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2023-05-19 15:26:44


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People s Mark Twain (Mark Twain ,1835-1910) is a famous American novelist, and his many works. 他擅长使用幽默和讽刺,针砭时弊时一针见血,毫不留情,其创作将现实主义的刻画和浪漫主义的抒情和谐地统一。 He specializes in using humor and irony, point out problems when sharply, relentless, its creation will be realistic characterizations and lyrical romanticism harmonious unity. 他的作品对后来的美国文学产生了深远的影响,人们普遍认为马克·吐温是美国文学史上的一大里程碑。 His work on the later American literature had a profound impact, it is generally considered the history of American literature Mark Twain is a major milestone.

马克·吐温是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,世界著名的短篇小说大师。 Mark Twain is American literature of the founder of critical realism, the world-famous short story master. 他经历了美国从“自由”资本主义到帝国主义的发展过程,其思想和创作也表现为从轻快调笑到辛辣讽刺再到悲观厌世的发展阶段。 He went through the United States from the "free" capitalism to the development of imperialism, their ideas and creativity are reflected from the light make fun of the bitter irony then pessimistic stage of development.

作品文字清新有力,审视角度自然而独特,被视为美国文学史上具划时代意义的现实主义著作。 Fresh and powerful works of writing, examine the natural and unique perspective, is considered a landmark in the history of American literature realism works. 19世纪末,随着美国进入帝国主义发展阶段,马克·吐温一些游记、杂文、政论,等的批判揭露意义也逐渐减弱,而绝望神秘情绪则有所伸长。 The late 19th century, with the United States entered into the imperialist stage of development, some of Mark Twain travels, essays, political commentary, and other critical disclosure significance of gradually weakened, while the mysterious mood of despair is somewhat elongated.

马克·吐温被誉为“美国文学中的林肯”。 Mark Twain as the "Lincoln in American Literature." 他的主要作品已大多有中文译本。 His main work has been mostly a Chinese translation.

【主要情节、主人公】 【Main plot, the hero】

《汤姆·索亚历险记》是马克·吐温的四大名著之一。 "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is one of Mark Twain"s four masterpieces. 小说描写的是以汤姆·索亚为首的一群孩子天真浪漫的生活。 Tom Sawyer is a novel description of a group of children led by naive romantic life. 他们为了摆脱枯燥无味的功课、虚伪的教义和呆板的生活环境,作出了种种冒险经历。 Their homework to get rid of dull, dull false teachings and the living environment, and made all kinds of adventures.

汤姆.索亚天真活泼,一天他约哈克夜间去坟场玩耍,目睹伊江杀人的惨案,经思想斗争揭发了伊江的罪恶。 Tom. Sawyer lively, one day he Yue Hake cemetery at night to play, witnessed the murder of the tragedy in Iraq river, discovered by the ideological struggle of the Iraqi river of evil. 伊江企图杀害汤姆,结果失足坠入深谷而死。 Ie tried to kill Tom, the result Shi Zuzhui into the ravine and died. 汤姆和哈克发现了伊江埋的一箱金子,两人平分,都成了富翁。 Tom and Huck found in Iraq buried in a box of gold river, the two equally, have become rich. 小说对美国虚伪庸俗的社会习俗伪善的宗教仪式进行了讽刺和批判。 American hypocrisy and vulgar novels of social customs were hypocritical religious satire and criticism.

【内容简介】 【Introduction】

故事发生在19世纪上半叶密西西比河畔的一个普通小镇上。 The story first half of the 19th century, the Mississippi River in an ordinary town. 汤姆·索亚是个调皮的孩子,他和同父异母的弟弟一起接受姨妈波莉的监护。 Tom Sawyer is a mischievous child, he and his half-brother, aunt Polly with the acceptance of guardianship. 他总是能想出各种各样的恶作剧,让波莉姨妈无可奈何,而他也总能想尽办法来躲避惩罚。 He can always come up with a variety of pranks, so helpless Aunt Polly, and he always tried their best to avoid punishment. 一天,汤姆见到了可爱的姑娘贝基·撒切尔,她是撒切尔法官的女儿。 One day, Tom met a lovely girl, Becky Thatcher, she is the daughter of Judge Thatcher. 汤姆一见到她就对她展开了攻势。 Tom saw her she launched a major attack. 而他的爱似乎也得到了回应。 His love seems to get a response. 镇上有一个孩子叫哈克贝利·费恩。 The town has a child called Huckleberry Finn. 他的父亲总是酗酒,父母一直打架,因此他跑出来自己生活。 His father is always drinking, parents have been fighting, so he ran out of their own lives. 他看起来和文明社会格格不入,大人们都不喜欢他,可汤姆和他却是好朋友。 He looked fit and civil society, large people do not like him, Tom, and he is a good friend. 有一天他们约好晚上一起去墓地,却看到了意想不到的一幕。 One day they went to an appointment at the cemetery has seen an unexpected scene. 他们看到鲁滨逊医生、恶棍印第安·乔和喝得醉醺醺的莫夫·波特。 They see doctors Robinson, villain Injun Joe and Muff Potter drunk. 在他们混乱的厮打中,印第安·乔把医生杀死了,然后又嫁祸于被打昏的波特身上。 In their chaotic tussle in Injun Joe killed the doctor, and then put the blame on Porter who was beaten unconscious. 汤姆和哈克被吓坏了,立了血誓决不泄密。 Tom and Huck were terrified, established a blood oath never leaked. 波特被捕以后,汤姆十分内疚,经常去看望他。 Porter was arrested, Tom is guilty, often to see him. 此时的汤姆事事不顺,贝基生了他的气,不再理睬他,波莉姨妈也总是呵斥他,他觉得没有人关心他。 Tom at this time everything is unfavorable, Becky gave birth to his gas, ignoring him, aunt always scold him, he felt no one care about him. 子是,汤姆、哈克和村上的另一个孩子一起乘小船去了一个海岛。 Son, Tom, Huck, and Murakami"s another child with a boat to the island. 可没过多久,他们便发现村里的儿门以为他们淹死了,正在搜寻他们的尸体。 Can not long before they found the door that the village children who drowned, are searching for their bodies. 汤姆晚上悄悄回到了姨妈家,发现波莉姨妈正在为他的"死”悲痛欲绝。汤姆觉得十分惭愧。最终,他们三个人在村民们为他们举行葬礼的时候回来了。夏天来临时,汤姆便感到更加不安,因为法官将对波特的罪行作出判决。汤姆终于战胜了恐惧与自私,指出了印第安·乔就是杀人凶手。可凶手还是逃走了。后来,汤姆又想出了一个主意:寻找宝藏。汤姆和哈克偶然发现了印第安·乔和他的一大笔不义之财。但他们却不知道他把钱藏在哪里了。在贝基和同学们外出野餐时,哈克得知印第安·乔要去加害道格拉斯寡妇,因为她的丈夫曾经送他进过监狱。幸亏哈克及时报信才避免了一场悲剧的发生,可印第安·乔再一次逃之天天。此时,汤姆和贝基在野餐时走进了一个山洞,因为洞太深而找不到回来的路,被困在里面。他们在山洞里再一次遇见了印第安·乔。村民费尽周折救出汤姆和贝基之后封死了山洞。后来汤姆告知村民印第安·乔还在里面。当他们找到他时,他已经死在山洞里了。恶人得到了应有的报应。汤姆和哈克再次回到山洞里,找到了那笔宝藏。 Tom quietly back to his aunt at night and found that Aunt Polly was for his" death "distraught. Tom feel so ashamed. In the end, three of them were in the village for the funeral when they come back. Summer comes, Tom they feel more insecure because of the crimes the judge will make a decision Porter. Tom finally overcome fear and selfishness, that is the murderer of Injun Joe. may be the murderer or fled. Later, Tom came up with an idea: to find treasures. Tom and Huck accidentally found Injun Joe and his ill-gotten gains for a large. but they do not know where he hid his money was. Becky and students out in the picnic, Huck learned Joe Douglas to go to harm Indian widow because her husband, who had sent him to prison. Thanks Huck messenger before time to avoid a tragedy, can once again escape of Injun Joe every day. At this point, Tom and Tony base in the picnic into a cave, because the hole too deep and can not find the way back, trapped inside. They met again in the cave of Injun Joe. villagers had to be painstakingly seal rescued after Tom and Becky dead cave. Later, Tom Injun told the villagers are still inside. When they found him, he had died in a cave. the wicked get their due reward. Tom and Huck to return to the cave, found that document treasures.

