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hats is zip zoo哪一个读音不同?

2023-06-28 13:42:56
TAG: 读音 hats






Hat 帽子 hats 是hat的复数形式They wear beautiful hats.他们带着漂亮的帽子。
2023-06-28 09:10:136


2023-06-28 09:11:152

caps和hats分别什么意思 有什么区别

caps (钢笔、瓶子等的)帽( cap的名词复数 ); 便帽; 软帽; (大学师生在特别场合戴的)方帽; hats(有沿的帽子,指女子的帽子)caps(鸭舌帽,多指男士帽)
2023-06-28 09:11:341


2023-06-28 09:11:411


hat 可作名词和动词,作名词讲时有“帽子、职位、角色”的意思;作动词讲的时候有“给…戴上帽子; 为…提供帽子供应帽子; 制造帽子;”的意思。 hat这个单词虽然很简短,可是它却又很多的意思和用法,现在就请跟随我的脚步,一起来学习这个单词吧。 详细内容 01 hat可以用作名词 hat的基本意思是“帽子”,主要强调周边有檐的帽子,是可数名词。比喻指“乌纱帽”。 02 hat用作名词的用法例句 She bought a hat yesterday.她昨天买了一顶帽子。 He took off the hat and revealed his bald head.他脱下帽子,露出秃头。 03 hat作动词讲的时的意思与用法例句: 1.给...戴上帽子;向...提供帽子 to furnish or provide with a hat She was hatted a big white straw hat to match her green dress. (她戴了一顶白色的大草帽来配搭那件绿色的连衣裙。) 2.制造帽子;供应帽子 to make or supply hats. 04 cap, hat这两个名词均表示“帽子”之意。cap指无边的便帽,表示职业的帽子,如运动帽、军帽等。hat指有边的帽子,尤指礼帽。 05 “hat”的不同形式: 第三人称单数:hats 复数:hats 现在分词:hatting 过去式:hatted 过去分词:hatted.
2023-06-28 09:11:481


hatsn. 帽子( hat的名词复数 );(双重的)职位;公务帽(如警帽等);[计算机]随机编码
2023-06-28 09:11:571


Define hat : [h03t] [ 自动跳转自: Hats ]n. 帽子例句与用法:1. The man wears an odd felt hat.  那人戴着一顶古怪的毡帽。2. He took off the hat and revealed his bald head.  他脱下帽子,露出秃头。3. He always wears a panama hat.  他总戴着一顶巴拿马草帽。4. The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.  魔术师从他的帽子里变出一只兔子。词形变化:动词过去式:hatted 过去分词:hatted 现在分词:hatting 第三人称单数:hats
2023-06-28 09:12:041


n. 1. 帽子, (常指带檐的)帽子2. (双重的)职位,角色(尤指官职或职业角色)3. (帽子等的)外出服装;随身必需品4. 公务帽(如警帽等)5. 【计算机】随机编码vt. 1. 给…戴上帽;为…提供帽子vi. 1. 制造帽子;供应帽子
2023-06-28 09:12:131


2023-06-28 09:12:201

hats 和 hat is 可以连读吗?

My hats ARE too big
2023-06-28 09:12:306


2023-06-28 09:13:071


wear a hat~~
2023-06-28 09:13:155


2023-06-28 09:13:294

hats and caps中文是什么意思?

