barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-28 00:03:08

1. Today, many cultures divide music _____ art music and music of the people.

B. into ...........divide into 词组:划分成。。。

2. According _____ travel agents, the growth trend in travel is the half-week sneak-away built around a weekend.

C. to................accord to 词组:根据....

3. The house _____ beside the lake.

B. reposed 休息, 长眠, 静卧, 建立于, 座落, 依靠

4. She used _____ all her clothes there.

D. to buy used to do 。。以前习惯做某事

5. _____ I tell you yesterday not to touch that dog!

C. Didn"t 既然有yesterday,就只能用一般过去式

6. Antarctica is the most _____ continent on the planet.

A. isolated 孤立存在的

7. Sea birds _____ penguins live on the Antarctic Peninsula, because the weather isn"t quite so terrible there.

A. like 像,例如

8. Our plane _____ down at 7: 00 p.m. to be exact.

C. landed 降落

9. We haven"t got _____ furniture like theirs in our home.

D. any 一些、 任何,否定句中用any肯定句用some

10. Jack never showed _____ at the cinema, although I waited over an hour.

D. up ////show up露面

11. Henry Ford was himself a _____ mechanic and could build a car with his own hands.

C. born 。。。。。someone was born a .....天生是。。。。的料

12. Throughout their history, Americans have been people _____ the move.

B. on 。。。。。。。。。。on the move 固定搭配,活跃的,在活动中的

13. The music that Americans are used to _____ to might sound strange to someone from another culture.

A. listen 习惯听

14. Detroit owes its rapid growth and one time prosperity _____ the automobile, and above all to Henry Ford.

C. to ............owe sth to....把。。。归功于。。。

15. "Oh, I"m sorry," he _____ her.

B. told 这个不用解释了吧

16. As the ocean water changes to ice, it keeps the temperature _____ falling too far.

D. from 。。。。。keep sth from doing固定搭配。。。阻止。。做某事

17. When Americans take a break, they often head _____ their favorite vacation place.

D. for 。。。。head for 固定搭配,去向某地

18. People say fish and chips is typical _____ Britain.

A. of

19. The cold and dry climate of Antarctica _____ it one of the toughest places on Earth to live.

D. makes

20. A few of _____ are planning to drive to Beijing during the spring break.

B. us girls

21. His face is _____ to me, but I can"t remember where I"ve seen her.

B. familiar

22. If you had taken the medicine yesterday, you _____ much better now.

C. would have felt

23. In the 1960s, there was a change in fashion in _____ of small cars.

C. favor

24. I"ve never seen _____ deer in the park before.

C. so many

25. Can you divide 30 _____ 6, please?

B. by


1. Today, many cultures divide music _____ art music and music of the people.

B. into

2. According _____ travel agents, the growth trend in travel is the half-week sneak-away built around a weekend.

C. to

3. The house _____ beside the lake.

D. stood

4. She used _____ all her clothes there.

D. to buy

5. _____ I tell you yesterday not to touch that dog!

C. Didn"t

6. Antarctica is the most _____ continent on the planet.

A. isolated

7. Sea birds _____ penguins live on the Antarctic Peninsula, because the weather isn"t quite so terrible there.

A. like

8. Our plane _____ down at 7: 00 p.m. to be exact.

D. touched

9. We haven"t got _____ furniture like theirs in our home.

D. any

10. Jack never showed _____ at the cinema, although I waited over an hour.

D. up

11. Henry Ford was himself a _____ mechanic and could build a car with his own hands.

C. born

12. Throughout their history, Americans have been people _____ the move.

B. on

13. The music that Americans are used to _____ to might sound strange to someone from another culture.

A. listen

14. Detroit owes its rapid growth and one time prosperity _____ the automobile, and above all to Henry Ford.

C. to

15. "Oh, I"m sorry," he _____ her.

B. told

16. As the ocean water changes to ice, it keeps the temperature _____ falling too far.

D. from

17. When Americans take a break, they often head _____ their favorite vacation place.

D. for

18. People say fish and chips is typical _____ Britain.

A. of

19. The cold and dry climate of Antarctica _____ it one of the toughest places on Earth to live.

D. makes

20. A few of _____ are planning to drive to Beijing during the spring break.

B. us girls

21. His face is _____ to me, but I can"t remember where I"ve seen her.

B. familiar

22. If you had taken the medicine yesterday, you _____ much better now.

C. would have felt

23. In the 1960s, there was a change in fashion in _____ of small cars.

C. favor

24. I"ve never seen _____ deer in the park before.

C. so many

25. Can you divide 30 _____ 6, please?

B. by
































1. Today, many cultures divide music _____ art music and music of the people.

B. into

2. According _____ travel agents, the growth trend in travel is the half-week sneak-away built around a weekend.

C. to

3. The house _____ beside the lake.

D. stood

4. She used _____ all her clothes there.

D. to buy

5. _____ I tell you yesterday not to touch that dog!

C. Didn"t

6. Antarctica is the most _____ continent on the planet.

A. isolated

7. Sea birds _____ penguins live on the Antarctic Peninsula, because the weather isn"t quite so terrible there.

A. like

8. Our plane _____ down at 7: 00 p.m. to be exact.

D. touched

9. We haven"t got _____ furniture like theirs in our home.

D. any

10. Jack never showed _____ at the cinema, although I waited over an hour.

D. up

11. Henry Ford was himself a _____ mechanic and could build a car with his own hands.

C. born

12. Throughout their history, Americans have been people _____ the move.

B. on

13. The music that Americans are used to _____ to might sound strange to someone from another culture.

C. listening

14. Detroit owes its rapid growth and one time prosperity _____ the automobile, and above all to Henry Ford.

C. to

15. "Oh, I"m sorry," he _____ her.

