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2023-06-28 06:11:59
TAG: ame ter param











【数】参数[量, 项, 词]; 变数, 特性; 补助变数

(结晶体的)标轴; 半晶轴

(根据基底时间, 劳动力, 工具, 管理等)工业生产预测法









2023-06-28 01:47:122


2023-06-28 01:47:211


在自动化测试中,经常会遇到如下场景: 这里只是随意找了两个典型的例子,相信大家都有遇到过很多类似的场景。总结下来,就是在我们的自动化测试脚本中存在参数,并且我们需要采用不同的参数去运行。 经过概括,参数基本上分为两种类型: 然后,对于参数而言,我们可能具有一个参数列表,在脚本运行时需要按照不同的规则去取值,例如顺序取值、随机取值、循环取值等等。 这就是典型的参数化和数据驱动。 如需对某测试用例(testcase)实现参数化数据驱动,需要使用 Parameters 函数,定义参数名称并指定数据源取值方式。 参数名称的定义分为两种情况: 数据源指定支持三种方式: 三种方式可根据实际项目需求进行灵活选择,同时支持多种方式的组合使用。假如测试用例中定义了多个参数,那么测试用例在运行时会对参数进行笛卡尔积组合,覆盖所有参数组合情况。 使用方式概览如下: 将参数名称定义和数据源指定方式进行组合,共有 6 种形式。现分别针对每一类情况进行详细说明。 对于参数列表比较小的情况,最简单的方式是直接在 pytest 中指定参数列表内容。 例如,对于独立参数 password,参数列表为 ["aA123456","A123456",""],那么就可以按照如下方式进行配置: 进行该配置后,测试用例在运行时就会对 password 实现数据驱动,即分别使用 ["aA123456","A123456",""] 三个值运行测试用例。运行日志如下所示: 可以看出,测试用例总共运行了 3 次,并且每次运行时都是采用的不同 password。 对于已有参数列表,并且数据量比较大的情况,比较适合的方式是将参数列表值存储在 CSV 数据文件中。 对于 CSV 数据文件,需要遵循如下几项约定的规则: 例如,password 的参数取值为"aA123456","A123456","" ,那么我们就可以创建 password.csv,并且在文件中按照如下形式进行描述。 然后在 pytest 测试用例文件中,就可以通过内置的 Parameterize(可简写为 P)函数引用 CSV 文件。 假设项目的根目录下有 data 文件夹,password.csv 位于其中,那么 password.csv 的引用描述如下: 即 Parameters 函数的参数(CSV 文件路径)是相对于项目根目录的相对路径。当然,这里也可以使用 CSV 文件在系统中的绝对路径,不过这样的话在项目路径变动时就会出现问题,因此推荐使用相对路径的形式。 对于没有现成参数列表,或者需要更灵活的方式动态生成参数的情况,可以通过在 中自定义函数生成参数列表,并在 pytest 引用自定义函数的方式。 例如,若需对 password 进行参数化数据驱动,那么就可以在 中定义一个函数,返回参数列表。 然后,在 pytest 的 Parameters 中就可以通过调用自定义函数的形式来指定数据源。 另外,通过函数的传参机制,还可以实现更灵活的参数生成功能,在调用函数时指定需要生成的参数个数。 对于具有关联性的多个参数,例如 username 和 password,那么就可以按照如下方式进行配置: 进行该配置后,测试用例在运行时就会对 password 和 error_code 实现数据驱动,即分别使用 {"error_code": "0", "password": "aA123456"}、 {"error_code": "3007", "password": "A123456"}、 {"error_code": "3001", "password": ""} 运行 3 次测试,并且保证参数值总是成对使用。 对于具有关联性的多个参数,例如 username 和 password,那么就可以创建 username_password_errorCode.csv,并在文件中按照如下形式进行描述。 然后在 pytest 测试用例文件中,就可以通过内置的 parameterize(可简写为 P)函数引用 CSV 文件。 假设项目的根目录下有 data 文件夹,username_password_errorCode.csv 位于其中,那么 username_password_errorCode.csv 的引用描述如下: 对于具有关联性的多个参数,实现方式也类似。 例如,在 中定义函数 get_account,生成指定数量的账号密码参数列表。 那么在 pytest 的 Parameters 函数中就可以调用自定义函数生成指定数量的参数列表。 完成以上参数定义和数据源准备工作之后,参数化运行与普通测试用例的运行完全一致。 采用 hrun 命令运行自动化测试: 采用 locusts 命令运行性能测试: 区别在于,自动化测试时遍历一遍后会终止执行,性能测试时每个并发用户都会循环遍历所有参数。
2023-06-28 01:47:281

This is how you can do it. 是什么意思

This is how you can do it.这是你能做的。
2023-06-28 01:47:504


2023-06-28 01:47:583

loadrunner的参数化、 检查点与QTP里面的有什么不同?

2023-06-28 01:48:063


2023-06-28 01:48:122

java.lang.Class cannot be cast to java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType这个异常怎么解决 谁能帮我一下

2023-06-28 01:48:237


2023-06-28 01:48:451


2023-06-28 01:49:032


您好,你的问题,我之前好像也遇到过,以下是我原来的解决思路和方法,希望能帮助到你,若有错误,还望见谅!展开全部1、使用指示灯来显示输出设备的状态,如果输出设备仅仅只是开,关两个状态,你可以使用BOOL变量,TRUE代表开,FALSE代表关,地址可以直接使用你PLC中对应的地址。2、温度传感器的值一般进入PLC内使用模拟量模块,是一个整型的变量值,一般,在组态画面中对于温度值的显示对应于以下2种情况:情况1:PLC中已经对采集值做了线性整定,并保存了整定后的值,这种整定后的值常常为浮点数,所以组态中需要对应的变量为IEEE754浮点数变量,地址为PLC中保存的整定后值的变量地址。情况2:PLC中没有对采集值进行整定,而是通过组态中进行整定,那么变量数据类型选择则为温度传感器实际的类型,即整型,而地址也是温度传感器进入PLC的模拟量通道地址。3、变量地址的选择相对比较简单,只要选择PLC中对应的地址就可以,数据类型取决于程序员需要的处理来对应选择。对于PLC输入温度模拟量地址是AIW0,对应的输出数字量在wincc flexible中是VD还是VW?prodave(西门子的一个软件包,提高vb和c的通讯函数库)PLC发展成了取代继电器线路和进行顺序控制为主的产品。PLC厂家在原来CPU模板上提逐渐增加了各种通讯接口,现场总线技术及以太网技术也同步发展,使PLC的应用范围越来越广泛。 PLC具有稳定可靠、价格便宜、功能齐全、应用灵活方便、操作维护方便的优点,这是它能持久的占有市场的根本原因。SIMATIC WinCC是采用了最新的32位技术的过程监控软件,具有良好的开放性和灵活性。无论是单用户系统,还是冗余多服务器/多用户系统,WinCC均是较好的选择。通过ActiveX,OPC,SQL等标准接口,WinCC可以方便地与其它软件进行通讯。WinCC与S7-200系列PLC的通信,可以采用Profibus和PPI两种通信协议之一来实现。 2.1 WinCC与S7-200系列PLC通过Profibus协议通讯的实现* PC机 ,WINOOWs 98操作系统;* CP5412板卡或者其他同类板卡,例如:CP5611,CP5613;* 安装COM Profibus软件。打开SIMATIC NETCOM Profibus,新加一个组态,主站为SOFTNET-DP,从站是EM277 Profibus-DP。主站的地址选择从1到126。从站的地址选择从3到99,与EM277的地址一致。然后用该软件对从站进行配置:打开从站属性,在Configure选项中,选择8bytes in/8bytes out(可根据实际需要选定)。在Parameterize中可以选择偏移地址,地址对应于S7-200系列PLC的数据区(即V区),默认为0,即从VB0开始。组态完成后,导出(Export)NCM文件,生成*.txt和*.ldb文件。(3) 设置PG/PC interface。在Access Point of the Application中选择CP_L2_1,在Interface Parameter Assignment 选择CP5412A2(Profibus)。在属性里的激活DP协议,并在DP-Database参数中输入*.ldb文件的完全路径。设置完成后可以诊断硬件配置是否正确、通信是否成功。 (4) WinCC的设置。在WinCC变量管理器中添加一个新的驱动程序,新的驱动程序选择PROFIBUS DP.CHN,选择CP5412(A2)Board 1,在System Parameters设定参数。CP5412(A2)board 参数为1,表示板卡的编号;Config参数为组态时生成的*.txt文件的完全路径;Watchdog time 参数为0。新建一个连接,从站地址与EM277的地址一致。(5) 建立变量。WinCC中的变量类型有In和Out。In和Out是相对于主站来说的, 即In表示WinCC从S7-200系列PLC读入数据,Out表示WinCC向S7-200系列PLC写出数据。In和Out与数据存储区V区对应。在该例中,Out与PLC中数据存储区的VB0~VB7对应,In与PLC中的存储区的VB8~VB15对应。(6) 优缺点。优点:该方法数据传输速度快,易扩展,实时性好。缺点:传送数据区域有限(最大64字节),在PLC中也必须进行相应的处理,且硬件成本高,需要CP5412、EM277 Profibus-DP、Profibus总线等硬件,还需要Com Profibus软件。应用场合:适用于在要求高速数据通信和实时性要求高的系统。PLC程序肯定有的,和工控机走通讯,现在设备上只有一个屏幕,那就是工控机的显示屏,工控机上安装组态软件才能像西门子触摸屏那样对设备的操作吗?是的,工控机上安装组态软件,代替触摸屏功能。西门子的PLC有专门的编程软件 触摸屏的话就得使用西门子WINCC的编程软件对其进行程序编写。总结一下 西门子不论是PLC还是触摸屏 在其编写的时候都是比较麻烦的。所以 一般都是用组态王进行编程。1、首先在WinCC项目中添加通讯驱动程序。打开WinCC软件,在项目管理器窗口中选中“变量管理”,单击鼠标右键,在弹出的的菜单中选择“添加新的驱动程序”在弹出的“添加新的驱动程序”对话框中找到“SINMATIC S7 Protocol Suite.chn”文件,选中该文件,单击“打开”,如下图2、在变量管理目录下新增一个“SINMATIC S7 Protocol Suite”子目录,在其中找到“MPI”,单击鼠标右键,在弹出的菜单中选择“新驱动程序的连接”3、在弹出的“连接属性”对话框中可以为新建的逻辑连接输入一个名称,单击“属性”按钮会弹出“连接参数--MPI”对话框4、在“连接参数--MPI”对话框中可以输入对应CPU的“站地址”、“段ID”、“机架号”和“插槽号”,置好后单击确定按钮5、再在变量管理目录下 “SINMATIC S7 Protocol Suite”子目录中找到“MPI”,单击鼠标右键,在弹出的菜单中选择“系统参数”6、在弹出的“系统参数”对话框中选择“单位”选项卡,选择“逻辑设备名称”下拉列表框中,可以选择WinCC与PLC通信的硬件设备非常感谢您的耐心观看,如有帮助请采纳,祝生活愉快!谢谢!
2023-06-28 01:49:111