2023-06-28 09:13:391


帽子 引申义是职务 就像古代的乌纱帽一样 代表职务
2023-06-28 09:13:471


2023-06-28 09:13:541


2023-06-28 09:14:112


2023-06-28 09:15:134


  帽子一直是时尚的必备单品,如今帽子的款式也越来越多,戴帽子的方式也多种多样,你知道戴帽子的英文怎么说吗?下面跟我一起来学习戴帽子的英语知识吧。   戴帽子的英文释义   wear one"s hat ;   put on one"s hat   戴帽子的英文例句   她适合戴帽子。   She wear hat well.   他有个看法是男人戴帽子就会秃顶。   He has a theory that wearing hats makes men go bald.   我不知道该不该戴帽子。   I wonder if I should wear a hat.   有天晚上一个蓝衣男人出现在我的梦境,他穿着蓝色的西装,蓝衬衣,系着蓝领带,脚上是蓝色的鞋子,但没戴帽子。   I was visited at night in my dreams by a man in blue—a blue suit, a blue shirt, a blue tie, blue shoes, but no hat.   还有一次,在一场音乐会结束后,你正戴帽子,忽然,我们的目光在不经意间相遇,你的眼中满是爱恋,一如既往,从未改变。   And yet another time, as you were putting on your hat after a concert, our eyeshappened to meet, and yours were full of the old unchanging love.   你可以在任何时间戴帽子,与任何颜色的外衣相配。   You can wear a hat any old time, with any outfit, of any color.   他穿着一件脏衬衫,没有戴帽子,半裸地出现在她面前。   He appeared half-naked, wearing a dirty shirt with no hat on his head.   乔治名声不太好,这个脏兮兮的老东西有个睡觉戴帽子的怪癖,他絮絮叨叨地埋怨自己太大意,在路上丢了一小袋面包。   George, a dirty old tramp notorious for the queer habit of sleeping in his hat,grumbled about a parcel of tommy that he had lost on the road.   自己活在幻想的世界里,就觉得它们也要穿鞋子,戴帽子。   I lived in a fantasy world and I thought they needed shoes and hats.   之后,远离中午的阳光,让孩子穿防护衣和戴帽子,找荫凉地避暑,使用太阳镜阻止紫外线并且涂抹防晒霜。   After that, avoid midday sun, have children wear protective clothing and hats;seek shade; use sunglasses that block UVA and UVB; and use sunscreen.   他穿着一件双排扣的旧大衣,一件散口的灰衬衫,和一条宽领带,没有戴帽子,“我很早以前就离开了她。   He wore an old double-breasted suit, frayed gray shirt, wide tie, no hat "I left herso long ago I don"t remember.   哈里森就职那天,是美国历史上就职日最寒冷的一天,但哈里森没有穿大衣,也没有戴帽子。   It was the coldest inaugural day in the nation"s history. But Harrison did not wear acoat or hat.   戴帽子的英语 句子 带翻译   “年轻的时候,我帽子很多很多,出去的话,我绝不会不戴帽子!”她说。   “When I was young I had so many hats and Iwould never go outside without ahat!” she said.   如果你这些日子在街上见到一位非常美丽,没有戴帽子,黑色秀发的小姐,她或许就是我的恩人。   If you see an exceptionally lovely, but hatless, dark-haired woman walking around in the next few weeks, it may be my benefactor.   在澳大利亚的小学里要求学生戴帽子,并且鼓励学生们进行户外活动,但这似乎并没有减少预防效应。   In Australia wearing hats is compulsory at primary school and is encouraged foroutdoor activities, but again this seems not to have reduced the protective effectof being outdoors.   我问欧特加,为什么他戴帽子戴了那么长时间。   I asked Ortega why he has been wearing a hat for so long.   戴帽子可以有效地保护热量的流失,那样你的循环系统会有更多的热量来传到身体各处。   Wearing a hat will help prevent heat loss, so your circulatory system will havemore heat to distribute to the rest of the body.   男人们穿外套,系领带;女人们戴帽子。   Men wore coats and ties, women wore hats.   不要忘了戴帽子或者系头带来保护您的耳朵,它也容易被冻伤。   And don"t forget a hat or headband to protect your ears, which also arevulnerable to frostbite.   你得看看她瞧见我戴帽子时的开心笑脸。   You should have seen her smile when she saw me wearing a hat.   所以那些脱发的不幸男人就只能戴帽子或者做毛发移植手术。   So guys who are unlucky enough to be losing their hair usually wear hats, or gethair replacement.   夏季同样也是戴帽子的季节。   This is also hat season.   照此下去,或许奥巴马夫人会像肯尼迪总统不戴帽子一样,永远拒绝袖子。   If she keeps going at this rate, Mrs. Obama may do to dresses with sleeves whatPresident John F. Kennedy did to menu2019s hats.   四月份以来,我们每天上下学和外出时都要戴帽子口罩,穿长衣长裤,非常难受。   