B. told

16. As the ocean water changes to ice, it keeps the temperature _____ falling too far.

D. from

17. When Americans take a break, they often head _____ their favorite vacation place.

D. for

18. People say fish and chips is typical _____ Britain.

A. of

19. The cold and dry climate of Antarctica _____ it one of the toughest places on Earth to live.

D. makes

20. A few of _____ are planning to drive to Beijing during the spring break.

B. us girls

21. His face is _____ to me, but I can"t remember where I"ve seen her.

B. familiar

22. If you had taken the medicine yesterday, you _____ much better now.

D. would feel

23. In the 1960s, there was a change in fashion in _____ of small cars.

C. favor

24. I"ve never seen _____ deer in the park before.

C. so many

25. Can you divide 30 _____ 6, please?

B. by



2023-06-27 22:06:151

班德(BORND)S630和索尼(SONY)耳塞 MDR-XB21EX 哪个好

2023-06-27 22:06:224


无线鼠标,电脑包。市场上主流的无线键鼠产品以2.4G为主,早期的27Mhz现在较少采用,而采用蓝牙的产品正慢慢流行。从实际使用感受来说,部分采用27Mhz技术的鼠标仍会出现一定的通讯不灵敏的情况,而部分较高端产品因为使用了双频率27Mhz,再加上频率跳转技术,因为某时刻与其他设备的频率冲突而导致的通讯不灵敏的情况已经非常罕见了。具有代表性的蓝牙鼠标,市面上卖的最多,评测比较好的,有罗技的V470(参考价是300元左右),淘宝里有 LEASUN(力山)的激光蓝牙鼠标BM084,和 BM073(参考价是100元左右),更新出一款迷你蓝牙充电鼠标Bornd/班德J100(鸡蛋大小,参考价269元左右)。
2023-06-27 22:06:321

the book isreally much to boring

因该选第二个 boring 这本书很无聊 bore这个词的用法在这里和interesting很像 boring直接修饰这本书很无聊 而bored是说某某感到很无聊 或者说是“被无聊” 比如你可以说i am bored 我感到很无聊 而不是说我这个人很无聊 这里 书 自己是不会感到无聊的 所以 选 2 boring
2023-06-27 22:06:441

请问各位如何正确翻译以下的一段话 “生在苏州,玩在杭州,吃在广州,死在柳州”

life in suzhou, playing in hangzhou, and eat in guangzhou, enjoy in liuzhou.
2023-06-27 22:06:534


不及物动词后接不定式时,动词不定式是状语:I came to see you.(目的状语)有些及物动词后可接不定式:①“一准备”即 prepare。②“二决定”即decide和determine。③“三要求”即 ask,demand,request。④“四希望”即 desire期望,expect盼望,hope希望,wish愿望。⑤“试图”即 offer。⑥“瞄准”即aim。⑦“设法”即 manage。⑧“学会”即 learn。⑨“假装”即 pretend。⑩“同意”即 agree。(11) “拒绝”即 refuse。(12)“答应”即 promise。例:1)She hopes____ something from the get B.she is gettingC.getting D.she would be getting答案A。2)—“How did James Bornd escape from the locked confine(牢房)?—“Oh,you know he always manages____a tight situation.” get out of B.getting out have got him out of getting答案A。有些动词后需用动名词作宾语:口诀:完成实践值得忙,(finish, practice, be worth, be busy) 继续习惯别放弃,(keep on, be used to, give up) 考虑建议不禁想,(consider, suggest, can"t help, feel like) 喜欢思念要介意.(enjoy, miss, mind)
2023-06-27 22:07:021


2023-06-27 22:07:112


bored 厌倦的无聊的,boring令人厌倦的,令人无聊的,在初中我们可以认为主语是物用ing的形容词,主语是人用ed形式,但是在高中和大学阶段不能这么认为,根据意思选
2023-06-27 22:07:291

泰国组合B-O-Y 是哪几个人

  B.O.Y-BLOOD OF YOUTH  全亚洲最大娱乐集团GMM旗下艺人  成员: Tengneung(队长)  LEO  Jasjamejack  Micky mouse  Tengneung(队长)  是个心情开朗的帅哥,时常面带微笑,曾经荣获Dutchie Boy 2007的一等奖  真名:Kritsanagun Maneepagapun  小名:Tengneung  生日:1987.4.3  身高:174cm  所在地: Bangkok, 泰国  语言: 泰语  学历: -幼儿园到高中 幼儿园:KANLASIMA 中学:LACHASIMA 学校 现在:外国宗教学 曼谷  工作成绩: 曾荣获Dutchie Boy 2007比赛一等奖 BB & GG 2004 Mr.a star is bornd 2004 mr. Future Card 2006 等比赛的一等奖 美男评选和另一位选手获得第2名  兴趣爱好:唱歌.看电影 玩游戏  运动:游泳  喜欢的音乐类型: POP, R&B, Hip Hop  喜欢的东西:米老鼠  幸运色:红色,黑色  喜爱的食物:什么都能吃 吃的简单,胖的也简单+-+  喜欢的艺人: - Super Junior - TongVfangXingQi u0e3a- BigBanG - Girl Generation - Wonder Girl (u0e23u0e31u0e01u0e19u0e49u0e2du0e07 u0e41u0e01u0e49u0e21u0e1bu0e48u0e2du0e07 tell me**) 喜欢的歌曲: - AlwaY  喜欢的Album: - BiGbanG  喜欢的音乐录影带: - SnoW DreaM  最喜爱的电影 - Sad Movie - King And The Crown  最喜爱的电视节目 - "u0e21u0e23u0e14u0e01u0e1au0e31u0e19u0e40u0e17u0e34u0e07" - u0e2du0e2du0e01u0e2du0e32u0e01u0e32u0e28u0e17u0e38u0e01u0e27u0e31u0e19u0e40u0e2au0e32u0e23u0e4c u0e40u0e27u0e25u0e32 11.15 u0e19.-12.00 u0e19.  最喜爱的书籍 - u0e40u0e04u0e23u0e22u0e48u0e2du0e19 u0e0au0e34u0e19u0e08u0e31u0e07  座右铭: 把每一天都做得最好 好比是最后一天那样  LEO基本资料(成员)  泰国-法国的混血 爱好自由 整天充满着乐趣  真名:Leo Saussay  小名:Leo  生日 1990.1.15  身高:180cm  体重:58kg  所在地: 泰国  语言:泰语 法语 英语  学历:高中毕业 等进大学  工作成绩:出书 引领时尚 电视剧 广告  兴趣爱好:特别喜欢弄头发 除了弄自己的,还帮朋友弄  喜欢的运动: 足球 网球(在初中时曾认真的打过网球)  喜欢的音乐类型:POP  最喜爱的书籍 - cheeze,knock knock  Jasjamejack(成员)  泰国-英国的混血,是个帅气的人~但是喜欢和人开玩笑  真名: Kitkasem McFadden  小名: James  生日: 1989.6.18  身高: 180cm  体重: 66cm  所在地: 泰国  语言:泰语 英语  学历:刚从英国高中毕业  兴趣爱好:玩游戏~读漫画  擅长的体育运动: Rugby(英式橄榄球), Cricket(板球), Football(足球) 喜欢的音乐类型:Rock, Rap, Hip Hop, R&B, Pop  喜欢的书刊:Mythology time One Piece, GTO  有过的作品:Focus Spray, Dutchie, Pan Cosmetic  Micky mouse(成员)  成员当中最小的,酷爱米奇老鼠,拥有可爱的一面  真名:Natcha Jantapan  小名: Micky mouse  生日:1991.4.28  身高:178cm  所在地: nontaburi, 泰国  语言:泰语 英语  学历:ged 或者 美国的校外教育  工作成绩: Rising Star Dutchie Boy & Girl 2006 的职位 电视剧 《可爱坏新生》  兴趣爱好:喜欢读漫画 玩游戏 及锻炼身体  喜欢的运动:高尔夫  最喜爱的电影: G T O  最喜爱的书籍: FHM  梦想:想让有人能够唱他的歌曲 以及喜欢他所做的事情
2023-06-27 22:07:371


