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2023-05-19 15:32:46





A city of southeast Germany near the Bavarian Alps southeast of Augsburg. Founded in 1158, it has long been the center of Bavaria. Adolf Hitler organized the Nazi Party here after World War I and signed the Munich Pact, widely regarded as a symbol of appeasement, with Great Britain, France, and Italy in 1938. The city was largely rebuilt after extensive Allied bombing in World War II. Munich was the site of the 1972 Summer Olympics. Population, 1,267,451.



Introduction to Munich

Sprawling Munich (München), home to some 1.5 million people, is the capital of Bavaria, and one of Germany"s major cultural centers (only Berlin outranks it in terms of museums and theaters). It"s also one of Germany"s most festive cities, and its location, at the foot of the Alps, is idyllic.

Thomas Mann, a longtime resident of Munich, wrote something about the city that might have been coined by an advertising agency: "Munich sparkles." Although the city he described was swept away by two world wars, the quote is still apt. Munich continues to sparkle, drawing temporary visitors and new residents like a magnet from virtually everywhere.

Some of the sparkle comes from its vitality. With its buzzing factories, newspapers and television stations, and service and electronics industries, it"s one of Europe"s busiest and liveliest places. More subtle is Munich"s amazing ability to combine Hollywood-type glamour and stylish international allure with its folkloric connections. Few other large cities have been as successful as Munich in marketing folklore, rusticity, and nostalgia for the golden days of yesteryear, yet this rustic ambience coexists with the hip and the avant-garde, high-tech industries, and a sharp political sense. This is what lends the city such a distinctive flair.

As Americans migrate to New York or San Francisco to seek opportunity and experience, so Germans migrate to Munich. Munich is full of non-Bavarians. More than two-thirds of the German citizens living in Munich have come from other parts of the country, and tens of thousands are expatriates or immigrants from every conceivable foreign land. Sometimes these diverse elements seem unified only by a shared search for the good life.

Outsiders are found in every aspect of Munich"s life. The wildly applauded soccer team, FC Bayern München, is composed almost entirely of outsiders -- Danes, Belgians, Swedes, Prussians -- and the team was trained by a Rhinelander throughout its spate of recent successes. The city"s most frequently quoted newspaper mogul (Dieter Schröder) and many of the city"s artistic movers and shakers are expatriates, usually from north Germany. What"s remarkable is the unspoken collusion of the whole population in promoting Bavarian charm, despite the fact that real dyed-in-the-wool Bavarians risk becoming a distinct minority in their own capital.

Virtually everyone has heard the city"s many nicknames -- "Athens on the Isar," "the German Silicon Valley," and "Little Paris." But none seems to stick. More appropriate is a more ambivalent label -- "the secret capital of Germany."

Munich"s self-imposed image is that of a fun-loving and festival-addicted city -- typified by its Oktoberfest. This celebration, which began as a minor sideshow to a royal wedding in 1810, has become a symbol of the city itself. Redolent with nostalgia for old-time Bavaria, it draws more than 7 million visitors each year. For these 16 days every fall, raucous hordes cram themselves into the city to have a good time.

Oktoberfest is so evocative, and so gleefully and unashamedly pagan, that dozens of places throughout the world capitalize on its success by throwing Oktoberfest ceremonies of their own. These occur even in such unlikely places as Helen, Georgia, where citizens and merchants reap tidy profits by wearing dirndls and lederhosen, playing recordings of the requisite oompah-pah music, and serving ample provisions of beer in oversize beer steins. No one has ever marketed such stuff better than Munich, but then, few other regions of Europe have had such alluring raw material from which to draw.

A somewhat reluctant contender for the role of international megalopolis, Munich has pursued commerce, industry, and the good life without fanfare. You get the idea that in spite of its economic muscle and a roaring GNP, Munich wants to see itself as a large agrarian village, peopled by jolly beer drinkers who cling to their folkloric roots despite the presence symbols of the high-tech age.

Underneath this expansive, fun-loving Munich is an unyielding, ongoing conservatism and resistance to change, both religious and political. But as a symbol of a bold, reunited Germany forging a new identity for the 21st century, Munich simply has no parallel. As such, it continues to exert a powerful appeal.


