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遗传算法的模拟 数据结构题目

2023-06-25 07:09:11


/*package otherFile;

import java.util.Random;

import tGraph.TdcppGraph;

import shuffP.*;




* @author vaqeteart

* 这里是遗传算法的核心框架遗传算法的步骤:

* 遗传算法核心部分的算法描述

* 算法步骤:

* 1、初始化

* 1.1、生成初始种群编码

* 1.2、计算每个个体的适配值。

* 1.3、记录当前最优适配值和最优个体

* 2、选择和遗传,

* 2.0、若当前最优适配值多次小于已有的最优适配值(或相差不大)很多次,或者进化的次数超过设定的限制,转4。

* 2.1、按照与每个个体的适配值成正比的概率选择个体并复制,复制之后个体的数目和原始种群数目一样。

* 2.2、(最好先打乱复制后种群的个体次序)对复制后个体进行两两配对交叉,生成相同数目的的下一代种群。

* 2.3、对下一代种群按照一定的概率进行变异

* 2.4、计算每个个体的适配值。

* 2.5、记录当前最优适配值和最优个体

* 2.6、转2

* 3、返回当前最优适配值以及其对应的编码,结束。


* 注意:

* 1.这里的内容相当于一个模板,编写具体的遗传算法的时候,可以按照这个模板的形式编写。

* 2.应该填写代码的地方都有提示的标记。


public class GAKernel


//number of population

int popNum;//set the number to 20 in constructor

//current evolution times

int evolutionTim;

//limit of the evolution times

int evolutionLim;//set the number to 20 in constructor

//unaccepted times

//int eliminTim;

//limit of unaccepted times

//int eliminLim;

//current best euler code

//int curBestCode[];

//current best fitness

int curBestFitness;

//fitness of every individual

int iFitness[];

//fator of compute the fitness

int factor;

//..................other members.............................................

//the graph

//public TdcppGraph tpGraph;

//the eula code group

//int codes[][];

//every population



GAKernel(TdcppGraph tG,int eulerCode[])


popNum = 32;//2*2*2*2*2

//factor = Integer.MAX_VALUE / popNum;//to avoid overflow when select,for every fitness

evolutionTim = 0;/////

evolutionLim = 15;///////

//this.tpGraph=new TdcppGraph(tG);

//eliminTim = 0;


curBestFitness = 0;

//curBestCode = new int[eulerCode.length];

//for(int i = 0; i < curBestCode.length; ++i)


// curBestCode[i] = eulerCode[i];



iFitness = new int[popNum];

//codes = new int[popNum][];//lines

for(int i = 0; i < popNum; ++i)


//codes[i] = new int[eulerCode.length];

iFitness[i] = 0;




//initialize the originalpopulation

void initPopulation()



//int tmpCode[] = new int[curBestCode.length];

//get the initial individual

//for(int i = 0; i < curBestCode.length; ++i)


// tmpCode[i] = curBestCode[i];

// codes[0][i] = tmpCode[i];


//ShuffEP s = new ShuffEP(this.tpGraph);

//for(int i = 1; i < popNum; ++i)


// s.shuff(tmpCode);

// for(int j = 0; j < tmpCode.length; ++j)

// {

// codes[i][j] = tmpCode[j];

// }



//get the initial fitness to the member iFitness


//get the initial best individual and fitness



//compute the fitness of every individual in current population

void computeFitness()



//int time = 0;

//for(int i = 0; i < popNum; ++i)


// time = 0;

// for(int j = 0; j < codes[i].length - 1; ++j)

// {

// time += tpGraph.Edge(codes[i][j], codes[i][j + 1]).getCost(time);

// }

// iFitness[i] = factor - time;

// if(iFitness[i] < 0)

// {

// System.out.println("错误,某个个体适应度过小使得适配值出现负数");//lkdebug

// System.exit(1);

// }




//record the current best fitness and the according individual

void recordBest()


int bestIndex = -1;

for(int i = 0; i < popNum; ++i)


if(curBestFitness < iFitness[i])


curBestFitness = iFitness[i];

bestIndex = i;




if(bestIndex > -1)


// for(int i = 0; i < curBestCode.length; ++i)

// {

// curBestCode[i] = codes[bestIndex][i];

// }




//selection and reproduce individual in population

void selIndividual()


int tmpiFitness[] = new int[iFitness.length];

tmpiFitness[0] = iFitness[0];




//int tmpCode[][] = new int[popNum][];

//for(int i = 0; i < codes.length; ++i)


// tmpCode[i] = new int[codes[i].length];//???

// for(int j = 0; j < codes[i].length; ++j)

// {//copy to tmpCode and reset codes

// tmpCode[i][j] = codes[i][j];

// codes[i][j] = -1;

// }



for(int i = 1; i < tmpiFitness.length; ++i)


tmpiFitness[i] = tmpiFitness[i - 1] + iFitness[i];

//iFitness[i] = 0;



for(int i = 0; i < popNum; ++i)


int rFit = new Random().nextInt(tmpiFitness[tmpiFitness.length - 1]);

for(int j = 0; j < tmpiFitness.length; ++j)


if(rFit < tmpiFitness[j])


rFit = j;//record the index of the individual




if(rFit == 0)


iFitness[i] = tmpiFitness[rFit];




iFitness[i] = tmpiFitness[rFit] - tmpiFitness[rFit - 1];//copy fitness



//for(int j = 0; j < tmpCode[rFit].length; ++j)


// codes[i][j] =tmpCode[rFit][j];




//get the copied fitness in iFitness


//match every two individual and cross the code

void matchCross()





//mutate by a specifical probability

void mutate()





//evolve current population

void evolve()






//compute the approximative best value by GA

//find approximative best solution by GA

public void compute()



//while((evolutionTim < evolutionLim) && (eliminTim < eliminLim))

while(evolutionTim < evolutionLim)



//get the initial fitness to the member iFitness


//get the initial best individual and fitness








// Genetic.h: interface for the CGenetic class.



#if !defined(AFX_GENETIC_H__72C36058_C073_487F_BD99_D8BD4A59EFF0__INCLUDED_)

#define AFX_GENETIC_H__72C36058_C073_487F_BD99_D8BD4A59EFF0__INCLUDED_

#if _MSC_VER > 1000

#pragma once

#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000


typedef struct mychrom{

double chrom[MAXVARNO];

double fitness;//适应度


//#include "BpNet.h"


class CGenetic



bool IsStoped;

double dblAngle;

CHROM best;

//Mm mData,mResult;

double dblDifference;//差异〉改值的染色体视为不同

double dblCre;//适应度>改值的染色体符合条件

int iBestNum;//符合条件的染色体数目

//CBpNet * bpnet;

//double (* obj_fun)();

double CalFitness(CHROM chrome);//计算适应度函数

long gen;//当前进化代数

void setscope(double scope[MAXVARNO][2],int iNo);//设置染色体取值范围

double randxy(double x,double y);//产生x,y之间的随机数

void statistic(CHROM pop[]);

CHROM bestchrom[MAXBESTNUM];//最优染色体

bool begin();//主函数

void generation();//一次进化

int rselect();//轮盘赌选择

CHROM newpop[POPSIZE];//种群

CHROM oldpop[POPSIZE];//种群

double pmutation;//变异概率

double pcross;//交叉概率

long maxgen;//最大进化代数

int iVarNo;//染色体数目

double sumfitness;


virtual ~CGenetic();


double angle(CHROM ch1,CHROM ch2);

bool IsNew(CHROM ch);//判断是否为符合条件的新染色体

double difference(CHROM ch1,CHROM ch2);//量个染色体之间的差异,用以区别

bool identify(CHROM chrome);//验证是否为合法的染色体

double varminmax[MAXVARNO][2];

void init();//初始化,设置初始染色体

void mutation(CHROM *chrome);//对新染色体进行变异

bool flip(double possibility);//测试


void cross(CHROM chrom1,CHROM chrom2,int iPlace);

bool IsSetScope;


#endif // !defined(AFX_GENETIC_H__72C36058_C073_487F_BD99_D8BD4A59EFF0__INCLUDED_)

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!