2023-06-27 22:07:455


泰国组合B.O.Y的队长   真名:Kritsanagun Maneepagapun   小名:Tengneung 中文名:格黑干马尼帕加潘   生日:1987.4.3   身高:175cm   体重:60kg   所在地: Bangkok, 泰国   语言: 泰语   家庭状况:有一个比他小十二岁的妹妹 Song   学历: 幼儿园:KANLASIMA 中学:LACHASIMA 学校   现在:曼谷大学广播影视专业   工作成绩:   曾荣获Dutchie Boy 2007比赛一等奖   BB & GG 2004   Mr.a star is bornd 2004   mr. Future Card 2006   等比赛的一等奖   美男评选和另一位选手获得第2名   兴趣爱好:唱歌.看电影 玩游戏   运动:游泳   喜欢的音乐类型: POP, R&B, Hip Hop   喜欢的东西:米老鼠   幸运色:红色,黑色   喜爱的食物:什么都能吃 吃的简单,胖的也简单+-+   喜欢的艺人:   - Super Junior   - TongVfangXingQi   26- BigBanG Tengneung- Girl Generation   - Wonder Girl (23272923212325 2329212125202325 tell me**)   喜欢的歌曲: - AlwaY   喜欢的Album: - BiGbanG   喜欢的音乐录影带: - SnoW DreaM   最喜爱的电影   - Sad Movie   - King And The Crown   最喜爱的电视节目   - "2123282924272322212025"   - 23232923282928282124292727232220282324 22272528 11.15 23.-12.00 23.   最喜爱的书籍   - 22222322202323 282023262725   座右铭:   把每一天都做得最好 好比是最后一天那样 Tengneung(6张)
2023-06-27 22:07:591


