barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-25 17:47:52


个人更天天直播网视 (TTlive)是基于聚合技术的P2P网络直播软件,它提供了目前最流行的PPlive、PPStream、QQLive、MOPitv、Mysee、TVkoo、SopCast,沸点电视,蚂蚁电视,优度等P2P网络电视核心引擎。TTlive采用先进的封装技术,具有稳定简易的安装、卸载、维护和修复功能,并对集成的解码器组合进行了尽可能的优化和兼容性调整。

目前,TTlive软件及服务全面支持包括中国电信、中国联通、中国网通、中国教育网在内的绝大部分用户。而这一切,您将不需要支付任何费用,您要做的,仅仅是下载和安装使用它—全能的P2P电视,TTlive播放器. 喜欢沸点!

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!




* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!



















2023-06-25 13:04:223


不用担心, 是免费的。
2023-06-25 13:04:511


2023-06-25 13:04:581

2023-06-25 13:05:051


而这一切,您将不需要支付任何费用,您要做的,仅仅是下载和安装使用它—全能的P2P电视,TTlive播放器. PPSTERAM 或espn网站有 腾龙pplive .
2023-06-25 13:05:144


有一种方法 就是pplive有个功能就是在系统默认的播放器中播放你用那个你系统的播放器把节目录制下来就行了可用的软件是TTlive 好像是这个名字你自己找找看吧 另一个方法: 一、录制PPLive上的节目 首先安装PPLive,播放需要录制的节目,比如CCTV-5。对着左侧的播放窗口右键,在下拉菜单中选择"在默认播放器中播放",随即会启动Windows Media Player(以下简称WMP)并开始播放节目。 在WMP的右侧的播放列表中对着“1”单击右键,选择“属性”,在窗口中可以看到一个地址 ,拖动鼠标可选中,复制。 在不关闭WMP和PPLive的情况下,启动下载工具Flashget(迅雷也可以),新建下载任务,确定,即开始节目的录制。停止下载就是停止录制节目。停止后,只需将文件的文件名1.asf.jc!改为1.asf,双击即可开始播放。 查看原帖>>
2023-06-25 13:05:221


2023-06-25 13:05:303


域名解析的问题!可能自己设置的 转发!
2023-06-25 13:05:372


2023-06-25 13:05:467


2023-06-25 13:06:112

什么是手机电视?如何操作,如何收费。如题 谢谢了 不收费
2023-06-25 13:06:193

香港有线足球台 Sopcast

2023-06-25 13:06:263


2023-06-25 13:06:354

2023-06-25 13:06:421


天天直播网视 (TTlive)就要酷直播这三个都有 下载安装后就可以看了 祝 开心!
2023-06-25 13:06:491

哪个网络电视可以收看凤凰卫视? 不要插件

2023-06-25 13:06:572


2023-06-25 13:07:045


2023-06-25 13:07:281


2023-06-25 13:07:375

在网上怎么看世界杯球赛啊?谁知道啊? 帮忙啊!!!

2023-06-25 13:07:5111


2023-06-25 13:08:134


2023-06-25 13:08:481


2023-06-25 13:08:541


2023-06-25 13:09:035

悬赏!!!!!急需(又名)的原声! 分享互联网社区 > 《we were soldiers》(我们曾是战士)原声音乐 回答者: ZHL923 - 参将 九级 11-8 18:25 直接进入官方网站: 这个链接是音乐:
2023-06-25 13:09:293


