barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-27 00:48:18
TAG: 词汇


1)There are three reasons for this.

2)The reasons for this are as follows.

3)The reason for this is obvious.

4)The reason for this is not far to seek.

5)The reason for this is that...

6)We have good reason to believe that...

例如:There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life.Firstly,people"s living standard has been greatly improved.Secondly,most people are well paid, and they can afford what they need or like.Last but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life.


如:Great changes have taken place in our life.

There are three reasons for this.这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。


1)It has the following advantages.

2)It does us a lot of good.

3)It benefits us quite a lot.

4)It is beneficial to us.

5)It is of great benefit to us.

例如:Books are like friends.They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us.


1)It has more disadvantages than advantages.

2)It does us much harm.

3)It is harmful to us.

例如:However,everything divides into two.Television can also be harmful to us.It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television.


1)It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient, possible)for do sth.

2)We think it necessary to do sth.

3)It plays an important role in our life.

例如:Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in business.Soon, computers will be found in every home,too.We have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age.


1)We should take some effective measures.

2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties.

3)We should do our utmost in doing sth.

4)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with.

例如:The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more serious.Thereforewe must take some effective measures to solve it.


1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years.

2)A great change will certainly be produced in the world"s communications.

3)The computer has brought about many changes in education.

例如:Some changes have taken place in people"s diet in the past five years.The major reasons for these changes are not far to seek.Nowadays,more and morepeople are switching from grain to meat for protein,and from fruit and vegetable to milk for vitamins.


1)We cannot ignore the fact that...

2)No one can deny the fact that...

3)There is no denying the fact that...

4)This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in.

5)However,that"s not the case.

例如:We cannot ignore the fact that industrialization brings with it the problems of pollution.To solve these problems,we can start by educating the public about the hazards of pollution.The government on its part should also design stricter laws to promote a cleaner environment.


1)Compared with A,B...

2)I prefer to read rather than watch TV.

3)There is a striking contrast between them.

例如:Compared with cars,bicycles have several advantages besides being affordable.Firstly,they do not consume natural resources of petroleum.Secondly,they do not cause the pollution problem.Last but not least,they contribute to people"s health by giving them due physical exercise.


1)It has increased(decreased)

2)The population in this city has now increased (decreased)to 800,000.

3)The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared with that of January.

例如:With the improvement of the living standard,the proportion of people"s income spent on food has decreased while that spent on education has increased.

再如:From the graph listed above,it can be seen that student use of computers has increased from an average of less than two hours per week in 1990 to 20 hours in 2000.


1)People have(take,adopt,assume)different attitudes towards sth.

2)People have different opinions on this problem.

3)People take different views of(on)the question.

4)Some people believe that...Others argue that...

例如:People have different attitudes towards failure.Some believe that failure leads to success.Every failure they experience translates into a greater chance of success at their renewed endeavor.However,others are easily discouraged by failures and put themselves into the category of losers.

再如:Do “lucky numbers really bring good luck?Different people have different views on it.



1)In short,it can be said that ...

2)It may be briefly summed up as follows.

3)From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that ...

例如:From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that

examination is necessary,however, its method should be improved.



1)It"s well known to us that ...

2)As is known to us,...

3)This is a topic that is being widely talked about.

4)From the graph(table,chart)listed above,it can be seen that ...

5)As a proverb says,“Where there is a will,there is a way.

例如:As is well known to us,it is important for the students to know the world outside campus. The reason for this is obvious.Nowadays,the society is changing and developing rapidly,and the campus is no longer an “ivory tower.As college students,we must get in touch with the world outside the campus.Only in this way can we adapt ourselves to the society quickly after we graduate.

再如:Does it pay to be honest?This is a topic that is being widely talked about and different people have different opinions on it.

Culture 文化篇

A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom

and delight.(P. B. Shelley , British poet )


(英国诗人 雪莱. P. B)

Art is a lie that tells the truth .( Picasso , Spanish painter )

美术是揭示真理的谎言。 (西班牙画家 毕加索)

Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest. (Mark Twain , American novelist )

幽默被人正确地解释为"以诚挚表达感受,寓深思于嬉笑"。(美国小说家 马克u2022吐温)

The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep

in their downward tendency.( Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German poet )


(德国诗人 歌德 . J . W .)

When one loves one"s art no service seems too hard .(O. Henry, American

novelist) 一旦热爱艺术,什么奉献也不难。 (美国小说家 欧u2022亨利)

Education 教育篇

And gladly would learn , and gladly teach .( Chaucer , British poet)

勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人, 乔叟)

Better be unborn than untaught , for ignorance is the root of misfortune

.(Plato , Ancient Greek philosopher)

与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源.(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)

Friendship 友谊篇

"Some friends come and go like a season. Others are arranged in our lives for good reason."

---Sharita Gadison

"A true friend is someone you can disagree with and still remain friends. For if not, they weren"t true friends in the first place."


For example,

For instance,

It can be given a concrete example,

Take ... for an example, it is a very obvious case

There is one impressive example I want to mention here.

Let"s see an example.

It is best illustrated if given the following example.

Let me provide an example.

Perhaps the most important example of that...

As I remember,/ I now still remember that.

I will never forget that

To illustrate this, there is an example that is very persuasive.

An instance that accompanies this reason is that...

An example can give the details of this argument, ...

It is a forceful example to demonstrate the importance of ...

History presented many examples of...

In order to see this point clearly, let us see an example.


1….(结果)…, owing to (原因) [owing to 为分词结构]

2….(结果)…, attributable to(原因) [attributable to为形容词短语]

3….(结果) lie in the fact that(原因) [ 同位语从句 ]

4….(结果)result from(原因) [句型一般]

5. It is precisely because (原因)…that (导致结果)… [强调结构]

6. …, as a result, …(导致结果)… [as a result做插入语]

7. (原因)be responsible for(结果) [常见句型]

8. (原因),which in turn(结果)

eg. They give rise to unfair competition, which in turn throws original businesses into a commercial panic.


1. (Just) as …, so… 正如… [ 比较句型 ]

eg. Just as water is the most important of liquids, so air is the most important of gases.

2. in much the same way/manner that… 正如…, 和…一样

eg. The Americans spend Christmas Day in much the same way that the Europeans do.

十三. 强调句

1. only [既是强调句,又是倒装句]

eg. Only in this way can you hope to improve the present situation.

2. It is …that…

eg. It is because he was too careless that he failed in the exam.

3. nothing but 只不过;只有…

eg. If what we have been striving for is nothing but pleasure-seeking, our nation will be deprived of the right to rise.(这里nothing but 可以去掉,不影响句意,但有了nothing but,就强调了后面的名词)

十四. 假设

1. Supposing……, it is likely that…. 假设…, 那么很可能… [假设, 虚拟语态]

eg. Supposing you wanted to buy a washing machine, it is more than likely you would obtain details regarding performance, price, etc. from an advertisement.

十七. 否定

1. 双重否定

not uncommon = common 平常的,普通的

not unusual = usual 平常的,通常的

not inevitable=evitable 可以避免的

(尽量把要强调的普通的形容词改成双重否定, 为文章多增加亮点)


1. more than…can 简直不,无法,难以…

eg. The beauty of the city is more than I can describe.

2. beyond description 无法描述

eg. The beauty of the city is beyond description.

3. There is no point(use) in doing… …是没有任何意义的.

4. The first nut for us to crack is … 我们首先要解决的问题是…

5. short-sighted policy 眼光短浅的政策

6. while ……with one hand, ……with the other. 当(我们)一方面…., 而另一方面…

eg. While money is eagerly collected in vast sums with one hand, it is paid out in increasingly vaster sums with the other.

7. far from 远离,远远不,非但不

eg. Far from taking exception(take exception:反对), no one is even mildly surprised.

8. be bound to

eg. Any discussion of this topic is bound to question the aims of education.

9. (or) vice-versa 反之亦然

10. sth. be measured in terms of … sth.用…来衡量

eg. “success” is measured in terms of freedom from insecurity.

11…. (现象)…, upon which views vary from person to person.

12.A be more essential to B. 对B来说, A是尤为关键重要的.

13.Distinguished scientific accomplishment is a matter of opportunity and of continuous and concentrated effort over long years. (很优美的句子,值得借鉴)

14. from the …point of view 从…角度来看

eg. From the health point of view 从健康的角度来看

15. ……must be rooted out in order to …. …必须根除以…

eg. Moral corruption must be rooted out in order to preserve the integrity of the state. 为了使国家健康发展,必须根除腐败.

16. …represent only the tip of the iceberg. …….只是冰山一角

eg. The most famous stars represent only the tip of the iceberg.

17. The rapid progress in science and technology has given a powerful shove-ahead to the productive forces of the world and the economic and social development of humanity. 科技的快速发展带给世界生产力和人类经济和社会的发展一个强劲的推动力(2001年****的七.一讲话).

18. ….stand tall and aim far, broaden one"s vision and give full play to one"s intelligence and wisdom on the broad arena of reform, opening-up and the modernization drive. 站的高看的远,开扩自己的视野,在改革开放和现代化建设的大舞台上充分发挥个人才智(2001年****的七.一讲话). (句中很多的词组都是作文中可以运用到的,比如改革开放:reform (and) opening-up等)

19….demonstrate the value of one"s life and work hard to achieve feats that will live up to the expectations of the people and the times. 证实自己的人生价值,努力的工作取得成就,而不辜负人民和时代的期望. (出处同上)

20.When asked about…, the overwhelming majority of people say that ….But other people think of … as…. / But I think quite differently. (对报刊上某一问题(已有不同的人发表了不同的观点)发表自己的观点)

21.It is generally believed/accepted/held that… 通常认为….

22 It is no denying the fact that…. 无可否认…

1. Just as the popular saying goes, “Every coin has two sides”. From one side,…. from the other side,…. 正如一个谚语所说的, “每个硬币都有两面(事物都是一分为二的)”.从一方面看….. 从另一方面来看….


1. admittedly 应当承认:

2. 1. admittedly 应当承认:

3. discreetly 小心谨慎地:

4. conceivably 可以想象地

5. surely 肯定地

6. eagerly 渴望地

7. increasingly 不断增长地

8. honestly: 诚实地

9. certainly: 当然地

参考资料:我也在找关于作文方面的,呵呵,这是我找到的,~明年我就要高考咯,你呢? 加油啊~!