2023-06-27 22:08:081


all souls night
2023-06-27 22:08:154


第二部分语言知识运用(共三节,满分35分) 第一节单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) ()16.JackyChanisverybusy,sohegoestothemovies. A.alwaysB.usuallyC.hardlyeverD.often ()17.I"mverybecauseIdon"tlikeexercise. A.healthyB.healthC.unhealthyD.healthily ()18.—Ihaveatoothache.—Youshould. A.drinkalotofwaterB.seeadentist C.drinkhotteawithhoneyD.listentothemusic ()19.—HowlongdoesittakeyoutowatchEnglishprogrameveryday? —ItmehalfanhourEnglishprogram. A.take,watchB.takes,watchC.takes,towatchD.take,towatch ()20.—?—I"mgoingwithmyfriends. A.WhatareyoudoingB.Whereareyougoing C.WhoareyougoingwithD.Whenareyougoing ()21.I"mhungry.Couldyoubuyforme? A.somebreadB.somebreadsC.somewaterD.somepotato ()22.Let"senjoythesong“takemetoyourheart”.Itsounds. A.wellB.sadlyC.badD.nice ()23.Idon"tlikethisCD.Canyoushowmeone? A.otherB.theotherC.anotherD.others ()24.—didhehiccup?—For5months. A.HowlongB.HowmanyC.HowmuchD.Whattime ()25.—Whatdidyoudolastnight?—______. A.IwatchaTVprogramB.Ihavenoidea C.IdidsomehouseworkD.Iwillreadsomebooks ()26.Shelikestalkingwithothers.ButIoftenstayathomeandreadbooks.SoI"m. A.funnierB.calmerC.moreoutgoingD.wilder ()27.—.—That"sagoodidea. A.IlikefishingB.Let"stakeavacation C.IagreeD.I"mgoingtoWenzhou. ()28.It"smybirthday.I"mgoingto. A.haveapartyB.haveaswimC.haveawalkD.havearest ()29.TheschoolisnexttoMrBlack"shome,soheusuallygoestowork. A.bycarB.bybikeC.onfootD.bybus ()30.—Mymotherwasillyesterday.—. A.Itisn"tgoodB.I"msorrytohearthat C.I"mgladtohearthatD.That"sallright 第二节情景交际(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 请从Ⅱ栏中找出与Ⅰ栏各句子相对应的答语 ⅠⅡ ()31.Wheredidyougoonvacation?A.Haveagoodtime. ()32.Didyoubuyanything?B.No,sheisgoingtothepark. ()33.Wherewasyourfatherborn?C.BecauseIlovemath. ()34.Whydidyoustudyengineering?D.Icamebytaxi. ()35.Let"stravelallovertheworld.E.Soundsexciting. ()36.Areweallgoingfishing?F.Yes,Iboughtsomesouvenirs. ()37.HowoftendoyouhaveyourEnglishclass?G.Ivisitedtwo. ()38.Howmanycountriesdidyouvisitlastyear?H.IwenttoHangzhou. ()39.HowdidyoucometothisEnglishclass?I.InWenzhou. ()40.I"mgoingtoLondonnextweek.J.Everyday.Sowe"reverybusy. 第三节完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) Whoisyouridol(偶像)?Whydoyouliketheperson?Coollooks?Money?Alotoftalent?Shanghaiteenagerssaythey41themmorethanthat.Mostofthemsaytheiridolsarehardworkingandbrave(勇敢).Thissummer,Shanghai"sXinwenEveningNews42about1,000middleschoolstudentsabouttheiridols.Thenewspaper43peopleinsixgroups:leader,youngheroes,teenagers,writers,artistsandbusinesspeople.Studentswereaskedto44onefromeachgroup.NBA45YaoMingwastheNo.1Chineseidol4648%ofallvotes(投票).PopularsingerJayChou(周杰伦)istheteen"smost47star.Ateenagersaid,”Jayissokindtohismotherandgrandma.He48goodcareofthem.ShanghaistudentsalsolikeUSBillGates.Morethanhalfpickedhimastheiridols.AjuniorstudentwholikesGatessaid:“Billwasnot49rich.Heworkedhark.Andhedoesn"tliketotelleveryonehowrichheis.Healsohascourage(勇气).He50schooltostarthisownbusiness!” ()41.A.hateB.dislikeC.don" ()42.A.askedB.talkedC.spokeD.told () ()44.A.pickB.pickupC.hopeD.give ()45.A.writerB.starC.businessmanD.leader ()46.A.inB.withC.byD.for ()47.A.bestB.funnyC.favoriteD.pleasant ()48.A.takesB.looksC.paysD.draws ()49.A.keptB.hopedC.bornD.wanted ()50.A.leftB.cameC.wenttoD.wentout 第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分25分) 第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选出最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分) A Oneday,Boblookedsad.Hismotheraskedhimwhatthematterwas.Hesaidhehadnoonetoplaywith.HewishedtheyhadstayedinNewYorkCity.Hehadfriendsthere.Buthismothersaidhewouldsoonmakefriendsthere.Justthentherewasataponthedoor.MrsMilleropenedit.Therestoodawomanwithredhair.ShewasMrsCareylivingnextdoor.Shecametoaskfortwoeggs.Shewantedtobake(烘烤)acake.MrsMilleraskedMrsCareytohavecoffeeandtheytalkedhappily. Thatafternoontherewasanothertaponthedoor.MrsMilleropenedit.Therestoodaboywithredhair.HisnamewasTomCarey.Hesentcakeandtwoeggstothem.MrsMilleraskedhimtocomeinandmetBob.TomandBobwereaboutthesameage.Soontheywerehavingcakeandmilk.“Canyoustayandplaywithme?”askedBob.Tomsaidhecanstayforanhour.Thentheyplayedball.Bob"sdogTrixwouldliketogetinthegame,too.Tomfounditwasfuntoplaywiththedog.Hehadnodogofhisown. BobwasgladTomlivednextdoor.Nowhehadsomeonetoplaywith.“I"mgladyourmotherneededtwoeggs”BobsaidtoTom.Tomlaughed.Hesaidhismotherdidn"treallyneedtheeggs.ShejustwantedtomakefriendswithBob"smother!”ThenBoblaughed,too.“That"safunnywaytomakefriends,”hesaid,“Butitisaniceway.Itworked!” ()51.MrsCareycametoMrsMiller"shouseinorderto_________. A.borrowtwoeggsB.sendacake C.playwithTrixD.makefriendswithMrsMiller ()52.MrsMillerwas_________atMrsCarey"svisit. A.gladB.surprisedC.unhappyD.worried ()53.Trixwasthenameof_________. A.Tom"stoyB.adog C.MrsCarey"sdaughterD.MrsMiller"sson ()54.Inthesentence“Justthentherewasataponthedoor.”,theword“tap”means “_________”. A.apushB.avoiceC.alightknockD.anoise ()55.WhichofthefollowingisNottrue? A.Tomhadadog. B.BobhadfriendsinNewYorkCity. C.TomandBobwereaboutthesameage. D.TomlivednextdoortoBob. B In1969,twoAmericanastronauts(宇航员)landedonthemoonforthefirsttimeinhistory.Theystayedtherefor21hoursbeforecomingbacktotheearth.OnDecember4,NASA(美国宇航局)saidtheywouldsendpeopletothemoonagain.Butthistimeastronautswillbuildamoonbase(基地)andstaythereforever. NASAsaidtheywouldbuildthemoonbasetogetreadyfor(准备好)atriptoMars(火星).Abaseonthemoonwillhelppeopletravelfartherinspace.Thebigplanwilltake16yearstocomplete(完成).Astronautswillflytothemoonandlandin2020.Themoonbasewillbereadyby2024.NASAsaidthemoonbasewouldbeprobablyatoneofthemoon"spoles(极点).Thereisalwayssunlightthere.That"sgoodforsolarpower.Therecouldalsobeminerals(矿物)andevenwater. In2020,twospaceshipswillflytothemoonwithfourastronautsandsixtons(吨)ofbuildingmaterials(建筑材料).Thefourastronautswillstarttoworkonthebase.Theywillcomebackafteraweek.Thenanotherfourastronautswillarriveandkeeponbuilding.Eachfour-membergroupwillstayforonlyoneweekatatime. Oncethebaseisreadyforuse,astronautswillstayforupto180daysatatime.In2024,astronautsshouldbeabletostayaslongastheywantinthebase. Theplanwillcosthundredsofbillion(十亿)ofUSdollars.ButNASAwon"tdoitalone.Japan、RussiaandotherEuropeancountrieswilljoin.Chinamayalsojoin. ()56.Whichcountrylandedonthemoonwithperson? A.ChinaB.AmericaC.AustraliaD.Japan ()57.WhywillNASAbuildthemoonbase? A.BecausetheywanttogetreadyforthetriptoMars. B.Becausetheywanttotravelfartherinspace. C.BecausetheywantAmericanstoliveonthemoon. D.BothAandB. ()58.Astronautswillworkonthemoonfor______yearstocompletethemoonbase. A.fourB.twelveC.sixteenD.twenty ()59.Themoonbasewillbeprobablyatoneofthemoon"spolesfor______. A.sunlightB.mineralsC.waterD.A,BandC ()60.Whichcountrymaynotjointheplan? A.Japan.B.India.C.America.D.China. 第二节任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 下面是一位妇女遭抢劫后与一位警察的对话。请阅读对话,然后完成后面的案情记录.(每空限一词) Woman:Goodmorning,sir.Couldyouhelpme,please? Policeman:Certainly.WhatcanIdoforyou? Woman:Someonehasrobbedmeofmywallet钱包). Policeman:What"sinside? Woman:30,000yuanandmyIDcard. Policeman:Whendidthishappen? Woman:Anhourago,IwasridinghomeonmybikewiththemoneyIjust tookfromthebank.Suddenlyamanonablackcarcamenearandgrabbedmywalletandrodeaway. Policeman:Doyouremembertherobber,madam? Woman:Yes.Heisthinbuttallabout1.75m.Hehasasquarefacewithabig noseandshortblackhair.Hewaswearingapairofsunglassesandhe"sabout30yearsold. Policeman:Anythingelse? Woman:Nothing. Policeman:Yourname,please? Woman:JaneBrown. Policeman:Ok,MrsBrown.We"llletyouknowassoonaswecatchtherobber. Arobbery(抢劫)record No.015 Time 9:00a.m.June13,2007 Place Onthewayhomefromthe61 Abouttherobber Age:about62Height:about1.75m. Face:squareNose:63 Eyes:withapairofglasses. Hair:64 Thewholestory Themanonhis65carrobbedJaneBrownofherwalletwith30,000yuaninside. ReportedbyJaneBrown RecordedbyJackSmith,June13,2007 第四部分写(共两节,满分20分) 第一节单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,共计10分) 根据所给中文,写出下列句子空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空限填一词) 66.I"mvery(口渴的)afterrunning. 67.Weseewitheyesandhearwithour(耳朵). 68.Thefunnyboyoftenmakeshisclassmates(发笑). 69.I"mnot(感觉)verywell. 70.Myfriendisthesameasme.Weare(都)quiet. 71.Sheistired.Sheshouldgotobed(早)tonight. 72.I(需要)bananastomakemilkshake. 73.She(成为)amoviestarwhenshewasthreeyearsold. 74.Heisgoingtobeanengineerwhenhe(长大)up. 75.IthinktheGreatHallofthepeoplehasthemost(舒服)seats. 第二节书面表达(计10分) 丰富多彩的寒假生活即将开始了,快约上几个好朋友一起去旅行吧!假设你是马琳,请你通过e-mail的方式向你的朋友张鹏发出邀请,要他跟你一块出去旅行。 内容提示: 1.向张鹏发出邀请; 2.你的旅行计划包括活动内容、目的、时间、地点等; 3.提醒他准备路途中需要的东西; 4.约定出发时间和见面地点; 5.词数:80左右; 6.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; DearZhangPeng, Ihopeallisgoingwell…… Hopetoseeyousoon! Sincerelyyours, MaLin
2023-06-27 22:08:221