把子站的INPUT全部读到主站里进行运算,得出的结果在放进子站的OUTPUT里,让子站输出动作,你所说的是子站的I/O如何与主站的内部变量一一对应上,是要专门做个FC块,通过间接寻址的方式把子站的PIW与DBW一一对应上就可以了 我做了个项目正好用到了这些,还是不清楚的话 留下邮箱
2023-06-28 01:49:214


你是指远程控制PLC 启动停止吗?
2023-06-28 01:49:314


2023-06-28 01:49:403


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(SCI)28.郑仙照,寿绍文,沈新勇,2006:一次暴雨天气过程的物理量分析,气象,32,1,102—106.29.沈新勇,赵南,何金海,宇婧婧,2006:切变基流对赤道大气波动稳定性的作用,南京气象学院学报,29,4,462—469.30.杨宇红,沈新勇,林两位,寿绍文,2006:0418号台风艾莉暴雨成因分析,气象,32,7,81-87.31.沈新勇,2006:两种类型中尺度涡旋Rossby波的相速度及其物理机制,气象科学,26,4,355-364.32.郑仙照,苏银兰,杨宇红,寿绍文,沈新勇,2006:闽东一次暴雨过程的数值模拟和诊断分析,气象科学,26,4,370-375.33.吴启树,沈桐立,苏银兰,沈新勇,李华昭,2006:2000年第10号台风的水汽分析与试验,气象科学,26,4,384-391.34.宇婧婧,何金海,沈新勇,2006:海温对热带低频振荡系统影响的动力学研究,南京气象学院学报,29,5,688-693.35.Zhao Nan, Ding Yihui, Masaaki Takahashi and Shen Xinyong, 2006: A Theoretical Study on the Multiple Equilibrium of Tropical Atmosphere and Their Relation to the Onset of the Summer Monsoon. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 12, 2, 130—138. (SCIE)36.沈新勇,倪允琪,丁一汇,2006:中尺度对称不稳定和横波不稳定的波动性质,南京气象学院学报,29,6,735-743.37.沈新勇,何金海,苏银兰,周伟灿,2006:切变基流中赤道Kelvin波及纬向对称扰动的稳定性,气象科学,26,6,605-611.38.孙莹,寿绍文,沈新勇,周文志,2006:灾害天气的识别和自动预警,广西气象,27,4,20-23.39.赵南,沈新勇,丁一汇,2007:大气运动的慢流形(slow manifold)概论,地球科学进展,22,4,331-340.40.沈新勇,明杰,方珂,2007:台风涡旋系统的波动性质及其数值模拟,气象科学,27,2,176-186.41.He Jinhai, Yu Jingjing and Shen Xinyong, 2007: Impacts of SST and SST Anomalies on Low-Frequency Oscillation in the Tropical Atmosphere. Adv . Atmos . Sci ., 24, 3, 377—382. (SCI)42.沈新勇,倪允琪,丁一汇,王珏,2007:中尺度斜交不稳定的波动性质及其数值模拟,气象学报,65,6,825—836.43.许崇海,沈新勇,徐影,2007:IPCC AR4模式对东亚地区气候模拟能力的分析,气候变化研究进展,3,5,287—292.44.袁媛,沈新勇,沈桐立,2008:陕北榆林市一次暴雨过程的诊断分析,陕西气象,1,6—10.45.彭菊香,沈桐立,朱伟军,沈新勇,孙桂平,2008:中尺度模式遗传算法同化系统及同化试验研究,南京气象学院学报,31,1,61—67.46.刘佳,沈新勇,杨宇红,林振敏,寿绍文,2008:强热带风暴Bilis的敏感性数值试验,科技信息,2,4—6.47.杜春丽,沈新勇,陈渭民,施帅红,2008:43a来我国城市气候和太阳辐射的变化特征,南京气象学院学报,31,2,200—207.48.韩雪,沈桐立,沈新勇,2008:多重网格法在MM5自适应模式中的应用,南京气象学院学报,31,2,242—249.49.孙莹,寿绍文,沈新勇,刘泽军,熊文兵,2008:广西地区一次强冰雹过程形成机制分析,高原气象,27,3,677—685.50.王琳琳,高志球,沈新勇,陈渭民,2008:土壤水分的垂直运动对黄土高原糜田土壤温度的影响,南京气象学院学报,31,3,363—368.51.吴建云,周伟灿,沈新勇,2008:赤道波动非线性相互作用解的研究,阜阳师范学院学报,25,2,15—18.52. 王珏,沈新勇,寿绍文,徐枝芳,2008:06.6福建大暴雨的数值模拟及复杂地形影响试验,南京气象学院学报,31,4,546—554.53.尹宜舟,沈新勇,陈渭民,李照荣,2008:雷暴天气过程中地闪分布的诊断分析,气象科学,28,5,521—527.54.吴建云,周伟灿,沈新勇,2008:低纬大气Kelvin波和Rossby波的非线性相互作用,南京气象学院学报,31,5,662—670.55.黄翠银,沈新勇,孙建华,齐琳琳,2008:一次由海岸锋引发山东半岛暴雪过程的研究,气候与环境研究,13,4,567—583.56.张容焱,邓自旺,沈新勇,鲍瑞娟,2009:福建春雨多时空尺度变化特征,南京气象学院学报,32,1,121—127.57. 杨宇红,林振敏,沈新勇,郑仙照,寿绍文,2009:“0604”台风暴雨的数值模拟与诊断研究,气象科学,29,1,71—76.58. 谭娟,沈新勇,李清泉,2009:海洋碳循环与全球气候变化相互反馈的研究进展,气象研究与应用,30,1,33—36.59. 吉振明,沈新勇,2009:RegCM3对中国地区气候的数值模拟,科技信息,418.60. Ming Jie, Ni Yunqi and Shen Xinyong, 2009: The Dynamical Characteristics and Wave Structure of Typhoon Rananim (2004). Adv. Atmos. Sci., 26, 3, 523-542. (SCI)61. 史恒斌,沈新勇,2009:2003年夏季淮河流域降水与两种波列结构的关系,科技信息,295—296.62. 张容焱,沈新勇,邓自旺,鲍瑞娟,2009:基于BP-CCA法的福建春季降水因子分析,气象科学,29,4,513—518.63. 冯琎,孙照渤,沈新勇,李艳杰,2009:模拟台风Ewiniar(2006)内部扰动的时空变化特征,气象与减灾研究,32,2,11—19.64. 尹宜舟,沈新勇,李焕连,2009:“07.7”淮河流域梅雨锋暴雨的地形敏感性试验,高原气象,28,5,1085—1094.65. 丁治英,王勇,沈新勇,徐海明,2009:台风登陆前后雨带断裂与非对称降水的成因分析,热带气象学报,25,5,513—520.66. Zhao, Nan, Xinyong Shen, Yan Li, and Yihui Ding, 2010: Modal Aspects of the Northern Hemisphere Annular Modes as Identified from the Results of a GCM Run. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 101, 255-267. DOI 10.1007/s00704--009--0210--1. (SCI)67. Zhao, Nan, Yafei Wang, and Xinyong Shen, 2010: A Northern Hemisphere Annular Mode as the Combination of the NAO and the PNA. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 26, 1, 66-70. (SCIE)68. 吴启树,郑颖青,沈新勇,陈珠峰,林金凎,2010:福建一次秋季大范围暴雨成因分析,气象科学,30,1,126—131.69. 赵南,甘璐,沈新勇,2010:涡旋流自发辐射惯性重力波的初步解析研究,应用气象学报,21,1,83—88.70. Li, X., X. Shen, 2010: Sensitivity of cloud-resolving precipitation simulations to uncertainty of vertical structures of initial conditions. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 136, 201-212. (SCI)71. Wang, Y., X. Shen, and X. Li, 2010: Microphysical and radiative effects of ice clouds on responses of rainfall to the large-scale forcing during pre-summer heavy rainfall over southern China. Atmos. Res., 97, 35-46. (SCI)72. Shen, X., Y. Wang, N. Zhang, and X. Li, 2010: Roles of large-scale forcing, thermodynamics, and cloud microphysics in tropical precipitation processes. Atmos. Res., 97, 371-384. (SCI)73. 陈国民,沈新勇,刘佳,2010:垂直风切变对热带气旋强度及结构的影响,气象研究与应用,31,1,1—4.74. 李琛,沈新勇,李伟平,2010:东北地区土壤湿度的诊断分析,安徽农业科学,38,9,4696—4700.75. Li, C., X. Shen, and W. Li, 2010: Diagnostic analysis of soil moisture in northeast China. Agricultural Science and Technology, 11, 2, 159-163.76. 冯涛,沈新勇,刘英,王东海,2010:精细数值预报在60周年国庆天气服务中的应用,气象与环境科学,33,3,1—5.77.尹宜舟,陈渭民,沈新勇,李照荣,2010:兰州周边地区地闪闪区统计特征:环境风场及稳定度特征,大气科学学报,33,2,246—252.78. 彭杰,沈新勇,王志立,荆现文,2010:中国地区云的观测研究进展,安徽农业科学,38,24,13070—13073.79. Zhao, N., Y. Li, and X. Shen, 2010: Can eddy forcing be responsible for the spatial structure of the northern hemisphere annular mode? Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 24, 5, 584-592. (SCIE)80. Shen, X., Y. Wang, N. Zhang, and X. Li, 2010: Precipitation and cloud statistics in the deep tropical convective regime. J. Geophys. Res., 115, D24205, doi:10.1029/2010JD014481. (SCI)81. 沈新勇,朱文达,杜佳,潘维玉,2010:2006年7-9月的台风季节预报试验,气象科学,30,5,676—683.82. 丁治英,罗静,沈新勇,2010:2008年6月20-21日一次β中尺度切变线低涡降水机制研究,大气科学学报,33,6,657—666.83. Ding, Zhiying, Caihong Liu, Yue Chang, Xinyong Shen, Jinhai He, and Haiming Xu, 2010: Study of double rain bands in a persistent rainstorm over south China. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 16, 4, 380-389. (SCIE)84. 陈国民,沈新勇,杨宇红,2010:β效应和垂直切变对台风非对称结构及眼墙替换的影响,高原气象,29,6,1474—1484.85. 李勋,李泽椿,赵声蓉,沈新勇,袁美英,2010:强台风Chanchu(0601)的数值研究:转向前后内核结构和强度变化,气象学报,68,5,598—611.86. 