C#实现遗传算法 模拟花朵的进化

int main(int argc,char *argv[]) /* 主程序 */
struct individual *temp;
// FILE *fopen();
void title();
char *malloc();
/* if((outfp = fopen(argv[1],"w")) == NULL)
printf("Cannot open output file %s ",argv[1]);

for(run=1; run<=maxruns; run++)
for(gen=0; gen<maxgen; gen++)
printf(" 第 %d / %d 次运行: 当前代为 %d, 共 %d 代 ", run,maxruns,gen,maxgen);
/* 产生新一代 */
/* 计算新一代种群的适应度统计数据 */
/* 输出新一代统计数据 */
temp = oldpop;
oldpop = newpop;
newpop = temp;






n. 特效药,细节; adj. 特殊的; <罕>详细而精确的; 明确的; 特效的;
2023-06-25 03:24:341


意思就不一样 specially 专门地 特别地 specifically 特定地,明确地 especially 尤其
2023-06-25 03:24:411


2023-06-25 03:24:492

you are skilled in something very specifical. 怎么翻译?

2023-06-25 03:24:578

专人 用英语怎么说

2023-06-25 03:25:155


2023-06-25 03:25:314


疑问词+not+主句?Why not/Don"t you?
2023-06-25 03:25:394


启动崩溃是由盖瑞模组引起了不能够加载这个文件系统:C:/ 在Windows / System32下/ D3DX9_40。 DLL 或C:/Windows/SysWOW64/D3DX9_40.dll 这是DirectX的9部分解决方案要解决这个问题,你只需要确保该文件存在,并没有损坏。更新的DirectX运行时如果不尝试安装的DirectX避风港运行时间还没有从这个链接,你应该做的第一:点击橙色“下载”按钮,保存文件,然后运行它,如果问题仍然存在,请尝试重新启动您的计算机。对于一些人,安装程序会导致它自己的错误,虽然,在这种情况下,你应该联系Microsoft支持,而不是:更新的DirectX 9 如果上面没有按"T的帮助下,尝试从这个链接安装DirectX 9.0c的specificaly:点击橙色“下载”按钮,保存文件,然后运行它。如果问题仍然存在,请尝试重新启动您的计算机。不得已/最简单的解决方案,如果没有上面的帮助,你可以尝试做的事是手动下载文件,并把它更替到你的Steam/ SteamApps /普通/ GarrysMod /bin/文件夹中(也就是右键查看文件所在,然后找到bin文件)。有用的链接з」∠)_特地去翻墙翻译了下,大概意思是这样…如果没办法的话请去贴吧解决,无能为力…据说多出现在Win8跟Win10之中
2023-06-25 03:25:471

翻译 prenatal

用于孕期的膳食补充,最重要的是产前.含有多种维生素.每天一片.prenatal 是产前的意思.Dietary Supplement是膳食补充.
2023-06-25 03:26:201


重新建一个用户名。把其设在管理员组里。用 新建用户登录
2023-06-25 03:26:303


状元莫氏圆锥量规用于检查机床与工具圆锥孔和圆锥柄的锥度和尺寸的正确性,莫氏量规分A型不带扁尾和B型带扁尾两种型式,精度等级分为1、2、3级。 不带扁尾莫氏圆锥工作环规 A型 927 Morse taper working ring gauge without flat tail,type A 927 编 号 Ltem 规 格 Specificaltions 锥 度 值 Taper 质 量 Weight(Kg) 927-01 0 1:19.212 0.058 927-02 1 1:20.047 0.110 927-03 2 1:20.020 0.240 927-04 3 1:19.922 0.450 927-05 4 1:19.254 0.830 927-06 5 1:19.002 2.100 927-07 6 1:19.180 5.300 不带扁尾莫氏圆锥工作塞规 A型 928 Morse taper working plug gauge without flat tail,type A 928 编 号 Ltem 规 格 Specificaltions 锥 度 值 Taper 质 量 Weight(Kg) 928-01 0 1:19.212 0.054 928-02 1 1:20.047 0.104 928-03 2 1:20.020 0.251 928-04 3 1:19.922 0.499 928-05 4 1:19.254 0.921 928-06 5 1:19.002 2.10 928-07 6 1:19.180 5.00
2023-06-25 03:26:402


specificallyspecifical 等于specific
2023-06-25 03:26:483

请问special, speicialized, specific, specifical的区别,请谈心得!

2023-06-25 03:26:571

以 New year resolution 我题的英语作文

新年决心(New Year"s resolution) Today is the first day of 2007(so yesterday was the last day of 2006,haha), it seems that almost everyone is busy making his or her new year"s resolution or sum-up. However I, with a mess-up mind, can"t remember all the things exactly in terms of months, and therefore I just consider the past 2006 as a year when I took two TOEFLs, won a lawsuit in my volunteering career (although it is not a real recovering legally), found the first job during my lifetime, met a particular one whom I mistook as the right person and then knew him well after hurt, decided to give up the dream of going to the United States to further my study......maybe the list should be endless, but right now, my memory is limited. Since past can never equal with future, so just let pass-by be pass-by and that looking forward to a more splendid perspective would be a better choice. Simplification and nature is what I am pursuing after these years and I will do my utmost to keep up this style of life. I will try to be happy everyday and, as I"ve witten in ,my space, smile all the time, no matter what comes and what happens! This is a general idea of my 2007 life. To be more specifical, I made the following plans to do within the whole year: 1.Keep fit! It has been a long time since my last time to do some exercise. Doing sports is not only a way to lose weight, but more important, to stay healthy. Maybe I will do some exercise on weekends with several friends or go to a gym to learn body mechanics or yoga. (keep my weight no more than 48kg is my goal! ) 2.Stick to learing English! Since the dream of becoming a lawyer seems so close to me, why can"t the deam of being an English teacher like Vincent realize? 3.Work harder and harder in my job position. Good beginning is half done! Stepping the first footprint into the society, I don"t just want a job. What I really want is a career. The importance of the first job, what"s more, the choosen field, is evident. I won"t leave any regret to the future Grace when I looking back from my old. 4.Learn to be more tolerant and considerate. Thank you for all my friends" care. You have companied me these days and bear my bad temper. I know that I owe you all the love and help. In the next year, I will try to be mature! 5.Last but of course not least, be happier than the past. Being alone doesn"t certainly mean lonely. I"d like to enjoy this single style in 2007! I just can plan the above things. If there is any modification or supplement, I will add in at any time. 好像有点多,你自己再裁减一部分吧 另外一篇Hello, Hellen! This year is over. To welcome the new year, I make my New Year"s resolutions. Let me tell you about it. First, I want to help my mother do some housework. Because my mother is very tired, I want to do something for her. I can help her wash my own clothes and clean the house, sweep the floor and so on. Second, I want to ski in Beijing. Because skiing can make me strong and healthy. I also want to listening to the music. I like singing. I also like to collect CDs. Listening to popular music makes me relax. Third, I will get on well with all my students in a new year. And I will work hard at all my subject. I hope I can get good marks in the exam. What do you think of my New Year"s Resolutions?
2023-06-25 03:27:052