surface pro4无法正常使用蓝牙鼠标怎么办?

蓝牙鼠标下面有一个配对键,按下之后再用surface搜索设备就可以了。1、蓝牙鼠标充分体现了移动办公的便携特点,50克的重量和8.8(长) x 3.25(高) x 49.5(宽)的体积,大小不到手掌的1/2,外出办公带上这款产品可谓相当方便。有效范围可达10米以上。这款蓝牙鼠标产品包装及附件包括:蓝牙鼠标、充电电池、USB充电线、使用说明书。2、分类市场上主流的无线键鼠产品以2.4G为主,2.4G无线产品虽然价格比27Mhz产品要高一些,但操控距离也更远,更适合大建HTPC系统用户使用,性价比更佳。对于采用蓝牙通讯的鼠标来说,因为使用蓝牙规范的设备非常广泛,不需要专门的适配器就可以与其它蓝牙设备包括标配蓝牙的笔记本电脑连接,更适合移动电脑用户使用。3、种类具有代表性的蓝牙鼠标,市面上卖的最多,评测比较好的,有罗技的V470(参考价是300元左右),淘宝里有 LEASUN(力山)的激光蓝牙鼠标BM084,和 BM073(参考价是100元左右),更新出一款迷你蓝牙充电鼠标Bornd/班德J100(鸡蛋大小,参考价269元左右)。
2023-06-27 22:08:321