1`According to a recent survey 依照最近的一项调查

2`The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.


3`An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that 越来越多的人开始意识到

4`When it comes to 说到

5`Many experts point out that 许多专家指出

6`There is no denying the fact that 无可否认,

7`In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse.考虑到问题的严重性,在事态进一步恶化之前,必须采取有效的措施。

8`In the last decades, 在过去的几十年

9`In fact, we have to admit the fact that 事实上,我们必须承认

10`We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.


11`For my part, I agree with the latter opinion for the following reasons:


12`From what has been discussed above, 通过以上讨论,

13`As for me, I`m in favor of the opinion that 就我而言,我同意

14`From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that 通过上面的讨论,我们不难得出结论:

注意:想用And时就改成Moreover, Furthermore, Besides, What`s more它们的意思是而且

however是然而 把所有的very 都换成extremely 想说我认为就用As far as I am concerned,……

去年是要点型作文,如果我没判断失误的话今年应该是对比类或正反类,那就会用到这个:On the other hand,意思是另一方面most students are against the idea大部分学生不同意这一观点


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!









economy boom,

communication system,

standard of living,

indication of development,

proper sanitation等等……




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2023-06-26 16:21:281

“正直、进取、合作、创新 ”作为企业精神,翻译成英文是用名词还是形容词还是不定式

Integrity Activity Cooperation Innovation 我觉得是这样 看看 还有没有更好的答案 进取那个 不确定
2023-06-26 16:21:352


image ice IAAF information
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留学申请时,推荐信的作用很重要,好的推荐信对申请人来说能够起到事半功倍的作用。在写推荐信时,必然会提及被推荐人的品性(Characters)。介绍每个人独特的个性用词也十分讲究,下列Characters是国外大学所欣赏的形容词,请各位读者参考。列举该类词汇的目的并非要各位将之奉为圭臬,而是希望在大家头痛脚痛浑身都痛的时候有个参考。请别忘了你的独特性,还请别忘了别人同你一样看过这个表格。  (1)Scholastic aptitude(学习方面的才能)  Native intellectual ability(天赋)   Imagination(想象力)   Creativity(创造力)   Capacity for analytical thinking(分析思考能力)   Intellectual curiosity; spirit of inquiry(好奇心)   Ability to work independently(独立学习工作的能力)   Memory(记忆力)   Accuracy(准确性)   Methodology(研究方法)   Capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力)   Potential as a researcher(研究的潜力)   Potential as a teacher(教学的潜力)   Ability to express his ideas orally and in writing(口头或文字的表达能力)   Capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work(获得学业成功的能力、愿望与决心)   Probable success as a graduate student(作为研究生成功的可能性)  (2)Academic performance(学业上的表现)   Breadth of general knowledge(知识丰富)   Knowledge of literature in his field(本专业领域知识)  Grade or achievement(成绩或成就)   Industry, diligence(勤勉)   Participation in discussion(讨论积极)  Academic maturity(学业上的成熟)  (3)Languages(语言能力)   Ability to speak, understand, read and write the English language(听、说、读、写英文的能力)   Ability to read significant literature in other languages than English(英语以外的语言阅读能力) (4)Character(品行)   Honesty; integrity(诚实)   Sincerity(诚恳)   Sense of responsibility(责任感)   Cooperation (合作)   Enthusiasm(热诚)   Conscientiousness(自觉性)   Ethical and moral standards(伦理与道德标准) Reliability; dependability(可靠性)
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insist integrity
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推荐信是一个人为推荐另一个人去接受某个职位或参与某项工作而写的信件,是一种应用写作文体。特定含义下指本科生或硕士研究生到其他(一般是国外)大学研究生院攻读硕士或博士学位时,请老师所写的推荐信。一般说来美国的研究生院要求提供3封推荐信,信件作者应该熟悉学生,并且有一定知名度。推荐信的种类 推荐信用来证明你个人的技能和特点,一般在特殊情况下才需要,最好能留一份在手边,以便于你急于找工作,申请奖学金或者其他任何需要介绍信的情况下备用。专家建议找工作时手头至少应该备有3份介绍信。对于介绍信来说,提前准备好永远都不会错。 GreatEssay机构专家指出: 当谈到推荐信和介绍信时,关于术语"recommendation"和"reference"的确切定义,这里有些争议,例如该网站上所描述和提供的免费打印版本。我们决定在此交替使用。根据不同的资料显示,他们的主要区别在于,介绍信通常更为概括性,书写时并不需要有特定的对象,然而推荐信更为明确,它是针对特定的某个人而书写的。无论是哪种方式,重要的是要求写推荐信的人和写信的人对于应该需要什么的理解是一致的。 推荐信可以分为三种类型: u2022 工作类 u2022 学术类 u2022 个人特点类 每种类别的推荐信都用于不同的情况和环境,但是每种也都有相似之处。不论何种推荐信,都需要仔细书写,其目的都是展示个人技能或特点。一般来说,都用于考察申请人各方面的资格和品质,并且树立其自信。 与雇佣有关的书面推荐信是由知道求职者的技能,以及他或她的有关性格特征的人书写。他们通常是前一个雇主,直属上司,甚至是同事。 学术推荐信使用于各种情况。如某人申请学术奖金或实习机会,以及学生申请研究生院和高中学生申请大学或申请奖学金,他们会请别人为他们写推荐信。“就业”和“学术”的推荐信甚至还可以有一些统一之处,如老师为一个学校职位寻求一份推荐信。 性格或个人推荐信可以用于儿童监护、领养申请、假释听证、住房申请、以及申请一个高等的俱乐部或社团的会员资格。性格推荐信的共同点是,它们通常(但不总是)由朋友或家人写的。雇主也可能在某些情况下提供性格推荐信。性格推荐信一般不如就业或学术推荐信正规。 还有一些是上述推荐信的综合。例如,公职候选人可能会请某人写推荐信,一个商人可能会请求别人推荐产品或服务,或销售人员可能会请求同事以参考信的形式做介绍。也可能有人要求您写表扬信或评价某人的表现。 编辑本段写作要素 1 推荐人的身份,在何种身份下认识该申请人,认识多长时间或何时认识该申请人。曾在何课程上教过该申请人 2.申请人的表现,学习能力,论文,成绩,全班人数和该申请人排名 3. 申请人的工作能力和领导能力,团队合作能力等 4 申请人的英语 5 申请人是否适合该课程和在该校学习 编辑本段写作结构 第一段: 推荐人与申请人的关系。 推荐人是在什么环境下认识申请人,以及相识多久。 申请人希望申请的哪一个学期和科系。 第二段: 推荐人对申请人资格评估。 推荐人初识申请人时,对他有何特别的印象。 举例证实推荐人对于申请人的评估结果。 第三段: 对于申请人个人特质的评估(如:沟通能力、成熟度、抱负、领导能力、团队工作能力,以及正直等),或是有哪些需要改进的地方。 结论: 推荐人对于申请人的整体评估。评估申请人完成学业以后,未来在个人和专业上的发展。 申请人会为这个科系及团体带来什么贡献。 编辑本段留学推荐信标准 也叫recommendation letter申请留学时,推荐信在申请材料中的作用是不可忽视的。美国大学的许多教授非常看重推荐信,在美国这个极重视个人信用的国度,可以说,推荐人以自己的信用向美国教授所作的推荐,是整个申请中的一个很大的变数。 一些学生认为写推荐信的人官衔或者行政职位越高越好,所以,他们通常都去找系主任、院长甚至校长。其实,相对来说,美国教授更注重写推荐信人的研究业绩和学术地位。如果你申请的学校正好是推荐人的母校,那么这种推荐往往会起到意想不到的良好效果。 此外,推荐信的内容应涉及自己的课外活动和社会实践活动,但建议,不要写太多的课外活动、社会实践活动以及个人性格和爱好,毕竟到美国是以做学问为主,也许美国教授更希望在信中看到你有没有搞研究的能力。如果你曾参与了某位教授的研究项目,写过不错的论文或参与过研究计划、担任过研究助理,则一定要在信中讲清。 编辑本段如何写好留学推荐信 您是否不知道如何写好一篇推荐信,即recommendation letter,让GreatEssay机构专家告诉您一个简单的撰写程序。 第1步 高中开始时就要努力学习,这样你就会有好的成绩,而你的老师对你才会有好的印象。 第2步 课上多问老师问题,无论是课间或课后,这样老师们才会对你个人有所了解。这些问题同时也能帮助你更好地理解课程内容并提高你的成绩。 第3步 参加课外活动,如篮球,足球,辩论队,剧团,及高中乐队等。这些中的多数都是同高中老师指导的,这也是更好地去了解你的老师的一个好办法。同样地,老师们也会看到你有创造力,富有激情的一面。 第4步 自愿帮助你的老师,高中校长,行政管理人员等。不管无报酬,自愿服务都是一个很好的机会,并且能展现你是一个非常负责,仔细周到并专业的人。 第5步 在大学申请的第一次截止日期前的3-6个月里,列出可能给你一封不错推荐信的老师名单。 和你关系不错或者在他的课上给了你很高成绩的老师是理想的选择。 你需要至少三封推荐信。 第6步 并不是所有的推荐信都要来自于教过你的老师。 比如,如果一个大学要求3封推荐信,你可以从你兼职工作的老板那里得到一封推荐信。 第7步 一些大学要求你提交私人推荐信,比如一个好朋友写的推荐信。他们希望了解一个学生在私人生活里的行为,从而推断你在学校里的表现。 第8步 确保在大学申请的第一次截止日期前的3-6个月里,向老师索要推荐信。 老师要给成打的学生写推荐信,出于礼貌要尽可能早的给他们留出时间来完成这封推荐信。 第9步 请牢记你所要申请学校的推荐要求。很多电子版申请会给你的老师提供一个链接以用于填写推荐信。有的可能允许你上传PDF格式的文件。还有的将需要提供书面材料。 第10步 在向你老师要求推荐信并得到其确认之后的几天时间里,你需要发电子邮件通知他们接下来所要做的。首先,用以上的要求清单,写一封单独的电子邮件给每个你的推荐人,并且告知他们写信时需要参照的详细说明。你要指出是哪所大学需要该推荐信,并告知填写各个大学推荐表格时所要遵循的步骤。 第11步 关于学校录取过程的更多提示,请阅读作者More的相关文章,例如"How to Use Your 4 Years of High School to Prepare for College Admission Applications" 和 "How to Ace Your College Admissions Application Essay." 编辑本段推荐信中的有利形容词 申请留学时,推荐信的作用很重要,好的推荐信对申请人事半功倍的作用。在写推荐信时,必然会提及被推荐人的品性。介绍每个人独特的个性用词也十分究,下列国外大学所欣赏的形容词,提供给大家参考,希望在大家头痛脚痛浑身都痛的时候有个参考。但别忘了你的独特性。 (1)Scholastic aptitude(学习方面的才能) 推荐信a. Native intellectual ability(天赋) b. Imagination(想象力) c. Creativity(创造力) d. Capacity for analytical thinking(分析思考能力) e. Intellectual curiosity; spirit of inquiry(好奇心) f. Ability to work independently(独立学习工作的能力) g. Memory(记忆力) h. Accuracy(准确性) i. Methodology(研究方法) j. Capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力) k. Potential as a researcher(研究的潜力) l. Potential as a teacher(教学的潜力) m. Ability to express his ideas orally and in writing(口头或文字的表达能力) n. Capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work(获得学业成功的能力、愿望与决心) o. Probable success as a graduate student(作为研究生成功的可能性) (2)Academic performance(学业上的表现) a. Breadth of general knowledge(知识丰富) b. Knowledge of literature in his field(本专业领域知识) c. Grade or achievement(成绩或成就) d. Industry, diligence(勤勉) e. Participation in discussion(讨论积极) f. Academic maturity(学业上的成熟) (3)Languages(语言能力) a. Ability to speak, understand, read and write the English language(听、说、读、写英文的能力) b. Ability to read significant literature in other languages than English(英语以外的语言阅读能力) (4)Character(品行) a. Honesty; integrity(诚实) b. Sincerity(诚恳) c. Sense of responsibility(责任感) d. Cooperation (合作) e. Enthusiasm(热诚) f. Conscientiousness(自觉性) g. Ethical and moral standards(伦理与道德标准) h. Reliability; dependability(可靠性) 编辑本段工作推荐信范本 尊敬的先生或女士: 您好,我是XXX,XXX公司的总经理。得知我公司优秀员工XXX想要出国深造,我感到非常高兴和无比欣慰。这样一个上进的年轻人应该接受良好的教育拥有更辉煌的未来。因此,我很荣幸向贵校强烈推荐这位优秀青年。 XXX曾在大四的时候来我公司报告实习。他利于闲暇时间大量阅读参考有关业务的书籍,虚心向其他员工请教。渐渐地,他开始精通各项业务,并取得一定成绩。对此他并没有满足更没有骄傲自大。相反,遇到难题,他仍然虚心与同事交流讨论直到找出解决方案为止。鉴于他在实习期的出色表现,我公司招收他为正式员工(通常我公司不予考虑应届毕业生)。 现在,做为我公司的一名业务精英,XXX工作更加认真,负责,努力。为所有同事树立了榜样。付出就有获得,他因此被评为本公司优秀员工,并享有高额奖金。 虽然从某种程度上来说,如此优秀的员工即将踏上留学之途是我公司的损失,但是考虑到他的前途,我依然毫不犹豫的支持他远赴贵校深造。真诚期望贵校能同样支持他,给他一个提升自己实现梦想的机会。谢谢。 总经理:XXX 2009年4月01日
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这个要自己写的 不一定写的有多好写出自己水平就好了 切忌别找别人代写英国人重视诚实甚至觉得诚实比学历和能力更重要出国签证的时候英国大使馆有权利要求面签
2023-06-26 16:23:454