Pending Berlin"s full recovery from its long period of division, MUNICH is the German city which most has the air of a capital about it. Even though it has never ruled over a territory any larger than the present-day Land, the grandiose palaces from Bavaria"s era as an independent kingdom give it the appearance of a metropolis of great importance. When this is added to a remarkable postwar economic record (courtesy of such hi-tech giants as the car manufacturer BMW, the aerospace company MBB and the electronics group Siemens), and to its hard-won status as the national trendsetter in fashion matters, it"s easy to see why Munich acts as a magnet to outsiders. Students flock here to study; the rich and jet-set like to live here, as do writers, painters, musicians and film-makers, while foreign nationals now make up more than a fifth of the population. Munich"s other, more familiar face is of a homely city of provincially minded locals whose zest for drinking, seen at an extreme during the annual Oktoberfest, is kept up all year round in cavernous beer halls and spacious gardens.

The city is something of a late developer in German terms. It was founded in 1158 by Henry the Lion, the powerful Saxon duke who for a short time also ruled Bavaria, as a monastic village (Mönchen means monks) and toll-collection point on the River Isar, a Danube tributary. In 1180, it was allocated to the Wittelsbachs, who ruled the province continuously until 1918 – the longest period achieved by any of the nation"s dynasties. Munich was initially overshadowed by Landshut, though it became the capital of the upper part of the divided duchy in 1255. Only in 1503 did it become capital of a united Bavaria, and it remained of relatively modest size until the nineteenth century, when it was expanded into a planned city of broad boulevards and spacious squares in accordance with its new role, granted by Napoleon, as a royal capital. Hitler began an even more ambitious construction programme in accordance with Munich"s special role as Hauptstadt der Bewegung "Capital city of the (Nazi) Movement"; thankfully, only a part of it was built, surviving to this day as a reminder of this inglorious chapter in the city"s history.

Despite its cosmopolitanism, Munich is small enough to be digestible in one visit, and has the added bonus of a great setting, the snow-dusted mountains and Alpine lakes just an hour"s drive away. The best time of year to come is from June to early October, when all the beer gardens, street cafés and bars are in full swing.



2023-01-02 08:25:272


munich读音:英 ["mju:nik]     美 ["mju:nik]。   n.慕尼黑[德国城市]。A great derisive exhibition was held in Munich.在慕尼黑举行一次嘲弄性的大型展览。Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler at Munich.张伯伦在慕尼黑尽量安抚希特勒。介绍慕尼黑也称明兴,是德国巴伐利亚州的首府。慕尼黑分为老城与新城两部分,总面积达310平方公里。是德国南部第一大城,全德国第三大城市(仅次于柏林和汉堡)。慕尼黑位于德国南部阿尔卑斯山北麓的伊萨尔河畔,是德国主要的经济、文化、科技和交通中心之一。慕尼黑同时又保留着原巴伐利亚王国都城的古朴风情,因此被人们称作“百万人的村庄”。是生物工程学、软件及服务业的中心。
2023-01-02 08:26:021


munich是慕尼黑的意思。munich造句如下:1.The CIA had requested our help to penetrate a drug ring operating out of Munich. 2.It was not so easy in Munich. 3.I was very happy in Munich. 4.I"d like to fly to Munich this Sunday.     
2023-01-02 08:26:131


2023-01-02 08:26:251


2023-01-02 08:26:361


2023-01-02 08:26:442


英语 Munich 德语 München
2023-01-02 08:27:003


慕尼黑 Mùníhēi德国南部城市。1938年英、法、德、意四国首脑在这里举行会议,签订了慕尼黑协定,英法以出卖捷克斯洛伐克向德国求得妥协。后来用‘慕尼黑"指外交上牺牲别国利益而与对方妥协的阴谋。[德München,英Munich]
2023-01-02 08:27:123

munich怎么读 munich如何读

1、Munich:英[ˈmjuːnɪk]、美[ˈmjunɪk] 2、n.慕尼黑(德国城市,巴伐利亚州首府); (出卖他国利益、姑息侵略者的)慕尼黑事件;绥靖事件; 3、[例句]More than 10 percent of Munich residents live below the poverty line.超过10%的慕尼黑居民生活在贫困线以下。
2023-01-02 08:27:231