泰剧 漫步云端 里沙弥的扮演者是谁

2023-06-27 22:08:382


资料:泰国组合B.O.Y的队长   真名:Kritsanagun Maneepagapun 小名:Tengneung   生日:1987.4.3   身高:174cm   体重:60kg   所在地: Bangkok, 泰国   语言: 泰语   家庭状况:有一个比他小十二岁的妹妹 Song   学历: 幼儿园:KANLASIMA 中学:LACHASIMA 学校   现在:曼谷大学广播影视专业   工作成绩:   曾荣获Dutchie Boy 2007比赛一等奖   BB & GG 2004   Mr.a star is bornd 2004   mr. Future Card 2006   等比赛的一等奖   美男评选和另一位选手获得第2名   兴趣爱好:唱歌.看电影 玩游戏   运动:游泳   喜欢的音乐类型: POP, R&B, Hip Hop   喜欢的东西:米老鼠   幸运色:红色,黑色   喜爱的食物:什么都能吃 吃的简单,胖的也简单+-+   喜欢的艺人:   - Super Junior   - TongVfangXingQi   26- BigBanG Tengneung- Girl Generation   - Wonder Girl (23272923212325 2329212125202325 tell me**)   喜欢的歌曲: - AlwaY   喜欢的Album: - BiGbanG   喜欢的音乐录影带: - SnoW DreaM   最喜爱的电影   - Sad Movie   - King And The Crown   最喜爱的电视节目   - "2123282924272322212025"   - 23232923282928282124292727232220282324 22272528 11.15 23.-12.00 23.   最喜爱的书籍   - 22222322202323 282023262725   座右铭:   把每一天都做得最好 好比是最后一天那样照片:个唱的歌:貌似没他自己唱的歌..都是他那个组合一起唱的
2023-06-27 22:08:571

高一英语短语当中那些只带to do那些只带doing,经常分不清,还有都带的?

这些带to do是动词不定式,带ing一般是介词以后,有的特殊还得特殊记忆。
2023-06-27 22:09:064


2023-06-27 22:09:144

in Canada,lived and practiced law in America. A.was bornB.he was bornC.although bornD.being born

2023-06-27 22:09:223


2023-06-27 22:09:312


C出生时就拥有了特权的一生,约瑟夫是一个富有家庭的儿子这个好象没什么道理前半句是Joseph Banks was born into a life of privilege的省略,做状语
2023-06-27 22:09:381


2023-06-27 22:09:583

Eva, ________ in Canada, lived and practicef law

2023-06-27 22:10:064

五道初中英语选择题 求答案和解释

2023-06-27 22:10:377

As the old saying goes,“Your future depends on many things,but mostly on you”英语作文

俗话说,许多的东西会左右你的未来,但主要还是掌握在自己的手上As the old saying goes, "Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you".We know that since we were just bornd till our current age, many things roaming around us are just like the nutrition we get from food will mainly influence our growth to take on our health and body size and so on. It"s definately a very absturss science for us to know all the details, but we can choose the food we want at least. The same as whole stuff we met while we"re growing up whatever the shcool education, famliy education, friends, social environment and jobs and so on we experienced makes people different, but just as the nutrition stuff I mentioned above, "we can choose", choose to study hard, choose friends we"d like to be with, or choose to work hard. Since we can choose, the things roaming around us couldn"t be an excuse for our own failures, we need to take the consequence or be responsible for our future. This old saying makes sense, doesn"t it?
2023-06-27 22:10:531


齐豫 《forever 无限》
2023-06-27 22:11:003


无线鼠标,电脑包。市场上主流的无线键鼠产品以2.4G为主,早期的27Mhz现在较少采用,而采用蓝牙的产品正慢慢流行。从实际使用感受来说,部分采用27Mhz技术的鼠标仍会出现一定的通讯不灵敏的情况,而部分较高端产品因为使用了双频率27Mhz,再加上频率跳转技术,因为某时刻与其他设备的频率冲突而导致的通讯不灵敏的情况已经非常罕见了。具有代表性的蓝牙鼠标,市面上卖的最多,评测比较好的,有罗技的V470(参考价是300元左右),淘宝里有 LEASUN(力山)的激光蓝牙鼠标BM084,和 BM073(参考价是100元左右),更新出一款迷你蓝牙充电鼠标Bornd/班德J100(鸡蛋大小,参考价269元左右)。
2023-06-27 22:11:211


是个心情开朗的帅哥,时常面带微笑,曾经荣获Dutchie Boy 2007的一等奖真名:Kritsanagun Maneepagapun小名:Tengneung生日:1987.4.3身高:174cm所在地: Bangkok, 泰国语言: 泰语学历:-幼儿园到高中幼儿园:KANLASIMA中学:LACHASIMA 学校 现在:外国宗教学 曼谷工作成绩:曾荣获Dutchie Boy 2007比赛一等奖BB & GG 2004Mr.a star is bornd 2004mr. Future Card 2006等比赛的一等奖美男评选和另一位选手获得第2名兴趣爱好:唱歌.看电影 玩游戏运动:游泳喜欢的音乐类型: POP, R&B, Hip Hop喜欢的东西:米老鼠幸运色:红色,黑色喜爱的食物:什么都能吃 吃的简单,胖的也简单+-+喜欢的艺人:- Super Junior- TongVfangXingQiu0e3a- BigBanG- Girl Generation- Wonder Girl (u0e23u0e31u0e01u0e19u0e49u0e2du0e07 u0e41u0e01u0e49u0e21u0e1bu0e48u0e2du0e07 tell me**)喜欢的歌曲: - AlwaY喜欢的Album: - BiGbanG喜欢的音乐录影带: - SnoW DreaM最喜爱的电影- Sad Movie- King And The Crown最喜爱的电视节目- u0e21u0e23u0e14u0e01u0e1au0e31u0e19u0e40u0e17u0e34u0e07- u0e2du0e2du0e01u0e2du0e32u0e01u0e32u0e28u0e17u0e38u0e01u0e27u0e31u0e19u0e40u0e2au0e32u0e23u0e4c u0e40u0e27u0e25u0e32 11.15 u0e19.-12.00 u0e19.最喜爱的书籍- u0e40u0e04u0e23u0e22u0e48u0e2du0e19 u0e0au0e34u0e19u0e08u0e31u0e07影视作品:《她的手》 《漫步云端》《净火》座右铭:把每一天都做得最好 好比是最后一天那样
2023-06-27 22:11:341