【主要思想】 The main idea】 【

《汤姆·索亚历险记》描写了小男孩汤姆·索亚厌恶家里和学校中那枯燥无味的生活环境,向往与追求绿林好汉的冒险生活。 "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" Tom Sawyer described the little boy at home and in school hate that boring living environment, longing for adventure and the pursuit of outlaw life. 这部小说满足了男孩们对于名望,英雄主义,金银财富和奉承的最深的愿望,生动地再现了南北战争前的一个美国边疆小镇的生活景象,既可以使人得到美的享受,又可以使人的怀旧心理得到极大的满足。 This novel meets the boys for the fame, heroism, gold and silver wealth and adulation of the deepest aspirations, and vividly depicts the Civil War, an American frontier town before the scene of life, not only can people enjoy the beauty, but also can make the nostalgia was tremendous satisfaction. 其所描写的汤姆和其他孩子们的行为和心理活动具有普遍的意义,能够激发许多人的兴趣。 Its description of Tom and other children"s behavior and mental activity is of universal significance, to stimulate interest of many people. 小说的结构也非常完整。 Structure of the novel is complete. 它有“四个叙述单元”和“四条情节线索”:汤姆和贝姆的故事,汤姆和穆夫·波特的故事,杰克逊岛的插曲,以及导致发现财富的一系列事件。 It has the "four narrative units" and "four plot lines": the story of Tom and Behm, the story of Tom and Mufubote Jackson Island episode, as well as a series of events led to the discovery of wealth. 这四条情节线索有机地交织在一起,使全书有较强的戏剧色彩。 These four plot lines are organically intertwined, so that the book has a strong dramatic color. 这部小说的心理描写比较细致,叙述人所用的是一个成年人观察小男孩的那种观点。 The novel"s more detailed psychological description, the narrator is an adult used to observe the little boy that view. 《汤姆·索亚历险记》的确是一部值得欣赏的好书。 "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is indeed a good book worthy of appreciation. 作为对早年的美国边疆生活的纪念,它具有非常宝贵的历史意义,而作为一部构思完美、人物形象生动的小说,它又具有较高的艺术价值和审美价值。 As early American frontier life, a memorial, it has a very valuable historical significance, and as an idea of the perfect, the characters vivid novel, it has high artistic value and aesthetic value.


《汤姆历险记》(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)是一部美国著名的儿童文学作品,出版于1876年,作者为马克·吐温。作品以美国密苏里州圣彼得斯堡(虚构地点)为舞台背景,讲述少年汤姆·索亚与哈克贝里·费恩等伙伴冒险的故事。汤姆是顽童的角色,在美国深受小孩的欢迎。作品的英文梗概如下:

Tom lives with his aunt Polly and often gets into trouble. Aunt Polly tells him to whitewash the fence, so he tells his friends that painting the fence is fun and they beg him to let them help. Tom falls in love with a new girl, Becky, but she finds out that he liked another girl before and breaks up with him. Tom and Huckleberry visit a graveyard and witness the murder of Dr. Robinson at the hands of Injun Joe.

Tom, Huck and their friend Joe run away and the town thinks they are dead. Tom sneaks back home to watch the commotion and decides to return during his funeral. Back at school, Tom takes the blame for ripping a book that Becky had damaged and gets back on her good side. Tom testifies against Injun Joe in court but Joe escapes the courthouse. In the summer, the boys go hunting for treasure.

They find Injun Joe who is looking to bury treasure somewhere. Huck stays to watch while Tom goes on a school picnic. He and Becky go into McDougal"s Cave and get lost for days. Huck reports Injun Joe"s plan to hurt Widow Douglas and Injun Joe runs to hide in McDougal"s Cave. Tom and Becky see him and manage to hide and escape the cave. They tell the town that Injun Joe is in there and the town blocks up the cave. Tom and Huck discover where Joe hid the gold in the caves near his corpse.


People s Mark Twain (Mark Twain ,1835-1910) is a famous American novelist, and his many works. 他擅长使用幽默和讽刺,针砭时弊时一针见血,毫不留情,其创作将现实主义的刻画和浪漫主义的抒情和谐地统一。 He specializes in using humor and irony, point out problems when sharply, relentless, its creation will be realistic characterizations and lyrical romanticism harmonious unity. 他的作品对后来的美国文学产生了深远的影响,人们普遍认为马克·吐温是美国文学史上的一大里程碑。 His work on the later American literature had a profound impact, it is generally considered the history of American literature Mark Twain is a major milestone.

马克·吐温是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,世界著名的短篇小说大师。 Mark Twain is American literature of the founder of critical realism, the world-famous short story master. 他经历了美国从“自由”资本主义到帝国主义的发展过程,其思想和创作也表现为从轻快调笑到辛辣讽刺再到悲观厌世的发展阶段。 He went through the United States from the "free" capitalism to the development of imperialism, their ideas and creativity are reflected from the light make fun of the bitter irony then pessimistic stage of development.

作品文字清新有力,审视角度自然而独特,被视为美国文学史上具划时代意义的现实主义著作。 Fresh and powerful works of writing, examine the natural and unique perspective, is considered a landmark in the history of American literature realism works. 19世纪末,随着美国进入帝国主义发展阶段,马克·吐温一些游记、杂文、政论,等的批判揭露意义也逐渐减弱,而绝望神秘情绪则有所伸长。 The late 19th century, with the United States entered into the imperialist stage of development, some of Mark Twain travels, essays, political commentary, and other critical disclosure significance of gradually weakened, while the mysterious mood of despair is somewhat elongated.

马克·吐温被誉为“美国文学中的林肯”。 Mark Twain as the "Lincoln in American Literature." 他的主要作品已大多有中文译本。 His main work has been mostly a Chinese translation.

【主要情节、主人公】 【Main plot, the hero】

《汤姆·索亚历险记》是马克·吐温的四大名著之一。 "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is one of Mark Twain"s four masterpieces. 小说描写的是以汤姆·索亚为首的一群孩子天真浪漫的生活。 Tom Sawyer is a novel description of a group of children led by naive romantic life. 他们为了摆脱枯燥无味的功课、虚伪的教义和呆板的生活环境,作出了种种冒险经历。 Their homework to get rid of dull, dull false teachings and the living environment, and made all kinds of adventures.

汤姆.索亚天真活泼,一天他约哈克夜间去坟场玩耍,目睹伊江杀人的惨案,经思想斗争揭发了伊江的罪恶。 Tom. Sawyer lively, one day he Yue Hake cemetery at night to play, witnessed the murder of the tragedy in Iraq river, discovered by the ideological struggle of the Iraqi river of evil. 伊江企图杀害汤姆,结果失足坠入深谷而死。 Ie tried to kill Tom, the result Shi Zuzhui into the ravine and died. 汤姆和哈克发现了伊江埋的一箱金子,两人平分,都成了富翁。 Tom and Huck found in Iraq buried in a box of gold river, the two equally, have become rich. 小说对美国虚伪庸俗的社会习俗伪善的宗教仪式进行了讽刺和批判。 American hypocrisy and vulgar novels of social customs were hypocritical religious satire and criticism.

【内容简介】 【Introduction】

故事发生在19世纪上半叶密西西比河畔的一个普通小镇上。 The story first half of the 19th century, the Mississippi River in an ordinary town. 汤姆·索亚是个调皮的孩子,他和同父异母的弟弟一起接受姨妈波莉的监护。 Tom Sawyer is a mischievous child, he and his half-brother, aunt Polly with the acceptance of guardianship. 他总是能想出各种各样的恶作剧,让波莉姨妈无可奈何,而他也总能想尽办法来躲避惩罚。 He can always come up with a variety of pranks, so helpless Aunt Polly, and he always tried their best to avoid punishment. 一天,汤姆见到了可爱的姑娘贝基·撒切尔,她是撒切尔法官的女儿。 One day, Tom met a lovely girl, Becky Thatcher, she is the daughter of Judge Thatcher. 汤姆一见到她就对她展开了攻势。 Tom saw her she launched a major attack. 而他的爱似乎也得到了回应。 His love seems to get a response. 镇上有一个孩子叫哈克贝利·费恩。 The town has a child called Huckleberry Finn. 他的父亲总是酗酒,父母一直打架,因此他跑出来自己生活。 His father is always drinking, parents have been fighting, so he ran out of their own lives. 他看起来和文明社会格格不入,大人们都不喜欢他,可汤姆和他却是好朋友。 He looked fit and civil society, large people do not like him, Tom, and he is a good friend. 有一天他们约好晚上一起去墓地,却看到了意想不到的一幕。 One day they went to an appointment at the cemetery has seen an unexpected scene. 他们看到鲁滨逊医生、恶棍印第安·乔和喝得醉醺醺的莫夫·波特。 They see doctors Robinson, villain Injun Joe and Muff Potter drunk. 在他们混乱的厮打中,印第安·乔把医生杀死了,然后又嫁祸于被打昏的波特身上。 In their chaotic tussle in Injun Joe killed the doctor, and then put the blame on Porter who was beaten unconscious. 汤姆和哈克被吓坏了,立了血誓决不泄密。 Tom and Huck were terrified, established a blood oath never leaked. 波特被捕以后,汤姆十分内疚,经常去看望他。 Porter was arrested, Tom is guilty, often to see him. 此时的汤姆事事不顺,贝基生了他的气,不再理睬他,波莉姨妈也总是呵斥他,他觉得没有人关心他。 Tom at this time everything is unfavorable, Becky gave birth to his gas, ignoring him, aunt always scold him, he felt no one care about him. 子是,汤姆、哈克和村上的另一个孩子一起乘小船去了一个海岛。 Son, Tom, Huck, and Murakami"s another child with a boat to the island. 可没过多久,他们便发现村里的儿门以为他们淹死了,正在搜寻他们的尸体。 Can not long before they found the door that the village children who drowned, are searching for their bodies. 汤姆晚上悄悄回到了姨妈家,发现波莉姨妈正在为他的"死”悲痛欲绝。汤姆觉得十分惭愧。最终,他们三个人在村民们为他们举行葬礼的时候回来了。夏天来临时,汤姆便感到更加不安,因为法官将对波特的罪行作出判决。汤姆终于战胜了恐惧与自私,指出了印第安·乔就是杀人凶手。可凶手还是逃走了。后来,汤姆又想出了一个主意:寻找宝藏。汤姆和哈克偶然发现了印第安·乔和他的一大笔不义之财。但他们却不知道他把钱藏在哪里了。在贝基和同学们外出野餐时,哈克得知印第安·乔要去加害道格拉斯寡妇,因为她的丈夫曾经送他进过监狱。幸亏哈克及时报信才避免了一场悲剧的发生,可印第安·乔再一次逃之天天。此时,汤姆和贝基在野餐时走进了一个山洞,因为洞太深而找不到回来的路,被困在里面。他们在山洞里再一次遇见了印第安·乔。村民费尽周折救出汤姆和贝基之后封死了山洞。后来汤姆告知村民印第安·乔还在里面。当他们找到他时,他已经死在山洞里了。恶人得到了应有的报应。汤姆和哈克再次回到山洞里,找到了那笔宝藏。 Tom quietly back to his aunt at night and found that Aunt Polly was for his" death "distraught. Tom feel so ashamed. In the end, three of them were in the village for the funeral when they come back. Summer comes, Tom they feel more insecure because of the crimes the judge will make a decision Porter. Tom finally overcome fear and selfishness, that is the murderer of Injun Joe. may be the murderer or fled. Later, Tom came up with an idea: to find treasures. Tom and Huck accidentally found Injun Joe and his ill-gotten gains for a large. but they do not know where he hid his money was. Becky and students out in the picnic, Huck learned Joe Douglas to go to harm Indian widow because her husband, who had sent him to prison. Thanks Huck messenger before time to avoid a tragedy, can once again escape of Injun Joe every day. At this point, Tom and Tony base in the picnic into a cave, because the hole too deep and can not find the way back, trapped inside. They met again in the cave of Injun Joe. villagers had to be painstakingly seal rescued after Tom and Becky dead cave. Later, Tom Injun told the villagers are still inside. When they found him, he had died in a cave. the wicked get their due reward. Tom and Huck to return to the cave, found that document treasures.