丁治英,王慧,沈新勇,徐海明,2010:一次梅雨期暴雨与中层锋生β中尺度小高压的关系,大气科学学报,33,2,142—152.87. Shen, X., Y. Wang, and X. Li, 2011: Radiative effects of water clouds on rainfall responses to the large-scale forcing during pre-summer heavy rainfall over Southern China. Atmos. Res., 99, 120-128. (SCI)88. Shen, X., Y. Wang, and X. Li, 2011: Effects of vertical wind shear and cloud radiative processes on responses of rainfall to the large-scale forcing during pre-summer heavy rainfall over southern China. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 137, 236-249. DOI:10.1002/qj.735 (SCI)89. Shen, X., N. Zhang, and X. Li, 2011: Effects of large-scale forcing and ice clouds on pre-summer heavy rainfall over southern Chinain June 2008: A partitioning analysis based on surface rainfall budget. Atmos. Res., 101, 155-163. (SCI)90. Li, X., X. Shen, and J. Liu, 2011: A partitioning analysis of tropical rainfall based on cloud budget. Atmos. Res., 102, 444-451.(SCI)91. Zhao, N., X. Shen, Y. Ding, and M. Takahashi, 2011: A possible theory for the interaction between convective activities and vertical flows. Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 18, 779-789. (SCI)92. 丁治英,刘彩虹,沈新勇,2011:2005-2008年5、6月华南暖区暴雨与高、低空急流和南亚高压关系的统计分析,热带气象学报,27,3,307-316.93. Ding, Z., Y. Wang, X. Shen, and H. Xu, 2011: Asymmetric rainband breaking in typhoon Haitang (2005) before and after its landfall. J. Trop. Meteor., 17, 3, 276-284. (SCIE)94. 张滢滢,沈新勇,高志球,2011:基于WRF模式的海面湍流通量参数化方法的研究,大气科学,35,4,767-776.95. 王勇,李清泉,沈新勇,2011:近50a江淮地区6-7月降水特征分析,气象科学,31,1,73-78.96. 何志强,沈新勇,王英舜,高志球,2011:利用简单生物圈模式SiB2模拟锡林浩特草原地表湍流通量,气候与环境研究,16,3,353-368.97. 甘璐,赵南,沈新勇,2011:一类高阶位涡反演的算法及其应用,气象学报,69,3,412-422.98. 任轶,沈新勇,张云平,2011:豫西一次强对流天气过程的诊断分析,气象与环境科学,34,1,67-72.99. 陈超,沈新勇,徐影,2011:过去1000年不同强迫因子对中国东部5~9月降水及其环流场特征影响分析,第四纪研究,31,5,873-882.100. 王培,沈新勇,高守亭,2012:一次东北冷涡过程的数值模拟与降水分析,大气科学,36,1,130-144.101. Shen, X., J. Liu, and X. Li, 2012: Evaluation of convective-stratiform rainfall separation schemes by precipitation and cloud statistics. J. Trop. Meteor., 18, 1, 98-107. (SCIE)102. Shen, X., J. Liu, and X. Li, 2012: Torrential rainfall responses to ice microphysical processes during pre-summer heavy rainfall over southern China. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 29, 3, 493-500, doi:10.1007/s00376--011--1122--4. (SCI)103. Li, X., and X. Shen, 2012: Temporal and spatial scale dependence of precipitation analysis over the tropical deep convective regime. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 29(6), 1390-1394, doi:10.1007/s00376-012-1269-7. (SCI)104. 赵小平, 沈新勇, 王咏青, 朱文达, 张广鑫, 2012: 越赤道气流准双周振荡对西北太平洋台风路径的调制作用. 大气科学学报, 35(5), 603-619.105. 王莹, 沈新勇, 王勇, 吉振明, 周伟灿, 2012: 东亚地区人为气溶胶直接辐射强迫及其气候效应的数值模拟. 气象科学, 32(5), 515-525.106. 朱文达, 张新月, 沈新勇, 赵小平, 2012: 越赤道气流ISO特征在台风季节预报中的可行性研究. 贵州气象, 36(1), 6-12.107. 王勇, 丁治英, 沈新勇, 李勋, 2012: 淮河流域一次梅雨锋暴雨的中尺度动力特征分析. 自然灾害学报, 21(3), 126-135.108. 王勇, 丁治英, 李勋, 沈新勇, 2012: 台风“莫拉克”登陆前后的动力诊断分析. 高原气象, 31(5), 1356-1365.109. 王勇,丁治英,李勋,沈新勇,范勇,2012:“莫拉克”台风(2009)登陆前后强度与结构分析. 热带气象学报,28(5),726-734.110. 沈阳,张大林,沈新勇,2012:风垂直切变对飓风波尼(1998)结构与强度的影响. 气象学报,70(5),949-960.111. 沈新勇, 刘佳, 秦南南, 朱琳, 2012: 台风麦莎的正压特征波动结构及其稳定性. 大气科学学报, 35(3), 257-271.112. 林金淦, 沈新勇, 吴启树, 2012: 台风“鲇鱼”异常路径的诊断分析和数值模拟. 气象研究与应用, 33(1), 1-9.113. 郭学峰,沈新勇,赵小平,庆涛,2012:2009 年河南一次大暴雨过程的涡度方程诊断分析. 气象与环境科学:,35(4),13-21.114. 沈新勇,毕明玉,张玲,刘佳,2012:中尺度对流系统对台风“风神”移动路径影响的研究. 气象学报,70(6),1173-1187.115. 沈新勇, 陈明诚, 王勇, 吉振明, 2013: 人为气溶胶的直接气候效应对南亚夏季风的影响. 高原气象, 32(5), 1280-1292.116. 王勇, 吉振明, 沈新勇, 陈明诚, 2013: 人为气溶胶对东亚夏季风直接气候效应的成因分析. 热带气象学报, 29(3), 441-448.117. 刘佳, 沈新勇, 张大林, 许映龙, 毕明玉, 2013: 台风“麦莎”的强度对台风前部飑线发展过程影响的研究. 大气科学, 37(5), 1025-1037.118. Shen, X., T. Qing, W. Huang, and X. Li, 2013: Effects of Vertical Wind Shear on the Pre-Summer Heavy Rainfall Budget: A Cloud-Resolving Modeling Study. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 6(1), 44-51.119. 沈新勇, 刘佳, 秦南南, 冯琎, 2013: 台风麦莎登陆后粘性摩擦对正压特征波动的影响. 大气科学, 37(6), 1219-1234.120. 彭杰, 张华, 沈新勇, 2013: 东亚地区云垂直结构的CloudSat卫星观测研究. 大气科学, 37(1), 91-100.121. Shen, X., T. Qing, and X. Li, 2013: Effects of clouds, sea surface temperature, and its diurnal variation on precipitation efficiency. Chin. Phys. B, 22(9), 094213.122. 张楠, 沈新勇, 杨宇红, 王涛, 2013: 2008年6月一次华南暴雨过程的云分辨模拟分析. 大气科学学报, 36(4), 447-457.123. 刘海军, 沈新勇, 许娈, 冉令坤, 崔晓鹏, 2013: 1011号台风“凡亚比”登陆过程数值模拟及诊断分析. 气候与环境研究, 18(5), 583-594.124. 张荣智, 高志球, 沈新勇, 2013: 强风条件下海面拖曳系数和粗糙长度研究. 海洋学报, 35(1), 76-84.125. Li, X., and X. Shen, 2013: Rain Microphysical Budget in the Tropical Deep Convective Regime: A 2-D Cloud-Resolving Modeling Study. J. Meteor. Soc.Japan, 91(6), 801-815.126. 沈新勇, 黄文彦, 黄伟, 陈明诚, 2013: 亚洲地区沙尘和人为气溶胶的分布及气候效应. 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 14(6), 687-697.127. 黄伟, 沈新勇, 黄文彦, 周顺武, 2013: 亚洲地区人为气溶胶对东亚冬季风影响的研究. 气象科学, 33(5), 500-509.128. 朱刚, 沈新勇, 高守亭, 2013: 一次高空槽降水过程的数值模拟分析. 陕西气象, 2013(1), 1-4.129. 沈新勇, 梅海霞, 庆涛, 李小凡, 2013: 用亮温反演云物理量划分对流-层状降水的数值模拟研究方案. 热带气象学报, 29(6), 881-888.130. Shen, X., W. Huang, T. Qing, W. Huang, and X. Li, 2014: A modified scheme that parameterizes depositional growth of ice crystal: A modeling study of pre-summer torrential rainfall case over Southern China. Atmos. Res., 138, 293-300.131. 韩文韬, 卫捷, 沈新勇, 2014: 近50年中国冬季气温对ENSO响应的时空稳定性分析研究. 气候与环境研究, 19(1), 97-106.
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Use Stokes Theorem backwards∫∫_S curl F dS=∫_C F drC is the curve that bounds the surfacewhich is x^2+y^2=16,z=0 in this caseThen we need to parameterize the curvex=4cost,y=4sint0<=t<=2π∫_C F dr=∫_C Pdx+Qdy+Rdz=∫<0,2π> ((4cost)^2+4sint-4)(-4sint)dt+3(4cost)(4sint)(4cost)dt+(0+0)(0)dt=∫<0,2π> 128sint(cost)^2 -16(sint)^2+16sint dt=[(-128/3)(cost)^3-8*(t-sin(2t)/2)-16cost]|<0,2π>=-16πSince the positive orientation is downwardswe need an extra negativeSo the integral is 16π
2023-06-28 01:50:001