完善的反义词有:简陋,欠缺。完善的反义词有:简陋,欠缺。拼音是:wánshàn。词性是:形容词。注音是:ㄨㄢ_ㄕㄢ_。结构是:完(上下结构)善(上下结构)。完善的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】完善wánshàn。1. 完备美好。2. 使完备美好。二、引证解释⒈完备美好。引《史记·匈奴列传》:“其得汉_絮,以驰草棘中,衣_皆裂敝,以示不如旃裘之完善也。”明张居正《帝鉴图说述语》:“究其终始,尚多可议,其完善烁懿、卓然可为世表者,_什一耳。”徐迟《牡丹》二:“内容和形式一切具备,歌喉和舞姿十分完善。”⒉完好;无缺损。引《初刻拍案惊奇》卷五:“忽遇虎负爱女至,惊逐之。顷虎去而人不伤,今完善在舟,希示进止。”清昭_《啸亭杂录·淳化帖》:“惟大内所藏,_当日所赐毕士安者,篇帙完善,墨_如新,成亲王曾见之。”⒊使趋于完美。引《花城》1981年第2期:“社会主义本身不是也在不断的完善么?”三、国语词典完美、完好。词语翻译英语perfect,tomakeperfect,toimprove德语vervollkommnen,verbessern,nachbessern;vollkommen,perfekt(V)_法语parfait,excellent四、网络解释完善完善,解释为完备美好;无缺损;使趋于完美和增加在完成的基础上,起到锦上添花的作用。明张居正《帝鉴图说述语》:“究其终始,尚多可议,其完善烁懿、卓然可为世表者,_什一耳。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷五:“忽遇虎负爱女至,惊逐之。顷虎去而人不伤,今完善在舟,希示进止。”关于完善的近义词完美完整完好完满圆满美满完竣完备关于完善的诗句芟恶完善良自我璀璨完善的头脑关于完善的单词polishimperfectintegritywell-appointedConsiderationforperfectinglaborarbitrationrefineawayperfection关于完善的成语善善恶恶善有善报完美无缺体无完肤破巢完卵大璞不完关于完善的词语体无完肤神完守固完体将军完壁归赵完好无缺完美无缺日臻完善破巢完卵大事完毕大璞不完关于完善的造句1、宝山钢铁总厂的设备相当完善。2、我国的法律法规是随着社会主义建设而不断发展,完善的,绝不是一成不变的。3、只有经过人生路上的惊涛骇浪,我们才能变得更加成熟和勇敢。4、爱沙尼亚首都名不虚传,是全欧网路架构最完善的城市。5、这个方案存在缺陷,需要进一步完善。点此查看更多关于完善的详细信息
2023-06-26 16:24:101