【主要思想】 The main idea】 【

《汤姆·索亚历险记》描写了小男孩汤姆·索亚厌恶家里和学校中那枯燥无味的生活环境,向往与追求绿林好汉的冒险生活。 "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" Tom Sawyer described the little boy at home and in school hate that boring living environment, longing for adventure and the pursuit of outlaw life. 这部小说满足了男孩们对于名望,英雄主义,金银财富和奉承的最深的愿望,生动地再现了南北战争前的一个美国边疆小镇的生活景象,既可以使人得到美的享受,又可以使人的怀旧心理得到极大的满足。 This novel meets the boys for the fame, heroism, gold and silver wealth and adulation of the deepest aspirations, and vividly depicts the Civil War, an American frontier town before the scene of life, not only can people enjoy the beauty, but also can make the nostalgia was tremendous satisfaction. 其所描写的汤姆和其他孩子们的行为和心理活动具有普遍的意义,能够激发许多人的兴趣。 Its description of Tom and other children"s behavior and mental activity is of universal significance, to stimulate interest of many people. 小说的结构也非常完整。 Structure of the novel is complete. 它有“四个叙述单元”和“四条情节线索”:汤姆和贝姆的故事,汤姆和穆夫·波特的故事,杰克逊岛的插曲,以及导致发现财富的一系列事件。 It has the "four narrative units" and "four plot lines": the story of Tom and Behm, the story of Tom and Mufubote Jackson Island episode, as well as a series of events led to the discovery of wealth. 这四条情节线索有机地交织在一起,使全书有较强的戏剧色彩。 These four plot lines are organically intertwined, so that the book has a strong dramatic color. 这部小说的心理描写比较细致,叙述人所用的是一个成年人观察小男孩的那种观点。 The novel"s more detailed psychological description, the narrator is an adult used to observe the little boy that view. 《汤姆·索亚历险记》的确是一部值得欣赏的好书。 "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is indeed a good book worthy of appreciation. 作为对早年的美国边疆生活的纪念,它具有非常宝贵的历史意义,而作为一部构思完美、人物形象生动的小说,它又具有较高的艺术价值和审美价值。 As early American frontier life, a memorial, it has a very valuable historical significance, and as an idea of the perfect, the characters vivid novel, it has high artistic value and aesthetic value.


"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" Mark Twain one of the four famous. Fiction based on the description of the Tom Sawyer led a group of children naive romantic life. To shake off the dull their homework, hypocritical doctrines and wooden living environment, make all sorts of adventures. Tom is a smart move love children, in his possession, which embodies wisdom and tactics, justice, and the courageous leadership can be many. He is a multiple roles of the assembly, resourceful, compassionate, the reality disgusted with attitude Bent out of the shackles to become forest outlaws, too unrestrained life. Novel Tom Sawyer is a ideals and aspirations are also irritated by the image of his flesh, wings, to the readers left a deep impression. In aunt"s eyes, he is urchin, mischievous, but she has time and again by his "ingenuity" to the mellow. Story outline is as follows .... Tom Sawyer is a smart but mischievous boy. He orphaned and living in severe pain but also his aunt Li Bao home. He lively action, there are many clever ideas, but not to love learning, always like to escape the school to fish, and the street children of Huckleberry Finn to loiter and play "pirates" and to collect all kinds of strange items, and so on .... He even likes the Mingjiaobeiqi Thatcher on the girls, and tried to "pursue" her. .... On the 1st night, Tom and Huck to the gravesite "pilot" with scapegoats warts-governance approaches, accidentally encounter a murder case -- to steal the corpse of Robinson, a doctor, Indian Joe and drunkard Porter three personal dispute huff, the doctor put Qiao killed, and murder Lai was admitted to the possession of Porter. Degoucheng then threatened the Tom and Huck vowed that the matter kept secret. But Tom in a long time has been at the insecurity. .... Later, as Beiqi Tom and his friends with Ouqi Qiao Kazakhstan splashed with runaways, Hack and sit Yangpifazi boost to the island as a "pirate." The town people do not know their whereabouts, that they drowned in a river. They held the funeral for the day, but three of them "miraculously" appeared. Tom became the school"s hero. Beiqi Also not long after his return to the good ... .... Moments later, Court finally heard that the market homicide -- we all thought that the murderer is Porter, Tom overcome fear, Qiao extending the Indians, but Qiao has fled the scene. Tom sank into a deep insecurity .... Later, Tom and Huck to a haunted house "search for buried pirate treasure", As the Indians found Joe and associates in a haunted house found a part treasure, and the conversation with a "2" -- another of the local Tibetan treasures. They decided to find II "." .... A few days later, Beiqi, Tom and some other friends went to the "picnic". They went to the McDougall hole -- a cavern Puzzling play. Tom and Beiqi patronize a playing out of the crowd, a labyrinth. They have experienced ups and downs in your hole, hunger, thirst, constant darkness and fear attacks as helpless them. Off for a few days, and they could not find a way out. Even more frightening is that they cave in to see the Indians Qiao ... .... The town people thought that they died in the cave, including Li-an aunt and Thatcher are extremely saddened. Until one day the middle of the night -- the town suddenly buzz up -- Tom and Beiqi been found! In fact, Tom walked up the stone on the way to the kite line, finally found a exports. Several well-intentioned people were eventually sent back. .... Because this matter, the tunnel entrances were blocked. Tom knows, they then Indians in the pit, Qiao told the Beiqi father Thatcher judges. Judge brings people to see, portal has been opened, but the Indians Qiao has long been starved to death. .... Later, Tom After analysis, found treasures Qiao has been the Indians were in possession of a cavern. So he and Huck to secretly sneak into the cavern, and in accordance with their eavesdropping on the "No. 2" description found a sun -- with a 12000 behalf! Discover the treasures they have become millionaires. .... From then on, Tom and Huck into a small town "Man," where the will not only be welcome, Which they also received small-town newspaper in the ... .... "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is a clear reflection of the child"s life is full of Children"s novels. Mark Twain"s writing based on his own childhood in the home -- Hannibal small town for the first time, the personal experience of the persons involved. So people feel very real interesting, the children might be able to figure in the book who find themselves in similar places, and the majority of the people will pick up the book at my own childhood taste. Therefore, it is a young and old ages book



This book describes the nineteenth century, the Mississippi River in a small town people"s lives, it can be said at the time the United States are a microcosm of social life. Small characters Tom Sawyer and his junior partner and seriously childish words and deeds can give us deep insight. They hate priests pack of lies, and do not like boring School of Education and decently adults, and children a rival show. They smart and lively , integrity and courage, especially in some major events happened when, in a battle between justice and evil, in the moment of crisis comes, they will not hesitate to come forward.


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a literary masterpieces, written in 1876 by the famous author Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer is a mischievous young boy who lives in the small town on the Mississippi River called St. Petersburg. The story line is simple, the book reads like a biography or a memoir of a summer in Tom Sawyer"s life. Tom Sawyer seems to be the precursor of and the template for misfit kids such as Dennis the Menace, Malcolm in the Middle, and Calvin and Hobbs. What makes this story great is that Tom Sawyer represents everything that is great about childhood. The book is filled with Tom"s adventures playing pirates and war with his friend Joe Harper. Tom has a trusted friend, Huck Finn, who few of the adults approve of. The book is filled with ideas of how the world works, such as how pirates and robbers work, that are so innocent, they could only come from a child. It is a story filled with action, adventure, ingenious ideas, love, and schoolyard politics. The whole story is seemingly a complication of what people did or wish they did during their childhood. The book is a little difficult to read at first. Personally, it takes me a little while to get used to the 19th century dialect in the book. Other than referring to persons of African decent in derogatory terms (which I"m sure uses terms even young children already know), the book would be an enjoyable read for people of all ages. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to feel young again, if just for a few hundred pages.