surface pro4无法正常使用蓝牙鼠标

兄弟 解决没 我也这样
2023-06-27 22:12:035


这是我翻译的别人的一段话,可以吗?it was in dce.2ed in 1987,i was bornd in a harmony and happy parients loved me very much and gave me well education since i was a little child , which made me became a lovely gilr and calm to every thing. i always face to my life with positive atitude.i like to make friends with all kinds of people for can learn many different things from them.i"m accustomed to keep a diary which has become a part of my life.this habit makes it become true to communicate with myself for conpared with others ,i prefer to know more about myself.i belive in where there is hard work there is a success.i"m also a esea-going gilr . i am courious about every new thing around me and i fond of exploring unkown things,as well as astronomy and stars.i love my life and face to troubels and faliues in our lives with grateful hearts positively is my ideal.i do not accept midiocrity.i"m eager to promote all aspects of my life by my body,heart and acdemy.i"m willing to pay put without asking pay back.and i always presist to the end no matter the situation is good or not.having spirit of cooperation resposibility,do not compaine or lose temper,smart and optimistic are my my opinion, everyone has a kind side and everything will goes i do not hate those who have done bad things to me.i"m very considerable and i love my relations and friends.i"m willing pay for my beloved.i"m thoughtful and always take others" feeling into account.i hate to waste time couse only by making full use of time to perfect ourselves cav we live in happy life.
2023-06-27 22:12:191


2023-06-27 22:12:274


1. b2. b3. c4. b 5. b
2023-06-27 22:12:372


2023-06-27 22:12:441


2023-06-27 22:12:533


1-5 BCDDC6-10 AACDD11-15 CBAAB
2023-06-27 22:13:142


2023-06-27 22:13:231


2023-06-27 22:13:301


tengneung boy的队长 剧中他唱的歌曲是boy组合的歌曲 (优酷有mv 不过mv女主没有min漂亮)演过 超级明星爸爸(里面是个反派角色 男主是weir)她的手(饰演男主 女主是kwan 可惜中字只更新到10集 灵异类的)
2023-06-27 22:13:372


男二号Tengneung  基本资料 Tengneung泰国组合B.O.Y的队长   真名:Kritsanagun Maneepagapun   小名:Tengneung   生日:1987.4.3   身高:174cm   体重:60kg   所在地: Bangkok, 泰国   语言: 泰语   家庭状况:有一个比他小十二岁的妹妹 Song   学历: 幼儿园:KANLASIMA   中学:LACHASIMA 学校   现在:曼谷大学广播影视专业   工作成绩: 曾荣获Dutchie Boy 2007 BB & GG 2004 Mr.a star is bornd 2004 mr.FutureCard2006 等比赛的一等奖 美男评选和另一位选手获得第2名   兴趣爱好:唱歌.看电影 玩游戏   运动:游泳   喜欢的音乐类型: POP, R&B, Hip Hop   喜欢的东西:米老鼠   幸运色:红色,黑色   喜爱的食物:什么都能吃 吃的简单,胖的也简单+-+   喜欢的艺人:   - Super Junior   - TongVfangXingQi   - BigBanG   - Girl Generation   - Wonder Girl (23272923212325 2329212125202325 tell me**)   喜欢的歌曲: - AlwaY   喜欢的Album: - BiGbanG   喜欢的音乐录影带: - SnoW DreaM   最喜爱的电影 - Sad Movie - King And The Crown   最喜爱的电视节目- "2123282924272322212025" - 23232923282928282124292727232220282324 22272528 11.15 23.-12.00 23.   最喜爱的书籍 - 22222322202323 282023262725   座右铭: 把每一天都做得最好 好比是最后一天那样   影视作品    2009年 《她的手》 饰 Peempob Wattananon   2010年 《漫步云端》(Ruk Nai Marn Mek ) 饰 流行歌手Samit Kanjonrat   2010年 《超级明星爸爸》 饰 Kita   音乐作品(组合作品)   
2023-06-27 22:13:441