2023-06-25 13:09:362


2023-06-25 13:09:432

2023-06-25 13:09:511


2023-06-25 13:09:581


2023-06-25 13:10:062

请问一下,集合PPStream PPlive PPMate UUsee tvkoo 等网络电视的软件都有那些啊

2023-06-25 13:10:525


2023-06-25 13:04:3414


Infer类题目也称为推理类题目,美联出国考试提醒这类题目其标志性词语还有imply, most likely, least likely, probably等词,分为有共性的推理题和无共性的推理题两大类。对于无共性的推理题,也就是托福阅读题干中无线索的,一般使用排除法,即根据各个选项的关键词回原文定位,通过排除法得出正确答案。对于有共性的推理题,也就是托福阅读题干中有线索的,可以先圈定题干中的关键词,根据关键词回原文定位,然后进行推理。推理题主要有下列思路:1.一般对比推理ETS设计推理题的手段不多,根据两个事物的对比特征出题是其中之一。问其中一个事物的特征时,只要将与之形成对比的另一个事物的特征否定掉就可以了。2.时间对比推理这种思路常被考到。在这种推理中,一般有两个形成对比的时间段,它们所具有的特征一般相反。当题干问一个时间段的特征时,只要将与之相反的时间段的特征否定掉就可以了。3.集合概念推理集合概念推理也可以称之为百分比推断,它指的是在一个集合中,包含两个相对的方面,共同构成一个大的集合。一方所占的比例减少意味着另一方所占比例的增加;反之,一方所占的比例增加意味着另一方所占比例的减少。根据这一思路,可以由集合中一方的数量变化推断另一方的消减。
2023-06-25 13:04:361

求大神翻译!!下面几句话,翻译成英语(不要百度翻译)。 谢谢!!!

1, the front opening raglan sleeve small coat, condole belt dress collocation, give a person a kind of elegant feeling2, small coat of wide shoulder design, collocation of sleeve dress, jacket and the printing of the dress3, wears outside underwear, long sleeve coat collocation, the fabrics of dress sense of cascading transformation was inspired by flowers4, long sleeve blouse with tall waist trousers5, the shoulder of the dress fabric reconstruction, behind the zipper open6.The one-piece dress is succinct and elegant and its printings furtherly reflect the female morbidezza.7.The without-sleeve overcoat, its printing responds to that in clothes, the printing inspiration originates in flowers and plants.8.The turtle-neck long-sleeve shirt is mated with waist-high long-trousers, the printing in the belt reponds to that in the shirt.9. The broad-shouldered one-piece dress is mated with gentle printing designs.10.The back of shirt has a vent, it feels very special and sexy.11. there is a hook in the cardigan of upper garment, it seems more elegant for the open upper looks slim and elegant for women who wear long-shirt with high-vent.
2023-06-25 13:04:363

阅读理解碰到 infer

2023-06-25 13:04:452


I go to study the education curriculum, then I continue to study the travel professional, because I would like to learn through education can the knowledge I learned to play better. Tourism is the need to deal with and many people, from very long for me to travel to various countries, so I would like to study in this school to education, and schools to continue their education in this tourism and hotel management, after all, knowledge is interrelated, so I think a comprehensive study to
2023-06-25 13:04:473

下面这句话中 from短语 是插入的地点状语吗?that宾语从句才是infer的宾语吧?

2023-06-25 13:04:537


2023-06-25 13:04:562


Along with the global economy swift and violent development, the marketing pattern innovates unceasingly, will produce along with it has custom-made the marketing to display the more and more important role in the future marketing pattern.Has custom-made the marketing to take the market marketing the new pattern pays attention gradually for the common people.This article revolves to have custom-made the marketing the production reason, the developing process, has custom-made the marketing the characteristic and the manifestation, compares with the traditional marketing pattern has custom-made the superiority which the marketing has, has custom-made the marketing in our country"s application situation, future will have custom-made the marketing and so on carries on the profound analysis to our country market marketing pattern influence and the trend of development.Regarding this topic research, might cause us to have custom-made the marketing to have the further understanding and the understanding, utilized regarding the enterprise has custom-made the marketing to promote own development to have the practical significance.
2023-06-25 13:04:572


The insured and patient Xia Tingfang suffered from malposition of her(姓名看似乎女性) wisdom teeth interfering with those beside, moderate leucocytosis, normal inflammation and swell as well as mild fever. Two exodontias were operated on her in hospital affiliated to the Health Science Center of Peking University for exelcymosis of such teeth on August 9th, 2011 and August 23rd, 2011 respectively.Such operations might lead to loose teeth and furtherly interfere with other teeth beside, result in moderate leucocytosis, normal inflammation and swell as well as mild fever, which has never laid any negative impact onto other teeth so far.1.北京医学院,现已更名为:北大医学部2.恕直言:最后是不是复制粘贴、重复了?——“白血球中度过多,正常性发炎肿痛,微烧”,重复2次出现;且逻辑有点...杂乱、对立——“会影响造成牙齿松动,响旁边牙齿...目前为止,对其他牙齿没有影响”3.本次译本,仅对中文负责,一一对应(即,在未得到LZ进一步说明情况下,将错就错,如实翻译)
2023-06-25 13:05:031