Since April when we go to school and get home from school every day and whenwe go out, we have to wear hats and masks and wear long trousers. It is veryuncomfortable.   古帽子的英文阅读:为什么美国人如此喜欢戴帽子   A British friend recently offered me a prized contact from her Manhattan address book u2013 no, not her heavily-in-demand colourist but, instead, her milliner. Trust a Brit to brandish that kind of number, I thought. Hat-wearing is a quintessentially British affair, hence the creations of master British milliners such as Philip Treacy and Stephen Jones.   近日,一位英国朋友把她曼哈顿通信簿中的某重要电话无偿给了我——不,对方并非她那位异常抢手的染发师,而是她的女帽设计师。我觉得英国人显摆那类电话号码大可放心。喜欢戴帽子是英国人的典型特色,所以英国能诞生菲利普u2022崔西(Philip Treacy)和斯蒂芬u2022琼斯(Stephen Jones)这等著名女帽设计师也就不足为奇了。   As the sporting summer gets under way u2013 from Englandu2019s Royal Ascot to polo in the Hamptons u2013 a growing number of international customers, particularly from the US, are approaching British hatters.   随着当前夏天运动季紧锣密鼓地进行——从英格兰的皇家爱斯科 赛马 会(Royal Ascot)到汉普顿斯(Hamptons)的马球运动——越来越多的国际客户(尤其是美国客户)不断接洽英国帽子设计师。   “Americans are especially interested in hats since the Duke and Duchess of Cambridgeu2019s wedding in 2011, and since seeing the younger royals wear hats so frequently,” says Gina Foster, a London-based milliner who designed the red pillbox hat worn by the duchess during their recent state visit to New Zealand. “I donu2019t think hats ever went out of fashion, but the audience is much broader now.”   “自从威廉王子与凯特王妃(Duke and Duchess of Cambridge)2011年大婚以及亲眼目睹英王室的年轻一代频繁戴帽子以来,美国人对帽子的兴趣尤为浓厚,”伦敦女帽设计师吉娜u2022福斯特(Gina Foste)说,她为凯特王妃设计了红色礼帽,近日,凯特王妃就戴着这顶帽子对新西兰进行了国事访问。“我认为女帽永远不会过时,只不过如今关注者更多了。”   Foster, 38, who studied under Philip Treacy, has been making hats for 12 years. Her international clients come from the US, Mexico, Brazil and Australia. She has also designed a collection of five hats for the 2014 racing season that were inspired by the interior of Londonu2019s Goring Hotel.   今年38岁的福斯特曾受教于菲利普u2022崔西门下,迄今从事女帽设计已有12年。她的国际客户来自美国、墨西哥、巴西以及澳大利亚。她还为2014年的赛马季设计了五顶女帽,它们的设计灵感就源自伦敦戈林酒店(Goring Hotel)的室内装修。   “Hats are part of English dress and culture, but we have an international audience that is seduced by glamour u2013 and there is nothing more glamorous than a hat,” says Fosteru2019s mentor Philip Treacy, whose numerous customers have included the late style-setter Isabella Blow, Lady Gaga and Madonna. (He also designed the much mocked hat worn by Princess Beatrice at the Duke and Duchess of Cambridgeu2019s wedding; her sister Eugenie sported a less controversial Treacy design.)   “女帽是英国服装及 文化 的组成部分,但有些国际客户痴迷于我们英国美不胜收的时装————而且魅力最大的莫过于女帽,”福斯特的恩师菲利普u2022崔西说,崔西名下的大腕客户数不胜数,其中就包括了已故时尚达人伊莎贝拉u2022布罗(Isabella Blow)、Lady Gaga以及麦当娜(Madonna)。(他还为比特莱斯公主(Princess Beatrice)设计了那顶在威廉王子大婚时穿戴、受尽冷嘲热讽的帽子;比特莱斯公主的妹妹欧仁尼(Eugenie)则是戴了其设计的另一顶帽子(引发的争议要少一些)参加威廉的大婚。   “When I started at the Royal College of Art, they thought hats were for old ladies, but I thought that was completely insane,” says Treacy. Now he points to a worldwide audience that is “open to seeing hats in a new way”.   “我刚考入英国皇家艺术学院(Royal College of Art)时,时尚界认为帽子只适用于老年女士戴,我当时就认为纯属荒.唐之极,”崔西说。如今他认为全球的客户都“以全新的方式看待女帽”。   