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cameron 是男士还是女士

2023-05-19 15:26:41


  戴维·威廉·唐纳德·卡梅伦(David William Donald Cameron),1966年10月9日生,译名甘民乐,具有纯正的英国王室血统,父亲曾是一位股票经纪人,母亲是一位男爵的女儿。卡梅伦家族源自苏格兰高地的印威内斯,在英国金融界有很长的历史,祖辈有很多成员担任股票经纪或金融投资工作。戴维·卡梅伦是英国保守党的政治明星,2001年成为英国下议院议员,2005年在年仅39岁时成为英国保守党领袖,2010年5月11日起成为英国第53任首相,是英国自1812年以来最年轻的首相。2010年11月9日,戴维·卡梅伦展开为期两天的首次访华之旅。






维基百科上给出的读法是/ˈkəmrən/ 读卡梅隆,就是拍阿凡达的导演James Francis Cameron詹姆斯·卡梅隆谢谢采纳
2023-01-02 05:43:541

cameron 是什么公司?

那应该不是公司吧,卡梅隆,就是拍阿凡达的导演James Francis Cameron詹姆斯·卡梅隆
2023-01-02 05:44:003


2023-01-02 05:44:286


2023-01-02 05:44:522

cameron 北京办事处地址谁知道?请赐教。

2023-01-02 05:47:532


2023-01-02 06:04:361


不安其室 指已婚妇女又乱搞男女关系。不安于室 指已婚妇女又乱搞男女关系。不安于位 指不喜欢自己的职业,不安心工作。不按君臣 中医处方,以君臣相配为原则。君是主药,臣是辅药。不按君臣,就是违反药理,胡乱用药。引申为使用毒药的隐语。不拔一毛 比喻非常吝啬。同“一毛不拔”。不拔之志 比喻意志坚决,不可动摇。不白之冤 白:搞清楚。没有得到辩白或洗刷的冤屈。不败之地 原意是指善于打仗的就有取胜的把握,不会落到挫败的境地。后泛指办事有成功的充分把握。不卑不亢 卑:低、自卑;亢:高傲。指对人有恰当的分寸,既不低声下气,也不傲慢自大。不辟斧钺 斧钺:古代的兵器。不躲避斧钺之类的兵器。形容将士英勇无畏,或烈士忠义不屈。不避斧钺 斧钺:古代的兵器。不躲避斧钺之类的兵器。形容将士英勇无畏,或烈士忠义不屈。不避艰险 不畏惧艰难险阻。不避水火 指不畏凶险。不避汤火 指不畏凶险。不便水土 不能适应移居地方的气候和饮食习惯。同“不服水土”。不辨菽麦 菽:豆子。分不清哪是豆子,哪是麦子。形容愚笨无知。后形容缺乏实际生产知识。不辨菽粟 分不清哪是豆子,哪是小米。形容愚笨无知。后形容缺乏实际生产知识。不辨真伪 辨:分辨。伪:虚假。无法辨别真的和假的。不辩菽麦 分不清哪是豆子,哪是麦子。形容愚笨无知。后形容缺乏实际生产知识。不步人脚 不跟着别人的脚步走。比喻不因循守旧。不测之祸 测:揣度,预测。无法揣测的祸患。多指牢狱或杀身之祸。不测之忧 指意外的祸患。不测之罪 指大罪,死罪。不茶不饭 不思饮食。形容心事重重。不差毫发 毫、发:都是古代的长度名,十毫为发,十发为厘,形容细微。形容一点儿也不差。不差毫厘 不差一毫一厘。不差累黍 累黍:是古代两种很小的重量单位,形容数量极小。形容丝毫不差。不差上下 不分高下,差不多。不臣之心 不臣:不守臣子的本分,封建社会中不忠君。意指不忠君的思想。后也指犯上作乱的野心。不成三瓦 比喻不能要求齐全。不成体统 体统:格局,规矩。指言行没有规矩,不成样子。不逞之徒 不逞:不得志,不如意;徒:人(含贬义)。因心怀不满而闹事捣乱的人。不痴不聋 人不傻,耳朵也不聋。常与“不成姑公”连用,意为不故作痴呆,不装聋作哑,就不能当阿婆阿公。形容长辈要宽宏大量。不齿于人 齿:象牙齿一样排列。不能列于人类。指被人看不起。不耻下问 乐于向学问或地位比自己低的人学习,而不觉得不好意思。不耻最后 因为跑到最后而感到可耻。比喻凡是只要坚持到底,就能达到目的。不啻天渊 不啻:无异于。渊:深潭。无异于从云天之上到深潭之底。比喻差别极大。不偢不倸 ①犹不理不睬。②指一切事情都不注意。不瞅不睬 不看也不答理。形容待人态度冷淡。不出所料 事由变化,在预料之中。形容原先预料的准确。不揣冒昧 揣:估量,考虑。用于没有慎重考虑就轻率行事的客气话。不辞而别 辞:告辞;别:离别。没有告辞就离开了。或悄悄溜走了。不辞劳苦 辞:推托;劳苦:劳累辛苦。不逃避劳累辛苦。形容人不怕吃苦,毅力强。不次之迁 次:顺序,等第;迁:官位升迁。比喻超出常规的提升官级。不次之位 次:顺序,等第。旧指对于有才干的人不拘等级授予重要职位。不存不济 指支持不住,受不住。不存芥蒂 芥蒂:本作“蒂芥”,细小的梗塞物,比喻积在心里的怨恨或不快。心里不积存怨恨和不快。形容人心地宽,气量大。不打自招 招:招供。旧指没有用刑就招供。比喻做了坏事或有坏的意图自我暴露出来。不待蓍龟 蓍龟:古时卜筮,用蓍草和龟甲,以卜吉凶。不用占卜就能决定。比喻事情是明摆着的,非常清楚。不当不正 不:语助词,没有实际意思。表示端端正正。不当人子 表示歉意或感谢的话,意思是罪过,不敢当。不得不尔 尔:如此。不得不这样。表示为环境所迫或有难言之隐而无可奈何。不得而知 得:能够。没有办法知道。不得开交 交:相错,纠缠。形容没法解开或摆脱。不得其死 指人不得好死。也表示对恶人的诅咒。不得其所 原指未得善终,后指没有得到适当的安顿。也指不能达到目的。不得人心 心:心愿,愿望。得不到群众的支持拥护;得不到众人的好评。不得善终 善终:正常死亡。指人不得好死。常指恶人应有的坏下场。不得违误 公文用语,不得违反命令,耽误公事。不得要领 要:古“腰”字;领:衣领。要领:比喻关键。抓不住要领或关键。不登大雅 大雅:高贵典雅。不能登上高雅的厅堂。形容某些不被人看重的、“粗俗”的事物(多指文艺作品)。不懂装懂 自己不懂却装作很精通的样子。不动声色 声:言谈;色:脸色。在紧急情况下,说话、神态仍跟平时一样没有变化。形容非常镇静。不断如带 犹不绝如缕。多形容局面危急或声音、气息等低沉微弱、时断时续。不恶而严 并不恶声恶气,但很威严,使人知敬畏。不二法门 不二:指不是两极端;法门:佧行入道的门径。原为佛家语,意为直接入道,不可言传的法门。后比喻最好的或独一无二的方法。不乏其人 乏:缺少;其:那,那些。那样的人并不少。不乏先例 有不少从前的事可以作为例子。不法常可 法:当做模式、法则;常可:长久被人们认可的成规惯例。不把常规惯例当做永远不变的模式。不悱不发 悱:心里想说而说不出来。发:启发。指不到学生想说而说不出来时,不去启发他。这是孔子的教学方法。不废江河 赞扬作家或其著作流传不朽。不费之惠 指白白得到的好处。不分彼此 彼:那,对方;此:这,我方。不分这个和那个。形容关系密切,交情深厚。不分伯仲 分不出第一第二。不分青白 指不分黑白,不辨是非。不分胜负 分不出谁胜谁负。形容竞赛双方水平、技术相当。不分轩轾 不分高下、轻重。比喻对待二者的态度或看法差不多。不分玉石 指无有区别,同归于尽。参见“玉石俱焚”。不分皂白 皂:黑色。不分黑白,不分是非。不分畛域 畛域:范围,界限。不分界限、范围。也比喻不分彼此。不愤不启 愤:心里想弄明白而还不明白。启:启发。指不到学生们想弄明白而还没有弄明白时,不去启发他。这是孔子的教学方法。不丰不俭 指不奢不俭,多少合宜。不丰不杀 丰:厚;杀:减少。不奢侈也不啬俭。不增加也不减少。不伏烧埋 伏:屈服;烧埋:烧埋银钱,旧时官府向杀人犯追缴赔给死者家属的埋葬费。比喻不伏罪或不听劝解。不服水土 不能适应移居地方的气候和饮食习惯。不负众望 负:辜负;众:众人;望:期望。不辜负大家的期望。不复堪命 指无法再活下去。不改其乐 不改变自有的快乐。指处于困苦的境况仍然很快乐。不干不净 指不洁净,肮脏。也指因忌讳而感觉不洁净。也可形容语文不文明。不甘雌伏 甘:甘心,情愿;雌伏:雌鸟伏在那儿不动,比喻隐藏,不进取。比喻不甘心处于无所作为的境地。不甘后人 不甘心落在别人后面。不甘寂寞 甘:甘心;寂寞:孤寂、冷落。形容不甘心被冷落或急于想参与某件事情。不甘示弱 示:显示,表现。不甘心表示自己比别人差。表示要较量一下,比个高低。不尴不尬 比喻左右为难,不好处理。也形容样子别扭。不敢高攀 不敢跟社会地位比自己高的人交朋友或结亲戚。不敢告劳 努力做事,不诉说自己的劳苦。比喻勤勤恳恳,不辞辛劳(多用在自己表示谦虚)。不敢苟同 苟:苟且。不敢随便地同意。指对人对事抱慎重态度。不敢后人 不愿意落在别人后面。表示不敢懈怠,奋力前进。不敢掠美 掠:掠夺。不敢掠夺旁人之美。不敢旁骛 形容全力做一件事,不敢分心到别的事里面去。
2023-01-02 05:44:151