慕尼黑。如果我的回答对你有帮助,望及时采纳。<( ̄3 ̄)>若仍有不明可以继续追问。
2023-01-02 08:27:296


2023-01-02 08:27:556


1、Munich:英[?mju?n?k]、美[?mjun?k]2、n.慕尼黑(德国城市,巴伐利亚州首府); (出卖他国利益、姑息侵略者的)慕尼黑事件;绥靖事件;3、[例句]More than 10 percent of Munich residents live below the poverty line.超过10%的慕尼黑居民生活在贫困线以下。
2023-01-02 08:28:211


2023-01-02 08:28:272


英语 Munich德语 München
2023-01-02 08:28:353


Munich 英[ˈmjuːnɪk]美[ˈmjunɪk]n. 慕尼黑(德国城市,巴伐利亚州首府); (出卖他国利益、姑息侵略者的) 慕尼黑事件;绥靖事件;[例句]The president stopped off in Poland on his way to Munich for the economic summit.总统在赴慕尼黑参加经济峰会的途中在波兰作了短暂停留。
2023-01-02 08:28:462


慕尼黑,MunichMünchen in Bavaria,Germany.德国的第三大城市。慕尼黑这个城市可以用纠结来形容,在慕尼黑,笼罩着当年Hilter的战争阴云;同时又是诸多大型公司例如BMW的总部所在地。慕尼黑也是欧洲最适宜人居住的城市之一。MTU(Munich Technology University)是著名的工业大学。(由于我们做CID了解了一点,所以简略回答了一下,飘过~~~)
2023-01-02 08:28:552


München音标:[`mynçən]词义:慕尼黑(巴伐利亚州首府) 该词读音接近汉语的“门青”
2023-01-02 08:29:041

Mode CreationMunich是什么意思

2023-01-02 08:29:132


Munich (German: München, pronounced [ˈmʏnçən] ( listen); Austro-Bavarian: Minga) is the capital city of Bavaria, Germany. It is located on the River Isar north of the Bavarian Alps. Munich is the third largest city in Germany, after Berlin and Hamburg. There are approximately 1.35 million people living within city limits, while the Munich Metropolitan Area (including the urban areas of Augsburg, Ingolstadt, Rosenheim and Landshut) is home to over 5 million people.The city"s motto is "München mag Dich" (Munich Loves You). Before 2006, it was "Weltstadt mit Herz" (Cosmopolitan city with a heart). Its native name, München, is derived from the Old German word Mönche, meaning "Monks". The city"s name derives from the monks of the Benedictine order who founded the city; hence the monk depicted on the city"s coat of arms. Black and gold—the colours of the Holy Roman Empire—have been the city"s official colours since the time of Ludwig the Bavarian.Munich is not the only location within Bavaria known as "München". Three such locations exist: one that is known as "Munich", another that is located northeast of the city of Nuremberg, and a third, Hutthurm, that is located north of Passau.
2023-01-02 08:29:221


2023-01-02 08:29:281

munich agreement是什么意思

2023-01-02 08:29:373


2023-01-02 08:29:494


为您解答Munich 的翻译是根据德语发音来的,后面发小舌喝音,因此翻译成黑。不是根据英语发音翻译的。
2023-01-02 08:30:031

Munich 这个品牌的足球鞋怎么样?谁能给点介绍?

2023-01-02 08:30:093


2023-01-02 08:30:212


2023-01-02 08:30:303

china the USA Munich哪个不同类?

