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his her hers 怎么用?

2023-06-27 00:48:45
TAG: hers

his是“他的”的意思,英文里面叫形容词性所有格,也就是后面必须跟个名词,否则句子就不成立,比如他的书His book,如his后面没有名词的单词就不完整了,意思就是 他的 他的什么?听的人不能明白所以后面跟名词来用

her可以是"女的她"的宾格,意思就是 她,只能放在宾语的位置,比如 I love her 我爱她,而不能把her 放在主语的位置,放在主语得用she,she loves me.还有一个用法是 “她的”是形容词性所有格,和上面的his一样后面必须有名词

hers是‘她的..."的意思,比如this book is hers.在这个句子中hers表示的是her book只是省略了book而已,省略book不能凭空省略就用hers来替,把hers当成是个名词 汉语里就是 这台灯是她的(台灯)省略后面名词的时候就可用hers.









I like her hair.

Is that book his or hers?

his students are very smart.

I can"t bear their behaviors.






"hers"的发音为/hu025cu02d0rz/,其中/h/是一个轻声音,/u025cu02d0/是一个开口元音,/r/是一个卷舌音,/z/是一个浊辅音。在发音时,需要注意将/r/音发出来,并且将/z/音发成浊辅音。拓展:"hers"是一个代词,表示“她的”或“她所拥有的”。在英语中,它通常用于代替女性所有格形式的名词,比如“her book”(她的书)可以简写为“hers”。除了"hers"之外,英语中还有其他的所有格代词,比如"his"(他的)、"its"(它的)、"theirs"(他们的)等。这些代词在英语中非常常见,可以用于代替名词所有格形式,使语言更加简洁明了。此外,英语中还有一些其他的代词,比如主格代词(如"she"、"he"、"they"等)、宾格代词(如"her"、"him"、"them"等)和反身代词(如"herself"、"himself"、"themselves"等)。这些代词在英语中也非常常见,可以用于代替名词的不同形式,使语言更加简洁明了。
2023-06-26 16:34:051

hers 复数

2023-06-26 16:34:495

the dress is hers为什么不能用her

要回答这个问题,首先得弄明白这几个字的含义:is是be动词的单数第三人称形式,用于他她它后面接表语,形成“主系表”句子结构;her可以是她(she)的宾格形式,作宾语时使用,也可以是she的所有格形式,表示“她的”,后接具体人或物;hers表示“她的(东西)”,后面不接人或物,比如“这笔是她的”:this pen is hers.所以,is后面用her还是hers,都是做表语(宾语),这就要看is前面的主语是什么。比如,“这个红衣服女孩是她”就可以说“this girl in red coat is her”,“这件是她的衣服”就可以说“this is her coat”,“这件衣服是她的”就可以说“this coat is hers”。
2023-06-26 16:35:181

mine his hers yours 和 my his her your的区别是什么,

2023-06-26 16:35:265


楼主问的不是很清楚,因为你的问题貌似很基础,不知道我回答的有没有对路子。(1) her 本身就可以当做名词,第三人称的 “ 她 ”(2) her 的所有格形式,也就是 hers,也是一个名词形式。例如,whose book is this ? 这是谁的书: It"s hers. 是她的。
2023-06-26 16:35:411


her是形容词性物主代词 后面可加名词, eg.this is her apple 这是她的苹果。hers是名词性物主代词,后不可加名词,eg.this apple is hers.这个苹果是她的(苹果)。 he人称代词,做主语,宾格为him his可做形容词性物主代词 后面可加名词,也可做名词性物主代词,后不可加名词
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2023-06-26 16:36:131


hers的意思是她的;属于她的。这个词是一个代词,作代词时意思是上文提过的女性。短语搭配:Not Hers不她hers clothes情侣装例句:1、I have my way, and she has hers.我有我的处事方式,她有她的。(宾语)2、Is this his or hers ?这是他的还是她的?3、Is that his or hers?那是他的还是她的?。
2023-06-26 16:36:341


her:她的,她,是形容词性物主代词,后需要接名词;hers:pron.她的;属于她的。是名词性物主代词,后不用再接名词了,相当于“her+名词”。 扩展资料   例句:   I had a long conversation with her the other day.   前几天我与她作了一次长谈。   She took the new job to further her career.   她接受了这项新工作以进一步发展她的事业。   I"m a big fan of hers.   我是她的狂热追随者。   His death followed hard on hers.   她死后不久,他也死了。
2023-06-26 16:36:541


hers:代词,作为代词的意思是她的,属于她的。原型:her短语搭配:not hershers clothes双语例句:I have my way, and she has hers.我有我的处事方式,她有她的。Is this his or hers?这是他的还是她的?Is that his or hers?那是他的还是她的?That dress of hers is too short.她的那件连衣裙太短了。
2023-06-26 16:37:141