Keep heart
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1. 暖心短句英文 暖心短句英文 1.英文唯美句子 Give everything a shot. You never know what (or who) is going to change your life.任何事情都应该去尝试一下,因为你无法知道,什么样的事或者什么样的人将会改变你的一生。 Love is a kind of integrity is a price to pay, if not love, or can not afford, then do not easily open your heart.Temptation and loneliness, this is not love, reasons.爱是一种诚信,是需要付出代价的,如果不爱,或无法承受,那么就别轻易地将自己的心打开。诱惑和寂寞,本不是爱的理由。 Like the sun because it"s warm,warm heart went to unknown pain. 喜欢阳光是因为它很暖、暖到了心底、暖去了不知名的疼痛 If you want it badly enough, there are no limits on what you can achieve. 如果你真的很想要一样东西的话,没有什么能阻止你得到它。 There is only one person who can define success in your life - and that"s you. 只有一个人能界定你一生的成就,那就是你自己 Ability is what you"re capable of doing.Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.能力决定了你能做什么。动机决定了你要做什么。态度决定了你会做成什么样。 To the noisy crowd, sad and lonely is very warm words.比起喧闹的人群来,悲伤和孤独也是很温暖的词语。 Never be dependent on anyone in this world.在这个世上不要过分依赖任何。 Don"t let his tears, you laugh and the world followed laugh.You cry,whole world only you crying.不要轻易让自己掉眼泪,你笑,全世界跟着笑。你哭,全世界只有你一个人在哭…… Anger begins with folly, and ends in repentance. 愤怒以愚蠢开始,以后悔告终。 We shouldn"t blame, laugh at and envy anyone. We should be colorful in the sunshine, run in the winds and rains, dream your own dreams and go your own way.不埋怨谁,不嘲笑谁,也不羡慕谁,阳光下灿烂,风雨中奔跑,做自己的梦,走自己的路。 Don"t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.不要旁听生命,从现在起就展示和做最好的自己。 Not all the people can enjoy your value for someone judges the others by appearance. Thus,there is no need for you to pay the cost for their superficiality. 并不是每个人都会欣赏的你的价值,因为有些人是以貌取人的。所以你不必为他们的肤浅埋单。 Instead of looking for A thousand reason that he is an idiot,geo a proof than real myself as a wise man.—— 与其找一千条理由说自己不是一个白痴,不如实实在在地证明自己是一个聪明 等等等等。。。。。。。。 2.谁给我一些英文句子,要唯美,干净 1天之此端为天涯,海之彼端为海角。One end of heaven to the uttermost part of the heaven,the sensation of the sea for cape. 2微笑向暖,安之若素。The warm smile,if the quality. 3甜蜜的回忆,无法长期营养一个人。Sweet memory is not able to provide a person with nourishment for long. 4谁能走到时间的前面,帮我看看未来的画面。Who can come to the front of the time, help me find the next screen. 5微笑转瞬即逝,但有时候,微笑背后的记忆却能永远长存。A smile only takes a moment, but the memory behind that smile sometimes lasts forever. 6回忆绑住了我们的时间,时间扯断了我们的回忆。Tied memories of our time, our memories of the time tearing. 7不要哭!就说句“去你的”然后展颜一笑。Don"t cry! Just say “fuck you” and smile. 8一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart. 9如果你没有经历过别人所经历的事情,就不要去评判一个人的过去!Don"t judge someone"s past, when you haven"t walked their journey. 3.温暖的英文短句 1、Always listen to your heart because even though it"s on your left side, it"s always right. 总是听从内心的声音。因为即便它长在你的左边,它却总是对的。 2、A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be thankful for a good one 一生中,女人总会爱过一两次坏蛋,才会珍惜那个对的人。 3、A true friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future. 真正的朋友会接受你的过去,力挺你的现在,鼓舞你的将来 4、A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor"s book. 医书里说有两样东西,是最好的灵丹妙药: 一个是开心的笑容,一个是睡个饱觉. 5、A man who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is. 如果一个男人真爱你,永远不会丢下你,不管情形有多难。 6、A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous —— Coco Chanel 。 每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。—— 可可·香奈儿 扩展资料: 温暖的单词用法 warm 英 [wu0254u02d0m] 美 [wu0254u02d0rm] 释义:adj. 温暖的;暖和的;热情的;v. 变暖;使暖和;n. 温暖的空气 形容词: warmish 副词: warmly 比较级: warmer 最高级: warmest 名词: warmer 过去式: warmed 过去分词: warmed 现在分词:warming 第三人称单数: warms 例句 用作形容词 (adj.) 1、It"s a nice and warm today. 今天的天气晴朗而且温暖。 2、Take your coat off. It"s warm in the room. 把外衣脱掉,室内很暖和。 3、He was pleased with their warm welcome. 他们的热烈欢迎使他很高兴。 用作动词 (v.) 1、The weather has warmed up. 天气转暖了。 2、Your feet will soon warm up once you get indoors. 你一进屋,脚就会很快暖和起来。 4.温暖的英文短句 1、Always listen to your heart because even though it"s on your left side, it"s always right. 总是听从内心的声音。 因为即便它长在你的左边,它却总是对的。 2、A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be thankful for a good one 一生中,女人总会爱过一两次坏蛋,才会珍惜那个对的人。 3、A true friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future. 真正的朋友会接受你的过去,力挺你的现在,鼓舞你的将来 4、A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor"s book. 医书里说有两样东西,是最好的灵丹妙药: 一个是开心的笑容,一个是睡个饱觉. 5、A man who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is. 如果一个男人真爱你,永远不会丢下你,不管情形有多难。 6、A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous —— Coco Chanel 。 每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。—— 可可·香奈儿 扩展资料: 温暖的单词用法 warm 英 [wu0254u02d0m] 美 [wu0254u02d0rm] 释义:adj. 温暖的;暖和的;热情的;v. 变暖;使暖和;n. 温暖的空气 形容词: warmish 副词: warmly 比较级: warmer 最高级: warmest 名词: warmer 过去式: warmed 过去分词: warmed 现在分词:warming 第三人称单数: warms 例句 用作形容词 (adj.) 1、It"s a nice and warm today. 今天的天气晴朗而且温暖。 2、Take your coat off. It"s warm in the room. 把外衣脱掉,室内很暖和。 3、He was pleased with their warm welcome. 他们的热烈欢迎使他很高兴。 用作动词 (v.) 1、The weather has warmed up. 天气转暖了。 2、Your feet will soon warm up once you get indoors. 你一进屋,脚就会很快暖和起来。 5.用英文写的暖心的那些段句段 1、Nobady can go back and start a new beginning,but anyone can start today and make a new ending.—Maria Robinson没有人可以回到过去重新开始,但每一个人都可以从现在开始创造全新的未来。 ——玛利亚u2022罗宾森2、When you run so fast to get somewhere, you miss the fun of getting there.Life is not a race, so take it slower.一个人如果太焦急着到达终点,那他就无法感受到旅途中的愉悦。生活不是场比赛,从容地过吧。 3、Faith is taking the first step even when you don"t see the whole staircase.——Martin Luther King Jr.信念,就是即使看不到长阶通向何方,却仍愿意迈出第一步。——马丁u2022路德u2022金4、Be yourself.There is something that you can do better than any other.Listen to the inward voice and bravely obey that.坚持做自己,因为总有一件事你能比别人做得更好。 听从内心的召唤并且勇敢地行动吧!5、Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment;not only about survival.生活是一串串的快乐时光;我们不仅仅是为了生存而生活。6、The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having something worth waiting.人生最痛苦的莫过于等待,然而最美好的却是等待最值得期待的东西。 7、To lose is not terrible, but it is that you are stuck on the “lose” idea.失去并不可怕,可怕的是你执着于“失去”这个念头。
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完善的读音是:wánshàn。完善的拼音是:wánshàn。词性是:形容词。注音是:ㄨㄢ_ㄕㄢ_。结构是:完(上下结构)善(上下结构)。完善的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】完善wánshàn。1. 完备美好。2. 使完备美好。二、引证解释⒈完备美好。引《史记·匈奴列传》:“其得汉_絮,以驰草棘中,衣_皆裂敝,以示不如旃裘之完善也。”明张居正《帝鉴图说述语》:“究其终始,尚多可议,其完善烁懿、卓然可为世表者,_什一耳。”徐迟《牡丹》二:“内容和形式一切具备,歌喉和舞姿十分完善。”⒉完好;无缺损。引《初刻拍案惊奇》卷五:“忽遇虎负爱女至,惊逐之。顷虎去而人不伤,今完善在舟,希示进止。”清昭_《啸亭杂录·淳化帖》:“惟大内所藏,_当日所赐毕士安者,篇帙完善,墨_如新,成亲王曾见之。”⒊使趋于完美。引《花城》1981年第2期:“社会主义本身不是也在不断的完善么?”三、国语词典完美、完好。词语翻译英语perfect,tomakeperfect,toimprove德语vervollkommnen,verbessern,nachbessern;vollkommen,perfekt(V)_法语parfait,excellent四、网络解释完善完善,解释为完备美好;无缺损;使趋于完美和增加在完成的基础上,起到锦上添花的作用。明张居正《帝鉴图说述语》:“究其终始,尚多可议,其完善烁懿、卓然可为世表者,_什一耳。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷五:“忽遇虎负爱女至,惊逐之。顷虎去而人不伤,今完善在舟,希示进止。”关于完善的近义词圆满完竣完好完备完整完满美满完美关于完善的反义词简陋欠缺关于完善的诗句自我璀璨完善的头脑芟恶完善良关于完善的单词Considerationforperfectinglaborarbitrationimperfectpolishintegrityrefineawayperfectionwell-appointed关于完善的成语破巢完卵完美无缺善善恶恶大璞不完善有善报体无完肤关于完善的词语完壁归赵体无完肤完美无缺日臻完善神完守固大璞不完大事完毕破巢完卵完体将军完好无缺关于完善的造句1、虽然我们的设计还不完善,但我们有信心改进它。2、我国的法律法规是随着社会主义建设而不断发展,完善的,绝不是一成不变的。3、白宫中有一个完善的军事辅助和特别电话线路系统,严阵以待,为紧急事件做好准备。4、国家通过完善各种制度,使每个下岗工人都有用武之地。5、宝山钢铁总厂的设备相当完善。点此查看更多关于完善的详细信息
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o的用法: 一:表示相对,针对 be strange (common, new, familiar, peculiar, distinct, sensitive, immune, vulnerable, indispensable) to Air is indispensable to life. Aircrafts are vulnerable to interference caused by radiation. This injection will make you immune to infection. 二:表示对比,比较 1:以-ior结尾的形容词,后接介词to表示比较,如:superior ,inferior,prior,senior,junior The quarrel happened prior to my arrival. 2: 一些本身就含有比较或比拟意思的形容词,如equal,similar,equivalent,analogous A is similar to B in many ways. 3:表示一些先后顺序的形容词,如:second,subsequent,next,preliminary,preparatory Subsequent to the war,they returned to their hometown. 4: to也偶尔出现在个别动词之后,与动词形成固定词组,表示比较,如:prefer to,compare to,in contrast to compare to sth.表示比喻或比拟,而compare with sth.表示比较,如: World is usually compared to a stage Compared with his past,he has changed a lot. Prefer的正确句型是:prefer A to B或prefer doing A to doing B,但当prefer后接动词不定式时,表示比较的介 词to就要改成rather than ,如: The undaunted soldier preferred death to surrender. Many people prefer spending money to earning money. They prefer to pursue careers rather than remain home as house wives. 5: to与及个别的名词构成比较之意,如:alternative Going to an under water concert is a great alternative to going to dinner. 三: 表示修饰关系 1: 表示回复,反应意思的词,如:answer to question, solution to problem,response to inquiry,reaction to proposal,reply to letter 2: 表示建筑构件的词汇,如: entry,entrance,approach,access,passage,exit,vent,path the approach to a bridge引桥 the approach to science Half of the population was estimated to have no access to the health service. The access to education 接受教育的机会 The access to medical care 享受公费医疗的权利 3: 表示人物职位和官衔的词,如:assistant to manager, ambassador to Spain, successor to tradition, heir to throne,deputy to the National People"s Congress advisor to the Prime Minister 4: 表示权利和许可的词汇,如:right,admission The employee finally got the admission to the boardroom. Everyone has an equal right to …….. 5: 表示栅栏或障碍的词汇,如:bars to development,the barrier to progress 6: 表示与书籍,文本相关的词,如:introduction to passage. 7: 表示恭喜或是祝贺,如: The director proposed a toast to the health of the guests. Let"s drink to Dick"s success in business 8: 另外还有一些名词符合这种用法,有的具有两者息息相关,缺一不可的含义.如:key to door,invitation to party, guide to action,limitation to life,accessory to school 四: to还具有依据,伴随,和着节奏的含义,如:sing to piano, chance to the tune, stamp to the rhythm of the song, add salt to taste (一):表示相关联,相连接,如:be related to,be relative to,in relation to,be relevant to,link to Investigate all the facts related to the problem. People often linked walth to happiness. (二):表示反对和赞同。 1:to引导的表示反对,抗拒,对抗意义的词组。Be opposed to,be oppsist to,be contrary to,be adverse to,be resistant to,be contradictory to,object to,oppose to,deny tp,be aline to These buildings are resistant to earthquake. They are to tally opposed to any changes being made in the plans. 2: to引导的表示同意,赞同意义的词组:consent to,subseribe to, The employer consented to give him a salary raise. 表示调整,使符合,使适应的含义,如:adapt to,commodate to, adjust to,conform to,habituate to,fit to,suit to,correspond to,cater to She tried to habituate herself to the style of plain living. Your action should conform to the interests of the people. They offered various foods to cater to the need of customers. His words doesn"t fit to his actions. Suit your writing style to the masses. 3: 表示投降,屈服,服从的含义,如:be subject to,be subordinate to,submit to,subject to,surrender to,give in to,confess to,admit to. The minority is subordinate to the majority少数服从多数 Countries nearby oceans are always subject to earthquake. He confessed to having robbed the woman of her wallet. We"re not the kind of people to yield to any military threat. 五: 表示趋势或倾向,如:tend to,be prone to,be inclined to,be apt to,be liable to He"s liable to seasickness. You are liable to come to wrong conclusion. 六: 表示对事情的坚持与执着,如:sick to,hold o,adhere to,cling to He still holds on to his original views. 七: 表示约束,局限,如:limit to,confine to,resrict to He"s confined to the house by illness. He confined his remarks to scientific mangement. 八: 表示一种习惯或是一种适应性,如:get (be) to,used to,be accustomed to Finally,the students got used to my teaching method. 九: 表示起因和原由,如:owing to,due to,thanks to,attribute to,come down to The flight was cancelled due to the thick fog. The famous artist attributed his success to his wife. 十: 表示目的或结果,如:aim to,lead to,give rise to I aim to be an excellent college teacher. His conceit lead to his failure. These bad condition has given rise to a lot of crises 十一: 表示命运,注定,如:be doomed to,be destined to, All military adventures by the two super powers are doomed to fail. 十二: 表示数量上的积累或增加,如:in addition to,add to,amount to In addition to relief supplies,he also presented with some money. The annual output of steel amounts to 1200 tons. 十三: 表示全身心投入的含义,如:be addicted to,contribute to,devote to,commit to He is determined to devote all his life to his. 十四: 表示展望或是回顾,如:look forward to反date back to The church dates back to the 13th century. 十五: 表示方位概念.如:close to,next to I don"t like wool next to my skin. 十六: 表示依靠或借助,如:resort to,turn to,appeal to, He usually appeals to arms to settle the territory dispute. 十七: 表示有关注,关于: as to,with regard to 十八: 表示关注或重视,如:pay attention to,attach to, We should attach primary importance to job training. 十九: 表示依据或是根据,如:according to,in proportion to According to today"s newspaper,the match will be postponed. The lending countries subscribe towards capital stock in proportion to heir economic importance. 二十: 表示应该或必须含义的句式, 如: It"s time to get up. We are supposed to get here at seven. It"s up to this country to ban nuclear weapons. 常用词组 respond to(反应), appeal to(吸引), catch on to(理解), listen to (收听),used to(过去常常), give birth to,attend to(照料), see to(负责), be entitled to(有权), belong to(属于), come to(苏醒), stand up to(勇敢面对), help oneself to(请自便), refer to,to the point(切题), Train them to stand up to any severe test in hard. The ticket entitled you to a free meal in the luxury hotel. See to it that the children get a hot meal after their swim. You will catch on to the job shortly after wards. People usually refer to television for up-to-the-minute news. 介词的用法: 上午、晚要用in,at黎明、午夜、点与分。 年、月、年月、季节、周,阳光、灯、影、衣、冒in。 将来时态in...以后,小处at大处in。 有形with无形by,语言、单位、材料in。 特征、方面与方式,心情成语惯用in。 介词at和to表方向,攻击、位置、恶、善分。 日子、日期、年月日,星期加上早、午、晚, 收音、农场、值日on,关于、基础、靠、著论。 着、罢、出售、偷、公、假,故意、支付、相反,准。 特定时日和"一……就",on后常接动名词。 年、月、日加早、午、晚,of之前on代in。 步行、驴、马、玩笑on,cab,carriage则用in。 at山脚、门口、在当前,速、温、日落、价、核心。 工具、和、同随with,具有、独立、就、原因。 就……来说宾译主,对、有、方状、表细分。 海、陆、空、车、偶、被by,单数、人类know to man。 this、that、tomorrow,yesterday,next、last、one。 接年、月、季、星期、周,介词省略已习惯。 over、under正上下,above、below则不然, 若与数量词连用,混合使用亦无关。" beyond超出、无、不能,against靠着,对与反。 besides,except分内外,among之内along沿。 同类比较except,加for异类记心间。 原状because of,、 owing to、 due to表语形容词 under后接修、建中,of、from物、化分。 before、after表一点, ago、later表一段。 before能接完成时,ago过去极有限。 since以来during间,since时态多变换。 与之相比beside,除了last but one。 复不定for、找、价、原,对、给、段、去、为、作、赞。 快到、对、向towards,工、学、军、城、北、上、南。 but for否定用虚拟,复合介词待后言。 ing型由于鉴,除了除外与包合。 之后、关于、在......方面,有关介词须记全。 in内to外表位置,山、水、国界to在前。 for有很多种用法: 1. 表示“当作、作为”。如: I like some bread and milk for breakfast. 我喜欢把面包和牛奶作为早餐。 What will we have for supper? 我们晚餐吃什么? 2. 表示理由或原因,意为“因为、由于”。如: Thank you for helping me with my English. 谢谢你帮我学习英语。 Thank you for your last letter. 谢谢你上次的来信。 Thank you for teaching us so well. 感谢你如此尽心地教我们。 3. 表示动作的对象或接受者,意为“给……”、“对…… (而言)”。如: Let me pick it up for you. 让我为你捡起来。 Watching TV too much is bad for your health. 看电视太多有害于你的健康。 4. 表示时间、距离,意为“计、达”。如: I usually do the running for an hour in the morning. 我早晨通常跑步一小时。 We will stay there for two days. 我们将在那里逗留两天。 5. 表示去向、目的,意为“向、往、取、买”等。如: Let"s go for a walk. 我们出去散步吧。 I came here for my schoolbag.我来这儿取书包。 I paid twenty yuan for the dictionary. 我花了20元买这本词典。 6. 表示所属关系或用途,意为“为、适于……的”。如: It"s time for school. 到上学的时间了。 Here is a letter for you. 这儿有你的一封信。 7. 表示“支持、赞成”。如: Are you for this plan or against it? 你是支持还是反对这个计划? 8. 用于一些固定搭配中。如: Who are you waiting for? 你在等谁? For example, Mr Green is a kind teacher. 比如,格林先生是一位心地善良的老师。 尽管for 的用法较多,但记住常用的几个就可以了。 介词of用法归纳 1:表示剥夺,除去 一:deprive sb. of his right denude sb. of his possession (hope) divest the baby of his clothes rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet defraud sb. of gold ring cure sb. of cancer heal sb. of cancer purify the nation clean the jar of crust clarify the river of flowing rubbish --get rid of, rid of, dispose of 2:of接直接宾语 -告诉-tell sb. of sth. inform sb. of sth warn sb. of fire remind sb. of his duties acquaint sb. of sth. notify of.. -其他,劝服-persuade sb. of honesty assure sb. of the best seats convince sb. of sth. -法律词汇-accuse sb. of burglary convict sb. of murder; suspect sb. of a theft -reassure his wife of his safe arrival 3:of接间接宾语 request sth. of sb. expect sth. of sb. require sth. of sb. ask a question of sb. be fearful of mistakes be jealous of wealthy persons be reminiscent of his past be patient of the enormous noise be guilty of robbery be innocent of robbery 4:of表示人物的特性,籍贯,特性或出生等 He is of Irish descend (ascent) People of obscure origin (humble /noble) Man of keen perception a man of moral integrity 5:固定词组 -say of, tale of, hear of, think of, learn of, savor of The room smells of stale cabbage. -brag of his achievements. Boast of his children beware of pickpockets approve of the program doubt of success complain of poor management -be sure of be suspicious of be aware of be confident of be proud of be ashamed of be afraid of be capable of be lack of be critical of be shortly of be conscious of be ignorant of be wary of be cautious og be appreciative of your advice -regardless of , irrespective of ,不管….无视 in favor of decide on three most popular leisure activities irrespective of age 介词Under 表示处于…状态之下,接受… preparations are under way. a road under repair
2023-06-26 16:25:341