2023-06-25 13:05:0414


动力绝对是这款车最大的软肋。新车采用1.3T低功率发动机,最大功率只有136 HP,峰值扭矩200 Nm。说实话,这种动力开这么大尺寸的SUV有点困难。着实是小马拉大车
2023-06-25 13:04:293


inferredv. 推断( infer的过去式和过去分词 );间接地提出;暗示;意指
2023-06-25 13:04:261


本文由3DM论坛玄亟天整理。我也是转发一下,希望有对这游戏感兴趣的大家可以少走点弯路。本游戏在论坛玩家推荐版块可以下载到。---------游戏介绍---------这是一款自由度极高的第一人称荒岛求生类型的游戏,大致上的故事叙述是主角在海上遇上了暴风,加上一道雷击中了船只,以至於船只起火燃烧,自己则失去意识漂流到一个荒岛。必须在这个小岛上取得所有的材料,然后逃离这里。 下载完游戏之后,会看到StrandedII、StrandedII -win、StrandedII -win -debug的档案StrandedII是以全萤幕来进行游戏StrandedII -win是以视窗模式进行游戏StrandedII -win -debug是以视窗模式以及Debug模式进行游戏,不过应该不会用到。最明显的差异就是生物身上会有名称和动作的标示。进入主标题画面后,有数个选项: Advance 进入荒岛生存模式(剧情故事) Random Island 进入随机产生的小岛生存或狩猎最上面的是调整大小,依序为:小、中、大中间的是地形,依序为:一般、小山丘、山、沙漠、雪、沼泽最下面的是四个模式,依序为:无尽生存模式-简单、无尽生存模式-一般、无尽生存模式-困难、猛禽猎人PS:无尽生存模式是在一座岛上面生存(建议大小是中大,小型真的非常小…玩困难模式估计会一开场就被狮子咬死吧)。简单模式身上会有很多食物、水以及治疗用药物,岛上没有任何危险性动物,资源大量,算是度假消遣用的。一般模式身上只有一点食物、水,岛上会开始有一些危险动物,资源随机,但是都还在可接受的范围内。困难模式一开始什麼也没有,岛上有大量的危险动物(狮子、恐龙),资源极少。猛禽猎人模式会给一把散弹枪和大量子弹,在岛上狩猎恐龙。Single island 会看到四种内建模式的选项第一种 Colors Game 进入后会有四色的柱子和踏板,记下颜色闪的顺序,然后轮到玩家动作时依照颜色对踏板按E即可。第二种模式 进入后玩家背后会有各种远程武器,岛上也充满著箭靶,纯粹让玩家练习准度。第三种模式 单纯的新手教学。第四种Tower Defence 建立塔来防守敌军入侵的游戏,此游戏也有这个模式 路边会有许多方型的黑色石头,对其按E可以建立最下级的塔(50Gold)对以建立的塔按E可以花钱帮塔升级(升第二级50Gold,升第三级100Gold)。一开始玩家前方的告示牌是让敌人开始进攻,起始Gold100,本模式玩家不能进行空手攻击。(可以用密技使用武器攻击。) 除了内建的模式以外,将s2格式的地图档放到stranded2_enmodsStranded IImaps内的话可以在此看到玩家自制的地图档。---------基本操作---------W 前进S 后退 A 左移 D 右移左键 攻击(或是采集)右键 捡取(空手状况下才有效)、建造、使用工具E 捡取、对东西进行动作 0 卸下手上的物品滚动滚轮 切换快捷键的物品,没有快捷时会卸下手上物品 C 物品栏 X 状态栏 Y 睡觉 S 合成(对物品用)T 拿在手上(对物品用) R 使用(对物品用)空白键 跳跃 ---------状态---------按下X开启状态栏之后,会有数条数值表。七彩的是体力条,数值越高状况越佳,被攻击或是下列三项有一项过高的话就会降低,降至无则GameOver。绿色-饥饿指数,数值越低状况越佳,使用烤熟的肉或是果实等食物即可增加。一般状况下就会持续减少。蓝色-口渴指数,数值越低状况越佳,基本上各种物品都会加,各种果实、熟肉、水等等。一般状况下就会持续减少。紫色-疲劳指数,数值越低状况越佳,在进行各种动作后都会升高,到一定程度之后就必须休息(睡觉)右下角:手上的工具要设定快捷键的话,先进背包,点那个工具在按1~9的某个数字,或按E自动给你设置,用滑鼠滚轮可以换(比较方便),弓弩类要有箭---------辅助/异常状态---------出血 Bleeding 负面状态,受到尖锐物品伤害导致出血治疗方案:使用物品『绷带』『蓝色药草』或是合成『藤蔓Vine+兽皮Skin』『藤蔓Vine+树叶Leaf』(绷带为一开始海边箱子内的物品,蓝色药草一开始的岛上蛮易见的)骨折 Fracture 负面状态,治疗方案:合成『藤蔓Vine+树枝Branch』或是使用急救箱(Frist Aid Box),猛禽猎人模式和无尽生存简单模式身上皆会有此物品中毒 Poison 负面状态,治疗方案:使用『治疗药剂』 =强力治疗药草Strong Healherb×1+水Water+石头*Stone =治疗药草Healherb×3+水Water+石头*Stone =金色药草Goldherb×5+水Water+石头*Stone 或是使用急救箱(Frist Aid Box),猛禽猎人模式和无尽生存简单模式身上皆会有此物品混乱 Fuddle 负面状态,抽大麻菸、喝太多酒的后遗症治疗方案:睡一觉治疗 Healing 正面状态,30秒内持续回覆体力条,使用治疗药剂的作用。