2023-06-26 16:38:242


hers是与her相对的名词性的物主代词,表示“什么东西是她的”用法和mine yours his 等一样 this is her bag.这是她的包 this bag is hers.这包是她的.
2023-06-26 16:38:391

在这里弱弱的问一下,her和hers的区别 she‘s和hers的大意

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2023-06-26 16:39:181

hers is good too 为什么要用her

her形容词性 hers是名词性的 her 有两个意思,一是 she 的宾格,在句子中作宾语,和him用法一样;二是形容词性的物主代词,用在具体的物之前,表示“她的”,和his一样 hers是与her相对的名词性的物主代词,表示“什么东西是她的”用法和mine yours his 等一样 this is her bag.这是她的包 this bag is hers.这包是她的. 也就是涉及她的东西时,用英语表示时她后面有具体东西时用 her ,
2023-06-26 16:39:271


名词性物主代词有mine,yours,his,hers,its,ours,yours,theirs等。名词性物主代词是在物体已经指出的情况下用来代替已知物体的物主代词,后面不需要加上已知名词。词形介绍:名词性物主代词单数形式:mine(我的什么东西),yours(你的什么东西),his/hers/its(他的什么东西、她的什么东西、它的什么东西),Ben"s(本的什么东西)。复数形式:ours(我们的什么东西),yours(你们的什么东西),theirs(他们的什么东西)。名词性物主代词用法:物主代词既有表示所属的作用又有指代作用,例如:John had cut his finger;apparently there was a broken glass on his desk.约翰割破了手指,显而易见,他桌子上有个破玻璃杯。物主代词有形容词性(my,your等)和名词性(mine,yours等)两种,形容词性的物主代词属于限定词。
2023-06-26 16:39:341


she is a student.His mother rode him on her back.This is not Jane"s pen; hers is over there.
2023-06-26 16:39:484

his yours hers,哪一个是不同的?

2023-06-26 16:39:574


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2023-06-26 16:40:331


her(s) = 她(的) 。 就好像 it(s) = 它(的)
2023-06-26 16:40:434


your 不同于mine,hers,theirs。your 是形容词性物主代词。其它三个是名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词+名词=名词性物主代词。例如:My dress is yellow.Hers is red.my形容词性物主代词。hers名词性物主代词。
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2023-06-26 16:41:154


2023-06-26 16:41:244


“ hers”是『名词性物主代词』,与之同类的还有:【mine】(我的什么东西),【yours】(你的什么东西),【his /hers /its】(他/她/它的什么东西)【ours】(我们的什么东西)【yours】(你们的什么东西)【theirs】(他们的什么东西)
2023-06-26 16:41:471

him.he.her. hers的区别

he用作主语him做宾语her+名词=hersHe is my brother.I like him.This is her book.The book is hers.
2023-06-26 16:41:542

它(it)、她(she)、他(he) 的宾格,所有格,名词性物主代词分别是什么?

2023-06-26 16:42:112


You,你(第二人称主格、宾格人称代词) Your,你的(第二人称形容词性物主代词) me,我(第一人称宾格人称代词) my,(第一人称形容词性物主代词) mine,(第一人称名词性物主代词) her,(女性第三人称宾格、形容词性物主代词) hers,(女性第三人称名词性物主代词) his(男性第三人称形容词性、名词性物主代词) 这个没有规律,只有记忆,可以自己打一个表格,方便记忆 谢谢您的支持!
2023-06-26 16:42:191


2023-06-26 16:42:272

she her hers区别和用法

this is her bag.这是她的包this bag is hers.这包是她的.也就是涉及她的东西时,用英语表示时她后面有具体东西时用 her ,I listen to her careful 扩展资料 this is her bag.这是她的包 this bag is hers.这包是她的. 也就是涉及她的东西时,用英语表示时她后面有具体东西时用 her , I listen to her carefully. 我认真地听她说话。(作she的宾格形式)
2023-06-26 16:42:341