以 New year resolution 我题的英语作文 100词左右的,

新年决心(New Year"s resolution) Today is the first day of 2007(so yesterday was the last day of 2006,haha),it seems that almost everyone is busy making his or her new year"s resolution or sum-up.However I,with a mess-up mind,can"t remember all the things exactly in terms of months,and therefore I just consider the past 2006 as a year when I took two TOEFLs,won a lawsuit in my volunteering career (although it is not a real recovering legally),found the first job during my lifetime,met a particular one whom I mistook as the right person and then knew him well after hurt,decided to give up the dream of going to the United States to further my study.maybe the list should be endless,but right now,my memory is limited.Since past can never equal with future,so just let pass-by be pass-by and that looking forward to a more splendid perspective would be a better choice.Simplification and nature is what I am pursuing after these years and I will do my utmost to keep up this style of life.I will try to be happy everyday and,as I"ve witten in ,my space,smile all the time,no matter what comes and what happens!This is a general idea of my 2007 life.To be more specifical,I made the following plans to do within the whole year:1.Keep fit!It has been a long time since my last time to do some exercise.Doing sports is not only a way to lose weight,but more important,to stay healthy.Maybe I will do some exercise on weekends with several friends or go to a gym to learn body mechanics or yoga.(keep my weight no more than 48kg is my goal!) 2.Stick to learing English!Since the dream of becoming a lawyer seems so close to me,why can"t the deam of being an English teacher like Vincent realize?3.Work harder and harder in my job position.Good beginning is half done!Stepping the first footprint into the society,I don"t just want a job.What I really want is a career.The importance of the first job,what"s more,the choosen field,is evident.I won"t leave any regret to the future Grace when I looking back from my old.4.Learn to be more tolerant and considerate.Thank you for all my friends" care.You have companied me these days and bear my bad temper.I know that I owe you all the love and help.In the next year,I will try to be mature!5.Last but of course not least,be happier than the past.Being alone doesn"t certainly mean lonely.I"d like to enjoy this single style in 2007!I just can plan the above things.If there is any modification or supplement,I will add in at any time. 好像有点多,你自己再裁减一部分吧 另外一篇 Hello,Hellen! This year is over.To welcome the new year,I make my New Year"s resolutions.Let me tell you about it.First,I want to help my mother do some housework.Because my mother is very tired,I want to do something for her.I can help her wash my own clothes and clean the house,sweep the floor and so on.Second,I want to ski in Beijing.Because skiing can make me strong and healthy.I also want to listening to the music.I like singing.I also like to collect CDs.Listening to popular music makes me relax.Third,I will get on well with all my students in a new year.And I will work hard at all my subject.I hope I can get good marks in the exam.What do you think of my New Year"s Resolutions?
2023-06-25 03:27:241

以 New year resolution 我题的英语作文

新年决心(New Year"s resolution) Today is the first day of 2007(so yesterday was the last day of 2006,haha), it seems that almost everyone is busy making his or her new year"s resolution or sum-up. However I, with a mess-up mind, can"t remember all the things exactly in terms of months, and therefore I just consider the past 2006 as a year when I took two TOEFLs, won a lawsuit in my volunteering career (although it is not a real recovering legally), found the first job during my lifetime, met a particular one whom I mistook as the right person and then knew him well after hurt, decided to give up the dream of going to the United States to further my study......maybe the list should be endless, but right now, my memory is limited. Since past can never equal with future, so just let pass-by be pass-by and that looking forward to a more splendid perspective would be a better choice. Simplification and nature is what I am pursuing after these years and I will do my utmost to keep up this style of life. I will try to be happy everyday and, as I"ve witten in ,my space, smile all the time, no matter what comes and what happens! This is a general idea of my 2007 life. To be more specifical, I made the following plans to do within the whole year: 1.Keep fit! It has been a long time since my last time to do some exercise. Doing sports is not only a way to lose weight, but more important, to stay healthy. Maybe I will do some exercise on weekends with several friends or go to a gym to learn body mechanics or yoga. (keep my weight no more than 48kg is my goal! ) 2.Stick to learing English! Since the dream of becoming a lawyer seems so close to me, why can"t the deam of being an English teacher like Vincent realize? 3.Work harder and harder in my job position. Good beginning is half done! Stepping the first footprint into the society, I don"t just want a job. What I really want is a career. The importance of the first job, what"s more, the choosen field, is evident. I won"t leave any regret to the future Grace when I looking back from my old. 4.Learn to be more tolerant and considerate. Thank you for all my friends" care. You have companied me these days and bear my bad temper. I know that I owe you all the love and help. In the next year, I will try to be mature! 5.Last but of course not least, be happier than the past. Being alone doesn"t certainly mean lonely. I"d like to enjoy this single style in 2007! I just can plan the above things. If there is any modification or supplement, I will add in at any time. 好像有点多,你自己再裁减一部分吧 另外一篇 Hello, Hellen!This year is over. To welcome the new year, I make my New Year"s resolutions. Let me tell you about it. First, I want to help my mother do some housework. Because my mother is very tired, I want to do something for her. I can help her wash my own clothes and clean the house, sweep the floor and so on. Second, I want to ski in Beijing. Because skiing can make me strong and healthy. I also want to listening to the music. I like singing. I also like to collect CDs. Listening to popular music makes me relax. Third, I will get on well with all my students in a new year. And I will work hard at all my subject. I hope I can get good marks in the exam. What do you think of my New Year"s Resolutions?
2023-06-25 03:27:321


Some persons have been appointred to assume official positions just because they are from some specificaliiy favored families. They have not been properly educated by competent teachers, they have not been examined by the government, so no one knows that whether they have the proper talent for the positions assunmed by them. And in respect to their morals or values, they have not been guaranteed by thier families or senior members in their families. However, with the existance of all of the above-mentioned shortcomings of these people, our central government shill recklessly trust them and appoints them to assume official positions. 白话文翻译就是:一些年轻人被任命为官员,不是因为他们的文化水平或才能,而仅仅是因为他们特殊的家庭背景。他们没有受过什么教育,也没有经过正式的考试考查,他们的家庭长辈也不敢保证他们的文化素养和道德水准。但即使是这样,这些人却依然被朝廷任命为官员。
2023-06-25 03:27:512