One man"s constant is another man"s variable.Functions delay binding: data structures induce binding. Moral: Structure data late in the programming process.Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semi-colons.Every program is a part of some other program and rarely fits.If a program manipulates a large amount of data, it does so in a small number of ways.Symmetry is a complexity reducing concept (co-routines include sub-routines); seek it everywhere.It is easier to write an incorrect program than understand a correct one.A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant.It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures.Get into a rut early: Do the same processes the same way. Accumulate idioms. Standardize. The only difference (!) between Shakespeare and you was the size of his idiom list - not the size of his vocabulary.If you have a procedure with 10 parameters, you probably missed some.Recursion is the root of computation since it trades description for time.If two people write exactly the same program, each should be put in micro-code and then they certainly won"t be the same.In the long run every program becomes rococo - then rubble.Everything should be built top-down, except the first time.Every program has (at least) two purposes: the one for which it was written and another for which it wasn"t.If a listener nods his head when you"re explaining your program, wake him up.A program without a loop and a structured variable isn"t worth writing.A language that doesn"t affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing.Wherever there is modularity there is the potential for misunderstanding: Hiding information implies a need to check communication.Optimization hinders evolution.A good system can"t have a weak command language.To understand a program you must become both the machine and the program.Perhaps if we wrote programs from childhood on, as adults we"d be able to read them.One can only display complex information in the mind. Like seeing, movement or flow or alteration of view is more important than the static picture, no matter how lovely.There will always be things we wish to say in our programs that in all known languages can only be said poorly.Once you understand how to write a program get someone else to write it.Around computers it is difficult to find the correct unit of time to measure progress. Some cathedrals took a century to complete. Can you imagine the grandeur and scope of a program that would take as long?For systems, the analogue of a face-lift is to add to the control graph an edge that creates a cycle, not just an additional node.In programming, everything we do is a special case of something more general - and often we know it too quickly.Simplicity does not precede complexity, but follows it.Programmers are not to be measured by their ingenuity and their logic but by the completeness of their case analysis.The 11th commandment was "Thou Shalt Compute" or "Thou Shalt Not Compute" - I forget which.The string is a stark data structure and everywhere it is passed there is much duplication of process. It is a perfect vehicle for hiding information.Everyone can be taught to sculpt: Michelangelo would have had to be taught how not to. So it is with the great programmers.The use of a program to prove the 4-color theorem will not change mathematics - it merely demonstrates that the theorem, a challenge for a century, is probably not important to mathematics.The most important computer is the one that rages in our skulls and ever seeks that satisfactory external emulator. The standardization of real computers would be a disaster - and so it probably won"t happen.Structured Programming supports the law of the excluded muddle.Re graphics: A picture is worth 10K words - but only those to describe the picture. Hardly any sets of 10K words can be adequately described with pictures.There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.Some programming languages manage to absorb change, but withstand progress.You can measure a programmer"s perspective by noting his attitude on the continuing vitality of FORTRAN.In software systems it is often the early bird that makes the worm.Sometimes I think the only universal in the computing field is the fetch-execute-cycle.The goal of computation is the emulation of our synthetic abilities, not the understanding of our analytic ones.Like punning, programming is a play on words.As Will Rogers would have said, "There is no such thing as a free variable."The best book on programming for the layman is "Alice in Wonderland"; but that"s because it"s the best book on anything for the layman.Giving up on assembly language was the apple in our Garden of Eden: Languages whose use squanders machine cycles are sinful. The LISP machine now permits LISP programmers to abandon bra and fig-leaf.When we understand knowledge-based systems, it will be as before - except our finger-tips will have been singed.Bringing computers into the home won"t change either one, but may revitalize the corner saloon.Systems have sub-systems and sub-systems have sub-systems and so on ad infinitum - which is why we"re always starting over.So many good ideas are never heard from again once they embark in a voyage on the semantic gulf.Beware of the Turing tar-pit in which everything is possible but nothing of interest is easy.A LISP programmer knows the value of everything, but the cost of nothing.Software is under a constant tension. Being symbolic it is arbitrarily perfectible; but also it is arbitrarily changeable.It is easier to change the specification to fit the program than vice versa.Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it.In English every word can be verbed. Would that it were so in our programming languages.Dana Scott is the Church of the Lattice-Way Saints.In programming, as in everything else, to be in error is to be reborn.In computing, invariants are ephemeral.When we write programs that "learn", it turns out we do and they don"t.Often it is means that justify ends: Goals advance technique and technique survives even when goal structures crumble.Make no mistake about it: Computers process numbers - not symbols. We measure our understanding (and control) by the extent to which we can arithmetize an activity.Making something variable is easy. Controlling duration of constancy is the trick.Think of all the psychic energy expended in seeking a fundamental distinction between "algorithm" and "program".If we believe in data structures, we must believe in independent (hence simultaneous) processing. For why else would we collect items within a structure? Why do we tolerate languages that give us the one without the other?In a 5 year period we get one superb programming language. Only we can"t control when the 5 year period will begin.Over the centuries the Indians developed sign language for communicating phenomena of interest. Programmers from different tribes (FORTRAN, LISP, ALGOL, SNOBOL, etc.) could use one that doesn"t require them to carry a blackboard on their ponies.Documentation is like term insurance: It satisfies because almost no one who subscribes to it depends on its benefits.An adequate bootstrap is a contradiction in terms.It is not a language"s weaknesses but its strengths that control the gradient of its change: Alas, a language never escapes its embryonic sac.It is possible that software is not like anything else, that it is meant to be discarded: that the whole point is to always see it as soap bubble?Because of its vitality, the computing field is always in desperate need of new cliches: Banality soothes our nerves.It is the user who should parameterize procedures, not their creators.The cybernetic exchange between man, computer and algorithm is like a game of musical chairs: The frantic search for balance always leaves one of the three standing ill at ease.
2023-06-28 01:50:091