最后一个不一样,是城市 慕尼黑
2023-01-02 08:30:413


Munich (German: München, pronounced [ˈmʏnçən] ( listen); Austro-Bavarian: Minga[1]) is the capital city of Bavaria, Germany. It is located on the River Isar north of the Bavarian Alps. Munich is the third largest city in Germany, after Berlin and Hamburg. There are approximately 1.35 million people living within city limits, while the Munich Metropolitan Area (including the urban areas of Augsburg, Ingolstadt, Rosenheim and Landshut) is home to over 5 million people.[2]The city"s motto is "München mag Dich" (Munich Loves You). Before 2006, it was "Weltstadt mit Herz" (Cosmopolitan city with a heart). Its native name, München, is derived from the Old German word Mönche, meaning "Monks". The city"s name derives from the monks of the Benedictine order who founded the city; hence the monk depicted on the city"s coat of arms. Black and gold—the colours of the Holy Roman Empire—have been the city"s official colours since the time of Ludwig the Bavarian.Munich is not the only location within Bavaria known as "München". Three such locations exist: one that is known as "Munich", another that is located northeast of the city of Nuremberg, and a third, Hutthurm, that is located north of Passau.出自维基百科
2023-01-02 08:31:281

Munich is a large city()the south of Germany.

为你解答。Munich is a large city (in,在内部) the south of Germany.There are a few shops (at,在末端) the end of the street. It"s diffcult to carry a lot of things (on,在自行车上) a bicycle. I looked at the list of names. My name was (at,在底部) the bottom of the list. There is a mirror (on,在墙上) the wall (of,……的) the living room.
2023-01-02 08:31:341


德国慕尼黑理工大学(Technical University of Munich) 德国慕尼黑理工大学网站: 英文 慕尼黑理工大学(Technische Universitt München,德文简称TUM,中文简称慕工大) 始建于1823年,历史悠久、学风严谨,教学和科研实力强大, 是德国的三大名校之一,同时在世界十大大学排行榜上名列第九。 其在德国的地位相当于 北京大学 或 清华大学 在国内的地位。 由于大学所在地慕尼黑不仅是德国三大城市之一, 更是德国南部经济文化中心,使得学生在 实习 和就业方面取得很大优 势。麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-01-02 08:31:411

munich germany,文化?