Trojan horse is a remote control program based on " cpent / server " mode . after the trojan horse server running on user " s pc , it can open a specifical port or connect with trojan horse cpent or do other actions “特洛伊木马” ,是一种基于“客户机服务器”模式的 远程控制程序 ,它的服务器端程序在用户的计算机上运行后,可以打开特定的端口也可以与客户机交互或是执行特定命令等等。 Based on the real - time laboratory and high - speed lan of ee . college , this paper puts forward remote control system based on cpent / server / database pattern and develops a suit of program based on the structure 目前的远程实验研究还存在许多技术上差别和难题,本文以实时控制实验室和高速局域网为依托,提出了客户机服务器数据库三层模式的远程控制系统结构,以此结构开发了一套 远程控制程序 。
2023-06-25 03:27:581


你是自己翻的吗?大致读了一小段,感觉怪怪的For instance,a child visits a historic buildings is able to learn more about to be a native of his or her hometown比如这句For instance, visiting a historic building would help children learn more about their hometown我感觉你是用机器翻译的吧,很多地方很啰嗦, 都是直接套用中文办法翻译的吧
2023-06-25 03:28:062

this is very obviously the approach of some one writing exclusively and specificaly for the young.

this is the approach这是主干部分,very obviously修饰this is形容很明显,of some one writing exclusively and specificaly for the young修饰the approach,意思是某人专门为年轻人写的
2023-06-25 03:28:131

rat testes中文翻译

Effect of estradiol benzoate on the growth and development of rat testis 雌二醇对大鼠睾丸组织生长发育的影响 Effect of haloxyfop - p - methyl on damage of spermatogenic cells in the rat testis 高效氟吡甲禾灵对大鼠睾丸生精细胞的损伤作用 Effect of generapzed unspecifical immunoreaction on activities of some enzymes in rat testis 全身性非特异性免疫反应对大鼠睾丸几种酶活性的影响 The functional change of the rats testis in the condition of undifferential orchitis induced by ppopolysaccharide 脂多糖诱导的非特异性炎症对大鼠睾丸功能的影响 The results were as follows : l . the microvascular distribution : the capillary vessel of rat testis were distributed among seminiferous tubules 结果如下: 1微血管分布:大鼠睾丸的微血管分布于睾丸间质内。 Zhou hm , and pu yx ( 1997 ) : locapzation of tpa and pai - 1 in rat testes . chinese science bulletin . 42 : 588 - 591 周红明、刘以训( 1996 ) :组织型纤溶酶原激活因子及抑制因子的信使核糖核酸在大鼠睾丸中的定位。科学通报41 : 455 458 。
2023-06-25 03:28:201


2023-06-25 03:28:261


58.No,they shouldn"t.59.To learn.60.They are comfortable and don"t need specifical care.
2023-06-25 03:28:341


2023-06-25 03:28:426

翻译 专项

2023-06-25 03:29:088

New Year Resolution Survey Results的英语作文急用 明天交 谢谢

2023-06-25 03:29:343


莫氏圆锥量规用于检查机床与工具圆锥孔和圆锥柄的锥度和尺寸的正确性,莫氏量规分A型不带扁尾和B型带扁尾两种型式,精度等级分为1、2、3级。不带扁尾莫氏圆锥工作环规 A型 927 Morse taper working ring gauge without flat tail,type A 927 编 号Ltem 规 格Specificaltions 锥 度 值Taper 质 量Weight(Kg) 927-01 0 1:19.212 0.058 927-02 1 1:20.047 0.110 927-03 2 1:20.020 0.240 927-04 3 1:19.922 0.450 927-05 4 1:19.254 0.830 927-06 5 1:19.002 2.100 927-07 6 1:19.180 5.300 不带扁尾莫氏圆锥工作塞规 A型 928 Morse taper working plug gaugewithout flat tail,type A 928 编 号Ltem 规 格Specificaltions 锥 度 值Taper 质 量Weight(Kg) 928-01 0 1:19.212 0.054 928-02 1 1:20.047 0.104 928-03 2 1:20.020 0.251 928-04 3 1:19.922 0.499 928-05 4 1:19.254 0.921 928-06 5 1:19.002 2.10 928-07 6 1:19.180 5.00
2023-06-25 03:29:441


2023-06-25 03:29:512


Dice GameTarget Grade: 1-5Target English: Any vocab, try occupations or "What are you doing?"This is a great game that works best with themes with around 11 pieces of vocab and actions to go with them i.e. a lot of the Genki English themes!1. Put the students into groups of 4 or 5. The best way to do this is to use the Mingle Game combined with the group game, i.e. you do the Mingle chant and then shout out "4" or "5" and the kids quickly get into groups of this number. This works a treat!2. Each group sits down in a circle3. Give each group a die4. You assign a number from 2-12 for each piece of vocab. It"s best to let the students decide which ones are which. Write down the number next to the picture card on the board.5. The students shout out the appropriate question, e.g. "What do you do?" for occupations. It"s important that the kids are not just learning vocab, but are learning the questions and answers together.6. One person in the group roles the die. The students remember the number. 7. The same person roles the die again. 8. The students add up the numbers and then shout out the corresponding answer. i.e. if they role 2 and then 5, they shout out the answer on the picture card next to number 7. It"s also really fun to do the gestures as well. 9. The fastest person to call out the correct answer then becomes the die roler and you repeat from 6.This game can go on for ages as all the students want to roll the dice. It"s great for concentration as you have to look at the die, do the maths, look at the board then shout out the English! It also helps promote the "student centered learning" approach now recommended in Asia, where the teacher becomes the "director" and the students are the movie stars!2.Balloon GameTarget Grade: 1-5Target English: Any vocab, especially the Food ThemeThis is a very fun, co-operative game.1. Put the students into groups of 4 or 5. The best way to do this is to use the Mingle, it works a treat!2. Each group forms a circle and they hold hands.3. Give each group a balloon.4. As a group they have to keep the balloon in the air, but when it touches a part of someone"s body they have to shout out an English word.Suitable topics are numbers, colours, fruits, or one really cool way is to use the foods from the Food Theme. The first kid says "I like apples", then the next kid has to say "I like bananas" etc. See if they can make it all the way to "zucchini" without letting the balloon fall!Very simple but very fun. The game is good in building up team work and co-operation. But if you need to you could also introduce a little competition by seeing how long each group can keep the balloon in the air for, and remembering to reset the clock if they forget the English word!3.TPR Warm Up Game!Target Grade: 1-5Target English: Greetings, verbsThis is a game that is great do at the beginning of nearly every lesson. Its gets the kids lively and active and helps their listening skills, and if they can learn to stand up and sit down quickly you won"t be wasting time later on in the lesson! From then on you add in new words each week, and is really effective. It"s basically TPR, total physical response, although with limited class time it"s usually better to get the kids repeating the words as soon as you can.At the beginning you simply shout out commands at the kids. First of all simple things like "Stand Up" or "Sit Down" are OK, along with "Good Morning" (great to practice the Good Morning Song! ). Also, try tricking them by saying "STAND UP" when they are already standing up!As you meet the kids more you can add words such as JUMP, SPIN (a big favourite), EAT, DRINK, CHEER, CLAP,先给你发几个游戏.等下帮你找些网站?
2023-06-25 03:25:581