无敌 Invulnerability 正面状态,使用密技产生的状态,体力条不会减少(有一种无敌药水,也可以达成无敌状态)驯服 Tame 非玩家状态,驯服动物。永恒火焰 Eternal Fire 非玩家状态,固定式火把等物体的状态,火不会熄灭。火焰 Fire 非玩家状态,营火等物体的状态,火将会因故而熄灭。亮 Light 非玩家状态,拥有此状态将会发光。烟 Smoke 非玩家状态,拥有此状态将会冒烟。后面几项是由游戏资料中抽取出来的介绍,此外有很多不明的状态或是非玩家的状态,不再多做介绍,非玩家状态可以藉由编辑地图时添加在Npc身上,藉由在船长身上添加Light+Eternal Fire状态的话可以让船长在晚上会发亮,还可以烤肉呢XD"游戏资料里面还有电疗、冻伤、脓等等的状态。有兴趣的玩家可以在Npc上添加状态尝试---------求生技能---------职业介绍PLANTING(种植)50级Berry bush planter果树丛栽培者您现在能够利用果实来种植出果树丛了。-利用果实(Berry)种植果树丛100级Herbalist草本植物学家您发现了最适合种植草药的土壤,您能够用此方式来建立种植草药的温床。可以开始种植草药。-可以建筑培养草药(Herb)的平台。200级Forester森林管理者如果您把一根树枝埋在地底下,树将会在此成长。另外,埋下叶子可以种植树丛。-利用树枝(Branch)种植树、利用树叶(Leaf)种植树丛400级Master of the fruits水果之王您在草本科植物的学识已经非常的充足了。您现在有能力能够种植香蕉、梅子(Plum)、椰子、可可、咖啡豆。-种植香蕉、梅子、椰子、可可、咖啡豆800级Farmer农夫-没有实质作用HUNTING(狩猎)25级Master of sling弹弓专精者当您使用弹弓时,射出的碎石子因未命中而掉落於地上将会有机会回收它。(这里只限定碎石子,葡萄等是捡不回来的)-弹弓射出的碎石子有一定机会可以回收(未击中的状况下)50级Spearman持矛者在某些状况下丢出去的矛也可以被再一次的捡回了。-投射出的矛有一定机会可以回收(未击中的状况下)100级Bowman弓箭手学习正确的射箭姿势,这使得射出去的箭支可以保持完好无缺。现在您可以在一个安全的地方准备对动物攻击(后面这句不太清楚)。-射出的箭矢有一定机会可以回收(未击中的状况下),可以建筑射箭平台,可以提供攻击动物安全的地方。200级Spearmaster长矛专精者现在起投射出去的矛将不再被摧毁,您可以在任何想要使用的时候使用它们。-投射出的矛一定可以回收(未击中的状况下)FISHING(钓鱼)25级Rod amateur业余钓客50级Rod adept熟练钓客增加抓到鱼的可能性。此外,可以建筑渔网,这些陷阱会自动的进行抓鱼的活动。-抓到鱼的机率增加、可建筑渔网100级Rod semi-professional半职业钓客因为技术的增长,您将可以在任何地方抓到鱼(当然这是指海岸),让您有更高一阶的成就。-钓到鱼的种类增加200级Rod professional职业钓客您现在在制作饵及用饵方面是一个真正的专家。因此,您不再只是在某些地方抓一些没用的垃圾,而是去抓取更大,更帅气的鱼。-钓到鱼的种类增加、钓到鱼的数量增加500级Pike-Man-钓到鱼的数量增加LUMBERING(砍树)此技能除了第一项和最后一项以外都是增加斧头对树的伤害,半职业樵夫和职业樵夫就不再多做介绍。25级Hackling乱砍(真的就翻译成这样…)一根大的木头(Log)可以和斧头或是开山刀进行合成,得到十根树枝。-Log+Axe or Log+Machete=10 Branches50级Axe amateur业余樵夫利用正确的方法增加斧头在砍树时的伤害。-斧头对於树的伤害增加(对动物等无效,对非斧头物品无效)100级Axe adept熟练的樵夫利用砍伐正确角度使得斧头在砍树时更加有威力。-斧头对於树的伤害再次增加(对动物等无效,对非斧头物品无效)200级Axe semi-professional半职业性樵夫-斧头对於树的伤害再再次增加(对动物等无效,对非斧头物品无效)400级Axe professional职业樵夫-斧头对於树的伤害再一次的增加(对动物等无效,对非斧头物品无效)800级Butcher of wood木头杀手(还是想不到怎麼翻比较好)注意!请保持著树木对地球的气候是相当重要的心态,因为您的技能,把世界上所有的森林砍伐乾净是相当简单的。-斧头对於述的伤害大幅的增加。DIGGING(挖掘)每当我开始挖掘时,这个技能的熟练度增加25 -挖出您在地面,但是chim不再无目的地窥探它系统地,特此增加研究结果的机会。 50 -铁锹爱好者 Carefuller开掘使您发现昆虫和蘑菇。 100-铁锹专家更好的技术furtherly增加可能性发现某事。 加号,您能从现在起挖掘齿苋200-铁锹半职业性选手您不让什么再滑倒。 当您开掘,您永远将发现某事。 500-铁锹专家优化铁锹技术现在提供巨大获取在开掘。
2023-06-25 13:04:261