Kelly Christy is an American milliner whose work has been exhibited at the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in New York and has designed for Diane von Furstenberg and Cynthia Rowley. Christy says hats u2013 both classic, such as the fedora, as well as more whimsical headpieces u2013 are back as a chic and affordable accessory after the recent downturn. “Now everyone wears them u2013 actors, musicians, models; they complete a fashion look and are more mainstream than ever.”   凯莉u2022克里斯蒂(Kelly Christy)是美国设计师,她的作品已在纽约史密森u2022库珀-休伊特国家设计博物馆(Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum)成功展出,还曾为黛安u2022冯芙丝汀宝(Diane Von Furstenberg)与辛西娅u2022罗利(Cynthia Rowley)设计过帽子。克里斯蒂说:近几年经济低迷后,各种帽子(既包括软呢帽等经典款式,也包括奇形怪状的帽子)作为既时髦又实惠的配饰卷土重来。“如今所有人都在穿戴它——演员、音乐家、模特,不一而足;它们让时尚行头成为完美的整体,如今更成了时尚主流。”   Ellen Goldstein, a professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, would agree: “Hats are a way of easing into a fashion statement.” She notes that more Americans are wearing hats to the races and to weddings, as well as in everyday wear, with men in particular routinely wearing baseball caps and short-brimmed fedoras.   艾伦u2022戈尔茨坦(Seth Goldstein)是纽约美国时装技术学院(Fashion Institute of Technology)教授,他赞同克里斯蒂的观点:“帽子慢慢成了展示时尚风格的方式。”她如今注意到越来越多的美国人日常戴帽外,还戴着它们去参加赛事及婚礼,其中尤以男士为甚,他们经常戴着 棒球 帽以及窄边软呢帽。   Gabriela Ligenza, another London-based hat designer (see “Boffin tops” below), says Britainu2019s image as a hat-wearing nation had remained strong, thanks to the influence of figures such as Isabella Blow. “British milliners are slightly quirkier and more daring, but without becoming ridiculous,” she notes.   另一位伦敦帽子设计师加布丽埃拉u2022利津察(Gabriela Ligenza,参看下图中的“Boffin”帽)说:归功于伊莎贝拉u2022布罗等时尚达人的影响力,英国作为喜欢戴帽的国家形象依然非常坚不可摧。“英国的帽子设计师稍微有些离经叛道,而且更加敢于创新,但还没有到荒谬绝伦的地步,”她说。   The message, reinforced by such style icons and prolific hat-wearers as Daphne Guinness, Anna Dello Russo and Paloma Faith, who has worn Ligenzau2019s hats, is that “your outfit really isnu2019t quite finished without a hat”.   因此,在达芙妮u2022吉尼斯(Daphne Guinness)、安娜u2022戴洛u2022罗素(Anna Dello Russo)以及帕洛玛u2022费丝(Paloma Faith)等众多喜爱帽子的时尚名媛推波助澜下,如今传达出的时尚信息是:“没有帽子的点缀,您的行头真是美中不足”。   Whatu2019s more, as Ligenza points out, fascinators are no longer allowed in the Royal Enclosure at Ascot, which has stimulated demand for contemporary designs.   而且更重要的是,正如利津察所言,如今皇家阿斯科特赛马场已禁止戴着头巾进入,此举大大刺激了当代风格的帽子需求量。   Piers Atkinson, also based in London designs fun, arty hats in the shape of cream slices and cherries for customers in Melbourne, Dubai and Britain. He believes there has never been a better time for talented young designers, and points to the British Fashion Councilu2019s “Headonism” showcase, an initiative to promote young milliners that runs during London Fashion Week in September.   另一伦敦女帽设计师皮尔斯u2022阿特金森(Piers Atkinson)参照奶油 蛋糕 与樱桃形状,为墨尔本、迪拜以及本国的客户设计了妙趣横生、附庸风雅的帽子。他认为如今这个时代是才华横溢设计师的黄金时代,并以英国英国时装协会(British Fashion Council)设立的“Headonism”展览室项目为例证明。该项目旨在提携年轻的帽子设计师参加今年九月举办的伦敦时装周(London Fashion Week)。   Also showing at Headonism will be Awon Golding, who grew up in England, Hong Kong and India. This year her designs include eye-catching pieces for Ascot such as one in the shape of an ice-cream cone, complete with scoops of soft ostrich feather pom-poms.   Headonism展览室还展出了阿翁u2022戈尔丁(Awon Golding)设计的帽子,戈尔丁分别在英国、香港以及印度生活过。今年,她设计的作品包括了阿斯科特赛马会上那顶引人注目的蛋卷冰淇淋外形帽子,连同勺子状的软鸵鸟羽毛绒球帽。 猜你喜欢: 1. 带上帽子的英文是什么 2. 帽子的英文是什么 3. 帽子用英语怎么说 4. 帽子的英文单词怎么说 5. 英文语法口诀记忆 6. 戴眼镜的英文单词
2023-06-28 09:15:201