《修仙暧昧高手》百度网盘txt最新全集下载:链接: 提取码:3hnm简介:修仙暧昧高手是一本玄幻小说,作者是不凉水杯。
2023-06-25 03:26:001


HODOO核动力?是这个牌子不?长春市西安大路6号世纪鸿源大厦一号公寓1432 0 4 3 1+8 2 7 7 0 5 6 7
2023-06-25 03:26:021

H3C iNode卸载不了怎么办

2023-06-25 03:26:062

跪求 堀江由衣的樱 歌词给我加分
2023-06-25 03:26:092

求歌词 parade yui 带罗马音

2023-06-25 03:26:162


发上来就乱了 下面参考资料的地址 有点大 隔远看,貌似是这张
2023-06-25 03:26:172


落ち込んでいる人 ochikon deiru nin 悩んでるあの人も nayan deruano nin mo そんな気分のまま過ごしても sonna kibun nomama sugo shitemo 解決しない kaiketsu shinai 笑って生きてても waratte iki tetemo ボヤいて生きてみても boya ite iki temitemo 同じく時間(トキ)が過ぎる onaji ku jikan ( toki ) ga sugi ru なら楽しもう nara tanoshi mou 季節がめぐる kisetsu gameguru 歳を重ねる toshi wo kasaneru 今が一番 ima ga ichiban SO YOUNG SO YOUNG 元気ピカッピカッ! genki pikappikatsu ! もっと輝け YEAH YEAH motto kagayake YEAH YEAH 個性信じて kosei shinji te 人目なんて気にしないでさ hitome nante kini shinaidesa らしく生きよう rashiku iki you 元気ピカッピカッ! genki pikappikatsu ! もっと強気で YEAH YEAH motto tsuyoki de YEAH YEAH 認める勇気 mitome ru yuuki そうさその先があるはずさ sousasono sakiga aruhazusa 粘るが勝ちさ! nebaru ga kachi sa ! 激動の平日 gekidou no heijitsu 告白の週末も kokuhaku no shuumatsu mo 太陽からみればほんの一瞬の taiyou karamirebahonno isshun no 出来事 dekigoto 他人がよく見えて tanin gayoku mie te 自分だけが不幸で jibun dakega fukou de テレビドラマなんかより terebidorama nankayori 事実は奇なり jijitsu ha ki nari スキになれば suki ninareba 練習でも renshuu demo 恋愛でも ren"ai demo SO HAPPY SO HAPPY 元気ピカッピカッ! genki pikappikatsu ! もっとダイスキ YEAH YEAH motto daisuki YEAH YEAH 優しい心 yasashii kokoro 長い歴史には人類の nagai rekishi niha jinrui no 知恵があるはず chie gaaruhazu 元気ピカッピカッ! genki pikappikatsu ! もっと張り切れ YEAH YEAH motto hari kire YEAH YEAH 許せる勇気 yuruse ru yuuki 結果なんて後からついてくる kekka nante nochi karatsuitekuru 貫け信念! tsuranuke shinnen ! 元気ピカッピカッ! genki pikappikatsu ! もっとダイスキ YEAH YEAH motto daisuki YEAH YEAH 優しい心 yasashii kokoro 長い歴史には人類の nagai rekishi niha jinrui no 知恵があるはず chie gaaruhazu 元気ピカッピカッ! genki pikappikatsu ! もっと張り切れ YEAH YEAH motto hari kire YEAH YEAH 許せる勇気 yuruse ru yuuki 結果なんて後からついてくる kekka nante nochi karatsuitekuru 貫け信念! tsuranuke shinnen !
2023-06-25 03:26:211

求dragon soul 的歌词,中文翻译和罗马注音

ae a aea ef aef afea eaf af ae f
2023-06-25 03:26:292


2023-06-25 03:26:346


BEGINNINGS(中文拼音对译)歌手:松隆子 曲:Shin 词:永山耕三唱:松隆子Aoi yoake ni Tokai wa nemutte在蓝色的晨曦中 都市在沉睡著Kawaita hodoo hadashi de aruita乾了的行人道上 我赤著脚步行Nakushita yasashisa Kazoe nagara一面数算著 已失去了的温柔Naze Otona ni natte ku no为何 人总要变得成熟呢Yume no naka de mita Ano hi no yakusoku ni在梦中看见 当天的盟誓Sure chigau kisetsu ga tsuzuku擦身而过的季节在不断转动著★Ano sora no mukoo Meguri ae tara在那天空的另一方 若能偶然遇上Sunaona kotoba Kitto tsutae rareru hazu率直的说话 一定会传达给你知道Kono sora no shita de Shinji ae tara在这片天空之下 若是相信的话 ★Futari kiri no Asa ga hajimaru只有我俩的清晨 便开始了>> >> >> >>Mayonaka no umi Fukan de kie teku深夜里的海上 浮现又消失的Tooi akari o naran de mi te ita远处的灯火 我俩并肩地遥望著Yawara kana kaze Anata no nukumori柔和的海风 你那温暖的感觉Nami no oto dake hibii teru只有海浪的声音在响著Boohatei no ue damatte me o toji te防波堤之上 默默地闭起双眼Atarashii kisetsu o matsu yo期待著新的季节的来临啊Ano sora no mukoo Aishi ae tara在那天空的另一方 若能与你相爱Ano hi no namida Yubi de sotto nazori nagara当天的眼泪 也会一边用指尖轻轻地擦去Kono sora no shita de Dakishi mete ite在这片天空之下 紧紧的拥抱著Futari dake no Asa ga hajimaru只有我俩的清晨 便开始了>> >> >> >>Rep★Futari kiri no Asa o hajime yoo只有我俩的清晨 由我们来开始吧
2023-06-25 03:26:341


运行-msconfig 这个试试
2023-06-25 03:25:495


2023-06-25 03:25:475


2023-06-25 03:25:472


1.日语太好了、 よかった罗马音:yo ka tta汉语发音:腰 卡 他2.你好吗?  げんき お元気ですか罗马音:o gen ki de su ka汉语发音:奥 gain ki 呆 斯 卡3.我很好! げんき 元気です罗马音:gen ki de su汉语发音:gain ki 呆 斯4.好久不见 ひさ お久しいぶりですね罗马音:o hi sa shii bu ri de su ne汉语发音:奥 hi 撒 西-- 不 里 呆 斯 奈(--表示长音,前面的汉字在发音时拉长一个音即可)希望能够帮助到你
2023-06-25 03:25:401


