你更多你就像一首盘旋在我脑海的歌(你就像一支旋律 盘旋脑海)挥之不去想你的分分秒秒而现在我只想说嗨!嗨!怎样才能得到你的注意(吸引你注意)嗨!嗨!我应该在靠近你吧嗨!嗨!也许我们有可能 谁知道 我们会怎样所以 也对我说 嗨 吧你要做的仅仅是和我讲话不管什么内容我只想和你在一起 花一些时间 聊聊天告诉我 我不是在做白日梦(不是只有我这样想)告诉我 你也同样感觉(是的) 我想知道你就像一首盘旋在我脑海的歌(你就像一支旋律 盘旋脑海)挥之不去想你的分分秒秒而现在我只想说嗨!嗨!怎样才能得到你的注意(吸引你注意)嗨!嗨!我应该在靠近你吧嗨!嗨!也许我们有可能 谁知道 我们会怎样所以 也对我说 嗨 吧让我在你怀里(拥我入怀)让我进入你的世界我想看到真实的你我想去梦你的梦想看你眼中的风景寻找你微笑的理由嗨!嗨!怎样才能得到你的注意(吸引你注意)嗨!嗨!我应该在靠近你吧嗨!嗨!也许我们有可能 谁知道 我们会怎样所以 也对我说 嗨 吧
2023-06-24 18:42:071