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2023-01-02 05:44:234


血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂(ACEI)用于高血压、心肌梗死、心力衰竭的治疗。这类药物包括卡托普利、依那普利、西拉普利、苯那普利、培垛普利、雷米普利等。现有的 ATⅡ受体拮抗剂都是 选择性AT1受体亚型拮抗剂( ATRA1),其AT1:AT2的作用比值在1000倍以上,ATⅡRA可分为三类:(1)二苯四咪唑类:以Losartan(洛沙坦,氯沙坦,商品名科素亚,MSD生产)为代表,还有Candesartan,Irbesartan等;(2)非二苯四咪唑类:以 Arbesartan为代表,还有B1AR—2771等;(3)非杂环类:以Valsartan(缬沙坦,商品名代文Norvatis生产)。目前已有临床应用报告的ATⅡRA有12之多,其中应用最多的是氯沙坦,其次是缬沙坦,两药的不同在于后者不是前体药可用于肝功能不全的病人。
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2023-01-02 05:44:333


  ACEI的药理作用。 ① 对抗的AngⅡ生成及其作用;② 减少缓激肽的降解;③ 保护血管内皮细胞与抗动脉粥样硬化;④ 抗心肌缺血与心肌保护作用;⑤ 增加对胰岛素的敏感性;⑥ 阻止心血管病理性重构。
2023-01-02 05:44:341


1. 天才眼镜狗中的好词好句 If is called the dog means smart, single-minded, kindness, love, and so is my dog如果被称作狗就意味着聪明,专一,善良,爱,那么我就是狗Sherman, no matter what challenges you face, no matter what do you think of me how far is it from you, I have been in your side舍曼,不论你面对什么样的挑战,不论你觉得我离你有多远,我一直在你身边Hands-on learning the lessons of history is better than anything, though, is that right?不过亲身学习历史教训比什么都强,对吗?。 2. 天才眼镜狗中的好词好句 If is called the dog means smart, single-minded, kindness, love, and so is my dog 如果被称作狗就意味着聪明,专一,善良,爱,那么我就是狗 Sherman, no matter what challenges you face, no matter what do you think of me how far is it from you, I have been in your side 舍曼,不论你面对什么样的挑战,不论你觉得我离你有多远,我一直在你身边 Hands-on learning the lessons of history is better than anything, though, is that right? 不过亲身学习历史教训比什么都强,对吗? 3. 天才眼镜狗的精彩内容用英文描述五十字 The story revolves around one of the world"s "most intelligent dogs", Mr. Peabody, who has adopted a little boy, Sherman, and started a wonderful journey. In order to let his son wonderful better able to witness the world, he invented a time machine. Peabody and Sherman through time and space, and the adventure, and make a variety of jokes.。 4. 天才眼睛狗英语描述100字 "Every dog should have a boy", I did not write the counter-you read that right, this is amovie in the genius dog glasses said, at DreamWorks work, will really be convinced by theirextraordinary imagination, a dog romance through the journey, this is a totallyextraordinary stories! Genius glasses dog to I of stunning, does not is this Department movie plot Shang how of subversion, that eventually only as one movie of stunt, and is this is one real nice has connotation of works, actually Hollywood animation this told extreme intensified of of similar movie very more, like snail racing hand, mouse big kitchen, Hollywood animation has been very at will this seemingly outrageous extremely of things, through fanciful of phenomenon, show in animation among, and genius glasses dog Maximum of shackles is how to breakthrough dog parent people child such a even in movie in the are hard was ordinary by accept of topic, dog dad Peabody Mr of crisis also is stems from this Shang, so movie in the side through repeatedly stressed Peabody Mr was amazing of talent and Peabody Mr adoptions Sherman experience of warmth memories, another side villain social survey member to with away from Sherman left Peabody Mr for movie of tension, Director Luobo·mingkefu in genius glasses dog in the show with as he of similar works Elf rat brother Cleverly made the worldaccept mice is a member of the family, and quotable movies way gradually to accept theseemingly outrageous tales, even when the movie was over the crowd chanting "my dog!"Endearingly to in no way or not, but rather a heart touching. This Department dream factory animation of another a big watch, is to time machine for plot development of movie mainline, although Hollywood animation theme of family brand not variable, but France revolution, and ancient Egypt Pharaoh, and Troy of war, and Renaissance Shi of Leonardo da Vinci and Mona Lisa, and even last of Washington, movie in very good of build has pair dog dad people child of selling Hou, on several occasions through spatio-temporal into to those world are familiar of story in the, all laugh points full, was full with unknown of surprise, And as once success shaped Lions King Simba, Elf rat brother tuyate of Luobo·mingkefu, although he guide of number Department reality movie mediocre no odd, but the Director in will animal personification Shang extraordinary of talent, as star you in the are Professor genius glasses dog skin Boddy Mr of shaped, only said this a role will became Luobo·mingkefu hands was world by bearing in mind of third bit animation characters. Dog dad father deep, DreamWorks once again break the sky, this is still a charm for all agesall ages.。 5. 天才眼镜狗的英文简介 Mr. Peabody is an anthropomorphic dog who is the smartest being in the world. As a pup, he was rejected by every potential owner, leading him to devote his life to science, athletics, and technological discoveries. One day, Peabody finds an orphaned infant and legally adopts him under the name of Sherman (age 7). He tutors Sherman through a series of adventures throughout history with the use of the WABAC, a time machine. After narrowly escaping the French Revolution, Sherman starts his first day at Susan B. Anthony School in New York City, and falls into conflict with classmate Penny Peterson, who he innocently shows up in history class with his first-hand knowledge of George Washington. Penny bullies and humiliates Sherman, insulting him by calling him a "dog" for being raised by one, which provokes Sherman into biting her. Peabody visits Principal Purdy about the matter, but is confronted by Ms. Grunion, a bigoted child and family services agent who threatens to remove Sherman from Peabody"s custody if an upcoming home inspection is deemed unsatisfactory.Peabody invites the Petersons over for a dinner party to mend fences between Sherman and Penny. While Peabody charms Paul and Patty, Sherman is left with Penny. Sherman reveals the WABAC to Penny after she calls him a liar about his first hand knowledge and they joyride in it, despite Peabody"s warnings. Moments later, Sherman seeks Peabody"s help to retrieve Penny, who refused to leave her engagement with King Tut in Ancient Egypt. Penny changes her mind when she learns Tut will die young and she will be executed and buried with him. For trying to stop the wedding, Peabody and Sherman are trapped in a tomb, but escape with Peabody"s knowledge, rescuing Penny from the wedding and escaping in the WABAC.With the WABAC low on energy, the three stop in Renaissance Florence to seek the aid of Mr. Peabody"s old friend Leonardo da Vinci. While Peabody and Leonardo build a contraption to recharge the WABAC, Penny convinces Sherman to explore Leonardo"s workshop with her and they bond by using Leonardo"sflying machine without permission. They crash-land and Leonardo is thrilled that the machine worked but Peabody is angered at Sherman. During the return trip to the present, Penny reveals Ms. Grunion"s intention of reclaiming Sherman. An argument ensues between Peabody and Sherman while the WABAC draws near a black hole. They crash-land in the Trojan War where an upset Sherman runs away to join the armies of King Agamemnon. When Peabody and Penny come to retrieve him in the Trojan Horse, they find themselves in the battle and Penny becomes trapped in the Trojan Horse as it races towards a cliff. In a rescue attempt, Sherman and Penny are saved, but Peabody appears to have gone down with the Trojan Horse and is presumed dead.Desperate to save Peabody, Sherman and Penny return to the present minutes before Sherman returned the first time to get Peabody to remedy the situation. However, the present copies of Peabody and Sherman show up along with Ms. Grunion. She attempts to reclaim both Shermans, which causes them along with the copies of Peabody to merge and disrupt the space-time continuum. Ms. Grunion makes another attempt at reclaiming Sherman, hurting him in the process which causes an enraged Peabody to revert to his natural instinct and bite her. As Ms. Grunion informs the police, Peabody, Sherman, and Penny flee to the WABAC. They are unable to travel back in time as several historic figures and monuments rain down into the present. The WABAC eventually crashes in the street as the police converge on the WABAC. Peabody is apprehended by Animal Control who plan on euthanizing him for assaulting Ms. Grunion. Sherman protests by explaining that everything that happened is his fault and declares that he would rather be a dog as good as Peabody than a person. Moved by his speech, every historical figure present, the Petersons, and even the police officers concur. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Bill Clintonsupport Peabody"s legal custody of Sherman and award Peabody a presidential pardon while Sherman and Penny share a hug.When a vortex in the space-time continuum rips open, Sherman pilots the WABAC while Peabody handles the computations intending to travel to the future by a few minutes and undo the damage with success. The historical figures and monuments return to their respective times with a smitten King Agamemnon dragging Ms. Grunion 。
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smaller的原级和最高级:small,smallest greenest的原级和比较级:green,greener red的比较级和最高级 :redder,reddestbluer的原级和最高级 :blue,bluestyoungest的原级和比较级 :young,youngerold的比较级和最高级 :older,oldestbetter的原级和最高级 :good,bestworst的原级和比较级 :bad,worseless的原级和最高级 :little,leastfew的比较级和最高级:fewer,fewest well的比较级和最高级 :better,bestbadly的比较级和最高级:more badly,most badly most的原级和比较级 :many,moremuch的比较级和最高级 :more,mostheavier的原级和最高级 :heavy,heaviestfarthest的原级和比较级 :far,farther or furtherearly的比较级和最高级 :earlier,earliestsooner的原级和最高级 :soon,soonesthappiest的原级和比较级 :happy,happierbeautiful的比较级和最高级:more beautiful,the most beautiful
2023-01-02 05:44:431