direct{adj. 直接的;直系的;亲 身的;恰好的 vt. 管理;指挥;导演;指 向 vi. 指导;指挥 adv. 直接地;正好;按直 系关系第三人称单数:directs现在分词:directing过去式:directed过去分词:directed
2023-06-26 16:25:443


发了 查收
2023-06-26 16:26:087


完善的诗句有:芟恶完善良,自我璀璨完善的头脑。完善的诗句有:芟恶完善良,自我璀璨完善的头脑。拼音是:wánshàn。结构是:完(上下结构)善(上下结构)。词性是:形容词。注音是:ㄨㄢ_ㄕㄢ_。完善的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】完善wánshàn。1. 完备美好。2. 使完备美好。二、引证解释⒈完备美好。引《史记·匈奴列传》:“其得汉_絮,以驰草棘中,衣_皆裂敝,以示不如旃裘之完善也。”明张居正《帝鉴图说述语》:“究其终始,尚多可议,其完善烁懿、卓然可为世表者,_什一耳。”徐迟《牡丹》二:“内容和形式一切具备,歌喉和舞姿十分完善。”⒉完好;无缺损。引《初刻拍案惊奇》卷五:“忽遇虎负爱女至,惊逐之。顷虎去而人不伤,今完善在舟,希示进止。”清昭_《啸亭杂录·淳化帖》:“惟大内所藏,_当日所赐毕士安者,篇帙完善,墨_如新,成亲王曾见之。”⒊使趋于完美。引《花城》1981年第2期:“社会主义本身不是也在不断的完善么?”三、国语词典完美、完好。词语翻译英语perfect,tomakeperfect,toimprove德语vervollkommnen,verbessern,nachbessern;vollkommen,perfekt(V)_法语parfait,excellent四、网络解释完善完善,解释为完备美好;无缺损;使趋于完美和增加在完成的基础上,起到锦上添花的作用。明张居正《帝鉴图说述语》:“究其终始,尚多可议,其完善烁懿、卓然可为世表者,_什一耳。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷五:“忽遇虎负爱女至,惊逐之。顷虎去而人不伤,今完善在舟,希示进止。”关于完善的近义词圆满完好美满完满完竣完美完备完整关于完善的反义词简陋欠缺关于完善的单词well-appointedperfectionintegrityrefineawayimperfectpolishConsiderationforperfectinglaborarbitration关于完善的成语善善恶恶大璞不完完美无缺破巢完卵体无完肤善有善报关于完善的词语破巢完卵大事完毕大璞不完完体将军神完守固完美无缺体无完肤完壁归赵完好无缺日臻完善关于完善的造句1、庄稼成熟了,村民们正忙着夏收。2、只有经过人生路上的惊涛骇浪,我们才能变得更加成熟和勇敢。3、虽然我们的设计还不完善,但我们有信心改进它。4、权力制约思想源远流长,随着时代的发展而不断完善。5、我国的法律法规是随着社会主义建设而不断发展,完善的,绝不是一成不变的。点此查看更多关于完善的详细信息
2023-06-26 16:26:231