People s Mark Twain (Mark Twain ,1835-1910) is a famous American novelist, and his many works. 他擅长使用幽默和讽刺,针砭时弊时一针见血,毫不留情,其创作将现实主义的刻画和浪漫主义的抒情和谐地统一。 He specializes in using humor and irony, point out problems when sharply, relentless, its creation will be realistic characterizations and lyrical romanticism harmonious unity. 他的作品对后来的美国文学产生了深远的影响,人们普遍认为马克·吐温是美国文学史上的一大里程碑。 His work on the later American literature had a profound impact, it is generally considered the history of American literature Mark Twain is a major milestone.

马克·吐温是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,世界著名的短篇小说大师。 Mark Twain is American literature of the founder of critical realism, the world-famous short story master. 他经历了美国从“自由”资本主义到帝国主义的发展过程,其思想和创作也表现为从轻快调笑到辛辣讽刺再到悲观厌世的发展阶段。 He went through the United States from the "free" capitalism to the development of imperialism, their ideas and creativity are reflected from the light make fun of the bitter irony then pessimistic stage of development.

作品文字清新有力,审视角度自然而独特,被视为美国文学史上具划时代意义的现实主义著作。 Fresh and powerful works of writing, examine the natural and unique perspective, is considered a landmark in the history of American literature realism works. 19世纪末,随着美国进入帝国主义发展阶段,马克·吐温一些游记、杂文、政论,等的批判揭露意义也逐渐减弱,而绝望神秘情绪则有所伸长。 The late 19th century, with the United States entered into the imperialist stage of development, some of Mark Twain travels, essays, political commentary, and other critical disclosure significance of gradually weakened, while the mysterious mood of despair is somewhat elongated.

马克·吐温被誉为“美国文学中的林肯”。 Mark Twain as the "Lincoln in American Literature." 他的主要作品已大多有中文译本。 His main work has been mostly a Chinese translation.

【主要情节、主人公】 【Main plot, the hero】

《汤姆·索亚历险记》是马克·吐温的四大名著之一。 "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is one of Mark Twain"s four masterpieces. 小说描写的是以汤姆·索亚为首的一群孩子天真浪漫的生活。 Tom Sawyer is a novel description of a group of children led by naive romantic life. 他们为了摆脱枯燥无味的功课、虚伪的教义和呆板的生活环境,作出了种种冒险经历。 Their homework to get rid of dull, dull false teachings and the living environment, and made all kinds of adventures.

汤姆.索亚天真活泼,一天他约哈克夜间去坟场玩耍,目睹伊江杀人的惨案,经思想斗争揭发了伊江的罪恶。 Tom. Sawyer lively, one day he Yue Hake cemetery at night to play, witnessed the murder of the tragedy in Iraq river, discovered by the ideological struggle of the Iraqi river of evil. 伊江企图杀害汤姆,结果失足坠入深谷而死。 Ie tried to kill Tom, the result Shi Zuzhui into the ravine and died. 汤姆和哈克发现了伊江埋的一箱金子,两人平分,都成了富翁。 Tom and Huck found in Iraq buried in a box of gold river, the two equally, have become rich. 小说对美国虚伪庸俗的社会习俗伪善的宗教仪式进行了讽刺和批判。 American hypocrisy and vulgar novels of social customs were hypocritical religious satire and criticism.

【内容简介】 【Introduction】

故事发生在19世纪上半叶密西西比河畔的一个普通小镇上。 The story first half of the 19th century, the Mississippi River in an ordinary town. 汤姆·索亚是个调皮的孩子,他和同父异母的弟弟一起接受姨妈波莉的监护。 Tom Sawyer is a mischievous child, he and his half-brother, aunt Polly with the acceptance of guardianship. 他总是能想出各种各样的恶作剧,让波莉姨妈无可奈何,而他也总能想尽办法来躲避惩罚。 He can always come up with a variety of pranks, so helpless Aunt Polly, and he always tried their best to avoid punishment. 一天,汤姆见到了可爱的姑娘贝基·撒切尔,她是撒切尔法官的女儿。 One day, Tom met a lovely girl, Becky Thatcher, she is the daughter of Judge Thatcher. 汤姆一见到她就对她展开了攻势。 Tom saw her she launched a major attack. 而他的爱似乎也得到了回应。 His love seems to get a response. 镇上有一个孩子叫哈克贝利·费恩。 The town has a child called Huckleberry Finn. 他的父亲总是酗酒,父母一直打架,因此他跑出来自己生活。 His father is always drinking, parents have been fighting, so he ran out of their own lives. 他看起来和文明社会格格不入,大人们都不喜欢他,可汤姆和他却是好朋友。 He looked fit and civil society, large people do not like him, Tom, and he is a good friend. 有一天他们约好晚上一起去墓地,却看到了意想不到的一幕。 One day they went to an appointment at the cemetery has seen an unexpected scene. 他们看到鲁滨逊医生、恶棍印第安·乔和喝得醉醺醺的莫夫·波特。 They see doctors Robinson, villain Injun Joe and Muff Potter drunk. 在他们混乱的厮打中,印第安·乔把医生杀死了,然后又嫁祸于被打昏的波特身上。 In their chaotic tussle in Injun Joe killed the doctor, and then put the blame on Porter who was beaten unconscious. 汤姆和哈克被吓坏了,立了血誓决不泄密。 Tom and Huck were terrified, established a blood oath never leaked. 波特被捕以后,汤姆十分内疚,经常去看望他。 Porter was arrested, Tom is guilty, often to see him. 此时的汤姆事事不顺,贝基生了他的气,不再理睬他,波莉姨妈也总是呵斥他,他觉得没有人关心他。 Tom at this time everything is unfavorable, Becky gave birth to his gas, ignoring him, aunt always scold him, he felt no one care about him. 子是,汤姆、哈克和村上的另一个孩子一起乘小船去了一个海岛。 Son, Tom, Huck, and Murakami"s another child with a boat to the island. 可没过多久,他们便发现村里的儿门以为他们淹死了,正在搜寻他们的尸体。 Can not long before they found the door that the village children who drowned, are searching for their bodies. 汤姆晚上悄悄回到了姨妈家,发现波莉姨妈正在为他的"死”悲痛欲绝。汤姆觉得十分惭愧。最终,他们三个人在村民们为他们举行葬礼的时候回来了。夏天来临时,汤姆便感到更加不安,因为法官将对波特的罪行作出判决。汤姆终于战胜了恐惧与自私,指出了印第安·乔就是杀人凶手。可凶手还是逃走了。后来,汤姆又想出了一个主意:寻找宝藏。汤姆和哈克偶然发现了印第安·乔和他的一大笔不义之财。但他们却不知道他把钱藏在哪里了。在贝基和同学们外出野餐时,哈克得知印第安·乔要去加害道格拉斯寡妇,因为她的丈夫曾经送他进过监狱。幸亏哈克及时报信才避免了一场悲剧的发生,可印第安·乔再一次逃之天天。此时,汤姆和贝基在野餐时走进了一个山洞,因为洞太深而找不到回来的路,被困在里面。他们在山洞里再一次遇见了印第安·乔。村民费尽周折救出汤姆和贝基之后封死了山洞。后来汤姆告知村民印第安·乔还在里面。当他们找到他时,他已经死在山洞里了。恶人得到了应有的报应。汤姆和哈克再次回到山洞里,找到了那笔宝藏。 Tom quietly back to his aunt at night and found that Aunt Polly was for his" death "distraught. Tom feel so ashamed. In the end, three of them were in the village for the funeral when they come back. Summer comes, Tom they feel more insecure because of the crimes the judge will make a decision Porter. Tom finally overcome fear and selfishness, that is the murderer of Injun Joe. may be the murderer or fled. Later, Tom came up with an idea: to find treasures. Tom and Huck accidentally found Injun Joe and his ill-gotten gains for a large. but they do not know where he hid his money was. Becky and students out in the picnic, Huck learned Joe Douglas to go to harm Indian widow because her husband, who had sent him to prison. Thanks Huck messenger before time to avoid a tragedy, can once again escape of Injun Joe every day. At this point, Tom and Tony base in the picnic into a cave, because the hole too deep and can not find the way back, trapped inside. They met again in the cave of Injun Joe. villagers had to be painstakingly seal rescued after Tom and Becky dead cave. Later, Tom Injun told the villagers are still inside. When they found him, he had died in a cave. the wicked get their due reward. Tom and Huck to return to the cave, found that document treasures.