莫扎特传中 出现的曲子

专辑曲目: Amadeus:The Director"s Cut Soundtrack Disc: 1 01.Symphony No. 25 in G Minor, K. 183: 1st movement02.Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Serenade), K. 525: 1st movement03.Stabat Mater: Quando Corpus Morietur and Amen04.Salieri"s March turned into Non piu andrai (from Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492) 05.Serenade for Winds, K. 361: 3rd movement06.Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail (The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384) 07.Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail (The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384)08.Mass in C Minor, K. 427: Kyrie09.Concerto for Flute and Harp, K. 299: 2nd movement 10.Symphony No. 29 in A, K. 201: 1st movement, allegro moderato11.Adagio in C minor for Glass Armonica, K. 61712.Concerto for Two Pianos, K. 365: 3rd Movement13.Symphonie Concertante, K. 364: 1st movementDisc: 201.Zaide:Aria, Ruhe Sanft02.Caro Mio Ben 03.Piano Concerto in E flat, K. 482: 3rd movement04.Le Nozze Di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro, K. 492), Act III, Ecco la Marcia 05.Le Nnozze Di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro, K. 492), Act IV, Ah Tutti Contenti 06.Early 18th Century Gypsy Music: Bubak and Hungaricus 07.Axur, Finale 08.Don Giovanni, K. 527: Act II, Commendatore Scene09.Piano Concerto in D Minor, K. 466: 1st Mmovement10.Die Zauberflote, Overture, K. 62011.Die Zauberflote, No.14 Aria, (Queen of the Night) "Der Holle Rache Kocht" 12.Requiem, K. 626: Introitus13.Requiem, K. 626: Dies Irae 14.Requiem, K. 626: Rex Tremendae Majestatis 15.Requiem, K. 626: Confutatis 16.Requiem, K. 626: Lacrimosa 17.Piano Concerto in D minor, K. 466: 2nd Movement (Romanza)Amadeus: The Complete Original Soundtrack RecordingDisc: 101.Symphony No. 25 In G Minor,K. 183: 1st Movement 02.Stabat Mater: Quando Corpus Morietur And Amen 03.Bubak And Hungaricus 04.Serenade For Winds,K. 361: 3rd Movement 05.The Abduction From The Seraglio,K. 384: Turkish Finale 06.The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384: Chorus of the Janissaries (arr.) / Ich Mochte Wohl (Ein Deutsches Kriegslied), K. 539 (arr.) 07.Caro Mio Bene 08.Mass In C Minor,K. 427: Kyrie 09.Concerto For Flute And Harp,K. 299: 2nd Movement 10.Concerto For Two Pianos,K. 365: 3rd Movement Disc: 201.Symphony No. 29 In A,K. 201: 1st Movemnet, Allegro Moderato 02.Piano Concerto In E Flat,K. 482: 3rd Movement 03.The Marriage Of Figaro, Act III, Ecco La Marcia 04.The Marriage Of Figaro, Act IV, Ah Tutti Contenti 05.Axur, Finale 06.Piano Concerto In D Minor,K. 466: 1st Movement 07.Zaide: Aria, Ruhe Sanft 08.Don Giovanni,K. 527: Act II, Commendatore Scene 09.Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Serenade),K. 525: 1st Movement Disc: 3 01.Symphonie Concertante,K. 364: 1st Movement 02.Masonic Funeral Music,K. 477 03.The Magic Flute, Overture,K. 620 04.The Magic Flute, Aria (No. 14), "Queen Of The Night" 05.Six German Dances (Nos.1-3), K. 509 06.Introitus (Orchestral Introduction) 07.Dies Irae 08.Rex Tremendae Majestatis 09.Confutatis 10.Lacrymosa 11.Piano Concerto In D Minor,K. 466: 2nd Movement (Romanza) Amadeus:Original Soundtrack RecordingDisc: 1 01.Symphony No.25 In G Minor, K.183: 1st Movemen 02.Stabat Mater: Quando Corpus Morietur And Amen 03.Bubak and Hungaricus 04.Serenade For Winds, K.361: 3rd Movement 05.The Abduction From The Seraglio: Turkish Finale 06.Symphony No.29 In A Major, K.201: 1st Movement: Allegro Moderato 07.Concerto For Two Pianos, K.365: 3rd Movement 08.Mass In C Minor, K.427: Kyrie 09.Symphonie Concertante, K.364: 1st Movement Disc: 2 01.Piano Concerto In E Flat Major, K.482: 3rd Movement 02.The Marriage Of Figaro: Act III: Ecco La Marcia 03.The Marriage Of Figaro: Act IV: Ah Tutti Contenti 04.Don Giovanni: Act II: Commendatore Scene 05.Zaide: Aria: Ruhe Sanft 06.Requiem, K.626: Introitus (Eternal Rest Give To Them, O Lord)07.Requiem, K.626: Dies Irae (Day Of Wrath) 08.Requiem, K.626: Rex Tremendae Majestatis (Awe-Inspiring King) 09.Requiem, K.626: Confutatis (When Those Cursed Enter Flames) 10.Requiem, K.626: Lacrymosa (Mournful Day) 11.Piano Concerto In D Minor, K.466: 2nd Movement (Romanza) Amadeus: More Music From The Original Soundtrack Of The Film Amadeus01.The Magic Flute, Overture, K. 620 02.The Magic Flute, Aria (No. 14),(Queen Of The Night) "Der Holle Rache Kocht" 03.Masonic Funeral Music, K. 477 04.Piano Concerto in D Minor, K. 466: 1st Movement 05.Axur, Finale 06.Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Serenade), K. 525: 1st Movement 07.Concerto for Flute and Harp, K. 299: 2nd Movement 08.Six German Dances (Nos.1-3), K.509 09.Caro Mio Ben 10.The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384: Chorus of the Janissaries (arr.) / Ich Mochte Wohl (Ein Deutsches Kriegslied), K. 539 (arr.)
2023-06-26 16:34:431