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2023-06-26 16:28:273


无动词分句(VERSLESS CLAUSE)是一种省略了主语和谓语动词的分句结构。这种结构通常出现在句首,也可出现在其他位置。它的被省略的主语通常也就是主句的主语;被省略的动词通常是连系动词be,因此无动词分句就其深层结构来说大多属于SVC句型。例如:Close to the urban areas,this farm mainly does market gardening.由于靠近市区,这个农场主要生产商品蔬菜。A science reporter,Jim has a wide range of knowledge.吉姆是一位科学新闻记者,所以知识面广。在这里,Close to the urban areas=As it is close to the urban areas;A sciencereporter=As he is a science reporter,都是一种省略结构。一、无动词分句的类型无动词分句,就其结构形式来说,分为以下三类:1.不带从属连词的无动词分句这类无动词分句通常只由形容词词组或名词词组构成。例如:Speechless,Henry nodded and sat on a folding seat.亨利一言不发,点点头,坐在折椅上。Anxious for a quick decision,the chairman called for a vote.主席急于迅速作出决定,便提交表决。Ture or not,the report provided new ammunition for his enemies.不管是真是假,这个报告都为他的敌人们提供了新的炮弹。An excellent speaker,he was never at a loss for a word.作为一位卓越的演讲家,他从来不会无话可说。2.带从属连词的无动词分句能引导无动词分句的从属连词有:when(ever),while,wherever,whether…or,although,though,as if,even if,once,unless,until,however,no matter what等。例如:When still a boy of six,Bob was sent away from home.当鲍还是个六龄儿童的时候,就被打发出门。ALthough a physicist by training,he became a great statesman.他虽是物理学家出身,却成为伟大的政治家。Whether right or wrong,he always comes off worst in an argument.不管有理无理,他在辩论中总是受挫。You should not drink very cold water while hot from work.因劳动而浑身发热的时候你不应该喝凉水。这类无动词分句还可以是“从属连词+介词词组”,或者“从属连词+副词词组”。例如:When in Rome,do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。He spoke ungraciously if not rudely.他讲话的口气尽管不算粗鲁却也没有礼貌。Judges however wise or eminent,are human and can make mistakes.法官们尽管聪明睿智,毕竟是人,还是可能出错的。3.带有自身主语的无动词分句以上两类无动词分句均以主句主语作为自己的逻辑主语,从而不须表示出来。带主语的无动词分句便成为一种所谓的“独立结构”。例如:Two hundred people died in the accident,many of them children.两百人在事故中丧生,其中大多数是儿童。Miriam looked at Harry,his eyes full of doubt and discomfort.米里安看着哈利,带着怀疑和不快的目光。He looked up,annoyance on his face.他抬起头来,面有愠色。Breakfast over he went to his counting house.早餐后,他走进会计室。带主语的无动词分句有时并不与主句的主语发生关系,而是与宾语发生关系。例如:She talked about her friends,all of them television stars.她谈论她的朋友们,尽是些电视明星。I don"t wish to describe his assertions,some of them offensive.我不愿细谈他的主张,有些主张令人反感。二、无动词分句的句法功能无动词分句在句中主要作状语和名词修饰语,相当于状语分句和关系分句。1.无动词分句作状语无动词分句的主要功能是起各种状语分句的作用,比如表示原因:A man of integrity,he would keep his word,I am certain.他是一位正直的人,我肯定他会信守诺言。The men stared at the floor,too nervous to reply.他们太紧张了,呆呆地看着地板,无言以对。表示条件:Once conscious of an infringement of his rights,he always protested to themanager.一旦感到他的权利受到侵犯,他总是要向经理提出抗议。It has little taste unless hot.除非烧热,这东西几乎没有什么味道。表示让步:Though alone,he was not lost.尽管孤独,他并无失落感。His salary was good,if not up to his expectations.他的薪水不低,尽管没有达到他期望的水平。表示时间:You must eat it when fresh.Ripe(=When ripe),these apples are sweet.当这些苹果成熟时,味甜。表示地点:Wherever possible,all moving parts should be tested.所有可以移动的部件都应尽可能加以检验。The cardboard is light-proof where thick.这种纸板在较厚的部位上是不透光的。表示行为方式或伴随状况:There he stood,a tray in each hand.他站在那里,一手端着一个盘子。Stone-faced,the captain ordered to reduce speed.船长脸色严峻,下令减速。2.无动词分句作名词修饰语无动词分句作名词修饰语是对所修饰的名词词组作一些补充说明。在作这种用法时,无动词分句相当于一个非限制性关系分句。例如:The castle,now empty,was allowed to fall into ruin.那城堡,如今四壁萧然,早已被人遗弃,任其坍圮。His hands,numb from the cold,could not find the key.他的手冻僵了,摸不到钥匙。在上述第一例中,now empty=which is now empty;第二例中,numbfrom the cold=which were numb from the cold.可是,这类结构到底是无动词分句还是形容词词组似乎并无绝对界限,然而在用作状语的情况下,无动词分句和形容词词组或名词词组是截然有别的。
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2023-06-26 16:29:335


  改革的英文是innovate,在英语作文写作时的高频词,那你知道innovate的词根是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的innovate的词根,希望大家喜欢!   innovate的词根   词根:-nov-   【词根含义】:新   【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语形容词novus, nova(新)。   【同源单词】:innovate, innovation, novel, novelist, renovate   innovate常见用法   vi.改革,创新;   vt.引入(新事物、思想或方法),;   过去式: innovated 过去分词: innovated 现在分词: innovating 第三人称单数: innovates   1. We must constantly adapt and innovate to ensure success in a growing market.   我们必须不时地适应并创新,以确保在不断扩大的市场中取得成功。   2. We must innovate in order to make progress.   我们必须改革以便取得进步.   3. It is necessary to innovate and develop military theories.   创新和发展军事理论.   4. They have a hunger to take responsibility, to innovate, and to initiate.   他们渴望负责 、 改革 、 开拓.   5. The priest was determined to innovate upon religious forms.   这位教士决心要改革宗教形式.   6. Actually, people are happy with existing franchises, provided you innovate within them.   事实上, 如果只在现有的游戏中进行创新, 大家还是非常乐意的.   7. Innovate but follow the Rotary rule, always with Integrity and honor.   创新但是跟随著扶轮规范, 永远是正直与荣誉.   8. Tibet will also deepen reform and innovate systems, he added.   他补充说,西藏同样将进行深化改革和制度创新.   9. We will innovate in thought of human management and build leaning organization.   主要从人本管理思想和建立学习型组织方面进行教育管理创新.   10. But Mr Kotick vigorously denies that his company fails to innovate.   但是科迪克却坚决否定他的公司缺乏创新.   innovate的近义词   modernize (使) 现代化   introduce 介绍   change 变化   invent 发明   revolutionize 彻底变革   originate 发起   transform 改变   update 更新   renovate 修理   renew 重新开始   remodel 重新塑造
2023-06-26 16:30:051


英语语法:英语介词用法口诀由于内容会比较多,可以看看这些:)~~介词to的用法:)~介词of用法归纳介词for基本可以归纳为以下几点: 1. 表示“当作、作为”。如:I like some bread and milk for breakfast. 我喜欢把面包和牛奶作为早餐。What will we have for supper? 我们晚餐吃什么?2. 表示理由或原因,意为“因为、由于”。如:Thank you for helping me with my English. 谢谢你帮我学习英语。3. 表示动作的对象或接受者,意为“给……”、“对…… (而言)”。如:Let me pick it up for you. 让我为你捡起来。详细的可以看这里,有举例:)~~
2023-06-26 16:30:302