One man"s constant is another man"s variable.Functions delay binding: data structures induce binding. Moral: Structure data late in the programming process.Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semi-colons.Every program is a part of some other program and rarely fits.If a program manipulates a large amount of data, it does so in a small number of ways.Symmetry is a complexity reducing concept (co-routines include sub-routines); seek it everywhere.It is easier to write an incorrect program than understand a correct one.A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant.It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures.Get into a rut early: Do the same processes the same way. Accumulate idioms. Standardize. The only difference (!) between Shakespeare and you was the size of his idiom list - not the size of his vocabulary.If you have a procedure with 10 parameters, you probably missed some.Recursion is the root of computation since it trades description for time.If two people write exactly the same program, each should be put in micro-code and then they certainly won"t be the same.In the long run every program becomes rococo - then rubble.Everything should be built top-down, except the first time.Every program has (at least) two purposes: the one for which it was written and another for which it wasn"t.If a listener nods his head when you"re explaining your program, wake him up.A program without a loop and a structured variable isn"t worth writing.A language that doesn"t affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing.Wherever there is modularity there is the potential for misunderstanding: Hiding information implies a need to check communication.Optimization hinders evolution.A good system can"t have a weak command language.To understand a program you must become both the machine and the program.Perhaps if we wrote programs from childhood on, as adults we"d be able to read them.One can only display complex information in the mind. Like seeing, movement or flow or alteration of view is more important than the static picture, no matter how lovely.There will always be things we wish to say in our programs that in all known languages can only be said poorly.Once you understand how to write a program get someone else to write it.Around computers it is difficult to find the correct unit of time to measure progress. Some cathedrals took a century to complete. Can you imagine the grandeur and scope of a program that would take as long?For systems, the analogue of a face-lift is to add to the control graph an edge that creates a cycle, not just an additional node.In programming, everything we do is a special case of something more general - and often we know it too quickly.Simplicity does not precede complexity, but follows it.Programmers are not to be measured by their ingenuity and their logic but by the completeness of their case analysis.The 11th commandment was "Thou Shalt Compute" or "Thou Shalt Not Compute" - I forget which.The string is a stark data structure and everywhere it is passed there is much duplication of process. It is a perfect vehicle for hiding information.Everyone can be taught to sculpt: Michelangelo would have had to be taught how not to. So it is with the great programmers.The use of a program to prove the 4-color theorem will not change mathematics - it merely demonstrates that the theorem, a challenge for a century, is probably not important to mathematics.The most important computer is the one that rages in our skulls and ever seeks that satisfactory external emulator. The standardization of real computers would be a disaster - and so it probably won"t happen.Structured Programming supports the law of the excluded muddle.Re graphics: A picture is worth 10K words - but only those to describe the picture. Hardly any sets of 10K words can be adequately described with pictures.There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.Some programming languages manage to absorb change, but withstand progress.You can measure a programmer"s perspective by noting his attitude on the continuing vitality of FORTRAN.In software systems it is often the early bird that makes the worm.Sometimes I think the only universal in the computing field is the fetch-execute-cycle.The goal of computation is the emulation of our synthetic abilities, not the understanding of our analytic ones.Like punning, programming is a play on words.As Will Rogers would have said, "There is no such thing as a free variable."The best book on programming for the layman is "Alice in Wonderland"; but that"s because it"s the best book on anything for the layman.Giving up on assembly language was the apple in our Garden of Eden: Languages whose use squanders machine cycles are sinful. The LISP machine now permits LISP programmers to abandon bra and fig-leaf.When we understand knowledge-based systems, it will be as before - except our finger-tips will have been singed.Bringing computers into the home won"t change either one, but may revitalize the corner saloon.Systems have sub-systems and sub-systems have sub-systems and so on ad infinitum - which is why we"re always starting over.So many good ideas are never heard from again once they embark in a voyage on the semantic gulf.Beware of the Turing tar-pit in which everything is possible but nothing of interest is easy.A LISP programmer knows the value of everything, but the cost of nothing.Software is under a constant tension. Being symbolic it is arbitrarily perfectible; but also it is arbitrarily changeable.It is easier to change the specification to fit the program than vice versa.Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it.In English every word can be verbed. Would that it were so in our programming languages.Dana Scott is the Church of the Lattice-Way Saints.In programming, as in everything else, to be in error is to be reborn.In computing, invariants are ephemeral.When we write programs that "learn", it turns out we do and they don"t.Often it is means that justify ends: Goals advance technique and technique survives even when goal structures crumble.Make no mistake about it: Computers process numbers - not symbols. We measure our understanding (and control) by the extent to which we can arithmetize an activity.Making something variable is easy. Controlling duration of constancy is the trick.Think of all the psychic energy expended in seeking a fundamental distinction between "algorithm" and "program".If we believe in data structures, we must believe in independent (hence simultaneous) processing. For why else would we collect items within a structure? Why do we tolerate languages that give us the one without the other?In a 5 year period we get one superb programming language. Only we can"t control when the 5 year period will begin.Over the centuries the Indians developed sign language for communicating phenomena of interest. Programmers from different tribes (FORTRAN, LISP, ALGOL, SNOBOL, etc.) could use one that doesn"t require them to carry a blackboard on their ponies.Documentation is like term insurance: It satisfies because almost no one who subscribes to it depends on its benefits.An adequate bootstrap is a contradiction in terms.It is not a language"s weaknesses but its strengths that control the gradient of its change: Alas, a language never escapes its embryonic sac.It is possible that software is not like anything else, that it is meant to be discarded: that the whole point is to always see it as soap bubble?Because of its vitality, the computing field is always in desperate need of new cliches: Banality soothes our nerves.It is the user who should parameterize procedures, not their creators.The cybernetic exchange between man, computer and algorithm is like a game of musical chairs: The frantic search for balance always leaves one of the three standing ill at ease.
2023-06-28 01:50:191