少孤贫,与母以贩履为业 翻译

Poor orphaned, and mother to sell the shoe industry
2023-01-02 05:44:433


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2023-01-02 05:44:5215

ACEI 和醛固酮分泌的关系

2023-01-02 05:44:543


Coffee fable The speech said coffee this plant the origin may trace tomillion years before, in fact it the true age which discovered has notbeen possible to test, only hands down the coffee is Ethiopia highground named the shepherd which the tan oak enlightens Kaldi, after hedetected his Yang Er has been accidentally eating one kind of plant"sfruit, extremely changes the appearance in a lively way to be full ofthe energy, from this time on has discovered the coffee. The world coffee drinks with the tradition Mideast people rigid to basic drinking with way, they cure thecoffee bean depth to approach darkly black (Dark Roast), usuallygrinds Cheng Jixi the powder, then boils several time joins the sugarnamely to become a small cup again extremely thick, center the belt ispainstakingly sweet, also has the precipitation the coffee. The peopleare unflustered by elegant and the courteous manner lightly aresipping this small cup of coffee. Coffee-tree (The Plant) The coffee-tree originally produces from Ethiopia, belongs toChang Lvzhi which in the botany Rubiaceae race Coffee of is seed leafplant, it highly may amount to ten meters, but artificial plantingbecause the process prunes, therefore only has two to four meter high.The coffee probably can in three to four years seed, but the outputcan reduce 20 after 25 years, but also had a part of coffee-tree tosurpass hundred years life actually still to tie the fruit.Coffee-tree"s branch opposition grows, assumes the level or thesagging branching grows, his/her leaf to had been born on the minoraxis branching. The most main two types, Allah (Coffee Arabica) andthe Luo Buss reaches (Coffee Robusta) compared to the card. Allahcompares the card Ye Changyue 15 centimeters. The Luo Buss reaches theleaf is longer, assumes the soft oval or 尖形, color brilliantgreen. The coffee, may accompany oneself passed many satisfied time. After early morning gets out of bed drinks a cup to awake the brain,daytime when work lightly swallows to stimulate, has in the leisure todrink cup of coffee, to eat several cakes, chats with the friendslightly gathers. The coffee is enriching our life, also reducedbetween your me the distance. After fine food, soaks cup of coffee,reads a newspaper, perhaps and the lover, the friend and the familymember is sharing together warmly is comfortable, the pleasureinfinite coffee time, is one kind of happiness. There we are infatuated with the air, the light, the sound, forgot thetime immerses in there, perhaps in a crowd with the oneself sameperson in the middle of, continues a person, but everybody has a tacitunderstanding. Male, female, open and bright, melancholy, a crowdcomes, orphaned from sits alone, smokes, drinks the thick coffee, orsimply does not drink the coffee. We found each other depending on thefeeling, depending on is staring at the roof pinnacle or the coffeecup look found each other, calculated you are looking outside thewindow, actually not necessarily is looking at any.. I think you, Iknew, I and you are dissimilar, is dissimilar with all people, therealism can come the cafe, but cannot belong to here, cannotcontinuously sit takes a break, own put the chair to the table on onlythen walks. Coffee and mood You are the mood are good or mood not good time want to drinkthe cup coffee? Each person"s answer is all dissimilar, but becausethe coffee is mood good time drinks drink, therefore only has is goodwhen the mood, wants to have a look the blue sky with exposes to thesun when the gentle sunlight to be able to taste the coffee the mellowdelicacy. Mood not good time you should go to the bar to drink findrelief. In the cafe lazy knight, the exciting opera, romantic Francefragrant praises or the gentle piano performance is a music which yourmost regular meeting hears. Certainly this and the cafe boss"spersonal status concerns. You may are chatting together with theintimate friend or 35 friends the day, discusses respectively isinterested the topic, along with time thorough, you can discover themood gradually tranquility, even has some moves, all reasons all verypure: Along with is popular. When you felt today mood is good whencomes cup of coffee, you can discover coffee happiest one side. The coffee enters China According to the historical data record, in 1884 the coffeeplanted for the first time in Taiwan successfully, thus had opened thecoffee the prologue which developed in China. The land area earliestcoffee planter then the beginning to Yunnan, is in the beginning of20th century, a French missionary first group of coffee Miao DaidaoYunnan"s Binchuan County. In the later nearly hundred years, thecoffee planter in vast in territory China also only will be "thetwinkle star". However, in recent years the Chinese coffee planter andthe expense development increasingly focused attention on for theworld. Mai Si 威尔, 雀巢, Colombia and so on the internationalcoffee company in abundance in the Chinese establishment subsidiarycompany or the factory, provides the variety for the Chinese market tobe more superior, a price more superior product. As a west life stylepart, the coffee officially entered Chinese"s family and the life;Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and so on the big city cafe is followingthe coffee culture growth also like mushroom growth appearance,becomes the young people new expense fashion, is decorating themetropolis character and style.正确的
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ARB是血管紧张素II受体阻滞剂的英文缩写,ACEI是血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂的英文缩写。 ARB类药物包括,科素亚、代文等。这类药物的化学名多以沙坦结尾,如氯沙坦(科素亚)、缬沙坦(代文)、坎地沙坦等。 ACEI类药物包括,开博通、雅施达、一平苏、悦宁定、洛丁新等。以普利结尾的药名如依那普利、卡托普利、苯那普利、赖诺普利、群多普利等均为ACEI类药物。