德国慕尼黑艺术与文学慕尼黑是欧洲主要的文化中心之一,也是理查德·施特劳斯、卡尔·奥尔夫等许多杰出作曲家活动的领地。慕尼黑是著名作曲家、指挥家理查德·施特劳斯的诞生地,全市有20多座歌剧院、剧院,是世界著名的音乐之城。建于19世纪初的巴伐利亚国家歌剧院是世界一流的歌剧院。点击查看图片慕尼黑国家歌剧院在路德维希二世的赞助下,理查德·瓦格纳的好几部歌剧得以在慕尼黑国家剧院首演。在慕尼黑,杰出的文学人物特别集中在巴伐利亚王国的最后一个世纪里,诸如保罗·海泽、莱纳·玛利亚·里尔克和法兰克·魏德金德(Frank Wedekind)。第一次世界大战前夕,该市在经济和文化方面拥有特别突出的地位。慕尼黑,尤其是郊区Schwabing,成为许多艺术家和作家安家的地方。托马斯·曼也住在这里写作。在魏玛共和国时期,慕尼黑仍是文化生活的中心,利翁·福伊希特万格、贝尔托·布莱希特和奥斯卡·玛莉亚·格拉夫等都很活跃。1919年,巴伐利亚电影制片厂(Bavaria Film Studios)成立。自从1911年表现主义艺术团体蓝骑士(Der Blaue Reiter)在慕尼黑成立以来,该市已经成为画家的重要聚集地,例如卡尔·罗特曼(Carl Rottmann)、洛维斯·柯林特(Lovis Corinth)、威廉·冯·考尔巴赫(Wilhelm von Kaulbach)、卡尔·施皮茨韦格、法兰兹·冯·伦巴赫(Franz von Lenbach)、法兰兹·斯托克(Franz von Stuck)及威廉·莱布尔(Wilhelm Leibl)。该市拥有蓝骑士画家保罗·克利、瓦西里·康定斯基、阿历克谢·冯·亚夫伦斯基(Alexej von Jawlensky)、加布里埃尔·穆特(Gabriele Münter)、弗兰茨·马尔克、奥古斯特·麦克(August Macke)和阿尔弗莱德·库宾(Alfred Kubin)。著名的出版业如南德意志报、巴伐利亚信使报、焦点杂志、贝塔斯曼集团的总部均坐落在慕尼黑。1900年,列宁创办的全俄马克思主义的秘密报纸《火星报》创刊号就是在慕尼黑出版的。慕尼黑是欧洲最大的出版业中心,其规模仅次于纽约。博物馆德意志博物馆位于伊萨尔河的博物馆岛上,是世界上最大、最古老的科学博物馆之一,另有分馆航空航天博点击查看图片国王广场的古代雕塑展览馆物馆和交通博物馆。该市拥有几个重要的美术馆,大部分集中在艺术区,其中包括特雷吉因路的老绘画陈列馆、新绘画陈列馆、现代艺术陈列馆(因收藏毕加索等大师的作品而享有盛誉)。老绘画陈列馆收藏了从14世纪到18世纪欧洲大师们的作品,反映了4个世纪以来维特尔斯巴赫家族的折中主义趣味。主要展品有德国画家丢勒的自画像、《四使徒》,意大利画家拉斐尔的绘画《卡尼吉安圣家族》和《特姆比圣母》以及比利时画家鲁本斯2层高的《最后审判》。这座美术馆是世界上收藏鲁本斯作品最丰富的地方之一。第一次世界大战以前,蓝骑士艺术家群体在慕尼黑创作,他们的许多作品收藏在市立伦巴赫美术馆(Lenbachhaus)。希腊和罗马艺术的重要藏品收藏在古代雕塑展览馆和州立文物博物馆,国王路德维希一世设法从希腊爱伊纳岛阿菲娅(Aphaea)神庙获得这些著名的雕塑,如美杜莎、随着“埃及博物馆”的完成,艺术区又将得到进一步的扩展。除艺术区以外,另一个艺术区是老城与伊萨尔河之间的Lehel区:马克西米利安街的州立人种学博物馆是德国第二大欧洲以外史前古器物的收藏地,而巴伐利亚州立博物馆和邻近Prinzregenten街的州立考古学收藏都是欧洲主要的文化艺术历史博物馆。附近的Schackgalerie是收藏19世纪德国绘画的重要美术馆。达豪集中营位于城外几千米处。
2023-01-02 08:31:471

用英文显示外号:London, Washington. Oxford, Venice, Munich, Vienna

什么意思?London, Washington. Oxford, Venice, Munich, Vienna 这些不都是英文了吗?是要翻译还是什么?
2023-01-02 08:31:522


munich读音:英 ["mju:nik]     美 ["mju:nik]。   n.慕尼黑[德国城市]。A great derisive exhibition was held in Munich.在慕尼黑举行一次嘲弄性的大型展览。Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler at Munich.张伯伦在慕尼黑尽量安抚希特勒。介绍慕尼黑也称明兴,是德国巴伐利亚州的首府。慕尼黑分为老城与新城两部分,总面积达310平方公里。是德国南部第一大城,全德国第三大城市(仅次于柏林和汉堡)。慕尼黑位于德国南部阿尔卑斯山北麓的伊萨尔河畔,是德国主要的经济、文化、科技和交通中心之一。慕尼黑同时又保留着原巴伐利亚王国都城的古朴风情,因此被人们称作“百万人的村庄”。是生物工程学、软件及服务业的中心。
2023-01-02 08:32:091


munich读音:英 ["mju:nik]     美 ["mju:nik]。   n.慕尼黑[德国城市]。A great derisive exhibition was held in Munich.在慕尼黑举行一次嘲弄性的大型展览。Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler at Munich.张伯伦在慕尼黑尽量安抚希特勒。介绍慕尼黑也称明兴,是德国巴伐利亚州的首府。慕尼黑分为老城与新城两部分,总面积达310平方公里。是德国南部第一大城,全德国第三大城市(仅次于柏林和汉堡)。慕尼黑位于德国南部阿尔卑斯山北麓的伊萨尔河畔,是德国主要的经济、文化、科技和交通中心之一。慕尼黑同时又保留着原巴伐利亚王国都城的古朴风情,因此被人们称作“百万人的村庄”。是生物工程学、软件及服务业的中心。
2023-01-02 08:32:202