【主要思想】 The main idea】 【

《汤姆·索亚历险记》描写了小男孩汤姆·索亚厌恶家里和学校中那枯燥无味的生活环境,向往与追求绿林好汉的冒险生活。 "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" Tom Sawyer described the little boy at home and in school hate that boring living environment, longing for adventure and the pursuit of outlaw life. 这部小说满足了男孩们对于名望,英雄主义,金银财富和奉承的最深的愿望,生动地再现了南北战争前的一个美国边疆小镇的生活景象,既可以使人得到美的享受,又可以使人的怀旧心理得到极大的满足。 This novel meets the boys for the fame, heroism, gold and silver wealth and adulation of the deepest aspirations, and vividly depicts the Civil War, an American frontier town before the scene of life, not only can people enjoy the beauty, but also can make the nostalgia was tremendous satisfaction. 其所描写的汤姆和其他孩子们的行为和心理活动具有普遍的意义,能够激发许多人的兴趣。 Its description of Tom and other children"s behavior and mental activity is of universal significance, to stimulate interest of many people. 小说的结构也非常完整。 Structure of the novel is complete. 它有“四个叙述单元”和“四条情节线索”:汤姆和贝姆的故事,汤姆和穆夫·波特的故事,杰克逊岛的插曲,以及导致发现财富的一系列事件。 It has the "four narrative units" and "four plot lines": the story of Tom and Behm, the story of Tom and Mufubote Jackson Island episode, as well as a series of events led to the discovery of wealth. 这四条情节线索有机地交织在一起,使全书有较强的戏剧色彩。 These four plot lines are organically intertwined, so that the book has a strong dramatic color. 这部小说的心理描写比较细致,叙述人所用的是一个成年人观察小男孩的那种观点。 The novel"s more detailed psychological description, the narrator is an adult used to observe the little boy that view. 《汤姆·索亚历险记》的确是一部值得欣赏的好书。 "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is indeed a good book worthy of appreciation. 作为对早年的美国边疆生活的纪念,它具有非常宝贵的历史意义,而作为一部构思完美、人物形象生动的小说,它又具有较高的艺术价值和审美价值。 As early American frontier life, a memorial, it has a very valuable historical significance, and as an idea of the perfect, the characters vivid novel, it has high artistic value and aesthetic value.



2023-01-02 05:26:591

孤儿的英语翻译 孤儿用英语怎么说

orphan 英 [ˈɔ:fn] 美 [ˈɔ:rfn] n. 孤儿; vt. 使成为孤儿; adj. 孤儿的; 无双亲的; [例句]I"m an orphan and pretty much grew up on my own.我是个孤儿,差不多是靠自己长大的。[其他] 第三人称单数:orphans 复数:orphans 现在分词:orphaning 过去式:orphaned 过去分词:orphaned
2023-01-02 05:27:051


n.孤儿vt.使成为孤儿adj.孤儿的;无双亲的[例句]A christian without a small group is an orphan.一个没有小组的基督徒就是一个孤儿。
2023-01-02 05:27:113


2023-01-02 05:27:222

syncml orphaned是什么意思

synch orphaned的意思为:同步的孤儿例句:She was orphaned at the age of ten.她在十岁时成为孤儿。The orphan was hungry for affection.这孤儿渴望得到爱。SyncML (Synchronization Markup Language)是一种平台无关的信息同步标准协议。 一个开放的标准,可以在兼容的设备、程序及网络进行数据同步,意思是,任何设备或程序可以获得一致的数据。SyncML是基于XML的(可扩展的标识语言)。SyncML目的是在若干网络,平台及设备间进行一个开放的,全行业规范的普遍的远程数据及个人信息的同步,是为了发展一个可以在兼容的设备和程序间广泛使用单一的,普通数据同步协议。
2023-01-02 05:27:312

电脑开机显示recovering orphaned file?是什么意思?

recovering orphaned file是“孤立的文件恢复”的意思。这是非正常关机造成的。若检测完后再次开机又重复出现可在进入系统后,运行磁盘碎片整理。 “开始”---“运行”---输入 chkdsk /f 回车,运行碎片整理程序。 磁盘碎片整理,就是通过系统软件或者专业的磁盘碎片整理软件对电脑磁盘在长期使用过程中产生的碎片和凌乱文件重新整理,可提高电脑的整体性能和运行速度。 磁盘碎片应该称为文件碎片,是因为文件被分散保存到整个磁盘的不同地方,而不是连续地保存在磁盘连续的簇中形成的。硬盘在使用一段时间后,由于反复写入和删除文件,磁盘中的空闲扇区会分散到整个磁盘中不连续的物理位置上,从而使文件不能存在连续的扇区里。这样,再读写文件时就需要到不同的地方去读取,增加了磁头的来回移动,降低了磁盘的访问速度。 一般家庭用户1个月整理一次,商业用户以及服务器半个月整理一次。但要根据碎片比例来考虑,如在windows7中,碎片超过10%,则需整理,否则不必。
2023-01-02 05:27:401

系统装完重启后一直显示Recovering orphaned file window,显示了25000多了,哪位大神知道该如何解决的?

系统装完重启后一直显示Recovering orphaned file window,显示了25000多了,可以尝试通过如下方法进行解决:1、首先需要我们快速按F8按键,点击最后一次正确的配置。2、然后紧接着就需要选择安全模式,按回车进入。 3、然后就会弹出出现如下对话框,点击是。4、回到桌面之后,点击开始中的所有程序,打开电脑控制面板。5、在打开控制面板之后,单击添加或删除程序。6、选择要删除程序,出现以下对话框单击卸载就完成操作了。
2023-01-02 05:27:461

电脑开机一直出现recovering orphaned file是怎么回事,要怎么解决

做个U盘启动盘,大白菜 电脑店都行
2023-01-02 05:28:114

recovering orphaned是什么意思

2023-01-02 05:28:261

电脑开机出现“recovering orphaned file”如何解决?

解决办法是:通过win PE中的分区管理工具,格式化(D盘)时候修改本分区的属性和E,F的一样。然后重启电脑,(启动时候)拔掉U盘(注:防止优盘文件损坏),就正常安装了。通过win PE中的分区管理工具,格式化(D盘)时候修改本分区的属性和E,F的一样。然后重启电脑,(启动时候)拔掉U盘(注:防止优盘文件损坏),就正常安装了。recovering orphaned file 恢复孤立文件,是非正常关机造成的操作系统的问题。或者是这个原因是由于你无意中动了系统分区。
2023-01-02 05:28:351

recovering orphaned file修复要多久

recovering orphaned file修复要十分钟左右。recovering orphaned file修复要十分钟左右,如果时间过长,则考虑换系统或者检查硬盘是否损坏,修复时间与修复内容的大小和多少有关,干净无垃圾碎片和无受损文件的磁盘比有垃圾有受损文件需要的时间短很多。系统自带的磁盘如何修复:在我的电脑中选中盘符后单击鼠标右键选属性,在弹出的驱动器属性窗口中依次选择“工具→开始检查”并选择“自动修复文件系统错误”和“扫描并恢复坏扇区”,然后点击开始,扫描时间会因磁盘容量及扫描选项的不同而有所差异。硬盘坏道将导致电脑系统文件损坏或丢失,电脑无法启动或死机。硬盘坏道可以采用NDD磁盘工具或Scandisk来修复。如果故障依旧,请还原一下系统或重装。
2023-01-02 05:28:411


The story of Chinese Valentine"s Day In a Chinese legend, the Sun God had seven beautiful daughters.All his fairy daughters could weave beautiful clothes.One day, the seven fairies came down from heaven and were playing in a river.A cowherd walked by the river.He saw that the fairies had left their beautiful clothes on the shore, so he took one of them.His plan was to stop one of the fairies from flying back to their heaven palace.He reasoned that the fairies needed to wear their beautiful clothes if they wanted to fly.When it was time to go home, the youngest fairy could not find her clothes.The other fairies put on their clothes and flew away.The youngest fairy was very sad and she started to cry.The cowherd saw this and offered to take her to his house.Because the cowherd took care of the fairy so well,she fell in love with him and married him.The Sun God also blessed their marriage.After they were married, the fairy thougjt she did not need to weave again.The Sun God got so angry that he took his youngest daughter away from her husband.He never wanted to see the cowherd again.From then on, the fairy weaver stayed in heaven, and the cowherd stayed on earth.They could only see each other once a year on July 7th on the lunar calendar.The birds felt so sad for this young couple that they made a bridge for the two to walk on.This bridge is known as the "Milky Way"Only once a year, the couple could meet on the Milky Way.And they still love each other deeply.Now it is a tradition to celebrate Chinese Valentine"s Day once a year on July 7th of the lunar calender.
2023-01-02 05:28:514

系统装完重启后一直显示Recovering orphaned file window,显示了25000多了,哪位大神知道该如何解决的?

系统装完重启后一直显示Recovering orphaned file window,显示了25000多了,可以尝试通过如下方法进行解决:1、首先需要我们快速按F8按键,点击最后一次正确的配置。2、然后紧接着就需要选择安全模式,按回车进入。 3、然后就会弹出出现如下对话框,点击是。4、回到桌面之后,点击开始中的所有程序,打开电脑控制面板。5、在打开控制面板之后,单击添加或删除程序。6、选择要删除程序,出现以下对话框单击卸载就完成操作了。
2023-01-02 05:29:156

重装系统后出现recovering orphaned file,怎么办

2023-01-02 05:30:163

电脑开机recovering orphaned file…是什么意思

应该是非正常关机造成的~ 等哪个检测完以后下次开机就不会出现了;外,你可以在进入系统后,运行下磁盘碎片整理.
2023-01-02 05:30:284

电脑黑屏recovering orphaned

应该是非正常关机造成的~ 等哪个检测完以后下次开机就不会出现了;外,你可以在进入系统后,运行下磁盘碎片整理.英文翻译是恢复独立。如果是开机的时候出现这个的话,有可能是硬盘问题,电脑在自动检查。一般几分钟就好了,如果时间太长的话,建议打开电脑检查下硬盘,如果硬盘没问题就要重做系统
2023-01-02 05:30:431

orphaned files 什么意思

2023-01-02 05:30:492

请问一下开机自检Recovering orphaned file要检多少才能检完?