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PREFIX 1.a-:of;on;intensive;negative,not,without;ad-;ab-.2.ab-:away from,off.3. ad-:to;at;for.4. aer(o)- :relating to air both sides,around.7.amphi-:on both sides,,not,without.9.ana-:upon,up,on.10.ante-:before.11.anti-:against.12.arch-:chief,first .13.astro- :relating to stars .(planets space )14.aqu(a)-:relating to (o)-:relating to sound and hearing,without help make;to cover with;upon;by;intensive.18.bene-:well,, :relating to life and living things important ;near .22.cata-:down,downwoards.23.cent(i)-:hundred ,hundredth .24.circum-:around,round about.25.con-:together with,wholly.26.contra-:against,opposit.(contro-,counter-)27.cross-:through;across;,downward;apart;negative;intensive.29.deca-:ten.30.deci- :tenth .31.demi-:half.32.di-:double,twice.33.dia-:through,between,across.34.dich(o)-:two.35.dis-:apart; negative;intensive.36.duo-:two,double.(du-,dou-,do-)37.dys-:badly,ill.38.en-:to make;to put in(on around ) and more,always.42.ex-:out,outward;beyond;former.43.extra-:beyond.44.for-:away from.45.fore-:before.46.forth-:towards.47.geo- :relating to earth .48.hecto-:hundred.49.hemi-:half.50.hetero-:other,different.51.hexa-:six.52.homo-:same.53.hyper-:above,beyond.54.hypo-:under.55.hydr(o)-:relating to water or;negative,not,without.57. infr(a)-:under,after.58. inter-:between,among.(enter-,intel-)59. intr-:within,inward.60. iso-:equal,same.61. kilo-:thousand.62. macro-:large,long.63. mal(e)-:badly,ill.64.matr(i)-:relating to woman.65. mega-:large,strong,million.66. meta-:above;behind;of change.67. micro-:small.68.mid- :middle .69. milli-:thousand, mis-:wrong(ly),bad(ly),ill.72.mono-:single,sole,alone.73.mult(i)-:many,,not,without.75.neo-:new.76.non-:not.77.ob-:against;towards;intensive.78.octa-:eight,eighth.(octo-)79.omni-:all.80.out-:out,outward;beyond.〔超越、胜过〕81.over-:above;beyond;upside-down.〔过度,颠倒〕82.paleo-:ancient.83.pan(to)-:all.84.para-: like;beside;beyond; against(抗、防)85.pen-:almost.86.penta-:five.87.per-:through,thoroughly,away.88.peri-:around,round :relating to light, favor of ;in public;in place of;before,forward.94.prot(o)-:chief,first.95.pseudo-:false.96.psycho- :relating to the mind .97.quadr(i)-:four.98.qat(e)r-:four.99.quasi-:like;partly.〔类似的、部分的、准的〕100.quint-:five.(quinque-),back.102.retr(o)-:backward.[向后、追溯、归还],away.104.semi-:half;〔后、继〕108.sub-:under.[分、支,次、亚]109.super-:above,over.(sove-,sop-,sur-)110.syn-:together,with,same.112.tele-:far away.113.tetra-:four.114.trans-:across;change.(tra-,tran-,tres-)115.tri-:three,threefold.116.twi-:two.117.ultra-:beyond.118.un-:not;the reversal of an action〔相反的动作〕。119.under-:under,beneath.120.un(i)-:one.〔统一〕121.up-:up,aloft.122.vice-:in place of.〔代替、代理、副的〕123.with-:against,backward.SUFFIX1.-aholic:┅┅对上瘾的人;┅┅狂。(-oholic)2.-eer:┅┅专家,从事┅┅职业的人3. -esque:风格,式样。4. -ette: small小。5. -fold:times倍,重。6.-like:像的,相同的。7.-logy :the science or study of 8.-let:small小9.-most: most 最10.-mania:┅┅癖,┅┅欲。11.-phile:爱好……的人,……爱好者。12.-philia:爱好,崇拜13.-phobia :恐惧,憎恶14.-ship : ①处于……状态②技巧,技艺15.-some: ①造成……的,产生……的②一双,一对 16.-ster :从事……的人,……类型的人17.-wise -ways: ①以……方式,向……方向 ②关于
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不安其室 指已婚妇女又乱搞男女关系。不安于室 指已婚妇女又乱搞男女关系。不安于位 指不喜欢自己的职业,不安心工作。不按君臣 中医处方,以君臣相配为原则。君是主药,臣是辅药。不按君臣,就是违反药理,胡乱用药。引申为使用毒药的隐语。不拔一毛 比喻非常吝啬。同“一毛不拔”。不拔之志 比喻意志坚决,不可动摇。不白之冤 白:搞清楚。没有得到辩白或洗刷的冤屈。不败之地 原意是指善于打仗的就有取胜的把握,不会落到挫败的境地。后泛指办事有成功的充分把握。不卑不亢 卑:低、自卑;亢:高傲。指对人有恰当的分寸,既不低声下气,也不傲慢自大。不辟斧钺 斧钺:古代的兵器。不躲避斧钺之类的兵器。形容将士英勇无畏,或烈士忠义不屈。不避斧钺 斧钺:古代的兵器。不躲避斧钺之类的兵器。形容将士英勇无畏,或烈士忠义不屈。不避艰险 不畏惧艰难险阻。不避水火 指不畏凶险。不避汤火 指不畏凶险。不便水土 不能适应移居地方的气候和饮食习惯。同“不服水土”。不辨菽麦 菽:豆子。分不清哪是豆子,哪是麦子。形容愚笨无知。后形容缺乏实际生产知识。不辨菽粟 分不清哪是豆子,哪是小米。形容愚笨无知。后形容缺乏实际生产知识。不辨真伪 辨:分辨。伪:虚假。无法辨别真的和假的。不辩菽麦 分不清哪是豆子,哪是麦子。形容愚笨无知。后形容缺乏实际生产知识。不步人脚 不跟着别人的脚步走。比喻不因循守旧。不测之祸 测:揣度,预测。无法揣测的祸患。多指牢狱或杀身之祸。不测之忧 指意外的祸患。不测之罪 指大罪,死罪。不茶不饭 不思饮食。形容心事重重。不差毫发 毫、发:都是古代的长度名,十毫为发,十发为厘,形容细微。形容一点儿也不差。不差毫厘 不差一毫一厘。不差累黍 累黍:是古代两种很小的重量单位,形容数量极小。形容丝毫不差。不差上下 不分高下,差不多。不臣之心 不臣:不守臣子的本分,封建社会中不忠君。意指不忠君的思想。后也指犯上作乱的野心。不成三瓦 比喻不能要求齐全。不成体统 体统:格局,规矩。指言行没有规矩,不成样子。不逞之徒 不逞:不得志,不如意;徒:人(含贬义)。因心怀不满而闹事捣乱的人。不痴不聋 人不傻,耳朵也不聋。常与“不成姑公”连用,意为不故作痴呆,不装聋作哑,就不能当阿婆阿公。形容长辈要宽宏大量。不齿于人 齿:象牙齿一样排列。不能列于人类。指被人看不起。不耻下问 乐于向学问或地位比自己低的人学习,而不觉得不好意思。不耻最后 因为跑到最后而感到可耻。比喻凡是只要坚持到底,就能达到目的。不啻天渊 不啻:无异于。渊:深潭。无异于从云天之上到深潭之底。比喻差别极大。不偢不倸 ①犹不理不睬。②指一切事情都不注意。不瞅不睬 不看也不答理。形容待人态度冷淡。不出所料 事由变化,在预料之中。形容原先预料的准确。不揣冒昧 揣:估量,考虑。用于没有慎重考虑就轻率行事的客气话。不辞而别 辞:告辞;别:离别。没有告辞就离开了。或悄悄溜走了。不辞劳苦 辞:推托;劳苦:劳累辛苦。不逃避劳累辛苦。形容人不怕吃苦,毅力强。不次之迁 次:顺序,等第;迁:官位升迁。比喻超出常规的提升官级。不次之位 次:顺序,等第。旧指对于有才干的人不拘等级授予重要职位。不存不济 指支持不住,受不住。不存芥蒂 芥蒂:本作“蒂芥”,细小的梗塞物,比喻积在心里的怨恨或不快。心里不积存怨恨和不快。形容人心地宽,气量大。不打自招 招:招供。旧指没有用刑就招供。比喻做了坏事或有坏的意图自我暴露出来。不待蓍龟 蓍龟:古时卜筮,用蓍草和龟甲,以卜吉凶。不用占卜就能决定。比喻事情是明摆着的,非常清楚。不当不正 不:语助词,没有实际意思。表示端端正正。不当人子 表示歉意或感谢的话,意思是罪过,不敢当。不得不尔 尔:如此。不得不这样。表示为环境所迫或有难言之隐而无可奈何。不得而知 得:能够。没有办法知道。不得开交 交:相错,纠缠。形容没法解开或摆脱。不得其死 指人不得好死。也表示对恶人的诅咒。不得其所 原指未得善终,后指没有得到适当的安顿。也指不能达到目的。不得人心 心:心愿,愿望。得不到群众的支持拥护;得不到众人的好评。不得善终 善终:正常死亡。指人不得好死。常指恶人应有的坏下场。不得违误 公文用语,不得违反命令,耽误公事。不得要领 要:古“腰”字;领:衣领。要领:比喻关键。抓不住要领或关键。不登大雅 大雅:高贵典雅。不能登上高雅的厅堂。形容某些不被人看重的、“粗俗”的事物(多指文艺作品)。不懂装懂 自己不懂却装作很精通的样子。不动声色 声:言谈;色:脸色。在紧急情况下,说话、神态仍跟平时一样没有变化。形容非常镇静。不断如带 犹不绝如缕。多形容局面危急或声音、气息等低沉微弱、时断时续。不恶而严 并不恶声恶气,但很威严,使人知敬畏。不二法门 不二:指不是两极端;法门:佧行入道的门径。原为佛家语,意为直接入道,不可言传的法门。后比喻最好的或独一无二的方法。不乏其人 乏:缺少;其:那,那些。那样的人并不少。不乏先例 有不少从前的事可以作为例子。不法常可 法:当做模式、法则;常可:长久被人们认可的成规惯例。不把常规惯例当做永远不变的模式。不悱不发 悱:心里想说而说不出来。发:启发。指不到学生想说而说不出来时,不去启发他。这是孔子的教学方法。不废江河 赞扬作家或其著作流传不朽。不费之惠 指白白得到的好处。不分彼此 彼:那,对方;此:这,我方。不分这个和那个。形容关系密切,交情深厚。不分伯仲 分不出第一第二。不分青白 指不分黑白,不辨是非。不分胜负 分不出谁胜谁负。形容竞赛双方水平、技术相当。不分轩轾 不分高下、轻重。比喻对待二者的态度或看法差不多。不分玉石 指无有区别,同归于尽。参见“玉石俱焚”。不分皂白 皂:黑色。不分黑白,不分是非。不分畛域 畛域:范围,界限。不分界限、范围。也比喻不分彼此。不愤不启 愤:心里想弄明白而还不明白。启:启发。指不到学生们想弄明白而还没有弄明白时,不去启发他。这是孔子的教学方法。不丰不俭 指不奢不俭,多少合宜。不丰不杀 丰:厚;杀:减少。不奢侈也不啬俭。不增加也不减少。不伏烧埋 伏:屈服;烧埋:烧埋银钱,旧时官府向杀人犯追缴赔给死者家属的埋葬费。比喻不伏罪或不听劝解。不服水土 不能适应移居地方的气候和饮食习惯。不负众望 负:辜负;众:众人;望:期望。不辜负大家的期望。不复堪命 指无法再活下去。不改其乐 不改变自有的快乐。指处于困苦的境况仍然很快乐。不干不净 指不洁净,肮脏。也指因忌讳而感觉不洁净。也可形容语文不文明。不甘雌伏 甘:甘心,情愿;雌伏:雌鸟伏在那儿不动,比喻隐藏,不进取。比喻不甘心处于无所作为的境地。不甘后人 不甘心落在别人后面。不甘寂寞 甘:甘心;寂寞:孤寂、冷落。形容不甘心被冷落或急于想参与某件事情。不甘示弱 示:显示,表现。不甘心表示自己比别人差。表示要较量一下,比个高低。不尴不尬 比喻左右为难,不好处理。也形容样子别扭。不敢高攀 不敢跟社会地位比自己高的人交朋友或结亲戚。不敢告劳 努力做事,不诉说自己的劳苦。比喻勤勤恳恳,不辞辛劳(多用在自己表示谦虚)。
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【不卑不亢】卑:低、自卑;亢:高傲。指对人有恰当的分寸,既不低声下气,也不傲慢自大。 【不瞅不睬】不看也不答理。形容待人态度冷淡。 【不揪不睬】指不理睬。 【不偢不倸】①犹不理不睬。②指一切事情都不注意。 【不茶不饭】不思饮食。形容心事重重。 【不存不济】指支持不住,受不住。 【不痴不聋】人不傻,耳朵也不聋。常与“不成姑公”连用,意为不故作痴呆,不装聋作哑,就不能当阿婆阿公。形容长辈要宽宏大量。 【不痴不聋,不成姑公】姑公:婆婆和公公。不装傻装聋,就难当婆婆公公。形容长辈要宽宏大量。 【不痴不聋,不作阿家翁】指作为一家之主,对下辈的过失要能装糊涂。 【不痴不聋,不做家翁】指作为一家之主,对下辈的过失要能装糊涂。 【不雌不雄】犹不阴不阳。指态度暧昧。 【不藏不掖】指毫无保留。 【不次不宠】不次:不按寻常的次序。超越常规的恩宠。指特殊的恩宠。 【不得不尔】尔:如此。不得不这样。表示为环境所迫或有难言之隐而无可奈何。 【不毒不发】指不受凌辱就不能发愤图强而有所成就。 【不打不相识】指经过交手,相互了解,能更好地结交、相处。 【不当不正】不:语助词,没有实际意思。表示端端正正。【不悱不发】悱:心里想说而说不出来。发:启发。指不到学生想说而说不出来时,不去启发他。
2023-01-02 05:43:591