munich读音:英 ["mju:nik]     美 ["mju:nik]。   n.慕尼黑[德国城市]。A great derisive exhibition was held in Munich.在慕尼黑举行一次嘲弄性的大型展览。Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler at Munich.张伯伦在慕尼黑尽量安抚希特勒。介绍慕尼黑也称明兴,是德国巴伐利亚州的首府。慕尼黑分为老城与新城两部分,总面积达310平方公里。是德国南部第一大城,全德国第三大城市(仅次于柏林和汉堡)。慕尼黑位于德国南部阿尔卑斯山北麓的伊萨尔河畔,是德国主要的经济、文化、科技和交通中心之一。慕尼黑同时又保留着原巴伐利亚王国都城的古朴风情,因此被人们称作“百万人的村庄”。是生物工程学、软件及服务业的中心。
2023-01-02 08:32:352


2023-01-02 08:32:481


munich读音:英 ["mju:nik]     美 ["mju:nik]。   n.慕尼黑[德国城市]。A great derisive exhibition was held in Munich.在慕尼黑举行一次嘲弄性的大型展览。Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler at Munich.张伯伦在慕尼黑尽量安抚希特勒。介绍慕尼黑也称明兴,是德国巴伐利亚州的首府。慕尼黑分为老城与新城两部分,总面积达310平方公里。是德国南部第一大城,全德国第三大城市(仅次于柏林和汉堡)。慕尼黑位于德国南部阿尔卑斯山北麓的伊萨尔河畔,是德国主要的经济、文化、科技和交通中心之一。慕尼黑同时又保留着原巴伐利亚王国都城的古朴风情,因此被人们称作“百万人的村庄”。是生物工程学、软件及服务业的中心。
2023-01-02 08:32:591


munich读音:英 ["mju:nik]     美 ["mju:nik]。   n.慕尼黑[德国城市]。A great derisive exhibition was held in Munich.在慕尼黑举行一次嘲弄性的大型展览。Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler at Munich.张伯伦在慕尼黑尽量安抚希特勒。介绍慕尼黑也称明兴,是德国巴伐利亚州的首府。慕尼黑分为老城与新城两部分,总面积达310平方公里。是德国南部第一大城,全德国第三大城市(仅次于柏林和汉堡)。慕尼黑位于德国南部阿尔卑斯山北麓的伊萨尔河畔,是德国主要的经济、文化、科技和交通中心之一。慕尼黑同时又保留着原巴伐利亚王国都城的古朴风情,因此被人们称作“百万人的村庄”。是生物工程学、软件及服务业的中心。
2023-01-02 08:33:101


munich读音:英 ["mju:nik]     美 ["mju:nik]。   n.慕尼黑[德国城市]。A great derisive exhibition was held in Munich.在慕尼黑举行一次嘲弄性的大型展览。Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler at Munich.张伯伦在慕尼黑尽量安抚希特勒。介绍慕尼黑也称明兴,是德国巴伐利亚州的首府。慕尼黑分为老城与新城两部分,总面积达310平方公里。是德国南部第一大城,全德国第三大城市(仅次于柏林和汉堡)。慕尼黑位于德国南部阿尔卑斯山北麓的伊萨尔河畔,是德国主要的经济、文化、科技和交通中心之一。慕尼黑同时又保留着原巴伐利亚王国都城的古朴风情,因此被人们称作“百万人的村庄”。是生物工程学、软件及服务业的中心。
2023-01-02 08:33:211


词典结果:Munich[英]["mju:nɪk][美]["mju:nɪk]n.慕尼黑(德国城市,巴伐利亚州首府); 以上结果来自金山词霸
2023-01-02 08:33:331


Munich一般指慕尼黑。 慕尼黑(德文:München),也称明兴,是德国巴伐利亚州的首府。麻烦请及时采纳回答,谢谢!
2023-01-02 08:33:391