v-r1vegast-win这些都可以了你要顶级 就ARAI SHOEI SHARK。。。
2023-06-25 13:04:214


2023-06-25 13:04:191

求一篇About Self-study为题目的英语作文,简短就行,

Self-study is a good way of improving our knowledge of things.Some of the great scientists and lecturer couldn"t afford to go to school so they just studied at home without anybody"s help.Sometimes self-study could be more affective then going to schools and listen to teachers telling you what to do,but sometimes it will be better to learn in schools to furtherly knowing whats going on.
2023-06-25 13:04:171


The enterprise intellectual property rights management is theenterprise carries on to the intellectual property rights has the planthe organization, the coordination, plans and uses the activity It isthe business management important composition Partial, specially in the knowledge economy time enterpriseknowledge management, in the strategic management has the speciallyimportant status, also is implements the intellectual property rightsstrategy the basic safeguard The enterprise intellectual propertyrights management is a complete system, safeguards including theorganization, the system safeguard, manages the function safeguard,the drive mechanism and the intellectual property rights informationnetwork and so on Our country enterprise at present still had moreproblems in the intellectual property rights management aspect, butthe overseas enterprise specially was the developed countrymultinational corporation intellectual property rights managementaccumulated the rich experience, was worth our country enterpriseprofiting fromThe enterprise intellectual property rights management is theenterprise intellectual property rights work development basicsafeguard Specially enters the world after our country, it has becomeour country enterprise to participate in the international competitionthe strategic choice Brings into line with the enterprise theintellectual property rights management during the productionmanagement management, took legally governs the enterprise animportant content, displays the enterprise to manage the managementthe important position, is an important question which the enterprisemust take (1) Already entered the world in our country, theenterprise facing day by day the intense domestic and foreign marketcompetition new situation, as well as in our country enterprise wholein the intellectual property rights management level not highsituation, the enterprise took the intellectual property rightsmanagement to change extremely importantly The enterpriseintellectual property rights management also is the enterpriseimplements the intellectual property rights strategy the foundationalwork, it and between the enterprise intellectual property rightsstrategy has the extremely close relation, if the enterpriseintellectual property rights management goal determination needs tothe enterprise intellectual property rights protection, the use andthe operation carries on the strategic localization, but needs toperform as the enterprise developmental strategy important constituentintellectual property rights strategy in the different stage and thedifferent goal aspect through the daily enterprise intellectualproperty rights management to safeguard Under the new internationalcompetition pattern, our country enterprise implements theintellectual property rights strategy to be urgent Because theintellectual property rights management has the foundation safeguardfunction to the enterprise intellectual property rights strategyimplementation, the enterprise strengthens to the intellectualproperty rights management also is carries out our country countryintellectual property rights strategy project thus to enhance ourcountry comprehensive national strength and the internationalcompetition strength need in the whole This article draws up to theenterprise intellectual property rights management certain questions,including the enterprise intellectual property rights management basicprinciple, our country enterprise intellectual property rightsmanagement present situation and the countermeasure, as well asoverseas enterprise intellectual property rights management contentand so on experience enlightenment makes an preliminary discussion (2) enterprise intellectual property rights management dutyThe enterprise takes the commodity production management the mainbody, also is undertaking the technical research, the development, thepatented claim and the implementation duty, also is undertaking theproduce market marketing, develops aspect the and so on domestic andforeign markets duty The enterprise intellectual property rightsmanagement is directly produces the management goal for the enterpriseto serve, thus its basic task also is revolving the enterprisetechnology development, the property effective disposition and theoperation, the market positive development, the excavation enterpriseintellectual property rights contain aspect and so on huge commercialvalue carries on The enterprise intellectual property rightsmanagement duty, is through the dependence and the use intellectualproperty rights system, effectively uses the patent, the trademark,the business secret and so on strengthens the enterprise theintellectual property rights protection, prevented intellectualproperty rights this kind of intangible asset draining, enhances theintellectual property rights the utilization benefit, bases to theenterprise and the market for the enterprise technology innovation,the establishment famous trademark as well as the production managesthe entire process service Its concrete duty for example: Theresearch development project sets up the item, the researchdevelopment plan formulation and the implementation, the researchdevelopment achievement protection form choice and the concretemethod, the research development achievement market choice and theoperation, the trademark design, the registration and the managementplan, the trademark rights protection plan formulation and therealization, the business secret development, the management and theprotection and so on Enterprise intellectual property rightsmanagement above duty completing, mainly is