利用重、磁、震同步联合进行反演方法,一是对中生界分布重点区域进行反演,获得中生界分布残余厚度;二是对典型剖面进行反演,获得剖面深部地质信息。重、磁、震资料相互约束的反演方法,在模型建立上,实现了不同物性(速度、电阻率、密度)共网格单元的建模,统一了多种地球物理方法的建模方式,考虑了在地质、地震、钻井、物性等先验信息的约束下,引入正则化思想,以提高反演稳定性和精度并减少多解性,大大提高了反演结果的可信度,提高了多种地球物理资料联合反演解决复杂地质问题的能力。(一)方法一原理、流程、应用及效果分析采用以地震剖面解释结果以及钻孔分层结果为约束条件的多次回归反演方法获得中生界残余厚度,其中用于反演的异常值为重、磁对应分析结果。多次回归反演方法的步骤如下:(1)将地震剖面解释的局部相对确定的中生界厚度、钻孔分层结果作为多次回归反演的已知厚度D。(2)将已知点厚度D代入多次回归反演公式(5-1),得到一个线性超定方程组(5-2)。海域油气资源战略调查与选区AX=B (5-2)式中:gm为中生界引起的重、磁对应分析结果;ai是回归系数,通过求解线性超定方程组(5-2-2)得到;N为回归阶次。A、X、B见(5-3)所示。海域油气资源战略调查与选区(3)为了保持算法的稳定性,一般不超过5次,通过(5-1)可以计算所有点的中生界厚度。从前面的重磁对应分析结果可知南海东北部海域中部北东向的基底布格重力低、化极磁力低区域是我们探寻中生界的重点区域。部分地震资料也印证该区域中生界的存在。利用重、磁、震联合反演方法进行了中生界残余厚度的反演,得到了中生界残余厚度分布图(图4-71)。可以看出,东沙隆起大部分区域、台西南盆地西北部区域中生界分布连续,厚度大约4000~8000m之间;惠州凹陷以北区域,中生界厚度在6000m左右,规模较大;在南部隆起西部及白云凹陷南部区域,中生界厚度在3000~6000m之间。(二)方法二原理、流程、应用及效果分析1.原理重、磁和地震方法三者联合反演的目标函数为(Yu Peng,2008;何伟,2009):海域油气资源战略调查与选区式中:M为测点数,L为速度界面的数目, 为重力的计算值, 为重力的理论值, 为磁力的计算值, 为磁力的理论值, 为模型第i个测点、第k个界面的双程旅行时计算值, 为地震叠加剖面拾取的第i个观测点、第k个界面的双程旅行时,l=[v11,v12,...,vji,...,vNM,s11,s12,...,sji,...,sNM,m11,m12,...,mji,...,mNM,h11,h12,...,hji,...,hNM]T (5-5)为模型的参数矢量,N为划分的网格深度线的数目,vji、σji、mji、hji分别为第i个测点、第j个深度线的速度、密度、磁化强度和深度;Wg、Wm与Ws分别为重力异常、磁异常与地震走时误差fg、fm与fs的权系数。对于加权系数Wg、Wm和Ws,具体的取值,要由重、磁和地震三种方法的数据的数量级、精度和侧重关系决定,相应的加权系数越大,则该方法所占比重越大,对整个反演的结果影响越大。2.反演处理流程重力、磁法和地震资料联合反演的流程与MT-地震资料的联合反演流程类似,利用快速模拟退火算法实现了三者之间的同步联合反演。这种基于物性随机分布模型的联合反演因为模型参数个数往往大于观测数据个数,应尽可能利用物性资料和先验信息,使反演结果更可靠。因此它适合于在综合多种先验信息条件下,或对最终解估计有初步认识的基础上展开建模,给出模型参数的初始选择空间,通过模拟退火算法来反演并最终锁定最优解的空间,以减少反问题的多解性并提高反演精度,若初始模型参数空间估计错误或选择变化的空间很局限,往往很难得到理想的解。所以,这是一种适合于在先验信息约束下开展的精细反演方法。反演处理过程包括以下几个环节(图5-35)。图5-35 重磁震同步联合反演地球物理处理流程图(1)基干地震剖面的解释及时-深转换:在充分利用陆域钻、测井资料标定基础上,根据地震反射结构特征和区域构造的对比分析进行基干地震剖面中古生界主要地质反射界面和构造层的地震解释,包括对内幕地震反射层特征、规律及反射模式分析等。在此基础上,通过声波测井资料和地震速度谱资料转换分别建立起陆域和海域的层速度关系,据此关系对所解释的基干地震剖面进行时-深转换。(2)物理-地质模型建立:采用结合密度、磁化强度(电阻率)和速度随机分布共网格模型的建模方法来进行物理-地质模型的建立。(3)同步联合反演处理:按照上述方法及原理,利用改进的快速模拟退火算法,实现了这种共网格条件下的重力、磁法与地震数据的同步联合反演,即反演同一个地质地球物理模型网格单元内的物性参数,进而达到同时反演形态和物性参数的目的。计算过程中,通过给予各地层相应的物性变化范围以及地震解释不确定地层的深度变化范围,如对南黄海XQ07-10测线和NT05-2测线的D-P1、 -S和Z这三个地层的底面进行松约束(允许这些深度不确定的地层可以在上覆和下伏地层之间变化),对地震解释可靠的其余地层的底界面深度进行紧约束,可以通过联合反演来确定这些目的层相应的物性值和深度分布,得到针对同一构造目标条件下统一的物性结构以及地质-地球物理解释模型。该方法的特点是,充分利用了先验信息如可靠地震资料的约束,通过考虑各地层的物性和深度约束范围,来精细反演各地层的物性和深度参数,因基于统一模型条件下综合了多种地球物理场的观测数据,因此提高了反演的精度并减少了多解性。3.应用与效果分析1)南海北部中生界地球物理反演剖面的处理结果分析选取过LF35-1-1井的XQ1-3G测线进行重、磁、震联合正反演计算,反演结果如图5-36。该测线位于东沙隆起,全长约71km。从拟合结果分析,北西段(重磁测线45km以北)磁性基底性质不同于南东段,北西段磁性基底磁性强度相对大(1000~6500)×10-3A/m,磁倾角为0°,说明该地块磁性基底磁性以剩磁为主。南东段磁性基底磁性强度相对小(1000~1500)×10-3A/m,磁倾角为30°~50°,说明该地块磁性基底磁性以感磁为主。此外,在北西段重磁反演出基底存在两个火成岩体,其拟合结果参数分别为磁化强度6500×10-3A/m、磁倾角50°、密度2.65×103kg/m3;磁化强度4500×10-3A/m、磁倾角30°、密度2.65×103kg/m3,推断为基性火成岩体。这两个由反演结果推断出来的强磁性火成岩体与化极平面磁异常反映的磁力高特征相吻合的。据资料显示,该区域内的多口钻井在井底已揭示白垩纪侵入火成岩,因此该区域应存在一条高密度、高磁性的白垩纪火成岩侵入带。在LF35-1-1井处,地震解释的火成岩侵入体,重磁资料上并没有明显反映,据井位资料,在井深2400m附近,钻遇花岗闪长岩。分析是岩浆岩沿断裂侵入地层,形成的磁性体规模小、磁性弱,不能引起局部磁力异常。通过XQ1-3G线正反演计算,推断东沙隆起这一区域地壳大致可分为上、中、下三层地壳,上地壳为沉积层,中地壳密度为(2.60~2.72)×103kg/m3,下地壳密度为(2.8~2.90)×103kg/m3。2)南黄海盆地地球物理反演剖面的处理结果分析图5-37显示了对XQ07-10剖面第一次反演处理结果,综合分析可以看到:原解释剖面(如XQ07-10)除了震旦系(Z)厚度与反演结果差别较大外,其他地层吻合较好,说明解释合理;仔细分析震旦系(Z)顶、底界面反演结果发现,普遍地在崂山隆起与反演结果吻合较好,但在南、北两凹处差异较大;在南、北两凹明显存在多处磁异场的高值。据此解释结果,我们又做了第二次的同步联合反演,结果显示出与新解释方案有较好的吻合性(图5-38)。总之,通过上述物性随机分布的重磁电震同步联合反演方法对研究区区域地球物理剖面的反演处理,以及综合地质解释,我们基本确定出研究区海相地层内幕地质属性在综合地球物理剖面上的表现形式和特征:(1)印支-早燕山构造面(三叠系与侏罗系之间)特征明显,表现为一强的地震波阻抗界面,即与上覆地层之间呈现出高的密度、高速度特征。在地震剖面上覆与下伏地层之间往往表现为明显的角度不整合接触关系。(2)加里东构造面(奥陶系与志留系之间)特征明显,表现为,上覆志留系+泥盆系为低阻,低速、低密度值,下覆上震旦系+寒武系+奥陶系为高阻,高速特征。图5-36 XQ1-3G线重磁震解释剖面说明:D为密度(单位103kg/m3)M为磁化强度(单位10-3A/m),i为磁倾角(单位(°))(3)盆地沉积基底界面表现为高磁、高电阻率特征,而上覆沉积地层明显表现为低磁、相对的低阻特征。(4)在盆地沉积地层中有火山岩和火山碎屑岩存在时,表现为明显的高磁特征,否则为弱磁或无磁特征。图5-37 XQ07-10测线第一次联合反演结果图5-38 XQ07-10测线第二次联合反演结果
2023-06-25 03:25:391