1、使用指示灯来显示输出设备的状态,如果输出设备仅仅只是开,关两个状态,你可以使用BOOL变量,TRUE代表开,FALSE代表关,地址可以直接使用你PLC中对应的地址。2、温度传感器的值一般进入PLC内使用模拟量模块,是一个整型的变量值,一般,在组态画面中对于温度值的显示对应于以下2种情况:情况1:PLC中已经对采集值做了线性整定,并保存了整定后的值,这种整定后的值常常为浮点数,所以组态中需要对应的变量为IEEE754浮点数变量,地址为PLC中保存的整定后值的变量地址。情况2:PLC中没有对采集值进行整定,而是通过组态中进行整定,那么变量数据类型选择则为温度传感器实际的类型,即整型,而地址也是温度传感器进入PLC的模拟量通道地址。3、变量地址的选择相对比较简单,只要选择PLC中对应的地址就可以,数据类型取决于程序员需要的处理来对应选择。对于PLC输入温度模拟量地址是AIW0,对应的输出数字量在wincc flexible中是VD还是VW?prodave(西门子的一个软件包,提高vb和c的通讯函数库)PLC发展成了取代继电器线路和进行顺序控制为主的产品。PLC厂家在原来CPU模板上提逐渐增加了各种通讯接口,现场总线技术及以太网技术也同步发展,使PLC的应用范围越来越广泛。 PLC具有稳定可靠、价格便宜、功能齐全、应用灵活方便、操作维护方便的优点,这是它能持久的占有市场的根本原因。SIMATIC WinCC是采用了最新的32位技术的过程监控软件,具有良好的开放性和灵活性。无论是单用户系统,还是冗余多服务器/多用户系统,WinCC均是较好的选择。通过ActiveX,OPC,SQL等标准接口,WinCC可以方便地与其它软件进行通讯。WinCC与S7-200系列PLC的通信,可以采用Profibus和PPI两种通信协议之一来实现。 2.1 WinCC与S7-200系列PLC通过Profibus协议通讯的实现* PC机 ,WINOOWs 98操作系统;* CP5412板卡或者其他同类板卡,例如:CP5611,CP5613;* 安装COM Profibus软件。打开SIMATIC NETCOM Profibus,新加一个组态,主站为SOFTNET-DP,从站是EM277 Profibus-DP。主站的地址选择从1到126。从站的地址选择从3到99,与EM277的地址一致。然后用该软件对从站进行配置:打开从站属性,在Configure选项中,选择8bytes in/8bytes out(可根据实际需要选定)。在Parameterize中可以选择偏移地址,地址对应于S7-200系列PLC的数据区(即V区),默认为0,即从VB0开始。组态完成后,导出(Export)NCM文件,生成*.txt和*.ldb文件。(3) 设置PG/PC interface。在Access Point of the Application中选择CP_L2_1,在Interface Parameter Assignment 选择CP5412A2(Profibus)。在属性里的激活DP协议,并在DP-Database参数中输入*.ldb文件的完全路径。设置完成后可以诊断硬件配置是否正确、通信是否成功。 (4) WinCC的设置。在WinCC变量管理器中添加一个新的驱动程序,新的驱动程序选择PROFIBUS DP.CHN,选择CP5412(A2)Board 1,在System Parameters设定参数。CP5412(A2)board 参数为1,表示板卡的编号;Config参数为组态时生成的*.txt文件的完全路径;Watchdog time 参数为0。新建一个连接,从站地址与EM277的地址一致。(5) 建立变量。WinCC中的变量类型有In和Out。In和Out是相对于主站来说的, 即In表示WinCC从S7-200系列PLC读入数据,Out表示WinCC向S7-200系列PLC写出数据。In和Out与数据存储区V区对应。在该例中,Out与PLC中数据存储区的VB0~VB7对应,In与PLC中的存储区的VB8~VB15对应。(6) 优缺点。优点:该方法数据传输速度快,易扩展,实时性好。缺点:传送数据区域有限(最大64字节),在PLC中也必须进行相应的处理,且硬件成本高,需要CP5412、EM277 Profibus-DP、Profibus总线等硬件,还需要Com Profibus软件。应用场合:适用于在要求高速数据通信和实时性要求高的系统。PLC程序肯定有的,和工控机走通讯,现在设备上只有一个屏幕,那就是工控机的显示屏,工控机上安装组态软件才能像西门子触摸屏那样对设备的操作吗?是的,工控机上安装组态软件,代替触摸屏功能。西门子的PLC有专门的编程软件 触摸屏的话就得使用西门子WINCC的编程软件对其进行程序编写。总结一下 西门子不论是PLC还是触摸屏 在其编写的时候都是比较麻烦的。所以 一般都是用组态王进行编程。1、首先在WinCC项目中添加通讯驱动程序。打开WinCC软件,在项目管理器窗口中选中“变量管理”,单击鼠标右键,在弹出的的菜单中选择“添加新的驱动程序”在弹出的“添加新的驱动程序”对话框中找到“SINMATIC S7 Protocol Suite.chn”文件,选中该文件,单击“打开”,如下图2、在变量管理目录下新增一个“SINMATIC S7 Protocol Suite”子目录,在其中找到“MPI”,单击鼠标右键,在弹出的菜单中选择“新驱动程序的连接”3、在弹出的“连接属性”对话框中可以为新建的逻辑连接输入一个名称,单击“属性”按钮会弹出“连接参数--MPI”对话框4、在“连接参数--MPI”对话框中可以输入对应CPU的“站地址”、“段ID”、“机架号”和“插槽号”,置好后单击确定按钮5、再在变量管理目录下 “SINMATIC S7 Protocol Suite”子目录中找到“MPI”,单击鼠标右键,在弹出的菜单中选择“系统参数”6、在弹出的“系统参数”对话框中选择“单位”选项卡,选择“逻辑设备名称”下拉列表框中,可以选择WinCC与PLC通信的硬件设备
2023-06-28 01:50:401


3 years to make full use of working hours accumulated knowledge, skills and inspiration for my new employer"s contribution to the force. Have foreign experience, a wealth of experience in testing, will ClearQuest / ClearCase / QTP / LoadRunner / mainstream, and other tools to be able to develop mis system will read and debug code, a good English level, which is my candidate to your company"s capital .DVD-R first software engineers to test, after the sector into the development of software engineers do. DVD-R mainly engaged in system software and modify the software bug testing to ensure the adoption of relevant certification and quality assurance systemsTest: the completion of high-quality Philips vestel DVD-R and MEI Zebra DVD-R to test the project. uf0fc According to the SPEC project in the early group to explore the functional characteristics of the product. uf0fc responsible for the independent audio / video aspects of the DivX / DivX Ultra test, to update the maintenance of test cases. uf0fc Members of the agreed projects and test processes, test methods.Efficient implementation of the test cases to ensure product quality and ensure the adoption of the relevant certification. uf0fc to complete functional testing, performance testing, compatibility testing, system testing, human testing, and so on. uf0fc Bug submitted to the Clear Quest, in the database maintenance Bug, to support developers targeting Bug, copy and Bug to solve Bug. uf0fc sum up the process of the project, sharing the experience of testing ideas and projects.MTK-based platform for mobile software testing, testing various functions of mobile phones, especially for Bluetooth technology more in-depth understanding. Name one after another test for Madrid, Boston, Bangkok, and other mobile phone project.To assist the director in charge of the development of the tests, the use of the CMM thinking SD2_SQA set up the work of the department uf0fc database design and implementation of test cases, recording bug, the test used to test out perfect. uf0fc test reports submitted to the unit and report on system testing, validation or PV, and other feedback from customers. uf0fc CQ use of tools, bug tracking system maintenance. uf0fc bug crawling engineers to assist in the development of the log, and department colleagues to address some of the work.The systematic study of computer-related courses, VB, C / C + +, Java, data structures, operating systems, database systems, DB2, network, system structure and composition of the principles of software engineering ...51testing going through training courses network theory to test knowledge, including the concept of testing, test plan, test strategy thinking, the test case design, testing and so on to write the report.Lesson cloth broadcast network programs and functional testing QTP: QTP summary, test planning, qtp the basic operation of recording and playback, qtp three ways to record, QTP checkpoint and Parametric, QTP analysis of the plug-in, QTP scene of recovery, virtual objects Entry, QTP descriptive of programming and development of the specification test script.Inter-departmental staff training Linux (Fedona) entry on the basis that the principle of memory leaks, SQL-based, communication skills and time management.
2023-06-28 01:50:472