through the belowmechanism implementationthe protection method which provides by the intellectual propertyrights law system urges the enterprise the scientific researchachievement to obtain the legal protection, causes it to transform asenterprise"s important immaterial wealth and the material wealth; (2)through the intellectual property rights system drive mechanism andthe enterprise drove knowledge innovation the concrete systemreassignment enterprise staffs are engaged in the knowledge creationspecially are the invention creation enthusiasm, forms is advantageousto the enterprise technology innovation benign mechanism; (3) through the intellectual property rights system market monopolymechanism monopoly commodity, then monopolizes the market superiority;(4) to the enterprise took undertakes the intellectual property rightsmanagement duty main body, establishes the science the intellectualproperty rights control system, causes it to pass through toenterprise"s production management, the technical management and themarketing management entire process, adapts under the market economycondition the competition and the need to develop (3) enterprise intellectual property rights management systementerprise intellectual property rights management is a systematizedconstruction process, science management system is its effectiverevolution prerequisite, it all has the direct impetus functionregarding the strengthened enterprise"s scientific management and thepromotion enterprise"s entire intellectual property rights work Thescientific management system request enterprise intellectual propertyrights management needs to have the corresponding organization tomanage the mechanism, the system mechanism, manages the functionsafeguard mechanism as well as the information network safeguardsystemThe organization safeguards the organization to safeguard manifestsfor the establishment effective enterprise intellectual propertyrights management organization system The enterprise intellectualproperty rights management and the intellectual property rightsstrategy is same, manages the management with the enterprise to havethe extremely close relation, because of the enterprise intellectualproperty rights development, the use, the operation and the enterprisetechnology development, the produce market pasts, the managementmanagement strategy often is relates in together Based on this,safeguards in the organization on, the enterprise should set theintellectual property rights management to the business managementlevel and the policy-making leadership develops the activity,specially has the significant value to the enterprise the intellectualproperty rights transfer, matters concerned and so on investment needsto make by the enterprise decision-making strata At the same time,the organization safeguards cannot leave the intellectual propertyrights specially management structure and the specialist isresponsible Is having the condition enterprise, the establishmentintellectual property rights management specialized agency has thevery big necessity This organization duty mainly is formulates theenterprise intellectual property rights strategy and the intellectualproperty rights management rules and regulations; Implementationenterprise decision-making strata about intellectual property rightsquestion significant decision-making; Between coordinated enterpriseinterior and enterprise and other unit"s intellectual property rightsmatters concerned; Investigation to this enterprise intellectualproperty rights right infringement, solution enterprise intellectualproperty rights right infringement dispute; The collection, theanalysis and the reorganization manages the management relatedintellectual property rights information with this enterprise, anddraws the correlation conclusion to supply the enterprisedecision-making strata reference; Promptly carries on the marketinvestigation, other enterprise intellectual property rightsstrategy intentions, implements or the adjustment intellectualproperty rights strategy for this enterprise provides the suggestion;The propaganda popularization enterprise intellectual property rightsprotection and strategic consciousness, strengthens the enterpriseintellectual property rights consciousness raise, specially has thevital significance to the enterprise intellectual property rightsvalue and the enterprise intellectual property rights right ownershipenterprise intellectual property rights organization system in theenterprise intellectual property rights management system, evenconstituted the enterprise intellectual property rights managementsystem core Passes through from the overseas enterprise examines,generally all extremely takes the enterprise intellectual propertyrights management the organization system construction, sets up in theenterprise has the considerable amount intellectual property rightsadministrative personnel"s specialized agency2. The system safeguard system safeguard is the enterpriseintellectual property rights management key The enterprise needsthrough to establish a series of intellectual property rights controlsystem instruction enterprise concrete intellectual property rightsmanagement, causes each intellectual property rights management toland on feet Below this kind of system construction should payattention follows the principle: (1) conforms to the intellectual property rights law laws andregulations stipulation The enterprise intellectual property rightscontrol system in essentially is intellectual property rights eachsystem in enterprise"s concrete implementation realization, thus itsitself does not have to violate with the intellectual property rightssystem (2) bases on the enterprise own characteristic and the intellectualproperty rights question present situation formulation The differententerprise because of the economic potentiality, in the profession,the product nature, the economical nature and so on different but hasthe different characteristic in the intellectual property rightsmanagement, like the high-tech enterprise and the research anddevelopment ability common enterprise is dissimilar
2023-06-25 13:04:112