2023-01-02 05:30:585

笔记本电脑重装系统后出现recovering. orphaned. file,怎么办。急!!!

2023-01-02 05:31:253


Hannibal Lecter: I will listen now. After your father"s murder, you were orphaned. You were ten years old. You went to live with cousins on a sheep and horse ranch in Montana. And? 汉尼拔:现在我会聆听。在你父亲被害之后,你成了孤儿,你只有10岁。你去住在表亲的蒙大拿农场里,接着呢?Clarice Starling: And one morning, I just ran away. 克拉丽斯:一天早晨,我只是出走了。Hannibal Lecter: No "just", Clarice. What set you off? You started at what time? 汉尼拔:没那么简单,克拉丽斯。是什么让你出走,什么时候发生的?Clarice Starling: Early, still dark. 克拉丽斯:很早,天还没亮。Hannibal Lecter: Then something woke you, didn"t it? Was it a dream? What was it? 汉尼拔:于是有事发生让你醒来,不是吗?是梦还是别的?Clarice Starling: I heard a strange noise. 克拉丽斯:我听到奇特的声音。Hannibal Lecter: What was it? 汉尼拔:是什么?Clarice Starling: It was screaming. Some kind of screaming, like a child"s voice. 克拉丽斯:是尖叫,一种尖叫,像孩子般的声音。Hannibal Lecter: What did you do? 汉尼拔:你做什么了?Clarice Starling: I went downstairs, outside. I crept up into the barn. I was so scared to look inside, but I had to. 克拉丽斯:我下了楼梯走到外面,蹑手蹑脚的来到牲口棚。里面的场景太吓人了。Hannibal Lecter: And what did you see, Clarice? What did you see? 汉尼拔:你看到了什么?Clarice Starling: Lambs. The lambs were screaming. 克拉丽斯:羔羊们在号叫。Hannibal Lecter: They were slaughtering the spring lambs? 汉尼拔:他们在屠宰春羔?Clarice Starling: And they were screaming. 克拉丽斯:还有它们在号叫。Hannibal Lecter: And you ran away? 汉尼拔:你逃跑了?Clarice Starling: No. First I tried to free them. II opened the gate to their pen, but they wouldn"t run. They just stood there, confused. They wouldn"t run. 克拉丽斯:不。起初我想放掉它们。我打开了门,可它们却不动,只是困惑的站在那,它们不想跑。Hannibal Lecter: But you could and you did, didn"t you? 汉尼拔:但是你可以,不是吗?Clarice Starling: Yes. I took one lamb, and I ran away as fast as I could. 克拉丽斯:是的,我带走了一只羔羊,拼尽全力的逃跑。Hannibal Lecter: Where were you going, Clarice? 汉尼拔:克拉丽斯,你要去哪?Clarice Starling: I don"t know. I didn"t have any food, any water and it was very cold, very cold. I thought, I thought if I could save just one, buthe was so heavy. So heavy. I didn"t get more than a few miles when the sheriff"s car picked me up. The rancher was so angry he sent me to live at the Lutheran orphanage in Bozeman. I never saw the ranch again. 克拉丽斯:我不知道,我没有食物和水,天气很冷,我想如果我可以哪怕只救出来一只,可是……他太重了。当我搭上治安官的车,我还没跑出几英里。农场主很生气,他把我送进波兹曼的路德教会孤儿院,我再没看到过那家农场。Hannibal Lecter: What became of your lamb, Clarice? 汉尼拔:那你的羊羔呢,克拉丽斯?Clarice Starling: They killed him.克拉丽斯:他们杀了他Hannibal Lecter: Why do you think he removes their skins, Agent Starling? 汉尼拔:你为什么认为他给他们剥了皮,斯塔琳特工?Hannibal Lecter: Enthrall me with your acumen. 汉尼拔:施展一下你聪慧的魅力。Clarice Starling: It excites him. Most serial killers keep some sort of trophies from their victims. 克拉丽斯:这让他兴奋。大多连环杀手都会保留一些来自于受害者的纪念品。Hannibal Lecter: I didn"t. 汉尼拔:我就没有。Clarice Starling: No. No, you ate yours.克拉丽斯:不对,你把那些都吃了。
2023-01-02 05:31:371

就是电脑一开机蓝屏英文recovering orphaned file的一直在滚动 按什么键都没

1、重新启动计算机,当出现可用的操作系统列表时,按F8键,在Windows高级选项菜单屏幕上,选择"最  后一次正确的配置",按回车键。  2、将BIOS恢复到出厂默认设置,有条件可升级刷新BIOS。  3、将内存拔下,清理插槽,用橡皮擦金手指,再插上  4、用腾讯电脑管家全面体检,全盘杀毒。彻底杀病毒。
2023-01-02 05:31:421


recoveringorphanedfile跳过:通过win PE中的分区管理工具,格式化(D盘)时候修改本分区的属性和E,F的一样。然后重启电脑,(启动时候)拔掉U盘(注:防止优盘文件损坏),就正常安装了。解决办法是:通过win PE中的分区管理工具,格式化(D盘)时候修改本分区的属性和E,F的一样。然后重启电脑,(启动时候)拔掉U盘(注:防止优盘文件损坏),就正常安装了。软件介绍:EASEUS Partition Manager(硬盘分区工具)可以删除或者格式化分区,EASEUS Partition Manager(硬盘分区工具)可以重新设置分区大小以及移动你的分区。通过它你可以减小现有分区的尺寸。然后使用未分配的磁盘空间创建新的分区或者扩大其他分区的大小以便更好地管理你的数据。此外,你可以浏览磁盘和分区的属性,设置一个活动分区,改变盘符等。并且还包括一个用于创建可启动光盘的选项,允许你在 Windows 被载入之前管理你的分区。 
2023-01-02 05:31:481

重装系统后出现recovering orphaned file,怎么办

2023-01-02 05:31:563

“recovering orphaned file”是什么意思

2023-01-02 05:32:071


重装系统后出现D盘文件被清空怎么办 只要文件没有被其它数据覆盖,都可以恢复。 1、电脑下载并安装Diskgenius软件。 2、打开软件,选择需要恢复数据的盘符,然后点击恢复文件图标。 3、选择恢复方式,点击开始。 4、然后等待扫描结束,选择需要恢复的文件,右键单击复制到其它的盘上保存即可。 重装系统后D盘文件没了 怎么办 重装系统以后,导致D盘上面的东西没有的原因和处理方法: (1)一般电脑不显示硬盘分区里面的东西,这是由于硬盘的分区表出错,导致无法正常识别分区,一般遇上这样的现象,只要重建分区表,就可以恢复的,方法如下: (2)处理方法:首先要准备一张带PE的GHOST版的最新安装光盘,不管是XP还是WIN7,(一般软件店或者电脑店都有买¥5-8一张)或者准备一个带PE的U盘,接着开机按下F12键或者开机按下DEL进入到BIOS中,设好第一启动项为光驱(或者U盘),放入光盘(或者插入U盘),进入光盘中(或者U盘中),进入WINPE中,找到一个叫diskgenius的软件,打开这个软件,找到自己的“硬盘”,选中硬盘,点右键,会弹出一个下拉列框,找到在这个右键菜单中的:“搜索已丢失的分区(重建分区表)”,然后弹出一个对话框:“整个硬盘”点击“开始搜索”,这时会自动搜索,搜索到分区后,点保留,这样分区都找到了,在diskgenius主界面上也可以看到所有的分区,这代表分区表已经重建成功,最后在点右键菜单中的“保存分区表”,这时又会弹出一个对话框,“确定要保存吗?”,点击“是”,最后退出这个软件diskgenius,这样就代表你的分区表已经恢复正常了,然后重启电脑,就可以看到分区里面的东西了。 (望楼主采纳哦) 重装系统后C盘出现2个WINDOES文件夹怎么办 当电脑重装后出现这么多病毒,我想你还是没达到装机的目的,运行速度也快不了,最好再重装,装机过程中对C盘进行格式化,就不会再出现病毒和2个了。 重装系统会把C盘的文件清空吗? C盘如果是你的系统盘的话 当然会 因为安装之前会格式化的 不知道你说的要保存的东西是什么呢 如果是文档包括桌面上的 我的文档里的 当然要备份再其他盘里 如果指的安装的一些软件 建议不用备份 因为即使备份了 系统注册表中的注册信息也没有了 有可能造成某些程序无法运行 还是重新装系统后再重新安装吧 避免系统垃圾 重装系统后D盘文件怎样找回 是XP重装了找不到吗? 如果试把SP2补丁装上之后看能出来吗。 或用文件恢复软件来找出来。推荐用EasyRecovery 重装系统怎样只清空C盘 重装系统选择系统安装在C盘,别的盘的东西就是可以保留的。 重装系统出现,oxcoooooof怎么办, 在线或不在线安装系统,还原系统、重置出错开不了机了,路就一条用光、U盘重新安装操作系统,自己安装不了,建议花30元让维修的帮助您安装。 重装系统出现(434)怎么办? 出现434错误可能是硬盘无法写入,光盘数据无法读取.试试更换光盘,如不行更换光驱! 请按照下面的错误提示来解决问题! 1.434 [POL-3011] a device read error was detected 问题原因:属于系统的错误,具体不详。 解决:查看dbpara.odb文件属性(大小为零导致),查找更改或拷贝到相应的目录 2.434 [POL-5148] message file is not loaded 问题原因:属于系统的错误,具体不详。 解决:重新安装电子口岸程序 3.434 [POL-2200] message file is not loaded 问题原因:属于系统的错误,具体不详。 解决:重新安装电子口岸程序 4.434 [POL-3012] a device write error was detected 问题原因:属于系统的错误,具体不详。 解决:重新起动电脑 重装系统后出现recovering orphaned file怎么办? 重装系统后出现recovering orphaned file估计是由于你无意中动了系统分区,例如把d盘也误设为系统分区,导致复制好系统文件后电脑自动重启后一直读D盘,系统C盘以外的盘也弄成了系统区,就是有两个系统启动盘了,这样就会出现recovering orphaned file这种错误,解决办法如下。 通过win PE中的分区管理工具,格式化(D盘)时候修改本分区的属性和E,F的一样。然后重启电脑,(启动时候)拔掉U盘(注:防止优盘文件损坏),就正常安装了。 重装系统步骤 且怎么把C盘清空? 重装系统可以在本身系统上直接恢复镜像,也可以用系统光盘来安装,还可以用PE系统进行安装.系统重装后自然就清空了C盘. 在系统上直接恢复镜像的方法为:网上下载好系统镜像文件,一般为GHO格式.然后下载一键恢复软件,安装运行后,按 软件界面的提示,选择还原,选择系统安装盘符,选择浏览所下载的系统镜像路径,确定开始.完成后重回自动重新启动,即完成了系统的还原. 用光盘安装方法为: 开机进入BIOS设置为光驱第一启动,然后放入系统安装盘,弹出安装界面中,选择将系统安装在第一分区(C盘),按提示,输入对应的计算机名,语言,时区等信息,等待安装完成后会重新启动. PE系统安装方法: 插上有PE系统的U盘,开机进入BIOS设置为USB第一启动,然后选择进入PE系统.进入后,PE系统自带有windows安装器,一键恢复软件等工具,运行工具,按恢复镜像方法恢复准备好的镜像即可.
2023-01-02 05:32:131