第1章 重构,第一个案例1.1 起点11.2 重构的第一步71.3 分解并重组statement()81.4 运用多态取代与价格相关的条件逻辑341.5 结语52第2章 重构原则2.1 何谓重构532.2 为何重构552.3 何时重构572.4 怎么对经理说602.5 重构的难题622.6 重构与设计662.7 重构与性能692.8 重构起源何处71第3章 代码的坏味道3.1 DuplicatedCode(重复代码)763.2 LongMethod(过长函数)763.3 LargeClass(过大的类)783.4 LongParameterList(过长参数列)783.5 DivergentChange(发散式变化)793.6 ShotgunSurgery(霰弹式修改)803.7 FeatureEnvy(依恋情结)803.8 DataClumps(数据泥团)813.9 PrimitiveObsession(基本类型偏执)813.10 SwitchStatements(switch惊悚现身)823.11 ParallelInheritanceHierarchies(平行继承体系)833.12 LazyClass(冗赘类)833.13 SpeculativeGenerality(夸夸其谈未来性)833.14 TemporaryField(令人迷惑的暂时字段)843.15 MessageChains(过度耦合的消息链)843.16 MiddleMan(中间人)853.17 InappropriateIntimacy(狎昵关系)853.18 AlternativeClasseswithDifferentInterfaces(异曲同工的类)853.19 IncompleteLibraryClass(不完美的库类)863.20 DataClass(纯稚的数据类)863.21 RefusedBequest(被拒绝的遗赠)873.22 Comments(过多的注释)87第4章 构筑测试体系4.1 自测试代码的价值894.2 JUnit测试框架914.3 添加更多测试97第5章 重构列表5.1 重构的记录格式1035.2 寻找引用点1055.3 这些重构手法有多成熟106第6章 重新组织函数6.1 ExtractMethod(提炼函数)1106.2 InlineMethod(内联函数)1176.3 InlineTemp(内联临时变量)1196.4 ReplaceTempwithQuery(以查询取代临时变量)1206.5 IntroduceExplainingVariable(引入解释性变量)1246.6 SplitTemporaryVariable(分解临时变量)1286.7 RemoveAssignmentstoParameters(移除对参数的赋值)1316.8 ReplaceMethodwithMethodObject(以函数对象取代函数)1356.9 SubstituteAlgorithm(替换算法)139第7章 在对象之间搬移特性7.1 MoveMethod(搬移函数)1427.2 MoveField(搬移字段)1467.3 ExtractClass(提炼类)1497.4 InlineClass(将类内联化)1547.5 HideDelegate(隐藏“委托关系”)1577.6 RemoveMiddleMan(移除中间人)1607.7 IntroduceForeignMethod(引入外加函数)1627.8 IntroduceLocalExtension(引入本地扩展)164第8章 重新组织数据8.1 SelfEncapsulateField(自封装字段)1718.2 ReplaceDataValuewithObject(以对象取代数据值)1758.3 ChangeValuetoReference(将值对象改为引用对象)1798.4 ChangeReferencetoValue(将引用对象改为值对象)1838.5 ReplaceArraywithObject(以对象取代数组)1868.6 DuplicateObservedData(复制“被监视数据”)1898.7 ChangeUnidirectionalAssociationtoBidirectional(将单向关联改为双向关联)1978.8 ChangeBidirectionalAssociationtoUnidirectional(将双向关联改为单向关联)2008.9 ReplaceMagicNumberwithSymbolicConstant(以字面常量取代魔法数)2048.10 EncapsulateField(封装字段)2068.11 EncapsulateCollection(封装集合)2088.12 ReplaceRecordwithDataClass(以数据类取代记录)2178.13 ReplaceTypeCodewithClass(以类取代类型码)2188.14 ReplaceTypeCodewithSubclasses(以子类取代类型码)2238.15 ReplaceTypeCodewithState/Strategy(以State/Strategy取代类型码)2278.16 ReplaceSubclasswithFields(以字段取代子类)232第9章 简化条件表达式9.1 DecomposeConditional(分解条件表达式)2389.2 ConsolidateConditionalExpression(合并条件表达式)2409.3 ConsolidateDuplicateConditionalFragments(合并重复的条件片段)2439.4 RemoveControlFlag(移除控制标记)2459.5 ReplaceNestedConditionalwithGuardClauses(以卫语句取代嵌套条件表达式)2509.6 ReplaceConditionalwithPolymorphism(以多态取代条件表达式)2559.7 IntroduceNullObject(引入Null对象)2609.8 IntroduceAssertion(引入断言)267第10章 简化函数调用10.1 RenameMethod(函数改名)27310.2 AddParameter(添加参数)27510.3 RemoveParameter(移除参数)27710.4 SeparateQueryfromModifier(将查询函数和修改函数分离)27910.5 ParameterizeMethod(令函数携带参数)28310.6 ReplaceParameterwithExplicitMethods(以明确函数取代参数)28510.7 PreserveWholeObject(保持对象完整)28810.8 ReplaceParameterwithMethods(以函数取代参数)29210.9 IntroduceParameterObject(引入参数对象)29510.10 RemoveSettingMethod(移除设值函数)30010.11 HideMethod(隐藏函数)30310.12 ReplaceConstructorwithFactoryMethod(以工厂函数取代构造函数)30410.13 EncapsulateDowncast(封装向下转型)30810.14 ReplaceErrorCodewithException(以异常取代错误码)31010.15 ReplaceExceptionwithTest(以测试取代异常)315第11章 处理概括关系11.1 PullUpField(字段上移)32011.2 PullUpMethod(函数上移)32211.3 PullUpConstructorBody(构造函数本体上移)32511.4 PushDownMethod(函数下移)32811.5 PushDownField(字段下移)32911.6 ExtractSubclass(提炼子类)330……2第13章 重构,复用与现实
2023-06-28 01:51:181


2023-06-28 01:47:371

pull out除了有拔出 离开 度过难关 恢复健康 还有别的意思吗?

2023-06-28 01:47:383

wwe 谁最厉害

2023-06-28 01:47:3914


2023-06-28 01:47:418


2023-06-28 01:47:443


2023-06-28 01:47:451

pull through 与pull out同为“恢复健康,脱离困境”的意思时,怎么区分?

pull out 貌似是没有恢复健康的意思 根据朗文当代高级英语词典 看 就有1.(从另一条路或从路边停靠的地方)开道路上 2.(火车)驶出车站 3.(让)脱离:(使)退出 4.(使)摆脱(不好的局面)
2023-06-28 01:47:531


2023-06-28 01:48:034

冰鱼和伊甸园的台湾综艺节目是在哪里下载的~? BT里面,自己去找嘛,有很多
2023-06-28 01:48:103


2023-06-28 01:48:135


2023-06-28 01:48:151

为什么冰鱼的网页 登陆后是貌似淘宝网的?? 是不是我电脑中毒了..