HJC30型焊接检验尺 焊缝检测尺 一、焊接检验尺详细介绍: 本产品主要由主尺、滑尺、斜形尺三个零件组成,是焊工用来测量焊接件坡口角度和焊缝宽度、高度,焊接间隙的一种专用量具。 适用于焊接质量要求较高的产品和部件,如:锅炉、桥梁、造船、压力容器和油田管道的测检。 本产品采用不锈钢材料制造,结构合理、外型美观、使用便利、适用性广,是焊工必备的测量工具。 该卡尺被列入机械工业委员会电器局企业标准:JB/DQ9004-87工业锅炉质量分等标准。 精度及技术条件符合国家标准及国际标准:GB/T6093-2001。 在非测量面采用激光标记的先进工艺,字型美观、清晰。 抗震精美包装。 二、焊接检测尺的用途、测量范围、技术参数、测量工具: 测量项目 范围 技术参数 检测工具 宽度 0—20mm 0.2 0.02游标卡尺 高度 0—12mm 塞尺、二级平板 角焊缝 焊脚宽度 0—20mm 移动坡 口角度 20°、30°、 40°、50°、 60°、70°、80° ±2° ±30"专用角度规 校核单边坡口角度 117.5—122.5 ±30" ±10″万能角尺 坡口角度 45°、55°、 60°、65° ±30" ±10″万能角尺 间隙尺寸 0.5-3.5mm 0.1 0.02游标卡尺 三、焊接检验尺保养方法: 1、焊接检验尺不能与其他工具放在一起,以免变形造成划伤,刻线模糊,造成失灵。 2、不允许用香蕉水擦洗刻度部位。
2023-06-25 13:04:101


操 如果这样问我悬赏500
2023-06-25 13:04:0713