系统重装碰到 recovering orphaned file

2023-01-02 05:32:194

就是电脑一开机蓝屏英文recovering orphaned file的一直在滚动 按什么键都没

2023-01-02 05:32:348


2023-01-02 05:33:022


《灰姑娘》预告片歌曲  EllieGoulding-MyBlood  <灰姑娘Cinderella电影原声带>-歌曲列表  01PatrickDoyle-AGoldenChildhood  02PatrickDoyle-TheGreatSecret  03PatrickDoyle-ANewFamily  04PatrickDoyle-LifeAndLaughter  05PatrickDoyle-TheFirstBranch  06PatrickDoyle-NiceAndAiry  07PatrickDoyle-Orphaned  08PatrickDoyle-TheStag  09PatrickDoyle-RichBeyondReason  10PatrickDoyle-FairyGodmother  11PatrickDoyle-PumpkinsAndMice  12PatrickDoyle-YouShallGo  13PatrickDoyle-ValseRoyale  14PatrickDoyle-WhoIsShe  15PatrickDoyle-LaValseDeL"Amour  16PatrickDoyle-LaValseChampagne  17PatrickDoyle-LaPolkaMilitaire  18PatrickDoyle-LaPolkaDeParis  19PatrickDoyle-ASecretGarden  20PatrickDoyle-LaPolkaDeMinuit  21PatrickDoyle-ChooseThatOne  22PatrickDoyle-PumpkinPursuit  23PatrickDoyle-TheSlipper  24PatrickDoyle-ShatteredDreams  25PatrickDoyle-SearchingTheKingdom  26PatrickDoyle-EllaAndKit  27PatrickDoyle-CourageAndKindness  28SonnaRele-Strong  29LilyJames-ADreamIsAWishYourHeartMakes  30HelenaBonhamCarter-Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo(TheMagicSong)  31PatrickDoyle-Strong(InstrumentalVersion)  32PatrickDoyle-ADreamIsAWishYourHeartMakes(InstrumentalVersion)  33PatrickDoyle-Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo(TheMagicSong)(InstrumentalVersion)
2023-01-02 05:33:141


2572445746746574675246752475467540724726472472786eyfuregfushdsjcejfhjdfgsdfsjdfhdsgfhgfsdhgagsfgdfjghfgshdsfgjsdhjxcjdjcjnczkmnzxjjchdy ughsdcjxhjzhxkzncjxkchfcjhcv vcv vkcnx kc nvjhcjkhgvujfh 2562276241jfhgsydfc mnhjvfvjdgvfygbv4554645mkcj nbjhcgvdhf FFFFFF554765267nfdhfdbsf gb d325421450cde65+xczqFVFD52B165V4 B FV BFVFVFFFDNDFDXZ85DVFE5FV5D4F D5S4VB5BN54BVBN654VB5CD4SD4XC5 G74FTHG FGVFCFCFFGFHHGFFGFVXC C VBNVCCXXNBVXBVVB VB +B VCFCZXCXDVDVFCFV CBVNNNNNNNNNNNNNVNCXC GFVGFVVFCNFGVCC HNKL;/.,MNGHVXVF VBVCXVBBN VCVBNCV D SFFGFC VVC VBNVCHBJNCFGHBVGHVGHJFGH
2023-01-02 05:33:2010

电脑开机recovering orphaned file…(14000)一直完不了,求助。谢谢!

2023-01-02 05:33:561


"洪我的头" 早一天早晨随着时间的推移,以杀死我借来jebb的步枪坐在上面的一个小山上, 我看见一名独行莱德穿越平原我提请组装的,他实践是我的目标我哥哥的枪到过我的手打铃响了神州大地马,他仍继续行驶骑车人已死亡我坚持我的头我坚持我的头我已起飞运行梦醒从梦想我哥哥的枪走进光泽我不停地跑到南地这也就是他们发现,我我的头在我手中该警长,他问我为什么我运行然后它来找我刚才我已经做了和所有无端端只是一块铅我坚持我的头我坚持我的头在这里,在法院大楼全城有我看到法官高了,在他的椅子解释,向法院室什么经历了你的心我们将要求陪审团什么判决,他们找到我觉得权力死亡的生命i成为孤儿的孩子i丧偶,他的妻子i ,乞求他们的宽恕我真希望我已经死了我坚持我的头我坚持我的头我坚持我的头我坚持我的头早一天早晨随着时间的推移,以杀死我看到绞刑最多的一个小山上, 并在距离一个手法的大脑我看到一个孤独的车手穿越平原他"d来取箱看到他们! ! 我们将一起乘坐到英国来见面像是一个大人物,为上帝的怜悯为不久我`当地雇员死亡我坚持我的头我坚持我的头我坚持我的头我坚持我的头
2023-01-02 05:34:024


Jane Eyre 简爱Mr. Reed 里德先生Mrs. Sarah Reed 萨拉 里德夫人 John Reed 约翰 里德Eliza Reed 伊莱扎 里德Georgiana Reed 乔治安娜 里德 Bessie Lee 贝茜 李Robert Leaven 罗伯特 李文Mr. Lloyd 劳埃德 先生Mr. Brocklehurst 布劳克莱赫斯特先生Miss Maria Temple 玛丽亚 邓波小姐Miss Scatcherd 斯卡彻德小姐Helen Burns 海伦 伯恩斯Edward Fairfax Rochester 爱德华 菲尔法克斯 罗彻斯特Bertha Mason 博萨 马森Adele Varens 阿黛尔 Mrs. Alice Fairfax 爱丽丝 菲尔法克斯 小姐 Blanche Ingram 布兰奇 英格兰姆Richard Mason 理查德 马森St. John Eyre Rivers 圣 约翰 爱 里弗斯Diana and Mary Rivers 戴安娜和玛丽 里弗斯Grace Poole 格丽丝 普尔Rosamond Oliver 罗赛蒙德 奥立弗John Eyre 约翰 爱
2023-01-02 05:34:163

kotov syndrome中文歌词翻译!~~~~~

楼上明显是机器翻译好嘛,这种不成句的翻译居然还能被采纳。Kotov SyndromeThere, high on the watchtower在高高的瞭望塔上Keeping the peace保卫和平Whatever that means无论那意味着什么Because you see the world through crosshairs and TVs, don"t you?因为你是通过十字准心和电视看到的世界,不是吗?Ten foot walls built around us, white picket fence我们周围修建了十英尺围墙和白色栅栏(这里我觉得是fence而不是death,否则翻译不通)so quiet, so safe那么安静,那么安全But if we fall there will be nothing and no one to catch但如果我们倒下,我们就什么也得不到So sit back and watch as we所以坐回来,看我们Spin out of control失去控制Spin out of control失去控制Try to recover, but collide with each other试图恢复,但相互碰撞We spin out of control我们失去控制Something I can"t change一些事情我无法改变I was born in a place我出生在一个地方That lives by the sword生活在刀下And thus to its blade we"re condemned因此我们在这刀刃下谴责Don"t you understand why we scream no more?你不明白为什么我们不再欢呼吗?Our dreams are of children我的梦想属于这些孩子们Orphaned by blood spilled at these hands他们因洒在这些手上的血液而成为孤儿Here on the graves of the innocent在无辜者的坟墓上We raise our flag我们升起我们的旗帜Spin out of control失去控制Spin out of control失去控制Try to recover, but collide with each other试图恢复,但相互碰撞We spin out of control我们失去控制Somethings you don"t forgive somethings you don"t forget有些东西你不原谅,有些事你不忘记Sometimes the fate you suffer is so much worse than death有时你承受的命运比死亡糟糕得多We"re way off course now and we"re drifting out to sea我们走了,我们在向大海漂流So cut the anchor on your heart to be set free所以切断在你心中的锚,获得自由吧Set free, set free获得自由,获得自由Spin out of control失去控制Spin out of control失去控制Try to recover, but collide with each other试图恢复,但相互碰撞We spin out of control我们失去控制
2023-01-02 05:34:282