hat [hAt] n. 帽子 vt. 戴帽子 HAT =Hardness Assurance Test 硬度保证测试 hat hat AHD:[h05t] D.J.[h#t] K.K.[h#t] n.(名词) A covering for the head, especially one with a shaped crown and brim. 帽子:特指具有特定造型的顶和沿的头上的覆盖物 A head covering of distinctive color and shape worn as a symbol of office. 区别职务的帽子:表明特定职位的有特定颜色或形状的帽子 The office symbolized by the wearing of such a head covering. 职务,职位:由带这种帽子所象征的职位 A role or an office symbolized by or as if by the wearing of different head coverings: 角色,身份:由不同帽子的配戴所代表的角色或职权: wears two hats—one as parent and one as corporate executive. 双重身份--既是父母又是法人代表及物动词) hat.ted, hat.ting, hats To supply or cover with a hat. 提供帽子或用帽子覆盖
2023-06-28 09:15:271


「take off my hat」字面上可解释成脱下我的帽子,但其实有「我尊敬你」的意思! Engvid的讲师James先以一段有趣的引言,为整个影片揭开序幕,接着提出了与「帽子」(hat)有关的5个惯用语,而且还不断戴上不同种类的帽子,非常活泼有趣! In the early 20th century, people wore hats a lot, then they suddenly stopped. Now hats are back and here are hat idioms for you. 1. At the drop of a hat – Without hesitation / at any time 不拖延地、不迟疑地 2. Hold on to your hat – Be prepared for something very physical – Be prepared to be shocked 当心、坐稳 3. Hats off / take off my hat – Give my respect / I admire them 向某人致敬、表示赞赏 4. Keep it under your hat – Keep it a secret 保密 5. Wear many hats – Have many responsibilities / jobs 拥有许多工作与责任 at the drop of a hat, at the drop of a hat 中文, hat, hat 中文, hat 英文例句, hat 英文片语, hats off, hats off 中文, hold on to your hat, hold on to your hat 中文, keep it under your hat, keep it under your hat 中文, take off my hat, take off my hat 中文, wear many hats, wear many hats 中文
2023-06-28 09:15:421


We have many kinds of hats, they are only ten yuan.We have various types of hats,they are only ten yuan.
2023-06-28 09:16:152


2023-06-28 09:16:554


Hat Cap chapeau Headwear
2023-06-28 09:17:177


2023-06-28 09:18:131


2023-06-28 09:18:341


hat这个单词虽然很简短,可是它却又很多的意思和用法,现在就请跟随我的脚步,一起来学习这个单词吧。 简要回答 hat 可作名词和动词,作名词讲时有“帽子、职位、角色”的意思;作动词讲的时候有“给…戴上帽子; 为…提供帽子供应帽子; 制造帽子;”的意思。 详细内容 hat可以用作名词 hat的基本意思是“帽子”,主要强调周边有檐的帽子,是可数名词。比喻指“乌纱帽”。 hat用作名词的用法例句 She bought a hat yesterday.她昨天买了一顶帽子。 He took off the hat and revealed his bald head.他脱下帽子,露出秃头。 hat作动词讲的时的意思与用法例句: 1.给...戴上帽子;向...提供帽子 to furnish or provide with a hat She was hatted a big white straw hat to match her green dress. (她戴了一顶白色的大草帽来配搭那件绿色的连衣裙。) 2.制造帽子;供应帽子 to make or supply hats. cap, hat这两个名词均表示“帽子”之意。cap指无边的便帽,表示职业的帽子,如运动帽、军帽等。hat指有边的帽子,尤指礼帽。 “hat”的不同形式: 第三人称单数:hats 复数:hats 现在分词:hatting 过去式:hatted 过去分词:hatted.
2023-06-28 09:19:271


2023-06-28 09:19:363


帽子 [词典] hat; cap; label; tag; chapeau; [例句]女士们在音乐会上脱下帽子。Ladies remove their hats in a concert.
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2023-06-28 09:24:521


The hat is on the table.帽子在桌子上。
2023-06-28 09:24:591


hat有以下几个词性,意思都不同:n. 帽子; (帽子所表示的) 职位,职务; vt. 给…戴上帽子,为…提供帽子; vi. 供应帽子; 制造帽子; 安全帽; 带沿的帽子; 帽子(周围有帽沿的); [例句]In the exertion Tompkins "hat had become dislodged.汤普金斯的帽子被一把拽了下来。[其他] 第三人称单数:hats 复数:hats 现在分词:hatting 过去式:hatted过去分词:hatted
2023-06-28 09:25:071

to users和hats中s的读音一样吗?

2023-06-28 09:25:141

they are hats是什么意思

2023-06-28 09:26:571


2023-06-28 09:27:084


2023-06-28 09:27:166

what about this hats句子中错误的一处是哪里

这句话想表达的意思是“这顶帽子怎么样”,应该用单数,改为“What about this hat ?” 。或者意思是“这些帽子怎么样”,应该用复数,就改为“What about these hats?”。矛盾在于this 是单数,hats是复数。
2023-06-28 09:28:161

写出下列名词的复数形式,并按各句词尾S的读音归类 map eye hat cupboard cat cup doctor pen nurse wolf

[s] maps cats pens [z] eyes doctors nurses wolves[ts] hats[dz] cupboards
2023-06-28 09:28:244


例句:The hat is part of the school uniform.帽子是校服的一部分。The hats are made in three sizes: small, medium a 扩展资料 例句: The hat is part of the school uniform. 帽子是校服的一部分。 The hats are made in three sizes: small, medium and large. 这些帽子分小、中、大三个尺码。 Who"s the rather large lady in the hat? 那位戴帽子的丰满女士是谁? Names were drawn from a hat for the last few places. 从帽子里抽签来决定最后几个名额。
2023-06-28 09:28:571

I have hats 我有帽子这里hat为什么用复数形式才正确

2023-06-28 09:29:068

与「帽子」hat 有关的7个英文惯用语!