inode 智能客户端上网老是断线

2023-06-25 03:25:383


就是 崛江由衣唱的堀江由衣-桜 作词:有森聡美 作曲:樱井真一 编曲:太田美知彦 やわらかく あたたかな yawarakaku atatakana 场所を选んできた basyooerandeketa 人々の笑颜の裏に ritoritonoekanourani 涙も见つけられなかったnamidamomitsukaranenakatta 自分に嘘をついて jibunniusootsuite やり过ごしてきた yarisugashiteketa 日々を振り返られるhibiohurikaeraneru 私になりたいwatashininaritai 桜、散る事 sakura shiruhoto 见ないように生きようとした mienaiyouniikiyoutoshita 花开く梦さえ hanahirakuyumesae 知らないままで… shiranaimamade 鲜やかな日をasayakanahiwo いつの日か迎えてみたいの itsunohikamukaetemitaino この生命(いのち)燃やして konoinochimoyashite 私、探そう watashi sarasowo 激しくて 冷たくて hakeshikute tsumetakute ひどい向かい风も hidoimukaikasemo 瞳を闭じたりしないで hidomiwodojitarishinaide しっかりと行き先を见よう shikkaritoikisakiomiyou 少しづつでいいから ukoshizutsudeiikara 强くなりたいの zuyokunaritaino 涙を流す度に namidaonagasudabini 优しくもなれる yasashikunonareru 桜、舞う程 sakura mauhodoo 几つもの梦を咲かせようigursumonoyumeosakaseyou 见上げるごと増える miagerugotomueru 薄红色の…usureirono 鲜やかな日をasayakanahiwo いつの日も迎えていたいの この生命(いのち)燃やして 私、辉こう 桜、散る事 见ないように生きようとした 花开く梦さえ 知らないままで… 鲜やかな日を いつの日か迎えてみたいの この生命(いのち)燃やして 私、探そう 桜、舞う程 几つもの梦を咲かせよう 见上げるごと増える 薄红色の… 鲜やかな日を いつの日も迎えていたいの この生命(いのち)燃やして 私、辉こうwatashi karayakou
2023-06-25 03:25:381

移动校园宽带inode智能客户端 一开代理 网就断了 求助怎么办

可以试试破解inode....给你找了个方法1.退出iNode客户端,并且打开任务管理器,找到“AuthenMngService.exe”和含“iNode”的进程全部结束掉(一个或者两个)。2.打开iNode客户端安装目录,32位系统,5.0以上iNode版本在C:Program FilesiNodeiNode Client,5.0以下iNode版本在C:Program FilesH3CiNode Client;64位系统的话,上面路径的“C:Program Files”变为为“C:Program Files (x86)”。3.在iNode客户端安装目录上找到“iNodeMon.exe”、“WlanTest.exe”文件,在exe后面加上“.bak”,新建两个文本文档,分别重命名为“iNodeMon.exe”、“WlanTest.exe”后放回原目录,即为四个文件在同一目录下。4.重启。经过上面的步骤,破解已经完成了,启动客户端认证即可。不行的话你搜搜别的替代inode的破解软件吧...大概这么个原理
2023-06-25 03:25:301


补充~~~~ 【二、数字类。】 不一一写了。1—10就行了。 いち ichi に ni さん san し shi ご go ろく roku しち shichi はち hachi きゅう kyuu じゅう jyuu那就再补充罗马音读法~~~我找到一个解释(总的来说介绍的不错~~就是o并不是读“凹”~其实跟“wo”轻点读差不多~e是读ei) 有五个元音 a、i、u、e、o,分别读“阿、一、乌、埃、凹” 要注意的是e读“唉”,o读“凹”不读“哦”,读u的时候嘴唇不要太突出 辅音有k、t、n、h、s、m、r、y,浊音辅音d、b、j、z,和元音组合就行 要注意的地方有: r读拼音里l的音 tu(或tsu)读“次”的音 ti(或chi)读“七”的音 si(或shi)读“西”的音 su有点像“丝”而不是“苏” ds和拼音中z相同,ts和拼音中c相同 zu有点像“兹”而不是“租”(两个音之间的感觉) zi和ji一样读“机” ju和zu一样 关于组合,应该是说长音、促音、拗音等。 首先要了解日文发音的节奏,一个假名一拍的感觉。然后就好理解了。 促音,就是小写的つ,罗马音一般用双写的辅音表示,如 ちょっと(tyotto)和がっこう(gakkou) 促音不发音,类似于音乐中的空拍。比如gakkou读作“ga_ko-”,下划线表示空拍,短横线表示长音。 问题中tto就是っと,如ずっと,读作“zu_to(兹_滔)” =_= 长音,就是拉长一拍,发生在元音上,罗马音中的表示为 aa、ii、uu、ee(有时候用ei)、ou,或者元音后面加短横线- 如上述がっこう中的こう,写作kou,是o的长音。 拗音,是元音(韵母)为i的音后面加上辅音为y的音组成,后一个假名小写,但是只发一拍的音,就是连起来读。 如ki+yo就是kyo(きょ),把k、i、o连在一拍里读,ji+yo就是jyo(じょ),把j、i、o连起来。 拗长音,就是拗音再拖一拍,读得长一点就行,如「今日(きょう)kyou」。 dz应该和ds是一样的,dzu和dsu和du都是づ,读音有些像“兹”
2023-06-25 03:25:232