ill ,nice,angrily,quick,regularly,few,carefully,fine,slowly,pretty的比较级和最高级

ill ,worse worstnice,nicer nicestangrily, more mostquick quicker quickest,regularly, more mostfew,fewer fewestcarefully, more mostfine,finer finestslowly more most ,pretty prettier prettiest
2023-01-02 05:43:543


Hannibal Lecter: A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.  汉尼拔:曾经有人想调查我。我就着蚕豆和酒,把他的肝脏吃掉了。  Hannibal Lecter: You know what you look like to me, with your good bag and your cheap shoes? You look like a rube. A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste. Good nutrition has given you some length of bone, but you"re not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you, Agent Starling? And that accent you"ve tried so desperately to shed? Pure West Virginia. What"s your father, dear? Is he a coal miner? Does he stink of the lamb? You know how quickly the boys found you... all those tedious sticky fumblings in the back seats of cars... while you could only dream of getting out... getting anywhere... getting all the way to the FBI.  汉尼拔:你知道我是怎么看你的?你拿着不错的包却穿着廉价的鞋,看上去像个乡巴佬。一个整洁干净而强加进一点品味的乡巴佬。良好的营养让你的骨骼生长,可你还是贫穷白人的后代,是吧,斯塔琳特工?你拼命想摆脱你的口音,纯正的西弗吉尼亚口音。亲爱的,你的父亲是做什么的?他是矿工?他带着羔羊的臭味?你知道男孩们多快就找到了你……所有那些在汽车后座上令人乏味的笨手笨脚……你梦想逃离,去投奔联邦调查局。
2023-01-02 05:43:512