  On my recent travels, I came to realize still more fully the significance of the word “friend”. Seven or eight days ago, I said to a friend whom I had just come to know, “I can"t help feeling embarrassed before my friends. You"re all so nice to me. I simply don"t know how to repay your kindness,” I did not make this remark out of mere modesty and courtesy. I truly meant what I said. The next day, I said goodbye to this friend, not knowing if I could ever see him again. But the little warmth that he gave me has been keeping my heart throbbing with gratitude. The length of my days will not be unlimited. However, whenever I look back on brief past life, I find a beacon illuminating my soul and thereby lending a little brightness to my being. That beacon is friendship. I should be grateful to it because it has helped me keep alive up to now and clear away the shadow left on me by me old family. Many people forsake their friends in favor of their own families, or at least draw l line of demarcation between families and friends, considering the former to be many times more important than the latter. That seems to be a matter of course. I have also seen with my own eyes how some people abandon their friends as will as their own careers soon after they get married… Friends are transient whereas families are lasting—that is the tenet, as I know, guiding the behavior of many people. To me, that is utterly inconceivable. Without friends, I would have been reduced to I don"t know what a miserable creature. Friends are my saviors. They give me things which it is beyond my family to give me. Thanks to their fraternal love, assistance and encouragement, I have time and again been saved from falling into an abyss while on its verge. They have been enormously generous towards me. There was a time when my life was miserable and gloom. My friend then gave me in large quantities sympathy, love, joy, and tears—things essential for existence. It is due to their bountiful free gifts that I also have my share of warmth and happiness in my life. I accepted their kindnesses quietly without ever saying a word of thank and without ever doing anything in return. In spite of that, my friend never used the epithet “self-centered” when referring to me. They are only too generous towards me. I visited many new places and met many new friends on my recent trip. My time was mostly taken up by looking around, listening, talking and walking. But I never ran into any trouble because my friends had done their utmost to make sure that I would be short of nothing. Whatever new places I called at, I always felt at home as if I were back in my old residence in shanghai which had already been raged to the ground by Japanese troops. No matter how hard up and frugal my friends themselves were, they would unstintingly share with me whatever they had, although they knew I would not be able to repay them for their kindness. Some, whom I did not even know by name, showed concern over my health and went about inquiring after me. It was not until they saw my suntanned face and arms that they began to smile a smile of relief. All that was enough to move one to rears. Some people believe that, without writing, I would lose my livelihood. One of my sympathizers in an article published two months ago in the Guangzhou republic daily supplement gives a full account of the conditions of my life. He also says that I would have nothing to live on once I should lay down my pen. That is not true at all. It has already been proved by my recent travels that my friend would never let me suffer from cold and hunger ever if I should go without writing a single word. There are a great many kind-hearted people in the world who never attach undue importance to themselves and their own families and who never place themselves and their families above anything else. It is owing to them that I still survive and shall continue to survive for a long time to come. I owe my friends many, many kindness. How can I repay them? But, I understand, they don"t need me to do that. Recently I came across the following words in a book by a French philosopher: One condition of life is consumption…survival in this world is inseparable from tithing. We mist put forth flowers. Moral integrity and unselfishness are the flowers of life. Now so many flowers of life are in full bloom before my eyes. When can my life put forth flowers? Am I already dried-up from within? A friend of mine says, “if I were a lamp, I would illuminate darkness with my light.” I, however, don"t qualify for a bright lamp. Lat me be a piece of firewood instead. I"ll radiate the heat that I have absorbed from the sun. I‘ll burn myself to ashes t provide this human world with a little warmth.   这一次的旅行使我更了解一个名词的意义,这个名词就是:朋友。 七八天以前我曾对一个初次见面的朋友说:“在朋友们面前我只感到惭愧。你们待我太好了,我简直没法报答你们。”这并不是谦虚的客气话,这是事实。说过这些话,我第二天就离开了那个朋友,并不知道以后还有没有机会再看见他。但是他给我的那一点点温暖至今还使我的心颤动。 我的生命大概不会很长久罢。然而在短促的过去的回顾中却有一盏明灯,照彻了我的灵魂和黑暗,使我的生存有一点光彩。这盏灯就是友情。我应该感谢它。因为靠了它我才能够活到现在;而且把旧家庭给我留下的阴影扫除了的也正是它。 世间有不少的人为了家庭抛弃朋友,至少也会在家庭和朋友之间划一个界限,把家庭看得比朋友重过若干倍。这似乎是很自然的事情。我也曾亲眼看见一些人结婚以后就离开朋友,离开事业…… 朋友是暂时的,家庭是永久的。在好些人的行为里我发现了这个信条。这个信条在我实在是不可理解的。对于我,要是没有朋友,我现在会变成怎样可怜的东西,我自己也不知道。 然而朋友们把我救了。他们给了我家庭所不能给的东西。他们的友爱,他们的帮助,他们的鼓励,几次把我从深渊的边沿救回来。他们对我表示了无限的慷慨。 我的生活曾经是悲苦的,黑暗的。然而朋友们把多量的同情,多量的爱,多量的欢乐,多量的眼泪分了给我,这些东西都是生存所必需的。这些不要报答的慷慨的施舍,使我的生活里也有了温暖,有了幸福。我默默地接受了它们。我并不曾说过一句感激的话,我也没有做过一件报答的行为。但是朋友们却不把自私的形容词加到我的身上。对于我,他们太慷慨了。这一次我走了许多新地方,看见了许多新朋友。我的生活是忙碌的:忙着看,忙着听,忙着说,忙着走。但是我不曾遇到一点困难,朋友们给我准备好了一切,使我不会缺少甚么。我每走到一个新地方,我就像回到我那个在上海被日本兵毁掉的旧居一样。 每一个朋友,不管他自己的生活是怎样苦,怎样简单,也要慷慨地分一些东西给我,虽然明知道我不能够报答他。有些朋友,连他们的名字我以前也不知道,他们却关心我的健康,处处打听我的“病况”,直到他们看见了我那被日光晒黑了的脸和膀子,他们才放心地微笑了。这种情形的确值得人掉眼泪。 有人相信我不写文章就不能够生活。两个月以前,一个同情我的.上海朋友寄稿到广州《民国日报》的副刊,说了许多关于我的生活的话。他也说我一天不写文章第二天就没有饭吃。这是不确实的。这次旅行就给我证明:即使我不再写一个字,朋友们也不肯让我冻馁。世间还有许多慷慨的人,他们并不把自己个人和家庭看得异常重要,超过一切。靠了他们我才能够活到现在,而且靠了他们我还要活下去。 朋友们给我的东西是太多、太多了。我将怎样报答他们呢?但是我知道他们是不需要报答的。 最近我在法国哲学家居友的书里读到了这样的话:“生命的一个条件就是消费……世间有一种不能跟生存分开的慷慨,要是没有了它,我们就会死,就会从内部干枯。我们必须开花。道德、无私心就是人生的花。” 在我的眼前开放着这么多的人生的花朵了。我的生命要到甚么时候才会开花?难道我已经是“内部干枯”了么? 一个朋友说过:“我若是灯,我就要用我的光明来照彻黑暗。” 我不配做一盏明灯。那么就让我做一块木柴罢。我愿意把我从太阳那里受到的热放散出来,我愿意把自己烧得粉身碎骨给人间添一点点温暖。
2023-06-26 16:30:371


[_bju_t_f_l] 。美丽的英语单词为,beautiful,读音为[_bju_t_f_l] ,其读音音似中文”不有特否”的拼音。作为形容词,它的意思是美丽的;美好的;宜人的;出色的;令人愉悦的;完美的。美丽意思是好看或者漂亮,即在形式、比例、布局、风度、颜色或声音上接近完美或理想境界,使各种感官极为愉悦。例句:She"s got beautiful, clear skin. 意为她的皮肤美丽无瑕。She is ravishingly beautiful. 意为她长得美丽动人。
2023-06-26 16:30:571


2023-06-26 16:31:141

表示最高程度的形容词excellent 、perfect 、extreme 还有那些?

empty, impossible, perfect, unique amazed, amazing, disgusting, surprised, surprising, terrified, terrifying 这些形容词是不可分等级的,因为其含义已包括了极限的意思,所以它们没有比较级和最高级的形式,称为极限形容词 (limit adjectives),
2023-06-26 16:31:221


If so ,I will如果是这样子的话,我将……Late already, I ……已经晚了,(所以)我……无动词条件分句???不太像哈。
2023-06-26 16:31:292


nikan一词的来源,有充分的理由认为是从ihan(牛)这个词而来的。首先,从满文的写法上来看,这两个词(尤其是在老满文中)是非常相近的。老满文只多了n上的一个点,新满文也只是差了圈点,如下:左边是老满文对比,右边是新满文。其次,在口语当中,第一音节的ni音和i音经常互相转化;k g h 三个音经常互相转化。我所知道的方言说法中,有读这个词为 nikan yakan ikan iakan 这样四种读法,其中yakan(iakan)和ikan就属于字首n音脱落。尤其是ikan基本等同于ihan(口语中其实分不太清ka ga ha三个音)... 综上,尼堪nikan一词的来源是 牛ihan,原因可能是因为汉族属于使用牛进行生产的农耕民族。
2023-06-26 16:27:491


Hershey"s的名称来源于该公司的创始人米尔顿·史内夫里·好时(Milton Snavely Hershey),因此将公司命名为为“Hershey"s” 。
2023-06-26 16:27:511


问题一:吹口琴用英语怎么说??? play the harmarnica(or harp) 问题二:吹口琴的英语怎么说 你好 play the harmonica或者flue the harmonica都可以的 在乐器一定要加上冠词the 希望我的回答可以帮到你u30fb 问题三:口琴的英文怎么说 harmonica, mouth organ 都可以 问题四:口琴的英语单词是什么 harmonica 或者 mouth organ 问题五:口琴的英语 口琴-有道翻译 释义 harmonica harmonicon mouth organ organ 网络 Harmonica,mouth organ,Armonica a bocca 短语 布鲁斯口琴Blues Harp,Blues Harmonica,hohner 蓝色口琴Blues Harp 问题六:口琴英文介绍 The harmonica is a free reed wind instrument which is played by blowing air into it or drawing air out by placing lips over individual holes (reed chambers) or multiple holes. The pressure caused by blowing or drawing air into the reed chambers causes a reed or multiple reeds to vibrate up and down creating sound. Each chamber has multiple, variable-tuned brass or bronze reeds which are secured at one end and loose on the other end, with the loose end vibrating and creating sound. Reeds are pre-tuned to individual tones, and each tone is determined according to the size of reed. Longer reeds make deep, low sounds and s骇ort reeds make higher-pitched sounds. On certain types of harmonica the pre-tuned reed can be changed (bending a note) to another note by redirecting air flow into the chamber. There are many types of harmonicas, including diatonic, chromatic, tremolo, orchestral, and bass versions. The harmonica is used in blues and American folk music, jazz, classical music, country music, rock and roll, and pop music. The harmonica has other nicknames, especially in blues music, including: harp, blues harp, french harp, and mouth organ. 问题七:吹口琴英语怎么说 口琴 即 mouth organ; harmonica 吹或演奏乐器一般用play 所以整个应该是 play the harmonica (乐器前要加the) 问题八:口琴的英语怎么拼读 Harmonica
2023-06-26 16:27:511


网址为 望采纳
2023-06-26 16:28:031

J开头的姓 我问的是英文的

Jack杰克Jackson杰克逊Jacob雅各布James詹姆士 (Jacob的英文形式)Jason詹森Jeffery杰弗瑞Jerome杰罗姆Jerry杰瑞 (Gerald,Jeremiah,Jerome的昵称)Jesse杰西Jim吉姆 (James的昵称)Jimmy吉米 (James的昵称)Joe乔 (Joseph的昵称)John约翰Johnny约翰尼(亦译为:乔尼)Joseph约瑟夫Joshua约书亚Justin贾斯汀
2023-06-26 16:28:042