电脑高手进。。。本本系统重装后开机就显示recovering orphaned file,然后自动关机,开机后还是一样

你试试看“开始”---“运行”---输入 chkdsk /f 回车看碎片整理程序能否运行;如果是我自己遇到这情况,我就把d盘有用的文件拷到其他盘,然后把d盘格式化
2023-01-02 05:34:362


Long white clouds on the Yellow River, An isolated Shan Ren million. Why should we complain Qiangdi willow, Pass degree is not spring.
2023-01-02 05:34:454


orphann.[C]1. 孤儿The boy became an orphan at six.那男孩六岁时成了孤儿。2. 失去母兽的小动物a.1. 无双亲的,无父(或母)的,孤儿的The girl was brought up in an orphan home.那女孩是在孤儿院养大的。2. (幼小动物)失去母兽的3. 无人照管的vt.1. 使成孤儿[H]The Collins adopted the child when she was orphaned.当这孩子变成孤儿时,柯林斯一家把她收养了。输入框中输入fanyi orphan
2023-01-02 05:34:596

电脑重做系统重启后出Recovering orphaned file…… 屏幕不停滚动,请我怎么解决

2023-01-02 05:35:212


2023-01-02 05:35:333

电脑开机显示recovering orphaned file…是什么意思?

recovering orphaned file是“孤立的文件恢复”的意思。这是非正常关机造成的。若检测完后再次开机又重复出现可在进入系统后,运行磁盘碎片整理。“开始”---“运行”---输入 chkdsk /f 回车,运行碎片整理程序。磁盘碎片整理,就是通过系统软件或者专业的磁盘碎片整理软件对电脑磁盘在长期使用过程中产生的碎片和凌乱文件重新整理,可提高电脑的整体性能和运行速度。磁盘碎片应该称为文件碎片,是因为文件被分散保存到整个磁盘的不同地方,而不是连续地保存在磁盘连续的簇中形成的。硬盘在使用一段时间后,由于反复写入和删除文件,磁盘中的空闲扇区会分散到整个磁盘中不连续的物理位置上,从而使文件不能存在连续的扇区里。这样,再读写文件时就需要到不同的地方去读取,增加了磁头的来回移动,降低了磁盘的访问速度。一般家庭用户1个月整理一次,商业用户以及服务器半个月整理一次。但要根据碎片比例来考虑,如在windows7中,碎片超过10%,则需整理,否则不必。
2023-01-02 05:35:501

电脑开机出现“recovering orphaned file”如何解决?

解决办法是:通过win PE中的分区管理工具,格式化(D盘)时候修改本分区的属性和E,F的一样。然后重启电脑,(启动时候)拔掉U盘(注:防止优盘文件损坏),就正常安装了。通过win PE中的分区管理工具,格式化(D盘)时候修改本分区的属性和E,F的一样。然后重启电脑,(启动时候)拔掉U盘(注:防止优盘文件损坏),就正常安装了。recovering orphaned file 恢复孤立文件,是非正常关机造成的操作系统的问题。或者是这个原因是由于你无意中动了系统分区。
2023-01-02 05:35:551

电脑开机“recovering orphaned file?”是什么意思?

recovering orphaned file是“孤立的文件恢复”的意思。这是非正常关机造成的。若检测完后再次开机又重复出现可在进入系统后,运行磁盘碎片整理。x0dx0ax0dx0a“开始”---“运行”---输入 chkdsk /f 回车,运行碎片整理程序。x0dx0a磁盘碎片整理,就是通过系统软件或者专业的磁盘碎片整理软件对电脑磁盘在长期使用过程中产生的碎片和凌乱文件重新整理,可提高电脑的整体性能和运行速度。x0dx0a磁盘碎片应该称为文件碎片,是因为文件被分散保存到整个磁盘的不同地方,而不是连续地保存在磁盘连续的簇中形成的。硬盘在使用一段时间后,由于反复写入和删除文件,磁盘中的空闲扇区会分散到整个磁盘中不连续的物理位置上,从而使文件不能存在连续的扇区里。这样,再读写文件时就需要到不同的地方去读取,增加了磁头的来回移动,降低了磁盘的访问速度。x0dx0a一般家庭用户1个月整理一次,商业用户以及服务器半个月整理一次。但要根据碎片比例来考虑,如在windows7中,碎片超过10%,则需整理,否则不必。
2023-01-02 05:36:011

重装系统后出现recovering orphaned file,怎么办

重装系统后出现recovering orphaned file估计是由于你无意中动了系统分区,例如把d盘也误设为系统分区,导致复制好系统文件后电脑自动重启后一直读D盘,系统C盘以外的盘也弄成了系统区,就是有两个系统启动盘了,这样就会出现recovering orphaned file这种错误,解决办法如下。通过win PE中的分区管理工具,格式化(D盘)时候修改本分区的属性和E,F的一样。然后重启电脑,(启动时候)拔掉U盘(注:防止优盘文件损坏),就正常安装了。
2023-01-02 05:36:076

win7如何修复开机recovering orphaned file

recovering orphaned file 恢复孤立文件是非正常关机造成的操作系统的问题,解决办法是:通过win PE中的分区管理工具,格式化(D盘)时候修改本分区的属性和E,F的一样。然后重启电脑,(启动时候)拔掉U盘(注:防止优盘文件损坏),就正常安装了。
2023-01-02 05:36:291


half-orphan ["hɑ:f,:fn] n. (无父或无母的)半孤儿;孤儿
2023-01-02 05:36:341

recover orphaned file什么意思?

recovering orphaned file是“孤立的文件恢复”的意思。这是非正常关机造成的。若检测完后再次开机又重复出现可在进入系统后,运行磁盘碎片整理。“开始”---“运行”---输入 chkdsk /f 回车,运行碎片整理程序。磁盘碎片整理,就是通过系统软件或者专业的磁盘碎片整理软件对电脑磁盘在长期使用过程中产生的碎片和凌乱文件重新整理,可提高电脑的整体性能和运行速度。磁盘碎片应该称为文件碎片,是因为文件被分散保存到整个磁盘的不同地方,而不是连续地保存在磁盘连续的簇中形成的。硬盘在使用一段时间后,由于反复写入和删除文件,磁盘中的空闲扇区会分散到整个磁盘中不连续的物理位置上,从而使文件不能存在连续的扇区里。这样,再读写文件时就需要到不同的地方去读取,增加了磁头的来回移动,降低了磁盘的访问速度。一般家庭用户1个月整理一次,商业用户以及服务器半个月整理一次。但要根据碎片比例来考虑,如在windows7中,碎片超过10%,则需整理,否则不必。
2023-01-02 05:36:391


2023-01-02 05:36:4415

开机recovering orphaned file 重复是怎么回事,要怎么解决?

recovering orphaned file   恢复孤立文件是非正常关机造成的操作系统的问题,解决办法是:通过win PE中的分区管理工具,格式化(D盘)时候修改本分区的属性和E,F的一样。然后重启电脑,(启动时候)拔掉U盘(注:防止优盘文件损坏),就正常安装了。
2023-01-02 05:37:341


recovering orphaned file是“孤立的文件恢复”的意思。这是非正常关机造成的。若检测完后再次开机又重复出现可在进入系统后,运行磁盘碎片整理。“开始”---“运行”---输入 chkdsk /f 回车,运行碎片整理程序。磁盘碎片整理,就是通过系统软件或者专业的磁盘碎片整理软件对电脑磁盘在长期使用过程中产生的碎片和凌乱文件重新整理,可提高电脑的整体性能和运行速度。磁盘碎片应该称为文件碎片,是因为文件被分散保存到整个磁盘的不同地方,而不是连续地保存在磁盘连续的簇中形成的。硬盘在使用一段时间后,由于反复写入和删除文件,磁盘中的空闲扇区会分散到整个磁盘中不连续的物理位置上,从而使文件不能存在连续的扇区里。这样,再读写文件时就需要到不同的地方去读取,增加了磁头的来回移动,降低了磁盘的访问速度。一般家庭用户1个月整理一次,商业用户以及服务器半个月整理一次。但要根据碎片比例来考虑,如在windows7中,碎片超过10%,则需整理,否则不必。
2023-01-02 05:37:421


演员表角色 演员Annabel[2] 杰西卡·查斯坦[2] Lucas[2] 尼可拉·科斯特-瓦尔道[2] Victoria[2] 梅根·查彭提尔[2] Lilly[2] 伊莎贝尔·内利瑟[2] Dr. Dreyfuss[2] Daniel Kash[2] Jean Podolski[2] Jane Moffat[2] Nina[2] Julia Chantrey[2] Orphaned boy[2] Jayden Greig[2] Orphaned Girl[2] Sydney Cross[2] Young Victoria[2] Morgan McGarry
2023-01-02 05:37:471