2023-01-02 05:43:481


  大学生 英语阅读 能力的培养是外语教学的重要内容之一。下面是我带来的大学英语 文章 阅读,欢迎阅读!    大学英语文章阅读1   希拉里最爱的11本书 它们塑造了我的思想   1. "The Brothers Karamasov" by Dostoevsky   陀思妥耶夫斯基著《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》   During her tour in New Hampshire, Clinton named Fyodor Dostoyevsky"s "The Brothers Karamazov" as her favorite book.   克林顿在访问新罕布什尔州期间,说弗奥多•陀思妥耶夫斯基的《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》是她最喜欢的书。   Also recommended by Albert Einstein, Vladimir Putin, mentioned in 5 Good Books To Read According To Haruki Murakami. This is of the best allegorical novels to explain the fractured nature of 19th century Russia. Throughout are themes of love, law, and duty, which makes this one of the best Dostoyesky books to read besides Crime and Punishment.   这本书也备受阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦和弗拉基米尔·普京的推崇,并被列为“村上春树推荐阅读的5本好书”之一。这是一本最优秀的讽喻小说,阐释了19世纪俄国没落的本质。爱、法律和责任的主题贯穿全书,是陀思妥耶夫斯基的书中除《罪与罚》之外最值得阅读的一本。   2. "The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance" by Edmund de Waal   埃德蒙·德瓦尔著《琥珀眼睛的兔子:隐秘的遗产》   Q:What was the last truly great book you read?   提问:你最近读过哪本真正的好书?   Hillary: I can"t stop thinking about "The Hare With Amber Eyes," by Edmund de Waal; "The Signature of All Things," by Elizabeth Gilbert; "Citizens of London," by Lynne Olson; and "A suitable Boy," by Vikram Seth.- from interview to The New York Times   希拉里:关于这个问题,我不禁想到埃德蒙·德瓦尔的《琥珀眼睛的兔子》、伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特的《万物的签名》、琳内·奥尔森的《伦敦公民》和维克拉姆·赛斯的《合适郎君》。——摘自《纽约时报》采访   In the 1800"s, the family of Ephrussis bankers lit up the Parisienne and Venetian world in similar fashion to the Vanderbilts and Morgans of the Roaring "20s. History students who enjoy a mixture of royal and peasant life stories will want to read this multiple award-winning account.   19世纪,从事银行业的伊弗鲁西家族在巴黎和维也纳煊赫一时,就像“咆哮的二十年代”时期的范德贝尔特家族和摩根家族那样。皇家贵族的生活和穷苦农民的日子交织在一起,喜欢这类主题的历史学生会想读一读这本优秀的史实记录作品。   3. "The Signature of All Things" by Elizabeth Gilbert   伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特著《万物的签名》   Gilbert took over a decade to write an award-winning novel of love, science, and the lure of knowledge. A winter-born ugly duckling child named Alma is born in Philadelphia to a wealthy titan who made his fortune on exotic plants. As Alma becomes dissatisfied with unfulfilling social life and fascinated with her own internal contradictions, she begins a tour of exotic locations to discover that the plant world can speak to the world of humans.   吉尔伯特花费十余年时间写就了这部优秀的小说,其主题关乎爱、科学及知识的魅力。冬季出生于费城的小孩阿尔玛相貌丑陋、平庸无奇,她的父亲是靠珍稀植物发家的大富豪。渐渐地,阿尔玛对不愉快的社交生活感到失望,而沉迷于自己内心的矛盾。这时,她开始了探访奇异地域之旅,发现植物世界和人类世界是相通的。   4. "Citizens of London" by Lynne Olson   琳内·奥尔森著《伦敦公民》   If you"ve ever wondered about Winston Churchill"s inner circle, this 2010 Amazon Best Book of the Month will reveal the bold souls who forged an Anglo-American alliance before the public came on board.   如果你想了解温斯顿·丘吉尔周围的核心人物,这本2010年亚马逊月度最佳图书将向你展现一个个无畏的灵魂,就是他们在大众参战之前就铸造了坚强的英美同盟。   5. "A Suitable Boy" by Vikram Seth   维克拉姆·赛斯著《合适郎君》   In 1950"s India, it is most important that a lovely Indian girl have an arranged marriage with an impressive groom. This novel of magical realism weaves together the lives of four families, and has been described as a Dickensian work meant for 20th Century readers.   在20世纪50年代的印度,对一位可爱的印度女孩来说,人生最重要之事莫过于通过包办婚姻嫁给一位优秀的郎君。这部魔幻现实主义小说将四个家庭的生活交织在一起,被评为20世纪的狄更斯式作品。   6. "Our Divided Political Heart" by E. J. Dionne   E·J·迪翁著《我们分裂的政治之心》   Q:What are the best books about Washington, D.C.? Is there one book you"d recommend to someone planning to move to or work in the capital?   提问:有关华盛顿市的最好的书是什么?有没有一本书你想推荐给打算移居首都或者来此工作的人?- from interview to The New York Times   Hillary:"Our Divided Political Heart," by E.J. Dionne, shows how most everybody has some conservative and liberal impulses, but just as individuals have to reconcile them within ourselves, so does our political system if we expect to function productively.   希拉里:E·J·迪翁的《我们分裂的政治之心》,这本书展现了大多数人是怎样同时怀有保守的想法和自由的冲动的。但是正如个体不得不在内心对二者进行平衡,如果我们期望政治系统高效运行,也需要一样的平衡。——摘自《纽约时报》采访   What is truly the soul of America – a rugged individualism or a balance of individual and communalstrengths? From former President Bill Clinton to Hendrik Hertzberg and Rachel Maddow, Dionne has stolen our divided American hearts.   什么才是真正的美国之魂——坚定的个人主义,还是个人与集体力量的平衡?从前总统比尔·克林顿,到享德里克·赫兹伯格,再到瑞秋·麦道,迪翁已经偷走了我们分裂的美国之心。   7. "After the Music Stopped" by Alan S. Blinder   艾伦·S·布林德著《当音乐停止之后》   "After the Music Stopped," Alan Blinder"s account of the financial crisis, is clear in its analysis and recommendations."- from interview to The New York Times   “艾伦·布林德在《当音乐停止之后》一书中记录了金融危机,无论是逻辑分析还是建议策略都写得清晰明了。”——摘自《纽约时报》采访   The positive aftermath of the 2007 financial crisis, or credit crunch, was to show the fragility andinterconnected threads binding global governments and businesses together. This book explains complex and world-affecting financial trends such as Quantitative Easing without requiring its readers to become professors of economics or history.   2007年金融危机后的巨大余波,或者“信贷紧缩”,展现了将全球政府与商业捆绑在一起的丝线是何等脆弱而又错综复杂。这本书解释了很多像“量化宽松”这样复杂且能影响全世界的金融趋势,却不要求读者变成经济或历史方面的教授。   8. "The Color Purple" By Alice Walker   艾丽斯·沃克著《紫颜色》   "Alice Walker tackles some of society"s most vexing issues—race, gender and violence—through amemorable protagonist named Celie. The story of her growing up as a victim of abuse, and her ongoing journey of self-discovery, is a brutally honest assessment of human nature at its best and worst."- Hillary Clinton for The Oprah Magazine   “艾丽斯·沃克触及到了一些社会上最恼人的问题——种族、性别和暴力,而这一切是通过令人难忘的主角茜莉的视角写出来的。作为一位受虐者,她的成长 故事 以及不断进行的自我探索之旅,赤裸裸地展现了人性最好的一面和最恶的一面。”——摘自《奥普拉杂志》中希拉里·克林顿的话   For a book titled after a royal color, there seems to be no hint of greatness or glamor about Celie"s life. Celie and Nettie"s struggle to live as worthwhile human beings in a world that tries to reject them, andforge a future, is inspirational.   虽然该书以一种尊贵的颜色命名,书中茜莉的生活却没有一丝伟大或荣耀之处。茜莉和南蒂在一个企图拒绝她们的世界中奋力挣扎,努力活成有价值的人,并开创美好的未来,这是非常鼓舞人心的。   9. "Little Women" By Louisa May Alcott   路易莎·梅·奥尔科特著《小妇人》   "Like many women of my generation who read this novel growing up, I felt like I lived in Jo"s family. This book was one of the first literary explorations of how women balance the demands of their daily lives, from raising families to pursuing outside goals. The book was written more than a century ago, but its message resonates today."- Hillary Clinton for The Oprah Magazine   “正如我们这一代许多读着这本小说长大的女孩一样,我感觉自己就像生活在乔的家中。这也是最早用文学解释女人该如何平衡日常生活各种工作的一本书,从养家糊口到追求外在目标。这本书写于100多年前,但书中传达的信息依然在今天回响。”——摘自《奥普拉杂志》中希拉里·克林顿的话   The adventures of Meg, Amy, and Beth were inspired by Alcott"s real-life sisters; one married a fellow play-actor, one died of scarlet fever, and one showed her paintings at the Paris Salon. The result of their literary sister"s efforts has been made into countless plays and films, and even a ballet.   麦格、艾米和贝思的故事灵感来自奥尔科特姐妹的真实生活;一位嫁给了戏剧演员同伴,一位死于猩红热,一位在巴黎沙龙开画展。这群文学姐妹的努力生活已被改编成数不清的戏剧、电影,甚至还有一部芭蕾剧。   10. "The Clan of the Cave Bear" By Jean M. Auel   琼·M·奥尔著《洞熊家族》   "This novel about life in prehistoric times is a rich blend of imagination and information about everything from plants that were used for medicine to the rituals and taboos of Neanderthal man. It is also about Ayla, a little girl who is orphaned when her parents are killed in an earthquake. Maybebecause I"m a mother, I was very moved by the story of her survival and growing up."- Hillary Clinton for The Oprah Magazine   “这部描写史前生活的小说既蕴含了丰富的想象,又提供了各种信息,从药用植物到尼安德特人的仪式和禁忌。主人公小女孩艾拉是一位在地震中失去双亲的孤儿,也许因为我是母亲的缘故,艾拉的生存和成长故事深深地打动了我。”——摘自《奥普拉杂志》中希拉里·克林顿的话   This novel could be termed "Ayla and the Ice Age", since these are the primary protagonists of the story of disaster and survival. This is the first novel in a five-part Earth Children series.   这部小说也可以被称为“艾拉与冰河时代”,因为它讲述的是原始人与灾难抗争以求得生存的故事。这是“地球之子五部曲”中的第一部小说。   11. "West with the Night" By Beryl Markham   柏瑞尔 ·马卡姆著《夜航西飞》   "I can"t get over the amount of daring, courage, self-confidence and determination it took to accomplish what Beryl Markham did in 1936, when she became the first person to fly solo, east to west across the Atlantic Ocean. This is a beautifully written life story of one of the greatest woman adventurers of all time, from her growing up in sub-Saharan Africa to her exploits as a pilot."- Hillary Clinton for The Oprah Magazine   “我深深地沉迷于柏瑞尔·马卡姆身上表现出的大胆、勇气、自信与决心,1936年,她凭借这些成为独自自东向西飞跃大西洋的第一人。这是一本文笔优美的书,主人公是有史以来最伟大的女探险家之一,从她在黑非洲的成长经历一直写到她成为飞行员后取得的成绩。”——摘自《奥普拉杂志》中希拉里·克林顿的话   First written in 1942, the 2010 reprint has captured the timeless appeal of man versus nature…only in this case, the plane-flying daredevil is female. Though Markham eventually spent her years as a horse trainer in Kenya, in her younger years, she became famous as the first female to fly nonstop across the Atlantic. Her courage would do credit to Ernest Hemingway"s determination to face internal fears; she met him on safari.   这本书最早作于1942年, 2010年重印版本中捕捉到了不会因时间流逝而褪色的人与自然对抗的无穷魅力……只是这一回,无畏的飞行员是一位女性。尽管马卡姆最终在肯尼亚作了数年驯马师,但在她年轻的时候,她还是因成为第一位不间断飞越大西洋的女性而闻名于世。她的勇气要归功于厄内斯特·海明威面对内心恐惧的决心;她曾在非洲游猎中遇到他。    大学英语文章阅读2   4种 方法 让迷失彷徨的你找到方向   We all get confused at times, but prolonged periods of confusion can cause us to feel that we are stuck in a never-ending, foggy web of uncertainty.   人人都有迷失之时,但过久地陷于其中只能让我们觉得被困在迷茫无尽的不确定中。   To those who are currently caught up in the web of confusion, this may not make sense just yet, but stick with me.   对于正陷于困惑中的人,这些建议可能暂时不奏效,不过请坚持下去。   Here is what you can do to overcome your confusion and find the joy:   以下就是攻克迷茫、找到快乐的方法:   1. Accept where you are.   1、接受自己   Accept the fog, accept the confusion and accept the feelings of "stuckness." This is usually a sign that more information needs to be delivered before you can move forward.   接受迷茫、困惑,接受这种陷于其中的状态。这通常是一个信号,说明你需要获得更多的信息来走出去。   2. Take a deep breath.   2、深呼吸   Center yourself, and firmly state, "I don"t know what to do, and that is okay." When you firmly state your uncertainty, you move out of the fog. The more you focus on your certainty, the more at peace you will feel with where you are at.   集中精神,坚定地说:“我知道该怎么做,这是对的。”当你坚定地讲出你的不确定,便能走出迷茫。你越是关注你所确信的东西,也就对自己的处境感到越平和。   3. Focus on what you know.   3、关注你所了解的   When you are confused it can be easy to get stuck in a web of consistent, repetitive thoughts that appear to have no end and no beginning. To clear this, start focusing on what you know and what you feel sure about. When you do this, it will automatically help to weaken the cloud of confusion over your life.   当你困惑时,很容易陷入持续反复、没头没尾的想法中去。要清除这些想法,就要专注于你所了解的、确信的东西。这有助于逐渐消散你生活中的困惑。   4. Be patient.   4、要有耐心   Being confused is a sign of change and you may need to let the journey unfold a little bit more before you make a decision. Be at peace with that, and be at peace with the fact that you don"t have all the answers. Just accept the way things are and trust that inspiration will reach you when the time comes to make a decision.   困惑也是一种改变信号,也许你需要把眼前的道路看得更清楚一些,才能作出决定。用平常心看待它,也要接受你无法拥有所有的答案。接受万物本来的样子,相信当你做决定时,灵感自然会浮现。   The beauty about being stuck and confused in life is that there really is no wrong turn or wrong path.   人生陷于困惑的美妙之处,就在于没有对错。   Every road traveled is a blessing in some way, so take the stress out of life"s decisions and trust that all roads really do lead home.   你走的任何一条路都是一种恩赐,所以不要对人生抉择有过多压力,请相信任何一条路都能带你走向心之所属。
2023-01-02 05:43:461