2023-06-26 16:34:455


楼上回答错误。jelena分分合合无数次 s实在受不了 j不停恳求s留下 这才使得两人关系缓解了一些 但是渐渐s实在受不了j的行为习惯了 s不喜欢j的损友 不喜欢j跟着他们混 j被带坏了 花心 泡妞 不学好 又不知悔改 没有好好珍惜s 最后两人终于分手了 挺可惜的 但的确是j对不起s 望采纳
2023-06-26 16:34:451


2023-06-26 16:34:513


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2023-06-26 16:34:581


2023-06-26 16:35:013


贾云馨(Jelena),2012年10月23日出生于北京,是演员贾乃亮与李小璐之女[1] 。中文名贾云馨外文名Jelena别 名甜馨、小馨馨、小甜心、馨儿、馨爷、贾少爷、馨宝国 籍中国民 族汉族出生地北京出生日期2012年10月23日代表作品《爸爸回来了第一季》、《爸爸回来了第二季》父 亲贾乃亮母 亲李小璐姥 爷李丹宁姥 姥张伟欣生 肖龙星 座天秤座宠 物兔子墩墩粉 丝童乐会
2023-06-26 16:35:041


2023-06-26 16:35:103


中文名称:恐暴龙 (详见暴龙词条)其它中文名称:暴龙拉丁文学名:dinotyrannus 含义:恐怖的暴龙目( order ): saurischia 蜥臀目亚目( suborder): theropoda 兽脚亚目类( infraorder): neotheropoda 新兽脚类tetanurae 坚尾龙类avetheropoda 鸟兽脚类coelurosauria 虚骨龙类maniraptorifromes 手盗龙形类tyrannosauroidea 暴龙超科科(family):tyrannosauridae 暴龙科亚科(subfamily):tyrannosaurinae 暴龙亚科属(genus):dinotyrannus 恐暴龙模式种(type species):d.megagracilis
2023-06-26 16:34:371