1.d 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.b
2023-06-27 22:13:511

泰剧漫步云端中男主角沙弥叫什么名字啊??? 好帅 好想知道

2023-06-27 22:13:5916


2023-06-27 22:15:142

请问拉丁语“in partibus defloratorum”是何意思,原句“a gentleman in partibus defloratorum”,谢谢

2023-06-27 22:10:232


首张专辑《DEEP&深》于2008年4月正式发布重庆独立乐队THE DEEP GREEN SEA(深绿海)现正式与北京易石大橙签订了乐队首张专辑《DEEP&深》的唱片发行约,首张唱片《DEEP&深》于2008年4月正式发行。这是乐队成立五年后的首张唱片,收录了乐队多年来的创作的最精华,包含不同版本的曲目共8首。做好听的音乐;享受音乐,享受生活。如果你也有同样的理念,深绿海和他们的首张唱片也许正是你所需要的。也许你听多了indiepop,感觉太过甜腻,甜得对甜的东西失去感觉;也许你听多了哀伤颓废的低调民谣或者slow-core/sad-core,感觉难以自拔,失去认真工作,学习的动力;也许你听多了缥缈迷蒙的shoegaze,感觉与外界也似乎隔著一层膜,难以戳破;也许你迷上了postrock上坡-下坡-上坡-高潮爆炸的释放快感,但是最后却似乎有了怅然若失的轻叹;如果你是喜欢每天睡到自然醒,偶尔苦闷,偶尔郁闷,偶尔烦闷的宅男,如果你是每天梦想著一个活泼美丽的甜妞作自己女朋友的花痴,如果你是thetragicromanticman,如果你是thedevil"sadvocateman,你也许会喜欢他们,歌里有著淡淡美好的忧愁,快乐的Thedeepgreensea(深绿海).当我听著他们的东西,出现的是一片初夏景象.一个人躺在绿油油的草地上看著布著朵朵蘑菇云的天空,清风拂过,带来淡淡青草香味.影响他们的前辈Radiohead,redhousepainter,potishead,massiveattack,thecure……,每个都苦大仇深地演绎著自己的作品.也许沉醉于其中的人对美好事物的遐想和探寻才更加敏感而深入.生活最美好的形式在我看来是物质丰盈的情况下的自由.喜欢心怀美好而真诚的人,也许我并不纯粹,可是听著他们,让我在生活和工作之间得到更好的调和与平衡,稀释著无端的不快,渲染著小小的快乐.女主唱的声音和美貌总是能唤起花痴男的阵阵美好遐思。(文:弦乐四重奏)曲目简介:1.Twenty-fiveminutes03年春节回家.火车停靠在成都站,凌晨的天灰蒙蒙的,空气里充满了柴油味的雾气.我不记得真实的火车在成都站停留了多长时间,当列车缓缓滑行,节奏缓慢而且抒情,天空中突然绽放出绚丽的烟花,这首歌就从心底蔓延开来,吞没了视线和听觉.--25minutes,写给成都,这个我曾经生活多年的城市,写给在这个城市里发生的人和事,写给我的青春挽歌.2.Traveler"sdiaryTRAVELER"SDIARY和25M"都是关于旅行的记录,TRAVELER"SDIARY是关于新疆,25M"是关于四川。因为我大多数的出行都是依靠沉重而拥挤的火车,所以歌曲也难免不得不和列车产生关系。列车对于旅行是种痛苦的记忆,不过车上的人和窗外的景是永远令人兴奋的。闭上眼睛,你的窗外就是荒凉的戈壁!3.Bluemoon这无可否认的是因为一段非常单纯的淡淡的情愫,关于一个中国男孩儿和一个加拿大女孩儿。有很多东西,朦胧的状态最美好。4.Thesaddestsmile正如中文版歌词所描述的“雨后硝烟慢慢飘散”,战争过后的废墟中,一个女孩儿坚强地绽放出微笑。在欢快节奏下面,我们能看到的比听到的更多。5.Freedom一份在抽屉里放置了很久的歌词,可能只需要一个恰当的夜晚,一支香烟,当然还有我的吉他,就会流淌出旋律。我们都渴望自由,那就对给对方包容吧。专辑名称:深(DEEP)发行时间:2008年04月19日专辑歌手:深绿海(THE DEEP GREEN SEA)唱片公司:eRock Music专辑流派:Indie专辑曲目:01. Twenty-fiveminutes02. Bluemoon03. Freedom(老唱片版)04. Thesaddestsmile05. Traveler"sdiary06. Freedom07. Bluemoon(Trip-hop版)08. Nooneulb
2023-06-27 22:10:271


该组织的目标是将护士组织聚集到一个世界范围内,在全球范围内提高护士的社会经济地位和护理专业,并影响全球和国内的卫生政策。国际护士理事会(International Council of Nurses、缩写ICN)是一个代表世界各地130多个国家护士协会共超过13万名护士的组织。国际护士理事会在1899年成立,是历史甚久并涵盖范围甚广的国际卫生专业人员的组织。它成立的目的为了确保全球护理品质达到一定的水平、卫生政策能更为健全、促进护理知识发展并让护理成为一个受全世界尊重的专业。此外,亦令护理成为一个代表胜任能干及令人满意的人力大军。会议和项目ICN 每两年在 CNR 会议的同时举办一次大会。大会举办了大量的专业实践研讨会、海报会议、午餐会、演讲活动和全体会议。ICN 根据需要举办其他会议。最近的会议涵盖了诸如护士职业监管、社会经济福利问题、领导力问题和高级实践问题等主题。ICN每年 5 月 12 日(弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔诞辰纪念日)赞助国际护士节。ICN 官方期刊:国际护理评论 (INR)。这是一本备受推崇的科学期刊,其影响因子和读者遍及约 135 个国家/地区。它于 1953 年出版,当时它取代了早期的 ICN 出版物。该杂志的主编是 Sue Turale 博士,他得到了两位副主编的支持:来自美国华盛顿州西雅图的 Pamela Mitchell 博士和来自澳大利亚悉尼的 Tracey McDonald 博士。INR 是 ICN 的主要声音,也是一份同行评审期刊,主要关注与护理相关的护理政策和健康政策问题。它每年以英文在线和硬拷贝出版 4 次,还翻译成西班牙文和中文。INR 于 2016 年被国际护士编辑学会 (INANE) 纳入著名的护理杂志名人堂。历史和组织ICN 成立于 1899 年,英国、美国和德国是特许成员。ICN 由国家代表委员会 (CNR) 管理。CNR 是 ICN 的管理机构,负责制定政策、接纳成员、选择董事会并确定会费。截至 2013 年,共有 135 名国家代表(每个成员组织一名)。国家代表由每个成员协会选出。CNR 每两年召开一次会议。在 CNR 会议之间,ICN 由一个 16 人的董事会管理。董事会成员包括 ICN 总裁和 13 名董事,该董事根据比例代表从 ICN 的七个地理区域中选出。董事任期限制为连续两年的四年任期。董事会每年至少召开一次会议,但通常每年召开三到四次会议。ICN 有四名官员。他们包括一名总统和三名副总统。这些官员作为董事会的执行委员会,以及董事会的预算和财务委员会。主席由CNR选举产生。总统的任期为四年,任期仅限于一届。副总裁从董事会成员中选举产生。得票最多的是第一副总统,得票第二的是第二副总统,得票第三的是第三副总统。ICN 的日常运营由与 ICN 总裁密切合作的首席执行官 (CEO) 监督。
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BER 硬盘误码率,英文是BER(Bit Error Rate),是描述硬盘性能的一个非常重要的参数,是衡量硬盘出错可能性的一个参数。
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icn的护理定义是帮助健康的人或患病的人保持或恢复健康,或平静地死亡。各国护士学会的"联盟,是独立的非政府性的组织。英文简称ICN。1899年建立, 总部设在日内瓦。国际护士会创始人是芬威克有 会员团体101个,代表100多万护士。是世界上历史最久的医药卫生界的专业性国际组织。宗旨是促进各国护士学会的发展和壮大,提高护士地位及护理水平,并为各会员团体提供一个媒介以表达其利益、需要及关心的问题。每4年举行一次国际大会。出版双月刊《国际护理综述》和专业性书籍。颁布并定期修订《护士准则》。
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