2023-01-02 08:33:444


读音:英 ["mju:nɪk]   美 ["mju:nɪk]  解释:n.慕尼黑(德国城市,巴伐利亚州首府)双语例句1.The president stopped off in Poland on his way to Munich for the economic summit. 总统在赴慕尼黑参加经济峰会的途中在波兰作了短暂停留。2.This train would stop twice more in the suburbs before rolling southeast toward Munich.火车向东南驶往慕尼黑前,会在郊区再停两站。3.My training was geared towards winning gold in Munich. 我为了在慕尼黑夺取金牌而进行训练。4.The mosaics were sent to Munich, and thence to Geneva. 那些马赛克被送到慕尼黑,从那里又送到日内瓦。5.More than 10 percent of Munich residents live below the poverty line. 超过10%的慕尼黑居民生活在贫困线以下。6.The CIA had requested our help to penetrate a drugs ring operating out of Munich 美国中央情报局已请求我们协助其打入在慕尼黑市外活动的贩毒集团。7.The President is using the two visits to lay the ghosts of the Munich Agreement. 总统正借这两次访问来消除《慕尼黑协定》的阴影。
2023-01-02 08:34:031


慕尼黑也称明兴,是德国巴伐利亚州的首府。慕尼黑分为老城与新城两部分,总面积达310平方公里。2010年人口为130万,是德国南部第一大城,全德国第三大城市(仅次于柏林和汉堡);都会区人口达到270万。Munich is also known as Ming Hing, is the capital of bavaria. Munich is divided into two parts of old town and new town, the total area of 310 square kilometers. In 2010 the population of 1300000, is the largest city in southern Germany, Germany"s third largest city (after Berlin and Hamburg); metropolitan area population reached 2700000.慕尼黑位于德国南部阿尔卑斯山北麓的伊萨尔河畔,是德国主要的经济、文化、科技和交通中心之一,也是欧洲最繁荣的城市之一。慕尼黑同时又保留着原巴伐利亚王国都城的古朴风情,因此被人们称作“百万人的村庄”。是生物工程学、软件及服务业的中心。拥有各大公司的总部和许多跨国公司的欧洲总部。Munich is located in southern Germany North of the Alps of the ISAR River, is one of the major German economy, culture, science and technology and transportation center, is one of Europe"s most prosperous city. Munich also retains the simple style of the original capital of the kingdom of Bavaria, it was known as the "millions of people in the village". Biological engineering, software and service center. With the company"s headquarters and the headquarters of many Multi-National Corporation in europe.慕尼黑是德国第二大金融中心(仅次于法兰克福),慕尼黑是欧洲最大的出版中心,拥有德国最大的日报之一《南德意志报》,以及许多出版社。Munich is Germany"s second largest financial center (after Frankfurt), Munich is the largest publishing center has one of the largest in Europe, "the German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung", as well as many.慕尼黑特立独行又有皇家气派,但是也无疑有其狂野的一面。这里大概是唯一一个新与旧、保守与革新激烈冲撞的地方, 二战谈判也在这。Munich personal independence of conduct and royal style, but also has the wild side. This is probably the only one of the new and the old, conservative and innovation of fierce collision, the negotiations in the world war ii.
2023-01-02 08:34:092


2023-01-02 08:34:171


1、Munich:英[?mju?n?k]、美[?mjun?k]2、n.慕尼黑(德国城市,巴伐利亚州首府); (出卖他国利益、姑息侵略者的)慕尼黑事件;绥靖事件;3、[例句]More than 10 percent of Munich residents live below the poverty line.超过10%的慕尼黑居民生活在贫困线以下。
2023-01-02 08:34:211

munich germany america scotland哪一项不同?

2023-01-02 08:34:271


Bayern Munich
2023-01-02 08:34:3715

Bayern Munich 的英文怎么读

Bayern ["baiərn]n. 拜恩州(德国巴伐利亚州Bavaria的德语名称)Munich ["mju:nik] n. 慕尼黑(联邦德国城市)
2023-01-02 08:35:311


2023-01-02 08:35:392