太吵了,听不清楚.给你别的吧.1.ELECTRONIC LIFE (House的极品!!!!!) 2.solo to 3.西瓜太郎 4.凤舞九天_5 5.皇冠一刻钟 6.teenage life 7.JUST ABOUT 8.Phillip Rushton - Cinderella 9.lavita your mind Armonica Elettronica (兔子DJ) Let"s talk about a man (超爽旋律拌和节奏竹笛舞曲) Klubbhoppers - Electronic Life (重装上阵) Tiggy - Abracadabra lesi ortestral - vodka fisa (2003年俄罗斯粗旷男声) king - Japanese main current (老仙剑舞曲) Concert Megami Peerless (嫩女声。) freestorm (纯低音舞曲) Hyper Tolks (无法形容的舒服女声) change(老农夫) (恰恰恰拢) Gangstertown (欧美乐队合唱) To Be Or Not To Be (爽) 爵士开场 - Floorfiller (老爵士舞曲) At The End (2005年经典女声) 海浪之声 - Dooh Dooh (我曾经的最爱。伴奏类型低音舞曲) 笛子舞曲 - Flute Kylie (随便小搞的舞曲) Floorfilla (听得走) Beautiful Things (还算一般拉) Lavita (可以) Sing For My Soul (经典旋律) Come To Me (曾经最爱的男声) Activ Doar cu tine (城市炸弹经典女声) anima libera (阿尼码) Dragoste din tei - OZONE (曾经风靡一时的蚂蚁舞曲) The Magic Key (也是老经典的了) Activ Visez (老经典) Banaroo Space Cowboy (舒服) Cu Capul In Nori (安逸的男声 喔喔喔!!) Imi Plac Ochii Tai (最喜欢开头几句。 爽歪歪) Te Voi Pierde (本人现在最爱) Nothing (Cicada Remix) (很舒服的女声) Paradise (555.! 知道歌名找不到试听地址了....) I Like That (欧美CLub) Kronos - Roma Caput Mundi (Remix) (爽 一个字.) Sara (劳资郁闷 . 又是知道歌名而找不到试听地址!) Bum Bum (意大利女经典慢摇.. 也就是网上流传的 最爱怡红院开曲) Let Go_Extended Mix (一般般拉!) Im In Love (经典) Short Happy Life (还是经典) discotek people (节奏不是一般的强悍.蹦蹦蹦!!) Dangerous To Me (还可以嘛!) me_and_you (没试听地址.郁闷ing....!!!!!!) Io Credo (2005的经典吧) Raisa_Extended Club (哒拉拉拉令拉拢. 全欧美流行Club) veni vidi vici (老经典.网上流传的名字叫 战场声开场) Vamoz A La Playa (芭木莎拉黑呀,.. 安逸) Abracadabra (很早的女声舞曲了 大概距离现在已经出了5年了) bloodhound gang --the bad touch (不介绍了.反正不会差到哪去) Let Me Carnival (嘟挖嘟挖..别误会.不是以前的那个嘟阿嘟... 我个人认为那歌蛮垃圾的.!) Flit The Bus Clan(皇冠一刻钟) Be My Lover (AU里头的一首. 值得听听) 歌手Андрей Губин 安德烈 古宾 歌名Солнышко(小太阳)(这歌只有我有地址下载.一般是根本找不到视听地址的.不过这歌非常爽.本人超喜欢) Oops Jaime Pas Langlais (近2年还不错的女声) Dance Hits皇冠之夜开场 Planet Funk Chase The Sun(城市炸弹3开场) Everytime We Touch (无法介绍.听听看吧..) Tell Me Why - Marvin (这歌有一加长版本非常的爽. 我喜欢听其中的调) Millennium - You Are The One (很少听.有好几个不同的歌.去网上搜的话很可能有收获喔..) Fiordaliso Estate (意大利的.很舒服) Amine Your Zippe (我只知道分贝有视听地址.这两天哀悼打不开.过几天打开了再评论吧) Earphones-No Jesus Preaching (网上不好找视听地址.我有MP3格式.另外有2个地址) Grupa Operacyjna(Dj.小明).Remix (又是分贝 妈的.) hold the line (不同类型的韩国音乐,还过得去) Activ - Lucruri Simple (听过几次.一般吧. 没什么感觉)
2023-06-26 16:34:361

谁帮我翻译一下little blue box的《以心伝心》歌词?要罗马字母就可以

umaku ikanakutatte kuyokuyo suru na yokoronda jibun wo waracchaou zekumiawase shidai de kanousei wa mugenzenbu tameshichaou zetatoe chiisana ippou mo osorenai de fumi dasouyagate ookina shinpo ni kawaru sa itsuka kanarazuboku to kimi to no jounetsu wa itsudemo ishin denshinsaa! saikou no BATORU wo hajimeyou Next Stageima yori mo REBERU APPU shita mirai to deau tameyume wo miru jiyuu ga kono yo ni nai naratanoshii koto mo waraenai neBARABARA ni miete tsunagari atterun damuda na koto nante nai yoishi ni tsumazuku riyuu mo kabe ni butsukaru WAKE moboku ga kakujitsu ni asu e zenshin shiteru shouko saboku no karada to tamashii wa itsudemo ishin denshinsou! saikyou no yuuki wo mitsukeyou mirai no Stagedare yori mo HAISUPEKKU jisedai no boku ga matteruboku to kimi to no jounetsu wa itsudemo ishin denshinsaa! saikou no BATORU wo hajimeyou Next Stageboku no karada to tamashii wa itsudemo ishin denshinsou! saikyou no yuuki wo mitsukeyou mirai no Stageima yori mo REBERU APPU shita mirai to deau tame
2023-06-26 16:34:361