求 的 日语版 罗马音或假名

演唱:</B>中岛美嘉(<B>原唱</B>)<BR><BR><BR><BR>のびたかげを ほどうにならべ<BR> ゆうやみのなかをきみとあるいてる<BR> 手をつないでいつまでもずっと<BR> そばにいれたなら泣けちゃうくらい<BR> <BR> 风が冷たくなって<BR> 冬のにおいがした<BR> そろそろこの街に<BR> 君と近付ける季节がくる<BR><BR> 今年 最初の雪の华を<BR> ふたりよりそって<BR> 眺めているこのときに<BR> しあわせがあふれだす<BR> あまえとかよわさじゃない<BR> ただ 君を爱してる<BR> 心からそう思った<BR><BR>君がいると どんなことでも<BR> のりきれるようなきもちになってる<BR> こんなひびがいつまでもきっと<BR> つづいてくことを祈っているよ<BR><BR> 风が窓を揺らした<BR> 夜は揺り起こして<BR> どんな悲しいことも<BR> ぼくが笑颜と変えてあげる<BR> <BR> まいおちてきた雪の华が<BR> 窓の外ずっと<BR> ふりやむことをしらずに<BR> ぼくらのまちをぞめる<BR> 谁がのためになにがを<BR> したいと思えるが<BR> 爱と言うことを知った<BR><BR>もし、君を失ったとしたなら<BR> 星になって君をてらすだろう<BR> 笑颜も 涙にぬれてる夜も<BR> いつもいつでもぞばにいるよ<BR><BR> 今年 最初の雪の华を<BR> 二人よりそって<BR> ながめているこのときに<BR> 幸せがあふれだす<BR> 甘えとが弱さじゃない<BR> ただ、君とずっと<BR> このままにいっしょにいたい<BR> すなおにぞう思える<BR> <BR> この街に降りつもってく<BR> まっしろな雪の华<BR> 二人の胸にそっと思い出をかくよ <BR><BR>これからも君とずっとu30fbu30fb
2023-06-25 03:25:202


这些路亚饵真的都叫“米诺”吗?路亚技巧可以说没有丝毫帮助,也不能帮到大家钓到更多的鱼。纯粹是关于路亚文化的瞎聊,但是的确有钓友在名字叫法上纠结,所以感兴趣的朋友可以阅读一下。一、概述“米诺”作为路亚硬饵里非常普及和常见的一种饵型,我们真的应该叫它“米诺”吗?(很多钓友要说了这不叫米诺叫什么?)我觉得没错,“米诺”就是国内大部分钓友对这一类型饵的一个统一称呼,这么叫真的正确吗?最正确的叫法应该是什么?为了能把这个问题说洁楚,我们需要先了解以下这三个英文单词:MINNOW、JERKBAIT、SHAD二、MINNOW这个词也就是我们平时说的米诺,它其实是一大类理科小鱼的经称,一股指身材细长的小鱼。原凉我先把时间拉回到1905年,这年一个名叫Lauri Rapala的人出生在芬兰,没错,这个人很重要,重要到可以称为“路亚之父”(虽然贡献很大,但是第一个路亚饵并不是他发明的,第一教商品路亚饵是美国人JamesHeddon发明的1,就像很多传奇故事一样,年轻时的小乐(Lauri Papala名字太长…)家里非常贫困,只能靠干农活和捕鱼为生。要知道以前为了捕到水中的掠食性鱼类往往是以小鱼为饵,为了提高效率你训得,小乐三下五除二就在1936年用木头搞出了鱼形的假饵,为什么这个饵很重要?因为这比之前James Heddan发明的那个饵多了舌。就因为这个舌板的区别让路证饵首次有了固定的泳姿,再加上木头的材质,让这个饵可以浮在水面。而且因为这个恒的形状很像minnow这类长条形的小鱼,就这样,第一个"米诺”诞生了(记住这个米诺是浮水的)。后来么小乐就靠这个饵的走红,成立了自己的公司,一路发展至今,也就是现在的渔县大厂Rapala乐伯乐。二、JERKBAIT那jerkbait又是什么?跟“米者”又有什么关系?这里又要开始另一个故事,70年代的美国卢钓盛行,职业钓手RandyBlaukat(后面就叫他小兰)当时还只是个在卢钓俱乐部里钓色的少年,就当他在俱乐部里钓鱼的时光里,发现大部分人打龟空军的时候,有几个钓友总是鱼获满满。这怎么忍得了,小兰肯定要去取取经的呀!一段时间打入内部混熟了之后,才知道原来这几个人在当时常见的一种米诺饵的钩柄上焊上增加配重的铅,让这种米诺可以在水中悬浮。(要知道在此之前的米诺都是小乐发明的浮水米诺),从此寻浮米诺诞生。为什么这种品浮米诺这么历言?因为它可以被钓手抛到有障碍的水下静止的待上很久,然后钓手突然的抽停,躲在障碍里的鲈鱼当然忍不住就发起攻击咯,绉对堪称当时破龟上岸的“神馆”!之后,这种形式的饵风庞了当时的炉钓圈,但依然都是大家自己改装制作,直到小兰成为了megabass的签约钓手后,才在他的推动下,megabass专门推出了一款大家不用自己改装就能用的悬浮米诺--Megaass Vision 110。说到这里需要总结一下,文科育在水牛是学,靠桂停动作品在的就叫jerkoait,然形体上和最子的米港很微,但导它的泳姿和作作于认已经发一了一大改变所以,jerkbai是专指在的的中易停保没视源领子,靠像在水号中油度设鱼的类“米老”,世可以叫悬季米老/暴停米诺/油事X诺相对。所以,我觉得在国内无论你叫这种饵米诺还是jerkbait都对!反正都知道你在说哪种饵不就行了吗。三、SHADshad翻译过来是西鲜,美洲西年,也是一种小鱼的名字这种鱼的形体并不像minnow那样细长,稍微有点宽为什么要说shad?跟我们这篇内容有什么关系吗?当然有关系,因为shad也是一种和jerkbait长的非常像的饵型,同样拥有小鱼形状的身形和前端的舌板。所以在国内这种shad通常也被叫做米诺。下面就来分析这两种饵的一些区别(如图所示)但是,现在因为每种饵出的品种越来越多,导致shad和jerkbait的界定其实越来越模糊了,我觉得最好的分辨方法就是看体型,细细长长的是jerkbait稍胖硝短的是shad。四、泳姿大不同除了上述不同外,其实jerkbait和 shad两种饵的泳姿也有着非常大的区别,看下旁边两张图的运动轨迹相信就能很清楚的知道这两种饵在水下的不同了。五、最后总结我觉得就不要在叫法这件事情上纠结这么多了,毕竟大部分钓友又不打职业,对于这些知识了解一下就行了,没必要搞那么清楚,统统叫“米诺”总不会错!哈哈哈哈。既然叫什么无所调,那对于浪费大家这么长时间看我写这堆废话报以深深的教意!六、PS:用忌停米诺的时候不要用别针,细微的重量变化也会让饵原本设计好的平衡性被打破
2023-06-25 03:25:181