2023-06-26 16:28:082


这就是一首单独的曲子《火影忍者》有自己单独的原创曲目专辑,里面有很多类似这样名字的歌曲,都是原创的,并不是出自哪里,歌名是孤独。Dear John的歌曲歌词 - : Long were the nights when my days once revolved around you Counting my footsteps praying the floor won"t fall through again My mother accused me of losing my mind But I swore I was fine- You paint me a blue sky and go back and turn it to rain ...求一首日文歌 期中有一句是 莫西莫 莫伊几多: あ り が と う------- 吉田亚纪子的歌谁もが筑かぬうちに 何かを失っている不经意间,仿佛失去什么daremo ga kizukanu uchi ni, nanika o ushinatteiruフット筑けばあなたは...
2023-06-26 16:28:101


玻璃口琴是18世纪最流行的乐器之一,由本杰明·富兰克林发明于1761年。它的名字是来自意大利语“armonica”, or "harmony." 其美丽轻柔而富有魔力的声音吸引了全世界音乐家的关注和喜爱。
2023-06-26 16:28:113


2023-06-26 16:28:124


《See You》是由Johnny Orlando录唱的一首歌曲,单曲于2020年通过Universal Music Canada发行。 歌曲歌词 作词 : Mike Wise/Geoff Warburton/Sam Fischer/Derik Baker 作曲 : Mike Wise/Geoff Warburton/Sam Fischer/Derik Baker I was with my friends 与朋友在外厮混 We missed the last train 我们错过了末班车 Ran into your friends 偶遇你的朋友们 And they pretended 他们试图掩饰 Like nothing had changed 就像一切照旧 Like everything"s alright 就像一切都好 I should"ve texted 我应该先用短信措辞的 Before I called you 在我与你通电话之前 I sent you a message 我发给你一条短信 Maybe you missed it 也许你没有看见吧 Or it never went through 或者你视而不见 But it"s been one of those nights 可现在就好像过去的无数夜晚 Oh I know it"s late and you hate that I do this 我知道天色已晚而且你对我这样的行为深恶痛绝 Maybe it"s foolish but 这愚蠢不堪,可是 I don"t wanna talk about us 我不想讨论有关我们的话题 I just wanna talk about how you"ve been lately 我只想了解你最近过得怎样 I don"t wanna get my hopes up 我不想重拾希望 Thinking that we"ll ever be together someday and 幻想着我们会在某一天重归于好 I don"t need anything from you 我不需要你的任何馈赠 And I know it"s a little too soon 我清楚这一切过早 But you and I you and I you and I you and I loved once 可你与我,曾坠入爱河 And I just wanna see you 我只想留你一人在我的世界 Nobody said this 从未有人敢夸下海口 Would ever be easy 说这一切易如反掌 The way that we left it 我们转身离去的方式 Would have such an influence on me 给我留下了太深重的影响 Wish I could turn back time 多希望我能反转时光 Oh I know it"s late and you hate that I do this 我知道为时已晚而且你痛恨我做这一切 Maybe it"s foolish but 也许这十分笨拙,但 I don"t wanna talk about us 我不想多说有关我们的故事 I just wanna talk about how you"ve been lately 我只想关心你最近过得如何 I don"t wanna get my hopes up 我不想再寄托希望 Thinking that we"ll ever be together someday and 想写我们总会有一天破镜重圆 I don"t need anything from you 我不需要你的任何东西 And I know it"s a little too soon 这都还太早了 But you and I you and I you and I you and I loved once 可就在过去你我深陷爱意之中 And I just wanna see you 我只想见你一面 I just wanna see you 我想在脑海中重拾你的模样 I just wanna see you 我想要让你倒映在我的眼眸中 I just wanna see you 我想让你在我的世界重新出现 I just wanna see you 我只想再看一次你的笑容 Oh I know it"s late and you hate that I do this 我知道这为时已晚而且你对此鄙弃不已 Maybe it"s foolish but 这一切愚昧不堪,可是 I don"t wanna talk about us 我们别再说我们的过往咯 I just wanna talk about how you been lately 我想听听你最近的生活 I don"t wanna get my hopes up 我不会再去希冀什么 Thinking that we"ll ever be together someday and 像是我们会在某天重归于好 I don"t need anything from you 我不需要你的任何东西 And I know it"s a little too soon 一切为时尚早 But you and I you and I you and I you and I loved once 尽管我们曾有爱恋 And I just wanna see you 如今只想与你再见一面 I just wanna see you 看一看你的笑容 I just wanna see you 将你的模样刻在脑海当中
2023-06-26 16:27:431

口琴的英语翻译 口琴用英语怎么说

mouth organ或者harmonica
2023-06-26 16:27:382

英文名字 女

Janet Joey Joyce Jane
2023-06-26 16:27:373

爱看视频播放器怎么样 谁用过的介绍下

2023-06-26 16:27:361


第一组的发音为:ikan(用汉语标注的话就是:一康)igan(一刚)第二组的发音为:iki(一尅) igi(一给) 以上!
2023-06-26 16:27:292


2023-06-26 16:27:272


2023-06-26 16:27:242

毛骨悚然!揭秘世界美胸 胸大美胸致命

【导读】:女人爱美是天性,现在越来越多的女人为了追求完美身材,特别是丰满的胸部,采用各种手段去丰胸。不过为了丰胸而伤害身体健康,影响日常生活,当然这种所谓的美恐怕只有自己能接受吧。 女人爱美是天性,现在越来越多的女人为了追求完美身材,特别是丰满的胸部,采用各种手段去丰胸。不过为了丰胸而伤害身体健康,影响日常生活,当然这种所谓的美恐怕只有自己能接受吧。 切尔西·查姆斯 双乳重24公斤脱衣舞娘切尔西·查姆斯(Chelsea Charms) 的官方网站宣称,她的 *** 尺寸是153XXX,重达24公斤,并且还在以每月大1英寸的速度增长。 切尔西为自己是世界第一大胸感到自豪,然而,反对她的人比支持她的人要多,认为她身材完全走样看起来太可笑,丝毫无美感可言,并且担心她的日常生活和健康问题。 据切尔西透露,她定期向自己的 *** 内注射一种叫做聚丙烯的化学药剂,以此来 *** *** 的生长。 马克西·蒙茨 胸围153.67cm2003年8月,美国佛罗里达州萨拉索塔人马克西·蒙茨(Maxi Mounds)向吉尼斯世界纪录申请成为“世界最大假胸”纪录保持者。 当时,她提供给吉尼斯的数据是 *** 半径91.44cm,胸围尺寸153.67cm。 据说,她需要穿美国尺寸42M(英国尺寸则为42J)的胸围。  萨布里娜·萨布罗克 拉美性感女神1977年3月4日出生于阿根廷首都布伊诺斯艾利斯,萨布里娜(Sabrina Sabrok)是个模特儿兼电视明星,在墨西哥工作,被誉为拉美性感女神。萨布里娜以胸大貌美著称。 为了增大胸部,2006年萨布里娜通过两次手术分别植入了3.5公斤和5公斤硅胶,胸部达到42XXX,她还希望继续手术,直到成为世界第一巨胸。 洛洛·法拉利 胸围尺寸多种说法1996年,洛洛·法拉利(Lolo Ferrari)就依靠巨胸尺寸进入了法国的吉尼斯纪录大全。 2003年,她同样向美国的吉尼斯世界纪录委员会申报,其胸围尺寸有很多种说法,包括58F,54G和54J等。  诺玛·斯蒂茨 举世闻名胖女人在吉尼斯世界纪录中,诺玛·斯蒂茨(Norma Stitz)是天生的胸部最大的女性,其上围尺寸为72ZZZ。 不过,诺玛女士的胸部大主要是因为身材,她是举世闻名的胖女之一。  克里斯托尔·斯托姆 世界最大胸证据不足加拿大脱衣 *** 克里斯托尔·斯托姆(Crystal Storm)曾自称自己拥有世界上最大的胸部,她给出的官方尺寸是57F。 克里斯托尔之前还曾向全世界宣布其胸围是121XXX,遭到质疑,甚至面临官非,最终她解释称使用的是厘米而非英尺,才得以避免法律纠纷。 不过,吉尼斯世界纪录委员会表示,她必须提供足够的证据,才能得到承认,最终,克里斯托尔未能成为真正的世界第一巨胸。   蒂娜·斯莫尔 84EE美胸斯莫尔在英文中就是“小”的意思,但80年代英国女星蒂娜·斯莫尔的胸部一点也不小,这位曾担任模特和演员十多年的女星拥有84EE的美胸,80年代红遍英伦。  丁嘉芬 2009年,中国女孩丁嘉芬以重达44英镑的 *** 吸引了吉尼斯世界纪录的关注,据说她需要穿S罩杯的胸罩。但这不是好事,跟另一位著名的非洲大胸女士玛丽莎·约塞夫斯一样,丁嘉芬据说患了一种叫做“ *** 过度肥大”的怪病。   温迪·沃佩斯 靠巨胸闯荡娱乐圈上世纪80年代和90年代,温迪·沃佩斯(Wendy Whoppers)靠着自己的胸部尺寸闯荡娱乐圈,她自称胸部尺码是88EE,可谓是后来英国著名巨胸女星乔丹的前辈。 谢拉·赫尔希 双乳感染险丧命巴西籍的谢拉·赫尔希(Sheyla Hershey)生活在美国休斯顿,依靠多达8次接受的隆胸手术,植入将近4升的硅胶她从平胸女变成了38KKK的波霸。 谢拉当时的男朋友恳求她停止,但她还想继续,于是与男友分手。 最终,2010年谢拉终尝苦果,因为胸部植入物感染,险些渗入血液,她一度陷入生命危险。  贾娜·罗林森 没有大胸也能性感两次夺取世界400米跨栏世界冠军的名将贾娜·罗林森曾为了好看而在08年隆胸,不过,她最后选择缩胸手术恢复原状。 贾娜说,“是的,我的胸部又变得像薄饼一样。我绝对爱大胸脯,但最后我长大了,我知道自己应该诚实,我更希望自己体现运动员的健康,可以站在2012年伦敦奥运的跑道上。这个时候我不需要好看,我需要健康,要金牌。”
2023-06-26 16:27:161


2023-06-26 16:27:138