bad apple nomico,有类似的歌曲推荐下,喜欢这类曲风的。分不是问题

如果只是听电音舞曲Arr并且Vo不错的东方同人的话六出花下了但是没听完...所以就一首不读不写了...(bad apple就是Alstroemeria Records的歌)【ALiCE"S EMOTiON】「Chaos Flare」Bird of the Basket 佳织みちる「Crevice」2 U 野宫あゆみ「Intervention」Voice 荒牧阳子「Lycoris -リコリス-」Fallen Flower 野宫あゆみun;balance 野宫あゆみ「SCARLET EYES」Face to Faith 野宫あゆみLast Dance 佳织みちる「Trois Rouge」E Rouge 野宫あゆみE Rouge (ALR Remix) 野宫あゆみ「TAILWINDS」Wind of Gold 野宫あゆみLast Dance (Re-Edit) 野宫あゆみFace to Faith (2010 ver.) 野宫あゆみCrime Wave 野宫あゆみ「Third Ensemble: Rouge」Selfish 野宫あゆみSelfish (Tsukasa Remix) 野宫あゆみ【A-ONE】「TOHO EUROBEAT VOL.2」Bamboo Dance-Shihori优しい嘘-GUMIFriskies-朱花「TOHO EUROBEAT VOL.4」ゼンマイ恋时计(T.E.B Summer Mix)-あきDreamin" Girl-ランコBloody Night-ShihoriAnything for You-(V)·A·(V)Wish Upon the Sky-NAGISA【CYTOKINE】「1⑨ -イチマルキュウ-」FLASHING POINT-高桥なな(Nana Takahashi)【East New Sound】「Lyrical Crimson」奏で穿て、东云の彼方へ-Cryu绯色月下、狂咲ノ绝-nayuta(叶月なの)咲き届け、春へ至る音-Cryu「Scattered Destiny」悖徳数列组曲(x≒y)-Tsubaki死奏怜音、玲珑ノ终-nayuta(ななくさなゆ)「Sacred Factor」song for bird-リツカAlegro?-紫月菜乃绯色月下、狂咲ノ绝 -1st Anniversary Remix- nayuta「Split Theory」无炎舞踊≠循环-nayutaSadistic Paranoia-Tsubaki无限回航-リツカ【Halozy】「Crescendo Planet」午前零时の月阶段-nayuta「Halozy Remixes vol.1」eliminate anthem (Irus Remix)-ほたる「Cosmic Armonica」まるばつ小径-nayuta源流懐古-ほたる
2023-06-26 16:34:291

跪求一首歌曲是DJ舞曲 里面一句是 I CAN BEY one more time one more time

bey bey bey
2023-06-26 16:34:213

有关于本杰明 富兰克林的介绍 英文 200词左右

Dr. Benjamin Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. A noted polymath, Franklin was a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, postmaster, scientist, musician, inventor, satirist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. As a scientist, he was a major figure in the American Enlightenment and the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity. He invented the lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove, a carriage odometer, and the glass "armonica". He formed both the first public lending library in America and the first fire department in Pennsylvania.Franklin earned the title of "The First American" for his early and indefatigable campaigning for colonial unity; as an author and spokesman in London for several colonies, then as the first United States Ambassador to France, he exemplified the emerging American nation. Franklin was foundational in defining the American ethos as a marriage of the practical and democratic values of thrift, hard work, education, community spirit, self-governing institutions, and opposition to authoritarianism both political and religious, with the scientific and tolerant values of the Enlightenment. In the words of historian Henry Steele Commager, "In a Franklin could be merged the virtues of Puritanism without its defects, the illumination of the Enlightenment without its heat."
2023-06-26 16:34:131


2023-06-26 16:34:1211

一段意大利语的翻译 谢谢

2023-06-26 16:34:052

终极三国第二季 以前在迅雷看看里面有看,为什么没了。在哪有看啊。

2023-06-26 16:34:034