鸭舌帽、毛帽、草帽、绅士帽……你喜欢「帽子」这项配件吗?你知道有许多惯用语都包含「hat」这个字,而且非常实用吗? Go Natural English的讲师Gabby Wallace提出了七个包含「hat」这个字的惯用语,表面上和帽子脱不了关系,但实际上有衍伸出来的涵义喔! 1.At the drop of a hat 表面上意思是「将脱掉帽子并丢在地上」,但有「必须立刻做某件事」的涵义。 2.To be wearing your _____ hat 代表着一个人的行为在不同情况下而有所差异,空格当中可填入任意名词。 e.g. At the meeting, I was wearing my business hat. 3.Hang on to your hat! 把帽沿抓紧!有预告可能的惊喜或惊吓之意。 4.Hats off to _____! 绅士通常会脱下帽子以表达向某人致意、致敬的意思。 e.g. Hats off to John! He did a great job! 5.To pull a rabbit out of a hat 代表着出乎意料之外的惊喜。 6.Somewhere to hang my hat 一回到家,我们会先脱下帽子并挂在墙上。因此这个片语有「家」的意涵 7.To throw / toss your hat in the ring 把握机会,试着去做某件事,例如申请某个职位或外国学校,并有和他人竞争的意味。 e.g. I"m not sure if I"ll get the job, but I"m throwing my hat in the ring by sending my application. at the drop of a hat, at the drop of a hat 中文, at the drop of a hat 意思, at the drop of a hat 翻译, hang on to your hat, hang on to your hat 中文, hang on to your hat 意思, hang on to your hat 翻译, hat, hats off to, pull a rabbit out of a hat, pull a rabbit out of a hat 中文, pull a rabbit out of a hat 意思, pull a rabbit out of a hat 翻译, somewhere to hang my hat, to be wearing your ____ hat, to pull a rabbit out of a hat, to throw your hat in the ring, to toss your hat in the ring
2023-06-28 09:29:191

take his hats是什么意思

2023-06-28 09:29:285


2023-06-28 09:29:442

初恋这首情歌插曲 初恋这首情歌插曲汇总

1、《Rock N Roll Is A Risk》,专辑:《Stay Clean》; 2、《The Riddle Of The Model》,专辑:《Rio》; 3、《Up》,专辑:《To Find You》; 4、《Town Called Malice》,专辑:《Inbetween Days》; 5、《A Beautiful Sea》,专辑:《Maneater》; 6、《Steppin Out》,专辑:《Drive It Like You Stole It》; 7、《Up》,专辑:《Pop Muzik》; 8、《Girls》,专辑:《Brown Shoes》。
2023-06-28 09:14:541


为了确保只给合格的申请人提供移民福利,移民局(USCIS)实施了一些关于背景安全检查的措施来减低危险。根据不同种类的移民申请,移民局有他们一套安检程序的要求。通常移民局是采用以下三种安检措施,但是保留如果有需要再进行其它安检的权力:1、入境管理审查系统:IBIS是一个联合多个政府机构,包括信息处理、资料库和系统整合等组成一个中央,一起处理关于国家安全的危机、公众安全的议题和其它的执法议题。USCIS可以快速的从这些联合起来的政府部门确认所有在资料库的资料是否对你的移民CASE的判决有影响。IBIS的检验结果通常立刻便能出来。在某些情形下,IBIS的信息查验可能需要进一步的调查。所有IBIS检查的疑点都必须从最初的系统中得到答案后才可以有结果。2、联邦调查局(FBI)的指纹检查:此检查适用于很多申请人。该检查提供关于申请人在美国的犯罪背景有关资料。一般来讲FBI会在24小时内直接转递检查结果给移民局。如果发现与FBI指纹库里的相同,FBI会提供一份申请人的犯罪历史电子印件给移民局。在这种情况下,移民官会视情形来决定对移民申请的影响。虽然绝大多数申请人在FBI都没有相同的指纹记录,但还是有百分之十的申请人被发现有犯罪历史(其中包括违反移民条例)。万一有被逮捕或被判刑,移民局会要求申请人提供法院公证的被释放的证据,如果申请人有被逮捕过的记录,那么申请人应该在提出申请时就主动提供全部的资料,以避免因为对犯罪记录的误解而被移民局拖延、撤销,或者拒绝申请。即使犯罪记录已被撤销,或者被判决无罪,在申请移民时都要申报。3、FBI的姓名调查(NAME CHECK):联邦调查局的姓名查核,是很多申请人都必须面对的,它是完全不同于指纹检查的。它是集执法机关、行政管理、刑事犯罪、人事部门和其它挡案的总汇。简单的应该在两个星期内得到初步回应。大约有百分之八十的人,都经过NAME CHECKS而轻松过关。其余的百分之二十,大约需要等六个月。还有至少百分之一的人受制于FBI的NAME CHECK保持在未决定状态而需要多于六个月的时间。其中有一些是很复杂而且非常敏感的,不能很快的解决。即使FBI已经提供原始的回应给移民局,NAME CHECK也要等拿到完整的资料和资格问题都得到解决后,才算完成。对于绝大多数的申请人来说,以上所说的程序是让移民局可以很快决定出移民申请人是否与犯罪和安全问题有关,此程序对于大多数的移民案件不会有任何影响。但是,由于移民局的安全检查数量庞大,以及每个申请人都必须经过彻底的筛检。所以,一些人被耽搁或延误是不可避免的。背景检查可能会迟迟没有回音,是因为FBI或相关部门没有对检查做最后回应,或者已经回应,但是还需要接受移民局和相关部门进一步的调查或审查。解决被延误的审请案件是非常费时费力的,有一些案件需时数个月甚至数年才可以解决。每一个移民局的地区办公室,每隔一段时间都会审查被延误的案件,以确定是否被清除疑虑或可以做出决定。但移民局不和申请人或他们的律师分享他们关于记录配对种类或者调查性质等资料。而在我们客户资料里,若是被移民局Name Check“Hit”到的话,多半是被打入“冷宫”,没有一两年的时间是无法被 Clear的。律师、国会议员等面对国家安全的问题也使不上力,在面对这个问题时唯一能做的,只是静静的等待,直到移民局忽然哪一天clear了安全检查。(
2023-06-28 09:14:551