2023-06-28 01:48:172


2023-06-28 01:48:221


Sarah莎拉,名字寓意:公主   Zoe佐伊,名字寓意:美丽充满艺术气质   Ruby鲁比,名字寓意:红宝石   Audrey奥德莉,名字寓意:显赫的权利,梦想主义,无我的付出   Victoria维多利亚,名字寓意:胜利的征服者,细心,善于分析,有灵性   Alice爱丽丝,名字寓意:高贵的,正直,诚信,不善变   Lydia丽迪雅,名字寓意:精明的,圆融,自我的价值观十分牢固   Mia米娅,名字寓意:思维敏捷的   Kaylee凯莉,名字寓意:乐观,精力充沛   Alexa艾莉克萨,名字寓意:保护者   Ava埃娃,名字寓意:职责感强的,重视重感情的人,万事和为贵   Charlotte夏洛特,名字寓意:身体强健的,想象力丰富,有艺术细胞   Eleanor埃利诺,名字寓意:火炬   Riley瑞利,名字寓意:神圣,认真,爱思考,精明,办事效率高,有商业头脑   Emma艾玛,名字寓意:文静的,正直,诚信,不善变   Vivian维维安,名字寓意:充满活力的   Hailey海蕾,名字寓意:牧场   Scarlett斯嘉丽,名字寓意:有职责感,追求成功   Aaliyah艾丽娅,名字寓意:高大,高尚,令人尊敬   Isabelle伊莎贝尔,名字寓意:奉献的   Layla蕾拉,名字寓意:夜美丽   Mila米拉,名字寓意:荣耀   Madelyn玛德琳,名字寓意:回声,水泽女神   Amelia艾米莉娅,名字寓意:细心,善于分析,有灵性   Gabriella加布里埃,名字寓意:天使   Grace格蕾丝,名字寓意:诚实能干的   Olivia奥利维亚,名字寓意:橄榄树   Aria阿蕊娅,名字寓意:随遇而安,有修养   Anna安娜,名字寓意:优雅的,重视重感情的人,万事和为贵   Diana戴安娜,名字寓意:月亮女神   Chloe克洛伊,名字寓意:重视重感情的人,万事和为贵   Naomi内奥米,名字寓意:令人愉快,细心,善于分析,有灵性   Savannah萨婉娜,名字寓意:热带草原   Piper派珀,名字寓意:精力旺盛,做事有冲劲,有抱负   Ella埃拉,名字寓意:淘气的   Lily莉莉,名字寓意:百合花,细心,善于分析,有灵性   Melanie梅兰妮,名字寓意:思维敏捷,多才多艺   Aurora奥萝拉,名字寓意:日出,重视重感情的人,万事和为贵   Samantha萨曼莎,名字寓意:倾听者   Ellie埃莉,名字寓意:甜美的   Isabella伊莎贝拉,名字寓意:上帝的誓言,细心,善于分析,有灵性   Rachel瑞吉儿,名字寓意:有职责心的   Sofia索菲娅,名字寓意:智慧   Hannah汉娜,名字寓意:优雅的,重视重感情的人,万事和为贵   Harper哈珀,名字寓意:职责感强,为人友善   Sophia索菲娅,名字寓意:智慧   Judy朱蒂,名字寓意:可爱的   Kelly凯莉,名字寓意:女战士,想象力丰富,有艺术细胞   Allison埃里森,名字寓意:亲切,细心,善于分析,有灵性   Camila卡米拉,名字寓意:闪烁着智慧的光芒   Hazel海泽尔,名字寓意:正直,诚信,不善变   Hellen海伦,名字寓意:光   Ariana艾丽安娜,名字寓意:至圣   Skylar斯凯拉,名字寓意:天空   Angela安琪拉,名字寓意:上帝的信使,细心,善于分析,有灵性   Sadie赛迪,名字寓意:公主,正直,诚信,不善变   Nora诺拉,名字寓意:荣誉   Elizabeth伊丽莎白,名字寓意:上帝的誓言   Bella贝拉,名字寓意:上帝的誓约   Julia朱丽亚,名字寓意:年轻的   Quinn昆恩,名字寓意:首领   Avery艾弗里,名字寓意:有职责感,有本事   Leah利亚,名字寓意:统治者,正直,诚信,不善变   Lena莉娜,名字寓意:多才多艺的,正直,诚信,不善变   Claire克莱尔,名字寓意:聪明的   Gianna吉安娜,名字寓意:上帝是仁慈的   Arianna阿里安娜,名字寓意:至圣   Penelope佩内洛普,名字寓意:沉默的   Ashley阿什力,名字寓意:沉静的,艺术气息浓厚,正直,诚信,不善变   Abigail阿比盖尔,名字寓意:上帝是喜悦,重视重感情的人,万事和为贵
2023-06-28 01:48:231


2023-06-28 01:48:252

pull out all the stops是什么意思?

全力以赴 度过所有的难关 make a very great effort to achieve something
2023-06-28 01:47:291


2023-06-28 01:47:244

pull out to open 这英文什么意思谢谢

  pull out to open的中文翻译  pull out to open  拔开  双语例句  1  Pull out before you want to open on the back of the circular disk lock plate with hooks, nut spanner remove round nut, reoccupy special pull the son will disc pull out.  拉出前,先要开圆盘背面的圆螺母锁片,用钩形扳手拧下圆螺母,再用专用拉子将圆盘拉出。  2  Yesterday Republican Senator John Warner called on the president to pull out some forces to signal to Iraqis that the US commitment isn"t open-ended.  昨天,共和党议员约翰·华纳建议布什总统撤出部分军力以告诉伊拉克美国的承诺不是无期限
2023-06-28 01:47:211


2023-06-28 01:47:094


2023-06-28 01:47:0912


my love china
2023-06-28 01:47:046


2023-06-28 01:46:582

pull out 和push out的区别

2023-06-28 01:46:577


2023-06-28 01:46:542


Spend all your time waiting for that second chance 用尽你所有的时间,只为等待再一次机会 For the break that will make it OK 一个让一切变好的喘息空间 There"s always some reason to feel not good enough 总有些理由自觉不够好And it"s hard at the end of the day 每当一天结束,总是特别难熬 I need some distraction, oh beautiful release 我需要分个神,一个美丽的出口Memories seep from my veins 让记忆自血管中渗出Let me be empty, oh and weightless and maybe 且让我放空一切、让我失去重量 I"ll find some peace tonight 或许我方能在今夜找到一丝平静 In the arms of the Angel 在天使的怀抱里 Fly away from here 远远飞离这个地方 From this dark, cold hotel room 飞离这个黑暗冰冷的旅馆客房 And the endlessness that you fear 飞离你所恐惧的没完没了You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie 你已脱离自己那死寂的幻想残骸 You"re in the arms of the Angel 你已安眠於天使的怀抱里 May you find some comfort here 望你能在此寻得一丝慰藉So tired of the straight line 厌倦於永无止境的直线人生 And everywhere you turn 然而每当你转身 There"s vultures and thieves at your back 总有不安好心者环伺在後The storm keeps on twisting 风暴持续肆虐 You keep on building the lies 你只能不断编造谎言 That you make up for all that you lack 藉此掩饰自身的缺憾It don"t make no difference, escaping one last time 「再逃避这这最後一次也不会有差别的」 It"s easier to believe 这麼说总比较容易说服自己 In this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness 就在这甜美的疯狂,噢在这荣耀的悲伤里 That brings me to my knees 让我跪落双膝 In the arms of the Angel 在天使的怀抱里 Fly away from here 远远飞离这个地方 From this dark, cold hotel room 飞离这个黑暗冰冷的旅馆客房 And the endlessness that you fear 飞离你所恐惧的没完没了You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie 你已脱离自己那死寂的幻想残骸 You"re in the arms of the Angel 你已安眠於天使的怀抱里 May you find some comfort here 望你能在此寻得一丝慰藉You"re in the arms of the Angel 你已安眠於天使的怀抱里 May you find some comfort here 望你能在此寻得一丝慰藉
2023-06-28 01:46:531


2023-06-28 01:46:512

Bob Dylan的《Hazel》 歌词

歌曲名:Hazel歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Planet WavesKorn - HazeWalking alone inside my worldThinking I"m doing the right thingDestroying all that appears before meIt was all vainWanna get through fireWanna get through painWanna get with violenceWanna get with shameDigging this place to call my ownRaping my body without a faceTortured my soul is black as pitchAnd I have no life to wasteWanna get through fireWanna get through painWanna get with violenceWanna get with shameI wish you"d doDo anythingSo lost and helplessI played your gameI wish you"d doDo anythingSo lost and helplessI played your gameWanna get through fireWanna get through painWanna get with violenceWanna get with shame
2023-06-28 01:46:471


lz 可以到以下2个网站基本可以找到你要的啦
2023-06-28 01:46:443


2023-06-28 01:46:403