重装win7镜像recovering orphaned file怎么办

把镜像文件放到d. E. F盘的根目录下而不是d e f盘的文件夹里。比如放到d盘新建文件夹 就是错误的。直接放d盘就是正确的。
2023-01-02 05:43:401


这个药是扩张出球动脉的,有降压、降蛋白、保护肾脏延缓肾衰的作用,但是有的医院说最好在肌酐低于300一下用最好,因为他的副作用是肌酐一过性升高,刺激性干咳。所以呢很多医院也有让已经透析的患者用,没透析的肌酐超过300的 就不让用了
2023-01-02 05:43:354


2023-01-02 05:43:333

天佑鲍比I need you to listen歌词翻译

I need you to listen 我需要你听见I need you to answer 我需要你回答I need you to listenI need you to answerO God, I need you to 哦 上帝 我需要你I want to see your face 我想要看到你的脸It is this love I have 这是我所拥有的爱It makes me search for you 它让我找到你 I need you to listenI need you to answerI need you to listenI need you to answerDo not avoid my eyes 不要躲避我的眼神Or let me anger you 或让我生气Do not toss me aside 不要把我丢在一旁O God, do not drop me 哦 上帝 不要抛弃我 I need you to listenI need you to answerI need you to listenI need you to answerYou are the only hope 你是我的唯一希望I have; father, mother 我有爸爸妈妈They can leave me orphaned 他们可以让我成为孤儿But your love must never 但是你的爱永远Lead me to you, O God, 让我追寻着你 哦上帝Along the smoothest road 沿着这光明的道路 I need you to listenI need you to answerI need you to listenI need you to answerThere are those who hate me 有一些恨我的人Do not leave me to them 不要把我留在他们身边They eat my life away 他们让我远离了我真实的人生By lying under 用谎言遮盖Oath or twisting evidence 宣誓或扭曲事实 I need you to listenI need you to answerI need you to listenI need you to answerI trust your love 我相信你的爱I will see your beauty after death 在死亡之后我会看到你的美丽In your land of life 在你的生命之地上My love will wait for you 我的爱将会等待你It will be strong waiting 我会一直等待O God, my love will wait! 哦 上帝 我的爱会等待
2023-01-02 05:43:312


理由:acei类药物是肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统的拮抗剂,会抑制醛固酮系统排钾,从而引起高血钾。一、ACEI类药物分为三类:二苯四咪唑类:以Losartan(洛沙坦,氯沙坦,商品名科素亚,MSD生产)为代表,还有Candesartan,Irbesartan等;非二苯四咪唑类:以 Arbesartan为代表,还有B1AR—2771等;非杂环类:以Valsartan(缬沙坦,商品名代文Norvatis生产)。二、临床应用:ACEI在临床试验中作为单药治疗,其降低血压的效应相当于利尿剂或β受体阻断剂。单药治疗大约60~70%高血压病人都有效。ACEI可用于轻、中度及严重的高血压病人,对于治疗严重或急进性高血压,ACEI与钙拮抗剂联用特别有效。ACEI对老年性高血压也有效,无体位性低血压。可能由于这类药物不损害植物神经系统,并且尽管血压下降,由于重新恢复脑血流自动调节而能保持脑血流。
2023-01-02 05:43:271


  ACEI(angiotension converting enzyme inhibitors)血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂,亦称血管紧张素转化酶抑制因子,即降压多肽。
2023-01-02 05:43:211