中学生英语演讲稿(6篇)   演讲稿在写作上具有一定的格式要求。在日新月异的现代社会中,演讲稿与我们的生活息息相关,在写之前,可以先参考范文,以下是我精心整理的中学生英语演讲稿,希望对大家有所帮助。 中学生英语演讲稿1   Life is a mirror. If we smile to her, she would also return the happinessto us. But if we cry, she would be disappointed. Therefore, we should bepositive toward life, so as to get happiness.   生活就是一面镜子。如果我们对她微笑,她也会回报我们幸福。但如果我们哭泣,她会很失望。因此,我们应该积极的态度对待生活,从而得到幸福。   Actually, happiness is everywhere if we keep a good attitude. As we keep agood mood, our world will be a sunny land, which is resounded with soft music.However, if we are pessimists, we"ll find our world is full of darkness.   其实,如果我们保持良好的心态幸福无处不在。如果我们保持一个好心情,我们的世界将是一个充满阳光的地方,充满了柔和的音乐。然而,如果我们是悲观主义者,我们会发现我们的世界充满了黑暗。   While on the other side, happiness is not a destination but ajourney.Because there"s no paradise at all, but we can make a paradise if we"rehard-working and intelligent. So we should work like we don"t need money, smilelike we"ve never been hurt, and perform ourselves like no one can see us.   而另一方面,幸福不是目的地,而是一段旅程。因为根本就没有天堂,但如果我们勤劳有智慧,我们可以自己弄一个天堂。所以我们应该就像我们不需要钱一样工作,就像从未受伤过一样微笑,就像没有人能看到我们一样表演。 中学生英语演讲稿2   Since we go to school, we are taught that no pain, no gain, it means thatif people want to be successful, they must work hard. But the truth is that noteveryone can get what they want, even they work hard so much, but if workinghard does not bring success, why should they still need to work hard. In myopinion, working hard doesn"t mean the person can success certainly, successneeds more factors, like the time, the luck and other things. There is no doubtthat if the person does not work hard and fight for his goal, there is no wayfor him to get what he wants. Some actors start their career at the very youngage, when they are also 40, they become famous suddenly, if they give up, theycan"t be waiting for their reputation. So working hard, there is much chance toget succeed.   当我们上学,总是被教育没有付出就没有收获,这意味着如果人们想要成功,他们必须努力工作。但是事实上,并不是每个人都可以得到他们想要的,即使他们很努力的工作,但是如果付出没有带来成功,为什么人们还要努力工作呢。在我看来,努力工作并不意味着人们一定可以成功,成功需要更多的因素,比如时间,运气和其他等等。毫无疑问,如果人们不付出,不为目标奋斗的话,他想得到的东西就无法触及。一些演员很早就出道,当他们接近40岁的时候才开始瞬间爆红,如果放弃了,他们就等不到成功那天。因此,努力工作,就很有机会成功。 中学生英语演讲稿3   大家好!今天我演讲的题目是:如何提高我们的英文。说真的,我非常高兴在这里说一说关于学英语的事情,尽管我只是英语的初学者。   大家都知道,英语是一门国际性的语言,尤其是中国已加入了wto,学英语对我们来说是格外必要的。但是你可能会问:“如何才能提高我们的英语呢?”那好,接下来我便给大家说一说提高英语的捷径。   首先,你应确信你已在发音技巧和语音方面下了很多功夫。否则,你将会闹出很多笑话。例如“我可以借一下你的"自行车吗?”而你说成“我可以借一下你的后背吗?”“请递给我那个箱子”而由于你的错误发音,竟说成“请给我一个吻吧。”很显然,在这两个句子中你读错了“自行车”和“盒子”这两个词,而对方也就自然误解了你的意思。另外,语调的不同也可表达着不同的感情,举个例子:伦敦桥塌了!伦敦桥塌了!我的夫人!(声音高昂,表示高兴)伦敦桥塌了!伦敦桥塌了!我的夫人!(声音低沉,表示悲伤)   其次,大家都知道:熟能生巧。当你在说英语时不要怕犯错误。一方面,没有人会不犯错误的。另一方面你可以从错误中总结教训,所以千万不要害羞,脸皮厚一点地大声说出来!   最后,为了能够达到成功的顶峰,我们必须要有耐心。无论怎么说,学英语总是要花费时间的,所以你必须要有足够的勇气和一颗“永不言败”的心。要牢牢地记住这句名言“罗马不是一天造成的!”   小知识提示:英语演讲稿的结构分开头、主体、结尾三个部分,其结构原则与一般文章的结构原则大致一样。 中学生英语演讲稿4   Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter ofrosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality ofthe imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deepsprings of life.   青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志,恢宏的想象,炙热的感情;青春是生命的深泉在涌流。   Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of theappetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow oldby deserting our ideals.   青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯弱,进取压倒苟安。如此锐气,二十后生而有之,六旬男子则更多见。年岁有加,并非垂老,理想丢弃,方堕暮年。   Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.   岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤;热忱抛却,颓废必致灵魂。忧烦,惶恐,丧失自信,定使心灵扭曲,意气如灰。   Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being"s heart the lure of wonder,the unfailing childlike appetite of what"s next and the joy of the game ofliving. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: solong as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from menand from the Infinite, so long are you young.   无论年届花甲,抑或二八芳龄,心中皆有生命之欢乐,奇迹之诱惑,孩童般天真久盛不衰。人人心中皆有一台天线,只要你从天上人间接受美好、希望、欢乐、勇气和力量的信号,你就青春永驻,风华常存。   When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows ofcynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but aslong as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you maydie young at 80.   一旦天线下降,锐气便被冰雪覆盖,玩世不恭、自暴自弃油然而生,即使年方二十,实已垂垂老矣;然则只要树起天线,捕捉乐观信号,你就有望在八十高龄告别尘寰时仍觉年轻。 中学生英语演讲稿5   I"m happy every day, because I like working. While working, I can get a lotof happiness. But I prefer the world outside which is much more interesting.   我每天都很开心,因为我喜欢工作。在工作的时候,我可以得到很多快乐。但我更喜欢外面更有趣的世界。   I"m living in the mountainous area now, beyond which is the beautiful seawhere I have never been. I want to enjoy myself at the seaside very much, so Ihave to tramp over the mountains at first. Although I often stumble on darkmountains, I"m not afraid of, because I don"t want to give up my dream. If Ilose heart, I will be a penniless failure. I must always go on. Maybe victory isnext to me. A little more diligence will take me there.   我现在生活在山区,在那外面是我从未有过的美丽的大海。我非常想在海边自我享受,所以我首先要走过山区。虽然我经常会在黑暗中绊倒,但我不害怕,因为我不想放弃我的梦想。如果连心都丢了,我将会是一败涂地。我必须一直走下去。也许胜利就在我身边。再努力一点点我就可以成功。   What"s more, my present work is an apple tree, which is very tall. Butthere are so many apples in the tree. If I want to eat the apples, I shouldclimb up the tall tree at first. It seems a little difficult to me, but it"sworth doing. I"m still young, and I"m so strong and powerful enough to live andfight. I believe I can taste the sweetest apples by my hard work.   而且我目前的工作就像是一棵很高的苹果树   树上有很多苹果。如果我要吃苹果,我首先得爬上那棵树。对我来说似乎有点难,但是值得的。我还年轻,我足够强大去生活和斗争。我相信通过我自己的努力我能尝到甜甜的苹果。 中学生英语演讲稿6   There is no better school than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak,every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve myperformance next time. Never again will I contribute to my downfall by refusingto face the truth and learn from my past mistakes. Because I know: gems cannotshine without polish, and I can not perfect myself without hardship.   Now I know that there are no times in life when opportunity, the chance tobe and do gathers so richly about my soul when it has to suffer cruel adversity.Then everything depends on whether I raise my head or lower it in seeking help.Whenever I am struck down, in the future, by any terrible defeat, I will inquireof myself, after the first pain has passed, how I can turn that adversity intogood. What a great opportunity that moment may present……to take the bitter rootI am holding and transform it into fragrant garden of flowers   Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity. ;
2023-06-28 09:14:581


2023-06-28 09:14:503

youth is not a time of life ,it is a state of mind

2023-06-28 09:14:491