2023-01-02 05:43:203


few 只修饰可数名词的复数形式,侧重指数量非常少,给人一种模糊概念,含否定意义。little 只修饰不可数名词,含否定意义。一、few词汇分析音标:英 [fjuː]  美 [fju] 释义:adj. 很少的;几乎没有的pron. 很少n. 很少数短语Few moments 一忽儿Few photographs 几帧照片 ; 几张相片 ; 少拍照 ; 几个照片So few 这么少了 ; 那么少 ; 如此少人 ; 如此之少Few moving 少数移动 ; 几个移动 ; 很少的移动 ; 几移动Single Few 很少有人单 ; 单一数 ; 单很少拓展双语例句1、Few seats were left.空座不多。2、A few people came.来了几个人。3、Few of my friends were there.我的朋友中几乎没有人在那里。4、Many left a few stayed.大多数走了,少数人留下。5、A few of the men wore hats.这些男人中有几个戴着帽子。二、little词汇分析音标:英 ["lɪt(ə)l]  美 ["lɪtl] 释义:dj. 小的;很少的;短暂的;小巧可爱的adv. 完全不n. 少许;没有多少;短时间短语Little Cayman 小开曼 ; 小开曼岛Little Eagle 小雕 ; 小鹰 ; 小小的鹰 ; 雏鹰Little Swift 小白腰雨燕 ; 小雨燕Little Hermit 小隐蜂鸟Little Cop 小小小警察 ; 年拓展双语例句1、He angers with little provocation. 他受了点小刺激就发怒。2、I must emphasize the fact that she is only a little girl. 我必须强调这样一个事实,这就是她只不过是个小女孩。3、Mary can always disarm us with one of her happy little smiles. 玛丽总能以她一个赏心的小微笑赢得我们的好感。4、His little brother ruffled up the bed every day. 他的小弟弟每天把床铺弄得乱七八糟。5、The little boy jumped off the wall. 小男孩从墙上跳了下来。
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血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)的应用 ACEI能安全有效地降低血压,目前种类较多。其对降低心力衰竭患者发生率及死亡率、延缓胰岛素依赖型糖尿病患者肾损害的进展尤其有蛋白尿时特别有效。主要副作用为干咳,发生率15~20%,偶有致命性血管性水肿。(一)作用机理肾素—血管紧张素—醛固酮系统(RAS)在高血压发生、发展中起重要作用,其中血管紧张素Ⅱ是主要的效应肽。ACEI抑制血管紧张素Ⅰ转换为血管紧张素Ⅱ,不灭活缓激肽,产生降压效应。机理如下:①抑制循环中RAS;②抑制组织中的RAS;③减少神经末稍去甲肾上腺素的释放;④减少内皮细胞形成内皮素;⑤增加缓激肽和扩血管性前列腺素的形成;⑥醛固酮分泌减少和/或肾血流量增加,以减少钠潴留。(二)ACEI药物种类及剂量ACEI这组药物尽管作用机理相同,但与酶结合的方式、强度、前体状态、作用时间及消除或排泄方式各异。其中卡托普利作用时间最短,需每日2~3次。其它ACEI可每日一次。常用血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂在高血压的应用各种ACEI等效剂量如下:依那普利 10mg,西拉普利 2.5mg,奎那普利15mg,雷米普利 2.5mg,苯那普利 7.5mg,培哚普利 4mg,螺普利 6mg,福辛普利 15mg均相当于卡托普利 50mg。(三)临床应用1、ACEI在临床试验中作为单药治疗,其降低血压的效应相当于利尿剂或β受体阻断剂。单药治疗大约60~70%高血压病人都有效。大多1小时内出现降压效应,但可能需要几周才能达到最大降压效应,限盐或加用利尿剂可增加ACEI的效应。ACEI也可与钙拮抗剂及α1受体阻滞剂联合增加效应,但与β受体阻断剂联合增加降压作用很少。2、ACEI可用于轻、中度及严重的高血压病人,对于治疗严重或急进性高血压,ACEI与钙拮抗剂联用特别有效。3、ACEI对老年性高血压也有效,无体位性低血压。可能由于这类药物不损害植物神经系统,并且尽管血压下降,由于重新恢复脑血流自动调节而能保持脑血流。(四)ACEI应用的临床优点已知 ACEI对中枢神经和植物神经功能没有影响,亦不影响性功能。与其它直接血管扩张剂不同, ACEI产生降压效应并无反射性心动过速。 ACEI 能防止由利尿剂产生的继发性高醛固酮血症。ACEI对代谢亦无影响,血钾稳定,血浆尿酸可能下降,血胆固醇及血脂无明显改变。因此对冠脉病及血管性损害的危险因素的影响是中性的或者有利。有些研究 ACEI可减少胰岛素抵抗并对糖代谢有益。对下列伴随疾病的病人可以安全使用:①哮喘或慢性阻塞性呼吸道疾病;②周围血管疾病,包括雷诺现象;③抑郁;④糖尿病。(五)临床应用 ACEI的特殊指征ACEI不仅能用以治疗轻中度或者严重的高血压,而且对某些情况特别有用:①高血压并有左室肥厚;②左室功能不全或心力衰竭;③心肌梗塞后及心室重构;④糖尿病并有微量蛋白尿;⑤高血压病人伴有周围血管病或雷诺现象,慢性阻塞性呼吸道疾病、抑郁;⑥硬皮病高血压危象;⑦透析抵抗肾性高血压。1、心室肥厚:左室肥厚为高血压病人心血管事件的一项重要的独立危险因素,因此不仅要降血压也要减少心室肥厚。在一项不同的高血压治疗方案中荟萃分析,ACEI 类药物减轻左室肥厚的作用,较其它抗高血压药物大2倍。此种效应也对血管性肥厚有效。2、左室功能不全或心力衰竭:最初一项在依那普利的研究中,ACEI使症状性充血性心力衰竭病人降低死亡率27%。在左室功能不全的研究中对轻度有症状的心衰病人,亦明显降低心血管病病死率及死亡率。因此,ACEI 对轻度充血性心力衰竭病人也明显有益。在左室功能不全的预防研究及生存和心室扩大的研究中都证明在心肌梗塞后,无症状病人而有LVEF〈40%者,用依那普利或卡托普利得益很大。这似与防止心肌扩张及进行性心室重塑有关。3、糖尿病 及糖尿病肾病:ACEI能用以治疗胰岛素依赖或非依赖性高血压糖尿病病人,卡托普利已表明可增加胰岛素敏感性,但其临床意义尚未确定。有几项研究(卡托普利、赖诺普利、培多普利及雷米普利)可降低高血压病人及正常血压而有糖尿病肾病病人的微量蛋白尿。 ACEI能减缓此种病人肌酐清除率的下降。长期的临床试验亦显示可使糖尿病病人减缓慢性肾功能衰竭的进展。4、肾脏病: ACEI对肾小球滤过率减少的其它类型肾脏病人减少蛋白尿。已有报道长期 ACEI治疗可增加滤过率及肾血浆流量。但是对原因不明的肾功能衰竭病人使用要特别小心,因为若双侧肾动脉狭窄可促使急性肾功能衰竭。(六) ACEI 应用的禁忌症及各项慎用的情况妊娠高血压绝对禁用 ACEI ,因可使胎儿畸形。所以育龄妇女尽量慎用。对严重血容量下降或低盐及血浆肾素水平很高的病人(利尿过度),常首次服用 ACEI时发生血压下降。此种病人提前1~2天停用利尿剂。同样,心搏出量固定的病人在严重主动脉瓣或二尖瓣狭窄可发生显著下降,因为由 ACEI产生的周围阻力下降不能被心搏出量增加所代偿。ACEI在下列的情况如下慎用:重度血容量减少;重度主动脉、二尖瓣窄;限制性心包炎;重度充血性心衰(NYHA4级);肾性高血压尤其是双侧肾血管病变或孤立肾伴肾动脉狭窄;原因未明的肾功不全;有血管杂音的老年吸烟者;服用非甾体抗炎药的肾功不全者。 药物相互作用:老年病人常有肾功能损害并可因伴随关节炎而应用非甾体抗炎药,若与 ACEI 联用可发生高钾血症、ACEI 与非甾体抗炎药联用常加剧肾功能衰竭。 ACEI 一般不与保钾利尿药合用以免高钾血症的危险。(七) ACEI 的副作用:发生率较低,在大规模临床研究中,不良反应发生率低于10 %,较其它药物低。干咳最常见,发生率1~30 %、常在用药早期(几天至几周),也可能有蓄积作用。最严重而罕见的副作用为血管神经性水肿。这两种副作用各种 ACEI 都可发生,故认为与缓激肽有关。因为 ACEI 无中枢及植物神经效应,而且交感神经活性亦无影响,因此,ACEI对生活质量无不良影响。实际上,有报道治疗的患者可改善生活质量。
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2023-01-02 05:43:094


  我们在服用血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)的时候会出现干咳的症状,那么acei引起干咳的原因有什么呢?下面是我精心为你整理的acei引起干咳的原因,一起来看看。  acei引起干咳的原因   1、与 AngII 抑制有关的不良反应包括低血压、肾功能恶化、钾潴留;   2、激肽积聚有关的不良反应, 如咳嗽和血管性水肿。   低血压   很常见, 在治疗开始几天或增加剂量时易发生。RAS 激活明显的患者, 发生早期低血压反应的可能性最大, 这些患者往往有显著的低钠血症 (< 130 mmol / L) 或新近明显或快速利尿。   防治 方法 :   1 密切观察下坚持以极小剂量起始;   2 先停用利尿剂 1~2 天, 以减少患者对 RAS 的依赖性。 首剂给药如果出现症状性低血压, 重复给予同样剂量时不一定也会出现症状, 只要没有明显的液体潴留现象, 可减少利尿剂剂量或放宽盐的限制以减少对 RAS 的依赖性。 多数患者经适当处理后仍适合应用 ACEI 长期治疗。   肾功能恶化   肾脏灌注减少时肾小球滤过率明显依赖于 AngII 介导的出球小动脉收缩的患者, 如 NYHA 心功能 IV 级或低钠血症的患者易致肾功能恶化。 ACEI 使用后肌酐显著升高〔>442μmol/ L (0 5 mg/ dl)〕者严重心衰较轻、 中度心衰者多见。 伴肾动脉狭窄或合用非甾类抗炎药者易发生。   减少利尿剂剂量, 肾功能通常会改善, 不需要停用 ACEI。 如因液体潴留而不能减少利尿剂剂量, 权衡利弊可容忍轻、 中度氮质血症, 维持 ACEI 治疗为宜。 服药后 1 周应检查肾功能, 而后继续监测, 如血清肌酐增高 >225 2μmol/L (3 mg/dl) 应停用 ACEI。   高血钾   ACEI 阻止醛固酮合成而减少钾的丢失, 心衰患者可能发生高钾血症, 严重者可引起心脏传导阻滞。肾功能恶化、补钾、使用保钾利尿剂, 尤其合并糖尿病时易发生高钾血症。 ACEI 应用后 1 周应复查血钾, 如血钾 ≥ 5.5 mmol / L, 应停用 ACEI。   咳嗽   ACEI 引起的咳嗽特点为干咳, 见于治疗开始的几个月内, 要注意排除其他原因尤其是肺淤血所致的咳嗽。 停药后咳嗽消失, 再用干咳重现, 高度提示 ACEI 是引起咳嗽的原因。 咳嗽不严重可以耐受者, 应鼓励继续用 ACEI。 如持续咳嗽, 影响正常生活, 可考虑停用, 并改用 AngII 受体阻滞剂。   血管性水肿   血管性水肿较为罕见 (< 1%), 但可出现声带水肿, 危险性较大, 应予注意。 多见于首次用药或治疗最初 24 小时内。 由于可能是致命性的, 因此如临床上一旦疑为血管神经性水肿, 患者应终生避免应用所有的 ACEI。   总之, ACEI 目前已确定是治疗慢性收缩性心衰的基石。 所谓标准治疗或常规治疗就是 ACEI 单用或加用利尿剂, NYHA 心功能 II、 III 级患者加用 β 受体阻滞剂, 地高辛可合用亦可不用。   acei引起干咳怎么办   ① 要排除呼吸系统疼痛引起的咳嗽。   ② 如果没有应用ACEI 的严格适应证,可考虑换用其他类型的降压药物,如钙拮抗剂、p 受体阻滞药等。
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